On uii On. Dmj,lJ Jf - - fMOiin - ' L i n , .-n RISKED DAILY EXCEPT MONDAYS SATES OP STTESCaiPTION, XX A.DVA8CX. ; vear (by Mall), Postage Paid. Te Months';. tw-"Y City Subscribers, delivered In any part itv. Twklts Cms per week. Our City o'Vwe not aathorlaed to ooUect tor more Av? a tnwo months la advance. t t.ho Post Offloe at WllmtastoB. K. O v,wr second caaaa Matter. jfpRNING- EDITION. The question of reducing to a simple majority the vote necessary to over ride a presidential veto was discussed in the Senate yesterday by Mr. Stew art and the conference report on the pension appropriation bill was pass ed in the House the Post Office ap propriation bill, the Marine Con ference hill and several other bills were passed. General Sheridan is confined to his home in Washing ton from fatigue and cold ; some ex aggerated reports as to his condition' have been circulated, all of which are denied by his family and physi- cian in the Methodist General Conference in Tsew York, yesterday, Dr. Newman was elected bishop on the fourteentbe ballot. The town of Brownton, Texas, was parrially destroyed by a cyclone Wednesday afternoon; three churches and eight dwellings were demolished, crop and trees swept away, a colored woman killed and eight persons fa tally injured. Prince Henry, sec ond son of Emperor Frederick, and Princess Irene, third daughter of Grand Duke Ludwig, of Hesse, were married at Charlottenburg yesterday. Several attempts have recently been made to burn St. Vincent's Or phan As ylum, at San Rafael, Cal., and it has been discovered that a boy was the incendiary, whose purpose was to make his escape from the institution. - The President returned to Wash ington yesterday " and attended the ceremonies of laying the corner-stone of the Catholic University. The Sorth Carolina Republicans yester day nominated J. B. Mason, of Orange, for Superintendent of Public Instruc tion, and D. L. Russell, D. M. Furches and R. P. Buxton for Superior Court Judges ; the electors at large are pro nounced Blaine men. The Pres byterians had a grand time yesterday in Philadephia on the occasion of the fraternal reunion of the North ern and Southern Associations. New York markets Money easy at 1?2 per cent.; cotton firm at 10 10jc; southern flour quiet and un changed; wheat, No. 2 red May 94 93 jc; corn, No. 2 May 6565ic; spirits turpentine dull at 37c: rosin dull at l 20l 25. Gresham has no "bar'rl"! Bad. Dom Pedro is thought to be very iar death's door. ThrJ Republicans in Congress are ifraid to face the music. Representative Springer, of "Illi non has been renominated. Maine, Pennsylvania and Texas all go for Cleveland and tax reform. Those who relish poetry will reUs-b. "Heredity" in another column. Italy and France will be able to settle their differences amicably it is said. Mr. MorrisoD, it js reported, will not, run for Congress, as he at one time purposed. The Philadelphia Press, Blaine organ, gives him 377 out of 822. He ruuit, get 34 more votes. t The Greenville (S. C.) Daily News is now one of our handsomest and best edited Southern exchanges. The South Carolina Democrats in dorsed Cleveland but did not indorse the Democratic Tariff bill. How is that ? It is believed in Washington that Kandall will not be sent as a delegate t( the St. Louis Convention. His waning of power is conceded.' The Washington Post wants the members of Congress to have $15, 000 a year. Some of them would be high at $2j00O a year. ' John II. Vincent, one of the new bishops elect in the Northern Meth odist Church, is a native of Alabama ad was born in 1832. Representative Scott, of Pennsyl vania, has ordered 400,000 copies of his recent very able speech in favor of Tariff redaction. ' It will .do good atl ought to be widely circulated. So"Aly