jgfi&a?? - - ' iiie tailing- Star. ELLIAITI II. BERNARD, ,nr IsgSD DAILYBXCTPT MONDAYS. BATES or 8TJSBOSIPTIOH, Of ASTAHCS. ,re rear (by Mail), Postase Paid. , ... ..... .. SS 00 Mntha - - :::::::::: in 135To city Subscribers, delivered in any part i a c'ty Twelth Cbhts per week. Our City rtkXre not authorised to collect for more i2ent.t months In advanoe.- ifl lU' CTttlopo9t offloe at vnimIaKton,N. C l'e" oa Amerind HIsum Ttt-M- OUTLINES. The Court of Appeals of New York have reversed the decision in the jake Sharp case, and a new trial has been ordered; the convicted man re ceive J the news with a stolid indiffer ence. and seems to take no interest whatever in outward things, f The nonular majority in the State of Vir- at the recent election for mem bers of the Legislature, as officially stated, is 426; in several counties no contest was made, and adopting the vote east for Lee and Wise in the Gubernatorial election, the Demo cratic majority in the State is 3,160. The Chicago Anarchists have issued a circular for distribution anion?: the workingmen of that city, which may serve to influence many of that class, but which for pure balderdash can harldly be excelled. The Radical journals of Paris en ergetically oppose the candidacy of 31. Ferry for the Presidency; and the leader of the Patriotic League threat ens, in case he is elected, to march to the Elysee, with fifty thousand . men, and prevent him from entering. The Unionist meeting in Dublin proved to be a huge affair, and the Nationalists are much startled at the rapid growth of a movement which they at first ridiculed. The Czar has commuted the sentence of the eighteen young Russian officers, sen tenced to exile in Siberia, to degra dation to the ranks. The Wes tern Union Telegraph Company an nounces a reduction of rates to go in to effect December 1st. The Act ing Land Commissioner has squelch ed an attempt of certain parties to make homestead entries of a portion of the city of Tuscaloosa, Ala. A mob of negro railroad hands broke into the jail at Oakland, Fla., yester day, and carried off a negro charged with murder; his friends say he was lynched, but his body cannot be found. A wealthy colored citizen of Ohio has given $30,00) to Wilber force College in that State, an insti tution for the education of the col ored race. Negotiations are about completed by which England will join the triple alliance for the preser vation of the integrity of Turkey.- The bruisers, Sullivan and Mitchell, have arranged for a fight with bare knuckles for 500 aside. Yesterday was an active day in the Chicago market- all prices were high er, and there was very heavy trading in pork. The trial of Johann Host was concluded yesterday, the jury renderinga verdict of guilty. .TewYork markets: Money easy at (SO per cent., closing offered at 2 per cent; cotton firm at 1010c; southern flour steady; wheat closed i?c h gher, with speculation moder ate; No. 2 red December 87(387ic; corn firm; No. 2 December 57i57 1116c; spirits turpentine dull at 37c; rosin quiet at $1 071 12$. The death rate in Charleston for last week was 22,36. France is asking, will it be Frey cinet or Clemenceau? It may not be either. At Limerick, Ireland, 21 -persons '.'ere wounded by the police an tbe tight that occurred. Presidents Jefferson and Harrison rode horseback when they went to the cipitol to be inducted into office. Bad blood is reported between Russia and Austria. The ill feeling " increased by he visit fo Berlin of the Czar. After much excitement, now that Grevy is to go, Paris is described as extremely quiet. Is it-the calm jnst before the storm? . . Mark Twain has a burlesque let ter in Harper for Christmas. It is addressed to Queen Victoria. It is rauch relished in England. ; There are 42,000 claimants for ar reara cf pay and bounty growing out of the war with the South. Another kig drain upon the tax-payers. Mrs. Potter the would-be-ectress is good