- ' ' - - - - - Fhe MornihgfStar. ... WILLIAM H. BERSAttU; - - ... . rT.D, tsttkD DAILY JEXCKPT MONDAYS. BATES OF StTBBORIPTlOM. ADYAJRCa. Mall). Postage Pwd..... . . M W fl&?h " " " 60 city Subscribers, delivered In any part Wilvj Cbbts por week. ' Oar City j tbo City, 1 , not authorised to ooueot ror more lhfl I , 1 Li . A i!teuw -tha jn advance. than .-7,(1 at the Post Office at WUmlnsrtoo, N. 0 "1)"J as Second Class Matter. OUTLINES. The National Committee " of the Woman's Foreign Mission Society of the M. E. Church is in sesslon'at Lin cota, '?b-; the collection for the past year amounted to $190,000, a,n increase 0f $23,000 over the previous" year. The Mexican constitutional amendment, permitting", an election to the Presidency for two consecutive terms, was officially promulgated in" the City of Mexico on Sunday morn ing last. The labor political elements of the country will holda conference in St. Louis, in December, when it is proposed to eliminate the won! " labor," and adopt the name of National Free Soil arty ttie-conference will also fix the date and place for holding a . National' Nomi nating Convention. In Montreal, ou Saturday night, a body of stu dents from McGill University, be came so riotous that the police were obliged to fire on them. Robert Garrett left Baltimore yesterday for the Pacific coast and Mexico; he de clared, just as he was about toBtart, that "thieves stole his - telegraph," and cautioned a friend not to let Jay Gould steal Maryland before his re turn. A furious gale and snow storm prevailed on the lakes Sunday, and it is feared that the loss to ship ping will be heavy. The nego tiations for conventions regarding the v Hebrides Islands and the Suaz Canal have been concluded in Paris and were signed yesterday; the neutrality of the canal -will be pre served, and the New Hebrides will be under the protection of English and French men-of-war. The B & O. Telegraph office was closed up in Chicago yesterday, and the - wires transferred to the Western Union offices. A boiler explosion on a steam launch, in New York, harbor, Sunday morningkilled two men and several were seriously injured. Iu the U. S. Supreme Court, yester day, Chief Justice "Waite read the formal order in the Anarchists' case, which provides for a hearing on Thursday next of the -argument upon the petition for a writ of error. The Chicago ,wheat and corn markets yesterday were practically unchanged, while provisions ruled higher, esneciallv for dfiferrpd fu tures. A boiler explosion at Ironton, Ohio, yesterday, killed four men and wounded twenty. Two Scotch members of Parliament have been sent to Ireland by the Scottish Liberals, to assure the people of their sympathy; they met with an enthusiastic reception.- Ex President Davis, en route to Macon, was magnificently received at Mont gomery yesterday; one hundred guns r were fired and thousands of people welcomed him. A Tampa special reports twenty-three new cases of yellow fever and two deaths yes terday; the disease is spreading in the better part of the city. New York markets: Money easy at 3(2-1 per cent., closing offered at 4 per cent; cotton dull at 9f9fc; south ern Hour quiet; wheat, steady; No. 2 red October 821c; corn, lower, clo sing with some reaction; No. 2 Octo ber ulolfc; spirits turpentine quiet at 33c; rosin quiet at $1 201 27. n are in favor of a law to pre vent men from, working when they ar,j sick and especially men grinding in editorial mills. Where is Bergh ? , The greatest tobacco sale ever naJp in the United States no doubt was tho great sale recently made at Oxford. Fall 30,000 pouDds were Bf'M that averaged $ 20. per hundred ' the leaf.' - - The Richmond Christian Advocate lha8 refers to the Abbott escapade at Nashville; ' It is strange that a policeman didn't nnt k , Wom!n ia charge. Cnurches are aa a Place ,or Dy