lie Morning Star. , . v . j LISHKD DAILY jgCHFT MONDAYS. KATES OT 8TOSOMPTIOH, EH ADVA.NCS. Tear (by Mall), Postage Paid. $6 oo sVaionths, " " " aw to& Months" " 150 -."e Month, " " " 60 iTTo City Subscribers, -delivered in any part ' rl'O City, TwELvi vEatb per wees, uur vity .".onto are not authorised-to collect for more . m throe montns ib aavanoe. -ered at the Post Office at Wilmington, N. as Second Class Matter. ORNING- EDITION. OUTLINES. The nomination, of Mr. Lamar for Supreme Court Judge -was yesterday confirmed in Executive sessioo."of the Senate by a vote of 32 to 28; the ses sion was a protracted one, and a number of speeches were made in opposition, while Mr. Riddleberger made the only speeches in favor of the nomination; the nominations of Messrs. Yila's and Dickinson were confirmed without debate; the proceedings in open session of the Senate were without interest. In the House a number of bills and resolutions were introduced and re ferred, and a lengthy debate took place on an amendment which was offered to a resolution assigning clerks to all committees; the resolu tion as reported was finally adopted. t The striking employes of the Reading Road held a meeting in Read ing on Sunday, and a meeting was also held in the same city by the new employes of the Road, and impartial observers of the proceedings believe that within the present week a break in the strike will come. Texas is making preparations for a grand inter-State military drill on the oc easion of the dedication of the new capitol building in Austin, in May next; prizes, running up into the thousands, will be awarded to the best drilled companies. Reports from the great storm in the North west show that it was of unexampled fury; a large number of persons were frozen to death, ancfc every railroad in some of the States was blocked. Destructive fires are reported in Minneapolis, Minn., Biloxi, Miss., Dennison, Texas, Sedalia, Mo., and New York city. A railroad wreck, near Topeka, Kansas, yesterday, injured- twelve persons, one fatally. The employes of the Troy Steel and Iron Co. have struck against a reduction in wages, and the works will be closed; the Company paid 100,000 a month in wages. Up to this time 135 deaths have been caused by the blizzard in the North west, and 55 are reported missing. A steel gun, weighing nine tons, was successfully cast at the Pittsburg works yesterday. Speaker Car lisle was attacked with a congestive chill, while at dinner, yesterday af ternoon, the result of the low state of his nervous system, caused by over-work; his condition was improved at a late hour last night. New York markets; Money easy at 3i(il4 per cent., closing offered at o per cent.; cotton firm at l(H10c; southern flour steady; wheat, No. 2 red January 9191c; corn, No. 2 January 61Jc; spirits turpentine dull and nominal at 41c; rosin dull at $1 07il 12. " The Democratic members of the House Ways and Means Committee all agree that a Tariff bill be passed tbi-j session and that the internal n venue laws will not be abolished. The Reidsville Weekly says that E preventative Henderson told itB editor that "there was not the ghost of a chance for the Biair bill to pass thy House' This is indeed glorious r;"s, if true. - " ReceDt news from Bucharest is to the effect that Prince Ferdinand has resolved to defend his throne at all hazards. He. gays be will leave bis bones on the field of battle rather than abdicate. Plucky and back ho?iy, but is it wise ? On the final vote for the seating of Carlisle in the House Committee on Eiections,all the Democrats voted and three Republicans, Cooper, Rowell and JohneoD, of Indiana twelve affirmative. Lyman, Houk and Lodge, Republicans, asked to be ex cused from voting. It seems that Mr. Mills, chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, is already in trouble. He is a; per plfexedaleader. He made the declara tion that he had the right to manage and direct the House, and this caused Rome coneterDation on the Democratic side of the House and some good-natured badinage. Jim Boyd, of KuKlux memory, is to be the Republican candidate for Governor, it is said. He is smart and good looking and it will take a decidedly good "stamper" to meet hirn in the canvass, if a joint canvas is to be conducted. The Star has opp sd such canvasses heretofore as 'ad policy. 