r lie iVloriiing. Star. 5 . WI L LI AM II, BERN AR it ; " - - . - PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT MONDAYS. batss or stosojupmoji, n advajtc. . , i )oa Year (by Hall), Postage Paid..". .. ...... S6 CX Stx Months, SW Three Months ? v t K me Month, " "f ........... ou tVTo City Sabsnrlbera, delivered la any part . the City, Twblyb Cores per week. - Our City than three months In advance. .-v - mersd at the Post Office at Wilmington, i. O as Second Class Matter. , . OVTLlJfES, The switchmen's strike at Houston,' Texas, still continues; the railroad company has closdH the shops at Har risburg, throwing three hundred men out of employment, and they will not b, reopened until the: strike ends. The striking printers ot Roches ter, N. Y., have declared the strike off, and the men are seeking their kl positions; all competent men em ployed during the strike will be , re tained. - The Princess of "Wales uinl her children arrived in London from Denmark, yesterday, and were enthusiastically greeted.' Presi dent Grevy, of Prance, will not re sign, on the ground that to do so would be subversive to the constitu tion, and as establishing a precedent of a mischievous character. The total visible supply of cotton for the world is 2,649,885 bales, and the crop insight 8,276,080 bales. A fire man on the Chesapeake & Qhio Rail road, in Virginia, was thrown from ii is engine yesterday and instantly killed. A f urio us snow storm, the first of the season, prevailed, in -Chicago yesterday; at times it was of the regular blizzard character, and street car traffic was suspended. The Virginia Methodist Episcopal Con ference has passed resolutions con demning theatre going, and exhort--ing the people "to set their faces against this thing as a diversion which cannot be used in the name of the Lord Jesus." In the French Chamber of Deputies, yesterday, the Ministry were defeated on a motion to postpone debate on the question of the government's domestic policy, and they immediately announced their resignations, which were subse quently tendered to and accepted by President Grevy. An iron hull screw steamer, 190 feet loqg, was launched at Wilmington, Del., yes terday, which will ply between Nor folk, Va., and Newbern, N. C. There was a collision of trains yester-' day in Texas, which caused the death of two men and the fatal in jury of four others. In the Chi cago market yesterday, there was a decline in pork products and an ad vance in wheat and other grains. The British Fisheries Commission visited the President yesterday. Two coal wreckers, neor Hazel ton, Pa., were burned yesterday, the origin of which is unexplained; it is not thought that the miners had any thing to do with the burning; the loss is estimated at over $150,000. A flouring mill and elevator, with 150,00 bushels of wheat, were burned at Fort Scott, Kansas, yesterday; the loss will amount to $300,000. A colored pension agent at Vicksburg, Miss., has been convicted of fraudu lent transactions and will spend a term in the penitentiary. New York markets: Money easy at 3 4 per cent., closing offered at 3 per cent; cotton quiet at 10f10c; south ern flour quiet, steady and un changed; wheat featureless; cash firm and rather quiet; No. 2 red Novem ber 8Gc; corn steady and without ma terial change; No. 2 December 55Jc; spirits turpentine quiet at 37ic; rosin steady at $1 07t 15. Secretary Lamar was born in 1825. Three men were killed by a whale u the coast of Maine. Miss Mur free has a new novel in entitled "The Story of Keedon i!uffs." We suppose she is still working on her old lines. Johann Most such is his name is iu pnsoD, and the grand jury have