fhe Morning btar; UILLIAM H. BERNARM. am SB ' -. , ' rrr.TMnCD DAILYJpTCKPT MOKPA Y3. aATM Off 8TJB80RIPTI0N, IS ADVA.HCX. ,JBe Yearly TB : ' f $ SffSffl: : lfS rartrTo city 6ubaorlbeM,-deUrwwd la ny par Pit- Wblvb Cmre pet week. Our City '(inVarenot authorised to collect for more 35 1, three months la advance. iTdat the Post Office at Wilmington, N. O v.terea Seoond cias3 Matter. OUTLINES - Uorbid curiosity led between four and five thousand Chicago people, vcsterday, to gaze tipon the distorted faces of Parsons and Fischer at the undertaker's establishment; the re mains of Spies and Engel had previ ously been removed by their friends. . The funerals of the VReds'; will take place to-day, and the authori- , ties are adopting measures to prevent anv disturbance. - Some Socialis tic" members placed an American flag at half-mast on Aurora T,urn-Halle, but it was soon torn down by order of the German owners of. the building. .. A riot has broken out between the native and Hungarian miners at Pocahontas, Va., and the military of Lynchburg have, gone to the scene of disorder. The total visible - sup ply of cotton for the world is 2,550,522 bales, and the crop in sight 2,953,492 bales. A heavy frost Is reported in Northern Texas, doingv injury to top-crop cotton. There were five new cases of yellow fever at Tampa, yesterday, and no deaths. Greorge Haywood Carpenter, president and treasurer of a New York manufactur ing concern, has absconded, leaving many debts unpaid;, he is also charged with forgery. What is called a Farmers' Congress has been in session in Chicago for the past three days, and it adjourned yester day to meet in Topeka, Kansas, in November of last year; a resolution favoring a high tariff was adopted by a vote of 180 to 150. ; - - The condi tion of Crown Prince Frederick William is much improved, and he started yesterday from San Reno for Berlin. The Radical and Social-. istie organizations in London threaten to give trouble to-day; they have been forbidden to approach Trafalgar Square, and they are organ izing to force their way through, every street debouching upon the same. - The Caffard , scandal is still agitating Paris, and troublesome times are expected in the event of the resignation of President Grevy, and the election of M. Ferry to succeed- him. Schwab and Fielden left Chicago yesterday for the penitentiary at Joliet, where they will serve out their life impris onment. Vincent, the default ing ex-State Treasurer of Alabama, has been sentenced to fifteen years' imprisonment, The loss inflicted bv the- recent floods in Cuba is estimated at over $1,000,000. Tbe Chicago -wheat market yesterday - was firm, but closed dull, while there was much activity in corn and provisions. New York markets : Money easy at 34 per cent., closing offered at 2i per cent.; cotton dull and easy at 107-16c; southern flour quiet and generally steady; wheat, No. 2 red November 84c; corn ic higher, closing strong; No. 2 November 54J54Jc; spirits turpentine quiet at 37c; rosin quiet at 1 101 15. Col. Fellows served in the Con fid erate army. "Cook beat Grant in New York 17,730 plurality, George got 74,000, and Prohibition got 43,000. Prince William, son of the Crown IVicce, will succeed to tbe throne ii case of his father' death. That after the old Kaiser has gone loo. For the first ten 'months in 1887, 331,585 foreign immigrants landed at New York enough to make a con siderable State. This leads the cor responding months of 1886 by 72,073. The total receipts from all sources under the internal system were $118, 29,523; last year's receipts $116,902, g69. The fiscal year ends 30th June. It is believed for the'year to end next Jane the receipts will reach $120, 000)00. According to the New York Times there are some 10,000 or more voters 10 that city' known as Independents wbo "slash around loose," and may be fouid yoting according to circum stances. The Boston Post thinks ere are 10,000 more of this kind in Massachusetts. The editor of