lie Morning Star. , Vt- i ILL. I AM II. BERNAKEI. ; -.- 3 U3HSD DAILY JEXCSPT MONDAYS. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION, IX ADVJLXCX. i Tear (by Mall). Postage Paid. 6 00 Months, " - " 8 00 rhree Months " " " 1 50 -.-.a Month, " " - SO j?-To City Subscribers, delivered la any part tiio City, Twelve Cehts per week. Our City '- nts are not authorised to oolleot for more - a three months In advance. ; U' -cd at the Post Office at Wilmington, N. C as Second Class Hatter. ORNING EDITION. OUTLINES. J n the .Senate yesterday several sptvi'hes were made on the bill to re iwnl direct taxes of 1861, alter which it was laid aside, "when Mr. Vance ad duced the Senate in favor of the re solution proposing to abolish internal revenue taxation; the Blair Educa tional bill was then considered, Mr. t.iray making a constitutional argu ment against it. In the House the bill relating to permissible marks on second, third and fourth class mail matter was passed, but with this ex ception nothing of interest was done; both Houses adjourned until Monday. St. Augustine's immense hotel, t"e Ponce De Leon, was formally opened on Thursday last. The Illinois Democracy have inaugurated a movement for the organization of the Northwestern Association of Ta riff Reform Democrats. The car works of Scholl & Schrop, at Dau phin, Pa., were burned Thursday night; one hundred and fifty persons are thrown out of employment. The Northwestern railroad lines are entirely blocked by the furious storm which prevailed on Thursday. Total receipts of cotton at all of the pots since September 1st, 4,289,288 bales. The Chicago grain mar" ket yesterday was featureless, and the chief interest centred in provisions. Nichols was yesterday nominated tor 'Governor of Louisiana oa the iirst ballot by the Democratic State Convention. Dun's review of trade for the wek shows the situa tion generally satisfactory; failures for the week in the United States and Canada 2S8, as against 273 last week. The printers of Louisville, Ken tucky, went on a strike yesterday. New York markets: Money easy at 4 7 j per cent., closing off ered at 4 per cent.; cotton dull at 10 7-1610 9-16c; southern flour steady; wheat, No. 2 rod January nominal at 91c; corn, No. 2 January 6H8Uc; February 6H62c; spirits turpentine dull at 42c; roisn steady at $1 07il 12$. The wool men are in strong force in Washington. There is a rumor that Stanley has succeeded in reaching Emin Bey. v4ea. Wheeler was snubbed by Speaker Carlisle and the latter is sharply handled for it. Jem Smith, the English bruiser, is ail-aid to meet Sullivan and fails to accept his challenge. "Jingo" Jeem9 is a grandfather. It is to be hoped the child is not a "chip of the old block." The Misses Wortheimer, of New Orleans, cowhided E. S. Loeb for re fiectinug upon their character. Mr. Charles H. Barrick, of Wash ington City, died while his daugh ter's nuptials was being celebrated. The European Powers will ask Pnnce Ferdinand to abdicate the iiuigarian throne. He will do it. Shcit and inglorious ! There are said to be 20,000 sur plus women in Washington and there is no prospect of reducing it. This the excess of women over men. President Simmons, of the Board of Education, of New York, does not favor evening female schools. He tiiinks they "breed immorality." The earthquakes are not partial to "lociiiities. Oa the 11th Canada was shaken up, and on the 12th this State find South Carolina were shaken up If the conspirators in Russia keep on trying to kill the Czar, they will finally succeed, as they did in the cae of his father. He is a doomed nmi. The mercury stood at 8 o'clock onj Thursday morning, at 32 de grees. Twenty-four hours later 'it marked 62 degrees, and with an up ward tendency. Here is the quatrain in the Century L'lagazine for January by W. H. Hayne, eon of Paul tfayne. It is neat and felicitous: ' Sleep ia an artist of the night. With mooda of mirth and pain. Dreams are the pictures dark and