1 here are some seventy-five men m the State who have been mention ed by some one or two persons to? Governor. Gubernatorial . tlnibetis abundant. We have no doubt that 11 jnl IFm VOL, XLL NO. 98. there are thousands of men in North Carolina who would be equal to the office and fill it with credit. But the real question is ' Who can be elected rwho can make a long, able, thorough canvass?" Sunset Cox is not only the bright est man in the Congress but be is one of the wisest, truest and ablest. He is a sound Democrat if he does live in New York City. He was born in Ohio. In a short .speech the other day about fisb, he got off this bit of humor and learning and .wisdom: "When our ancestors I refer to New Eogland where I was educated when our ancestors went to King James for a char ter to go aeross seas and colonize Massa chusetts, the King asked the Puritans "What is your object ? What do von intend V Their answer was: "To worship Go i and catch fish 1" rLaoirhter.'i Then the king rejoined: "I give you the charter. Fore Gad I It is the A-Dostle's own calling !" Renewed laughter. Why, sir, eveu in the early churches of New England the car'y aDd pioua Puritans need to sing: Ye monsters of- thehubbliog deep. Your Maker's name uprafse; Up from the sands ye codlings peep, And wag your tails always, Laughter and applause. So that in early New England the cure and care of fisb was concomitant with commerce, liberty, and sanctity. In later times New England has obtained Con gressional enactments giving free salt for her fisb. while the miserable rmn in Chicago can not get free salt (or his pork. Laughter. The First Baptist Church was filled on Sunday with very large congre gations to bear Rev. Mr. Creasy, both morning and night. His ser Inon iu the morning was wonderfully interesting and strikingly original and happy. His sermon at night was of equai interest, bat not sa im- pressive auogetcer. rat Dotn ser- mons were charming, ana we nave no doubt this is the opinion of all. We have not heard in - one day from the same person two sermons of equal interest since we heard the two wondrous discourses of Dr. Mil burn nearly live years ago. We shall not follow Mr. Creasy farther n bis preaching as he has already in troduced himself so successfully to the people of Wilmington. If he had preached to his own people only we would not have noticed the dis courses however excellent as it is not our purpose "to run" one church or one preacher. We have rot as yet had the pleas ure of hearing Rev. Robert Strange, the new rector of St. James. We earn from many of his attendants that the congregation is .highly pleased with his eermoce, which are delivered withcut notes, and indicate thorough preparation and good abil ity. He is besides - a gentleman of fine social qualities and is also a dili gent pastor. Rev. Mr. Arnold, the new rector of St. PaoFs, is- sustain ing himself capitally in his new field, and a new impulse has been given to his parish. His people think him the best preacher in the city, and many persons not members are fre quent attendants upon his ministry. We have heard. -him-"but-once and . i - gave our vmpresKions at ice time. The membership are having the church buildihg renovated and en larged. It promises to be a sightly and comfortable structure when com pleted. ; In our State. news.;..we eopy from the Netfr 'Bjetii.VriaTtbeVtirn!'for hioIdlngth'$..prppdsedeibl6game, fish, oysters '.'.and . : other.' Loidastriea. The! whole eaiierjo and, Atlantic sec tion is invited, .to join in jthe show and send in' their best prodnctiois, such as "manufactured good?, marls, rock, game, fish,, oysters, clams, &e.w Let the whole Atlantic section send their best arid unite ' in "making the exhibit every ' way .".creditable to the good, old N6Hh"0ij61ma we all love, of ought 'to'. lbvel.'. Q-bd -bless the Old North State !.' : ' - ' Xamar " is said, to be- an excellent story teller,.and he loves to eat. He loves the classics, quotes Byron ot? libitum, and' is worth the great for tune of $15,000. Well, that is better than to be penniless. A Republican Senator or Secretary would never be as poor as that long.