CITIES . mmmon Elotcli, oy' Eruption. TO worst Scrofula, liVevcr - sores," caly;f or llougli cjfin. in abort, all diseases caused by bad 'nm conaucrcd. by this powerful, puri- "v." inviroratinjr-ieaieinei ,tns Ulcors rapidly heal under its pe Jrllrn infiuenco. Espscially has it manifested ita e-- Espscially baB it manifested' 'Is rikrbuncics, Sore Eycst Scroti nioiis Sores an.4Swcmiijrs,4Hip. J w-o, or Thick Neck, and Enlarged Rend ten cents in Etauros for a Sena ten cents in stamps for a . a : .... Vt inlnwvf ttlnfAo n. eu. or the Eamo amount for a treatise or ;iie-iion, a fair skin, buoyant spir its, aad vital streugtn,wiu be established. .-..-,h ia Scrofula of ttxe UtmGrsu is nr. restoil and cured by this remedy, if -taken be fore the last stages oi me disease are reached. Kroin its marvelous power over this terribly f.nfi disoasc. when first offerinsr this now rcJcbir.ted remedy to the public, Tr. Ptkrck thcuK'ir scriouBiy or caning' ic nis "Cou sumption Cure. but abandoned that na too limited for a medicine which.. from its wonderful combination of tonic, or ctrrnsrtliening, alterative, or blood-cleansing. anti-l'ilious. pectoral, ana nutritive proper ties is unequaled, not only as a remedy for consumption, but for all Clircuic Dis eases of the . - . Liver, Blood, and Lungs. If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, have callow color of skin, or yellowish-brown spots on face or body, irequent headache or diz noes had taste in mouth, internal heat or chills, alternating with hot flushes, low spirits and gloomy ioreuoamgs, irregular appetite, and coated tongue, you are suffering: from Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and Torpid i her. or iiij Jons Jiess." in manv caos only part of these symptoms are expe rt need. As a remedy , for all such cages. U p. riBrtu'B uviucu ificiuciu jLr x ! tovcrv is unsurpassed. For Weals Lung's Spitting of Blood, Shortness of Breath, Bron chitis, Asthma, Severe Coughs, and kindred auections, it u an emcient remedy. Sor.n by Druggists, at $1.00, or SIX BOTTLES lor $5.UO. Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce's book on Consumption. Address, world's Dispensary Medical Assn. elation, 663 ilain Street, Butfalo, N. Y. 500 REWARD is offered by the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh llemedy tor a case or catarrh which they cannot cure. If you have a discharge from the or otherwise, partial loss of smell, taste, or bearing, weak eyes, dull pain or pressure in head, you have Catarrh. Thou ennds of cases terminate in consumption. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures the worst ewes of Catarrh, Cola In the Dead," and Catarrnai jtieauacne- mi cents, teb 4 D&Wly ' oh fr arm o o -- 5 o H K H O ui PS n 5 TJ tt O CQ III CO 9 million worn during 6he past ais years. This marvelous saccess is due 1st. To the superiority of Coraline over all other materials, as a stiffener for Corsets. 2d. To the superior quality, shape and work raanship of oar Corset, combined with their low prices. . ' Avoid cheap Imitations made of virions kinds of cord. None are genuine unlesa "DR. WARNER'S CORALINE" in printed on inside of steel cover. - oct 2T&W2m etiwoff'- c FOR SALE EVERYWHERE I- fep 27 6m en we f r SOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 187& BAKER'S BroaMast Cocoa. Warranted dbaolutdy pure Cocoa, from which the excess of Oil has been removed. It has three timet &a strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, -and is therefore far more economi cal, costing le than ont cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, , strengthening, easily digested, and j admirably adapted for invalids as I well as for persons In health. Sold by Croeors everywhere. f. BUSH C0 Drtester, Ite dcot9DfcW9m - suwefr LADIES! Do Vonr Own Dyeing it Homey witli PEERLESS DTE Si Tbey will dye everything. -Tney are sold every , whore. Prloe 1 Oc. a package 40 colors. They naye no equal for strength, Brightness. Amount in rack ages or for Fastness of Color, or non-fading Qualities. They do not crock or smut. JFor iileby -i H HABDIN, Drnggist, andLF. C. MIIj tiSFtbniggiat, corner 4th and Nun street's Wil mington N. c. mh87Dwly ESTABLISHED IN 186S. YHE RICHMOND LOCOMOHTE -AHD MACHINE WORKS, RICJIUSOND, TIROINIA. , Successors to.' ' '' TheTANNEB Sc DELANETEnsIne Co. LocoTnotlTes. Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills nd Heavy Machinery, bend for Catatogoe and tymate- ... , ep5 DAWly. WEAK.iiMnevei norn PARTS P' th Body enlarged and etrenetbened. Full porttcv Bent sealed tree. ERIE MED. OO., urr tntlii fBon ntniUUon Loo Body of wind,. u ut over-work, indiscretion, eic, saarew wt VnlnnVl- m r. flnt.i A ESTABLISHED WEEKLY ' ut i RIa iive tobacco town in N WEW8PA- North Caror Kltnated on one of - toe i,.-- ;ab ruiirnn.a STftrams uenetraiiuK otara .. j ... : . . . HTiA will . ' .u a AthV en -r- " buub aura vu iwiwm y -ZT1 SJanectlons. a fine ocenfag for ther right kind nnsp. offensive ttaatiii .i -i . , 1 'i. 1 F T") a is irm u m MRiood reasons for selling.' Persons; H L.NO BUSINJias AND -HAVIN MONEY, l t,0"8 STABKone other need apply.-' ' '.''- I. - .. 