- it tiik Corning star PUBLISHED DAILY JEXURPT MONDAY 3ATB8 OJ" BUBBOTHTTIOH, IH ADVAVCB. n Year 0y Mall), Postage Paid.; ..... 3 00 TW Months;; ,. r A. month, x.t. , 1 CO tcr-To city Subscribers, dellYered to any part ,itv. Wnvi Cores per week. Oar City ofi are not authorised to oolleot tor more 5"aree months madvanoa. v.-. , ,redatthe Post Office at" WUmtajtton, H. C nterea M Qu, Hatter, - CORNING EDITION, OUTL1NE8. In the Senate, yesterday;, Mr. Voor jjees, after stating that he . had been ill for almost a week, offered an apol ogy for his violation of parliamentary rules and usage in the -discussion of last week; the railroad land grant forfeiture bill was then discussed until adjournment; in the House a tele gram and letter were read from ex Coucressman Hewitt, of New York, denying statements which had been made concerning him by Mr. Wood bum, -of Nevada; the tariff bill was then taken up and discussed, seven members indulging in the debate. Gen. J. W. Ewing, disbursing clerk of the Department of Justice, and one of the best known men in Washing ton, has been found short in hisao cou'nts to the extent of $8,000 or $9,000. The General Conference of the African Methodist Church is is session at Indianapolis; delegates are present from every State in the Union,' Can ada, Bermuda and the Demarara Isl ands. The crew of the steamer Eureka, which was sunk in collision at sea, on Sunday last, took to their boats, and were picked up by a pass ing brig; they were then transferred to a steamer, which safely landed theiu at Philadelphia yesterday. - -Emperor Frederick's condition is im proving; his fever is low and he sleeps fairly well. An old man, under sentence of death for the murder of bis two grandchildren, made his es . cape from a Pennsylvania jail Mon day; be left a letter bidding'defiance to the people who have threatened to lynch him. Tne Delaware De mocracy endorse Cleveland's tariff views and favor his renomination; they also favor the Mills tariff bill. The sunken steamer Eureka is r ported to be a dangerous obstruc tion to vessels passing north and south. A London dispatch states that Lord Stanly, of Preston has been gazetted as Governor General of Canada. The Georgia Tem perance folks met in Convention at Atlanta yesterday; the welcoming speaker created a sensation in saying that reformed drunkards should not make themselves too prominent as leaders in temperance movements. New York markets: Money easy at 1J2 per cent.; cotton easy at 10 1-1610 3-16c; wheat, No. 2 red May 94 5 1694 13-16c; corn. No. 2 May 64c; rosin dull at $1 151 20; spirits tur pentine dull. The high license bill Bhat up 502 saloons out of 727 in Pittsburg, Pa. Mr. Randall is said to be in doubt W physical health. His political iealth has been bad for some time. I he news from Washington is :hai the drift is towards Blaine. His fuir,-trs are confident of his nomi rjiiion. Good. i he RaMgb SignaVs editor, Mr. Ilirrir, thinks that the North Caro Imi .itlegation will go for Blaine. I i.- i.ot improbable. Lift year Boston read 70.04 per Cfut. 'of novels and juvenile litera ture. It took in 6.84 per, cent, of liictory and biography. Buffalo William has sailed for home. He s "a biger man" than Bvuton'd chief citizen Sullivan and of course will receive an ova tion. The assistant secretary of the Northern Methodist General Confer ence is dead. His liame was Rev. Charles J. Clarke, and he was a Pre siding Elder from Maine. '. Irish emigration to this country is not so heavy as it was list year. The .emigration from Scotland is heavier. Within lea days some ten thousand mmi grants landed at New York. In 1872, the New York. Tribune, edited by the very same fellow Reid, id of the Maine demagogae: "Mr. BUine's record in railway; matters grows darker aa it is examined." : I liat rtcord is black now. Tbe blowers in the Grand Army