? I ? rr, ;snSP DAILYJEgCTPT MONDAYS. var (by Mail), Postal Paid..?........ fS 00 ,3-Trt Citr Sabsorlbers, doilvered ia any part 1 - - t 1 1-, - . 1 1 1 1 - j- '' -sn d 1 1 rim, i 11 'r 1 1 1 , i ill ,-mv i i h - ..r --w w ; - r-i . , n : - ! I ! - : ; ; : : " 21 kI .. . 1 -; i ,f 'ara'not authorised to collect for more n three mouths In advance. - , at the Post Offico at Wllubiirtoa. N. US Ovwuu viva vfcT? REDUCTION IN PRICE. VOL. XE. NO. WO. MirfJr ' The following explains the Peters-1 PU'M of $100 w made up forviiin. ! eich barg affair toiidh our! dispatches' . lhjir I " of yeBterdar wferrfiH. . . J- I T K.a?igh Ft( . ;The two hutf QPdQNNv FMbAY- SEPTEMBER 2 1887 Iocl Dots. ALtention is iuvited to the follow-;! lY'.Iiiced rates of subscription: DAILY STAB, Br mailt One Year $6.00 gix Months 3.00 Three Months 1.50 One Month 50 To City Subscribers : Tbree Months $1.56 One Month 52 0ne Week 12 WEEKLY STAR, By RIail: Ooe Year $1.00 Six Months 60 Three Months 30 Tlie reduction in price will, we are cocfiil'-nt, add materially to onr al re33y large circulation, thus making the paper more valuable than ever to s.hcrtiser. 0 lr u-legraphic news service baa n'ceuily been largely increased, and it i our determination to keep the Star uij to the highest standard of newspaper excellence. OUTLINES. yesterday referred : ItZ aeo Mrs Jarnette was Struck in tha at.rt k . an.' . J trouble with a young nero. The viS2?yi3d-'U, Dr Samuel Hiaton; a ftfnlnpliysian1nter,eredin "Iter. atlOn between hJsr vnnnt ; i Jchild!en- amonK whom was a girl. The grl, with a stick . threatenAA rrir..: son. Hinton erpostulated and, tha eitl'a rwponae was that she would kill the boy. Jr. Hlaton then struck the girl. The Zll00? ver l61 have demanded through a colored lawyer that the same punishment be inflicted on Dr ilinton that was given in the case cf the neoro who struck Mrs. De Jarnette. a. violent card published in the Index Appeal this morning and signed by piomt- wwieu uea naa incensea the white puruou ox me community dred and thirty-flfth session of the Orange rresDylerr met ta-Haw ' n wuurua, six mues from MebanesTllle ""US-t eion was preached by the-ReT. ' Dr. WUham. of Hillsboro, Moderator of SL. -.-T We regret to wi air. oimmie ijewia. son or K. Q. r. Beceipta of cotto'nVesief day 141 ,bales; the same day last year 'l bale. ' The - police found twenty-six places of business open at night da ring the past month. Steaaaaat iaepeetlan Law. ! It is not generally known, but It Is nevertheless &i fac that the steam boat inspection, laws of the,United States prohibit tug-boats from car rying otber persons than their craws, . aar iv fa - - - . . r--- .WHOLE NO.1 6534 Mr. Whitey Beery, residine on I Liewis,-jSsa.i had his left hm) Kt i.a.. I soath Second airae)-.. c.nt rna nf V. I toi;nn. tv, r j .1 n.. raiea yesterday while working at a circular I feet with an utIza nfliAtin I 0flDDt ' n m..,.. . i e- i wv5vuini ftviiuvo man saw at the Haleich and nutnh Rosin. shops; At last accounts he wasdoiogas well as could be expected. .: , ; - rr issued and the editor of 'the Iaw53 S "21 5 la 8e Pon the Supreme Court ana he signers of the card were arrested rilT "Vma? youngest 10-night on a charee of libel. Th n.rti 1 r,:'"0i,w WWV oam 1 sn worth Car k - wwva 1 in iriH a very severe wound. ' A: rehearsal of Sl Jamea' Asheville Citizen .-.Biahon !r.v, I Sunday morning. Hie1 health Is good with tne PurPs of reorganization. 2Z3!!&gSX&SEL 0ly foa, .ppliction. for 8outh Carolina, but of a Cape Fear family, lodging were made during the past "r 7": K. :iJL,iuut;!llu " HoaD1 - I month at the City Hall. Two of the applicants were white males and two colored males. moving in early manhood to Georgia, in which SUte he successfully engaged in the viwivcui naming ioeminence,and flna were all bailed for appearance to-morrow." Macon desires ex President Davit to attend the State Fair, The Presi dent, Mr. Northern, has gone to Beauvoir, Miss., to invito him. A Macon dispatch Bays: He was born ia 1830. Monroe Enquirer-Exprtss r The chinch bugs seem to have broken out again, anJ we regret to hear