V - - - t :' lie toiAiiigyStar. 1L.L.IARI H BERN A Si ,1TBLISHED DAILYJKXC.SPT MONDAYS RA.TM 0 8TO80MPTIOH, W ADTAKCB. ,ne Year (by Mall). Poataw Paid. . . . , . .. . . . $ 00 l!X Months, ,m Three Months M , ... 163 tnA Montn. .....-. uU v-To City Subscribers, delivered In any prt c tho City, Twklvb Cbhts ur week. Our City 'Lfj-are not authorised to collect for more lian three months In advance. - irared at the Post Office at Wilmington. N. C UerBu class Matter. OUTLINES. In the Senate yesterday a number of bills were introduced, among them one for the establishment of a postal telegraph; in the Housethe Commit tee on Elections was reported and elected, when an adjournment took place until Friday. Senator Chandler has introduced a bill to regulate the holding of Congressional elections in South Carolina, Florida, Mississippi and Louisiana, something after the order of things -which pre vailed in reconstruction days. Violent attacks are being made on the new French government, , which it is expected will collapse after the holidays. The charges against M. Wilson, son-in-lpw of M. Grevy, in connection with the decoration scan dal, have been dropped, no case being established against him. The Senate Committee on Privileges and Elections has decided unani mously to seat Mr. Faulkner, of West Virginia. The burn ing of the boat and shoe house of Thelps, Dodge & Palmer, in Chicago, on Monday night, was at tended, it is thought, with the loss of several lives. An address is being circulated among the Catholics in England assuring the Holy See of their devotion, and expressing the hope that the Pope will assist in obtaining for Ireland the fulfilment of her national aspiration; niany prominent men are among the signers. A fire in a Chattanooga rolling mill, yesterday caused a loss of 20,000. Thieves blew open the safe of the, treasurer of Bote tourt county, Va., on Monday night and carried off $600 of county bonds. The Chicago market opened yesterday at an advance on the figures of the previous day, but to wards the close there was a feeling of weakness in wheat, which had a depressing influence on the market. A prize fight for the middle weight championship was fought, on the Hudson river yesterday by Jack Dempsey and Johnny Reagan; forty five rounds were fought, when the latter threw up the sponge; the stake was $2,000. A Canadian post office was burglarized on Saturday night last and over $20,000 stolen. :?rand Master Workman Powder- ly is suffering from a violent attack of hemorrhage, and his condition is said to be very critical. Henry S. Ives, of the defunct banking firm of Ives & Co., New York, has been arrested on the charge of grand larceny. The cost of a retail liquor license in Atlanta has been fixed at $1500. Several heavy failures are reported from Phila delphia and New York. New York markets: Money easy at 4(5 -H per cent., closing offered at 4 per cent. ; cotton firm at 10 9-1 6 10 11-1 6c; Southern flour quiet and gen erally steady;- wheat, spot very dull and lower; No. 2 red December 87J S&tc; corn, No. 2 December 61c; spirits turpentine firm at 87ic; rosin dull at 1 051 10. Nina Van Zandt says she will soon follow Spies. She is looking very bad. The Tories claim that their cause ii sireDgtheniog iij every part of thtir country. If trae it. is a "blafs fid" ehame. John Horley, leading Liberal, is going to Ireland, and there is talk in Tory circles of "proclaiming" his meetings and arresting him. Look oat for the Star of Beth lehem, that can now be seen before 4 o'clock in the morning just where the Wise Men saw it at Christ's birth -in the East. Rev. William H. Lewis has a cap Ual paper in The American Maga zine for December, entitled " The Double Inspiration." It is ery thoughtful, neat and terse. Ftrrv B at present tne French kcro. The bullets did that much for kim. Popular favor runs with bim. Ureat crowds surround his house and fading statesmen call upon him. If tae saootmg had come