a . - ... '--r :'f-..i ""'''WSeSea . .. ., .--, V I vi -1 invalids' Hois! and Surgical Institute s-'nEr of Eiclticen Experienced and Sltl11 fuj I'hysicians and Surgeons. ALL CHRONIC DISEASES A SPECIALTY. Tationts treated here or at their homes. Many treated at home, through correspondence, aa successfully as if here In person. Come and sec us, or send ten cents in stamps for our CAL, .ij-futwiu, ooo main DC., uunaio, jn.x. i . . . . ftn n r i . T For " vrorn-out," "run-down," debilitated cphoel teachers, milliners, seamstresses, house keepers, and overrrcrkv j women generally, Pr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the best i4iii l-estonuive tonics, it is not a cure-nil, K:t admirably fulfills a singleness of purpose. jvinir a most potent Specific for all those monic u eaiinesses ana diseases peculiar to v.-omen. The treatment of many thousands of such ceases, at the Invalids' Hotel and Surg ical Institute has afforded a large experience m aaapung remedies ior tneir cure, ana Sr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the result of this vast experience. For internal congestion, inflammation and ulceration, it is a Specific. It is a powerful general, as well as uterine, tonic and nervine, and imparts vigor and strength to the whole system. It cures weakness of stomach, indigestion, bloating, weak back, nervous prostration, exhaustion, debility and sleeplessness, in either sex. Favo rite Prescrip tion is soia Dy druggists unaer our posuxve guarantee, oee wrapper arouna do trie. anam mf SIX BOTTLES Send 10 cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce's large ireatise on jj is eases or omen i xou pages, paper-covered). Address, World s Dispen sary Medical Association, 663 Main Street, iiucaio, si. x. LITTLE eas&w LIVER RsW ct. PILLS. AXTI'BILIOITS and CATHARTIC. SICK HEADACHE, Hilions Kcadaclie, Sizzines. Coii9tipa ;ion, Indiecstion, and BiliOusAttacUs, uromritir cured by lr. iicrcc's Pleasant Purgraiive Pellets. 25 cents a viaL by Druggists. ch fr arm a ?. THUK3EE, ALBERTSQORB, President. Tloe President B. G. EMPLK, Sec'y and Treas. I'M UBBER & GORE! (TJSUTSD), CO EMISSION. i j coiti.nEKCE ;bcildno' CHICAGO. iy. PHOVISIONS, 8TOCKS, COTTON. PSTSOLEUM. -HPEKS EXECLTSD ON ALX. EXCHANGES ft" " tr Bacon, Flour, Lard. 5 Q j 3osC9 L-- s- c- R- SIDES. 9 Cases LAUD. ?or eale low by v.: 5 t WILLIAMS RANKTN A CO. New Grop P.R. Molasses IRST CAKQO OP TUB SEASON. yQ EHDS (JUST ABHTVJSD), NOW LAND- ia:T and for saie in lots to salt by SB 3 tf WILLIAMS. RANKIN A CO. lugar, Coffee, Rice. QQ Bbls Eeined STJGABS, Sacks Choioe RIO COTFSX, Bbls CASOLINA RICK, For salo lowTiy' 9 tf WILLIAMS. RANKIN CO. f IT lie, Hoop Iron,Nails, 2 Bbls DISTILLER'S GLUE,; Bnaclles HOOP IRON 75Q Kegs NAILS, For sale low by J" 't WILLIAMS. RANKIN A CO. To Owners of Vehicles ! YyHSN YOU NEED ANY REPAIRING IOR Pitting done give us a call. Will guarantee yoa the B3ST WORK at the LOWEST PRICES. have a fine lot of Baggies, Phaetons, gurries Wagons, Carts and Drays on hand, which we are f'jl'ir; ve:y co.eap. C. B. SOUTHS RL AND A CO.. Successors to R. P. McDongall, dec 11 tf Corner Second and Princess Sts. Cotton Bagging. 1000 Half Eollfl BAGQmQ 300 Boxea tobacco, 200 Baf?sSHOT' 39Q Barrels GOOD FLOUR. For sale low by HAx L & PEARSALL, A?ents for Dupont'a Gtui Powder. ;2MV2w LADIES! lonr Own Dyeing, at Home, with PEERLESS DYES. kfJ7 will dye everything. They are sold every wnere. Price 10c. a package-40 colors. They D-1V3 no equal for Strength.Brtghtness, Amount in . i.?es or for Fastness of Color, or non-fading Sinanties. They do not crock or smnt. For ubl J- H HARDIN, Druggist, andF.C.MIL- .JVnsgtet, corner 4th and Nan streets, Wil mingtoin y. c. mh27DAW lv ESTABLISHED IN 1866. VHE RIpHMOND LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS, ICIiaiOMD, VIRGINIA. Snceessors to he TANNER &DELANETEng;ioeCo. anIrt!"St Locomotives, Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills i?3 Machinery. Send for. Catalogue and apSPAWly The Manning Times, PUBLISHED BY B. L. DARE, Jr., at MAKHINQ S, C. t tie Morning Star. A DB1DEOF A YEAR. MRS. JAMES T FIELDS. She is white and slend6r and fair, LI (if evpa urn aflimo r.iik .J : Bneht with Justre of youth is her hair, bhe is dew, the is starlight and fire. Than birch tree swayed by the'wincT More gently swayed is her form, ror a breath can mnn )i ks And his love ia her sunlight and storm. Her life is a vision, a dream. She sitteth apart with her joy, Or down dav'a tumult Guides a shsllop that none can destroy. Her smile is the smile of the morn, Her beauty the coolness of eve; ' O morning, art ever forlorn ? Why, epirit of evening, dost grieve T Scribner, C URRKXT CO MM EN T The taxes on evervthincr pIjq that the poor man buys for himself uu uis lamuy-tneir tood and cloth ing, their hats and their shoes, t.hmr . - . ' poia ana pans, their cups and sau- l : 3 . vicie, tueiF- arnga ana medicines; on verythinfir thev cradle and