termagant wh6 l 0 8creani and void her viciousness aWerutrade 18 in danger, or indirectly -veitise her show " Hon. E. b. Waehburne, just dead, a born in Maine in 1816. He was Secretary of State in Grant's Cabi net,and w8 Minister to France. He was an extreme .Republican and an tUreme man. He was a man of Penor abilities. He was a Grant man aH through. "Naff ced." - W our -j .uu i egret io learn mat god friend. R TT nn.n t.n w the best, of our editors, is so he7 afliicted. IIl8 wife lost on of r eyes some years ago, as we learn 10 the Fayetteville News, he is Z 9 mly blind' ad now a son, maai . 3 baa lost one eye and his re- ' talDg eye " also in danger. . Thejr Pathie8Ur profoand and' sincere aym-: 8itiated do not under- ' Wee i8 1.80metime" itht .biggest My J Zed b7' tobacco not'-by: ean9 a9 good as other' lots sold" n YOL. XLL NO. 28. the eame day. ; It depends upon the locality whence the tobacco, comes and how much trad6 an be attracted from that section. It paya often to let the Becond or third grade fetch the-biggest price." " Do you see? The price of tobacco not raised in tho best tobacoo sections need not be taken always as a guarantee of the excel lence of the weed, r: Ex President Davis was invited to attend the Confederate Union at the Goldsobro Fair. This was well done. We regret that' the moat eminent of living Americans cannot attend be cause of his physical condition. Ilis letter is in reply to one from Mr. J. F. Dortch. "In'it the' noble South ron'says: "- "5.'T' !' " ' "Please clve my. kiridest remembrance to jour father whose friendship for ms has been one of the pleasant memories of my public life and here Dermlt me to add that since the'war between the States has closed though I have been pursued by the slings and arrows of detraction, the voice of North Carolina uttered - bv her free Dress -and public men, has never swelled the cnorus, or failed upon proper occasion to do justice and to maintain -the creed for which so many of her best and bravest, Diea ana aiea." North Carolinians of the right sort will ever be delighted to pay fitting tribute to Jeff erson Davis. This is a free country and a man has a aright to prefer "free apple jack" and free smokes and "free chaws" to a tax on them. On the other hand a man has a right to pre fer cheap clothing and cotton-ties and blankets and crockery and hard ware and iron and steel and medi cines to free drinks and f reek smokes and free dips. If the Congress shall, however, determine to abolish the direct tax and throw the Government entirely upon the indirect tax the custom house the Stab will ground arms and say no more, but without surrendering its own judgment and convictions. Announcing in graceful and warm terms the death of the friend of the South in England, Right Hon. Beres ford Hope, the Richmond State bzjb: "When the southern cause was' lost, his interest in the South continued unabated, aud he headed the movement in England for the execution and the erection in Rich' mondof Foley's superb statue of Stone wall Jackson. That impressive work of art stands to-day in the Capitol Square an imperishable monument to his friendship for the South. "Mr. Hope had won the highest honors, collegiate and parliamentary, and as his ti tle indicates, he bad filled a place in one of Great Britain's Ministries, He was the brother-in-law of the Marquis of Salisbury, the present Eaglish Premier." The Goldsboro Argus deals Gov ernor Scales a. heavy rebuke for the coarse he has pursued in the Rail road matter. . It says: "He will not allow any fnrther debt to be put upon the road he will not even al low the road to be leased to the C. F. & T. Y. for any longer time than the term of the unexpired lease of the N. C. RR. Of course, nnder these conditions the C. F. & T. V. will not build to Goldsboro. For when it should get here it would still