bright, E'.ched swiftly on the brain." Two young Kentuckians, sons o prominent lawyers, had a quarrel and agreed to settle it in the prize r'og. They went into training and according to Queensbury fought twenty five rounds. Young Carr, son of Judge Carr, was badly pun lshed, and Allen was declared victor. JLHE VOL. XLI. NO. 96. They are abont eighteen. Is that any improvement on duelling? Fever germs can be transmitted or produced ib drinking water. A stran ger went to Iron Mountain, in Michi gan, in August last, and died of typhoid fever. There have been 350 oases since and 35 deaths. The use of impure well water caused it all. A special to the New York World says: "Dr.Vauehn. of the TTniversitv nf Michi gan, inoculated sterilized and Sterilized milk With the Trnn Mountain well water, and kept the preparation at the temperature of the body for seven days; a germ developed which was inoculated into BOme Of the lower animals -which hr amo sick with typhoid fever. It was thus proved mas me lypnoia rever at iron Mountain was produced by the use of impure water. Dr. Vaughn save that f reezinir rirwiq Tint. fl stroy the germ." Mr. Lamar has for fifteen years been in advance of the people of the South in the matter of conciliation of and concession to the North. He is of all Southern politicians the least open to Northern assaults for ex treme views. When he delivered his elegant and eloquent'eulogy on Sum ner a production of rare rhetorical excellence, Senator Hoar, of Mas sachusetts, said: "The eleauent words of Lamar of Mis sissippi, so touched our people of the north inai iney may iamy De saia lo nave Deen or themselves an imDortant influence in miti gating the estrangements of a generation." A case has been decided before Judge Gresham, in th the United States Circuit Court, in Chicago, in volving the sum of $21,600,000. A special to the World says: "The decision affirms the validity of the lease to the Terre Haute ComDany. The case was brought by the St. Louis, Van- dalla and lerre Haute Kail road Company against the Terre Haute and Indianapolis Railroad Company, to declare a lease ex ecuted by a Board of Directors of the for mer road to the latter corporation null and void." The road to Fayetteville ought to be built. In a short time the road at the Mt. Airy end will be extended six miles to the Virginia border, where it will unite with another road that will soon be completed to Cin cinnati, on the Ohio river. Wil mington and the Ohio river ought to be connected by rail and by a direct line. Gov. Gray, of Indiana, is the choice of the Democracy of that State for the Vice Presidency. But what is the matter with Voorhees and McDonald? Probably the former has repented of his Protection heresy. THE O ITY. NE W ADVERTISEMENTS. Munson Low prices for clothing N. Y. & W. S. S. Co Sailing days. E. Warren & Son Something new. Q. W. Lis dee. & Co. Copartnership. Cape Fear and Vadhln Valley Rail road. The commissioners appointed by the Board of Aldermen to arrange terms with the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railroad Company upon which the latter will agree to extend the road to this city, were in confer ence yesterday afternoon for several hours with a committee representing the Board of Directors of the railroad company. An hour after the conclu sion of the conference, the gentle men representing the railroad took their departure for home, by train on the Carolina Central which left here at 6.40 o'clock. No information was furnished to the public as to what transpired in the conference. It is understood, however, that an agreement was reached upon terms which were per fectly satisfactory to all concerned, and which it is expected will prove acceptable to the city authorities and meet the approval of the pdblic. It was agreed that the subscription of $150,000 by the city shall be paid to the company in money; the city to market its bonds for the amount at such rate of interest as may rJe agreed upon