'Cm S" atvMoi ningrbtar THE STAR Off BBTQLGHR3I. HBNBT. K. Oak . ' W L&t radiaot beacons stud Ihe sky tyr voocujjcio ui rosy morn, VVeknow thafceunlielit by and-by Will shut ont ntohturith Mmku. . Yet memory owns tho potent powers . Of eacU and every glittering gem, r But welcomes most in glittering hours ' - isueieBs star or Uelhlebem. But niernt or dav.-in clm op ntnrm Failn'a bright eves never incn ' Tbey see a fairer, purer form ,n eJcy'or earth, or sea disclose -Majestic, stately, saintly, true. Crowned with a dazzling diadem. Which sheds its rays for me, for you. .abb maicniesa Btar or Bethlehem. Nokfolk, Va. Dec. 20, .1887. Norfolk Virginian. OUR STATE CONTEMPORARIES. Now the timDle. dain common aenan question ip, ought we to reduce or abolish tne tax on vrniskey and tobacco admitted luxuries, or ought that tax to remain as it is. ana lemove or reduce the tax on the ad- tnutea necessaries, which we all am com. pelled to have at any price and cost ? The abominable, odious system of its collection ought to be chauzed. but the tax ought to be retained. BecUand Neck Democrat. Mr. Gleveland's position on the internal. revenue is not that ot our Democratic Con gressmen and it never will be They have been sent to Congress to represent oar local interests, thev have Dledeed their best efforts for the repeal of the internal reveime and they will prove faithful. Mr. Cleve land s position will no more effect them than does a thunder peal the Pilot moun tain. Before thev would vote for Mr. waniBje ror epeaser iney had his promise not to iuterfere with their internal revenue measures as be did last session Winston Sentinel. We have never seen a woman in aov do- sition that she did not fill better by being eauc&tea. The best wives, the best mo thers, the best housekeepers, the best nurses, the best cooks, the best laundresses, the best milliners and dressmakers that we have ever met in country or town society were educated women. .Education Quali fies the woman, even more than it does the man, for any position to which she mav be called. In high society she cannot move at all without it In ordinaiy society she struggles hopelessly against all disadvan tages, and never .renders satisfaction. ktouuooro Advance . Spirits Turpentuie. : The Federal Court is in session at Charlotte. Wade8boro Messengerl Rev. H. W. Battle has been invited, by a "Ud ion" of one hundred young men of Monroe, for the suppression of vice and the promotion or virtue, to address them on Christmas day. Franklinton Dispatch ; On Wednesday evening some one, seeming to be southwest or the Presbyterian Uhurcn, snot several times soon after the prayer meeting closed, and one or the shots passed through one wall or the church and lodged in the opposite wail near the clock. Laurinburer Exchange: About 9 o'clock last Sunday night the peaceful- nes8 of our town was suddenly disturbed by toe alarm or ere and its location was soon discovered to be the inside of Mrs. L. R. Hardin's dwelling house. Mr. Hil- dreth's loss was a feather bed and two hun dred and fifty dollars in money, and Mrs Hardin's, the damage to her house, which is covered by insurance. New Bern Journal: The col lector of customs of this port has received numerous letters of inquiry about the re cord of vessels leaving here daring the pe riod covered by the war with Great Britain under which arose the French Spoliation Claims. These records were tsken to Greensboro or somewhere up the country. by the collector at that time, during the war and were never returned. Ml Airy News: A colored man by the name of Adams was murdered at Dobson, this county, on 8atnrday morn ing lsBt. : It appears that the victim's wife became enraged at him over some trivisA matter and cut his head open with an ax She struck him five or six horrible blowa? one cut in the neck .sud to have severed the head from the body. The man lived about an hour. The woman was arrested and placed in jail. Asheville .4 dkance: Col.Jiatt. Love, of Hendersonville, and former Lieu tenant Colonel of the 25th Regiment, North Carolina Stats-Troops, died at his home in the above named town yesterday. The Cranberry Iron mines, at Cranberry, N. C, have suspended operations indefi nitely, throwing several men out or em ployments No direct reason is given for the suspension except the scarcity of cars. There is a great quantity of ore at Johnson City awaiting transportation Raleigh News Observer; Gov. Scales wae much better ye3lerday, and was able to leave his bed for some time during the day. The Governor yesterday commissioned W.C. Heath as Cspt. of the Monroe Rifles, being Co. D. 4th Reg iroent N C. S. G. The congregation of the Third BaDlist Church has determm ed to commence work on their new build in? next March and to complete it during the vear. It will occupy the corner of South and Fayetteville streets. Edento'n JFUherman and Farmer: On Tuesday evening little Beulah. the only daughter of our townsman, air. u. so., juur rlen. while olavinz in the loft of an old harn. on the premises of K. R. - Pendleton, "Esn . fell from a door at a distance of About ten feet, striking her head against a pile of wood, receiving serious and perhaps fatal ininriea. On Tuesday evening last, a white man by the name of Charles Sorsby, an employee of