... - y" ww""-"?! - rs fhe Morning, -Star. WILLIAM H. EUNAU?t. PiTi'.MSHSD DAILY MOKPAYS. "f BATE8 OF SOTKOailTIOH, III ADTAHCB. ' - ' ,e Year (by Mall). Postaw Paid. .... $6 eo ,IX Months, . - ........... 8 CO Three Months m . tt to ' ar-To City Subscribers, delivered in any part c the City, Twkltb Craws per week. Our City Acentoare not authorised to oolleot for jstot than three montha In adranoe. , - ',a- stored at the Post Office at ; Wilmington. W. e" as Second Clasa Matter,. - , OUTLINES, ; -'ft-. - " Valuable mill properly, and about -150,000 worth of lumber , have , been destroyed by forest fireff -near- Little Rock, Ark.-- -"Three negro " men were killed in Calhoun county; Fla., a few days since by a white man,1 whose boat the - men were using to catch drift logs. -Perkins, Dupee & Co., Boston bankers, have tailed? liabilities $40,000, assets' 20,000. . Destructive forest fires prevail, in Ohio, and a town was -only saved from burning by '-the most heroic ef forts of its citizens. ; -tr-Rumors pre vail in Antwerp ann Brussels that the steamer Westernland,-yith four hun dred passengers and a crew: of ninety, lias foundered at seaj the steamer is' due at New York to-morrow. " A Paris dispatch says the r Czar, with a view to taking decisive action in Bul garian affairs, has formed 2 an anti German alliance ' between Russia, Helgum, Holland, Sweden, and Den mark; other powers are expected to join the alliance. A dispatch from Sofia says a plot has been dis-, covered to assassinate Prince Ferdi naud and Stambuloff and Natche- vitch. Mr. Gladstone thinks the government's policy in regard to Ire laud is going from" bad to worse, and that his anxiety, is greatly relieved respecting the length of the struggle. Snow is reported from several points in Virginia. - The Presi dent has issued a proclamation ap pointing the 24th of November as a day of thanksgiving and prayer to be observed fey all people of the land. A vessel has arrived at Savannah with small-pox on board; she was sent to quarantine. - Six or eight new eases of yellow fever and five deaths reported -from Tampa." - The new Anatomical Hall of the Uni versity of Virginia was opened yester day. A quarrel over a trifling matter, by a Virginia' farmer and a trm hand, resulted in the latter be ing instantly killed by the former. The regular meetings of the Cabi net have been - resumed. The Chicago wheat market yesterday was especially strong, corn moderately active, and provisions more active than usual. Two more cases and one death from cholera on the steam ship Britannia at New York quaran tine. Argument in the Anarchist cases will be made in the U. S. Su preme Court to-morrow; Gen. Pryor atid Gen. Butler will speak in support of the petition for a writ of error, and Attorney General Hunt, of Illinois, in opposition to. the petition. - - The fall meeting of the National Jockey Club began in Washington yesterday. New York markets: Money easy at 84 per cent., closing offered at 3 per cent; cotton dull at 9f9c; south ern flour quiet and firmly held; wheat No. 2 red October 8383c; corn higher, closing firm; No. 2 Octo ber 52i52ic; spirits turpentine quiet - at 3-jc; rosin steady at $1 201 27. Houston, iex,a8, -is a progressive town. It granted sixteen divorces in one day. It ought to move' to Chi cago. ' It now turns out; that Lady Brassy jumped overboard while suffering from fever. Her husband came near drowning in his effort to save her. There are said to be actually four thouaand children at school in Vienna who are suffering from the pangs of hanger. Their palid, emaciated looks tell the story. ' - Young editor Haskell accepts all the responsbility that attaches to his disgraceful attack uponMrs