-1 li st' f -3 fhe MornmgSjSr WILLIAM It; BCliAui). BUSHED DAILY EXCEPT MONDAYS.' ; satss or suBsoaiPTioM, in asVAXcy. Vftar (bv Mall). Postage Paid...,. y.. $5 00 4 V' 3 00 rtwe?nthH u 1 M '.Month. " ....v... 50 'To City Sabwirlbew, delivered is ay part , fha City, Twixv Ckhth per week Oar City ;fiDt aw not authorised to eolleot for more iSi iroe months in advance. . ban throe TLflwd at the Post Offlca at vaadntoa. N. O ,"eN aa SoooadCIaaa Matter. - ; 4vs" KEDUCTION IN PBICE. Attention is iovited to the follow- ing reduced rates of subscriptioti: DULY STAB, By Mail X 1 1 ear . . ....$6.00 3.00 ... 1.50 : so Six Months. . . Three Months. One Month . . . To city Subscribers: " ; . r rhree Months 1.56 One Month 52 One Week v ....... ' 12 vvt:EKLV STAR, Br Ulall: ? Oue Vear. . . . Six Months. . . Three Months. ti.oo 60 ........J 50 The reduction in price will, we are confident, add materially to our afc fly bre circulation, thus making I the L.iijer more valuable than ever to I ,dverin?rs. 0 ir telegraphic news service has recently been largely increased, and it U our determination to keep the Stab up to the highest ; standard of newspaper excellence. OUTLINES, Mr. Wm O'Brien, on trial at Mitcb ellstown under the Crimes act, was found guilty and sentenced to three months imprisonment; notice of ap peal from the judgment was given. The total visible supply of cotton for the world is 1,345,540 bales, of which 765,840 are American. An incendiary fire, causing a loss of $75, 000, occurred at Evansville, Ind., Fri day night. The business portion of Wynne, a small town in Arkansas, was nearly destroyed by fire Friday night. On the 20th inst. the amount of gold coin and bullion in the Treasury was $289,677,835, an in crease in ten days of $3,540,638. The Chicago wheat and corn market was lower yesterday, while provisions were stronger with better business. The Treasury purchased yester day bonds to the amount of $1,900, 350. The death order to the she riff in the Anarchisfei3es was ig&pded down yesterday by the Supreme Court of Illinois; our telegrams furnish the order in full. The argument in the Virginia coupon cases was conclu ped yesterday, but Judge Bond an nounced that he would reserve liis de cision until the October term of court. .X. V. markets! Hfnnv aaav Tin regular market; cotton easy aO 1116 I (9 13-lGc; southern flour uiteKanged IiaDg5?0Wif5&.l uu quiet; wiieat options werdpteady; at the opening, but soon declined & ic, closing heavy; No. 2 red Septem ber 79i80ic; corn a shade 1owt Afid dull; No. 2 red October 4950e sr!ir- its turpentine dull at 32ic; rosin qnetr at $1 051 124. Mrs. Langtry's new play is said to be decidedly vicious. She likes it.' Money is reported more plentiful 10 New York and the stringency is "fted for the lime being. It ii now said to be a fact that lit tle Foraker expected to be snubbed. He knew h rsally deserved it and caught it. When Talmage entered hU place Uf preaching on last Sunday he was greeted by Boulanger's March by the whole band. It is aid the cut in the-passenger rates from New York to Southern Clt8 will be but little more than naif the forr rraer rates. Be" Hur has reached its 205th thousand, a moat remarkable success iur anv book. This is Gen. Lsw Wall ace 8 entertaining story. J. r. Stewart vinlafn1 the Prohi- v Vl7 law in Kansas luni He has been unjaceu to seventeen vears iiri- thatf ment antl 28,8 fie HeaVy rie scientific committee of British- ChbMh"i,ITe"U,ili'- DIa, Gad that more than 800 ; r60D8 are bitten bv mad dogs each and 4.3 die " , be Charleston