be far from deep water and with no possibility of getting there except upon such terms as other roads might see fit to give it." A Fine Newspaper." Oxford Torchlight. Tbe Torchlight extends the Wil mington Stab birthday congratula tions. Our esteemed contemporary has passed the twentieth mile stone in its life journey. It is a fine news paper, and time has not dulled its wit or staled its infinite variety. " Greensboro Workman Rev. J. E. Mann will dedicate New Concord church, in Randolph county, to-morrow. The train stopped for about five mln utes, during which time as many as possi ble of the estimated 500 to 1000 people present went forward and grasped tbo President's hand. Mr. Cleveland shook with wonderful cordiality and rapidity, and Mrs. Cleveland was standing near by to see that no envious woman should abduct her husband. The people are-about unani mous in their judgment aa to tbe fine ap pearance of Mr. Cleveland and the exceed ing beauty of Mrs. Frances Folsom Cleve land, the President's wife. . t - us oiarsr. NEW - ADVERTISEBIENTS. Mtjrson Overcoats . . Collieb & Co. Auction sale. F. Welch Lost bank certificate. v - Bros Waitted For repairs Opera House , Wabbezt & Son Fresh ground cocoanut Qnlelc XMrpatb. Mr. Smallbones, the agent of the i Clyde Steamship Line in this city, is exhibiting the .most commendable zeal in ' his efforts to ;meet the. de mands of the patrons. of the steamers of the line, and is giving them the very - quickest "dispatch. The Bene factor arrived 1 here : Sunday morning and sailed again for New York yesfcer day'aftexnoon. "She commenced dis charging" yesterday . morning . and ..by 2;45 in the afternoon, had unloaded, taken on cargo and cleared jfor her destinationT-y-U pgg ?i The 'revenue . steamer : Colfax arrived here Sunday, from a'cruise as far south' as Charleston, S-i-CgS? Mb:: -1 - 1 x. 'tt, ':t:-zmmMMm H WIL MILTON; I.oeai Xos,' - :y;- V- A rBe of ten feet ; in 1 the ; river at Fayetteville is reported as the re sult of recent rains. ' '; : J German barque Theodore Vans -arrived in below yesterday and an chored at quarantine. ; ' Mrs. Applegate p and son, Miss Applegate, and Mr.-Henry J. Lyon were passengers yesterday .pn; the steamer Benefactor for.Ncw, York. . Mr. W. G.. Harris, formerly of this city, but for six years past a resi dent of Anniston, Ala., is here on a visit to his brother, Mr. C. M Harris. Receipu ofr cotton yesterday 3,749 bales." Total receipts since Sep tember 1st, 71,947 bales; last year to same time, 44,813 bales. Increase, 27,134 bales, -Jy- .1 Higher vater has brought a number of wood-flats down the river, and this necessity in domestic econo my is again abundant, and selling at 65 cents per dray load. , Steamer Cape Fear brought down 441 bales of cotton from Fay etteville, and other freight. She cleared late yesterday evening on the upward trip with a good freight. Mr. B. W. Kleibacker, advance agent of Mr. Jno. S. Clarke, the emi nent comedian, is in the city making arrangements for' an entertainment to be given Oct. 31st in the Opera House. The Cape Fear Fire Engine Co. have received the new double set of drop-harness, manufactured for the Company by Messrs. Fennell & Daniel. It is of the latest pattern and very pretty. The British steamship Dal beattie pulled out from her wharf at the Champion Cotton Compress yes terday afternoon and dropped down - the stream a short distance . She will clear to-day, probably. Mr. L. Hansen, manager of the Carolina Oil and Creosote Works, left last night for the North, where he expects to remain two or three weeks for the benefit of his health, which has become slightly impaired. Mr. H. W. Collins had one of his feet severely bruised Sunday by a piece of iron falling from the flat car at the W. & W. R. R. on which workmen were engaged at the time in placing the Cape Fear fire engine. The