vionimg Star. 'BATE! ST SbTEUI IlIAGi ttcm -,' Dr"-...... Z. freDayiw....v.. fo&rDaya Fiv Dara i iT.ISHSD DAILY JEEgggPT HONDA KB ar (by Mail), Postape Paid.; .... $6 00 $. " ; ;v .......... soo Months" '. ... 1 S3 th. " - .......... 0 o City SubsorlborB, delivered la any part City. Twklvh Czars per week. Our City aro not authorised ta collect for more ,ree months In advance. 1 at the Poet Office at Wilmington, N. C as Second Class Matter. OUTL1NE8. ull list of the Democratic- mem of the Senate committees, as by the Democratic, caucus, is shed this morning. The dent sent to the Senate yester k number of nominations for for aiinisterSjConsuls, &c. Harper, Cincinnati bank wrecker, hasr found guilty, and he goes to the entiary for ten years. The span of the railroad bridge of ,ouisville.& Nashville Road, over Llabama river, near Montgomery, arried away by a flood on Sun uorning; a carpenter was -swept with it and drowned. A id attempt to form a French jet has failed, and another Sen bas been called npon to try his at the work. M. Ferry's tion on Sunday was feverish, t is feared that his wounds will . gravated; his would-be assassin : ises to reveal the names of his aplices to-day, if the gang does ttempt to assassinate some of -embers of the Rouvier Cabinet, 'he healing process is progress avorably in the throat of the a Prince of Germany. At equest of Speaker Carlisle the -3 has selected the committee on ons. Rev. Charles C. Berry, : gland, has declined the call ex . t d to him by Plymouth Church, idyn. A Cincinnati stage ger was struck dead Saturday , by an electric current which down the bell wire when he . iown the curtain. A white md a negro were drowned in the - river, near Raleigh, on Sun- Eugene Higgins, appoint- clerk of the Treasury Depart will resign at an early date, he Chicago provision market - -day was strong and higher, and ; and corn lower. A crazy dealer of Tazewell county, Ya., 2red a colored mail carrier a few ;ince. Large car works are built at Anniston, Ala., capable ning out twenty cars a day; one and men will be employed, and 0 a day for labor and material e disbursed. The third at- ; to form a French Cabinet was -isful with M. Tirard at its head, i re in the centre of the busi ;)ortion of Chicago, last night, )yed property to the value :.alf a million of dollars. 5ew York markets: Money easy i 5 per cent., closing offered at rcent.; cotton quiet at 10 9-16 '.-16c;southern flour steady; wheat, dull; No. 2 red December 8SJ orn, No. 2 December 61c; spirits ; -ntine steady at 87c; rosin dull " 031 10. . Pamelas health is reported as oved. v hen Blaine was in Congress he a favor of taxing coal. j : the South Carolina Legislature - jill to give a life-tenure to Judgee natural death. a North Georgia Conference 3s by brother Chandler and goes ; ie Abbott Kelley crowd. ' ' ere eeems to be fears in Wash !.oa among Democrats as to the - fmation of Judgs Lamar. !;e earnings of the South Caro- railroads for October, 1887, an increase of some $70,000, r October, 1886. Je ballot is growing unpopular iaseaohusetts. In . 1858, 2,238 en voted for school officers, year 837 registered. . L. W. Humphrey, of Golds is the member of the Republi ational Committee for North Una. JLott is a cute politician. imarck has made a strong ap- to German patriotism to make !" German army a fall match for Russian army by increasing its (,'gtb. 6 . dr. Blaine is opposed , to repeal- be liquor tax. What will the U fry Republican politicians do v 't it? John Nichols and Brer (r for instance. " '8. Wilson's la9t novel is not U 'l Draispfl Crif.ina ar arrreed 0i' it is hard rAinv and hard "to d -aderstanded of th people." -It ISlp. o 1 ' i. .. . 3 1- - Classical motion airy ana oy utw '"' : ls get along with it. ; ' . i,e veoerable Harvey M. Walter ' . ex member of Congress, iain 'ngton for the winter and ,-wil ' special correspondent of" f 8vile Courier" Journal Ile ia rather of the brilliant ": Henry 3jiereoD, editor of : that , very able VOIi XLI. NO. 69. The boy pianist, Josef Hofmann,i8 still exciting the wonder of New Yorkers. But ten years old he stands with he foremost pianists of all the world. The TXniea says of his last performance: - "When the time for improvisation came fua arose once mora in the little felloe's mind. 