Messrs. Bonner & Bpruill. killed himself by taking an ounce of laud anum. Durham Recorder : Mr. George Ware, who attempted to commit suicide Rimriftv morninz bv drinking laudanum, requests us to say that he was not under the influence of whiskey, at the time and had not been, but after mature deliberation had HtArminprl to take his life. Sunday evening, in Person county, the elegant res idence of Mr. C. S. Winstead, Jr., together with the furniture, was consumed by fire. The fire was accidental, and - originated f.nm tho ftnnk stove. Rev. W. S. Creasy, Chaplain of the Durham Light In fantry, wiil preach his farewell sermon to thA nnmnanv WeflneSOaV -niem, ueceuiuet 28th. . .. . Trov Vidette : Last week's SfRt,l Observer announces that ,a .young m.nnf thi c.oimtv-bv the name of Dennis Was accidentally shot by a pistol in the hands of his brother.- The ball enteredhis neck near the collarbone and lodged at the root of his tongue. It is thought the young man will recover-,r Mr. Horace Pen nington. a yonng man of El Dorado town- . .tk . ar1 nna and-nrnbabl V 8BIP, lUOIi.w" ""1 , . - fatal accident last weeiv: lax.- rennmgwn, L,. .t.nAtnir with the butt of his gun on his right foo and started to hastily draw it up tff his snouiaer wiiBu. vw"1 the strap of his boot, which caused the gun ha load of Boulrrel shot- into Ma risht arm, near the shoulder,, shattering the bone and arm dreadfully. t. :Rocky Motint lhanix WeJ leim ffoni Mr. J.. H. Burnett" thai last ! week, while at -the gold mines" far Nash county,- a rough-looking western - moun-. taineer- drove ud in a two-horsa wi with a barrerof 4he celebrated corn , whis- key and , commenced selling it out at 5 cents per glass, whereupon 'Squire : Cooper uau uioi arrested ana started him to Ixaahs villa jail in charge of . Mr. B. R.' Cooper. On the way he offered. Mr. Cooper $25 to release' him. which he'fMr. Coonert Vprv respectfully declined to do. After driving a few miles further the "moonshiner" man aged to free himself from his bonds and gave Mr. Cooper a severe blow on the head and attempted to. run but Mr. Coooer re covered himself and drew his pistol, the looka of which halted the blbod-thiretv rasc-il. Mr. Cooper managed to get him tied again and landed him safe in Nash ville jail It is said that the illicit vendor of spirits had about $1,000 ; on ' his person ween arrested. Asheyille Citizen: A collection was taken up in the First Baptist Church, which resulted in the sum of- a little in ex cess or $143. A portion of this will be spent in decorations for the Christmas tree of the children of the congregation; the re. maioder, much the larger portion, will be judiciously devoted to the uses of the chil dren or the poor belonging to the church. We iecret to learn through Mr. Alfred Baud, who reached home Saturdav. even ing, of an affray between two welt known citizens of Webater which resulted seriously to oao of the parties. Mr. John Long en tered the fctore of Mr. Bragg Allison in search of an articlo of which he was in much present need, and not being supplied became offensively abusive to Mr. Allison The latter resented the abuse with a brow. wnereupon the other attacked him with a knife, inflicting five ujly wounds on the face, neck and head. of Mr. Allison. The injuries are severe and painful, though per haps not dangerous - Charlotte Chronicler The peo r,le of BalUbury yesterday had two fatal shoo'tng affairs to talk about, both victims being colored, and the shots having been fired by colored boys. The first affray oc curred Monday night, at the home of an old colored man named Martin Bell, who lived near Salisbury. Monday night Bell saw a negro boy prowling around bis premises and ordered him to leave. The boy did leave, but before doing so. raised a shot gun, took, aim at him and fired. The load toos effect in iSell s bowels, inflicting a fatal wound. Bell was a respectable colored man. At four o'clock yester day afternoon, a ten year old son of Jack Mowery, stole an air gun from the premises of his father, near Main street, and went with it to the house of Reuben Hodgins, near by. Other boys were plsying there. and one of them found a cartridge, which was placed in the gun. Milas Kelly, a boy tea years old, then picked up the gun. and taking deliberate aim at Mowery, fired The bullet struck Mowery just over the right eye and crashed into his head, pene trating the brain. Mowery fell dead. Wilmington Presbyterian; A meeting of two weeks beginning Nov. 28 .b, was held in the fresbyterian church in Clinton, N C. Rev. Dr. Mirable. the stated supply of the church, was assisted by Rev. A L Phillips, of Fayetteville, who preached every night till December Oth. At that date there bad been twenty-nine professions of faith. The Presbyte rian church in Fayetteville is rejoicing in the presence of the Holy Spirit. Since Nov. 1st. '88. it has rectived forty eeven additions, and i3 now steadily increasing in numbers and growing in SDirituality. It lies on our mind to say that ltev. Hobert Strange, who has just assumed the rector ship of St. James' parish in this city, does so with the most cordial good wishes not only of his charge, but of the entire Chris tian community, lie comes