Moriiing Star. lie IEL.IAKI H. BEIiKAIt O P1T3LI3HSP DAILYJgXCgPT ItQKDATS. KATS8 OT SUSBOKIPTIOM, IX ABVAKCB. .5 . ,ne Tea' M.a!,)' ' W x Months, M .. - w-. . phre Months .. ,. St tsr-To dty Subscribers, delivered tirany pars die City, TTOTiCmw Mr week. Our City Unto are not authorised to collect, for more n three months in advance. Trad at the Post Office at WHailneton, K ? w as Second Clasv Matter -. - - - , OUTllIfJS8 The President's annual message to the Congress was . laid before that body yesterday, and is presented in full in our columns this morning;- it is devoted entirely to a discussion of the revenue question, which he holds js the absorbing one of the day, and a sweeping reduction in the tariff cus toms is ably argued. : No busi ness was done in either bouse of Con gress yesterday, other than the re ception of the President's'message. In a revenue rauL in. Alabama, George Kirk, a notorious, moon . shiner, was killed; he was an escaped convict from the Georgia peniten tiary. - In the Chicago market yesterday there was a break'in prides of grain products brought about; by the heavy selling of the previous day, and provisions furnished a very uncertain field for speculators. It is expected that M. Goblet 'will be Prime Minister in the French Cabinet. The President yesterday sent to" the Senate the nomination of Hon. L. Q. C. Lamar, to be Associate Jus tice of the Supreme Court, and also the nominations of several Cabinet officers and assistants. f Lord Mayor Sullivan, of Dublin, -has been carried to Tullamore jail to: prevent the daily levees which he was holding in the Dublin jail. Two chil dren, aged eight and ten, were burned to death in a Minnesota village Mon day night, and the father and mother narrowly escaped with their lives, by the burning of the family residence. The colored men of Minnesota have organized a protective and in dustrial league, lor the advancement of their race and to encourage colored immigration to that State. In Georgia, yesterday, four men were killed outright and four others seri ously injured by the collapse of a water tower, and by the explosion of n. boiler three, negroes were killed. The British steamship Kimberly is ashore off Cape Henry," and she will probably soon break up; she was abandoned by her crew on -Monday An escaped penitentiary convict from Georgia was recently married to a young lady in Mississippi; he was recognized and arrested yesterday, and will be carried , back to prison. X. Y. markets: Money easy at 4i (5 per cent., closing offered at 4 per cent; cotton dull at 10&10e; south ern flour firm and quiet; wheat; No. 3 red December 8990c; corn; No. 2 December 63ic; spirits turpentine steady at: 87ie; rosin steady at $1 07 11 12. Young Prince William of Ger mvay is now training for Empire. Fid Warde, the actor, has bad a briiliafit success in Boston. Is he Siaibera born? IIordid the N; Y. World find out in advance what the President's isitssage discussed and how ?- The Tories are carrying out their wholesale arrests. Warrants for twenty Nationalists have been i-eued. President Carnot is nothing of a genius, it is said in Paris, but a man of solid parts. He has a domestic wif'-and a son in law. H.e prospect of a reunion of the Liberal party is now regarded as hopeless. Lord Hartingtoo now sleeps soundly in the Tory lap and the venerable Qaeen is keeping the flie8offhira. in Clay county, Ark., and in some f the adjoioinej counties, the black diphtheria is lapsing with fearful mortality. Thus far over .fifty deaths have occurred, and eminent ' physi' warm from abroad have' been sept for. Th Richmond Dispatch, that favors the abolition of the Internal uxe?, and in understood to be tor a protective Tariff, says "it U not at ali likely that the tax on whiskey wiU be abolished." What about