k' .vlommg -Star." .HBLISHSP DAILY jgCKPT MONDAYS : BATW or SUBSCRIPTION, IX ADVA.HCK, ,ue Year (by Mall), Postage Paid $0 00 vs Months. M. .......... M ruree Months .......... 1M ima Montn. ' vv sffTo City Subscribers, delivered la any part the City, Twitr Cams per week. Oar City wnttiare not authorised to collect for more u&n three months In advance. . . aa a uered at the Port Office at Wilmington; N. O as Second Class Matter. OUTLINES. In the Senate, yesterdayf-a unani mous report was presented in favor of seating Mr. Faulkner, of West Vir ginia, and by a z4ve voce vote the re port was agreed to and the oath of office administered; a number of bills were referred, after which the Senate took up the bill introduced by Mr. Horrill to regulate immigration, and was addressed by that Senator in ex-? planation and advocacy of the bill; the House was not in session. Many English Catholics 'decline to sign, the address to JSIng'rPersico, hi favor of home rule for Ireland. - The condition of the German Crown Prince's throat has suddenly become worse, and a special medical consultation has been called. Balfour, Chief Secretary for Ireland, addressed an immense assemblage at Manchester last night against home rale; threats had been made to as sassinate him, and police guarded all the approaches to the platform, and his sleeping apartments are also un der guard. Gen. Boulanger de clines a seat in the Chamber of Depu ties; he expects war, and thinks France is in greater need of generals than .of deputies. There was free selling in the Chi cago market yesterday, and lower prices in grain and provisions. The trial of Hopkins,, the assistant cashier of the Fidelity Bank, Cincin nati, was yesterday postponed until Tuesday, on account of the extreme illness of Judge Sage's wife. The meetings of representatives of the Northern and Southern Presby terian assemblies at Louisville are held in secret, and not a word has heen given for publication. Mr. Powderly's physicians say his case is not now serious, and that he only needs rest. - A caucus of the Re publican members of the Virginia Legislature has nominated Mahone to succeed Biddleberger in the Sen ate. The . citizens' ticket was successful in Jacksonville, Fla., yes terday. Sir Thomas Henry Grat- tan and Hon. Arthur O'Connor, leaders of the Irish home rule cause in the English Parliament, reached Washington city yesterday afternoon and were accorded a magnificent re ception. A fire in Marietta, Ga., destroyed $25,000 worth of property. New York markets: Money easy at 46 per cent., closing at 4. per cent.; cotton firm at 10 9-1610 ll-16c; southern flour barely steady, with trade moderate; wheat, No. 2 red De cember 87j88ic; corn, No. 2 Decem ber nominal at 61ic; spirits turpen tine steady at 37c; rosin quiet at $1 051 10. It id now known that the Crown Prince's disease is cancerous. Senatorial eloquence is said to be absolutely a thing of the past. Speaker Carlisle is announced to speak at Atlanta and Macon, 6a. Off with the galling yoke from the necks of the people the War Tariff. John Morley, moat eminent of the Liberal leaders after Gladstone, is seriously 6ick. h is thought that Healy, Dillon and Gill will soon join the Irish Par ii iinentary party in Tullamore jail. Is'ear Richmond, Mich., there is. said to be a spring that cures bald nesa cr makes the hair grow. - The Augusta (3a.) Gazette ban sent ore of the ablest of its staff to Washington to act as special corres pondent. Gustavo J. Orr, LL.D., Superin tendent of Instruction of Georgia, is dead at Atlanta. He was a native of South Carolina, and was born in 1319. The Legislature of Georgians re fused to grant the usual aid to the Colored University. This comes of the unwise agitation of co education f the races. Henry Irying's New York engage merit willl bring him in $100,000. Speaking other men's words and U3ing their brains navs better than using yGur own. the Booth-Barrett combination secured $44,166.50 by its two weeks m Philadelphia. "Othello" was the biggest night $3,657.50. ."Hamlet" was dose up, $3,590,70. 