f lie doming-Mar. rrjfflB) DAaYjaCggPT M0KDAY3. gATM OF BOT80WPTXOK, IK ADTAKOS. , ,ae vear (by Mall). Pogtag Pld.,M. f 00 jao h ........... W) Three Monww M ,;-Mi- r. eo nJrro citT Subscribe, deUrerod'ia any part ntv Twslvs Cxhts per week - Our City 'tnt are not authorised to oolleot for more ffiitftrae months In adTanoe. , f"lidat the Post Office at Wllmlnston. K. C "tersaa lUseoondCaasa Matter. . OUTLINES. sculling race for the world's championship, between Edward Beach and William Hanlon, came off yesterday, at Sydney, y- New South' Walos; Beach was the winner. - The total visible supplyof cotton for tbe world is 2,754,000 bales, and the cr0p in sight 3,550,103 bales. The American Bank, of Pittsburg, suspended yesterday; ; 'it- is said that it will pay all claims against it. The Crown Prince Frederick William took a walk and a driye yesterday; he is looking well. The inter view between Prince Bismarck and the Czar is described as a dramatio one; they seemed to understand each other very well, and while they talk ed peace there was no lack of a bold front on either side. The report of the Third Assistant Postmaster General shows that the total reve- nues for the year were $48,837,609, and the total expenditures $54,837,609, making a deficit of $5,482,670. The government statistician re iterates his belief in ""the original bureau statistics that the cotton crop will not exceed 6,800,000 bales. President Grevy's message of resigna tion was read before the Rouvier Cabinet last night, and M. Jb'erry will probably be elected as his successor. The election in Atlanta yester day on the question of prohibition,' resulted in a victory for the "wets" by about one thousand majority; the contest was a very exciting one, and the city is wild with enthusiasm over the result. Steadiness was the feature of the Chicago market yester day, with a fair speculative tone. Jacques Wissler, who engraved the notes and bonds of the Confed eracy during the late war, died in Camden, N. J., Friday night, aged 84 years; he was a Frenchman, and there was much romance connected . with his life. The pedestrian race in Philadelphia ended last night, with Little wood, the Englishman, in the first place nearly forty miles ahead of his nearest competitor; he failed, however, in his effort to beat the world's record. Tammany Soci ety of New "York wants the Demo cratic National Convention of 1888 held in that city, and has tendered Tammany Hall for the Convention during the session. The Danville tobacco fair closed yesterday; it was a great success. New York markets: Money easy at 4 6 per cent., closing offered at 3 per cent; cotton quiet . at 10$I0fc; southern flour quiet but steadily held; wheat, firm at a slight decline; -o. 2 red December 8787ic; corn lower and less active; No.. 2 December 5Ti57fc; spirits ' turpentine dull at 37c; rosin quiet at $1 071 12i. The French Grevy had four years tO IUD. Some one has been bamboozling the Czar by sending him letters signed by Bismarck. They did their work too. South Wales is so overrun with rabbits that it offers $125,000 for the invention of an exterminator. Send for 50,000 American boys and their "daags." Vilaw reduced th8 debt of the Postofflce Department if the mails have been much out of gear. He brought the debt from $6,700,000 in 1886, to $3,950,000 in 1887. Representative Lee ("Kooney, son of Gen. Robert K, the immortal) says Mahoneism was the sole issue io Virginia. He thinks "Virginia i safe for the Democracy in 1888. Clara Louise Kellogg's raam Strako8h is but 28. She is on the shady side of 45, we may believe. She must have scared the fellow hadly as the marriage was private. The