looking, interesting and We)lbred. She is improving, but, We suppose, from' the papers, that she 19 not yet quite at the foot of the ladder. ,: ' r. ' The life and letters of Dawio, joit published, reveal him as not a heist as was supposed, but .as a downright Agnostic. He has found 0Qt before this whether or not there i8aGod. A lad but 16 years Old,' named C, 6- Erchman, took his life at Charles ton by swallowing strychnine; He ha( lost three situations.:-. Ho did B drink, poor fellow,- his : quick iemper terminated his young Iif VOL. XLI.N(X 58. The London correspondent of the New York Star thinks changes of the Tory Cabinet are not far off. He says a reconstruction of the English Government is certain to occur not far hence. Bat it will not bring in the Gladstone party, but merely swap off some old Tories for some new ones. He says: "A comnlets nnrnril h hoon Aet.Mi.tnu with Lord Hartinton, who is quite in a Hueibiuu io jom me government u that WOUld ba ta its nvantano T.nyA D.n4AUl. - - -a"' uauuuiyH VyOUrCaill a extremn nam ia nnt nnmmtttino himself to any legislation for Ireland has ucbh uicuiiea py a stuaioua regard for the views of Lord Salisbury and his colleagues, Which mav betoken hi return tn tho Hahi. net before the le7iala!nn fnr considered. . Sir kliohael Hicks Beach will aiso return to tne UablaeX. - "Lord 8tanley of Preston, President of the Board of Trade, Mr. Henry Matthews, Home Secretary, and Lord John Manners, are mentioned &a the ones whr will retirnl The broad octlioea of parliamentary action iu we coming year can now be traced in the sneech which Lord Salisbury delivered at Oxford on Wednesday." Dr. D. C. Kelley has backed down and gone back completely on his anonymous, sneaking letter in the Nashville American. He has written to the Board of Missions and he "crawfishes right ont." He says: "I am opposed to any attendance oa theatres by members of our church, and uphold our ministers in the correction of this evil, by public and private admonition and by a patient and kind, but Arm, ad ministration or discipline. I regret and withdraw my articles in the American, in so far as they may be construed to defend the interruption of public worship on October 9, at McKendre church." - He cries peccavi, and no longer attitudinizes as the volunteer cham pion of bad mannered screamers and of a vicious theatre. Jenny Lind had some striking and not Very engaging peculiarities. She had a perfect horror of the Froude sort of biographers and resolved to leave no autobiographical notes. But she is to be "dhown up" all the same by Canon Holland in Murray's (Eng.) Magazine. The London correspon dent of the New York 7?m65says: "Hmy of his anecdotea show tbe harsh and disagreeable side of her nature, familiar enough to those who met her. but a koow ledge of which the world might well have been spared." Prof. Joynes, a learned and gifted Virginian, connected with Sonth Carolina College, has a German grammar that is now used in over forty colleges, universities and schools, including the University of Michigan, University of California University of Virginia, Washington and Lee University and Vanderbilt University. It is pleasant to note such a Southern success. The English people have at heart but little use for America. The Lon. don correspondent of the New York Times, cables that Levy Lawson, owner of the London Telegraph, said to him that if he gave orders never to have America mentioned in his paper for six months he would not get a complaint from a single sub scriber. "How very, very hapov Mr. Charles A Dana is to get back.' Washington Po$t. But who wants such a fellow "back?" An old Republican, he has never yet shed his skin. Mr. Cleveland was elected in the face of the lies aud slanders of the Sun and can be elected a second time without the aid of such an utterly unreliable and treacherous sheet. Here is the way a plain rnmor of Secretary Bayard's marriage with