News and Courier spying some of its readers by North lhem cboice extracts from cont 8Urce8 indorsing. - its temptQ,U3 flioga at Pre8ident Da. PoIiUveWMa8rD8eUa MagP B Trt 7 refa8e t0 fioPr-orf Col. m overmg, the Democratic . nomi them ! ernor- Who cares?. Let , 8upp0rt the nominee of thetkCa' canalHeiOheyopreferv I ' ' 1'' . . SS J-X.1--. Jj VOT, -TaTTF eei t "VA. TT -Hie vPresident has arranged his rayei8,m the , West and South. He will leaveWashington on the 30tli of SeptVmberJand return on the 22d of toberg New Jp&ghne sayaV f He wiflgofir8t to'8t.N Loula, making C . "tuaopou8 ana xerre iiaute; wen to ;CMca20, and from there to Bt. rauUnd Minneapolis, with a halt at MU waukea and & viait trti Pnoim..i . n i VilM a home at Madison. From Minnean olia he wiU to CKanaas City, with brief stops at : Omaha and St. Joseph, -thence to MePbis. LouisviUe. , NaahYiUe, AUanta, and Montgomery, whence he will return dlclly to Washington. The President WHI traverwith a private party of his own sjelectipn and by a special train, for which he will pay hke any other citizen." Por Democratic President, unlike I all ItepuWican Presidents and offi cials, is no dead head. . The New York World gravely talks of there being a serioas doubt as to the authorship of "Hamlet" d St VUja of Shakespeare. It will be nresentlv ssartprl Tit. Dante did" not write th nivir0 Comedy," or that Milton did not write "Faradiae Lost." It has been long ago asserted that Homer never lived, and if he did live he did not produce the "Odyssey." Whatever happens it will never be established that Bacon wrote the great plays. It is much more probable that Shake speare wrote the "Essays" and the "XTovum Organon." There is said to be great prejudice in Kansas against mixed schools, quite as much as there is in the South. At Fort Scott a Republican School Board fought vigorously against mixed sehool. There is said to be a great deal of feeling. It seems that human nature is very much the same in the North as in the South. No decent white man cau possibly desire or prefer mixed schools. W e regret to see it announced that Hon. E. B. Washburne is dying. He i3 an able man and made an ex cellent Minister to France. His papers on the Commune in Paris and its capture by the German?, pub lished in Scribner's Magazine, were of great interest, va , '' 1 1 1 " rjC It is now claimed that Edison has invested a neuralgia caro of hia own that has felleved him. Bat that does not correspond with a recent announcement' thav'the doctors had been cutting intoh'b head and let- SlffM S ?08 rt9J rsr. , .NE WADVEJttTlSEOTEflTS. D. CTCohkob -Por rent. -T; L Shbibb To the puWier's; T; X My Habbjsj-Fi re for ten. .C W.TAXBSPine stationery. K 'Hrfifcicfire Maic pish Brown & Roddick Hew goods, jy. O'Cokkob Kxecntor's notice. . J H. HAnniHTrape phosphates. T Rahjbow Pabtt Tuesday nightJ ; Si B Pjbeblats Pioest cloiblng; " " W. & W. R. R. Dividend notice: ! MsMi Svic-peBu.waiited;: i Giles & MiTBCTisbv-Esrtheaware. ; I Dick & Mkares Merchant Uiloripg. Geo. R. Fbkkch & obs Fall styiei. . -A. David $25,000 worth of clothing. Coluxb & Co. Fareiture at tucUon. R. P- McDoiiaAi-Now is your time, HARBISOH & AixBH Hats, umbrellas; W. E . &FBisrosai& Co -Hardwsre, etc Woonf CSmamaf-CoftonT naval storesT FkitneucA D Airraid-Look for the horse. Geo. A. Peck Cheapest paints, oils,etc S. YanAxbinoe & Co. Real estate sale. E. WABBBIT& Sou.