"rhe "Morning Star; JgasBW",BSBW"11" ' ' -' "Vs? ''fattt nn,vBD DAILYSXCBPT MONDAYS. aimiuiKirTiuni ot w a vs oce Year (by Hai. Postage Paid..... .V... 6 00 3 00 -I 5 rnro?," .. ....... 0 )ne MOU-". SnhsnPlhrfl. delivered in i parr ritv Ww.v Cbsts par week. j th awnotaathorlsed to collect months In advance. anv uT'XZ Wklvs Cbjjts par week, c ftnr UEV for more tJtS" miMinai lWr3d at i"" SA(Mnd aass Matter. . . n a " t -reduction nr price.. ttcntion is invited to the follow n(r reduced rates of subscription O ltiY ST A It By mailt ..... Year.... .$6.00 ;v Months ............ 3,00 Three Months . . J.50 One Month. - 50 To city subscribers ' Three Months v.$l.55 One Month ...... 52 One Week . . '. X2 W KEKXY STAR, BfJHTjaBj Oae Year . .V.il.OO Hit Months. . v -V. . . ... "",60 Three Bioutue .. . . . . . oov, The reduction in price win, we are confident, add materially to our al ready l:ire circulation, thus making muer more valuable than ever to jdv-.Ttiser?. . ' : '. Our telegraphic newav service has recently been largely increased; and it is our determination to keep the Star up to the highest standard of newspaper excellence. - OUTLINES There was a frost in Virginia Sat urday night, and there are fears of great loss in the tobacco crop. . - The Chattanooga Tradesman fur nishes a review of the Southern in- -dustrial situation for the past three months, which shows that remarka ble progress is being made; some of the facts presented are truly wonder ful. Three deaths are reported from the cholera-stricken ship at New York quarantine, and twenty three passengers are now very ill. Isaac Brown killed his wife at Federal Point, Fla., Sunday morning while she was-getting breakfast; he is supposed - to be -insane. J. Ballarshall, a drummer from Rich mond, Va., .was killed at Bennetts ville, S. C, on Sunday, by a fall from a horse. Reports of an Indian outbreak in Arizona are without foundation. -The tobacco crop .in southern Indiana, Illinois and Kansas is reported as badly injured. Cardinal Gibbons started-yesterday for Portland, Oregon, where he will confer the pallium on Area bishop Gross, of that see. The demurrer of the Bell Telephones Com pany against the Government suit was sustained in the United States . Court at Boston, yesterday, and the ' ease dismissed. There , was an improvement in the Chicago wheat and corn market, and provisions Were . active but unsettled. . Several attempts have been made recently to wreck passenger trains in Vermont and Indiana. The President has officially announced tt& reciprocal treaty between Spain and the United States. Jake Sharp is to be sent to SiDg Sing at once. The govern ment yesterday purchased bonds to. the amount of $1,253,250. Presi dent Cleveland has accepted an invi tation to visit Chattanooga. "A negro insurrection has broken out in Matagorda county, Texas, and the excitement among the whites is very great. More earthquake siaocks reported' from the -West Indies. Y. markets: Money easy at 43 per cent., closing offered at 4 per cent.; cotton easy at 9f&fc; southern flour firm; wheat options opened strong and soon advanced Hlic, closing ac 0ff from the highest rates; No. 2 red September 8H81ie; corn-options c higher and mOre active, closing steady; No. 2 red Octo ber 5O50c; spirits turpentine dull at 32.c; rosin dull at $1 051 13. Henry M. Stanley was heard from M late as 23d June. As a rule the people who save are tbe people who thrive. Senator Voorhees says there is no div !8ion in the Indjan a. Democracy. Good. Samuel J. Randall is the ablest as lant Republican now in the Con gress. - - ; Ten ministers in the Virginia Con-. , , ence have died this year. The j Jaet was Rev. E. N. S. Blogg. .-. J The Louisville Courier-Journal - ' ,ay8 that in tkfl t t TOn Preston the last of the Cavaliers departed. . , A drt"ikenToQl at Vicksburg dei " ced e monument thaV marks tbe . 