iff- ' . . Year (by SUNK Poflttjre Pald..V. . 00 i.onths, ' .. -I'-,. 3 00 . Months " . - ... t 80 ;if - s f Month, ' .. " 60 VTo City Subscribers, delivered in any part 'n. city, TwaLvnCsnrs per week: Our city v-'i'sare not authorised, to collect tor more -sre months In advance. , at the rost uraoe at wuaungton.H. a as Second Class Hatter. VI 0RNIN6 EDITION . . outlines, . .J . ; There was no session of the Senate YeSterday; in the House resolution "was adopted for an Inquiry into al-" leged inefficient mall-service iojjtkn a" and the West; other business of no o-eaeral interest was transacted, and it then adjourned until nday. The Department of Agriculture fur nishes some interesting statistics re lative to the numbers and values ; of farm animals in the . - .country. . A railway accident in Minnesota resulted in the fatal Injury of two per son?, and in the severe bruising of about a dozen others, ff- The gen eral condition of the German Crown prince is satisfactory, : and he takes food easily. Fo mn were in stantly killed yesterday by an ex plosion at DupontV powder works in Pennsylvania, and over forty persons were injured, fourteen of whom it is ; said will die. There was a de cline in the Chicago: grain market yesterday, with small trading, and -provisions were only moderately ac tive and the feeling generally weak.- ear Bellevue, Ohio, yesterday, two men were digging for some buried dynamite, when an explosion, oc- cnrred, killingboth men, and shaking up the country in the vicinity as it by an earthquake. Total receipts of cotton at all of the ports since Sep tember 1st, 4,681,850 bales. " ' Two' Irish members of Parliament were ar rested in London yesterday but the arrest of one of them proved to be a mistake. A receiver has been ap pointed to the suspended Cincinnati Bank. Tom Woolfolk, who mur dered nine members of bis family in. Georgia, was to . have been hanged yesterday, but at the last moment &' writ of reviewalto the Supreme Court was granted, and the execution was stayed. r A glass manufacturing establishment in Baltimore was destroyed by fire last night, causing a loss of $25,000. New York markets: Money-: easy rat. 2i33 per cent., closing offered at 3 per cent.; cotton dull at 10 11-1610 13-16c; wheat, No. 2 red January 88&89c; corn, No. 2 January 60c; spirits tur pentine dull at 40r41c; rosin quiet at 1 07il 15. Col. Charles E. "R.. Dayton, of Aiken, 8. C, is dead. -He was editor of the Recorder a leading man.. 1 he New York Sun says there are rats in the White House! Yes, but ibeyfare not afraid of the Sun's "eat." '. Kansas railroads are a great source of revenue to the State and counties, m they pay pay . about $1,500,000 annually in taxes., . Ita &st from the New York walkers is that 17 of the 47 now iaj ifce track. Albert was -348 miles and Panchot 342. Riddleberger got bowled down but he made some of the v Sena tor "shin" all the same. Ho is equal to a whole nest of "hornets. John C. Crowley, a Boston law yer, has proved a rascal to the amoant of $75,000 and has gone to Europe. Canada was too near. Next. Ei mi Abbott is in Savannah, and that city is happy because it was able to recognize her before she had ap peared a half dozen times. They knew her by her voice. In the death of Gen. Robert H. AndersoD, of Savannah, the South lost a worthy citizen and Georgia a distinguished son. He was a meri lorioronfederate soldier. An exchange says this of North Carolina: "Taking six trades'as a basis, the average aa;i; pay 0f a skilled laborer in North Car olina ia El 0Q; nnskfllari . fiS rants? farm labor, without board. 