the tax on wine, beer, cigar?, cigarettes ana snuff? - " v ' '; ' The New York World actually copies from a pronounced .Protection Per, the Augusta Chronicle, and says it is the Southern view of .Tariff refrm. It is the view of a very al1 "action of the Democratic prly- The Gazette reflects the Southern view." " - : lDgall8 is a representative Repub- Lan- He proposes to deal with the rP' in a manner afteriho Hepub heart. It is' tospehdiC 1U """a have " National r training "U014 for teachers.": . Heresy s "he ultl fjlant guns on every headland .r0,n Nova SfiOtiA tn "VifiMnW d, and erect GoVenmenf baild VOL. XLI.--NO, 64, inge everywhere and pay no rents. He - Vys Cleveland will not be stronger before the people than he was in 18841 He believes 4in Pro teotion for the sake of ; protection." This ii a If air sample of Republican ism in December, 1887. It has alwavs robbed -the people and it proposes to oontinae the game as long as there" are people to be plucked. " The President's Message to Con gress is the shortest for many years. in tact; we do not remember to have seen one in our time upon the assem bling of the Congress that is so brief Mrl Cleveland bonfinea himself to one topic alone the revenues of. the country.- .He is Tariff Reformer JSTery one interested in honest, ho- mane, constitational government. should read with care this argument bf the Chief Executive in behalf of a reduction of Tariff burdens. Our circumscribed space precludes either analvsis or extended comment. It seems that Mr. Page the Vir ginia story writer,' did have a warm reception in the New York Literary Congress, if the- Sun's report can be trusted. The TForW intimated other wise. The Sun says: "The two authors who wero listened tc with the greatest avidity were uadoubtedl Air. Frank Stockton and Mr. Thomas Nel son Page; and this fact affords an encourag ing indication- of tbe justice of genuine literary popularity. The humor of 'Rud der Orange and the exquisite patbos' of 'Mars Chan' aud 'My Lady' merit indeed all the admiration that caa poeasb'.y bo be stowed upon them, and this was evidently the opinio a of the intelligent crowd who came tojisten -to tbe American authors' reading at Chickcring Hal)." We are glad it was Page and not the sniffling Cable. NB W ADVERTlSEIIIEtlTS. Mtjnson Christmas neckwear. Collier & Co. Horsfs at auction. Alpink 8afs Co. Agent wanted. E Wabbsn & Son Orange s. bacasns. The following- are the indications for to-day, received at 1 a, m.: For Virginia, slightly warmer, fair weather, light to fresh winds, gene rally southerly. For North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, slightly warmer, fair weather, except followed by rain in southern and western portions of Georgia, light to fresh northeasterly winds, except variable in North Caro lina. cutting Affray la the Hollow. A sailor, who gave his name as Charles Kreuger was found on Nutt street, in front of Mrs; Bryson's place, Monday night, bleeding profusely from several wounds about the face and head. . Sergt. Pugh of the police force, who found the man, had his wounds attended to by a physician and then sent him on board the ves sel to which he belonged. He had two or three cuts on the back of his head and one side of his face was slashed open. Yesterday warrants were issued for the arrest of a woman named Sallie Walker and three sail ors HansJansen, Wm. Walsh and Olaf Olansen who are charged with doing the cutting. All of them were arrested by the police and locked up at police headquarters, for a hearing be fore the Mayor this morning. A. Very iqiird'Cp Cow Cass. Francis Bill, a deaf old man, was before Justice. Millis yesterday charged with the larceny of a yearling heifer, belonging to A. C. Wessell. It was alleged that Bill had sold the yearling some time ago