1 6 of the interview between ,Pem . be'ton and Grant. . . ' 'fof.E. M Poteat ritol 'to the - 3fl w er mat .nere are nut . . g. BaPtiat Churches -in the entire but' 6 Of U&rv)nA It will b war ta the knif a between the Irish. National League r and the .Tory -Government.'-,: Mr. : Thomas Power O'Connor! M. P., cables to the New York Star on the 24th instant, from London! as follows: ' v - ' -'v ' - r ; -v '.'Yet ' Irishmen ate expected to submit quietly; and suffer if not in silence, at leaat .without violent resistance; For my part. I bone tnev mV Tint rUnannnlnt lh mentt. tionvv extravagant as it js, because-though difficult it-will prove the surest road to final victory. - But in the mean time the nnfor tunate peasants are exposed to the tjrindin tyrannyr-of the landlords in a thousand Ways impossible to be conceived by those at a distance from the scene. They have to Submit to cowardtv A.hr! innrerlihlA nrntn. CatiOna. The eTinttncr infnmrtnn nnlinA. rt- Cime can hardly be expected to take the iuug-Bigufcea view 01 pouucai pnnosopners . Undoubtedly if the landlords, under cover, Of the nr&fitic&l iist.hir ntatA nf uinirn should attempt to wjihg ' impossible rents from thft Twmle next winter will Ka mnrk in cDBsuiBuy trying loiprovoxe outrage, ia order to set the Eaglish democracy against tiro iusu people,. - -. i . r Col. C. H. Olmstead of Savannah, made a speech at the reunion of Haw- ley's regiment at Lake ville, Cbnri., on the 22d. He said among other things: "The brave deeds - of Northern and Southern soldiers alike will be cherished in the memories of. the entire people assure evidence that the American is no degenerate scion of a noble stock, but the equal of any man upon eartn. A generation or young men has grown up in the South since the last sound of cannon at Annomattox They have learned that the destinies of every part of this mighty Union are inseparable. Fathers and sons alike have accepted the result of the struggle in loyalty and good lauu. True enough, but the young men of the South have too much venera tion and respect for the memories and deeds of their fathers, as well as too much character and love of the South, to play the ignoble part of traducers and sycophants. Ninety nine of every one hundred young North Carolinians have great reve rence for ex-President Davis. Tbe Republicans in Baltimore have the "cheek" of a thousand army mules. They - are "reforming now" and yet their rule in the past when they got hold of Baltimore was corrupt in the extreme. The Wash- ington'Posf says: ' The Republican Reformers of Balti more are reminded by a Democrat with a lone memory, that in 1865 they permitted only 9,089 persons to register in the-whole of Baltimore city: They bad to be defeat ed in order to give that city a represents-" tive government. Keep the rascals out. The sentencing of William O'Brien to six months imprisonment for free speech is a blistering reproach to English justice and ideas of liberty. Any Englishman or Scotsman could utter every day in the year the lan guage used by Mr. O'Brien and it would pass as all right and without challenge. . v There is a difference in the make up, so to speak, of an ass and an eagle. - Our friend . Lafferty thus states it with his striking directness and terseness: "The foal of an ass is brisk and nimble at the sge of a week as ever. The eagle's brood at birth and for days are without grace, pinion, or promise of empyrean fli3ht." Swinburne is both graphic and amusing when be thus pays his com pliments to Walt Whitman's poetic gifts: "Under the dirty, clumsy paws of a harper, whose plectrum is a muckcake, any tune will become a chaos of discords." ' The Holly Springs Daily Sun, is a warm temperance paper. Its editor. II. W. Reynolds, was beaten up bad ly- by two roughs. The day before ho was knocked down by another fel low.. He is having a sharp experi ence. .". 