the Macon Tele Waph has been offered $100, for an old hat of ex-President Davis. The editor gave the venerable statesman ew head covering, and now he Can 9el1 the old one for twenty times WUi tbe new one cost, but he will ui 8ell. ' ' - . ' Th v election oontest settles.it , 1 Ueveland will be nominated and flCted beyond all doobt." Tt says.;; lhe M 5,Publcans can put no -ticket in ,"Bm tfj Knot kl. . m.i .i Poiaihlfl v and Hwley, the strongest fiirn..KePQblican team.4 and. nnder the -wanoes, tbe likeliest, can not avail. IT VOL. XLI. N035. The issue was fairly put on New York and the President has fairly won.- Hurrah for Cleveland r . , - We use now and then as a head ing for editorial melange the -word Ollapodiana." In the play of "The Poor Gentleman," by George Col man, the Tounger, there ib a famous character called Dr. Ollapod. He talks of a great many Uhlngs that have no special connection with each other. - The late Willis Gaylord Clark, when editing, Knickerbocker' a Magazine, wrote a series of enjoya ble papers under the heading we use. TKey were discarsive and pleasant. That was in the thirties. Senator Vance has a' new -way of "raising turnips." - In his Catawba county agricultural address he said, as reported in Asheville Citizen: "AmoDg other valuable and timely sug. gestions he made tbe following aa the best, surest and most agreeable way of raising turnips. . He said hia experience was that the man should go into some other man's field, surround the turnip carefully with his knees, get a good solid grip on the top, pull with all necessary force, and then 'skip by the light of tbe moon.' He naively added, (no pun meant here) this method rarely ever failed to raise a good turnip." In spite of lying, conspiring, and kicking by Republicans and so-call ed Reformers, Jackson, Democratic candidate for Governor in Maryland, has a plurality of 9,601. The Legis lature stands, Senate, 22 Democrats, 4 Republicans; House, 71 Democrats, 20 Republicans. This will do in the face of the extraordinary exertions of certain Democratic leaders to hand the State over to the tender keeping of the old rotten Republican party. Virginians are very happy and no wonder. The victory over that wicked little spindle-shank fellow, Mahone, is enough to make them furious with rejoicing. That good Democratic paper, the Philadelphia Record, must go back to tbe Old Testament to il lustrate. It says : "The Israelites, when they found them selves safe from their Egyptian pursuers on the thither side of the Red Sea, wilh Pha raoh safe on tbe bottom, had hardly more reason to be glad than have tbe people of Virginia to have escaped from the clutch of Mahone." Old John Sherman has crept oat of bis hole and says: "I believe the tendency hereafter will be to make the next presidential contest tarn upon the same political dogmas that di vided the people in 1860." If he or little Benny Foraker shall be nominated that will be tbe char acter of the campaign in 1888. It will be the "Union, now and insep arable" against the Bloody Shirt. Hon. W. C P. Breckenridge, the distinguished and eloquent Repre sentative from Kentucky in the House, is much pleased at the results of the election. He soma times dif fers from the President, but believes him to be a firm Democrat, devoted to its principles and a Democrat by instinct in habits, customs and modes of thought. TJ3LJB1 GIT"ST. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J. J; Dbay Oysters. MtTNSOH Overcoats, etc. Miss Pond Mu9ic lessons. Geo. A. Peck New goods, C. M. Harrts Five for ten. C, W. Yates School books. Sloan & Co. Agents wanted . M. M. Katz Special bargains., R. L. Hutchtjjs Magic polish . A. Shriek Appreciated at last. Miss E irVnWum Millinery, etc. Parker & Taylor Cok stoves. William Radams Microbe killer. G. R. Fbekch & Boss Soft shoes E Warbek & Son Malaga grapes. Giles & Murchison Lowest prices. Dick & Meares Gents' furnishings. Louis J. Poisson Raal estate agent. Alderman, Flanner & Co. Stoves. R. R. Bellamy -Open all day to-day. Grace M, E. Church Entertainment. . Fennell & Daniel Sadlery.truoks.ttc Adrian & Vollbbs Mullets, groceries B. C. Pbbmpebt Shaving, hair-cutting Brown Roddick Particular bargains Deatb of Mr, Samuel Howlaad. Mr. Samuel Howland died at his residence in this city yesterday after noon about one o'clock, after an ill ness - of some two weeks1 duration Mr. Howland was about 5 years of age. He was a native of Newbernin this State, and came to Wilmington when quite a . young man, and has since resided here. He was for years a conductor on' the Carolina Central railroad, and more recently a member 'of the ' police force of the . city. He leaves a wife and four children two sons and two "daughters. I . ' - When thej announcement of , his death was - received at tne .uixj; asui, vesterdav Afternoon,, the, Mayor or dered the-doors closed, and appropri- ate emblems of mourninfir awpiayaa. a: bbBKbbJ N WILMINGTGNN; tC SpNDAYj NOMBEK 13, 1887. Local Dots. s. . ; , The ; winter schedule on the Atlantic Coast Line goes into effect to-day. - . .. : - " :.: The new fire-hose received by the city. will be distributed to the engine companies to-morrow. , Services ' in St. John's church to-day at 7.80 and 11 a. m. and 5 p. m., by the Rector, Dr. CarmichaeL ' Evening services at the First Baptist , church begin now. at 7.30 p. m. instead of 8 p. niM as heretofore. Five colored couples waltzed up to the Register of Deeds office last week and were licensed to marry. . - Brother Pleasants of ; the Messenger, has returned after . a pleasant 'vacation spent to the nor' ward. ' The temporary bridge on Fourth street, over the railroad, was finished yesterday and thrown open i:o the public. There were five, interments the past week in Pine Forest (colored) Cemetery. In Bellevue one inter ment; in Oakdale none. itev. Samuel Christian, D. D., (colored), a Northern . reviyalist, will preach at Shuoh Baptist Church to day. All are cordially invited. Oar city subscribers are greatly annoyed by newspaper thieves, espe cially on Sundays. We hope some of the rascals may be caught and properly punished. In the comparative ootton statement, published yesterday, the net . receipts at all United States ports during the week" should read 300,668 bales, instead of 330,668. A good sidewalk has been laid on Nun street from Sixth to Seventh, in front of the Union school. The work was done by the street force under direction of Capt. Sholar. A "Service of Song" will be held at Fifth Street M. E. Church to night; conducted by. Prof. H. C. Lincoln and wife', whose musical attainments have attracted so much attention in the South. The "bill boards on Market street, nearly opposite the store of Mr. Arthur H. Holmes, are in a dan gerous condition, and liable at any time, daring a high -wind, to tumble over and hart somebody. A burglary was perpetrated Thursday night last at the house of Mrs. C. M. Galloway, on Ninth and Queen streets. The thieves got into the pantry and took all of Mrs. Gallo way's supply of provisions. The remains of Dr. J. T. Barnes, who died, at Southport last Thursday, were brought up to this city yester day on the Louise and taken North on last night's train, for interment at Stantonsburer. Wilson county. N. q. At Fifth Street M. E. Church to-day Rev. D. H. Tuttle will preach a sermon to young men, showing the advantages and benefits derived from the Young Men's Christian Assoc la tion: The services will begin at 11 a. m. The choir of Grace M. E. Church will give an entertainment with a fish and oyster supper, next Thursday night, at the residence of Capt. J. J. Bowden, No. 214 North Seventh street. Every well-wisher of the church is invited to be present. Two youngsters charged with disorderly conduct fighting in the streets were brought before the Mayor yesterday. They were admon ished and discharged. This was about the sum and .substance of the business at the City Court yesterday. This is "Bible Day" for the Baptists