to a man who purchased it for one Stokes Everett. After keeping the yearling awhile it got out and wandered back to its former owner" who again sold it; this time to Mr. Wessell, who in turn dis posed of it to C. Borneman. After viewing the matter from every point of the compass, the Magistrate de cided that the warrant for larceny wouldn't hold water and dismissed the-ease more Docks. Dave Stutt'bs, the duck hunter, brought up another large lot of ducks, killed down the river Monday. Among the lot he had eight brace of mallard. Ducks are remarkably plen tiful-this season, and the markets have been well supplied with them -r hunters report the largest flights ever known. The dttcks that are now fly ing are broad bills, teal, black .ducks and mallard, very few canvas oac duck are, ever seen in this - section; but mallard which are considered tjearly equal to them, are abundant. ihrt list Tfixtenalon. A correspondent writing from Pri- vflt.APr. H. C . savs: "Uontractor nw din has commenced work" in earnest ftti the Anzusta extension of the Wil mington, Columbia & Augusta Rail- r! His construction train 01 wa gons'and carta arrived the first oflast an A lHrt iihnnt seventy uanas Pox sometime "past the rallroadliands ' - .'V.- '- .ft."' AMilAa havelen busy getting in thia township.". ' -; . - WILMINGTON, N. Local Dot. - The "Spirits Tttrpentinew will be found this morning on the third page. - - Mr. Wm.. McQueen, of Plain- view, came in on the Carolina Central last night and favored the Star office with a visit. Rev. W. S. Creasey, the new pastor of Grace Methodist Church, has been stationed at Durham for the past two years. ' ' A tame deer, kept in the yard at Mr. George Chadbourn's residence, broke its neck yesterday in a wild at tempt to jump the fence. Receipts of cotton ' yesterday 1,061 bales. Total receipts for the crop year Jo date 129,826 , bales; in--crease over last year 2348 bales. Mr. WV"A. Willson, the city tax collector, calls attention to the new law, which necessitates an earlier payment of taxes this year than for merly. Messrs. Paterson, Downing & Co. cleared the Norwegian brig ftfoh- vat yesterday, for London, with 1,348 casks of spirits turpentine, valued at $24,111. Police officer Bo wden yesterday shot and killed a strange dog that had been annoying residents in the neighborhood of Fourth and Orange streets. There will be a competitive drill to-morrow night by members of the Wilmington Light Infantry, at the Jahrmarkt." The prize is a hand some medal. Mr. Mark Davi, business mau- ager of "The Brook" Comedy Compa ny, is in the city, arranging for per formances to be given here next Fri day and Saturday. Wilmingtou'a old favorite, Rev. T. Page Ricaud, returns to his old friends as pastor of Bladen Street Church for the next Conference year, and they gladly welcome him back. No further intelligence has been received concerning Messrs. Branch, Keeter and Barnita the three young men who are supposed to have been drowned in Pamlico sound last week. Emanuel Lane, colored, arrested yesterday on a peace warrant and for assault and battery on Ida Davis, colored, was placed under $100 bond for his appearance: to-day before - Jus tice Millis. The members of Fifth Street Method ist Church are much gratified at the appointment of their former pastor, Rev. D. H. Tuttle. He has done a splendid work for that con gregation, and they appreciate it. - We regret to learn of the illness at Fayetteville, of Capt. Wm. M. Parker, of this city, who has been at tending the session of the Annual Conference as a member of one of the standing and important committees. Our foreign exports are increas ing both in extent and variety. Yes terday a lovely doll was purchased of Messrs. Brown & Roddick by the master of a Norwegian vessel, now in our port, and