kicking up at the accept asce of a contribution from that veteran rebel, Qen. Joseph E. Johnstoii. They wl have an investigation. Of course. E?ery such demonstration- bat strengthens the Democrats and makes le South happy. ; ' : Dr- Q. M. Smith sugestaurthe a- Medical Record ihalnouses 1)6 constructed so as to give the rofg up to Hammer evening eDjoy- u,ent- Certainlr the roofs - at night Kui late in the afternoon would. be : a Peasant place . as Compared with. weltering interiors. ' ; VOL. XLII. NO, 41. Some days ago we told of the duel in New Mexioo and the wounding of auss 1j Moore, she saying it was aone oeiore sna had a chance to fire. Here is the sequel as telegraphed xrom at. JLouis: through the shoulder, but recovered in a wpnt t;i-1r Iaw eeninjt, cloself veiled. wS?wlhe hoJ"?i.of h hated rival, and Ineetinir hnr nt lha .vn i j . - . ran w coob arier piaceu un uer arrest An Mnir llper50n. of Ue murdered woman, it is wwwycu inai sne, too, was awaiting an op portunity to finish the work of the duel" v Were we not correct when we said either of these fire eaters would make the right sort of a wife for a cowboy? In 1884 Blaine received 182 elec toral votes and Cleveland 219- 37 majority. In 1888, with his frood honest, patriotic record, Clevland nght to beat the badly "tattooed man" from Maine at least 1Q0 votes. The revolt among honest Republi cans ought to bo groat enough to se cure that desired result. The popu lar vote was 4,848,334 for Blaine, and 4,911,017 for Cleveland a ma jority .of 62,683. It ought to be a half million this year. Mr. Tilden car ried the country by 156,900 over all candidates and 250,707 over Hayes. The Goldsboro Methodist Advance having been indefinitely suspended. its Subscribers will' be supplied with the Statesvllle Methodist .Advocate for the unexpired terms. The Ad vocate is a clean, fair, erenuinelv Christian paper. The Advance un der Drs. Robev and Bobbin, bad ability and force and earnestness that made it an instrument of good. It taught the truth in all things as the editors understood it; The Chief Justice elect it 'seems comes of a family of lawyer. A sketch of him says: "His father aod his father's brothers were lawyers. One of bis grandfathers was & lawyer and a Judge of Probate. His mother '& brother was a lawyer, flis ma ternal grandfather was Chief Justice of tne Court of Common Pleas of tbe Middle Dis trict of Maine; and after tbe separation of Maine from Massachusetts was appointed one of tbe Judges of the Supreme court of tbe Slate of Maine, and he afterward be came tbe Cuief Jubtics of tbat Court." Mrs. Frances Murray, of New York, died by swallowing her false teeth, plate and all. She was laughing at the fun of her husband. After several days the whole was ex tracted from her throat, but the esophagus was mutilated and inter nal hemorrhage occurred. There is a threatened stampede among the more decent Republicans at the prospeot of a Blaine revival. THE G NBW ADVBBTIRBHEBNTS. A, SHBira Great bargain?, Noticb To telephone subecribeis. M un son Clothing and fur&Uhingg.' 8. A. Schxoss & Co. Auction sales. E. Wasbbh & Bon Icecream parlors. L H. Mkare8 Flannel and percale shirts. vtter Indication. The following are the indications for to-day, received at 1 a. m. : For Virginia and North Carolina, slightly warmer, rain, followed by fair weather, light to fresh southerly winds, becoming southwesterly. memorial Say. In order to insure ample time for our business men to get their dinners and join in the procession on to morrow (Memorial Day) and that there may be concert of action in re gard to closing of business places, it is suggested that two o'clock be1 the hour for closing and that the mills, factories, steamers, and - so forth, be requested (that can do so conven iently) to blow their whistles prompt ly at two o'clock to indicate the ar rival of