-Grapes and pears. V- AiAsrmak, Flanhkb, & Co. Lightning rods. ' ; Cotton movement. The cotton business is .boomiugj So-far this season, the receipts at this port aggregate 26,600 bales, as against 4,687 bales received during the . same time last year-ran Increase of 21,913 bales. The receipts for. tne week ended yesterday - were 12,487, against 3,708 bales received the same week last year.; The receipts yester day were 2,335 bales. , - . Exports for the past" week . are 208 bales to domestic ports and 5,100 bales foreign. The total exports since Sep tember 1st are 8,010 bales. V ..The stock at this port is 19,265 bales; last" year at game time it was 4,391 bales. - - -, -. '.'.v J." r-"aav- -,; Temperature In tble Cotton Belt. The lowest temperature in the Wil mington cotton belt yesterday was at Salisbury, 36 degrees; Weld on, was next,".., 44 -.Charlotte -! 45," Wadesboro and .Wilmington 48, Goldsboro 49, Kewbern, and Cheraw, S. -C, iJO, Florence r52, '3 andJLumberton 54. degrees. ; Frost does not generally; form. above:40 degrees', but .under far" vorableconditidns has been'fcnown. to form at a temperature of 48 degrees. ? The maximum temperature : ranged from 61 to degrees; V -,TJ -;' " . . - - v-w WILMINGTON, 5' The dance houses in the Hollow were reported to be f in full blast last night. Vf C -ys Sy' .! ; - The Criminal Court will mee to-morrowand finish up the business of the term. . Coots the first of the season were in market yesterday, selling at 00 cents a dozen. - There was a heavy frost y ester day morning on the Carolina Centra west of Charlotte. . - Services in St. John's ChurcbT to-day, by the rector, at 7.30 a. m.. 11 a. m., and 5.30. p. m. The grand jury of the Criminal Court, having finished their labors. were discharged yesterday. Services at St. Paul's Lutheran church to-day will . be in , German in the forenoon and in English at night. The steamer Murchison left Fayetteville Friday afternoon with a large cotton freight, and arrived here last night. c?: . -,. oii marriage licenses were issued the past week by county Re gister Sampson; but only one was for a white couple. Mr. A. Shrier will " engage in the clothing business this fall, in the building adjoining his shoe store on Market street. ' There are already a dozen or more aspirants for the position of Chief of Police, made vacant by the death of Capt. Brock. The hour for class meeting at the Fifth Street Methodist church has been changed to 3 o'clock, com menring with this afternoon. Two interments in Oakdale cemetery the past week, and none in. Bellevue. In the colored cemetery Pine Forest there were seven. Rev. P. H. Hoge, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, returned home Friday night and will hold ser-' vices at 11 a. m. and 8 p.m. to-day. The Mobking Stab appreciates the kind words in reference to its twentieth birthday uttered by the Messenger and returns its thanks therefor. The Salvation Army last night held their first outdoor meeting since they were stopped by the city author ities -a month' r "morei art TriAv were not interfered with. Rev. C. L. Arnold will conduct services at St Paul's Episcopal church, this morning at 11 o'clock, and in the evening at half-past seven. Sunday School at 4 o'clock. r A' quantity of clothing found among the effects of Josephine Mc Elroy, the washerwoman, remains at the City Hall awaiting ' claimants. Persons who have been robbed are invited to apply. Rev. L. T. Christmas will ad minister the ordinance of baptism this af ternoon at 2 o'clock, at Queen street dock; also, will preach a ser mon for young Christians, at the Central Baptist church, (colored), at 8 o'clock to-night. - The Mayor had Dave Moore, driver pf the "Atlantic" hose cart, , and Steve Jones, driver of the ' Adrian" hose, arrested 'and brought before hlmf for racing tin Market jstreet last -Friday '-'while returning ,irom tne alarm. 