:-:Trta,I V-j-iVSr.?. -- "' " " . " " ' ' v - - - . - ..'he Morning: Star j iVlLLIAM pTTfiT.TSHKD DAJLYXCKPT MONDAYS BATM OF suBsaarpnoH, nt ASTHCS. Year (by Mall), Postage Paid. . . .... . . $8 00 ''ree Months m ::"r.:::: 8 , Month, S tnree months In adyance. Mdat the Post Offloa at WUmlngton. N. C OUTLINES, ' jl. Goblet has announced his in ability to form a French Cabinet, and president Carnot has appealed to M. p0Hiers to undertake the task. - stay of proceedings has been grant ed in the case of Herr Most, and he was yesterday released on $5,000. bail. . Total receipts of cotton at all of the ports since September 1st, 3,383, i;97 bales. A strike of the plate- glass workmen in Pittsburg has been J ordered, to take effect to-day; it will affeet fourteen hundred men ' and cause a suspension of work in nine teen factories. The Senate cau cus committees have about completed" their work, and the appointments will be made on Monday, when the practical work of the session will be gin. The N. Y. World published yesterday a dispatch from Halifax, N. S., of an attempt to blow up the gun cotton tank in the harbor of that place, which proves to have been a first-class hoax. In the Chicago market yesterday there was an ad vance in corn and wheat, and pro visions were also higher. A reso lution was introduced in the Virginia Legislature yesterday providing for the appointment of a special commit tee to consider and report what fur ther legislation, if any, is required in the matter of the public debt. A heavy failure in the iron trade oc curred yesterday in Glasgow, Scot land. , It is semi-officially an nounced from St. Petersburg that the Austrian and German reports of the movements of Russian troops on the Oallician frontier are inexact. ' early two thousand .members of the Evangelical Alliance called at the White House yesterday to pay their respects to the President and Mrs. Cleveland; the President of the Al liance made a brief address, which was responded to by President Cleve land. The Egyptian cotton crop will probably amount to 1,850,000 can tars, a falling off in the estimated yield of 150,000 cantars, caused by fogs and heat. N. Y. markets: Money easy at 45 per' cent, closing offered at 3 per cent.;, cotton dull at lOiiglOjc; southern flour quiet, and firmly held; wheat: spot firm and quiet; 2fo. 2 red December 90ic; corn, Xo. 2 December 624c; spirits turpen tine quiet at87c; rosin quiet at $1 05 an 10. mrs. Jieveiaua is said, to have a aeciaea weakness lor "pretty ac tresses and good actors." I lie South Carolina Conference, ike the North Carolina, has declared -."ainst theatres and circuses. Henceforth disabled Confederate soldiers in South Carolina will draw a pension of five dollars a month A praiseworthy appropriation. Washington is taking steps to have a grand celebration on 30th September, 1889, it being the cen tennial of the inauguration of George Washington as President. It is thought in England that Mr. GladKtono gets a fortune by the will f Lord Wolverton. He is already rich His father, Sir John Glad--itoiif, gave him a lift in 1845. A wealthy Pulaski, N. Y.t young cm an ran away with a railroad uraktman. Fortune favors the brave. If he is worthy and she loves him fhe has probably made a good match. 1 resident Carnot ia a domestic roan. Like a good husband he epends "is tveninga at home. He is not a society man." An exchange says his name Sadi-Carnot is pronounced vSardy-Carno. He Randallites in the House are sported as very "reticent about their 'mentions." The Washington Post says that "a determined -front is likely to be shown by them during e 1 ariff discussion." 'PL . - mere are said to be an enormous number of trials by court martial now going on in the little American army- That indicates Ioobo disci- nil - ' Fue or bad morals. In one year mere were 11,136 trials in an army. t some 26,000 men and officer. ut the North Carolina members of he Lower House renorted in the yorld, Nichols wishes to abolish the "jtemal revenue, and favors "a High antf- Latham likes the message Wlth one exception," not given ""unions and Johnston vant the in tri)al tax swept away, Co wles fa- vor'a moderate Tariff bill." - , Tbo NewYork World sent r-."""'"' hi----I --i --II: ii- - wi . ir t ttt:: t vr KJ-m-vA tpy. - ument of twenty pf its reporters io 'wangton and in ilsjssoe of Thnrs- ua7 the ;fl o i 'i-s- ' I - II-- , -c. . - - - . - . ' ""I . T- : . I VOL. XLI.