to the city, as one of its own eons, with ths prestige of a name that is honored here and throughout our State, as representing the highest "no bility of character; and he comes above all with aa excellent reputation as a Christian pastor a reputation fairly earned in the discharge of bis duties as rector of the Church of the Good Shepherd in iiaieigh. The Trov Times, edited by Mesira. I M Deaton and Thomas M. Hall, at $1 a year is an exceptionally neat paper one of the neatest in the South. TWINKLINGS. Fred: I'm surprised at Brown's slanders, for I supposed be thought every' thing of me. Ned : So he does everything that's bad I Tid-Bite. Young men who are bothering their minds trying to think of something to give to particular young ladies, are advieed that marriage licenses are very cheap in Maryland. Baltimore American. A teacher asked one of the In dian bojs in her Sunday school class why he believed there was a God. ".Because, he replied impressively, "I have a great idea." Hampton ( Va.) School Kecord. Teacher Mr. Bagster, can you give a practical instance or the virtue oi self-denial? Bagster Yes. Sir; a man who can hear a snake story without ringing in something about whiskey. Burlington Free ifrees. ' . A French philosopher asserts that "be is the happiest who makes the greatest number happy," and the French DhilosoDber is right, if with the most oi mankind he thinks that the greatest num ber is No.l. Boston Journal of Education, Lady What can I get a divorce for ? Iowa Lawyer Nothing. Lady Whv. how cheap 1 I always thought it took piles. of money. Lawyer Money? Oh! it will cost you just $300 counsel's fees. I thought you were asking about the cause. Chicago Ledger. Typhoid fever recently de veloped at the Norrietown Insane Asylum liiKe certain otner meaicinai measures, it killed some, but it also cured several pa tients who had suffered for some time from insanity. .Erysipelas has been known to do the same thing. Medical xecora. POLITICAL JOINTS The proper thing to do with Senator Blair's educational bill is to put it to death. The most summary method will be the best. Augusta Gazette, jJem The best thing the party lead era could do would be to trade the proposed National League of Republican Clubs for a worthless vellow dog and then snoot im dog. PHI. Times, Protec. Rep, Tha question of restricting im migration is so important that it is espe cially to be desired that any action taken u non it should be well considered and should not need to be retracted hereafter. N. T. Times, Ind. Rep. If the Republican : theory that natinnnt wealth is created by taxation be correct, why could not a poor family be mda nrosoerbus if the head of the house would tax all the other members sufficient Wash. Post, Dem. . , . President Cleveland wishes to protect American industry by giving iUhe wages it earns unreduced by unnecessary taxation. The best, the greatest and the truest friend of American workiogman to J day Is president Cleveland.1. Record, I rA-- - .-r - - - - .' I A. . It looks queer to see a- JJemo- oratio paper arguing in favor of -the passage r tha RUtr educational bill. It is not the business of the United States to feed.clothe or educate the people.-M ne wovemmen should be confined to ltf proper .sphere. Augusta kusUe, JDem. . - TtieiOnlpp -Trio-,' FOB C Contagious' Blood Poison. Kr. T. R'Adaml. TTnlon. South Carolina. writes : " I was afflict! with a terrible 6m ot blood poison for about thirteen months. I r about uorteea montna. I l best physician, and oaed ' was treat teed bv tns best dbvs artoos kinds ot remedies, bat received no substantial relief. I Anally tried the Swift Specific and about (our bottles oared ra sound and well." - OoLB. H. KJht. editor and proprietor ot the Opellka, Ala., Tiwtm, -under date of Aurust s, 1837. writes: " When I was a young man, through Indiscretion, I con tracted a 1 which - has stuck to me for years. Boms Ave or six years since I was troubled with pains, so as to make it difficult for me to walk. Ha vine advertised the s. 8. 8. In my paper for several years, I concluded I would try It to see if there, was anv effisaor In the medicine.- I commenced uslns It according to directions and used half dozen bottles. I was onee at a way station and. re tunc left, I walked the even miles and nave never felt any return of the old malady.- After experiencing the rood effects I jnust say I am satisfied with the result. I am sixty -eight years of ace and I feel now like a young man andean go to the ease when necessary and set up from six to eight thousand ems without any in con venience. I send you this without solid ta tton. Mr. F. Woehl, 211 North Avenue, Chicago, under date ot June 12, 1887. writes: "Ideem It my duty to thank you for the cure I re ceived from your excellent medicine. I con tracted a very severe case of blood poison ing about two years ago. Bearing of your medicine, I went to a drag store, the pro prietor of which persuaded me to buy a preparation of bis own, which be said was sure cure. I used six bottles of his stuff and grew worse all the time. At last I got disgusted and despaired of a cure. I met a friend who told me that your medicine had cored; him. I went to the same druggist again and demanded your medicine. He re luctantly sold me twelve bottles, and I am now perfectly cured. I write this for the Benefit or sufferers, to arevent their belnr deceived by false representations. 