Cleve Jand but does not have the "decency Xo apologize for his dirty conduct. The Raleigh Visitor has entered vVtm anew volume. It is a useful paper to us and "we are pleased to know that it is weli . sustained and has improved within a few months. The Boston ; Irnnseript ? saylr the Maine Prohibitory law is a. partial soccess. That is what the Governor aJ8- It is enforced in; the rural districts but fails in $be towns and citiee. v- r he Cincinnati Post doepi not claim "ch for the theatreS uoesnot Relieve it is an ally of the Chnrch. It, says: ' r- -. ' Chii th?atre is not annnexltoilhe! aradiff' and never will be.,: Its functions Church-'601 End a8ide from 88 of the The Jacksonville; . daily Times Union h a very handsome: and pro gres81Ve eight-page papertln- its 88Qe of Oct. 21st, it got out a mam "th merchant's trade issue. ; It'was Pages in size and was most credit . labl in all respects' -&t' :.k rather slipped up in our note '';llPCer0ing ,xfordale of to Tbere were :4d0,000 : worth VOL.; XLI,rNO. 29. sold in one day and the average was not less than $20 per hundred pounds for leaf.- We had It 3tf0O9 pounds. 1 uere were more than 150,000 pounds sold..: H ftTha Star will not allow any . na tional question to overridev and con trol it in dealing with home affairs. .With the Stab the first question is to prevent the party that robbed, ruined , banir opted .North Carolina from again getting eontroLMt would not for a Dukedom: permit the tre mendous curse' of Radical supremacy to return upon ine - people ojf North Carolina if it.could prevent it.; Both the Democratic and Republican, par "ties in North Carohnhflllw doubt favor the -total abolition of the rev'e ' nue laws. - In that event -the ques tion is not debatable in so far as the Stab is concerned.: .: The Republican party is the author of the present system of internal taxation and the mode of collecting. -If any odium or wrong attaches to it' in any way it belongs to the Republican party. Rev. Dr. Starr was much misre presented by the telegraphic report of his speech. lie has a mnch better opinion of the secular press than he is represented as saying. He is no doubt right in the opinion that not one fourth of the editors are genuine Christians. Dr. Starr, one of the most eloquent and gifted of the Southern clergy, now stationed at Lynchburg, Va.r has been appointed by Bishop Wilson to the charge ot McKerdree Church, Nashville, to which Mr. Candler had been tempo rarily appointed. Mr. Candler is one Qf the editors of the Nashville. Chris tian Advocate, that has, we believe, a circulation of 20,000 or more. . Mr. Andrew Carnegie, a Scots man who has made a fortune in Pennsylvania by aid of the War Ta riff and is "a. staunch Republican" as he says of himself, has the candor to say .that Mr. Cleveland's Ad minis tration "has been highly creditable." He goes farther and cajs if he did not say that he would be fa very dishonest man." He "for one will shed no tears if Mr. Cleveland is re elected.' The beBt interests of the country require the success of the Democracy in the next election. The Philadelphia Ledger, the highly esteemed paper belonging to Mr. George W. Childs, has put on a new life and new drees and new departures. It is now more like the modern style of journalism.' The Ledger has always been a dignified, wild Republican paper. It has been reliable and careful, and if not pro gressive it sought to tell the truth and save the country. A Yankee soldier stole Gen. Robert E. Lee's family Bible from the residence at Arlington. . He was from Maine and thought it no rob bery to steal from a Confederate. The Book was advertised for. and has at last been recovered.. It is never too late to return stolen property even though taken from the .South ern people. . It will not begin to do to allow the Radical party to get possession of the State Government. With a Rad ical Legislature, a Radical Governor and other State officials, and a Radi cat United States Senator in place' of Gen. Ransom, and" thV prosperity of the State would not ' only cease bat much that has been gained' would he lost. .