that consider able damage is now being done to the corn crop in some sections by them. Mr John Robinson, commissioner of aerlcul- iiitq r t n a . - wk extensive tour of the Bute. He has looked at the croDa carefnllv in th rvnof ton A ' It i very probable that Mr. Davis will I a8d ,has made hundreds of inquiries. As a consent to come, and if he really does. thflM' Malt a I V . me largest githering of ooutherners ever assembled at Macon at any one time. His presence will make the reunion of the Confederates a glorious suc cess and an ever memorable occasion The grandest welcome will be accorded the great chieftain that he has received since the war. In portions of Mississippi the cot ton crop has been cut short from 50 to (w per cent, by worms. U. S. Consul Brighaui, at Paso del Norte, The last political rumor is that the Democrats are scheming to get new Democratic States. One rumor is that Hexico, was assaulted Wednesday certin Georgians are moving to make ooe of North Georgia and parts of Tennessee and North Carolina. Thank yon. North Carolina will hardly be dismembered. Another project is. to divide Texas into two States. It ought to be cut into at least four or five. evening uy a Mexican Judge; the lat ter says the consul insulted him. - The friends of the young - bank, thief in Saco, Maine, think he is deranged; ha has led a very fast life ever since he worked in the bank. The Baltimore & Ohio Express passed in to the hands of the TJ. S. -Express Company yesterday; it is thought that Sir. Garrett has also disposed of his telegraph system, and that a sale of his road is not improbable. A terribly destructive rain storm, is reported from Texas; the crops are greatly damaged; a number of railroad bridges destroyed; and many business houses and dwellings swept away. The Commercial Cable Co. will reduce rates on and after Sept. I.j. The Secretary of War has approved the reqnest for permis sion to erect a monument to the Con federate dead in the government cemetery at Chicago. A gang of lawless men. calling themselves "White Caps," are committing out- J George and others spoke. By the Frank Hurd, one of the brainiest of living Americans, is not a candi date for Congress. He says of the President: "Cleveland? I am pleased with his Administration in every particular. He is a man of ideas, and is not afraid to advo cate them. He is unquestionably the strongest possible Democratic eandiiUtA Ohio is strongly Cleveland in Democratic sentiment. No. I do not consider Sher man's chances of nomination verv promising." The Labor party began work for the campaign in "New York with a rousing ratification meeting. Henry I Superintendent Talcott, and have entered 1 intra o m r . . a. ! . . result of his observation and icfnrm.li.. he says cotton is very seriously damaged on all lUht land. Estimates of the crop will be by this considerably reduced. Cot ton on such lands is turning yellow. Asheville Advance: Th trial or Cornelius Morgan and Pink Aiken charged with the killing of Louis Foreman' which was .commenced on Thursday list' resulted ia the acquittal of Aiken and the conviction of Morgan for manslaughter The iary vesterdav Tn-irntn Ji verdict to that effect. Judge Mon'gomery sentence! Morgan to eight years impnson- iucuv iu me oiaie reniienUsry. Yl&t Creek camp tneting beap last Friday aod will continue alt this week On tiunday the large assemblage that had gathered frcmniany points, was addressed by the Kevs. Kinoette, Parter, and Nolan The uiecunjr 13 neia Dnaer the auspices of the Methodist church. Winston Sentinel: Greensboro U to have another tobacco warehouse 150x 81 feet. The helshi of Monrx'. TTok as far as ascertained by the United Stales Coast Survey is 2.572 feet. The Pilot Mountain Baptist Association, held a few dajs tioce. near Leaksville. is reported a grand tuccess in every particular One Church (Winston) contributed for all objects between $1,700 and $1,800 Leaks vtlle was not far behind. Four or five hundred persons were added to the various Churches composing the association during the year This is a good work for 19 or 20 Churches. At