4 --''"v-'rV. V' . . ' The Salvation Army is growing raoidlv in England." It is said Gen. Booth and wife' control $2,000,000 worth of property, 1 The. recruits are largely from the working classes. A worm will take a week to crawl from the top of one hill to the top of another hill standing opposite. A bird will make the passage in a few seconds of time. " ' "- -' - - jt exas sent a aeieganou iu ?i mu- ington to" ask the- President to ap Wmt Chief Justice r Willie,'-of their State,'to the vacancy on the Supreme Court Bench of .the, united States. f - Durbam Hecorderri . . Brother 'Merritt, of the Pittsboro Homf, does Dur ham an in justice' when: he states that- the indebtedness of the town is. 300,000vlt is only (150,000, and this .is payable forty years hence. ' By that time Durham will have population of 100,W,--Presl dent Crowell, of. Trinity College, passed tqrough Durham bn nopn train to-day and informed Mr. Julian S. Carr, that there ate tt present : ISO students enrolled at Trinity, fjC't eviryttir jwr3n:ovic"2off 'well,.----- -4 SQTABliE ZBIBUTB. .uoiasooro. Argus. - Our., esteemed contemporary the Wil mington Stab has completed " i ts. twentieth year. It recounts wittrjnst pride theT;inany2.admirable qualities that' are characteristic of the Stab, or were first introduced by it. -Having begun its- existence -at a .time when the awful'form of war still left its shadow upon the land; 'when bit ter passions engendered by the war , still. raged in every breast; when the whole; fabrioof : society -had been 8hakento its Sasej when, in' the po litical world all . was ' without form and void,", the Stab shed its brilliant light to guide, v ua- through , the dark, fearful , -night ' ,of our social and politicaL chaos. , , When there - was : no . guide, . but ;wis dotnand "patriotism, f 6r experience' offerVd'no parallel to Cour" 3onaition at that time, the Stab' catching- its light , from thai source of all light, shone with steady ray and ever in creasing brilliancy on the path that led to the morning. And "since the morning has dawned so auspiciously upon our grand old . State, it has been flooding the whole land with the light oof the sun. The Stasis indeed a newspaper, of which we as North Carolinians "are justly proud; one from whose bright pages we are wont to catch inspiration, from whose deep learning we are ever drinking with ' delight, from whose columns we clip with profit," from whose de votion to principle we gain strength, and whose example we would stladlv follow. Success to it always. Monroe JSnquirer and Express: A nvict at work on the G. G-A N. rail road, escaped from the gfeard-tm Monday. This is the fittt escape mce x6 of them was killed Eereral weeks ago. V? THE CITY. NB iW ADVERTlSEMEHTS Mujsson Gents' furnishings. L Shbieb Important announcement. S. VanAmrii!oe& Co. Real estate sale. E. Warren & Son Grapes and pears. Roseumakn & .Stzrhberger Pants, shiits and overalls. mayor's Co art. Cornelia Johnson, charged wi th be ing drank and using profane lan guage on the streets, was the first called yesterday morning in the City Court. She denied the drunk, but confessed to the. profanity and was required to pay a fine of $20 or work on the streets for 80 days. Millis Morris, colored, was charged with keeping an unlicensed dog, but as there was no witness against her and as she showed that she did not own a dog, she was discharged, and judgment nisi was entered against the prosecuting 'witness. David Moore and Stephen Jones, both colored, jointly charged with fast driving. On account of the ab sence of the prosecuting witness the case was continued. " . Thomas McCare, a tramp, was fur nished with an'' escort outside the city limits, with a caution not to re turn. , ' - ' ' V Alex. Moore, colored, charged with keeping an unlicensed dog. He had a badge for his dog, but took it off while hunting.. -v ' ' . " . James Patterson, colored, was charged with fighting in the -Porcell House alley, but as his opponent was not arrested, his case was continued. Thomas Amos, who hailed from Florence, S. C., and said that he was a machinist who had been promised