the coffin, from their swaaaung clothes to their shrouds, over four thousand varied article in all must stand, as these things are ui toe nature or luxuries, m order mat mey may nave the necessaries oi iue, wnisKey and tobacco, untax, ed and free, and eniov them to their full. And incidentally, it mav h auueu, in oraer that the owners of coal and iron mines, and the makers and-maaufacturers of everything but wmsKey ana tooacoo may retain in definitely the power and Drivilee trf screwing out of the pocket of the ueariy Deiovea poor man and work ingman all that is saved to him bv the redaction on the price of whis key and tobacco. It is nothing that no man is compelled to use whiskey or looacco, tnat many poor men do not use either, and that the tax on these two articles falls on no woman or child, while the tariff taxes are as searching as the wind, and snare no one wno works tor a living or who , . - . is aepenaent on another for shelter and bread. It is nothing that these taxes are war taxes of twenty years standing, and have not been touch- ed, in effect, while all the internal revenue taxes have been eweot away, except these two alone. vnariesion iews c uourier, Uem There are a number of meas ures advisable now which would not have been thought of before the war. mere nas been a vast change in the condition of things smce the erood days of 1860. Then there was no . . . . immense war aeot ana no immeasur able pension list, such as now haner threatingly over the country. Sen- aior ijrown s resolution, as reported, lnterentiauv at least, admits the oro- . - - g - priety and advisability of excise taiets as a war measure, i ms Deing true, he is logically estODoed from a . . mi making any plea at this time against tne propriety ot these taxes; tor the very ground on which their retention lO aUIUIiitlCU IB IUI lLUUlCUDIty UL tut) expenses on account of the war to which the Government is yearly put. - Augusta (bta.) (xazette, Uem. COTTOJf. N T. Commercial and Financial Chronicle New York, Jan. 13. The move ment of the crop, as indicated by our telegrams from the south to-night, is given below, b or the week end ing this evening (Jan. 13) the total receipts have reached 145,741 bales, against 159,308 bales last week, 188,- 824 bales the previous week, and 202,859 bales three weeks since mak ing the total receipts since the 1st of Sept., 1887, 4,290,599 bales, against 4,057,757 bales for the same period of it, snowing an increase since Sept. 1, J 887, of 232,842 bales. The exports for the week ending this evening reach a total of 128,570 bales, of which 104,482 were to Great Britain, 13,807 to France and 10,281 to the rest of the Continent. To-day the opening was depressed by weak foreign advices. 1 he de cline was fully recovered on the re vival of speculative manipulation, but in the last few minutes the mar ket was weak and the close was easy. Cotton ou the spot has been very quiet, and stocks begin to show some accumulation. Quotations were re duced ic on Tuesday, but recovered l-16c on Wednesday. To day the market was, dull at 9 7-17c for mid dling uplands. The total sales for forward delive ry for the week are 813,300 bales. Spirits Turpentine. Pittsboro Home: A negro man was i ailed on Tuesday for breaking into the store of Fox & Wrenn at Siler. The Raleigh livery stable men, four firms, have determined to cltse their stables on Sunday. This ia, we suppose, one of the results of the Pearson revival. We are glad to learn that the health of Gov. Scales ia as good as it has hppn fnr vpnrs He has latelv been suffer ing from a cold produced by the damp capitol. Hilhboro Observer: Died, at his home near Hillshoro. on the mornine of the iOth mst., Mr. George J. McCauley, in the 73d year or ms age. air. jncuauiey was a Mexican veteran. Asheville Citizen: The Rev. rr TCanil vhn wflii hurt in the recent acci dent on the Lenoir Railroad near Hickory, subsequently died of his injuries. He was a Presbyterian minister of Lenoir. Durham Recorder: W. Duke, Hr.no r.n rontemolate erectio&r a fire- bnildine. with a capacity of 1,200 hogsheads of tobacco. The Oxford Torchlight wants jarvis ror gover nor. f Raleigh Dispatch: It is said that senator ransom anu mm um done such earnest work to make his posi- u. xrinUtAi .Tarvia has been uuu Kcuma tux v ' advised that it is nnwise to attempt to get the position ox senator. On tnwnHman. . Col. JOhn . Wilder Atkinson, who won hlsipurs and . - - uue in me -late onpTeaBantniis" ia men turned aa Mr. in the Raleigh papers, while titles are bestowed freely on Yarborough House Colonels." Norfolk Virginian'. News from Raleigh is to the effect that an extensive movement ia on root in North Carolina in favor of securing the nomination of Lieu- tenant uovernor Charles M. Stedman as mo uaauiuaie ior uoveri-----:r; the nart ui mo isemocrats. .Kaleigh Visitor: The old "Jack Jones residence," located abont two mues southwest of Holly Springs, this county, was