'Vo have felt the hepessity of an other word a thousand times that is Pointed out in the following -para graph from the Augusta Gazettei- Ji . GaZtt does : not, like to, use the national" iu sneaking of the Demo-, . ai!c Pa't and of Dmnfcratie TConven- nnt8;-. T.ho re"n i that Vtixz Gazette t a a A uonal Paper, and ''national' is not VOL. XLI.-NO. 71, Booth and Barrett ard playing in Boston. Nym Crinkle, one of the brightest and best of theatrical critics in our country, writea to the World: "Booth appeared to be stimulated to his best endeavors by the brilliancy and enthu 8ia9tn of the audience, and in several of the ecenes .exhibited all of his old fire, while he retained all of his old grace and iacis iveness of utterance. "Lawrence Barrett, who is probably the best living Cassiusjecalled his old triumphs at Booth's Theatre, and Ned Buckley, the Marc Antony, succeeded in sharing the honors in the forum scene. N "Probably no finer elocutionary effort has been made than waa iointlv made bv Ahese players in the dignified declamatory wora oi mis piay, ana it was a genuine treat to find at this hour of star exclusive-, nets and aesthetic flionery a Shakespearean drama with something like an equality of excellence m ine cast and tne whole burden of success resting on the actors. I found the enormous and intelligent audience fol lowing every word of the text with intense interest " Mrs. Oliphant, the eminent novel ist, tells of the death of the famous author of "John Halifax." She died very suddenly while lying oo a sofa. Mrs. O. says her husband returned in the afternoon: "He found her in her room, lying on her sofa, with an awe-stricken group standing round dead She had entertained various visitors in the afternoon Some time after they were gone, the had rung her ball, say ing she felt ill; the servants, alarmed, called for assistance and she was laid upon the sofa. A few minutes' struggle for breath, a murmur, 'Oh, if I could live four weeks longer; but no ma'ter no matter 1 and all was over." McGowan's, S. C, brigade has been celebrating the anniversary of Gn. Gregg's death. They also pro pose to aid in the erection of the monument to be erected at Rich mond, Va., in honor of A. P. Hill's memory. North Carolina ought to have a hand in that monument for Hill commanded North Carolinians and held that they were the best sol diers in the Army of Northern Vir ginia. This is a fact as we can prove. There is not a negro in the Fiftieth Congress. The Republicans who love "the colored man and brother" with suca tenderness nave not elected a solitary eolored man from a Northern District. O'Hara of the North Car olina Second, and Smalls, of the South Carolina Black District, have disappeared from the Halis of Con gress and the places that knew them will know them no more forever. The great statesman, Bob Lincoln, is of the opinion that Cleveland's message will ruio the country if aaopiea. noo is built on an im mense scale. He is the tapering spire to the great building. What Bob does not know of political greatest science is not known to the economic writers. Adam Smith and Rioardo were fools to the wonderful economist of Illinois. TSIS CITY. NE W ADVERTISEMENTS. Collisb & Co. Auction sale. ' C. C. R R. Change of schedule. Opeka House Miss Rose Osborne. MunsoN Boys' and children's suits. E Wakbbsn & Sok Fancy candies. Adrian & Voixers Christmas goods. Mayor's Court. The Mayor had only one case to try yesterday morning John Brown, a colored boy about 18 years of age. charged with stealing ten dollars in money from David Robinson, also colored. The prisoner admitted the theft, and was committed to jail to await the assembling of the Criminal Court in January next. Robinson deposited twenty-five dollars as secu rity for his appearance at the same time. Both Moore and Robinson are strangers in the city. The former came here several days ago, was ar rested as a tramp and sent out of the city, but afterwards returned. Robin son was on his way home from a tur pentine farm in Georgia, and stopped in the city to spend a night. He slept at the home of a colored man in the eastern part of the city in the same room with Brown, who during the night robbed Robinson of his pocket book and the ten dollars. Charecd wltli