- - The police at Woodford, Ireland, broke up the meeting that was pro claimed and were brutal in the use of their batons.. Lady Blunt was burled from the platform, . and her husband;: was ' arrested ' He . is an Engiishman and declared: he would! assert his right to speak. - ... ; -" In rEngland, when a boisterous, ill-mannered fellow wis jo unseemly , as to interropt tbalmjnister w was preaching in Westminster .bbey, a Cnnreh of England building, - he was inmsUjSATfieh and "made to pay a fine of ,125. He richly deserved the prison, ''fi Vi Charlotte Hornet - At .6 o'clock this evening a number ; of young men will compete for a purse to be made up by those Who enter Jn Ca . jumping match, the. one who makes the longest Jump to have the entire purse. Mra Jo Ltndy returned, from ' Atlanta yesterday morning - in the best of spirits and full of enthusiasm.- And well he mighty Jor,the Lindy Cotton Chopf per and Cultivator, a Simon pure Charlotte invention, captured the : first . prize at the WIL MIN GTON, N. TJHEIEj git ;HEff ADTERTISBBIBflTS. " " .' Munson Bargains. -r-T:f Coixteb & Co. Auction sate. " J "v r v - . E. Wabrk'r & Bon Elegant candies. - Masokio Meeting "WllmuiKton' Lodge. Local Dots. - . ' - Arrangements; are on foot for for another race. - . ; ' - - New, River oysters are scarce, and selling at one dollar per gallon. - ;The steamer Benefactor sailed' from Southport at 6.30 p..m. .Monday., Mr. Buck Meadows, of , Oxford, N C has been in the city for several days.::. - . '.. Mr.: W. E. Stevens, a member jof the."bar of Pender county, was in town yesterday; . Coopers say they are doing a staying business just now, and even the ragman says that his business is picking up. . . ' ;. The annual fair of : the Edge combe Agricultural and Mechanical Association will be held at Tarboro, November 8th to 11th. . - The twenty-fifth annual fair of the Cumberland County Agricul ture Society will be held at Payette ville, November 9th, 10th and 11th. Mr. T. M. Foy, of Scott's Hill, was in the city yesterday on his way to the Goldsboro fair, with five fine Jersey-red hogs for exhibition there. Wm. Sumiey, a deoerter from the British steamship Coventry, was arrested yesterday and looked up for safe-keeping until the vessel gets ready to ail. Receipts of .cotton yesterday 2,414 bales. Total receipts since Sep tember 1st, 74,361 bales; last year to same time, 40,636 bales. Increase, 27,725 bales. The Baptist State Convention will meet at Durham on the 16th of next month. The Rev. H. W. Battle, of "Wadesboro, will preach the open infi sermon. Mr. John P. Banner man, an aged and highly esteemed-citizen of Pender county, died yesterday at his home near Bannerman's Bridge, after a prolonged .illness. r -r Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Son cleared the British steamship Dal lieattie yesterday, for Liverpool, with a cargo of 8,900 bales of cotton, weigh ing 1,836,506 pounds and valued at $170,000. The steamer A. P. Hurt arrived from Fayetteville yesterday after noon, with lighter in tow, and about 350 bales of cotton and other freight. The Hurt will leave on the return trip at 2 p. m. to-day. Ten new subscribers by last night's mail. The Stab's subscrip tion list is steadily increasing. Since the first of the present month the names of over one hundred new sub