Hie Morning Star. yiLl A3I Mi BEJMlAair. . .,, rciTF.n DAlLYJBXCgPT XOKDAYS. ,u6 par f7Ma1U. Postal PSid...: Months;; : ;.; ::::r. n 4TES OP SUBSUairxiw-, - $8 00 8 00 1 53 EO 'Wo Sty Subscribers, dellrered la any part lfl Atr Welvb Cents per week. Out City t ti0!1 not authorised to collect for mote Vffftrff months In advice. Itfl OOVWU' vw wwww. OUTLINES. About three thousand "miners are oUt on a strike in Indiana, and a coal famine is apprehended; the men claim to be poorly paid, and will stay olit until their demands je complied ffitll Cafferel, the French Gen eral, lias been found guilty "of habit: ual misconduct. National League meetings continue to be held in Ire land. Minister Manning's funeral, will take place to-day Irom; the Fifth Avenue Hotel, New 3Torkcity. "frr The striking brass workers and book printers of New Tork city are still out of employment. Further particu lars of the terrible railway accident in; Indiana show that sixteen- persons were burned to death and eighteen wounded. Seven lives were lost' and many injured by ' the burning of the insane asylum at" Cleveland," Ohio. A thieving ' messenger of tho Pacific Express Co., .at St. Louis, has made a confession," and : $33,003 were recovered. -Jennie land is reported to be dying. The gov-' eminent will bring suit against the wardens of a New York church for bringing a minister to this country, contrary to the United States eon tract labor law. The Mayor of Chicago has stopped George Franeis Train from speaking. v The crook edness of the Connecticut bank cashier grows as the investigation proceeds; the loss so far aggregates $159,000. The Detroits won the fourth of the World's 'Championship series, at Pittsburg, - yesterday; the score was, Detroits 8, St. Louis 0. A young man was shot and instantly killed yesterday in a Savannah board ing house; the killing was in self-defence. The President was at Kan sas City, Mo., yesterday, and laid the corner-stone of a Young .Men's Chris tian Associatson building; he was shown the wonderful progress of the city, and made a' speech in response to the Mayor's welcome. Yellow fever has made its appearance at Pa Iatka, Fla., and a strict quarantine has been established against that place; six new cases and two deaths are reported from Tampa, Fla. New York markets: Money easy at 4 wj per cent., closing offered at 4 per cent; cotton firm at 9 7-169 9-16 ets; southern flour steady at $3 254 85; wheat, options closed high and firm, No. 2 red October 81ic; corn iic lower, No. 2 October 5151fe; spirits turpentine dull at 34c; rosin Steady at $1 051 12i. Manager John A. )U arrest in London.' Stevens denies Republicans in New York 'are Loping that Grant will elect Fred. There are 1,119 cases docketed in the Supreme Court of the United Slates. Indiana has a new capitoi that cost $2,000,000. The furniture is to cost $100,000. South Carolina his but 576 yers. North Carolina must 1,000, we suppose. law have -The Washington special to the New York World says there .are gross favoritism and ignorance in t!ic Civil Service examination. It gives some amusing specimens. What; a fraud! . ; The Czar is doomed. As Russians become more intelligent they are more restive. His worst enemies are among the educated of the country. The colleges and schools swarm with fots to absolutism. An old Indian hunter is telling the. San Francieco Free Freas of -.tracks ot a mastodon and tbat the Stick- Indians had seen them. A big lie, we have no doubt. The mastodon has been extinct thousands of years. The New York Tribune is very favorable to the George movement What does that show ? Is George to run