cU.TnYJgCB If OttO AYS. ETK9 OP f ...,,. IhV Ml Month";, .. "iSwMv subscribers, delivered In any part eTS Wttvn CT8 Pr week. Our City Dtti months ln advance. . '',., post Oflice .tt JTIl nint.a,N. C 9,1 a" is Aeoond Claw Matter. . : ' Deduction in peice ; Attention is invited to tho follow-reIm-el of subscription: P.tlLV STAB, By Wlatl: 0oe Year .00 Six Months 3.00 Three Months 1.50 One Month 50 Delivered to City Subscribers for any period at the rate of Twelve Cents per week. WKfiKLV STAB, By 0111: Oue Year Six Months Three Months f 1.00 60 30 Tho reduction in price will, we are .confident, add materially to our al .. icTo circulation, tbus making the p-Mier more vauaDe than ever to !: twew. Our telegraphic news service baa recen'ly been largely increased, and it is our tleterraination to keep the a Stab up to the highest standard of newspaper excellence. OUTLINES. Devastation caused by the cloud burst in Massachusetts was very great; reports of loss of life were exaggera te! The sheriff of Cook county, Ills., offers ,500 for the capture of Mctiarisle. one of the boodle com missioners. - Negotiations are go ing on to terminate the cable rate war AH trains on the New Mexico. Arizona and Sonora Railway have stopped on account of a strike by the brakenien. Dr. E. D. Staniford, a prominent citizen of Louisville. Ky., died yesterday. Anegro boy who assaulted a. yoxmg white girl was taken from jail at Kauffman, Texas, and hanged by a mob. Yellow fever is decreasing at Key West. The Pope decides that there is no ground for interfer ing with the Knights of Labor. w V rk markets: Money easy at 4fel per cent., closing offered at 4 per cent.; cotton quiet atlOf(ilOc; south ern flour steady, wheat advanced f lie, closing strong: No. 2 red July SOic; corn J c higher, closing steady; No. 2 August 45 "-lG-lw-; spirits tur pentine dull at 31c; rosin steady at $1 00." 1 10. Th.- new high license law works veil in Minneapolis, Minn. The iiumbtr (.f nalooiiw have been re duced from 350 to 150 and the reve : Ms is increased. Charleston lias a colored preacher, Rti (ieorgo C. ftowe, who baa pub fttl a volume of verse. The News flitf Courier nay "there in consid- ffableoriginalitv, as well a occa- won?. felicity of expression." An Indiana widnu? haa icborl Trr ci peosion because her horse was wound three limes in the war and had 'd. That horse was of more real v!net!ian many of the dirty fellows to aro drawing f.ensionn and who Mhbe, the South. (n. Farrar, a Republican, has glVvn t!1ore of Gen. Tuttie's record. was the cause of many scandals' ln the army and Gen. Farrar tells hw Tattle failed to get away from fatchez. Miss., with a landau which not belong to him. " a curious fact that Mrs. "thwouh is one of the most sno ceaaful of literarv wnmn afd t.ill has never written a story of real mem" She has a $10,000 income rom her b'k8 besides a large salary Bonne,., Luck, not talents. Thorns L. Feild, a Warren county b0yj Wno een a Bacce88 !D Ba,tiraore business circles, goes ""J day 0r two lQ London wh,ch he make bis home He will be connected ith a line of steamships. Me h It to OtiU many .ao- i"iianc8 n Wn IJ" mentioned a curious fact and t oi Stanley's Uarey's ea 1 Af r,C3 or near tue coast, c"d London Ktt . .. IKiK . " r uiiiaia mcaus Her tl "1 'V lllltlll "ho fnr ia . Mystery. . I -. v. & 1117 I i VT ao H 19 Still bnnpd at. I.hft rePonH x - concerning Stanley are false. ; Thft fsii . . " "OWInt? shocking. Oar J (Ala ) Bbpatch says: L ;. . np. f j . - " -iWToV 'CU(J8 and flttnllfttntsnnaa n' Uiii.' 3 e Benatcr w.di 1)6 Vned tolearn tbat ttthau a xraklu to poetry bad poet . .mvu una bo more wea oi VOL. XL,. NO. 108. metro than ; the toan n the moon, as the mechanical execution of bis verse is poorly done, the liaes .limping and hobbling like aa old sprained mare,' ; . It is Gen. Bob Vance who strikes the lyre. Senator Zeb takea it oat in striking political frauds like civil service and sometimes political liars. Gen. Bob is - not a poet, but he is a Christian gentleman and was a gal lant