- He loves party, holds his pen-with - difficulty, reads the newspapers, -nd is a scholar. Snch is a sifting of. Frank Carpen ter's long iketch of him in the World. Lamar is the most scholarly and Itin erary, and,possiblyj the -ablest of Southern politicians. -, a Mr. Btdant'aT'bin to amend the postal law"aV Cd Ve'coifd' "third and fourth' ciasapbstal'matter has passed -V-r- . -- -y r." - v " . . .. 1VJ WILMINGTON, Una House. . - The New York World's cerrespondeht at Washington writes: "The object of this bill is to relieve the public from the strictness of . the law re specting; what might be written or printed on the wrapper or covers of second, third ana rourtn class mail matter. The old law was very strict, and by reason of the vast amount of such matter handled its strict limits were constantly exceeded. The re cent revision of the postal laws and regula tions, called, the attention of postmasters more clearly to Its terms, and its enforce ment worked considerable hardship to the public" r ; the ;Gzrr. NEW ADVEItTlSBIWENTS. E. VALR-l3ohmrp M un son Seasonable, overcoat. HakkiSoi & AXLBn; Dissolution Collikb & Cos Mules at auction. E. Wakekx&Sou Something new. T. Ellwood Zb.iAj Agents wanted. Proposals For Marine Hospital sejvico Masonic Meeting Wilmington Lodge Local Dots. The German barque Louise Wichards arrived in below yesterday. The street bands are building a bridge on Dock street near Thir teenth . Advices from Fayetteville state that the river is rising and another big freshet is probable. Mr. T. W. Clawson, of Colum bia, S..C, has accepted a position on the Messenger as city editor. The British barque Lizzie Wright is the only vessel loading cot ton at the. Champion Compress. Joseph Turner and Lewis Le graw, tramps were sent out of the city yesterday under police escort. Mr. Richard Beasley, an old and respected citizen of this county, died yesterday at his home on Mason- boroSound. - - A grocer on Front street caught a little darkey pilfering from his store yesterday, but declined to pros ecute the scamp. The most polite man in town is at the City Hall. He always take3 off his hat when he steps up to an swer a call at the telephone. -r- The Board of Aldermen will meet this afternoon at 5 o'clock to re ceive. the report of the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railroad Commission ers. The British ship Ettat from Savannah for this port, was reported off the bar. yesterday, -and may b ex pected in to-day. She is a large ves sel, registering 1,154 tons. Receipts of cotton yesterday 248 bales; same day last year 1.130. Receipts for the crop year to date 152,640 bales, against receipts to the same time last year of 120,861 ; increase 31,779 bales. . W. H. Howe, colored, charged with carrying on business without city license theretor, was arraigned before the Mayor yesterday. On ap plication of defendant's counsel, the case was continued until to-morrow. Mr. A. Sbrier has bought the entire stock and good wiU of the firm of Harrison & Allen, hatters, and will continue the business- at the same stand. Mr. Shrier has had along experience in the hat business, and he will carry a nice line that will suit the demand. - ' The Board of Stewards of Fifth Street M. E. Church are nego tiating for the purchase of the lot 9a the southeast corner of Fifth and Nun streets, upon which it is pro posed to erect a new house of worship to accommodate the increasing mem bership of the church. " .. -.The funeral of Mr.E. Schulken, Sr., from St. Patd'a i Lutheran Church, Sunday afternoon, was attended by a large number .of people. . . The pall bearers were Gol.-. -Roger Moore and Messrs. H. Vollers', ; L. ; , Toilers; C. Schwarz, 'y,.. H.. Alderman,... John Haar, Jr., J.. F. . Rulfs,- Sr. and H. Haar. . Coid-WAve.-'- The cold waVii' signal1- a white flag with a bla.Qki centre was displayed yesterday at the -Signal1 office. ' The cold wave was approaching from the Northwest. " At 7" o'clocK 'yesterday morning it was. central over Indiana and Illinois, and was - fast moving in this direction. 