. WILMINQ TON, "JtT. G. 'MTbiday Moentno, Etec. 53, 1887 ?MORNINGv EDITION. THE LATEST NEWS. FBOIf ALL PAETS OF THE WORLD . FIFTIETH CONGRESS. FIKST SESSION. bU-rrovoua uoniuionenu abubb nunt on the Subject of marriage ana V i Mvamw-IlMlh nf ffll. ITIoflstL. Of MieblsaD, Annonnoed In tne Bouse 4tli. - By Telegraph to tne Moraine Star. - Washington', Dec. 23. Mr. Euslis, eases, reported a bill authorizing the re s'' -moval of the quarantine station from Ship Island, -Miss., to some other island in the Gulf of Mexico or to some pass in the Mis- cainn Halt, nalenriar. , I1UUI VWV wvmmvw w ' The Senate then took tip the joint reso . ".Jution introduced by Mr. Dolph on the 12th iast., proposing a constitutional amendment on the subject of marriage and divorce, and prohibiting bigamy and po- ' lygamy. rne proposed amenqmem is iu J the following words: . "uongress snau nave power to legiaiaie on the subject of marriage and divorce by xJ general laws applicable alike to all states and Territories, and - neither biiramv nor polygamy shall exist or be permitted with " 1 in the United States or any place subject to ? thAip liimftriirtinn. - lit I . iuiuu buuicdku uio kjtiuabG a u auis - - sort of the joint resolution.! At the close of Mr. Dolph's remarks the -joint resolution was ordered to lie on the y table Mr. Cullom saying that he proposed to submit some remarks upon it after the ' reassernbliDg of the Senate. ; A bill for the removal of the political ' disabilities oi ADram u. Myers was ta&en l" up and passed. ' Recretarv of the Mexican VeteralnAesccia- v tion, accompanying a gavei wrought out i of S50 'separate pieces of wood, tastefully v v. v - a; can war. Chas. Ufferh aster, formerly of -. the Third U. S. Artillery, now residing in Charleston, o. C. The letter suggested The presiding officer announced the ap- : pum.uieu. ui a apcciai comuu.iee to mves.i gate the condition of the five civilized tribes of Indians, as follows: Butler, Mor gan, Dawes, Cameron and Teller. Mr. Teller introduced a bill to provide for compulsory education of Indian coil dren.- Referred. After half an hour's Executive session hue kjcuiuo oujuuiucu lu i auuaij viu( . - HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES. When the House met to-day the desk recently occupied by Mr. Moff&tt, of Mich ; igan, who died in Providence Hospital this morning, was draped in emblems of mourning ana aecsea wun nowers. T The chaplain offered the following .. prayer: - "umignty uoa, m tne midst or this gay ' . and festive season we are. startled by the ' sudden death of a member of the House. . : It lumresses nnnn ns all thn solemn consft v that there is but a step between ' us and w death, and so may every man order his r nouse tnat be may likewise be - -ready when the summons shall k. , come. Comfort and cheer the widow. . - - uuuum auu uruTiue mr ine cnuaren .. thna mr!A fAthprlpao anH mow thoir anil oil Jhat were dear to him find in Thee that i consolation which alone can be had at such , time. We commend to Thy almighty - care and protection the members and offl ,i . : - J ll a. J m ' uers sou au connected wun-tne service or this House. Go with those who journey. abide with those that remain; and in all our " homes may there be a merry Christmas and - . no nrT Nuor Vnaii " v , - Mr. Adams, of Illinois, offered a resoln- - tion for the Davment of a month's salarv tn the House employes who were on the rolls . . December 5th, but who have since Been discharged, or who may be discharged prior to January 1st. This is similar in sub .2 stance to the joint resolution passed some v , day a since, except that under the joint re - solution payment must be made from the Treasury, while under the pending resolu- - tion payment is made from the contingent fond of the Houee. In speaking to the resolution Mr. fier- bert, of Ala., remarked upon the aetion of ' , certain Senators in criticizing the House - for Dassinff the ioint resolntinn an nMnn which he thought was uncalled for, in I view of the fact that the Senators voted .L themselves each a clerk and insisted upon paying their employes 25 per cent, more thin os ruwivaH h tVi a AmrlA-AA 9 Ua - House . to the Committee on Accounts. Agreed ; , tc yeas 93. nsys 91 . - 'Mr. Burrows, of Mich., then annnimwH , the death this morning of his colleague, ,Mr. Moffett, and the House at 1.15 ad lourned to January 4th. . QUEEN GOODS, New Tork's Bo.ni Connterteltera "Sucker Ho, S a Xenneuee Dea con.Telle His Story in Court. i mr Taiesrana to the M orninc star, t ; I';- New Tobk, Dec. 22. Anthony Nelson, .-A one of the "green goods" men recently ar rested, was put on trial in the General ,v ."Sessions to-day. Allen Gilliland, a deacon - of the church at his home in Tennessee, or VSucker No. 82," as the "ereen goods" , v-ginit termed him, identified letters he bad ' received Inviting him to come hero where Y-',he could purchase -$10,000 -for $850. 