shipped to Norway as a Christmas present for a nice little girl. , Howard Ueller P. IS. Companr. At the regular meeting of Howar d Relief Fire Engine Company No. 1, .held at their Hall Monday night, the following officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year: President J. G. Oldenbuttel. Vice President M. Rath j en. Secretary and Treasurer J. G. L. Gieschen. Foreman M. G. Tienken. "First Assistant Foreman H. H. Gieschen." Second Assistant Foreman N. Hul len. At the conclusion of the election of officers, Mr. A. Adrian was pre sented with a beautiful and unique gold watch guard, upon- one side of which was engraved the design of a steam fire engine, while the other side bore the following legend: "Presented to A. Adrian by How ard Relief Fire Engine Company No 1, for faithful and efficient service as firemam" 'Mayor's court. Tim Hamilton, colored, charged with disorderly conduct and fighting in the streets last Saturday nignt, was sentenced to pay a fine of twenty dollars or spend thirty days in the chain gang. Sarah Fair, colored, drunk and dis- nrrlATlv in the "Hollow." was sen tenced to thirty days confinement, in a cell. Sarah is an old offender, and has -Just served aUejrm hi the city prison, from which she was released last Friday. " ; James Cavanaugh, drunk and dis orderly; twenty dollars or thirty days. John Harold, who applied for lodg in g, said that be was a Northt vqf Ire- iani xTinn .nd was seekiner worK. xie was discharged, . . A young man wh6 has recently served a term of thirty days, ; was aeain arraigned as drunk ana. Qutor derlyA He was sentenced to f pay fine; of ten:-douart or; spena tniny days in cell C;, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1887. "fr Janraarkt. Preparatlofas were completed last night by the ladies of the' Lutheran Church for their "Jahrmarkt.,, The booths are all in order, and the deco rations are tastily - arranged. The whole system of interior decoration of the City Hall is economical, but very pretty. " To the left of the entrance the pub lic will have a. good view of the Art Gallery andvMuseum, where will be displayed many historical and inter- teresting articles. Three celebrated French rifles,' used in the Franco- Prussian war, -with which the Ger mans feared they could not compete, were sent by a German Infantry Company, of Charleston, S. C, to the Jahrmarkt. . This Com pari y is said to be the i-oldest German; "slraetzer" Company Jn the United States, of which the South should be Justly proud. In compliance with a special request made by this Company, King William sent them six "Chaseepots." These are, as far as we know, the only guns of the make in this coun try. Tbey are, therefore, very Inter esting and valuable, and a special committee will take charge of . them while they are on exhibition at the "markt." A sabre, the prop erty of the grandfather of Mr. Ed. Wessell has been contribu ted, which was used in the war against the Turks. Another curiosi ty will be a medal which was pre sented for bravery to the late Henry Glameyer, whose sisters, Mesdames Hanser and J. G. Gieschen, are well known' here. To the left of the Art Gallery and Museum,' beginning at the door, and extending nearly all the way across the ball, are tents, or booths, reacti ng to the Winter Gadren. The lat ter is surrounded by large and hand some trees, freshly cut from the for ests, presenting a pleasing and artis tic effect. The rostrum of the hall is arranged as a Summer Garden, and extending from this to the entrance, there are a series of booths, each having its respective name, in Ger man,, placed conspicuously near the entrance to the booth. - In the center of the hall is the Floral Cave. The Shooting Gallery will be pre sided over by Messrs. J. G. Olden buttel and J. G. L. Gieschen. Air