01 lire that -morning. I acting under instructions and were notto blame. an;d they were there- lure uiHcuargea. , :-; .. . mayor's. Co art Solomon : Lucas, colored, charged with permitting his flocktof goats to" roam th RrAAtii waa tint. T-crnt. when his 4case was called, yesterday morning. A fineiOf .three dollars Was entered. against him and a capias issued for his arrest. v Solomon Bernard, colored, was fined eight dollars for allowing 'his eight hogs to run at large in (the streets ofthe city. Wm. Price,- colored, arrested as ; a suspicious character, was discharged. GusHeyer, colored, was fined ten dollars for disorderly conduct. Rena Pearsall, colored, for disorder ly conduct, was ordered to pay a fine of twenty dollars or be put at work on the streets for thirty days. A Novel Entertainment. The Sunday School " Social Society of Grace M. R , Church, ; wilL, give :a "Rainbow and Bo-Peep" party Tues day juight at the residence of Mrs. W. D. Mahn, on- Red - Cross between Fourth and Fifth streets. ; The enter tainment Is given for the benefit of the church. It will . no doubt be an enjoyable; affair. . The price of ad mission; is only ten cents. Vo reign Export. Messrs. Paterson, - Downing & Co. cleared.the, Norwegian -barque Spes yesterday, for Antwerp,- with cargo of 4,190 barrels of rosin. ; '1 " " .Messrs.-JaH.. Chadbourn ,Co. cleared the " schooner George W..:J7o Z, fot Cape Hayti, . with 127,000 feet; of lumber anid 300,000 shingles, valued at $205.'nW:) -tff ;Nr C.JSUNDA Y, SEPTEMBER 25. 1887. Xle Onalovr Railroad. eyUmi-iBto'-'O-slow & East Garolina z Railroad ' Comnanv " are ready to begin business, At" the next meeting of the Board of Aldermen-- on the first Monday in October tt is understood that they wiU ask that the subscription voted by the'JtfHy be issued In bonds, to be -placed in the hands of trustees, as stated in their proposition to the Board, and paid to the company in instalments as each mile of road is completed, as per agreement, at the rate of $2,500 a mile. Representatives'of the company say that as regards any threatened in junction against the issue of bonds by the city, it will be welcomed, for the reason that . the company want the validity of the bonds established by the courts so" that nobody can ever afterwards question them. The first eight miles of the road, if is said, will soon be put under con A. J iraci, wnn a Drancn road from a point near Wrightsville running to the Sound and across to the beach. Discharged. Edward Whiting, a book agent,who has been in jail since the July term of the Criminal Court on the charge of stealing a pocket-book containing up wards of two hundred dollars from a young man named Moore, a fellow- boarder at the house of Mr. Reuben Jones, on North Seventh street, was discharged yesterday. The case was called in Court, but it was found that all the State's witnesses had gone away and could not be found. Whit ing was tried at the July term of the Court, and the jury failed to agree standing nine for acquittal and three for conviction. The evidence against him was altogether circumstantial, and some of the testimony was decid edly flimsy. A Heroine in Rasa. A small crowd was at the Opera House last night to witness the above- named, piece. It was evident fronthe way it was played that the players could not play to empty benches. Tho piece abounds in thrilling sit uations, and, all in all, is a good one; but there was a lack of spirit and dash, which will always be noticed; and still, under the existing circum stances, it could not fail to be ex cused. The company are above the average, and deserved a better house than was accorded them last night. Pes foartL page l6r other local ne we. a-oa-An experienced dressmaker wanted. Andrea. P. R Mason. 