t lie Morning Star. W EL.L.IAM BERNARD , UBLTSHBD PAILTJOCCgPT MONDAYS. SATES OP SOTBOBIPTIOH, IM AOTAXCS. JM V.M ar MalB. FitUe pM....;. ...... M M SffSSb.-. .18 rp Month, - - ....... tu rfj-To City Subscribers, delivered to any part i the City, Twklvs Cxsra per week. Our Cit7 "ectsare not authorised to oolleot for more tfin tfcroe months in advance. v . --erd at the Post Offloe at Wilmington, N. C as Second Class Matter. - fORNING EDITION. O UTL1NS8, . - la the Senate yesterday a favorable. i. A 1 "ni : j I report was mauo iub jJieur eunca- i 1 1 . .C . . . I tionai diii; ine government postal characters were eeen lurking in the neigh telegraphic bill was referred to the borhbod during the afternoon and were Postoffice committee instead of ase- wiing the train on which Dr. Manly lect committee; and Mr. Pugh offered resolutions, and addressed the Senate, in favor of a revision of the existing internal tax and tariff laws; in the House the committee on Rules was announced, but no business of special interest was transacted. A terri ble tragedy was enacted in Ballston Spa, New York, yesterday; a lawyer I killed Iris wife, mother-in-law, step-J daughter, and snot himself: they I had quarreled over money- matters, mi . -T r T --m I 1 ue uummauuu ut jut. liauiar ior- t SuDreme Court Judge was discussed I in the Senate Judiciarv Committee yesterday, and it was finally referred I to a sub-committee Austria will be governed in her military opera tions on the frontier by the move ments of Russia; Prince Bismarck counsels Austria, while strengthening her military frontier, to avoid giving provocation to Russia. The exe cuted Chicago anarchists were placed in a stone-encased grave on Sunday; several addresses were delivered on the occasion, but the whole affair was rather of picnic order than that of a funeral. A faith-doctor in Seluia, Ala., killed a negro woman on Sunday, who had offered herself as a sacrifice, at what was called a Pass over feast; a strong guard has been placed over him to prevent mob vio lence. N.Y. markets: Money easy at 2(33 jer cent., .closing at 2 per cent.; cotton quiet at" l(H10fc; southern flour steady; wheat, No. 2 red Decem ber 88f89ic; corn, No. 2 January 61 it 61c; spirits turpentine dull at 38c; rosin steady at $1 051 10. The poet Whittier celebrated hi s eightieth year on Saturday. ' Mormons have begun to settle in the Canadian Northwest Territories aad that very naturally stirs the Ka lmucks. An Anarchist paper in Chicago is pieaching -assassination. It advo cated the murdering of the Chicago authorities. Mauton Marble was born in New i org state ana ne wears nis own nioie. It used to be paid it, was an li-tmnied name. VVu suppose tbe Goldsboro Argus -aw what the Washington JPost said. It tustaired what the Stab said, but v,e were merciful and would not crow. Blaine "got tbe bulge" on tbe John Sherman crowd in the gathering of elubsjn New York, and now the Sherman caOff are said to be low .low it in the mouth. KbV. Dr. Joseph Parker has ar rived at HiOglaud. tie says ns is dece with America. He is reported as being deiectfcd. He somehow lost isi while in the United States. Tbe new French Prime Minister, il. Pierre Tiraud, is said to be an ix Communist and a free trader. He ii-s i'resident Uleveland a message aud would like to adopt it for France. The Asheville Citizen copies in its editorial columns what the Golds- ooro Argue said of a local in. the Star. Now let the Citizen do the fair thing and copy the brief reply the Star made. U is said to be a fact that during vhe orange season Philadelphia alone receives weekly between 20,p0 and 30,000 boxes, and New York even more. As many boxes of