THE MORNING STAR Ry WILLIAM O. BERNARD, PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT MONDAY K HATBS OF BUnaCBrPTIOH, Ut ADYA.XCK. : Ojo Vear (by Mall), Postage Paid ...... $8 w S s Jionww. Three Months Oie Jionwii 60 grTo city Subscribers, delivered In any pan of the City, Twslvb Cots per week. Our City Aente are not authorised to collect for more tian tnree moauu ui aurange. titerod at the Post Office at Wilmington. N. C MORNING EDITION. OUTLINES. A resolution was adopted in the Senate yesterday providing for the removal of Greenough's statue of Washington from its present position east of the Capitol, to some other place on the grounds, and protecting it by a canopy or otherwise; the bill to establish a Bureau of Animal In-r dustry was then discussed, Mr. Rea gan and Mr. Coke opposing it on the ground of its unconstitutionality; the River and Harbor bill occupied the entire session of the House, and it was finally passed. Two tragic affairs in North Carolina are report ed; in tue town 01 wasnington a inun was murdered and his murderer taken from jail by masked men and riddled with bullets; at Carthage, Moore county, i a young lady was called to the door of her home and shot by a jealous lover, who then made his escape. A railroad ac- cident occurred in Pennsylvania Sat urday night, -which caused the explo sion of a car loaded with powder, and which further resulted in the destruc tion of a number of buildings, the burning to death of a man and six children, and the serious injury of thirty other persons. The Sen ate in executive session has ratified the Chinese treaty without division; two reports will be made on the fish eries treaty, the majority being ad verse thereto. Prince Bismarck has expressed his positive conviction that the peace of Europe will be maintained. Dom Pedro, Empe ror ot Brazil, is seriously ill at Milan, Italy. The steamer Eureka, bound from New York to New Or leans, is supposed to have been sunk from collision with a British steamer which put into Norfolk Sunday after noon. The offerings of govern ment bonds yesterday amounted to $1,656,800. Three barges, loaded with valuable freight, were sunk at Xew Orleans yesterday from collision with three war vessels at anchor, A town in Kansas was almost swept away Sunday by a cloud burst; the heavens were so dark that people thought the end of the world had come, and several persons and a great many cattle and horses were drowned. New York marketsjuMoney easy at 12 per cent.; cottcb steady at 10 1-1610 3-16c; wheat doled at best; No. 2 red May 93f94Jc; corn options dull, closing firm; No. 2 May 6364e; rosin quiet at $ 1 151 20; spirits tur pentine steady at 3636c. We bavo received no New York World for days, and it is a loss to ns. What is the matter? The New York American Ex change Bank is reported to have been robbed of $41,000. The qaea lion who got it? On to-day the North Carolina Medici! Society meets at Fayette vilie. Dr. Thomas D. Haigb, of that town, is the President. 13o3ton is trying to rival Chicago iu the dirty divorce business. Last Wednesday 341 such cases were dis posed of by one Judge alone. In t he United States and Canada there are 16,310 newspapers and periodicals published a gain of 800 over the preceding year. But Lon don has more Quarterlies than the whole United States more than 150. Miss Rives has won fame. She has been offered the great sum of $30, 000 for a novel. She is said not to be cast down. An exchange says, ' Miss Amilie Rives is plucky if not daioty. She eays that she hasn't the faint est idea of being coerced or bullied and that if some of her critics mistake passion for sensuality the should not be blamed." That will hardly relieve her of very pointed criticism for a naughty book. The situation in the East is said to be growing more ominous every day. Russia is at work in Bulgaria and is trying to incite the army against Prince Ferdinand. It is said that Gerraany'e! hope of peace is seriously jeopardized by the Emperor Frede rick's physical disability. lie is in very great danger of death, and a strorjg hand at the wheel is needed every hour. There were five additions to the First Baptist - Church last Friday. On Sunday Bishop Watson confirmed seven persons at St. .