THE KIDNEYS Xrc snrc to be Healthy if the Liver acts properly. . . .,,,, Kidney do not Act Properly the "ririowlns Symptoms will follow: rteaoacne, Weafcne, Pala lo the -small of the Back and Loin, Hlusne of Heat, Chills, with Disordered Stomach and Bowels. - .r have suffered a thousand deaths since I left th Army, and a mora diseased Idver and-Kid-vou never heard of. I tried a number of Sfffarent remedies and spent $1,800, but I ob fled no real bene as until I bought a bottles of.SImmons Liver Regulator.. This Snaration cured me, and I must say it Is the ?niv medicine I would give a cent for In my ZZa. H. Beakd, Richmond, bad. case. j.OTLf OKNJINBa - -h our Z stamp In red on front or wrapper. j II. Zeilin & Co,, Philadelphia, Pa. sn'e' Proprietors. Price, $1.00, de 10 1& Wly we f r su . v too nrm . MAhsCA f om a ovnmo'i Blot ;- ,i. wo:-bt scrotal) a rove?" fores," S - rill rl-Ctl Blotch, or Kruptloii, Scaly or Roneli i. -.11 ."3 1 ... . aa.ha X. 1 1 h.ood conquered by this powerful, puri fviiv uml invigorating medicine. GreaS ratliss E'lcers rapidly heal under Its be nisrn iiiilueneo. Especially has it manifested its i noti'iicv in curing- Xetter, Rose Rash, Koils, Carbuncles, Sore S2yos, Scrof- -nlous Sores and Swellings, Hip. Lint Disease, White Swellings, Jioiii-c, or XUicfe Neck, and Enlarged Gland!. , Send ten cents in stamps for a Hi-.-e treatise, with colored plates, on Skip. lie;isos. or the same amount for a treatise mi Scrofulous Affections. TH Vj BLOOD IS THE LIFE," Thorouiihlv cleanse it by using Dr. Pierce's ' Golden Medical-Discovery, and good. digestion, a fair skin, buoyant spir , its, and vital strength, will be established. CONSUMPTION, which is Scrofula oj tho Lnnffg. is ar rested and cured by this remedy, if token be fore the last stages of the disease are reached. Krora its marvelous power over this terribly fatal disease, when first off ering this now celebrated remedy to the public. Dr. Pierce thought seriously of calling it his "Can. sumption Care,' but abandoned that name as too limited for a medicine which, from its wonderful combination of tonic, or strengthening-, alterative, or blood-cleansing-, anti-bilious, pectoral, and nutritive proper ties, is unequaled, not only as a remedy for consumption, but for all Chronic Dis eases of the Liver, Blood, and Lungs. If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, have Kiliow color of skin, or-yello wish-brown spots on face or body, frequent headache or dizzi ness, bad taste in mouth, internal heat or chills, alternating with hot flushes, low spirits and gloomy forebodings, irregular appetite, and coated tongue, you are suffering from Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and Torpid Liver, or "Biliousness. In many cases ouly part of these symptoms are expe rienced. As a remedy for all such cases. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Uis covery is unsurpassed. For Weak LiungS) Spitting of Blood, Shortness of Breath, Bron chitis, Astlima, Severe Coughs, and kindred affections, it is an efficient remedy. Sold by Druggists, at $l.GO, or SIX BOTTLES for $5.00. Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce's book on Consumption. Address, World's Dispensary Medical Asso ciation, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. $500 REWARD is offered by the proprietors or Dr. sage s uatarrn jttemeay for a case of catarrh which they cannot cure. If you have a discharge from the nose, offensive or otherwise, partial loss of smell, taste, or hearing, weak eyes, dull pain or pressure in head, you have Catarrh. Thou sands of cases terminate in consumption. Dr Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures the worst cases of Catarrh, "Cold la the Bead,' and Catarrhal Headache. 60 cents. ch fr nrm LADIES! Da leaf Own Dyeing, at Home, with. PEERLESS DYES. They will dye everything. They are sold every where. Price 1 Oe. a package 40 colors. They hava no equa1 for Strength, Brightness. Amount in racsages or for Fastness ot Color, or non-fading JnaUt:es They do not crock or smut. For sale by a HARDIN, Druggist, andF. CMIL- , corner 4th ana rtnn street, Wll- n rv. S. C. mh 27 D&W It falser l Delaasy Engine CeiapaEi nicSimond, Virginia. Business established 1855. The most complete JU'miNS SHOPj ia the 80UTH. ENG-USBS, BOILERS, SAW-SHLL8 AND MACHINBRY-i LI9UTAND TRAMWAY IXJCOMOTIVKS. P"f.B ROAD LOCOMOTIVB8 A SPECIALTY. ir Correspondence solicited. Send for Cata "w ao 5 DAWly WEAK, UNDEVi:i.nPFn PARTS or tte body enlarged and strengthened. Full partio- "8 UaUed) free. KEIK MED, CO., Buffalo, X.T. my l DAWly we fr snj Cotton Bagging. 