scribers have been entered upon its books. Bishop A. W. Wayman, D. D., of the A. M. E. Church, is expected here this morning, to preach at 8 o'clock this evening at Mount Zion Church, on Fifth, between wann and Nixon streets. The public is in vited to attend. . The first of the series of cotil lions for the season of 1887-88, to be given by L'Allegro Cotillion Club, comes off this evening. The Govern ing Committee jare Messrs. Walker Taylor, D. T. Cronly, B. S. French, J. H. Boatwright, C. C. Chadbourn, Ed ward Daniel, W. M. Howey, A subdued air pervaded magis terial circles yesterday, and quiet reigned in, about and around the Court "House, v Chief Justice Millis, whose weighty presence and judicial bearing give dignity to the surround ings, was away. It. was learned that he had gone to Raleigh, where the Supreme Court is now in session; but nothing could be ascertained as to the significance of his visit. Cocton Flrea. - 1 - - Wilmington may congratulate her-r self for the immunity she has thus far enjoyed from cotton fires. . Since the opening of the cotton season only one cotton fire has occurred, and that was speedily (extinguished. and the - loss was trifling.' . " ' V' -Savannah has been a great sufferer, having had numerous fires with heavy f losses! Charleston, New - Or leans" and Norfolk also, have not escaned. " - . . ; :The ias fire at :. Savannah was on Sunday night,' -when seven hundred and fifty bales 4jf cotton on the Brit ish steamer. Sylvia yier& damaged the loss beinar estimated at S30.0W. As m the ease of all the other fires on ship. boara tnere is no clue even as xo xne The merchant of thatl: place, how ever, axe considerably exercised - over heKmatteirrfrthe threatened- liw crease of rates on cotton: by ,the, in surance companiesv and the danger of a boycott against' the - port nnless measures are "taken; to 'prevent tne recurrence of ; theA disastrous fires or. the past two or three "Weeks.; " - . C.; WEDNESDAY, OCIQBER 26, .1887. FoorUi firMl BrMge. rvJ J .-' : . The Bridge Committee of the Board os Aldermen," the City purveyor, the City Attorney, His Honor the Mayor,, and ' the Chairman : of the Board of Audit and Finance, assembled yester day afternoon in the Mayor's office to' confer with - an agen of the Smith Bridge Co., the contractors for build' ing an iron bridge over the railroad cut on Fourth street, who, it is under stood are not prepared to .fulfil their contract,: which - requires them to complete "the bridge . in ' forty-five days from date of notification of the completion of the abutments, which were -. finished several -days ago." The meeting ; was held with elos-' ed doors, , but one of the 'mem bers of the committee : ot the Board of 'Aldermen kindly furnished the representatives- of ' the prfcssthe following propositions which were submitted by the Smith Bridge Co., and accepted : 1st. The Bridge Company to erect at once on the west side . of Fourth street a temporary bridge, safe and, secure for. vehicles and foot-passengers, and not less than twelve feet wide, and a much wider as the street in Its present status will allow. , 2nd. The time for the completion .of the work acoordiog to the terms of tne existing contract, is to be extend ed, so that the east half of the bridge is to be completed in every respect (except painting) by the 15th of 'Jan uary, 1888, and the remainder by the 15th of February, 1888. 