a little earlier it would have made him President. It is said that the once fathiona We Fifth Avenue, N. Y., with its elegant palatial edifices has become a street of boarding houses. The opper-ten have gone up higher. iQat is about all the "going up u,gaer" 80me of them wjU ever know, we may believe. - A niece of Andrew Jackson bad to ug toi a night's lodging in Wash- 1Dgtou this week. A granddaughter" Jefferson died poor not long ago. sou of Tyler lives, upon a ; small jr. Office in the TWn nnvrm'flntL -VV081 of Presidents Vare"; said, to aVe AaA .i j V11UUUI - IUJUUU i Ul VUIO world a goods. VOL. XLI.NO. 70. EVENING EDITION. The discontinuance of the day train on the Carolina Central Rail road necessitates Ihe resumption of the, evening edition of the Stab, which, beginning to-morrow, the I5tb, will be sent to all subscribers on the line of the Carolina Central and its connections, including Fay etteville. In-. consequence "of the change, the Stab will not reach tire' subscribers mentioned above to mor row, but on the following day. The evening edition will contain the Wil mington markets of the date of issue and all important telegrams received ip to the hour of going to press. The latest news of this edition will always be found on second and third pages. Lawrence Barrett is delighted with the results of his combination with Ed win Booth. They will con tinue it. Barrett is the manager and a good one. After their New York engagement they spend thir teen weeks in a Southern tour. They will go as far as Texas and then to San Fraucisoo. They wiH travel in their own private car. He S3ys pub lic taste has improved and they have had cultivated audiences. He says: "The public. I think, has had a surfeit of light plays and ia willing and anxious to encourage the higher order of dramas. Of course, our company ia so thoroughly efficient and evenly balanced tfiat. Shakes peare's plays are intelligently interpreted, but fashionable audiences are not alwavs attentive, even to the highest, art. Our presentations, uowever. have been received with interest, and the members of the com pany have been cordially and intelligently encouraged The critics have also been uniformly commendatory of our work, even the severest of them according us the fullest praise that could be bestowed on any dramatic effort." He says he would rather manage than act. There is talk of building a grand theatre in New York where plays can be produced "with every detail." They have had overtures and. are considering them. The North Carolina Baptist Al manac for 1888, published and edited by our brother Bailey of the Biblical Recorder, is the neatest of all home publications of the kind. It is just what it claims to be a Baptist Al manac, and is sold for 10 cents. Dur ing the year the following ministers have died -Elders John E. Monta gue, J. F. Moore, George W. Huf nara, L. E. Dancan, E. A. Best, John A. Farthing, J. P. Montague, T. J. Webb, Zicbariah Allen, James Weathers, Daniel McDowell, Allen S. Wynn-12 in all. It is reported "from Washington that Roger Q. Mills, of Texas, will be Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, and Randall will be Chairman of the Committee on Appropriations. It is said that there is an understanding that Randall is not to oppose the Democratic Tariff Reform bill. It is also thought that the measure will ' not go to the ex tent recommended and urged by the President. ' It ia probable that to placate certain Southern Democrats the tobacco tax will be lifted. But the liquor tax will remain. Mr. Frank Hurd, one of the ablest of living Democrats and a strong Tariff reformer, has this to say of Mr. Cleveland's much talked of message: "On this tariff issue the Democratic party can carry the Northwest. Such States as Michigan. Iowa, Nebraska, Wis consin anl Minnesota ate with us on the question. There will be only eight or ten States left to the Republicans. As for breaking upthe South you cannot