1000 HiU Eolis BAGQING' 300 Boe3-TOIUC-0' 20 Q Bass SHOT, Barrels GOOD FLOtTB. ?or sale lour by HALL & PEARS ALL, Agents for Cnpout's Gun Powder. P 13 D&Wtf What Is It ? Hy IT 13 ALABASTISTE, THZ CBLB- SS? aD,d best Coating for Walls. It is ready fini.iT.1." 8impiyaadinghotiwater. it maKesa thwt?atwilInotb off on clothing or any- raingBiae. For sale at 0Pt' GXO. A. PECK'S. octnf 9 Sonth Front street. To the Front, f? c- f RKiffPEKT IS STILL IN FRONT, A tuV foutn Front street our snop ia RTn.k .8t. .loliPed in the btate. Onr Kleotrio". M"upca in tne btate. war jmeoino tham. taklD the place of those extra cheap cmL .KS',,with0Ut any charge. We do notpro triVn,v nllra People on the street nor for ex futiv S or Bales in tlie shop, hit won'd respect &c koointeedofa good Shave, Balroat, Je state Chronicle acccs!)r.r to the. Farmer and Mechanic ind the Chronicle.) Hader frB-rgy New Management EBIGHT AKD CLBAN. THE TIMES. UP WITH T?te rfT8 9JQBONICLB" WILL BK WHAT i8Jmpl18-a State Paper. It to not the "WSttoniil tI IU1U Will BUIiW WNi fm jfi alm to eep HP with the news wit. i2SSbTKt0 Mteo, or. as the politicians It WiiUhLCherokee to Currltock. 1 ; - ,It will be Deraocratlo hi poUtlcs, anS tate to erltlctae Democratic mea and Democratlo ofooers. - . .w. - ' 2" Year TEB:!S STJBSCIErPTlbN: v4e aumtha.""' r ' A SamniV, "VI V rr iT riiiri toman n-n'r"-' - - -v-Jii-f-",- ; : , ; wiif aa.areas - .. - tf THB STATU CHRONICLE, IlIRiiiltiiPSliiS , j. elizabexh oaks "smith. The white stoled siateTa sleepbut I awake folk recall Jh7 voice, thy ifeSUv6t tlnfil0 of te brook, ' :-l insensate tones to kisses break; The birds eit wing to wing and music Forth creeps the lizard from his sheltered nook, " . . And from her secret heart the rose lias shook ' '' Her golden powder - for her dear love's - sake. These all content and I all desolate. Where wing thy thoughts at this lone tnid night hour? Rest they t with God, or stray they back tome? Mine -wend not half their way to heaven's gate 'V',:';. Ere they exhale within thy sainted bower A. meeker of prayer that means but thee. Snpreme Court Decisions. Raleigh News and Observer. Commissioners of Greenville vs. Old Dominion S. S. Co. Where y party entitled to an ap peal files his case on appeal and the same is mislaid and lost by the coun sel of the opposite party, and it be., comes impossible ta prepare a substi tute, in order that the applicant may have the benefit of his appeal, a new trial .will be ordered. State vs. Jones. Where the filling by the defend ant is proved the onus is thrown upon him to mitigate or excuse the act. He mast show either by direct or substantial evidence the mitiga ting facts or circumstances. In this case there was no direct evidence and it was insisted that as the evi dence was air circumstantial, the evidence o the struggle and the fact that no deadly weapon was used were circumstances from which tbegury might infer that there was a sudden quarrel and that the killing was without malice. Held, that where the evidence is circumstantial, to mitigate the of fense there must be a chain of cir cumstances establishing the mitigat ing fact; and that the signs indicat ing a scuffle are not even a link in the required chain as they are con sistent with the fact that the de ceased struggled for life against a brutal attack. - Morgan vs. R. R, Co. It is not proper to give instruc tions not pertinent to any reasonable view of the evidence before the jury. The purpose of instructions is to di rect attention to the law applicable as it bears upon the evidence. It is the right and duty of railroad companies to ring their bells and sound tbeir whistles near crossings. Noises made by railroads, ordinarily, naturally incident to their work, when done where it may be lawfully done, do not constitute neg ligence or nuisance; and harm sus tained therefrom is damnum absque injuria. Sanderson vs. Overman. A petition to sell land to make as sets cannot be sustained when enough personally remains in the bands of the executrix, unexpended, to dis charge the remaining liabilities. Hodges vs. Latham. Where there is a covenant of war ranty of title, and one having a para mount, title gains possession of the premises, the purchaser is thereupon entitled to recover on the covenant af warranty and is not required to bring an unnecessary action to re cover the possession in which he must fail. Where a person makes a convey ance of