'During the early morning the temperature was 58 de grees but it started' a. decline to wards noon and by 10 p. m. had fallen to 32, a fall of twenty-six degrees in about twelve nourBl' , , ',. J. ,, The minimum of the wave it is ex pected will be reached' early this a. ' mM .but from present indications it is surmised that its effects will linger for. several- days. , An .acsount of the high atmospherlo pressure. ThVc. v. & Y.'. v',.' n. sin . . - The commissioners Appointed by the Board of Aldermen to negotiate with the JCape Fepx &aakip:lley Railroad "Company notified Mayor FpJgrMexday:: ;iibiti'.' ihey.' .'we-ret ready - to ; s)abi6pr;:; mayo mforinjed thenrr'4hat;he wotild call the3oard' together some time this week to receive the report. t :'.ih frr.r. se-noO c' Oil 11 N. CM TUESDAY, JANUARY 17v 1888. Viae Sliootlncof Jtlr. Tbbus Boffin. A correspondent of the Star writes that the statement telegraphed from Bessemer, Ala., a few days ago, in re lation to the shooting of Mr. Thbmas Ruffin by a negro, was incorrect. The following, he says, is a correct' ac count of the' affair, viz: "It seems that the negro who shot him (Mr. Ruffin) had been lying in his shanty Monday morning, refusing to go to work, when a Mr. Quinn who as charge of the hands went and ordered the negro, out, and upon his refusal to work, kicked him out An hour or two afterwards this negro and another came Into the Btore of which Mr. Thomas Ruffin had charge and began, diaeussing the affair, using very vile and profane language. Thomas, after standing it as long aa he could, told them he had heard enough of it and they must dry up and get out of there, whieh they pro ceeded to do. In ten or fifteen min utes Thomas went from the store to his car to make preparations for breakfast: then back to the store, and got the clerk and started to breakfast. Upon getting thirty or forty yards from the store he found the negroes still cursing in a loud and boisterous manner, and nourishing their pistols. He again ordered them to leave.wheu Allen B ankshear said, 'I'll do no such thing, d n you; and if you open your mouth, I'll shoot you,' and with that pointing his pistol at him. Thomas. seeing he was going to shoot, jumped at him to catch the pistol, but in the scuffle caught the arm too high up, when the nesrro trot the pistol between them and fired. Fortunately, the pis tol seems to have been pointed down ward instead or norizotally. and the ball went in about two inches to the left of and below the navel and ran ered downward toward the left hip, miss ing tne intestines. The doctor thinks it is imbedded in the bone, but sayB ne cannot ten yet. rnonias1 compan ion, Mr. id o ward, ran in to separate them, and did shove the negro back, when the other negro presented his pistol and made him desist, thus let ting the necrro - Allen eet awav. Thomas did not know be was shot until he walked to the car and one of his companions told him his clothes weje burning, and upon examination he found he was wounded. He then sent for the physician. His friends have been very attentive and kind. His employers had him brought up here yesterday afternoon arid ordered that every attention possible should be paid him." Aodlt and Finance. The Board of Audit and Finance met in regular session last njght at the City Hall. Present, Mr. R. J. Jones, chairman, and Messrs. W. I. Gore, Wm. Calder, J. W. Hewitt, J. F. Maunder. Bills were audited and approved as follows: Current expenses, $640.61; coupons, $4,554. Two hundred.and fifty-six coupons were burned in the presence of the Board. .Bill of Jas, F. Post for $568,20, bal ance of amount due for construction of new guard house, was referred to committee on Public Buildings of the Board of Aldermen, with the request that the contract accompany the bill. Bill of Fowler & Morrison for coal, was deferred, with the inquiry, "why do they charge more than contract price for coal furnished engine houses ?" . Bill of George Honnett, for $50, for care of the city clock, was referred to the mayor, with the request that some ofheial be instructed to see that the contrast is complied with. The