Confederate. The able Senator sometimes gets off poetical ideas and descriptions but he uses a dear and anmmated prose style. Ttoe Upper Cape Pear Speaka. Payetteville News. The Wilmington Stab yet shines, bright, newsy and progressive, with out question the best paper on our exchange list. Its success, is attributable to the energy, intelligence and enterprise of its managers, which mark the pa per as its essential feature. There is no such word as fail in the Stab's dictionary. Long may it "wave." Very Able." Hickory Presa. The Star is the oldest dailv naner in the State, av0ry able paper, and one every worthy of patronage. Spirits Turpentine. Davie Times : The hot dry ! weather has cut off the corn crop at least 50 per cent. Lexington Dispatch: Sam Rich mond, colored, drove a horse to death one day last week. Charlotte Observer: Rumors are current on the street that a live after noon paper will shortly be started ia this city. It will prove of vast benefit to the business interests of this city. - Greensboro Patriot-. The con tract for the new graded school building has been awarded to Mr. Thoa Wood- roffe, of this city, at $11,790. On and after Monday the 25th inst passenger and freight trains on the C. F. & Y. V. R. R. will run as far as Germantoa. San ford Express'. There is perbapj not a man living in this couuty who remembers such a long spell of hot wealner tnat we have lust paeeed throutrh. It commeDced the 13th and was ot broken until Tuesday evening. The thermometer ranged ovtr 100 every day during this time. Smithfield Herald: With ev ery issue the Wilmington Daily Ktar. grow a better and better. Adam How ell was severely attacked with sunstroke at Dunn Tuesday whilst at work in tUat place. He was brought home Tuesday night, bat is confined to his bed from the effects of tho attack. - Wadesboro Intelligencer: In some parts of Anson county there ia much sickness at the present time, and some of our Wadesboro pbsiciaos have been going, night and day. till they are well nigh broken down. While this deplorable state of affairs exists, it ia gratifying to know tbat the nealtn. of Wadesboro is un usually good for the season, thanks to the work of the sanitary committee Weldon News: Mr. J. T. Gooch iaised ibis year 345 bushels of Irish pota- Umth on i wo acres of land. Some sportsmen, tenting in the woods for a few days of Galling and hunting of squirrsf, bagged some game unsought and rare in size for this country. It was a large snake resembling the water moccasin, being sev en feel loo ' and seven inches in cienmfer ence. Being so large it was carefully arse uicated and stuffed. States fille Landmark; Will Morrison, a eon of Mr. Dwight Morrison, of Atwell township, Rowan county, was drowned in a pond near his father's resi dence last Saturday. This young man had already taken two baths during the day, and being missed a third time, the pond was visited and bis clothes were found on the bank. After a search of a little time bis body, with bis shirt on, wan found un-dt-r the water. The pond at this paint was not more than waist deep. W adesboro Intelligencer : Ooe day Inst week Mr. Nancy Allen, wife of Joseph Allen, Ksq , while ascending the stairs of her bouse, fell and broke an arm ' The fame day Mr. U Htaton, wbile driv iuif. fed frojn a waenn loaded with oats acid nroke an arm. The wind, ac compuBj ing ibe rain, was terrific Tuesday night iu 8:me sections, but tbe only serious damage which we have beard of was near New Foiestvule. below LUesville. Tbe barn of Mr. Adam Clark, a most substan tial structure, was blown over and'a valu able horse was killed. Newton Enterprise: Last Fri day Joe Diabman was seriously and dan eerouslv cut in nine places by Bill Hardin. The trouble seemed to have started between Hardin and Elsie, son of Joe Dishman, about an old saddle. Dishman will prob ably die. Hardin immediately took to the woods. Bbenff Xounl summonea every body be could see in town and country to hunt the would-oe murderer, rne coun- trv was f ull of scouts