1 Counsel for the prisoner asked to have the case taken from the jury and his client discharged on the ground that there was ; -no proof that the "goods" mentioned in " the-, circular and letters was eounterfeit money. After, considerable argument, v: J udge Cowing held that the point was well taken, and discharged the prisoner. Before letting, him go, he warned him that if brought before himSgigain and convieted, , ho would receive every minute the statute - -w uow. ,,lt you are engaged in the , - -uueiueeB oi senaing counterfeit money """gu wis couniry, aaaea tne Juaee. - no punishment can be too severe; hang . mg would be a righteous , punishment for - - sucn a- crime." Turning to the deacon. wno nas been locked tin in thA Rmiu nt j , Detention as a witness since he made com- , piaint. Judge Cowing rebuked him severe- - ' W't Tne thing you can do," he said, , i8,io nurry oacK to Tennessee, and don , ,cpme here again. Go back . and leave the ; cnurcn, and .tea your congregation how you feel." " - i r.Gilliand"Baid'he was going to-night. T , TENNE88ElC.- ' - - - -w'V" 'Ilotl at Glen. Mary Two; sons Killed f: 1 Fer .3 Teiegrapu to tuy awuuw bhi.j Gleit Uat.y, Dec. 22. A', Wgr riot oc nrci y.ptp. Tneadav.- night. when some oninrpti p.vA vrhite- workmen became in -vnivp.i H a r -rrel. following pay, day and r i " v-fnnrain drink., ,Over two . v.... , -fired. Oootnauand vmpri.-and -ethers were m- WASHINGTON; - A Zilcmanlp at False CapeA. tlamt- lionee for Capo natteraa'Shoale -Conflrmattone, -tC c Goreromeut - BecelptarCBUittaiea ior . Deflelenclee New Sear's at ttbe fCTblte nese. ' sy Telegraph to the Hornuvr. Star. " .-i WA8HiNeTOir."J)ec.. 22--8enator Gor man introduced a bill to-day appropria ting 1 $60,000 for a lightship at False Cape entrance to Chesapeake Bay. . The lilcht-house .Board is now consider ing the feasibility of erecting alight-house, of first-class order, on . the outer shoals at Cape Hatteras, IS . C. -These waters, which are regarded as the most dangerous on the Atlantic coast, are now insufficiently pro tected,- Engineering difficulties in the way of the construction of a lighthouse i on the shoals, are so many that recent - develop-, ments in constructive engineering were needed to ensure success in the undertak ing. Pians for the, work are now. being prepared in accordance with the views of eminen.t experts. . Senator Dolph reported from the Senate Committee on Foreign Relatione, and- the Senate adopted in secret session, a resolu tion calling upon the Secretary of State for the correspondence and records of the State Department relating to the German occupation of the Samoan Islands and Apia, - . . ' The senate has conurmea tne nomina tions of S. S. Carlisle, of New Orleans, to be Minister of Bolivia; J. G. Walker, of, Texas, to be Consul General at Bocota. A bill was introduced in the Senate to day by Mr. Pasco, for the erection oa pub lic building at Tailanassee, D la., ana ap propriating $75,000. Washington r Dec. 23. Secretary La mar to-day instructed the Commissioner of the Genaral Land Office that the order of December 15th insL. (telegraphed on the lfith and rmblished the 17th mst . direct ing "that all 'lands heretofore withdrawn and held for indemnity purposes under grant to railroads mentioned in said order," be restored to tne puouc domain, ana opened to settlement and entry under gen eral laws, after giving the usual notice, be changed and modified" so that the lands shall be restored to the public domain upon the same terms and in the same manner as was directed to be done by the order of August 3, 1887, in relation to indemnity lands withdrawn for the benefit of the At lantic & Pacific Railroad Company and sub sequent orders of August 15, 1887, in re lation to other roads. Washington, Dec. 23. President Cleve land will hold the usual New Year's recep tion Monday, January 2d. The President will be assisted by Mrs. Cleveland and the ladies of the cabinet. Mrs. Cleveland a Saturday afternoon receptions, from three until five o'clock, will begin Saturday, January 7th, and continue on alternate Saturdays throughout the season. The receipts this month amount to $21.- 697.838. being an excess of $12,927,137 over disbursements for the same period. The Secretary of the Treasury to-day transmitted to Congress estimates to meet deficiencies in expenditures of various de partments of the government for the Seeu year ended June 80. 