-NO. 67. More than two hundred members wrre interviewed. The sum of the matter it gives is that there is some uncertainty among Democrats as to just how far to go in reducing the l arm, but they" will go a good way. There will be so more piliag up of a needless surplus. The Democrats say it is high time that the TarifE is arranged oh a common-sense basis. From the WorhTs- interviews of Congressmen wa quote the following as to Democratic Senators: Joha T. Morgan, of Alabamal. Thev are inentire accord with my views. 2 I believe in so reducing taxation as to have only enough surplus lo propeily carry on tne Government. James K. "Jones, of Arkansas I cor dially agree with the entire me&saae. . William UalL -of Fiorina I favor the ideas as expressed therein. ' ' A II. Colquitt, of Georgia Tha Presi dent's views are wise and i'lst. and as a general policy his message is in perfect ac cord with Democratic principles. Jos. (J. b. -Blackburn, of Kentuckv I agree with the President fully on both the tarur. question and tus necessity for the reduction of taxation. J. B. Beck, of Kentuckj That was a splendid document. J. Z. George, of Mississippi I support the Administration and indorse the mes sage. Qeoree Q. Vest, of Missouri I think the President's message a strong one and I in dorse it fully. IT. M. Gockrell. of Missouri I am en tirely and heartily in aceord with the Presi dent on the questions of tariff and taxation. Z. 13 Vance, or North Carolina I ap prove of every word of the message. Mattnew C. Battler, of South Carolina President Cleveland's message gives a most able solution of tho tariff problem. Richard Coke, of Texas The President s message pleases me very much. The Dem ocracy of Texas will be enthusiastic over it. J. id. Iteagan, of Texas 1 heartily in dorse the President's views. J. W. Daniels, of Virginia I like the President's message. But I regret that be does not recommend reduction of the in ternal revenue system and the abolition of the tobacco tax. J. E Kenna. of West Va I am in ac cord with the President. The Baltimore Sun tells " the fcl- lowing: "One of these World men approached on the Senate flaor Senator German, when the following conversation took place; "Are you a Senator? Yes, I believe I am.' What is your name?' 'Gorman.' said the Senator, looking at the young man with astonishment. Are yon a Democrat? 'Well, I have generally heen classed as one. jsov?, mav l asK wno you arer 'Oh. I represent the New York World.' 'Well. I am not surprised the New York World does not know a Democrat when it i .sees one, and I have nothing to say about the message. TBUE GITT". NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. C. W. Yatbs Holiday gcode E. Warbkn & Son Fine cacdits Opkra. House Marion Flemming. MoarsoN Neckwear, umbrellas, etc. Funeral of Mr. Atkinson. S Funeral services of the late Mrs. Josepha G. Atkinson were held yes terday at 11 a. m., in St. James Church, the body being interred be neath the chancel besides the re mams of ner Husband, tne late Bishop Atkinson. The pall-bearers were Dr. A. J. DeRossett, Hon. George Davis, Messrs. J.- Alvis Walker, DuB. Cutlar, Clayton Giles, J. G. Wright, Walker -Meares, Wm. B, French. The ceremonies were very impres sive, all tne clergy taking pare Bishon Watson. Rev. Dr. Flagg of St. James' Church, Rev. Dr. Carmi chael of St. John's, Rev. Mr. Arnold of St. Paul's, and Rev. Mr. Coerr of St. Marks. magistrate's court. The case of Mrs. Delia Bryson, charged, as is stated in tne com plaint and warrant, with offering to bribe William Doer and John Fisher, , (colored), to induce them to testify falsely in a suit pending in the Mayor's Court, in which Delia Bryson was charged with keeping her bar room open on Sunday, Dec. 4th, was brought before John Cowan, J. P. yesterday, having been removed on affidavit from the Mayor's Court. Mr. Marsden Bellamy, defendant's coun sel, being