guns have been provided for the oc casion, and were brought here through the courtesy of Capt. Ingram, of the steamer ulf Stream, from New York. These rifles are positively noiseless. and the gallery will be boarded up, which will prevent any one being in jured accidentally. Every precaution will be taken to secure safety and pleasure, not only in this respect, but throughout the entire hall by gentle men who act as floor managers, to whom the guests are referred for any information desired, as well as to re ceive all complaints of losses, etc. The Jahrmarkt will be opened to the.publio at seven o'clock p, m. each evening, commencing to-night, and continuing until Friday night, inclu sive. Admission, each night, ten cents. An opportunity will be afforded to have your fortune told in English and German. Quite a pleasant affair occurred at St. John's Hall last evening. After the conferring of the Master Mason's degree by St. John's Lodge No. 1 of Masons, a Past Masters jewel was presented Past Master Samuel Nor throp by St. John's Lodge, No. 1. The presentation speech was made by Mr. Eugene S. Martin and responded to by Mr. Northrop R1VEB AND fflABINB. The schooner Dewey, which ar rived here a few days ago in distress, while on a voyage from Baltimore to Savannah, will go into the dry dock for repairs, without discharging cargo. The Government buoy-tender Wisteria arrived here yesterday, and took on board the large whistling- bnoy which had been lying on the Clyde Steamship Co.'s wharf for seve ral weeks. After taking the buoy on board the Wisteria immediately steamed down the river. The buoy was sent here by the Government, to be placed on Frying-pan Shoals, and will at Once be placed in position there-. . TUB HAILS. The mails oloee and arrive at tbe City Post Offloe as follow: Northern through malls, fast 100 P. M Northern throudt and way malLa. . . . 8.-00 A. M North Carolina and Atlantic and njnvfti namllni 'R.l!ma)a ajid rontes applied tieretrom... 10:0i P. M. ,8.-C0 A. M EalelKll - P. M. 8:00 A. M Southern malls 9:00 P. M Cheraw A Partington Railroad and - tiolnt supplied 'herefrom 9:03 P. M Western mall, C. O. Hallway 5:00 A. M - points frapp lied therefrom.... ....... 0:09 A. Jf SaMMtn at uamiet uuuvou ana puuue . aappitod therefrom .- 6:30 P. Ji otiartnteB .nil Mnttnn BrOO P. MA ftu A. M SmtthTlU, S?.M Wriihtevule 8-80 A. M TUESDAYS AXD FRIDAY 8. -OnshraKL H. and Intermediate offices 8:00 A. X Little RItw, & G. and latennedlate Caoe Far Hirer mall.'...1 10P.M - :.C - " OPES FOB DZLTVKBX. Northern tnronKh and way malla... . 100 P. M Southera tronffh and way mailt..... 6:M A. X ..k nf Vliwmiul dmi.W frallna Central Railroad. 9:80 A.Ma tM P. M ',i Oarrler iltilTery open, en Sunday from 8 SO to ' BtaC-Q O froJa lAOA; JC to8X)ffP, K Money Otd wand Seclptw Dtpartntont open L&00 A.lCto ISO T, K. eontlnnonv-.- - M. E. CONFERENCE.' -- . Cleslac Uiri nprte TXemerlal Kxerclscs Apeelniaaemia A4Jear- mcnu Special Correspondence. Fayetteville, Mojtdat, 7.80 P. M. Conference convened with Bishop Key in the chair. Religious exercises were conducted by Rev. Frank H. Wood. The minutes of the morning session were read and approved. The report of the Col portage Board was readT It was the first year of special col portage work, and showed that a great work had been accom plished by Rev. P. L. Groom (the agent of the board) In the distribu tion and sale of Method st literature. The report was adopted and Rev.PX.