Florida Travel. The yellow fever scare in Florida has put a stop to travel in that direc tion. It is thought, however, that it will be only temporary. The Super intendent of the Savannah, Florida & Western Railroad is represented as saying that travel had begun quite briskly and the Florida resorts would have been filled earlier ;than usual, but when fever broke out in Tampa, people in the North unpacked their trunks and decided to remain at home for awhile. They know full well, however, that the first cold spell kills the fever and it will not be long be fore they begin to seek their winter home. The railroads have made special preparations for the travel this year. Through Pullman trains will be run from Washington, and by January 1st, the two vestibule trains which are to run through from New York, will a a mi do on xne roau. xnese cars nave not yet been finished, but it does not take long to turn them out, and. they will be ready to begin their work when the new year opens. An Anniversary. The Bank of New Hanover railing was decorated yesterday morning with a line of flags in honor of the seventy-third birthday of its venera ble cashier, Mr. S. D. Wallace. For the last fourteen years he has signed checks and made himself an impor tant factor in that enterprising insti tution, and holds, as he deserves, the confidence and esteem 'of its Presi dent and Directors. The various colored flags but typified a long and checkered life,-and the hands that placed them in position spoke of hearts warm in friendship and love for the , "Commodore" of the estab lishment, and expressed the desire that many long years may be his . to enjoy many returns of the day whioh they honored yesterday with flying bunting. - - Banawar Accident. Little Charlie, aged six years, son of Mr. C. W. Davis, was knocked down and run: over by a runaway horse, "on Sixth near ; Walnut street late yesterday afternoon, but fortu nately escaped with . only a- slight bruise on the , side. The. borse. got away from his . rider . while : coming from the race track, it is J. said, and was making for his stable. ' Calvin McKoy " who was arraigned yesterday: before Justice Millis on a. peace warrant . issued on;; complaint of Beverly Scott," was dischargedVahd ihe complainant held Jtor .the'eostsv Scott demurred to this and craved an whieh was granted" on the. usual bond being givetf.p N; C4 Tn Baee-Ia Nt Always to tn Swift. Quite a crowd gathered at . the track near Capt. Southerland's farm yesterday to witness the running race that has been so long - expected and anxiously looked forward to by the members of the sporting fraternity of this city. . Mr. L. Meares was selected as starter, and Messrs. Merritt, Hall and Quinlivan were chosen as Judges. At about a quarter to 4 o'clock the horses "Rozinante," ridden by Mr. George Grant, and "Bucephalus," by Mr. D. L. Burkhimer, were led out on the track and in a short while were start ed on the first heat. After a run of two hundred yards, with not ten feet between them, "Rozinante" leading, ' Bucephalus" closed the gap, and came in at the home stretch with three lengths of daylight between him and his competitor. Betting be came more active then, and as it re quired two out of three heats to de cide the contest, the vanquished of the first heat laid their cash on the hope of better things later on, and the winners of the first heat bet freely the shekels they had won. At the proper time the horses were started for the second heat, and crossed the line neck and neck. Af ter running together for awhile with the advantage in favor of "Bucepha lu8,"they suddenly parted. "Bucepha lus" flying the track fell in the ditch, unhorsed his rider, turned a somer sault, and rolled over on Mr., Burkhi mer. The other horse galloped to the string and was declared the winner. When "Bucephalus" found