a Republican side sbowjike Ben Sutler did in 1884? If bo, is the Tribune to be the organ-grinder just as the eclipsed Sun was for "old cockeye ?" ' Ibe Star recrets-to know .that Col. Rowland, our most estimable Kepreeentative elect, is ,still nfvery Poor health. We join ' with , all of hl8 Personal friends in wishing him a Peedy recovery, and hope he will be 4ie to take his seat when the Con gresB meets. The Republicans of Massachusetts recalling on their, nominee, Gov. -e8, for the sinews of war. The "n'y qualification for. the candidacy. r Governor that this. Republican Presses is -money.; His -father pade tbe famous "spade'? and went to Muigress. " 1 - - " : -I ; ; -- """'a' - wmmmmmsm ' ..-... 'v."'. '."r-. ..J, ..;.; . A - 'I '.f VOL. XLI.--NO. 19. We see it mdntloned that the New York Medical Times haa been dis secting the", theories -of r Edward Gilliam, native of Oxford, in this State and. Albion Tourgee, ex J udge aniii carpet-bagger, T once "an office holder in North (Carolina. "Dr. Corson, of Savannah, uses the lancet. Gilliam-and Tourgee have presented some , wild notions as to . the very great increase of the negroes and that they will overrun the earth. -The. Stab examined "an ardnln hv Mr. Gilliam some two years ago that appeared in the North American Hevieto. 1 ... - aryerVJA:y b edited rbyrGr W. Curtis, the v leader among the English Civil Service advocates. He is evidently suffering just now from a very severe attack of disgust. He says in his paper: . "This was inevitable, because . Demo cratic denunciation of their own Adminis tration would be the confession of the in capacity which the Republicans allege. But nevertheless they will not suffer it to be supposed that they approve or sustain this particular whim (Civil Service Reform) of the Executive. The Democratic party has thus practically rejected the reform views of the President, and i ven fair warning that it does not invite votes as a party of reform." James G. Blaine, aa Speaker of the House, did as mueh as Sam Ran dall to defeat the Force bill. Dem ocrats curse Blaine and go into hys terics over Randall. How is that ? Randall is very, much such a. Repub lican, in fact, as Blaine is. He calls himself ' something else. Gen. Ar nold was once the most gallant, able and trusted of " Northern soldiers. He deserved praise for his .fidelity, but he caught . curses only when he turned traitor. Col. C. W. Anderson, assistant Postmaster at Savannah, went into Postmaster Lamar's office and chal lenged him to a dnel instanter and at ten paces. Major Lamar jumped up and let in upon the belligerent Col onel with a stick and badly punished him. Anderson was armed and says he went into the office to kill him. Anderson Is Jn jail. Here are some statistics that are striking. In 1886, the following are the estimated values of the products named: Hay, $456,000,000; dairy products, $245,000,000; wheat, $488, 000,000; poultry and poultry pro ducts, $600,000,000. No man would have guessed that chickens and eggs would have led in value cotton and wheat. We hear an ngly rumor from Chi cago which we must hope is slander ous. It is that the Democrats will anite with the Socialists in trying to defeat Judge Gary who tried the Anarchic devils. Hurrah for Gary! If the Democrats dare to perpetrate such folly and iniquity they deserve contempt. The Registrar General's report shows there were 8,111 criminal offences less in Ireland for 1886 than for 1885. THE NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Muhson Children's clothing. C. W. Yates School books. - CoLiiTJEB & Co. Auction sale. . . B. Waknbn & Bon Chocolate drops. Habbxsoh & Allen Dunlap stiff hats. Religions. " ' . , -,. -1 c The Rev. Robert Strange, of Ra leigh, has been tendered the rector ship of St. James church by the Ves try, which is inade vacant by the re signation, of the Rey.'