mill ' moicn,. or crapiion,: from a " ,t Scrofala. -Sal t-rheum .. worst scroi -zS-S-ttM-' scaiy or uongh. siHii. in short, aU disuses caus by bad K aro conquered by this powerful pari ffi . nd invisrorating; inedlcina roa$ Uils'nff Ulcers rapidly heal under its Tbc- nflnencc. Especially has it manifested anils, CarDnncies, ?"'r,fic 0iV'" Sore and weiiiiisriu :.Mip nlons White Swclllnirs. joi"1 V aslr. .1 J ;"rni. sena ieu ueuu m sunups lor a' ui": with colored rtlntpa.- on Kfc-tn nSq'or tho same amount fori treatise Affections. - - i,, . - . o.Si..V e!S. VS -TnR.. f ,!1!? "it THE n it by usmgr Dr. Pierce's Thnronir.'i Its, and consot: ffhich is Scrofula of tho Lung is ar- Joited and cured by this remedy, if taken be fore tbe last stages of the-diseasc are reached. vjm its marvelous power over ti; is ic-n-ibly fatal disease, when first offering this now Sclebrated remedy to the public. DrPnaci thought seriously of calling- It !:ss "Con sumption Cure,"- but- abandoned that name as too limited for a inedieihe liich, froni ifs wonderful combination t;f touic, or strengthening, alterative, .or blood-cleansing, anti-bilious, pectoral, and nutritive proper ,,Pc is unequaled, not only as a remedy for consumption, but for all Chronic bis. eases of the - i:vv.'y.-'' Liver, Blood, and Lungs. If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, have sallow color of skin, or yellowish-brown spots on face or body, frequent headache or dizzi m.&d bad taste in mouth, internal heat or cliilli. alternating with hot flushes, low spirits umi gloomy forebodings, irregrnlar appetite, .Hid coated tongue, you are suffering1 from indigestion, Dyspepsia, and Torpid Liver, or "Biliousness. In many cases only part of these symptoms are expe-rit-neod. As a remedy for all such cases. Dr. Pierce's Golden ITfedical Dis covery is unsurpassed, . - For Weak: loinf Spitting of Blood, shortness of Breath, Bron chitis, Asthma, Severe Coughs, and liindrcd affections, it is an efficient remedy. Solo by Druggists, at $1.00, or SIX BOTTLES for $5.0O. . , Send ten cents in stamps, for Dr. Pierce's book on Consumption. 3 Address, ., World's Dispensary medical Asso ciation, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. $500 REWARD is offered by the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy for a case of catarrh which, they cannot , cure. If you have a- discharge from the nose, offensive or otherwise, partial loss of emell. taste, or hearing, weak eyes, duUpain or pressure in head. -you have Catarrh Thou gands of cases terminate in consumption. . Dr. sage's Catarrh Remedy cures the worst c?..-es of Catarrh. "Cold In the Head,' and Catarrhal Headache : 50 cents. feb 4 D&Wly ch fir nrm ionising teauc-ily ucvcsr fails to mil: Citriy eficov Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick Headacha, Biliousness And all diseases arising from a Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion. TSie natural result Is good appetite RKt solid flesh. Dose small ; efegant I) .ciar coated aad easy to swallow, " SOLD EVEEYWHEEK feb 17 D&W ly thjraa Atkinson & Manning. AGEXXS, flartii Carolina Home Insurance Coip'y; w OFl'EB TO THOSTB WANTING IN8tr : AGAINST FIRK. Toilcies la this Old and KV,'.ai)le Home InstitntiOQ: s) in- promptly paid. W. s. PRIMROSB, President. CHAHLKi ROOT, Sacretary., PUASKJ COWPSB, 8npervlsor. For the Sound. w OOSSTT5 WILL, LB ATE SOUTHBB- LANl. j TABIPS for the Sound, DAILY, at m anJ C P. M. Eetnrninjr, "leave Sound M. aud 7 A. M. round trip So cents. T. -J. SOTJTHBRLASD, livery and Sale Stables, i i9 tf Office 108 and 110 N. Second St. Cotton Bagging. 1000 n"f Roi,s BAQQniG' 30 0 Cr,xes :tob -cco 20Q 5ies8HOT, barrels GOOD FLOOB. For sale low by HAL! & PEARS ALL, t.A A aents for Dupont'g Gun Powder. ; i&wtr , , LADIES! -i:r Own Dyelns, at Home, with Do I EEELESS DYES. Ih!LWllLd,ye 'efytaing. They are sold every wnere. pric9 ice. a package W colors. They Pan eqnal for 6trength,Brlhtness. Amount in Orfahf63 or for Fastness of Color, or non-fading i e?' TTThey do not erock or smut. For wie by j. H HABDIN, Drugglit,-and Fa MILr 1; "racjrtst, corner 4th and Hun streeWWA toa . C. mh 27 DW ly nn and Whlrftey HaJ I I ltscnredathomewtth L i J otpBocofj If II Oculars sent FREE. SUiLM.wnnTJST.