until about 11 o'clock when tlaram was touna jying in a uucu r m v v . . . a i just outside of tbe limits of the town, lbe criminal surrenaerea wunoui any irouoie. Charlotte Chronicle: When the train arrived in this city from New York last Thursday night a handsome and very attractive young lady alighted and took a carnage for me liuiora xiousa, where she registered as Miss Ann A. Kuer nann, of Berlin. It has since leaked out that quite a pretty little romance is at tached to her visit here. Years ago she had given her heart to a worthy young man, who Jeft tbe Fatherland and came to America to seek his fortune. He made his' way to Charlotte, where he found steady employment in one of the large machine shops, and where he has been diligently engaged in laying up a little fortune. It was decided between himself and his sweet heart that she was to come over here when they would be married, and, accordingly, the young lady left her home in Berlin about eighteen days ago. She made the trip safely, arriving here last Thursday night. . Monroe Enquirer -Express : A colored man-living- on Mr. Washington Lsney's place, in Sandy Ridge township, is the possessor of remarkable pullet. Re cently tbe pullet laid put a full ' litter of Seggs, laying regularly two eggs a day, .a jarge one in tbe morning and a small ope in tn Lfinnna.; 8be then held tap for a day tor two when she laid two more eggs,: each, of them with a handle in . the shape of. a WILMINGTON, common water gourd. i-Part of the caffolding around the walls of Mr. B. D. tieatn s new warehouse fell to the ground Tuesday evening, a dUtance of about twelve feet, carrying four workmen with it. They were all prettv badlv larred and- bruised. but none of them were seriously Injured. There have been two deaths from sun stroke at tbe convict camp in tbe last week. Bob Osborne, colored, of Vance town ship, was committed to iail Tuesday by Esq. Robt. Howie, charged with attempting to outrage the person of his own daughter. Asheville Citizen: John Wil" son Cunningham was born in Person coun ty, on the premises on which he died, we think in 1819. We knew him well at tbe University. There - was no more genial, fun-loving, popular man in the University than Bush Cunningham Mr. Cunning. ham graduated creditably in 1840 in the class of Gov. Caldwell, Judge Bhiop, Dr. Albert Shipp. Col. William Johnston and others who became prominent in nublic ife. The trial of James Thomai at the present tefm of Henderson Superior court for the murder of. James R. Barnett in tbe vicinity of the Boilston mines on the 3d of October, 188ft, was concluded on Friday night. We learn fhat on Friday evening tbe jury returned a verdict of raur der in the first degree, as charged in tbe uui or indictment. miss Mamie Hatcbet read a very graceful poem at the recent session of the Press Association; Brother Daniels, of the R&leieh Chronicle. delivered the annual oration, and Bro. Wall of the Rockingham Rocket, read an essay, all of which were timely, useful and much enjoyed. We will not anticipate the publicatian of the proceedings bv renro- duction either, but can unite with the brethren in admiration of all. TJEOED CITY. tUX lllVKHTlHKinKN Staunton Male Academy. Munson For two days only. Collier & Co Auction sale. Kurk & Doscheb To the public. 8tar Office O.d papers for sale. Laws Pabty Cornet Concert Club Sherwood Femalk Semy. Suuuiou. Kainitat Auction Monday, Aiiij. I. Rosen u ann & Sternberger Wanibil. Warren & Son Doa't forget your uir 1 Collier & Co. Sale at Mis KirrcrV Williams, Rankin & Co. Bacou. rno asses, sugar, glue, etc. Personal. We had a very pleasant visit yes terday from Mr. Collins, senior part ner of the well known house of Sheldon Collins & Co., printing ink manufacturers of New York. He is full of fun and anecdotes, for a veteran, and we enjoyed his visit very much. Dr. R. D. Dickson, of Laurinburg, is here to spend a few days with relatives and friends. Mr. W. A. Johnson, of Clinton, was here yesterday. We learn that Col. D. K. McRae is but