a young woman in one of the Depart ments is announced in the London Court Journal: "Mr p.arrii "President of the Council of Ministers of the United States, is about ia ha married tn Mile. . MarKOC. JOT. Bayard, it is stated, rejoices in the fact that he is tne aescenaani 01 au uiiihuu house." m fvnr the rerwal of the inter nal revenue system, even if our goTernment far the has done worse things many times before this. Geldsboro Argus Our good friends are hot for their side. That is tbe most extreme view we have yet seen. Well, this is a free country and we cannot all see alike. The death of Lord Dalhousie at Havana immediately after the death m'lfn i a vArir, touching. She Jt li IB W law aw " j -" i- was one of the most beautiful women in Europe. He nursed her night and day until she died; This completely broke him down. He was passion fair ewntfld to her. He was found dead. - An eleven-year-old boy in Phila- vuinhi died from the effects ot "nar cotio poisoning from" smoking ciga rettes.!. 3oys, beware of tne weea, and e'gpeoiallyjn this shape. WILMINGTON, N. The Californian Republicans are very generous. The - members of Congress say they will agree to a Protective Tariff and repeal of tbe internal revenne as a compromise. That is indeed promising. Tbey be lieve in dear blankets and wool hats and warm clothing and oheap whis key and tobacco. The London Times is engaged in a kind of warfare upon Mr. Parnell that is not worthy of a great paper. It tried to injure him and break his influence by a forged letter or leU ters. It is about to publish scan dalous stories attacking Mr. Parnell. This betrays the hopelessness of the- Tory cause. Editor Dorsheimer, of the New York Star, thinks the Vice-Presi dential nomination should come from ludiana. A good suggestion. How will McDonald do? If he has a good political reoord he may answer. Indiana will be needed next year. There are 406,007 pensioners. The increase for four months of present fiscal year was 10,641. This is to be added to the first sum. Wipe out the internal tax, and every dollar must come from the Tariff, and ne cessaries must always be taxed. There have been 3,048 new post- offices established during the year and 1,500 discontinued. During the year 13,078 postmaster were ap pointed. Pennsylvania leads. There are 7,745 money offices in operation, an increase of 481. It U about certain that the Missis sippi river at Memphis will be bridged -a big undertaking. We think it is a full mile wide at Mem phis and there U a high bluff on the Tennessee side. JE0 SE ADVKRT1SER3UNTS. Mukson Christmas focdi. Collikr & Co. B&okiupt tale. E. Wabbkh & Son Or&agfs, ttc. A. H. HoLJtES Pure maple ayrup. Collier & Co. Horses at auction. Croklt & Morkib West India fruit. . R. P. liowDoiw Dredge boat for sale. Notice Hanover Council U. S. B P. Local Dot. Prayer meeting at Fifth street M. E. church to-night, beginning at 7.30 o'clock. Steps are being taken towards the formation of a Young Men's Christian Association. The Gulf Stream brought three passengers, Messrs. Harry Frick. A. Ebert and Mr. Zeluff. Five dollars fine was imposed on another spectator in the Criminal Court yesterday, for laughing aloud. - The Western Union Telegraph Company announces a reduction of rates, to go into effect on the 1st of December. Tbe Signal Office has been re papered and painted and presents a neat and inviting appearance in its new attire. The best indication of the ap proach of the Christmas holidays Is the price of eggs, which have ad vanced to twenty-five cents per dozen at retail. Mr. Martin Zeluff, of Port Rich mond, S. I., is in the city, visiting Mr. W. Q. Fowler. It has been thirty- five years since Mr. Zeluff was last in "Wilmington. Receipts of cotton yesterday 1,398 bales. Keceipts lor tne crop year to date 120,186 bales, against 88.071 to same date last year. In crease, 32,915 bales. Tbe Late J.W. Roweli. Rev. Mr. Hoge, pastor of the First