-IV Ate Cta. ft office &H WhttflhaU gfr II part u AXO.N rtiOT "T'W'ntfwnlwt tree. RIE MED.OO.. BUFF J. EVERY . ' ' . s. TOBACCO GROWER, Tobac( Jco Manufacturer, TOBACCO Should Subscribe for ' ' " Aae Richmond Whig. 1LY 21 specimen copy. aaa ' 5.4.?0 ayear. WKRKLT: 75 cents. -w me whi4 Eichmond, Va. sep 7 tl U The Lincoln Press,: flTRT ton- . : "ohn c. Tipton, Ed'r and Propf . Th ten. . t-. i 5t trtan?8. A wknowledeed, -1y those who fxxMtun. . o one of the best Advertising tad tJA,ia nww varouna. . nas a steadily increasing patronage m tin Catawba, Cleaveland, Burke and . tiAiiirni IIISCO'Tflrv.trul irnAil Surest ion, a air skin, buoyant apir. llifi co l - ; t " i; w 4 kJ-H TtlK TWO PILtAHF. . FROJC HOPE'S POKM ON IKE - . - fc i . a Yes. U i true. xrr , .j ut. .,. VVe are JlCh In nftmpa anil Mw4 ! AndTred have been the bloesoms - 5 W?f, 4he fir8t Colonial bud, - -While, her Dames have blazed as meteors ..uiajf sueiQ aoa Hood , And as some flood f timilrfnAn-- : to 80UnaiDf hi fnw. rU.. iAre back, ibe eveniug's glories " xu a wtaito or blazing eoldt . J? f 108 P"8ent 'rom its waves neneci in light of old. - - v . Our history is a-shifting sea " -. Locked in by lofty land, ' And its great Pillars of Hercules here behold. in majesty u prutDg on each; hand. These Pillars ot our' history. - In fame foreTer youhg, -Are known in every latitude '.And named in every tongue, And down through all the Ages - a ucir awry snail De SUQg. The Father of His Country omnua aoove mat shut in sea A glorious symbol to the' world ' A Of all that's great and free; And to-day Virginia matches him Ana matches him with Lee. ' ' OCR 8TAX15 COHTESXPORAItlBS. Democratic snnrAmrv in IMnrth rQ-n- linala more to be desired than a reduction In the tariff, or the TDassae-e of that our people can desire. We would be wuiing to givfrup almost- everything else rather than see our own State Government again in the hands of the Radicals of the State. Kinsion Pregi. Ia our iudement the ' term r ptn t a Committee," as commonly -used in party language, is ft misnomer. An executive ought- to have the power of compelling obedience to law. There is no such au thority lodged in the Democratic Execu tive Committee at Raleigh. It is simply an Advisory Board. -Wadeaboro Messenger. . There is a strong tendency among secu lar papersr especially ia North Carolina, to come out decidedly on tbe side of religion and good morals, and indeed it is time. To ignore these subiecta, or to touch them in a half-hearted way, is, it appears - to us, to neglect the grandest opportunity to aid in making men better in every sense of the word Greensboro Workman. We believe Greenville will have a rail road, and a good one at that, but it is not coming without substantial aid from the town. Mark what we say 1 Tha people of Greenville are standing in their own light Go to work 1 Stir up public spirit and awaken interest in matters of improve ment X- Push the town forward and keep apace with other towns in this progressive &e.e. Greenville Reflector. The bad practice of the General Govern ment's raising mere revenue than is needed to pay the public expenses has been imi tated by Texas which State now taxes the people too heavily and is rapidly piling up a surplus. "How to get rid of it?" is now the question that troubles the Texas legis lator. They will not long have to ask that question. Reason: A Governor's resi dence is in process of construction. Ral eigh Chronicle. The Sentinel is in full sympathy with every movement, tending to the advance ment of t3 old North State, and in this new departure it sees much of good and much of worth to the people. Let every teacher, who possibly can, attend this school of normal instruction and fit him self better for bis great work. Let him be come an artist's tools, and North Carolina will be tha better off for his having lived and taught. -Winston Sentinel. The Wilmington 3tak. in its issue of the 16th instant, is exactly correct in reference to the theatre question, its comments grow ing out or tne recent episode in s Nashville church when an actress with more pluck man aiscretion arose m her seat and pub licly rebuked the minister who was giving .- . . . . . ais congregation wnoiesome aavice against the actress and theatre-going. There is no half-way ground absolutely no compro mise as between the chureh and the theatre of the present day and all orthodox Chris tians will see nothing to disapprove in the preacher or his sermon on the occasion re ferred to, and everything to condemn in the conduct of the inflammable actress while. at the same time,- they can only indulge re gret at the course of inconsiderate people who applaud her act as not only smart, but just and proper even under such circum stances. "An atheist's laugh's a poor ex change for Deity offended."