- - -- r ..i ' : ; - - . - . ,:l' fHEMORNING STAR WILLIAM H. BERNARD. PU BUSHED DAILY XXCSPT MOHOAT i lii7a Or 9UB80RIPTIOS, IX ADYAXeS. 3S (br Mall). Postage Pa!iL $e 00 OjOfffhV - " .... 3 00 iAhs" " " 150 1U1 v. . Itft -To City Subscribers, dallvered in any part ,VhA city. Twtv Cjotts per week. Oar City 1 'nt are not authorlsod to ooUeot Jor more pirn tnree mim ' -" ,, Md at the Post Offioe at WUmlnctoo. N. C i"" aa second COasa Jlitter. )RNING EDITION. OUTLINES. There was no session of the Senate yesterday; the House considered the sundry civil and naval appropriation biS The President and several members of the Cabinet -will attend the commencement exercises at the University of Virginia on Wednesday next On Thursday night a free fight took place in the Grand Pacific Hotel in Chicago between the filaine and Gresliani factions; some of the combatants were stripped of their clothing, many were badly beaten, and several knocked to the floor; such a scene was never known in Chicago before Total receipts of cotton at all of the ports since September 1st, 5,426,090 bales. Y esterday was an exciting day in the Chicago Con vention; three ballots were taken for a Presidential nominee, resulting in no choice; Sherman and Gresham were he leading candidates, but the indications are that neither of them will receive the coveted prize; Blaine was persistently voted fr ifi the sev eral ballots; Fitler, of Pennsylvania, was withdrawn after the first ballot, ami at the uight session the name of Depew, of IfewYork, was also with- ilr.iwu. A negro was hanged for nipe in Kentucky yesterday, who pro tested his innocence on the scaffold, uiul who was believed to be innocent by many people. The Chicago wheat market yesterday closed at a decline from the previous day; corn Ms lower, and provisions weak. Sew York markets : Money easy at U per cent., cotton quiet at 10 5-16(310 7-16 cents; wheat, No. 2 red June 8587c; " July 86i87ic; corn, So. 2 June 54c; spirits turpentine ir regular at 3636c; rosin steady at $1 15(21 17i. J. 0. Waite left but little pro pi m . r money. fhe. Berlin Post gives a semi-offi-ci-ti insurance of Germany's peaceful i:;ien.ions. e. ililii'.aore his just taken a police tvuMis. In eignt, years it has grown 81,192 Why cannot Wilmington hi-.'o pohue census al-j o? . Tbe sea-serpent has been seen by ."r.Honn on uteanier Venetian. Peo r. laugh .it Uih, bat the proof that tlitre u huc'.i a mor.8'.er is very com lkte. The widowed Empress was vio Irntly opposed to an autopsy of her : 1 husbmd, hut. the young Etn j vr.ir, her son, would not listen to li- r protests and entreaties and or- '!'T: ii one. Hi Tories are scared. Salisbury 'is cille.i a raestieg of his party u' mhers. The late defeats have a i'me: hjm an-1 he sees that 8 ome lii iiir is Q.eied to restore harmony a'id confidence. I'i 1840 England turned in her financial policy from Protection to very i,:irly Free Trade. Since then drilling lias failen 20 per cent, in pricr', vvhi!e wages have actually ad vanced from 40 to 50 per cent. This le oiih noting. I'ihU ur'ri rabbit destroyer is a fail ure in Australia. Tbe destroyer does not destroy. It is like the War Tariff, ".tended" to protect the working elates. In that particular Protfccuon dow not protect except the floated Monopolists. ,? MBtU8ft8 be will not run agaio for the Ne Yoik Mnyr-ralty. When Mr. Hewiii shh be woo'i, he woa't. But it wi lie msLy H year before lhe metropoli8 lem UitCli f"r bim phu- He has made an honest, upright, ble official and tbe New York dailies have only abused him. Of all the lame and impotent ffon8 it i8 to Beo Protection papers ln lhe Democratic fold trying to get ernabu of comfort from the St. .Louis P'atform, that indorsed the Presi Jenl'H message and the Mills bill. he Democratic party is not a protec 'I0 party and they very well Jnow it. If i"u buy $12 worth of blankets y would save $3.60 under the Mills bill a very mojerate reduction. In expending $340, in the many aniclea J&ention ed from time to time in the !ab you would aaye $62. And