by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Audit and Finance; and it was further agreed, that the construc tion of the road is to begin at Wil mington. The commission will make its- re port to the Board of Aldermen at a meeting to be held next Monday night. Are We to Have a Street Railway T Mr. F. W. Dixon, of Birmingham, Ala., and Mr. E. l P.Osborne,of Char lotte both largely interested in the street railway at the latter place were in conference yesterday with, gentlemen of this city who are inter ested in the Wilmington project Messrs. Dixon and Osborne, it is un derstood, desire to make arrange ments not only for the construction of a street railway, but for its extension to the Sound, tinder the charter grant ed to the company. They submitted -n-n-nnatinTt whlfth it 18 HfLld WOS re CM U1VMVD1.1V) ' ' . a-nA a onnTitftr-nronosal was made, which was taken under advise- ment. partner xnan mis,, me as yet no Jeyelopuient8, 7, A IV WILMINGTON, Local Dots. Receipts of cotton yesterday 358 bales; same day last year 579 bales. The pilot boat Oracie of Sotfth port has been sold to parties in Charleston, S. C. The Mayor had no cases for trial yesterday morning when the hour for the City Court to convene arrived. Mr. W. B. Davis was thrown from his buggy and severely bruised while out driving Thursday evening. - A storm at the North inter fered with the telegraph wires yes terday, and all messages were de layed. The Grand Lodge of Masons adjourned Thursday, and all the del egates from the lodges of this city have returned home. The man injured at Wadesboro Wednesday night, by jumping from a railroad train while it was in motion, is reported as likely to recover. Passengers arriving on the Wel- don train last night report a heavy sleet and snow at Richmond, Va., where everything was covered with ice. Mr. George W. Chalk, repre senting the Charlotte Chronicle, call ed in to see us yesterday. He visits Wilmington in the interests of his paper. The steamship Pioneer has been placed on the Clyde Line, running be tween this port and New York, and will leave the latter port for this city to-day. There was another advance in the price of crude turpentine yester day. The market for spirits turpen tine closed dull at 40 cents, without transactions. Superior Court for New Han over county will meet on Monday the 23rd inst. The members of ithe bar were quite busy yesterday . arranging the calendar for the term. The storm signal displayed at the Signal Station here Thursday night, was taken down at half-past 10 a. m. yesterday, the disturbance having passed this section. Pastor L. T. Christmas of the Central Baptist Church (colored) of this city, whose house of worship was recently destroyed by fire, is' solicit ing aid from the people of Raleigh. The officials of the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railroad who were here yesterday went down to South- port on the steamer Louise, returning in the afternoon to attend the con ference at the City Hall. The congregation of St. Paul's Episcopal Church will worship in the rooms of the Wilmington Library dnring the building of their new Church. Service at 11 a. m and 7.30 p. m. Sunday school 3 p. m. on Sun day next. --Mile Rhea, the famous French actress, appears at the Opera House on Friday and Saturday evenings. next week, and at a Saturday mati nee, presenting "Fairy Fingers," a new play from the French, "Pygmo lion and Galatea" and "Frou Frou." At the meeting of lot' owners of Oakdale Cemetery, Mr. D. MacRae was elected president of the com pany, Mr. R. J. Jones secretary and treasurer, and Messrs. G. R. French, W. J. Yopp, W. H. Northrop, J. H. Chadbourn, Clayton Giles and Dr. A. J. DeRosset directors. Tbe Seismic Disturbance. No earthquake shocks were felt here yesterday, nor were any report ed from any quarter. As bearing upon the subject of the recent distur bance, the following dispatch from the Rochester (N. Y.) Observatory, is in teresting: "Since noon of Monday, January 9th, the magnetic needle has been much disturbed at intervals, mere was a marked disturbance Wednes dav evenintr about 8:39 o'clock. Du ring the forenoon of Thursday there was ran id motion, and between 11 and 12 there were indications of a se vere magnetic storm. The motion of a heavy needle a foot long was a de cree and three-auarters. This ex treme agitation followed the earth nuake at Columbia. S. C. H. C. Maine, of this city, reports the appearance of an extended group of sun spots on Monday and Tuesday by the sun's rotation. It is the group which first atmeared in the same way December 13th and 14th. Since Jan uary 9th there have been very rapid and extreme fluctuations 01 Daromei ric pressure. Cbarch Keatlval. For the purpose of raising funds to aid in the completion of their new and handsome edifice on Fourth street, the ladies of the congregation of Grace M. E. Church purpose to hold a "Festival of the Months" on the 9th, 10th and 11th of February next. It will be a pretty and unique affair. Each of the months will be represented by a booth, with atten dants in appropriate costume, ana wares displayed for sale peculiar to the seasons represented. The most careful and elaborate preparations will be made to make it perfect in everv particular, and as the time is short the ladles will need all the help that a generous public can afford. RNIN N. C, SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 1888, OPERA HOUSE. Clie Mendelssolin Quintette cinb. In spite of the weather last night the above named superb concert company were greeted by a large audience, who were entertained by a delightful programme which was a treat to lovers of fine music. Since its last appearance the Club has been reorganized, but the changes have not detracted from the high standard it has heretofore main tained. They are all artists, and where each did so well it is hard to particularize. The opera opened with a quintette in B fiat, which was received with much applause. Miss Carpenter came next and sang The Flower Girl, and her execution was excellent. The flute solo by Herr. Philip Rodelberger was received with much delight, and the Oriental Rhapsodie by Herr Gustav Hille was the signal for long and repeated encores. Part first ended with this rhapsodie and this perhaps was the most en joyable of anything that preceded it, as was indicated by repeated recalls. Part second opened with a fantaisie for the clarionette by Mr. T. Ryan, and after this the audience would not be satisfied until he returned and performed another of his most popu- ar pieces. The'violoncello bolo, by Mr. Louis Blamenburg, was rendered most charmingly and the applause which greeted him could not fail to be grati- ying. The performance concluded with the "Moorish Serenade," and thus ended a concert which will always be remembered with pleasure by all who were present. Repeated encores attested the de ight of the audience, and the Club can feel assured of a warm welcome when they again visit our city. wtiur indications. The following are the indications for to-day, received atla.ui.: For North Carolina, South Caroli na and Georgia, fair weather, pre ceded by rain on the coast, light to fresh northwesterly winds, with a cold wave. THE MA. SONS. Proceedings or the Grand Lodge Close of the Session From Raleigh News and Observer. The Grand Lodge assembled Thurs day at 10 o'clock a. m. After the reading of the minutes, Eugene Gris som, P. D. G. M., introduced a resolu tion extend ingfraternal greetings to the venerable Past (jrrand Master Al fred Martin, of Wilmington, who has labored so zealously for the cause of Masonry in North Carolina, and ex tending their sympathy to him in his personal afflictions. An amendment to the Code, intro duced by the Grand Secretary, strik ing out that section 01 tne law requir ing secretaries to return to eacn an nual communication the dates of the .charters of the lodges, was adopted. The report