.W. H. Lewis The many friends of, Mr.; Strange in this city would be delighted to hear thai he: had Jdecidedt to accept the call, ' - : : Rev.. W. H, Lewis,-for two and a half years rector of St.' James church, left last night to-join his family and enter upon his duties In his new field of labor in New York city. V. Mr. Lewis has " made numerous . friends during his stay here and the : well wishes of many greeted him on 'his ' departure. Preicblns at tne First Baptist Cnnrcb Ex-Judge Henry B. Folk preached last night at the above named church to a large and appreciative audience on the subject of VThe Resurrection.'' The sermon was excellent ; and thor oughly enjoyed. Judge Folk .is a na tive of North Carolina and a distin guished graduate' of "Wake Forest College He" removed to Tennessee when "a ''j!yO"nhg man, and practiced law", in which profession he -won dis tinction, and was for a number,, of years the Attorney or the! Iouisville & Nashville; road. ; He Jias been ; re cently,-ordained , minister, and it is probable, he will.be called to. the pas torate of some church ,ip ' his native State.. ' --' ' - .-. ;VIINGTPN, liocal Dots. , Only fifteen new subscribers to! the. Star received yesterday. ;, j Only'one case before the Mayor yesterday, and that was continued; ' One " thousand and forty three bales of cotton received here yester day. r - ' . - How will eight, iron ; steamers in port at one time do ? ; This is the number now lying at our wharves. Remember the" collection ;for the Oxford Orphan . Asylum where ever religious services are held on Thanksgiving Day. ' .Take -walks or. strolls around the city and nptice . the . new resi dences recently constructed, anes pecially..the present styleof rartjhH tecture. r - ' The British steamship Tenaher, was. cleared yesterday for Bremen, by Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Son. She" carried a cargo of 4,000 bales of cot ton, valued at $171,000. -The workmen engaged in the erection of Grace Methodist Church are making considerable progress and the roof will soon be ready for the reception of the slate. A letter was received last night from Lauringburg, N. C, requesting information in regard to the "School for Improving the Memory," which was mentioned in the Star. Stella fugit. Bishop Key, of the Methodist E. Church, South, who is to preside over the North Carolina Annual Con ference, which meets at Fayetteville, in December, is visiting and preach ing at different points in the State, much to the delight of large congre gations. ; The temperature at some places in this Cotton Belt was the lowest re corded this season. Salisbury report-' ed as its minimum 29 degrees; Wel ti on 35; Wadesboro 38; Charlotte 39; Florence, (S. C), 45; Lumberton 46. and Wilmington 49. The minimum temperature was seven degrees lower on Sept. 25th. New York cotton for future delivery goes steadily and gracefully upward, but the old reliable spot market there still stands the same as quoted ten days ago, and the know ing ones say if you . want to . sell you t can't get the nine and , seven-six-, teentbs for it. It is a delusion and a snare. Cotton continues to come with no perceptible diminution in quanti ty. Both compresses are working to their full capacity; the lightermen are all busy transferring the staple from wharves to steamships, and the railroads and river steamers are tax ed to their