little better. He is at a comfort able home in Brooklyn, N. Y. and is surrounded by comforts and has the constant attention of friends. From what we can learn his case is not a very hopeful one. Maj. W. S. .Cook and Dr. Niramocks, of Fayetteville, came down on the steamer Hurt yesterday and after a few hours spent at Carolina Beach, returned to the city in time to take passage on the Hurt for home. Mr. E. E. Perry, Signal Officer at Southport, was in the city yesterday and gave us a pleasant visit. Among the visitors in the city are Mr. R. A. P. Corley, of. the Kashe- ville (N. C.) Courier; Mr. J Duffle and wife, Charlotte; Mr. Wm. T. Pender, Tarboro; Mr. W. W. Ward, Charlotte, and Mr. Shade Wooten, of Clarkton. Mr. ieo. jj. xonnoffski, a promi nent member of the Knights of La bor, is in the city. Tbe Ramie Plant.; It has been frequently suggested that the Ramie plant might be suc cessfully grown in the rice fields in the vicinity of Wilmington. The fol lowing, therefore, from the Savannah Netesmay be of interest in this section: "Mr. Georere Gibson, of Pittsburg:. Pa., is on a visit to the South in the interests of tbe Pittsburg Ramie Man ufacturing Company, recently organ ized in that city. It is tbe intention of the Company to select sites for and establish one or more nurseries for the growing of the Ramie fibre plant, and it desires to interest some promi nent planters in this locality in its culture, and thus develop that branch of the industry at once. Mr. Gibson is the inventor of a machine for de corticating ramie, and the Company, which has been organized under his patents, has for its stockholders gen tlemen well known to the business public." Tbe KxtanlOBleU. Quite a number of excursionists came down last night from Charlotte and the intermediate points on the Carolina Central Railroad. The whole crowd numbers about seventy, and are a fine looking body of men. About fifteen of the Charlotte firemen came down. They were met by some of our firemen and shown around the city. Many of them will go to the beach to-day while others will go to the Sound and the base ball game. This morning the Wilson excur sionists will arrive ;here and will re ceive a hearty welcome. Reslstratlon The registrars" for the city election are patiently waiting for the qualifi ed electors to eome'forward. - 1 'Tnth ftonnnd Ward.' UP to o p. m. lyes terday only one - name had been latered C Sv'vv-- Registered The hours for registration'are f rom: 9 a, m. to 6 p:. m. N. C, WEDNESDAY, v Licensed hucksters have been I furnished with, badges. A moonlight . excursion, to Carolina Beach is announced for to morrow night. The Chief of Police had all the city prisoners at work yesterday in the City Hall enclosure. Advices from Fayetteville re port the river falling, after the recent rise of four and a half feet. The Mayor Fow ler to secure the erection of drinking fountains in the city meets with gen eral favor. Two skilled compositors, ac customed to work on city dailies, can secure employment in Wilming ton, as "subs.," four or five days out of every week. The old hand engine "Brook lyn" has been.taken to the City Hall, and it is understood will be sold if a purchaser can be found for it. It has been in use since 1866. The head of Col. Blackwelder, of the Hornet's Nest Riflemen, is as level as the ocean in repose. Hence he says he. wants the next -encampment of that company to be at Caro lina Beach. A young man named Henry Lietjen, living on South Front street, accidentally shot off the middle finger of his right hand, while trying to get the cylinder out of his pistol yester day afternoon. Tbe boyn are all "bulls' on wheat now with one exception. There is one "bear" left, and he savs September options will sell two cents lower or at about 69, before the de pression is relieved. A Smith & Wesson improved five-shooter, 82 calibre, was lost last night between Ninth and Queen streets and the City Hall. The finder will be rewarded on leaying it at the Star office or the City Hall. - George FohmmU, mate