unable to attend the inves tigation, Mrs. Bryson waived exami nation and gave bond in the sum of $100 for her appearance- at the next term of the Criminal Court to an swer. Ladlea Coneordla Society. The Ladies' Concordia Society, connected with the congregation of the Temple of Israel, at their last an nual meeting, elected the following officers' for the ensuing year: President Mrs. N. JacobL Vice President Mrs. A. Shrier. Treasurer Mrs. I. L. Greene wald. Secretary Mrs. R. Greenberg. Directors Mrs. G. Honnet,. Mrs. S. Mendelshon, Mrs. Samuel Bear, Mrs. G Rosenthal, Mrs. H. H. Kasprowicz Trustee Nathaniel Jacobi. nriimlnMnn TMatrlcrt A note from Rev. T. W. Guthrie, niAinrr ir.lrior. reauests the an- f ICMUlUg 7 nouncement that the District Stew ards Of the Wilmington District are irttaA fn mAet in the study of the pastor of Grace church on Friday the 80th inst. af 10 o'clock In 'the fore- i , ' -' -: - - WILMINGTON, N. Local Dota. Rev. J R. Savage will preach at Bladen street M. E. Church to morrowmorning and night. Three car-loads of iron for the bridge over the railroad cut on North Fourth street arrived yesterday. Receipts of cotton yesterday 1,129 bales. Sales reported were 300 bales at 9 13-16 cents for Middling. Mr. James Orrell, father of Mr. Robert C. Orrell, is reported to be very sick at his residence in this city. -- Mr. VV. B. Brice, of Duplin Road, was in the city yesterday. Mr, Brice is one of the agents of the Eagle News Company. - The Board of Steward of Fifth Street M. . Church, at their meeting Friday night,raised the pastor's Salary to $1,203 per year. Maj. Jno. C. Winder, General Manager of the Seaboard Air Line, was iu the city yesterday. He left for Raleigh last night. -- For Grace Methodtet Church, at the Temple of Israel, Rev. D. Yates will preach on to-morrow morning and Rev. F. A. Bishon to-morrow evening. Lieut. F. R. Day, who has been b.6re several days inspecting Signal Service stations in this city and Southport, left yesterday for Colum bia, S. C. . Rev. Dr. Yates will preach his last sermon to his old congregation, which he has served so faithfully for the past four years, on to-morrow morning week. Col. A. M. Wad dell left last night for Washington in accordance with the request of the Chamber of Commerce and Produce Exchange, in the interest of our river and harbor improvements. The days decrease in length until the 17th, when the minimum is reached. After this the days remain of the same length, 9h. 8m., for the eight succeeding days, until the 25th, when they begin to lengthen. l ne uecemoer moon tuns on tne autn. un tne otu sne is in con junction with Mars. On the 9th she is at her nearest point to Uranus, and on the 11th is In conjunction with Venus. She pays her respects to Jupiter on the 12th, and is at her nearest point to Mercury oi the 13th. The announcement in the Stak that the day train on the Carolina Central would be discontinued next week, has been received with regret and disappointment all along the line of the road, as we learn from a cor respondent who has been over the route between Monroe and Wilming ton. It is hoped the traffic of the road may soon justify the running of the day train again. The Stab is indebted to Capt. W. H. Bixby, of the Engineer Corps, U. S. A., for a copy of his Annual Report for 1880, on the Improvement of Rivers and Harbors under his charge in this State and South Caro lina, being an appendix of the An nual Report of the Chief of Engineers. A great portion of the work of course relates to the improvement of the lower Cape Fear river, and furnishes much information of great value. n scinr iB&toanonjir The following are the indications for to-day, received atla.ni.: For Virginia, slightly warmer, rain, light to fresh easterly winds, be coming variable, followed on Sunday by colder. For North Carolina and South Car olina, slightly warmer, rain, light to fresh variable winds, except fresh to brisk on the Eastern North Carolina coast. Capt. Wm. HI. Farker'a Fnotra't The funeral of the late Capt. Wm. M. Parker took place yesterday after noon at 3 o'clock from the residence of his brother-in-law, Mr. Wm. El SDrinerer. on North