--Paul's Episco pal Church. On the same day Grace Methodist Churoh received six mem bers - four by profession of faith in Christ, and two by letter. This make8 160 received by the pastor, Mr. Creasy, since be took charge on toe first of January last. :-- I he Morning .'Star1 tj m - ivillOBttfc. 00 - . . OfiaYear. u 8c VOL. XLII. NO. 40. Let the Tariff debate in the House continue. People need instruction and Congressmen also. There is not half the intelligence as to political questions, now that there was forty years ago. Let the light be turned on. People call themselves Demo crats now who have no sort of un derstanding of the mud-sill Drinci pies. .Let the debate proceed. Give the people information and thev will kick out of Congress every disciple of Rob Roy. The Washington Post is to the point in the following : "The call fnr tariff anmohm ai:o. " uu.KblVIU IU OOUl xlOUBea Of CjnnffrAaa oitioo tKo r VUU BOGiWU began is unDrecedented. ThrA a tariff i .W h UM1U revival going on all over the country. It is au uia ouuoois, ine lactones, mine?, shops and farmhouses of the land. It began, in a small way, fonr years ago, and it had at tained larpfi rtrnnnrtmna Viofnrn ih. TPifiSoth a X 1 ' w.WAV wu .ft.' A 1 k,(U Congress assembled. The President's met sagejt which was read in almoat every home, intensified the interest, and there will be no DftUSa Until thn isaim nf a tariff " .WWW W. W MUIU 1U& protection versus a revenue tariff is settled. It is the one great question of the times, tf fectine the Docket nf life and the living of every man, woman and child." We are surprised that the Hterarv r-riitnr of the Btab has not before heard of Ar. mislead Gordon. He is a graduate of the University of Virginia, an able lawyer and has contributed many charming stories to the magazines. Mr. Gordon is a writer of mar&ed ability. DanvilU Register. Mr. ; Gordon's name and fame have hitherto escaped us, although we have tried to keep pace with the seven or eight gifted men and wo men of Virginia who are doing so much for Southern letters and are winning such decided recognition in the literary centres in the North. Virginia leads in letters as she has done in great statesmen aud great military men. We shall be glad to know more of Mr. Gordon. The Stab will not wantonly injure or offend any one. If Mr. Samuel C. White makes the showing in the July trial that his friends and law yers think he will be able to do, we will be glad. It is surely not a cause for rejoicing if a great calamity be fals any man hitherto enjoying a good name and untarnished honor. If Mr. White has been more sinned 4 against than sinning, it will afford the Stab satisfaction to give it publicity. The Stab desires to be fair and jut always, but it can never sympathize with rascality or condone crime. Blaine and the new Chief Justice were once reporters for newspapers. It is to ba observed that if men de sire promotion in the political line they do well to cut loose from jour nalism. We have never heard of a President, a Chief Justice, a Cabinet officer, a Foreign Minister or a U. S. Senator being taken from newspaper offices although men who got their training in such offices may have filled all or the most of these places. Editors are too jealous of each other to allow this if there were not better reasons. The Northern Methodists are now wrestling with the women delegate question. When ever people leave the letter and spirit of the New Tes tament whether in devorce, slavery, the rights of women or any thing else there is trouble. The Washing ton Post says: "Still, it should not be forgotten that the growth and prosperity of the M. E. Church under the control of men has been wonder ful, one of the phenomena of the age. It is not etrango that the brethren are reluct ant to change a system that has produced such grand results." TSS CITY. NET A D VBRTISEAIENTit. A. Shbtbb Great bargains. M Rosekmaxx Hands wanted Munson Merchant tailoring suits. S. A. Ecbxoss & Co. Auction sales. Masohic Meeting St John's Lodge. E. Wabrbh & Sow Ice cream parlors. J. W. Habfsb Schedule Sylvan Grove. Foaz &PosTEBrCypre8S shingles wanted Attehtion Buyers shad sill nets. The following are the indications for to-day, received at 1 a, m.: For North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia,slight changes in temper