Presbvterian Church, officiated at the funeral services of Mr. - J. W Howell, which took place yesterday from Fifth Street M. E. Church. The interment was in Oakdale Cemetery. The pall-bearers were Messrs. Jno. H Hanby, Jno. J. LeGwin, T. T. Seeders, W. H. Hardy, Wm. Bell, GL Register. Mr. Howell's death resulted from Bright's disease, with which he had been afflicted for some time past. He was master car builder of the W., C. & A. R. R. shoos some years ago, and in the spring of this year left Wil mington to take a situation as master of the railroad shops at Selma, Ala. His failine health, however, com pelled him to return to his home in this city. Book and Ladder Ho. 1. New fatigue caps for the members of the Hook and Ladder Co. were received yesterday per steamer Gulf Stream from New York. The caps are made of Cadet-blue cloth, with gold cord and the letters "H. & L.T An t.bft front of each. The officers caps are -similar, with jthe exception that the letters are encircled witn, wreath..; ':. . S'' C, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30. 1887. Death of HIr. Edwla J, Xnorpe. Mr. Edwin J. Thorpe died at his residence In this city yesterday morn ing at half-past nine o'clock, after an illness of a few weeks duration, of malarial fever. Mr. Thorpe was born in Walsall, Eng., January 23d, 1857. He came to this country in 1875, and spent a year in Philadelphia, in the employ .of the Pennsylvania R. R Co.; after which, near the close of- 1876 he, came to Wilmington, at the request of the Auditor of the Atlantic Coast' Line, in whose office he - was employed as elerk and secretary to the General Superintendent and President. Thence he went into the office of the General Freight and Passenger Agent, where he remained until last January, when he became private secretary to the General Man ager of the Coast Line, which office he filled up to the time of his untimely demise. For several years prior to his death Mr. Thorpe was the organist and leader of St. James Episcopal choir in this city. In 1881, he married Miss Jennie Brink, daughter of Col. E. R. Brink, of this city. He leaves two children, to whom.together with their bereaved mother we extend our sincerest sympathy and condolence. Knowing him as we did, we admired him for his talents, his sterling integ rity and the candor that ever marked his transactions with his fellow men. As a friend we were drawn to him by the cheerfulness with which he ever aided those who sought his help, by the unselfishness of his generous dis position and the ayletermination and manliness that characterized him. Mr. Thorpe was a member of the United States Benevolent Fraternity, in which his life was insured for $5, 000. His funeral will take place at 8 p. m. to-day, from St. James' Church; the interment in Oakdale Cemetery. Opera Honae. In a note to the Star Capt. W. H. Bixby gives the Presoott-McLean troupe, whieh appears here on Fri day and Saturday next, the following endorsement: "For fear that a really first class theatrical troupe might meet with a poor House at its nrst performance, and lor rear that lovers or good acting and legitimate drama might lose a performance which they would be sorry for losing, I wish through the columns of your paper to call the at tention of the Wilmington public to the performances of the Prescott-Mc-Lean troupe advertised for this week. Friday and Saturday, the 2nd and2rd of December. In this troupe, not only have the leading actor and ac tress shown themselves to be stars of the first order.but they are excellently wellsupported by the rest of the com pany a rare combination tor a travelling troupe. This troupe played at Columbia, S. C. about three weeks ago during the fair week. At their first performance, because compara tively unknown in Columbia, they met with an almost empty house; but at their second performance over two hundred people had to be turned away for lack of seats and