1887, and prior years amounting to $5,580,978 He also submits an estimate aggregating $3,075,274, to meet urgent demands upon the government for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1888; and schedule emima amounting to $883 703, al lowed by the Sixth Auditor on account of compensation of postmasters under the re adjustment act of 1883. FOREIGN. The smltb and H.llraln Prise Ptxbt An Emente In tbe St. Petersburg Uni versity Rnssla and the Powers Irlsn Troubles. By Cable to the Morning Star London, Dec. 23. Smith and Kilrain met in the office of the Sporting Life to day and agreed to let their fight stand a draw. There is-general irritation among leading newspapers against the endeavor made by the Sporting Life to exclude re porters of other papers from the meetings of fighters and their backers, and to keep them ignorant of their doings and inten tions. Efforts are making to ensure the selection of another sporting paper as stake holder in any, future fight. Berlin, Dec. 22. Private advices from St Petersburg state that owing to an emeute among the students of the University there, the institution has been closed. St. Petbbsbubg, Dec 22. It is semi officially denied that Russia has informed the Powers that the movements of Russian troops in Poland have ceased. It is a fact, however, that no further displacement of troops is expected during the present win ter. The Russian diplomats seriously expect some action on the part of Germany, Aus tria and Italy to induce Prince Ferdinand to withdraw from Bulgaria. DtrsLiN. Dec. 22.-Father Mathew Ryan of County Limerick, are of the projectors of the plan of campaign, has been sen tenced to two months' imprisonment with out hard labor, for inciting the people to commit illegal acts. London, Dec 22. A warrant has been granted in the Bow Street Police Court for the arrest of Gen. Milieu, bead of the Clan-Na-Gael Society, and Melville, formerly agent of the society in London, who are charged with being connected with the dy namite conspiracy in wnich uallann and Harkins are alleged to have been engaged. Dublin, Dec. 23. United Ireland cen sures the language contained in the letter which Bishop o Dwyer recently sent to the papers as that of the London Timet, Chief Secretary Goeschen, and Lord Hartington. It also announces that Sir Michael 'Morris. Lord Chief Justice of the Court of Com mon Pleas of Ireland, has started for Rome to assist in the conversion of the Pope to an approval oi coercion. PENNSYLVANIA. , A Des.r active Fire 15 Plttsbar- Loss S200,O0O. fBv Telegraph to the Morning Star.) PrrTSBTjBS. Dec. 22. Fire broke out in the millinery and furnishing store of 8. L. iriusnman s uo.. sorted 500 Market street, shortly before 1 o'clock this morn ing. The names had gained considerable headway when discovered, and before they could be controlled the double four-story structure, together with the adjoining five story building of Yerger &. Co., toy deal ers, were completely gutted. During the progress of the fire, firemen Gus Dotte, Emii Spaher and Scott Ward were injured. Dotte and Spaher were buried under the debris of a falling floor and were severely burned and bruised; .Ward was overcome by smoke and fell from a ladder. - His con dition is serious. The total loss is $200, 000; insurance $125,000. Tbe fire, it is supposed, caught from a lighted cigar carelessly thrown into rubbish in the cellar of Flushman & Co. ' VIRGINIA, Yonns; REan in ordered by a Jealous " Rival. , . , By Telegraph to the Morning Star LTHOBBtraa. , Den. 22. .An ArTvnnA special from ScoUbura: savs : Nanoleon b. Templeton was murdered ryesterday by George Adams In the ioad near Eatlllvnie. ZZX 4 w?r5 youn8 en otihe best families and lealotifiv w&b ht, A a marrie girl both were court ing, and Adams dotprminoi) a T!fS T!mPleton yesterday talkie tag to f riends, he drew a pistol, and with SrJS111 kR him. lQ8ty.' The murderer -wn?, but:ho BOW'a posse is after ILLINOIS. 'A .Train Hon at Poll Speed Tkroosn a Crowd r People tn Cnlcas A-, s; tempt - to Xyncn pne Enalneer Tne Indictments' for Conspiracy In ftio KleGarleJft Caea.-; -rr'V ;'' ; By .Telegraph to the TfornlasT Star--1- ' Chicagp. Dec. 23. An Incoming B. & O. train flowed at - full speed through a crowd boarding the Illinois Central subur ban (rais, at YanBuren station, last even ing, iruiiy aoo people were tnrocging ino tracks at the time, and without a whistle or note of- warning the train was upon them. In an instant Miss Lottie Launder" ville was thrown fifteen or twenty feet, and fatally injured. Immediately after the ac-cident-the B. & O. train backed . up and had barely stopped when the cab was boarded by an Infuriated crowd of persons who had narrowly escaped death. The engineer was roughly seized and cries of vijnch him,? -"kill him," were shouted from hundreds of throats. Just in time to prevent the crowd "from -executing its threats, two Central detail, officers arrived and rescued tho cowering man from the throng of avengers. .The engineer was Quickly spirited away and bis name could not be learned. There- seems to be no ex cuse for the accident. The B & O. train was going at full speed when it should have been at a stand. There was no sound of bell or whistle to warn tb a. crowd of the approaching danger . Chicago. Dec. 23. The trial of Dr. St. John, Levi Dell and Capt. Freer, indicted for conspiracy in aiding