---BocJangham Socket, i . The Recovery of Bob Slavln. Baltimore American. .Bob Slavin, the minstrel, who has been lying at tbe point of death at his house, on Pennsylvania avenue, from a most painful ear disease, which had also attacked, his brain, has now fully recovered, and will be able to join his troupe in a few days. .His affliction was pronounced by several prominent physicians in Chicago and Cincinnati a case of severe neural gia, until Slavin placed himself under the care of Dr. Keuling, the well known oculist and aurist of this city, who found that the mastoid bone, in which the ear is imbedded, was in flamed, and that the only means for relief consisted in a trepanation of this hone, which operation was per formed by the doctor ten days ago, and followed by the most gratifying result. :cottox. Y. Commercial and Financial Chronicle , Nkw x obk, uct; 28. - ne move ment of the crop, as indicated, by oar telegrams from. the South to-night, is given below. ; For the wee: end ing this evening (Oct. 28 the total receipts have reached 294,934 bales, aerainst 27199 bales last week, 276y 876' bales 5 the- previous week, and 251.181 Bales three weeks since mak ing the total receipts since the 1st of Sept., 1886, 1,749,571 Daies, against 1,343,801 bales for the same period of 1 885-86-- ahowiner an increase since Sent. 1. 1887. of 405,770 bales. ,The exports for the week ending this eveninir reach a total of 217,919 bales, of .which 11 6,732 were to Great Britain, 44,018 to France ana b7,toy to the : rest of .the Continent. Yesterday there was a further ad vance in resbonse to a further im- rirbvement at Liverpool, but; moat of it was lost later in the day. i , To-day there was an : early-, decline,1 in sym-- pathy . with a lower market at J-iver- dooI. but was a partial, recovery nn tha reduced receiptss at many of Via intrinr towns Of the South.:-Cot- ed until' yesterdayvwhen there ar advance of - l-16c- Tn.rlav the; msrket was "dull and weak at 1 1 lecf or middling uplands. -"ff The-total sales ; for forward deli v. ery for. the week are 543,500 baleB. 7;T A b tKR 6 a CO TTKT8. ' ""AI.!, rKRHls'lSS'J. : 1ST (aKNTONV:I8TRICT IDDOK kivTCfl? Currituck September 5,1 week. ' uamuen September 12, 1 week. - . v? Pasquotank September 19, 1 week.": -;V; Perquimans-r September 26, 1 week.' . : Chowan October 3, 1 week. . " . " -Gates October 10, 1 week.. ' Uertrord October 17, .1 week- : ,u Washin2ton-T-October24. 1 week. " TyrreU October 31, 1 week.. -Dare November 7, 1 week. ' " - V llyde November 14, 1 week.- . . -Pamlico November 21. 1 week. Beaufort Nov. 28. 2 weeks. ' - 2ND (HAXIFAX) DISTBICT JTJD02 AVSB1.' Warren September 19. 2 weexs. Northampton October 8, 2 -weeks.- ' J-dgecombe October 17, 2weeks. - ' Bertie October 31, 2 .weeks.".--. " ' ' " ' Hiiluax November 14, 5 weeks. - Craven November 28, 2 weeks. , . 3RD (WILSON) DISTRICT JTTDOK SHIP. Man in September 5, 2 weeks. Pitt September 19. 2 weeks. Greene October 3, 2 weeks. Vance October 17. 2 weeks, ' Wuaon October 81, 2 weeks. - 1 ' Franklin November 14. 1 week. Nash November 21, 2 weeks. Maitint December 5, 2 weeks. 4TK (RALEIGH) DISTRICT JTJDG S J. n . MTCRKTKOR. Wake July 11, 2 weeks. ; Harnett Au&ust 8. 1 week. Johnston August 15, 2 weeks. Waket August 29. 2 weeks. Wayne September 12, 2 weeks.. Watt September 26, 8 weeks. Wayne October 17, 1 week. Waktt October 24, 3 weeks. Johnston November 14, 2 weeks. Harnett November 28, 1 week. 5TH(DURHAM) DISTRICT JUDGE SHEPHERD. Orange August 8, 1 week. Caswell August 15, 1 week. Person August 22, 1 week. Guilford August 29, 2 weeks. Granville September 23, 2 weeks. Alamance September 26.-1 week. Chatham October 3, 2 weeks. Durham October 17, 2 weeks. Orange November 7. lweek. Csswell November 14, 1 week. Person November 21, 1 week. Guilford December 12 2 weeks. 6tH (DUPLIN) DISTRICT JUDGE PHILLIPS. Lenoir August 22, 2 weeks. Duplin September 5, 1 week. Pender September 12, 1 week. New Hanoverf September 26, 2 weeks. Sampson October 10, 2 weeks. Uarteret October 24, l wees. Jones October 31, 1 week. Onslow November 7, 1 week. Lenoir November 14, 2 weeks Duplin November 28, 2 weeks. Sampson December 12. 1 week. 7TH (PAYETTE V ILLS) DISTRICT JUDO - "CONKOR. Cumberland July 25, 1 week. Coiumbus August 1, 1 week. Moore August 15. 1 week. Robeson August 22, 2 weeks.? Anson September 5, 1 week. Brunswick September 12. 1 week. Richmond- September 19, 2 weeks. Robeson October 3, 2 week?. Bladen October 17, 1 week. Moore October 24, 2 weeks. Cumberland! November 14, 2 weeks. AnsOnf Novembes 28, 1 week. Richmond December 5. 1 week. 8TH (SALISBOBY) DISTRICT JUDGES. CLARK Iredell August 8. 2 weeks. Rowan August 22. 2 weeks. Davidson September 5, 2 weeta. Randolph September 19, 2 weeks. MontgomeryOctober 3, 2 weeks. Stanly October 17. 