standing room. Faneral of Pin, Walker Bleareo. Funeral services over the remains of Mrs. Walker Meares, whose sad death was announced in the Stajl, were held in St. James' church yes terday morning at half-past ten o'clock. After the ceremonies at the church, conducted by Bishop Watson and Rev. Dr. Carmichael, the fune ral cortege wended its way to Oak dale Cemetery, where the interment took place. The pall-bearers were Col. John D. Taylor, Col. J. W. At kinson, Lieut. Gov. Stedman, Col. A. M. Waddell, Mr. Wm. Walters, Mr. J. G. Wright. Ladlee Benevolent Society. The President of the Ladles' Be nevolent Society desires to acknowl edge the following donations on Thanksgiving day: From Messrs. Maffltt & Corbett, one large box of crackers and cakes; Mrs. A. D. Wes- sell, one basket of packages of flour, sugar and other groceries; Mr. H. C. McQueen, $10; Mr. Preston Bridge re, $20; "A gentleman," $10; "A lady," $5. For these acceptable gifts the Society would return their grateful thanks, hoping that each kind donor mav obtain mercy of the Lord in every time of need. Banjo and Bonci. A frien d tells us that there is con siderable talk in town of organizing the "burnt cork talent" in the city and placing it on the boards for the entertainment and amusement of the public. We are assured that there an be no doubt that there are any number of young men who will take a hand in something of the kind and that a most amusing entertainment can be gotten up. By all means let us have it. It is proposed, that a per formance be given for the benefit of the Ijadies' .Benevolent Association. mayor's court. Wm. Myers, colored, charged with disorderly conduct, was fined twenty dollars in the Mayor's Court yester day, with the alternative of thirty days in the city prison. William Anderson, Nicholas An derson and Antonio Anderson, sail ors, had a row in Mrs. Bryson's board ing house,about 1230 o'clock yesterday morning;a police officer was called and two of the sailors arrested; afterwards the other, one. William got $10, or twenty days; the othor two got $20, or iainy uaye eaou. Criminal Court. The trial of Stephen Freeman, ool- ored, for rape, was resumed yester day at one o'clock p. m. , The court room was crowded with spectators throughout the afternoon . and even- ing until the' case' was given to the jury, shortly after eight o'clock. The' testimony of the witnesses for the de-. fence was all in by four o'clock, 1 and Mr. Elliott, counsel for the defence, addressed the jury. He. was follow ed by his 'associate Mr.v Strange; Solicitor Moore making the closing argument (for the State. Judge Meares occupied about an hour in the delivery of his charge to the jury. It was fair and impartial. He gave a lengthy review of the evidence, both for the State and the defence. The prosecutrix Jhe said, gave the same testimony in court in relation to the assaultthat she did to the corrobor ating witnesses. As to the question of identity she was positive; she saw the man in a bright light, and she would know him again. The defence was that she is a woman of bad char acter; that she had a bastard child 7 years ago and that she ought not to be believed; they also offered evi dence of a contradictory character as to the identity of the prisoner. About the alibi set up by the defence, the Judge charged that it must be estab lished to the satisfaction of the jury; it "did not res$ upon the State to show that the alibi was not estab lished, He told the jury to take the case and consider it carefully, with out regard to popular "sentiment. It was their sworn duty to render a ver dict in accordance with the law and the evidence. The Jndge then re minded the jury that it was a rule of law, "applicable in all cases, that to convict a prisoner they must be con vinced of his guilt beyond a reasona ble doubt. He suggested that the jury go to supper, and directed the Sheriff to put them in charge of a sworn offi