lemons are also received. Air. Randall's friends deny that he ha3 lowered his flag or made any promises that he will not oppose the President and his friends in their Tariff plana. Sam will be very apt to prove an apple of discord. If to get a big reduction on the tariff it is found to be absolutely ne- Beesary to give up the tax onobew- 1QQ? And flmAlrin. f AKaiAn. kiln fTin S tar has said that this com promise' I might be tolerated. But it has in sisted that the Tariff be razeed be fore or simultaneouslywhen tbe to oacc tax is removed. , As to tbe tax cigare, whiskev. beer. &c t 0Dgbt to be retained until every cent r.r . . ... , ' -..I waricatDtednessiBijqaiaatea, acd then What dothi tax 8DCree,i bats 6 Ac. snd I At Td rinks, ana Enoke8 g6 unjaxetf -Never! : J . " . .TT VOL. Xtl. -NO, 75. Rev. Dr. Manly, reported assault ed at Louisville, was not dangerous ly, but seriously, hurt. He will soon be out. A dispatch says: "He was attacked by 'two sandbaggeis about one hundred yards from hia house at VvreSCeni Hill anrl h rpmpi von vr mrlw . , . , - rr - -vi cut just oyer the left eve. Two suaDicIoua came. For about fifteen minntea he was unconscious, and afterwards, gather lbs some Christmas bundles which he was bringing from town, he staggered home in a aazea condition. The President will no doubt be greatly surprised to learn from too New York Star that he favors tbe reduction of internal taxes, or the abolition on the tobacco tax. Some papers can make a document teachicsr jmvthin? that their necpasitW ta. 0 txt i j . . , . . J . lh lar doea not tavor Plng out ne spirit tax. Whiskey and tobacco men in Washington are taking sides on the question. The opposition to tbeabo lition or reduction is based noon moral grounds as well as upon trade considerations. There is said to be much diversity of opinion in the to bacco trade as to what should be done. Many oppose any reduction on raw material used in cigars. What fun there would be alone after the holidays if James G. Blaise was in the lower house of Congress. Chicago Inter- Ocean, Hep. 'And "what fun there would be" if" Ben Hill were living and were in the lower house of Congress" to re ply to the Maine ranter. Jim would subside after the first day's skionmg as he did when Hill mounted him years ago. r THE CITY. NBT ADTEBTlSEnBTI. C. C. Brown Ring lost. Hkdkick Christmas bargains R M. McIktibr A few plums. Collier & Co. Horses for sale. E. VanLaeb Pianos and organs W. Bakkr & Co Breakfast cocoa. - Masonic Meeting Wilmington Ledge. Local Dots. Receipts of cotton yesterday 1,017 bales. Total receipts for the crop year, 142,587 bales. Increase, 35,- 469 bales. The Kate Bedsberg English Opera Company will appear at the Opera House here on Monday, De cember 26th, in "L'Ombra." -Mr. A. H. Patterson, of Bur- gaw, is the tortunate winner of a small hand-organ raffled at Collier's auction rooms a night or two ago. The "Little Gleaners" hav their harvest to-nigbt at the City Hall. We trust it will be a bounteous one. ne attractions offered to th public are well suited to the season. Tbe Goldebore fire, reported in the Star of Sunday, was in Dr. Pow ell's drug store, and not Smith's. John Neimeyer is responsible, but he is excusable, as' he was getting into his drop harness very hurriedly dur ing the alarm, and hadn't much time for remembering names. There has been a change of schedule on the Palmetto- Railroad, The train now leaves Hamlet at 8.20 a. m., ana arrives at. uneraw at v.au a. m. Returning, leaves Cheraw at 4.25 p. in., and arrives at Hamlet at 5.35 p. m. This gives quick mail communi cation between Wilmington and Che raw. Xbe Little Tycoon. The "Little Tycoon" will be pre