3rd. A forfeiture of 25 ner day for each day's default in the completion or eitner nail; provided, that the for feiture shall not exceed $25 per day in any event, and the forfeiture shall not apply to the painting until the time wnen tne whole bridge should be completed under the new arrange ment. The temporary bridge is to be com pleted in fourteen days and the work is to be commenced at once. Selling Spirits TarpcnUn by WelKttb The movement originated by the Paint and Oil Club of Boston to sell turpentine by weight instead of by gauge is progressing, and has been fully endorsed by the New York Paint and Oil Club, the Paint and Oil Club of Chicago, by the dealers and con sumers in Philadelphia and by the largest dealers in St. Louis. It is said that in ease the Southern trade will not agree to sell spirits by weight, there will be a committee sent South, and later a company' will be formed to buy and sell turpentine through the South. - The Boston Commercial Bulletin, in advocating this new movement, says : By the old gauge measure there is a great opportunity of. cheating in the manufacture or the barrel, by making one side of the head thicker than the other asld while the bung staves are made thin the others are made thick so that the barrel - will not hold into several gallons as much as the gauger estimates. This class of barrels comes princi pally from Wilmington. N. C. In selling by weight it makes no differ ence wnat tne weignt of the barrel is, for that is deducted in the tare, and In that way the consumer will get what he pays for. . The objection has been brought up that the tares on the barrels may not be given correct ly and this not discovered until after the barrel is emptied. All that is necessary is to advertise- those firms that make a practice of making tares too low, wnen tne nrms must eitner make the loss good or else lose busi ness as that practically brands them as aisnonest. mayor's Coin. ' The case of W. T. Croom, charged with selling spoilt fish in Front; street market, in violation of the city ordi nance, occupied the attention of the Mayor for some time yesterday morn ing. There was a number of wit nesses in the case, some of whom swore most positively that the fish in question were spoiled and unfit for sale, while the others swore just as strongly that the fish were good, sound and wholesome. Mr. DuBrutz Cutlar appeared for the city and Mr. M. Bellamy appeared for the defend ant. The case was finally thrown out of Court, and thus ended an annoy ing 6uit. Charlotte Hooper, colored, charged with allowing her hogs to run . at large, was found guilty and was fined $2 for the offence. " Richard Stowe, colored, charged with disorderly ; conduct, was not ready for trial, and the examination of -his case was continued until to morrow. Henry W. Robinson, a tramptwith a crippled . arm, - said that he was in the . hotel business and was bound from Norfolk, I Va., to Florence, S. He was -placed - In charge of an officer to be escorted out of the city. - v .- -' - - ! i - '- Mrs. Goodale will arrive here this' morning. .At three o'clock this after noon she will hold a special meeting forladles'at the Filth - Street 'Metho--dist churchVj' Ladies of airdenomlna tions who are interested in the tem perance work are , invited to attend; This evening, at . half-past seven .o'clock, she. will give a;public lecture at the same place.? tw. c . - . . ... ' - m m m 'T- '-1 ..'-". ,. - - , , VV-;-, -i- TOberes ci'ami.-v?.- .'. --.