himself free he "took to the woods," and al most a cavalry brigade started out for his capture, which was accom plished after some difficulty. When the horse was brought up to the judges it was found he had injured himself badly by the fall, as one shoulder was bruised and greatly swollen. Finding it impossible to run the third beat the race was declared in favor of '.'Rozinante." As "Rozin ante" ran the third time round, Mr. Morrison started in hot pursuit with "Sprigtail," and when he overtook her they started in for a race which proved the closest and most interest ing feature of the day, as it was a neck and neck race for over one hun dred yards, and neither horse seemed able to get ahead. They crossed the wire so close that no one' could de cide . tbe contest, but the general opinion was, so far as we could learn. that "Sprigtail" had a little the ad vantage at the finish. Why not have a good track here for running and trotting? Many an evening could be spent pleasantly in that manner, and if the affair was conducted with any enterprise, we think it would pay handsomely. Build a track and try it. Points lor Cotton Uen. The. following rules of inspection went into effect at the New York Cot ton Exchange yesterday as a result of the unanimous action of the board of managers : Rule 25. For the government of tho classification committee and the ap peal committee on classification in dressing inspected cotton for classi- ncation : Full grades are. fair, middling fair, good middling, middling, low mid dling and good ordinary. uaJi grades are tnose designated by the term "strict." Quarter grades are those designated by the word "barely," indicating the mean point between the .half grade and the next full grade above, and "fully" indicating the mean point be tween the half grade and the next full grade below. Stained cotton In dressing stained cotton the same subdivision of grades into "full" "strict " "barely." and fully" is to be followed as in white cotton, and for grades of stained or tin ced better than "middlincr stained," the term "strict middling stained" may be used, indicating the main point between "middling stained and "middling white," "tinged" indicating the mean point between "strict middling stained" and "middling white;" and "fully middling stained" indicating the mean point between "strict middling stained" and "middling stained." The following amendment to the ware-house and delivery committee rules also went into effect on Oc tober 24th: Section 58. Amended by inserting the following paragraph between the first and second paragraphs of the rule r "The warehouse and delivery com mittee shall have general supervision and. direction of the inspection bureau, subject to the board of man agers, and snail decide ail questions of detail that may arise in the certi fication and inspection of cotton and report to the- board of managers! at eacn regular meeting." Off for Ralelcn " The Cape Fear Steam Fire Engine Co. left for Raleigh yesterday morn ing via 'the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad. They carried their new fire engine, hose reel and horses with them. Foreman Morrisey expected to haVe forty members of the com pany, but we learn that only twenty boarded the train.. r The Cape Fear is an excellent company; they . have a fine new engine, . and are " as - well equipped as any company in the State, and will no doubt carry off all the honors in their line at the colored. Fair, which they visit -Raleigh to at tend. ". j -.7-?V? v- : - ' '; ilf you want a GOODTOUGH chew of tobacco, try OLD RIP. sS ;-.