3t Gibson's Station, N. C. WHO IS MRS. WUIHLOWf Aa thin nn nation Is frequently asked, we win simply aay that ahe is a lady who for upwards of thirty years has uutt rmaiy devoted her time and talents as a female nyeaoiaa ana nurse, vttnoioallr anxonx children. She baa especially studied the constitution and wants of thla aomeroos class, and, as a result of this effort, and nraotlcal knowledge, obtained in a lifetime spent aa a nurse and physician, ahe has compounded a Soothing Syrap for children teeth toe.. It operates like -inagio girlng rest and health, and la, motooTci. sure to regulate the bowels. In eemaacjaeiioeor this article Mrs. win low is becoming world-renowned aa a benefactor of ber race; children oertalnly do am xrr and bless her; especially k thla the case In this city. Vast qaantnieaoi the Soothing Sttdd are dirt sold and aed here. - We think Mrs. wlnslow has lmmortauaea ner name by thla invaluable artl ole, and we alnoerety beneye thousands of chil- dren bare been aaTeal from an early grare by its timely mac, and that millions 1 lint millions m n t ' unborn will r her blessed. share Its beneflta, and unite IncallliigherbleeBed. No Xothxb has discharged her duty to herjauffer- mg little one, In oar opinion, iintu she has glren It the besefltof Mrs. Wlnalow's Soothing Byrupa Try) it. n mouexa rarrr ow. ixuiUf Kiuor .New York CUT. 8 "v H dragglsta. 8 eta. a bottle NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ' -.'Itoitofi at AncUoi. fS WEDKEKDAT. 8ZFTEXBXB SSTH. AT 10 vr o-ctoea. in our saies noom on naraet itmer. we wtuseu we rrnreeu nana svrnitare, ooniiax .lag of Bed-Room Seta. Cbalrs, Tables, Carpets, vwm ana waoo naian, tteaaing, no. CUI4.IKK CO.. eSBU f .' . l Anottoneersv r ALUABLB TtXAL ESTATE. CORNER OF rrtwiaaa 1111 ronna atreeta, at AsoUoa. On Monday. Sept. tsto, 18S7.t 12 oVjlock M 4 at the Court House door, we will offer for sale that de sirable and reliable House and Lot oa the acath- eaateomer o raaoees street and Ssh feet on fourcn sweet. Ternaeaan. , o. vajranituian jswui. - Auctioneers and Beal Estate Brokers, sep 25 It Rains? . aii Boseep Party. TUESDAY NTGHT, 17TH INST., AT THE BBSI denoe;of Mrs. w. D.-Mahn, RedCrosa, be tween rourtn ana rirui streets; given by toe buuuax Hcuuoti BuciAi buuxsttx ot ana ror the benefit of Grace M. m. Church. Admission 10 cents. Come one and all and en Joy It. aepgast TT 8- TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OFFICE kj stsnae aosoitai Hemoe. wumington. s. ul, aepceanoer xa, itstsi. ted proDoaals will be received at thla Offloe until noon of October 6th, if8f, to furnish a Horse, wagon ana Harness ror tne use or us Martoe Hospital Service at Wilmington, N. C. Schedules and farther information may be ob tained upon ap plica ti on to the undersigned, the right Is reserved to waive Informalities, and to reject any or all proposals. 8. D. BROOKS, Passed Assistant Surgeon M. H. eU, sep 25 It . In Charge of Hospital. Executor's Notice. XXAVTWO QUALIFIED AS EXECUTOR UNDER the last will and testament of George F. Her- cedent are notified to make Immediate payment. and all neraona having claims against said estate will present them for payment oa or before the 94th day of September. 