of a ves sel in port, and Henry Feyue, a sea man, were arraigned before Justice Millis yesterday for assault and bat tery on each other. They submitted and were discharged on the payment of costs. The boroo tbat fell iuLo a ell Monday afternoon on the premises of John Hooper, on North Second street, was taken out after consider able difficulty, but was so badly injur ed that it died during the night. Hoop er said that he paid $140 for.the ani mal. - A geutlemaii al Oxford writes as follows : "Not a single subscriber got Sunday's Star, and the postmas ter says they often come three issues together. A bad state of affairs." Our correspondent is right. It is a 'bad state of affairs," and the fault is not with the Star office. Oxford is cominjs up hand somely to the support of the STAR. Within the past few days, we have received irom that town eleven new subscribers to the Daily Star and five to the Wrsklt Star. Nearly all these are yearly subscribers, and none for less than six months. - I hey call tbingsby queer names at the City Hal L. Yesterday af ternoon a colored man stopped there with a large black bottle in one hand. "Sir," he said to the Chief of Police, 1 want to get this filled with ' ser- bollic acid." "Serbollio acid ?" queried the Chief. "Yes sir, or some thing exemblating that." "Oh, yes," said the Chief. "Dickson, give this man a bottle of disinfectant." A toateh Thief. Frank Sedbury, colored, was ar rested last night by pofice officer J. F. Eyeritt on a warrant charging him with stealing a silver watch from a colored woman named Jane McFar- land, on Ninth and Walnut streets. -He was at her house about 9 o'clock when she left the room a few min utes to get a bucket of water, and on her return discovered that the boy had disappeared and also the bureau key, a watch and a pocket-book con taining forty cents. The woman im mediately went to the City Hall and procured a warrant for the arrest of the boy, who at first emphati cally denied tbe theft, but con fessed his guilt on his arrival at the station house. Several efforts to recover the watch proved fruitless, and the boy was then locked up for a hearing to-day. About 11 o'clock last night a white woman carrieu tne waten xo ine City Hall. She said that it was brought to her by a colored man who claimed-that he bought it from the boy for $2.00. Iiavn Party Ta-a Iff toe A Lawn Party will be given this evening at the City Hall Park for the benefit of the Cornet .Concert Club, bv lady f riends -, of the band. The band will give a select 'concert and ice-cream and other refreshments will I ibe -seryed. ,; , s.-. w - v -W-ti ... The last lawn party given in aid of the Club netted $42.; JULY 27. 1887. Ia a If ataaell. The dimensions of the Onslow rail road matter are about as follows: There will be a small registration. A majority will be cast in favor of sub scription. Then will come litigation, beginning with an injunction to pre vent the issue of bonds by the city. The parties instituting the proceed ings will rely on Section 10 of Article VII of the State Constitution, which reads as follows: "No county, city, town, or other municipal corporation shall contract any debt, pledge its faith or loan its credit, nor shall any tax be levied or collected by an officers of the same, except for the necessary expenses thereof, unless by a .vote of the ma jority of the qualified voters therein." The editor of the Law Department of the Star is not prepared to pre dict the outcome of such litigation, but he is satisfied that will be one of the features of the case. As heretofore shown in the Star, there can hardly be a doubt as to the result of the election under a new registration. A great many promi nent citizens and large tax-payers and an overwhelming majority of the masses of the people favor the sub scription, and these will more gene rally register than will the opponents of the scheme. Had the election been held under the old registration, it is almost cer tain the proposition would have been defeated, although