do that." It will take a strong fight to save at least two Southern States, but it can be done. The New York World's Wash ington special tells of the brutal treatment to which Mr. Nadal, a na turalized citizen of New York, was subjected iu Porto Rico. He was arrested on a charge of conspiracy agaiost the Spanish Gpvernment in the West Indies, was confined to a dungeon and terribly punished by a military guard. A prominent North Carolinian resi- don!, at. Raleitrh writes us on 10th Nw O December as follows: 'The editorial in the Stab of yesterday nn ih "Virginia cases' ts a true represent tation of the patriotic sentiment of the whole country, ana tne aesenpuon ui uo character of Judge Bond is obliged to find a re-erbo-in every honeBt heart. I wish every newspaper in the State would copy your editorial. Henry J. Powell, aHarvard Uni versity student from New. York, committed sujeide thinking himself insane. His act aeems to confirm the 'accuracy of hii thinking, . - ;- v ' I ' WILMINGTON, N. THE CITY, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. O. C. Redix Barber wanted. Mxiksoh Boys and cbildrn'eauit8. , Meeting Pine PoreBt Cemetery Co.. E. Wabren & 8on Cake trimmings. Masonic Meeting Wilmington Comd'y. Local Dots. A heavy freshet is reported in Black river. The "Halcyon days" begin to day, according to Turner's Almanac. Recent rains caused a rise of about thirty feet in the river at Fay ette ville. Mr. Willis Turlington, of Ben- nettsville, S. C, is visiting friends in this city. St. Agnes' Guild will have an oyster festival at the City Hall next Friday night. The Tevenue steamer Colfax left yesterday fr a cruise along the coast as far north as Body Island. Col. K. M. Morchison is again in the city after spending a few days pleasantly at the Orton plantation. Receipts of cotton yesterday 669 bales; the same day last year 773. Increase so far this season, 35,042 bales. Mr. J. C. Blocker, of Cedar Creek, was a passenger on the steamer Hurt, which left yesterday afternoon for Fayette ville. Lieut. D. P. Foley, of the reve nue steamer Colfax, returned yester day from a -short vacation spent in Washington, D. C. The Rose Osborne Company appear at the Opera House here in "Fortune's Fool" Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. The side-wheel steamer IZissi- mee, from New London, Conn., bound to Jacksonville, Fla., put in at South- port Monday evening, and proceeded yesterday. Judge -Jas. C. McRae in here on a short visit. He has a vacation now until February, when he goes to the 12th District, where it's cold enough to freeze thermometers. The painful and unexpected news of the death of Mrs. Norwood Huske, at Ocala, Florida, reached here yesterday. She will be buried in Oakdale Cemetery to-day. Mr. Cochran, a well known sa- loonist of Charlotte, has rented the store now occupied by Mr. I. Shrier, on Front street, where he will open a bar and restaurant about January 1. John Brown, colored, was ar rested yesterday, charged with steal ing ten dollars from D. O. Robinson, colored. An investigation of the case will be had this morning before the Mayor. Pinkney Bright, colored, ar rested on a peace warrant sworn out by his wife, Celia Bright, gava bond in the sum of fifty dollars yesterday before Justice Millis, to keep the peace for thirty days. R. R. Mori3sey, foreman of the Cape Fear S. F. E. Co., who was re ported missing last week, was at the meeting of the Company last Monday night. He informed a reporter yes terday that he had resigned the posi tion of foreman, and that all differ ences with the Company had been settled. Mr. T. H. McKoy, Jr., former ly of this city, but now one of the salesmen of Messrs. Thurber, Why land & Co., of New York, was award ed the sixth prize in the presentations made by the firm to those who had sold the largest number of a certain brand of cigars during the past six months. The prize was a diamond star and crescent scarf-pin. Ten prizes in