2 weess. Cabarrus October 81, 1 week. Iredell November 7, 2 weeks. Rowan November 21, 2 weeks. . Davidson December 5. 1 week. 9th (WTHSTOH) DISTBICT JUDGE SILJXKRT Rockingham July 25, 2 weeks. Stokes August o, a weeKs. Surry August 22, 2 weeks. Alleghany September 5, 1 week. Wilkes September 12, 2 weeks. Yadkin September 26, 2 weeks Davie October 10, 2 weeks. Forsyth October 24, 2 weeks. Rockingham November 7, 1 week. Stokes November 14, 1 week. Surry November 21, 1 week, 10 TH (MORGAN TON) DISTRICT JUDGE BOY. Henderson July 18, 8 weeks. Burke August 8, 2 weeks. Ashe August 22. 1 week Watauga August 29, l week. Caldwell September 5, 1 week. Mitchell September 12, 2 weeks. Yancey September 26, 2 weeks. McDowell October 10, 2 weeks. llTH (CHARLOTTE) DISTBICT JUDGE MACRAE. Catawba July 18, 2 weeks. Alexander August 1, 1 week. Cleveland August 8, 2 weeks. Mecklenbnrgf August 29, 8 weeks; Union September-19, 1 week. Unionf September 26. 1 week. Lincoln October 8,1 week. Gaston October 10, 2 weeks. Cleveland October 24, 1 week. Rutherford October 31, 2 weeks. Polk November 14, 1 week. 12TH (ABHTTVTLLE) DISTBICT JUDGE ' MONTGOMERY. Madison August 1, 2 weeks. Buncombe August 15, 3 weeks. Transylvania September 5, 1 week. Haywood September 12, 2 weeks. Jackson September 26, 1 week Macon October 3, 1 week. Clay October 10, 1 week. Cherokee--October 17, 2 weeks. Graham October, 31. 1 week. Swain November 7, 2 weeks. Madisonf November 2l. 2 weeks. Buncombe December 19, 2 weeks. Criminal cases only ICivil cases only.- Civil cases only, except Jail cases. Bacon, Flour, Lard. iQQ Boxes D. B. C. K. SIDES. QQQ BfeU FIFXR, all grades, or A Cses LAED, For sale low by WILLIAMS BANKTN an 9 tf r CO. Newtlrop P.S. Hblasses 'J'".,. . jrlRST CARGO OP TUB SEASON. iQQ BHDS (JUST ABBlV-tD), KOW LAND lag. and for sale nv lots to suit by , ' an tf ' ' 'W1IXLA1CS. RAJOONACO. Sttgar.0 lOO Bbl ;efllied, SUGARS, j" gQ saos Chotoe BIO COrrxx. : :Z - e A Bbls CAK01INA BICS, , ' : for salo v -; - 1:-. an9 tf wri-iMs.iNa oa eooohails 2g BbtoDISIKB,S GLUK.S ?fr'J-' 500 v250 austr ' Bundles sour-usvn, v-r . . --For sale" low by WILLIAMS, ANDN CO. Particular A Bar gains ! V. '?-ie r BROWN & RODDICK, " O Nortli Front St. . i . - - We call special attention to a few PaxticiiiaX', Bargains POUTHLS WKSIC. Onr space . is too small .. to - enamer&te at , : tpeelaltles. . - . 42-Incli All-fool Miiei Dress - tweeds 0c per yard, really worth (1 .CO. 36-Inch All-Wool. Serges, ' la all desirable Shales, K cents per jardaretnlar price every v here 60 oenta. vDress Qoods. A laro variety of Novell lea la.DRESS GOODS. Some very Recherche Styles. Ladies' and Children's JACKETS, NBW-f ABKffT8 AND ULSTXB8, In Seal Skin. Plashes,' Tweeds, Llajonalf, Series, Ac. We hava the moat complete aaaort meat we have ever shown. Table Scarfs and Tidies. We aie showing some very dtstlngae Goods in this department. Ruching. A Larjre Invoice of Buchlnjc Jnst opened. Dress Trimmings. A ULLLINB of all the most Pashlcnable Dress Tilmmtaga In all the naw Colon. Handkerchiefs. Gents' White Unlanndiled Hemsiltched Hand kerchiefs, ALL LI SIN. $2.C0 per dozsn. ABar- rala oeitaio. Genu Colored Borde Bemstltched FURB LINBN Handkerchiefs, 30 crntn. worth cent. Gents' Kid Gloves in Plain and Stitched Backs,$l0 and $1.75 a pair Ladles' Colored KID GLOVES. Plain 60 cents. Ladles' Colored KID QLOVSP, Btltcbed Back 65 cents. Blankets; The Largest and oieaf est stock of BLANKBTS we have ever shown. We are offering' a very rreat bar (rain in 114 Blankets, slightly tolled. fa.tO a pair. BROWN & RODDICK, 9 NORTH FRONT STREET, OCt23 tf The Maryland Farmer. 123D VOLUME. A MONTHLY MAOAgTNB, of M paxes, devo ted to Affrtonltare and kindred snbleots. This is nre-eminentlv a FAMILY MAGAZINE first class In every partioalar; folly up to the times on all subjects affectln the interests o Acrbraltarists. It has lone been acknowledged as standing at the head o Monthly FnbUcationa devoted to Acrtoaltare: pare In tone, mdvooetlnc all Improvements whloh wUl elevate, refine and benent pecuniarily ana morally tne tannins oom murrftT: rnanv of the sxurseettons in Its eolumns have proved the key-note for reforms, adopted by the most Influential organltatlons In oar country. Tne editor ana proprietor nas seen enngea m the interest of Arricmltare for nearly fifty years and durinx this length of time has become per sonally acquainted with most of the promlnen airrionltarlsu in the conn try. Devoting his whole time to fostering this great cause, be earnestly appeals to every subscriber of the Maxt xn man to not only renew his own snbsoriptien but invite his friends and neighbors to subscribe. Terms