in the escape of warden W. J. McGarigle. came' to a sud den close this noon. The State's attorney acknowledged in open Court that ha bad not evidence enough to convict so' Judge' Collins ordered tho jury to bring in a yer diet of acquittal.and the State nollied under the Indictments against them The indict ments against Capt. Irwin, matter of the barque, who has kept himself to Canada fcince the escape, still stands KA1LROAD COLLISIONS Fatal Aceldent on tne Cinema Northern-Two Trains Wrecked tne Illinois Central A Nana r ill or Persons lajored. By Telegraph to the Mornlox Star. CiscnraATi, Dec. 22. This morning a collision occurred on the Cincinnati North ern Railroad, now known a the Ohio and Northwestern Railroad, at a point five and a-half miles bejond Idlewiid statijn. The Montgomery accommodation coming south and tho outgoing' passenger going north met at Bioody Run trestle. Both engines were wrecked. Mrs. Proctor, living tt South Norwood, and Mrs Ringgold were fatally injured; engineer Collins' leg was broken by jumping; engineer " Glasgow's leg was broken; Edward Syckey, a passen ger, had a badly mashed foot; Chas. Bar ber, another passenger, is injured about the face. Rock Bapids, Iowa, Dec. 22. Tester day, on the Cherokee and Dakota branch of the Illinois Central Railroad, which is just being completed through this olace, a train loaded with supplies, when about ten miles west of this place, collided with a work train, which had on board about two hundred laborers. The collision occurred just at the end of a long bridge. There . was a blizzard blowing from the northwest, and neither engineer discovered the danger until the two trains were within twenty yards of each other. One fireman was killed and both engineers arc probably fa tally hurt. Many of the laborers were hurt, but not dangerously. The work train was running without orders. MARINE DISASTERS, Schooner Catn. W. Slay Lost Schoon er c. G. cranmsr Disabled In a Bar rtcans A Terrlfle Oals on tho New England Coast. By Telegraph to the Moraine star. Philadelphia. Dec. 22. The schooner C. G. Cranmer. Capt. Walton, which ar rived at this port to-day, from Naw York, with cedar logs, reports that on the 17ih inst , ten miles south of Cape Charles, she was struck by a hurricane from N. N. W The vessel sprung a leak and continued to leak badly. She has about seven feet of water in her hold; also lost both anchors. The crew refused to work. On Sunday, tbe ISth icst r Cape Henry, bearing W. by N., distance eight miles, she fell in with the schooner Cath. AV. May, (late Williams), bound from Philadelphia for Richmond with coal, which encountered the same gale on the 17th and bad also sprung a leas rne crew were Kept at tne pumps from Saturday until Sunday, when she foundered and were almost exhausted. The captain and steward were drowned. When the survivors were taken aboard the Cranmer they were compelled to throw over part of the deck load in order to save the vessel. Tbe Cranmer waa taken in tow yesterday morning by the revenue cutter Hamilton and towed to Reedy Island. Boston, Dec. 22. The gale along the New England coaftt to-night is terrific. The stories of shipwrecks and loss of life and property will probably be numerous to-morrow. TMLXAS FrecalDE TTeatker Xbroagaont the Great Cattle District. By Telegraph to the Morula Star. Gatvkstoh, Dec. 22. Freezing weather prevailed here all day and the city is cov ered with a coat of ice. The freezing line extends beyond tbe Rio Grande some dis tance Into Mexico. Dispatches to lhe- Signal Officer at this place show that very cold weather prevalia throughout the great cattle dis tricts of Texas. The thermometer at Fort Elliott in the Pan Handle registered six degrees above zero at 7 o'clock this morning, and weather of the same degree of cold prevailed at Fort Davis, one hundred and ninety miles southeast of El Paso. The cattle country. lies be-, tween these points. At San Antonio the lowest point marked by the thermometer was 26 degrees above zero. Reports of sufferiog by exposed cattle are being re-' ceived. A heavy sleet -is falling here to night. - . CHICAGO MARKET REV I EW, Everything; Quiet sa Featareless, By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Chicago. Dec " 22.--All markets on 'Change opened quiet and featureless this morning. May pork was a fraction higher at $15-70, on light receipts of hogs. Under heavy selling it quickly dropped to $15.57. The provision market continued lifeless all through the day: May wheat opened at 841c eased off to 840, and oa heavy buy ing went up - to S4fo. Corn, waa a second edition of wheat. May opened at 54c, sold down to 530, but for the greater pan or tne time neia steady around 54c. aaayaaaj aaasj afjssanw OHIQ. ' A Colored Blan and lals Family Blown . TJp wltn Dynamite. , iBy Telegraph to the Mornloc Star.) ; V CxKraHATi, ; ; December . 