the closing hour. - Fires In April. Chief Oldenbuttel reports seven alarms of fire during the past month. Only three of these were of any con sequenoe. April 3, a small house on Harnett street burned; loss $400. April 16, four small buildings on Swann street; loss about $1,400. April 22. stores, corner of Market and Front street damaged; loss $5;000, fully in sured. : Tb Sylvan drove. Owine to Some slight obstruction in the cut leading into the inner chan nel the SvVoan Grove was detainea several hours in her trips; to Carolina Beach yesterday. - The obstruction will be riromntlv removed to-day, and will cause no further interruption of the scheduJeJ-;,;:: i a nfvLtA telefirram received Oiere ITLi.. j;rin iftt SAjt,on Corintv Demoeratie- Convention r. instructed, I the delegates to;. ine-Diaie v youvci tion for Ilej. Stedman::for Governor. WILMINGTON, Itoeal JDots. Sheriff Murrill, of Onslow, was in the city yesterday. ; Don't forget the Sylvan drove, for Carolina Beach, at 9.80 this morning.- ' - ' The price of strawberries dropped yesterday to ten cents per quart. - . The lighthouse supply steamer Fern arrived at Southport yesterday evening. The Chief Marshal would like to meet his assistant marshals at his office Tlfursday at 10 o'clock a. m., to arrange the details - of -the memorial services. ; Revs. Dr. Pritchard, G. M. Tolson and Messrs. J. S.Allen, W. C. Peterson and Frank; Huggins will at tend the Southern Baptist Conven tion at Richmond. There should be flowers in abundance for wreaths and garlands to-morrow. Send them to the "At lantic" engine house between 9 and 12 o'clock in the morning. The ladies and everybody else hope that the city authorities -will have the streets on the route of the procession to-morrow well sprinkled, as has been done in former years. The meeting of business men called yesterday at the Produce Ex change, to consider what action shall be taken in the - matter of a half- holiday one day in each week during the summer was attended by very few persons, and no action was taken. A Stab correspondent, passing through Rocky Mount yesterday, learned that Mr. John Lanier, one of the wounded sufferers of the late railroad accident near Enfield, was able to be out and walked down to the Phoenix printing office, of which he is one of the typos. Although able to be out, he is yet very sore from his injury. mortuary. Dr. Potter, city physician, in his report for April, gives the number of deaths occurring in the city during the month as' thirty-six; the same month in 1887, forty-three; in 1886, forty-two, and in 1885, thirty-nine showing a constantly diminishing death rate. Dr. Potter asks that all necessary help, in hands and carts, be given to the sanitary department, and urges that all ditches in and around the city be cleaned out before hot weather is upon us. He says that he is pleased to see so much done already toward placing the city in good condition. Of the total number of deaths oc curring in April, 24 were negroes and 12 whites. Annul Commencement. Rev. O. F. Deems, D. D.t will de liver the annual address .at Living ston College, Salisbury, May 16th. The baccalaureate sermon will be by Rev. J. W. Brown, of Poughkeepsiet BT. Y., May 18. Annual exercises at Charlotte' Fe male Institute begin Tuesday, June 6th. Rev. P. H. Hoge, of Wilmington, will deliver the address to the gradu ating class, Misses Mary E. Anderson, Kate Hamer, Ruth Hannah, Carrie Herron, May Louise Keith, Katie D. MoKethan, Sallie Murphy, Maggie Neil, Maggie H. Shaw, Mary Steedv OraW Thomas, Minnie Williamson. Onelovv Democrats. The Democratic Convention of Onslow met last Monday at Jackson ville, and appointed the following named gentlemen as delegates to the State Convention: A C. Huggins, T. B. Henderson, Jacksonville; Dr. W. J. Mnmford and T. E. Gilmer, White Oak; D. J. Sanders and A