cer, and to clear the Court room. It was brought out on the trial that Mrs. Sellers' maiden name was Bogan, and that she was a native of Anson county, this State. She came to Wil mington about seven years ago, when she was about sixteen or seventeen years of age. At twelve o'clock last nigbt the jury had not agreed upon a verdict. In all probability the result will be a mistrial the jury unable to agree. II IV Bit AND 7IABI7IR. Capt. Ranger, of the schooner Mabel Darling, reports the schooner Thos. W. Hyde, Sherman, cleared from that port on the 18th November for Fernandina. Also, the barque Thos. H. Brooks, Johnson, for New York. Steamship Gulf Stream, from New York, had a rough passage part of the way. Capt. Ingram reports that the Oulf Stream ran before a heavy gale from Cape Lookout to Frying Pan Lightship, Monday even ing, during whieh time the rain poured in torrents. This was fol lowed by a fog so dense that the ship was "hove to. and remained in that position until the weather cleared. when she got under way and came up to the city. LIST OF LETT BBS Remaining in the Post Office Tues day, November 29, 1887. a James Allen. cotc Arcner. B W 8 Biggs. Elixa Borden, mrs D E Burnett, W Black, Mary Jane Barns. Earnest Bland, John 8 Bowles. James Blackman, J J BelL C Mrs W H Clark, Henrietta Uoop er, James Clark, John Carroll 2, Bet- tie Corbett, Fenall Carroll 2, Simon F Craig. Li F Clark. D Pat Davery, Wichson Davis, Jane DeLoooh, Sophia Doscher. E j w .Emery. F E A Foreman, Katie Forthey, mrs Ford, Wm J Frazler. G C M Galloway. H Willie Herring, Mary E Hunter, B W Hargrove 2, F Hersburg 2, Geo W Herring, M J Hoon, Yess Hopkins, lieo Uoreny, Laura A Haywood, m i Howard. John Haves. Henry Hance, William Herbens. M B Hay, C Her- mer. J Hon W N Jones. Moses Jones, Albert Jones, Rachel Jones, Rev Janslon, Susia Johnson, O Jones, A E Janes. L Messrs Little fc Parsons, J E Leroy, James Loach, Florence Lea- nier 8 Little. M Rev O Miller, Thorn McMillian, Amos Mid dleton. W W McDiarmid, Rachel Moore 3, FA Mon'gomery, Geo Molev. Louis McKnieL Julia Mer rick, Lowvena Murphy, Ellen Merrit, Margaret McKae, Edward Merntt. ri Rose ruebols, Kmma nelson. P Henry Parker, N Y Petterson, S A Peterson. R Chancy Roberts. Samuel Ran- dell. N J Roberts, Sarah Russell. S h Simpson, Albert umitn 4, mrs Wm H Smith, T S Snedeker, James Stephens, John Stanford, Kev a A Scott, Rachel Saucer. T John Thompson. W Marie Wright, W S Ward & Co, L C Williams, M S Walker, Louis Williams. Emma Woodlin, mr Wil liamson, mrs Williams, W A Woods, Haster Williams. Mac-trie Westbrook. Jeff Williams, J W Whittler. Persons calling for letters in the above list will please say ,4adver tised." Letters will be sent to the Dead Letter Office, at Washington, D. C, if not called for within thirty days. O. G. Parsley. P. M.. Wilmington, New Hanover Co., N. C. The time honored Notre Dame, Baltimore, Md. We hava had ample opportunity to con vince onraelvea of the efficacy of Salvation Oil. We cheerfully submit our . names to the . public as reference. , Respectfully, Bisters of Notre Dame. : Ait qulrh & Eagsr Sis.; Baltimore, Md. WHOLE NO. 6609 raamer laalaauoa. The following are the indications for to-day. received at 1 a. m.: For Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Eastern Flo rida, slightly warmer fair weather, light to fresh winds, generally from north to east. Tke Ttfld Wave. The predictions of the Signal Ser vice were verified. The temperature yesterday morning fell to thirty-eight degrees, which was a fall of thirty six degrees from the highest. Du ring the day tbe temperature rose about ten degrees the natural result of a clear day but after the in fluences of the sun were removed, it started on its downward course again and by 10 p. m. stood at 35, just ten degrees lower than at the same hour the preceding night. The barometer yesterday generally was the highest recorded for a long time and the temperature in the- northwest was the lowest for the sea son, being from twenty to twenty five degrees below tero. Indications for to-day say slightly warmer, fair weather. DIED, X. J. THORPE, seed 81 J ear 1 he friends and acquaintuoea are requested to attend tbe faneral at bU reticle noe, corner of Third and Bed Crou streete, and from thence to St. James Church, to-day at S o'clock P. X. NEW ADVKTt'i ISEMKNTS. Horses at Auction. 