destroyed by fire on Thursday nintt I . mi . . . - uiguh laoi. me property Dewngea to a gentleman by the name of Smut Johnson. i oere was no insurance. The lo6s falls very heavily -upon him. Newton Jainterprise: Monday , i . was an uniucsy aay wun the nock of Mr. u. r. Yount. His son James, while car rying tne mail fell out of the bus, aLd be ing run over Dy tne wheel, had two toes broken; little Bertha cut ofLherthumb; vsumce epiu a nnger open cutting light wood, and Albert stepped on some fire and uurufc ma root very Daaiy. bhelby Aurora: Mr. Peter liuff, Jr., had a difficulty with Moulton uamsey on Sunday, in which Ramsev w severely cut Dy Huff with a knife A physician attended the wounded man, who was cut in several places, and daneerously m me leu side. Mr. rtter Buff is the deacon who could Drav so eloanenilv and uuu wane ne was running a oiockade 6tiII iu a uiuuuiain cove. Weldon News: Mai. T. L. Em- r nas purcnased one thousand erane vine ot iue rrenuss vanety which he intends to a t WW. - . - . - " set tut on the model farm next monih. mis is a lu'cious early bunch grape arfd nndiJ a ready sale iu the marker. Oantin W. H. Day wiil plant about ten acres in ycsaiuis kue coming season, tie will use the Spanish pea which ia much smaller than the kind grown in Virginia, but con' tains no pops, these pease sell readily for seventy cents a bushel this season; the price aomeiimes reacnes a bigber fleure. From -thirty to nrty bushels 19 a fair yield on good XT r t- iiew J3ern uournai: At a con ference of the Baptist Church here a unan imoua call was made to secure tbe services of Kev. H W, Battle, of Wadeaboro, aa pastor. Mr. .Battle ia an able Dreacher and it is hoped they may be successful in getting him. It has been decided to hold the exhibit of New Bern's industries, and the game, Qsh and oysters that abound in tbe waters and forests of Eastern Carolina on the lBib, 14ih and 15th of March Our sisier adjoiniog counties are cordially in vited to join us in making this exhibit. We expect to make it an advertising medium for ine enure eastern section and not simply xnew uem. Gastonia Gazette: One Jack sju Graves got up quite an excitement ia ton and got himself into jail last Tues day afternoon. Meeting Mr. J. Labe Car roll he told tbe latter that he wanted his horse. When Mr. Carroll declined to dismount. Groves attempted to take him off, but received chastisement instead. Coming upon Mr. W. R. Holland after ward, in conversation with some one in tbe edge of town, he asked Mr. H. to let him ride his horse down the road to hunt his boot, which he had lost. Mr. H. at first consented, but after be mounted, changed his mind and told him to dis mount Groves, however, said that be must get to King's Mountain before train time, and left at a rate which indicated that be meant to be on time. He after ward called at the bouse of Mr. J. L. Quinn ana askea for something to eat. Mrs. Quinn told him she bad nothing ready. He told her to prepare something. She de clined, and lie attempted to ride into tbe house. Miss Julia, her daughter, armed herself with her father s pistol and advised him to stay out. He took her advice and departed. In tbe mean time, a posee on horseback started from here in pursuit. He was overtaken two or three miles from town, brought back, given a hearing, and committed to jail in Dallas. Charlotte Chronicle: A oorres respondent of the Fayetteville Observer, who signs himself ' Hickory, nominates our townsman, Mr. W. J. Yates, for Gov ernor 01 ine state, mis would not De a bad nomination. An example of bow cotton mills pay is to be found in Concord. The semi-annual meeting of the stock holders of the Odell Manufacturing Com pany was held at that place last Tuesday. A semi-annual dividend or iu per cent waa declared. The mills were never in a more prosperous condition than now. A citizen of Hickory informs ua that the rail. road officials have been there investigating the recent accident on the Chester & Lenoir Narrow Gauge road near that place. The officials claim that the train was wrecked by some unknown parties, as the trestle was in good condition and all Us timbers sound. It is said that two parties were seen prowling around the trestle just before the wreck occurred. Only a few weeks ago, a lot of ties and rocks were placed on the track near Hudson station, four miles from the scene of Tuesday's wreck. RaIv- eigh, Jan. Id. U-ov. Scales to-day issued commissions to the following officers of tbe State Guard: Dr. H. M. Wilder, of Char lotte, Surgeon of the Fourth Regiment; W. 11. Powell, Jr. , Captain; W. J. Burnett, First Lieutenant, and J. B. Lloyd, Second Lieutenant, Co. A, First Regiment at Tar- boro. Raleigh" News-Observer : The trustees of the State library are considering tbe early putting to press of the manu script of Col. John A. Sloan's History of North Carolina troops. Governor Scales yesterday commuted the death sen tence of