on the Oxford Orphan Asylum, which was adopted, recom mended an appropriation of $2,000 for the ensuing Masonic year, (lnis amount is .nearly two-thirds of the annual revenues of the Grand Lodge, and is Riven in addition to tne annual contributions of the subordinate lodges-to this noble charitv.) The committee on Jurisprudence made a recommendation in regard to a change of the Code in reference to the re-installment of members ex cluded for non-payment of, dues as follows: "No member of a lodge shall be ex cluded from membership for non-payment of dues until he shall have been notified by a legal Masonic summons to appear and show cause f oruch de linquency. "A failure to respond to said notifi cation shall subject the offender to the pains and penalties prescribed for a violation of a lesal Masonic sum mons. "Your committee recommend to the lodges that members who have here tofore been excluded for non-pay ment of dues may be re-instated to membership upon the pavment of such terms as the lodge may deter mine." "Your committee further recom mend that Masons of defunct lodges who were excluded for non-payment of dues maybe admitted to member ship, upon petition and ballot, as other cases of petition for member ship accompanied by a certificate of the Grand Secretary." The recommendations of the com mittee were adopted. The new officers-elect were install ed bv P. G. M.. Geo. W. Blount. On motion of Wrieht G. Campbell, the Grand Secretary was instructed to have eleven hundred copies of the uniform eode of by-laws and amend ments to the general code printed in pamphlet form and distributed to the various subordinate lodges. The Grand Master made the follow ing appointments: Wright G Camp bell, Concord, Grand Chaplain; Al pheus W. Wood, New Berne, Senior Grand Deacon; Samuel Northrop, Wilmington, Junior Grand Deacon; Francis M. Moye, Moyeton, Grand Marshal; Albert B. Daughtrey, Sea board, Grand Sword Bearer; Charles F. Gilbert, Leicester, Grand Pur suivant; Robert H. Bradley, Raleigh, Grand Tiler; Ara O. Edson, Tulls, and John W. Thompson, Raleigh, Grand Stewards. : ' On motion of Samuel H. Smith, D. G. M., the thanks of the Grand Lodge were extended, as a body, to the vari ous railroads and the hotels of Ra leigh for courtesies shown. Thanks were extended to Grand Master C. H. Robinson for the very able manner in which he presided over the deliberations of the Grand Lodge. The Grand Lodge having concluded its labors at 12 octock, at the sound of the gav.el, its deliberations were brought to a close. . . Quarterly meeting. Wilmington District, M. E. Church, South. ; First round of Quarterly Meetings. Southport, January 14 and 15. Brunswick circuit, at Zion, January 21 and 22. Whiteville circuit, at Whiteville, January 28 and 29. Grace Church, Wilmington, Febru ary 4 and 5. Magnolia circuit, at Magnolia, Feb ruary 11 and 12. Clinton circuit, at Johnson's chapel, February 18 and 19. Waccamaw circuit, at Shiloh, Feb ruary 25 and 26. Brunswick mission, February 25 and 26. Onslow circuit, at Green Branch, March 3 and 4. Kenansville, at Kenansville, March 10 and 11. Carver's Creek, at Shileh, March 18 and 19. Elizabeth circuit, at Elizabeth, March 24 and 25. Cokesbury, at Salem, April 3 and 4. Bladen circuit, at Bethlehem, April lOJand 11. THOS. W. vtCTHRIK, r. Hi. Cn arch Notice. First Presbyterian Church, corner of Third and Orange streets, Kev. Peyton IL Hoge, Pastor. Services to-morrow at 11 a. m. and 7 p.m. Second Presbyterian Church, corner ronixn and Campbell sts. Bey. John W. Primrose, Pas tor. Sunday services. at 11 a. m.- and 7.33 p. m. Sabbath school at 3 p. m. Prayer Meeting and Lecture Wednesday, 7.30 p. m. The public cordially Invited. Seats free. Brooklyn uetnoaist unarcn. rto street. Be tween Bladen and Harnett. C. W. Goodwin, pastor. Preaohing at 11 a. m.and 7 p. m. THE HI AIL, 5. The mallfl close and arrive at the Uiiy Ptst Office as follows: CLOSE. Northern through and way mails 6.