Hie . Morumgr.btar; r-.;;.BAiKs aotsutt tit. : t FIT jirBLlSHBD DAJLiYJBXCTPT MONDAYS. BATES OF 8TOBOMPTXOH, IK ADYAKOT, ... rflar (by Mall), Fostaca-Fftld...., 18 00 "i0v?nt.h8. ' " " SW ILUnnthS 160 'nnro . ti u . M,-intQ. . iian mruo carpel at the Post OCQoa at WUadnnton, N. C ,tta as Second Class Matter. OUTLINES. o business of special interest was transacted in either; House of Con fess yesterday; after brief sessions loth Houses adjourned until Monday. Herr Most was yesterday denied a 0Pv trial, and sentenced, to one year's imprisonment without fine. A collision of trains occurred Wednes day night, near Percival, Iowa, by which two tramps and a passenger ,vere killed, and about twenty in jured. The massing of troops by" Russia on the Polish frontier is ex citing comment in Austria, but it is not regarded as ' portending any im mediate danger; Austria, however, continues quietly to .make prepara tions. M. Goblet who has un dertaken the formation of the nevr French Ministry, will demand -that Gen. Boulanger shall : be Minister of War. The Republican National Committee held a meeting in Wash- i i- 3 J3 1 A - 3 " Sl ingion ycsieruii, uuu Heiecieu um- as the place, and June 19th as I cago the date, of the Republican National Convention. The rebellious Knights of Labor in Chicago have been suspended by Mr.- Powdejly; they embrace two assemblies, the membership of which is macfe up of the most radical laborites. Ed ward Harrington, M. P., was con victed in an Irish court yesterday for publishing reports of meetings of suppressed branches of the National League, and sentenced to one month's imprisonment without hard labor. The Virginia House of Delegates has adopted a resolution directing the State's Senators and requesting the representatives in Congress to use their best efforts to secure a re peal of the internal revenue system. Farmers in the western part of Kansas are seizing cars loaded with coal to supply themselves with fuel; they claim that they are at the mercy of a monopoly, and that they cannot eet enough fuel to keep their families warm; they leave their names and money for the coal. Some rich developments are being made in the trial at Cincinnati, of Harper, who brought about the Fidelity Bank failure. A bad bank failure is reported from Stewartville, Mo.", all of the merchants and many farmers are victims to a greater or less extent. The evidence introduced yester day in the trial of Woolfolk, the mul titudinous murderer, at Macon, 6a., is considered strong . against the prisoner. War rumors caused a slight advance in the Chicago market yesterday, which was followed by a decline of a few points. A caucus of the Democratic members of the Virginia Legislature was held yester day, when Hon. John S. Barbour was selected as the candidate forU. 8. Sen ator, to succeed Mr. Riddleberger. A telegram from San Remo says the physicians attending the Crown Prince have entirely changed their opinions relative to the nature of his disease. N. Y. markets: Money easy at 46 per cent., closing offered at U per cent; cotton quiet at ItHO 10c; southern, flour steady and quiet; wheat quiet; No. 2 red December 90ic; corn, No. 2 December 62c; spirits turpentine dull at 87ic; rosin dull at $1 051 10. Democrats who oppose tax reduc tion are not in line with the Presi dent. Mr. Cleveland's message disturbs the English politicians. They think they will have to make a figh keep their markets. to The Crown Prince is said to be hopeful of restoration to health. The jioor fellow is doomed to dis appointment, we fean So far as we know, the President .-J . 