Second street. The attendance was very large, des pite the fact that rain was falling and the weather throughout the day was wet and disaerreeable. The mem bers of the Sunday school of Grace M. E. Church, of which the deceased had been superintendent for sixteen years past, attended the funeral in a body. The remains were interred in Oakdale Cemetery, Rev. Dr. Yates conducting the services. The pall bearers were: Messrs. S. D. Wallace, George H. Kelley, H. M. Bowden, George Chadbourn, Donald MacRae, James W. King, W. W. Hodges, John W. Perdew, W. M. Poisson, H. P. West, Dr. F. W. Potter and Col. Roger Moore. Tn G. C. ac M. K. B. A correspondent of the Stab, writ ing from Monroe, N. C, says the grading of the G., C. & N. R. R. is being rapidly finished on the Monroe end of the line; grading now going on in the edge of town. When finished this will complete the work to Ches ter, 8. C. and track-laying will soon begin. - There, are two thousand tons of iron at "Monroe and on the way to complete the work;; j?- i r C, SATURD A Yv DECEMBER 10, 1887. Aaaerordertllener sueeeaatfee Janr- marku." Owing to the inclemency of the weather, yesterday afternoon, the matinee given by the ladies of the Lutheran! Church, at the City Hall, was not very well attended. The lovers of the curious bad an opportunity of having their appetites appeased by the marvelous wonder, Constantinopolitanischerschmipfta-. lacksdose," w"b.ich was on exhibition between the Bavarian and Scandina vian booths at the Jahrmarkt last night. Nearly all of the large num ber of spectators who- were present last night at uder market" contrib uted a nickel to this wonderful ex hibit. It was imported from Germany by Captain Van Hoi f, and presented to the fair by Mr. George Honnet,the jeweler, who had charge of the mon ster. ' ' Among tne articles exhibited in the museum, during yesterday and last night, among the contributions of the day, we noted a Japanese cologne case, presented to Commodore John Stodder, U. S. N., by the Emperor of Japan "the Mikado" while he was completing negotiations between that country and the United States. It is the handiwork of a Japanese lady, and is considered by connois seurs to be very valuable. The arti cle was kindly donated by Miss Birdie Stodder, through Miss Jannie Kno bloch, to the Jahmarkt, and was con veyed from Washington, D. CL, to this city by Lieutenant Bolles, of the Hy drographic office of Washington. Miss Emily Ruelsam, of the "Capitol," through the Misses Knobloch, pre sented a handsome chair rest, work ed in chenille. The pastor of the Lutheran churcb, Rev. F. W. E. Peschau, Bhows a col lection of literary works, which for antiqueness and intrinsic value, can not be surpassed. Among them is one of the oldest German A, B, C books, -which was printed in German- town, Pa., in 1776"; containing wood cut illustrations which are not often made better or printed clearer in the present age; a Greek testament, bound in vellum, and supplied with a Ger man commentary, being published in Saxony, Germany, in 1730, by Chris tian Neudecker; a Hebrew Bible old testament published in 1739; one of the first German-English diction aries, published under the auspices of the Lutheran Orphan Home, Leip- sic, Germany, in 1783; a polyglott d ictionary, containing German, Latin, Greek and Hebrew, and edited by one of the first German doctors, Elias Hutter, bearing date of publi; cation, 1598, which was bound with thongs of leather; a large octavo vol ume of the original second edition of Luther, published in 1575 three nun dred years old; the back is of wood, and is covered with sheep skin. It is printed in Ger- man, Dy wooaen type, ana tne a . 