the big coffee pot in Sa lem this week, we saw one melon weighing 68 pounds, and 10 aggregating 503 pounds. Charlotte Chronicle: The Commercial National Bank of Charlotte is the only United Slates Depoiitory in North Carolina. Some of the business men and others along the line of the Char lo'.te, Columbia & Augusta, and the Co lumbia & Greenville roads, do not favor - A petition was in circulation yesterday asking for the establish ment of a night way mail on the Caro lina Central.Railroad, in addition to the present day service. The expected excursionists from Goldsboro and other points on the line of the "Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, arrived yesterday and went down to Carolina Beach. Tho schooner H. S. Graham cleared for Philadelphia yesterday with 380,325 shingles, 78,000 feet of lumber, 10 tons of iron, 3,000 juniper bolts, and 28 barrels of molasses. The steamer Cape Fear brought down a small party of excursionists who spent the day at Carolina Beach and returned for home in the even ing, the Cape Fear leaving on her up ward trip about 7 o'clock. A dray horse belonging to Messrs. Adrian & Vollers ran awav any steam vessel engaged in the busi ness of towing vessels, rafts, or water craft of any kind and not carrying, passengers, may be authorized and licensed by the supervising inspector of the distriot in which said - steamer shall be employed, to carry on board such number of persons, in addition to its crew, as the supervising inspec tor In his judgment 6h all deem ne cessary to carry on the legiti mate business of such towing steamers, not exceeding however, one person to, every net ton of measure ment of said steamer; provided, how ever, that the person so allowed to be carried, shall not be carried for hire. Section second provides that every steam vessel licensed under the fore going section.shall carry and have on board in accessible places, one life preserver for every person allowed to be carried, in addition to those pro vided for the crew of such vessel.1 Receipt or Naval store. The statement of receipts of naval stores at this port, from the begin ning of the crop year April 1st to Sep tember 1st, 1887. as comDiled and posted at the Produce Exchange, shows an increase of 6,147 casks of spirits turpentine, as compared with receipts for the , same period in 1886, and an increase of 2,819 barrels in the item of crude turpentine. There has t BIVER AND 7XABINIC Ger. brig Clara, Voss, hence, ar rived at Glasgow Aug. 29tb. . . Nor. barque t CapelZa, Jensen, hence, arrived at Antwerp Aug." 29th. Schr. J. If. Ilplden, Barnard, cleared at New York for this port on Aug. 30th. Steamer Gulf Stream,. Ingram, hence, arrived at New York' last Tuesday at C a. in. The revenue steamer Colfax came up yesterday, for supplies, etc., returning to Southport in the afternoon. 8ibra Aatl4oc for Malaria. It is generally known that Simmons Liver Regulator is relied upon to secure immunity from all malarial disorders. This is proven by its popularity, and any one who has lived in the South has seen its curative effects and the protection it gives against this weakening and daoecrous malady. It acts more promptly than calo mel or quinine, without any of their in jurious consequences. f MRS. WTNSLOWS SOOTHING gTKUP. Ext ?1rLTtZFB BB Hi0 writes In the Bortcm ChrU- rwiwia . rr a wouia oj do ttwth reoom mend any kind of medicine which we did nnt 1 do jrooQ c NKW ADVEBTJSKMENTS. For Bent; HOTJSS No. 4' OCTJI,SrC0!n . lit? tta?w6bTriV bath!' 