sented on next Friday evening, at the Opera House, by some of the most accomplished young ladies and gentlemen f this city, and no doubt will be a success, as the very best talent is in terested and great pains have been taken by all participating to perfect themselves. A liberal patronage should be accorded this company. not only for the reason that it is com posed solely of home talent, but also for the worthy object for which it is given. . ' Hallroad Rumors. The Washington Star says that the rumor that Mr. Sol Haas, the traffic manager of the Richmond & Dan ville Railroad, is to be made general manager of the road is unfounded, as well as other rumors relative to changes in the managing officers. The Raleigh News and Observer says "it is said that there will be several changes in -the . omce oi - mx. x . w Clark, the general freight and pas senger agent of the.R. & Q. R. R. sys tem, to take effect January 1st, 1888. Mr. Fred Bryan will take the place of Mr. H. Q. Bowles, chief clerk. A gen tleman from New York will takthe. fia Afr Tlfi. "R. P. Rfohardson. the lZZZ in km. .f. Aitfrk and Ur. Noviom. BrannirrH.1 1 sa sss- is a a - a- a s- vunisua ww a.jsi I nu.tnn.F of sm-Idnltnra. will I ';VVMasMsajwww .. .. F aw o " tak-sTa" position withrMiv Clrlp. WILMINGTON, Tbi Haaevw Kaltuic BUia A reporter for the Stajr paid a visit yesterday to the new factory recently erected near the foot of Queen street and known as the "Hanover Knitting Mills." The enterprise is altogether new for this section, but is one that it has Been persistently urged, from time to time in the columns of this paper would prove profitable, and be yond question,under the managemtnt of the capable and energetic young men who have inaugurated it will be a successful venture. We trust, it may lead to other industrial enter prises by other of our young and energetic citizens. So far as we .know, there are but two. other knit ting mills in the South one at Salem in this State and the other at Colum- j bia, S. C, and both of these, we un- I derstatvd, are profitable investments. I The proprietors of the mills are Messrs. Edward S. Tennent, J. Allen Taylor, and Walker Taylor, operating under the firm name of Tennent & Taylor. The mill, as stated above, is situated near the foot of Queen street. It is a neat frame struoture, one story in height, -with abundant light and ventilation and comforta bly warmed by steam. The machin ery is of the latest and most approved pattern. It is run by power obtained from the steam mill of Messrs. S. & W. H. Northrop, near by, and re quires to attend it some fifteen em ployes. Most of these are women, and all have been residents of the city.for a long time. They have had no expe rience in the work and no instruc tion beyond that given by a skilled workman who came out from the North to set up the plantXand put it in operation, and "yet, .to the casual observer they are adepts in all that pertains to the work. There are six machines for making plain webbing, four "Balmoral" ma chines, and two machines for knit ting ribbed hose; one winder of thir ty spindles, six Wilcox & Gibbs sew ing machines, with trimmer, attach ments, and a steam press for shaping the hose. j.ne manufacturers will make a specialty of hosiery, but contemplate putting in machinery adapted to the production of other knit underwear. At present, the works are running on a medium grade of goods adapted to the general dry goods trade and known as "split hose." They have a daily capacity of about one hundred dozen half-hose or seventy dozen full hose per day. The company as yet have no dye works, but in time will make arrangements for the produc tion of solid