1 x. ancient mode of spelling by the Ger mans is usedT Two pen-holders f odd design, and of historical interest are also exhibited by the reverend gentleman. One, from the wood of the tree where Luther sat and rested himself on the way to Worms, when he appeared before the Catholics, containing a glass of strong magnify ing power, containing the statue of Luther, the latter being surrounded by many other memorial monu ments. The Howard Relief Fire Engine com pany, in lull uniform, foreman ju.. Rath j en, were in attendance at the "Markt" last evening, and they were bid "Willkommen," in a prettily in terwoven, extemporaneous address by Rev. Mr. Peschau. The Germania Cornet Band were also there, and discoursed enlivening selections throughout the evening, which were greatly appreciated by the assem blage, and many words of congratu lation to the worthy musicians by the audience were heard. The donors to the Jahrmarkt, of the city, were Mr and Mrs W A Springer, Messrs Fowler & Morrison, S H Fishblate, Munds Brothers, J D Nutt, Morris Bear & Bro, R H Grant & Co, Alderman, Flanner & Co, J M Maunder.Bridgers & Rankin, 1 Shrier, Allen & Jacobs, G R French & Sons, Holmes & Watters, Matthew Heyer, B F Mitchell & Sons, Boney & Harper, W E Davis, W H Yopp, Knoxville Furniture Company, Giles & Murchi son, Behrends & Monroe, C W Yates, Miss Emma Karrer. West & Co, Pem broke Jones, Dr W E Storm, S & B Solomon, W H Green & Co, M New man, Sol Bear, Wilmington Candy Factory, E T Draper, Col J J Hedrick, N Jacobi, Brown & Roddick, J L Croom. P Heinsberger, W M Mcln- tyre, A Shrier, M M Katz, Mrs E War ren, B Myers, Mrs T Donlan, Mrs Al- tafferand Mrs H O Craig. The out of town contributors were J W Tufts. Boston. Mass; Pur- cell, Ladd & Co, Richmond, Va; Col gate & Co, New York; Paul Jones, Louisville. Kv: J B Brown, Balti more. Md. A, sewing machine, presented by Miss Emma Karrer, was sold; half of the proceeds being contributed to the Children's Nursery and the other to the treasury of the Jahrmarktrthus helping two good and worthy objects: Taken all In all,', the Wilmington Jahrmarkt, closing last night, was a marked success, secured by the ladies of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, of this city, by untiring efforts. We learn the aggregate cash re ceipts were far into the hundreds, and we congratulate our worthy peo ple on patronizing the "markt7' to such a large extent. It is said the Lutherans will give an open-air fair. on the same orders, Providence per mitting, some time during the sum mer months of 1888. iriayor court. Mrs,. Delia Bryson, charged with attempting to bribe a witness,was ar raigned before the Mayor yesterday. On affidavit the case was removed to Justice John Cowan for a hearing. Samuel R. Twining, charged with driving over Fourth street bridge faster than a walk, was discharged. Lizzie Floyd, colored, drunk and disorderly and resisting an offlcer.was ordered to pay a fine of twenty dol lars or work thirty days in tho chain gang. John Brown, a colored boy from the country, found asleep in the Purcell House building, was ordered to leave the city. Ed. Spencer.Chas. Walker and John Nixon, all colored, were arrested for disorderly conduct. Spencer was drunk and resisted the officer. The judgment of the - Court was $20 fine or thirty days in the chain gang in the case of Spencer and $10 fine or twenty days in the chain gang for Walker and Nixon. John Nixon, a colored tramp, said that he was going to the Sound. An officer was directed to escort him to the city limits. Cape Pear Rtvr Improvement. Capt. Bixby in his annual report says: The improvement of the lower Cape Fear river has been considered ana discussed : in 1853 by commission of coast survey, navy, and army en gineer officers; in 185S, by a commis sion of coast survey, -navy, and ar my engineer officers; in 1871- 72 and in 1882, by a board of army engineers. The work under the state of North Carolina was directed by Mr. Ham ilton Fulton, State engineer; that from 1827 to 1838 was directed by Capt. Hart man Bache, topographi cal engineer, with Capt. George Bla- ney. Corps or Engineers, as assistant; those from 1839 were carried on by Lieuts. J. K. Mansfitld. Corps of En- fineers, John S. Winder, First Artil ery. Lieut. A. J. Swift and Capt John McClellan, United States Topographical Engineers; those from 1855 to 1857 were carried on under Capt. D. P. Woodbury and Lieut. W. M. C. Whiting, Corps of Engineers; those of 1870 under CoL James H, Simpson, United States Engineers, with Mr. Walter tirlswold as assist ant; those from 1870 to 1884, under Lieut. Col. W. P. Craighlll, United States Engineers, with