a majority of the voters of the city favor it, as it would have been almost an impossibility to get that majority to the polls. mayor's Court. Yesterday was another busy day for tho Mayor. Twelve prisoners were arraigned all colored. Wm. Campbell, charged with disor derly conduct, was fined $20 or thirty days in the city prison Mouse Drake, the boy charged with violating a city ordinance, was com mitted to jail until the next term of the Criminal Court. Jim Bunting, Philip Wright and Miles Nixon, for being asleep on the wharf in rear of Messrs. W. E. Davis & Son's fish house, were sent below for ten days each. Jane King, for keeping an un licensed dog, was required to pay a fine of $3, of which $1 was remitted when she procured 4-he necessary badge for the animal. Charles Stanford, charged with dis orderly conduct, was discharged, as it Appeared from the evidence that at was his brother, George Stanford, who was disorderly. Zeb Sanders and George Sanders were charged with disorderly conduct. but the case was cont inued for the de fendants on account of the absence of important witnesses. Ellen Mosely, charged with disor derly conducted, was discharged on account of the absence of Jerry Pas- : quel, the prosecuting witness, and fine of $10 was filtered against the latter for failing to appear when summoned. Nelson Bowden, for keepingan un licensed dog, was fined $-1 for the offence; the fine to be remitted, how ever, when he produces the badge which he claimed had been bought for the dog. Bate Uall. The lovers of the great Americaia game will have am pie opportunity o f gratifying their desire in this par ticular this afternoon. The Wilson Club will arrive hem this morning with the excursionists, and a good game is expected. A large crowd will no doubt witnesr. the game which will be thoroughlj enjoyed, for both clubs are in excel lent condition, and each one desirea to be the victor. Below is the position of our players: Captain Gibson, catch; Bacon, pitch; Rigby, 1st b.; Ed. Moore, 2nd b.; Albertson, 3rd b.; Rosenthal, s. s.; Watson, 1. f.; Waddell, c. f. Carmichael , r. f. Kurtz umpire. Rellarloue Notice. The Union meeting of the Southern section of the Eas'tern Baptist Associ ation, comprehending some sixteen churches, will be held at Burgaw, beginning on Friday next. Dr. T. H. Pritchard will deliver the opening sermon. The subjects to be discussed! by the Union are the Baptist Orphan age at Thomasville, and the question ; "How to develop the benificence of : the churches?" The Baptist churches ! in New;Hanover, Pender, and a few churches in Bladen, comprise this Union meeting. Tba Alleged Marderer. Geo. W. Price, the magistrate who issued the warrant for the arrest of the supposed murderer Csasar Wooten, wrote to the sheriff of Wil son yesterday, requesting that official to send some one who couid identity h the prisoner. . The arrest was made on the affidavit of one of the colored excursionists ' from up'the" Wilming ton and Weldon Railroad. . ' The ar rested man says ; that his name 'is Orange Wooten. He does not exactly; fit the description given' of .the. col ored murderer. WHOLE NO. 6502 War Dapartaaaal, V. K. Blajaal Serrle 17. S. Army. Division of Telegrams and Reports for the Henefltoi Cxunmerce and AgricuJrare. COTTON-BELT RDLLRTIN. The following table shows the average maximum and minimum temperature, and average amount of rainfall!, at tbe dis tricts named. Each district includes from ten to twenty stations of observation, and the figures given below are the mean value of all reports sent to each centre of district. Observations taken daily at o 1 . L, 75th meridian time. ' July 26, 18876 P.M. AVERAGE Max. I Min 1 Rain Districts. Tcmp.lTemp.1 FalL 02 Atlanta Augusta. 12 12 8 21 14 19 9 8 11 12 5 11 90 92 fc2 94 94 94 92 88 92 92 94 94 70 70 70 72 68 70 &8 70 69 72 68 72 .04 .05 .02 .05 T .02 .13 .08 04 .29 17. 