'Alexander Lambert eave him a theme, a motive from Loheogiin." Ii was a true theme, consisting of only seven notes, and not a complete melody, such as has been given before. Hofmann began by weaving a little' symphonic movement with it, reproducing the theme at different intervals and with changing modulations. Then he wandered away into a little melo dy of his own. out of which suddenly walked, to the .Sut prise of every one, ibe choru8 of pilgrims from "Tantshauser." Then the original theme reappeared acd melted into a passage from the gai den scene in "Faust." Hofmann appeared to enjoy the surprise and amusement of the audience immensely. "He returned to his theme, mads a new melody out of it in the major, echoed it in the bass, and put a clever and effective ending to the whole. No one, except possibly Schumann, who made some pregnant remarks on the sub ject, ever knew the value of an effective ending better than this marvellcus boy." Our friend of the ..Goldsboro Argus must not look in the local columns of the Stab for its political opinions. The political writer of the Stab does not, know what ap pears in the local columns. So he is not responsible m aby way for politi cal views thai may appear in those columns, especially if they collide with those heretofore repeatedly en forced in the political columns of the Stab. If Miss Murfree does not look out Virginia' Miss McClellan will win a higher and eurer name. Already in three novels she hae scored two pro noanced successes. Her "Oblivion" and "Jean Monteith" are praiaed by the berft papers in the South and in the North. The Charleston News and Courier says of the latter: "The author ha9 considerable power of description, which fche uses much more sparingly and discreetly than her rival, Miss Murfree, and her dialect," also, is much ess freely drawn upop. Altogether "Jean Monteith" is a very creditable piece of work." Rev. Frank A. Bishop, a Wilmiug. tonian, occupied the pulpit of Fifth Street Methodist Church on Sunday morning. We learn he preached a decidedly good sermon. Mr. Bishop is a growing man and in five years he will be one of the leading men in the Conference. Such is our pre diction based upon a most favorable acquaintance with the man and his work. He is broadening every vear The N. Y. Times says the message is finding general favor and the bus iness men like it. It says "men of all political creeds commend its statesmanship." It says: "Among Democrats, Independents, and business men of Brooklyn the President's message excited surprise, pleasure, and en thusiasm. All praised it and seconded its conclusions. Even Republicans admired the courage of the man who had done what the entire Democratic party had been afraid to do." Hugh McCulloch, the eminent Re publican financier and ex-Secretary of the Treasury, says that "there is no doubt that the Tariff needs reduc tion." Hu says "he does not believe that the Constitution allows a Pro tective system." He says the tax on whiskey is wise and should be re tained, but he is willing to repeal the tobacco tax. Blaine bas defeated Cleveland. That U to say Mrs. Blaine leceived more votes for a quilt at the Phila delphia Fair last week than Mrs. Cleveland received. But that is a Republican precinct . and the ballot box was stuffed. Now let a "free hallnt. and a fair count" be haa in New York and then see how it will pan out. Rossi, the eminent Italian actor, has offered to go to San Remo to play before the afflicted Crown Prince. A man with his malady would be wise to think of something else than mock tragedy. Robbing a train seems to be a re gular occupation in the Southwest. Three masked men have just robbed an entire train on the St. louis and Texas road. ' They got $40,000. Why does the. Lynchburg News ntignrPBPnt the STAB 8S - tO. ltS economic views? The Stab has never said it. was for free