in the United States. At the First church in this city, Rev. Dr. Pritchard will preach a sermon this morning on "Our Duty to the Bible." At night, his subject will be the Young Men's Christian Associa tion. Grand Master C. H. Robinson will lay the corner-stone of the court house of the county of Durham on Thursday, 17th inst. He has called a special communication of the Grand Lodge of Masons to convene in the town of Durham on that day at 10 o'clock. Hon. Thomas W. Mason, of Northampton county, will deliver the oration.' The Raleigh News and Observer says: "The Acme Manufacturing Company of Wilmington has pre sented the office of the Department of Immigration with a pine-wool car pet of its . own manufacture. This carpeting is destined to become the most popular 'hall and office carpet in the world. There ' is . nothing like it for t neatness,- 'durability and safety."' ;.' . . . RackT mount vair. . vx r -, - A note from the . Secretary and Treasurer, v Mr. J. B.Underwoodvsays- that the Roeky Mount uair wm. oe held on tJie lGth il7taixd 18th inst.! Capt. Swift Galloway is expected to deliver an address. j ,. ,7 T' - - Oar. Bnlialas AMoelatlaaa. The amount paid in . every month to the two Building and Loan Asso- ciationsvbf this -'city approximates $4,580, or over $50,000 per year. Stop a moment and think' of this annual ac cumulation from small payments of 25 cents per share, and the interest on loans, per week. This will give a practical understanding of the im mense benefit of these 'organizations. The small sums paid in by each stock holder and, .; separately, never be' used to any advantage; but, com bined, they make an aggregation of capital that is used with equel bene fit to all concerned. THe Building Association is in 'Veal ity one of the best of Savings Banks. For example : The. owner of five shares pays $1.25 per week, and this payment is compulsory to the extent that every failure to pay subjects him to a - fine. Should he find that he has taken more stock than .he can conveniently carry, there is always a market for it at an ad vance on the amount he has actually paid in. But even should there be no outside demand for the stock, his Association always stands ready to take his stock and return his money without interest. The great inducement offered to persons of moderate means who wish to own their homes by the Building Associations, is the fact that they can borrow the purchase money at eight per cent.' interest, and payback both principal and interest in small weekly instalments. In this particular there is nothing that equals the Building Association. Government Improvement on Black River. Capt.- Chas. Humphrey, engineer in charge of Government improvements on Black river, is doing good work in clearing the stream of obstructions and deepening the channel. The ap propriation is small only three thousand dollars and not a great deal can be expected, but, neverthe less, many obstructions have been re moved and the channel greatly im proved. Two large machines for rais ing logs and stumps that impede nav igation are at work under the direc tion of Capt. Wm. Skinner, and much has been accomplished. The work done has already made it possible for steamers to run regularly from this port 'to Clear Run. in Sampson county, on any stage of water. The importance of these im provements will be appreciated when it is known that a short time ago it was thought impracticable for this river to be opened for continuous navigation for steamboats, and yet, with this partial improvement, traffic has developed wonderfully, bringing many thousand barrels of naval stores and hundreds of bales of cotton to the city. Fentfer County. The State Board of Education held a meeting in Raleigh, last "Thursday, for the purpose of sending an official request to the Attorney General to frame a contract relative to a lease of the "convict road" in Pender coun ty to a syndicate, headed by Mr. Geo. A. Ramsey, to be used as a bed for a railway or tramway. The company deals in timber and wants the road for transportation of timber out of Angola swamp.