New York Sun is booming: Kandall and the Tariff. This sheefc calls itself Democratic, and yet it is edited like the World, by an old Re publican. The Sun is the very pa per to favor Randall. : "Birds of a feather." ' - - '"' 7! ' w '. There are 9,969 steamers in the world . Of th ese WO are of steel, 8198 iron and the remainder wood en. Great Britain- and its Colonies own 5,172. The United States but 40- A great shame this and the Radicals are responsible. Down with the Tariff! ' ' Here is a paragraph- that fits that class of politicians who are , so mnch reconstructed they knowvno. South any longer. The Richmond AWe says: D!Jho8e 80QlDfi',u men -who act with the for ,cta but haTe a sneaking weakness f.lf.e publicans should .note -well the wJ ,,,eadinK Republican organs are op Kg I r L3m"' appointment to thd Su ann Z enca becauae he is a Southern man Ma was a Confederate' -v VOL. XLI.--NO. 56. CoL Alex. McClure has the repn tation of - being a. very smart and a very tricky politician. ; He blows for Tariff reduction between times and then " when Congress is about to do something in that direcrion he . be comes , violently opposed to all he had been saying and talks glibly of "freetraders' and so on. He lias been to Washington in the interest of Randall. A Washington dispatch .says: Alexander K. McClure, who came down here yesterday with Mr. Randall to lied out whether the latter was to be reappointed chairman of the Committee on Approprla tiona, saw both the President and Mr. Car lisle last night, but had very liule to report to Mr. Randall when he took break rat t with the latter this morning. Mr. Carlisle would not Df course say anything about what he would do when he should become speaker, and neither he nor the President would be quoted by Mr. McClure to Mr. Randall as even havine opinions on the subject." Representative Heard, of Mis souri, is a man of sense and obser vation. He say's he would prefer that the internal tax should not be touched. He prefers to reduce the surplus by a liberal extension of the free list and by cutting down the ta riff duties on such articles of com mon necessity as might best bear it. While not opposed to some reduc tion of the sugar duty, Mr. Heard would not vote in favor of its repeal. As to the tobacco tax, he would coo sent to some modification of it in a bill providing for tariff reform on the basis already indicated. This is much nearer the true policy than the plan of the Democratic State Com mittee, unless legislation is to be limited to the moonshiners. It is reported from Chicago that the Anarchists are bent upon re6um ing their business of bomb-thro wing. The next time this devilment begins there ought to be no room for an other series of trials and sensations. New Orleans would not pity bomb throwers any more than It would mad dogs. Randall is as dumb as an oyster co-the subject of Tariff reform. THE GITY. SEW ADVEBTI8E9IENTS. Mxtnson About gloves. A. Shriek Great cash sale. R. L. Htjtchihs Magic polish . Giles & Mukchtsok Crockery. Geo. A. Peck Ph,e lot of guns. E. F. Johnson Florida oranges. E. Warren & Sou Oranges, etc. B. R. BeIjIiAmt Sage, thyme, etc. C W. Yates Pictures aod frames . Fxsmkll & Daniel Headquarters. Dies & Me arks Merchant tailoring. Jko. L. Boatwbtght Choice goods. LjOUis J. Poisson Real estate agent. CL 34. Harris The Earth Trembled. 