traJe, but it has said the opposite. James O'Oonnell, stage manager ol the Charles Andrews 5 Michael Btrogoff Com binatidn, . was ; ttruck dead by an electric current which caae down the.Jn--wire when he rang down the curtaia at Robin -ka.t rinr.tnn&tL Saturday evening. n w 28 vearsold. Miss Collins, whom he was la marry;- wasralmost heart-DroBen WILMINGTON, o?s:e! CITY. -NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Coixieb. & Co Auction sale. E H. Freeman Racket store. Muhsos Overcoats, business suits. D. L. Gobe Cocoaouta, apples, etc. Masonic Meeting St. John's Lodge. E. Wabskn & Son Cake trimmings. Local Dots. The Cape Fear brought down 148 bales of cotton, 39 casks of spirits turpentine and 52 barrels of tar. Mr. Wm. M. Poisson has been elected, chairman of the Board of Trustees of Grace M. E. Church. The Superintendent of streets is putting down drains on Front street at the intersection of Ann. turner's Almanac for 1888 is out. We are indebted to the nub- isher, Mr. J. H. Eunis, for a copy. A stage rehearsal of the comic opera of the "Little Tycoon," -was held at the Opera House last night. Receipts of cotton yesterday 1,039 bales. Total receipts since Sept. 1st 135,432. Increase so far this sea son, 35,146 bales. The "Little Gleaners," of the First Presbyterian church, are mak ing arrangements for a festival to be given at the City Hall sometime next week. Capt. Simon Davis, of the schooner Mary Wheeler, reports that while his vessel was off Shallotte one night last week, about 9 o'clock, a whale came up alongside and spouted water on the decks. The whale fol- owed the vessel for about an hour. Mr. W. R. Penny, one of tha oldest citizens of Brunswick county, died yesterday after a long and pain ful illness of cancer of the face. He was the father of Messrs. W. J. and B. F. Penny, of this city. His funeral will take place to-day at his late resi dence, about six miles from the city. The tv yoaog while men charged by a colored man with as sault and battery with a deadly weap on, at the Champion Compress last Saturday (as mentioned in Sunday's Star) appeared before Justice Millis yesterday and gave bond for their appearance at the next term of the Criminal Court to answer to the charge. Arrangements are on foot for a grand masquerade on Christmas day by young men of the city. Quite a number have agreed to join in the parade. We are requested to state that persons wishing to join may leave their names with T C. Dickin son, at the Capital Dye Works, on South Second street, or at Cameron's store, opposite Front street market. fflemoiial Services. There was an unusually large at tendance at the Sabbath School of Grace M. E. Church Sunday after noon, the occasion being memorial services held in accordance with pre vious announcement in respect to the memory of the late Superintendent Capt. Wm. M. Parker. Mr. W. M. Poisson was called to the chair and Mr. W. W. Hodges, the Secretary of the school acted as secre tary. - Remarks suitable to the solemn oc casion were made by Rev. Dr. Yates, Mr. H. M. Bowden, Mr. W. M. Pois son, Mr. Thos. C Davis, Mr. John C. Davis, Mr. G. H. Kelly and Mr. W. W. Hodges. The preamble and resolutions offered by Mr. J. W. King, acting superintendent of the school, were unanimously adopted by a rising vote, after which the meeting closed with a few words of exhortation by the chairman and benediction by Rev. Dr. Yates. mayor's court. Kate Holmes and Joe West, both colored, charged with an affray, were arraigned before the Mayor yesterday morning, and after a patient investi gation of the case were' each fined five dollars. W. F. Colton alias Smith, drunk and down, was fined ten dollars, or to serve twenty days on the chain gang. Peter Smith and Katte Smith, col ored, arrested for disorderly conduct fighting. Case continued. George Holmes, 'colored, charged with assault and battery with a deadly weapon, was committed to the custody of the sheriff in default of bond for his appearance at the Crimi nal Court. Holmes is charged with striking a colored boy with a door- bar at a restaurant on South Water street near the market house and dls- ablingone of the boy's arms crack ing the bone, as the doctor's certin .cate said. " Foreign Export xesterday. S Messrs. Alex, Sprunt & Son cleared the British barque Paragon yester day, for Liverpool, Eng., with. 3,082 bales of cotton, weighing 1,442,961 pounds and valued at $147,910. Messrs. E. Peschau & Westermann cleared the German barque Trabant for Stettin, Ger., with 3,550 barrels ot rosin, valued at $3,800. N, CM TUESDAY, DEOE1MBER 13. 