utmost to get it to mar ket. The advance in yesterday's price will cause it to move still more lively. If Durham gets the two more railroads that it now seems probable she is to have one from Henderson and the other from Oxford some body ought to go up and advise our friends in the embryo city not to get too happy. . Even the "Durham Bull" might commence tossing things around more wildly than the pic tures on all the fences and walls now represent him. ) he annual meeting of the In dependent Order of Good Samaritans terminated yesterday in the grand annual parade, after a three day's session. Everything passed off peace ably and the best of order was main tained by the : numerous visitors to this city. A lawn party was given at the City Hall r Park by the local branch of the order last night, which was largely attended. Quite a lively scrimmage oc curred yesterday afternoon at the lower compress. Several workmen, not content with the duties before them, engaged in the pleasant past time of mashing each other's noses and disfiguring faces. One or two eyes went suddenly into mourning, and after a little hair pulling and punishment, the combatants seemed satisfied and all .became calm and serene again. . First Tobeco Break at Rocky Mount, ,v.A V-i. correspondent . from. Rocky Mount informs ; ns that the first to bacco break of this season took place there yesterday at the .tobacco ware house. - Much fine leaf was ' offered and the prices and sales were good throughout some being sold as high, as $99 per hundred, y c ' . . ; The crop in Nash county has all been secured without any injury by , frost .'and , consisted of some of the finest leaf ever raised in that vieini ty. '- " rirorssIiis;BpIly," T", ..'.'..-, TheVorkon the first floor of the Purcell House is progressing rapidly.; Three heavy. iron girders arrived. pn. the last isteamer from New York and, were yesterdajrdelivered .in front .of j the building, " preparatoty to - being", placed in position. - The iron front ia being manufactured by: Messrs, Bnrr & Bailey, of this cityi and is expected to be completed by about the first of , next month." ' S , ; n"" ' -M f-' 4. . .;- o --- . r i JLLm Jd .. , -iJ . it.- - FT. . N.;c "PstlJr BX earn ess." x - ,. - f, i, ' . In .justice to the Register of f the county, we deem it due to say that the fact that1 the proceedings of .the Board of, County Commissioners ap peared . alone cin - the - Messenger of Tuesday, morning,, scores one . for the enterprise of this paper, and the fact: that it did not appear in the Star, should -not ' be' used to censure' the said Register,- Our: reporter went in search of the proceedings and suc ceeded in obtaining them, just as the other city papers might have done, -Yesterday's Messenger - . This hardly agrees with the Cardn of the County Register, published in the paper containing the above. The Register says that he called at the of fice of the Messenger after he had closed his office, an d furnished that paper with a copy of the proceed ings; and he adds, that if he had not nave been in the same category that th6 Star was in." The Star reporter applied person ally at the office of the County Re gister about 4 o'clock in the after noon of the day on which the meet- of the Board was held, but the pro ceedings were withheld from him. and he was told that there was no news. Th Fire Yesterday moraine The alarm of fire was turned in box 25, on Eighth and Swann streets, this morning a little before 5 o'clock, and the first to reach the scene was the Hook and Ladder Company. The fire originated in the frame dwelling of Joe Robinson, colored, on