'J'O DAT, AT 12 O'CLOCK, VX VEOXT 07 OUR SaJea Booms, we will i ell two food HORSES eod one cood MULE. COLLIEB A CO.. Auctioneer. dot SO It Gome One. Gome All. LAST CHAKCB. Sales at 11 CM A. H. 1 CM P. M. FINK GOLD AND SXLVKB WATCHES, CHA138, DIAMONDS. EAR-BIROS. BRACE LET?. ALBUMS, OPERA GL48SES. COLLARS. CUFFS, BUTTOSS. SOAR? AND BREAST PINS. FINGER RINGS. Ao . Ac. COLLIER A CO., Auctioneers. DOT S3 It rpo TBE 2ISXBERS OF HANOVER COUNCIL A No. 8V United States Beseralent Fraternity. COMPANIONS: Too ere herby requested to met at Tleneken's HsiL to Is afternoon at 9 o'clock:, to titan d the faneral of oar late oom- pejiion. m. J.;TDorp. Ail are earnestly rcqoesiea to be present. By order or tbe rreciaent. J F. POST. Je-. Secretary. now tt It For Sale fHBAP FOR CA6H. A SMALL DRID9E BOAT. VJ 800 yards per day capacity; well adaptea lor ditching, canal or harbor work, li one year old. la rood order. Two 60 yards Unmet bcowes ro with the boat For forther pa-Ucnlara apply o or address li. r. buwuuik. noTSOlw Wilmington, li. C West India Fruit, rpnK FTR3T CARGO OF THE SEASON. WE offer from Br. Bohr. MABEL DARLING, lost ar rived from tbe Bahamas. 100 000 PrtmeGX(len ORANGE3, inn Pcsen Eujrar Loaf PINE-APPLES, iuu -QQ GRAPE FRUIT, J A A Eoncbes BANANAS In fine condl- 1UU Hon at private sale. CRONLY A MORRIS, Auctioneers. nor U It COJIIXG ! SO IS OUR ORDERED GHRISTIlIAS GOODS MeaawhUe oar SUITINGS to MEASURE ere eursflnr publlo attention. Leare orders ear'. y f or the Holidays. MUNSON, dot 80 it Merchant Tailor and Furnisher. PURE MAPLE SYRUP DRAUGHT AT $1.25 PER GALLON. Cheaper and superior to the Caned Syrup. PRI5CE5S FLOUF. in bbia. and half bbls.. 16.00 per bbL. 1135 per haJf bbL None better In the market. CAPE COD CRANBERRIES, frech and nice. Fresh CELERY by erery Steamer. A freeh aesortment of Fancy CAKES and CRACKERS from the finest manufactory tn the United Statee. and a fall line of Staple and Fancy Groceries. A. n. IIOL3IES, SOT SO tf Corner Market and Eeootd Bta. For Sale or Rent, rSk CHOPS FIRST AND SECOND YEAR TUR- O O pontine Boxes for sale or rent, la Liberty ooaaty, Gs. three miles from rtrer transoorta tkn. One barrel still. SO bou-ee and shanties all new. Will aeU so bead Males as 4 tlx W aeons U wanted. For particulars address J. R. MCDUFFIE SON. noT 17 1m nao Beard's Creek, Ga, SWEET FLORIDA ORANGES Per Dozen. 25c BUTTER CUPS AHD CUBA HONEY COMB, HOT. 20c Per Pound. FRESH GROUND 'COCOANUT 15e Pir QuaTt. EXTRA FINE MALAGA GRAPES 20c a Pound. E. Warren & Son, EXCHANGE CORNER. dot rrtf Onions, Onions. g BBLS. BED ONIONS, LtOI SECOND-HAND Spirit Casks, to Bbli. Glue, U Tons Hoop Irou. Also Floor, XaLlColAseea, Salt, Ao, at aorttDAWt 13, t AIM North Water St. BATSl OV AIJTCUTttiNte.. Oa un Oat y ' FoprDaya. ...w.... tt; FlrDaya,...............w.. I 13 . Ome wee.... . . r k. ' j ww Weexa... .... ... 4 t!i - JkWeeaJv - . . One ManUu.......,........ 11 j- Z " ro MoaiLsw.... It tj r-rt? Month... ..... 14 C 3 . f Months..... , O t; , ...... 13 DC y Con tract AdTerUeemeau takes at cropbr- tloBaXely low rates. . . Tea lines aoud Nonpareil typa sake one astir- " NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. .: BROWN & RODDICK, O North Front Bt? V-- Ws would call the particular attectloa otr - patro&a to the folio win Utt ef Kid Gloves: Ladles' Coiortd KID GLOVES, 4 BattosaUflc . Ladles' Colored KID GLOVES. 4 Buttons. EmT' broldered, t:c 3 Tbe Josephine KID GLOVES. 4 Button In ; Black and Colored, flXO. O Ladles' 4 Bat ton Undressed Kid. la Black and. 7 Colored. 