one dollar a year in advance, and a pre mium worth from 80 to 60 cents. BZBA WHITMAN, an IS tf Editor and Proprietor. Methodist Advance. TEUBTY-TWO COLUMN S-C0 WEEKLY, devoted to Temperance. Morality and Religion INUBPBNDBN A BOLD. POSITIVE, AGGRES SIVE. Looks at things as they are. Talks in a free, lively style on all subjects. Advocates what is RIGHT rather than what Is popular. In its 8th volume. Has made Its way to public favor on merit, without official patronage, against fierce opposition. Circulates at large over the State, and Is one of the best advertising sheets in the State. Por sample copy address - . BOBBITT A BOBBY. sep 9 tf Golds bo ro, N. O. - Charlotte Daily Chronicle, A DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER Bright, Newsy, Clteap. Contains Latest Telegraph Dispatches and Mar ket Reports. Believes m Keeping op with the Times. Likes Aggressiveness in Business and In State. Encourages the Upbuilding of North Caro Una Is a Strong Advocate or More and Better Id aoatfcn. . - $7.00 per year ; $3.00 for three months. .W. 8. HEM BY, ' Editor and Proprietor' Charlotte. M. n oe 28 DAWtf - The Sayaiiiiah WeeHy News m-cnr atvinrwtw urgwgr.V WKWH Ta WQW A A VV . .. A. 1 " " " ' 1 I i. cintnMn MMiiaixw. Tt nmulM each week a oomplete resume ef the world's do- inM. wltnrrl-la on tha finrrent tonics of the day! interesting reading for the fireside and farm- ori ginal and selected" stories, aocurate -larket re ports. - In fact. It eombbMS In a condensed form all the best features of -tbe daOy eotemporary, the SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS. Itisaeare follv edited, Bterprismg and entertaining family five or more, $L00 a year. - It,is ths obeapeet paper of its olasa In America. r , --. r . Sample copies ana premium iigxa --ni on appu- cation. ,. ; -, m a - . deo 89 --: ' - ' : Savannah.'s. v; :.7noLr3Aiu piicr3. HT ThV fonowtng' anotatlons . represent whoieaaie nrleee reneraHr. . In making up small ' orders higher prloea have to be charged. ' BAGGINO ... H J '- Gunny ...i:.. . r o . -" Btandard . . ' ,T. - 8 O - 8 BACON North Carolina Eaxos, V -......,.. Shoulders, t Sideai .. .14 O;. ' -'8 CS -6i 10; O ..U WESTERN SMOKED 1SMA T.Bidea, V ....;,.. Shoulders. DRY SALTED . , Sides, V -.....- em Bhouiaers. w BARRELS Spirits T vrpentlne. m eeoona nana, eeco ... a . :-. New Hew Yerk,eaoh. ...... 1 "New City, each -. 140 Q B-UCH-STwilmlngto-, V X.. ... . N O rlOTthOTO ....... BUTTER, - .2... S 00 rforth oarouna.,.. Northern 15 CANDLSS, 9 t iDpem....... ... . " Adamantine ...... CHE2S5, 9 t Northera raotory Dairy, vroanc... state COPPEB, 9 v . Java - . Lagnyra ............... Hlo CORN MEAL, 9 bus.. In taolw Virginia Meal .... COTTON THUS 9 bundle. uuauEbxiuv tsheetlng, 4-4. 9 yd ..... rams, 9 bunch...... EGGS, 9 doea... FlBn Mackerel, No. t; bbl 00 00 OHM Mackerel, No. 1, 9 halt bbl. T 60 is 8 00 Mackerel. No. 2, m bbl 8 00 to 11 00 .Mackerel, No. -.half bbl.. 75 ti 00 Mackerel, No. 8, 9 bbl 7 80 O 9 00 . Maileta, 9 bbl .. S-0 O TOO Mallets. Pork bbls IS 00 o 14 00 N. C. Roe Herring. 9 keg... 8 00 a 4 00 Dry Cod. 9 t 10 FLOCK. bbl rJK. 9 bbl Western low grade ISO Q 4 00 & 4 50 Q 4 00 5 4 50 t 8 t 4 00 4 60 5 00 4 10 8 00 .10 , 65 OS 07 65 43 if Extra " Family. r City Mills Buper. " - Family. GLUE. t ORA1K. bushel oorn, rrom store, Daga,wnue uu Corn, oaxro. tn bulk, white. 00 Corn, cargo. In bags, white. 66 Q Corn, mixed, from store.... 00 C Oats, from store 4ZMet Oats, Bust Proof 00 a Oow Peas 80 O HIDES, ft ureen Drv. W HAY, 9 100 fcs Eastern i Western 85 O 1 10 95 00 North River . 90 HOOP IRON. 9 !H9 LABD.9B-- Northern North Carolina 8 & 8 10. 0 00 LIMB, 9 barrel .'. 140 O T.TTUHRR nt-H--rad. tt U ft. Hhip btun. resawea js w Rongh Edge Plank 15 00 SO 00 16 00 weet lnaia vargoes, aooora- mg to quality 18 00 Q 18 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned. IS 00 Q SS W Scantling and Board, corn's 14 00 O 15 00 MOLASSES, 9 gallon New vopenoa, in anas.... o - - InbbU.... 88 O 80 Porto Rico, In bids 28 O 30 - " mbbls 80 A 85 Sugar House, in hhds 00 fc 15 I" " in bbls 16 O 18 8-rnn.inbbIs ... 28 O 85 NAILS, 9 Keg. Cut, lOd basis... 2 40 Ol 8 60 OILS, 9 gallon Kerosene v n m Lard 16 $ 1 46 Linseed 00 O 1 00 Rosin 15 O 18 Tar 00 O 80 Deck and Spar 00 O 83 POULTRY Chickens, nve. grown o i Spring 10 o 20 Turkeys ... 75 a .1 00 PEANDTH. 9 bushels 23 2s... 60 O 90 POTATOES, 9 bushel sweet bo km u Irish. 9 bbl 8 26 Ct 8 75 PORK, ft barrel City Mees n u w is w prime 15 00 A 16 00 Bump 00 A 15 00 RICE Carolina, ft 4 & 6 Bough, 9 bushel, (Upland).. CO 80 CLowlandJ. 