Chaa. F. Jones, of Craven county, to imprisonment for life. Receipts of cotton to date from September 1, 1887, 27.538 bales. Same time last year. 27,040 bales. Increase over last year, 493 bales. - The death of Mr. P. C. Fleming, which occurred yesterday morning at 6 o'clock, removes from among the people of Raleigh, one of its best known and most highly respected citizens. Col. L. C. Jones. Superintendent of the Carolina Cen tral railroad, waa suddenly and violently attacked by sickness early yesterday morn ing at Hamlet vhile en route from Wil mington to Raleigh. He waa travelling in his private car and was accompanied by Mr. Bbarpe. treasurer of the road, and Mr. R. T. Gray of this city. The violence of tbe attack alarmed these gentlemen and for some time they thought it would prove fatal. Every thing possible was done for Col. Jones and he soon had relief. He came on to this city, where a physician attended him and later on he left almost recovered from the attack. Parties on East Hargett and Wil mington streets complained yesterday of some reckless shooting that was being done in that quarter. It is thought that some one has been using a flobert rifle for shooting sparrows, cats, pigeons, &c., and that the shooter was regardless of the sur roundings, or of the direction in which be pointed hia gun Yesterday a ball crashed through a window in tbe second story of the Oak City clothing iactory, narrowly ... - m . musing the neaa 01 a xauy operative. 8hortly after another shot broke a window in the rear of Sloman's store, on Wilming ton street. Washington City gossip: Mr. Corbin. daughter of Dr. E. G. Ward, of Onslow, has secured, through Represen tative Simmons, an appointment in tne Agricultural Department. The im pression is current nere, wun more man conjecture to sustain it, that ex-District Attorney Boyd is to be the Republican candidate for Governor in North Carolina. It is a still-hunt movement and is said to be developing unexpected strength. Boyd ie young, able, audacious and aggressive. He is a bold, strong campaigner ana a man of fine presence. Cook, of Warren, will can the Stale convention to order, and Cook is to be the Republican candidate for Congress In the black district. POLITICAL, TOW TS Ex-Secretary Chandler ia fast gaining tbe position of the political buffoon of the United States Senate. He is evident ly too light a man even for the Senate however successful he may have been in the lobby. iV. T. World, Ikm. . TT . - oenaior v ance says mere is no force in the cry of. blankets against free whiskey, because duties on blankets are prohibitory. This doesn't lessen the force of the cry at all, but makes it more earnest. We want free blankets. Columbia Regis ter, Uem, Senator Vance, of North Caro lina, justly says that there has been more complaint in regard to the methods of col lecting tbe Internal taxe9 on whiskey and tobacco than of the taxes themselves. In view of this there should be enough legis lative skill in Congress to relieve tbe in ternal revenue system of its most obnoxious features and at the same time retain tbe taxes on drink and smoke. Phil Record, uem "I am not in the fight," fajsBhermiD, in jest; "I am but an on-looker in Venice ', Ab, Senator! candor in all things ia best. The fight's out of you Let the truth be confessed. The chunk you ve bit off with such spirit and zest Is too large to chew and too tough to digest, i our role is not liars. is. but Dennis. Chicqgo Tribune. THE INCURABLE CURED ! HOPKHWTOXB, KT., Feb. 24. 1887. Gentlemen Seren year ago a sora devel oped on my nosa from a linger nail scratch. I tried a few almpla remadles. but the sore would not yield. I grew worse every year for aevea yaara. Many thought I had a can cer. Over a year ago I commenced taking a. 8. 8., and two dozen bottles entirely cured me. When I began with Swift's Specific I waa la very poor health, and oauld hardly . drag abont. After J had finished tbe course of 8. B. 8. I was strong and buoyant, and had a good appetite. I regard it as a most valuable medicine for ladles in weak, deli cate health. It Is a household medicine with me. Tours respectfully. Mrs. R. w. Wilms. SfASTAJTBuao, 8. C April 2, 1887. Gentlemen For twenty years I have had a sore on my left cheek. It had gradually Dean growing worse, int many physicians whom I had consulted were unable to do me any good. Last fall a year ago I began using S. S. 8. At first it inflamed the sore, aad it became more virulent than ever ; so nluch so. Indeed, that my family insisted thakl should leave off the- medlclije.' 4 per sisted in using tne a. . h. At tha end of two montns tne sore waa entirely healed. Think ing that tha evU was out of my oonsUtutlon, I left off tha medicine ; bnt In November, ten montns after, a very slight breaking out appeared. I at once began again on S. 8. S , and now that is also disappearing. I have every faith in 8. 8. 