found a true bill against him. His ordinary title, Herr, is the same as Mister. Little Benny Foraker is not so pop ular where he is best known. He ran behind his ticket over 5,000 votes iu Hamilton county, his home. The little demagogue will not begin to do. ' President Grevy's son-in-law, Wil son, is in a bad way.. The French Chamber of Deputies gave 527. votes, for his criminal prosecution to 3 against. His offence is. selling de corations Legion of Honor, &c for a consideration. IVv lr. Blaine has - been heard from. He feels keenly the Ne y York elec tion. Ex-Representative 3weat met him in Pans. He says Blaine ex pects to run again. We see it is as serted by New York Republicans that Blaine is stronger in that "State tbanhia party Is. : V, ; - California has - alaw? regarding Actions that is a good one; ' It will anow an election worker lo ap proach the ballot box nearer than ne hundred teet, aaXlmtnin this Stance no one is permitted to speak w a voter or to give him any ticket ard or other paper. - - ' S VOL. XLI-NO: 51. , It is gratifying to see it mentioned .that ez Speaker Carlisle thinks the accumulatton of a surplas will be.pnt a stop to hy the y incoming Congress. He thinks the session will be indeed a long one. It is reported by the Washington - correspondent of -the World that the President ls-now con ferring with Mr. Carlisle concerning his message. ' Pe reports Mr. Carlisle as saying: J7 -l - "His opinion was that a moderate mea sure cutting down the revenue about $70, 000.000 could be passed.. He would be wil ling to takeoff the tax on manufactured tobacca, sot including cieara and cigaretUs, Which - would reduce the, revenue about $20,000,000 Then .hei would scale down, the customs duties,pl'acing m&oy articles on the' free list,1 such' as lumber; salt aud coal,: takinz off 150.000. 000 more. Mr, Carlisle i opposed to takui the tax off sugar uatil thacuatoms duties are reduced ia propor tion. He am also oppofed to reducing the tax on whiskey, and only coneenla to the abolition or the tar on maaulacturea to bacco because it ia hugely used by the wotk -log classes. The adherents of Mr. Randall, backed by a majority of the Republicans, it is believed," will makes vigorous attempt to abolish the revenue- taxep, but the sup porters of Mr." Carlisle will oppose any re doction :of the revenue tax?s except on manufactured tobacco " The North Carolina and Virginia delegations will vote with the Re publicans, we suppose. A graduate of a Northern college caught us on the pronunciation of a proper name that we thought we knew all about; It wzHermione. We said confidently in response Hermyony putting the accent on the first syllable, A graduate of Heminway quickly took as up and both were against oe. An appeal to the dictionaries showed they were correct. It is pronounced Her mi ony,accent on second syllable. Crock ett' motto is a good one -r-"Bs sure you are right, then go ahead." How many, we wonder, of those who read this paragraph can tell in what novel and what play JTermione is a char acter? We copied two announcements of Rev. P. K. Law's connection with the Charlotte Chronicle.