land, and subsequently con veys to another, he cannot be heard that the title under his prior convey ance is not good and not paramount to that acquired by the subsequent deed. Parker vs. Morrill. Plaintiff and the testator of the defendant had after an accounting entered into a written agreement in which the consideration for the exe cution thereof was stated; but plain tiff claimed in this action that she was seduced to sign said agreement also because of a verbal promise that said testaaor would in his will leave her certain property which he failed to do. Held that where parties to a contract in writing refer in it to mat ters constituent of it, it must be taken that the whole of the material parts of such matters is mentioned, nothing to the contrary appearing, and parole evidence will not be received to con tradict, add to, take from or modify what the parties have thus put in writing. If- by mutual mistake or accident, or by fraud the contract omitted something, or a part pertinent, or embraced something that ought to have been excluded, then a court of equity might give relief. S UP HEME 'COURT. Raleigh News-Observer. ; Court met yesterday morning at 11 o'clock. Appeals from the Fifth nifltrict were diibosed of as follows: State vs. Wilkerson; argued by the Attorney-weneralt tor tne state, ana Mr. Ti. c Edwards for defendant. Knott vs. Whitfield ; put to end of district. . . v - - .v:- V ' - ,r Barnes vs; Easton ; argued by Mr. J W; FfavH for Dlaintiff . and Mr. R. W. Winston (by brief) for defendant. State vs. Jttowe; argueu uy iuu a-rt-T,oTT-tto'r!iT -"anrf fitradwick and Boone' for the State, and Mr. W. A. Guthrie for defendant. "''.iT-'lhhjUsZooaenai of (he Bowels Results from ? imperfect digestion. The cause lies in the torpidity Xf the liver, A anviUr turrit of bodv can be secured Iby vtV ;m mona Liver Reeulatorto aid di- gertiooWstimulate a n (hit nvBtem of excessive and t-r.d m ?? The ?Reeulat6r2 corrects --j a iiW otAmnrh . cnre dvsDepaia and- -.s.- rir-z - - fvaa' J intures regularity: W8;wwwww ; ? UPEHlOXL-COURTS. - 1ST (BDBNTON) f DKTjaMT- JVDVB SHAVES; Currituck SeDtember tL 1 week. ' r Camden September 12. 1 week. v"t ' Pasquotank September 19, 1 weea. Perquimans September 26, week. r Chowan October 8, 1 week. : Gates October 10, 1 week- ., Hertford October 17, l week..; - " Washington October 24, 1 week. " TyrreU October 31, 1 week. ''. ': Dare November 7, 1 week. Hyde November 14, 1 week. Pamlico November 21, 1 week, Beaufort Nov. 28. 2 weeks. N - 2ND (HALIFAX) DISTRICT JUDGE AVJSHV, Warren September 19. 2 weexs. , Northampton October 8, 2 weeks. Edgecombe October 17, 2 weeks. Bertie October 81, 2 weeks. Halifax November 14, 2 weeks. Craven November 28, 2 weeks. SiRD (WILSON) DISTBICT JTJDOK SHIP. Martin September 5, 2 weeks. Pitt September 19, 2 weeks. Greene October 8, 2 weeks. Vance October 17, 2 weeks. Wilson October 31, 2 weeks. Franklin November 14, 1 week. Nash November 21, 2 weeks. Martinf December 5, 2 weeks. 4TH (KALKIGH) DISTRICT JUDGE J. H MEBBISCON. Wake July 11, 3 weeks. Harnett August. 8, 1 week. Johnston August 15, 2 weeks. Wakef August 29, 2 weeks . Wayne September 12, 2 weeks. Wake September 26,-2 weeks. Wayne October 17, 1 week. Wakef October 24, 3 weeks. Johnston November 14, 2 weeks. Harnett November 28, 1 week. 5TH(DCBHAM) DISTRICT JUDGE SHEPHERD. Orange August 8, 1 week. Caswell August 15, 1 week. Person August 22, 1 week. Guilford August 29, 2 weeks. Granville September 22, 2 weeks. Alamance September 26, 1 week. Chatham October 8, 3 weeks. Durham October 17, 2 weeks. Orange November 7, 1 week. Caswell November 14, 1 week. Person November 21, 1 week. Guilford December 12 2 weeks. CtH (DUPLIN) DISTRICT JUDGE PHILLIPS. Lenoir August 22, 2 weeks. Duplin September 5, 1 week. Pender September 12, 1 week. New Hanoverf September 26, 2 weeks. Sampson October 10, 2 weeks. , Carteret October 24, 1 week, Jones October 31, 1 week Onslow November 7, 1 week. Lenoir November 14, 2 weeks Duplin November 28, 2 weeks. Sampson December 12. 1 week. 7th (fayetteville) district JUDO "CONNOR. Cumberland July 25, 1 week. Coiumbns August 1, 1 week. Moore August 15, 1 week. Robeson August 23, 2 weeks. 5 Anson September 5, 1 week. Brunswick -September 12, 1 week. Richmond September 19, 2 weeks. Robeson October 3, 2 weeks. Bladen October 17, 1 week. Jloore October 24, 2 weeks. Cumberlandf November 14, 2 weeks. Ansonf Novembes 28, 1 week. Richmond December 5. 1 week. 8th (Salisbury) pibtrict judge clark Iredell August 8, 2 weeks. Rowan August 23. 