work in this city, applied for lodgings at police headquarters. He was no tified to get to work at once or he would be escorted out of town by an officer. Personal Judge Phillips arrived last night and will open Court this morning. - Capt. J. B. Moore, of the revenue steamer Cbfaa;, -left last night on a thirty days' leave of absence. I Th os, D. Walker, First Lieut. U. S. iL MM assigned to duty on the steam er Colfax, arrived here yesterday. - ' Sheriff Manning returned home yes terday from a visit to Heidelburg, Pa. Col. W. P. Canaday is in the city. Master JohTuiie GOre has returned from his Visit to Brunswick, an expert in handling un ginned cotton. . Master Joseph-D. Hanby, son of Mr. Joseph H. Hanby will leave for the University of Virginia this morn ing where he goes tq obtain a medical education.' . - , Mr. A, H. Kelly, now. stationed at West " Point, .Va., .will . remove to Washington, D. C, about October 10. Mr. Kelly holds a responsibly posi tion with" the Piedmont' and Air Line Railroad Company. -' - Cape Pear Jc Vadkln Valley BaUrosd There vrilLbe a meeting of the citi-. zens of Wilmington at the 'rooms of the Produce Exchange on Thursday,' the 29th ihstat ;i2t dnslcKsk-Tnooh; to consider the extension, oi. mo uape OFear fe Yadkin Valley Railroad from Fayetteville to this city. It is hoped that: there will be a full attendancei vAi; statedv in the -Stab recently, the directors of the railroad comVayvriirmeet on the-9th proxy to decide upon a deeTwater terminusl The time for actiorxis short. ' If any-, thing is to be done our people should move in the matter at once. . - Xjoeal Dots. f - " ; There; was a big 'white frost in this section Sunday morning. " i"t-Since,Satttrdajrwe .nave added ' thirty-three hew subscribers to the Star books. c : " ; -. First of October is near at hand." -If you still have a house for rent, - ad vertise It In the Star. J ; - : r t The good cook tnight be a joy forever; but the trouble Is, "you can't prevailxin her to' stay moreen a week. - Rev Dn Pritchard will preach to-night at fit o'clock . at the . Baptist Chapel, corner of Fifth and " Wooster streets. ' - " . Is not a; cotton eed oil mill tfmong'the paying. possibilities of Wilmington ? -. .This 1 suggestion iA patented.' - ' Clam .-chowder will do in a pinch ; but, bless your soul, honey, it can't' hold a light to an old-fashioned Brunswick stew. Mr. D. D. Batber has bought the old Bradley place, on North Seventh street, and is having the house painted and repaired. The British steamer Thorny draft, which arrived Sunday, is load ing cotton at the wharves of the Wil mington Compress Company. . We hear there' will be consider- ' able shipments of toothsome terra pins from our Sounds to the Northern cities as soon as the weather is suit able. Receipts of cotton yesterday 2,743 bales. Total receipts . for the crop year 29,343 bales; at same time last year 6,291 bales. Increase 23,052 bales. The lighter from Charleston, S. C, which was towed here with a load of phosphate rock and detained by the Collector of the port, has been re leased under bond. The Board of Directors of the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad have declared three and a half per cent, interest on the certificates of indebt edness, payable on and after October 1st. One hundred and fifty thousand dollars is a mere bauble compared with the benefits that would accrue to Wilmington from the extension of the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railroad to our wharves. : Theoase against. Jaya Moore and Steve Jones (colored) drivers of hose reels, arrested for fast driving, was not settled Saturday. On account of the absence of witnesses the case was continued. The Norwegian barque Moland Was cleared yesterday for Fleetwood Eng., with cargo of 1,000 casks spirits turpentine and 2,442 barrels of rosin, shipped by Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Son and valued at $18,275.. Tne Ashevilld Citizen