-C0 A. W Northern tnrougn mails, last u:oo r . ffl North Carolina and Atlantic and North Carolina Bauroads-and routes suDDlled therefrom 8:C0 A. M Baleleh and Fayetteville.. 60 P. M.dfc 8:00 A. M Southern way mall tM P. M 8outnern through mails U:i5 r. u DALLY JtXUfilT SUNDAY. Western malls, C. C. Railway 5:43 P. M C. F. & Y. V. it. u. and points sup oiled therefrom 5:45 P. M Raleigh A Hamlet Railroad and points budd lied therefrom o:5 p. m Smlthyille 20 P. M Wrightavllle 8-30 A. M Clinton, special 8:15 P. M TLTS9DAYS AND FRIDAYS. Onslow C. H. and Intermediate offices 6:00 A. H Little River, 8. C, and intermediate offices 2.00 P. M Cape Fear Blver mall 1:00 P. M Northern and way malls 8.3J P. X Northern through mail, late 1 1:00 P. M Southern through malls 6:31 A. M Southern way mall 9.30 A. M Carolina Central Railroad 9:30 A. M Malls collected from street boxes In busi ness portions of city at 5 A.M., 11. "00 A.M. and 4:45 P.M.: from other parts of the city at 5 A.M. and 4 P. M. Stamp Ofice open from 8.00 A. M. to 5:00 P. M. Stamps on sale at general delivery 6:33 A. M, to 10 A. M. and 1 to 7 P. M. General delivery open from 6.39 A.M. to 7 P.M. and on Sundays from 9:30 to 1029 A. M. Carriers delivery open on Sunday from 930 to 1030 A. M. Money Order and Reglstiy Department open 8.00 A. M. to B.-00 P. M. MARRIED. JONS 3 HO BTETZ SCH. In Ashton. at the resi dence of M's. Henderson, the bride's sister, by the Rev. J. C. Crin, on Jan. 11th, 1868, Miss JULIA C ROBBTZiCH, of Aehton. N. C to Mr. akchik w. joasa, or wumiagton. ao cards. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Attention Is Called TO THE LOW r-RICSS FOR BALANCE , OF 8TOCK, EITHER OF READY-MADE CLOTHING Or Made to Order. We think we cm fit ANYBODY'S pocket MUNSOX, Jaa 13 2t Clothier and rferchant Tailor. JUST OUT! Raspierry I 'Jelly, Ctocolate Drops DICKENS' CHOCOLATE BON-BON8, Nanon Chocolate Cream, SOMETHING NE. E. Warren & Son, EXCHANGE CORNER. Ian 12 tf . New York and Wilmington Steamship Co. FKO PIER 89. JSA8T RIVER, NrW YORK Located bet. Chambers and Roosevelt 8ts., At S o'clock P M. BENEFACTOR . .Saturday. Jan. 14 PONEKH Saturday. Jan. 14 onr.F htrkam Saturday. Jan. 81 FROM WILMINGTON. TJLF STREAM Monday. Jan. 16 ptomrrm Wednesday. Jan. 18 bKSKFaCTOK Friday. Jan. 20 rJJ ThrntrVi RlVa I .ml In (r unit !inAt Throne-h Rates guaranteed to and from points in North and soutn uarouna. For Freight or passage apply to il. ii. SmAXiL. BONES, Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C. 1'beo. u. Exer, Traffic Manager, New York. ve. p. oiytfo Ac Co., General Agents Jan lit 38 Broadway, New York. Copartnership. rpHB UNDER8IGNTD HAVE THI8 DAY enteredjlnlo copartnership under the firm name of G. W. LINDER A CO.. for the purpose of conducting the Retail Grocary and Liquor busi ness at the Store northwest corner of Front and Dock street?, and solicit a share of public patronage. G. W. LIMDER, GEO. F. COLIN. Jao 12tb. 18S8 tac Janl3 8t of oar Safes; sice 28x18x14 inches; weight nuu ids.: reiau pnoo 90s, umji u. k;k"v . w. ... A. .o. tt imutai a. rrmiknAnt bmn- nes at home. These safe meet a demand nerer before supplied by other safe companies, as we are not royemed by the Safe P00L Alpine Safe TAR. WHOLE NO. 6647 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Inventory of Stock! BROWN & RODDICK, 9 North Front St. "PREVIOUS TO TAKING AN INVENTORY OF our stock, tccordlngto our usual custom, on Feb. 1st, we will offer come mot decided Bargains In Odd Lots, In order to close them out previous to that date. We mean business, and know ttat the sure way to accomplish our object Is to MARK THEM DOWN TO FIGURES THAT CAN NOT FAIL TO ATTRAC r ATTENTION. We can only glye a short list of such at this time, as we will from day to day add others as they come up while going over our stock preparatory to Feb. 1st. Now is your opportunity for Bargains. Ladies' Made-Up Underwear, FLANNEL SKIRTS. Ladies' Collars 5 cents each; part of this lot were sold at 20 cts. ALL