- Groom was made Agent of the Board another year. Report of the Committee on Books and Periodicals was read and adopt ed. - Next in order came the report from the Board of Missions which made a decided forward movement; $9,000. was assessed for Domestio Missions and $18,000 for Foreign Missions. The report from the committee on Church Property was next heard. The number of churches and par sonages built during the year is up in the hundreds. There is vet a de mand for fifty-six new churches. next came tne report of tbe com mittee on Education, which was decidedly eneouracrine: showed mark ed advancement in all educa tional institutions under control of the Conference. SEVENTH DAY'S SESSION. Dec. 6. Conference met at 9 SOa. m.. Bishop Key in the chair. Reli gious services were conducted by Rev N. A. Hooker. The minutes of yesterday were read and approved. in OTE. ui wnat a look or anxietv is on the faca of more than two hun dred faces. The Bishop holds the secret the preachers are in ignor ance and tne ignorance Is not bliss either. Two hours more and the Bishop will tell these men. of God where tbey must work for tbe coming year. A spirit or consecration seems to be on the preachers, caught from the Bishop. It has leaked out that lnanyebangeB have been made and that there will be satisfaction both to preachen and people. The Washington. Trinity College and Warrenton Districts were called and the reports from pastdrs on those ai8tricts were beard, and their charac ters passed. When the call of preach ers to passage of character was con cluded, the Bishop congratulated the Conference that not a sin trie com plaint was made atrainst ministerial character. The Financial Secretary then read his report, which showed the work accomplished by the Methodists in .North Carolina to be as follows : Total present membership In the Con- ierence, uo.zoa a net gain of 3,389. Adults baptized, 3,520 ; infants bap tired, 2,627: total baptisms, 6,147. Number of churches, 895 a gain of 15. Value of churches, $917,446; increase in value, $65,126. Number of parson ages, 108 a gain of 4. Value of par sonages, f 136.825 an increase In value of $3,060. Amount of money paid to Pastors and Presiding Elders, $128,000; to juomestio missions, ; Church extension, $2,395; to Trinity College isustentaiion lund, 2,d7V; Conference claimants, $5,331.83; Bishops $1,649; other purposes, $10,872.90; for Sunday school literature, $8,626.61. Number or Sunday school scholars, 55,077 a gain of 4,097. Resolutions were passed thankincr the people of Fayetteville for the Kind entertainment or the Confer ence. They did it welL Resolutions were also passed setting down squarely on theatres, danc ingespecially round-dancing. The hour of 11 a. m. having ar rived, the Conference went into Me morial exercises in honor of minis ters, who had died during the year. The Bishop read the hymn begin ning: "Why do we Mourn Departed Friends." A memoir of Rev. T. A. Stone was read by Rev. W. C. Wil son. A memoir of Rev. C. A. Gautt w 8 read by Rev. M. W. Boyles. A memoir of Rev. H. H. Gibbons was read by Rev. John T. Abernathy. A memoir of Rev. L. S. Burkhead was read by Rev. W. M. Robey. Appointments. FOR WILMINGTON DISTRICT. Grace church Rev W S Creasy. Fifth Street church Rev D H Tut tle. , Bladen Street church Rev T Page ttioaud. South port station Rev J M Ashby. Brunswick circuit Rev H M Euro. Brunswick Supplied by J M Mar low. Waccamaw circuit Rev D A Fu trel. Whiteville circuit Rev T J3rown ing. Carver's Creek circuit Rev R L Warlick. Elizabeth circuit Rev C W Smith. Bladen circuit Rev C P Jerome. Cokesbury circuit Rev J A White. Clinton circuit Rev M V Sherrill. Magnolia circuit Rev J R Sawyer. Kenansville circuit Rev W A Forbes. Onslow circuit Rev N A Hooker. Topnail circuit Rev J L Keen. New River mission Rev J C Crisp. Some of the other appointments Goldsboro St. Paul's, Rev W JI Robey. Raleigh Edenton St, Rev J T Gibbs; Person St, Rev L L Nash. . Durham Trinity, Rev E A Yates. Main St, Rev N M Jervey. Greensboro Market St, Rev J E Mann. Winston Rev W C Norman, Charlotte Rev PDSwindelL New Bern Rev L W Crawford. Fayetteville Rev Joe Wheeler. -Concord Station-Jie v R F Bumpass, Conference adioorned with bene diction by the Bishop - A Baltimore Confectioner t sys: I've bait rheumatism In my snn for six months, ntd 81 ratio O J 'mads- an entire cure of it, after ubz less thta on bottle. - r . .v v WILLIAal BCRELLHAS: ' :' :.f PeoatylTsni Are., Balihnore, Md. WHOLE NO, 6615 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. : Auction Sale of Horses. 