22. Edward Johnson,-colored. Jiving three miles west 01 tnu city, piacea some dynamite car ttldges In the; oven, of Tils stove -to thaw; this rnornlng. ;: Soon after a terriflo explo sion took place, 1 nearly ,.. destroying Lis nouse, aiuing nis lo-year old daughter and an infant one year old. 'and aarlaualv In juring Johnston and his wife.: ;.r f-Sl ' ' " iMaee-iea" T"Ja. "-y. A flrVia- Baltimore yesterday morning " destroyed Ihe sUughter and meat houses of Charles Rohr & Son, at .Colverton stock 47 An IO,a ftowd at $21,000, wlthr , w.wu inscxanee. . - c fj& EciiETJLn it. zGTnffTj Bt May lave Until JSLormlaK. r t -'.-By Telegraph, to to 'Morning 8tar -Albaht. Deo. 23. 4.80 P M- The doctor has just left Mr-Manning ana say he is surprised at his symptom - may hVe until morning. 1 . " , : ii r- -SS " . UK George R. Bell. - a prominent dry goods merchant of Staunton, vVa n BBtde n assignment. r.: . " " . -1? r The iteamjmlll of Clem & Weaver, at Harrisonburg. Va.. was burned last night. Loss $10,000. No insurance. Fire broke odt InTa printing office in New Orleans Wednesday night, and caused damage to the extentof $30,000. . : The XJ. 8. steamer Eater prise Ehas sailed from the Brooklyn NaW Yard to search rorthe derelict Umber raft. ATe venue cutter baa also been cent oa lhetame mis sion.', ... . VTae New York Tammasy. Hell Democ-. racy bad a meeting yesterday evening to endorse, the President's . tness-ge. All the local.' 'braves" were on hand and many r peecbes were made. I Tbe suit of. Cooper against the. Nor folk and forumoutn jrerry company, ana me New York, Philadelphia . and Norfolk Railroad Company, for damages oa ac ountof the death of his wife in a collision iast winter, resulted in a Verdict io his fa vor for $4 750 against each defendant, at Norfolk. Va , yesterday. v .Quarterly meeting. ' WilmlngtonDistrlot, M. E. Church, hSoath.. Firotrrodnd of Quarterly Meetings. Fifth Street .station, Peoember 31' and January 1. Bladen Street mission, January 1 and 2. Topsail circuit, at Scott's Hill, Jan uary 7 and 8. New River mission, January 7 and 8. Southport, January 14 and 15. Brunswick circuit, at Zlon, January 21 and 22. Whiteville circuit, at Whiteville, January 28 and 29. Grace Church, Wilmington, Febru. ary 4 and 5. Magnolia circuit, at Magnolia, Feb ruary 11 and 12. Clinton circuit, at Johnson's chapel, February 18-and 19. Wacoamaw circuit, at Shllob, Feb ruary 25 and 26. Brunswick mission, February 25 and 26. Onslow circuit, at Green Branch, March 3 and 4. Kenansville, at Kenansville, March 10 and 11. Carver's Creek, at Shlloh, March 18 and 19. Elizabeth circuit, at Elizabeth, March 24 and 25. Coke8bury, at Salem, April 3 and 4. Bladen circuit, at Bethlehem, April 10 and 11. Thos. W. Guthrtk, P. E. You'll find her smiling night and day, Although at times she is not gtj. And should you wonder why you meet This constant smile, regard her teeth. She only laughs those gems to show. Which BULVUVXT makes white as snow. Laachter Lends a New Charm to beauty when it discloses a pretty eet of teeth. . Whiteness, when nature has sup plied this element of loveliness, may be re tained through life by using the fragrant 80ZODONT. "Spaldibg'b Gltjb" mend Furniture. Toys, Crockery, all ornmental work, f THK TLORKNCX NIGliTLNGAUt OF TEX N UKSKB Y. The roDowtnc is an extract from a letter written to the Cerwaa Bnbi Wkn4 Mtmmotr. at Chamberabnrrh, Penn.t A BmnwAormmm. nsi open the door for her, and Mrs. Wlnalow wul prove the American Florence filchttngsie of the Morsery. Of this we are so sore, that we wul tesoh oar 8oy to say, A iiins-lna oa wtnsiow" ior beiptnc bar to snmre ana the rrtnlns. oo linking, end teeth Ins slese. st Wuhlow'i SooTBxse Srvcr relieves the child from pstn, and cmres dysentery and diarrhoea. It softens' the gnmaedooes taflammartonarcewtad oollo, and carries the Infant saf err thronxh the toe thin period. It performs precisely what tt prof eases to perform, every part of li so thing leas. We hare nerer seen Mrs. Wtoskyw kow her only throiurh the preparation of her 8oothln 8yrap for Children Teethmjr." If we had the power we would make her, as she is, a phystosJ artoor to the tnfaat race. Sold by all drrurxlsu. in eents a bnttt. CASH HOUSE. HVL. TT A TZ, 116 Market St. TXSIDia TEX MANY BABOAIKS ADVXB tised so far this season, wa will offer the follow In Specialties this Week. A let of COLORED CA8EMXRX8 5 cents per yard. Three-quarter PLAKHKL DBKSS GOODS, worth SO cents for IS oents. Bxtra heavr BXPB, worth SO cents for VH ota. Great Reductions JACKETS. We will give oar patrons the benefit of LOW PBIOXS la season, and not wait till the season Is over. 1,000 Jerseys From $1 Up. ,fone lot of jrXBSKT8 worth tlBO, only $ 1 jes. la Colors ad Black, a BLAHK.ST8, good value, from 1 up. . . By Steamer tats week another lot of those 40s BS&U8H CABHMffim tor SB oents. Many HovalUes for the Holldaysl HARDKXBCBZZ7S, GLOTZS. -EOsXCBT, , I; Artoli t almost any prloe, at r.i . r.i . it At z.' s r 116 Market St. 