3. S. Fsench& Sons Some beauties. C B. SotTTHKRiiAND & Co. Why not? ISrown & Roddick Particular bargains. W. E. Springer & Co. Hardware, etc. 8. H. Fishblate True and fine goodf. Fabkee& Taylor Reliable every time. J. B. McDuffie & Son For sale or rent. Oetfleartaon SerTlecs. Very interesting services will be held to-day at St. Thomas' Catholic church. Bishop Northrop, who ar rived last night, will solemnly dedi cate the statue of St. Thomas, the Apostle, after whom' the church has been named. The statue was impor ted from Europe and is an exquisite work of Christian art. At half-past ten a. m, the Bishop will preach a sermon suitable to the season, and at seven p. m. will dedi cate the statue and deliver an ap propriate discourse: The public is cordially invited to attend the ser vices. '" . ' Cottoa JHovemenc. The receipts of cotton at this port; for the crop year, up to yesterday, aggregate 118,339 bales, as against re ceipts of 85,808 bales to the same date last year; an increase of 33,031 bales. - Receipts the past week, as com pared with those of the correspond ing week last year, show a decrease of 983 bales. - The stock at this port, ashore and afloat, is 20,129 bales. : The exports this year aggregate 98, 886 bales, against 62,089 at the same time last year. rumIith Kxnorii TMCeriar. . Messrs. Alex. Sprunt& Son cleared the Norwegian barque -Veronica for Havre, France, with 2,245 bales of cotton, weighing 1,068,926 pounds ana valued at $106,900. Messrs. Paterson, Downing & Co. cleared the Norwesfan brig San Juan, for Antwerp, with 750 casks spirits turpentine and 1,777 barrels of rosin. valued at $14,680. ; Total value of exports $121,580. ' Interments in the oemeterien the past week ; aggregate fivethree In Oakdale. two in Pine i Forest (col ored). There was none in Bellevne .cemetery.', V - ' t . si h. mm. mm. : i a m a n bsssbsbsbsbz. mm w w sr m. . WILMINGTON, Local Dota. ; 7 , - : n' Three square-riggers came np the river yesterday afternoon. -r- "It is sad to note" that the "free lunch fiend" didn't get his full of soup yesterday. . Three marriage licenses were issued the past week by the county register all to colored folks. Services in St. John's Church by the Rector, Rev. Dr. Carmichael, at 7.30 a. m., 11 a. m. and 7.45 p. m. to-day. Receipts of spirits turpentine so far this season aggregate 55,418 casks, against 50,297 for the same time ast year. Increase, 5,121 casks. Mr. E. J. Thorpe, secretary to the General Manager of the Atlantic Coast Line, we regret to hear, is se riously ill with typho-malarial fever. "Song sermon" by the Lincoln family to-night at Luther Memorial Hall, corner of Sixth and Princess streets. Services will begin at 7.30 p. m. Joe Burrnss, a white mao, found drunk and down on Market street Friday afternoon, was brought before the Mayor yesterday and fined five dollars. Rev. Dr. Yates will preach at the Synagogue at eleven o'clock this morning, and at the conclusion of the services the reports for Grace Metho dist Church for the past year will be read. Sunday school at 3 o'clock p. m. The names of thirty-two new subscribers to the Star were entered upon our books during the past week. As a contemporary well says, "Our progress is not announced daily by the pleasing melody of the editorial fog-horn, but we get there all the same." The Benefactor cleared for New York yesterday evening with 1,105 bales of cotton, 92,342 feet of lumber, ,000 juniper bolts, 5,500 shingles, 337 casks spirits turpentine, 390 barrels tar, 73 barrels pitch, 126 barrels rosin, 22 barrels crude turpentine, and 21 packages merchandise. James RichardsoD, colored, an employe at the Champion Compress, had a deep gash cut in his head by a piece of iron falling upon him while at work at the press. The accident occurred about two o'clock yesterday morning. Richardson was taken to his home and a physician was sum moned to attend him. The wound, however, is not considered