'JXMJAT. AT II O'CLOCK. AT. JXCHAX35 Corner.- we will eeUaktbf rood BOKSB and MULES. COLLIER A CO., deo T It AoctloBeera. WANTXD VAK TO TM TOT AOLXCT of ear tie: atae fttxl&xl tn! mrAmht. M0 ibs.: retail nrloe f S3: other tai la arpimr. ttoc A rare cbaaee to create a permaaentbaaK iwiumt -ineseaarea neeteesmaad never before a - pnd by etbe'sa'a eon pastes, as we are rorereed by tea Safe Pool. Alptae ftais Op- Claelnnatt. U. weaa oeeTtta EITRA TIKE FLORIDA ORuflQES 23 Cents Per Dozen. Aspinwall Bananas . 3? Ccntt Pcr Dozen, FOTSH CATAWBA-A O- MA LA 9 A GRAPM JD8T EBCITVXD. E. Warren & Son, KXCHUiOX OO&NKK. dee SU This Week - WE SHALL OPM OUR FRSKLY XADX CHRISTMAS THE DESIGNS AES BEAUTIFUL. We are aelllajroarBeadi-'Vaile Clothtog Tory loi MUM SON. deo4 2t CLathteMod GsuU' Fnvclihar. THe Norn CaroHna Pre:ytGriai IS A B ELIGIOTJS FAMILY NEWSPAPER PnblUhed weekly, and devoted to the Intelleo ta.L Moral and Spiritual IbictmU of the people It numbers amonc Its correspondents many of tbe very best writers of the ronthern rre-cr-terlanCburcn. It is tboroofhlT orthodox on questions of doctrine, bat free and outspoken In lis views on au open qotstiona. it aLos and la rites free discus k a within the boands of oonrtery. in popularity tne ruumiux u constanur adranolnft. It Is THE PAPSE FOE THE PEOPLE, aal present in Its oolsmos matter to Interest and Instruct all aces, classes and oondlttons of u people. PrtAs per annora. 82 6': or for one rear to asT new sabsortbsr, IS. Address. JOHN HCLAUHIN. Editor an 4 Proprietor. WUmlscton. V. C de?7tt No Fancy Prices. HAVE JOJT RXCI1VSD FCB THE BOUDAY THAOS TBE rOLLOWlSQ LlItEOF FAMILY LIQUORS: IMPORTED : JA8. HEXXESSSBOOGSlCBRAlfDT. JAMAICA and ST. CROIX BUM. I NEW ENGLAND RCsf. HIDALGO 8 HERB T WINE. LONDON DOCS PORT WISE. DOMESTIC. SEAL OF PA. RYE WHISKEY. RIVER HILLS RYE WHISKEY. NC. CORN WHISKEY. APPLE a'. d FEtCH BRATSDY. CALIFORNIA. CATAWBA and 8CUPPEKN05Q WISES Also fine line HAVANA CIGARS. S:0 Boxes TOBACCO on conelrnmeat. W!H close at low prVoes. SOL. DEAR. &. CO. deo 4 tf OVERCOATS, OVERCOATS, OVERCOATS. ANOTHER LARGE INVOICB RECEIVED. HTHX LARGX8T ASSORTMENT OF THZM OX A this city Is now displayed on oar counters. Now Is your lime to secure one that will nit and fire tatlefaotloa Don't miss ti.o chanceTbat come at ooee to A. SHRIER'S OLD STAND, deo 4 tf 114 Market street. D. 0'CONKOR, REAL ESTATE AGXSTT. WTLMTNflTON, 21. C. ISSSt ( test BAAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND BOLD. Stores. Dwellings and Offloee for SenC Bents ooUected, taxes and tnsnrasoe promatly at tended to. nouses and Lots for sale on the Monthly Instal- tnentPlan Cash adTanoed on olty property when desired. noriotr Hardware. W1 BHAVBAFINE BTOCK OF HARD WAS from whleb to sqddIt tot wants. We maraat'eenrpiloewaslowasthe lowest, and goods eqnal to any. Also STOVAVs tn rreat variety and at prices to salt. Honse famishing roods: and woold also eaU atteattoa to oar new Lamp (aurora), tAs best now on tbe market. Al" tboncB we are Tery cosy, we or so wait on au Wbo sail. - .Abuituwan, rbssamaw, . . noT tt , 114 North. Front BU ;srTpPfflB33S cn cra rnnaaers) of 1&trr. vRAYElOF AWEiiTllI . C. : OasrOTieDay....... ' ' Fr Daya.T;...