80 CD 1 00 BAGS. 9 ft Country O 1 City 1 O I ROPE, ft ft 14H5 2a SALT, 9 sack. Alum 70 O 76 Liverpool 65 a 70 Llabon...-. 00 Q 00 American SUGAR, 9 ft Standard gran. Standard A White Ex. C Extra C, Golden V Yellow SOAP, 9. ft Northern tH SHINGLES, 7 in. 9 M 6 00 1 Common... Cypress Saps Cypress Hearts.. STAVES, 9 M W. O. Barrel. R. O. Hogshead TALLOW, 9 ft- TIMBER. 9 M feet Shipping.. 19 00 Fine Mill. Mill Prime Mill Pair Common Mill Inferior to Ordinary WHISKEY. 9 gal Northern.. North Carolina WOOL, 9 ft Washed Unwashed. Burry. ADRI AH & V0LLEBS, 1VIIOLESALE GROCERS & COMIIS'H MERCHANTS BOffer for sale at the lowest market prices: FLOUR, all grvdes. 8UGAB. Howdered, Granulated, Kx. C aad C. COFFEE. Bio, Lag- ra and Java. MEAT, a B. Sides, Backs aad Hams. LARD, in Tierces and Caaea BUTTER and CHAISE. MOLASSES and 8YBUP. in Hogsheads and Bbls. APPLES. POTATOES, ONIONS aad CABBAGE. CANNED GOODS and PICKLES. CRACKERS and CAKES, all grades. LIQUORS and WINE, in Barrels and Cafes - TOBACCO. CHEWING and SMOKINC CIGARS and CIGARETTES. SNUFF, all grades. SOAP, Laundry and Toilet. BAKING POWDERS, Patapsoo, Campbles Royal, Ac SODA, in Kegs and Boxes. APPOLLINAEIS WATER. BAGGING and TIES, -to.. Ac. aa 21 tf .THE ACHE Manufacturing Comp'y MANUTACTUBXBS OP ' Fertilizers, Pine Wool & Pine WoolMatting, WILMINGTON, - N. C. Tha reputation of our Fertillxers, the ACMX and GSM, Is now established, and the results of three years' ose In the hands of the beet farmers of this and other. States fully attest their value as a high grade manure. The MATTING, made from the leaves of our native pine, has already gained a popularity for oomfort and durability equal to any wool oar pet, aad the demand for tt Is daily tnerea-tng. It has virtues not found la any other fabric. . 1 The FIBRE or WOOL is extensively used for 'upholstering purposes, and as a filling for mat tresses Is almost equal to hair, being .light, elas tic and proof saln-t Insect-. - . ItCertl-oatea from reliable parties using our goods can be seen at o office, or wd be mailed I 60 f 1 75 - 1T0- . 8 oc : O 14 00 O . 1 1 O . SO 9 & 10 no m - -. 18 O 14 , 9 O 10 ST 0 8-Ct 84 S3 Q I SO O. 1 80 e O 5 00 S 80 - 18 O - SO t 706 S W D IW 4 60 O 6 00 0 00 O 7 60 8 00 A 14 00 0 00 a 10 00 6 a 6 a 14 00 n b 11 11 w 7 60 O 8 60 6 00 a 6 60 6 00 o 0 00 -lso a 4 00 1 M O S 00 1 00 a 9 60 28 a 80 15 a 95 10 a u .Wilmington & Weldon. B. R. mm - - - - l-tt -Condensed "Schedule. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. No. S3, I Ho. 1 fast l-aill UyTl No. 15. Dated Aug. 1, Daily.ex. Dally. Dally. enaaay. Leave Arrive Waldon. ...I 2 06 6.88 n m!. Rocky Mt.. S2 p.m..... . Anlte Leave Tarboro. Tarboro. ... 140 pm 1.50 p.ta Art Ire Wilson 6 66 pnl.v Leave Arrive Arrive Wilton.. Belma... . J4-15 p.m , -J64 p.m .. 'u 7.65 pm.. Fayetuv Leave Leave Leave GokJ-boro.. Waraaw.-.i . Magaoua.'. 4 45 pm jt. pju T.4J p.m ens SIS 9am p.m 7.40 p.n ASS Arrive wumtngton 9.66 p m 1600 a TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 14, Dailv.' No. 78. "I JM0.66. Dally, ex. DaQv tmnaay. Leave WUmlng-an Leave MagnoUa... Leave Warsaw.... Arrive Goldaboro- 11.60 poai 6.60 10.49 11.60 6.08 6.83 6.60 p P-m pom 1.19 am 9.1S a-m Leave Fayettsv-le K . 8.80 10.60 11.69 am Arrive reima.'.....f Arrive Wllaon-.. .... Leave Wilson ...... I a. 57 a.mlS.S8 Arrive Booty Mt-j..:.. ..j 1.19 P.a Arrive Tarborow.l 14 Leave 4.50 pan I:: 69 Arrive Weldon t 4.S6 ami 9.40 p.m. Dany except Bund sy. - . Trln on Sooti-aa Neck Brane- Road leaves Halifax for Scotland Neok at A 00 P.M. Return ing, leaves Sootiand Neok at 9.80 A. M- dally ax eept Sunday. Tram leaves Tarboro. N. C- via Albemarle A Raleigh, R. R. -a-lVjexeept Sunday. 6 P. M.: Son day 6 P. M.; arrive wmisrnstop, N. CL, 8.16 P. M and 6.40 P. M. Betsrntng leaves W IinMton,NCi Dally except Sunday, 7.40 A. M.unday 90 A.M. arrtre Tarboro, N. 9.45 A. M and 11-90 A. M. II 99 A -H Train on Midland H. C. Branch leaves Golds hoTO, N. C dally except Sunday,7XW A arrive Smithfield,N. C, SAO A.M. BeterniBg leaves Bmithfleld, N. O- 9D0 A. M4 arrive GoUsboro. N. C-10 JO A. M. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Becky Mount at 400 P. M arrives Nshviile 440 P. M, trpring Hope 6.15 P. M. Returning leaves Scrlng Hope 10.40 A. M, NaahvOla 1L1SA.M Rocky Mount 11' 6 A. M., daily, except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for CTlnton. DaU yxeept Snnday, at 7.90 P. M. Re turning leave Clinton at T 00 A. M. Southbound Train on Wilson and Fayette viDe Branch is No. 5L Northbound is No. 5a. Dally exoept Sunday. Train No. 27 South win stop only at W-soa. Goldsboro and Magnolia. . Train Mo. 78 makes close connection at Wel&on for all points North dally. All rail via Richmond, and daily exoept Sunday via Bay line. Trains make close connection for all point North via Richmond aad Washington. All trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and hare Pullman Palace Sleepers JOHN F. DIVINE. - Generxl Sspt. J. R. KKNLT, Bnpt Transportation. T. M. tJRSON, Geal Paasenger Agent, austf IILIIHBIOH COUIBIA & AUGUSTA Railroad Co. iTon denied "chc dole. TBAISS GOING SOUTH. . No. 67, No. 21, No. 27, Dated Jane 18. 