serious. Rev. Dr. Yates, Rev. D. fl. Tuttle, Rev. C. W. Godwin and J. C. Davis, Esq., of this city, will leave to morrow for Fayette ville, to attend the M. E. Church Conference at that place. Mr. A. C. Johnson, of Samp son county, C. R. Parker, of Bladen, and D. A. Culbreth, of Clinton, are lay delegates from this District, to gether with Mr. Davis. The services at St. Paul's Church to-day will be as follows: Morning prayer and sermon at 11 a. m. ; evening prayer and sermon at 8 p. m. ; Sunday school at 3 p. m. Morn ing text, "They feared the Lord and served their xwn gods," II. Kings xyii, 37. Evening, text, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved," Acts xvi, 31. Seats free; all are welcome. The Lutbra Syaod. The United Synod of the Evangeli cal Lutheran Church in the South convened last Thursday in the Lutheran Church of the Ascension in Savannah, Ga. The body is com posed of clerical and lay delegates from the Synods of Georgia, South Carolina, Norths Carolina, . and Vir ginia, southwest Virginia, Tennessee, and Mississippi, and the Holston Synod. The delegates from North Carolina are: Rev. F. W. E. Pes chau, Rev. T. S. Brown, Rev. C. B. King, Rev. J. D. Shirey, Rev. C. A. Rose. . Lay. Capt. T. L. Seigle, Capt. W. A. Barrier, I. F. Patterson, A D. Wessel, Col., P. N. Heilig. The synodical sermon, was preached by Rev. F. W. E. Peschau, of this city, at 11 o'clock. The Church of the Ascension was crowded. The only decoration was a bank of fruits and flowers surmounted by a sheaf of grain, in front of the chancel. . The sermon was from the text, "And of the children 'of Issachar which were men that had understand ing of the times, to know what Israel ought -to do." I Chronicles xil, 32. Man's duty to his country and to his God was the theme upon which the preacher dwelt at length. In the open ing of his discourse. The Synod was organized at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. After re ligious exercises the Rev. Mr. Pes chau, acting president, - called the lody to order and read his annual re port, which showed all branches of the Church in the world in a highly encouraging ; condition, with pros pects for the future very bright. In his report Mr Peschau made the following recommendation: 1. 7 : Let ?me 'suggest and recommend,' that until : after other , arrangements are made and perhaps even then alsof that a Lutheran Seamen's Aid So Hi: - - ' - -; , ' ; ' ' ; ; 11- N. SUNDAY , NOVEMBER 27 18871 : ciety, be'formed. "Fully two-thirds of all the officers and sailors comine to the ports of Savannah, Charleston and Wilmincrton are' Lutherans. We are doing nothing for them spiritual ly except what our - city pastors are doing ior them, ana tney are too busy with their regular duties. Let' us have in these ports Lutheran chap lains and Bethels to care for these our people and children with us in the same household of faith. I am triad to report that Mr. Carl Schmidt, a German Lutheran sailor. offered me $1 00 for this noble object. 1 take measure in Herewith turninor over $1 00 as the beginning of a fund ror a .Lutheran seamen's Aia society. The Mehgert Missionary Society of St. Paul's , Evangelical Lutheran church of Wilmington. . Dromised 5 00, and, no doubt, the American Sea men Society would eheenuiiy co-operate with us and help us support our chaplains. ; Immediately after the report was read the Synod proceeded tQ the elec tion of officers. DtrE. T; fO"rne, of St. John's Church, Charleston, was elected president; Dr. Socrates Hen kle, Virginia, vice president; Rev.A.L. Crouse, secretary, and Capt. W. A. Barrier, North Carolina, treasurer. Criminal Court. The business of the term