'OOBUto rooms, watv cas W ' Hooaa So. 407 Soutk Seoond strvatT .' ; -: : House Ho m 8oUi Tifta street, nowc Ptedbylfr. Kalx; has water, bath and cas. v . x House No. 1 Booth Jifta street. " ' ' ; ' Hoaae nort&east corner Seooad and iiti" tracts ' :. .V-'. ;:; ucnae toutieart oarser Second and Ana fits., Honae northeast corner of Market and yoertlT . ' treeU. Hoose southwest corner Caesaat and Ftmrth 7 Honao east tide of Second street. hmtmmT Wncea. and Cbesnnt; eht rncera , ' wSerw5ks.4,7NortJlThlnl,tret: cistern and . House soutteast corner of Bed Cross and Tkird Apply to D. O'CONNOR. ' ; -q?8 tf Heal Btfctearent: - - For Bent. know to or Mrs. winalow from knowledge infants. Bat we can speak nas proved 1 particularly to tnl 's SoothuiR Syrup we a blesrtpr Indeed, by glvtns an Infant troubled with oolio pains, qalet aleep, and the parents on- oroKen rest at night Jtoat parenu can appre ciate these blessings. Here la an article which worka to perfection, and which la harmleaa: for the aleep which It afford a the Infant ia Derfeetlr " umjo liucmo swum aa orurnt a a button." And during theproceas of teeth- uik iu thus is utcaicuiaDia. we IT ni 1 1 1 1 1 1 I Hilt families, aa 281w THAT DKSrRARLK SOV&WhZ nonn rouru atrerc at brtani - ooonpiea Dy sir. Wm. CaMer. House - . oo&taina nine rooms, each hartar a OUXnern CIDOtnnt Arin4r.H1. . Applyto r" W. L. or E. D. JZWXTT.sl- Sxini. NoBTKBor, w. W. Honw," m nth. ... .v.. v " v , I riiK. iii 1 h H.T1 n Hnmnnnr without it from the b&th of the child till It had I . nnlahed with the teething alege. on anyoonside- I A2 roKM 0F POLICY ISSUED ON ALT. ' -.': ration whatever. Sold by aUdniggists. 25 cents fh.. . , , .- . -v yesterday afternoon and came tearing I been a decrease of 5,088 barrels in th rages in Harrison county, Ind. Uver ,,000,000 trade dollars were re teivedatthe U.S. Treasury for re demption. The situation at Key st as regards yellow fever is re- as slightly favorable. TAeUte Indians are all on their res ervation and no further trouble is feared. The Farmers' Alliance of Thomas Co., Ga., express unquali fied condemnation of resolutions in sulting to President Cleveland odopt ev the Farmers' Alliance of In diana. x. Y. markets: Money active at 58 percent.; cotton firm at lOftiOci; southern flour steady and moderately active; wheat, spot lots advanced C, closing steady; No. 2 r 79 9-1680c: corn ber 4imQ-Very uieti No- 2 Septem Der49jC; spirits turpentine quiet aWc; rosin dull at $1 051 10 way, Puck is getting up some strik ing cartoons iu ridicule of George and his allien. John Ruskin was born in Loudon in 1819. He is the son of a Scots man. He inherited 135,000 a: year. He was educated at Oxford (Christ Church ol!ege.) Gen. Backner has been fated Governor of Kentucky SavaDnah wilThave no more the sidewalks and none poles. TT on. u. G, mausu- eigns stuck Memminerer. of S. C. - expected to live. 85th year. He is in his In 0hl lhere is some prospect of a" alliance between the Democrats andlbe Labor party. The crop of the South will 3e corn rjAii exceed that of last year by teD9 of miUi0D9 of bQBhels. The DukToTMariborougb, now in , u- o., haa a long as 2reat man. Mr been pratriinjj string of titles as your arm. and still h Ta Glad Vic. That 19 rn rr r t lit. !afor Mr.QIa.Uton "UiaH blue Tory. bite IS The canBti of Kicht mond State has a verv 1C tWO column o,.:1 : R iiuio 111 review S8 Of whn a-oL.l. ' -iq plagiarism. Com Spirits Turpentine. No Raleigh Neioa Observer to hand. Charlotte Hornet; This morn ing Mr. Henry McQall swore out a warrant be lore 'Squire Maxwell for the arrest of L W. Cable for embezzlement. And now editor Tipton says that Captain Bell 1'ifcr. We trust no target shooting will fol low. Both are noted "bull's-eye" bitters. Chadbourn Times: On last Wednesday night the kitchen of Hr.Quincy Hinson near Peacock's was burned. One day last week several citizens a few mile from here distinctly heard the roaring of the sea. This indicated that the waves were very high from a storm. We believe it ia 35 or 40 miles to the sea the nearest point. - Pittsboro Record: An election will be held to-day in Harnett conn tv urbn the question of levying a special tax to en large the court bouse and jail or that coun ty. At the late term of court there the Judge, in his chance to the grand jury, said that every man in the county ought to be indicted for the wretched condition of the court house and jaiL Hillsboro Recorder: . We learn that some of our farmers are cutting to bcco in Orange and they are well pleased with the color and quality. We know of but one genuine "Friend" now living in Orange county, and he is now In his 94th year, and if everybody was as good and as pure as