'dee'4 tf '-'-.5:V ;-.i nandtTBiAsizake I Itoenredathomewitli I oetpem Booof jms. , Oooli eon FlULiS. fc o sx vv ' x e H I flvJl;wiy fr tn.we -1. . - , y COMMERCIAL, - DOSIESTIO PIABKBTS. h'' By TelegraiA to the Morning Ar. .'. - Waw Voiiav Dec;''. 23. Evening Stcrilag exchange quiet and strong at .4.63K&4 87, Money easy at 43 per-cent.. Govern ment securities quiet and- firm r four per cents' 126i; thrte per.cenu 108. 8ut bonds doll 'bur Heady j North Carolina sixes U3;-fours W bUL-- ; i -" . -' ' Oomvurctoi'. . .'... w-;YOBi;Teo. 23rEvehlng.i-OoUoD SuieV with sales to-day of 63 bales; mid ting uplands 10i cenU; middling Orleans 10f ceou; net recelpu to-day at all U. 8. ports 28.040 biles; exports to Great Britain 29,505 bales, to Franco 1.850 bale a, to continent 5 485 bales; stock at - all U 8. ports 1,018,633 "balea. -. Southern 'flour steady.' Wheat opUoni advanced iOiC leading to fair business, most marked near the close, leaving off flxmr spot a shade higher, bnt very quiet, wUb exporters in different: No.-2 red December t0c: Jan- uary 00i91to; May 94 111695 5 l6o Goto opened tio lower, later rccoveicd the decline and closed firm, with trade light; No. 3 January 6U61fc; February 611C62ks: May C2 7-16aWlC. ' OaU with out cbaage of importance,- ruling stsadjr; No. 2 December 88c: January 8fc; May 40c; No. 2 spot 8838C) mixed western 87h89o. Hods dull and rather weak. Coffee fair Kio steady at 18f 19c; op lions heavy and lower, closing steady: No 7 Rio Deoembsr 16 30I6 40; January $16 1516 20; May $15 95 16 05. Sugar drmr fair refining 5 refined quiet. Mo lasses dulL Rice steady. Cotton aoM cil crude 86c; refined 4l 42c Boaia dull at tl 05Q1 10. Spiriu turpentine dull at 87io. Hides light demand. Wool steadily held. Beef auiet and steady. Bsef hams firm Tierced beef du.l. Cut meats un changed and quiet; middles nominal.. Lard 2&3 points lower, dull and heavy: western aitam spot $8 02 05; December $3 01 8 03: May $8 Zv&ao bo. rrelgnu uulk Cotton Net recelpu 810 bales; eroes ie- ceiDts 972 hales: futures dosed dull and steadv: sales of 83.000 bales at tbe fol lowing quotations: January I0 4010.41c; February 10.53Q10.54c; March 10 64 10 653 ; April 10 7310 74c; May 10 82 10.83c June lO.OOttlO Sic; July 10 W5 10 .96c; August 10 99ll.00c; September 10. 5410. 55c: October 10. 1710 20c; No -vpmbcr 10.0410.07. OrtenefcCo..in their cotton circular, say: Cotton certificates have not shown much animation, nor any great amount of flue tuaiion io value, and on the whole ap pearances were steady. The market, how ever, was evidently simply held up by tbe longs, as no really new demand came in. LjcI short interest did not appear to amount to much, and two or three leading operators simply stood around in a circle and put in their bids whenever it became necessary to stay a declining tendency. At the cloae near months were about tbe tame as last evening and distant months fraction higher, with the tone dull, and Liverpool without much encouragement and the South sending no uew features Chicaoo, Dec. 22. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour steady. Wheat No. 2 spring 76J77ic; No. 2 red 78 4 c Corn- No. 2. 48 re Oate No. 2. SOfc Mees pork $14 75Q15 00. Lard, per 100 lbs. $7 75. Short rib sides (loose) $7 657 70; dry salt ed shoulders (boxeo) $5 906 00; short clear tides (boxed) $8 008 05. Whiskey $1 10. The leading futures ranged aa follow opening, highest and closing :. Wheat No. 2 January 771. "I. 77. February 77f, 78y, 78i ; May 44. 841. 841. Corn No. 2 Jan uary 4Sl. 481. 481: February 49. 49. 49; May 54. Oats No. 2 January and Feb ruary 80f; May 33. Meas pork January $10 OQ. $10 00. $14 90; Hay $10 70. $15 70. $15 62. Lard-January $7 77; February $7 87; May $8 20. $3 20. $3 15. Short ribs January 7 70. $7 70. $7 67; February $7 77; May $3 07. ' St. Loots, Dec. - 22. Flour quiet and steady. Wheat No. 2 red cash 6181c: January 81c; May 8585c. Corn c higher -cash 4547c; January 4&c; May 49 49ic. Uau steady; cash 8lfc: May VI W hitkey steady at $1 05. Provisions firm. Pork new $14 75. Lard $7 60 Dry salted meats boxed shoulders $5 758 00; long clear sides $7 C07 55: clear ribs $7 75 7 871; short clear sides $7 878 00. Bacon bored shoulders. $6 60; long clear sides and clear ribs $3 374 8 50; short clear sides $3 67. Hams steady at $10 25 13 00. CracnrsATL December 22. Flour dull Wheal strong; No. 2 red 851 87c Corn eacler; No 2 mixed 5358c Oats stronger; No. 2 mixed 3431a Pork easier at $15 50. Lard in fair demand at $7 62. BulK meats and bacon steady and un changed. Whiskey steady at $1 05. Bogs nrm. Charxjcstow, Dec. 22 Spirits turpen tine firm at 84 ic asked. Roatqqulet; good sirainea voc. IBy Telearaph to the Moramc Btar.l December 22. Galveston, firm at 9o net receipta 2,622 bales; Norfolk, ateady at 100 net recelpu 4,184 bales; Baltimore, nominal at lOfo net receipts 581 