-rv-j 't;. - FTTTl Woatnsr. Inalsanons. ... . The. following, are' the indications for to-day, received at 1 a. m.: ' v For Virginia, colder,-JIght rains, followed by fair' weather, light to fresh northwesterly winds.. . For North CarolinaJEkmth Carolina and Georgia, cooler, rain, followed by fair weather, light to fresh variable winds, becoming northeasterly. ' BXavors Coon. Mayor Fowler had a full docket yesterday. Edward Dickson, the colored man charged with stealing - a valise and sundry articles, of clothing from Mr. W. S.'MoDermott, at the time of the fire at the latter's house, last Satur day morning, was committed to jail in default of bond for his appearance at' the next term of the Criminal Court to answer to a charge of larce ny. Dickson was also charged with disorderly conduct two cases but judgment in these was suspended. John McKoy, colored, charged with cruelty to animals, was required to give bond in the sum of fifty dollars for his appearance at the Criminal Court', and In default was committed to jail. Wesley Ayant, colored, guilty of disorderly conduct, was required to pay a fine of $20 for the offence. Cass Laurence and Jane Davis, both colored, indulged in abusive language toward each other, which finally end ed in a fight, and a fine of $10 each or twenty days in the city prison was the judgment of the Court. Susan Frank and Grace Austin, both colored, were also charged with disorderly conduct, which was clear ly proven against the former, and she was required . to pay a fine of $20 or work thirty days in the chain gang. The latter defendant was discharged. The case against W. T. Croom, charged with selling spoilt fish in Front street market, was again con tinued, and will probably be tried this morning. OWtnary Jettph Ifr Mr. Joseph Newman,for many years a merchant of Wilmington, died at his home in this city last Sunday, at the advanced age of 77 years. The deceased was born in the Kingdom of Hanover and came to this city twen ty-nine years ago. He leaves a wife, but no children. His remains were interred in Oakdale Cemetery at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Italian barque Yittoria, De Mar- lino, hence, arrived at Trieste Oct. 18. Couhtky mxechajtts ould order a Box of OLD RIP. TOBACCO. It is chtap and good - f MRS. WTNSLOWS BOOTHTNCJ 8YKTTP. Ttrr Sixtaht Cobb thus writes 1b tbo Bottom Cri tian Freemaa .-We would by do meana reoom mend sot kind of mediotns which wo did not ksow to do rood osrtlciilBiiT to infuita. Bat of Mrs. Wtnalow't fioothln Syrup wo osa speak from knowledge: In oar own family it has prorod a bleestDr indeed, by rtrtajj an Infant troubled wuo oouo pains, quiet sleep, ana uto parents un broken rest at nkrht. Most Barents oan anDre- elate these btosaliurs. Here is aa article waJoh works to perfection, and which is harmless; for the sleep whioh it affords the tnf snt Is perfectly natural, and the little cherub awakes aa "bright as a button." And dorbur the process of teeth ins its value is tonal mi labia. We hare frequent ly heard mothers ssy that they would not be without it from tbe birth of tbe child till it bad finished with tbe teethlna; slece, on any conside ration whatever. Sold by alTdrugglsts. 29 cents a bottle. OBITUARY. Mrs. K. KaBRXR. a most estimable ladr. who pentseyeral years In this city, winning the warmest affection of many aad tbe sincere f riandshlp of all who knew her, passed peacefully to her rest at her old home in Raleijrh on tbe l&th Inst., surrounded by lonns relatives and friends who did everrthms In their oower to alleTtate her ufferlnjra. Mrs. Karrer had been In fall lor neattn ror months past, and after irirbur up ber business in this city snent tho rammer Is Ashe- Vllle. eeeklnr relief: but found none, and re turned to the home of her childhood to die. Coa. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, Auction Sale. TO-DaY, AT 10 O'CLOCK, IN OUR 8A1KS JL Room on Market street, we will sell one Cookinc Store, four Heattns- 8 tores, one Babv Carriage, one Crib, one Kitchen Safe, one Bstn Tub. twenty pain Blankets, fifteen Comforts, fire boxes Tobsooo, fifty -one boxes Cigars, S 0 Ladies' Hats COLLI KR a CO.. oct n it Auctioneers Proposals for Repairs on Opera House. BIDS WILL BR RBCXIVKD .TO 10TH Or NO VEMBER. 