we know uncle Tommy McCracken to, be, it could well be said there wonld be no use of court houses and jails. . r . ; . . " . ; We have before us a twenty four . column paper bearing the familiar name we have known from our early boy hood, HSliboro Recorder. It is not the old - Eiper so long published - by the worthy ennis Hearts but anew sdventure, edited by two lawyers, Messrs. C. E. Parish and F. N. Strudwick. We have only seen No. 3, and it is well edited, as was to be ex pected. .Our beet wishes, gentlemen. ; Shelby Aurora: Bob Turner and another negro named Petty, were put in jail on Sunday and were charged 1 with breaking into Dr. A. F. Hambright's store at tirover. . jna K, Logan s sketches. into a movement to secure his retirement if possible. Mr. J. B Burns nrnnrla. tor of the Burns House ia Wadtaooro, died at that place at 12:30 o'clock yesterday from a stroke of anoplex . The ex hibit is quite an interesting one. and shows that Mecklenburg pays this year a tx for all Bute purposes of $14,729.00. sgainst $19,811 67 in 1876. a reduction in one year of $4 583 61 in State -taxes. The school tax this year is $14,816 fll.against $15,798. 85 last 1 ear, and there la a corresponding reduction in the county tx which was $23,457 04 in 1886. The county pays a total tax of $67,766 58. and of this sum Char lotte township alone pays $33,468.68, or aimoti ooe nan or the whole taxes paid by the coccty. A colored man named Eli timith appeared before Esq. Maxwell teste. day, with his right arm slit in a most artistic manner by a razor. Eli end an other darkey got into a quarrel about a wo man and Eli got the worst of it. He did sot know the name of his assailant. W. T. R. Bbll Sir: Your card in the is sue of the Charlotte Chronicle, of August 28th, trying to answer facts with the facile pen of slander and denunciation does not nsve a feather s weight with me. You knew when you denied it that you wilfully lied, for you recogniza the truth of the article and must be hurt by the double edged sword of truth I stated truth and nothing but the truth, and stand by the facts pa Wished. I am prepared to prove them to your utmost satisfaction or social annihilation.- I exposed yon in the interest of morality. I believe I did a good work, and the consciousness of ray integrity bids me defy you. B. F. Tipton. aown to the store of the firm on South Front street, and creating some alarm in the neighborhood of Front Street Market. Thore was no rainfall yesterday in this cotton belt. The temperature ranged from 73 at Newbern to 76 at Lumberton, Goldsboro and Cheraw, 73 at "Wilmington, 79 "at Char lotte, 80 at Florence, and 86 at Weldon. The minimum tempera ture was 52 at Weldon, 53 at Newbern, 54 at Charlotte, 55 at Lumberton, 56 at Wilmington and Cheraw, and 57 at Florence. Tle Laborer XJnlom and tb Steva- The following notice has been served upon each of the "boss" steve dores engaged in business in this city : The Laborers1 Union, at a meeting held on the 29th day of August, 1887, nave made the following wages: For stowing cotton headers $5.00 per day; screwmen $4.00 per day. Work rone on the etent-honr system, and the above rates to go into effect on and after the 10th day of Septem ber, 1887. The notice is signed by E. M. Green, president, and John J. Hill, recording secretary of the Union, which num bers some six or seven hundred col ored men as its members. it is understood that the employ ing stevedores are not disposed to aeceptthese terms, which it is alleged, are higher than at other ports; that at other places $4 per day for screw men, and $4.50 for headers is paid nine hours constituting a day's work. It is claimed,, far ther, that the labor here is not of a class that will justify the payment of what are regarded as exorbitant wages. The Messrs. Kure Bros., employing stevedores, have determined to meet tnis demand by engaging a force of, white laborers, and have already em ployed about fifty trained long-shoremen, principally from Charleston, S. C, who will be here in a few days. : receipts of tar, and a decrease of 8,752,' barrels in receipts of rosin in the same period. The ' figures given are as follows : 1886 Spirits turpentine,33, 642 casks; rosin, 152,459 barrels; tar,. 