eon Oliver" "is the Radi- cal nominee for Governor. Well. We would as soon help beat n him as any other ecallawag in the State. uckery u pot without ability, and e can write and commit a very fair Peech. The Democrats must unite and give him such a defeat it will make him sick to hear the Governor mentioned the remainder of his 1;. VOL. XLII.NO. 55. A manufacturer in Bichmond,Va., imported from Antwerp $127 worth of glass. The State gives the cost. Please read and "punch with care": Ocean freight...,. $ 15 81 Lighterage 13 75 Custom -house, &c. 4 qq ri 83 66 DuUea w 61 Total expenses. .. . $140 27 Original cost of glass 127 OO Total cost of glass. $267 27 But the Protectionists say that a high tariff does not make goods higher. The Greensboro Moentnq Patriot is before us. It is twenty-four page and it begins well. Mr. Whitehead is editor and proprietor and he is well assisted by Mr. J. H. Myrover. a gentleman of newspaper experience and talents. Thev will no donbt give their section a desirable and in teresting evening visitor which will be furnished at $5 a year or 50 cents month. The Stab sends the heart iest good wishes. The Gresham boom is groins? it The Washington letter to Philadel phia Times says: "Under the leadership nf Ronatnra "Po well and Cullom, Editor Medill, ex-Representative Oecre Davis nri nthor astute politicians the movement for Ores nun naa assamau extraordinary propor tions and seems to be growing. It posses ses the noticeable characteristic that while the friends of Mr. Blaine take kindly to it iicr me urai cnoice is out 01 ine neld tne Massachusetts and New York Mugwumps and the- Stalwarts make like manifesta tions " , The African 31. E. Z. Church in session at New Bern has elected C. R. Harris and Charles C. Petty Bishops. A special to the Herald says: "Harris has served aa general SecreUrv and general steward of the Conference and is now a professor in Livingstone College, Salisbury, N. C. Petty is at present the eeneral secretary of the Conference and presiding elder of the California District. ne is a native of Wilkesboro, Ji. C, and a graduate or Biddle Universitv. Charlotte. North Carolina. The Chicago Inter-Ocean, ex- tremest of Projection organs, is de lighted with Randall's assault and laughs all over. It treats him to a long editorial of praise. It says : ' Mr. Randall's impeachment of the Mills bill a9 a subterfage of free trade un der shadow.of revenue reduction, is all the more impressive in that it is Mr. Randall's." How the enemies of reform love Randall. The New York-Star says of Rep resentative Cox's speech. "Mr. Cox'd address,delivered in the tariff debate on the 17th in3t , will long shine as a galaxy of rare jewels. We use the little space at our command to set a few of them for tbe delectation of readers of the Star. He who turns tbe weapons of an en emy against him and uses them with fatal effect is an adroit an able warrior, and such pre eminently is Mr. Cox in tbe arena of debate." THE CITY, NBtT ADVERTISEjnRnTS. E. VakLabb Pianos. A. Shbieb Boys' clothing. Nones Hardware merchants. MtJBSON Bathing suit, shirts, etc S. A. Schlobs & Co Auction sale. L. H. Mkares Sun umbrellas, etc. Mbs. . Wakkeh &Sok To the public. A New Steamboat Capt. Doscher's new purchase the Bessie a handsome steam yacht which will run as the mail boat be tween Wilmington and Southport this summer, came up to the city yesterday. The Bessie measures 72 feet over all, 13.05 feet beam, and 5.01 feet deep. She is fitted with two steeple-compound engMes, and . is -good for a speed of fourteen miles an hour. She has good cabin accommo dations and has been licensed to car ry seventy-fiye passengers. The Bessie has been used as a pleasure yacht in New York harbor. Her present owner