05 Charleston Galveston Little Rock.. Memphis Mobile Montgomery . Hew Orleans Savannah Vicksburg Wilmington T Indicates trace of rainfall t.anb.r laaisarioB.. The following are the indications for to-day: For North Carolina, fair weather, lower, followed by higher tempera ture, variable winds, generally south erly. For South Carolina and Georgia, local rains, winds generally easterly, lower temperature. THE ONSLOW 11 Ii. Mr. Editor: Apropos of your no tice of the Onslow scheme in the local columns of the Star of Sunday. We would like to know why a new registration was ordered. Was it necessary that there should be a new registration ere the question of sub scription to the Onslow road could be submitted to the people ? Can you inform us ? The people are, or should be, in terested in this matter. One hun dred thousand dollars is asked of them, and as one of the people, I should like to know why this new registration was asked for why the city should be put to the expense of another registration when a new reg istration was had only four months ago. Mr. Editor: Please tell us, did the city attorney advise it, or say that it was necessary ? The people desire to know. Will you not ask him for them ? What they the people the citizens of Wilmington desire to know is, was this new registration (which the charter of neither the city nor the Uiwlow K- R. Co. calls for) ordered by the Board of Aldermen because it was necessary required by law; or was it ordered at the instance of the friendt of the railroad for the express Surpose of obtaining (in your words, tr. Editor) "the smallest registration of voters ever had in the city," and thereby enabling them to carry out their scheme, nofwith the ap proval of the majority of the qualified voters of the city, which the consti tution requires, but by the aid of a uiall minority (against the will of the majority) obtained by the aid of their ntv registration ? We rather suspect the latter. It certainly looks so to a man up a tree, ana us aspect, uw not ebange to a man upon hanett level ground, -please tell us, Mr. Editor, for this matter interests us. ONE WHO WANTS TO KNOW. CIST OP LETTERS Remaining in the Post Office Mon day, July 25, 1887. A James Allen. B Jessie Brown, Ben Bowden, Eleanor Brantley. C James Carpenter, Lee W Cou- sin. D Johney Dudley. E Moses Evans. F Farmer & Wainwright, Archie Fryer, Bettie Fergus. ii Henrv Guver. S Griffen. H W T Haywood, Sarah Wells. K T P Kilgove. L James Lyons, Ellick Lisbon. M Mary McKemie, Daniel Mo Lean, Mary McMurray, Rev M Mc Kemzey, Hinshaw Meredith, J Meron ly, George McRay. . N C Newkirk, Henery Noise. O Harvey H Orr, 2. R Amanda Rodgers, Moley Rone, A G Rogerson. . S Southern Music House, C Spi cer, Fannie Summers, E O Shaw, Henry Smallwood, Maria Shaw, mrs V A Sanders, Rachel Speed. T Carl Treedler, Catie Thompson, William Taylor. W J E Wood, Jose Williamson, i B Wright,Maggie S WaVldell,mra Wad dell, CO Williams. Persons calling for letters in tbe above list will please say "adver Aiaed." Letters will be sent to the .Dead Letter Office, at Washington, JQ.C., if not called for within thirty day. ,, O. G. Parsley, P. M., Wilmington, New Hanover Co., N. C. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. X, AW1ST PARTY ! WEDN2SO AY KVKNTNO. JULY 2TTH. FOR THK SKNKFTT OF THE Cornet Concert Club, AT CITY HALL PARK. The lady friends of tbe Band have .Arranged to alve a nleaaaat Lawn ranr. ana wm fWhmentalu tbe best style, and endeavwrtoff to eutertalnaU. toraaers U tbe city are oordlsJlT Invited. . . Tbe Band wiu anve a aeioc wnu.... Admission 10 cents. IT To the Public. TTTK WISH TO ANNOUNCE TO THE PTJBUO that wa are the sola Agents la this city of the Puia Fine OU majmfacturod by tbe Carolina OH and Creosote CompanT. 1y 27 It Kn&X. A DOSCHKR. For Two Days Only, . rim balk of surrnros and pant goods to ; aaaasnra at the YKHY LOWEST firureJ, BARGAINS at C;XWbaai'Ta. RATES OV AID YXUITIXIXC! Oas Bqyrf Oas Pay,.... ...... .... ?1 r TsMlaraw...-..MMM.....M. r ' Foot Dayaw... ........ 2 , a ; " . f Pars... .."...... ..".j... . I ; . ' Oas Vv R.r , . .... .... ...... , 4 i " " Two Woeka,. C ; " " Tors Weeks, ... On jranth............. 