2 weeks. Davidson September 5, 2 wees. Randolph September 19, 2 weeks. Montgomery October 3, 2 weeks. Stanly October 17, 2 weeks. Cabarrus October 81, 1 week, Iredell November 7, 2 weeks. Rowan November 21, 2 weeks. Davidson December 5. 1 week. 9TH (WINSTON) DISTRICT JUDGE GILMER? Rockingham July 25, 2 weeks, Stokes August 8. 2 weeks. Surry August 22, 2 weeks. Alleghany September 5, 1 week. Wilkes September 13, 3 weeks. Yadkin September 26, 2 weeks Davie October 10, 2 weeks. Porsyth-October 24, 2 weeks. Rockingham November 7, 1 week. Stokes November 14, 1 week. Surry November 21, 1 week. lOTH (MORO ANTON) DISTRICT JUDG E BOY. KXN. Henderson July 18, 3 weeks. Burke August 8, 2 weeks. Ashe August 22, 1 week. Watauga August 29, 1 week. Caldwell September 5, 1 week. Mitchell September 12, 2 weeks. Yancey September 26, 2 weeks. McDowell October 10, 2 weeks. llTH (CHARLOTTE) DISTRICT JUDGE MACRAE, Catawba July 18, 2 weeks. Alexander August 1, 1 week. N Cleveland August 8, 2 weeks. Mecklenburg f August 29, 8 weeks Union September 19, 1 week. TJnionf September 26. 1 week. Lincoln October 3, 1 week. Gaston October 10, 2 weeks, Cleveland October 24, 1 week. Rutherford October 31, 3 weeks. Polk November 14, 1 week. 12TH (ASHBVXLLX) DISTRICT JUDGE " MONTGOMERY. Madison August 1, 2 weeks. Buncombe August 15, 3 weeks. Transylvania September 5, 1 week, Havwood September 12, 2 weeks. Jackson September 26, 1 week " Mason October 8,' 1 week. Clay October 10, 1 week. Uherokee uctoDer i f, weeu. Graham October, 81. 1 week. Swain November 7, 2 weeks. Madisonf November 21, 2 weeks. Buncombe December 19, 2 weeks. 'Criminal cases only ICivil cases only. tCivil cases only, except jail cases. "SWEET MASH" very delightful chew, for it. TOBACCO Ask. your is a dealer t Trustee's Sale of Land. JY VIRTUE OF AUTHOKITT CONFERRED on me by a Deed of Trust, executed on thy 59th. December, A. D. 1881. by J O. Frazeli and E F. Barlow, and reglitered in the offioe of the Regis ter of Deeds of Onslow County. . C., to Book 40, pages 242, 248, 244 and 125, I will sell at auction, for cash, at the Court House door la Jackson ville, N. a, on Monday, 7th November, 1887, at 13 o'clock M that Plantation In Onslow County, situated about six miles below Jacksonville, at the Junction of New and -Mdrth East Rivers, formerly owned and occupied by David W. Sim mons, deceased, known as "Paradise Point," and containing about seven hundred acres, more or Mr. James O. FraxelL (Uvlnsf about four miles east of the Simmons place and near Ward's Mill,) will show the place to persons wishing to i Inspect it, and Rive Information concerning It. There are three or four hundred acres of arable land on the place. The wlda water oa each side of it teems with the onolcest fish - an the woods abound with wild game . .n . JOHN B. IJKCKWITH, TTOStee, Aa, Smlthaeld, N. C. POU JCASSKT, - Attorneys at Law, Smlthfleld, N C oot 4 tds- . i Por the Sound. TT7AGONBTTES WILL XE AVE SODTHBR- LAND'S" STABLBS for the. Bound,: DAILY, at 280 P. M. and 6 P. M. Retiirnuur, leave Bound pt t p. M. and 1 A. M. Bound: trip B0 cents. tfi -r. 't; botjtberiandV. ';i i i... -r' tJrerv and Sale Btables.,. ;. ie25tf r Office J08 and 110 N. Second St. A FEV7; ' Particular bargains 1 BROWN& RODDICK, 9 North Front St. We call special attention to a few Particular Bargains ..r03 THIS WEEK." Our space la too small to enumerate all fpeclaltles. 42-Inch All-Wool Mixed Dress f weeds fCo per yard, really worth SI. CO. 36-Inch All-Wool Serges, in all desirable Shades. 85 cents per yard;rogular price everywhere U) cents. Dress Goods. A law variety of Novelties la DRESS GOODS. Some very Recherche Btyle. Ladies' and Children's JACKETS, NEWMARKETS AND ULSTERS, in Seal Skin. Plushes. Tweeds, Edagona's, Sergeo, &c. We hava the most complete assort ment we have ever shown. Table Scarfs and Tidies. Te are showini; some very dlallnfrno Goods In this department. Euching. A Larre ic voice of Rachlng just opened. Dress Trimmings. A FULL LINE of all the most Fashionable Diess Trlmmlasrs in all the new Colors. Handkerchiefs. Gents' White TJnlanndtled Hemstitched Hand kerchiefs, ALL LI SEX $2.00 per dozen. ABar tre.ii certain. Gents' Colored Border . Hemstitched PURE LINEN Handkerchiefs, 10 cents, worth 25 cent. Gents' Kid Gloves In Plaia and Stitched Backfl.SlIO and fl.75 a ralr Ladles' Colored KID GLOVES, Plain 60 cents. Ladies' Colored KID GLOVE?, Stitched Rack 03 cents. Blankets. The larirest and clearest stock of BLANKETS we have ever shown. Wo