Board adjourned subject to the call of the chaTrmanT' Bl'lle Bbca. A series of delightful performances can be looked forward to in the ap pearance on . Friday and Saturday evenings and at a Saturday matinee of the brilliant and charming actress, M'lle Rhea, . who will present her three greatest plays. "Fairy Fingers" on Friday evening, "Pygmalion and Galatea" at the.. Saturday matinee, and "Frou Frou'? on Saturday even ing. The display of dresses during the engagement will be a revelation of the modistes, art. , In "Fairy Fin gers" M'lle Rhea .wears no less than five different dresses, and one of the scenes from this charming comedy represents the interior of a Parisian modiste, and he display of dresses is said to be one of ' splendor. The Providence .'jat-oem'n Telegram of Oc tober, 4th says of - this scene: "Not once, nor twice, nor" thrice, but fuTI a dozen times the curtain had to be raised l&st-night in response to calls from the audience, before it finally fell upon the closing scene of 'Fairy Fingers,' a tribute whlicf only . genius can. exact from audiences of this city.1' Tbe Caitom doaie. The following cqipmnnication in reference to the Wilmington Custom House.fTom the Secretary of theTrea- s'ury, arid addressed,' tor .Hop. J. S; Henderson. Representative in Con gress -from this State, ' was trans mitted to Lieut.; Go v.: Siedman and received by Jaim a' few days ago. It was posted at tile Produce Exchange yesterday-" i'i;;; ;'';,;.';; 'i,.:W('!l(;-.-o- .-. Sir This' Department bras' tfce fron or to acknowledge the 'receipt,- tinder vour reference-.-of 'resolution oi xne Chamber of Commerce' ;ahd'-Produce Exchange of- Wilmington? North Car Una dated. December. 28tb, 1887, pro testing against the redaction , of the force in the Customs service -at that nort. and- to stata that the . matter, will be carefully investigated and such action taken as the best inter ests of the Dublic service may seem, to demand, and the limited means at the Department will allow. , - 'i -, -. , . . ,. . , - i j ' . . ! : ' i ,' 1 '.'Jr.; . - - Jo , :.L-i - ' - ' . WMUH iBalkatlOKI. The following are the indications for to-day.""received at 1 a. m.: . For VirgTniasnow, warmer, light fresh northeasterly winds, increasing in'orce, beeoming easterly. ." For North Carolina, South Carolina and . Georgia, warmer, raln. preceded by snow in North Carolina, light to fresh northeasterly., winds, fresh to brisk on the coast. - A Ntw Iodmlry. Mr. Frank S. Clark, a practical chemist, who has been in this city, for several months, has made ar rangements with the Carolina Oil and Creosote Company for the utili zation of the pyroligneous acid pro duced at the works of the company in the manufacture of pine wood oil. Buildings and the necessary appara tus will be put up at once for the manufacture of acetate of lime, wood alcohol, and perhaps other products to be obtained from the acid. A great quantity of pyroligneous acid is pro duced daily at the works of the Creo sote Company, which heretofore has been largely a waste product, there being no demand for it in its crude state except from certain parties who use it for disinfecting purposes. lh William and Diehard. The Charleston News and Courier says: "Messrs. William uoacn ac eons have received a letter from Mr. E. M. Corthill, of Chelsea, Mass., in which he' says that Capt. Fuller, of the steamship Shawmut, passed close to the dismasted and abandoned schr. William and Richard, and noticed that a flagstaff was lashed to the piece of the foremast left standing; that a flag of distress had evidently been hoisted and then taken down, show ing that Capt. Patrick, the members of his family and the crew must have been taken off by a passing vessel." Charged Willi Assault and Battery. Complaint was made to the Mayor yesterday that a party of. negro girls had assaulted the children of Mr. George Doyle, living on .Fourth. be tween Orange and Ann streets. War. rants were issued and Lucy Davis, Bertha Davis, Mary Ann Mats en Florence Wright, Maggie Johnson, and one or two others were arrested and recognized for their appearance this morning at the City Court. Foreign Exports