1883, or this notice will be plased In bar of their recovery. Dated 24 h Sept , 1887. - Signed D. O'CONNOR, sep25 6w au Executor. .WILMINGTON, N. a, Sept. 24th, 1887. 1 iaAMMMi etiev.aeaiia fVsin OFFICE OF THE TREASURES WILMINGTON nWELDON : . . RAILROAD COXFABT. npHREE AND A HALT FSB CENT. INTEREST JL on the Certificates of Indebtedness- of the Wilmington A Wsddoa BaOroad Co. has been de clared by Directors, payable on and after October 1st., 1887. The Transfer Books will stand closed from Sept tttt to the 80th taclustve.-? wv t- -- - y - JA8. F. POST, Jaw i-iA-Si-A'r ' 8ecreUryand Treasurer ..-1 V step St ; Wilmington Weldon JL B. Co. . SJaSSSaanjl NEW . ADVERTISEMENTS. I r err r -n. -x WOKTH OF - - ...... j . '.WBICHMTJSTBS SOLD OUT ' WITHIN THE NEXT CO DATS. bUR STOCK cimprle the Jatcat KoTlUea la the way of DRXSS POR HtS. EOTb' AHO CHIL- DRKX. t ; Our 1 tack of FUfiNrjuiNQ GOODS la odtn p!ete and we offer them at treat y rednced price : . A W. COLLARS AT ft 00 per dozen. X. & W. CUFFS ssg - PEARL 8BTBTB 8) etth. and other irooda la proportion Now la the opportunity to take adraoUr of thla ta!a.wbOe the stock la nrtmnlntM In .11 r. iwuiumuua. J MM RWWf must CO, UM WB DNd was tor tnaaaraetartaK pnrposea.- SUITS to order from 25 to 40 per cent, leas then can be dobjcdi t we waere. A, DAYID, Wholecale Clothier and Xerchant Tailor. sep25lm To the Public. THE XJS DSRSIGNXD, WHO HAS BEES ES rafed in the Clothlnr nH niw.'. ,. nlahlnc BntloeM In this oUy for nearly twenty yeara, lu within a few weeks remore to new. larre and oommodloas qaarters on North Treat street, ana be takes this opportunity of thank ing his many kind friends and patrons for the liberal patronage he has so long reoelyed at their panda, and to assure them that la the f utore he will use his best endearors to please taem and retitn their rained custom. Bespectfullr, I. SHRIKE. In a abort time I will or Knrth to Kn. on v. TIRKLY NEW AND XLsOANT LINE OF WOODS nTtt rALL. AND WIMTEBTRADr. I. SHKIEB, Tie Old Reliable Clothier, P tf 1! Market St. For Rent, THAT DESI8ABLB IBESIOBCE mil Hilt "I't on Xnlherry. between Front and 1 second streets, nme rooms, cistern, bath, g-as and modern baproyenaents. mp 25 It The Real B&tate Arent. For Bent, A NEW HOUSE, CORNER CHESS UT 1 and MeBae streets, containing 1t iaxKe rooms and KiLt h mnm era . sea. rep ci s Apply to H. HAAR. For Eent, FURCELL HOUSE. FIFTY-TWO ROOMS. III! flit Apply to sp 17 tf WM. E. SPRINGER St CO, For Eent. THAT COMMODIOUS RTOHB Kn. S and 8 South Water street, now oocu- tut III! piea Dy J. r. noKaenem, not -yet treated. Rent -year comroenoes October 1 1st. Call eanV and umim ik. Mt. It A good stand to be rented cneao. Apply to ... D. L. UOKE, acp 18 tf 130 North WaterBt. For Eent. BOUSE No. 419 SOUTH SECOND street, now occupied by Mr. 9. JacobI; contains ctffht rooms, water. oj tw1 bath. House No. 407 South Second street. Home west aide of Fourth street. In good order. with water, gas and bath Houm No. 1 IS South Fifth street House couth side of Dock, between t?eventh and Eighth atreeu. Fine new Home touth aide of Chesnut, between 8lxth and Seventh streets, water gas and bafi. House boutbeast corner Second and Ann Eta. House oorner of Market and Eighth streets. House southwest corner Chesnut and Fourth streets. House No. 310 North Sixth street ; nine rooms. ALSO Stores. Offices and soTeral fine Mrfaarres. Apply to D. O'CONNOR, sep 25 tf Beal Estate Agent Undisputed Leaders IN Merchant Tailoring AND BEHfS' FDBSISHIHO BOODS, t BICE & DIE ABE 8, 13 Pfo.