are offering a very great bargain In 11 4 Blanket, slightly soiled. $3.t0 a pair. BROWN & RODDICK, 9 NORTH FRONT STREET, oct 23 tf - 1ST, H. SMITH, REAL ESTATE AGENT. FAYETTEVILLE. W. C. Correspondence solicited from parties wishing bay or sell lands. Reliable attorney, em ployed to investigate titles, eto. Refers to bus iness men of FayettevQle. OFFICE AT SltUTlTS DEPOT, Corner Munford and Donaldson Sts.. iWhere a FULL STOCK ot BEST ICE, COAX AND WOOD Can be found at LOWEST PRICES. C7Iookoat for the sign, "Ioe, Coal, Wood.' Ac. JeWD&Wtf Stoves JN GREAT VARIETY, COOKS AND HEATERS. Can give yon anything you are likely te want. We don't make them, but we have access to the best sources of supply. Call and see us. oct 23 tf ALPBRMAI. PLANNER A CO. Sign of the Horse. REMEMBER THAT OUR STOCK OF LAP Robes and Blankets is the handsomest, cheapest and most complete in the city, and that we are stiU Headquarters for Harness and raddlery Goods, Trunks and Bags. Our work needs no recommendation, as It shows for itself. VENN ALL A DANIEL. The Horse Milliners, No. 10 So. Front St. oot2Stf (Review ooy.) Rice Straw for Sale. RICE STRAW FOR SALE AT 6TX DOLLARS per ton, on board of cars at WUmlnjrtcn, bated In Dederlok presses. Bales weigh about one hundred pounds. APP,Tt J.D.NCRAE. ' --ctl8 8nr - -'- Wilmington. N. C. Atkinson & Manning's ' Insurance Booms, t 1 NO. 118 NORTH WATER 8TREET. t Wilmington, N C. Tire,1, Marine vaii ,Life Companies. Aggregate Capital Represented Over SiOO.OOOJOO. lelltf . r - - - ..- , : TTT ANTED LADIES TO WORK' ON OUR Fancy Goods for the Holidays and Winter trade. Sent any distance. Full particulars free. .. -'-Address - t r ELIOT MANUFACTURING CO.. oct 20 10t 4S and 45 Eliot 8C Boston Mass. TTTANTED MAN To take the ageacy of pur. T sales; size 23 isns mcnes; weufaL ioo. Mtill nrlm ASS: -tvthtrp aixe in DrODOTtiOO. A rare chance to create a permanent buslnees at borne . These saf ea meet a demand never before supplied by other safe companies, as we are not governed by the Safe Pool. - Alpine Safe Co.. Cine Cincinnati, O. .: -.;-- tu rr f , - . an jsj bw - WHOLESALE PHICI3, " . . The ' f ollowtns ouotatlomi - represent wholesale prices generally. : in masmg up amau orders higher prices have to be charged. - BAGGING . -J ; Gunny. ....j. i-4.... Standard BACON North Carolina Hams,V S - -. Shoulders, V t,. 8ides, V WESTERN SMOKED Hams, 9 ft Bides. V Shoulders, 9 DRY SALTED ' - Sides, !....-...-..... Shoulders, W ft BARRELS -Spirits Turpentine. Second Hand. each. ...... New New York,eaoh. .-. New City, each BEESWAX, .... BRICKS, Wilmington. 9 M Northern....... BUTTER, ft North Carolma Northern.... CANDLSd, V ft 8 perm.. ... Adamantine ................. CHEESE, V ft Northern Factory Dairy, Crease State COFFEE, 9 ft Java Laguyra Rio CORN MEAL, V bus., in sacks VTrsrlnla Meal TO 8 U 14 e is 8 ( 8H 10 O 11 10 a 10U SHO , 6a i, 1 40 0 00 ' 1 63 O 1 70 80 a 2 e oo o sec 0 00 ft It oo 15 C SC 25 O 80 CS 18 O a 0 O 10 11 p 18 S 9 (ft 12 14 10 27 O 23 fei 23 fcfi 2S 24 2 00 & 67U 00 O 87M 1 23 1 80 00 O 60 18 20 COTTON TIEf, bundle DOMEbTICS Sheetlwr. 4-4, 9 yd faros. bunch -EGGS, V dozen MacksreLNo. 1, O bbl..... Mackerel, No. 1, V half bbl. Mackerel, No. 2, a bbl M ackerel. No. 2, half bbl . . .. Mackerel, No. 8, V bbl Mullets, bbl Mullets. Pork bbls " --N. C. Roe Uerrbur. 9 keg... 00 00 7 50 Cli M 8 oo 0 00 O 4 79 7 80 t II 00 4 00 9 00 7 00 14 00 4 00 10 6 00 Q 12 00 O an ti 8 O K3DrvCod. 9 vuuuii, 9 bbl Western low grade Extra - Family City Mills fenper Family GLUE, 9 B QiiAlN, 9 bushel- corn, from store, Dags.wnue Corn, cargo, in bulk, white. Corn, cargo, in bags, white. Corn, mixed, from store Oats, from store Oats, Rust Proof Cow Peas HIDES, 9 ft Green Dry HAY, 9 100 fts Eastern Western North River I 05 85 SO 2J42 HOOP IRON, fit LARD, 9 ft Northern North Carolina 8 10 io o 000 LIME, 9 barrel LUMBER. City Sawod, 9 M ft, b&ip btus, resawea Bongh Edge Plank West India Cargoes, accord ing to quality Dressed Flooring, seasoned. Scantling and Board, oom'n 18 00 15 00 20 00 10 00 IS 00 18 00 18 00 22 00 14 00 15 00 25 26 28 80 23 SO UOLASSES, 9 gallon- New vrop uuna, in anas ' -1 -in bbls Porto Rleo, lnhhds t" " in bbls Sugar House, In hhds b" - In bbls SvrnD. In bbls NAILS. 