- The main' provision of the contract will be that the com pany may have the use of nine feet of the road bed, provided it will keep the remaining thirteen feet in good order for the general use of the pub lic. The road runs through the swamp for nine miles, and is the only effec tive mode of going through it. . The contract will be submitted to Mr. Ramsey for consideration, and to be accepted or rejected. The road is on the public lands of the State and is under control of the State Board of Education. Grace n. E. Ckarek. The lecture of Rev. Dr. Yates at the Temple of Israel last Friday night was a masterly effort, and all who heard him were delighted with the manner in which he handled his sub ject "The Influence of Woman a Power Acrainst Infidelity." He al luded very touchingly and tenderly to the kindness which bis congrega tion and himself had received from Rev. Dr. Mendelsohn and the Israel ites of thecity and expressed his wil lingness to serve them to tbe utmost of his ability whenever it was in his power to do so. To-day Rev. Dr. Yates will conduct the usual Sabbath morning and even ing services for the congregation of Grace Methodist Church. The Sab bath school will convene at S p. m. Cotton Olovcment. The receipts for. the crop year, so far from September 1st to November 12th aggregate 100,259 bales, show ing as compared with receipts (67,405 bales last vear . an increase of 82.854. It- is well to note in this, connection 4 - that the 'total receipts ;' last ' year were 134JJ20 bales and of the year before 101,537.; Receipts 'the past week ' are 17.758, against -13,711." bale the same " week lastyearr ;v: '- THe '"stocVat :thfs port J is 20,881 bales. - y7Z. "X?V:-: .V rrn woatfcer laaimutat. The following are ' the' indications for to-day, received at 1 a. m. : For Virginia, fair weather, . slowly rising temperature, light to fresh northerly winds becomipg variable. For North Carolina, South Caro lina,' Georgia and Eastern' Florida, slightly warmer, fair weather, light variable winds, generally from north to east. . . - . Fire-Alarm Ilexes. Mr. Martin Newmans' Assistant Chief of the Fire Department, fur nishes the Stab with a corrected list of the fife-alarm boxes, which is as follows: No. 13 Carolina Central Depot. 14 -inira ana rnncess. 15 Mulberry and Front. 16 Seventh and Mulberry. 21 Front and Orange. 23 Seventh and Queen. 24 Market and Water. 25 Seventh and Harnett. 26 -Front and Red Cross. 31 Fourth and Brunswick. 32 Third and Nun. 34 Front and Castle. 35 Eihtbland Market. it Fifth smd Castle. 42 Fifth abd Orange. 43 Sixth arid Red Cross. 51 Champion Compress. 52 Wilmington Compress. 53 Creosote Works. A9 eld eat. Wm Buchanan, a colored stevedore, had his right leg broken between the knee and ankle yesterday, while at work in the hold of the British steam ship Femcliffe. He was engaged in stowing cotton, when one of the bales slipped from the slings and fell into the hold, striking Buchanan and breaking his leg as abore stated. The injured man was taken to his home on Queen street and a physician set the broken limb. Another colored stevedore, Jake Richardson, was struck on the head by a hatch and slightU injured, while at work on a vessel Iyiner at the Champion Compress wharves. A Negro Drowaea. A correspondent writing from Whit- aker's, Edgecombe county, says that a negro man named Henry Harper was found dead near that place last Friday. The Coroner of the county summoned a jury, consisting of John T. Taylor. R. C. Crenshaw. O. D. Mann, J. W. Braswell, Chas. Grant andP. H. Taylor, who rendered a verdict that the deceased lost his life by drowning while trying to escape from an officer who was tryinpr to ar rest Harper for hog stealing. CttoB Firs at Oaxtoa. A correspondent writing from Max- ton, N. C, says that fire broke oat in a lot of cotton bales on the platform of the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railroad