never lets an opportunity pass for patting in a good word for Wilmington. It is thoroughly North Carolinian and takes a deep interest in everything calculated to benefit this port. An alarm of fire was given last night about 7.30 o'clock by a colored man on Walnut street, and some one rang the bell of St. Mark's Church, in the neighborhood, at the same time, but no one was able to find the fire. Immediately after the drill to night there will be a meeting of the Wilmington Light Infantry to take into consideration the report of the committee " on new uniforms. All members are requested to be present. An exchange . suggests that "Pigs must be cared for in bad weather, or you can't expect much of them." We notice that Mayor Fowler expects about one dollar apiece of them when caught running at large, without regard to weather. . The maximum temperature Sun day morning was 46 degrees. - Tester, day morning the mercury was one de: gree higher. Weldon was down to 3d degrees; ' Wadesboro, Luxnberton, New Bern and Charlotte reported 48,' Cheraw 40, and Goldsbbro 50 degrees. Concerning- Cnolera Here Is some, horse sense from the Philadelphia Recordi V4The presence in New York Bay of & steamship- - from Marseilles and Naples with Asiatic cholera on board may not, In view of the precautionary measures taken by the quarantine officials: prove to be downright dan -gerons: but it ought to stir - up the authorities at every port on the At-, lantic seaboard 'to increased vigi lanee." - ;VA - ' - Eternal vigilance on the - part of the quarantine; offlcial8,andJncreased energy on the part of the city au thorittesA'That'ajthg ticket," , . A New PnMUhioi Bone. -A company has been formed for the i purpose of establishing a 'Lutheran ; publishing house in this city. A print ing dutfit has-been purchased, and It" ! iis 5 contemplated ' soon to; begin the 'publication of a weeklyteligious par per, pf wbich'Re'vMr. Peschau will i be the editor.- Mr. H. E. He venorjf re cently of the staff of :the ? Messenger, will manage" the business , V" It is in tended also to establish ae book-store ; in ' connection: with thej publishing house."' .: .. - " ' 'v i" ' - CrlnunaJ CoartV The'Crimihal Court f o this county having finished the business before itv adjourned yesterday afternoon, for the tenhv-"". '.') The term, was probablyjthe shortest and the amount of business the largest ever transacted by this Court. ; 'Alto gether, there were thirty-four con victions. Seven of "the "convicted were sentenced to the Btate Peniten tiary and eight to the county . House of Correction. Only one of the fif teen prisoners is white. - The sentences are as follows: - ' J ; - . "-TO PKSITEjmART, Robt. -Stephenson; larceny. Four years; .' .-.Wesley ' Lubeok : larceny. Two years. - t David Mallett; laroeny. Two years.' "Frank Sadgwar, alias Sidbury; lar ceny. Two'years. Josephine McElroy; larceny. Five years. v - Robert McElroy; accessory to his wife's felony. Five years. Samuel Gregg; perjury. Two years. TO HOUSE OF CORRECTION. Henry Parker; assault and battery. Three months. Wm. Ha we s; affray. Six months. David Jones; assault and battery. Twelve months. Martha Sidbury; assault and bat tery. Sixty days. Obadiah Jenkins; public nuisance. Twelve months. Peter Walker; assault and battery. Twelve months. Charlotte Haggett; assault and bat- ' tery. Four months. Scipio Kyle; assault and battery. Thirty days. Navigation on tne Yea kin. Capt W. H. Bixby, U.S. Engineer in charge of river and harbor Im provements in this State and South Carolina, returned to his office in this city last Saturday from a visit to New river (the upper Kanawha) in West Virginia. The object of his visit was to make examination of the method of running pole-boats and steamboats on mountain streams, where the fall is two to four feet in shoots of about two hundred and fifty feet, to see what modifications should be made on the Yadkin in order to open that river to similar navigation, above