9 Keg. Cut. lOd basis... OILH, 9 gallon Kerosene Lard... Linseed Rosin Tar Deck and 8 per 22 POULTRY Chickens, live, grown....... Spring Turkeys PEANUTS, 9 bushels 22 s... POTATOES, 9 bushel- Sweet Irish, bbl.... PORK, ft barrel city Meas Prime Rump RICJR-CaroUna, 9 ft Rough, 9 bushel, (upland).. (Lowland). RAGS. 9 ft Country City ROPE. I a 80 1 HALT, 9 seek, Alum Liverpool Lisbon American . SUGAR, 9 ft Standard gran.. Standard A White Ex. C Extra C, Golden C Yellow SOAP, 9 ft Northern SHINGLES, 7 la. 9 M Common Cypress Saps Cypress Hearts STAVES, 9 M W. O. Barrel.. . B. O. Hogshead TALLOW, 9ft TIMBER. 9 M feet Shipping.. Fine MU1 Mid Prime Mill Fair Common Mill Inferior to Ordinary WHISKEY, 9 gal Northern... North Carolina WOOL, 9 ft Washed Unwashed Barry 7 00 8 50 500 7 60 14 00 10 00 6 14 00 18 00 8 50 ADRIAN & V0LLERS, WHOLESALE GROCERS & COMMIS'H MERCHANTS COffer for sale at the lowest market prices: FLOUR, all grides. SUQA&nowdereu, Granulated, Ex. C and C. COFFEE, Bio, Lagui'ra and Java. MEAT, C H. Sides, Backs and Hum., LARD, In Tierces and Cases. BUTTER and CHEESE. MOLASSES and SYRUP, in Hogshead and Bbls. APPLES, POTATOES, ONIONS and CABBAGE. CANNED GOODS and FICKLK3. CRACKE3S and CAKES, all grades. LIQUORS and WINS, In Barrels and Caees TOBACCO, CHEWING and SMOKING. CIGARS and CIGARETTES. SNUFF, all grades. SOAP, Laundry and Toilet. BAKING POWDERS, PaUpsco, Campblea Royal, Ac SODA, In Kegs and Boxes. APP0LLINARI8 WATER. BAGGING and TESS. o.. Ac. au 21 tf tTHE ACHE Manufacturing Comp'y MANUFACTURERS OF Fertilizers, Pine Wool & Pine Wool Matting, WILTttlNGION, Tha reputation of our Fertilizers, the AC VIE and GEM, is now eetabllahed, and the results of three years' use In the bands of the best farmers of this and other States fuCy attest their value as a high grade manure. - The MATTING, made from the leaves of our natlv6 pine, has already gamed a popularity for comfort and durability equal to any woo oar- pet, and the demand for It Is dally Increasing. It has virtues not found in any other fabric. The FIBRE or WOOL te extensively used for upholstering purposes, and as a fining for mat tresses Is almost equal to hair, being light, elas- tlo and proof agajnst Jnsecta. ' . ' ' I Certificates- front reuabla parties using our goods can be seen at our office, or wQ be maCed 3 50 O 4 00 4 00 O 4 50 4 50 a S 00 4 W 5 4 10 4 so 6 e oo 8 a 10 00 9 65 00 ti 66 U 67 00 ti 65 4ta 43 oa & 5 tO O 90 6 O 5H io a 12 1 10 96 1 CO upon application. . - '- , ;Jy 29 tf Wilmtogto & WeWonj-E. R. . AM) MILAXCUHS. - J ' X,'.- - Condensed. ScneUnle. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. No. 23, Dally." No. 27. No. 15, Dally, ax, Sunday. Dated Aug. 1.1887 Fast Mall Daily. Leave Weidon 4 8.05 p. ml 6 88 pjsl Arrive BookyMt..t S.24 p.m Arrivelarboro.... 4.60 p ml I. Leave Tarboro... .110.60 p.m ,...T...- Arrive WUob..... 8.67 o.m 6.58 p.m. Leave Wilson.. ... Arrive Selma Arrive Fayettevte 4.15 p.m 6.84 p.m 7.56 p.m Leave Goldsboro.i 4.46 p. en Leave Warsaw.... 6.46 p.m LeaveMagsoUa... 6.00 pun Arrive Wilmington 1 7.0 p.m 7.40 p.m 8.88 pi in 8.C0 8.18 9.65 p.mj 10.00 am TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 14, DaUv. No. 78, Daflv. No. 66. Dally, ex. Sunday. Leave WUmmgton Leave Magnolia... Leave Warsaw Arrive Goldsboro.. 111.63 p.m 60 6.00 8.83 6.60 a.m 'ilis'a-m 82 pja 49 a. in 50 a.m Leave Fayetteville I . Arrive Selma Arrive Wilson. . .80 am .60 aon .69 a.m Leave WUsoa I 2.67 Arrive BooSy MtJ 112. 1- 88 p.u 12 p.m Arrive Tarboco .1... Leave Tarboro....... 60 p.! 60 a.m Arrive Weidon .. 4.26 ami ST40 p.m I. Dally except Sunday. Trala on Sootlana Neck Branch Road leave cept Sunday. -- -rrain leaves Tarboro, N. O, via AINjmarle A Raleigh, R. R. daUyxcept Sunday, P. M -Sunday 6 P. M.: arrive WUllamston, N. a, 8.10 P. M- DaUy except Sunday, T.40 A. MSnnday 9 JWA.M. arrive Tmrboro, N. C, 9.46 A. M, and 11 AO A. M7 ii au a. m. !or?L? -'1l MCF 8unday,7j0OA.M4 arrive 8mlthfleld,N. C, SAO A.C. Returning leaves BmlUifleld,N. O.8.00 A. Marrtv GoWsIn! 10.80 Am JC. Trsin An VtaarrvfTlji 1tFtnri tasa vaitl W.a t 4.00 P. M arrives Nashville 4.40 P. M tprtng nYK.w,Vi .rmair waves usnng uope I?-.? JS NolUe 1LJ5 A. M, Rocky Mount 11' 5 A. M., dally, except Sunday. Train nn DlntAn lM,k l. Tzr. Clinton. DsR y, except Sunday, at 7.20 P. M. Re turning leave Clinton at 7 00 A. M. Bonthborrnd Train on WUson and Fayettevffl Bruwh IiNa M Nntkltmiul uu. hi tn.ii. exoept Sunday. iTaia no. si Boutn will stop only at wuson. Goldsboro and Magnolia. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Weidon for Ail rmlntx ISm-O, All m(I 4 im.v..j and daUy exoept Sunday via Bay Line. j. nun wuo okjm oonnecoon xor au points North via Richmond and WaaMnrton. WsAhingtoa, and haye Pullman Palace Sleepers JOHN F. DIVINE, . General Rupt. 3. R. KENLY, Bnp't Transportation. T. M. EMERSON. Gen'l Passenger Ageat. au 8 tf WILMINGTON COL'MBIA & AUGUSTA Railroad Co. irv. Condensed ftcbedole. TRAJN8 GOING SOUTH. 