all were awarded. mayor's Court. Edward Thomas, colored, charged with disorderly conduct, was held for examination until to-morrow. SoL Ballard, Wright Johnson and Stephen Hill, all colored, were charged with keeping unlicensed dogs. These are the dogs that made the savage attack on Mr. S. H. Terry last Monday. The offence is a mis demeanor under the laws of the State. Ballard was fined twenty dollars and in default of payment was committed to jail. Wright Johnson Was also fined twenty dollars, ten dollars of which was afterwards remitted on the paymenjfc of the balance. Stephen Hill was committed to jail in default of payment of fine. Eddie Simmons, a small colored boy, charged with assault and battery with a deadly weapon, on a white boy, was, sentenced to ten days' con finement in the city prison. Orris Ann, a colored girl about thir teen years of age, found drunk and r down on the streets, was sentenced to pay a fine of ten dollars or be con fined twenty days in the. city prison. . Carl Johnson, a sailor, found drunk -and down in the Hollow,". was fined ten dollars, with the alternative of twenty dayji' eonnnement. -, . - 1 C, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER U, 1887. Nearly Fifty Years Ao. We were shown yesterday a copy of a newspaper published in this city in 1839 the Wilmington Advertiser, T.C. Hill, editor and proprietor. It was issued "every Friday morning"; office, "southwest of the Town Hall, one door from the corner." It is a twenty-four-column sheet, ten columns of whict are advertisements. One of the advertisements Is signed by James Owen, President of the Wilmington & Raleigh Railroad Co., calling on the stockholders to pay an instalment of $8 per share on the 1st of March, 1839. An advertisement, signed by W. C. Lord and T, H. Wright, calls for "pro posals for pulling down the Episcopal Church in tnis place and cleaning the brick." Barry & Bryant advertise sugar, coffee and molasses, just re ceived from St. Jago DeCuba; Hallett & Brown advertise a dissolution of copartnership;jWright & Savage offer garden seed fo? aale; P. Smith, boots and shoes; E. Buck, carriages and harness; James, if. McRee, that a supply of Rocky Point corn will be kept in the warehouse in Quince's Alley and sold in quantities from five to 1,000 bushels." W. S. Humphrey kept a boarding house in "the com modious brick building at the corner near the Town Hall, formerly occu pied by D. D. Allen." S. Hutchins' sold groceries, ready-made clothing and stoves. Wm. Ware, dentist, on the south side of Market street, three doojs below the court house," had just received a supply of "incorrup tible teeth." Blocker & Steaerall erive notice of a "stage running between Duplin Old Court House andFayette- ville six times a week.'nd add "Passengers- leaving Wilmington by the cars on Monday, Thursday and Satur day, will be taken to Fayetteville in fifteen hours." J. & R. Rogle invite persons to have their portraits painted; Hewitt & Brewington adver tise the tanning and currying busi ness in all its branches, having pur chased J. Northrop's tan yard. Under the head of "Ship News," the arrival of sixteen schooners and brigs is reported, from coastwise and West Indian ports; and the clearance of about the same number. The agents are Barry & Bryant, Hath away &Peckham, A. Lazarus & Son, G. W. Davis, C. C. Stow, and R. W. Brown & Son. In the Prices Current cotton is quo ted at $11.0011.50 per 100 pounds; spirits turpentine 35 cents per gallon; rosin $1.50; tar $1.5 The only items of local news, are the following: "We understand our friends in Wayne are takintr stens to iollifv so soon as the railroad reaches their county town. "We observe that Judge Strange has introduced into the Senate the petition of the people of Wilmington, asking for the erection of light- nouses on Oak Island and Campbell Island." Papal NomlnatlODS. The Rt. Rev. Leo Haid has been nominated Vicar Apostolic proper of North Carolina. When