Larceny. Nancy Davis, a colored girl charged with stealing a gold watch and other articles from Mr. A. D. Wessell, while she was employed as a servant in his family in October last, was arraigned before Justice Millis yesterday, but on account of the absence of an im portant witness for the State the in vestigation of the case was postponed until the 29th of December at ten o'clock. There were a dozen or more witness in attendance at the magis trate's court, nearly all of whom had come from Pender county, a distance of twenty miles, to attend the trial, The mother of .the girl, Abbie Davis, was also. . present, under , arrest, charged with receiving the stolen goods'. '-. They were both comrMtted to jail to await jamination.. wV.-, WILMINGTON, N. - Local Dots. The change of schedule on the Carolina Central goes into effect to day. . Jupiter is morning star, and is remarkably brilliant. It rises about 3 a. m., a little south of east. - Some of the members of the Wilmington Fox Club were out with their hounds yesterday afternoon. Receipts of cotton yesterday 1,343 bales; the same jday last year 1,268. Increase so far this season, 35,017 bales. The ".Little Gleaners," of the First Presbyterian Church, will have" their "Christmas Harvest" next Tues day evening at the City Hall. Schr. Adline cleared yesterday for Porto Rico with a cargo of 196,836 feet of lumber, valued at $2,638.27, and shipped by Edward Kidder's Son. - The Carolina Oil and Creosote Company are enlarging their plant. Two additional retorts for the manu facture of oil were received by them yesterday. A telegram was received here yesterday, announcing the death of Mrs. Gamble, at Tallahassee, Florida, She was a sister of Mrs. Dr. Robert Atkinson, of Baltimore, who has been in Wilmington since the funeral of the late Mrs. Josepha Atkinson. Mrs. Dr. Atkinson left for Tallahassee last night. - The mauager and some ten or twelve of tjje young ladies and gen tlemen who are to take part in the comic opera of the "Little Tycoon," to be given in the Opera House here next week, -will leave for Richmond, Va., this morning to witness a per formance of the same opera by pro fessionals at the theatre in that city to-night. Next If ear' Weather. The Star has received MansilTs Almanac and Weather Forecasts for 1888, published by the Illinois weather prophet, at Rock Island. The spring he says will arrive early. The win ter months are summed up thus: J anuary is expected to average equal to or above the mean of the season; February and March should be about similar in temperature, and April will in this way see the sjpring well advanced. It is anticipated by Mansill that May and June will be moderately cool, even if the temperature is not a little lower than the average. The weather for July is to be about the same, while August is rated to be low er than the mean of the season. This is to continue through September and three weeks in October, when it will become elevated, and range as high as the mean of the season, and con tinue during the month, and prob ably this temperature will be kept up to the average of the season during November and part of December. To sum this up, we would have by this calculation an unusua'ly, early and long spring, with the usual storms, followed by a moderately cool sum mer and autumn. Funeral of Uto Late ITXra. Hnake. The funeral of the late Mrs. Kate Huske, wife of Mr. Norwood Huske, will take place at eleven o'clock this morning from t. Jonns unurcn. The remains did not arrive here yes terday morning, as expected, being detained at Jessup, Ga., on account of an ordinance of the city of Sa vannah, prohibiting the passage through that place of the remains of persons dying in Florida. Mr. Huske remained at Jessup with the body of his wife, and Mrs. Snow- den, wife of Dr. P. G. Snowden, of Ocala, an intimate friend of the de ceased lady, came on to this city with Mr. Huske's two young children. Mrs. Huske died suddenly from an attack of heart disease. Her hus band was not with her at the time. having left for his orenge grove a few hours before. A Grand Trunk Line to tne Weit. The Fayetteville News, speaking of the travel and business