colored, striped and plain unbleached hose. The yarn worked up at the mill is procured from the North, being of harder twist than the yarn made here, and is manufactured especially for knit ting. Audit and Finance. The Board of Audit and Finance met in regular session last night at the City Hall. Present: R. J. Jones, Esq., chairman, and Messrs. Wm. Calder, W. I. Gore, Jas. W. Hewtet. A communication was received from the Board of Aldermen and acted upon favorably awarding a contract for a small building at foot of Red Cross street on the dock for $30. Also, on the petition of John Halloway and others, committee of Giblem Lodge, for use of City Hall free of charge on De cember 15th. In this connection the bill of that lodge for refunded rent for five dollars was disapproved. A communication frem the Mayor in reference to painting the dials of the city clock, recommending that an appropriation of $32 be made and contract given to E. V. Richards, he being the lowest bidder, was not ap proved. Three bonds ($1,500) and three coupons (fWJJ) wnicn naa Deen re deemed and cancelled, were burned in the presence of the Board. Bill of E. D. Hall, Chief of Police, for uniform, ($37.50) was approved. Mr. Calder desired to be recorded as voting against it, on the ground that no appropriation had been made for the purpose, and that the former Chief of Police had himself paid for his uniform Bills were audited and approved as follows: J?or currens expenses. $199.35; refunded taxes, $24.50; collec tion of delinquent taxes, $643.91; bonds, $1,500, coupons, $92. Hta, Alfred Rowland. It will be gratifying news to the many friends of CoL Rowland to learn that he has greatly improved in health. The Charlotte O&serccr says that "in fact the skillful physicians who have been treating his case say the disease he has been affected with has been cured and he is now only suffering the weakening effects of his prolonged sickness. The excitement incidents Washington life and ab sence from the creature comforts of home, were unfavorable to his rapid recuperation, hence he returns to his home, expecting to be restored to his usual strength after the Christmas Widava. Hia fidelity to duty would r r not have allowed hinv to return, hut for the fact that little Congressional i worai.uouo uuvu . ; opens. N. C., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1887. A Slncalar 9mleld . Lucy 'Smith, a colored, woman aged about forty-one years, was found dead -with a pistol-shot wound through her head last Sunday night about ten o'clock, in a closet in a house on Eighth street between Orange and Ann, which she occupied jointly with her two sisters Martha Toomer and Sylvia Henderson and a colored man named Hilliard Christian. The woman was alone at the time -the' fearful deed was com mitted, all the others having gone to church. When they returned they went to Lucy's room, and after a short search found her in the closet, seated on a trunk and quite dead. The pistol with which the suicide was committed dropped from the dead woman's hand as the door was opened. Coroner Miller was notified of the tragedy and yesterday morning held an inquest at the house. Dr. Potter, superintendent of health, examined the body of the woman. The ball ranged from back of the right ear through the brain to the opposite side of the head, lodging near the left ear. ' - The only witnesses who could throw any light' upon the tragedy were Sylvia Henderson and Martha Toomer, the two sisters. Sylvia Henderson testified that she left Lucy about four o'clock Sunday afternoon, came back to the house at six o'clook and knocked at Lucy's door, but there was no answer. About seven she (Sylvia) went to St. Luke's Church and returned about ten. Went again to Lucy's room, but did not find her, and after searching for her among the neighbors, re turned to Lucy's room and opened the door with a key that fitted the lock. Continuing, witness said: "My sister came in and said 'don't lock the lower door, she may be out.' Mrs. Toomer found her: she was dead in the closet, with a pistol clutched in her hand." Martha Toomer testified: "I left the house in the evening and went to church, and returned between nine and ten o'clock. Looked in the room for Lucy but "could not find her; she had locked herself in the room and went into the closet and shut herself up. I went to the closet and found her dead, and the pistol dropped out of her hand. Hilliard Christian, a colored man living in the house, testified that all he knew about it was that he came home at half-past 11 o'clock Sunday night, and found Lucy Smith dead in the closet, with a pistol near her and a pool of blood. The jury rendered the following verdict : "Upon hearing the forego ing testimony the jury of inquest find that Lucy Smith came to her death on the 18th day of December, 1883, in New Hanover county, from a pistol ball through her brain, fired by her own hand." The jurymen were J. M. McGowan, Isham Sweet, James D Dry, S. A. Craig, David Jacobs, G. W. Murray. The dead woman is represented to have been in poor health, and des pondent since the departure of her husband, who left here a few weeks ago on a vessel bound to Baltimore. Holiday Bxenraloa Rataa. The Atlantic Coast Line, as has been customary for years past, will sell round-trip tickets for -one first- class fare for the benefit of people liv ing along the line of its roads, be tween all local stations on the Wil mington & Weldon and branches, Albemarle & Raleigh, Midland North Carolina, Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta, Northeastern of South Caro lina, Central of South Carolina Che raw & Darlington and Cheraw & Salis bury Railroads. Tickets will be on sale December 22d, 23d, 24th and 25th, good to return until January 2d, in clusive, and on sale December 29th, 30th And 31st, good to return until January 5th, inclusive. Children un der twelve years and over five years of age, half-rates. The Carolina Central will also offer cheap passenger rates. Round-trip tickets for one fare will be placed on sale on December 22d to the 25th inclusive, good to January 2d; and, also, on December 29th, 30th and 31st, good to return until January 5th. mayor's Oomru His Honor had a fall hand yester day and played it well. Twelve colored men R. Herring, G. Sanders, J. Brown, Q. Greene, J. Epps. J. Leonard, S. McKay, Z. Howe, W. Love, Bill Jones, J. Ivey, ' J. Outlaw were arraigned charged with gambling. Mr. J. D. Bellamy appeared as counsel for the accused and at his instance the hearing of the case was continued until Wednes day, each of the men giving bond in the sum of fifty dollars for their ap pearance. W. H. Howe, Sr., colored, charged with keeping a gambling house, had his case continued also until Wednesday. u Wm. Sampson, colored, charged with disorderly conduct and resisting an officer,. .was sentenced to pay a fine of twenty dollars br.serve thirty days in the chain gang. ' ' ' . SD. Fulsom, a tramp, was" ordered -: tie-it- '. . -- ' , - ' : 6: irjiy. or ERA UOU3E, PatU Bom. Last evening a large and fashion able audience assembled at the Opera House to hear Patti Rosa In Fred Marsden's comedy of ' Bob. Every thing went as merrily as a marriage bell, and the three hours -spent in hearing this charming little actress- were enjoyed to the fullest extent by all present. Miss Patti