intends to have the boat fitted up with awnings and accommodations on deck for passengers, and as soon as these arrangements are made she will begin her regular daily schedule between this city and Southport. por tbe convention.. The .Democratic State Convention and the District Convention to elect delegates to the National Conven tio.n, will meet in Raleigh next Wednesday. The Carolina -Central and the Atlantic Coast Line roads will sell tickets to persons attending at reduced rates, from points along the lines of the roads. The fare from Wilmington to Raleigh and return is $6.45 by either route. Died in tne Penitentiary. Napoleon Bonaparte Taylor, other wise known, as Bone Taylor, the Pen der "county moonshiner, died in Al bany penitentiary a few days ago, and his body . was .. sent to his old home in Pender for interment. Tay lor was convicted at the last fall term 'of the IT. S.. District Court in this city andsentenwd tb: Itwo years in WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1888. Loeal Sot. The cara for the street railway are expected to arrive about the first of June. One week from to-day and the weekly half holidays will commence; next Friday being the first of June. Mr. George W. Williams, his wife, daughter and son, have returned from their extended trip through the Southern States. Mrs. E. Warren & Son request the statement made that the ioe cream sold at the festival Thursday - night was not made by them. A dispatch from. New York say that Hubbard, Price & Co.'s cot ton ciroular was not received from them last night by the Associated Press. Do not forget the festival, "Feast of Roses," at the City Hall to night. The proceeds are for a wor thy object and the ladies deserve en couragement. The City Treasurer has received the new badges which will distin guish a respectable city dog this sum mer from a common conntry cur. They are said to be very pretty, Mr. Jerry Hand displayed at his store near Fourth Street Market yesterday a Duplin county ham which weighed fifty pounds. It was shipped from Magnolia by Mr. Sim Robinson. Messrs. W. H. Robbins fc Bro. were the shippers of the cypress lum ber and ship-spars per schooner L. A. Snow to Portland, Me., of which it was intended to make note in yes terday's Star. Willis Drake, colored, was the only prisoner brought before the Mayor's Court yesterday. Drake was charged with disorderly conduct, and was sentenced to thirty days' con finement in a close cell. On Wednesday evening after the usual services and one of the se-' ries of lectures by the pastor , Rev. W. S. Creasy on the Beatitudes, the Christian Association of Grace Meth odist Church held a regular meeting and was addressed by Capt. Alfred GK Hawkins. j Officer Turlington, of the po lice force, has a "double" who is mas querading in Wilson, this State. At least this is the information the po liceman has received that some one is personating him in that section. The officer desires his friends to know that the man is an imposter. A gentleman in this city writes to the Star that mothers cannot be too particular as to whom they trust their children, and cites an instance of a half-grown nurse propelling a carriage in which there was a small child who had her attention attracted to something else than the business for which she was employed and came very near upsetting the car riage in the gutter; in which event the child if not immediately killed would have sustained painful inju ries. Tne "Feaat of Rose." The "Feast of Roses" presented by the ladies of Grace M. E. Church last evening was a grand suc cess. It seemed as if Flora brought forth her choicest offerings to deck the occasion. Indeed, roses of the richest hues and most delicate tints which greeted the eye in every di rection