Salisbury. He ascertained that the work could be accomplished with less difficulty on the Yadkin than was encountered on New river. UeutSrlor of the U. 8, Engineer Corps, Capt. Bixby's assistanty spent four weeks on the Yadkin, and has also returned. He was engaged su perintending the work of opening a channel-way for light draught boats on that river, through Peebles and Hartley's mill dams, so as to make navigation practicable from the railroad bridge near Salisbury, to a point about thirty miles above that place. From thence the channel will bejopenedto Beattie's Ferry, ten miles further, thus giving steamboat navi gation, from ithe railroad bridge across the Yadkin about six miles from Salisbury, some forty miles. Parties already contemplate building a steamboat to navigate these waters. Items irons Slaxton. A correspondent at Maxton, N. C, gives the following items of news : Mr. Jas. B. Marshal, traveling sales man for L. C. Younger, of Richmond, Va., was thrown from ahorse near Bennettsville, S. C, yesterday (Sun day) about 4 p. m. and instantly killed. His remains were carried to Richmond this a. m. for interment. Essex . Adams, a negro, shot and killed another negro on Saturday night at Laurinburg. The. murderer made his escape. Cool weather and slight frosts, but not enough to kill vegetation. The cotton fields are white and the harvesting is proceeding at rapid pace. A Bis; Fleet. There are twenty British steam ships now in the port of Savannah ( with capacity for 100,000 bales of cot ton. Well, we do not envy our sister oity her. growth and prosperity, but we beg leave to announce that Wil mington is in the procession; and we think that our percentage of increase in cotton receipts and shipments for eign is much greater than that of Sa vannah. Yet, we must confess, it looks mighty healthy to have twenty of the "ocean tramps" in port at one time. - B1VERANO niBINB. Br. steamship Benacre 1030 tons, Capt. Ogg, cleared at New York Sa turday for this port, v . , . Steamer Murchison cleared for Fayetteville yesterday afternoon with a good freight. WHO IS XUS.' WETSLOW this qneetlon Is frequently auked, we win simply say that ahels a lady who for upwards of thirty years has antt rbwly devoted her time and talents as a female PhTmclan and none, principally anion children. She has especially studied the oostimtton and wants of this numerous class, and, as a result of this effort, and praoUoel knowled obtained la a lif etime spent es a nurse and physiotaa, she has compounded a Sooth ta Byrnp for children teeth ing;. It- operates like sio-lvin rest and health, and Is, moreover, sure to rerulatej the bowels. In oonsequeaoeof this article Mrs. Vfms low Is beoomlM world-renowned ss a benefactor of her nSeTohMren certainly do bm ot and bless her, especially Is this tbe ease In this-elty. Vast quantities of the Boothlnr 8yrnp are BJu-vr sold and need here. We think lira. Wmslow has immortalized her name by this invaluable artt cle. and we smoerely believe thousands of chil dren have been saved from an early grave by Its timely ua, and that millions ret unborn wlU share Its benefits, and imlte taosllms be blessed. No Motsm has diaobanred bet duty to hernfler las little one. In our opinion. tintU she has riven ittbe benefit of Mrs. Svtaiuow's fcootfi'mr BrraxA Try it, mothers tbttt naw.Laawt' uuw.Ses York CUT. i di-Brctr-. . cts. a tottie WHOlvE; ISO. 6555 Wr DewinMat, O. S.SlnaJ Semev,' "-. : z' C Arsny.v:;. : Division of Telegrams and Reports for the y, Benefit of Commerce and AcricuJure. ' - coxTo?r-nKfcT, nctiirriw. -The following table ahows the average maximum and minim am temperature, and average amount pi rainfall, at the dis tricts named. Each district includes from ten to twenty stations of observation, and the figures given below are the mean voUum of all reports sent to each centre of district. Observations taken daily at OP. 1L. 75th meridian time.' ' ' . September 26. 