- We have not the pleasure of a personal ac qaaintance, but know of him as an educated, well informed and intelli gent gentleman. We hope he wili find daily journalism both profitable and pleasant. It is a severe task master and works hardest the most faithful. Such ia our experience. We are glad to see a gentleman of Mr. Law's character joining the pen cil driving guild. Here is the way Mrs. Augusta Evans Wilson entertains her readers in her last novel: "If civilization be the anologue of geo logic accretioo, how tortuous is the trend and dip of the ethnological strata, bow abrupt the overiapplne oi miins. now many ss ns divided tbe totem cayote from tbe she wolf of Romulus and Remus?. Which is the orimilive and parent fUme. tbe sacred fire of Pueblo Estulas, of Greek Prytaneum, of. Roman Vesta, of Persian Atisb Khudahs? ' She reminds us of one of the late Dr. Alexander Means's sermons on science. Gen. Tuttle draws a peusion of 130 a month because be was injured in the war. This is said to be all. He was never hurt. He stole South ern cotton bales, and now he is steal ing the people's money in a bogus pension. ' He is one of the. fellows who gnash their teeth when the South is named. Thomas W. Keene's real name is Eagleson, and he owns a $50,000 house on Staten Island. THE '.o.OITY . THE W ADVERTISEMENTS. . Gko. A. Pkck Nice broUers. , 8. H, Fishtblatb Overcoats. M. M. Katz Special bargains. J. J. McCoy--Pilot boat for sale. A. Bhbieb Appreciated at last. R. L. HurcHiNST-Magic polish . . E. Wakren &8ok New candies. Dick & Mbarks Come and see us. Mxtkson -Overcoats, business suits .. Feitnkli. & Daniel Headquarters, v, : : ' 0. W. YATKS--Picture8 and frames. R. R. Bkllamt Sagei thyme, eta Giles fc Mtjbchisos Lowest prices. G. M. Habbjb -The Earth Trembled Loots X PoissoK.Keairestate agent. ' f N. ,Y. 4 iW 8. S. Lisa Sailing days. y - W. E. Spbingbb & Co,- Hardware, etc. - Bowir& RoDbickParticular bftrjriini;' . . Fbkbch & Sons Neat and durable shoea ALDfiSMAir, Flahkbb & Co. Hardware C. B. SpUTBSBiJjrrj & CoYehicles.etb J.L. Boatwbioht Fiae family groceries ECxDorts ITeiiterUmv Messrs, Alex. Sprtint Sf Son cleared the British steamship" :2Zffw&y for XiverpdoJ.: "Enpajid, with a cargo of 5,500 bales iofi cotton, weighing 2,55,- "3 10 pounds and valued at $258,500. - Also, the German v barque Theodore Voss, tat HuU, Eng., with, 2,847 barrels. of rosiovaittea ai o,w. i W , . ' -.1"., x 4 --- -v- V -. -.-t r- WILMINGTON xoeai Dot.; Lieut. Gov. "Stedman returned 'from:New York last night. - ,.: T. ; : . Ther Criminal Court convenes to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock. 1 -r Three marriage licenses were issued the past week by the County Register.- . : . . .. j There . were, a number of r bald heads in the front row at the matinee yesterday. - 1 :) - KevrJ B. Barlow iwill preach in Brooklyn Hali to-day at 11 a. m, and 7:30 p. m, . : . . , South port reports a heavy.laail storm between-two and three o'clock, yesterday morning. ' : , Seryices in St. 'Joan's Church .at .7:30 tL. irull.a. m. and p. m. to day by the Rev. Dr. Uarmichael. The steamer A. P. Hurt brought down 120 bales of cotton, 604 barrels of rosin, 45 casks of spirits turpentine, 72 of crude, and 13 of tar. The steamer Murchison, from Fayetteville yesterday, brought 15 bales of cotton, 46 casks spirits tur pentine, 215 barrels of rosin, and 3 of tar. At the First (colored) Baptist Church to-day, at 3 p. m., Rev. A. M. Conway will preach a sermon on "Cutting God's Word." Public invi ted. There were no interments in Oakdale Cemetery the past week. In Bellevue there were two, and in Pine Forest (colored) Cemetery there were five. Prof. H. C. Lincoln and family will conduct a service of song to-night in the First Baptist Church. Subject: "Faith." Services will begin at half past seven o'clock. Rev. Andrew J. Chambers, pastor of St. Stephen's A. M. E. Church, will preach his last sermon, before leaving to meet the North Car olina Conference, to-night. -T- Rev. F. W. E. Peschau, pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, will preach in English to-day at 11 o'clock, a. m. The subject of his discourse will be: "Anarchy, its Causes