on the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railway says: "Already great, the possibilities of its near future develop rapidly day after day until its completion shall give us a grand trunk line, setting forth from the fairest city and finest sea-port of North Carolina, to place us, with a few hours of rapid riding, in communication with Cincinnati, Cleveland, St. Louis, Chicago and other flourishing cities of the West, which in years gone by have seemed set far away from our reach by an im measurable distance whieh could not be bridged." Opera Hosie. Miss Rose Osborne will appear at the Opera House to-night as Coralie Loriot in "Fortune's Fool." Miss Os borne is represented to be a cultiva ted actress of classic school, and as original and creative. Her support is said td be very good. The Lynch burg (Va.) News says: Afisa Rnfl Osborne is without doubt the best emotional actress who ever appeared here. . Mr. and Mrs. Whi ting rendered a , cornet, duet which ahnwarl trr at musical talent. : The music in, the. orchestra; was simply grand.; r r . : --' - - G.v THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15t 1887. Preparing for Florida Xravel. The 'finest railway trains in the world,1' as they are described, will be gin running on the Atlantic Coast Line between New York and Florida, about the 1st of January. These trains are composed exclu - sively of drawing-room cars, contain ing library, reading and smoking rooms, dining cars in wmcn meals will be served en route, and sleeping ears fitted with all comforts, conve niences and luxuries, and so connect ed by means of vestibules that each train const itutes one continuous car forming a series of apartments, so that the traveller may pass from one end of it to the other, precisely as he passes from one room to another in his own house. Exteriorly they will present the ap pearance of a block of artistically fin ished houses, while interiorly they will rival both in beauty of decora tion, and in varied living conveni ences, an elaborately furnished and richly appointed city mansion. The vestibules are formed by en closing the platforms they are as elegantly finished as any part of the car carpeted so as to entirely con ceal the points of connection between the joined cars, and illuminated by means of electric lights depending from the ceilings whose rays fall through cut-glass panelled doors, full upon the steps. Many of the advantages of the ves- tibuled train are obvious. It relieves the traveller in passing from one part of the train to another from the an noyance of the whirlwind on the plat form, caused by the rapid motion of the train, as also from the cold of open air in winter, from the dust in summer, ana from tne storms at all seasons. It forms an easy connection with the dining-room, the smoking room, and the library. The sched ules for these trains will be so ar ranged as to leave New York after breakfast, say about 0.30, and reach Florida the following day in time for dinner, being but one night on the road. Hon. Alfred Rowland. We are deeply pained to learn that the health of Hon. Alfred Rowland has so far failed him that he is com pelled to return home. He will reach here to-night on his way to his home inLumberton. His condition is very feeble. This announcement will be' re ceived with profound regret, not only by the friends of CoL Rowland in the Sixth Congressional District, but throughout the State of North Caro lina, where he is known and esteemed for his many good qualities. With the devotion to duty characteristic of the man, he went to Washington to serve the people who elected him, but the feeble condition of his health compels him to abandon that cher ished hope. The Star trusts that the attention of kind friends and the comforts of home may soon restore him to health. Clluton Conrt, dec. A correspondent of the Star, writ ing from Clinton, says: His HSnor Judge Phillips, is now holding his last term of court for this district. Judcre E. T. Boykin is at home for recreation preparatory to entering upon his duties in the spring. He is in excellent neaitn ana looking oet- ter than usual. Your correspondent met Mr. James, the marshal who had the misfortune of havincr a sword run throucrh his body, at the railroad celebration in this place, last spring; was pleased to see mm restored to periect neaun rain. He never feels the effect of his wound except when taking too much exercise. The completion of the railroad has given this hospitable and energetic town a little Doom, cieverai new buildings are in progress of erection and others in contemplation. The grand and petit jurors having . iT 1 l 1. 