the corner of Eighth and Swann streets, and it was soon destroyed. It was supposed to be the work of an incendiary. There was insurance on the bouse for $500 in the Phoenix, of Hartford, Conn., and on the furniture for $300 in the Union, of Norwich, Conn., both Companies represented here by Messrs. Northrop, Hodges & Taylor. The house of Hester Ann Davis next caught and this was also burned with all its contents. The furniture was not insured, but there was $200 on the house, in the Virginia Fire and Marine, which is represented here by Messrs. Smith &, Boatwright. Dsatt of m Printer. James R. Davis, formerly a com positor in this office, died at Talbot ton, Ga., on the 7th inst. His mother resides in this city, as also does his brother, Mr. J. H. Davis, master oar builder at the W. & W. Railroad shops. A private letter from Mr. W. E. Mnsaford, editor of the Nero Era ,, the paper on which Mr. Davis was working at the time of his death, says that he had formed a large circle of friends in that town, and that he had every attention during his sick ness that kind hands and loving hearts could render. He was buried from the M. E. church in that place. The writer knew Mr. Davis well du ring his residence in this city, and can truly say that he never knew a kinder hearted man or one more wil ling to do a favor or lend a helping hand. Block. Better. Several days since a negro named Charles Mailer was struck in the head with a cap-stan bar by another negro while they were comine down the river ott the A. P. Hurt. A promt nent artery, was severed and it was for a time thought tbat he would bleed to death. The other negro af ter striking Muller jumped overboard and swam to the shore although the boat was in motion at the time. His fright seems "however to have been momentary for he has been seen In this city several times since. Muller, upon the arrival of the boat here was taken to the Marine Hos pital, and when last heard from was much better and out of danger. Child Drowned lain Tan of Water. A little child of Lucy Simpson, liv ing at No. 10 North Eleventh street. was found drowned yesterday in a butter tub about two-thirds full of water. The mother left in the morn ing to work and the child, as usual, was given in pharge of another child about seven years old. The younger child, which was only . one year and seven months,, old, was. permitted to ramble about and is thought began to play in the water, when it fell into the tub and was drowned before dis covered. Coroner T. C. Miller was notified and an inquest held, which resulted In finding a verdict of acci dental drowning. ' Aneinsr Cyciono on tne Galf. The following was contained in our nress -dhTDatches last -nieht from Havana; Cuba! ' - . - U . ' "A cyclone swept over the south west portion of this city to-day, mov ine in a. westerly direction.: It is rain ing heavily throughout the island." A Star reporter called at the Signal Office to obtain a fuller report if pm lbletbai:wa..lhif6rmed that, its effects were - not" noticeable at any point in the. Gulf States in the latest reports and that the barometer had -risen"- considerably alone , the ' Gulf A 2.