bales; Boston, quiet at lOJc net reccipU 605 bales; Philadelphia, cniet at 10c net re- otipU 449 bales; Savannah, quiet at to net receipts v,vsi Dales; new urieans. ateady at ic net reodpU 7.8G6 bales; Mobile, firm at Wonet reoeiDU 1.227 bales; Memphis, quiet at Ofc net . receipts 4,00 Dales: Augusta, quiet at 9 ll-loo net tecelpu 1,243 bales; Charleston, nothing Coins: and nominal at lOo net recelpu .Vo7 bales. VWHBIQH nAKKBT " ' By Cable to the Moramc Btar.l LrvaxpooL, Deo. 22, 12 80 P. M. Cot ton business good; middling nplanda o uiod; Urleansild. Sales of cotton to day is.uuu Dales; lor speculation and ex port 2.000 bales; receipts .23.000 hales, of which-25.100 were American. Wheat firm; demand poor; holders offer moderately. Corn ateady; demand poor. epinia turpentine Jfifa, Sales of cotton to-day include 11, COO bales American Saturday, the . 24th, Monday and Tues day, 2(th and 27th insts , and Monday, January 2nd, will be observed as holldaya in the corn market. - The provision mar ket will observe Monday and Tnesday.26th ana 27ln instants, and tbe Monday follow ing, as nouaajs. - ' I FOf SolO OT EGllt, no CBOPS TTRST AND 8BO0TO TXAR TUB O V pontine Boxes for eale or rent, la Liberty county, Ga., three miles from river traasooria tfon. One 85 barrel .tUL SO hna es and enaatles all new. Will sell so head Moles ana aU W axons a s a. JS en - . j U WBmsKl, MOT pstXUOTXlVsl eMiarM .J n ssfMi-sf Tspspr a mm . wrse) ssi a as m r s saw sgvjj nov S7 Tm nee Beard's Cre.te. Ga. r Eandome ' Lamps, -rg-AKQCSO. 8TASD FATJIT A20 DKOO-. rated Lamps, Beaatlfal Klght Lamps. All "for sale low by . - deolStf - -'. OXaA.PBCX. Person tCoiiii i.', .-Pahllahed at BOZBOBO, 2t GT WUTTAJLJimc GUIDONS, Idttors and ProprUtoxs. The BJBWS has tho larrest efatml&Hoa of tm paper pubUnhed or otroruated ta the flae tohaooe muuBDi nonotarounki- - reruslna- rates vary liberal, tnbeertpttot marine; ' fori AlManaeDeeVJSS. r - Sun-iliac.-.....,..;..,... - ; 7.C8 A ll Sun 8et: :C ; ; i -i. 4.61 PU Day's Length. . A . - 9h 43 m High Water at Bmithvilk:; . . 1.40 A M High Water at Wilmington. . - 3.85 A M ' , '-r. ARRIVED.. , . , . - '.- -Steam yacht Louise, Galloway, South- port. maser.- bteamship uuir sucatn. V99 toot-. In gram, New, York. 11 G Smallbonea. bUaruape Fear, Tomllnaoo. Fsyettvule. 0 8 Love & Co.-.. ' a ; ,: .. Stmr Lisbon. Black. Clear Ron. D J Black. . ' . . - . -v -- -- t- : Nor barnna Frida. Irma TTaarantan. Lsgna la Grand, Cuba. ueide A Co. . - - : " " .CLEARED."- :. v- Steam yacht. Louise, Galloway. South- port, Master. - . - sunr Cape Fear. Tomlinaon. Fayetle- ville, C 8 Love & Co. - bebr WUliam and Richard. Patrick. St Pierre. Mart. Geo Harris & Co. cargo by is riicaer's Bon. - - - CXPOBTS.- FOREIGN. Et Pixbbk. Hart Bchr William and Richard 225.000 ft lumber. OACXAiB DIRECTOR. litst of Vessels tn tno Por of wu lat- SOSM rf 4 tee. SS. .1S8T. This Hat does not embraee t saeeis aader CO toasi BARQUES. Lielgessen (Dan.), 282 tons,' Nielsen, Belde cs uo. - Marie Oeyn, 823 tons, Drahlm, Tatcraon, Downing & Co. Forluna (Ger.V 428 tons, Uoruh, E Pe ach au & Weatermann. Nymphe (Nor.). 818 tons, Ellenon, C P Alebane. Lucy Radmao (Ger.) 448 tons, Gerth, 8 P Shotter a Co. T C Berg (Ger ). 478. tons. Krlegel. E Pe- scbau & Vreetermacn. Bertha (Ger.) 455 tons, Eraute, C P Me- bane. Silo (Nor.) 877 tons. Pederaen. O P alebane Oberburgermelster Von Winter (Ger ), 552 tons, Uintz. E reschau & Weatermann. Oluf, 842 tone, Synoeaa. Heide & Co. BRIuo. Bjemmett (Nor.). 844 tona, Ingemundsen, Uelde & Uo. Atlactic (Ger ). 807 tons, SchlotUmann. E Peschau & Westerm ann. Ban Juan (Nor), tons, Bacbe,' Heide & Co n r tt v rvi n Julia Elizabeth (Br.) Iograham. (Cronly z olorru. Annie E Blackman. 264 toss. Biackman. Geo Harri&s & Co Edith R Seward. 232 tots. Travis. Geo Harries & Co. R 8 Graham, 825 tons. Avis, Geo Harriss a Co. James Ponder, 258 tons. Lynch. Geo Har riss & Co. Kate W Aitken. 893 Iocs. Brower. Geo Harriss & Co. Addie Jordan, 858 tons. Hartimao. E G Barker & Co. Ilatiie Turner. 280 tons. Gilmore, E G Barker & Co. Lizzie Dewey, 855 tona, Clarke. Geo Har riss & Co. William and Richard. 252 tons. Geo Har riss s Co. Uranus, 844 tona. Clark. E G Barker & Co tub oails. The mails close and arrive at ths C.iy Poet Ofhoe as follows: CLOSX. Kot there throiurh sad way mags 800 A. M Nortoera uxroo-n main, East. 11300 P. m xtorta Crrollna aad Atlantlo and north Carolina RaUroada and rontet svDDlted therefrom 8f0 A M BaieUrhaad raTetterule..60P. M.4 6:00 A. M Boattaera way raaU 6 JO p. M Boauterathroajrh maUa 15 P. M DA1LI XXCXPT IUSUAI. Western malls, C O. BaUway CSC P. X C P. T. V. B. B. and points snp Dlled therefrom 6P.M BaJelch Hamlet Rariroail and points sooo isa uererrom ssn 1. PratthrUie ts.0 p. M WrUrhtsvulo 8-ao A m Clinton. peoUl :!5 P. M TUaaDATS AKD PRXDATB. Onslow G. H. aad Intermediate offices 60 A. M uuii Blrer. B. aad tatermedlate omees aoor.n Cape Pear Error mall