Yesterday. Messrs. S. P. Shotter & Co. cleared the German barque Parana, for Bris tol, Eng., with 8,500 barrels of rosin, valued at $3,681.40 Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Son cleared the Norwegian barque Hjemmet, for Queenstown or Falmouth, for orders, with a cargo of 1,334 bales of cotton. weighin g 624,210 pounds and valued at $64,000. Quarterly ineetlocs. Wilmington. District. M. E. Church, South. First round of Quarterly Meetings. Brunswick circuit, at Zion, January 31 and 22. Whiteville circuit, at Whiteville, January 28 and 29. Grace (Jnurcn, Wilmington, aeoTW ary 4 and 5. Magnolia eircuit, at Magnolia, Feb ruary 11 and 12.. Clinton circuit, at Johnson's chapel, February 18 and 19. Waccamaw circuit, at Shiloh, Feb ruary 25 and 26. Brunswick mission, February 25 and 26. .Onslow circuit, at Green Branch, March 3 and 4. Kenans ville, at Kenansville, March 10 and 11. ' Carver's Creek, at Shiloh, March 18 and 19. . Elizabeth circuit, at Elizabeth, March 24 and 25. Cokesbury, at Salem, April 3 and 4. Bladen circuit, at Bethlehem, April lQJand 11. Thos. W. Guthrie, P. E. XII K laalLS. Tne malls close and arrive f the City Ptst Offloe as follows: Northern through and way mafia 8:00 A; M Northern through malls, fast .... 11:00 P. M North Carolina and Atlantic and North Carolina Railroads and routes anDDlled tnererrom arju a. as. RalelRh and Tayettevllle .60 P. M. 8:00 A. H Bontbera way mau Soutnern thronh malls DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Western mails. ?. C Hallway C. P. Y. V. R. R. and points snp plied therefrom. RsJelsh & Hamlet Railroad and points. supplied therefrom SmlthvUle Wrljthtarllle.... Clinton, special..:.. TUKSDAYd AND .FRIDAYS. Onslow C. H. and Intermediate Offices Little River, . O., and la termed late nfRnftH 6:80 P. M 9:15 P. M 5:45 P. X S:45P.M 5:43 P. H 2X0 P. M 830 A. X 8:15 P. M 6:00 A. M 8 00 P. M Cape Tear Bfrer mall.:..........:..... 1.-0OP.M Northern and way malls 8.30 P. X Northern through mall, late 11:00 P.M Sqntbern Urouh malls. . ....... 6-Jl A. M Southern way mall 9.80 A. X Carolina Central Railroad 9:80 A. X ' Mails oolleoted from 8 tree: boxes In bnsl- neaa portions of oty at 5A.X., 110 A.M. and 4;45 P.1L; from other parts of the olty at 5 A.X. and 4 P.M. Stamp Offloe open from 8.00 A. M. to B.-00 P. X. Etamps on sale at general' delivery 5:33 AJX. to 10 A. X. ahd 1 7 P; X. General delivery open-from 6.30 7 P.X. and. on Sundays from 9:30 to 10:20 A. M. Carriers dellrery open on Sunday from 9:30 to 100 A. X. Money Order and Registry Department open 8.00 A. 1L to 5:00 - "mi MRS. WIN8LOW78 SOOTHINO SYRUP. KjT 8rLVAJrus CtfBB thus writes In the Barton CAris tia Frumm .-- We. would- by jjo means recom mend any kind of medicine which we did not know to-be (rood particularly to infants But of Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothlnsr Syrup we can speak frbtn knowledfre: in our own family It has proved a blessing Indeed, by glvmg an Infant troubled with oollo pains, quiet sleep, and the parents un broken rest at night. Most parentsjjan appre ciate these blessings.. , Here 1 an article whloh works to perfection, and which Is harmless; for Ua sleep which It afford s the. Infant Is perfectly natural, and the little cherub awakes as "bright as ii button." And during the process of teeth ing Its raine Is incalculabl.. . We have frequent lyheard mothers say that they would not be wtthont U from the Wrth of the child till It had finished with the teething siege, on any conside ration whatever. Sold by alldrugglst. 85 cents a bottle. WHOLE NO. 6649 DIED, PBICK In this city, yesterday afternoon at o oieoK, m&mjuy xiviU4 rtuxjs. aged it years and 4 months. - . The funeral will tali place at-St. Ttromas' Charon tbia afternoon at 3 o'clock, thence to Oaldale Cemetery. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend. . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Ei. JOHN'S HALL, 17TH, 1888 WILMINGTON LODGE No. 8:9, A. P. A A. X. JJEGULAB COMMUNICAT'ON THIS .' (TUXS DAY) evening at TH oolouk' .- ,.. - Ylsttrng Brethren f raterntty rUvTUed to attend. ; . . DUNCAN MeBACHKKN, Jasl7..1t , ; Secretary. - ... I...:.'.." . ... -.'