25,616 bar rels; crude turpentine, 11,933 barrels. 1887 Spirits turpentine,39,789 casks; rosin, 143,707 barrels; tar. 20,528 bar rels; crude turpentine, 14,752 barrels. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A Perfect Fit. gUPERIOR WORKMANSHIP. HAND301CB8T and best line of goods, and lo vest prices gusran teed At MUNSOS'S. scp it Ntrohant Tailoring Rooms. FLOUR, FLOUR, JUST FROM THE WEST. NOTHXB LA EOS LOT or XLVTSGTONS maglatratea Coart. Wright Johnson, colored, charged with assault and battery with a dead ly weapon upon his wife Charity Johnson he belabored her with a piece of board was tried in Justice Millls1 Court yesterday. At the con clusion of the hearing the magistrate required the defendant to furnish bond in the sum of $50 for his'appear ance at the Criminal Court. Johnson furnished the bond. isuaries xayior, colored, was com- PBT FLOOR Jut received directly from the West. 8 rectal lndaoemetts to Country Ker- I the land.) chaiU buy 1 1 In lots. classes of town and eoontrr property at lowest'' V Yi." IrM m " ronowmg leading a merlean ' " and Foreign Companies: . y" .- Royal, of LiTemoel ani Loiionrf;: (Lrrgest net surplus possessed by any Plra Inssr- -- ; anoe Company in the world.) ;: Vc Insurance Company of North America?" & uiioucipnis, . -. (OLDEST AMXB1CAK CO HP ANT HomaotKawTork. j--' Georgia Home of Ool umbos. Ga. KnnalutaaLof Kew Orleans. - -Jv,t LOBdon Ktmrmnntk rinrrwwtinii f r -: . Lancaahire. ol nglaadT ' , nurwrea union, or isngiana. London and Lancashire, of Liverpool. "-";. w. Y. Underwriters Ag ncv. of KewTork. ' Oermania, of Sew York. . - Weatera Assurance, of Toronto, rwla. TraT-eler' Life and Accident, of Hartford.-- . eonneciuioi. (Larfreat and strongest Aockient ComoanT in America.. : Jtntnal Life Inanranoe Company, of Kenlnckv: . ' fAmtti aa swat t 11. Kill. I.. - 'AT ? ' ' A most excellent opportnilty of getting a FIRST CLASS BRAND OF FLOUR at a very low figare Thoae who buy caneot fail to bo pleased. y. D. ELVDTGTOy, p It Fair Bluff. 17. C Notice. mitted to jail by Justice J. H. Sharp- lSTC2&y .u. 1 THBv CITY, . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. : NoncB Standard .Car Coupling Co. MunsoK Merchant tailoring. ; M: D. Elvzngtos Pet flour. ' '. E. Wabbkk & Sow Chocolate day.- Gilks Sf MtmcHisoii: Tinware. Kan flon-nlanfi uTi j- i I historical and -biographical, of the Broad jut i J i tvifci buu uuik juuumua uiiidui onuu face or none fnr hi . R - aa--, on th , y mortal seeking honors Ory 8lreDgth of his fath er s men. -'austone is T :i 'oeral a. soon -to" , visit There will be ' a ereat M.eD8.tra"ou 'on' lhe;ocea.' ation from 1800 to 1882, is a valuable work of 625 : paees and a node meeum for . the Baptists of this and adjacent sections , V Laurinburg Exchange: ..Just four weeks ago last "Sunday morning Dr. Resser;preacbed higfirst sermon here, since which time he has preached about 40 ser mon sr 29 of which were preached here and' the ' others at St: John, Caledonia- and Sneeds Grove.'- Durug this time there have been at alt these places about 100 con versions; and several accessions to the dif ferent churches. At all these places a mayor's Conrc '.. Frank Telfair,, colored, .was fined five dollars in the Mayor's Court yes -terday.- ' V. Jack Simmons, white,,, and Benj. Quince, colored, tramps, ' were each given ten days in the city prison.' ; 1 James Mills and G. W. Green, col ored, charged with " disorderly con duct, were committed for three days. Edward Edwards, colored, arrested for t disorderly conduct, was given twenty days. - - -; - ; ' Mrs. E. Smith was fined five dollars for keeping an unlicensed ' dog; two dollars of the, fine to be remitted on the payment of tax, ; " ! " j . Police Broftlierliooal. The members of the police force of this city met last night and organized a. mutual benefit . association to be known as the "Police. BothehoxU', The Officers elected are: r . , . ' : ; j PresidenE.' M; Capps. ' . , ; Vice President--ll Ji