1887. A Knock Down anIDrac-Ont In lb Country. Larry Williams, colored, was com mitted to jail yesterday by Justice Price in default of bail in the sum of $200 in two cases of assault and battery with a deadly weapon, and $50 in a case of forcible trespass. The complainants in the cases are Button Ponton and wife Lizzie, also colored, Ponton is foreman on Col. Roger Moore's plantation, about four miles from the city, and Larry Wil- iams was employed on the place as a aborer. Ill-feeling had existed be tween the two men ior some time past and a fight took place between them last Saturday evening, during which Ponton received a slight cut with a knife in one of his legs. As the story was told in Court yester day, Wiliaras, after the fight, about nine o'clock at night went to Pon ton's house with an axe and proceed ed to clean out the establishment. It didn't appear clearly what became of Ponton, whether he sought safety in flight up the chimney or down in the well. His wife Lizzie, however rushed in to save her furniture from destruction and was knocked down with a blow of -the axe, which cut a terrible gash on her head over the eft eye, and maimed two of the fin gers of her right hand. Amos De vane, a brother of Button's wife.canie to the rescue, but was knocked out in short order, and the work of des truction was resumed. Williams smashed the bedstead, demolished the tables and chairs and broke the stove all to pieces; after which he went in search of Button's wife, swearing that he would kill her. But the woman was secreted by some of her neighbors, and the infuriated darkey, being foiled in further at tempts upon the Button family and domicile, went to his own house, where he was found Sunday morning by the minions of the law, captured without a struggle and brought to the city. Wilmington Ltgb( Infantry. The annual election of officers of the Wilmington Light Infantry was held at the Armory last night. There was a full attendance of mem bers and the utmost good feeling pre vailed. All the old officers were re elected, by acclamation, as foljows: Captain John H. Daniel. First Lieutenant W. N. Harriss. Second Lieutenant J. C. Morrison. Ensign W. E. Perdew. The civil officers chosen for the year are President D. T. Cronly. Vice President H. Cronenberg. Secretary and Treasurer Thomas Gause. Finance Committee D. MacRae, Jr., J. L. Cantwell, W. C. Corbett. Application Committee Walker Taylor, W. E. Perdew, E. W. Moore. Uniform Committee H. H. Mcll- henny, Duval French, H. Cronen berg. Dr. W. E. Storm was placed upon the list of reserves. The reserve corps medal was pre sented to Mr. J. J. Hednck. The presentation was ' made through Lieut. J. C. Morrison, in a happily worded speech, which was fittingly responded to by the recipient of the medal. The Light Infantry was never in a more flourishing condition. Its ranks are full and all the members take a commendable pride in the organiza tion. The company are making fair progress in their efforts to raise a fund to provide new uniforms. Bad Dogs Killed. Mr. J. Hill Terry, Superintendent of the County Poor-house, reported at Police headquarters yesterday that he had been attacked by two savage dogs just within the city limits near Smith's Creek bridge. Mr. Terry suc ceeded in beating the dogs off with an umbrella but not before his clothing was torn and he had received some slight scratches from their teeth. The dogs belonged to a colored man named Sol Ballard, and acting under i nstructions from the Mayor, officer Turlington accompanied Mr. Terry to Ballard's premises