at that place yesterday af ternoon at 2 o'clock. The origin of the fire is a mystery. About fifty bales were damaged ; the loss is estimated at 1500. Mr. J. C. McCaskill was the heaviest loser. The "Rescue" Fire Company did good service, and in a short time subdued the flames. If aval stores Rceelote. Receipts of spirits turpentine for this crop year from April 1st to Nov. 12 are 53,076 casks, against 47,742 casks received up to Nov. 13th, 1886; an increase of 5,334. In rosins, the receipts are 198,150 barrels, against 200,040 last year. Tar, 31,206 barrels; last year, 34 044. Crude turpentine. ,17,848 barrels; last year 17,155. RIVER AND MARINE. British steamship JBenacre, Ogg, hence, arrived at Liverpool Nov. 10. Nor. barque Daphne, Hansen hence, arrived at Liverpool Nov. 10. - German barque Marie Kuuper passed out from Southport at 2.45 p. m. yesterday. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Oysters. F INK NW HTVJtK OY8TXBH. J. J. DRAT. nor 13 It Acme Saloon. Music Lessons. jyI3S POND WILL USX THX LOZX3S HALL, eooad door, oyooelle city EaU, at a Xuto room for tbe Winter, where appUoailooe for Leseons la Voice Tralauur o ui oe made aay moraine, toxoept Satarday). from 19 to 1 o'clock, nor 18 U Hell Us to Complete Oar CtarcL EltTKBTAnrKKNT AHD 1T8H BUFPXH. Thecbotrof GraoeM. X. Church South, wUl rlre aa entertainment with tbe nenal refresh- meate, toaether with PI rteh and Oysters. Masks, both Instrumental and Vocal, at tbe leet denoe of Caot. J. i. Bowden. No. S14 North 7th street, on Tharsdsy erenin 17th last IrarT well wuner is invitea to oe present Ad minion fee 10xsU CHOIB. bov II 8t n to Hiss Lida Wright vv ILL REKAIH n COABax 07 XT BUS! nees. 117 Seoond street. MILLISKKYand YABCT QOODs. Those Indebted to me will please pay bltli to her or send to Baleixb to me. Kespectrouj, nov IS it AlSS X. XAB2UES. Will Be Open All Day To-Day. : " ROBERT R. BXLLAMT, DragglsC - hot IS It IT W. Cor. Treat "and Market St. WANTED-AGENTS SKA-. Hew Hanover and adjolaln Counties. tVIll pay salary of SSO to ilOO per moat si and all expenses. Write tor particulars and state BalArr wanted. - . SLOaZI 4s OO - : Masntactorers, Wl George St Cincinnati, O. - WHOLE NO. 6596 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. , Appreciated at last ! THE SUPERIORITY OF-flUR MODS ' AXDTHK . Lowness of Our Prices ; ARE FAST BECOMING APPRECIATED. The Intelligent people of Wllmlaiton well know when BARGAINS are offered them! for ta Pit of the warm weather and general doDeets of trade we have bad a large drmaod for Winter Suits and Fall Overcoats. These 'Goodi are'all new.te materUt itd work- manKblp of tbe same are the beet, and we are al- readyjtaUlis a reputation for clvin a perfeot fit and celling-goods lower by SO per oent than any Clothing boose li ttU city. Call on 'as and we wilt ooevtaoe yon of what Is claimed. Don't forget tbe pUoe. A. SHRIER'S OLD RTAKD, nor lS ir - - tfarket street. j HOLLHS, HOLLITS, HDTEK-I Large, nedlnm And Small, IS PI SB AND OAK BARRELS. For sale low by ADRIAN A VOLLERS. Bacon, Flour, Lard, R1CB, BUCKWHEAT. OOrPEB. SUGAR, !TIOLASSE, sIRCP, BUTTER. CHEESE. CRACABRS. APPLE?. OSnNS. POTATOES, CABBAGE. TURNIP. For tale low by norlStf ADRIAN A VOLLERS. $3 00 ADD UPWARDS B0TS AH Orercoatj DAPTEDTOTHE8XA80N. AT MTJSSON-8. S10 00 BDT9 AN XXCLLK'T QUALITY BU8rNK93 SCTT AT MUNSON'S. A (treat rariety of Neckwear, Underwear. COLLARS and CUTTS, at nor 13 8t MUK80SS Five Hundred Scarfs. QOXFORTS IN ALL IMAGINABLE SHAPES OR A GENTLE MAN'S OUTFIT. We hare eTerythlng with which to clothe you. except Shoea, and we can direct you t tbe best plsce to gt them. Cocrteons Attention, Low Prioee and Good Good i we guarantee. DICK A MEARES. Gents' FarDlihlaKS and Merchant TaHorlnjr. nov IS It JAB. J. KTNG. T. P. 8IKX3. A Fine Lot of Jactson County Cattle RECEIVED YESTERDAY, WBJCB WILL BE ON STALL No. 4, Front Street Market, To-dsy and next week. KING A EIKKS. Also Stall No. 2. Fourth street Market, nov 12 tt T. P. SIXES.' Centennial Concert 8T. STEPHEN'S CHURCH. WEDNESDAY, November 1Mb. Oration and Baaqoet, Thurs day. November 17th. Orator. Bishop J. P. Camp- Dei i, u. u. Admission IS oenta. Box oer free . By order of tbe Tin tees taw. we nor I tt Nails. Hails. 