were enough to satisfy any artist's conception. The tower at the front entrance was very artistically arranged, and reflected great credit on the ladies who designed it Although an immense crowd were present every part of the evening's duties were performed just as if the young ladies had not only caught a considerable share of the goddess charms but also her deft skill in per forming these duties. In every direc tion the fair sex was coming and go inghither and thither laden with delicacies, fruits and flowers. Not only was the eye charmed- with beauty, but the ear, too, was greeted with music: rich, full and inspiring by that well known and honored band, the Wilmington Cornet Con cert Club. "Festivities," so appro priate for the occasion, and so charm- ingly.rendered, won the fullest ap plause. "On the March," seemed not onJy to insinuate that the twelve in uniform were on the road to suc cess, but plainly declared that if the ladies engag-ed in the noble work of doing their part towards the rebuild insr of God's Temple continued thus to keep up with the brisk march in vfhich they have started, surely vic tory is not far in the distance. The festivities were kept up until a late hour, greatly to the enjoyment of everybody, and will be continued to-night, wheu the F.east will close. Iloeln exporw. Meears. Alex. Sprunt & Son cleared the Norwegian barque Albatross yes terday, or London, Eng., With 8,902 barrels or rosin, valued at 16,000. ; ' Messrs. Paterson, Powning !& 3o.' nleared the German harquo,- Jacob Amdt, for Aji twerp," with 4,373 If aJt of rosin, valued at f 4,605. Bleenanlea and Laborer. , The last Legislature passed an act for the better protection of mechanics and laborers the provisions of which are notgenerally known. The act provides that "when ever any contractor, architect or other person shall make a contract for building, altering or repairing any building or vessel with the owner thereof, he shall furnish to the owner or his agent, before receiving any part of the contract price, as it may become due, an itemized statement of the amount owing to any laborer, or mechanic employed by such con tractor, or to any person for mate rials furnished, and it shall be the duty of the owner to retain from the money a sum sufficient to pay such laborer or mechanic, whioh the owner shall pay directly to the laborer, me chanic or person furnishing material Also, the sums due to the laborer, me chanic or person furnishing material, as shown in the itemized statement rendered to the owner, shall be a lien on the building or vessel, built, al tered or repaired, without any lien being filed before a justice of the peace. The concluding section of the act says that any contractor failing to furnish an itemized statement as above, of the sums due to any one of the laborers, mechanics or artisans employed by him or the amount due for material, before receiving any part of the contract price, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined or impris oned, or both, in the discretion of, the .court. Criminal Court. Robert Williams, the "colored man caught stealing at The Orton, plead guilty to larceny in the Criminal Court yesterday, but judgment in his case was not pronounced. It is said that Williams was concerned in the affair at Chapel Hill, which resulted in the killing of one of the students at tbe State University some time ago. James Judge submitted to a charge of larceny and was fined fifty dollars and costs. Henry Jones submitted to a charge of forgery and was fined fifty dollars and costs. Hilda Raymond and Ida Raymond, charged with keeping a bawdy house. On motion of the Solicitor, the case was nol prossed with leave. The Court took a recess at 5 o'clock in the afternoon until 9 