1887-BP.M. 3 3, CD VXBAOK Max. I Kin.' 1 Rain Districts. lTemp.Temp.l FalL Atlanta. Augusta, Charleston. . . . Galveston Little Rock.... afampMarrv. Mobile........ Montgomery . . New Orleans . . Savannah ... .- Vicksburg Wilniington... 13 12 8 21 14 -18 9 7 12 13 5 8 74 72 73 83 74 53 60 44 68 54 53 54 64 53 60 48 .T .0 .0 1.13 ..,27 .02" .rr .0 .50 0. .262 .0 83 v 80 83 78 83 70 T indicttes trace of rainfall. earner LneUeatiens. The following are the indications for to-day, received at 1 a. m.: For Virginia and North Carolina, warmer, rain,, fresh to brisk .south easterly winds, followed during Wed nesday, by- cooler clearing'weather and northwesterly winds. For South Carolina, Georgia and Eastern Florida, warmer, rain, fresh to brisk southwesterly, winds, follow ed on Wednesday by cool, clearing weather and northerly winds. Over 1,000.000 bottles of Dr. Bull's Con eh Syrup are sold every season, and thousands of persons saved from an un timely grave. The price is 25 cents. Mr. Thos. McDonald, of Balto., Md.. recommends Salvation Oil "with all his heart' for rheumatism. f NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Firnitire at AicOoi. ON WZDrTKSDAT. 8ZPTXXEKB SSTH. AT 10 o'clock, la our Sales Boom on Market street, we will sell the Puroell House rurnlfcore, consist in of Bed-Room Sets. Chairs, Tables, Carpets, Din In and OSoe Furniture, Bedding, to. COLLI Sn A CO., sep 85 St Auctioneers. Real Estate at Auction. pHI3 DAY, AT IS M.. AT TUB COURT HOUSE, we will offer for sale thai desirable and valuable House and Lot on the southeast corner of Fourth and Princess streets. a Vasamrinox a oo . sep 27 It Auctioneers and Beel Ketate Brokers. RaMaw ui Boot Party. ; ' 1 1U IESDAY KWHT, WTH IRST AT THIS BESI J. dene :of Mrs. W. D. Mahn, SedCrose. be tween Fourth and Fifth streets; riven by the SUNDAY SCHOOL SOCIAL SDCLaTY Of and for the benefit of Qrsee M. K Church Admlaelon IS casts. Come one and sU and en Joy It. sep S Eosenmann & Sternberger, lyjANC r 4CTURS as asd jobbkbs - IH PANTS. SHIRTS AND OV SB. ALLS. We Offer tneee goods at an extremely low prloe to the trade We have a fine line of Cloths, which we wUl make up low. Fit and Workmanship guar anteed, sep 87 tf FRESH INVOICE OF GENTS' UNDERWEAR COLLARS AND CUFF OF THK CXLXBRATXD 8. A K. BRAS D. Eandso me Suitligt to Meaiure. At MUKSOS'S, ' sep 87 It Msrehant Tailor, Ac Important Armouncement. T 8HBJKR WILL, OS THE 1ST OF OCTOBER. remove (temporarily, no til his Store la Puroell balldlnc is finished), to the store one door next to XoInUres, on Front street, with an entire new stock of Custom Mads Clothing for Men, Youths, Boys and CbOaren, of the latest styles. L Sorter guarantees to sell this Fall and Winter his Cloth ing folly from 23 to SI per cent, below others. Dont bay one dollar's worth of Clothing before yon eonvtaoe yourself, of the fact that yoa wQl get better goods for less money at the Old Re liable's, now and always. See bis School Salts at prices from tXN. IS. Si. IS and $4. worth from 3 to $1 more on a Suit. Separate Knee Pants for Boys from 4 to 14 years old at Mo, no and f L ep 27 It - ' - Ppcklington, Delaware. ROGERS. CATAWBA GRAPES. SICKLE AND JEARTQLir PEARS, JUST RXCXXVXD. E." Warren & Son, XXCHABGX CORSES. sep Si tf 0100 to be Given -Away IH B. I. ntJTCBIJCS' MAGTC POLISH.' BSTSO .... . . . - - your bottles Tnesdays and Fridays to my new house,. So. IS North Seooad St- Practical Paints. Artist Material. Glass. Brashes, Oils, etc. Contracts tssen. - ' mv " " Pimlap Stiff Hats, v; : ITiiibrellas." .HABRISOM M ALLZS, -', ' Batten... sepSSU CLook forthaHorce ; IF YOU WAKT TO TETD THi CHXAFEST place m the city to buy Hamesa and esddlsry Goods, Trunks and Satchels; Uyoa want your Bereirtaz done as UeHotiM be brfcv It to . .1 r., . TiLSIiXLL 1AK1SL. " ') . --: norse llllners, o. U So. Front t i rsepCStf (-er.: e-.;yL. :- 11 JL i. i v J A ij t ; . One squats Osor iy,,....:... . Z . Twolys, " ; TiroIara " . - Poor tars... .......... j .. - Z ' " r1 i.r. m ' -. . 