2 QQQ KEGS KAILS, ALL SIZES. 1 000 BBL8 L0UB' ALL GRADES, at D. L. GORE'S, bov U DAWtf 12J, 1S8 A 194 North Water St. Out Variety. rrrx have as mast as fifteen dif ferent kinds of COOK STOVES aad twenty of HE ATTN G STOVES. We can salt yon In Stoves and price. He w lot of LAMP last la. IPAHK KB A TAYLOR. PTJRX WHITE OIL. aovUtt Sign of the Horse. J302X8 AND BLASKETS, H1RNESS AHD Saddlery Goods. Trunks aad Bags. Cheapest Store in the city. yXJTNKLL DANXEL, The Horse Mmtnera, Bo. 10 So. Front St. novlltf Hew(Joods.5 rpiNWARE. BOXLXRS, BOUaXHOLD UTXS Us, Lamps and Lamp Good a, Hardware. Pamts, ons.Brdsr'8nppIlea, AiabasUEe, A,aA !. nov IS tt Booli Jrost atreet. Ooe Square Cse Diy,....... ......... ; ' - Two JLkt. .-.. - - TtreeLaysH " J"sr Iays,M ,. i ' - - ise Days, i ..'-. Os. 4 Two WeaXa, t - Three Wee .. t - Oqo VontX. ! " Two KonUiA.t. : . , tree Months. . H - - -- - taMoatha,..;......M.... i a OsTar,....M M i trCon tract AdTertlaeiaants taken at pre ; : Uoaatelr low-ratea. ,. ' Ten Bnea solid Konpareil type make oae set : - - -NEW ADVERT1BE1IENTS. OVEECOATS, OVERCOATS,. OVERCOATG, all tlie Latest jmlfieiasi Defe. A FULL UNI OF SUITS IN " - V English Cheviots,; Sacks and Cutaway Frocks. WE KEEP FIRST CLASS GOODS 0H1T. All Tailor Made, -. . AT PRICKS THAT WILL PLXASX TOC. In'fact wo cannol and win not be traderiold.. ' .V., No Cheap John Goods. Every article pnrchased from ns perfect Satls faction guaranteed or mosey cbeerfaUy re funded. 8. H. FI8HBLATE, KING CLOTHIER. eovS DAWtf SOFT SHOES FOR TEHDER FEET.-. JADIES WHO SUFTIR WITH TZNDZB TXaT can find great comfort la using oar soft uppers and flexible sole SIXOKa. For Gents we offer an extenslre assortment tt elegaat fitting goods. Call and aiantns atock. Geo. R. French & Sons 106 NORTH FRONT BTPXXT. . novUtf - Selected Malaga, Grapes, ; ao CENTS PER. POITHTD.- ' VERY FINE. " i : EITR1 LARGE FLORIDA ORAKGES SO CENTS PER DOZEN-SUES PER HURT) RED. E . Warren & S on, XI CHANG K CORNER. nov It U HICB0BE KILLER Is mow the rage In A aetta, Tex. Sir. Bsi b, Harserymaa, Aaatla. Texas, Is tbe Isven tor. He Cares Avery itteeaee that doctors bare failed to cure Over t09 prreoasMa aad-aroc pi Aastta are bow aatng It Bead for circular of 1 jT treatment .bowls g soon statements aad teatl monlala of eares made. Ad areas Wm. RAD A US, IGcrobe -Zfller, AUSTIN. TEXAS, . , DOTlSDAWlm . J V - SliaTlii'aii Hair Cultiii.-- r. - F R No. I SHAVTHG, HAIR CUTTXKO, Ao . E? to H. C Prenjoert's. 'at No. 7 month Front t . where yoa win find everrthtsr eomtortkbie. neetrrclty. both llrbt aad Balr Brash W. J. Stewart also on band again be having recovered from his recant Ulnees. bov is tf n. & rBZTfTxrr. Stoves l'C.- JH GREAT VARIETT. COOKS ABD HEATERS. Can give yoa anything yoa are likely to want. We don't make them, but w'e have aooan to the beet sources of aapply. Call aad see aa -norll tf AUDERMait, FLASJaX CO. School Books. TTTX HA VX ALL THX BOOKS CKED BY THE Public and Private School, of tbe city, aad bar marked taem don LOW. bend the ohUdrea dowa aad we will treat then right. C W. YATES nov VQU . Book fctore. a ivotris J. roissoN, ; till KXAL XXTATS AGX7T. r'I'l I i XO.lltBORTH mZOOSD ST. Parties wishing tb boy or seQ Real Estale, as i those bavin Estates to manege aad Rants to ooUect. would do well to call onmam.C3aov li It 3 T XNXS AT LOWEST PRICES: Jut HARDWARE. TIXWARX. ..,, ;.. - CROCKXRT. " 6TLX8 A MTJRCTTT' roraalaby mov is tf 0100 to jbe Given Arrc: pr b. I, uv Tvaiss' magic polish, zziy roar bottles TneecJ ayi aad TrVSiyf to r,r r bonaa, 3o. 1M Worth Second 6t I rx;: Palate and dealer to Imported acd 'Iorr Palata, Artist Material, Cuaaa, Brashes, Cn.a ? Contracts taken. - . ntyiit: 7

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