-'I . .I' ' ' ' ' ' Mules at Auction rpO-1! A Yt AT XX HANGS COFNEH, COM- menclng at It o'clock ihtrp, vce.wUl poslitvely se'.l three extra good Mn'es and two fine Horses. COLLIER & CO., Jan 17 H . .. ...... auctioneers. AGENT WAMED for 'the New Re : vised Imperial edition of Zall's En- eyelopealae (and other works) lost lesued. New features, 5) per oent. thicker, and retail prices reduced, arxoeedtngfy nberal term to experienced men. Address T. JtLLWOOD ZKLL. Jan 17 3-. Publisher; Philadelphia, Pa. US TREASURY DBPArrTMBNr. OFFICR Marine Hospital Servioe. Wilmington. N. C , January 16th, 1888. Healed proposals will be received at this Office tmtU noon of Thursday, January 19th, 1888. to make repairs and altera tions to water and sewer pipes, water guagee, o , and to connect dispensary and stable with City Water Work for theme of the Marine Hos pital Service at Wilmington, N. C. Schedules and further Information may be. obtained nooa ap plication to the nnderaUraad. The rlsht Is re served to waive Informalities, and to reject any or all proposals. W- P. Me IN TOSH, A ssUtant Surgeon M. H. 8. , Jan 17 It . In Chwgeof HospltaL Dissolution. 'J'HB FIRM O? HARBISON A A LLKN HAB this day .diMolved by t;e .deata of Mr; . P. Harrifon, ; AU persons indebted to the late firm will please call and settle .wUh Mr. A-.fchrler, who succeeds as, All. claims aralnst the late firm please present at once. In retiring from the business I thass my friends and the publio generally for the liberal tatronage bestowed upon the late firm, and ask a continuance of the same to Mr. A. Sbrier. our successor. A- A ALLEN. ... Surviving Tar'ner of Harrison & AlUn. 1an 17 II $15,000. IHaTX SOLO-Ef -WrLMISGTO! ALONE over $16. 0Q1 worth of .'.-Soamtrn Pianos. These facts prove conclusively the -exoelleeee and popularity of these "Matchlets" Instruments. We also mike a specialty of cheaper grades ot Pianos from the manufactories of E. Oabler A Bros., James A Bolmstrom, Behr Bros., and others. Old Instruments taken in exchange. Call and see these beautiful Instruments. K. VaxLAXR, 407 and 409 Red Cross St., Wilmington, N. C. Jan 17 tf Headquarters. QOUSTEY XRRCHANT3 WOULD DO WELL to examine oar stock before purchasing. We make a specialty of Collars Blind-Bridles, Cart and Jehu Back-Bands. A large stock of Harness, Saddles, Boggy, Car riage and Team Whips, which we guarantee to sell cheaper than any house la the city. Satisfaction guaranteed, both In quality and price. H, L. PEN NULL, The Horse Milliner, 10 South Front St. Ian 15 tf A FEW OF THOS DESIRABLE AND JUSTLY AD- HIRED O-7-ercoats, 6UITABLS FOR THE SEASON, AT MUtf SON'S, Clothier and Merchant Tailor. Jaa 15 &t Dlore Light THE ROYAS ARQAND GAS BURNS 8, 80 candle power, equal to four ordinary Argand Burners.. A light ot unequaJled whiteness and brilliancy; steady without flicker. It rests the eyes. Barns perfectly every kind of manufac tured Illuminating gas; also, the only satisfac tory Natural Gas Burner. Consumes but one third the gas. Compare with ordinary Argand Burners. For sale by Jan 15 tf ALDKRMAN, FLAN NEB A CO. JUST OUT ! Raspberry My, (Moists Drops- DICEEN8' CHOCOLATE BON-BONS, Nanon Chocolate Cream, SOMETHING NEW. E. Warren & Son, EXCHANGE CORNER. fan 12 tf Seed. Seed. Seed. A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Seeds, grown by Bulstand Landreth. We In vite Growers and Wholesale Dealers to call or write for quotations -We will sell you at their Wholesale Piioes and save you freight. ROBERT R. BELLAMY, Drurglst, Jan 15 tf N. W. Cor. Front and Market sts. Hardware. PLOWS, CASTINGS, AXES. HOES, SCYTHES Edge Tools, Agrieultural Implements, Paints Oils, Sash, Doois, Blinds, Glass Lamps, Lamp Goods, Guns, Revolvers, Ammunition Quick drying Floor Paint and Alabaatine, at GEO. . A. PECK'S, Jan 15 tf 23 South Front street. Select American Series. BRTJNETTS AND BLONDE, BY MRS. Mc Velch MUlenThe Senator's Bride.. by Mrs. MoVeigh Miller. VellaVernelL by Mis Sumner Hayden; Bonny Jean and a Severe Threat, by Mrs. B. Burke Collins: A Wedded Widow on The Love That Lives, by T lW. Hanabew. dec 25 tf CM. HARRIS. Steel JKTadJLs FOR SALE BY - GILES MTJROHISON. Jaa 5 tf IjOUJLS J. POISSON, laaa llll ' REAL ESTATE AGENT, Ilf H0.1U NORTH SECOND ST. . Parties wlibinc tobnv or sell . Real Estate, and tboee havtBg Estates to manage and Rentslto eoueox. wotua ao weu to eau on me. jaa it 1UTU K ASTBCTIIM6t 11 oe " Two Day i " BO S00 60 i oe 6 60 8 00 10 00 13 00 M 00 40 00 ts 00 giarDaysw... jiuays,.