1 r, ... .. . I uu toe star are precisely togetner on the great question of taxation how to raise the revenue. ov. Lee, of Virginia, expresses himself as well satisfied with the Virginia coupon decision. He ought to be and all other Virginians. Mr. Lamar was born in Georgia in 1825. Mr. Vil Ver mont in 1 840. Mr. D. M. Dickinson was born in New York, State in 1846. Those that are not with the Presi- 3 Qent in his views on -the revenue question are surely against-' him. here in no .t,a rr.n nr "raddling. The estimates for Government ex- - Penditures for the year to the end of u Jane, 1889, are $326,530,792. This is an increa8e of $I6,899406 yer the present fiscal year. mere are 7,000 . Confederates riedat Camp DquglasJHinoie. . thorn are NortbTCsroHniaps . uu were permitted to freeze 'to ath WQeu there was an ibundance' J. .NO; 66. The World has interviewed many members of the House on the mes sage. The Republicans like it and do not like it. They hke.it because it makes a square issue ; they dislike it because it is for the people and against the monopolists, the special friends of Republicans. The straight- out Democrats are absolutely in love with it. We cqdv a few ODinions." . m 47 Congressman Breckinndee I indorse the message: It is an excellent document, and is very strong. ; Congressman Springer It is a great doc ument It ia the mcst concise and the moat instructive message that was ever sent to Congress by any President. Congressman Mills Good elegant ! It could not be better. Congressman Townsend Elegant, ele gant! - It beats them all. It coutd not he better. We are going to stand by him and we are going 10 win. -v Congressman Bland It's the best wa have ever had. I have hot heard its equal since I have been ia Congress. Randall refused to talk. Attorney General "Garland in his annual report, gives the following a the work of his office the Depart ment of Justice: The number of ordinary suits now pending in the Court of Claims is 1,110, ip volving $13,250,000. The number of cases filed under the Bowman Act is 1 819 in volving shout $50,000,000. The petitions hied in the French spoliation cages numhcr 5,560. representing 2,386 vessels and about $ SU.OOU.UUU. Tbe amount reported in favor of claimants in the 81 cases passed on is about $425,000. During the fiscal year 1,777 civil suits were . terminated. In 922 oftheae judgments were for the United mates, in 1U2 for the defendants and 703 were either nol. pros'd, dismissed or dis continued; 26 were appealed from the Dis trict to tne Uircuit (Jourt and 24 from the Circuit Court to the Supreme Court. There were pending July 1, 3.054 civil euiia to which the Unrted states was a Dart v. Du ring the year there were 12,907 criminal ptosecutions, mostly for violations of cus toms and internal revenue laws." Mr. Charles H. Knox, of New York,-for fifteen years a member of the Republican party, has rcsigued. He says: 'I think the objects for which it was or ganized have been accomplished, and am aware of no issue berore tne people on which it is entitled to support. I believe that the civil war and all questions grow ing out of it have been decided, and 1 am opposed to viewing the South as a con quered province ever to b3 reminded of her defeat and that her people were 'reb els.' Toe recent incident of- the battle flags shows how a noisy and conspicuous - portion or tbe Itepublican party is willing for political effect -to fan into flame sec tional hatred. On the tariff I also And my self opposed to the Republican party. It is not wise nor proper to Keep up wai taxes in time of profound peace Col. VV. H. H. Cowles did not say that North Carolina Democrats would go over to tbe Republican party if the President's views con cerning the Internal tax were main tained or the whole liquor tax not wiped out. He did not say that. The Colonel is a man of too good sense for that. But here is what he does say over bis own signature io a card ia the Washington Post: '"Tha danger in North Carolina id from apathy in tne Democratic party, arising from no-action on internal revenue leg is- lation by Congress, and not that they will ao to tbe Republican party to obtain it. They well know there is no hope in that quarter. Dr. Parker was given a reception by Plymouth Church. He made a brief talk. He had never made a cent in his life by preaching in an other minister's pulpit. The Times report says: "He had little thought that the deadliest blow against him would have been aimed bv a member of Fly mouth Church, lhos. G. Shearman said a few words, saying that Dr. Parker had been the Church's most disinterested and generous friend in its hour of darkness. - Many