FANCY GOODS BEDTTCED AWAY DOWN. CDD LOTS IN LADIES' & BENTS' HANDKERCHIEFS EIDER DOWN CLOTHS LOWER THAN EVER. Cloaks and Jackets never offered at such figures before. Blankets and Comforters. The prices of these Bhould Induce many to pro cure now and carry them over to next season. Ladies', Gents' & CMIftren's Unierwear. We are bound to close them out. IT WILL PAY YOU TO GIVE US A CALL. BROWN & RODDICK, 9 NORTH FRONT STREET, jan 8 tf SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, f Biw Ha novkb countt. ) El chi-on. W. F. Sorer. Lucy W. M ar chie 011 and Lucille W. Murohlson Sale for age of 21 years, and suinu herein by " her general guardian, George W . 1 Williams. JBx parte. J By virtue and in pursuance of a decree of the Superior Court of New Hanover County, the un dersigned appointed Commissioner, will sell at the Court House door, in Wilmington, N. C , on MONDAY, JANUARY 23rd, 1888, at 12 o'clock M the following aesorioea city property : 1st. One certain piece or parcel of Land situate in the said City of Wilmington, on tne west bank or tne cape rear mver, ana Dounaea as follows: Beginning on the river two hundred and eighty (380) feet southwardly from the southern line of the causeway, running thence south eighty-six (86) degrees, west eight (8) chains twenty-live (25) links, thence nortn one U) degree west four (4) chains ten' (10) links to the causeway, thence with the causeway west wardly three (3) chains sixty-eight (68) links to the Brunswick county line, thence with that line southwardly six (fi) chains forty-one (41) links to DeRossett's corner, thence with DeRoeeett'B line north eighty-three and a fourth (85)4) degrees, east twelve (12) chains more or less to the river, thence northwardly with the west bank of the riyer two hundred (200) feet to tbe beginning being parts of Blocks J 96, 8S7, 388. 899, 00 and 401, reference being had to the official map of the said City of Wilmington. 2nd. A certalnpieoe or parcel of Land situate In the City of Wilmington aforesaid, between Orange and Ann streets, and between Front street and the river, being tbe western part of the Lot designated and known in the old plan of Wilmington as Lot No. 76, under letter B, and In the new or Turner's plan thereof as follows: Beginning In the northern line of said Lot No. 4 of square 125, according to Turner's plan, at a folntlone hundred and two (102) feet six (6) aches westwardly from the western line of Front street, and running thence southwardly parallel with Front street slxtrSlx (66) feet, thence westwardly to the channel or deep water line of the Cape Fear River, thence northwardly along the channel or deep water line of the river slxty-elx (66) feet to the northern line of said Lot No. 4 of square 125, taence with said line east wardly to ine beginning; together with aright of way of ten (10) feet In width leading from the eastern line of the Lot hereby conveyed to Front street; and also the right of using a well on the eastern part of said Lot No. 4 of equare 125, lately belonging to Mary Crews, and of continu ing the pump therein. 8rd. A certain tract or parcel of Land being In the City of Wilmington, on which is situate a three-story Brick Warehouse, being situate in rear of the Custom House, and between that and property formerly -owned by the Cape Fear Bank.and bounded as follows: Beginning at that point on tbe north side of the alley, (which alley la next south to the Custom House lot, and runs from Water street to Main street). Intersected by the eastern line of the alley running nearly north and south In the rear of the Custom House, thence easterly about fifty or sixty feet along the line of the alley next to tbe Custom House, and to the property formerly owned by the Cape Fear Bank, thence northwardly along the line of the property formerly owned by the Cape Fear Bank about thirty-nine (39) feet to property formerly owned by Sills and Mitchell, and thenoe westwardly about fifty or slxtyfeet along