Bishop Nor throp was consecrated Bishop of Charleston, North Carolina was left without a Vicar Apostolic. Bishop Northrop then acted as administrator to North Carolina until a vicar apos tolic should be nominated. This nomination, the Charleston News and Courier says, has been made by the Pope, whose choice, as has been men tioned, fell upon the Rt. Rev. Leo Haid. All will remember his conse cration as abbot of St. Mary's College, in North Carolina, on Thanksgiving Day at the Cathedral Chapel, by the Rt. Rev. H. P. Northrop in 1885. Abbot Leo Haid, previous to his coming South, was chaplain of St. Vincent's College, in Pennsylvania, the largest institution under the di rection of the Benedictine Fathers. Here, also, he taught the higher branches of the English language. His merits, piety and indomitable energy in administering the duties of his position won for him the high es teem of .the members of his Order.and it was because the Benedictines wished to make St. Mary's College in North Carolina one of the first of the excellent institutions under the su pervision of their Order that they se lected Abbot Haid. On the day of his arrival at St. Mary's College a complete change began. I he num ber of applicants was so large that a new and more capacious building had to be constructed. This was soon done, and while a year ago the num ber of students did not exceed forty, now it exceeds . a hundred. All this was owin&r to the zeal and energy of the Rev. Abbot. His ability in di recting and his prudence in acting has recommended him to the Pope and the position of vicar apostolic of North Carolina could not be filled by a more worthy person to succeed tne admirable administrator the Rt. Rev. H. P. Northrop. Colored Masons. The Grand Lodge of colored Ma sons of North Carolina convened yes terday morning in this city at Giblem Lodge, Grand Master Stewart Ellison, of Raleigh, presiding. There are quite a number of delegate from all parts of the State in attendance. Snads Trsss. - Mayor Fowler has made a contract with Mr. L. Johnson, of Point Caswell for five hundred elm trees, to be set out in two rows, on Fifth street. Private parties who wish to obtain trees can obtain them from the elty authorities.- OTsattosr Indication- The following are the indications for to-day, received at 1 a. m.: For Virginia, warmer fair weather light to fresh winds, becoming east erly. For North Carolina and South Car olina, slightly warmer, fair weather, followed by rain, light to fresh east erly winds, increasing in force. New System of Slcnals Adopted; The Atlantic Coast Line has adopt ed the Westinghouse system of auto matic signals in place of the bell system now in use for starting and stopping trains. The new system is said by railroad men to be a great improvement upon the old. ' The cars are now being equipped with it and it will soon be used exclusively on all passenger trains run over this line. Instead of the clumsy gong and bell rope, by means of which the con ductor now gives his orders to the engineer, the Westinghouse system consists of a small whistle which is placed in the cab of the engine and is operated by.means of air valves attached to each car in the train. The valves are opened by pulling a cord which extends through the en tire train, so that the conductor has no trouble in signaling thje engineer from any car in the train: The valveB are supplied by the same power that works the air-brakes, and are ' con nected by means of rubber joints uri der the platforms, just as in the case of air-brakes. The new system is said to be more reliable in everyway, as there is less danger of breakage than with ;the bell rope, and the con ductor is able to give his signals more quickly, more-easily and more dis tinctly. Caps Fear H. F. K. Co. At a regular meeting of the Cape Fear Steam Fire Engine Co., held last Monday night the following officers were elected: Foreman J. N. McDuffle. First Assistant Foreman