1887. lot reoalra on Ooera House. Plans, 4 a at City EalL JAMS3W. K.LNO, JNO. L- DUDLKT, GEO. W. PBICX, Jr., oct 23 It Pub. Building Committee. Notice. AT OTJCB IS HfcBjrBY GIYKW 07 LOSS OF CM ll tlfloato of DOdobU. No. 10009. lamed by the Bank of New fianorer, on the 18th dsy of July, 1B87, ror two uusored and nrty uoiiars, pay able to W. Welch. All partiessre hereby warned strains t-tradlng for said Cerufloste, as it was either lost or stolen from me. oct 25 it w WELCH. Children's Overcoats, DOTS' OVERCOATS, YOUTHS' 0VEBG0ATS, MEM OVERCOATS. naw STOCK. AT MTJHSOH'ip, oct 23 a ' Clothier. Ac. GROUND COCOAinJT To-Day.-- Fifteen Cents Per Quart . E.r WaiTett & . Son; WHOLE NO. 6579 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS E LEAD W1IH L0 PRICES. O Xi OT-bLlLtsTG- BOLDCnK&PXRTHAH IS AST BOU8B IS THIS CTTT. SntstaiOal Goois M Excellent ; Fits are to be found la oar Blo t. siuLs, FnniisMiE Goois, Hati, lc, Is the Latt Strict and for both Old aad Young. JUST LOOK ATTHK FOLLOWING PRICES . CnTLDRC?8 SUITS $2.75, 3 00, S3 SO and S400. NOBBY 8 CITS FOE BO IS, from 12 to 17. at UM, $4.50 and S3.00, actually worth double the amount. Donl fafl to call and se our 1S.C0 BU5IR2SS SUITS. Remember our Ooodi are all new and that this la no humbug. Call snl oonrlnos ourtelf. A. 8IIRIER, ootietf 114 Market street. Saturday, October 22. QPlfcKD DHRT50 THB WK1K AND SELLING rapidly. SEB3ZS, ALL COLORS, 1 yard wide, at 45o SXTRA FLANNELS, 1 yard wide, at 56c H sBIT CLOTH. IX yard wide, at 85c A FULL LINK OF Mourning Goods, anl duplicating weekly my stock of Lad lea' and Gents' Underwear. My prices for these goods are foil SO per cent, cat ap r than elsewhere. OUR 13K cent BLACK BIBB ZD BOSS for Cnndren hare become the "Town Talk." We snail offer during the ensuing week great bargains In Drees Goods. Housekeeping Goods, Domestic. Hosiery, Head kerchiefs and Fancy Good a. Tbe public are respectfully is Tiled to an ex amlnation cf stock and prioes. JNO. J. EKDRICK, O0 23 2t Corner Market and Front. For Bent, BOU8 Nc 419 SOUTH SECOND tin HSi street; oontains eight rooms, water. "l't gas andbalh. House No. lit South Fifth street. House southwest oomer Chesaut end Fourth streets. House south side of Mulberry, between Fifth aad Sixth streets. House southeast oorner of 8 rents aad Prin cess streets, and sereral (mail Houses. ALSO Stores, Office and Wharves. Apply to D. O'CONNOR. Real Estate Ajrent oct istf For Bent, A NXW H0USX, CORNER CHESS UT aai aad McRae streets, containing mix 1 large rooms and bath room; gas, water, stables, Ac , on premises. Apply to sop 23 If H. HAAR. Sign of the Horse. RKMEXBKB THAT OUR STOCK OF LAP Robes and Blankets Is tbo handsomest, cheapest and most complete in tbe city, and that we are stm Headqaarters for Harness and Saddlery Goods. Trunks and Bags. Our work needs no reoommendatton. as It shows for itself. rXHHXLL DANIEL, The Horse Milliners, No. IS So. Front SU oct tt (Reriew coy.) Five for Ten. - QNE PACKAGE OF THE BENGAL MANILLA CHEROOT, oontalaing flre splendid Smokes, for 10 oents. free from fiaror. C M. HARRIS, I loots tf News and Cigar Dealer. Wm. . Springer & Co., JMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF HARDWARE and CBOCKXBY, can offer special indaoemeats to Wholesale buyers. 19, n, S3 Market Street, oo8 tf Wilmington. N. C. Dr. J. E. Hatthews, JENTAL SURGEON. OFFERS HIS FROFSS slonal serrlcos to the citizens of Wilmington and Ticirdty. Offioe, No 118 Market street, ore Tsyk)Ts Bsaaar. oct 28 1m To Close CoMipirats. . BOXES ALL GRADES TOBACCO. 