and its Cure." Bishop J. P. Campbell, LL. D., will preach at St. Stephen's Church, (colored) at 11 o clock, this morning, and Rev. James H. A. Johnson, D. D., of the Baltimore Conference will preach at 3 p. m. At the Temple of Israel to day the usual Sabbath services for Grace Methodist Church will be. held. Preaching at 11 o'clock, a. in. and 7$ o'clock, p. m., by the pastor, Rev. Dr. Yates. Sunday School at 3 p.m. A horse belonging to Mr. M. J. Heyer stepped in a hole on the wharf at the foot of Princess street yester day morning. It was found necessa ry to cut away the planking before the animal's foot could be liberated. The body of Soipio Hill, tbe colored man who committed suicide by drowning in the Cape Fear two weeks ago, was found Friday after- noon about five miles below the city, floating in the river. The Coroner held an inquest over the remains and issued an order for the burial of the body. ; ' The naval stores movement at this port for the crop year, shows re ceipts of. spirits turpentine to Novem ber 19, 54,223 casks; rosin, 208,714 bar rels; tar, 32,283; crude turpentine, 18,- 260. For the same time last year, 49, 227 casks" spirits turpentine; 204,804 barrels rosin; 34,773 tar, and 17,366 crude turpentine. Isaiah Pigf ord, colored, for whom a warrant was issued for breach of promise by Victoria Larkins, ap peared in Justice Millis' Court yester day with a marriage license, showing that he had fulfilled his promise and been duly, united in wedlock to the gentle Victoria. Without more ado, the justice dismissed the case; on the payment of costs. .; .. ' ' Firs Department. , . The Columbia'Ho8e Reel Company have received 500 feet .of hose from the city. As their house is near the cotton factory, lumber- yards and creosote works situated in ; the south ern part of the cityi; it. was certainly well placed and affords that portion of the city better protection against fire. :- ; Distribution, of, the new fire hose has been made. The "Adrian,"- "At lantic" and "Cape Fear" engines get 800 feet each, and 100 feet; is held, In reserve. f The Banniker and Phoenix hose reels companies each, get 500 feet of oldhose P ' : : ; . , ; Co icon KIoTeaient '--'"''' The receipt , yesterday ' were 1,622 bales,against 1,807 the same day 'last year; for tbe week; 10,007 bales,agalnst 8,847 the, corresponding week t last year. Total ? receipts for the . crop year.td date are 110,266 bale, "against, receipts rot 7 76,252' ;baies" for the same, . time last year; increase: 34,914 bales.. f Tbeistock t tWs port-'is 22yl7 bales.' Tne total exports; wus season areoof fi qaies, oi;wijiicu.,j f oreignland 15,292 dbmestlev' mm Kmmm -J?M "V IW l r .- . ' Ni C, SUNDt Y, NOVEMBER 20," 1887. IabM Urpaa rroetHni ' ' Mr. C. E. Bullard, of Bladen county, whose, arrest and incarceration in the jail of this county was mentioned in the Stab' of yesterday, was brought before Judge Meares on; a writ of ha beas eorpu yesterday afternoon: ' , Mr. Ballard, was charged ? With ob-' taining from plaintiff, Mr. R.W. Hicks, money to the amount -of 475 and goods and merchandise of .the value of $67 73, by . falseljrand fraudnlent ly" representing that he (Bollard) had eleven hundred barrels of rosin ' at Buie's Cross Roads, in Bladen county, and at Smith's-Landing Ion the Cape Fear river, .whereas, in truth and in fact he did not. have eleven hundred barrels of rosin nor any -amount ap proximating thereto." . ' Mr. Bullard was. arrested at his home in Bladen county and was com mitted: to theail in thhveity, pend ing an examination appointed. . for. Monday (to-morrow) in default of bail in the sum of $2,500 for his appear ance before