i I THE KIDNEYS sure to be Healthy. If tUe Liver acts properly. . - Kidney do not Act Properly the " 'PiAwin Symptom will follow: f?.-i.?.cns Weakness, rain In the 'Vmall of tne Baas ana scorns, 1 aine of Heat, Cnll, wlUV . ordered Stomach and ..i suffered a thousand deaths since I left '.rmv and a mora diseased Liver and Kld tie.i?ii never heard of. I tried a number of "SEZSt remedies and spent 1,8 00, but I ob ,1!fe2f no real benefit until I bought a '"fn ho'tles of Simmons Liver Regulator. This dozwufon cured me,.and t must Bay it Is the prt mediclno I would give a oent for in my only meaicia nEAROi Riohmotrd, Ind. cas9- -VT-ajitAv GNIIINB;. 7-? it . mir z stamp in red on front or wrapper D?M. Zellin & Co., Philadelphia, r we fr an too una CVRES AE.E. HUMORS, frmn a common Blotch, or Eruption v-orst Scrofula.- Salt-rheum? Vptc r - sores," Scaly or Bough suin in short, nil diseases caused by. bad; h rwxi iuv conquered by this powerful, puri fvimr ami invijroratir.j medicine. 43 rca$ rat"'ii"r I'lcers rapidly beal under its be niffn'iuTl'.K'iK'c. Especially has it manifested , ifsWiH'V in curiug "Tetter, Rose Kash, Hili. Carbuncles, Sore 13yesf Scrof ulous Sores and Swellings. Hip. ?niiit Disease, White Swcllli.Rg, roirro, or Thick Neck, and Enlarged . Send ten cents in stamps for a lan'o tivatise. with colored plates, on SklrT iiii-a-f. r the same amount tor a treatise nnVrot'iiloiifl Affections. - ' "THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE," Thoiougl:Iv cleanse it by using Dr. Pierce's Golden iTIedical Discovery, and good digestion, a fair skin, buoyant splr Its, and vital strength, will be established. CONSUMPXION, which is Scrofula of the lames, is ar- rtwi and cured by this remedy, if token be fore the last stages of the disease are reached.: From its marvelous power over in is ternoiy fatal disease, when first offering this now celebrated remedy to the public, Dr Ptercb thought seriously of calling it his Con gumption Cure," but abandoned that name as too limited for a medicine which, from its wonderful combination of tonic, or Btrenfrthening, alterative, or bleod-cieansing, anti-bilious, pectoral, and nutritive proper ties, is unequaled, not only as a remedy for consumption, but for all Chronic Dis eases of the Liver, Blood, and Lungs. If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, have sallow color of skin, or yellowish-brown spots on face or body, frequent headache or dizzi- . ness. bad taste in mouth, internal heat or chilis, alternating with hot flushes, low spirits and gloomy forebodings, irregular appetite, and coated tongue, you are suffering from Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and Torpid Liver, or "Biliousness." In many cusos only part of these symptoms are expe rienced. As a remedy for all such cases, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Sis rnrc rr ia lmsnmflRRpH For Weak Lnnfi, Spitting of Blood. Shortness of Breath. Brou chitia, Asthma, Severe Coughs,' and ninareu anecQons, it is an etncieni remeay. Sold bt Druggists, at $1.00, or SIX BOTTLES for S5.0O. Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce's book on Consumption. Address, World's Dispensary ITIedical Asso ciation, oui iiain street, liUFFALO, jn. x. $500 REWARD is offered bv the nronrietors or ur. bago s oacarrn temeay for a case of catarrh which they cannot cure, ir you have a discharge from the or otherwise, partial loss of nose. smell, taste, or hearing, weak eyes, turn pain or pressure in head, you have Catarrh. Thou sands of cases terminate in consumption. Dr Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures thoworst case of Catarrh, "Cold in the Head," and Catarrhal Headache. SO cents. teViu&Wly oh fr nrm LADIES! Do lonr Own Dyefns at Home, with r j&L b 11 x Jo They will d vo f vervtfelne. Thev are Bold every taere irict I ue. a pacKage 40 colors. Tney lure no eqa : for &trength,Brightness. Amount in PacSsges or for Fastness of Color, or non-fading Qualities They do not crock or smut. For ale by i U haKDIN, Druggist, and F. C. 311 L- ijpjfcjist., corner 4th and Nun street, wil- '.Wtr.a s. c. mh 27 DAW ly Belaney Enflne Company- mm a Richmond, Virginia. Business etabMahad lfitfS. The mast eomiilete . machine SHOP-. In the 8fUTH. ENGINES,' ooiLtKS, SAW-MILLM IND MACHINERY.! H'itiT AND TKAISWAY LOCOMOTIVES. POM? ROAD LOCOMOTIVES A SPECIALTY. pycorresaondence solicited. Send for Cata- oinie -ant DA wit Iff 33 -A. PARTS If UNDEVELOPED of the body enlarged and strengthened. Poll partts- m ytaled) free. EED3 MED, CO BtUTalo, JT.JT. mnDtwry wefrsnl Atkinson & Manning, AGENTS, Hurt. Carolina Home Insurance im VJ 073 TO XH08B WANTINQ tNSTJB- AKc? V3AIN8T fire, PolScles In this Old and R!!abh Home Instltatloa. i A!' :osscs promptly paid. W. S. PRIMRO8S, President. vuijUiBo kuut, secretary cuwrjsu, BHPemSOT.i ANTRTi 4- 1 .n'vll n 8611 onr New cnristmas hooi fami v Lrom 50 ot8 10 88 69- 009 wortan with v. "'i,"30 Lual' Bue averagea ay Mnt ?Tt September until Christmas. One new feu 'I? vd.e 8125 Ia 8l weeks. One sold 65 the SS, JeSk.ln a village of only 200. Try