454 350 Caddles aH grades Tobacoo, MLCOS fine aad me dium Clsars. which I am salllaa at i na 1 1 raw duoed pi lees. 8AMX BEAR, 8s ootStf 10 Market street Bazin's Shaving Cream. JAZELLTJ FACE POWDER. LA SELL'S HTTRSKBT POWDER, ALCOHOL STOVES, COD LXVEB OIL, Ac. BOBEBTR. BELLAMY.' Druggist oct 2 tf N. W. Cor. Front aad Market Sts. GrapelFhosphateSs : ! DEXIGUTFTL (sLETSATION OF PUEE Grape Jsioe with Tonle PaorDhates, aa elegant aad refreshing drtak, for S oents only, at " j. B- HASDIS'S rharmacy, " oo tS tf Bew alaraaC t:;- nbrary lamps. -X VYTE CAN OFFER SPECIAL INDUCalCENTS toimrchasersof library IabssV.- Tbo Old Se liabU Bochester Lamp alwsyt-on hand at reason able prioes. . . -- OCV23 tl . , . , - - GILES A KTECmrON. e::: i kitei ey ai VEitTixi:. : Oa tqaars On Dsy. tV . .' ; ' Tkree Lt&ra. ; 2 1: EyJ-"- - - v " 'OnaWeek,............. - , Ttoe Weaa . Z S1OKUr : r- " " ' 2?t? M.JlU- J "" Isar... ..,,. i, ; a" won tract Adrartlsemssts takes at prcr ' : Oooatary low rates. ; -y. Z I r' y Tea fines solid Nonpareil typo make one - NEW -ADVERTISEMENTS. JUST rV l-EW Particular Bargainc I BROWN & RODDICK, O North Front Stv ; We can speetal attention to a few . Particular Bargains for ims WEXK. " k ' Our space is too small po eaaiaerate atl ipeoiaitles. ', AIM AD-col Iliei Dress. TfESis f 0c per yard, really worth fl.CO. "v 36-Incli All-Wool Serges In all desirable Shades. Si oents per ysrdegular ' price everya here M cents.. "i Dress Goods. A large rsrlity of Noreltles la DRESS GOODS..' 8ome rery Becberche Styles. Ladies' and Children'c 1 --.'- V JACKETS, NEWMARKETS AND UL8TZES. in Seal Skin. Plushes. Tweeds, Dlagoaals. Serges, Ac We hare the most complete assort mest we hare ever shown. . "' . - -y Table Scarfs and Tidies. Ws are .bowing some rery distingue Goods in this department. Buching. A Large isroice of Baching Just opened. Dress Trimmings.; A FULL LINE of all the most FaAbJc alibis Dress Trimmicrt in all tbe new Colors. "" ' r Handkerchiefs. :-y': GenU' White Unlaundried Hemstitched and kerchiefs, ALL LUTIN. ft.co per do sen. A Bar gala certain. ... -' Genu' Colored Border Hemstitched PUKE LIVEN Handkerchiefs, 10 cents, worth tS eenU Gents' Kid Glove& J la Plain sndSUtched Backs,tlX8 andfLTJ atalr Ladies' Colored KID GLOVES, Plain SO eeats. Lad lea' Colored KID GLOVES. SUtched Baca' U cents. ., . Blankets. The Urgest and etea;est stock of BLABKETS we hare erer tbown. We are offering a. Tory great bargain In 11-4 Blankets, slightly soiled;, fs.io a pair. y. . BROWN & RODDICK, 9 NORTH FRONT STREET, oct a tl Insure in the JTVEEPOOL A LONDON A GLOBE INSUR ANCE CO. Owi.0.0MDaUoutfOTloKesm' the United States. . Lomos by Chicago Fire, 1871,' tSStXon. ' Losses by Boston Fire. 187. 1,487,290.'' ' Loess, paid wltbest disoount. . . --r, 8TKONO, IJBKRAJ.. PROMPT. - V "" Premiums reoetred, 1818, S4.S19. -Premiums reoeired, 1886. t&JB&JSfS ' The Increase shows bow this Company bas dealt with Its patrons. ., SMITH A BOATWSIGBTv ?: Saooessors to -Wm. L. Smith A CO. A J. W. Gordon A 8mlta, Agents. No. l4 K Water St. Telephone No. 78. octSStf - - j School Shoes. . : JgEST SHOES FOB THI BOYS AND GlSLS TJ the city. Made expressly to wear weS aad look neatly. PareuU wm do well to examine our - v . - . ' -. - r - A - goods and 1 rices btfore prrchaslng. Geo. B. French & Sons, 106 NORTH FRONTJBTFZXT. . octZSU Dunlap Stiff Hats A ND OTHER POPULAR SHAPES. " LOWEST PRICES. ' . EAJSBX80S A AXIX9, . ; Tbo HaUers. oexSU School Books. t V TTTE HAYB ALL THE BOOKS USED ST THE PubHo and Private School, of tbo city, and tare marks d tasfn down LOW. Send tb cilklren dowa and we wlU treat them rVni ' - -;. G. w. TATE&' oe 23 tf - - - Bookstore. - i "llo'w is Your Time rjx GET TOUB BUOQT OS CAEELLG2 112 - paired and Painted. X ean make tt lock as r-i aa new, or can trade or sell you a sew cv Try me. In tbe old Jail bnOdinr, oomer of l-rlaocKS aad Soood streets. Xours truly. - ocsju - . e, p. irccraaLL, ?

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