1 thank yon again for the benefit derived from your medicine.' Dr. J. N. residinfl inalett he has is curing contagious blood poison cases in nis extensive practice, writes: "Those who know the almost Inevitable, permanently dangerous effects of mero'iry will welcome your discovery of 8. 8. 8. as a boon to humanity. The medical profession, always wary of proprietary medicines. Is coming slowly, ana In some cases secretly, to the use of A b. 8. In cases of blood dim order. 'Of course a medicine that cures goisoning in its worst rona must purify the lood ot every disorder." . Treatise es Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Tn hwirr Sracinc Co.. Drawer a, Atlanta, Oa. nov IT ly ciCw tn CHRISTMAS GOODS. W S HAVE IN STOCK A FULL LISB OP THE following, which we are offering at low figures : ORANGES, IN Dilil-iKL, n ALF-BABBSLS AND BOXX8. RAISINS, IN BOX S3, HALF-BOXES, QUART KR-B0XES. CURRANTS, LEMONS, Citron, Hats, Apples, Prunes, SUCAttS, ALL GRADES. FLOUH, BUCKWHEAT, CHEESE. We call special attention to a lot of three. hun dred 11 lb-Boxes CUEBSB Jast ln.somethlnr new. ADRIAN Sc VOLLERS, Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants. dec 15 tf ' To Owners of Vehicles! -yyilBll YOU BBSD ANT P.5PAIRING IOB Painting done g'.va us a oa l. Will guarantee you the BB3T CTOBK at the LOWEST PRICKS. We have a fine lot of Buggies. Pbsstoaa, Carries Wagons, Carts and Drays on hand, whloh we are selling very cheap. C. B. SOUTHBRLAND CO.. Successors to R. P. If cDougall, Corner Beoond sad Princess 8ts. dec 11 tf Cocoanuts, Cocoanuts, T ON DO'S LATER RA1SISS, SEEDLESS Raisins, Prunes, Citron, Currants, Nats oi all kinds. Print Cakes and Fancy Cakes, Cooking and Tab'e Wlnos, and every variety of Llqaora. Maple and Vanilla Syrup on Draught. If ion want a bargain la Cccosnate, and the bottom prices, and Fancy Chriatmas Goods.csJl at a. if. noLHEs, dec 11 tr Corner Market and Second Sts. D. O'CONNOR. REAL ESTATE AGENT, WILMINGTON. N. C. REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Stores, Dwellings and Offices for Rent. Rents collected, taxes and Insurance promptly at tended to. . Houses and Lots for sale on the Monthly Instal ment Plan SCash advanced on city property when desired. nov iu tt Foreclosure Sale. TN PURSUANCE OF A DECREE OF THE 6U- A Derlor Court of New Hanover County, ren dered at the April Term, 13:7, in a civil action therein nendlor. between rarsiey k Wagglas as Plaintiffs, and Jeremiah J King and L Brown as Defendants, the undersigned Commissioner, annotated by said deoree. will sell at publlo ano Hon. for cash, at the Court Bouse door In the Cttvof Wilmington, on MONDAY. JANUARY CEL8 OF LAN D, described and bounded as fol lows: Ail the interest, ngnr ana aenxana or ice defendant Jeremiah J. King in aU the real estate belonging to htm under oeed by virtue or toe last will and testament of the lste Jeremiah J. xintr. the nronertv herein intended to be con- vevod belnz one undivided fifth interest in a Lot and Premises, being the northwest one-quarter of Lot f o 6 in Block No. 101, according to the official plan of the-Clty of Wilmington, and being also tn one nnaiviaea nun interest in uore Grove Plantation, lying adjoining the Wilming ton A Weldon Railroad, the City of Wilmington, and Smith's creek in ew Hanover uouoiy. SOL C. WEILL, Commissioner. This 16th of Pea., 1137. d-o 1 6Mrt Win. E. Springer & Co., JMPORTER8 AFD JOBBERS OF HARDWARE and CRCCKE2Y, can offer special indncements' to Wholesale buyers, dee 4 tf 19, CI, 23 Market Street, Wilmington. N. C. Publishera' Prices. VTAGAZINE9, KOVELS, LIBRARIES, ILLUS- trated Papers, Fashion . Magazines, London Illustrated (Holiday) Paoera, Ao , atubllshrs orioea. New York Dailies DEUVERKD at twenty-flve cent, per week.' C M. HARRIS, Only Regular Saws Dealer In the. City. deo 17 tr : .. - " Atkinson fc ManTiiTig's insurance tlooms, ' SO: 113 NORTH WATKR WREST, t :-t i. v. , Ajjgreate Catntal Represented Over f 100,000,009 J 7H0LSALE PEICX3. , The i fonowtnj- ouotaclons' wpresent wholesale prices generally In nattngnp tmaD orders lugber prtoes have to be charted. - The Quotations are always siren aa accural! as possible, but tha Stab will not be responsible for any variations from the actual market prlo of the artlolea quoted. m .. .... . BAGGING ' Ganny ....... .... c... 7 O ex Standard SO Va BACON North Carolina Hams, t is O is Shonidera, a, S O 8ldea. t 10 O '11 WESTBlOa SMOKED Hams, f B Sides, V b .10 o 10)4 BhouTderB.i t 7 Q 8 DRY SALTED . . , . Bide, B . f. 7HO Khoaiders. V tf O 7 BABKSLM Spirits 1 orpentlne. becona nana, each ow.o i a New New York,each 3 00 0 1 75 New City, esoh 1 66 1 70 BEESWAX SB WO BRICKS, W UmiEffton, t M 6 09 O 8 Northern......... 0 03 it U 00 BUTTER, 9 lb norm Carolina io s Northern 85 O 30 CANDL'feW & tsperm io p Adamantine 9 O 10 CHSiofi, y lb Northern Factory.. it a i Dairy, Creaxr , 11 O 14 State 0 a 10 COFFnUi, V a Java p z: Laguyra 28 i - U Rio 1 O 81 CORN MKAL, 9 bus., in Backs W C C5 Virginia Meal 03 O 65 COTTON TIE. V baadle 00 1 W DOMESTICS tihtlnr. 