-.:.', : V; A lady's fine shoe was; picked up on South Front i street near Market yes terday morning, bya gentleman who left it at ColrHedrick's store, corner of Front and Market streets. ; . ; woauaor uunooai. ;. "- ; I The following are the indications for to-day, received at 1 a. m.i f J For Virginia, warmer; fair weather, light to fresh northerly winds, blft ing to southeasterly. - 1 " V; . FofNorth Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, warmer, rain, followed by fair "weather, light to fresh north erly winds, shifting to southeasterly. NeW Storn Bl(nalt. . The flags for the new storm signal code have been received at the Signal Office and will go into use with the next order received. ' ; v .. Tbe code, was published in this pa rper some time ago. But for the sake of those interested its principal (fea tures are given below. There are two principal flags, I. e. CaoUonary and storm..., , The.Cautionaryn Is a square yeli. low flag with 5whlte centre,-and de notes the approach of a moderate storm. - . The Storm,w. is a red square with black centre and denotes thai the storm will be of marked violence. Then the direction from which the dangerous wind is expected to blow, will be denoted by two penants; a red penant denoting easterly, and a white, westerly. . Then in order to make it even more definite:" For northerly winds (northwest and northeast) the penants will be dis played above the square flags..' and for southerly' winds (southwest and southeast) they will be displayed be low the square flags. The night signal is a red light for easterly winds and red and white lights for westerly winds. . We. are indebted to Mr. F. P. Chaf fee, Signal Officer, for the above. Bcari la Oranawlek. Bears must have been plentiful in the Shallotte. section of Brunswick county this season. A correspondent of the Stab, writ ing from Shallotte, under date of the 24th instant, gives a briefaccount of the achievements of some of the members of ths Edwards family, noted for generations past as great hun ters, and their neighbors. Not long since Mr. N. H. Edwards found that his hogs had been disturbed by a bear, and he and his neighbors went out for a drive, and soon killed a very large one. Not many days af ter, Mr. A. R. Edwards went out in the same range and succeeded in kill ing another full-grown bear. His par ty saw signs of other bears and went to work and built a trap. The bears still continuing their depredations on the hogs, a company of men went out and after a Bhort drive got on brain's track, and continuing! their hunt, killed. one and caught two bears in the trap making five in all killed in that section so-far this season. Ualon ITIeetlBC. The Southern Union of the Eastern Baptist Association, embracing some sixteen churches, will hold its next meeting with the Moore's Creek Church, Pender county. Rev. W. M. Kennedy, of Warsaw, is the Modera tor and Mr. J. M. Montfort, of Mason boro, the Clerk of this body. Revs. J. B. Barlow, G. M. Tolson and T. H. Pritchard,. with deacons Alfred Al derman and J. W. Taylor, are the delegates from Wilmington. The North Carolina nee crop this year is estimated at 28,000 barrels, against 80,000 last year. ' LIST OP LBTTBBS Remaining in the Post Office Tues day, October 25, 1887. A Agent Remington Typewriter. B Baugham, Nellie (2); Bengiman, Reese (2); Bernard, Mary A; Bullock, R D; Bengiman, Lary; Bowens, M: Buress, J C; Butler, HE; Burden, H B; Blackburn, Dal ton & Co; Buguyan, Annie; Bee ton, Chas; Buntin, Abra ham; Bright, Alex. ' C Carrier, Hattie. D Davis, Lyen. " F Foy, Samuel. G Green, Lucy; Geer. Joshua; Green, Jas H; Garrison, Alice. H Holladay, A R- Hamlin ton, George (2); Hill, O C: Holland. Josh; Hooper, Jno H; Hall, Wm; Howard, Wm. , K Knott, Geo W. L Lupo, T E. M Murphy, Dr W B; McAlister;. Francis; McClain, Martha;, Moore, Charlotte: McKengee, Grace; Ma thews, Sallie T; Mann, Lizzie. P Prichard, Dan'l. Petereon, Le vineSjJPerkins, S A. R Richardson, Cfllo; Robinson, Dave & Abe. '. ' -; S Smith, Carr; Smith, Ben j Wm; Sellars, Lizzie; Simmons, J C; Sue, Katie. . . T Thomas. Daniel; Tracy, George; Tate, Josh; Thompkins, S L; Thomas, WS. - - TJ Upton, Florence B. - W Williams, J C. Persons calling for letters in the above - list will . please say 'adver tised.'': Letters will be sent to the Dead Letter Office,' at Washington, D. C, if not called for i within thirty days.." . ' ' " :; -, O. G. Pabslbt, P. M. WilmingtoivNew Hanover Co., N. C. -c-" ' DIED :. 