-FH.ONT. sep 25 It CoUod and Naval' Stores JJANDLBD CLOSELY AT FULL VALUES. Conalgnmeats and correspondence solicited. WOODY CUBBIE, . Oommlndoa MemhanU, sep25tf WQmmgton. N. C The Cheapest palNTS.OILS, 8A8H, DOORS, BLINDS, CUT- lery, Glaa. Tinware and Hardware of every description at BEO. A. FBCB.'S, acp 23 tf 28 Sooth Front SC 8100 to be Given Away JNR. L. HUTCajNS' MAGIC POLISH. BEING or bottles Tuesdays and Fridays to my new ..... . . U 4 . W-4h Omrn-m A fi .1 Painter and dealer In Imported and Domestlo Faints, Artist Ma Contracts taken. Paints, Artist Material, Glass, Brashes, Oila, etc sep S3 tf Dunlap Stiff Hats, Umbrellas. HARRISON M ALLEN, EattenC aepSStf Look for the Horse - TF YOU WANT TO FIND THE CHEAPEST JL . Dlaee in the cttv to buy Harness and Seddlarv Goods, Trunks and Ssvtohels; It you want your- Kepauiag aone as u a noma De bring it to t . . Hone Mflllners. No. IS So. Front St sp25tf . : (Review oopy).,' EiSii I WHOLE NO.5 655 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Largest EetaU Stock OF CLOqE?ECElsrC3- EVER EXBIBTTED IS NORTH CAROIIHA GOODS NEW AND FRESH. All tie Latest Desips ani KorelHex. PRIHCE ALBERTS AND FOUR-BUTTON CUT AWAYS FOB YOUNG GENTS, from 15 years of sge up. SUITS to IS years of sge, constating of COAT, ENES-P&NT8 AND VEST. All the Noreltles In English Fancy Cheviots ta Sack and Frock 8uUs for Men. Youths and Boys. FULL DRESS SUITS IN THE NEWEST AND LATEST DESIGNS. Call and see them. Brery article purchased from this establish ment perfect satisfaction cuarantesd or money cheerfully refunded. S. H. FI8HBLATE. MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT, In full blast. Orer 1.000 styles of goods to choose. from at prices that will please you. sep 25 DAW tf Shorthand Writing. JfULL COURSE OF INSTRUCTION IN TEN weeks at ONE-HALF the uanal cost, and la ONE FIFTH the time usually required by the corres pondence sjitem. Complete mastery of tha Art. and ability tn write any word tn English guaranteed. Hoars of Instruction (during evenings from 8 to 10 P. MJ suited to the convenience of young men in busmeaa. Circulars oon taints p full information m Rmk and Drug Stores. For eonolaraaips apply from B to 7 P. M. to JOHN W. BARNES, Teacher, At office of Geo. A. Pack. Esq., W 8. Front 8L sep 18 8 w nao School for Young Ladies, BUSS HART, Principal, Assisted by XISS M. B. BROWN. VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC TAUGHT By XRS. A. M. WADDELL. The next session will begin THURSDAY, the 6th of October. Course of study thorough. la atmotion la the French laagusge. Class slagtar. Causthenlos, and Needlework free of extra charge. Special attention glvea to the cultlva tlon of the voice. Panus received for the entire aesaioo only. No dedoctlom made except In cases of protracted For terms and parUcmlara. applyto the PRINCIPAL, ep4tf naosa . 5 North Third street. Gape Fear Academy REOPENS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER fffTH. Stadents carefully grounded and prepared for Business or College. Leading Male School iatheolty. Please eater sons at begtoaur of session. Bee Catalogues with testimonials, terms, Ac, at Book Stores. WASHINGTON CATLETT, Prtneipal. P. B. MANNfNQ. Assistant. sep 11 2w ICE. ICE. ICE. TN VIEW OF THE FACT THAT WE INTEND enlarging oar plant, and shall soon have the capacity to furnish FIFTY TONS OF ICE DAILY, we have decided to reduce the pi ice to the figures we originally intended selling at. Oa and after to day we wm farniah ice, deliv ered twioe a day, at following rates: IO to SO pounds, each delivery, J eent per pound. IOO pounds, each delivery, 40 cents per 10 pounds. Large quantities at lower rates. 