Justice Millis. The petition of the defendant upon which habeas corpus proceedings were instituted by his counsel, Mesers. Russel & Ricaud, alleges that the imprisonment and detention are ille gal, that there is no sufficient evi dence to hold him upon the charge; that he was arrested and imprisoned without a prompt and speedy trial or investigation of the charges, and that an excessive, unreasonable and un lawful bond has been required of him for his appearanoe before the said magistrate; that the amount of the bond, $2,500, was fixed by the magistrate or sheriff at the request of Mr. Hicks, the prosecutor, or of his attorney, Jno. D. Bellamy, Esq. At the conclusion of the arguments of counsel, Judge Meares reduced the amount of bail required to $400. Counsel for Mr. Bullard said that bondsmen would be forthcoming to day, and in the meantimeJMr. Bullard returned to the jail. "Two Old Cronies." The 'Two Old Cronies' had the usual small Saturday night's audience in attendance last evening, but the empty chairs and benches did not seem to dampen the spirits of the players, and the whole play was given with dash and energy. While the piece is without plot and can hardly be described, it abounds in "hits" and ludicrous situations, and is one of tbe most laughter-provoking and mirth- givfng entertainments imaginable. The two leading characters are excel lent, and their ease and grace, their song and dances, their witty "aside6" and general adaptiveness to all the requirements of many and varied sit uations, made their appearance al ways welcome and the hungry au dience call for more. We can commend the troupe as far above the average travelling combina tions, and there is fun ahead for the cities they have yet to visit. Tit llap Cat. . Stephen Freeman, the colored man charged with rape,Jwas arraigned be fore the Mayor yesterday morning and after brief examination was com mitted to jail to await the action of tbe Criminal Court for this' county, which will convene to-morrow. The only witness introduced was Mrs. Ada Sellers, who testified to the assault committed upon her by the prisoner. .She was positive that Free man was the man. Freeman attempted no defence be yond a denial that he was guilty of the crime. His demeanor was some what against him . in the opinion of many who watched him olosely. Free man is a married man, his wife and several children living on Ann street between Sixth and Seventh. His reputation is said to be not of the best. Fir Aeraift tl&lvr. . The rosin oil still on Messrs. S. P. Shotter & Co.'s naval stores - yard on the west side of the. river blazed up last night about half past nine o'clock. An alarm wes given from box 24 at the foot of Market street, and, the fire department soon assembled. The fire was nothing more nor less than the Ignition of vapors escaping from a leak in the condensing appa ratus. It was smothered by wrapping the pipe with guano sacks. , There was no damage. Some of the mem bers of the Hook and Ladder Com pany crossed the river in boats fur nished by! the government steamer Qblfdx but. their services were not brought into requisition. - Bamar mt tb Cfltx JHJ"L The ' Sisters " of Mercy, connected with St '. Thomas' Catholic church of this city, will hold a bazar at the City Hall next Tuesday and Wednesday nights, to raise funds for, the. repair pf the building and. school , house of the Sisterhood on Fourth street. A number, of useful and ornamental ar ticles will be offered for sale, 'and an abundance of refreshments all to.be sold at reasonable prices, r. t : ' ' J i iiThe Sisters.of Mercy; are a branch of the -ame - order 'that came here from Charlestons