it in your IS in inct u no mor' Yon can make from JJ sath and W3w :,iif! W wSP-T8 A LTV PHIIBLPHIA man .011 " "ru nouse. an energewo woia?f?f U ?roK3 and oanvaaa physicians with wJaSnW the Soutn- Addres4 "DRUGS," oct 2t ' Ayer Fhlladelpbia, Fa. y For the Soundl yyawZTTE3 WILL LEAVE SOUTHBB- X1J8 STABLFS for the Sound, DAILY, at ' and 6 p. m. Returning, leave Sound at ' p- M. and 7 A. if. Bound trip 60 cents.",: T. J. SOITTHERLAND,: 1 . j t. M.iy w vwi -H Office 108 and 110 W. Secpnd J?he Marion Pttwr l lthepiflST NWSPAPEB PUBLISHED TS moatnTe,sectV)n? ono of the wealthiest fPreaants and Marnof ao - llChva0 who tave adorrtedtbeplan "nitfoB iple 411 excellentmediumof com. . ; Bton.r11 With a larcm nflnnK.I jtluinf wftm, " ""e6s tras ineenea odbm nfrent?ivf jTUf w " . W?e ,;th STAB, ' UarUra.'& G.- : "OniJB SACRUITI. FROiT TH iXrk - JAHKi BIBROH " HOPE'S . KOBLE POEM ON LKK. . 'r TV ' - - - 7 The last thunderbolts, were hurledl -Worn OUt bv hi nvn ntn.i.. ' -. ne.-: r : Mis battle flags were furled, " That has chaoRed the modern world " ? - - - . . . . uvuig aaiuk 111 me arena -- Of a hlnnHi. nn - . - v.wuj uuuiab game Aa the prize of bis endeavor r- " ' -Pot on an immortal frame, v Throusb long agonies our Soldier Won tbe crown of martial fame, - Jx tnat man supremely reaw - n peace td serve his State.) He rose up and mastered Fate.. He triumphed and he did not diel Wo funeral rMla ow fv!to i Bat on that day in Lexington - ami came cerseiMO H01u His stirran whlln ho - W WW WWUUiVU To ride down the streets of gold. ' He is not dead! There is no death! ' Ha nnl Wlit. hafnn i- His journey on when Christ the Lord Wide onen held thA Ann r - And a calm, celestial peae'e is his: Thank God forevermore. ? - - - V. - When the effiev nf Whi n trlnn In its bronze was reared nn hiwh - 'Twaa mine, with nthnro Beneath a stormy sky, -To utter to the multitude His name -that cannot die. And here toda v. rn v fVn n trvm p n I tell you Lee shall ride Witn that great "rebel" down the years Twin " rebels" side bv side l And confronting such a vision All oar grief gives pace to pride. These'two shall ride immortal " And shall ride abreast of Time. Shall licht un state! v hlntnrv And blaze in Epte Bhjme tsoia patriots, both Virginians true, Both rebels," both sublime. Oar past is fell of glory, " is is a snui-m-sea, The Pillars nverlonkincr it Are Washington and Lee: And a fntnre snrearla rwfom 11 Not unworthy of the free. And here and now. rav nmmtnrmpn ' Upon this sacred sod, Liet us reel: it was "Otjr Father" Who above us held the rod. And from hills to sea Like Robert Lee Bow reverently to God, KtCLIOJOUS MISCELLANY. Why ia it that set many worthy clergymen disregard a great law of nature, ana expana tneir sermons, as tne weather grows coldeil--Chicago Tribune. The malice that is eager to ascribe a selfish motive for a good act is the blackest thing in unregenerate human na ture, it is asm to tnat winch ascribed Christ's miracles to the Devil. Nashville Advocate. When John Wesley had 30. he lived on 28 and gave away 3. The next year receiving 60, he still lived on 28 and gave away 33 . The third year he received, $90. and jrave 32. The fourth year he received 120, still living as be- iore on 38, ana gave to the poor all the test. Have yon seen those matches that won't light anywhere but on tbe box? They remind us of some people's religioa; it only lights wnen tney are at tne meet ings. The barracks or Church is the box, and when they are away from the box you might scratch them against some religions topic till their nose bled, bat you couldn't get a spark; Floating Bern. 1 A shuddering rumor went oat from the bed of impending death, whisper ing in bated breath how a man in high seat, of matchless might and guarded - conduct in private life, had a horror of great dark ness. Tne oil was gone. . God in mercy gave him placeor repentance and replen ishing his lamp. And when called, he was ready. Men must "stir up the gift" that ia in them. Barracks me breeds evils. Health is in the tented field. : Ease in Zion brinm on the eout. Drsnentic theolocv never annovs the camp of the mounted ministry. It ism "Andovers" heresy and heartburnings are hatched. -Bichmond Ad vocate. ' . - A creneral conference of all o r . : evangelical Christians in the United 8tates, under the ausoices and direction of the Evangelical Alliance of the United States, ia called, to be held in Washington, De cember7tb, 8th and 9th. The object of the Conference is to study the following questions: 1 . What are the present perils and opportunities of the Christian Church and of the country T 3. Can any of them be met best by a hearty cooperation of all evangelical Christians, which, without det riment to any denominational interests, will serve the welfare of the whole Church? 