8. It has done me more good than all the doctors and other medi cines I avejt took. Tours truly, A. B aai.Kia. Wdsstos, K. O. -April 12, 1587. Gentlemen Two or three years ago a can cer came on my face. It soon grew to be quite large. It wore on me, and my general health was very poor. Last September I began a course of S. 8. 8., wuloh 1 have con tinued to the present time with tha happiest result. The cancer has entirely disappeared, there being no evidence or symptom of a cancerous character left. My goneral health Is good now, and my appetite better than It has been In years. I am 82 years old, and to-day I am working in tbe field planting corn. Tours truly, Johas T.mitmm Gentlemen I had a sore on my upper lip for eight years. Seven different doctors at teapted in vain te heal it. One gave me a small vial for five dollars, which was a "cer tain cure." It is needless to say that it did me no good. About two rears ago I became quite uneasy, as people thought I had a can cer, and I took a course of eighteen bottle of 8. 8. 8. The result has been a complete cure. The ulcer or cancer healed beautiful ly, leaving scarcely a perceptible scar. From that day I have been in excellent health, the Specific having purified my blood thorough It, Increased my appetite and perfected my digestion. In a word, I feel like a new woman, and, best of all, the eight year ulcer Is gone entirely. Tours sincerelv, Mm. W, t! CAB. Trenton, Todd Co., Ey., Feb. 35, 1837. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Thk Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Oa. nov 17 IT ch w th CHRISTBIAS GOODS. TXTB HAV3 IN STOCK A FCL LINB OF THK T T following:, which we are offering at low figures : ORANGES, IN B RRBL, HALF-BARREL AND BOXSS. RAISINS IN BOXES, niLF-BOXES, GJO ARTIER-BOXES. CURRANTS. LEMONS, Citron, Nuts, Apples, Primes, SUGARS, ALL GRADES. FLOUB, BUCK WH BAT, CHEESE. Wo call apeolal attention to a lot of threelhnn- dred 14 lb-Boxes CHEESE J oat ln.somethlng new. ADRIAN & TOLLERS, Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants. dec 15 tf N, H. SMITH, REAL ESTATE .AGENT. FA YETTETILLE, N. C. Correspondence solicited from parties wishing buy cr sell lands. Reliable attorneys em ployed to Investigate titles, eto. Refers to bus iness men of Fayetteville. OFFICE AT SMITH S DEPOT. Corner Mnnford and Donaldson 8t.. Where a FULL STOCK of BEST ICE, COAL AND WOOD Can be found at LOWEST PRICES. BT" Look-out for the ehm. "Ice, Coal, Wood, J 19 D&Wtf DOBLER & MUDGE, WHOLESALE Paper Warehouse, Baltimore. Md. Constantly In stock Every Variety of Paper used in Newspaper and Job Printing Offices. Jan 5 tf 2,000 Seeoni-Haiid Spirit Casts,. C Q BBLS. GLUE, 23 TONS HOOP-IRON. 1.850 bbls. Floor (in Barrels and Sacks). 203 hhda. aad bbls. Molassea. Also Heat, Bait, Cheeee, Crack ers, Coffee, Ao. For tale at . D. L. GORE'S, Jan 7 D AWtf 120. 1 A 194 North Water fit. The louowirig quotations represent -wholesale prices generally. In matg np small orders higher prices have to he charged. The Quotations are always slven as aeonratel. a possible, bat the Sram will not be responsible ior any variations rrom tne actual market price 01 ine articles quoted. BAGGING i Gunny Standard BACON North Carolina Hams, 9 S Shoulders, f) B Sides. W S 18X 6 11 8 10 15 II WESTERN SMOKED Hams, V Sides. 9 a Shoulders. a .. 10 7 & 8 DRY SALTED Sides. V 8 Shoulders. 19 lb 9 7 0 ti BARRELS Spirits Turpentine. Booona nana, eacn New New York.each New City, each 0 00 0 00 1 65 20 S 00 0 00 1 35 1 75 1 70. S3 BEESWAX, V B BRICKSTWilmlnston, V M Northern BUTTER, 9 2 8 0C 14 00 Nortn Carolina Northern 15 25 O 80 19 O S 9 10 11 12 18 & 14 fitl 10 87 Q, 2 23 24 19 Q, SI 00 it 66 00 65 00 O 1 15 6 6)4 00 80 14 15 CANDLSS, lb- Sperm i. . Adamantine CHE2SB, 9 B ortnera Factory Dairy, Creair State COFFEE, 9 fc- java Laguyra Rio CORN MEAL, 9 bus., in eacke- Virginia Heal COTTON TIE?. 9 bundle DOMESTICS Sheetinr, 4-4, 9 yd Tarns. 9 bunch EGGS, fl.dozea FI8H- Mackarel.No. 1, bbl.. .. Mackerel, No. 1, 9 half bbl. 00 00 7 50 9 00 Mackerel, No. 2, bbl. Mackarel. No. 2, i&lf bbl. 4 75 Mackerel, No. 8, 9 bbl 7 80 Mulleta, 9 bbl - 4.00 .Mullets, l'ork bbla 8 00 N. O. Koj Herring, 9 kog...3 00 Dry Cod. Oft' . . B FLOUR, 9 bbl- Weotern low grade S 50 Extra 4 CO Family 4 50 City Mills Super. . . 4 00 Family 4 50 GLUB, 9 8 GRAIN, 9 bushel corn, rrom storo, rag, waits 00 Corn, cargo, in bulk, white. 00 Corn, cargo. In bags, white. Cora, mixed, from store Oats, from store Oats, Rust Proof.: Cow Peas 17lQ 55 Q 80 & HIDES, 9 Green Dry HAT, 9 100 Ra il astern Western North River 1 HOOP IRON, 9 lb LAUD, 9 D Northern North Carolina LIME. barrel 1 40 18 00 15 00 LUMBER, City Sawed, 9 M ft, snip stuff, re aa wed Rongh Edge Plank West India Cargoes, accord 20 00 16 00 18 00 22 CO 15 00 ing to quality . 