L. FarneU, Swansboro; J. W. Spicer and H. E. King, Stump Sound; E. Mar rill, O. B. Cox and S. D. Bryan, Richlands. Dr. E. W. Ward and Dr. Nicholson were also appointed, as delegates at large. It is currently reported that very nearly all the above are for Maj. Stedman for Governor. Biayor'e Court A white man who answered to the name of "Frenchy" was arraigned yesterday morning on the charge of disorderly conduct. He was excused by the Mayor and discharged. James Suggs, colored, throwing rocks in the streets; $5 or five days. Charles Burnett, colored, was ar raigned on the charge of carrying a concealed weapon, but the testimony did hot prove the charge and the case was dismissed. Mary K Potter, colored, drunk and disorderly; $20 or thirty days. r "nr- FlsblnarClaB. A meeting of the Federal Point Fishing Club was held , yesterday af ternoon and the following officers were elected, or the ensuing year: PresidentSani'l Northrop. -: Secretary and Treasurer W. P. Oldham.. 1 I " " : Governing v Coxnmittee Samuel "Korthrop and J. H: TvVters. ' ? r , .7? The CHub -propose to-use the same club house at Federal' Point that they occupied last year, but will enlarge it "and Eiake other improvements. ; N. 0., WEDNESDAY, ftteeptlon by tne Cape Fear Club. . The Cape Fear Club gave a most charming reception last night at their new club house, to their lady friends and the officers of the French frigate Ze Bisson., The officers of the revenue steame,r Colfax were also present. The olub put their best foot fore most and every thing that pertained to the enjoyment of the evening was done in befitting style. The hand some rooms were brilliant with light, and the gay concourse of ladies and gentlemen which thronged the rooms throughout the evening, seemingly enjoyed the entertainment to the fullest extent. An elegant supper was provided which the guests did full justice to, and the band of harpers furnished music which kept the dancers on the floor until a late hour. The affair was a brilliant success and such as reflected credit on the committees entrusted with the deli cate duty of entertaining the visitors. The Cape Fear Club is an old es tablished institution here, and its reputation for open-handed hospi tality has never been more signally emphasized than by its last night's entertainment. We congratulate the town upon having such a place, and we feel that with the new and con stantly increasing membership many other occasions of enjoyment are in 8 tore for those who may visit our "City by the Sea." ToeT. RI,o. A. Building. Th6 trustees of the building fund of the Young Men's Christian Associa tion, consisting of Messrs. O. G. Pearsall, W. H. Riach, Wm. Latimer, Wm. A French and H. M. Bowden, in view of the purchase of the build ing site which has been made by the Association, have decided to call upon the subscribers to the fund for a pro-rata payment of 25 per cent, in order to pay for the same. The fol lowing call has been issued : To the subscribers of the building fund of the T. M. C. A.: The board of trustees of the build ing fund of the Y. M. C. Association, in order to raise the money to pay for the lot purchased for the erection of the building, and in accordance with the trust reposed in them to collect and disburse the fund, have decided to make a pro-rata assessment of 25 per cent, upon the subscriptions. It is understood that those who cannot pay this amount in one installment are not obligated to do so, but compliance with this call will greatly facilitate the work of the board. It is likewise understood that this board will gladly receive larger payments, or payments in full, from those subscribers who are able and willing to make such payments. Mr. H. M. Bowden having been elected treasurer of this board, is au thorized to receipt for moneys paid on subscriptions, and, if such pay ments are not made