3. What are the beat means, to secure such co -operation and to waken the whole 1 : .ri.:T . .Uaurcn to lis ree puuei un 1 1 jr x - , . The Bibld teaches ad that trae lreligion is love to God and love to man. and that there can do no true love to uoa whew there is not love to man. De we not expect more from those - professing entire . . a.i a . yim. punty Of - motive, a noiy, sancHaea me, than from those making no pretensions to this superlative grace t , We 'look for con fiiatpnrv in the everv-dav walk and conTer- I nation a spirit of meek, modest, lamb-like numilliy; a ueucvuiouuo, uwiuiuhku, v.-. alted, Christ-like-r-that looks not merely on its own things, Jut also on the things of others; a cheerful, smiling, complacent yielding to the rignts 01 otners wnere auty calls. - We expect a meek, modest, retiring self-renunciation, gospel-like, in ; those testifying publicly the assurance of faith, great peace of -mind, ; joy. unspeakable Jstmng jcptsue. : : OUB STATE CONTEmiPOBABIKS. rWa i5tTTnTrw,niver the Biir Indenen dent still continues. Our belief is that the nomination ofi Cleveland wiu cuiminaw i .v- .MwrishniTiir defeat of the DemO' 1U MID uiwnaw o . 7 . 7, . , . . airt nrn An nnt helieva that ne will be the nominee,r We are not a believer in the doctrine ranynoay 10 , wsa . . -1 - In -ftnnth nave a greai uuuij, vtv,fiu . felt sick ever since they swaUowed the Horace Greeley pun dus tne tvieveiauu 1 i ..nnwii- r-fjit na have a straiht out Democrat or a simon-pure Republican in the ; tresiaen wai . vuu, x Piorteer. - - ' -fiTL.'. .tu ; fn Irt-D-ornor -must ' nave more recommendations than a" full pocket i5v. '-j n,n. Ffn Ttintt ' hava-abilltT character; and a vigcrous constitution, with - w .r, nvnni mnirnni ihiu " mill ill uuuuiai .t.'tUt mm trthim.. He ! must not be . t. ..nnncol Tft 3 1 aft IQB TiaiLV , UJ 1C- ono wuy KVy -"-n-' Wo i,a iirtia niinnn iti HVikJuuauMi v w shall need the best and ablest man we can eat. 1 wur canuiuawi iuus. . - not rely upon tne laoor: 01 uuicio. Zealots r and ; sap-heads may : ruin their mends and - ruin the t party, besides.- Put OU . OraEeS: VOll . are trnino- inn .tae Rockingham Boticet. ' - It ia said that the- TRTAnttoa n,mW.i. resolved lo appoint a committee to go to Washington nd iaavass7 for the repeal of the Internal Revenue laws. - We trust that the Executive Committee will not assume to send a committee to WashingtoiWRe presehtatives of Congress are responsible to the people; and only to the people. ? When ever the authorized declaration of the North Carobna Democracy is made, it will be to ns as the voice of God; bat, we shall advo- cate no line of conduct at the suggestion of committeemen, however " honored and re spected, simply because it has the Sanction of disUnguished nameaWe hold: that the. .will of the. Democracy is, expressed in con ventions composed I of representatives of' me ATemocrauc voters or the State, and un til that will -.is' expressed every- Democrat most be governed by the dictates of his con science and ; j adgmenLT-rTf adesboro . Jfcs- A It HOWS AND SLINGS. ' There is alwavs . trouble when ever the red flag ia runup.! " It means auc tion, smallpox or anarchy, Boston Fost. Virtnousl indignation I don't! know anything about cards, and the one who does has a heart as hlaek as the nvn of spades-vHarper' Weekly. . Some neoDle aoDear to be sur-" prised because Cleopatra was a little wo man, it doesn't reauire a eianttomake fool of a man. Boston Katurtbiv Tfattnlnri Gazette. - In: the light of some recent bus iness develonment - them : la snmAthlnv strange about the fact that neither Webster m-r . . nor Worcester aenoes "trust" as "conspi racy." Phil. North American. Keverence for wOman is one of the best, as it is also one of the distinguish imr. results of our centnrv of civilization on this continent. The. American cowboy can give lessons on thfe subject to tbe Eu ropean nooieman. St. Jjouu Utobe-Democrat . . - ' The 4 vear old daughter of a Boston druggist ' has prepared to recite in Sabbath school the line, "Search tbe Scrip tures." When the teacher asked for her verse, however, she hesitated, then bravely uttered the words. -'Hunt for the prescrip tion V Boston Times. One of the toasts at a recent railroad banquet in. Philadelphia was this: "ir it is true tnatthe pen is mightier than the sword, it is all important that the edi torial pen be in the hand of an honest man." Every editor in the country will say amen to this, knowing that it doesn't hit him. Springfield Union. If Shakespeare could have been present at the Academy of Music when the Keene company played "Julius Ciar" without e tare-cos tumea and have seen the lean and hungry Cassias carried off the stage dead, with his coat tails dangling dis mally between-four Macon Romans, no. doubt he would have admitted tbat Bacon wrote the affair. Macon Telegraph. PERSONAL. Commodore Joseph B. Hull is tbe oldest officer in the American navy. He was appointed in 1813. Spurgeon, the eminent Baptist - preacher, who is again disabled by -rhesvi malic gout, will winter at fllentone. - Robert G. Ineersoli wrote ccntly in a liquor dealer's autograph album: "Wine is the fireside, whuacy tbe conna gration."" vr:- James Gordon Bennett, owner of the New York Herald, has secured state rooms in the steamer La Gascogne . for Ha vre, and will sail lor JSurope, to-morrow. Rose Elizabeth