87. Dally, ex. Sunday. Dally. Dally. Leave Wilmington 8.1 5 p.m 10.10 p tn Leave L.Waomaw 9.25 pan 11.18 pn Leave Marion 11.24 p.m 12.87 aa Leave Florence... 6.40 pjn 2.40 a.m 2.40 a.m Arrive Sumter. . 8.05 pun 4-4 a-n 4.24 mm Arrive Columbia.. 9.45 p.m 6.10 a.m 6.16 a-m TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 78, I Ha. 66. No. 14, IDally.ex Dally. 1 Snaday. Dauy. v Leave Oohunbla... 10.26 p.m 6.60 aacn Arrive Sumter. 11.62 p.m 6.22 am Leave Florence.... 4.S5 am 9.40 a-m 8. SO p-m Leave Marlon 5.15 a-m 9.64 pan Leave L.Wae'maw 7.03 an 10. 64 pja Arrive WUmtagfn S.25 am 11.45 p.m No. 28 and 78 stop at all stations except Cane Savannah. Wateree and Btmxna'. Passengers for all points on C A G. R.R- C C A. EE St-Oons, Aiken anettot-and all points beyond, aboold take No. 23. PaUmaa Sleeper for Augusta on this train. Trains 67 aad 64 make close connection at Flo rence with Traias on O. D. R. B. JOBJI F. DIVINE, GenlSupX J. B. KKNLT, Bnpt Transportation. T. M. EMERSON, Goal Pa-eenger Agent. 19 tf CAEOLIHA CEHTRAL RAILB01D CO. Change of Schedule. WESTBOUND TRAINS. m! 1 No.1. W0..6. Oct. 2. 1887. DaQy ex. Dally ex Sunday. Snnday. Leave wnmmgton. .. 7.00 a. in 7.45 p. to Leave Maxton 1L8Q a. m Leave Hamlet 12.46 p. m 2 S3 a m Leave Wadeaboro A12 p. m Leave Charlotte. 448 p. m 6 65 a m arlve Leave Lincoln ton. 6.26 p m Leave Shelby 7.47 p. m Arrive Rntherford ton . 9.20 p. m EASTBOUND TRAINS. No. 2. No. 4. Oct. 2, 18:7. Daily ex. Dally ex. Snnday. Sunday. Leave Ruth erf ord ton. 7 CO a. tn Leave nbalby 8-S a. m Leave Lincoln ton 9.47 a. m Leave Charlotte ... 1140 p. m 8J5 p. m Leave Wadesboro .... t.88 p. m Leave Hamlet 143 p. m L&5 a. m Leave Maxton. 6fe) p. m Arrive W Urn tngton.... 9 80 p. m 8.65 a. in Trams Noa. I aad 2 make close eonseotSon at Maxton to aad from Fayetteville,Gree-boro and other points on O.F. A Y. V. By. At Wadeabo ro with trains to aad from Che raw. Florenoe and Charleston. At Lincoln ton to and from Hickory, Lenoir, and points 09 C. A L. Narrow Gauge R- H- Trains Nos. 8 and 4 make close oocnection at Hamlet with trains to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping Cars between 'Wilmington and Charlotte and Charlotte and Ralelgh. Take Train No. 1 for Sta-esv-le axul Stations on W.N. CLE. - and point West. .Take train Bo. 9 for Spartanburg. GreesvQIe, Athens. Atlanta and all points Southwest. Also for Ashev-le, via Sparta-burg. No. S connects at Wilmington with W. A W. R. B. No. 23. Local Freight No. 5 aad 6 trt-weekly between Wilmington and Laazinbarg. Local Freight Nos. 7 aad 8 dally between la-rtnb-rg aad Charlotte. Local Freight Nos. 9 aad 10 dally between Cnarlotte and Rutherford ton. ' Nos8,7, 9adl0wmnotjriegerB. Snpertnteades-, F. W. CLARK. General Passenger Agent, ooStf Palmetto Railroad Co. -3a- QN AND AFTER MONDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1887, Trains wQl ran as. follows. daOy except Sundays : " GOIRQ NORTH t Bo. S-FABS-SraBX AND FREIGHT : . leave Cheraw. 8. C X3S P.M - KoUook Station - ...... 2. 45 P.M " Osborne, (Flag Stattoa)..-. A15P.M. Arrive Eaailat, N. C U9F.M CODbTO tOTJTIli : No. I PASSXNGXB AND F-O-tOBT : " Leave Hamlet, N. C. I2J6F.M. - - rxr4rig Station).......,. L10P.M. M - XoOoek StatkMSj L49 P. M. Arrive Cheraw, B. O. ttOP. M. -:---.",L,I0"c:?Sx 1 s m rn-ri4iTa Armey ot V. mmi ig jiil. -ri iTnni .... . w f r IE - in:Yr ad viinnsi: WANTED LADIES for-our Tt". CbTtatmA Trade, to fake-reLt. 1 work at their own homes. ' 11 to I J 1 er c ; te quletlv ade Wotkiert by mall k-j . tanoe. Particular free. No cinw'rf. .ressagonoejCiU-SC-NT ART CO., 1471. -: too, M-aa. '.. .. ..... , . . , text:;.. 3 mama "Bich ss GOLD LEAF." N. T. Hnix. Opinion ef GEN. U. 8. GUAhtT: - - RUBY'S GILDING merits -sore praise than I can bestow, and It deserves a welcome la every American borne. ... - . fcUBI8 GILDING gives ths brilliant elect r f SOLID matter wfeere applied, and !. may bs ased by the most Inexperienced amatecr. FOE LADIES. -KTBY'S GTLDIXG. is valuable- for GH 2 Household Ornaments, Fur n Rare. Frames, Cor nioes. Baskets, Fans, DecoraUve Painting. Ac. - Ku by s Gilding wssnsed in decora bag ths spien -did homes of W. XL V-d-ii.t. Jcmi Bulto.". Gxva-i.GB-XT.and many other wcaii by no distinguished New Yorkers, a Camel's Elr Brush la each Box. Price 60 pent, tj mail t. eenta. . i . - - ... - . (Also ie lare botUea for MaaVsaal G-dera.) Ask for RUST'S GILDlNd. Take bo btttote. Said by all ART DEALERS AhD DRCGGIeTH. J,w,I.rkbJ-c-1 M'r 8Bat4U 6t,K I. Sold by W. T. Dai gett. M lixnington. . , cct 4 DAW lm : . 