Rosa attracted chief at tention and next to her was Mr. Bert Coote, in the inimitable part of Prof. Doremo Sharp.' Whenever these two appeared together the most rapturous applause burst forth from the au dience, and their recalls were many and frequent. The company has many excellent points to recommend it to the public generally and there is not an actor or actress in it who does not reflect credit on themselves and give pleasure to their hearers. The performance was one of con tinuous enjoyment and will be long associated with the most pleasant memories, and all who enjoy a good augh and lots of fun will be amply repaid by going to hear Bob. atti4r Indication. The following are the indications for to-day, received at 1 a. m. : For Virginia, warmer, rain, fresh to brisk easterly winds, followed on Wednesday by much colder, brisk to high northwesterly winds, with a cold wave. For North Carolina and South Carolina, slightly warmer, rain, fresh to brisk easterly winds, followed on Wednesday by decidedly colder weather, fresh to brisk northwesterly winds. ItlVEH AND T2ARINE. Br. schr. Julia ElizabeUi, with fruit from the West Indies, arrived in below yesterday and anchored at the quarantine station. Schrs. T. R. Derby and Thos.Clyde, Norwegian barques Aupustinus, Ori ent and Paragon, and British steam ship Stranton,w ent to sea from South- port yesterday. Friday. Dec. 23. McCfLjrty Bros., of Fort Worth, Texas, will eell ht huc'.ion, o WilmiDgton, without rwerve. iwo cat loacs of floe Western horses. ftUeep uanda Lieb, good riders and in good condition. The slo ked a free exhibition will take pl&ce at Braccbe s store, on occonu Street between Church and Castle. t TUB FLORENCE NIGHTTNGALB OF TUB NTJRSKBY. The following to an extract from a letter written to tfao German Reformed iftatnotr. atCbamberabanh,Penn.: A BmiAcnna. Just open tbe door for her, and Mr. Wlnalow wUl rove tne American jriorenoe Nucnuniraie or toe (nraery. Of thli we are ao sure, that we will teach our "Suay" to ear, "A blessing on Mr. winalow" for herpuur her to anmreand escape tbe frriplnjr, oolicklnjr, and teething Biere. Mb. WnrsLOw'a Sootbtxo SrauF relieves the child from pain, and. cure dysentery and diarrhoea, it softens the frnms,rednoea lnflammatlon,cniea wlud ooUo, ana carries the infant aalely tnroarn tbe teething perloa. it performs precisely what roresnes to perform, ererr part or it nothina ass. We hare nereT seen Mrs. Wlnalow know her only throajrh the preparation of ber "Soothinjr Byrnp for Children Tee thin." If we had the power we would make her. as she is. a physical aarloar to the Infant race. Sold by all dnunrists. 8S cents a bottle. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WiUniHton Lole No. 319, A. F. & A. H. BBITHHX5. YOU AHS STJXMONXD TO AT tend reirnla' communication this (freed ay) evening at e.3J o'oioofc. for annual election of officers and work In the M. M. Derree. Visiting Brethren fraternally Invited to attend. By order or w. m. DUNCAN KcSACHXBK. deo 90 It Secretary. Ring Lost. ON SUNDAY, DXCKXBBB 13TH, BIT WEEN Third and Man atreets and tas First Bintlst Cburob. a plain Hold Rio, marked lntlde "April 18th. 1878." Tbe finder wul be liberally rewarded for rataniinc the same to C. C. BBOWN, deo 80 It W. TJ. Telegraph Offloe. Horses at Auction. TO-DAY. AT SO O'CIjOCK, IN TfiOST O? OUR JL Sa'.es Kootn on Market street, we will posi tively sell one fine Horse, baggy aad Harness, one rood Mule, one aplendid Work Horse, one Pony, weU broke. Also a large lot of Furniture. COLUKB A CO.. deo 2) It Auctioneers. Pianos and Organs FOR XHA8. XXTK OFFBR SPXCIAL INDUCEMENTS IN PIANOS and OR3AK3 this week. We hare In stoskPIAKOSandOaOANSat all prices, from theJfagnlfloent"SOHMKR" to the lower priced I ns tram siits We court the inoit critical ex amination. 