-. -'"' " ' ' "- "" ' - ' " ' '; Some of.onr ;cltyjorgationi Should provide a series of -lectures or musical entertainments - for the long winter evenings. ' .'" "V- Star rontnor Indi nons, . The following, are the Indications for to-day, received at 1a.m.: For Virginia, ' cooler fair weather. light to fresh northwesterly Winds. : For North Carolina and South Car olina, cooler fair weather, preceded by rain on: the" coast; , fresh to brisk northwesterly winds.. . Promoted.' We are gratified to announce that our popular young - townsman, . Eddie Wootten, who has been for sometime the telegraph operator at Contentnea, has been promoted to a higher and more responsible, position and has been assitrned to duty in the Train Dispatcher's office ' in 'Wilmington. And so it will be seen that on the gol den rounds of sterling merit our clever young friend - has climbed up the Steep - ladder of - efficiency .far enoaeh to have his excellence reeotr- niaed and rewarded. : Eddie is the worthy son of a worthy sire, and - Is- a "cnip oi tne old diock," out or solid "heart pine, and fat clear through.' The above Is taken from the Wilson Mirror, and will no doubt be gratify ing to the many friends of Mr. Woo ten In this city. Personal. Col. W. W. Larkins, of Long Creek, Pender county, is in the city. Major John C. Winder, General Manager of the Seaboard Air Line, was in the city yesterday. Our young friend Mr. Thomas Southerland left last night for Phila delphia, where he will attend lectures at the Pharmaceutical College in that city. We hope he will find his studies pleasant and profitable and return soon to his old home and friends. Mr. J. H. Downman, of New York city, arrived in this city last night. A Now Chtnatl, CapL Woodside, of the steamer Woodbury, is engaged in digging a new channel near the present ship channel near the mouth of the river. It is now 13 feet 8 inches deep at mean low water, but it is the inten tion to make it deeper, as this is only the depth of the old ship channel. The channel will be entirely straight and decidedly better than the old one, which contains several sharp curves. It will be known as the Woodbury Channel. Tho Flro In Brnnswlek. The illumination observed In the northwestern sky on Wednesday night, mention of which was made in the Star, was caused by the burning Of a barn on what is known as the "Old Hall Place," "near the Navassa Guano Work. The building with its contents of about 800 bushels of rice belonging to a number of colored people In the vicinity, was entirely destroyed. The origin of the fire is not known, Quarterly RIooUn- Wilmington District. M. E. Church. South. Fourth round of Quarterly Meetings. Onslow Circuit, at Tabernacle, Oo tober 15-16. Magnolia Circuit, at Magnolia, Oc tober Z3-Z3. Bladen Circuit, at Windsor, Octo ber 29-30. Carver's Creek, at Shiloh, Novem ber 2-3. Cokesbury Circuit, at Salem, No vember o-6. Brunswick Circuit. November 12-18, Waccamaw Circuit. November 19-20. Whiteville Circuit, November 26-27. Thos. W. Uuthrir, v. Jfi. THBjaJllU. Th uuais oIom aad.arrlT tumour ? o Offloo M fottowi: 1" CIJOHX. Horthera thromrh mUs, tact.. . 10:00 P. M Northern t&rovca sua war maiM.. . . North Carolina . aad AUaatto and Nnrth OaroUna Xtaiiroad and rontM 8:00 A, At ' snppltM tharetram... I0s0 P. X. 80 A. M Balelih...:., ......440 P.M. 48:00 A.X Southern maOs - WO P. X Boutnern maus Oboraw. Darlinfton BaUrom points applied tSr22?iUii daily xtcxtt sun amuroma ana 931 P. X SURD AT Western malls, a O. BaShnr 60 A. X hmtuiUlk (1T.4T. V. R. R- and points sqppUed tberefrom B:MA.X BaleWtb Hamlet BaUroad aad point applied tberefrom..... 6:00 P. X cWiotte and Xoztoa .. ....6.-00 P. X B A. X BrnttarUle J0 P. X WrlshtsrUle 8-WA.X TUaSDAYS AMD VBUDATS. Onslow C H, and Intermediate offices A. X TJtrlo Rivar. R. O..- and Intermediate OPZaPOBDXLXVZBT. northern tnronjrn and way naU. ..... 10O0 p. X Soathera t-irotucn and war maUi.... 6rW A. M Southern. West of Florence aso A, X Mrollna Central BaUroad. 