Isaac Brinkley. Seeond Assistant Foreman Elias Campbell, DIED, HUSKK In Ccala, Fla . on the 12th Inst., KATK, wife of Norwood Huske. acd dsajchter of the J ate George Mjera. Funeral eervleea at Et. John'd Church, in this olty, this afternoon at 8 o'clook- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WILMIKGTON, N. C. DKC. HTH, 1E8T. JB3UL4R CONCLAVE WILMINGTON COM mandery No. 1, thli ( Vtdnesday) Evening. J. D. MUND3. Recorder. deo 14 It Barber Wanted. ABABBKR OP EXPERIENCE. References re quired C. C. RED IX, deo 14 ft Manning, S. C. Boys' and Children's Suits. BALANCE STOCK O PFSR G AT LOW PRICKS. MERCHANT TAILORING. SUITS RIDUOKD IN QUANTOY AND PRICK. MUNSON, deo 14 8t Merchant Tailor and Clothier. Notice. rJ,HB ANNUAL MEETING O? THE LOT OWN ERS of Pine Forest Cemetery Co. will be held at the City Conn Room, on Wednesday, J)eo. Hth, at 8 o'clock P. M. J NO. G. NORWOOD, deo 11 St fa we Secretary and Treasurer. SELLING OUT AT COST. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. QOMMENC1NO FRIDAY, TBK 9 Til HN8T., the cnderslffTied will sell at oost, for cah, FQB TBI3TY DAYS, all the tock of Groceries, Liquo s Merchandise, and other property of G. W. Llnder, at the Store altnated on the north west corner Dock and Front streets. THOS. W. STRANGE, dec 9 6t f r so we Assignee. 5,000 Cocoanuts, B3LS. APPLU3, 100 BOX SB RAISINS, 100 50 Boxes Fire-Crackers, 100 Boxes Cbaese, 100 Boxes Cracker. 73 Boxs Faney Candy, Spirit Casks. Bay. Moiaeaes, Meat, Hoop Iron, so. V. L. GORE, deolSDWtf 120. 122 A 124 North Water tot. CAKE TRIMMINGS. JCST RECEIVED ONE CASK OF FANCY CANDIES, Especially for Trimming Christmas or Wed ding Cakes. Also 15 BBLS. MALAGA GRAPES, felling cheap. E. Warren & Son, EXCHANGE CORNER. deo 13 tf Sage, Byrne M Ret Pujjbp JTJ8T ARRIVED. CHE V ALTER-8 LIFE FOR the Hair, Ayer's Hair Vigor, Montgomery's Hair Restorer, Lyon's Kathalron, Burnett's Coco aine, Ao. ROBERT R. BELLAMY, Dracglst. nor 87 tf N. W Cor. Front and Market Btn. Headers of the Star " "WISHING TO PURCHASE HARDWARE WILL YY fiod.lt to their adrantago to caU mn me. as I hare a largo stook of tb best Hard ware. Tinware, Paints, oils. Lamps and Famish lugs, Bash, Doors, Blisds, eiase,4o. GEO. A. PXCX. deo 11 tf 88 South Front street. . WHOLE NO. 6621 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. RACKET STORE! WE H WE THE Largest, Handsomest AND TOX Cheapest' Line of TOTS EVER OFERBD FOR BALE IN WILMINGTON. In DOLLS a'one we hara orer twetty different - kinds. Inclndise BISROIT, WORSTED, CflINA,WAI, &c. Wax Doll 3G Inches Iflgb 03c. (. . 27 " 50c. " " ao " 2c. " " 15 " " I5c. " " 12 " " IOC. " " 5c. Yon wt:i find that our prices on Wagons. Carriages DRUllis, TIX-TOY8, Ac, ARE SO PERCENT. LOWER THAN ANY OTHER. We bonzht our TO 18 to sell, anl not to carry orer nn'.il next Christmas. E. H. FREEMAN, Opposite Market Honse. New York Bonse.No. 46J Broadway, deo IStf Seed Rice. 1 000 BUflaKLS VKRY PUHK BBED. . For sale by dec 113t N AVARS A GUANO CO. For Rent, DESIRABLE ROOM, IS GOOD ill! I neighborhood, and conrenleot to Uni- nets portion of the city Apply at deolltf No. 402 N. SECOND 8T For Sale or Rent, QO CROPS FIRST AND SECOND YEAR TUB O O pontine Boxes for sale or rent, in Liberty oonaiy, Ga.. three miles from rirer transporta tion. One 85 barrel stliL 80 hou-es and shanties all new. Will sell fco bead Males and six Wagons if wanted. For particulars address J. K. McDUFKLB A BON. pot 27 1m nao Beard's Creek, Qs. To Owners of Vehicles ! yyHKN YOU NEED ANY REPAIRING IOR Painting done give as a oa'l. Will guarantee yon the BEST WORK at the LOWEST PRICKS. We hare a fine lot of Baggies, Phaetons, Barries Wagons, Carts and Drays on band, which we are selling very cheap. C. B. SOUTHERLAND A CO.. Successors to B. P. McDoagall, deo 11 tf Corner Second and Princess Sts. HE AD QUARTERS FOR COUPE, TRACK, BUGGY. CARBIAGB AND DRAY HARNESS. HEN'S, BOYS' aM LADIES' SADDLES, ROBES AND BLANKETS, TRUNKS AND BAGS. TOY TRUNKS and