8eoond-Hand Instrument taken In exchange and for sale. K VaxLAER. 4C7 and 409 Red Cross St , Wilmington. N. C. dee 20 tf A Few Plums ! Beautiful Plush Wraps FOR THIS Wm, At S15, S18, $20, $25 and S35 OYER WRAPS In great rarlety for Ladles and Children. Hdkfs, Hdkfs, Hdkfs, A large lot opened and marked to-day for LADIES, GINTS AND CHILD SKN. TflOSB NICX RUGS AUD ART SQUARES Just In time, and bow open for Inspection. Respectfully, R. 91. Me IN TIKE. dec M2t tath 5,000 Cocoanuts. g Q BBL8. AT PLX3. 100 BOXES BAXgXSS, 100 Boxes Fire-Crackers, 100 . Boxes Cheese, 100 Boxes Crackers. 73 Boxes Faaey Candy. - Bplrtt . deal DlWtf 13, miaHorth Water bt.' -. WpOLE NO. 6626 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DECEMBER, 1887. JUSTTBISK OF IT. ONLY ONE WEST UNTIE. Chrlstmaf. What wonders cm happen tn ihi thort spaoe of one year. KaUans rise and falL Island oanab-jot from lbs nnfsUtomaM depths of tbe i ea, airetob forth tbslr tt.-oag arm of free dom, round a Mait from tbslr trumpet aid sink back 'mo the dark wateis f ofn whence thsy cams, and atUI ourmsU world ges on with a oeaseUcs tread, oarer, falling to tcaoh other na tions ih rUbtof freedom and liberty by Its own example "Wordrs will terer cease," eTea In this little town of ours. Srerj body has learned something since last Chrlf Unas. For Instance, take the little store oa tbe Northeast corner of Front and Market s reels Yon bare leaned tbst at HEDRICK'S lou can buy the PKBTTIKST. KKATEST. MOST BLYLI33 GOODS cheaper than yon can In any store In Wilmington last Christmas cur Mendi compulsed that the store was not lirge enongb It was too crow Jed with roods, war. cow, since last 2 mat we have learned bow to keep onr it ore free from all rubbish and goois that are tot needed at this time of the year, and can give job all tbe room nacded and da everybody Jos Use. Yon b?o zA to hsve Xmn Prerrn a. tsd we bare Sensible Presents for your wl'e children and friends, and to the meanUmj tba wires must not bare their hus bands "get left." sren though Ibey pay the bills. This ts an sge of sdranortEeot. and people bare at last found tut tbtt toy are rot the thlcg Here's wbat ws hare to say for cext week's trade: 100 dorm HANDEIRBIKFS. colored borders, half linen, at So. ICOdozrn H. 8 HLVDEERCH1BFS. a'J nsat and stylish borders, for ICo. 5) dden plain white H. S. HANDKERCHIEFS atUVic. Ths town talk. sDdczsn pi sin wh'ts H. S. HANDKERCHIEFS, very clean linen lawn, worth i 1 Sc for J9o. How't that? All ye young gallants, listen Don't present year yonng lady friends with any of the little things of this earth, bnt ojme down aad see things that are hearenly, perfectly angelic. Onr EMBROIDERED HANDKERCHIEFS so fine that a breath, of air wl'J blow tbem away. Eeebere. there are only a few. come quick. A baadeotne HAND RMBROIOKRXD HAND- KCRCBItF for &0o. A beantlf si one at 75c . An exquisite one for $1. XAQNI7ICXNT HANDKERCHIEFS, worth ti, (3. $iro at 13, 1X.C0 and $1.60. All of tbeie, tmderatand, are imported and hand-made; too fine (or a machine. We mast get rid of the goods by Xmas at ear sacrifice. We hare the largest line in the State. Thess are onr prices on HANDKXRCHTXTS. Everything In onr line Is equally as cheap . We Mean Business, and we mean to sell gooda next week, "and don't you forget It." DorLLTS, NAFKCN8, TOWELS, fancy and plain TASLX LINEN, COLLARS, CUFFS: all whit goods cheaper than the cheapest. A few pieces of KANTINO, TABLE SCARFS aad TIDIES left. Ooene quick. DBESS GOODS. TRUCKTSGS. GLOVES. SHIRTS, COLLARS. CUFFS. CRAVATS, RIB BONS. LACES. I'll not say more. Come soon In las we k aad don't get left. Come down, tbey hare "got t go." Berpactfolly, J. J, RED RICK, dee SOU IIS Market Street. Our Christmas Prices. -pLAIN ASSORTED HOsTE-KADE CAjrUT. 