--,., i : ""5 Fle Oara..M j . . . o,. VeeA,.;... i -- w r'-. .............. - -V f ' i .... ....... v. --Z Pj MoTrtj. .f;, : et j . AMontia.... V fVOontraet AdTVKseeieau takaaat rrcrr- tVnately low rata. Va '-,: --' Tea ttaaa soCT Kope tyt aaAn one aaaar NK W ADVEBTlSElIElJTi a THIS WEEKS 0FEEEINGS. BROWN & RODDICK; 9 Nortb rronl Sl.. I JTU8T BEFORE TUB HOLIDAY TEADl' W OFFER THZ FOLLO WTSQ LUTES FOR THIS WXTXC: "1 ;. . ; . TO BOG AN CAPS from ZSe to TS ewUk ; CmiJ)BXS'3 WORSTED 1ACXBT8 70 and SSo. A Beantlfal aisorU&eat of TIDIES la Cottom. linen and SCk. Ws are oSTertax many Korellle L1DIES,I GEHTS' AHD CHILDBEH'5 HAWDKKSCHTATSni IL!I AND LXSTEW. " ' Wa bare made treat preparations for the 9 . Holiday trade la this department. ... 1 ' . dents Neckwear. It wta be to the adraaUc of all tn want at anoh roods to aire ns a oaIL We oertalnl can are yon money. - v - Gents' Silk 'Mufflers SomethlsE Tery neorcsarr taeae eool erenisxa. Linen Splashers at least S3 per osnt. less than they can be nnr chased elsewhere. ' Plush Bureau and Han- tle Covers. Linen Bureau Covers, A beantlfol assortment at 753, worth f LOO. ' .. We are mails special preparations for tts Holiday trade, and think we oan make It the la- - tarest of all to call and look orer onr stook, , which we expect to be complete on the arrival of Tuesday's Eteamer. BROWN & RODDICK NORTH FRONT STREET. dec 4 XX SOMETHING TO SAY ABOUT m- ,. '. FAMILY SUPPLIES V AND Table and Kitchen Groceries. JF TOU WILL CALL AT MT 8TOEX. SoaTls ' and 17 South Frost Ltreet. I wta be pleased to : show i oo, and to tell -yon tf tbo largest and choicest assortment of Fine, Fancy aal erery day Grooertes tn tbls city. I devote my Use la telecUnx for and svpplylnr the wanta ef '' . THE RETAIL FAMILY TRADL - Erery variety and style of Goods known to tbe trade can be fonnd In my carefully select. , ' stocks I an fully prepared to meet the '. ' Christmas Demands.::; snd offer my roods at prices that man bxtara .:. their sale . All purchases delivered prompUy. JXO. L, BOATWRIOnT, deoCU 15 A 17 Bo. Front St. - yyiLL BOON BE HERE WITH KOTOHtTllS " Joys, bnt with Its attendant Fireworks and Tire-. ' erackers, and If not already Insured wa adrlse yon to protect your property atonoe by Inanrma; " with as. Merchants will also do well lo lnereasa their ; Insurance till the Holidays ate OTer. ' ' , Those desiring Life. Aectdent. Tornado. Bent and Marine imaraaoe are also reqeesied to oall ' on ns or Telepbone as, ad ihy will be anpplted -with "the best the M arket afforda" SMITdA BOATWB2SHT. No. 134 H. Water St. Taiephoo Bo. TV : dee 4 tf . . v . PIANOS. rjHE FIRM OF 80HMXB A CO. HAS WITHOUT : exoepUon tne largest MKT Alt TRADE In Mew V York city. This fact U a sore proof of Abefr ( superiority over other fint clau niakera, as New Yorkers are critical and thorouxbly posted on .' the merits of Individual Pianos.' We fcave Just t -reeelved several of these beamtlfal lastmmeuls. . whlen. toretner wlih obeaper trades of Pianos Inst received, we sell at low prloee. We take fieoond Head Ins- mmenta tn exobanr. Orders for Tuning protnpcly auendedtokya oompetentazkt reliable Tnner. - . VabtLAXB." ' dc6tf 4X7 and 4C9 Bed Cross St. ' 25 Barrels Apples IQBBLS. ONIONS, 1,500 BBLS. FLOUB, S3 ' Boxes D. 8. Sides. SO Boxes Crackers,' 53 Base -Obeese. Also Bait,. Molasses, Hay, Oaa-Goods. D. I OORA-8, - -! -dee 4 DA Wt 1M, 122 IMNortA Water St. '." For Sale or Rent, v QO CROPS FIRST AND SECOND TEAR TUB-. UU pectins Boxes for sale or rest, tan liberty county, 6a.. three miles from river traasDorta tkm. One 85 barrel etUL SO hoa-ea and sbantles ' all new. Will seUSO bead Moles ana all Wagoca U wanted. Tor particular, address . 3. K. McDUFPIB A SON. -: ,novE7Jza . . nan- . - Beard's Creek, a. TYLER DESK D3 ST. XCTJis, iro. SAir O0UETE1 a, w oovxfyirrs tc: . aaeornci rrrr:-.3. - Oearaatsed. L5Tli-. 4 yjpt4.t t " y " CatalfvtM. F?wt nor 1 sm tutaaat I 4 f T

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