4-4. "3 yd 6 o CM Tarnv bunch 00 Q 80 9 doaen 2Vta Si BHD Si A. MA ajkareUNo. 1, 9 bbl ooo oiiw Mackerel, No. 1, jf half bW. 7 60 t 8 CO Mackerel. No. 2, V bbl 9 00 11 00 Mackerel, No. 2. half bbl.... 4 75 Q 4 OO Mackerel, No.l, V bbl 7 80 O 9 00 Mullets, bbl.... 4 00 tf 60 Mullets. Pork bbls 8 00 18 00 N. C. Hoe Herring, V keg... 100 O 4 00 DrvOod. n t 8 O 10 FLOUR, bbl-: Western low grade in o w Extra 400 a 450 Family 460 600 City Mills super 4 00 O 4 10 " FaifcUy 4 50 (a 6 00 CLUE, 9 8 10 GRAIN, f bushel uorn, rrom store, Dags,wmte wi a Corn, cargo. In bulk, white. 00 & 62 Corn, cargo, in bags, white. 00 O 62H Corn, mixed, from store.... C25a 6o Oats, from store 00 Q 45 Oats, Rust Proof 70 80 Cow Peas 80 a " HID as, B oreen on a. Dry o0 10 HAT, V 100 zb Eastern i o l iw Western 85 & 95 North River 90 1 00 HOOP IRON, V SJs a LARD, t . Nortnern no et North Carolina 6 10 LIMB, 9 barrel 1 40 0 00 LUMBER. City Sawed, 9 M ft. Ship Stuff, reeawed is on so co Rough Edge Plank 15 00 10 00 West India Cargoes, accord ing to quality 18 00 Q 18 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned. 18 00 23 CO Scantling and Board, com'n 14 00 15 00 MOLASSES, 9 gallon New Vrop caoa, in anas o k " " " in bbls. .. 23 S3 Porto Rico. iBhhds 28 80 I" - " m bbls SO &5 8 agar House, In hhds 00 fc is in bbls 18 18 Byrap, In bbls a 85 NAILS. 9 Keg, Cut, lOd basis... s 83 fa 2 CO OILS. f gallon Kerosene o i Lard IS 1 45 Linseed SO 1 00 Rosln 15 18 Tar 00 20 Deck and Spar 00 82 POULTRT Chickens, live, grown IS Z5 Spring 10 0 Turkeys 75 1 00 PEANUTS, 9 bushels 82 ls... CO 99 POTATOES, 9 bushol sweet oo Irish. 9 bbl 2 3 2 75 PORK. t barrel- City Mess w oo 17 oo Prune 14 00 16 00 Rumn 00 14 00 RICae Carolina, x 4 1H Bough, 9 batthel, (Upland).. to i oa (Lowland). 1 15 1 25 RAGS. 9 Country city l a ROPE. t ! 14) SALT, 9 P&ck, Alum 70 75 Liverpool 75 t oo Lisbon 00 00 American 75 80 SUGAR. 9 9 Standard eras.. 0 7H Standard A eftcs m White Ex. C 0 tXi Extra U, Golden 0 OTeliow 0 m SOAP. 9 lb Northern 0 6K SHINGLES, 7 la. 9 M 6 00 O 7 00 Common i s oo 8 so Cypress Saps I.... 4 60 6 00 CvDrees Hearts 0 00 760 STAVES, 9 M W. O. Barrel.. . 8 00 14 00 S O. Hogshead 0 00 10 00 TALLOW, 9 6 8 TistBSK. m. reet tuupping.. is oo uitw Fine Mm 11 85 is oo Mill Prime 7 60 8 60 Mi:i Fair 8 00 8 60 Common Mill 600 000 Inferior to Ordinary 8.60 4 00 . WHIoKET.V gal Northern... 1 00 2 OS North Carolina 1 00 8 60 WOOL, 9 B Washed v 23 80 Unwashed 15 85 Barry 10 15 ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Newtpsper Advertising Bureau, lO Spruce) St., New "York. Send lOotsv. for lOO-Page Psunpbdet. The Greensboro Patriot Cheapest Paper in the 8tate. considering the Amount of Reading Matter. SUBSCRIPTION $1.60 A YEAR; SI FOB 8 MOS. The PATRIOT offers unparalleled faculties to advertisers for placing then business before ths reading people of Guilford. Davidson, Rowan. Cabarrus. Forsyth, Stokes, Surry, Rockingham, Caswell. Person, Alamanoe and Bandolph, the great Tobacco Belt of North Carolina. THE PATRIOT Has the LARGEST CIRCULATION of any Pa per In Piedmont North Oarollsa. it (fives you an tne ixjuau njcwb. It gives you the NEWS from the Neighboring Counties. It gives you all the important BTATE NEWS. It gives you the GENERAL NEWS. It gives you all the LATEST NEWS from Wash- Jnffton. It . gives the Fanners Valuable Agricultural notes ana muen interesting ror tne rarm, tne Dairy, and the Orchard, as well as the Family Household. BTRead the PATRIOT all the year round. Z. W. WHITEHEAD, lan-12 tf ' Editor and Proprietor The Maryland Farmer. 23DJV0LTJHE. A MONTHLY MAGAZINE, of 89 paces, devo ted to Agriculture and kindred subjects. This is pre-eminently a FAMILY MAGAZINE first class in every particular; fuBy- up to the times on all subjects affecting the interests o Agriculturists. It has long been acknowledged as standing at the head of Monthly Publications devoted to Agriculture: pure ha tons, advocating all improvements which will elevate, refine and benefit pecuniarily and morally the farming com m unltv : many of the snrtreeUons tn its eolumns have proved ths key-uote for reforms, adopted by the most '"'m"'1 organization In our country.. . ..V. - - The editor ana proprietor nas seen engagea va. the Interest Of Agriculture for nearly fifty ye ark and during this length of tan) has become per son ally acquainted with most of the prominen agriculturists In the country. Devoting Ms whole time to fostering this great -tioja he earnestTy appeals to eveiy subscriber of. tha MAarriAjm Fajocsb to not only renew his own snbeertptioa but Invite his friends and neighbors to subscribe. Terms one dollar- year in advanoe, and a prtr tnmm worth from 80 toO ew.jA - ' an 18 it v Aaitor ana rrppnstor. . . '- - - . - - - . , ' Wilmingtoii & WddorR; E. Condensed Schedule.. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. . . .t7.188rj No. at, DaOy. No. 87. I Mo. 15. Dated Nov. Fast Msilj Dally x. Ijaliy. I ecnoav. Leave Weldon ...I 2.06 V:. 8.43 pxa, a.) a tn 4 14 & m Arrive Rooky Mt I S 17 Arrive Leave Tarboro. Tarboro. ..I'tW . lie JO P-m Arrive Wl son ttt p.m T ft? p ml T 48 A,ra Leave wilton... . p.m' Arrive Selma fi.i9p.mj.. Arrive Fayemv'ie 7.45 p ml .. Leave 3c4osboro.. 