7. ,;- FABBOW-Ta this citr, T&eadaT. Oct. t6th, at lSSJoolook.Krt. MART. J. FARROW, Wife of 2f. X. Farrow, al SS year aad dara. -, : , "' TTmral"Thordr. ;Tth, "from-JIaaoaboro Chorob. rrlends and aoqaafatanoea are lnrttad to 'attend '. " WAirrXD XAW To take the areaey of eu maim; dee 88 lSxlS tnobee;-welxbt S03 lba, retail crtoe tss; other ttxea ts vroparUaa. A rare ehaaoe to ereata a permanent ooxlseM at bome .. 1 beee salee meet a demand serer before applied by other mi e eomoaBio. ea we are not royerned by the fcaie Pool. Alp'.ne E.i'a Co., Clnc'r.alt, O. - tuff RHi) 8iT, WHOLE .NO. .6580. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. .Auction Sale, -1 ' TV-PAT. AT 19 'oCrjOCK, 13 OUtt ftAtES Boom va Mrkt aueet, we will aU oa ery fine Offioe lieak. one Patent Clotfcea ICnrer, three Offlo storea. oee Baby ' carrlaxe. one Baby Crlo, S3 rmlra maaketa. SO Comfort. Q.aa aad Tlaware, Tab. Backet, e, Ao . COLUXB ACXX, - ootHlt, ,-. - . r Aoctloneer. ; filMi!l(ni UU,iU 319, A. F. VL H. ATtrKTioH Barrnwrjrr-epxciAL oox . nrantcatkra tola (Wedaeaday) eTmlajb $A t X o'o'ook. work ta tbe X. A. deirraa. VlatUnx Brethren fratemal InTlted to attend. tsj ordrr of w. kC - - DUUCAM KoUCBm. oetM It oecretarr. BARGAINS IN GEHTS'DHDEBWAB,HECKEAR CLOTHTTTG- At MUKSOS'g, dothlar aa4 FaraUher. oottStt elegaut; cahdies. WI HOW HA Tit A FULL USX XLXOAKT Home Ilade Candies- TRY V4 OH A "NIC BOX. E. Warren &-: Son, KXCBAKGK COSHXX. oct ttX WE LEAD WHH LOf PRICES. OLOTHnSTG- i. BOLD CHBAFXSTSAH XH AST EOTTS 23 iSTHWcrrr. Substantial Gocfc ani EmUect. Fits are to be found la oarStore. Sets, FpiduiE liooaj,. Hats, ic, la the Lattit Styles and for both Old and Your JUST LOOK ATTHX FOLLOWTJta PBICXS . CHILD EW8 StJTTS 2.7 13 00,(150 and IC00. NOBBT SUITS FOR B0T8, from It to 17. at I4.M. K.M and $5.00. actnaUy worth doable the amount. Don't fafl to call and eee our 18X0 BC5INXS3 BUTTS. Femember oar Good are all new and that thli ti no bamboK Call anl oonTtnoe j onrt elf . A. SIII1IER, oot 19 tf 114 Market itraet. Saturday, October 22. OFB3TKD OUK15Q THX WX1K AXTJ SZLLIKQ rapidly. StKdKS. ALLCOLOSS. m yard wtde, at 43o 2 BXTRA FLAKS ALB, 1 yard wide, at 5&o. HABIT CLOTH, m ywxl wide, at 85c . .A JULL UK OF. Mourning: Goods, and dnpllfiatlnc weekly my stock of Ladle and Oenta' Underwear. Hy prioes for theee rood are foil B0 per oent. ehcaptr than elaewhere. OUB VM eeat BLACK BIBBSJD BOSB for Children bare beootse the "Town Talk.n We anall oSerldorlnc the ennlnc week rreat barKBlnabi DreeaOooda. Hoosekeeplsr Goods. nomesUoa, Boalery, Bandkerchiets and Fancy Goods. Tbe pnbUo are respectfully larlted to an ex amlnallon cf stock and prloe. jno. J. EZDBICZ. oo B tf Corner Market and Front. Sign of the Horse. RKlfXXBXB THAT OUB STOCK OF LAP Kobe end BUaket m tbe haadaomest eheepest and most oomplete tn tbe city, and that we are stTU Headquarters for Uarneas and feaddlery Goods. TranJta and Bsc. Our work need so reoommendattoiL a It shows for Itself. FKXHKLL DAKTXL, The Hone MCllners. Mo. 10 Bo. Front SU oct 23 tf (Berlew coy.) Five for Ten.- QNB PACKAGX OF TUB BKNGAL XASILLA CHEROOT, eo&telniiiff five splendid Smokes." for 10 cents, free from flaror .C M. HARRIS. ItooWtf Wews and Cigar Dealer. Wm.J2. Springer & Co., THPOBTZBS AKO JOBBZRS OF HAEDWARX and CROCXXBT, can offer special inducements" to Wholesale bujers. 