ature, rain preceded on the coast by fair weather, light, to fresh south easterly winds, increasing in force. Complimentary Bceeptlon. The Cape Fear Club will extend the hospitalities of their new club house to their lady friends this evening from 9 to 12 o'clock. The officers of the French frigate Bisson, now in port, will,attend. Warsaw Election. A special dispatch from Warsaw says: "Oar efficient and worthy Mayor, W. L. Hill, was to-day re elected." - ' 1 WILMINGTON, N. 0., TUESDAY, Ioeai Dots. There will be a meeting of the xoung Men's Christian Association to-night Bishop Watson confirmed a class of seven persons at St. Paul's Church last Sunday. Dr. Thos. F. Wood, Dr. W. J. H. Bellamy and Dr. T. S. Burbank, have gone to Fayetteville to attend the State Medical Convention, which convenes to-day. A base ball game at Dyer's Hill yesterday resulted in a victory for the "Cowboys," Capt. Otto Dingelhoef, scoring 20, the "Dockstreeters," Capt. J no. Gore, scoring 18. Messrs. Paterson, Downing & Co. cleared the German barque Bello na yesterday for London, ;with 619 casks spirits turpentine, 50 barrels gum thus, and.3,450 barrels of rosin, valued at $14,432. The meeting of merchants and others to take action in the matter of a half-holiday, one day in each week, will be held at noon to-day at the Produce Exchange. Everybody in terested is invited to attend. During the past week eight new members were added to the First Baptist Church of this city, six were baptized, and at communion on Sun day the right hand of f ellowship was extended to fifty-two persons. The houso occupied by Mr. J. R. Marshall, on Third street, between Market and Princess, was damaged by fire which broke out in the base ment about 3 o'clock Sunday morn ing. The firemen responded quickly to the alarm, and extinguished the flames before thev had chance to spread. The building belongs to Mrs. Kennedy and is insured. Mr. Mar shall sustained some loss in damage to furniture. The Frencn Corvette Bltion. The neat and trim little French man-of-war Bisson arrived herel Sun day and anchored off the foot of Queen street. Yesterday the com mandant, Capt. Antoine, came ashore and paid his respects to the Mayor and Collector Robinson, and later in the day these officials, in company with Capt. Moore of the revenue steamer Colfax and Consul Heide, visited the vessel, where they were courteously received by Capt. Anto nie and his officers, and the Mayor ex tended the hospitalities of the city to the visitors. A committee of the Cape Fear Club also visited the Bis son and extended the freedom of their rooms to the officers. During the af ternoon several of the latter visited the club rooms, and exchanged civili ties with the members present. The Bisson will take her departure this evening. Her officers are Com mandant Antoine, Lieutenant Le Gall, First Ensign Alexandre, Second Ensign Perdriel, Third Ensign Cur- nac, Surgeon Landouar, and Paymas ter Salles. She has a crew of 126 men, and her armament consists of six guns. Audit and Finance, The Board of Audit and Finance met in regular session last night. Present: Messrs. J. F. Maunder, Wa Calder, W. L Gore and J. W. Hewett. Mr. Jones being absent from the city Mr. Calder was elected chairman. Bills were audited and approved as follows: For current expenses, $6,139.34; coupons, $1,572. Seventy- one coupons, reaeemea ana can celled, were burned in the presence of the Board. Mr. Calder, to whom was referred the matter of the W., O. & East Car olina railroad subscription, reported progress. A motion of Mr. Hewett, to change the hour of meeting from 7 p. m. to 3 p, m. was voted down, and a mo tion made by Mr. Maunder to change the hour to 8 p. m. was adopted. C. F. Sc TT. V. B. It. At the recent meeting of the stock holders of the Cape Fear & Yadkin Railroad Company, held in Fayette ville, a contract was concluded with the North State Improvement Com pany, as we learn from the Journal, for the extension of the road to Wil mington. $20,000 was the amount greed upon per mile, and in con sideration of this, the road is to be graded and all bridges built; five new ntrines. 