1,1 Deen uiscuargeu, court win aujuuru probably Wednesday evening. PRESBYTERIANS NORTH A.SD SOUTH, Conference In Lealevtlle, Ky., of Com mittees. Editor Stab: The committee of the Southern Presbyterian Church, which, according to yesterday's tele gram met a similar committee of the Northern Church, in liouisville, Kv. on the 14th instant, is as follows: M T HftM. D. D.. Richmond. Va.: Jos R. Wilson, D. D., Clarksville, Tenn.; T. D. Wither8poon, V. lxuisville, Ky.; W. . JenKins, v.. cnaneston, S. C; W. M. McPheeters, M. D., St, Louis, Mqj P. H. Carter, Abilene, Texas: K. T. Simpson, Florence, Aia.; W. S Primrose, Raleigh, N. C. The business or tne committee is "solely to inquire into and ascertain the facts as to the point above men tioned" (the position oi tne jNortnern Church as to the spirituality of the liDurCD, QOu-iuuiriereuni w i . u. i uia k- ters political) "and as to tne position the Northern Assembly proposes to maintain as to colored churches, ec clesiastical boards, and any other sub jects now regarded as obstacles in the way of united effort for the propaga tion of the Gospel, and report these facts to the next lienerai Assemoiy for such action as they may war rant." As usual, telegrams as to church matters are in error. From the above it appears that it is not the business of the rcommittee to- recommend some action in regard to a union of the two bodies, but simply to ascer tain and report facts. The Associa ted Press dispatches never do justice to the Southern church. - The following are the indications for to-day, received at 1 a. m.: For Virginia, slightly warmer and threatening weather, with rain, light to fresh easterly winds. North Carolina and South Carolina, slightly warmer, with rain, light to fresh variable winds, becoming fresh to brisk northerly, followed by cooler clearing weather. Georgia and eastern Florida, rain, followed by cooler, clearing weather, winds becoming fresh to brisk north erly. Caatlonarysicnals. The following telegram was re ceived at the Signal Office yesterday morning: "Washixgtos. D. C. Dec. 14. Cautionary signals are ordered at Charleston. Storm centre south of Mobile, moving eastward. North easterly winds. Grekly." he signals were ordered down at midnight last night, indicating that the storm was not of sufficient energy to be considered dangerous. The de pression evidently is decreasing and will be entirely dissipated after seve ral days of unsettled weather. FUNERAL NOTICE. The funeral Mrrtoe of Xrr. KATBt HDSKr. wife of Norwood Htuko. Esq . will be htld t St. John s Cbnreb. at 11 o'oiook Ui moroia. yrfenda are InTlted tD attend. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OPERA HOUSE. Three Might and Satorday Matinee, commenc ing Thursday, uws. late. 20 PEOPLE. 20 Visa KC9K OSBOBKS. the J tut It Popular California Ac trot , In her Powarfnl Creation of Coralie Loriot, in Fortune's Fcol, An Emotional Four Act Drama. Thuredy. Deo. 15th. TOVmTSZ'S FOOL. PrtdaT.Deo. 16th. FORSBT MK NOT. Saiaraay Matinee and Nlaht. No extra charge for Ueserred Seata. Prices 25 and 50 cects. dec 1) 8t Auction Sale EVERT N19HT IN THE WKKK. SILVZB Plated Ware. Crockery. Glass and Tin Ware. Dolls. Vaaes, Watehee, Blankets, Comforts, OU Patntmjrs, Tubs and Buckets. Friday, at Kxonanre corner, we wiu sen Ilorses, Bu?lei and Hfernes. den 13 It Auctioneers. CHRISTMAS GOODS. yBHaVB IS STOCK A FULL LISE OF THE following, which we are offering at low figures : IN BARREL. HALF-BARRELS AUD BOXES. RAIIXS, IX BOX33, H&LF BOXES. QUARTER-BOXES. CURRANTS. LEMONS, Citron, Mnts, Apples, Prnnes, SUGARS, A Li Li GRADES. FLOUR, BUCKWHEAT. CHEESE. We call special attention to a lot ot three hun dred 14 lb-Boxes CHEESE just ln.