1 . o , No. 57, No. 23, No. 27. Dated June 19. 87. Dally, ex. Snnday. Dally. Dafly. Leave wUmlnirtoa 8.(5 p.m 10. 10 pm Leave LWm'mw 9.25 pan 11.18 pan Leave Marion 11.94 pan 12.87 aan Leave Florence... 8.40 p.m 2.40 a.m 2.40 a.m Arrive Sumter 8.05 p.m 4JM aon 4.24 aon Arrive Columbia.. 9.46 p.m 6.10 a.m 6.10 a-m TRAINS GOING NORThI No, 78, No. 66, I No. 14, Daily, ex Dally. Sunday. Dally. Leave Columbia... 10.25 p.m 6.50 a.m Arrive Sumter..... 11.62 p.m 8.22 a.m Leave Florence. . 4.85 a.m 9.40 am 8.80 p.m Leave Marion 5.15 am 9.04 pan Leave L.Waomaw 7.02 jm 10.84 p.m Arrive WUmimrfn S.E6 ajn 11.43 pm No. 23 and 78 stop at an stations except Cane Savannah, Wateree and simms'. Passengers for all points on C A G. R.R, a C k A. R.R. Stations, Aiken Junction. and all points beyond, should take No. 88. Pullman Sleeper for Augusta on this train. Trains 57 and 66 make elose connection at Flo rence with Trains onC.SD.KB. JOHN F. DrVTNE, GenlSupt. J. R. KKNLY, 8npt Transportation. T. M. EMERSON. Genl Passenger Agent. jel9tf CAB0L1KA CESTR1L BAILBOAD CO. Change of Schedule. WESTBOUND TRAINS. N0..8. Dm.ll y ex. Sunday. 2.SS a. m e.&s' a. m arlve EASTBOUND TRAINS. No, 2. No. 4. Oct. 2, 18S7. Dally ex. Daily ex. Sunday. Bunoay. Leave Leave Leave Leave Leave Leave Leave Rntkerfordton. Shelby Lincoln ton Charlotte... ... Wadesboro.... Hamlet Maxton. 7.00 a. m 623 a. in 9.47 a. m 11.40 p, ml 8J5 p. m ja p. m a 49 p. m 626 p. m 9.80 p. m L65a.m 8A5 a. m Arrive Wilmington.... Trams No, l and 2 make elose connection at Maxton to and from Fayetteyllle,Greensboro and other point, on C. F. AY. V. By. At Wadesbo ro with trains to and from Cneraw, Florenoe and Charleston. At Lmoolnton to and from Hickory, Lenoir, and point on C. A L. Narrow Gauge R. R. Trains No. 8 and 4 make elose connection at Hamlet with train to and frotn Baiebrn. Throuirh -Sleeping. Car between WDmmgtoa and Charlotte and Charlotte and pL'ft' Take Tram No. 1 for Statesvllle and Stations on W.N. C R. B. and points West. Take train Ho. S for Spartanburg. GreenvQla, Athens, Atlanta and all pomu Southwest. Alao for Asbevllle, via Bpartanbunr. No. 8 conneots at Wilmington with W. A W. H. B. No. 23. Local Freight No. B and 6 trt-weekly between Wilmington and Laurtnburg. Local Freight No. T and 8 dally between Laurtnburg and Charlotte. Local Freight Noa. 9 and 10 dally between Charlotte and Rutherford ton. No. 6, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 wia not tak passengers. I0. JONES, Superintend ant. F. W. CLARK, General Passenger Agent. oottf Palmetto Railroad Co. QN AND AFTER MONDAY. OCTOBER 8, 188T, Trains will run as follows. daOy exoept Sundays: GOING NORTH: No. 2 -PASSENGER AND FREIGHT : Leave Cneraw. SL C .. 2.25 P.M M Kollock Station 2. 45 P. K - Osborne, (Flag Station). 8.16 P. M. Arrive Hamlet, N. O. 8A5P.M GOING SOUTH t No. I PASSENGER AND FREIGHT : - Leave Hamlet. V. C . 11J0 P. M. nborn, (Flag Station)...:..... 1.10 P.M.' - KoUoek Station Leo P. M. Arrtve Cheraw. B. C. ZX0 P.M. - WlCMOaCURE. oetf ' . , , BupX ' 1 rn Ctn ranadef vtttm Ampler mka Amcy of Kan, H. MI.AVCS6SOS.inr No.l Oct. 2. 1887. Dally ex. Sunday. Leave Wlhnlnffton. .. 7.00 a. m Leave Maxton 1L50 a, m Leave Hamlet 12.45 p. m Leave Wadesboro 2.13 p. m Leave Charlotte 4.48 p. m Leave Lincoln ton 6 is p m Leave Shelby 7.47 p. m Arrive Rutherford ton. 9.20 p. m WANTED TA DIES for1 our Fall 1 Chr lstmas Trade, to take Ilsht, lies;: rork at their own homes .r f 1 to 13 rerdsyr be uieUy made. - Wotk sect by mail f-7 c tance. Particular free. No .nvaw'-s-. rtm ag onee, CRESCENT ART COu, 1 17 M c t : i-ston, Maaav - '.- Box I j?0. ROYAL "Rich as GOLD LEAF. N. Y. Hzbau. . Opinion of GEN. U.' 8. GRAMT: . RUBY'S GILD IN Q merits more praise than I can bestow, and It deserve a welcome In every Amerieaa borne. ' . ., . BUSY'S eiLDINQ gives the brilliant effect rf SOLID GOLD, no matter waere applied, and It mar be used by the most Inexperienced amateur. FOR LADIES.1- RtTBI'S GILDING Is valuable for Gilding Household Ornament. Furultvre, Frames, Cor nloe. Basket, Fan. Decorative Pamtin g. Ac. Ruby's Gild In g wss.nsed in deoorat tng to .p un did bones ot W. H. Vaxsxaart. Jrts Bu.tok. Gxnaax Gbavt, and many other wealthy and distinguished New Yorker. A Camel's Hir Brush la each Box. Price eO oenla. y mall GO oenta. - (Also la larre bottles for Mast's and GCdera) Ask for RUHY8 GILD IN . Take bo nbetltnte. Sold by all ART DEALERS a D DKCGGISTH. New York ClemlcalM,f'gOo..SEat 4th fiUN J. Sold by W. T. Daggett, Wilmmgtoa. oct 4 DAW lm $100 A MONTH For an Iwestatjif Oily ' $320.'