-i.. One Week,..., two weakgr....i. Three Wkii4.i..i.f,..v...... Monta,. ... . ..... To XoBlha..... w Tres Months.. VjX XQBthS,w..i.i -;'l?0ntrftct AdSrertlsemehte taken at propor- uuwwuivwnwa.. Ten lines; solid Nonpareil type make one sqnar- -. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A Few Decided Bargains! BROWN & RODDICK, 9 rVorth Front Si. WE ARB OFFERING . SOME VERY DECIDED BARGAINS totbe follow lag odd Lou, prey lens to taking our nsttal Inrentory of ttock on the last day 'of this month i. Ladies Made-Hp Underwear, WALKING SKIRTS, ClieMlse, Malets airafirset Ctjyers MARS ED DOWN TO COST. FJLAX3JJEJL SKIRTS HSDTJCED OVER 25 PES CT. Great MnM in Linen Towels. A few odd Lots to cloce: , 11, 13, 18, 20, 23, 30aud 45c. We have about Ave dozen of very fine TOWELS that were retailed from 75c to $150, which we will close regardless of cost Linen Table Damasks. We have made a dfV.lAtA ohanira in 4ha nrtna ot all LINEN DA MASKS In order to clean them up and make room for new stock. These Bargains must be seen to be appreciated . Call early. . ' We have made a great change in our Ladies' Corset Department, and can now exhibit the most complete assort ment South of New York. Cnr Drloca we nun guarantee to be as low as the same makes can be purchased anywhere In the country. WONDER CORSETS 5 cents a pair. THISTLE " 40 BEAUTY " 53 " " East lake i BBIDAL " 75 ZEFHKR " 76 LA REINE " $1.00 TRICORA " 1.00 CORALINE " 1 CO C. P. ALA SIRENS 3.03 - -MISSES' COR3BT8 75 CHI LD REN'S Waists 50 ' FBERCH WO VIEW CORSETS: DIAMOND BRIDAL COBSETS 75c $L00 1X0 1.00 1 25 1.50 1.65 1.75 NUBSING BEATRICE COMMON SENSE BALL'S NURSING , FANNY 8ILVIA BROWN & RODDK K 3 NORTH FRONT STREET, Jan 15 U Copartnership. rEX UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY entered.into copartnership under the firm name ofG. W. LINDEB fc CO., for the purpose of conducting the Retail Grocery and Liquor busi ness at the Store north weai corner of Front and Dock streets, and soil-sit a share of public patronage. G. W. UNDER, GEO. F. COLIN. Jan 12th, 3866. nac Jan 18 St Neat and Pretty. WELL FITTING SHOE MAKES A NEAT and pretty looking foot. Best Styles of Ladies'. Gents'. Misses' tnd Children's SHOES in the city, and best fitting, at Geo. R. French & Sons, 108 NORTH FRONT 8TPEBT. Jan8tf Smith & Boatwright, GENERAL, Insurance Agents, No. 124 NORTH WATER STP.EET. No. 73 TELEPHONE. Jan S tf Take Notice J AM OFFERING THE LARGEST AND BEST assorted stock of Cigars, Tobacco and Snuff to be found In the city, at prices that will astonish you. Respectfully, SAJPLbSAR. Sa., Jan 10 tf . . 10 Market street. RE 91 Q TAX, W. E. Springer & Co., 1 No. FRONT STREET. WE ARB NOW LOCATED A8 ABOVE. AND will be pleased to serve eur customers at our New Store In Puree 11 Building. Call and see ns. dec 81 tf To the Public J BEG LEAVE TO ANNOUNCE TO MY Cus tomers and the public generally, that I hare this day sold to Messrs. M. F. Croom &Co. my en tire stock of Wines and Liquors, and win in the future oonflne myeeir strictly to the Dry Geods and Grocery trade, where I will be pleased to see all my old friends and customers, and eff er them everything desired In the above line at the very lowest CASH prices. Thanks for past patronage. Respectfully, Jan 8 tf J. L. CROOM. New Goods. New Goods. JJECErVED TJHB WEEK . BY RAIL ' AND Steamer a tall and fresh supply of Staple and Fancy Groceries. I keep In stock always a full and complete line of LIQUORS, TOBACCOS and CIGARS In addition 1 have Jnit received a large lot of DOOR MATS, which with the above goods I am offering at bottom prices. Call and see for your selves,. ; Respectfully, o., .... A H. HOLME IV Sdso SO tf .Corner Second and Market Sts. i ft V ml 1 XV: i7 ., i 1 K h' '8 I 1 41 if A. .'si. : "-4. n t i. : ii' w - 1 ' ! -( v -

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