11 tP. t ,; - Sole Areata for Centemerl KID GLOVE?, in. : Black and Colored, la 1 and S Bottoar. " ; GENTS' KID GLOVES, i 1. MISSES' KID GLOVKftT;. Dress Goods. SPECIAL BARGAINS. 36-Incli All-fool Senei 35 CeitiC- 40-M All-Tool Seres 50 Cents; These are without exception the most deeUed 'Z- Barg-aln that baa been offered la this city. ' . '. : . - " IT 't We bare aim a few left f those AH-Wool tt Inch TWEEDS, prioe 50 oenla. They should be .-V examined by erery Lady.as they are remarkably" -1 oheap. ; Seal Plush. Jackets One of the most popular sty lee produoed. BTEW MARKETS AUD DRIVTJi"0 COATS A IN ALL THE NEW MATERIALS. Children's Cloaks- vr In all the new Cloths. We are offerlnc reran! Noreltles In this department. . - " . BLANKETS AO COMFORTABLES. Our stock is tbe 1 art est and tbe beet Tulue you oan find lor the mosey. ' ' BLANKETS f rom $1.00 a pair to tlO.OO. COMFORTABLES 73o to IS 10. Big Bargains IN OUR UPHOLSTERY DEPARTMENT. :T,V.7.'. FRENCH VELOURS from T5o per yard. rT :f . JAPANESE CBIMS lOo per yard. . Call and see tbe display on oar coasters. . ' , BROWN k RODDICK - NORTH FRONT STREET, ' Zj" not X7 tf ; T,. -' Some Beauties. 'J'HOSE KTD FLEIf ILE SOLE DUTTON BOOTS ' V for Ladle .'wear. '-- , Those neat GOAT BUTTON for Ladles, Misses ' . and Children. Floectllneof Gen't aod Xdlftt BOOTS ad- H0K3 lathe city or 6tnte.,tt - k Geo. R. Frenclit&Sons, : 108 NORTH FRONT BTFEET. nor 7 tf Why Not 1- . 1 'END TOUR CARRIAGES, BURGCES, CASTE. DRAYS, A o., and hare them repaired la cood order, and tend your Horses to be Shed bv ar com potest Ehoer. We will tarn yoa oat a ant V class Job at very lowest firurea, and sell 70a a ' new Job cheap. Call cn - C. B. 8 OUT HEEL AND A CO.. '7 Soooeesor to B. P. McDooxaH, ' -"r- nor S7 tf Corner Ecoond and PrlnoeaBta,'-i ' Don't Wait Until CMites, "OUT COME NOW. WHILE WE HAVE TOCE.,,- aad select your Pictures and Frames aod.aroiS the asnal BUSH. An eleraet stock of GCt, Flrau, Bronte, Oak and Cherry Mould tufa. Alao Pto- - tare Hod, Cord. Wire, Ac, Ao. nor XT u laTD book store. ' - - , u m isia- ' ' Hardware. -';:'Sjr, WX HAVE A FINE STOCK OF HARDWARE . from which to sncoir toot wa&ta. We .' (ruaranUe oar pi toes as low as the lowest ' and : roods equal to any. Also STOVES la srrwat" artery aad at prices to salt. Hoase-f arauhhur ' rooat; ana woaia also cau attention to oar new Lamp (Aurora), the eet now on tbe man et. Al- - tbough we are very boty, we try to wait oa. all . WHO call. ALysKHW. rUllHtK 4 CO. '- ' ' noT 17 If 114 North Frost St. ' i Liberal POLICY CONTRACTS. PROMPT ADJUET meat, oolek narment of loe.ee. All nlimni of tnsarabte property written In reliable Xscllsn," aaa Asaenoan uompaaiee at ue lowest - ratee. Cotton iBrarenee arpeotalty. NOBTHKOP. HODGES A TAYLOR. Areata" of Fire, Life, Marine. Aocldent and Tornado la Oo.a. Telephone No. 11. Office foot of Wainct' streeU seaStX-, We Have for Sale LUE. HOOP IRON. NAILS. SOAP-A3D FLOUR. Ao Cotton and Kara! Stores, cloeeir bandied. - - v WOODY A CURKTE. i Oommlssloo MerohAata," ' ' . norlTtf wumtasreoa. KO ; - Coke for 8ale; ! SINGLE UO AD. 85 bosbela. delivered ... ...11 15 . ." TWO LOADS. M basbela. delivered......-.,. 4 FOUR LOADS. 200 boabela, dellrered.. .;. 8 03 Fifty buahels equal to a toa or Anthracite Coal. Orders left at tbe offloe. 114 Priaeeaar atreet. will reoelre prompf ettenttoa. '-t - ot aiw wiuufluiua uab lust uj. For Sale, JIGHT SHEPHERD PUPPIES, WARRANTED . full blood SOOTCH COLLIE, for 3.M a'ptaeelt Apply at m f-yfil octUSm STAB CP7ICX' Headquarters: OUR STOCK OF ROEE3 AND TrrqwEETb. Coupe, Track aad Beery Haraeaa, 8addUe aad Saddlery Goods. Traaka and Bsfa, Is the. most complete aad chaaoeet ta tbe clly. a choice lot of Lexxtna to arrtrelapodiy. ... TXNNELL Jk DaNTZL. Blm of the Horee, Ke. li ex. Frtvc I tt, EOT tt u - .- CRsrVew eopy.) . , , ' ; - -. . - ' V " r- "',-..-'. -

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