. The undersigned has a limited amount of Treasury Stock ef Tfte 4'areon Mtver Ireciar 0aapay, on whtoh the Officer. think they will be able to pay IO presi. a ' sneatM, tooommanoe before January 1st. This would make a very handsome Investment and will "pan out" as follows : - 100 Shares costing S20. Income SI OO am tb to - 18O. o . as so. ss -' m 16 " 48. ia - . 10 " sa. - 10 v,j s - 16. "V, Vbe Stock is Registered at Aaavrtean L.n 3o., and Listed oath Ceateii dated Ex cMaxige. The Compeny own iw. claims on the Car son River. 40 acres, eontataisg Qalakallver -and Bnlllon from Uo.t.u jflllia. Ootn-. potent expert claim that over 840,000,000 can be reclaimed. Send orders with K. Y. Drafts, F. O. Order or Registered Letter to W. S. CnAMBERLLV, f lllBt. 11& BBOiDWAY, NEW YOB K CITY. ep 27 DAWlm - . - MARLIN REPEATING RIFLE BEST IN THE tewl pertoetly WORLD 1 . ula. Mda in aUslan Car lim or nnmll mna. BALLARD Callrrr. Uinli. mmA Tmrm agmrUa FLre A Oo., Acw Uavca. ep 27 DAWlm Wanted. ON BALE OR LEASE, A TRACT OF GOOD North Carolina country, about 5,000 acres, well stocked with Quail, Woodoock and Tur keys. Negotiation at hard pan price may be effected through CLARENCE GORDON, Son t oern Beat Estate Invretzsenta, 69 Liberty 8t New York. -Offer, of intermediaries, or those omttttng fan partioulors, will sot be noticed, sep 80 DA Wlm 86 a Day A Gold Mine" For Ajrents. Grandest Money fflakttae Dail neaeever offered. A golden harvest for the next Two Months. iTt Pir Tlonth and ex penses to active men to sell our good.. ""I capital required. No peddling. Simple' case af goods and valuable Information and foil particular Fit KK. No nambng; we mean last what we ray. Address at once STAND 4RDfSILV2B WARE CO, Eoctou,: oct2SDAW2m J. Cm. New York and Wilmington : SteamsniD Co. r - FROM PIER 29, EAST RIVER. NEW TOUT Located bet. Chambers and Roosevelt Sta At 8 o'clock P. M. - ; : BENEFACTOR Saturday. OeC 29 G ULF. STREAM Saturday, Nov. 6 FROM WILMINGTON. - ' GULF STREAM Friday. ' Oct. 28 " BENEFACTOR Friday. - Nov. 4 ., U7' Throogh BJ1 Lading and Lowest Throturh Rate guaranteed to and from point la None and South Carolina. - . , For Freight or Passage apply to - r Jl. . SSIALLDONESt Sapertntendent, .- Wlhalngtou, N.jC-, ThM. O. Kcr, Trame M.nacsr. KewYork. VT. I. Clyde l Co., Oensral Ageat oe 9 tf 85 Broadway, New York. ' Bank of Hew Hanover. Anthorlred Capital -Cash Capital paid in. Burpltu Fond, $1,000,000 SS00.000 $130,000 DIRECTOKS: W. L GORE, C. M. STKDMAN- G. W. WILLIAMS. DONALD MacRAE, H. VOLLZBS, H. R. BBIDGSZ8 ISAAO BATES.C JAS, A. LEAK. P. EHEINSTEIX. 2. B. BORDEN. T ; J. W. ATKINSON. -ISAAC BATES, President. ': G. W. WTLLIAUS, Vice rrestdeBi. ; ; aaOtt S. D. WALLACE, Cashier. TXJE CE LEU HATED . - AEEIKGTON BASE FO WLS FOB S ALE JY GAME FOWLS HAVE A NATIONAL EX pBtetkm. They have t ought and won a serlee of the greatest mains ever fought oa this r zy - other eootmenx, and Fifteen Pain, oa exhibition at Philadelphia ta 76,wer honored by tie Uni sed State Centennial Commissioner wtt thai) 1 pioma and Medal. I have a variety of Colors and most approved Breed ta the United State. I will ship splendid , COCKS, of An stae and haaasom pmmare, pet Kxpie . C O. D at from 84-00 to fAOO each HENS7l2-60 and 1A08 each; or T7M per Pair 110.00 per Trio. I expect to raise Two Hundred Pan- this Summer, the Finest Game ia tha World, and will .hip Young Fowls of March acd April hatch, daring the month ot Anguot, Sep tember and. October, at Frv Dollars per Pair, cr Seren Dollars per Trio. . Whoever dispute toa anpeiioillyot my Kris, Wia Plea back toe ass nit km wttA their stamp. . Write for what yon want. Addre , J.O.-AR2TWOTOX, tf Hlir.ardgtoa. Raak Co. M.C. The Horth Carolinian. Kllxaftetla City, NrU Orolta. ' ESTABLISHED El 1808. '- ' " Tri .' ..$160 i Year. The oldest and leading paper hi Eastern North Carolina. 'Published at the bustnec centre of the Albemarle section. Special) v- devoted to awakening an Interest in developing the re source and ta promoting the material prorpeT.: y of the State. Tolerant, independent snd rro gie lve. Bead every weak by thourands cf to pie all through the eastern part ot the kuxe Advertlslsg rate liberal.. Addre - PAI.T.a ON JOHN, - JySttf Editor and Proprietor. RaleUrh,N.a

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