86 a Day A Gold IHne For Ige-ts.GrandestBIoaeynaalac Bast-' ess ever offered. A golden harvest for ths next Two Months ITS Per Bleatb and x- Denses to aollve men to eell mr nwvl. Ik. . . - , . c.v ywwiiuiy simple Q m e mJ macu m nA v 3nKlo tif i m particulars FUKE. N kanabagt w mean Jart what we ray. Address at onoe btaw u a wj tblLVER W ARE CO Eoato-, OetSSDAVF-m ...... New York and Wilmington Steamship Co. ' 0:-" r FROM PIKit 23, tlST BTVZB, HXW 'TOEK Located bet. Chamber and Rocaev-Jt K v - -" At 8 o'clock P.M. -'f GULF 8TREAM -Thursday, ' Nov.. 9 RrvrfmR -a- , - . flTTT.W RTPI1 ti'""" Omn,t.i ' ' - . . , . ...... .. , .vt. . . FROM WTLICXNGTON. ' BENEFACTOR Thnndav. Nov.'.S" GULF STBS AM Tuesday.: ' ' Nov. S Mjuxxnix -,.Monoay. nor. 14 . Through Bds IuJmii Tn-A-t TfcWiot-h Bates guaranteed to and from netnta In Nona and South Carolina. ror Freight or Passage apply to D. G. 8MA-.LBOI4I-S, . ' baprrtntendent, WUxumgtoB. X. C. . Tbeo. o. Earer. TtVj Manager. New York. '. W. P. Clyde 4t V. General Agents - . vv m m ocvwwkj, u.w - via GEO. a THURBER. ALBZRTIQORF, President. Vtoe President B. O. EMPTE. 8ecy and Treas. 7 I '.THUEBEE & GOEEf (L-MTTXD), .' V- - connisKiov : ; 1 1 1 rAtffM K7 w3 at w ara r art .. -S- -B. V ViA&iiJ V JDl - J U BiWA-l IUIVAUU, v GRAIN. PBOVISIOSS, STOCKS, OOTVOV.i. PETROI.inf. ADTiTDa Tr'nrrtc tt vrmii9 an 7 tf . . Atkinson & Manning's Ins a ranee Boonu,. . NO. 118 NORTH WATER 6TRXBT. trilaalnrtom, W. j. . . ' Fire, Mariie ai IifrCeiH-la' i-rgregate Capital Represented Over f100XMK4. -W11U Bank of Few Hanover. AutkorUed Capital CaAh Capital paid In. Enrplu Fttiid, - - $1,000,000 --SOO.OOO 9 -4130,000 DIRECTORS : ' W. L GORE, C M. 8TKDMAN., G. W. WILLIAMS. DONALD MacBAK BL VOLLERV 8. R. BR-DGERS ISAAC BATES, r ( i AS. A. LEAK. - P. RH1TN8TEIN,: S. B. BORDEN,' J. W. ATKINSON ; ISAAC BATES, Presl-ect. V G. W. WILLIAMS, Vioe PresldeeL , . ausau S. D. WALLACE. Cashier. " ARRIHGTOI GAME FOf U FOE S ALE fY 6AMX FOWLS HAVE A NATIONAL BB A . - Statlo-u They have tocght aad won a eertr ft ere let mains ever f ought an. Lh otii Other eotittneTit, add Fifteen Pain, on exhlbitVon at Philadelphia in 78,were honored by tbe Ur i ted States Centennial Commiasionar vritb th 7: ploma aad Med i. - I have a variety of Colon aad most approved Breeds tn tbe United States. IwCl ship splendid COCKS, of Ins size aad hanasome ptsmage, p-r- HENsTtS-BO and 86.00 each; or 97.00 per Pair ltAMnTriA. I.nat l r wtiTi TT xl mu m im pmiiiii ii iuh m uJMt iiiw I a icm World, and will ahip Young Fowls of March aad n....i.n. v Tn . r- ... ... Apru natcn ounng in months ox Aug-, ber- waw i wwt r, n turn m yiii t jt rrj Seven Dollars ner Trio. Whoever disputes the superiority of toy Birds. Will pleae back the asserUon with their stampA.- Writ for what yon want. - - . , Addreea J. G. AKRTNGTON, U Hnnardtoa. Maah Co. N.T . The Horth Caroliniah. Elizabeth City, - - - Nertb Caraltnau ESTABLISHED IN 1869. . Tnjrs '. ..-. St 50 a Tear. Tbe oldest and leading paper la Fa-fern North Carolina. Published at tbe b-stness centre of the Albemarle section. SpeeiaUv devoted to awakening aa Interest In developing the re sou roes aad In promoting the material prosperity of the State. Tolerant, independent end pro gressive. Jieaa every wees oy inoomai or peo pie all through the eastern part ot the fetete-Advert--ng rate liberal. Address - PALKMON JOHN. y96tf ' - - lUlitov U ProprietoT. BOSTON POST. ' " - - - THE OLD. 1 VINCIBLS AND THOItOfOHLY TKUB BLUB DEM OCRATIO NEWEPAF - The clean Family Swsapai of Ma-Hactraaett-. ObntaiiziTig the moat oomplet nws el any paper la New Engiaad. -' ...-..,. - Tbe Boston DaQy Post Is ptv rated for tts reUah-) Ooramerrial and FuuriaX Feat-re . - SUBSCRIPTION BATES. ' -r D-ar-Oo Year. 7-, ttx Mok--s, ad- Wxaxxv F-mtTS -LQ0 rjr-Yar mai9-Acr Six Copies f or 6i)s,- CLUB BAT 3. - Ftve o more to on a-r wui be fnrtCoo as follows : .,, . . DALLY POST at $103 per year per corn Ti -eorie for 87.60 each, ta advaaoe. . . - WEEKLY P T at 8J per year r ' In CJub of Five oTTnore, on oopy wCt t- c 4 totJ-er-'-'jTct taeCfub. ep 8 DA W ti tnn nn ihft. snot - was quiet and nn-r npon application. ' . - . f 29tf - M. M. AV K m Jt -Ola. 4Mg -su-ris-4 ab- aoPtloa f er mnmj M JJtf, rjar..VA!7-.