papers that have been flghU ing the Stab through the years on annnnmifl nnfistions will suddenlv fin tW(.ftlvflS advocating the verv . " thing for which lhey aba8ed thi8 pa per. Right is right, truth is truth yesterday, and to-day, and forever. , Mayor Hewitt, of New YrOk, one of the ablest and most trustworthy of Northern Democrats, concurs in the recommendations of the message of tbe President. F. B. Thurber, Josenh W. Harper. William H.. Appleton are all well pleased. A duel is on the carpet in New York between Herman Alexander, t.ha mnaioal -critic OI tne JSexo Yorker Zeitung, and Alexander Neumann, of the Otaats zeuung. Mr. Alexander ir the challenger. Mr. Carlisle, is serving, his third term as Speaker. Nathaniel Macon served three terms also. : Tjannnbortr r. ;Ms6han0e: We. hear two murder cases are to be tried in RvniHiKrhAm this weeK. jjaunn- hnrs'l thra CCQOOIS are tXU won cuueu, o . 11 11 and some applicants have been refused at the Laurinburg mgu ocnopion wni mK The dwelling-house of Mr.r t - a M.'RranA About 3 miles-east of here was burned last Wednesday morning. He . mn.f nf Ma i furniture, but estimates his loss t from $2,000 o $2,500. covered WILMINGTON, the o xnrsr. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. E. Warren & Son- Candies. Collier ; Co. Auction sale. J. J. Hkdrick Real bargains. Nones Grace Church 8. School. Opbba. House Marlon Flemming Muhson Neckwear, umbrellas, etc. Thos. W. Strahob Assignee's sale. Attention Howard Relief P. ECo Masonic Meeting Wilmington Lodge. Local Dots. - Howard Relief Fire Engine Co. will attend the Jahrmarkt to night in full uniform. - The steamer Cape Fear from Fayetteviile left on her return trip last night about 8 o'clock. Receipts of cotton yesterday 1,534 bales; the'same date last year 208 bales. The increases over last year is 87,193 bales. Among the papers of the late' Patrick McGrowan. of Raleigh, was found a copy of the North Carolina Standard, for 1840. It was printed on white silk, and is remarkably well preserved. Colored turpentine hands from Georgia and South Carolina are pass ing through the city in great num bers, on their way home to, spend the holidays. Many of them stop in the city to make purchases. An election will be held in Onslow on the 23d inst., on the ques tion of a county subscription to the Wilmington, Onslow & East Carolina Railroad. It is stated that there is every indication that "subscription'' will be carried by a large "majority. Mr. Miles C. Smith, salesman for Messrs. Giles & Murchison, who has been seriously ill for several days at Salisbury, returned home yester day accompanied by his brother, Mr, Jas. D. Smith. Mr. Smith is sufferine from heart disease, but we are glad to learn that there are prosptcts of his ultimate recovery. At the last meeting of the .Produce Exchange of this city a com munication was read from the Balti more Board of Trade, asking cooper ation in endeavoring to secure the establishment of a light-ship at False Cape, Va. The Board con curred in the recommendation, and will lend its aid in the matter. Faneral of tbe Late W. n. Parker. The funeral of the late Wm. M. Parker will take place at three o'clock this afternoon, from the resi dence of Mr. W. E. Springer, on North Second street. The remains reached here last night at half-past 9 o'clock by train on the Carolina Central Railroad. They were accompanied by Mrs. Par ker, wife of the deceased, Rev. Dr. Yates and Mr, W. E. Springer. The official members of Grace M. E. Church were at the depot on the ar rival of the train and escorted the body to the residence of Mr. Wm. E. Springer. The Sunday School of Grace Church will meet at the residence of Mr. W. W. Hodges, corner of Second aid Chestnut streets, at half-past two o'clock this afternoon, and from thence will attend the funeral from the residence of Mr. Springer. Chamber of Commerce. A regular meeting of the Executive Council of the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce was held yesterday at the rooms of the Produce Exchange. There was a full attendance. The President, Col. F. W. Kerchner, pre sided. A communication