Capt. C. B. Phillips as assistant until 1876, and Mr. Henry Bacon as assistant from 1676 to 1884; since 1884, under Capt. W. H. Bixby, United States En gineers, with Mr. ilenrv Jtsacon as assistant. A Catting Scrape. John Walker and Dave Hawkins, yppmr colored men employed at the ChampioCOtttytrOempreBs, engaged in a fight yesterday morning. Hawl kins knocked Walkor down and the latter when he got up rushed at Haw kins and cut him with a knife, inflict ing a wound in the left side about two inches in length. The cut is just be low the heart and probably would have been a fatal blow, but for the blade striking a rib. As it is, Haw kins wound is not considered danger ous. A physician was at once called to attend him, and after the wound was dressed he was taken to his home on Fifth and Walnut streets. Mr. William Singletary, who wit nessed the fight and endeavored to 8eparptethe combatants, received a slight cut across one of his wrists. Walker made his escape alter the cutting and has not since been seen. He is about eignteen years of age. Hawkins is several years older. Eastern Insane Asylum. The Goldsboro Argns says that a meeting of the Directors of the East ern Insane Asylnm was held in that place last Friday, and adds: Dr. J. F. Miller, of Goldsboro, was elected su perintendent. .The election of stew ard was postponed until March. The assistant superintendent's time had not expired, consequently there was no election for this place. All the directors were present. Dr. Miller, as is well known, is a gentleman of the very highest character and emi- nenoe in his profession, and it would have been impossible for the direc tors to have done better. Dr. Roberts, who has been superintendent for six years, has made an able and efficient officer, and is entitled to the plaudit of "well done good and faithful ser vant." Mrs. B. V. Smith was elected matron. A Small Fire. The bar-room of Monroe Byrd, col ored, on South Water street, near Dock, was found to be on fire yester day mornintr about five o'clock. Po lice officer H. J. Mintz, who discover ed the fire, with the assistance of other persons broke down the door of tbe placend extinguished the,flames The fire 'is iuppoeed to have been. caused by the explosion of a lamp, set- ting fire to the inner doors of the sa- loon.' The damage was slight. - . WHOLE NO. 6618 OFRRA HO US E. TUa Santaaarr Troabtdoori In "Ibe Brook. Considering the rain and general disagreeable. Character of the wea, ther, a surprisingly good crowd at tended the performance last night, and If applause" is any indication of appreciation they were thoroughly pleased. The play represents a little party bent on fun at a picnic, and by the introduction of songs, recitations and dances, they make the occasion one of pleasure and merriment. Many ludicrous scenes occur and many laughable mishaps, and each succeed ing scene seems funnier than its predecessor. Mi6a Flemming.as Eose Dimplecheek, acts with ease, and her solos were ap plauded over and over again. 4 af P CI YarTl am T7ms st a a t a t Via I a a vi7VU n a ajvw t-v, a a center of attraction, and in the role of the spinster of forty-five he was called back so often that it seemed as if the audience would keep him on the boards for the night. A matinee will be given this after noon which the manager promises will beespecially fine, and to-night the performance will be repeated. To those who desire to laugh a splen did opportunity is here afforded, and we advise ail to attend. A II! Hant. A number of prominent railroad men are "booked" for a quail hunt on the Carolina Central Railroad du ring the present month. The private cars of the officers will be used for the occasion, Monroe will be the head quarters, and that genial Nimrod Tom Brown, of the Stewart House, assisted by "Wat," the fine setter owned by the field editor of the Star, will find the feathered victims for the guns of the railroaders. A special freight train has been ordered for the transportation of the game. Chnrcb rlotlca. Tint Preabrterlan Church, corner of Third and Oranjre streets. Her. Peyton IL Hoc. Pastor. Serrioea to-morrow at 11 a. m. and 7p.m. Soond PrubTtenaa Church, corner Fourth and Campbell sta. Rev. Jobn W. Primrose, Pas tor. Soaday eervlcee. at II a. m.: and 7.09 p. m. Sabbath school at p. m. Prajer Xeettnjraad Lecture Wednesday. 