18 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned. 18 00 Scantllnt ad Board, oom'n 14 00 HOLAS3.ES, 9 gallon- New Jrop Cuba, la hurts. in bbls. Porto . Rico. In hhds r " In bbls Sugar House, in hhds B" " In bbls Syrup, in bbls 25 26 28 30 83 80 80 85 00 ft 15 16 18 28 35 2 S3 Oi 2 50 &d 12 03 6C 90 1 00 15 13 00 20 00 22 15 25 10 20 75 1 00 50 95 85 50 2 25 2 75 NAILS. V Keg. Cut lOd basla OILS, 9 gallon- Kerosene Lard Linseed Rosla Tar..., Deck and Soar POULTRY Chickens, live, grown Soring Turkeys... PEANUTS. 9 bushels 22 lbs. POTATOES, 9 bushel sweet PORK, lb barrel city Mess...., Prime 1 HICE Carolina,' ' ft '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. Hough, 9 bushel, (Upland). (Lowland) HAGS. 9 ft Country City , ROPE, ft ft , 8 ALT, 9 sack. Alum Liverpool Lisbon American SUGAR, 9 ft Standard gran. atanoara a White Ex. C Extra C, Glden C Yellow SOAP. 9 ft Northern SHINGLES. 7 In. M Common , Cypress Sape 4 50 Cypress Hearts 0 00 8TAVES, 9 M W. O Barrel. . . 8 00 14 00 10 00 6 14 00 13 00 8 60 K o. Hogshead 0 00 TALLOW, 9t 5 TIMBER. 9 M feet Shipping.. 12 00 Fine Mill 11 85 Mill Prime 7 50 Mill Fair 6 00 Common Mill 5 00 6 50 0 00 4 00 2 09 2 50 80 25 15 WHISKEY, 9 gal Northern.'.'.' 1 "oo North Carolina 1 00 WOOL, 9 ft Washed 28 unwashed 15 Barry 10 ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Newspaoer Advertising Bureau, ' lO Spruce St., New York. Send lOoto. for lCXJ-Paga Pamphlet The Greensboro Patriot Cheapest Paper In the State, considering the Amount of Reading Hatter. SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 A YEAR; $1 FOR 6 MOS. The PATRIOT offers unDaralleled facilities to advertisers for placing their business before the reading people of Guilford, Davidson. Rowan, Cabarrus, Forsyth, Stokes, Surry, Rockingham, Caswell, Person, Alamance ana Randolph, the great Tooacoo rjeit 01 Norm uaroiina. THE PATRIOT Has the LARGEST CTKCULATION of anv Pa per m neamont jortn Carolina. it gives yon ail tne LOCAL NEWS. It gives you the NEWS from the Neighboring Counties. It gives you all the Important 8TATB NEWS. It gives you the GENERAL NEWS. It gives you all the LATEST NEWS from Wash ington. It gives the Farmers Valuable Agricultural Notes and much interesting for the Farm, the Dairy, and tbe Orchard, as well aa the Family Household. IRead the PATRIOT all the year round. Z. W. WHITEHEAD, lan 12 tf Editor and Proprietor The Maryland Farmer. 23D V0LUHE. A MONTHLY MAGAZINE, of S2 pages, devo ted to Agriculture and kindred subjects, Thla la pre-eminently a FAMILY MAGAZINE first class in every particular; fully up to the times on all subjects affecting the Interests o Agriculturists. It has long been acknowledged as standing at the head of Monthly Publications devoted to Agriculture: pure In tone, advocating all Improvements which will elevate, refine ana benefit pecuniarily and morally the farming com munity: many of the suggestions in its columns have proved the key-note for reforms, adopted by the most influential organizations in our country. The editor and proprietor has been engaged in the interest of Agriculture for nearly fifty yean and during this length of time has become per Bonally acquainted with most of the promlnen agriculturists In the country. Devoting his whole time to fostering this great cause, he earnestly taia to eveiy suoacnoer 01 ta aiinara kb to not only renew his own subscription but invite his friends and neighbors to subscribe. Terms one dollar year In advance, and a pre mium worth from 80 to 60 cents. . EZRA WHITMAN, ' ' aalStf - Editor and Proprietor. IS 50 17 E0 14 00 15 00 00 14 00 4 6H CO 1 00 1 15 I 25 - 1 1 ltf 14 80 85 83 85 00 00 75 20 0 7H 7M IK 0 6V? 0 tM 0 CM 6 00 7 00 2 00 a 2 50 5 00 a 7 50 Atlantic Coast Line. Yililiiton & Weldon B. R. & Brandies. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. 4 , No. S3, No. 27, No. 15, Dated Jan, 8,1888. - Fast Mall Dally .ex. Dally. Dally. Sunday. Leave Weldon 2.06 p.m 6.43 pm 6.00 a.m Arrive Rooky Mt.. 8.17 p.m 7.15 am Arrive Tarboro 14.60 p ml Leave Tarboro 1 10.50 p.m Arrive Wilson 3-68 p.m 7.00 p m 7.48 a,m Leave Wilson... . 4.lo p.m Arrive Selma 5.19p.m.. .. Arrive Fayettev'le 7.45 p m Leave Goldsboro.. 4.45 p.m 7.40 p.m 8.40 am Leave Warsaw 5.50 p.m 9 83 am Leave Magnolia.. 6.05 p.m 8.40 p.m 9 64 a.m Arrive Wilmington 7.40 p.m 9.55 p.m 11.35 a m TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 14, No. 78, No. 66, Dally, ex, ; Dally. Dally. Sunday. Leave Wllminston 12.05 a.m 9. CO a.m 10.35 a.m 10.50 a.m 3.45 pan Leave Magnolia... Leave Warsaw 1.21 a.m ila'a-in o.aj D.m 5.50 p.m Arrive Goldsboro.. 11.50 e d p.m Leave Fayetteville I.. . 8.80 am 10.50 ajn 11.50 a-m arrive seuna 1 Arrive Wilson f.... Leave Wilson... 3.02 a.m 12.42lp.rn Ul. 18 p.m Arrive Rooky Mt J 7.48 p m 8 24 p.m Arrive Tarboro. Leave Tarboro. 4.60 p.m 10.60 a.m Arrive Weldon ..I 4.8O a mi 2.40 p.m 9.85 p.m Daily except Sunday. Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Ing, leaves Scotland Neck at 9.80 am!, dally ex cept Sunday. iuuu ior nam. ann NMtinn t w Train leaves Tarboro, N. C, via Albemarle A caieurn. k. k. aaur.TiwntRnnH t u..c... ' 6 P. M.: arrive WtlllnmatsYn r o'm'i u and 6.40 p. M. ReturnlnrleaveaWilHs.mrtsm Wn "J oiunii ounaar, Y.4U A. A.,DUnaay 1 ' 8 JO A.M, arrive Tarboro, N. C , a. M and 11.30 A. M. II.SU A. ML. Train on Midland r? n Rnnh i n Va,-,j-',iaH7exceit Bunaay.80 A Jf.; arrive Smithfield, N. C, 10.00 A.M. Returning leaves emii.iuieia.ri. J- 1U.4S a.m.: smm Hn diham C 12 10 P.M. ' -T7?-NahTme Branch leaves Becky Mount at 4.00 P. M. arrives Nashville 4.40 P. M.. f pring Hope 5.15 P. M. Returning leaves Boring Hope A' 2 N"hTUlelL15 A. M., Roky Mount . a. a., uauj. except Dun oay . , ,Trala on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton Daily, exoertt Rnnrtav- tnop tt r juraiug jeave ciinion at 8 45 A. M., connecting at Warsaw with Nos. 15 and 68 Southbound Train on Wilson and Fayetteville Branch is No. 51. Northbound is No. 5a 'Daily Train No. 27 South will stop only at Wuaon. Goldsboro and Matrnolitu Train No. 78 makes close connection at Weldon and dally except Sunday via Bay Line. lUrsu VOulLB nOrLQ BRllV. All mil VIA TnnhmAnil lTainsmake olcee connection for all points All trains run solid between Wilmlnirt. nd Washington, and haye Pullman Palace Sleepers JOHN F. DIVINE, J. R. KENLY, Sup't Transportation. T. M. EMERSON. Genl PtuuiAnowr A rant Jan 8 tf Atlantic Coast tine. Wilmingtoii, Columbia KAngusta E, R. Condensed Schedule. TRAIN 8 GOING SOUTH. 1 Dated Jan. 8. 1833. No. 23, No. 27, No. 15, P. M. P. M. P M. Leave Wilmington 8 06 10 10 t 2 40 Leave Marion 11 28 12 41 5 33 Arrive Florence... 12 15 1 25 6 20 A Bt P. hi No. 59. P. M. Leave Florence.. . 2 40 t640 Arrive Sumter 4 25 805 No. 52. No. 56. A. Ttf- P M. Leave Sumter 425 t 9 40 8 27 Arrive Columbia.. 6 15 10 45 9 C5 A. M. No. 62 runs through from Ch&rlastAn yfn. nn- tralB. R. Leaving Lanes 8:34 A. ML. Manniner Q-Ofi A M Sundays No. 54 leaves Charleston R-30 A. M . Lanes 10:28 A. M , Manning 11:10 A. M., Sumter u.o a. a amvea uoiumoia :.iu r. m. No. 6 runs through tram Charleston via nen- tral R. K., leavlnft Lanes r:l3 P. M., Manning 7S52 XT. JS. Train on C.4D.R. R. connects at. Tnnrrmrn wim no. ty. TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 78, No. 67, No. 63, P. M. A. M. P. M. Leave Columbia.. 10 25 6 60 5 S3 Arrive Sumter 11 52 8 12 6 46 No. 68. Leave Sumter 11 52 t 8 22 Arrive Florence... 120 840 No. 66. No. 14. A. M P M Leave Florence... 4 35 t 10 80 8 20 Leave Marion 5 22 11 11 8 65 Arrive Wilmington 8 85 2 10 11 50 A. M. P. M. P. M. Daily. t Dally exoeDt Sunday. No. 63 runs through to Charleston. 8. C-vla Central R. R.. arriving Manning 70 P. M . Lanes 82 p. M.. Charleston 9-45 P. M. no. 57 runs tnrouan to cnarieston via Central K. B , arriving Manning 8:48 A. UL, Lansa 83 A. M., Charleston 11:80 A. M. No. 66 connects at Florence with C. and D. train for Cheraw and Wadeaboro. Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection at Wil mington with W. A W. R. R. f or all points North. j (Jim jr. vLVLxa, Gen'l SuDt. J. R. KENLY, Sup't Transportation. T. M. EMERSON, Genl Passenger Agent. Jan 8 tf CAROLINA CENTRAL EilLEO AD CO. Change of Schedule. WESTBOUND TRAINS. No.l. No. 8. No. 5&7 Jan. 1, 1888 Dally ex. Dally ex. Trl- Sunday. Sunday. Weekly. Leave Wilmington 6.43 p. m 7.03 a. m Arrive Laurinburg 12.83 a. m 5 05 p. m No. 7. Leave Laurinburg '2.83 a. m 5.00 a. m Leave Hamlet 2.03 a. m 7.C0 a. m Arrive Charlotte.. 7.00 a. m 3.03 p.m Leave Charlotte. . . 8.45 a. m Leave L Id coin ton. 11X9 a. m Leave Shelby 12M p. m At. Rntherf'dton. 8X0 p. m EA8TBOUND TRAINS. No. 2. No. 4. Nos. 8 A 6 Jan 1, 18:8. Dally ex. Daily ex. Tri Sunday. Sunday. Weekly. L've RutberTdton. 8.40 a. m Leave Shelby 10.52 a. m Leave Lin 00 In ton. 12.45 p m Arrive Charlotte. . 3.00 p. m Leave Charlotte... 8.C9 p. m 7.05 a. m Leave Hamlet 1.25 a. m 2.30 p. m Arrive Laurinburg 2.17 a. m 4.06 p. m No. 6. Leave Laurinburg. 2 7 a. m 5.4b a. m Arrive Wilmington 8.25 a. m 4 25 p. m Trains Nos. 1 and 2 make oloee connection at Hamlet with trains to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping Can between Wilmington and Charlotte and Charlotte and Raleigh. Take Train No. 1 for StatesvOle and Stations on W.N. C R. R. and points West. Also for Spar tanburg, Greenville, Athens, Atlanta and all points Southwest. Also, for Aahevllle, via Spar tanburg. Local Freight Nos. 5 and 6 tri-weekly between Wilmington and Laurinburg. Local Freight Noa. 7 and 8 dally between Laurinburg and Charlotte. noe. 6, 0, 7, e, win take passengers. L. a JONES, Superintendent- F. W. CLARK, General Passenger Agent. Jan 6 tf Person County Hews. Patllshed at EOXBORO. N. C. WHITAREB & GIBBONS, Editors and Proprietors. The NEWS baa tha largest circulation of am paper published or circulated In the fine tobacco section of North Carolina. Advertlaluc rates very liberal, gabsertptloa SJBMeer rear- -;- .. I NEW ADVERTISESfeNTs! A GENTS WANTED TO CANVASS FOR AD vrtising -Patronage. A small amount of wo - done with tact and Intelligence may pro d. 1. - a considerable