from the Board of Trade of Jacksonville, Fla., in re gard to Atlantic ports being repre sented before the Congressional com mittees on River and Harbor im provements, accompanied by a com munication from the Board of Man agers of the Produce Exchange ap proving the proposed action and re commending that Col. A. M. Wad dell be appointed and requested to go to Washington to represent this port and that his expenses be paid by the two bodies, was read and on motion concurred in, and tbe President was reauested to confer with Col. Wad- dell on the subject. All communications of recent date relative to the Signal Service were referred to the President with power, to act. On motion, Mr. Wm. Calder was appointed on the part of the Cham ber of Commerce to act with Mr. B. F. Hall, of the Produce Exchange, in the matter of obtaining excursion rates for one day in each week from the railroads running into the city. Tbe Carolina Central Mew Seaednle. .The change in the running of trains on the Carolina Central Rail road, announced in the Stab yester day, will go into effect Thursday, December 15th. The train from this city will-leave Wilminuton at 7 p. m., arrive at Charlotte' 7.30 a. m., leave Charlotte for Rutherfordton at 8.45 a. m. and artive at tbe latter place at3p. m.j : , ; r The train from the West will leave Ruthexfordton.at 8.40 'a. m., arrive at Charlotte' at 3.00 p. m. ; .leaveCharf- lotte at &15 p. w. and arrive at Wil- mington-8.85 a. in. - V , " 1SU CM FRIDAY; DECEMBER 9, 1887. Tne Jahrmarkt Well Patronised. Last night was again one of success to those interested in - 'der markt" at the City Hall, as before nine o'clock, the auditorium was comfortably fill ed, and when the Wilmington Light Infantry, Capt. J. H. Daniel, came in to drill, the house was crowded with patrons to the Jahrmarkt. The address of welcome by Rev. Mr. Peschau, to the company, was made in a few fitting and Veil selec ted words, and his remarks were well received. Mr. Lee Holmes received the medal tne oest d ruled .man in tne com pany, and as Mr. Hooper, of the Wil mington Candy Factory, was dropped to the rear, the former was the recip ient of universal applause. The prize contributed by Mr. M. J. Dingelhoef, was presented to the young gentle man by Misses Kate Vollers and Au gusta.Lfesgman in a few appropriate words, and was accepted . by Mr, Holmes in the same fitting manner. It was a gold watsh chain, of pretty de sign. Tbe floor managers, under the di rection of Mr. Paul M. Knoblocb, the chairman, escorted the company to the hall. The mirrored fountain was an uni versal attraction last night to all who patronized the fair, and is considered a marvellous novelty. The public is promised a new at traction to-night. It will be a sleep ing beauty in the annex to the mu seum. Among the special attractions in the Jahrmarkt, not enumerated, yes terday, were exhibited last evening pieces of stone and timber used in the construction of -the Broadway rail road of New York city, the great scheme of "Jake" Sharp, and his col leagues; German student's "pfeife," or pipe, four feet in length; old utyle wooden shoes, or "Holtz Pantoffel," used in Germany and Scandinavia by the peasants; an immense neck iron, used during the inquisition by Prince Alba; pretty specimens of" white sea coral; sword used by Mr. Wessell in the war against the Turks; piece of the old oaks of White Castle Park, of Hamilton Palace, Scotland, said to be from five to six thousand-years old; petrified woods from California and Mexico; lava from the volcanoes of the Rocky mountains; French mal tee pot and spoon, used by the Span ish at tea parties; Supplement to Hymn Book for the use of the Protes tant Church of the United Brethren, published in 1801. The" most wonder ful relic of "the art preservative of arts' in the city of Wilmington, possi bly, is a copy of "Kruzes Catechisms etliche Gemeinen Jesu aus der Refor merten, in Pennsylvania, Gedruckt by Benjamin Franklin, 1742.' A lace veil, over fifty years old; sample of granite and stone used in building the tomb of the late Gen, Grant, are other articles of interest. Colgate & Co., of New York city, are among the largest contributors to the "yearly market.'1 This firm sent the ladies of the Lutheran church over one hundred dollars worth of choice perfumes, toilet waters, toilet powder, soaps, extracts and bay rum. and a pretty glass case to show it off to an advantage. Alderman Fishblate contributed a costly suit of blue velvet, for a boy, which we noted was on sale. Col. Hedrick sent a quantity of dry goods to the ladies yesterday. The committee are thankful for the kindness manifested by the business men and citizens, who have added to the universal pleasure at the Jahr- market. We trust the already liberal patron age will continue to-night, and prove a crowning triumph to the ladies of the Jahrmarket for their arduous labors in makine their fair what it has proved to be, a pronounced suc cess, both socially and financially. The ladies have concluded to give a matinee to-morrow afternoon, and we bespeak for them a crowded house. We learn the hours are from two to six o'clock. mayor's court. Mrs. Delia Bryson, charged with keeping her bar-room on Nutt street open on Sunday, was fined twenty dollars. An appeal asked was grant ed, provided that bond in the sum of $100 was furnished, but the defen dant afterwards withdrew the appeal and paid the fine. Michael Logan, arraigned as a tramp, sayl that he came here from Alexandria, Va., was a house and sign painter and seeking work. He was notified to get employment at once or leave the city. Henry Curtz and John Smith, tramps, were Ordered to leave the city at once. A Iloree la tb Blver. A horse and dray belonging to Mr. A. D. Wessell, tumbled into ther river at the foot of Dock street yesterday moraine, while backing1 up to take- on a load of "Wood. After , the horse was freed from the dray "the problem of getting the animalout was solved by a man who got into a skiff and towed the horse by his bridle around to Market street dock, where lue was afely landed..: '--r woatner Iaaleattoae The following are the' indications for to-day, received at 1 a. m.: For Virginia, slightly warmer fair weather, light to fresh variable winds, generally, northeasterly. For North Carolina and South Car olina, slightly warmer, threatening weather, with rain; light to fresh, and on coast fresh to brisk, easterly winds. Navaeaa Gaino company. The annual meeting of stockholders of the Navassa Guano Company was held in the city yesterday morning. Mr. D. G. Worth was called to the chair and Mr. Donald MacRae was ap pointed secretary. After the usual reports were pre sented and ordered on file, a resolu tion was unanimously adopted ex pressing regret for the death of the ate Superintendent of the Company, Col. C. L. Grafflin. and tendering sympathy to his family in their be reavement. The' Treasurer was au thorized to pay the salary of the late Superintendent to the end of the year for which he was elected. The following officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year: President R. R. Bridgers. Secretary and Treasurer Donald MacRae.- Superintendent C. L. Borden. Directors J. C. Grafflin, W. H. Crawford, D. G. Worth, G. W. Kid der, Smilie Gregg, Donald MacRae. Superintendent of Agencies W. L. DeRosset. Assistant Treasurer Donald Mac Rae, Jr. Accountant W. C. Jones. Travelling Agent Geo. P. Ctotch- ett. A dividend of 8 per cent, was de clared, payable on or before January st, 1888, to the stockholders of re cord of this date. Queen of tbe "Brook," This evening Saulsbury's Trouba dour's "Brook" will be given at the Opera House. The play is very high ly recommended by our exchange, the Richmond Whig, of Tuesday morning. December 6tb. It calls the star, Ma rion Fleming, Queen of "The Brook," and says: That funny musical comedy and great success, "The Brook," was pro duced at the theatre last night, with Marion Fleming as the star, and won a hearty welcome witn our tneatre goers. She possesses a sweet and cul tivated soprano voice, is very little, very pretty to look at, and one of tbe most clever soubrettes now on the stage. The company supporting her is made up of good material. Miss Percey Loraine, in "The Song that Reached My .Heart," was admiraoie A matinee will be given Saturday afternoon. The Saturday evening performance will "not be cut." The "Brook" Company will remain in Wil mington until Monday morning. Fire at Wallace. A correspondent of tbe Star wri ting from "Wallace, Duplin county, says that the two-story dwelling near that place owned and occupied by Capt W. N. Ellsworth, caught fire about one o'clock yesterday morning and was entirely consumed, together with nearly all the furniture. Capt. Ellsworth had insurance on the pro perty burned but to what amount was not learned. Tbe Seaaaae Bethel. An item in a Charleston (S. C.) pa per says: Rev. D. C. Kelley, of Wilmington, N. C, is in the city soliciting sub scriptions for the Seaman's Bethel of that city. The buildlncr was dam aged by the earthquake. The Socie ty is in debt and its notes are falling due. It isv therefore, necessary to call upon charitable people for the money to make the needed repairs. Mr. Kelley is indorsed by the Ameri can Port Society. Tbe Late Blre. Atklneon. The rempins of Mrs. Josepha G. At kinson arrived here lat night at half- past 10 o'clock by train on the Atlan tic Coast Line from Baltimore, ac companied by relatives and friends of the family. The funeral services will take place this forenoon at eleven o'clock at St. James' Church. Foreign Exporte Keaterday. Messrs. Williams & Murchison cleared the Norwegian barque La Plata, for Hull, Eng., with 2,275 bar rels of rosin, valued at $2,127. Messrs. E. Q. Barker & Co. cleared the Norwegian barque Flora, for Newcastle, Eng., with 2,700 barrels of rosin, valued at $2,795. BIVEBAIIO IdABINE. A survey was held yesterday on the brig San Juan which returned to this port leaking last Wednesday. The board ordered that the brig should discharge cargo for further ex amination, before makinsr final re port. - The steam'yacht Myth, from Sena- ca Lake, N. Y., bound to St. August tine, Fla., is lying at Barren Inlet.- Capt. Marshall, In command of the vachtIs an old .Wilminetonian. He was In the city yesterday. FCTfEBAL IfOTICEt. Tbe funeral serrloes of the lata Mrs. JOSEPH A G. ATKINSON will take place this . (Friday) morning, at 11 o'oiooa, at at. James trauma. riease omit nowers, oy aesrre oi uo aeoeaeea. The funeral serrloes of - the late W. M. PAR TgKR wUlbe aoadncted at the residence of W. M. Rnrianr. No. SIS North Second street, at S o'clock this P. M., this 9th Decern ber, from Lhsnoe to uaxaaie uemetery. msnaa aaa ao- qaalataiioes are mvtted to attend. ' . . -. " - WHOLE NO. 6617 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HCIBIDIEilOIBZ Sayg that ha has been btU7 this aeasoa. be- ciae he bu sold DRY GOODS and nOTIONS cheaper than erer bef-.-re. He does nat belUre in letting (oods get o'A by lem&uuDx on the ahelres, when be can eend tbem bnxmiox out of the door with Jntt enough profit to keep him froc BUrrlng Be aayi by tsUla roof on Uila plan be oaa ooir tonally be putttojr New Styles and Fresh Goods I before the people all the time. Just to. lhey show tu that they appreciate It by keeping u on oar feet. Ke bare to time to loiter. Make ui warm ia cold weather by keeping n boxy. We don' i expect eTerjbody to buy. Uakeoaabow Ton oar gooda. for we bara got ibtm to rbow. We only propose to name a few prices to-day. Ton tatd we gare yon some poaltfre bargains last week, bnt look at this BLACK G0CD8 are alwaya Seasonable. Sot the kind of goods yon look for down prices on. Bnt here they are : A 40-lnch BLA.CK WOOL CASHIERS redoced from 75o. to 5 "o. A 43-lixh BLACK ALL-WCOL CASHMESE (LTPRlS) cheap at Jl, reduced to 80c., only a small quantity left. A 43 -Inch SILK -WA P. BLACK HENRIETTA CLOTH at $1 15. redooed from $141 A 40-inch BLACK TRICOT, all Woo), for I5c. Tbe cheapest article In tbe city CAVEL'S nAIK GOODS. GfiKKAXIN3 and FRENCH WOVEN STRIPES, In Black; all hare been redaced from 15 per cent: to 25 per cert. Plaids and Stripes are "Quite RngU&h yon know," and they are all the go thli aeasoa. no hing prettier for aJa4y to wear, rery neat and etylUh We hare a few pieces of these PLAIDS and 8TB1PES left, all Wool 