4 45 p n 7.49 p.m S.S avm Leave Warsaw... 650 p.v, 981 an Leave Magnolia.. 6 US p-m 8.40 p.m 9 64 s.m Arrive Wiimipgton T 40 it 9.66 p m il.ts s m TRAINS GOiyQ NORTH. No. 14. Hit. 78, No. 0ft. . Dally, ex. PaUv. Daflv Sunday. Leave Wumington 12.0A s.m 9.10 a.m 8.45 pja Leave MagnoUa.. 1.21 a.m 10.88 a-sn 6 .3 pjn Leave Warsaw 10.60 a m 6.60 p.m Arrive Qoldsboro.. S.2i a-m 11.60 a-m 8 6s p.m Leave Fayetteville I . . . 8.80 a m Arrive Beim, j 10.60 aju Arrive WUaoa... j ... . H.69a.m Leave WUsoa I 8.02 a.m 12.42 -.p.m 7 48 pm Arrive Rocky Mt... M.iSpm 8t4pm Arrive Tarboro. 4.S0 pjn Leave Tarboro 10.60 a m .. Arrive Weldon... I 4.8) a ml 8.ft pel 8a p.m Danvcxoeot Bunds v. Train on Scotland Neck Brsnch Road leaves Halifax for Scotland neck at 8.00 P.M. turn ing, leaves Scotland Neck at 6.50 A. M dairy ex oent tuadav. Train leaves Tarboro. N. C, via Albemarle A Raleigh, R. R. dauy.exoept Sunday. 8 P. M.:Sun- uav o r. m.: arrive wmiamston, n. u., r. h and 6.40 P. M. Returning leaves WUMameton,N.C. DaUy except Sunday. 7.40 A. M. Sunday 90 A.M. nmve larooro. n. o a. ana 11 M A. sl. 11S1A.X Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Golds boro, N.C, dally except 8unday4-80 A Jl arrive Smlthfleld. N. C- 10X3 A.M. Retorninr leaves -SmlthfleldN. Cn 10. A.M.; arrive Goldsboro, N. C, 12 10 PM. Train on Naahvuls Branch leaves RecVv Mount at 4.00 P. H arrives Naahvuls 4.40 P. M-. rprlDg Hone 6.15 P. M. Retorninr leaves Rutin ir ' Hon 10.40 A. M. Nashville 11.15 A. M, Rooky Mount 11 5 A. X., dally, except Sunday. Train on Clinton Braaoh leaves Warsaw for Clinton Dally, exoept Sunday, at 8 00 P. M. Re turning leave Clinton at 8 5 A. M.. oonnectlsc at Warsaw with Noa. 15 and 68 Southbound Train on Wilson and Fayetteville Braaoh is No. 5L Northbound Is No. 60. Daily exoept eunday. Train No. 87 South will stop only at Wusoa. CKudsboro and Magnolia. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North daily. All rail via Richmond, and dally exoept Sunday via Bay Line. Trains make close connection for aU points noria via cionmona ana wssnmgton. All trains run solid between wumington and Washington, and hays Pullman Palace Sleepers tiacuea. . JOHN V. DIVINE, General Fupt. J. R. KENLT, Bup't TranRportatlon. T. M. EMERSON, Genl Passenger AgeaL aosTtf WILHINSTOH COL'MBIA & AH6DSTA Eailroad Go. Condensed ftctaedale. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Nov. 18, 87. No. ST. No. 27. Ko. 15, P. M. P. M. P M Lea vs Wumington 8 05 10 if t't 40 Leave Marlon 11 80 12 89 6 88 Arrive Florenos... 13 10 190 6 80 A. M. P. M. No. 69. P. M. Leave Florence.. . 240 t 6 40 Arrive Sumter. .. 425 805 No. 6. No. 66. A. M P. M. Leave Sumter 485 t 9 40 8 87 Arrive Coiambia.. 8 15 10 4) 9 65 A. M. i No. C2 runs through from Charleston via Cen tral it u. L a ving Lanes 8:T4 A. H. Mann'ng 908A. M. Sundays No. M leaves Charleston 8i3u A.M. Lanesl?:2SA. M, Maanlnr 11:10 A. M8nmter ii:o a. st arnvea ooiumoia i:iu r. at. No. 16 run. throurh from Charleston via Cen tral 8. H. leaving Lanes 7:18 PM , Manning 732 P. M. Train on C. A D. R. R. oonnects at Florenos with wo ti. TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 78, Ko. 67, No. U, 4PM A. M P M Leave Columbia.. 1 0 85 6 60 5 si Arrive bnmter ... 11 62 8 12 8 40 No. 68. Leave Bnmter U 69 t 8 28 Arrive Florenos. . 1 80 9 40 A. M. A. M No. 68. No. 14. A. M. P. M. Leave Florence... .496 t 10 so M Leave Marlon 6 is) 1111 8 65 Arrive Wumington 8 85 2 10 11 60 A- M. P. M. P. M. Daily. tDally exoept Sunday. No. 63 run through to Charleston. 8. Via Central R. X , arriving annlrg 7SQ P. M, Lanes Bit P. aL. Charlettoa 9-45 P. M. No. 67 runs throurh to Chsrleston via Central R R . arriving Manning 8:48 A. M-, Lanes 928 A. Charleston ii:M A. M. No. 89 crnn ecu at Florenos with C and D. train for Cher w and Wsdeeboro. No. 78 snd 14 make oloee ooaaeotion at Wil mington with W. e W. R. B for ail points North. 4jm r. jjiYucx, GeulSupH. J. R- ntKNLY, 6upt Transportation. T. M. EMERSON. Gsnl Passenger Agent. nov 12 tf CAROLIHA CEKTRAL RAILROAD CO. Change of Schednle. WESTBOUND TRAINS - No. 1 No. 8. No 6 T Deo. 15, 1887. Daily ex. DaOy sx Trt- Sunday. Sunday. We. kly. Leave WUnalngton 7.00 p. m 8 9f a. m Arrive Laurinburg 12.C4 a- m 5 50 p m No. 7. Iave Laurinburg l.oe a, ra 5 00 a. m Leave Bam let 2.88 a. m 7 (0 a. m Arrive Charlotte.. T.8J a. m 8.0 p. m Leave Charlotte... 8.45 a m Leave Ltnoolnton - lUlan Leave Shelby. . 12 1 A p. an Ar. Hutbert'dton. SOOptm EA8TBOUND TRAINS. No. 2. No. 4. KostsVS Deo IS, 18'7. Dally ex. Dally ex. Tri Suaday. Sunday. Weekly. L've RutberTdton. S 40 a. m Leave abelbv 10.68 s m Leave Llnoolnton. 12 45 p m Arrive Charlotte.. Sis p.m Leave CharkJtte. 8.16 p.m 5.60 a. m Leave Hamlet 1 56 a. m L20p.m Arrive Laurinburg 2.48 a, m 800 p. m No. 8. Leave lanrinbnrg. 