55 cents; and with ' oara su cents. T . - President Cleveland has promised the Georgia members of Congress to visit Savannah if he should goto moriaa on tne am. Wilmiegton would be pleased to receive a visit also.' V. i. ; "' r ' ; r ' Knoxville, Tenn., is doing au im mense business in advertising. Real estate men have sent six men to the North west J,G : distribute circulars broadcast. It is enterprising and will pavl The New York" Merald ;6&U the ld barn-Twrnerj, bammer 'and ;- ro mancer JCnnlp Sherman,' . "the grand old man." " We beg Mr. Glad "tone's pardon most hambly,'and we wul "ever again call him so. Gen. "arajitoa his' proved Sherman Ho be ' a "gnd oife friend at his Satanic I - - i i i i . 1 i '- . ' in i i ii. .v VOL. 3X1. NO; 120. Rev. Dr. Hoge, probably the most gifted Southern speaker living, made the address at the meeting Jn Rich--mond to erect a monument in marble and bronze to perpetuate th'a memo ry of: the Confederate private - the best private that this " ball ; of earth and fire has.ever had. It was a mas terly and splendid tribute to the he--' roes of the trenohes. He said, and we- wish we could print it all . "The men are dead, bat thBmmnlaxif the men who with the courage of their ho eonvicuona - mamuioed at the risk of fortune and life what thev believed ha their constitutional rights, with the worM in arms against them such example3 have no Uint of the tomb upon them. The men are dead, but the patriotism that defied danger and held life not dear in th flfAnr Of honor; home, and 8tate sovereignty.' and which kindled in their souls the quenchless fires of devotion to liberty, cannot be wrap ped in a shroud, or screwed down under a comn no, or committed to the grave. VTfie - republics '- of ancient Greece are dead, but are Marathon and Salamis and flute to be forgotten because Greer. la ivine Greece no more? Oa the eantnr. have they not been the Inspiration of all that have resisted despotism and fought' for freedom from their day to ours? p'The Commonwealth of Eazland has perished, bnt is not oatriousm vet kindled by tha names of John Hampden and John Hilton and Harry Vana and Admiral Blake? " - "What does Eaarland now care for the wars of the Wnite and Red Rosea? She cares this: She cherishes the memories of the men who illustrated British valor, forti tude and pluck, but she' has forzottea whether thev belonged to the ' house of York or Lancaster.' Our good- friend of the Wilson Mirror, asks us if "North, South, East and West should be capitalized or printed in lower case." Newspa pers have roles of their own. The tendency is to put all words in lower case. We have seen the Bible so printed, and indeed almost every word hitherto capitalized, excepting perhaps the names of persons. Kven some papers, to try to minimize their enemies, print them in lower case, as for instance, iohn sherman. The Star follows its own rule, aoi prints it North and South. Asbury Perkine, the "green goods' fellow from Lancaster, S. C, has sent in his resignation to the Governor as county commissioner. He is the fellow who attempted to buy $4,000 of counterfeit money for $400. Ought not the State to punish him ? Scott, of Pennsylvania, is said to be the coming man as an organizer among the Democrats. The Demo cratic National Committee will meet in Washington on the 22d of March. Scott is very intimate with the President - the oiirsr. HBCV ADVKRT18KIQTKHTS. CoIlLher & Co. Auction tale. J. G. Bicxjcax Milch cows for eale E. Wabbxh & Son ' Florida oranges Mttksok. Underwear at red need price a. Tla Encamynicak The Raleigh correspondent of the Richmond Dispatch, a gentleman who is well posted in matters pertaining tp the State Guard, says this con cerning the encampment: . ' Adjutant-General Jones .has re turned from Morehead City, having inspected that city with a view to its selection as a place for the encamp ment of the State troops, it is al most certain that - the location of the encampment will be near Wil mington. . This is very encouraging, but it should not cause the peOpld of Wil mington to relax their efforts to have the encampment at or near this place. This is a matter of importance and should enlist the energies of our business men. Twelve hundred State troops in camp at or near Wilming ton, with other attractions to be got-; ten up by our citizens, wilfenable us to "paint the town red." It "will for a fact." 1' .' TTae Featl val W Wo b lb. ' The gross receipts of the entertain ment given by the ladies bf Grace Church at the City Hall, amoun t to $1,026.11. The full statement of ex penses had not been made out yester day afternoon, but these will prob ably reduce the amount some three or four hundred dollars. Everything placed oh sale was disposed of. ; At the close of the festival Thurs day night, an elegant robe was pre sented to Rev. Mr. Creasy, pastor of the church, and a rocking chair to Mrs. Creasy. Rev. Dr. Mendelsohn and wife were also" the recipients of presents, made by the ladies in token of their appreciation of the kindness of the Rabbi and the congregation of the Temple of Israel to the people of Grace M. E. -Church , . : The Public BniiaiDc. Notice was served yesterday on the parties interested to have the bull fngs removed from the 'site for the government building, cornexCot JTrpnt and f Chesnut streets? iThef time al- I lowed la sixty days from d ate of n- WILMINGTON, i liOeal Dots. , An eclipse of the sun occurs to--day, but itwill not be visible in this" part of thewprld; 1 The meeting 'pf the directors of the South Atlantic "Railroad wiU' be held to-day at Southport." . ". ' ' -Receipts of cotton yesterday 217 bales; the same day: last year 198. increase In receipts over last vear. 88,047 bales. . . Mr. J. W. Bolles bleared the German barque Alexandria yesterday, for London; Eng., with 4,119 barrels of rosin, valued at $4,281.60. " The accommodations - for pas-" sengers on the steamer Cape Fear are to be greatly increased, and' in time for the summer excursion season. Col. Julius A. Gray, President of the; Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railroad Company, .who has been in the city several , days, left yesterday for Greensboro. - Maj. T. p. Love, of Bladen, and other gentlemen of that county, propose building a tram-road from Willis Creek via St. Paul's, in Kobe son county, to Lumber River. James Pittman, who " , - was ar- raignedinthe Mayor's Court on the charge of being a tramp and was or dered to leave the city, it seems is a native of Wilminirton, and on this fact being established he was turned over to the county authorities, who sent him to the poor house. Tickets for the lecture to be de livered by Col. Waddell at the Opera House, next Monday evening, have been placed on. sale at the stores of Messrs. J. D. Munds, W. H. Green, C. W. Yates, P. Hinesberger and H. H. Kasprowicz. The lecture is given in aid of the Wilmington Light Infantry. Ho I'oavlei Labor. The impression that seems to have obtained in the minds of some peo ple that 'the extension of the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railroad from Fayette ville to Wilmington will be built by convict labor is an erroneous one. The ninth section of the amended charter of the company provides tbat convicts shall not be employed on any road or branch of the road except on the main line of the said railroad from Mount Airy to the South Carolina line, via