ZINC PACKERS at cost for cash. For the same quality of goods we guarantee to sell cheaper than any one in the city. Repairing and Hand-Made Goods a specialty. H. L. FKNNKLL. The Horse Milliner, 10 Sooth Front St. deo 11 tf No Fancy Prices. HAVE JUST RECEIVED FOR THE HOLIDAY TRADE THE FOLLOWING LINE OF FAMILY LIQUORS : IMPORTED : JAS. HBNNESSKE COGNAC BRANDY, JAMAICA and ST. CROIX BUM. NEW ENGLAND RUM. HIDALGO E BERRY WINE. LONDON DOCK PORT W 15 B. DOMESTIC: SEAL OF PA. RYE WH!SKEY, RIVER HILLS BYE WHISKEY, N. C. CORN WHISKEY, APPLE asd PEACH BRANDY. CALIFORNIA, CATAWBA and 8CUPP2KNOSO WINES. Alsc fine line HAVANA CIGARS. 3:0 Boxes TOBACCO on consignment. Will close at low prices. SOL. BEAR Sc CO. deo 4 tr Bacon, Flour, Lard. JQQ Boxes D. 8. C. B. BIDS. 1000 BU 7L0UB kJ1 trades. or A Cases LARD. For sale low by WILLIAMS RANKIN CO. ao S if New Crop F.R. Molasses rlRST CARGO 07 THE SEASON 3QQ HHDS OUST AERTVJCD). HOW LAND tog. and for sale In lots to salt by ea 9 tf WILLIAMS. RANKTN A CO. Sugar. Coffee, Rice. QQ Bols Eeftned SUGARS. SaokaCbotoo BIO COFFEE, rQ Bbls CAROLINA BICE, For salo lowtbr1 WILLIAMS, RANKIN A an B tf CO. Glue, Hoop Iron, Nails. 2 Bbls DISTILLER'S GLUE.; 5Q0 Bundles HOOP IRON . 250 n kails, . , for sale low by a9tX WTLT.IsH..gJjrE3SI ACQ. K1TI1 er (DTBBTIUnOt .. II t - - - two oars. " . raroo Days -Four Dmra... FU" Days,.... j. M Pes Weekv- .... . " T.wu Wssiin.j...... - Throe Weeks. - I Ti . 1 f-3 ... , O to to W SOBUL.....M . IS M - . Tiroo MonUtv,...! - JS 03 tasosui OMlMI,., ........ 49 tn aj ss Uxem at propor- tar'OoB tract ATertlaemsnu tionatelr low rates. - Ten lines solid Nonpareil type make NKW ADVKRTI SKMKJ STS. WAKE UP-m.l Remember th e Little Eolks. BROWN & RODDICK, 9 NorthXront St. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS.- We are no w offering at " . Wholesale and Retail THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF FANCT- . GOODS FOR ' i VT HOLIDAY GIFTS : Tbat has trer been sbowa la tbi city, ttm ' ' greater portion of them we Imported direct, ; They are about twenty fire per cent, cheaper ' than they can be boacht elsewhere Our oou J ters are loaded with them ' Oar Wholesale patrons will piease remember'- that onr Jobbing Stock Is kept UP STAIRS. aad- entlreJy separate from our Retail department. We give the following imperfect list, ts our ; " 4 ' spsce will not admit of enumerating everythtxg : - Christmas Cards A beanflf al assortment, and the prices speak for ' themselTes. - - China and Bronze Vases. Clocks, With Cathedral Chimes, and Novelty Clocks, from $1.00 np to $3.50. Plush and Leather Satchels. Toys, Games, Blocks, China Tea Sets, School Gem-" panlons. Walking TorUes. Banks, Ae, Ao, PAPSTSRIE3 In Fancy Boxes and Plash Boxes. , y WRI IING DESKS In many different stjles. CUPS AND SAUCERS. ', FANCY WHISK BROOM HOLDERS. CIGAR STANDS. CARD RECEIVERS. TOOL CHESTS. HAEMOSICA". ACCORDIONS. Steam Engines. Jewelry, A rery large and railed assortment. Colognes and Extracts, Ac, Ac, Ac, Ac. Ao., Ao. ' - -We would also call special attention to the fol lowing, which are most desirable and make really useful Holiday Presents. ' Ladies' and Gents' M Oilrellaj. ) With Gold -Plated. Brocss and BUver Haadlso- Linen Handkerchiefs Put np in half dozen. In really rery handsome Boxes. Laflles' and Gate1 Silt HaittercMef..1 TAFE3TBTiTABLE COVERS. PIANO COVERS. c BUREAU SCARFS In Plash. MANTLE bCARFS In Plash. ; 4 T LINEN BUREAU SCARFS A new Ime of TO BOO AN CAPS fast received. Ac, Ac, Ao. Our Book Department Would really stock a large Store of Itself. The Caxtoa Edition of Popular KotoIi. V ' The Gilt Edge Foots. . ' ' ; '- Children's Illustrated and XUumiaatsd Books. All at lees tben half the price you bare srvsr een them. ' Call before the rush and fire us chAace to - " walton yon. .-' -.1: . BROWN & RODDI C:C,- f KOBTH TEOTTT BTEX2T, ; ; - ' - - . . - . deouti . - --Us. 1 TV - i! v - V i i;

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