where the two dogs an English bull dog and a bull terrier that attacked Mr. Terry were found and killed. Ballard and an other colored man named Wright Johnson, living in the same neigh borhood, were afterwards arrested on warrants chargingthem with keeping unlicensed dogs. They will have a hearing before the Mayor this morn ing. Wine and Baer splrltnons Lienors. The Supreme Court has rendered an important decision in regard to the local option law, in a case brought on appeal from the Superior Court for Wake county. A telegraphic dis patch to the Star, received last night, says: The Supreme Court this afternoon decided the Gursch case. The decis ion is that the sale of wine and beer is not allowable under the local op tion law and other like statutes. Jus tice Merrimon rendered the opinion, which says" that spirituous liquors, under our statutes include lager beer and wine. The county authorities had no right to issue license to the defendant Gursch. This opinion over rules the decision rendered by Judge, James H.' Merrimon In - this notable Lease lastugust.' t; ; ttbr Inlllot. The following are the indications for to-day, received at 1 a. m.: For Virginia, warmer fair weather, light to fresh variable winds. North Carolina and South Carolina, slightly warmer fair weather, light to fresh northerly winds, veering to northeasterly, except nearly stationa ry temperature on coast. KIVEB AND MARINE. Nor. barque Monica, Johannesen, hence, arrived at London Dec. 9. Br. barque Pons i.Paknoham, hence for Hamburg, passed Dover Dec. 9. Norwegian barques La Plata and Flora sailed from Southport Sunday morning. The British steamship Cam Urea, Jenkins, hence, arrived at Liv erpool Dec. '10. The Gulf Stream arrived Sunday and brought a large freight of goods suitable to the holiday trade. The Revenue steamer Colfax ar rived yesterday afternoon from a cruise down the coast as far as Charleston. The small steam yacht JyA,Capt. Marshall, bound from New York to St. Augustine, Florida, came up the river yesterday. She was reported a few days ago at Barren Inlet. Capt. Marshall attempted to bring her in through Corn Cake inlet, but the weather was too rough and she came in around Frying-pan shoals. Hoar nomas m futnisbed with teeth rendered penily and RliateniD by fragrant BOZODONT. usu ally regarded &s an Indispensable adjunct or thb loiiet. ere perfectly bewitching. So irresistible noes toe broadcloth sex unci them, that it requires tbe u'.nol self re strict lo forbear ltnpr irti c a kws upon them wherever eeen io corrosive nib stance ccniacninatea this st&cdird bciotifler Of the teeth, from which it removes every impurity. Uso it regulatly. t A a yj ii am n i i inn & . ua oavw several leepleaa nights, disturbed by tbe agonl e and cries of a suffering child, and becoming co n rinced that Mrs. Wlnalow's Soothing Syrup was just the article needed, procured a supply for the child. On reaching home and acquainting his wile with what he bad done, she refused to have it administered to the child, as she was strongly In favor of Homoeopathy. That night the child paad in snffering.and the parents without sleep. Return ing home the day following, the father found the baby still suffering: and while contemplating an other sleepless night, the mother stepped from the room to attend to some domestio duties and left the father with the child, inning her ab senoe he administered a portion of tbe Soothing Syrup to the baby. end said nothing. That night all nanas slept weu, ana toe ntue reuow awoue in the morning bright and happy The mother was delighted with the wonderful change, and al though at nrst onenaea at tee deception prac ticed upon her, has continued to use the Syrup, and suffering crying babies and restless nights have disappeared. A single trial of the Syrup nevor yet failed to relieve the baby, and over come the prejudices of the mother. Sold by all Druggists. 