Cleveland is a devout Presbyterian. She has taken a pew in tbe First Presby t erian Church, on Fifth avenue, of which Justice. " Harlan's son. Kev. Kichard I, Harlan,- is pastor. Ansa Cleveland is thinking of taking a Sanday school class and teaching sacred history on the Sabbath. Joaquin Miller is now domiciled at Oakland, CaL, in a little house in the cleft of the mountains, made of redwood, about ten or. twelve feet high and perhaps' thirty reel long. It has just one room, with alcove beds for himself and his moth er, who is a fine . old woman, originally from Liberty, lnd. The house is 700 feet above tbe sea level, and here Miller lives and cultivates his land and works upon his poetical life of Christ. Boston Post. political Joints. The same fortune of war which has withdrawn" the Massachusetts Mug wumps from the support of the Democratic State ticket has now loaded the Democratic Candidate for Governor with the approval of Mai Gen. Ben j. F. Butler. Wash Post, Item. . It was a good thins for Presi dent Cleveland to travel over the States be fore writing his- annual message to Con gress, 'travel broadens me mma. Tne more the President knows about the coun try the better be can-attend to his business.. Phil. Becord, Dem It is announced that the Catho lic churches of New York State are taking measures to deprive the George party of the support of their- adherents, and that every pnes win instruct ma paruuiiuuorB igMun voting for the United Labor candidates. Waih. Post, Dem. . The Democratic party in Balti more seems to be bigger than the combined ref ormera" and Republicans.' . Mayor Latrobe having been r elected by : an in creased majority. .In the Jong run, tne Democratic party may be relied on to down the Republicans, and all their allies from Sam Randall down to tne scaliest nencn man Augusta Gazette, Dem. Spirits .Turpentine. . - Reidsville Democrat: The Pres tdent TrtnirT thfl TL Ss lYMi- R. Co. t300 fof transporting the-party over their lines. - .Goldsborov-firiw.r The Davis and Kiesey schools; of Lagrange, were In attendance at the fair yesterday. The Da vis boys numbered 108. . , The city po lice force made their debut in their hand some new navy-, blue uniforms yester day.; ' --.: .; '. ; : :7J ' :.. . ; : Asheville Citizen: While out oh our recent trip through the Western counties, we frequently met Mr. ' W. W. Proffitt.5 ot Yancey, who was- out on his annual trip collecting up the stock of gin seng which an been gathered for him at the various towaf and country storeB. . f ; Aflheville iAj$rian: -, Mr, Wil liam Taylor, a brick mason engaged on the ovnaMtinna fnr thA new" Johnston bull din 7. on Main street-Was qmte paiafully injured jesterday by a rock'talling upon him from tne Siaewai& auove wucni no was wuikuiB. irhamolr wfiifrhftd -between two or three hundred pounds; and struck- Mr. Taylor across the back.; . '; : SDarhanV ? J2ecortvThe street onnranterl i cninc bevond Main street church bv-tha mud.- . Died, at 8tagville,in this county, at 10 o'clock SutL- j.- mAminff th- 23rd: inst.L Mr.- Georee Smith, in the BSth year of his age, having been born at inveness. ocowanu, uiy tw, 1803. whence he came r to this country in 1881 to join his son Mr. Jas. Smith. , .- SUPERIOR COURTS. - - .""-I'Afci "'S-'EKSIS 18 ST. 1ST, (EDKHTON) DiyrCrJUDGE OBAVXS; Currituck September 5, 1 week.! ,, v Camden September 12, 1 week, r- -t ',' . Pasquotank September 19,1 weeav Perquimans September 26,-1 week. 1 Chowan October 8, 1 week. ; nfc ' : Gates October 10, 1 week. .. Hertford October 17, 1 week. J ''r' Washington October 24, 1 week. - i Tyrrell October 81. 1. weekv: -. Dare November .7," 1- week. r . '. i , uyd Jiovember 14, 1 week. . ; si :' Pamlico November 2LJI week.: - v,, Beaufort Now 28, 2 weeks. ; -. . 4 2ND (HAXJTAXl DrBTRICT JXTDaK AVBRtc Warren September 19. 2 weexa. ' : Northampton October 3, 2 weeks. r . v Edgecombe October 17, 2 weeks. r -Bertie October. 81, 2 weeks; " Halifax November 14, 2 weeks. '. ; s. Craven November 28, 2 Weeks. i --' - 3rd (wilsoh) district JUDGE SHIP. , Martin September 6. 2 weeks. . -Pitt-r September 19, 2 weeks. Greene October 8. 2 weeks.. - Vance October 17, 2 weeks. : .: Wilson October 81, a weeks.:..- -1 v : Frankbn November 14. 1 week.'. Nash November 21, 2 weeks., , Martini Decembers. 2 weeks. 4TH (RALEIGH) DISTRICT JUDGE J. H 7i li. ' - MERBJQCOCer. - " Wake-rJuly 11,2 weeks. . Harnett Ausust 8. 1 week. . Johnston August 15. 2 weeks. Wakef August 29. 2 weeks . Wavne-September 12, 2 weeks. waw oepienioer as, weeks. Wayne October 17. 1 week. Waket October 24. 3 weeka. Johnston November 14. 2 weeks. Harnett November 28. 1 week. 6TH(DrRHAK) DISTRICT JUDGE SHEPHERD. Orange August o, 1 week. ... Caswell August 16, 1 week. Person August 22. 1 week. Guilford August 29. 2 weeks. . Granville September 22. 2 weeks. Alamance September 28, 1 week. Chatham October 3, 2 weeks. Durham October 17, 2 weeks. Orange-Noyember 7, 1 week Cvswell November 14. 1 week. - Person November 21, 1 week. Guilford December 12 2 weeks. 6TH (DUPLIN) DISTRICT JUDGE PHILLIPS. Lenoir August 23, 2 weeks. Duplin September 5. 