a.m. to-day. Half-Holiday. The hardware and paint and oil dealers have entered into an agree ment to close their respective places of business on Saturdays at 1 o'clock, during the months of June, July and August. Quarterly ITIeetincs. Wilmington District, M. E. Church, South. Second round of Quarterly Meetings. Carvers Creek circuit, at wayman, May 26 and 27. Ciinton circuit,at Andrew s unapei. June 2 and 3. Kenansville circuit, at unarity, June 16 and 17. Onslow circuit, Jacksonville, J one 23 and 24. . . . Elizabeth circuit, June SO and July 1st. ..... Cokesburg circuit, at McH atts, Juiy 7 and 8. . . Bladen circuit, at Center, J uiy 14 and 15. , , Waccamaw circuit, at Shilon, J uiy 21 and 22. Brunswick Mission, at Snilon, J uiy 21 and 22. , THOS. W. GUTHRIE, if. is. THE nAlXS The nuuli close and arrive: at the City Post OAoe aa follow: Horthern through and way malls.... 800 A. M " I J UK BC Northern through m&iis, iaax - " north carouha ana auuuo - -- awe ft enn vtitilmh ..ltl (VAaafanm R3JU A M Ralelxh and Fayettevflle ..60 P. M.t 8 A. M Southern way m&U.... Ll"-5 Western malls, C. a Railway 5:45 P. M C. F. Y. v. u. K. ana pomw ujt- plied therefrom 6,45 r' Raleigh St Hamlet Railroad and points Bmlthvule ; $0 P.M WrlKhtevllle Ipic " fUitsb AYS AND FRIDAYS. Onslow C. H. and Intermediate offloee 6D0 A. m. Little River, a C, and Intermediate g.oo p.M Case Feax BlVer'mali! .."." iX0 F OPXN TOR DJELIVISBY. Northern and way malla. ... ,,2pir Northern through ma.il, late V.STa r Southern through malls I d a v Southern wayman. q-SaIm Carolina Central Railroad aA. Halls ooUedted from street boxes In busl nesa portions of city at 5 A.M., 11:00 AJL and 45 P.M.; from other parts of the city at 5 AJL and 4 P.M. General deliyery open from 6.33 A.M.to 7 P.M. and on Sundays from 9:80 to 1030 A- M. Carrlera dellrery open on Sunday from 9:30 to 1049 A.M. Xoner dor and Rejftetiy Department open 3.00 AM. to saw P. M. Stamp Office open from 8.00 A. M. to 6:00 P. M Stamps on sale at general dellTery 6:80 A, M, to 10 A. M. and 1 to 7 P. M. a DOWN TOWN MERCHANT, having paasea rJehfibed by tbej agonle fhts, &nd eries of a eaffei hlld, and becoming con Bnnthlnr SvTUD Was vinoed that Mrs. Wl low JuseotalteeW proWeda mpplyfor the ImaT.On reaching home and WITS WTUQ WAlA UO lUfcU w . -i admired to the chlld,a. w teonfM wife wttn wnat newwoOTj"""-,; WAV it rUffiaWITMinT. U1U AUtAw asa y v-. mthY. Krl tte fs; luiuu saavwa nSSSTtT ndoeome omes duue and left the father with the child. Dfi6 Tise he administered a portion of theSoothln Syrup to the baby, and said nouimg. j all hinds slept well, and JtkeJefeUow That night awoke in thougb tioeau d upon her, has continued to nse t AM arss pnonawj. "rrrUX aiL ia7 aaaw "n nignta KSeTti ntheby. and over. ome the preiudloes ol tne mower-..duw Druggists. 85 oents a bottle. - v. - - i i i reatlaer IneUeatlOBa. The following are the indications' for to-day, received at 1a.m.: For Virginia and North Carolina, stationary temperature, followed by cooler weather and local rains, fol lowed by fair weather, light to fresh easterly winds. DIED, BT&VENSON. At her reatdenoe. In this city, Mrs. MARY J. STiViNSON, aged 77 years. Funeral serrlces this (Friday) afternoon,' at 4 o'clock, from residence corner of Fourth and Book streets. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A. G. ITJcGIRT, 4 Auctioneer. BY 8. A. 8CHL08S A CO. WB HAVE HECXTVEO ANOTHER CON8IGN ment of 87 boxes of thoae fresh Cakes and Crackers. To-day, at 10 o'clock, we will sell Household and Kitchen Furniture at residence 802, corner Orange and Ann streets, occupied by Wilkin Soddksk. Ladles take notice, for there Is a fine Piano to be sold. my 89 it Annual Meeting. THB REGULAR DAY, (20TH OV MAY,) FOS tne annual meeting of the Oakdale Ladies' Memorial Association, falling this year upon HnnrtnT. and rnnlaanent weather following, the meeting Is called for Friday, May 2Stk, at 5 P. M., at the Atlantio Hall, corner of Fourth and Prin cess streets. Membership received or renewed, and the election of officers will be beld for the ensuing year. my Z4 vt nSTOTIOIE. W B, THB UNDERSIGNED HARD WARS , Tinware and Stove Dealers of Wilmington, agree to close our respective places of business Satur days, at one o'clock, during the months of June, July and August, 18:8, for the benefit of all con cerned. (Slgntd) WM. X. SPRINGER A CO.. GILES. A MURCHISON, ALDERMAN, PLANNER & CO , W. T. DAGGETT, NATH'L JACOBL GEO. A. PECK, JA& B TAYLOR my 25 It Sun Umbrellas. T ATHING fcUITS, FLANNEL SHIRTS AND Straw Hats. LOUIS H ME ARES, Gentlemen's Fnrnlsher and Hatter, my 2'i tf 12 No. Front. To the Public. DEFENCE OF OURSELVES WE WOULD state that tbe ICE CREAM sold at the Fettlral at the City Hall, on Wednesday night, was not made by ns as rumored. Respectfully, my 25 tf MRS. 2. WARREN A SON. IPI-A-IfcTOS. nPHK ADVANTAGES WX OFFER TO PUR X ohasers are unsurpassed. We thoroughly understand our bnatneas. Your Interests are our Interests. We buy right out at lowest cash rates: we are not Duraenea witn rents ana eieras, and trarellmc salesmen, whoarheary expenses' tbe customer must pay. Again, we are located here permanently ana consequently responsible, which Is not the oase with strangers, wnoee In terest in you oeases the moment they leave. We assure you that we offer you much superior goods, then offered here, and for lees money. With strangers you have no redress. Over one hundred families In Wilmington. Including our moit influential citizens, hare bought PIANOS from us, and oaa testify as to our reliability. Our sales have more then doubled this last year, whioh la a sure Indication that our methods of doing bminess are correct. B. VaxLAER, 407 A 409 Red Cross street. Sole Agent for Sohmer A Co , B. Gabler A Bro., James A Holmstron and Behr Bros. Pianos. Call and examine for yourself my 25 tf BATHING- SUITS, TRAVELLING BAGS, TJMDZBWEaB, ALL . GRADES. Shirts, Collars and Cuffs. llcadr-Hade Clothing. SUITS MADE TO MEASURE, Full line of Furnishing Goods, Ac., Aa , at Popular Prices. MU1TSO 1ST, GENTS' FURNISHES, my 21 tf Capon Springs and . Baths, Hampshire Co., WestTa. Alkaline Lithia Waters BATHS OF ANY TEMPERATURE. ALSO SUPERIOR IRON WATEES. CAPON Is where, the sick and feeble recover and the well are always happy. A. B. Rutges, of South Carolina. In charge of Dining Room and Kitchen departments. Send for Pamphlet and say where you saw this adver tisement. Capacity for 800 people. W. H. K A I, g, my 101m nao ' Proprietor. PIANOS AND ORGANS. I HAVE OSE OF THE LARGB8T STOCKS OF Musical Instruments SOUTH OF NEW YORK CITY. STEIN W AY.EMERSON, NEW ENGLANDCHU- BERT. KRUNICH A BACH. CHICKERING. WBW ENGLAND, MILLEH. KIMBALL. BRIDGE PORT' - Sheet Husic. BE SUES AND GET PRICES BEFORE BUYING. J. L.: STONE. iiiU8n.v. - i-t I'-myMDwtf WHOLE NO. 6760 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Auction Sales. XjTOXDAY, MAY 25TH, AT 10 A. M, 202 ORANGE St., (corner of Second and Orange). House now occupied by W. Roddick A G. Mo3IR r. Auctioneer. JpiNE PIANO. HOUSEHOLD AND K ITCHES Furniture, Carpets, Curtain 8ots, Crockery, one handsome Cooking Stove.Bedroom Set?, Ac, Ac. 8. A. SCHLOSS A CO , my t8 8t Auotteneers. Doj Not Forget THAT ON THIS (THUH8D AY) BIGHT. AWii uri to-morrow, FRIDAY night, the Ladles of Grace Methodist Church win give their Festival. -FEAST OF ROSES." at the City Hall, for the benefit of their new house of worship. admission ree ig cents, ice cream, wc. Strawberries, Fruits. Crabs, Ac . wiU be offered at reasonable prloee my4 2t