direct to him, as this board for great con venience would urge, he will desig nate in writing reliable persons to call upon subscribers for the pro rata assessment now made. W. H. RiACH, O. G. Pkabsaix, Wm. Latucbb, W. A Frehch, . -H. M. Bowdeu, Trustees. , A Policeman's Club. Policeman Hall's little club got in some wild work yesterday on the head of Mr. C. J. Stuckey, a farmer from the Black river section of Pender county. The trouble took place in Mr. Croom's store, on the northeast corner Of Princess and Water streets. Mr. Stuckey was felled with a blow on the head the club cutting a ter rible gash, from which the blood flowed profusely and while partially insensible from the effects of the blow was placed on a dray and taken to the City Hall, where, after his wound had been attended to by a physician, he was looked up. It is al leged that the policeman used his club without provocation. The mat ter, however, will be investigated by the Mayor this morning, and a num ber of persons who witnessed the affair have been cited to appear. Tne Carina- Affair. Information received direct from Carthage shows that Miss Ida Poe who was shot by Robert McNeill, Saturday night, is not so seriously wounded as was first reported. The ball made only a flesh wound, and although it, has not yet been ex tracted, no serious fears are earter tained as to Miss Poe ultimate re covery. The villain who attempted to assassinate her had not been ap prehended, though itia hoped he will be found. Robert McNeill is a son of Mr. A . S. McNeill, for many years Clerk of the Superior Court of Moore county and ' a gentleman of high integrity and unbounded popu larity, Miss Poe is -a daughter of Mr. J. O. Poe, of Fayetteville, and sister of Messrs. Hasting and Hugh Poe, both of whom are in the - employ of the Southern Express. Company. Stephen Freeman's Case , A telegram received yesterday even ing , from; Mr.- Thos. W Strange at Raleigh, says, ithat Gov. Scales has taken the papers, bat reserved his de cision on the application for - a com-. mutation of sentence in the ease of Stephen Freenianijthe bloredmaxt now In the county jail ' under seh tencVof death for rar ? - " ' MAY 9, 1888. PROGRAMME ; For memorial Day Xnnreaor May lOtn, 1888. . - The procession will be" formed at 850 p. in. and move promptly at'4 p. m. ' ' . " FIRST DIVISION Will"' form on Market street (south side) between Third and- Fourth, in charge of Assistant Marshals J. A. Bonitz, J. T. Molver and J. R. Tur rentine. ' CoL W. C. Jones and Staff, 2nd Reg't N. C. B. G. Cornet Concert Club. Wilmington Light Infantry, Captain J. H. Daniel commanding. Carriage containing Chaplain and . Orator. Ladies1 Memorial Association. Children's Memorial Association. City Schools, in Charge of Teachers. SEC03TD DIVTSIOIf Will form on the north side of Mar ket street, between Third and Fourth, in charge of Assistant Marshals J. W. Perdew, Oscar Pearsall and E, Scharff. Germania Cornet Band. Association of Officers Third N. C. Infantry. Survivors 18th Reg't N. C. Infantry; Each in Charge of its Senior Officer. Confederate Officers, Soldiers and Sailors, Senior Officers In Charge. Civic Associations and Corporations. Editorial Staffs and Employes City Newspapers. Citizens on Foot. THIRD DIVISION Will form on Market street, between Second and Third, in charge of As sistant Marshals H. MoL. Green, H. W. Sholar and Mike CarrolL Disabled Confederate Soldiers and Sailors, in Carriages. Citizens in Carriages. Citizens on Horseback. LOT AX THS CEMETERY, In charge of Assistant Marshals Capt. W. M. Stevenson and Dr. J. H. Dur ham. route": Up Ma rket to Fourth, up Fourth to Campbell, out Campbell to Cemetery SERVICES AT CEMETERY. Dirge By Germania Cornet Band. Ode By Choir, "Rest, Comrades, Rest." Prayer By Chaplain, Rev. Robert Strange. Dirge By Cornet Concert Club. Oration By Orator of the