10 cents, three pounds for IS cents. PLAT ASSOSTXTJ FRENCH CANDY. 1CM cents per poond. PLAI9 ASSORTED STICK CANDY. 15 oeats, two sounds for SS cents. PLAIN ASSORTED POLES. 19 oeats, two pounds for S3 cents. X ASSORTED FRENCH CANDIES. Home-Had as cents, fir pound a for f LOO. XX ASSORTED FOTCH CANDIES. Boms-sfad 15 oeeta, tore pouads for SI J00. CRYSTAXJZED FRUIT. B9 oasts par pound. TRENCH FRUIT -GLACE, TJ oeats per pound. X. WARREN SON. deo 16 tf Exchange Corner. For Sale, TMQBT SHEPHERD PUPPIES, WARRANTED All ' fall blood SCOTCH COLLIE, for S3 OS a pleoe. ApplFat - . octlSam , , . , STAN OFFICE. :;ci One S4ars Oa Day i: r . t wa raw a7-sss I t - w WesxipT....... f r i Weeks. IS f - rtrt Jtonmv... ix Jf oaths... ' 43 ( . . One Tear..-..... l; . aiy Contract Advertisements take at prepcr- ttoaataty low rates. . ' Tarn ones solid Konoarefl tna make one atrtsj- NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. T Ofkra Hotrsx The Little Tfcoob. fJ OPERA HOUSE. 0D8 Ki.lt Only, DecsEler 23i, IB87r 40 VOICES. ; -: 40 Tnll Orchestra lathe Original Amertoas Japa- ness COXICOFXSA. la two Acta, n'tlUed ' . " The Little Tycoon : The management has scared neither pains nor, - -' expense to oreroome tbe striking, sot to say UrlEg.faalylresemblaaoe of Amatesr anlertalo- . mentf. ,, "' - !,--:" Admission SO osnts. Eeserred Eeatsis eests,'' Box Sheet ones TJeocmher vtst. a a H tf Dick A Hearas. dee C) 41 Just as Utual . . v S. Our Holiday Goods; ALWATS IN TEX LZAI. ; SMITH'S;:;: OLD R&UABLX FUENITUEE HOUSE Daily Receivine BVMTTHISa TRXSU, AND LATZST KOTSXr ' ."-- TIX3JU6T OPKNrD. . ' '. Examine onr stock aad price and bay 11011 ' DAT PRXsrXTS from na. SMITH, Ja: - . 9-1 decUtf 115 rrtnoeea street. ' . - T THE FAMOUS - Supplied to dealers land families ty i-' T. E. WALLACX : ' gdeo 18 lm ' frv; 1887 XMAS. 1807. J AM PREPARED TBI3 WEEK TO TURKISH', my cnetcmers with a'l the delicacies of the season. . FytEST DEIIEARAISLX, LoEfioE Layer ant Seeilen " -R2iiiSft. Citron, Mixed Nuts, ttc., &c; and erery other article suitable for their FRCTT CAXES and PUDDINGS. . ' y , MJKCE MEAT IN AHI QUAKTITT.' ALL KINDS O? GREEN FBUTTS. - k '. ' ' A fresh consignment of . . . . Sweet Florida Oranges. - A beautiful assortment FANCY CAXES. AU kinds PRESERVES and JELLIES. CELERY ' and CRANBERRIES. . . v . Call early aad make your selections. r:l JNO. L, ROATWRIGRT, deolStf 15 A 17 SowTTODtSt. FAMILY TRADE ! LARGEST STOCK OF 1m w", j ' Fine Liquors and Wines IX THE STATE, which we will dispose of at moderate price for the . HOLIDAY TBADE. Call In aad examine below named few article : JAMAICA AND NEW ENGLAND BUM, V -.' EENNESSES COG KAC BRANDY. ' -V' PORT, SHERRY AND SWEET CATAWBA WIN1S. . . ' ALSO COOIIKO BRASDIZS AND WINES. Ac i' Lear your criera for sum at fiOLBCAn&GO dec 18 tf No. 18 Market street. ' . ' A Fine Stock ' . Of Silt and Linen HaittercM&;'- SILK UNtRELLAJB. FANCY N ECHWE1B, ELEGANT OVERCOAT, CANES. Ao for tha HOLIDAY, at . ' deq 18 t limf FuTBlSber aad CktCti-r. DO NT. PAIL TO SEX YATES EXACT! I V 1 line of Carktmsa NoreltJe. J':.. dee 18 tf " TATEV BOOK rrOBE. For Sale or. Rent, QQ CROPS FIRST AND SaOONBYEAB TUE O Q peattas Box for sale or rent, la Liberty eoaaty, 6a. three saUes from rlrer fracrtkorta tVon.' One barrel rtLl.se kou and ih:Ui aanarw. Win sail as bead Mniesana six w agosa U wasted. For partlcnlars addrs . v t . J. B. McDUFFU frf. - BOV t7 lm - aaa Beards Creet, os,- EtJaTirS 07 A.DTEUT I cute s 1 a i; c -. W"