&omethlng neV. ADRIAN &. VOLLERS, Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchant a dec 15 tf Boys' and Children's Suits. BALANCE STOCK OPFXRING AT LOW TRICES. MERCHANT TAILORING SUITS REDUCBD IX QUANTITY AND PRICE. OoM it Merchsnt Tailor and C lothier. CAKE TRIMMINGS. JUST RECEIVED ONE CASE OF FANCY CANDIES, Especially for Trimming Christmas or Wed ding Cakes. Also 15 DDLS. MALAGA GRAPES, Felling cho&p. E. Warren & Son, EXCHANGE CORNER. deo IS tf Barber Wanted, A BARBER OF EXPERIENCE. References re- XV quired C. C. RED IX, Mann lux. 8. C. deo 14 21 Headers of the Star TTJISHING TO PURCHASE HARDWARE WILL YV flod It to their adrantage to caH ea me. as I hare a large stock of the best Hard ware, T.nware, Palate. Oils Lamps and FarnUn ingi, easb. Doors, Bl'.nds, Glass. Ac. tKO. A. PECK, deo 11 tf - g9 Sooth Front street. Some Beauties. rpUOSE KID FLEX ISLE SOLE DUTTON BOOTS for Ladles wear. Ihoee naat GOAT BUTTON for Ladies, Kisses and Children. Finest line of Gen s' and Ladles' BOOTS and SHOES la the city or Slate, at Geo. E. French & Sons, 108 NORTH FRONT 8TPKET.. nor 27tf p!S PAPERS'; s.'w.AV&a a aow. ta tTttn ttlea'eleae Ifaa Kmum aarfw i jlv ijmcr of alaaura AVtff A VOW. cm uUiwte4 wmmui WHOLE -NO. 5622 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. RACKET STORE! WE H Y THE Largest, Handsomest ANDTfiB Cheapest Line of TOTS EVER OFBRE9 FOB SALE IN WILMINGTON. w . In DOLLS along we hare orer twenty different kinds, loclnilnr BISCUIT, WORSTED, CHINA,WAX, &C. Wax Doll 36 Inches High c. . 27 . c . t( 2q . a " " 15 " " 12 H " 50c. asc. I5c. 10c. Sc. Tou will find that our prtoes on Wagons. Carriages, DRUMS, TIX-TOYg, Sec. ABE SO PERCE ST. LOWER TEA'S AH T OTHER. We boujrht our TOTS to soil, anl not to carry orer until next Christ mss. E. H. FREEMAN, Opposite Market House. NewTork House, No. 4C5 Broadway, deo II tf CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD CO. Change of Schedule. WESTBOUND TRAINS No. 1 No. a. No. 6 A 7 Dec 15, 1887. Dally ex. Dally ex Trl- Banday. Bund ay. Wetkly. Leare Wilmington 7.00 p. m 6 a- m Arrlre Laurtnburc 12. to a m 5 60 p. m No. 7. leare Laurlnburjr 1.0C a, m - 5.00 a. m Lea re Bam let 2 S3 a. n 7. CO a. m Arrlre Charlotte.. 7.80 a. m 8.03 p. m Leare Charlotte... 8.45 a. m Leare Ltnoomton 11X9 a. a Leaye Shelby ; 124 p. m Ar. RutherTdtoB.' lflO p fra EASTBOTJXD TRAINS. 1 No. 2. No. 4. &o. 86 Dec 15, 15:7. DaUy ex. Dally ex. Trl fiunday. Sonday. Weekly. Le. RutberTdtoa. 8 43 a. m Leave ebeibr ' 10.61 a. m Leare Ltnoomton. 1243 p m ArrlTe Charloite. . 1.00 p. m Leare Charlotte. .. 8.16 p. m SSOam Leare Hamlet 1 66 a. m 1.20 p. m Arrtre Laurtnbuitr -46 am 8 00 p. m No. 6, Leare Lanrtnbarjt. S60a.m 6 4)a.m Arrtre Wllmlmtton 8 85 a. m I 4 85 p. m Trains Nos. 1 and X make oloee connection at Hamlet with trains to and from Ralete h. Throorh Sleeptnjr Cars etween WUmtncton ana vnanoxre ana cnanone aaa KaJeutn. Take Train No. 1 for Btatesrllle and Stations on W.N. CB.E. and points West. Also for Bpar tanbunr. Oreenrllle. Athena. Atlanta and all points Southwest. Also, for AaberUle. rla 8par- lanouTff Looai: FreWrht No. 6 and 8 trt-weekly between Wllmlnrton and Laorlnbunr Local Freljrht Noe. 7 and 8 dslly between LaurmbuTf and Charlotte. Noe. 6, 6, 7, 8, will take paasezurert. U C JONES. BusermteDden. F. W. CLARK, deo 15 tf General Passenger Agent. O ALE OFTJNTTED STATE PROPERTT IN O THE CITY OF WILm INGTON, N. C. Br rlrtue of Section 8749, Rerlsed Bta' the united States, the undersigned will offer at ?ublle auction on Friday, December 30, at 0 o'clock A, 1C. la front of the south door of the Court House, In the city of Wilmington. New Baoorer county. North Carolina, all the right. title and Interest of the United States in and to the following described pieces or parcels of land. to-wit : Lou numbered one, two, three, four and fire. In block numbered fifty: lots numbered M one and two. In block numbered serenty seren; aad lot numbered M four. In block num bered ninety. In the city of Wilmington. New uaaorer county, nona Carolina, tbe said described Dremtoee harlng been torled oa and sold to the United Slates as tbe property of Joseph H. NefC, pursuant