Day, Her bert McClammy, Esq. Ode By the Choir, "Cover Them Over with Beautiful Flowers.1' Benediction By Chaplain. -Roll of Honor. Decoration of Graves. Doxology. Chief Marshal, Preston Camming. Chief of Staff, J. H. Boatwright. Musical Director, E. B. Boatwright. Y. int. O. A. meeting. The devotional meeting of the Young Men's Christian Association last night was conducted by Mr. Geo. C. Worth, with spirit and interest. Before the hour had expired quite an assembly of the young men had convened. The time was spent in singing hymns, .reading Scriptures, and in Bhort remarks from several members. Mr. Charles Robinson Is the organist of the Association, Mr. VanLaer having been very kind in getting an organ for them. The directors held a short meeting but without transacting any business. They hold a meeting on Friday at 6 p. m., at which it is very desirous all should be present. New IiOrfce K.. of 0. at Clinton. Rev. W. P. Williams, State Lecturer Knights of Honor, organized a lodge in Clinton last Friday with 19 charter members. The officers elected are as follows: P. D. Dr. Frank Boyette. D, A F. Johnson. V. D. Dr. R. H. Holliday. A. D. W. G. Rackley. R. R. Ji Williams. F.R.W. R.King. Treas. F. T. Atkins. C W. J. Hubbard. Guide M. Hanstein. Guardian O. F. Butler. Sentinel T. L. Hubbard. M. E. Dr. J. A. Stevens. Trustees Dr. R. H. Holliday, W. E. Stevens, A, J. Johnson. Tne Festival, The festival held at Concordia Hall last night by the Ladies' Concordia Society, an auxiliary of the congrega tion Temple of Israel, was well at tended and all who were present were delighted with the bill of fare which consisted of the choicest variety of fowl, fruit, berries and ices. The hall was tastefully arranged and we have no doubt the ladies increased con siderably the condition of their treas ury. BIVEB AND MAHINE. . The steamer Louise is undergoing repairs, and a complete overhauling; and repainting for the summer seas on. The work Is being done at Capt. Skinner's shipyard. The Merritt Wrecking . Com pany's steamer Tuckahoe arrived at Southport at 2.20 p. ml yesterday, from New York. She is to raise the cargo of railroad iron lost on Frying Pan shoals by the wrecking of the schooner Douglass Hervey, some time ago. The derelict schooner William and Richard is still floating on the ocean a constant menace to naviga tion. The abandoned craft was last seen in latitude 83 degrees, longitude 61 degrees.- The i2fc7Wrrtrdeeks were flush with the water, but she showed no signs of sinking for- some time. The stump of tbe foremast -stood ten feet above the deck and' one anchor still hung at the bows. The", forward ihouse was gone and ther -afterhonse , Etove la. - : '' V- ' WHOLE NO. 6746 FAYETTEVILLE . ' i xno neoleal Convention JKeeUna of the Boara or Keoleal JBxamlner. , ' Star Correspondence. . Fayettkvilijs. Mav 7. The doe- tors are coming 1 hurrah I hurrah L Aches, pains, bruises, sores,, fevers and Buon like had better take win era rather than- be attacked by 250 doe- tors, ail at tne same time, ij'avette- ville will be very healthful this sum mer, for the very sight of so many doctors will- so - frighten everybody here that they will stay well anyhow. Well and good, for everybody re joices when the doctors have noth ingtodo. - . ; . Fayetteville is glad that this most honorable body of men is to meet here this week. Presbyterian Synod and Methodist Conference' last fall, the Medical Society and the Conven tion of the Diocese of East Carolina this spring,' make a handsome show ing for the good old Scotch . town. Folks here know what is good and they will be having the Press Con vention before long and maybe the Baptist Convention. A large attendance of physicians is expected. The local- doctors have been busy for some time making ar rangements for their brethren's com fort. . And everybody tnat-Knows