Shoe Heel, and on the Patterson, Danbury and Franklinsville branch: and a proviso in the same section recites that if the said Cape Fear and Yad kin Valley Railroad Company shall violate the conditions and provisions of this section as to the place of working convicts, the company shall immediately forfeit air right and claim to work convicts, and they shall be immediately returned to the authorities of the State peniten tiary. If the appropriation of $150,000 is voted by the city the cbrnpany will at once begin the construction of the road, working from Wilmington to Fayetteyille, thus giving steady em ployment throughout the summer to a great many laboring men of the city who would otherwise be idle. Besides the construction of the line of road there will be wharves to build and warehouses and depots to erect, giving additional work to mechanics and others. Wilmington an the r. F. 4c T. V. It .B t The Greensboro" North State says that there is general rejoicing that the people of Wilmington have taken hold of the Cape Fear & Yadkin Val ley" with a view of extending that road to Wilmington. Before the 'days of railroads the natural highway was a line tapping the Yadkin Valley, .then towards the Beep River, and then on to Wilming ton. The C. F. & YV. is on this 1 ne, and is destined to be a great railroad. Natural causes . will contribute to this, and the result wiir be that Wilming ton will become a great manufactur ing as well as a great shipping point. In our opinion the completion of the C. P. & Y. V. will provide a system .that will build up a great North Caro lina seaport, and that it is the only project that has ever been reasonable to accomplish that desirable object. With all deference to the memory of the great "men who' cherished the hope of a North Carolina system from Tennessee to Morehead CityVwe must 8&v that it bas no anrument based on commercial wants and necessities, or the tendency of capital' ror invest ment that wilt Justify such a system. Tim a will'nrove that a railroad with northwestern connections "reaching out to Cincinnati.- St. Louis and Chicago- running from northwestern North Carolina to. Wilmington, -will Teverse the present business status and put Wilmington on equal footing, commercially, with - Baltimore, and give her vastly, superior advantages to Richmond. ; -i . - .. 111 I 1111 " .-.. - : : . IB . AM of tne: lrt Presbyter!;; v'C-tonrelu, .v ,.- tv,':.-; s' -y:-:The ladies of the First Presbyterian church gavel a supper last "night at the residence of Mrs. G.y W Williams, the proceeds ef which will be used to renew the ceiling in the First Presby terian church. 4 , . I :wv''4:--i " There was a llarge, erowd -present and everything thatttduld ticklejhe palate and please the Xaney was hiost temptingly ? arrayed. Thamount; allied waa:;Tery ; atisfactory4d all who tre prsitiitnjoytd themi sslvss htartily.'1 - ; . f'i'-Ty--' N: 0., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11. 1888 Prevention of cruelty to Animals, ' v - .The first regular meeting of the So ciety for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals was held; last night at the" CityHall. . In ; the , absence of the President, Mr J. Watters, Vice Presi dent A. rS. Heide was called to the chair: ; " ; ; - ; -The Committee , on" Constitution and By-Laws submitted their report,,' and it was 4 adopted . j after slight amendment.. The preamble ' of the constitution recites that, it is of para mount consideration to alleviate dis tress -and suffering and minister to the wants ; and comfort ' : of . all . ani mals, and it is the purpose of the So ciety to provide effective means for the-preventi on of