1i J"wo eex . , .w.. ...... . w. Jhree WeeAS,,....,....,.... T Z. 2" Kcntth .. Z - Z ,vo Months... 3 &-e Months, ' - i-T Ifnwtht, , --"-----.'.. UT Umtrao AdvesttoemteU taken at ; tlonately low rateev. : .. " S Ten lines soltf BoaperrfS ye "make cte : iW;advertisezxc:tt. For Eent;j- Y : THousi Ha 4ts.axiuTn t C,;; I street sow oocspled by Mr. H. ja- Y.f, tow, waver, g"! r Hoaae Ho. 407 South Seooad treet. ; Houss west stdeof Fotirth street, u rood a with water, gas and bath. " "' -' - House Ho. Ill South Fifth street. House south side of Dbek. betweea Ectc and Eghlh streeU.' - " J Has sew House soU aids of CbesmiVeJ c Sixth aad Seventh streets, water gas and bat. House southeast corner Seooad and Ata eu. House oorser of Market and Erhthv stmts. House southwest corner Chesnut exd Vo-r. streets. - , r"'-: House Ho. 81 North Sixth street; tWroo - ; also . . x.--- Stores. Offices aad several fine Wharves. -Appiyto - . . : . D. CCOSHCm, -25 tf . RealXstateAgsLt. For TientyrV eJVTTS KJRCELL HOUSE - -'i ? v. I " pt'll S ' FIFTY-TWO Eoo.r: ' . Appiyto ' ' - ' gP7tt WM. E. STRrSOXR A CO. For Eent. X , THAT onVTrnmnmi irrtnvv o" is! I14 by I. & McEachern. not y.i nil 1 rented. Rent-year oommenoM Octot - - ' 1st. Call esrfy and secure the xr.zt. A good stand to be rented cheao. spyto .... - U. W WOttB. seplStf IMKorth Water kU $25,000:00 , worth of ; r ' -. ; CXiOTHIIliTCS-, WHICH MUST BE tOLDQUT - S wrrniN tife next go days. OUR STOCK comprises the latest HovalUes In the way of DRESS FOR MEH. BOYS' AH & CHIL DREN. ; " i ; Our ttock of FUEXISHISa GOODS Js ooxspele and we offer them at greatly reduced prtocs : E. A W. COLLARS AT 13 HO per doren. K.AW. CUFF8 M S5Q f , PEARL SHIRTS - each. - and other goods In proportion. -' - How Is the opportunity to take advantage' t f this sale. while the stock is oom Diets Is all Hi tt pohitments. These goods must go, as we' need room i or manufacturing purposes, surra v order from SS to 40 per cent, lees then, can bo bought elsewhere. A.-.DATIDtV.v Wholesale Clothier and Merchant Tailor.' sepssixa . , - V BUY THE FAMOUS VILC riEVEu ( FOR SALE EVERYIYIIERE sep 87 Cm tttV- WILMrSOTOH, H. C. Sept.' Mta, 188T. OFTICE OF THE TEXASUHXB " ' WnSGTOHA WILDOa RAILROAD 00M7AHY. 'PILRXX AND A HALF FEB CXHT. lTCLZ. JZ T A on tbe Oentfiostes of Indebtedness of tr.e Warning ton A Weldon Railroad Co. has been c e clsredby directors, payable on - sod siver October 1st 1887. The Transfer Books will nar.d closed from Sept S&th to tbe soth toetnetve. as. r. rot-T, j Secretary and Treasurer 83 St WOmmgton A Weldon B. R. O sep Co - Shorthand Writing. JULZi COURSE OF ZHSTBUCTIOH TS TZi: weeks at OHS-H ALF the ocual eost, and la C : FIFTH tbe time usually required by tbe corr: pondenoe system.. - ,'. ' Complete mastery of the Art, and atHHy ' 1 write any word to English guaranteed. Honrs of Instrnotloa idsrlnf evenlscs from e to 10 P. tL) suited to the oo&renlenee of joct men ta business. Clronlars ofwitalatngfull mformatSoa at Boc and Dm Stores. . . - For SehoUrshlps arpryjfrom to TP. M. t . JOES w. BASHES, Teecber, At office of Geo. A. Peek, Xso, t a. Front t - sepiaxw" Direct Importation. A BOTHER IH VOICE OF EARTHEHWA. C. - . - C and White Granite, ex British bsreut Geor Davis, from Liverpool, tost received and 1 -sale by - - gilxs xuscErscr, If sep C tf -- Importer". . Fine Stationery.' ROYAL IRISH LTHXS PAPER AHD rr.V; lopes. Latest styles m raled and cttt Papers f or polite correspondence. Cocver Pads aad Tabteta. Blslrs Keystone &tst:r -always on hand. SCHOOL BOOKS and bco. Ssppbes st lowest prVoes. -. esptttf - - CW. TAT" ' Cotton and liaval Storcz H AHDLED cioSZLT "AT PULL TALI Consignments aad correspond ence solicit J. . - - -," ' ' ' OotatalsEloo XercLtxts,' septU Vnmtnrtoa. H. C . ; The Chesst-:' T3 AIHTS, OILS, BASH, DOOES, ELETDS, C A . .. lery. Glass, Tln;rev and Hardware cf description at ; ' CT". a. rr"r.

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