Drs. Haigh, Hodges, McDuffle and McNeill, knows that everything that prudence, sympathy and liberality can suggest will be done. Tne Boclety win noid its meetings in Williams' Hall, which is certainly big enough and, we hope, will be cool enough. The Board of Medical Examiners came Saturday night and held a meeting at once. The whole Board is present, and is engaged upon the vivisection of certain candidates for the degree of iEsculapius. This Society is in every way worthy of the respect of all good citizens. On its roll are many of the first citi zens of this State. Through its in fluence, direct! or indirect, much wholesome legislation has been secured protecting the homes of the people from the imposition of quacks who practice more on people's credulity than upon their bodies. Several distinguished physicians from a distance will be here. Prof. Michael and Prof. Coskery, repre senting medical colleges in Baltimore are already here. Prof. Mills of Baltimore is expected to-morrow. Quarterly ITIeettnc. Wilmington District, M. E. Church, South. Second round of Quarterly Meetin&rs. Grace Church, at Wilmington, May 12 and 13. Whiteville circuit, at Fair Bluff, 19 and 20. Carver's Creek circuit, at Wayman, Mav 26 and 27. Ciinton circuit,at Andrew's Chapel, June 2 and 3. Kenansville circuit, at Charity, June 23 and 24. Onslow circuit, Jacksonville, June 23 and 24. Elizabeth circuit, June 30 and July 1st. Cokesburg circuit, at McNatts, July 7 and 8. Bladen circuit, at Center, July 14 and 15. Waccamaw circuit, at Shiloh, July 21 and 22. Brunswick Mission, at Shiloh, July 21 and 22. Thos. W. Guthrie, P. E. THE KAILS. The maus close and. arrive at the City Post OOoe as follows: HCLOSX. Northern through and way malls 8:00 A. M Northern through maHa, fast 11:00 P. M North Carolina and Atlantic and North CaroUaa Saliroada and routes applied therefrom 80 A. M Raleigh and Fayetteville.. 630 P. M. 8:00 A. M Southern way mall 60 P.M SxwUiera through maOa.... - 9:15 P. M DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Western maus, & a Railway 6:45 P.M C. F. A Y. V. R. R. and points sup- plied therefrom 6:45 P. M Raleigh A Hamlet Baflroad and points supplied therefrom 6:45 P. M SmlthTllle 80 P. M Wrlghtsvllle 8-80 A. M Clinton, rpeclal 3:15. P. M TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Onslow C H. and Intermediate offioes t$Q A. X Little River, 8. C, and intermediate offioes 2.00 P.M Cape Fear Riyer mall 1X0 P.M OPEN FOR DELTVSSY. Northern and war malla 8:80 P.M Northern through mail, late 11:00 P.M Southern through malls 6:83 A. M Southern way mail 9.80 A. M Carolina Central Railroad 030 A. M Mails ooUected from street boxes In busl ness portions of city at 5 A.M., 11:00 A.M. and 4:45 P.M.; from other parts of tbe city at B AJC and 4 P. M. Stamp Offloe open from 8.00 A. X. to 5:00 P. M Stamps on sale .at general delivery 6:80 A. X to 10 A. M. and 1 to 7 P, M. General delivery open from 8.80- A-M.to 7 P.M. and on Sundays from 9M to 10:20 A. M. Carriers delivery open on-Sunday from 9:80 to 1030 A. M. Moner der and Registry Department open 8U A. M. to 8:00 P. M. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A. O. McGIRTi Auctioneer. BY S. A. 8CKL0SS A OO. CONSIGNMENTS BY -TO-DAY'S FREIGHT are Immense. Goods arrirmg dally and they must be sold. We are selling stocks of goods, but we must sell to keep up with tne large con signments. There is nothing worth baring but you will find In our Auction Rooms, So. 21 and S3 Market street. mySlt ilMoflTelBiiliiHiB Eicliaasie. I-KXBSRS WILL PLEASX ADD TO THEIR lists the name of O. H. Greene, No. 99. R. .T. COGHTLL, my 92t " - Manager. FLANNEL SHIRTS, PERCALE ?niRT8. LOUTS H. MEARES, Gentlemen's FurnUher and"Hatter, myStf " 12 No. yront. Carolina Beach.- f . SCHEDULE OF STEAMER SYLVAN GROTS uCQ farther notloe leaTes at 9 AO A. M. and S 3P. M. Train retumisg leaves Beaeh ail P.M. HOT. U. - . J. w. HARPER, myatl - , - Gent Manager. 