S. C;,'; during the fearful yellow7 fever ; epidemic ' of 1862 and did such faithful' duty and ren dered such important; aid in ' nursing the sick la that trying time";' ' ' WMiMr ' iaunra; The following are the indications' for to-day, received at 1 a. m. : . - For, Virginia, colder, fair weather, with . cold . wave, preceded by light snow, in eastern Virginia; fresh to brisk northwesterly winds. Iforth'1 Carolina, -South Carolina, Eastern 1 Florida, Westerhf Florida, Georgia, Alabama colder fair weather with eold wave in interior; fresh to brisk winds, shifting to northwest erly and diminishing in force. Ct W Siova. A storm of intense energy is pass ing along the northern boundary of the United States, whieh produces unsettled weather throughout its en tire eastern portion. The barometer in the centre of the depression was unusually low yesterday morning. The. lowest reported was 29.20 inches. In this city it ranged from 29.50 to 29.60 inches, with a continuance of its downward tendency. The worst effects of the storm are not likely to reach this section, but strong southwesterly winds are anti cipated by the Signal Service, as is shown by- the following telegram which was received at the signal office in this city; Washington, D. C, Nov. 19, 6 p. m. "Hoist cautionary southwest, storm central in Michigan, moving easterly. Strong southwesterly winds, shifting to northwesterly with in creasing force. Greklt." An area of high pressure is follow ing in the wake of the high pressure, end, as is oustomary, Is followed by a cold wave. The temperature in the northwest was near freezing, and from all appearances in that section it will fall considerably lower. This unusually low barometer will, with out a doubt, precipitate the cold weather in this section with unusual severity. A Ctmciod Capurf. There was a lively race on Princess street yesterday afternoon, between two constables trying to overtake a prisoner who had managed to give them the slip joat as they were land ing him in the county jail, The chase led up the street almost to the city limits, when the prisoner, Aaron Vann, was overhauled near Macum ber's ditch. He drew a knife and showed fight, but was speedily dis armed and taken back to the jail and locked up. Vann is treasurer of Mt. Zion (col ored) church. He was arrested yes terday on a warrant charging him with the embezzlement of funds of the church, amounting to some fifty or sixty dollars. He was arraigned before Justice Henry Hall and pend dingan investigation which will be 1 had to morrow, was oommitted in de fault of bail for his appearance to answer to the charge. Vann claims that he paid the money to Rev, R. F. Aldridge, the pastor of the church. Rlayor Coaru The City Court room was crowded yesterday morning with spectators The greater number were colored people who had gathered to hear the proceedings in the case of Stephen Freeman charged with rape. Freeman's case was soon disposed of. He was committed without bail to await trial. Lizzie Merrick was charged with allowing her hogs to run at large. The testimony showed that she did not own the hogs and she was dis charged. R. B. Law ton, a respectable look ing tramp, who said that he was seeking employment, was ordered to leave the eity. - Wilmington Cotillion Clu. A number of gentlemen of the city met last night and organized a club under the above name with the fol lowing officers: President Dr. George G. Thomas. First Vice President F. W. Kerch ner. Second Vice President Pembroke Jones. Secretary and Treasurer F. L. Meares. Governing Committee- J. W. At kinson, Geo. W. Kidder, Jos. H. Watters. It is the purpose of the club to give a