50 flat, 50 box-and ten cattle cars, four first-class and four second- class coaches, and four baggage cars to be furnished. The contract price is to be paid, $10,000 in first mortgage bonds, $5,000 in second; mortgage bonds, and $5,000 in the stock of the company. ISayor'e Court. Susan Everett, colored, was fined. $20 in the Mayor's Court yesterday, for disorderly conduct. Jos. Groves, colored, disorderly, $10 or twenty days. P. H. Haddon, colored, disorderly; $5 or ten days. Wm. Finney, oolored, disorderly; $30 or thirty days. Jas. Nash, colored, disorderly; $10 ox twenty days. Mollie Tatnall and Lucilla Merrick, colored, affray; $5 each or ten days. . COTJNTY COMMISSIONERS. Proceeding or tna Regular fllontnly meeting;. The Board of County Commission ers met yesterday in regular monthly session, Chairman H. A. Bagg and Commissioners Roger Moore, E. L. Pearce, Jas. A. Montgomery and B. G. Worth being present. The County Treasurer submitted .his monthly report, showing balance on hand to the credit of the general fund amounting to $17,735.85, and bal ance to credit of the educational fund $13,878.08; total $31,613.93. The Register of Deeds reported $9.88 received- during the month for mar riage licenses. L. D. Cherry was appointed special surveyor to survey lands entered by H. F. Canaday in Harnett township. Also, to survey lands of V. F. William son on Greenville Sound. George H. Brown was granted li cense to sell spirituous liquors at Car olina Beach and A. B. Peterson license to sell spirituous liquors in the Mayo House at the "Rocks." Ordered by the Board that a penal ty of ten dollars be imposed upon all persons tying flats or rafts to the iron bridge across Smith's creek. In the matter of Hilton Ferry, the same was referred to the committee on Roads and Bridges. The following is a list of jurors drawn for the Criminal Court which meets Monday the 21st inst. Jos M Hewlett, G R Parker, Dan' Kline, Jno Shumier, Thos Bray, Jno S Piver, Jno W Garrett, Thos Ennett, I Shrier, T J Tart, S Allen, J S West brook, Jno W Mints, S W Noble, C E Carlstrom, M O'Brien, Jno Dew, F M James, Wm M Hays, B F White, Jno Haar, Jr., M M Katz, H M Woodcock, J H Burruss, W F Kerr, B King, Geo Ziegler, J M Brennan, W F Alexan der, H A Kuhl, J H Strauss, C M Har riss, G M Altaffer, Robt McDougald, G W Millis, Geo Harriss. Tn Kvanccellcal Alliance or Wilming ton. At a meeting yesterday of the Pas tors' Conference it was resolved to emerge their organization into an Evangelical Alliance. The organiza tion of the Alliance will be completed next Monday. Two articles of the constitution were adopted which are as follows: Article I. This organization shall be known as the Evangelical Alliance of Wilmington, N. C, auxiliary to the Evangelical Alliance lor tne united States. Article IL The object of this Al liance shall be to manifest and strengthen Christian unity, to pro mote Cnristian lellowsnlp and co-operation, to study social problems, and to apply to their solution the princi ples of the Gospel. Any communicant of any white evangelical church may become a member of this Alliance, and throughout the world all evangelical churches are represented in it, by both laymen and clergy. It is hoped that this will be the case in Wilming ton, for the attainment of reforms which without such co-operation can scarcely even be attempted, but which are desired by all good men and citizens. The Alliance will meet in the lecture room of the First Presbyterian Church, on Monday next, the 14th inst., at 10 a. m. The Alliance will call a mass meet ing in the interests of Sabbath ob servance, on the night of the 18th inst., in the First Presbyterian Church. I. O. O. F. A special meeting was held yester day at noon, at Orion Lodge No. 67, to select a representative to the Grand Lodge in place of Mr. J ohn L. Dudley, who cannot attend on ac count of the serious illness of his father-in-law, Mr. W. J. Yopp. Mr. H. O. Craig, P. G., was elected and left yesterday evening for Greens boro, where the" Grand Lodge con venes to-night. Grand Treasurer R. J. Jones and Representative N. Jacobi, of Cape Fear Lodge No. 2, left yesterday morning for Greensboro. It is contemplated resuscitating Campbell Encampment after the ad journment of the Grand Lodge. Si. Slark't Cbnrcli. Bishop Watson made his annual visitation to this parish Sunday evening, confirming a large class of candidates, a majority of whom were men. At an adjourned