25 cents a bottle. MARRIED. OLIVES CONSTABLE. At Christ Church, on Wednesday morning, November 23rd, 1S87. by the Ker. Mr. Shields. Miss MARTHA HAKVBY OLIVEB. daughter of William EL Oliver. Eeq . to Mr. THOSlAh tC COSSTABLK. of Norfolk, Va. Mr. B. K. Bishop and Mr. Lelnster Duffy acted as ushers. Mr. WUilam Holilster and Miss Haunab A. Oliver walled on the bride, and Mr. William 8. Woolen stood at the side of the groom Seldom has the Impressive ceremony of the church been more beautifully rendered, the floral decorations more-tasty, the muslo more appropriate, the congratulations of the people more sincere than on this oooaslon. The bride was the recipient of a great number of presents of tbe most beautiful and costly character. May happiness be within their hones for now and for ever more. Newbern. N. C. Z. DIED, PSNNY At his home, la Brunswick county, yesterday evening at 6 o'clock. Mr. w. R. PSHH?, aged 73 years, father of Messrs. W. J. A B. F. fenny, of this city. The funeral will take place this afternoon at 2 o'olock, at his reaidenoe. Friends and acquaint ances of the family are invited to attsnd. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. St. JoM's Mge No. 1, A. F. & A. M. REGULAR MONTHLY COMMTNICATION this (ruesdaj) Evening, at 8 o'clock. Elec tion of Offioers tor the ensuing Masonlo year. A cordial Inrttationjextended visiting brethren, dec is it WM. M. POISSON. Seo'y. Auction Sale rpo-DAY, AT 10 O'CLOCK, IN OUR SALES X Room on Market, near Second street. We ell every night in the week, oommeaclng at 7 o clock, we bave a large consignment or euver Piated Ware, Crockery, ulass ana Tin ware, Vases, Lampe, OU Paintings, itoila. Cigars, Blankets, Ac. COuLLEK CO., dec 13 It Auctioneers. 5,000 Cocoanuts, 50 BBLS. APPLES. 103 BOXES RAISINS, 100 Hoim Fire-Crackers. 100 Boxes Cheese. 100 Boxes Crackers, 73 .Boxes Faney Candy. Spirit Casks, Hay, Molaesea, Meat, Hoop iron. Ac I). L. GORE, deo 13 DWtf 13), 122 A 124 North Water bt. GAEE TRIMMINGS. JUST RECEIVED ONE CASS OF FANCY CANDIES, Especially for Trimming Christtnss or Wed ding Cakes. Also 15 BBLS. MALAGA GRAPES, telling oboap. E. Warren & Son, EXCHANGE CORNER. dec 13 tf Children's and Boys' 0"vercoats, POLO CAP?, Business Suits for Men, GOOD STYLES AND MIXTURES. I HSA.P SUITS to order in oar TJNAPPROACH ABLE excellent style. MU5S0N. Clothier. MerchsnCTaUorTand GenU' Furnisher. Sage, Tiyme ail Red Pepje? JTJ8T ARRIVED. CHlVAirKRU XlFB FOR the Hair. Ayer' Hair Vigor. Montgomery's Hair Restorer. Lyon's . Kathalron, Bnraett'a Oooo aine, Ac ROBERT R. BELLAMY. DrnrgUt, ' ; hot 37 tf N. W. Cor. Front and Market Uts. WHOLE Is'O. (5620 I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. RACKET STORE! WE Fit VI THE Largest, Handsomest AND TfIS Cheapest Line of toys EVER OFESED FJK SALE IN WILMINGTON. In DOLLS a'oas we bare over tweaty different kind, including BISCUIT, WORSTED, CBINA,WAI, &C. Wax Doll 36 Indies High 03c. 27 20 15 12 P 50c. 2Sc. 13c. 10c. 5c. ( it n t tt You will find that our prices on Wagons, Carriages, DRUMS, TIX-TOYS, Ac, ARXS0PERCZST. L0W2B T3A.N AKYOTEKR. We boa zht our TOYS to sell, an3 not to carry ever un'.ll next Cbrltmat. E H, FREEMAN, Opposite Market House New York House. No. 4J Broadway; dec 13 tf Seed Eice. 1,000 ECS H ELS VZBY PfJRE fcEED. For sale by dec it 8t NAVAS8A. GDANO CO. For Eent, DS3IHABLE ROOM, IN GOOD ! neighborhood, and convenient to 'jutl- ne-s portion of the city Apply at dec 11 tf No. 432 N. 6ECOND ST. For Sale or Eent, QJ CROPS FIRST AND SECOND TEAR TtTR O O pentlne Boxes for sale or rent, in Liberty couo-y. Ga. three miles from river transporta tion. One itt barrel tl!L 80 hou-es and shanties all new. Will sell SK head Mules and tlx Wagons II wanted. For particulars addrees J. K. McOUFFlE A SON. nov 37 lm nao Beard's Creek, Ua. To Owners of Vehicles ! "yHEN YOU NEED ANY REPAIRING LOR Painting done g:va us a ca'l . Will guarantee you the BEST WORK at the LOWEST PRICES. We have a fine lot of Buggies, P ha; to as, Surrle3 Wagon:, Carts and Drays on hand, which we are selling very cheap. C. B. S0UTHERL1ND a CO., Successors to R. P. McDougall, dec 11 tf Corner Second and Princess Sts. HE AD QUARTERS FOR COUPE, TRACK, BUGGY, CARBIAGE AND DRAY HARNESS. MEN'S, BOYS' aid