Mountain Park Hotel, HOT SPRINGS, N. C. (Formerly Warm Springs,) OPEN THROUGHOUT THE YEAR E8FKCI ally deelrable as a Summer Resort. No hot weather, no annoying insects. Tbe moat LUXURIOUS and BENEFICIAL BATHS In America. Marble Pools, Poroelain Tuba. Remarkable efficacy in treatment of Gout, Rheumatism. Malaria, Kidney and Liver troubles, uvspepsia ana outer complaints, resi dent Physician. Hotel new and elegant. Mag nlfloent Ball Boom. Cuisine unexcelled. Terms reasonable. Write for descriptive pamphlet: G. a; li&NouiU, Aian age r. Formerly Manager of As tor House, N. Y. City, my 24 lm Peas. Peas, Peas. LACK EYE, COW AND CLAY PEAS FOR sale low. Flour, Sugars, Coffees, Meats, Canned Goods, Soap, Starch, Corn, MeaL Salt, '.Glue, Hoop Iron. Molasars In hogsheads, tierces and barrels, Ac , Ac. An invoice milk Maid Brand Condensed Milk Jsst rioeived. We commend this to the trade as an article worthy their attention. HALL A PEAKS ALL, Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants, my 11 DAW tf 11 and 13 8outh"Water St Trnnts Guaranteed for' a Season. prONESTLY NOW. ISN'T IT A COMFORT TO trade where you always find your purchase ex actly as the dealer represents it? We tell the simple truth in regard to our goods, and If you like that way of doing business you will like us. And still we are not happy, nor will we be until we hare gained your patronage. Give us a chance and we will please you. Try us and you will find we are no small bunch of horseradish. There's no prize package business about us. You get full value every time. H. L. FENNELL, my 23 tf ' Tbe Horse Milliner. 10 So. Front St. Twenty-Five Gents Only TER WEEK (DELIVERED) FOR THE N. Y. TlmesN. Y. Herald. N. Y. Sun, N. Y. 8tar, N. Y, Tribune. N. Y. World. Illustrated Papers, Fash- lo Books, Magazines, Libraries, Ac, at Pub lishers' prices, always on hand at C M. HARRIS', ap 22 tf Popular News and Cigar Store. W. E. Groom, COMMISSION MERCHANT AND WHOLESALE and Retail Grocer. Orders for Merchandise, such aa Flour, sugar, coffee, molasses, Jeeai Corn, Meal, Rice, soaps. Tobacco, cigars ani Peanuts, filled at lowest market price, ap 1 tf 112 North Water street. N O THING FAIRER, L SHRIKE, AT No. 18 North Front street, guarantees If any purchasers of Clothing, Hats and Furnishing Goqds are sot perfectly satisfied he will refund the money. He also guarantees to save you from 15 to 25 per cent, on the identical goods you may purchase elsewhere. L SHHISB, The Old Reliable Clothier, 10 and SO North Front Street, my 6 tf Sign of Golden Arm. Manufacturing Heaflanarters F)R BATHING SUITS. I AM NOW MAKING up large quantities of Bathing Suits for the Wholesale and Retail Trade, at extremely low prices. M. ROSENMANN. Manufacturer and Merchant Tailor, my 20 tf 5 Market street. White Monntain freezers. . J HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LOT OF THE BEST FRSIZERS on this market, the "White Moun tain." Also a large stock of Hardware. Call and examine. GEO. A. PECK, my 80 tf gQ South Front street. A NEW PATTERN OIL STOVE, SAID TO BE THE BEST YET INVENTED. Refrigerators, Coolers, Ice Cream Ieezera, Ac. Improved Pattern Door and Window Screens and Frames. For sale by - ALDERMAN. FLANKER A CO., myCtf 114 Front St . Wilmington, N. C. ."Wilmington Sayings & Trust Co., MARKET, BETWEEN SECOND AND THIRD streets. , JOHN WILDER ATKINSON, President W. P. TOOMKB, Cashier. Lends money on satisfactory security. Pays interest on deposits. Is empowered to execute Trusts of all kinds, mh 25 tf See Here ) THE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY IN forms his patrons and the public irenerally, that he has secured the services of a first class Workman, and all those in search of first class work can be accommodated without any un necessary