9:90 A. X A 9J0P. X Carrlera detrrery open on Snnday from 990 to :70A. X. XaOs collected from street boxes In boat- tees Haitians of d at AJC11J0O AJL and BOO PJC; from other parts of Uts otty at 4 AJC. aad SP.K. Stamp OOoe open from TJ0 A. X. to P. X Xoney Order aad Beffstex Iepartaent pen tMA.TC.ta isn P. XVoontlntioas. . Oeaersi dellrery open from 8-S3 A-X. to 7 P-X and on Sondars from 9:00 to ICbDf A. X. 1TM. WTNKLOWS SOOTEZirO 8TBXrPv-RST Stxtasxm Cobb that writes la Ue Sottcm CkrU Ha rrmiman We wonld iT o means reooa mend any kmd of Dedlotne wnloh wo did mot know to be rood particularly to Intaata. Bat of Mrs. WtneWs SootnW Bfrap we an speak trom ksowiediro; In our own family It has prored a bletsmc Indeed, by gtrmc aa Infant trembled wtth oouo palna, mlet sleepy and tbe parents un broken resist nt hi.. Xost parents can appre olate tbeee blesslnca. Hero m aa article which works to perfection, and which Is harmless; for the sleep which It affords tbe Infant ts perfectly imttraL atrt tho ttttleeherab awakes as "brltrht 'finished with tbe teethln slrjre, oa anyeoBAdo ration whaUTve Soid by aif druorUu. S eents a bottle. .. . , ' - DAVIS In Talbottom, Oa . on October Tth, Xr. JAXtS B. DAVIS, (rormerly of kldsboro. Iff com tne i year oiais ace. i " - - - -Bice '-.Straw for Sale. TT ICS. STRAW TOB SALE AT SXZ ' DOIXABS XV per ton, oa board of ears at Wllmmrton. baled la Dederick presses. Bales welsh about one hundred pounds.. - . , , -,,-Appry.o,,. VxcW cctlSfan . WUmlnrton, H. C as a button." ana aurai meproo i mu lax Us value Is InoaUmlshla. We nave froqneat lybeard mothers say that they would not bo wltHmrt II tmra tbs bfrtb of the ohlld tlH tt bad WHOLE "NO. 6570 NEW, ADVEKTISEMKNT3. "Auction Sale. TXVDAT, AT 19 O'CLOCK. IK OUR 8ALXS ja k Boom on Market street, we WfTJ sell twenty- fire Karthea Jars, fifteen Handlo Kacs, fire. Par s aecs, nre rar . two SabT Car- lor StoToa, two Ooektss Stores, two Baby Car- Usees, ens Baby trie. Hams. Ptosr, Blaaksts, uocuorut u lass ware. so. . oot H It AaeUoneera. By S. TanAJtlRINGE A CO., 8. VAKaXaiSQl. ABOtloaeer. OS ACOOUST OP WHOM IT XATOOBCXBS. QX TBITRSDeT, OCTOBER 8STH.16ST, at IS o'olook X. we wU sell tbe Gemu Baiqoo ALBATROS," ti regl ter tons, chsslac "AN Gcrmai Lloyd, wtUk Iter prtsent Tackle, Aeobors and Clns, at ahe now Use at Vr. Thomas Brans' JloaUac DryJock.Jbi this olty v- Also a lot of Balls, a lot of Prortstons. a. lot of Bum vnder sea's, subject to dnty: osren Water Casks, one Water Tank, one (1) set of Bins! Plan eomuete. Cabin Pnrnltore, sereral Hawsers wad Uses: two CO Boats, and a lot of other articles oonnected with tbe VerseL B. YAM aXSTCCGB CO., AactloneerS oo 11 nse tds - aad Beel Bstate Brokers. For Eent, BOrjSX Vo. 419 SOUTH SBC05D mi III! Illl street; oontalns stent rooms, water. gas and bata, House Ho. lit South Fifth street. House southwest oomer Cbesnut and Poorth streets. House south side of Mulberry, between Fifth and Sfxth streets. House sontbeat corner of 8 Tenth aad Prin ces l streets, and sereral small Houses. ALSO Stores, Offices and Wharves. : Apply to d. ocosrnoB, Beel Bstate Atwsu oct it tf For Bent, A NEW HOTTER, OORHXR CHXS5UT IIS Illl and. XcBas streets, con talcing six ill lance rooms and bath room; gas, water, eta Mas. o. on jremleea. Appty to septSg H. HAAB. Ohildren's Clothing. AL1ROS STOCK OF CHILDREN'S AHD B01S' CLOTHISO, School and Dress Salts. Hew Stock ota be found at XTJKSOH'8. oct 14 It Clothier aad Xsrohant Tailor. rpn-T) A TOU CAN BUT A POTJXD OP DXLICT0T7S Chocolate Cream Drops For 30 Cent, at E. Warren & Son, XXCHAKaX OOBSrER. oct 14 tf School Books. TTTB HA VI ALL THE BOOKS USED BY THE T T PubHe and PrlTate Schools of the city, and hare marked them down LOW. Send the