I Secretary - and Collector F. T. Skipper. , tf t v f , , . - ( , - r ' a Treasnrer DAnifil-Benderi.?" l 1 Xbe TlilevlBK Waaberwoaaaa. The colored woman Josephine Mc Elroy, alias Rose Nesbitt, whose exploits in this city have been men tioned recently in the Star, has been arrested in New York city. Mayor Fowler received yesterday evening a telegram from City Super intendent Steers, of New York, as follows. "Josephine McElroy arrest ed. Will you send for her? If so, telegraph to hold her for requisi tion." The Mayorjat once telegraped to hold the woman, and at the same time sent a telegram to Gov. Scales: "Josephine McElroy arrested in New York and held for requisition. Will you send for her?" In reply, the Governor telegraphed, "Wire me the name of person who will go to New York. Will write in the morning. Mayor Fowler replied, designating Sergt. F. T.4 Skipper of the police force, who will .be sent with the requisition of the Governor for" the deli veryand return of the woman to this city. . v . . . ' . A Small Firs, ; The Fire Department was called out yesterday about noon ' by an alarm sent out from 'box No. 85, cor ner of Eighth and Market streets.1 The fire was on the roof of : small frame dwelling on .Dock; between Eighth and --Nintbvstreets. It was speedily, extlnBruished.' and" the onlv Governing Committee Cf. D.agb,rj "damage done Was ihe -"burning 7bt a T 1, T" ftPtoa ' ' I TAW alltn'olaa J - v A wily V'a wmf ' siwi.ry.. -. Z ' less of Cape Fear township, in default of $100 bond for his appearance at the Criminal Court to answer to the charge of larceny. Taylor is accused of stealing a lot of corn, a table, and a buggy robe, from Mr. M. G. Chad--wick, of Castle Hayne. Personal. Mr. James Corbett, of Fayetteville, is visiting friends in this city. Col. E. D. Hall left yesterday after noon for Onslow county In the inter est of the Wilmington, Onslow & East Carolina Railroad. He will appear before Lthe commissioners of that county at their meeting next Monday. Mr. D. M. Williams, of the firm of Williams, Rankin & Co., returned home yesterday from a visit to Warm Springs and other places in the west ern part of the State. . . Mr. F. P. Chaffee, chief of the sig nal office, left last night for Washing ton city, on telegraphic instructions received yesterday, relative to im portant business. Harbor master's Report. Capt. Price, harbormaster, reports the following arrivals at this port for the month of August : AMERICAN. Steamers '.' 5 4,527 tons Brigs. 1828 Schooners 14 4,196 " 'roorpe, w. a. Rlach, Frank a. B tod man. ivuu oj-set, . a. iana, ana meir associates, htre become incorporated under the laws of North Carolina by the name of the Standard Automatic Car Uoupllcg Company." for the period of thirty years, for the parpose of nun factoring automatic car ooupllnn ander Letters ratent Ho. 40. 829 of the United ti tales, and soil ing the tame; also, of sell lag the said Letters Patent, oraay Interest therein, and toe Horns to man of actors and sell the said car couplings under said Patent In the several States or any part of any State. Prtaolpal place of boalneu of said corporation la at Wilmington, N. O., and Its capital stock la 175.000 00, with power to increase same not exceeding SJOO.OOO.OJ, ta shares of 50 jM each. Glf ea nnder my hand and official seal, at office In wnmlnKtoa. North Carolina, this the 1st dsy September, A. D. i fl. VAHAaTRDTGE, 8aai. V Clerk Superior Court, I ) New fc anorer Connl y. sep2it TO-DATI YOU CAN BUY A POUND OF Delicious Chocolate Drops "KTvirVivn. TJ J p m i - : " y-i U J . . Agents, Offics Corner Kntt nA Wainnt ttm c " Telephone No. 11. ' j r i;h a imItK iii-' h m wi'ao. v W HAVS DECIDED TO CLOSE OUB nnmiTT nnnflrrnnn n fihiAiL unuufviiiii UfcrAtiTfliiAr. On and after EaDtemrmr 1t : WE WILL OFFER AT COST, FIR CA8H, dus i y aNTIBB STOCK OF . : Decorated and Plain Ohma; - -- DCffNEB SETS, TSA 6BI9, 8EKI POECKLAnf V TAELB GLASS WARS. FANCY GOODS, Vv i Thlt'wFl affnrrt lh hnnu.ln.i. In ikUdi.1'.' I,. - . and the tnrroandlng country the beat opDcr-" " - i '" ' -' tunlty they bare ever Lad for laying la a apply - ... . of these gooda. ''y.