I2COP.M ur roKDxuvasr. ltorthern end war mails 8 SI P. M Northern throech malL late.... 11:00 P. if Boathers tkroturh malls 6:8) A. si noetbera way niu.. 9MA.M Carolina Central Banmad 930 A. M General dsUrery open froca 19 A.M. to T TJl. and on Bandars from tHN to IStOO A. M. Carrters delivery open on Bandar from 920 to 10:00 A. M. mm Absolutely Pure. This powaer never vanes, a marvel of parity streacta and wholesomeoeea. More oonomloa thaa ord tmsry kinds, and oaaaot be-sold tieots petition with the namtode t low test, short weight, atom or phosphate powders. JSoidtmtfim ns, BOTAL BATXKG POWDKS CO 10S Wall fit M T. Wholesale, by ADH.LAH TOLlTliru. lan 1 DAW IV am- toe or frss 4e Assignee's Sale, QLOSIHa OUT AT OOBTTSX X5TTBB STOCK of O. W. Under, northwest corner Front and Dock streets, eonaUtlar of Groceries, Wlaea, Liquors, Tobaooo and Cigars. Speslal lndoee menta for Christmas trade la Clears, Wines and Liquors.' " TB02. W.'sTBAJTQB, ' oee S8t freawe ; -- Aastgaee. ' Hailsois: Dmlaj tl Wuislmax Gooiiv "POJlT PAIL TO- BXS TATZS CTATJTTJTL Bne of Chrtitmaa Kovelties. -'. 8 tf ' ' . ' : :VaTM' BOOK 8TOBxl - . ' .. . 1 1 j v?i For Stilo; f -" T?IQHT BEtPtHED FU7PZS3, WABRAlfTED full blood SCOTCH COLT.tB. for 50S a pleoe.-.-.' -.Apply at - -. : bctlll la.' - ;-; " " STAB 0?FICX . DECEMBER 188T. Ibort apace of one year. VaUco. riM laJaads oaa shoot from Lb. Bf aihon,, ; 4Wa of tbe cea, strttoh forth their " lira, 4em. i ocne a blast from the back lain the: eark Le: 1 eaae, aod atul oar t mall Ilk! eeaeak tread, tsvtr laUlLg t j 1. Uoesthj 'rUhtot fresdom un example. "Wcdri n thIsnule.:ovBOfonre. Er. omr-hlajr since Ut Cnruta,. "-Woe, tax tbe Utile tor on ibe Nor. Troatand Market I that at HEDRICK'5 yoa eau buy the PBETTJE?-. 8LTLIS3 GOODS cfceipr i ! a tore In WUmlnxtoa Last Crlilmas enr t.itzi cotsitinetf tin the atvre was not Uric too crowded with roods We! lov:. Xmas we bare leaicei Lcr t. rree irotn all rnbblah and cooii ttfct art tot needed at thla time or tb? yea-. ion alt the room netdtrd an 3 j , ererrbody jm. tlce. You have cot to hare In, iTettnii, aid e have Sensible Presents for your wire, children aad frleEdf, arsl z u meantime the wires mas, oat hare tt,!r ta bands s-et left," eren tboocb thit jT nt bEk This is an ae of advaiic;rieit and popl hare at last found cut tint toy. a-e rot tit thine. Here's what wo bare to tay (or next wttVt trade: 100 dora HAKDKERCHIEP8, coiored boritra, half linen, at 53. ICOdozsn E. 8 HAiDKBHCHIEP. a ! ctat and styllfch borders, for 10c. S3 d.ien plain white H 8. nAXDKEHHIIPS at 12c. The town ta!k . 40doeen plain wh'te B. 8. IliVDKKKCEItFi, very clean linen lawn, worth 3 l ie !or its. Eow'ithat All ye you&a rail a a u, .lstea Don't prtrfesl ycuryouncledy friend with aay of tbe little tuna's or uu eart&. not ojdi down aoo aft things that are hearenly. per'ectij anrMc. Oer EIBR01DEEED HiaUDKER-.fllEF so fine that a brtalh o a!r i 1 b'.ow ;brm twij. Eeehere. there are only a few. t-"se qnlrk A haadsoms U1SDEKEH -I'ltEiD UifU KXECH1BF for SOc. A beanttful one at 75r. An exquisite oce fcr I'. SIAOSIP1CKNT HALK5?.CHltFs wrrti ft. ft, i0 at i HU and U M. All of thete. uuderalatd. are laportfd and hand-made; too fice tor a machine. We must ret rid of ibe roodi by Xmu at ibt aaorlfloe. We h are the larreit line in tU State These are our price cn HAKDKKBCHlKFS. XrerTthlnx In our line U equal' y aacbeap. We Mean Business, and we man to sell rood, next eeek. od don't yoa forret It." DOain, NAPKINS, TOWBLS, fancy asd plain; TABLB COLLARS. CUFF-; all whits roods cheaper than the cheapest A few pieces of at ANTING, TABLB ECA.BFS and TIDIE8 left. Come quick. D3B5S GOODS, TEIM1II5GS. GL0TSS. gHIHTS, COLLARS. CUTFS. CEA VATS, EI BOSS. LACKS. m not aay mere. Come soon In tbe wet it aao dont aet left. Come down, tbey nave to ro.M Bet rectf ally. J. J. nEDBICB. dee to U 115 KarketBtrret GREAT REDUCIIOH IK PEICP PORTHB K0LID1T TKABK. G1 KNTJZNBBTB AND COSS WBIf KIT 1 nnn. Old Annie Brandy 1100. N K ! . Boui 1 1 S&. Jamaloa Bam ttOO Old k'&toe 11 sd, SI T9 and 4 Gla II w Port Wtnes and Preach Brandy. rntiil Dry Good, aed Oroorrtee of all ktpdi at redaoedrtoesf.theBcliday trade ezsmlse my ttoek sad be oourt OLD KBLLABLB Is the place to buy rooa r" atlowrrW j CItoo3I, M and S6 North Water deeStf (Messeerer copy) C3ixxrsi:xo.as I TTTLL BOONBX BZBX WITH NOTOSLTITI Joys, but with Its attendant fireworks aad m eraokera. aad It aot already laaared we arU you U protect your property at once by luM with as. , - " ' WeroliaaU winalsodo weU lo Increas ttr Xasurasoe till the BoUdays are over. Those deaIrIiut"LVe.Aeetde8t. Toreado aad slsrrae InsuraUbs are also reqoewed w . oa as or Telepbone as, aad they wUl be tnpp r- w vwaWight -.PJo. 1MH. Water bt.-, - Telephone o. ' deoSU. . .... . i Weavo.for Sale QLtTZv HOOP-ttOT HAILS. SOAP aK5 yuOVTR.'- Atoo Cottoa aad Naral Store. haadied.. . ..... - ' : w aniiiia - 7 1 rrovlttfy n