1 We trust that the above prices win be satlafeo. tory to the ooumnnlty. Wm. E. Worth & Co. septtf th sa Persons Biiilding', : TYTTIXPIXASERXlfEarBXR THAT WE ARB 1? tmtttng trp Lights lag Bods la eonneoUon With Koofiryr. Drive WeUs. Ac Doat give jour orders to Lightning Bod Agents when - yon can ret mw wur uun . tower ngurea , nere- at bom. Call oa as for Builders Hardware of e. w deeeriptloa. - - -, c w. 1 .. amittau. ruiiKSa A oov v -- - Dealers la Hardware, Tim ware, Y " a S5 U : . . ..-, .nTlmlngtoa, M. C. " " . .' - ' -'.-. - ' TVODstb . Z - V: iar... .... ...T.-.T.. -Xr-; &2X22Zr - fw v -' cii'rZr .......... ; r : fe:::::rn:::: : ' aoiUBi.,K ..... .... . joir...........M.i..;. . : uo&traot Avertlsecarata takes at '-. r- "ontely low rates. ! - . . Tea Zincs aolld Nonpareil type make bne fc;? " NEW ADVERTISEMENTa r IIEV COODG t BROWN & RODDICK. North Front 8t - ' Branch Store, 27 Hay St, P&yettcTilie Great Sale of Blankets ON Monday, Sept. . 26tif.' HAYTN3 HECTJVID om m T. AS JO ST- MENTOF ' BLANK BT0k Purchased on rery adraaUgeous terms naHnrl tha early Summer mouth, wa bar determined, to offer the tame adraatages to our patioosi V .. Our Prices Are Martei Lnj Dowl'- Our Assortment Is the Larsest, and embraces many novelties In Colors, such. as. hhk, BLUE. CREAM, SCARLET W1U. BREI AMD WHITE.' THE PRICES RANGE FROM tl.lSK..TO $12.00 A PAIR, ' '1 'r ' . -- ONE LOT OF WHITE BLANKETS," SLIGHTLY SOILED, wflt be sold 25 per ent.lei"-' then actual cost of Maaufacturlng. V" CALL EARLY. BROWN & RODDICK, NORTH FRONT STREET, sep 85 tf Pocklington, Delaware." ROGEBS, CATAWBA GRAPES. ' ' SICKLE AND DEARTOLIH PEAES. JUST EECETJIrD . , . . E. Warren & Son,V. EXCHANGE CORNER. sep 21 tf FALL STYLE8.. : . . TyE SHOW NOW MANY NSW AND PRETTY styles of Ladles', Genu'. Misses' aadCha4ren shoes. ; ,. BEST DBESSING FOR LADIES' SHOES W tb State. Will act crack or injure leather. .''' Geo. E. French & Sons; 108 NORTH FRONT 8TPZXT. cepSStf Direct Importation. NOTHER INVOICBOF EAETHENWAEE,'C. C. and White Granite, ex British barcus Georre Da via. from Liverpool, fust received : and for aie by GILES XURCRTSOH, gseptttf Importers. : Grape Phosphates. V DELIGHTFTL COMBINATION OF-' PURE Grape J aloe wfta Tonic Faoaxtbaies. an-elegant - aad refreshing drink, for 5 cents only, at -" ' j. B. HARDIN'S rharmacy,- aop 25 tf .... kaw MavBet. Fine Stationery Papers for polite Pads aad Tablet. Blalra Kmtnn KfcafJmpv always on hand. School soou ud RrKni euppites at lowest prtoea. P tf O. W. YATES . Five for Ten.1; QNE PACKAGE OF THE BENGAL MANILLA CHEROOT, oontalnlcgtflve rplendid Smckes, for' 10 cents, free from Savor. " " ' aepSStf News and Cigar Dealer. Wm. E. Springer & Co. TXPORTZRS AND JOBBERS 07 HARDWARE and CROCKERY, can offer special ladceenetis to Wholes ale bayera. ti, b Market Street. - - " Wilmington, N. C sepI25 tf How is Yonr Time rJX) GIT YOUR BUGGY OR CARRIAGE R3- paired and Painted. I can make ft look aa roi as new, or oaa 1 trade orseil roa a new one. Try me. La the old JaU bsrUdtsg, eoraer of Prtneesi and Second streets. Tours truly, sesTW - ' " R. P. McDOUGALU Bfew TJilliTiery Gcods. HOTHER- CAKE OF XXLX15XRY GOCrs last opened at NO. 10 NORTTI FRONT 8TRZ3T, iSnNEtS.01 flT't ta rknfiM- Arrtw-y ..f iif , ROYAL IRISH LINEN' PAPER AND KNVr lopes. Latest styles fat. ruled and cnrnled cxrrespoadeooe. Conrenient tM. AVKR aOM, uot s jf s. 1

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