few entertainments during the season. RIVER Alt D BIARIIf K. Ger. brig SJovat arrived in below yesterday. . ' . Br. steamship Rosevillt, Dove, hence, arrived at RevaL Nov. 10. Nor. barque Oluf, Synness, from Demerara, arrived at quarantine yes terday. NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. For Sale, THB PILOT BOAT XUMK A. DICK IB SOS, 41 to as bnrUuto, tontta 61 feet, beam 10 fee 6 lnohoa, draft 8 feet 6 loobes. In rood order aad well found. If o disposed of before, will bo sold at a action. In front of the Custom Hoase, BTann8). vt , at 11 o'clock a. Moa- ateaday, November ISih. ' - t'. 4. Mo COT. nov 30tt. ...... , . . - - - jkstal suaawar. optxrs his .pbotzs aloQal aerrloea to the citizens of WHmlnxton S&a vlclrUy. , Offlo, Vo 119 Varkei street, or ,:Tiora Eaxar. , ; ; ::. 2 . ; oetsttn -: WiaoLE: .NO. 6602 2fKW, AJ5VEB7I1SEMENTS. - " Appreciated; at Last ! THE LDPERIORIfT OF OOR MODS ANDTHX Lowness of Our Prices ARK FAST BSOOmTINO aFFKSClATZD. Tli lnteUtce&t. peotJ of . wllatatton wVJ know wbeaBABGAr38ar obs4 laata, for la pttof tfc warm weasber and ferl dauaatt of trad w bd a larre demand for I Winter Suits and Fall Overcoats. Tqm Oooda ar all new, t& material asd work manship of lb tarns sr the befet, and we an al- ri4rKUtae a rt puU'Joa for girto; a porfeet fit aaJ aaUlaf jcooda lorer r 80 par cf nt. than any CJolalaf hooas la Uli olty. Call oa o and w will ooartac too of ahat la claimed. Dent forget ike plao. A. S H.RI E-R'S OLD STAND, noT S3 tf iM xirket etreet No Apology to Offer 0R AOAI.f CA1.14SO ATTKHTIOS TO MT V&YBAKDS03fB A&SOKTXKXTOF Fine Family Groceries I bare ercrythlnx in thla line ta enlt the moat faatldlona tat, and with these choke seleoitona I offer In groat variety the vxual Uae of SUBSTANTIAL GROCERIE! . -ww -- - -tuw aawva wioaai atavb Aawvu MewiloiledBaokwhaat. PureN- C. Bock wheat. 7 V WIS a7TOU VI PABOLED'HOWELIt FLOUR. the very Choioeat ta America. Vaple Byrnp, New Orleans and Van Ills Sy raps. Xlas-aat Olives ta Balk aad Oiass. Condlmanta utd Kuum -f mwrnv-m win . n TSrlety. Whale and jrroud Bploea, perfectly pare I aim to make mine the bast equip pad 6 tore for FAMILY SPECIALTIES in the 6ta:e. amoBcstmyllneofCIUSRSanl CHSSOOTS. Z, 0. L. BOATWniCIlT, bot 20 tf 15 a 17 80. Front tt. NEW FIRM. C. B SOUTIIERLAND & CO., SttooM.rs to E. P. McOOCOAU., Dea'er and Kncfactoro a of all ktnd of Yfehlalea prtoes EsTlnir veenrel tbe sertlsea of an zpertcnoed HORSE cHOSR. we are prepared ta do any and all kind of Shoetog. Qlre ns a trial nor 20 tf C. B. SOUTHSRLVND a CO. SPECIAL TO-DAY. CUBA H02TEYC0MB ; BUTTEB. CUPS, ALL FLAV0BB; TAFriY, WALNUT. 1UI050 AHD PKAWUT DS0P3. These CANDIES are romethlaa- naw and made fresh dally, aad tn order to lntrodnoe tttem to the trade, we are seUlnx them at So eenta per pound. E. Warren & Son, EXCHANGE CORSKR. nor S) tf Come and See Us ONCE. AND YOU WILL VKVKR CO LSK WHSHKTH4N TO DICK & MEARES to bny all yon need la the )f KRCHANTTAILOBIjtG A2D QrNTLKMBS'S FURS I IN Q LINK. bot S3 It WNo. rront. Neat and Durable. QUR 8HOKS FOR TEX TO WEAR to School are neat aad durable. Our SHOES for the parent for Drew and street wear are pretty aad fltjntceiy. Genu' and Boys' SHOES in eadleea vazletr. All at reasonable prtoes at Geo. E. French & Sons, 108 KOHTH FROST 8TFZXT. aovaotf Our Overcoats ARB BT OUR 1XTX5SIYX SALES APPfiZ CIATKD BT THE PUBLIC We offer at low rales a variety cf BUSINESS SUITS. POLO CAPS only 10 oentr. XUX8OH, novSOSt Clothier and Merchant Tailor. Headquarters. 