was finish ed yesterday, with the exception of the trial of Stephen Freeman for rape, set for to-morrow. The trial of C. E. Bullard, charged with obtaining money on false pre tences, consumed the greater part of the time of the Court yesterday. The case was given to the jury about half-past two o'clock in the afternoon, and three hours afterward they re turned into Court,rendering a verdict of guilty with a recommendation to mercy. Sentence was not pro nounced upon the prisoner, as in the meantime the Court had taken a re cess until 10 a m. Monday morning. The penalty is not less than one nor more than five years' imprison ment, or not less than one hundred dollars or more than one thousand dollars fine, at the discretion of the Court. Mr. Ballard is a mer chant and turpentine distiller engaged in business near Smith's Landing in Bladen county. He was convicted of obtaining seven ty-five dollars in money and seventy six dollars in merchandise from Mr. R. W. Hicks, merchant, of this city, some time in October, on representa tions that were alleged to be false. Mr. John D. Bellamy, Jr., con ducted the prosecution, and Messrs. Russell & Ricaud were the prisoner's counsel. George B. New, yoeng white man, charged with wilful abandonment of his wife, submitted, and was sen tenced to ninety days in the County House of Correction. Sentences were imposed as follows: Aaron Vann, convicted of embez zling funds of Mt. Zion A. M. E. church, was sentencedjto pay a fine of $25 and costs, and to pay back the missing funds fifty-six dollars to the church. Vann's counsel, Mr. M. Bellamy, said that the matter would probably be arranged Monday. Wm. Beatty, colored, convicted of larceny, three years in the State peni tentiary. Ben Gay, colored, larceny. Three years in the State penitentiary. Cain Hines, colored, larceny. Three years in the State penitentiary. Alonzo McGowan, convicted of de facing a house, was sentenced to pay the costs. Hattie Chadbourn, a negro girl who had been in jail for costs in an as sault and battery case, was ordered to be discharged, the Court remark ing that this was another illustration of the fact .that you cant get blood out of a turnip. Tneatrleftl. Mr. Geo. H. Lennox, business agent for Marie Prescott, is in the city, ar ranging for the appearance of this actress in the Opera House here on Friday and Saturday, December 2d and 3d. Mr. R. D. McLean appears with'Miss Prescott Both are South erners, and both are highly endorsed by the press. Marie Prescott is a Kentuckian, born near Lexington, on a famous farm known as "Forest Retreat," Her family and connec tions "are among the celebrated peo ple who have distinguished that State as the native place of remark able men and women." She is repre sented to be a fine actress. Mr. Mc Lean is a native of New Orleans, and was educated at Washington and Lee University, Va. He has been playing with Miss Prescott for two seasons in such parts as Pygmalion, Ingomar, Borneo and others. Their reportoire while here will be "Pygmalion and Galatea," "As You Like It," the "Merchant of Venice" and scenes from "Richard the Third." Hello I ' When von .nJl "Eiehanee I" bovs. speak low and don't pull the lever Mr. Coghill, the efficient manager oi the : Telephone- Exchange, has a oretty little daughter. In appreeia tion of the services of Mrs.-Coghill, who has been an able assistant to her husband in the management of the Exchange, some of-i its subscribers have presented-, her with a purse 01 9fl no wriln h Is to ba' invested 'in the Y . t - . . - : - v purchase of a silver cup for the wel come little stranger. V - " MUir ai (. 