13 s - ' Two Months....... .......... 1! c Z "Z T1" HotAa...'......--.,.;. 1 " . oaths, 4 3 1 lar-Ooti tract Advertiasaenta takes at prcpor- Uoaataty low rates. ';' Z';. Tea Uass solid Konparantrpa maka NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Kainit By Auction. : JONDAY. AUO. 1ST. CU7UCSS CHARGES BI sooner paldj we will sell at oar Asctloa Store, at 11 o'clock A. X., so much of tha raoeat impor tation or KAINIT. by tbe DaaUh Barqoa ltord soan, as may be neoensary to pay tbe frets fat sad charges doe on that canto by the owner there-' of, nay about $2,210, and th expenses Incident oatbe-aale. . COLLIER A CO.. anottooeoia. jf ltr By Henry Schacble, AUCTION CZR. TY7ILL Bl SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTIOK. AT i the pier where aba Ilea at Kers Wharf." in the -City of Chtrieaton. on Saturday. SOth inly. ISeflv at 11 A. aL. the Steamer ST. HELENA and her ' appartenaseea. Tbe Steamer la a aUe-wbeel tow-preaaare steamboat of aOoat 219 tons bvrdea sroei; ballt erpreealy for and adapted to the ia- lead naTUration of tbe coast, flouer nearly sew. Balltby Vala Murdoch in IBM ; . TERMS. lusae cash or certified check at tha close of the bidding, aod the balaaee hi cash c-n '. delivery of the Steamer. Parchaaer to bare tea ' -J aye fron? day of aale to examine ttUe aad eon ply with ata bid. The bteamer can be treated -'' for at private sale up to day of auction sale. . " ' Jy80 80 26 ' Carts ail Harness at AbcUob. THIS DAY. COMMENCING AT W OTLK A.M. la front of oar sales Rooms, we a HI sell . Three Carts and Harnett, Cookbur Stovts. - -Bedateada, Mattreesee. Tables, Bureaua, Laundry Soap, rlatform Scales. COLLI XR A CO, ' ly 27 It Auctioneers:. . PositiTEly Last dance.: ; MTLLTNXBY AND FANCY GOODS AT AUG- T10N. - - This evening at 3 o'clock we will sell balance -of stock of Millinery and Fancy Goods la Store of Mlaa Karrar, South Front etreet. Remember tbe hour. 6 P. If. COLLIES A CO , - Jy t7 it Auctioneers. - Wanted. 2Q ADDITIONAL HANDS ON PANTS AND , Shirts, wanted immediately at T ROSE NM ANN A STERNBERG KITS Manufacturlna aod Merchant Tailoring Eatab llahsent. No. 7 Market St. jy27tf For Sale. O LD PAPERS FOR SALE CHBAH Jy 27 lw AT THE STAR OPTIC" euikary: m '-TTtiTi -"- -j Jy 27 DAWSm Bacon, Flour, Lard;. 100 BOZe" D- C: SID8' - 'T QQQ Bala FLOUR, all grade. c. OKA Cane LARD. V For sale low by WILLIAMS. RANKIN A CO it tt New Crop P.R. Molasses FIRST CARGO OF THE SEASON. ' 2QQ BHDS (JUST ARRIVED). NOW LAND-, tag and for aale ln lota to ault by ' ' V tt WILLIAMS. RANKIN A CO- - Sugar, Coffee, Rice., i QQ Bbls Reflaed SUGARS, 150 RCk" Cbolc K 7 E r A Bbla CAROLINA RICH. : ' For aale low by WILLIAMS, RANKIN A CO. Jy27 tf Glue, Hoop Iron,HaiIs.- 2 Bbla V I STILLER 8 GLUE. , ; -. , 500 BunUe" H00' IRON - A' OKA K NAILS. V For sale low by WILLIAMS. RANKIN aVC- Jy27tf ' MOOMLI&HT EXCURSION" OTEAMSR PASSPORT LEAVES AT 8 O'CLOCK O lharedi 11 o'clock. lharaday night, returning from Beach at' n'eloAk. - - Family Excursion, with music, Friday, learlng j. W. HARPER. Jy26 4t General Manager Clement's Select ScMfor Bo, -;- yOCATEP AT "DTTPLIN ROAD 8. tblrtylx' mllea north of Wilmington, opens anunaTTy oo the first Monday in September and closes on tbe last of May. KcOi espeneca for scholastic year$150, excloalieor waablng. ' y 8. W. CLKMANT. Principal, . Jy61m wallaoe, H. C' . For Rent, f 1 i TtULt deslrbla DwelllDc Hoosa. Va III! 520 Market StreeC comer of Sixth.' -' lilt Apply to . - . J.LCANTWKLL. . Jy 23 tt EiiLJ Young nan! JONT FORGET YOUR GIRL BXCAUSOt SHE to oat of theetly. bat call aad let as pat yoa a pa beautiful Basket of Frntt to seid ber.-' " ' ' .' . ' K. WARREN M SON, - jyastf Exobaars voraar. A Cari , ;. rjHKRKia A NEGRO KAN SKLLINO NZWS- PAPXRS on tha streets daOy. aad repreaenU himself as selling them for tha endeaifaed. which is I alee, riaaaaieavayoar oroera at my Store. Free deUvery to any part of the iiy.' . O X. HARRIS, News Deaie , open aata 10 o'clock. : Jy tf 3.

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