cruelty to animals throughout the State of North Caro lina; to enforce the laws for the pro tection of animals and to secure the arrest, conviction and punishment of, all persons violating such laws. Elec tions will be held on the second Mon day of January of each year. The membership of the Society is unlimit ed and confined to white males; appli cations for membership to be made in writing and signed by the appli cant. The initiation fee is oner dol lar. Assessments may b levied to rmeet necessary expenses. The Secre tary and Treasurer shall collect and have charge bf all funds and pay such bills against the Society as shall be approved by the President, and shall receive as compensation ten per cent, on all moneys collected by him. All society badges shall be the property of the Society, and of such design as the Governing Board may direct. Members are enjoined to wear their badges and to report and prose sute all violations of the laws for the pre vention of cruelty to animals. Any member of the Society convicted of cruelty to animals shall be expelled from membership. The ' governing board consists of the President, the five Vice Presidents and the Secre tary and Treasurer. On motion, the Secretary was in structed to purchase the books, etc., necessary for the Society. A motion was adopted that the Con stitution and By-laws shall be con sidered inactive for ten days and that a committee of three be appointed to endeavor to increase the membership of the Society and to solicit funds. The ebair appointed on -this commit tee Messrs. John Roddick, J. H. Dan iel, George Willis. On motion, the Secretary and Treas urer was added to the committee. Mr.' F. A. Lord was elected fifth Vice President. . CoL F. W. Foster addressed the So ciety, expressing his hearty sympathy with ' its . purpose, after which the meeting adjourned until the 22d inst. BIoyors Court. Thos. McClammy, colored, arrested on the charge of disorderly conduct several days ago, was arraigned be fore Mayor Fowler yesterday morn ing, and after a hearing was sen tenced to pay a fine of twenty dollars or work . thirty days on the chain gang. Fred William Quinstein and Johann Johnsen, deserters from the German barque Lydia Peichau, were ordered to be held until the vessel is ready for sea. John Koch, proprietor of a sailor's boarding house on Nutt street, was charged with enticing seamen tb de sert and harboring them. There was no evidence to ' sustain the charge and the defendant was therefore dis missed. Colored ffltui fleeting. . A number of prominent colored men of this city propose to call a mass meeting at the City Hall next Wednesday night for the purpose of taking suitable action in the matter of securing a fitting testimonial for Frank Davis, the colored hero, who so gallantly rescued the daughter of Capt. Patrick when she was swept overboard from the wrecked schooner William and RicTuird in mid ocean, as recently reported in the StaA. Davis' heme is at Southport, and he is expected to return here shortly, on the schooner 22. 8. Graham now at Philadelphia. : Seaeoaet Hallway. The engineers of the Seacoast rail way are hard at work locating the line of road, and it is expected that ground will be broken early next week. It is reported that it nas Deen decided to make tha terminus of the road and erect the depot buildings on the Ellis place at Wrightsvllle, Quarterly meeting'- ottitnAn -nfaf4f M. E. Church. Rnnth.i First round of Quarterly Meetings, rv . ' Magnolia circuit, at Magnolia, Feb Clinton circuit, at Johnson's chapel, n.k .nlt.n 1Q t - Waccamaw circuit, at Shilob ruary.25and26. ; 1 Brunswick mission, J. rift . - - February 25 