38 lnobee wide at e:c. Imported Goods, and rery cheap. Come down and see any ana everything in the Dress Goods Line, and all hare been marked down. They mast go. Braid and Trimmings to mi to b HOISBET. We hire left abont S3 dczen'Elask Bibbed Hom for Chi'dren, worth 25c. for 1SJ 3. Ho large sixes aeeoant for the prtee. From 5 to 7 laches in size. Ladles' Pine Black Caahnrere Hon at 7 Jo , worth fl. Fleeced Hose, oolored and black. at all prices. Comedown and see the laigert line In tbe o'ly. EIDERDOWN ni JERSEY FLANNEL. A few pieces la light colors left. Pink, Blue, Cream asd Grey, beet quality, redaced from ?5o. to 65c. JgRSEY FLAITNEL too . worth Sic It does not pay to keep these goods. They must go. Have you seen there MANTLDJGS, TABLE tCABF3 and MATS at HED RICE'S No; well put on your bonnet and go right down. Tbey are aotnt-like hot cakes. TABLE SCARFS at SI. that cannot be bought for leas than 1.25 In New Tcrk. MAKTLTNO at CO 3. and TVs per yard. HANDKERCHIEFS AND GLOTES. A Handkerchief for erery man. woman- and child In WUmmgton. From the finest embroid ered at 3 59 to the cheapest plala Handker chief at tHc. 40dozan GLOVZ3, a good qaallty, at cost. warranted perfect. Our banner stDl floats and proclaims us 'headquarters for LINEN and WHITE GOODS of all kinds. Gents' Furnishings. Gentlemen's depot for COLLAB', CCFPS, EH CRTS, HALF- HOiE. GLOVES, HANDKER CHIEFS and NECKWEAR, 50 per cent, cheaper than you can buy them elsewhere In the city. "Xrerfthlng goes." Zren Gossamerr, twenty- fire dosen ; Ladles' and Children's Goscamen from $L25 to S5. No bad goods among these. Warranted not to leak. We haTe only quoted a few. prices, but come down and let us prove what we say Is true. jerythlug in our line cheaper than tbe cheapest. We must hare room for a few Christ mas goods. Becpectfully, ' J. J. HEDRICK, deo tf US Market Street. SELLING OUT AT COST. ASSIGNEE S SAXE. QOXXXKCTHG FRIDAY. THE OTTO ITHST the undersigned will sell at eost, for cash, FOB THIRTY DAYS, all the stock of Groceries, Llauo:s, Merchandise, and other property of G. W. Under, at the Store situated on Um north west corner Dock and Front atreeta. THOS. W. STRANGE, . dtoOSt - AaalgSee. WilDiMtca Lciie Ha. 319, A. F. & A. H. gPECIAL CO MMUNIC ATION THIS (TRIDAT) evening at 7 JO o'clook. Work m the 7. C Degree.' YlelUngBrsthreuspeclsIlTtertted to attend.' : OU5CAH XcJJJSSXSS. . . dMl it " ' -.tecntorT. . r- ., tJLme 1-m f iftve Days, ...-. I i l . v .. Pa Month,. ; ; c J Z J Mwtt..r......,... 11 o " !f MontBV..w..... J oc " ioiMtw........ . H ..UMXb.....,.M.. U t9TOontnot AdYertlMtriMita tjLkM at mnmr. - - : . ,c aooulkv woau noepmreu type max one . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. O P E-R A H O U S E. FBI OAT A1TO RATTTRDA.T.' DTO AUD 10, -Carnival ishtarf Poai 7-' -" .: In an elaborate revival of. the mnaisal and witty xtraragasxa, entitled the brook -; L ."For Xen may Come and Ken re ay Go. hxk 1 '- . Flow on Forever.". , v Deptetuur tbe Pleaeoree of a Jolly Fkmkv. -The tiretteet KaalosJ Comedy evr written. erer prodnoed. Produced la everr particular. ' uio. Bop. Oanoea. Boenea. Ao , as riauuUly ' done by the SalUtratyl Trotrbadoare. - " aeet open at ueinaberrera TEureday Pornlnic. deoSSfc Little C00Il; T TAKE PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING TO uiuuj lUTux imipig m Tt uamciOB, UU t am now in tbetr city arrangtnr for the appear, anoe ot the Little Tycoon opera Company, forty v people, with full Orchestra, on Deo rtrd. lr7 The management has spared neither pales nor expense i&getUac together a Company-of at- tiau capable of properly Interpreting asd atng---lng the Opera named. - - ,T. . We ha to In oar chorus rotoea that wHI oorn pare with those of ta hwnting Artiste ta toe " arerareuiompaay on tbe road, whlieosr lead tag role cazmot be excelled. Oor tnosio li nixier ' Um direction ot a gentleman well keowa to-tne we We hare ordered new ooetumes and arranged ' - n IT. fh.m mmrtt ta Cflml... . v. jt s - to the first time on eur appearance la Uua dir. We ' ..v"",wuw'' De w swurw toe pao- . Uo that I have arranged to prerent the sale of - -seats "In