9 68 a. m 5 4S a. m Arrive Wttmtertoa SBSs-tn 4 88 p. m Trams Nos. 1 and 9 make oloee connection at Hamlet with trains to and from Raleigh. Through Bleeping Car between Wilmington and Charlotte and Charlott and Raleigh, Take Train No. 1 tor 8tatesvUls and Station on W.N. C. R- R. and points West. Also for Spar tan burr. Green vine, Athens. Atlanta and all points bouuiweax. Also, tor Aaasmue, via Bpar tanburg. Local Freight Nos. 6 aad 8 tri-weekly between Wilmington and LevnTinburg. Local Freight Nos. T and 8 dCy between Laurinburg and Charlotte. -Nos. 6, 8, 7, 8, wul tak paaeager. U a JONES. SspermtsndsBt. F. w. CLAK&, uenersi Passenger Agent. . deo 15 tf ' - CARLTON HOUSE, Jarni Dnjlis totT,;H,.C, 0M LINE OF WILMINGTON AND rWKLDON ttsurosH, ns BBiiee troo nuaapoa . ... - . r .4 Tabts always weU snnpUod wtth ths best Us aountry afford. Rate of Board very reason sis. ' U.4. t:i m i)Hm -dsetTDAWtf ,- -- rYoprtstoT. mi:w ADVEitTisjnnau im to 4300 worklnx for bs. smu r frrted who oan laraish their own Lorsc t; 1 gl Ibtlr whole Ume to ths fciuUeee, - zc Boofti may bs prafitahly e&pif yed -also. A ttw tacsjreits m towns aaa elUe. B. r. JOU?BaN St CO . ' , - 1 09 Mala SC. RWimonrt, Vs. INi T.KUtr-ti address - - - GEO, P, ROWELL A CO., lO lpraet lustk Knr Tsrk Otv, . For Select List cf 1,000 IfewTpapera. wra bs sent FBBB, on imXokOeA. : CUIUSWIB' s) 86 a Day A Gold Ilino - For Agents GrasdestKIsBieyBtaklsc Bl - -sireaever offered. A roldes harvest lor tfcs . next 1 wo Months. SIS JPsr SIesitsi scd peases to active men to . sail oar goods No r-splial res; I reeU No psodluig - eamt)e case mi goods and v si cable tnf crrnauoa and fait -particulars Fit HI s fewssbsg) we cean . '. Just what wssy. Address at ottos " - tTANI I KU BUY AOIW AJLB Wm iOUOU, M SfS. ooinueens aaiCROBE KILLER la now ths rags In A stirs, Tex. .Sir. II set- . asms, fcurseryrnao, Asstls, Texas, Is tha lnven- . tor. Bs Cures a very Ltseass that dootors have -failed to core Over rOt pereana In sad around Ausun are sow using U Send for eironlarol bU ' treatment showing s orn staxe-mnbi and teatr -moalsis of enres cade. Ad areas - Wm. EADAHS, Mlcrtbo Killer, : AC8TIN. TEXAS. nov 12 DAW lm - - University of Virgima; Ths 4tki Beat Ion be ran Oct. 1st, ISSC'snd will continue stlae snesttsis, but stadcats can . enter at any time, and afver Jan nary .lat. lwea.' rednctloo sf coe-ihlrd of eharges. Thcrourh la . struetlon In Lltrarr,settsttfie astf Prs' reaaieBBi airpsrassicsits, isciaamg asr. fardleiate. PUsrsaacy. Aglnrlac and- Agrlealtars. For eataie ue spwy to C. 8. VE.1SBLR, j a treats) rFscslty,: P. O. LNlVltfahlTT OT VA. VA- r--nov 88 DAW lm Palmetto Eailroad Co. 1887, Train wQ run as foRowa, dally except r- Sundays : rown crkii'i'il . - - - AO. 1 rASBJLJNli AlV A-CILI rKKIWH r : -i. Leave Hamlet, K. C 8.20 A. M." k r n e as a m W.I w vmv. WW , W. ................... ..M. J GOIG NORTH: Ko. 9 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT : ' - . . Leave Che raw. b. C 4.S5 1. jl - Arrive Hamlet, N. C 8 AS T.W. - WE. MOSCUSX. ': 7 . s a GwoH SftfTO tO aA a S71AA SS . New York and Wfliiiington:-' Steamship Co. v: FROM PIER S3. EAST RIVER, Mt W TCRB -- - Located bet. Chamber aad Roosevelt Btu J r At 2 o'clock P. -? ' '. ' GULF STREAM Saturday, ' f so. 24 . BENEFACTUR Saturday, Deo. 81 FROM WILMINGTON GULF STREAM Fr;day. Des,- fS BEJtEF ACTOR.... '....Thursday. Deo, 29 3F Through BSla Ladmg and LovrsstThrusurh Rates guaranteed to and from points tn North and South Carolina. For Freight or Passage appry to - II. 43. inALLBONES, Knperln tend ent, WUmingtoB, M. C Xbeo. i. Eger, TraSo Manager. New York. ' xw. i. ciyss sr.fio., Gsncrai Areets ce xi u s Broadway. rew lora. GEO. 8. THURBKR. ALBERTXGORE. ".. ' sT rWWCUev V V IwSsUsVt -, B.G. EMPTE, 6eoT and Tres. . V THTTRBER & GORE lumiauk -.-:r . 9 r .. n-aa coaoiEBCBiBCiLBtNG ' a. sl ym. Ajv way. -u., ORDERS EXECUTED ON ALL EXCHANGES! . BV4A f W , 1- A.C TT TT ss, est A SbssW eass, - nnnK 11 1 iihw nHrmvHr cbah capital paia in. tsoo,gook Etirplns Pnad, - - -$130,000 " '''" ni rutururia : W L GORE. G. W. WILLIAMS, DONALD MacRAE H. VOLLEBH. R. R. BRTDGZES c. m. 8tedman isaac bates; . jab, a. leak, f. rhein8tetn. t.B.BORDEH, J. W. ATKINSON. ISAAC BATES. Preside C . G. W. WILLIAMS, Flos President. ;' - 5 aa 89 tf ft. D. WALLACE. Cashier. Atkinson & Illannfnr AGENTS, , -.;v- Hortt Carolina Home limEeCeiiis,Tl:. 'yy E OFFER TO THOSE WAITING JlfgUB- ANCE AGAINST FIRE. PolicHe in this Old and . Rollabls Horns Institution. - , . . . - .w , . W ftTWTirT4nftBLTVMMt' ' CHARLES ROOT, Secretary - ' pit, 1 L7i mwn n. . ..i, - w . ty4tf Charlotte Daiiv Chronicle; A.DEMOCRATIC NEW8PAFER, Drl.nt, TSewsy, 3teap. Tt a TT mmm m 9va TAsrnvw ssfv 4Ka W-jaat ; . OUVTsj aaa irvyilH W SeaBS asaaw eV I SSPI 1 likes AxAiesalteness tn Business aadtaBtaW . " Snaosrares ths TTnbnBdlns? of North Caro Ite I a 8tronr Advocate of Mors aad Better Ed- oeation. ..:,--,- , - - t7J09 per year ; SA00 for thrvmopths.-- " '.' . w. 0. u&mbx, . Editor, aad Prorvilor' ' uiartoHS. n. v. oavutawv - - - mWmWw V ev m' tmrn j ei Tne iiorxn uaroiinian. EHaastBi City - - - ZVsrt. Osirollzuu E3TABLIEHE1) IJf 1868. . ' Tn,.....M.. '.c.... ... fl 80 a Yeai Ths oldest aad leadlEgpaper in Eastera North Carolina. Puhllahsd at ths buctnsc eentrs ef the Albsmazia section. Special!? devoed To awakening aa tntsrest m dsveloping the re Of um BtAts, Toierast, inoependent s?d pro- , pie all through the eastern part oi tLet uie AdverUatSE rates liberal. Addra . . - - - paler cr?jcr!7, ' . ly tf - J . r-1 Editor and Proprietor, v

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