3 2Q HANB3 FORjOURMANUTACTUEIHa d'r "kartment wanted Immediately. -: ' r;-.;';;.;.:A ;-- ----- --.i"-;-:r' nv EcinrrAirar. OJITEI Jr VBKXiie i ,j!- one sqfcire One Day, . . 11 Ot " :. Three DaysM . SO . -. s - ycaf Days,.., . te?'-; -. , nre ways,.. m '" ' : One Wee,... . ......,...: 4 OO V :-i-ar-V"'IeWeaam,.V:ii..i -jZ;l IN f;V'. Ore Month. .l...-.-.: ID M ' - -- - j. ix JtoniB.. ........ ....; tv oo ,' ' , Oil YSTi.. ... . . ..........; 9 ttJ-sl-; ar-Oontract AdTertiseineatatakn Mpttpor-0 v j. Tea lines soUd Noirparetl type mass one M r NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Great Bargains A i IN SPRING CLOTHING, ANOTHER LARGE LOT JC8T RECEIVED. PRICE REDUCED 25 PER CENT.' ; CALL AND SX AMINE. . SIHIIRIIEIEl, 80 NORTH FRONT 8TRE2T. Harrison A Allen's old Stand. myStf READY-MADE Oloi3x:og, NEW STYLES, ORIGINAL DBSpBS. FURNISHING GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY. IMI TT ZT5T S O 3SJ. Gents' Furnisher. my 9tf OUR ICE CREAM -IP A ID O IR S WILL BE OPEN UNTIL 10 P. M. SIGHTLY E. Warren & Sor, EXCHANGE CORNER. -- r. S3, " . my 8 tf Battery Park Hotel jASHEVILLE, N. C. : ' (OPES THROUGHOUT THEYEA1 JNO. B. STEELE, Managet Summer Rates for Season of 18V MAY, JUNE, JULY, AUSFST & SKPTEMBE1 WHEN ONE ROOM IS OCCUPIED BY PERSON : Per day ?! Per week 821 to $ 5 Per month ol 4 weeks 75 to 3 j ' WHEN ONE ROOM 13 OCCUPIED BF TV70 PERSONS : Per day 9 Per week $35 to $m Pet month. . fl29 to firo Special rates to families. Above rates are governed according to loca tion of rooms. Parlor suites and rooms with baths, extra.- my 1 2m New York and Wilmington Steamship Co. FROM PIER 23. EAST RIVER. NW YOI.ii Located bet. Chambers and Roosevelt Sta., At S o'clock P. M. EQUATOR Saturday. BENEFACTOR Wednesday, H ANITA Saturday, EQUATOK Wednesday FROM WILMINGTON EQUATOR Tuesday, BENEFACTOR . Friday, EQUATOR Friday, BENEFACTOR Tuesday, . May 13 May 30 ! May vj May May S May 11 May 16 - MayliZ Throur h BUIs TjiHiw and Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and from- points in Norit and South Carolina. For Freight or Passage apply to 11. C. S3ZAI.I.BONE8, Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C Tlteo. O. cer Traffic Manager, New Yort. W. p. Clyae 4c Oo., General Agents my 6 tf - 85 Broadway. New York WATER COOLERS, REFRIGERATORS, - " "i .- For sale by . ap 29. GILES A MURCmsON. 1,000 Spirit Casks, f A ERGS NAILS. 100 BOXES TOBACCO. 1 00 UUU cases Lye and Potash, L500 bushels Com and MeaL 80,000 lbs. Hoop Iron, 60 boxes Candy, Coffee, Ginger, Pepper, Spice, and other goods too numerous to mention. Call and' we will make bottom prloes. D. L. GORE, Nos. 120. 122 A 124 North Water 8t my 1- PAWtf Wilmington. N. q. A HEW PATTERN OIL ST0YE, j SAID TO BR THE BEST YET INVENTED. Refrigerators, Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, , Ac. Improved Pattern Door and- Window Screens and Frames. 'ti-Ji For sale by '-'.-' ALDERMAN. TTAWNSR A CXX my 6 tf 114 Front St. Wilmington, If. C New and Elegant JY STOCK OF MILLINERY,' LIKEN AKD Broadcloth Sober, Is the handsomest, most com plete and cheapest tn the city. - jr54fneTlIrf Goods, Horse, Covers and T.s Ftoe TRUNKS, VALISES and SATCHELS a peelalty.' - - - "The cheapness of my fine hand-made Harneae will surprise you, ana all roods are guaranteed. - A lot of seoond hand COLLARS at your oy :i H. L. FZNNZLL, my 6 tf The Horse MUllner. 10 So. Front St. . ladies andGents JO,yS AND "TOUTHS, MISSES AND';CHi:. DREN'S SHOES In endless variety and at almoe ' say prise. We keep both Quantity and quality and truyers wOI save money asd, trouble ty ealllnc on ua. ; v. - - -:. Gc 6; r.SFrencli & Sonr. , ....if 1 (il 1 sr.- i r 1 I V ) m 1.1 .11 71 'J : 4 . '' jr. .. r Ji II r 1 f.'-i Ji 'j t i,1

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