LADIES' SADDLES, ROBES AND BLANKETS, TRUNKS AND BAGS. TOY TRUSKS and ZINC PACKERS at cost for cash. For the same quality of goods we guarantee to sell cheaper than any one In the city. Repairing and Hand-Made Goods a specialty. H. L. FENNKLL, The Horse Milliner, 10 South Front St. dec 11 tr Ho Fancy Prices. HAVE JUST RECEIVED FOB THE HOLIDAY TRADE THE FOLLOWING LINE OF FAMILY LiaUORS: IMPORTED : J AS. HEN NESS KB COGNAC BRANDY, JAMAICA and ST. CROIX RUM. NEW ENGLAND RUM, HIDALGO SHERRY WINE, LONDON DOCK PORT WIS E. DOnfisTIC: SEAL OF PA. RYE WHISKEY, RIVER HILLS RYE WHISKEY, N. C. CORN WHISKEY, APPLE and PEACH BRANDY. CALIFORNIA. CATAWBA and SCUPPXENONQ WINES. Also fine line HAVANA CIGAB8. SX) Boxes TOBACCO on consignment. Will close at low prices. SOL.. BEAK Jk CO. dec 4 tf Bacon, Flour, Lard. 100 BoZM D' s siDxs 1000 Bu rii0UB' grr4e 2Q Cam LARD. For sale low by anO 1f WILLIAMS RANKIN CO. New Crop P.R, Molasses rlRST CARGO OF THB SEASON. QAA HHDS OUST ARRIVKD), NOW LAND- tag, and for sale In lots to salt by an 8 tf WILLIAMS. RANKIN A 00. Sugar, Coffee, Eice. QQBbls Refined SUGARS, Backs Choice BIO COFFEE, Bbli CAROLINA RICE, For sale low by! an 9 tf WILLIAM 8, RANKIN A CO. Glue, Hoop Iron,Hails. 25 mB DISTTLLXB'8 GLUE. Bundles HOOP IRON OCA Kegs NAILS, 'For al low b SAltr " - WILLIAMS, ACQ. e::i i t J I) I on so .". It' ... oiiWml.,m.,.;.. Two Weeks, .'4 " On) Moath..... ...... Tea WABtiia -r Months... ...... sss u . UBS) X tr Contract Advetttoeiaects taken at proper-" rtonatelF low rataa. - Ten lines solid Nonpareil typ maka ona aqtar- t'mmmmWmmmWmmmMmmmwmwmwmMmmmMmWmWmWmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mew ADVERTISEMENTS.' WAKE UP1 Bemembcr tbe. Little Folks; :" BROWN & RODDICK, : ' 0 .urtb Front fit. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, We are now offerlec -t ' V v Wholesale and Retail" , THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF FANCY Y:' GOODS FOR '- HOLIDAY GIFTS '. v Tbat has Ter beta abowa la tbla city. Th creater portion of taem we imported direct." ' - Ttey are about twenty fire per eent. chetMr . " than they can be botuht elsewberc. Oar oonn -ters are loaded with them - .' Our Wholesale patrons wCl please remember , .. that cur Jobblns Stock Is kept UP STAIRS, and entire.' y separate from our Retail department. ' .- . . . WeiriTethe following imperfect list, as -ottr - eps co will not admit of enaineratlnx eyerythlBg: . . Christmas Cards A bsautlf ol assortment, and the prices speak tot . , ,. J v' themselres. - "c China and Bronze Vases, '-r-;. Clocks, " V S -a' With Catb'edral Ctilmoa, &xul NoTftlty Clocks v l's from $1.00 np to S3 50 . - Plush aDd Leather Satchels. S Toys, Games, Blocks, China Tea Seta. School Com- 1 p anions. Walking Turtles. Banks, Ac., Ao. . PAPETBRIES In Fancy Boxes and Flash Boxes. - - - WRI riNG DESKS la many different styles. V ' CUPS AND SAUCERS. FANCY WHISK BROOM HOLDERS. CIGAR STANDS. CARD RECEIVERS. TOOL CHESTS. HARMONICAS. accordions. Steam Engines. Jewelry, A vtry large and rarled assortmant. Colognes and Extracts, Ac, Ac, Ac., Ac. Ac, Ac. We would also call special attention to the folv ' -lowlnir. which are most desirable and male ; ' really useful Holiday Fresenu. . V-.".- Ladies' anil Gents' sot Wwk With Gold Plated, Broszs and SHyer Handles - Linen Handkerchiefs v I Put up In half dozen, la really very handeaine ' . ' Boxes. Laiies' aid Beitf Silt Raittcitlfcrfe- TAPE9TBYiTABLB COVERS. PIANO COVERS. BUREAU SCARFS in Flash. MANTLE SCARFS In Flush. . ' ' V" LIS EN BUREAU SCARFS ' . : : A aew line of TO BOG AN CAPS last reoefyed. ' Ac, Ao Ac Our Book Department' Would, really stock a lane Store of itself. : ."' ' Tbe Oaxton Edition of Popular No rela .'.-' , The Gilt Ede Poets. ' :-- v Chlldren's Illustrated and Illummated Books 1 ' All at lets then half tbe price yo hare trer . ; : seen them. X :', Call before the roan and cire us a ehaaeeT to wait on you . ''J ':.-'(-'" BROWN & RODDICK, I BOSTH FRONT STREET, ' " ' deoll U - v by the event. 7 isT??"': -: ' '

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