children down and we will tmat tbem nxht. C W. YATB' oo 9 tf BookBtars M Dunlap Stiff Hats A HTJ OTHXR POPULAR SHAPES. LOWEST PRICES. HARBXSOBT ALLXK, Tbs Hatters. oe9tf JTJST OPENED! ORE OP THE LARGEST AHD FIKKST STOCKS OF C X. OaTTTTTTG- FOR Hen, Youths and Boys EVER BBOUSHT TO THIS CXTT. AeaRw4Uooarloosths publks that this is a fact, AHD HOT BUHOOXBR. WZ WILL OFFER FOB SALS OH Monday, Oot. 10, '87, for tbat day only, a line of GEITS' BiLBRIBQAH HOSE, WOKTH n CISTS PER FAIR, FOR tl CXRTB FRR PAIR. a. snnicrx, 114 Vsrket street. oetttf TTXRTGKEATBABaADrSIH BUPIWH IKJrlO- fJRRT.:: Xxtrn ebesp CHILORZZrS FIHR AHD KIBBRD H06E. GXHTT iTnOGCB HALF EOCI. Bandsomo EXBROnTXRXT) DRESSES ta. Sera udiruts, - '-- ' GixaHiJfs.LAwTMaiwi FEiam ' V ; ' no. s. nxniucrx.' - ap a tf Corner Xarket and Froct. e i " . CJLTSS OF tDTrSTUir.Or UKajSQanre Om 0nr. ..... fJ a ' Tlr Lrtvrea e-.a-- . I'rtaner fee ... m'.. ., . m. .............. OTOaaXruA AiterUsesMrta takes at trcr: .- Tea BawssoOdKonpareU type make owe egssf NKW ADVEKTISE2IENTS. Bemember, Monday, Oct 10. GRAND OPENING-. DUE Si GOODS AND DRESS TRILrnniGB. BROWN & RODDICK,; North Front St.; ' - . v Braricli Store, 37 Hay fit, TaytttetUJe : We are fully prepared and win ethlbtt tbe uiltsij cneaiest ail lest ccnplelc : STOCK OF DRESS COODS AHD DEESS TBTT.TT.UnQB EVER SHOWH d THIS 8ECTIOH. Our rariety embraoes many Horalties la ComM nation Suits. Particular aUestloa Is ealled to b foUawtag . Bargai n s which cannot fell to attract alL Lot 1. C4-Ui6h ALL-WOOL TwtUed riasasl Bsltlncs Ti cents per yard. Tbeee Goods cannot be bouffbt elsewhere less than - Lot 2. : Extra Fins ALL-WOOL Double Width EKBOKS S5 cents per yard. They woe Id be rood ' rains for 75 cents Lot 3. 43-lnch ALL WOOL Xtxed Dlaronals S3 cents per yard. Hare nrer boea sold until - 3 now for lees than IL.M). Lilies' Black Diitai Kii- CIoTes, Fall stock efP. CeiteiffilUBIoiejy Sole AtenU for this city. ... 1 THE VERT LATEST IH LADIES' CLOUS, JACmS AIDiiEiPS; Ho rpaoe to -eaaxuertU; srre .ni t call and look oTer oar stock azidnXlxfy youreslTes. BROWN & RODDICK. 9 HORTH FROHT 8TRZKT. . t ,: oct 9 tf '- TTTylrno, CHaaaaa" JHOTHXR SrfPLT OF THESE FAXOUfl OLASSXS Just arrived. ' FreabSand Pure Drnrs always on aaad. -: BOBEBT Hm BJCLLAXT. -iDrurrlst oetttf H. W. Oor. Frost and XarSet gts JOY FOR ALL. SHOES enables as to fit an of people -m I .... :, , j Tbs fat and tbe lean, the old and the young, can get comfortable SHOES at a reasonable prtoe, which, besides being a beauty fa style and 1 1, w 0 Vm SS JJJ IV MM WtTsssTVTo VU eMHsV Heo. B. French &Sono, S08 XORTB FROST ffTFXZT. ' - ' ' , oet9tf , ...... Hovr is Your Timo r0 GET TOUR SCOOT OB CABSZAGB RE peliwd aad Painted. I oaa ssake It look as irod as new, or oaa trade or sell yon a new one. Try ass. Intbeoid Jail bwUAtsx, eorner of PrlnoeM and Seeond streets . Tours truly, esttt K. P. XoPOTqiLL, Entrance rjX THE CROCKER T DEPARTXXHT IS HOW throufh tbe door of the Hardware Store. . octntf cms m xuRcniKox. ' .;;ii.3iHn.aii6f:M Axs AiiKTHM of mazskcenr ahd hog ' - - ' -i Food, besides XeaLHommr. Floor. As. at 1 ITCHTJAXXclxCTXEH'a - . : en1'..' if . oct 9 tt Feed Store, IW Vo. Water ft. Oystero - fT FRTJOrDS AHD" TER TUB 10 CT.:': HA ally are larlted to caU on me at tie Ac e Saloon, where tbey wtti find me .reaffy to f tbea wtth tbe Ilaest and Freshest Vew L.r r Oyttera." I hare had years errTte'Tse la tt Oyster business la Horfolk and Vi Lra.;-r-'v tlW J.J.LiiAY. .. Csr eak...MaM. .... .." . 1 " Wmii,,,,!., , ..... 0 . t . . TrwS Weekaj.i..,,....' I ; " Xorth.......i. . 15 ( " Jr-o Mostba.......,.-.... li s - VreeMoha..........;:l (