Onslow, cirouit, at Green Branch, i Kenansville, at Kenansville, March 1fcarer drkjat 'Shiloh, March 18 "Wnf W rti tfe. '-at : Elizabeth; March 24 and 25.:.;? V, rVi?k n.Um. Anril 8 a I a ; Bladen cirouit, at.Behlehem, April ?vqs; vr. atirranc. p. e.; waiAr lneUeattone - -The following are the indications for to-day," received at 1 a. m.: " - For North Carolina, rain .fellowed by clearing weather and warmer light to fresh easterly winds becoming variable. j . -; (, j 'For South Carolina;' rain followed by fair, weather warmer in northern ' portion, stationary temperature in southern portion; light to fresh south easterly winds becoming variable.-' - Cnnrcn Kotlee. - , yirst Preabrterlan Cbaroh, oerner of Third and Orange streets. Her. Peyton H. Hoge. Pnetor. aervloec to-morrow at 11 m. and at 70 p. m.--Seoond Presbyterian Charon, corner Poarea and Campbell eta. Bev. Joan W. Prlmroee, Pae tor. Bandar aerrlcee at 11 a. m. ana 7 Si p. n. Sabbata school at 8 p. m. Prajer Meeting and Leotore Wednesdav. 8 00 o. m. The . public cordially Inritod. Beats free.- , ' TUB BTAII.8. The malls elose and arrtre at the city host Offloe as f oQoirs: Northern throogh and way ma&a. . . . 8-00 A. x Northern through malls, last . 11:00 P. M North Carolina . and Atlantio and North uarouna Bauroaos ana routes nDDlied iberefrem S0 A. M RaleUh and TayetterlIle..0 P. K. 8:00 a. M Southern way mall - 60 p. M Boatnern thronrh malls 9:15 P. X DAILY JEXGXPT BWUVAY. Western malls. C. C. Hallway B:45 P. sf Cr.m I V. K. K and points snp ' nlied therefrom..... 5:45 P. M Balelgh Hamlet Bsilroad and points saDD--led therefrom 6:45 P. at Smith TiUe.". 20 P. X WrtghtsrUle.w . 880 A. M Clinton, speolal SUSP. s TUltSDaTS AND PE1DAYS. Onslow C. EL and Intermediate offices 6:00 A If LJttle Klver. 8. O., and -ttermedlate offices.. .. .. &0OP.M Cape Fear hrrer mall 1:00 P. X OPEN FOB DKT.rVXHY. Northern and way mails 8.-80 P. M Northern throngnmall. late U.O0P.X 8onthern throngn mails 6:8)A.X Roa&hern way mall 9.90 A. X Carolina Central Railroad 9JWA.X Kails collected from street boxes ra bast- cost portions of city at 5 AJL, 110 AJC and 4:45 P.X.; from other parts oT the city at a AJbL and 4P.M. Stamp Office open from 8.00 A. X. to tM P. X. Stamps on sale at general deltrery 0:30 A. X, to 10 A. X. and 1 to 7 P. X. General dellrery open from 8 Zl A-M.to 7 P.M. and on Sundays from 9:30 to lOSO A. X. Carriers deltrery open on Sunday from 0S0 to 1020 A. X. Xoney Order and .Begtsuy Department open S.00A.X. to 600 P. X. FORTY YEARS' KSPBSUXNCX OP AN OLD KUBSK Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothmr Sttto Is the prescription of one of the best Female Physicians ana Horses m tne united states, ana nas oeen nsed for thirty rears with nerer falling saietr and snooees by millfona of mothers and children, from the feeble Infant of a week old to the adult. It -eorreota acidity of the stomach, relteres wind eouo, regulates tne ooweis. ana eires rest, neaitn and oomtort to mother and child. We beliere it the Beet and Surest Remedy in the world, in all eases of DY8 ENTER Y and DIABRHCKA IN CHILDREN, whether arising from teething or any other cause. Full directions for using will accompany eacn ootue. rtone genome nmess too tao simile of CURTIS A PERKINS Is on the out- side wrapj apper. a bott Sold br all Xedioine Dealers. S5 cents ttle. DIED, CH AWrORO llKh inst. Kiss CALI3TA CRAW FORO. aged 75 years. . The funeral will tike plaoe at S o'clock this afternoon, from the resldenoe of Vra. B. J. XarUa. No. 14 North Serehth street. NEW , ADVERTISEMENTS. Auction Sale 'JX) NIGHT. AT 7 O'CLOCK. IN OUR SALIS Rooms, John Dawson's old Stand, we will sell Gold and