7 The following are the Indications for to-day, received at 1 a. m. : "For Virginia, warmer, fair weather during Sunday, followed by rain, and much colder, clearing weather on Monday, light to fresh southerly winds, shifting to northwesterly, -increasing in force. For North Carolina, South Caro lina and Georgia, warmer, fair weath er on Sunday, colder, weather. with local rains on Monday, light to fresh southeasterly ' winds, shifting to northwesterly. - HIVED AND M4BINE. The tag Blanche is on the marine railway at Skinner's ship yard. Ger. barque Fortuna, fifty-three days from Oporto, for this port, was spoken off, .Charleston, . S. C Nov. 24th, by the tug Monarch. The steamboat Enterprise which has been detained here two or three days for repairs to machinery, cleared for Black river yesterday. It OTHERS I XOTHXBS I H OTHERS I Are you disturbed at nlf ht and broken of your rest by a iok child sufferlnjj and crying wltfi the excru dating pain of cuttliur teeth r If bo. eo at onoe and get a bottle of MRS. WINSIOW'S SOOTH ING SYRUP. It will re 11 ere the poor little suf ferer Immediately depend upon ft : there ti no mistake about it. There is not a mother on earth who has ever used it who will not tell you at onoe that it will regulate the bowels and Rive rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operating like maeio. It is perfectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the preacriptioa of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold eTerrwhere. 25 cents a bottle. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 10,000 Florida Oranges ON HAUD AND TO ARRIVE DURTNO THE coming week. For ssle very low for CASH. Orders for PE&.NUT5 proscptly filled. Write for prices. . E. F. JOHNSON, Wholesale Peanut Dealtr and Commission Merchant. nor 7 It For Sale or Bent, Of CHOPS FIRST AND SECOND YEAR TUfi OO pontine Boies for sale or rent, la Liberty oounty, G. . three miles from river transporta tion One -gvbarrel etliU SO hou.es anl shanties all new. Will soil ku head Mules an i lx Wagons U wan tea. iror pamouiars adores J. K. MCDUFFIE PON. nor 27 1m nao Beard's Crack, u a. Reliable Eyery Time. rpHS COOK STOVES AND ALL OTHEB GOODS kept by us are bought and sold in view of their RELIABILITY PURE WHITE OIL. DOT 27 If PARKER A TAYLOR. SIDE BY SIDE. Q.ORDON A DILWORTH'J AMERICAN PACK- lng of choice Tab Delicacies asd Croue A Black well's KagTish Goods. Both are the best. I hare them in every variety, andlyoa can take your choice. ELKQA. ST TABLE BUTTER, SoxelhlDg Extraordinary, a leading feature in my Store. Full lines of all the be.t known BISCUITS. CRACKERS AND TABLE CAKES. HE JKLER'S RICHMOND SAUSAGE, Beet in the world, received by me fresh twice every week. X NCE MEAT, JELLIES AND PRESERVES, Every variety tn Wood. Glass and Poroelatnwaie, Coxe1 Gelatine, Islngiaas. All kinds of Ferrina- ceons Goods at lowest prices. GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY. J NO. 1. OO AT WRIGHT, cov 27 tf 15 Jk 17 60. Front St. About Gloves. JgL4.CE FOR FUNERAL UBS, WHITE FOR MILITARY U8E. KID FOR DRESS PUBP08IS, CASTOR CLOTH, DOGSKIN, USDRE J3ED KID, fUR TOP for driving, at MUNSOK'S, nov 7 t Gents Furnisher and Clothier. For Sale, rnffJN rY FIVE SUIT PATTERNS. TWELVE A PaNTS PATTERNS, by the pleoe. Scotch, Englisli ani Domestic Goois, being remainder of our Stock of Fall Goods for Merc lant Talloi lag. Ws will either out and make your Clothing or ell you the goods a'.one. DICK A MEARBS. Gents' Furnishing and Merchant Tailoring. nov 87 U A Fine Lot of Guns, piSTOLS, AMMUNITION. TABLE CUTLEKT, Tinware, Paints. Oils, Lamps. Lamp Goods. Car penters' ana uuuaers- aaraware, easa. xswrm. Blinds, iron, Aiaoasune, o.. at nov 27 tf 89 South Front street. The Earth Trembled, By K. P. ROB. BEX HUB, by LEW WALLACE. nov87tf C M. HARRIS. TTTm TJ gnrinSTer & Co.. TMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF HARDWARE and CBCCKXBY. can offer special inducements to Wholesale buyers. 