meeting of the Vestry, Alfred Howe, Henry C. Green and JohnW. Norwood were elected delegates to the Fifth An nual Dioeesan Council, meeting this year, the 23r inst., in St. John's Church, Fayetteville. John H. Davis, Albert Saunders and Richard L. Hutchins, Sr., were elected alternate delegates. The parish is remarkably united, and in an exceedingly pros perous condition. Election at Shelby. A special dispatch to the Stab from Shelby, N. C, says that at the muni cipal election in that place yesterday three hundred votes were cast. W. L. Damron was re-elected Mayor, and D. Mi Baker, & G. Brice, J. J. McMur ray. and W. A. Wray were elected aldermen. . All Democrats. MAY 8, 1888. CITY JL FFJLIRS Proceeding or the meeting of tne Board of Aldermen. A regular meeting of the "Board of Aldermen was held last night at the City Hall. All the members were present with the exception of Alder men Dudley. After the reading of the minutes of the last meeting Mayor Fowler sub mitted his annual report. On motion of Alderman Ricaud, it was ordered that 500 copies of the re port be printed for circulation. Alderman Fishblate, of the special committee appointed for the purpose, submitted the formal agreement be tween the city and the Wilmington, Onslow & East Carolina R. R. Com pany, and the trustees appointed by the city under the provisions of the act of the General Assembly (the terms of which have heretofore been published) touching the subscription of $100,000 to the capital stock of the railroad company. On motion, the agreement was ap proved and the Mayor was directed to have the same executed and de livered In triplicate, and to do all things necessary to 'complete execu tion of the said agreement. The application of Jas. G. Burr, for appointment as tax lister was re ceived, and on motion the contract was awarded to Mr. Burr at $500. The petition of Grace M. E. Church for use of the City Hall, was referred to the Mayor. BgJ, of steam tug Marie for tow ing barque Magnus Huss, amounting to $8, was referred to Committee on Streets and Wharves. Petition of property owners on the west side of the river for a policeman was referred to the Committee on Police. Petition of citizens tor improve ment of Queen street, was referred to the Streets and Wharves Committee. Petition of citizens for a hydrant on Fifth and Queen streets, was re ferred to the -Committee on Water Works. Petition for a sewer-pipe to be laid through the first alley south of Mar ket street, from Front street to the river, was referred to the Sanitary Committee. A resolution ordering gas lights on corners of Fourth and Swarm, Eighth and Bladen and Seventh and Bladen streets was adopted. A motion to have a fire alarm box placed on the corner of Seventh and Ann streets was adopted. Alderman Rice called the attention of the Streets and Wharves Commit tee to the piling of rocks by the street railway company on the streets. A motion to appropriate the sum of $75 for the use of the Assistant Chief of the Fire Department was adopted, subject to the approval of the Board of Audit and Finance. Alderman Ricaud offered a petition of the Wilmington Light Infantry for a lease for ninety-nine years of the lot corner of Fourth and Dock streets for an armory. The matter was re ferred to a committee consisting of Aldermen Ricaud, Fishblate and Rice. Aldermen Ricaud off ered a petition of citizens, asking that Market street, from Front to Second, be paved with Belgian blocks. It was referred to a special committee Aldermen Pear sail, King and Price. A resolution for the removal of the city pound was referred to Aldermen Ricaud, Fishblate and Walker for consideration . On motion of Alderman Ricaud a committee, consisting of the Mayor and Aldermen Pearsall and Rice, was appointed to draft suitable resolu tions extending the freedom of the city to the officers and crew of the French frigate Bisson. Alderman Pearsall, chairman of the Streets and Wharves Committee, re ported that he had insured thecity mules against fire. On motion the Board adjourned. Family Excursion. With flags flying and happy faces thronging the decks, the Sylvan Grove made her baptismal excursion yester day afternoon to Orton and return. Three hundred passengers or more availed themselves of the first oppor tunity to show