7 00 p. m. The public, oor- alaiiy invited, seau rree. Brooklyn Methodist Church, 7th Street, be tween Bladen and Harnett. C. W. Good win, paetor. Preaching at 11 a. m.aod 8 p. m. MRS. WINSLOWS BOOTHINO SYBTTP. Ear Btxyaxu Cobb thus writes In the Borton Chris tian Freeman : We would by no means recom mend any una oi medicine wnicn we aid not know to oe rood particularly to infanta. Bat of Mrx Wlnslow's Boothinx Syrup we can epeak from knowledge: In oar own family It has proved a bleu Ins; Indeed, by jrtrtnc; an infant troubled with co Ho pains, quiet sleep, and the parents un broken rest at nlxht. Most parents can appro-. elate these bless tnjra. Here Is an article which works to perfection, and which is narmieas; for the sleep which It affords the Infant is perfectly natural, and the little cherub awakes as "bright as a button." And durln the process of teeth lnjr Its value Is Incalculable, we have frequent ly bea.rd mothers say that they would not be without it from tne Dirtn or uo ctuid tin it naa finished with the teething sieve, on any conside ration whatever. Sold by all dn Sold by all draccista. 23 cents a hottl. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OPERA HOUSE. i - MAIMOX FLEHJHIXG, IN THE MUSICAL EXTEAVGAHZ A THE BROOK. MATINEE-TO-DAY at 2.30 P. 31. PRICK 3 25o ana S cent. LAST BROOK . TO-XIGOT. dec 19 It Little Tycoon. I TAKE the ma TAKE PLBASTJKB IN ANNOUNCING TO the music lovinr people of Wilmington, that I am now in their city arranrlna for the appear ance of the Little Tycoon opera Company, forty people, with full Orchestra, on Deo . srard. 18ST The manarement has spared neither pains nor expense In rettinr toretoer a uompaay or ar tists capable of properly laterpreUnr and slnr- inr tne upera aamea. We have in our choros voloes that will com pare with those of the lead In r Artists In the averara company on the road, ahlleonr lead- uut voloes oannot ne exoeuea. unr none n onaer the direction of a rentlecaaa well kiown to tne wrmtnrtoa people. We hare ordered new oostames and arranred to have them sent to WUmlnrton to be naed for the first time on ear appearance la tbts city. We carry our own scenery. I ber to aaanre the pub lic that I have arranred to prevent tbe sale of seats "In block" of over elrbt to one person, ana that, as the Company will ro North from this point, it will not be. necessary to leave until morninrof the ttth. and therefore the Opera will not be "cut." Prioe of admission tickets and dates of sale will be announced later. WALKSS TATU)B, dec 8 tf Bnalees Man arer. OUST SUIET, A FEB&H STOCK 07 Elegant Neckwear, SILK UMBRELLAS, KID, CASTOR, FUR-TOP AND OTHER KINDS GLOVIS. Hemitltca Linen and Silk EAKDKZB CBISP, and other desirable Christmas presents XAt MUNSON'S, deo 9 2t Gents' Furnisher, Ell TITB HAVX TJST RKCKIVKD THJE XOST handsome line of Ban-Bon Boxes ever shown to thU or any other city, an 1 oar Candits are tha best made, and we can pat ap as nloe a box of Candy as any house la the country. Try as and leave youf money at home, and we will raar- aatee satisfaction. Nice Boxes of Candles pot p tn any stae and aent.by xxpreas to ary part of tha 00 on try. X. WAKKKaaSOH, Candy afaaaiaetnrera, deo 8 If lichsnra Corner. Beautiful Holiday Goods. T" n!IMT AKD BT AB30RTST 15 wnmmxtoa. can aaa ace mem. I c. W. tatks, . , - daesti ' " , Wholeaaie and EetaU. - ' RATBtCr A.XJ IXTIzmd Oj ?uit 6aa Otj.....'..... ., " ' - " lET JrMi i j ..-. - - -r rtT-RT",-i I OMWaa... . f- .V- W6wXltssastat' TIMSi Ta7arai SI f. 1 t: ' r;; : 1 1: ? X t J t 15 m ; 15 (C - . r-ttm M oaths. atB... - ' fas, ... . .. . r 4 3 1 l 4 ; friXMomths,.... - , usa xaaz. WCoa tract Advertiaameata. taJtaa ait propor ttonataly low ratas.