1 week. Pender September 12. 1 week; New Hanoverf September 28, 2 weeks. Sampson October 10, 2 weeks. Carteret October 24, 1 week. . Jones October 31. 1 week -Onslow November 7, 1 week. Lenoir November 14. 2 weeks weeks. Duplin November 28, 2 Sampson December 12. 1 week. DISTRICT JUDO 7th (fatbttsville) "COETNOK. Cumberland July 25, 1 week. Coiumbu8-i-August 1, 1' . week. Moore Auffusl 15. 1 week. Robeson Augu&t 23, 2 weeks. $ Anson September o, 1 week. Brunswick September 12. 1 week. Richmond September 19,'2 weekB. Robeson October 8, 2 weeks. Bladen October 17, 1 week. Moore October 24, 2 weeks. Cumberland November 14, 2 weeks. Ansonf Novembes 28, 1 week. . Richmond Decembers. 1 week: 8TH (SATJSBORT) DISTRICT -JUDGE' CLARK Iredell August 8, 2 weeks. Rowan August 22, 2 weeks. DAvidsonBeptember 5, 2 wee. RandelpArrSeptember 19, 2 weeks. Montjromerr October 8 2 weeks. 8tanly--October:-17. 2 Weeks.i- Cabarrua October 31, 1 week. Iredell November 7, 2 wetke. Rowan November 21, 2 weeks. Davidson December 5, 1 week. 9TH fWIZrSTOK) DISTRICT JXTDGS erLSCKRt Rockingham July 23, 2 weeka Stokes August 8, 2 weeks. Surry August 22, 2 weeks. Alleghany September 5,-1 week. Wilkes September 12. 2 weeks. Yadkin September 26, 2 weeka Davie October 10. 2 weeks. Forsyth October 24. 2 weeks. Rockingham November 7, 1 week. Stokes November 14, 1 week. Surry November 21, 1 week. a 10th (MOROANTOK) DISTRICT JUDGE BOT XDV. Henderson July 18, 8 weeks. Burke August 8, 2 weeks. Ashe August 22, 1 week Watauga August 29, 1 week. Caldwell September 6. 1 wbek. Mitchell September 12, 2 weeks. Yancey September 28, 2 weeka McDowell October 10. 2 weeka. ' llTH (CHARLOTTE) DISTRICT JUDGE MACRAE, Catawba July 18, 2 weeks. Alexander August 1, 1 week. Cleveland August 8. 2 weeks. Mecklenburg- August 29, 3 weeks Union September 19, 1 week. Unionf September 26. 1 week. Lincoln October 8, 1 week. Gaston October 10, 2 weeks. Cleveland October 24. 1 week. . . Rutherford October 81. 2 weeks. Polk November 14. 1 week. 12TH (ASHEVTLLE) DISTRICT JUDGE HOSTOOMERT. Madison August 1, 2 weeks. Buncombe August 15, 8 weeks. Transylvania September 5, 1 week. Haywood September. 12, 3 weeks. Jackson September 26, 1 week Macon October 8, 1 week. Clay October 10, 1 week. -Cherokee October 17, 2 weeks, -Graham October, 81. 1 week. Swam November 7r 2 weeks. 1 Madison f November 21. 2 weeks. Buncombe December 19, 2 weeks. Criminal cases only iCivil cases only. f Civil cases only, except jail cases. Bacon, Flour. Lard. 100 Bozefl D s c snxs 000 BfelsFLOUB, all gTades, ' OPT A Cases LARD, fwMlc low by WILLIAMS RAKSTN A CO. an 9 tf New Crop P.B. Molasses FIRST CARGO OF THE SEASON. 200 HHD6 (JUST ARRIVED), KOW LAND- iair. and for sale to lots" to rait by ' ; " ": aaStt WILLIAMS. RASKIN 00. Sugar. CofFee, Bice. 100 Bbls Refined SUGARS, , . j0 Sacks Oioic mO(X)r7XB, -gQBbU CAROLINA RICE. For sale low ny , WXELIAMS, RANEXN CO. aa9 tf Glur. Hoop Iron,Hails. ; 500 anale HOOP IRON, - , - 250Ie8"HA8, ; Pot sale low bi aatf . WILLIAMS. ijsca tersonvCounty-v Hewi, rubnshedat EOUt0BO.lt a"-' ; ; f WOTTAKEll & .GIBBONS,-' is Editors and rYoprlston. - '- " The NEWS hashe lanrest drculatlcm of asi paper published or circulated la tb fiiM tobacco Monon or JNoru uarouna. - ' AdverUstnE rates vary tlbaraC taVferiptios JK)Q per Vr - - . IT" Tbe foUowma " Quotations - represent wholesale prices generally. Ia maktnx op small orderi higher prloea bam to ba ohaJTod. BAoama-- '.:.. V J'- " Ounny ..r...... . ....... .. b " T ' O - J' SJtf r'' StAndard - 8 a ,, BACON North Carolina - -rr f ' ' Earns, V 14 O - 1 ehouiden, 9 ............... : ' 6 i J4 . " Bldea, V t.....: 10 O 11 WESTERN 8M0KKD - - , - - . Rama9 t.....w.,v. -iW4 - Bides, 9 t , . IWi HhouJdera, 1....,...., .. TH- 7H DRV HALTED . - , ;- ; .aides. B ; S - 'J.. . Shoulders f t.. . .......... Ota i H BARRET A Spirits TarpeBthw. ; . Becocd Eand. each.4 . 1 0 O 1 B0 NewNewTorlceaoh.... O00 .fe " NewClty, each....... 1 ,Q 1W , BEESWAX, - " O' - a . BRlCXsTwuxabixtoat. 9 K 00 a IK . NortWn sooenoo BUTTER, ,? .North, Carolina.... ......i... 15 JJ CANDL5S, 9 t . 'i v Sperm.. IS A ; Adamanttaa..... " ..'10 - CHE2SE, f S - Northern ractory. .......... It O ,1 Dairy. Crean: IS O M 8tate...r......V....-."....- SOW coryis, 9 ti . . Java r ft 2& LaKnyra - 83 4 M - So... so 6 tt CORN MEAL, V bua. in saoka co tjH VlrSSSMeal 00 O - 7K COTTON TIKJ, V bondle: IQ O 190 DOMSUTICS - . " . Sheetlnc. 4-4, yd 6 ft 6J4 yarns, V bunch 00 a SO EGGS,9aoKea ...... IS O SO PISH- - ... Mackarel.No. 1, bbl..... 00 00 1 8 60 Mackerel, No. 1, half bW. 7 60 & 8 00 Mackerel, No. S, Wbl...... 00 ft 11 00 MackereU No. . half bbl.... 4 79 ft i 00 Mackerel. No. S, V bbl 7 80 ft S 00 Mullets, V bbl BW ft 700 Mullets. Pork bbls IS 00 it 14 00 N. a Roe Herring. V kef... 8 00 a 4 00 Dry Ood, 8 ft M yLOUR,fbbl . Wectora low trade S 50 ft 4 00 , " Extra. 4 00 O 60 " Family. 4 60 a 6 00 City Mill aper 4 00 O 4 10 " Kamlly 4 50 C6 8 00 GLUE, 8 i GRAIN, ft bushel - . Com. from store, bajri, white 00 O 65 Corn, canto. In bulk, white. 