their appreciation of the enterprising spirit of the mana gers of the popular Carolina Beach in putting on their line the new, hand some and. commodious steamer Sylvan Grove. The run from Market Dock to Orton and return was accomplished hrsuch rapid time that the excursionists were back before the sun was down, and all were delighted with the boat, the management and the trip. Carolina Beach can but grow in popularity. The manner in which the people responded to the efforts of the management last year but augurs & more successful season for this. As a place for a day's recreation it is un surpassed, and with increased accom modation, more rapid transit, and. with the ever popular and proverbial ly clever Capt. Harper to take charge of the boats and their freight, it' can not fall to draw this season. To-day the regular schedule for the season opens, and the steamer will WHOLE NO. 6745 make both morning and evening trips to Lthe Beach. To all who wish a pleasant time and an invigorating salt air bath, we commend the trial of a trip to the coming resort of North Carolina Carolina Beach. Hook and Ladder Company No. 1. The annual meeting of Wil mington Hook and Ladder Company No. 1, for the'election of officers, was held last night at the company's hall, and resulted as follows: Foreman H. J. Gerken. First Assistant H. L. Fennell. Second Assistant J. D. Kelly. Axemen E. W. Moore, Gilbert H. Green, J. D. Williams, C. B. Souther land. Truck Master Robert L Lewis. President T. G. Pickett. Vice President D. M. Williams. Secretary and Treasurer W. H. Northrop. The medal for proficiency during the past year was awarded to Mr. W. P. Monroe, present truck-master of the company. A committee of five was appointed to confer with the Fire Committee of the Board of Aldermen relative to the selection of a new truck ordered to be purchased for the company by the city authorities. The com mittee consists of Messrs. D. M. Wil liams, C. B. Southerland, H. L. Fen nell, H. J. Gerken, T, E. Wallace. A oommittee of three, consisting of Messrs. H. J. Gerken, J. D. Kelly and E. H. Freeman, was appointed to re vise the constitution and by-laws. There was a good attendance of members and a lively interest was manifested. The resignation of Capt. Jno. H. Daniel, who has been an active mem ber for the past eleven years and fore man for three or four years, was ac cepted with many expressions of re gret. Carolina Taeht Club. The meeting last night .was well attended, and characterized by an earnestness that was refreshing. Mr. Wm. Latimer called the meet ing to order and requested Mr. Nor wood Giles to take the c hair. Mr. T. W. Meares was asked to act as secretary. The following offloers were elected for the ensuing year: Commodore William Latimer. Fleet Captain W. L. Smith. Flag Captain E. R. Latimer. Purser An crura Lord. Marshal H. McL. Green. Measurer G. D. Parsley. Governing Board H. M. Bowden, G. H. Smith and W. L. Parsley. The Club was never in so prosper ous a condition. The membership was increased twenty-one last night, and the last cent of indebtedness was liquidated. The coming season will be made more exciting by the intro duction of two more yachts. The old law relative to boats over twenty feet long was repealed, and any boat un der twenty-five feet can now enter for prizes, provided it has a competitor of its class. This will, it is thought, bring pne or more larger boats to the races. The Carolina Club is the oldest olub in the country, with one excep tion, and the spirit manifested last night shows that it is abreast with the times, and that this season will be marked by many exoiting contests. The club house will be fitted up and everything done to make the plaoe both attractive and full of plea sure. memorial Dtr. The ladies of the Memorial Associ ation are requested to meet at the "Atlantic' engine hall, at 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, for the pur pose of making laurel wreaths - and receiving tags for decorations. All persons having flowers for the same purpose, will please send them to this hall between the hours of 9 and 12 o'clock Thursday morning, May 10th. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. St. Jolm's Loige Ho. 1, A. F. & A. M. RXGTJLAB MONTHLY COKKUKICATION this (Tneedav) Evening, at 8 o'clock. A oordl&l Invitation is extended to Tiiltlnr Brethren. WM. X. POKSOK, , my 8 it Seoy. Carolina Beach. gCHXDTJLBOF STSAXXB SYLVAN GROVE until farther notice leaves at 8.80 A. M. and S P. X. Train returning leaves Beach at 1 T. 1C and 7 P. It. 3. W. HABPZB. my8tf Gen'l Manager. , For Bent, rjTCB BOOMS OVEK BAHK OF KT HAH over, recently occupied by the Cape Tear Clab. Apply to my 62t C. B. MALLBTT. OUR ICE CBEAH ABLOBS WILL BK OPKH UNTIL 10 P. M. NIGHTLY, E. Warren ' & Son, " XXCHANOX4XBNXR, ' r , '-' myStf 0rOontraot Advertisements taken at prcpor tlonately low rates. v Ten lines solid Nonpareil type make one eqnajr- NEW .ADVERTISEMENTS. A. G. BIcGIRT, Auctioneer. j - . 'vf-; - BY S. A. SCHLOSS & CO. - TV) DAY, AT 10 O'CLOCK, IN OUR &ALES X Booms, we will sell Refrigerators, Furniture, Sewing Machines, Cheese, fifty boxes assorted Cakes. Wednesday, at Exchange corner, we will sell Horses Milch Cows, Drays, Ac my 8 It Wanted. gQ HAND3 90B OUB MANUFACTURING De partment wanted Immediately. M. BQSHMANr. Manufacturer of Pants, BlUts, &o , my 5 Market street. Wanted, - 500,000 P0UR AND rIVB 1 c? sawed and rived heart CSPHES8 SHINGLE ' my 8 It FOBS A FOSTER. Shad Fisheries, &c. WB ASK THE A TTKJSTION OF THE Lll G n BUYERS OF SHAD GULL NETS for 1839, to our Stow CottonTwine. VeryStroa. To take the place of Noa. 25 to 43 Flax Twino. Ample In strength and more durable thn Flax. Our reference Is Albemarle Sound 2 SHAD FISHERIES. Also, Seines and Pounds. All letters proic u : answered, with samples and prices. GLOUCESTER NET AND TWINE CO , Gloucester. Vase Boston Office, 64 Commercial Street, my 8 D2w eod W2in tu th sat Great Bargains IN SPRING CL0THINI ANOTHER LARGE LOT JUST RECEIVE r- PRICE REDUCED 25 PER CPT. CALL AND EXAMINE. : SHBIEE, (l i 30 NORTH FRONT STREET. Harrison & Allen's old Stand. my I ' MERCHANT TAILORING SUITS. ELEGANT NECKWEAR. Half-Hose, Skirts, Collars an. Catfs GOTO Merchant Tailor and Genti' Famlaher, my 8 tf Battery Park Hotel, ASHEVILLE, N. C. (OPEN THE0TJGH0TJT THE YEAS JNO. B. STEEL St Manm;:!-. Summer Rates for Season of 3S8 MAY, JUNE, JULY, AUGUST & SEPTEMBER. WHEN ONE ROOM IS OCCUPIED BY. PERSON: Per day $4 Per week $21 to $5 Per month ot 4 weeks 75 to t9 WHEN ONE ROOM IS OCCUPIED Bi TWO PERSONS : Per day ; $7 rerweex ss t Per month $120 to $150 Special rates to families. ' Above rates are sroverned according to loca tion of rooms. Parlor suites and rooms with baths, extra. my i 2n New York and Wilmington Steamship Go. FROM PIER 23, EAST RIVER, Ni-W YORK Sts., May 12 -May 16 ay 10 Located bet. Chambers and Roosevelt At 8 o'clock P.M. v EQUATOR Saturday. BENEFACTOR Wednesday, unjxixA Baturaay. . EQUATOR Wednesday FROM WILMINGTON. EQUATOR Tuesday, BKNKFACTOR .. ... ...Friday, EQUATOR Friday, BENEFACTOR Tuesday,! May 8 -Way 11 MavlS May-.a txr Thronch Bills Lading and Lowest Through Bates guaranteed to and from points In North ani Houtn uarouna. - i Vntlirlit or Paasaxre aimlT to - - - a. O. SlHALIiBONKS, Superintendent, . WltaingtomS.C. Theo. G. Seer, Traffic Manager, Hew York W. Y. Clyde At Co.. General Agost) my 6 tf 85 Broadway. New Vor . Tim Attention of ToMcco Dealers. YOUR ATTENTION IS DIRECTED TO CALL early and examine the followta: too boxes Tobacco, 460 caddies Tobacco, 63,600 Clgass. all prices; mj,mhi t;neroota, iu,luu t&aiem KUge r ipes, -60 ktobs R. R. Snuff, 5 barrels Gail A Ax BnnS, 90 . ooxee Jiaipn-s tsnun. Also 860 bushels Seed reftm. All of above I offer at low figures. BespectfaBy, SAM'L BEAR, SB, my 6tf 10 Market St. 1,000 Spirit Casks, nfl KEGS NAILS. 100 BOXES TOBACCO, 100; OU U oases Lye and Potash, 1,600 bushels Corn and MeaL 30,000 lbs. Hoop Iron, 50 boxes Candy. Coffee, Ginger, Pepper, Sptoe, and other sood too numerous to mention.: Call and wewlu make bottom prices. D. L. GORE, Nos. 120. 122 124 North Water Bt.. BylDAWtf WflmlTMrtoo. N. C. A KEf PA?f ERN OIL STOVE. - C AID TO BS, THE- BEST YET ESVENTBD.; KJ Jtetrlgeratorsv Coolers, ice vream ,v Ac Improved 'Pattern Door and Wtedow Screens and Frames. ".-yk J my tf 114 Front BU WumingtoD, a . i-. j i til St - ll t ' . , : t . : a; A i.-t ' - -. ' if $ , r f' i il -i 5r'i rv ...f ... fi 'X. if m Willi ' V. t ,,,,, -4 II' lit yi1 I. J Of r . x - 3 . 1 -'- - .-i

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