to an execution Issued out ot the Circuit Court of the United States for the Eastern District of North Carolina In satis faction of a ludraent recovered by the United States at the November, 1872, term of said Court against I G. Kates, George . rrencn aad JoeeDh H. Neff. and oonrered to the United States by deeds duly recorded In the offloe of the Register of Deeds for said county la book Q. V. pp. 6M and &, ana dook w, w, w, pp. lwl. I9i and 198. Terms of Sale : One-third cash and balance In one aad two years, or all caah at option of pur chaser. Ten per oent. of amount bid to be paid on day of sale; deferred payments to bear six per oent. interest and be secured by note and mort- gage on the premises. The right Is reserved to reject aty or all bids. A. McCUX, r ail bids. B sep9 0t 2B Oct 18 27 Nor 10 24 Dec 8 15 8S ! For Kent, t DESIRABLE BOOM, IN GOOD Wiil T neUhborbood, and conTt.lebt to Inul- r'l I ness portion of tbe city. Apply at deo II tf No. 4CS N. SECOND ST. For Sale or Rent, Q O CROPS FIRST AND SECOND TEAR TUR CJ D Dentine Boxes for sale or rent. In Liberty oouAty, Ga.. three miles from rlrer transports tlon. One barrel still, 80 houvee and shanties aU new. Will sell W bead Mules and six Wagons If wanted. For particulars aodreea J. R. McDCFFIE A BON. nor 27 1m nao Beard's Creek. Ga. 5,000 Cocoannts, CQ BBLS. APPLES. 103 BOXES RAISINS. 100 Boxes Fire-Crackers. 100 Boxes Cheese. 100 Boxes Crackers, 79 .Boxes Peaey Candy. Spirit Casks. Hay. Molarses, Meat, Uoo js declSDaWtf 123, 122 124 North Water bt. SaieTlne nl Red Pepper JU8T ARRIVED. CBEVAUER'8 LIFE FOB tbe Hair, Ayer Hair Vigor. Montgomery's Hair Restorer, Lyon's Kathalron, Burnett's Ooco- aioe. Ao. ROBOT R. BELLAMY. Draeglst. nor7tf N. W. Cor. Frost sod Market St. Atkinson & Manning's Insurance lloomji, NO. Ill NORTH WATER STREET, CTllavtactOB, N. C Fire, Harip. ail life CcnpaiieE. Axxregata Capital Repraamted Oret fioa.eODOOl tell u - - - i V. tl r v - Fi-cl ....... ...... ... i 7; One Vok.,..r' f TWO WM. ... c . TBree v. ' .. I- Ota if or --J U ou xeat,. Uonataly low rates. - ; ; "V Ten Maes soHd Nonpareil type taaka one r wew i i in 1 1 mi in i i i i mm II i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WAKE UP! Bemember tbe Little Folks. BROWN & RODDICK; 9 Xcrlh Frent St. CHEISTMAS PRESENTS:- XT m i . . Wholesale and Retail - swoAaw& ojva iai i. ur f 4iwt - GOODS FOR . ' - That has arar bun ilinwi In (Ma !-w Tm greater portion of them we lmtmrted dlraet. iMj are aoout twenty ore per oent. cheeper - than they can be bought elsewhere. Our coan ten are loaded with them Our Wholesale natrons will please rem ember- that oar Jobbing Block Is kept UP STAIRS, and entirely separate from our Retail department. Ws glre the following Imperfect list, ss our caftA wi'.l not aJmltnf.innnmllii. ilMmt Christmas Cards r:" A baantlfal asaortment. and the aMah mailt tar '- lucaueiTes. China and Bronze Vases. - ni..i - .- UlHCKK. rmsn ann jieainer Kaicne s . ' S Toys, Games, Blocks. China "Tea Sets, School Com panions. Walking Tnrllea, Banks, Ac Ao. TJ a T MT TT OTBJ ( w - va M TM an T WRIflKO DISKB In many different aty lea, tr.. FANCY WHISK BROOM HOLDERS. . 'J CIGAR STANDS. -: CARD RECEIVERS. TOOL CHESTS. . HARMONICAS. ". AOt50RniOSS. . ' ' " Steam Engines. ;f Jewelry, ; A rery large and rarled aasorUnent. Colognes and Extracts, Ac, Ac. Ac, Ac, Ac, Ac. We would also call special attention to the fol lowing, which are most desirable aad make really useful Holiday Freeenta. Ladies' and Gents' Silt Onlirellai,; -. With Gold F1a.ted.Broxa9 and SUrer &i&dit Linen Handkerchiefs Put up In half doaen. la really Terr handsome Boxes. LaiUes' and tots' Silk: HaiUercli&rs. TAPESTHTCABLE COVERS. PIANO COVERS. . , BUREAU SCARFS In Plush. XANTLiBCARJata Plash. " - ; LIS EN BUREAU SCARFS A new Una of TOBOGAN CAPS last reeeired. &e 4c. Onr Book Department Weald reaQy stock a large Stora of tCaslT. . Tbe Oaxtoa edition of Popalar Norels. - , The Gilt Edge Foeta. CnUdres's Illustrated and Ulsmlnated Books. AH at lees then half the price yon bar arer aeea them. . Call before the raah and glre as a chance to wait oa you BROWN & RODDICK. " . KOBTH FRONT STEXXT,