--U Our wholssai.s ceockxrydhpartuxnt " nui ira wuuuovu u acreioiwe, , an SJgw Crockery Department.'-.-: ' Wanted. rpHEETY GOOD COCPXRS ON OIL BaR13 8TOCr . Steady work. Terms so oanta. Apply , at Barrel Factory of the ' . - ; SOCT HKKN COTTON OIL OO.f . aa SO 8t Anraata, ea. Telescopes AT sep 8 U FOB QO CENTS. 20 9,051 FORKiaar. . 62,005 2 463 Total. Barques. . Brigs : Total... 7 2,528 ". " Pilots report sotindings as follows: Bald Head bar. ........... 13.6 inches Western bar ; , . 11 feet Qagterljr BXaetlna Wilmington District, M. E. Church, South. Fourth round of Quarterly Meetings. Grace Church, Wilmington, Sep tember 8-4. - Bladen Street, ' Wilmington, Sep tember 8-4. Elizabeth Circuit at Elizabetb town, September 10-HJ Topsail Cireuit, attl.ilon, SeptemJ ber 17-18. - - Southport Station, September 24-25.. Clinton Circuit, at Goshen, October Duplin Circuit, at Kenansville, Oc tober 8-9. Onslow Circuit, at Tabernacle, Oc tober 15-18. .. i Magnolia. Circuit, at Magnolia, Oc tober 22-23. ,f . , - ; Bladen Circuit, at Windsor." Octo-. ber 29-80; - Carver's Creek, at Shlloh, Novem-ber2-3L: ; . - yHf !: -:t ; . .Coke8buryf Cireuit at' RaliTnt No vember 5-J.". r.. - . - "i 'Brunswick Circuity JTovember 12-18 ' waccamaw uircnit; JN or ember 19-20. Whiteville Circuity November 26-27. -t , THOS. -W. GtmntEE, P. E. . Carolina Beach. PASSPOBT LSAVXS FOB CAROLINA BEACH every weekday at and a exoect Frldar and Saturday, when evening boat leaves at 2.80. Train returning leaves at 1 and S. At the request of many the Louise will con tinue to make her regriar trip ca Sunday. Family excursion, with mualo by Italian Band, every Friday aad Saturday. J. W. HABPZB, an 17 tf nao Oeaeral Manager. Tinware. TTTjt KXEP THIS LOTS OF GOODS ALSO. IT if Is none of your alop-ehop work. It la the work of yonr true Knight of Labor. If yon buy a Mil of this Ware from us and .a piece abonld leak charge ft up to us. It Is guaranteed against . QILES a muechison. unu rfoooers uaraware. Corn, Ileal, Flour, JJAY. HOOP-raON. BPZBIT CASKS. SALT. Bagging. Can-Goods, Soap, Sugar. Coffee, Xo lawes. Ac, at ISO, 1SS aad 04 Forth Water St. ' aa SI tf P. L. OOKK. For Comfort. rjpnOSX DOOH AND WINDOW SCEEXS8, ALL slJEes. prevents mosqoltoea, Ao. Also fly Trips rpeoiauy. au ror saw low oy. kept in a first class Saddlerv XstabiUhireaa. and we guarantee to please yon both la quality aad - nrtoe. Bepahing neatly and promptty done. , . ' . , fxnnxlL a uanxkl, : Sign of tha Horse. No. 19 to. Front St f an t8 tf fBeyiem copy). - it. Hats, Hats, : Ladies' Sailors, ; v 3 7 V "' "... Umbrellas. au2 8tf oA KHlnOa ALLEN. - r c fiauers. o Fresh Drugs ' - F ALL KINDS AT an 28 tf . H. HABDIS'8,- ; y New Market.: At Actual Cost.' JKSIBOTJS OF KAKXNG A CHANGS IN BTJSI- - -aeas, I offer my entire stock of goods,' consisting i'.l ta part of China, Glast, Qntcnrware. Ffated aad"1" ' Britannia Ware at coat. Parttes wtehlag to sayplyv ' thotnselvas with good goods at low prices win .- find it to their Interest to call aad examine tsy V Stock at ones. ' ':. - 7J v aaSStf Bespectfatty, - U C, LnrEEZBTr No. 117 Soath Front St. aa n tf 6XO. A. FXCC, saSooUi FrontSt. In Stock, Parties Leaving1 City, pLXASI LKAVX 0EDXB8. WILL Z FEONP- tly filled. p w BirgTi . - News Dealer. . Xanhatta aad Chariot CIGARS, five cents only, aa IS tf IJewlCfop JCXEICAH CTQWH . TURNIP KZZD. ALL leading varletiea Fall Cabbage and CoHard Seed. Tear orders solicited. Price, quality and parity gearaateea. Drura, Cbemlcais . and Druanrist aandrtes. . BOB AST H. BKLLAkT, Drnrgiat, aa SSLtT .- - N. W. Cor. Froat aad Market bu. . 450 80X13 AIX OADW TOBACCO, sSO caddies all Styles TOB AOOQ. eOJHS Am mmA im. dtamdOARa. Special lndnoamenta offered to wnolcaale boysra, Bespectfullr,' . - - SAJa'L BAAS, fg . wtf 10 Market street. ' - To the PubUc;;- "TTM WISH TO AXNOVNCZ TO THZ FT7B1IC that tha Pnra Waa fW TTBf,tTrrFil try ttS CUO Una pa sad Creoaote Wapany wfli be sold onlyry . ..--- aa tf f-Jr - ; er. KTJSX DOSCHZS. - .T1!IS PAFEli teen tTu nnnatelplmFft tA ZmT aVaTW-rw-"W rmf tAaA -m " m m mm W A s M f -