Silrer Watebes. surer- Plated ware. Glassware, Lamps, Crjokerr.Blaakeis. OU Table Cloths, Ae , c. feb 11 It COLLIER & CO., Auctioneers. Fine Llilcli Cows JjV)UR FINS XILCfl COWS WITH TOUNQ Calrea for sale Can be seen at the City Pound, feb 11 It J. A. BLACKXAN. Burning of Columbia. QOPIKS OF TEX CHARLESTON "JIWB AND COURIER," containing Gen Wade Hampton's acoonnt of the Bornbuc of Colombia by the Fed eral Army, for sale, prloe 5 eents. at feb 10 tr News and Cigar Store. SALE UF DAMAGED COTION. F3R BENEFIT OF ALL CONCERNED. WILL be sold at Charleston. 8. C. on Tuesday, Pebrnary 14th, inst., about two thousand (8,000) bales Cotioa damaged by fire and water on 1st instant. WILXOT 6. DxSATJSSURE, feb 7 8t 7 9 11 28 Broad St, Charleston, S. a iOIEJ-A-IISrGKES. WE ARE SELUN9 A No. 1 FLORIDA ORANGES At 35 Cents-Per Dozen. E. Warren & Son, EXCHANGE CORNER. feb 11 tf ALL. UNDERWEAR at - Reduced Prices. BALANCE XIX ID 8UnTN3S AT BARE C08T. feb 10 St Herobant Tailor and Furnisher. TJV5R 8 ALE-THB 8TEAX TTJ3 JACOB BRA N ti lutw M Mm hnrthnn. 78 feet Ions'. 18 feet bem, 8 feet hold, draught, with 10 tons coal, a I leet, boiler H oy u leet, engine h vj mm muua, propeller 7J feet in diameter . She is fitted with powerful 4-bich steam pomp. all la the best eondiuon, aiso two iw ton imuv era, tot terms, o., a atroir to HENRY CARD. Agent. Charleston. 8, C. Jan 91 tf The Light Fantastic D iNCERS WILL FIND A FISE ASSORT- mentofPafent Leather Pumps and Gaiters at onr Store, j: . " ' i. . .. .. ". . antv.p.unt Leal 'PnmM at...-:.Sl 90. ' Genu' Patent Lea. Lao'd Oxfords at..- 1.75. ,w. Bents Patent Lea. Lao'd Oxfords at. ... . i Gents' Patent Lesw Congress a& . . . .- r,..- 6X9. i . : ... . Call and see them. - . ; lC8N0ST3nWSTE' feb cw. WHOLE NO. 6671 . NEW ADVEK1ISEMENT8. A FEW ODD LOTS FOIVTHIS WEEK, BROWN & RODDICE, 9 North Front St. Hartog Just taken, an Isrentory of onr stock andgone orer erery article la .the fctore, we hare laid aside and HARKED DOWN the fol lowing Odd Lots lnjorder to olose them out. THE PRICES speak for thenuelres. Lot 1. Is Gents' 4-Ply LINEN COLLARS, 5o each. They are perfect goods, but our line of sizes nut oi roken. are br Lot 2. Sereral odd lines oMSRESS GOODS marked So on the $1.00. Lot 3. Closing out a few styles of Ladies' BTJ STLES at jB8t half price. Lot 4. Ladles' Xade-op Underwear, Chemise. Panta letts. Skirts and Corset Corers, awsy below Xannfaoturers, oost. Lot 5. We hare three Widths of Gros Grain and Ottoman RIBBONS, which we will elose out at tbe following prioee: Bos. 6 and 7,price 4o ; No. 9, prioe 7c: No. 18. price 103. we guarantee them pare 811k. Lot 6. We are 'closing out that handsome Colored fcortm at leo, formerly ISVse. Lot 7. A small lot of Twill Scotch Crash 8o. good ralneatUfcfc. CaHand See Our New Line of HAMBURG EDGINGS, INSER TIONS and PANELS. We are receiving NEW GOODS erery Steamer. BROWN & RODDICK, 9 NORTH FRONT STREET. feb 5 U NEW CROP Cuba Molasses, P. It. MOLASSES, Hew Orleans Molasses. For ea!e low by ADRIAN VOLLER8-' " 150 Baoka 07ras' Cgrade; 8TJaAB- lTgrade: iQ Tierces LARD, Cases LARD, ' 20 Tubs BUTTER, rQ Boxes CHEESE 150 Bozea CRACKERS and CAKES, 100 Half-bbls XUtLETS. For ealejlow by ADRIAN ft VOLLSRS. TOBACCO, CIQABSTSKUFF, STARCH, &e., &c, Ac. For sale kwy " ADI1IAN &, YOELEJl. feb 10 XX NEW CROP Cuba rlolasses. FIRST CARGO. 