waiting. Respectfully, H. a FREMPERT, The Fashionable Barber and Hair Dresser. Millinery. J"KW GOODS RECEIVED AND OPENED. For sale at MRS. S. M. STROCK'S, No. 10 Front street, mh 29 tf A few steps of stairs. To Owners of Vehicles ! yyHKN YOU HEED ANY REPAIRING OB Painting done glre us a call. TO guarantee, you the BEST WORK at the LOWEST PRICES. We have a fine lot of Buggies, Phstons, Surrtes Wagons, Carts and Drays on hand, whioh we are selling very cheap. a B. SOUTHERLAND k CO Successors to R F. McDongall deo 11 tf Corner Seoond and Prfnoees 81a. Special Hotice. rjixMPUBAKY CHANGE. ROBERT B, BEL- LAKY; Druggist, three doors .below oorner, next I "sniarrea ana improved.:- ?. - .,: r . . ; ,-.- Ylym j).n v . r - :T-- ' It OD - -X STOHtnS, . . . ... l4tOQ KOoBtraot f Advertisement tafcea at propot tlonatelr low rates. " r s' . -v - - Tea line solid Kosparell type make oaa bout NEW AD VERTISEMENT8. BROWN & BODDICK, 7 NORTH FRONT ST. TTrx DESIRS TO CALL THB PARTICULAR attention of our Lady patrons at this particular time to our large and varied assortment of all tbe re west oolora and makes In our Bibbon Department; Gross Grain, all widths and latest oolow. 17 Gross Grain Satin Edge, all widths, from Nov 3 to 22, the latest colors. Molra with Crown Edge, widths from No. 3 to 22, in all the new colors . Plain Momle Ribbon, from No. 8 to 22, foil line, all new colors. SASH RIBBONS. ?, 8 and 0 Inches. Some beauties. We keep no trash in RIBB3NS, and oaa show the largest and most Taxied assortment of NEW COLORS and makes ever shown by any THREE homes South of New York WX HAVE MADS A SPECIALTY OF THIS DEPARTMENT THI3 SEASON. BOYS' WINDSOR TIES 23 CENTS EACH. We call special attention to the above, as our line is large and embraces many Novelties. We win add this week to our Gents' Neckwear -49 DOZEN GENTS feUMMXR CRAVATS, manufactured from the latest Silk Novelties at the nominal price of 25o each. Of course we expect a rush; if we don't the mis take is not ours. Lawn Ties and Cravats, a full line. The prices are less than they can bo washed for, which must certainly be cheap enough. JEWELRY. All the newest styles in Ladies1 Hair Orna ments in GOLD and SILVER PLATE, and Oxa dized Ornaments for the HAIR In beautiful de signs. The newest designs in BREASTPINS. The newest designs in HAT PINS. This department la really worth a special visit to our 8tore, Ladies' Plain ani Fancy cnemisetts. Very much used in the Northern markets this season, from 25c upwards. LADIES', GEMS' AHD CHILDREN'S 9 SUMMER UNDERWEAR in all qualities, makes andprlo:s. BROWN & RODDICK. NORTH FRONT STREET. my 80 tf JUST.RBC1IVED BY RAIL MARTIN'S GILT EDGE BUTTER. Something extra nioe. I am selling the best Roasted JAVA C0FFS3 at SO oents per pound. Roasted LAGUAYRA COFFEE 85 cents per pound. my 22 tf A. H. HOLMES. Boys' and Children's -' OLOTEClTSTG-i ALL SIZES, FROM 8 to IS YEARS. Sims AT S2.00, W0ETH $3.50. SUITS AT S3.00, W0BTH S5.00. SUITS AT $4,00, WORTH $7.50. SUITS AT S5.00, WORTH $9,00. SUITS AT $7.00, W0ETHVl2L00. Call before the bargains are ail gone. -a SSJIEER, 80 NORTH FRONT STREET. -Harrison A Allen's" old Stand. my 18 tf Atlantic View, T THB WRIGHTS VTLLB TERMINUS OF the Sea Coast Banway, Is the place to get the eelebrated PIG FISH Board by tbe day, week or month. - - ED. WILSON MANNING, my 20 lw . . Proprietor. Z J Carolina Beach. gCHEDULB 07 STEAMER SYLVAN GROTS unta further noOoe leaves at in A X. and 3 P. M." Train returning leaves Beach at! P. M. andSP. M. - - - - J."W. HAKPEH. my 18 tf , - Gen'l Manager. ia en Otn nila4etpfete i III! i unftillu Kiina adver. 1 ' I lliil T CLLr ! ttkMr Aracy U. Ummr W. AV S it A t0l. BlmW 1 A i -i , I f 4 it p. -i' iv ... :""; A 1 n ft s :.i 9 '4 i : . t .. '-r i ; 'v: t'i ; . . t - - ' '