19. tt, a Market Street, ' Wtimlnctta. N. C. nov27tf SlaTim aii Hair CnttiEi. JPOR No. 1 SHAVING, HAIR CUTTING, Ac, go toH. C Preroperts, at No. T South Front 1st-, where yoa wui una veryxnng ooauonaoie. Kinntrraltv. both lirht and Hair Brush.- W. J. Stewart also on band again, be having recovered from bis reoent luness. , nov 13 tf H. C FSSMTKBT. WHOLE NO. 6607 NEW . ADVERTISEMENTS. True and Fine Goods! TO-DAY FMDS US WITH LOTS OF flew, M ani FasMonalile Boots, 1UNIQUS AND ELEGANT THINGS, that you wont find any where else la Wllmlng- Iod; and such care In producing tbem was neever bestowed by us on any stock Always endesvorl:g to gain In refutation, we put forth uncommon efforts on the NEW AND BEAUTIFUL ARTICLES THAT WE ARB EXHIBITING. Tho attention of careful dressers and young men is asked to our TAILOR-MADE AUD MATCHLESS SUITS AND TE0TJSEBS, To Our Stylisl ani Low Priced Eats. And to our carefully selected and magnificent assortment of all klndi of Furnishings. No Cheap John Goods. S. H. FISHBLATE, KING CLOTHIER, nov 47 DAW tf Wilmington, N. C. GREAT CASH -SALE 1 WE ARB OFFERING FOR CASH GREAT BARGAINS IN Suits, Overcoats, Hats, &c. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE CHANCE AND GET Kew and FaslionaMe Goods Cteaj. NO HUMBUG IN THIS. A. SHRIER'S OLD STAND, nov7tf 114 Market street. Why Not CXND YOUR CARRIAGES, BURQH3, CARTS. DRAYS, 4 c., and hare them repaired In good order, and tend your Horses to be Shod by a c om potent fchoer. We will tarn yon out a first class Job at very lowest figures, and sell you a new lob cheap. Call c n f C B. 8OUTBERLAND A CO.. Successor to R. P. KoDougalL nor 17 tf Corner Second and Princess Eta. Some Beauties. rjHOSS KID FLEXIBLE SOLE DUTTON BOOTS for Ladle wear. Those neat GOAT BUTTON for Ladles, Misses and Children. .Finest line of Gen's and Ladles' BOOTS and SHOES la the city or State, at Geo. B. French & Sons, 106 NORTH FRONT 8TPXBT. novrrtf To Close Out OTOCK IN RETAIL CROCKERY DEPART- jnent, we will; make special Inducements to buyers. hot ST tf GILES A MUBCHISON. M't W< DltU dlTiStiaS, T TJT COME NOW, WHILE WM HAVE TIME, aad select yomr Pictures and Frames aad avoid the usual BUSH. Aa elegact stock of Gilt, Plush, Brosss, Oak aad Cherry .Mouldings. Also rto tore Rod, Cord. Wire, Ac novCTtf YATZS Book Store. Saie, Tiime aii Rei Fejier : TTJST ARRIVES. CHEVALIER'S LITE FOB the Hair. Avr Hair Vlror. Moctromerv's Hair Bee tore t. Lyon's - Eathalron, Burnett's Cooo- ' "ROKEKT H. BELLAMY, Draegtst, " nov ST tt H. W. Cor. Frost aad Market Bts. wui vi vara trae iJy,....... ji r - s a wo Xftya,.. 1 - - - - TareeDayaj.... rnuDtn t: 1 1 OfaA r ei. .... ...... -1 , " T wo Weeks,..,. . 6 ( -'. Three Weeks.. 7. 8 i " p KoaLh, 11! TWO MoatAS..........,....... 1$ u r ' " , TateMoftUaa............ Mt. 5 i : - ' ' " MowUvs,. . ...... 3 t: . tafContaot ATerTUwoeBU UAea at propor tseeataly tow ratea. -V .,.'; :-,r Eaaa solid Nonpareil type make one aquar- 4 . 20CW . ADVEBTISKJ1ENTS. . BROWN & RODDICK, North Front l. - We would eeil the partloalar attetdkm of our patrons to the following lWt of -' Kid Gloves : , C : Lediea' Coiored KtO OLOYZ3. 4 Buttons.' Mfl." T Ladies Oolerel ELD GLOVES. 4 Battoe. I'm: Iroidared. 6!o. - - - The Jowphlae EID GLOVES, 4 BuUoa. tu '' Bltck and Colored. fWO. , ' Ladles' 4 Battoa Undroaeed Kid. la Black aad" Colored. Sl.&c. -: Sole AgeaU for Oentamerl EID GLOVE?. 