the line of property formerly owned by Bill and Mitchell to the eastern line of tbe alley running In rear of the Custom House, and thence south wardly about thirty-nine (18) feet on the eastern line of the alley that runs in the rear of the Cus tom Rouse to the point of beginning. Tkbvs or 8aie Cash, or, if detlred, one-third cash, balance in equal payments in 0 and 1 months, with Interest on deferred payments at rate of 6 per cent, per annum, and title reserved nntil last payment is made. 80L. C. WEILL, Commissioner, dec 31 oawiw 81 Jan 7 14 22 Bargains for Cash! BALANCE OF STOCK Robes and Blankets AT PRIME COST FOR CASH ONLY. A few chances on fine Harness left. H. L. F2NN2LL, Tbe Horse Milliner, 10 South Front St. Jan 13 tf Steel FOR SALS BT GILES MUKCHIS0N. an 5 tf KATKS 9W IPTBBTISIIIfil One Kquare One Day,.. l'ct ; Two Days,, Irs ; - TfcreaDaya 8 60 Focr Days.. t 00 Five Days, ,. I 65 One Week. i 00 " Two Weeks, 6 U Three Weeks, 8 W .-e Month- 19 00 ' " Trro Monihav. 18 Oe Three Months, tt 0c v oiu Months,. . 40 0 One Year, ca tc tSfCon tract Advertisements taken at propor tionately low rates. Ten lines solid Nonpareil type make one squar- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. John J. Hedrick, January 6tb, 1888. We want to talk to our friends about Towels. Towels are an interest ing eabject to all nice Housekeepers We have a weakness that way, and consequently find ourselves over stocked. We do not design to exag gerate, but confidently believe that we have more Towels than any two stores in the city, and have always sold them cheaper. We intend to sell them cheaper yet. Listen, our 37 cents Damask Towela with fancy border, have been reduced to 25c We sold a Scotch Huck Towel very large size at $3 per dozen, they are worth $4, these we let you have at $2,75. We give yoa a Huck Towel that would be cheap at 20c for 15c A pure Linen Huck Towel, a little smaller size, at 10c Cotton Towels as low as 5c, and elegant Towels up to $1.50 each, which will be eold at a reduction. To those who are well posted," the superiority and cheapness of our Linen stock are as familiar as "household worde." The prices named above are for cash, but prompt pay ing customers will get them all the same. If you desire to derive the benefit of the above offer, call earl y So much for Towel?. Next week we will give you some information in relation to other goods. Respectfully, CT , J ti jan 8 tf Neat and Pretty. WELL FITTING SHOE MAKES A NEAT and pretty looking foot. Best Styles of Ladies', Gents', Misses' end Children's SHOES in the city, and best fitting, at Geo. B. French & Sons, 106 NORTH FRONT STREET. jan 8tf Smith & Bo at wright, GENERAL Insurance Agents, No. 124 NORTH WATER STREET. No. 73 TELEPHONE. Jan 8 tf Take Notice ! J AM OFFERING THE LARGEST AND BEST assorted stock of Clgara, Tobacco an Snuff to be found in the city, at prices that will as'.onlsb yon. " Respectfully, 8 AM 'L BEAR, a , jan 10 tf K Market street. Flows, Castings, ND A FULL LINE AGRICULTURAL EMPLE- ments Superior Handled and Eye Hoes, Shovels, Spades, &o. Builder.' Hardware and Steel Nail. Prices guranteed. ALDERMAN, PLANNER A CO., Jan3 tf 114 Front8t.. Wllmltgton. N. C. FOE XMAS. CAVA IT BITJUn. AHU 1TJ PLUSH DRESSING CASES, SMOKING SETS, ODOR CASES. MANICURE SETS, BABY SETS. Novelties. Ac., which I am offering very low. ROBERT R. BELLAMY, Druggist, deo 16 tf N. W. Cor. Front and Market sts. LOUIS JT. POISSON, REAL ESTATE AGENT, it llll I 1'iO. US NORTH SECOND ST. Parties wishing to buy or sell Seal Estate, and tbose having Kfttattts to manage and Bentsto collect, would do well to call on me. jan a 1 L Select American Series. BRUNETTE AND BLONDE, BY MRS. Mc Veigh Miller: The Senator's Bride, by Mrs. MoVelgh Miller; Veil VerneU. by Mrs Sumner Hayden; Bonny Jean and a Severe Threat, by Mrs. B. Burke Collin : A Wedded Widow on Th Love That Lives, by. T.JW. EanBhew. deo 25 tf C. M. HARRIS.

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