0T T7R STOCK OF ROBES A WD BLA9XET8, 1 Ooaoe. Track and Bum Harness. Saddle and Saddlery Oooda, Traaks and Bajra, ta th most compute aad cheapest la tbe city. A choto lot of Lectin to errtvo Hoadsy. FKSKXLL M DAXIEL, Sin of thoBoraa, Ho. is mo. Front Bt. aovtou (Eevtsw eopT- i"waw-sa"isawspsiiiiiiis Hardware. XXTX UAVS A FTNK STOCK' OF BARDWARS IV from which to appty yowr want. W imaraattooarmkMaaslowa tbe lowest, aad roods equal to aay. Also 0TOVXS ta great variety aad at pttoe to salt. Hon-ror&iahlnc axxdj; aad wovld also call atteotton to oar sow Lamp CAaroraX ta best bow ob the man at. Al- thoh vraxovervbusT,we try to Walt on. all wnooau. - ai.iiKnia nAMiuaoo,, TS0tf V .t U4HorU Front at; .tATM. Of kOTEUTSlI i OM lt.'. . TTTB !, . . TbT LiJTL.... fowDiTV........... rrr ur... On Wafc, ..... ........ .... . Two Wa. : On jtobUi , I Z -fc Moetiv. ...... , J . m m r " ' ' m ....... - j .; guyoTua, iJ.... 1TKW ADvXKITSEMElil OVERCOATS, 0VEEC0ATS, 0VERC0A! Ie all tbe latest Wes aiifc:: A FCXL LOS OP EU1TS 1H English. Cheviots; Sacks and Cutaway Frbckr. WE KEEP FIRST CLASS GOODS OKLT. All Tailor Made, E " if - 'V ,.--. AT PRICE3 TH1T WILL PLEASE tPtJ, In'fact we cannot and rin n : ' bo undertold. No Cheap John Goods Every article purchased from aa perfect. ?Ui- faction suaranteed or money cheerfnCy, re funded. . V i - fl TT "PTR TTHT. A TV. KCfO CLOTHIER. ' - tovSO DAW tf -X A. Kew York and Wilmington Steamship Co. ' ... FROM PIER 29. BAST RIVER. lUlWTtTJC Located bet. Chambers and Roosevelt ftm: At 3 o'clock P. K. x GOLF STREAM Batnrday. -Nov.3 BENEFACTOR Saturday. Dec. S GULF STREAM Saturday, " Dee. .) FROM WILMINGTON. - BENEFACTOR Friday.: "VJ5 GULP STREAM Friday. Dee. S BESET ACTOR.. ...... .Friday, Dec aw Throairh BUlsLadlmr and Lo west Throaa-h Rate foaraateed to and from points ta NorUt and Soatb Carolina. Por FreUrbt or Paaoare apply to - ri. . 5MALLBOJIES, n 9Uyri UlKlUKCUai -,ff. WUmmxtoa. M.C Tktoo. c Eser, TraAo Maaacar, HewTork,: :". W. f. Cly t Cn Gonarai Areata . noaotf S5 Broadway. New Tort. - Thanksgiving Day, BUT OMR OF MT HICK BROILERS AXT have a food Thankegtytna; Dinner. T b Paint, Oil. Tinware. Hardware. Be Odors' t. re plies, Flshmc Tackle, Bactlna: Implemru, oana, Pistol. Lamps, Lamp Gooaa, aad Alavas tine alwava on bsjul. 2 ' eXO. A. TXCX'S, t ' nov tf a Sooth Front street.' : n 11 TTT ' A VT-lSt 1 - -L . Lull i waii ubui unriiiiiax, . gUTooMB now. whubwx hIyb tiele, aad selectvonr Pic tores and Frames aad avoid tbe otaal RUSO. An elaet stock of GUt. rivh. BroDcs, Oak and Cherry Moaldlnaa. Alao rko tore Krd, Cord. Wire, Ac Ao. ' aovSOtf TATXa Book Store. Sae, THinie ni M Pejicr V; - JUST ARRIVED. CHXVALIIfl S ' IlTSrC3 r the Hair, AVer's Hair Vkor. MonUromorya Cair Restorer. Lyon Kathalron, Burnett Ooco- aine, Ac ROBKRT R. BKLLAMT. BriWit,' novaotf y. W. Oor. Froat sad Market bis-- The Earth Trembled;." By X. P. BOX. -C-v ' ' . ' BEM HTB, by LTW WALLACX." " ' aovtfltf! "a M. HARRIS." 3 - 'y&'r'Zyr JLIXS AT LOWEST PRICES: - f HARDWARE, ; TOIWASX. - :. CSOCKJtUT. " . , For sal by aov ntt QTLXw M aTCBCHISOTT olxju xo oe uiven iiway JV R. L. HUTCUCfS' MAGIC POLISH. BEIKa toot boUleaTnesdayt aad Frtdaya to 07 new . bouse. So. IS Sorth JBeeoad Bt Practleal -Painter aad dealer ta Imported aad Domestlo Paint, Artist Material. Giaaa, Brnsbea, OUa. etc. Contragtt tatea. nv its) t f s IOtJIft J. POISSOH, : '. CJJi 1 . RIAL XBT ATX AGXST. r'i. I HO.UIHORTH SXCOKD BT. I'-r-l . - i ' Partle wiahlnc to bay or aeH Real ZiUXe, asd tboe havtsar Xatate to maaar aad Eesu to collect, would do well to oall on mariov 'A It Win. E. Springer & Co., JICPORTXSS AXO JD3B231S CF EAEDW a?. -aad ntnCTIKT, Can offer tpeclal tadtioea.e t u to Wtelasale tmyara," ' - " ; ' 1 1 'v"v "i !,, Mark Ett; .- 'c-.r.-j; ,wvUaatBftoM. C. nrt a n - m - v - -r- -. -' - - ' ' '. v. - ... , v.