00 ft 64 Cora, oanro, in bairs, white. Q S7 Com, mixed, from tore 00 & 65 Data, from store 42Ma 45 Oats, Rust Proof 00 ft t Cow Peas M ft BIDES. 9 S oreen v Drr 10 ft IS. BAY. 9 100 Xs . ' jcastern o i Western 65 tt 05 North River W ft 1 CO HOOP IRON. B 2?a tH LARD, E Nortuern ia North Carolina. 8 ft 10 LIMB, f) barrel 1 40 ft 0 00 LUMBER, City Sawed, ft M ft. tuup titan, reeawea ia w a w w Ronxh Edge Plank 15 00 ft 10 00 West India Cargoes, accord ing to quality .... 13 00 ft 18 00 Dreased flooring, seasoned. 18 00 ft 2S 00 . scantling and Board. ooma 14 00 ft 15 00 MOLASSES, VjraUon New'jrop cuDa, in anas.... jk a n in bbls.. .. 88 ft so Porto Bleo, inhhds 28 ft 80 r " in bbls 80 ft 83 Sugar House, Inhhds M IB (p " la bbls 18 ft 18 8tti. in bbls as o as NAILS, fc Keg. Cat, lOd basis... S 40 ft S 60 OILH. 9 gauon . Kerosene o Lard 16 ft 1 45 Unseed 00 ft 1 00 Rosin 15 ft . 18 Tar oo Q w Deck and Snar.- CO ft 22 POULTRY . Chickens, live, grown z O ss " . Spring 10 ft 20 Turrets.: 75 ft 1 00 PEANUTH, 9 bushela 22 ts... 60 ft- 00 POTATOES, 9 buaaei . sweet o si Irish.- bbl 2 25 ft S 75 PORKvl barrel uity i n 17 ow o ia u Prime 15 00 Q li 00- Rump 00 ft 15 00 RICE Carolina, fi 4ft tH Bough, bualeLpUn.. m g 80 BAGS,V E Country - ft V4 SALT, 9 amok. Alum 70 ft 78 Liverpool 65 ft 70 Lisbon 00 ft 00 American 00 ft 70 SUGAR, 9 Standard gran.. 69fft H Standard A SMft t White EX. C 0ft 6 Extra O, Golden titft m CYeUow 0ft 6U SOAP, 9 Northern 6)4ft 6H SHINGLES, 7 in. kW 6 00 ft 7 06 . Common... 2 00 ft S 60 CypreesBaps 4 60 O 6 00 Cypress Hearts.... 0 00 Q T 60 8TAVE8, V M W. O. Barrel. . . S 00 14 00 B, O. Bocshead. 0 00 ft 10 00 TALLOW, 9 B & ft 6 TIMBER. )M feet-Shipping.. 00 ft 14 00 Fine Mul 11 O 18 00 Mul Prime 7 60 8 60 Mill Pair 8 00 ft 8 50 Common Mill 5 00 ft 0 00 Inferior to Ordinary tjM ft 4 00 WHISKEY,!) gal Northern.:. I CO Q 8 SO North Carolina 100 O 9 50 WOOL, 9 S Waabed 23 & SO Unwashed 15 ft 25 Barry 10 ft 15 ADRIAH & V0LLEBS, WHOLESALE GROCERS & COMHIS'K HERCHAKTS (Offer for sale at tbe lowest market prices: FLOUR, all grades. SUGAR. Howdered, Granulated, Ex. C and C. COFFEE, Rio, Lagu ra and Java. MEAT, C R. Sides, Backs and Hams. LARD, In Tierces and Cases. BU'lTEK and CHEESE.' MOLASSES and SYRUP, in Hogsheads and Bbls. APPLES, POTATOES, ONIONS and CABBAGE. CANNED GOODS and PICKLES. CBACKJE2S and CAKES, all grades. LIQUORS and WINE, in Barrels end Cues TOBACCO, CHEWING and SMOKING. CIGAES and CIGARETTES. 8NUFF, all grades. SOAP, Laundry and Toilet. BAKING POWDERS, ratapsco, Campbles BoyaLAo. SODA, In Kegs and Boxes. APPOLLINaRIS WATER. BAGGING and TIES. Ao.. Ac. TaaSIti iTHE ACHE . Manufacturing Comp'y MANU7ACTURERS OP FertilizeTS, Pine Wool & Pine . Wod Matting, WIIJriINGTOW, - - N. C. Tha reputation ot oar FertClrers, Ue ACH3 and GEM, is now eetabUahedand tha results of ... . - - . . ... three years'.use hi the hands of the best farmers of this and other States xuDy attest their valae as a high grade manure. Tbe MATTING, made' from tbe leaves of our native pine, has already gained a popularity for comtort and durability equal to any wool car pet, and the demand for Ik is daily Increasing. It has rtrtoes not found in any other fabric' - -- The FIBRE or WOOL Is exteaatrely't used , foe upbolatering purposes, and as a fCUag for mat-' tresses is almost ecual to hair, being light, elas tic and proof against Insects.- 't "--'.- I ICertlnoates front reliable parties using our - . . v - - .- - - -goods can be seen at our office, or wpl be mailed upon application - -" Jytstt Wilmington L Weldon E. E. A3TD BHAXCIIES.: ' . 3 ,Ckndenssl Reh d ale- TRAINS GOING SOUTH. - - i No. 15. No. 17, I No. 15, Dated Aug. 1, 18871 I rast MaUl Dallyx. - ---r - - I Dafly. - Dally. feaaasy. Leave Waidon .-,.f SDS p-tt 6.S8 p m! I Arrive Booky Mt.- 8 24 pm - . ....... ,r- Arrive Tarboro.. .. 4JO p sal. ...... ...I. , Leave Tarboro... .110.50 p.m . Arrive WUaon 1 S-67 p. ml S 68 pal Leave WUtoa... .14.15 pm .......... Arrive Seuna I 6 24 pjn .. ,...r Arrive PayetUVlai 7.63 pa ".. Leave Ooldaboro.. 4 45 p m T.41 pan Leave Warsaw.... '8 p.nt Sm Leave MagaoUa:. SjOO p.m a 88 p.ra AiS a.m Arrive Wilmington T.4S p.n 8.66 p m is 00 a m TRAINS OOngQ NORTH. v-: .- . . 7 . No. 14. i NO. TS, Mo. 65. ....... . 1 Dally, ax. DaDv. DaCy. feanday. Leave Wilmington 11.69 p.ml 8.60 a.m t.oo pja Leave Magnolia... 1.18 aun 10.88 a.m 8.S5 pja Leave Warsaw.. 10.49 am 8.69 pja Arrive Qoidaboro.. S.18 am 11 -60e.m STT. Leave rayettevUel.. . ...... 80 a ml Arrive Belma ' .......... 110. 60 a-xsi.. Arrive Wliaoa.... 111.69 ajn " Leave WUaon. I 3.57 a.mll8 p.m .. Arrive RoeSyMU.1 j 1.1a p.m Arrive Tarboro 1 14. M pjal.......... Leave Tarboro... . io.ao a.m Arrive Weldon.... 4. S6 a-mt 2.40 pro! Tl.Ti t(urt ttnwti Train on Scotland Neck Braaeh Road leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at a 00 P.M. Betarn tng. leaves Scotland Neck at 9.80 A M- dauy ex cept Sonday. . Train leaves Tarboro, R. via Albemarle Dally except Sondiry. 7.40 A. M.nndav SJCA.M. rrJT IJOWB, a. v S.43 A. M, anO, UW A. M. 11 89 A. M. Train on Midland H. C. Branch leave Golds ? 