1 Black and Colored. In S and 6 Battoxs. UKNTK'KIUniilVIJI MIMES' KID OLOm. - - Dress Goocfgl mm All-wool series 35 Cents. u:-s ..." , I;- f:- J A l a vrr m mm ak 4u-mcn aii-wool series ueais. & These are without exception the most decided . Bargain that has been offered la this city. " -: V " ? Wa iVA srn a fas 14 t SVu. in mJ.l f - w aass v v owu m IV W aOlb VA 1 III WTJ AAA- Tt OQ1 K - Inch TWEEDS, price 69 cents. They should be J examined by every Ladys they sre remarkably r Seal Flush Jackets, One of the most popular styles produced NEW MARKETS AND DBIYUTQ COATS IN ALL THE NEW MATERIALS. Children's Cloaks In all the new Cloths. We are offering several ."' Novelties In this department. - T T m iT TT VI 9f V T sm f m mm t mm m V mm mm DhLaLtiXo AAU UUfltUilTADLLii. : vrur biock is ue largest ana ine oest vaine you can find !or the money. . V Irom ji.oo a pair to $10.00, - , COlf FORTA RUM TVs trt CD VI -' i'- Big Bargains IN OUR UPHOLSTERY DEPARTMENT. jr&KHca velours from 75o per yard. w 4&rAflU LiLKJI iuo nr TITO. Call and see the display oa our counters. V 1 NORTH FRONT STREET, nor 87 tf ! - . - t.: fltuvvT PTflBTm nuivnva ok.' . rer uozen. .: uttttm) nvrna TTn rTrn rrn pv xl COMB, HOT, 20c Per Pound. - FRESH GROUND COCOANUT 156 T. 20oaPoiLnd. l" E. Warren & Son;v EXCHANGE CORNER. , nov 97 tf Hardware. E HAVE A FINE STOCK OF HARDWARE v nsrsntsn oar tatioaa as low aa tha lowed., and irom wucd vo iuddit tout tub. mb . goods euuai to any. Also STOVES In treat ' variety and at prices to suit. House-funushlng i-' goods; and would also call attention to our sew - -Lamp (Aurora), the best now on the market. A1-' ' though we are very busy, we try to wait on all ' nov xi ir . 114 Nona rrootBt. C100 to be Given Away THE. L. HUTCEIN8' MAGIC POLISH. BEING ' your bottles Tuesdays aad Fridays to my bcw .': house. No. is North Second St- Practical fainter ana dealer la imported and lomestte . Paints. Artist MatertaL Glass. Brushes. Oils, etc - Contracts taken. nevCTtt - "- ErOCIS J. POISSON, lit NO. 1U NORTH SECOND STiLf Parties wiahlnr to bnv or sell Heal Estate, and ' those having Estates to manage aad Rente to " ooUoct, would do well to call on me.t2noT t7 It Liberal j. ti"' POLICY CONTRACTS, PROMPT ADJUST ments. ouick Davment of losses. All classes of Insurable property written in reliable English -aad Amerioaa Compaalee at the lowest ratea. Cotton lmrara.DC a rpeelalty. NORTHROP. HODGES TAYLOR. Agent -of Fire, Llf e. Marine, Aocident and Tornado la Co. a Telephone No. 1L. Ofioe toot of Walnut street. sev8tf Onions, Onions. rV - 1 g BBLS. BED ONIONS, LS03 SECOND-HAND Spirit Casks, eo Bbls. Glue, U Tone Hoop Xroa. Also Floor. MeaL Molasses, Salt. at ' ' ' II. 1. vOxLSi b, sorts DAWt 1 13, 123 A UM North Water fcU , We Have fof Sale ? Q.LUE, HOOP IRON. KAILS. OA. AND FLOUR. Also Cotton and Kara! Etorea. eloeelr handled. " WOODY CURRTE, Commlseion Merohacta, arr 17 tf WUmtncton. M. ; Coke for SaleS" y 8INGLEXOAD. B bushels, delivered.... .H 15 TWO LOAXS. ee bushels, delivered......... 4 V rouBUMua,v vueaeia, oeuverea s x Fifty busbels eonal to a ton e Anthracite CoaL -Orders left at the office, 114 Prinoeas street, will receive prompt attention. - - nor B lw WILMINGTON GAS LIGHT CO. For Sale.:-v ; JIGHT SHEPHERD PUPPIES, WARRANTED fuU Wood SCOTCH COIJ for tV a rH,F ' Apply at . v it i - r. oct U Sm ' ' ' STAR OFTICZ. Headuaiifs- OTJR STOCK OF BORES AND fcLANrrrr. Covpe. Track and Bugry Harnen.' taici: and Saddlery Goods. Truaks and Bags, is t: most eompUte and cheapen in the city, a choice lot of Legging to arrrve Mend ty. - -. FENNELL DA3SIZL. - - Sign of the one. No. 19 bo Frcrt ct. nort7U 'OteTlsw 0OF7 ) ' '