-: "Y. - Tea liaas KIIoaparefltyTiaaioiaraiLr- NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. ; ECBI Ssys that he bai been buy ibis seaaoa,' ba " caate be has sold DKY GOODS mad KOTIOSS cheaper than ever before. Ho doei not believe la letting roods Ret oid by tsmalnlm on - the ' : shelves, when he can send them bum mine oat cf tha door with Jost enough profit to keep him' ; f rose starving. Be says by nVOng roods oa this plan he caa conMouallT be patttnc '- - New Styles and Fresh Goods before the people all the time. Jaat- eo-: they -'1. show as that taey appreciate tt by aeeptofns oa oar feet We have ao Una to loiter.' Kaka its warm In cold wealbtr by keeptcx sj busy. .We ; don't expect everybody to bay. Makeasahow- ; yoa oar rood, for we have rot taetn to show. We only propose to name a few prloas to-ij. ' You said wo rave yoa some positive barralaa last week, bat took at thU. BLACK GOQI87 are always seasonable. Kot the kind of roods foa - look for down prioes on. Bat here they are ' 2' ' A 40-inch BLACK WOOL CASnXES reduced -from 79o. to 57c. -r-.- A Omen BLACK ALL-WOOL CA6BJCXB.X (LV PINS) cheap at f 1. reduced to S0o., only a smaU quantity left. ; A 43 -Inch SILK WAIP. BLACK HTKEITTTA CLOTH at 11.15, red need 'from Jl 4X A 49-inch BLACK TBIOOT, all Wool, for t5e.--' The cheapest artSole la the city : CAVKL'SHAIK.GOODS. GRK5ADIKM aad - r FBXSCH WOVKH fltBIPES. In Black; an have ". been reduced from 15 per oenU to S3 par oert. ' :" Plaids and Stripes ." : are -Quite Bor'tUb yoa know," end they are all the ro thli season, no hlnr prettier for a la4y to ' wear, very neat &nd atylUh- We hare a few pieces of these PLAIDS and STRJPKS Mt, all 1 7 Wool 38 laches wide at e:-c. Imported Goods, v and Tery cheap. ' ;; - Come down and see any ana everything la tha J. - Dress Goods Line, and all have been marked down. Tbey moat ro.. - 'K Braid and Trlmmlnrf to mateh. , - ' HOISEEY We have left about 25 dczen'Elack Bibbed Hose for Children, worth Z5c. for ltia. Mo larjrV sizes aocoarts for the prlee. From 0 to 7 Inches " . In size. Ladles' Fine Blaclt Caahmera Hoaa'at. no., worth f 1. Fleeced IZcce, colored and black. ; at all prices. Comedown and line In the city. see tha larreet . EIDERDOWN ani JERSEY FLANHEL- . A few pieces In light colors left. Plat, Blue, ' Cream and Grey, beat quality, reduced from 75c ', ' to 65c. JSESKY PXAXKEL too . worth 65c, It ( , does not pay to keep these roods. Tbey most go. . .. Have yoa seen these KASTLIKQ8, TAELX ECABFs and MATS at HKD KICK'S? Jto; wsq : pat on yoar bonnet and ro rlrfct down. ' Tbtr ' arerolnrliko hot cakea. TAB LB 8CAET8.atv 1 1, that cannot ba bought for leas than fl.tS la 5 Xcr. M AKTLI5G at 60c. and 79. pr- yard. HANDKERCHIEFS AND WSTEfc i A Handkerchief for every man, woman aad ' chUd In Wllmlnrton. Prom the finest ambroid-" ered at to the cheapest plala Haadkar-.' chief at 2Vc. . ;..(- 40 dotsn GLOVKs, a rood quality, at ost,N warranted perfect. Oar banner still floats and ' . " proolalms as headquarters for LXKXS and. 7 WHITE GOODS ot all klnda. . . " " Gents' Fumisliings.? . Gentlemen's depot for COLLAR. CCTPS, EHmrS. BALP- HOiX, GLOTZ8. HASDKKB- CHIRPS aad KECKWXAB, CO par oaat. ebaaper- than yoa can bay them elsewhere in tht eSty. . " "Xvery thln roes " Kvea Goaaaaaarc, twenty-. ; five doaen ; Ladies' and Children? Goaramers. from SLS to fA. Ko bad roods sqo&i these. Warranted Dot to leak, ! -.'; , We have only quoted a few prices, bat tfomo down and let as prove what ws say to troe. . T, Xverythlar la oar Hue chaaper tsaa -iha cheapest. .We moat have room for a few Ckrlru'j ' mas roode. ' - . -. - Berrectfally. , ' J-'-JrC j. jr. nEDiuck.'r; - daoatf . IIS started atraer; - GREAT BEDUCTIOH IH PRICES POK TEK BOUDXT TRADXL. - I QKXUIXKRTX AKD CORW WKIEKXr f 1 X5 I IFJ&IlJ3 par ranon. Old Aimla Brand I LB. Jamaica Kem 11.00. Old II to. J1.T5 and t W. Gla SLrS to IS-io, black berry Wise $iA GazTBtn Importad Gharrr. Pott Wines aad Prenea Brandy. Dry Goods sad Groceries of aH kinds at rreaCly reduced prioea for the Holiday trade Call and. examine my stock and be eosvtaeed that the OLD BXU A ni.K Is tha plaoa to bay rood roods at low pxioear - t J. L. C11O033, j. ... - t4 and M arorta TTatar et . deo8tf CM ass h near copy) ; . v uuwit 7crscn To Clcse CcmsliiiniEls.- 350! T0BACO0' l Caddis all trades Tobaooo, MX00" fins iM -rae- anua ujrars. wiucxl.1 am aauac at treat. y re daoed prices . - - . oatatf-,, - market street. O -