19, tU Market Street, WUmlnirtos. V. C oo IS tf Dr. J. E. Ilattliews; JQXSTAL BXmaXOTX. OTTSRS HIS FBOFXS akmal serrloe to the ettizeo of Wllmlnjrton aad Vlclrlty. Offloe, Ko 118 Market stteet, ore Tsylor Baaar. " oct aim .in Close Coisiinineuts. - OCQBOXXS ALL GRAB KB TOBACCO, 450 CaddWs aS rradee Tobaooo, 5000 fine aad me dlum Clears, which I am felltnf at rreaUy re duced pi iocs. .w" . - 8A1PL BXAB, 8a - oaSStf . iO Market street fiazin's Shaving Cream, TAZXLL'S FACX FOWUXX, r " . LA Z ILL'S KTTRSrRT POWDXR, ALCOHOL 8T0VJS, COD LTVSR OIL, Ae. ' BOBKRT B, BXLLAMT. -, . Drnjurlst ootntf W.W. Cor. Front and Market Sta. v GrapelFliospliates; A DXXIGHTFTL COXIlATI07l'0 , tVSX Grape Jaioe with Tanlo Pboatthates, an elegant aad tefreshlnff drink, for 6 cent only; at ; -C- J. B, HASDUfB rbarmacy, , oct3tf WwMmM. :,v: library Lampa r : ; TTTXCAX OFFXS BTECXAL nrDUCXXXXTS lo parchaaers of Ubriry Lamp. .The C14 Be- KaTjle Eocbefter Lamp al wsys oa hand at re&sott etierc. 7 tee 8qvar CM XHy,U m II ; t1.;,-- 1 - - One Tr;:" ' ' f " v" r. JT wi-.... ' ' -. ' : . ia(5Ul ;, , , jju roBtarm! - r ' y Coo tract AA TrUefceE u til c a i ' Uonaltlylovratea. - . fine eoBd KoapaxeB me zsvie t JUSTA-FEl Pajrticmlari; Barfjci BROWJS & RODDI O Nrth Front f f. We call peUal aUcntloa to a fe w ' Particulax Bargain FOB THIS WXXK. Our space Is too email to esamertte - - ipeclalUee.'-; ' - 42-Ilcb-A&-ll'Qi MSL'iDiw-llirr;: i fc r yard. reaKj worth tl.ca 36-Inch Ail-Wool Serge:, ta all desirable Bhadea, SS cent per y&rd;rr; prioe ererymbere U oenta, ' Dress Goods.' A larre rarUty of XorelUes to. TB3S GO; Some very Beebercbe Styles." j . ladies' and "CMIdren'. 3 ACXXTS. KXWXARXXTS AXD VL&TZT.Z, la Seal Skin. Plaabee. Tweed. Liar or Berjraa, Ac. We hare the most oomplete au:r meat we hare ever shown. -'. : . Table Scarfs andTidic . Wo are ahowlsff some very dlstlcrue Go; In this department. ; Encbing.- A Larr lavoice ot Rnchlnjr Just opened. Dress Trimmings. tCLL LXSX cf aU tbe most Fahiciiit: Dreas Trhamltn la all the mw Colore Handkerchiefs. Genu White Unlaandxled Hemstitched Us.: kerchiefs, ALL LI SIX. ft-CO per dotes. AI'i cala certala. . Gents' Colored Border Bemitltcbed ' JZ1 LIN Bit Handkerftilels, 10 ornts. worth 55 ce i Gents' Kid Gloves la ruia and Stttcbed Backs.! 1Z0 andlLH a i V Ladles' Colored KID GLOVES, Plain 60 ce t Ladles' Colored KID GLOVXB. BtUcbed Ek 65 cents. . :,C'r : Blankets- Jfc the lartest and cea;est stock ft ELA5IL. we hare erer shown. We are offertnt a tc: irreat barcatn In 11-4 Blankets, slightly toV.e is.toapalr. BROWN & RODDIC; f KOSTH FBOTZT 8TEX2T, ' OCt 28 tf - Insnre in.the : JIVXKPOOL A LOHDOM GLOBS ISCTI ANCB CO. Orer SS9.000,OCO paid oat for lost es : the Umted States. Loes by Chicago Fire, 1871, 153rL Loaaeaby Boston Plre.: 167 1,427: o. tosse paid wltboet disoonnt. - BTKONO. LTBKBAX. PROMPT. -Premiums reoelred, ists. S4 6'. Premiums reoelred. 1880. l&jest&X." " - -The Increase shows how this Company i dealt with lu patron a - . SMITH BOATW RIGHT, uooeasors to Wm. L. Smith CO. A J. W. Gordon. & 8m'.'.: A cents. -- -' No. 134 TSL Water t. . , Telepboae Jto. n octtStf - - - , - ; - School - Shoes. TXST CHOXS FOR THS BOTS XSCD G1BX3 I the city. Xade expressly to wear well asd z peatlr. Parents will do Well to examine c roods aad rrtces before pvrrhaslac. - - - - .7: ,-!'. - . - J' Geo; E. French & So: 106 SOSTH rsoirnsTFzxT. - oetSSU . , Dnnlap Stiff Hat: Jiro OTHXB P1PTLA11 SHAPES." - . ' r LOWXST FEICX3. niTmsog a Aixry. The Hatter; oetttf -School Boots. TTTI HAYX ALL THX BOOKS TJfED EYT. PobQo and Prlrate BchoolB of the city, and 1 marked them down LOWJ,- bettdth. en. down aad we will Uat them rteht. oo n tf I:. ITott is: Your Tin: T GET TOUR BUGGY OS CAT.! paired asd Painted, t can fcaTte it loci t: a new, or cau tm i or tl yoa a r,w r ae. Iathecli 3 J. t r- ercll.-alf- - li-u. :- -.