7 xVt 8unday,7J0OAJL;arrtv 8mkhflald,N. C. tJSO A.M. Retarntog leaves BmiOifleld, N. C, 8j00 A. M arrive GoUsboro, N. C 10 JO A. M.' - Train on NaahvQla Branch leaves Becky Vount at 400 P. M arrives Nashville 4.40 p. E, fcprtog Hope 5.15 p. M. Betornlng leaves Bering Hope JStS2fJ5l,?ilhTlu L15AM Bocky Mount IMS A. M daily, axeept Sunday. - Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for CilBton. DaB y .except Sunday, at 70 P.M.. Be turnmg leave Clinton at 7 00 a. M. Southboand Train on WUaon aad FayettevlSe Branch Is No. SL Northbound Is No. 6a. 'Dally except Sunday. . - Train No. 27 South vrfll stop only at Wuaoa. Goldsboro and Magnolia. Train No. 78 makes doae connection at Weldon for all notnta HmOi ailw 111 nn.TxA-.i and dafly except Sunday via Bay Line. a nun duv ojo eoDMraoa tor au pouus North via Biohmond aad Washington. All trains run solid between WUnUngSom'asal WMbhsgtoa, and haye Pullman Palace Sleepers JOHN T. DIVINE, General apt. J. B. KENLY. Supt Transportation. T. M. EMERSON. Genl Paasenger Agent. an 8 tf WILHIHBTOH COLIBIA i ADGHSTA Bailroad Co. Condensed Scliednle. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. No. 67, Dairy, ex. Sunday. No. 28, Dafly. No. 27, Dafly. Dated June 19, 87. Leave Wilmington Leave L.Wao'maw Leave Markm Leave Florence... Arrive Sumter.... Arrive Columbia. . 8.15 pan 9 85 n TTB 10.10 pan 11.18 pan 12.87 aaa 11 .94 pan 6.40p.m 8.05 pan 8.45 p m x.o K.m 8.40 a.ra 4.94 son 8.10 a-m 8.10 TRAINS GO ING NORTH. ""W". xu oauy.-xcept ooacay. r. M.:8tra dav S P. Lt arrive WUllamatotvN. C, 8.10 P. M, No. 78. .No. 68, 1 No. 14, Dally, ex Dafly. Sunday. Dafly. Imt Colombia,.. 10.25 p.m 6.60 m.m Arrive Sumter..... 11.68 pan 8J& a.m Leave Fi ore ace. 4. JO aon 9.40 aon 8.80 pan Leave Marion 5.15 a.m 9.04 pan Leave L.Waemaw 7.02 sob 10.84 pan Arrive WCmtngfn 8.25 aon 11.45 p.m Noa 88 aad 78 stop at an stations except Cane Savannah. Weteree aad Hlmma'. Paaeunaurs for all points a O. A G. B.R C C. ft A. RE Stallona, Aiken JaBctioa.and all poiau beyond, should take No. 23. Pullman Sleeper for Augusta on this train. TralM 67 and 66 make eloae connection at Flo- renoe with Trains on C. A D. R. R. JOHN P. DIVINE, , Geal Bapt, J. R. KENLY, 8b pt TraasportaUon. T. M. EMERSON, Genl Passenger Agent. Je 19 U CAEOLIHA CEITBiL BAILROAD CO. Change of Schedule. WESTBOUND TRAINS. No.l NoS. Oct. t, 1887. Dafly ex. Dally ex Sunday. Sunday. Leave Wilmington. .. 7.00 a. m 7.45 p. m Leave Maxtoa...... 1L8Q a. m Leave Hamlet......... 12.45 p. m 233 a m Leave Wadeaboro .... ai2p.m Leave Chaxiotte. 4.48 p. n 6 55 a. ra Leave I.taoolnton, .... 6:85 p m Leafe Shelby. 7.47 p. m Arrtve Rutherf ordton . 9 JO p. tt EASTBOUND TRAINS. No. 8, No. 4, Oct. t, 1817. Dally ex. Dally ex. Sunday. Sunday. Leave Rutherf ordton. 7.00 a. m Leave Shelby 8-fS a. m Leave Lincoln ton 9.47 a. m Leave Charlotte ... 11.40 p. m 8.15 p. m Leave Wadeeboro .... 2o p. m Leave Hamlet 1.49 p. m L65 a. m Leave Maxton. 6.90 p.m Arrtve Wilmington.... 9.80 p. m 8A5 a. m srtve Trains Noa. 1 and t make close connection at Maxton to and from Fayetteril le3reerboro aad other points on O. P. A Y. V. By. At Wadeabo ro with. trains to and from Cberew. Florence and Charleston. At Llnootnton to and from Hickory, Lenoir, aad points on C. A L. Narrow Gauge R. R. Trains Nos. 8 and 4 make close oosnectloa at Hamlet with trains to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping Oars tmteww wthnfor and Charlotte and Charlotte and Balelgh. Take Train No. 1 for Statesvflle ana Msttoris on WJL C. R. R. and potnta West. Take train 8 for Spartanburg. OroeaiCla. Athena, Atlanta and all points Southwest. Also for AahevUle, via Spartanburg. No. S connects at Wilmington vrtta W. A W. R. R. No. 28. Local Freight No. B and 8 tri-weekly betweea wlmusgton and Laurtnburg. Local Freight Nos. 7 and 8 dally betweea Laartntnrrg aad Charlotte. Local Freight No. S and. 18 dafly betweea Charlotte and Rutherf ordton. Ros. 6, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 will not take ipaaaengers. , L.G.JONES, Supertntendest. 7. W. CLARK, Oenaral Ps ssenger Agent, oettf Palmetto Bailroad Co. QN AND AFTER MONDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1887, Trains will ran as foBowa. daily except Sundays: . r , COIBIO SOBTn t . ' So. 9-PA8SZNGE3 AND FREIGHT I . Leave cberaw.s. C.. tja P.M -KoUock Btatton.... .....2.45 P.M J Oaborae, (Flag Station.. M A15 P. M. Arrtve HamleW N. C.M. ........ ....... 8AS P. M COOTO SOTJTIIx . - - No. 1 PASSENGER AND TKEXfiHT : -' v Leave Pi mUf. N. C .. .....ltM?, X. ,, bore,(Flag Station) LWP.M. Kollock Station, L40 P. M. Arrtv Cheraw, S. a. 1X0 P.M. 'J- . ' , V " WE. MONCURE. . " UKVf ADVKilTLilLLli.:, x WANTED4 LAD I FS for esr I.. CtrtstmaaTraii. to tnke I'ft t. 1 work at their own bemes. f l to f I r r beeuietlymade. Woiktect by xct '1 f taaoe. ParUoulare free. - No cert ressgonee,CKcrNTARTCa.l4T x. . ttcu, Mass. . . - Lox i x a ..... 1 x . w ' Bich a GOLD X&kT. Y. Vtxaux. . Opteion of GEN. O. au GRANT :m -EUBY (tILPING meriu aaore praise than I can bestow, and it deacrvosa welcome ia every Americas borne." 