236 HOGSHEADS, 18 TIEECES BHOICE BE CROP CDBA MOLiSSES - Ex-British Schooner "Resolution," direct from Xatanzta, For sale by - WORTH WORTH. feb 10 lw - isro"w ITE HAVE OPENED. THIS DAY lA HAND some lot of Plaid and Striped FLANNELS, ralfc able for Children's Cloaks or Ladles Wrappers. Also, fifty p'.eoee of yard-wide 8ATTEZNS. ele gant styles and superior qualtrat 12Hc per yard. A full lino of INDIA LINEN, from So per yard up to finest quality. A few handsome styles PLAID BATISTE and INDIA LINEN; fine fabric and tow price. - feb4tf :-. ; -' JWO. J. HEDRICK. , - " - Owners of Vehicles ! ' . "y HEN YOU NEED ANY REPAIEINaiOR PataUngdone gire us a call. WW giiaraatee you the BEST WORK at the LOWEST FBICZS. We hare fine lot of Boggles, Phaetons, .Carries Wagons, Carts and Drays on hand, whleh.we are selling Tery cheap. j . , "r-j- B- SOUTHEELAKD A OOw -: j ' . :--i Sacceasors to R. P. XoDongall ' dee 11 tf - Corner Second and Princess Bis. T ' ' . . " '-l"'; . '-Vll Ko FRONT STREET. - v 'r, 7.- 'iiM ARE NOW LOOATETV AS ABOVE, AND be pleased to trre rr custoraers at CrTiW t:re ta. rsresa E..d:x. f''l rA I.3U, ' - - dio 4,1 U - u o ure -. ...... I V$ 'V .' '-i!'.v'- 8 0C i- 5 r&e Lfej3.. Foar Day9w.w me Days,... ... une weex.i....,.r-i. t u, Two Weeia,.........,...:,...'' ta f.i r Throe Weeks....... ...... .a.,,' s f n ' , One Xonth.......i...i...j; 19 .. two JionUia,..,............., is : Three Xontha,.r... ......... ..t4 Oe Six Months,.... 49 (ic . Ong XesjrM.'... ....... .M.t...v. t9 0c ; - SOojitract AdTertleemeats taken at propor tionately low rates. :t "s : Tea lines solid Nonpareil type xaaka one SQaa . NEW -ADVERTISEMEirre. PEARL SHfRTl! Best SllOCXl fHB T IN THE W0BLP, FOB SALE ONLY BY 'i'-i The Sole Agent, S. H. FISHBLATE, KING jsn 9 DAW tf Wilmington, W. c. r.lust Be Sold ! OUR WINTER STOCK OF WINTER W OLOTHIITf' C WILL BE SOLD AT GREAT SACRIFICES in order to make room for ; x : Springs &oo&m CALL NOW AT OUR STORE AND SECURE THs! Biggest Bar gains EVER OFFERED IS THIS LXKX ? A. 114 Jan4ti SH RIER?S! OtTJ STAND, - lUz:; Market Street; For Lifei Insnrance ! rpHE XANHATTAN LIFE INSURANCE COlt-f PANT is offered for Its solid, simple organization. - 1 Its age and experlenoe. - - ---No speonlatlre forms of iBsnranee. ' It glrcs - - The ortf lnary forms payable at death, or New Plan Endowment Policies, payable in 10. u or SO years. .. ... . au Kinds of Iosuranos written. -For facts and fignree call on ' , SstrrH BOATWRIGHT, febStf ; : - - Aeats,r SheUe ,A yyE ARE PREPARED TO NAVE VERT (LOW" prloes for Paper BhelL If la need call oa ns.. lanSStf . ; GTLES A XURCHISON. Seiede Seed. Seed. A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF J Seeds, grown by Bulst and Lasdreth. We In- : rite Growers and wholesale Dealers- to call or write for quotations W win sell yon at their . Wholesale Prices and Bare yon frlgat. - -1 y - ROBERT B. BELLAXY.: -I Jan 84 tf f N. W Cor. Front sod Market tt;-i Humphrey's HOXSOPATHIO SPECIFICS. BTJTPLES, AITD Wltchhaxel Oil for sale at T? -J. .-? - ; f. cl xrmnrs, ' , : German Drug Store; ' Corner 8. Pomth and linn bts.; P. S . Preecriptions fmed-at all times, d ay and ; night. . , . - - febttf . EstabUshed I860. . QORQsl A. PECK, DEALER-IN. FRENCH. Plate Glass, Doable Thick Amerkaurtuid French Glass; Brashes, Jko. Orders solicited . - - fe5tf ' 89 South Front street -r For ale at aBarnlH. ': 'JpWKNTY-FOUR CHURCH PEWS, EQHTEIN ; feet in length, one Gas Burning Reflector, and a jot of Sash, and Glass, and Doors and Frames. For prices and terms apply to Xr. Ransley. i Buperrtoiag Architect, at tt. Paul's EpisoopeJ ; Church, corner Fourth and Orange streets, r . 1an SSSw : - , - - - - : ' Y7e Have for; Sale; ; - ; HOOP iron.: KAILS, SOAP ; AND PLOUR. - Also Cotton and Naral Stores, eloeely nandled.- - - - 'WOODY A CURSES, Ccn-: 1 t- ' cor IT tf i-.i 4m i -. .t - 1 1 u iVfi a - v ! . '- 1 :; f " v 'if : 'v v y - il56t7 who is referred to -in the I tlfisatloni

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