block" of orer eight to one peraon, and ' that, as the Company will go Horth from thie I , point. It will not' be neoeeaary to leave until" -morning of the4ta. and therefore tbe Opera -will not be -out," Price of admission tickets and date of sale ' ' will be announoed later. M WAXXEB TAYLOR, c - " deoStf Basinets Manager. ' Auction Sale. rpo- DAY, AT 10 O'CLOCK. WK WILL SELL AT " our Sales Boom two fine Bureaus, three 'fine Bedsteads, Chairs, Tables, Waabatanda, Cooking , and Heating h loves, one good Grate and Fix-' " ., turea CULLIEH A OO dec U Auctioneers. - Attention HOWARD RELIEF FIRE ENGINE CO. Ho. X. -You are hereby requested to appear at yctrr Engine Bouse this Friday night, at 8 o'clock sharp, in full uniform, and white glorea, to at- -tend the Jahrmarkt. Honorary members are especially larited. By order of the President. F. C. MILLEK, - ' -dec t It ffocordtng Secretar T- -" J 'z Notice. THE SUNDAY 8CHOOL OF GRACE K. M. Church South, will meet at the retHenoe of Brother W. W. Hodges, on the comer of Second c ': and Chesnut streets, at H o'clock this after- '.v noon, to attend the funeral of our late Superln- tendent, W. M. Parker.. Bring flowers. - - - JAa. w. AMN9." ' r - dec 9 It Acting Superintendent, - 't- '. ON S .Xi AFRESH STOCK OF Elegant Neckwear, SILK UMBRELLAS, " ' BID. CASTOR. FUR-TOP AND OTHER B2KDC- ' GLOVES. Hemstitch Linen asd Silk HANDETEBr I"," CHIEF?, and other desirable Christmaa preeenU . At MUNBON'S, . dec 9 2t Gents Furnisher. Sign of the Horse..- JO GOODS MISREPRESENTED. 8ATTSFAO '; tion guaranteod to all both In quality and price. A full stock of Men's and Boys' Baddies, aU styles Trunks and Eatchela, and a Job lot of Toy - ' Trunks, which must te sold. "". , GItc me a trial. . H. L. FENNXLL, 1 he Horse Milliner.-. . A Gentleman's I floe Drlrlng Horse for sale. Fine action, young, snd gusranteed to be sosnd- -and gentle. dee 8 tf - GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES-.- FOR THE HOLIDAY TRADE. : Vr" QKNUINB RYE AND CORN WHISKER $LK"- per ra'lon. Old Apple Brandr f 100. K. K. Sum. St25. Jamaica Rum SIOO. Old Kenteehy Bourbon, -SI BO. 11 75 and 13 W. Gin $L to IS 63. Black- V berry wtae $1 25. Genuine Imported Eberry, Port Wines and French Brandr. Dry Goods and Grooeries of all kinds at great? reduced (rioes for the Holiday trade Call -SAd : examine my stock and be oonrlaoed that the OLD RELIABLE is the place to buy good good ' at low prices. . . J. JL. CTLOOTSJ, - U and S North Water Bt (Meaeenger copy) ; . dec e tf C A TIDIES, ;' yyi EAVX JUST RXCE1VXD TRK e XDS1 ' ' handsome line of Bon-Boa Boxes ever shown la -"fir this or any other city, and our Candles are the- -: bc4t made, icd caa imt op u Aic box, of Candy as any bouie In tbe country. Try tls and' leare your money at home, and We wHJ guar- antee satisfaction. Nice Boxes of CaMteTut -up in any size and sent.by Express to arr art -of the country. -' j . B. WAEREN Jk BON, I: ... Candy Manaiaetaren,' J V deoStf Exchange OoraerJ ' " Some Beauties. rpHOSX KTD FLEXIBLE SOLE DUTTON BOOTS -for Ladles weaP ' . ' : ; X ' Those neat GOAT BUTTON for Ladles. Misses and Children. '- Finest line of Gen's' and Ladles' BOOTS asd SHOES la the city or State, at " -V Geo. E. French & Sons? 108 NORTH FEONT 8TFZXT. nov27tf -1 T' . To Close ZWwlw&WrMi QCQB0XE3 ALL GRADES TOBACCO, iM uaoaies au graaes i ODaooo, auuo nae ancT me- . dtum Cigars. walolCI am selUag at greatir re-' v doeed prices.' - - - - - . . SAM-XBXAB. Saw : ? oot tatl 10 Market street.'-.- 25 Barrels Apples, ; jQ BBLB. ONIONS, L500 BBLS. YLOUX. W BoxesD. B. Bides, 60 Boxes Craol Jeers C Boxes ay, Caa-Q-r- Cheese. Also Salt.: Mo'asssa, Hay, bosd. Ao.. at D. Lu GORE? dec 4 DikWtf 123, 123 ISiNortA Water t For Sale or Bent, 0 CROPS FTRST AND SECOND TEAR ' O VI pen tine Boxes for sale or rent, in LI berry county, 8a. three mQesKtmra river trsftrxnta tkjo. One tv barrel ttlU. 80 beufes and r-s.D-Le aUatw, Will sell so head Mules and six Wagons tt wasted, ."for particulars addre- - - - . - , - .. J, K. JlcDUIFl3'& PON, ;0Tnm -UO---, BctrrsC:tfck,Ga, cl and blankets.Vre;:v:i by insurance.. , . t f. " "' " V - - e v ,