1 kUBl "8 QIXAiINO gtvas the brtHTant eject tf SOLI D GOLD, no matter wkere applied aed it mar be used by tbe most lDsxperietjoed amaucr. "FOB LADIES. : - RUST'S GILDING to valuable for. CDi'.rr Booaehold Ornaments. Tarnltara.' Pram as. Cor nices, Bask eta. Fans, Decorative PatnUng. A a. - RubyGUdmgwasedtadeoorsitng tier;. en did homes ot W. H. YAXSxaxixT. Jtxti Hu.Tcr, Gnmi Gaxxr, and many other weaitky aid tiistisguiabed New Yorkera. A. CamePs E'.r Brash la aaeh Box. Prlo SO eeats. Jy mail 0 eetita. - . , . . (Ateo ra larve bottles for Man V ana G!rra) Ask for BUSY'S GILDIN d. Take no nhfV Sold by aU ART DEALERS AD DKUGiaTS. New York Chemical MTg Co., 8 East 4th ntN F. oW by W. T. iMggeU, umington.. , . oot 4 DAW 1m " T- $100 A nOWTW Fcr an . Iiiuterattl ErJy.". $320. - - The ondervigned has a limited amonot cf Traarary Stock f Th tra silver " Dredglag 0napaaytoa which the Ofioers . thiok tbey wUIbe able to pay 1 0 par esnt. a aaentn, to eommsno beor Jaaaary 1st.- This would make a very handsome Is rest meet and will "pan outn as follows : . ., : , lOO Ebarescostmgf 890. Income flOO a niHh so leo. - - so as . so. " . ts , IS 48. - It ' in m . o .-.--." lO 32. lt i IS. The Stock Is Registered at Ana vrteaai kVoast 4 TrweC C., aad Listed on the- C-eatsotl-da teat ExcnmjDge , Tbe Company own iwe el aims on tke Car son River. 40 acres, eootalniag Qnlekallver aad BnllJoBi from DtvamKsi mils. Com-, peteet experts claim that over f 40,000,000 can be reclaimed. ' Send orders with N. T. Drafts, P. O. Order or Beglstered Letter to ' . - W. S. CnAJIBEnLlX, lr'r - .A cent. lit BBOiDWAT.liEVf YOBKCITT. sep rrDJtWlm I " MAR LIN REPEATING RIFLE O-naraa. BEST IN THE taod perfectly WORLD t aoenrst sad absofastety ss. lUit lasUsiaesnw lerr or emsn nmi BALLARD "V7t "T" mm. auaes. . Sa4 far IUaMmal CautaTM. Saartla STf-) A rmCfc, aw IUtm, saM7 DAWlm Wanted. ON SALE OB LEASE. A TRACT OP GOOD North Carolina country, about 6000' acres, -wall stocked with Quail, Woodcock and Tar-' kfya Negotiation at bard pan -prlee may be effected through CLARS3CB GORDON. . - ooni&ern Real Estate Investments, .'" 69 Liberty Su, New York. -Offers of tntermedlarlea, or those omWtngfaB pankmlora, will not be noticed, eep 84 Dawim 86 a Day A Gold Mine For Agents. Grandest ITleney Flaking Ytaat--ea ever offered. A golden harvest for tha next Two Months. $75 Per HI on tat aad ex penses to active men to sen our roods. . capital require. No peddling. Bsmpla ease si goods sad sluable Inf orme&toa aad rail psrucuiara aftxaiK. ra kansbag; w . lost what w rav. Addreesat once STANDARD tSILVER WARE CO, Boston,: ocxwiMiwzm GEO. 8. THURBER, ALBERTIOORE, - President. Vie Presldest B. G. EMPTE, " Sec'yaMTraas. - : - .THURBER & G0BK (LIMITED), ' comiisgio, . :". 91-22 C03IHEBCE IDTJILDlMfil i CHICAGO. . " r !' GRAIN, PROVISIONS, STOCKS. COTTON. ' PETROLEUM. ORDERS EXECUTED ON ALL EXCHANGES an 7 tf ' Atkinson & manning's Tnvnraiice Booms . , NO 1! SOhTTT WATKB BTRZET. ". . - . U'llnttikaton, !. tT. Fud, Hfini sri Life Ccmisiia. Arxrerat Capital Beprasente-1 Over t?O0JK',bc8 " Bank of New Hanovefv AHtiwrixed Capital. - - $1,000,000 Caxh Capital paid In. - SSOO,000 ' 8urpltii Fttad, - - $1S0,003 DIRECTORS: . L'i'JJ.' W L GORE. C M. STEDMAK G. W. WTLLlAMa. ISAAO BATES. ' DONALD MacBAE. JAS, A LEAK, " H. VOLLKRH, - P. BHEINSTEIN, " J R. B. BRXDGKRS E B. BORDEN i. W. ATKTN50H. '"' .i : , : ' ISAAC BATES, President. ' ' - , G. W. WTTJJAV5. Yloe lssidenu: . an 88 tt B. D. WALLACE. Caahier. - . THE C11IXBIIAT1TD' : ARRIHBTOH GAME FOWLS FOR SALE "SjJT GAME FOWLS HATE A NATIONAL HE KattOB. Tna have toug ilM won a series ol greatest mains ever tonght on this or ay other continent, and Fifteen Pairs, on axh'.b?-. .gb at PtiTladalphia in TO, were honored by the L ted States CetUenstal OocamiasloBeT wtLh tha Lt ploma and MedaL - I have a variety ef Cbiors aad most appro i Breeds la tbe Catted States. I wCl ship .penij COCEB, of fin sin. and handsome phonare, t. Fit i i ess .a O. D. at from K0 to tLUtuk EJDJftTsxJO and tXM each; or t7olS Per lt:r $10.08 per Trio. -1 expect to raise Two Hsndrva Pstrs this Semmer, the Finest (Same ia txe Worid, sad -iil ship To-iag Fowls of March SDd -Axrll hatch dannsr the months of Itmrt t. Aember aad October, at Fire Dollar per ir, cr Wnoevarmispatestbe aupertortty ef my Btrdt. -rm please back the assertion wlta Utalr stacks. Writ for what yon wan. - ArMraas, J. O. ARXmGTCT!?, . tf . KTmardstoa. Bash Co. N..C. The; ITorth' Carolinian. snixaketMCirF,- -'- NertM CareUna. XBTABLXSHXD ni 13BB. ' - T4nM.........i....i.:...?;.:.:;.ti so Ttr. Tbe oldest sd leading paper Is Eastern Nor.-' Caroltna. Pablished at the bnstness centre c ; the Aibemart section. SpecUUlv A evened -, awakening an Interest ta develocing tLe r sonrees and m promoting the material pro- - -of tbe StaXe. Toksraat, todpendeia scd'r: gieaalia. Read every week by thounus if'r-i pie all through the eastern -ran of te t -Advertlatnc rates Cberal. Aic; - - palxct zz: - .Jytf - .Xllicr ail i re; r.,.u.r. a us be patienu ibhb f'-";"-"

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