laoome. Agents earn sev eral !; 'dred doUars in commlsaioas In a single ee r rT no personal responsibility, jtn-Q-i' Lrost newspaper office and learn Ui n s is tbe best known and best equipped e8tuh '"hmett f--r placing advertisements in news; m trs kii- conveying to advertisers the In formation which they reaulre in nrrinr tr moVa their investments wisely and profitably. Men of good address, or women. If well inform and ' practical, may obtain authority to solicit ad vertising patronage for us. Apply by letter to Geo. P. Rowxix A Co, Newspaper Advertising Bureau, 10 Spruce 8t , New York, and lull par ticulars will be sent by return mall. j an a uswim 800 Acres Land Eight Miles West CLINTON, SAMPSON CO., N. C. Cotton and Corn Land. Jtnnt r t it hnsvil timbered Hne, Poplar, etc. Fine cbisee r?rv. nlerman. Ten miles from R. R. ; within four miles of water communication with Wilmington. HEALTHY CLIMATE. Cypress for Shingles- IOO acres Bottom Land. Terpentine Orchard. One-third cath. Ad dress A.J". KHIERSON, Liberty, Mo., or Rev. JT. Li. STEWART, -Clinton, N. C. dec 28 DAWlm Palmetto Railroad Go. QN AND AFTER FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1887, Trains will run as follows, dally except Sundays : GOING SOUTH : No. 1 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT : Leave Hamlet, N. C : 8.20A. M Arrive Cheraw, 8. C 9.30 A. M. GOIKG NORTH: No. 2 PAS8ENGER AND FREIGHT : Leave Cheraw, 8. C 4.25 P M. Arrive Hamlet, N. C 5.35 P. M WM. MOKCURE, kec 18 tf sup't. New York and Wilmington Steamship Oo. FROM PIER 29, EAST RIVER. NW YORK Located bet. Chambers and Roosevelt 8t., At 8 o'clock P. M. GULF STREAM Saturd a v. .Tan . 91 PIONEER Wednesday, Jan. 25 BENEFACTOR Saturday, Jan. 28 FROM WILMINGTON. PIONEER Wednesday. Jan. 18 BENEFACTOR Saturday, Jan. 21 GULF STREAM Saturday. Jan. 28 y Through Bills Ladln? and LoweKt Thromrh Rates guaranteed to and from points In North and South Carolina. For Freight or Passage apply to B. G. SaXALLBONES, Superintendent, Wilmington, N..C Tneo. O. Eger, Trafflc Manager, New York. "W. p. Clyde at. Co., General Agents J an ia tr 85 Broadway. New York. D. O'CONNOB. REAL ESTATE AGENT, "?t WILMINGTON, N. C. REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Stores, Dwellings and Offices for Rent. Rents collected, taxes and Insurance promptly at tended to. Houses and Lots for sale on the Monthly Instal ment Plan. 3 Cash advancedon city property when desired. nov iu tr We Have for Sale Q.LUE, HOOP IRON, NAILS, SOAP AND FLOUR. Also Cotton and Naval Stores, closely handled. WOODY A CURRIE, Commission Merchants, nov 17 tf Wilmington, k. r. Bank of New Hanover. Authorized Capital, - 11,000,000 Cash Capital paid La. $300,000 Surplus Fund, - - . - $130,000 DIRECTORS : W. L GORE, G. W. WILLIAMS. DONALD MacRAE H. VOLLKRe, a R. BRLDGERS C. M. STEDMAN, ISAAC BATE;-. J AS, A. LEAH. F. RUBINSTEIN, S. B. BORDEN. J. W. ATKINSON. ISAAC BATES, President. G. W. WILLIAMS, Vice President. anS9 tf 8. D. WALLACE. Cashier. Atkinson & Manning, AGENTS, 1 Nortt Carolina Home inarance Comp'F yy,K OFFER TO THOSE WANTING INSUR ANCE AGAINST FIRS, Policies in thl Old ar,J Sellable Home Institution. All losses promptly paid. W. 8. PRIMROSE, President. CHARLES ROOT, Secretary PULASKI COWPEB. Supervisor. 1y 4tf The Savannah Weekly News 'HJS SAVANNAH WEEKLY NEWS IS NOW A JL 12-oage. 84 -column newspaper. It contains each week a complete resume el the world's do ings, editorials on the current topics of the day; Interesting reading for the fireside and farm, ori ginal and selected stories, accurate market re ports. In fact, it combines in a condensed form, all the best features of the daily co temporary, the SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS. It la a care fully edited, enterprising and entertaining family lonrnai; not a local paper, but one that can be read with interest in any locality. ine price is only 31. a year, or m clubs 01 five or more. SI. CO a year. It is tbe cbeaoest paper of its class In America. I ISample copies and premiom lists sent on appli cation. J H. ESTILL. den 20 Havannah. Q. The State Chronicle Successor to the Farmer and Mechanic and the Chronicle.) Under; New Management NEWSY BRIGHT AND CLEAN. UP WITH TH M TIMES. rpHE "STATE CHRONICLE" WILL BB WHAT X lta name implies a State Paper. It Is not tbe Raxxisb "Chronkile," and will not be local or sectional. It will aim to keep up wtth the news from Murphy to Manteo, or, as the politicians put it, from Cherokee to Corntnck. It wCl the organ of no nt no ring, no sec tion, no party. It wm be Democratic In politics, bnt will not hesitate to criticise Democratic mea suxes and Democratic officers . TERMS OF HTTBSCHIPnON: One Tear S2.00 Six Months L00 Three months M W For a Sample Copy address . THE STATE CHRONICLE, oetStf . - - BAtolgB.K.C. - ..- h'- 1 I: t r e 1 Kf '-l m If SI Mi;- 51 i it it: V4 i 'I ti -1 as- 1; 3 H f: : ft 1 Si jr : 1 X t. 14 i ! :!' i- 1 It . 4 4