the bill only cuts the ugly War arffTax 7 per cent, on an averr and leaves it at 40 per cent. Monstrous and ' intolerable! V If it old be reduced to Clay V standard, ? Per cent., what an imnxenae aav lDg there would be,' ' '.''v VOL. XLII. NO. 80. For nearly twelve yeara the writer of this has carefully and diligently collated the news from our "State Contemporaries." It has been often tedious work, requiring much time. We used to go through all the State exchanges. But they are now so numerous that we find it very diffi cult to go through half of them. We give more than 325 columns, Brevier type, a year of State news alone. This would mako two vol- umea of the Thistle Edition of Soott's novels. To go carefully over all our State papers would require double the space and double the time, whioh are not at our command. Ah, what is that? The New York Sun says at the recent Method iot General Conference in that city the order of Methodist Nana was in dorsed. It says : "The committee reoortad favrtrahlv &ni the Conference inserted in ihn dininHnn nf the Church a section regulating them They are ut oe cauea aeaconessee, &na t&e will be very similar to the nuns of the Roman uawouc unurca, except that they are net to take vows of life service or of ralihanv Every annual Conference in which these aeaconesses are esi&Diunea -will nave a board of nine members to ciatrol this kind of work." Southern Methodists would do well to keep from all organic union with the Northern body. Here is the way tho Boston Globe tries to ridicule the rather aesailalble style of Miss Rives: "Miss Rivea's literarv stvlr.it mum ! mitted. can dot bj cilled wemmeleas II is considerably Blraughte in places and open to mu caarge 01 03102 100 rainu, out on the t 1- 1 . ... .... waoie oer wruiogi aave in mem a spun insiv WUdifeoilfl Wlldffifirrkti4nfi aiih u the world hia not seen for many a long uay. She is "probably endowed with more genius than many of the New England authors who would be praised by the Globe. Fred. May, tho athlete who han dled Bennett, of the Herald, and per haps fongbt a duel with btoi, is in a lock-up in New York. He got drunk, drew a pistol on a policeman, got knocked down and locked up. When arraigned he said: "A. fir inoul liner annun ami trbinir tn null a rt'.v iVivrr on th nnlirjmn m v tninrl is a blank. If I did such a thing I deserve to be locked up. and it tried to shoot an officer I am glad he knocked me out." Mgr. Bouland, a Frenchman, has left the Roman Catholic Church and beon received into the EniscopaL Church by Bishop Poller. 'Vho Her ald Bays: '-Mar Knnl.nil flfrlrnl hia f&ilh .nd hia - r " - - . reasons for leaving the Catholic Church. Mgr. liouiana will now retire (o his estate in South Carolina for a period of rest and meditation. There is talk of making him tbe first bishop of the Galligan Church, in wmcn event ne win go 10 rrig. DAVIDSON COLLEGE Charlotte Chronicle. Yesterday we learned that tbe other elections were: J. S. White, vice pre' sident; Rev. Dr. Rnmple, secretary; S. H. Wiley, treasurer, and Col. Jno L. Brown, Dr. J. Rumple, J. M. Rose, Col. J oh A E. Brown, George E. Wilson, A. R. Banks and J. S. White, executive committee. Tuesday night the societies held their regular annual meeting. A special to this paper last night says: Dr. Battle was introduced by Col. Martin. He began his address by showing tbe bonds which united Davidson College with the Univer sity through the interchange of grad uates in their several facnltiea and boards of trustees; showed there were 3,000 boys who could go to col lege in North Carolina and only 500 in college, hence no need of mutual contention. The subject of hia ad dress was the history of North Caro lina's constitutional law; traced the character of the Legislature, judicial, executive, however conferred by tbe constitution of 1776, as an evolution from Roman law; the v constitutional amend mtnts of the Convention of 1835 were sketched in the light of historical developments; the forma-' tion of our present constitution was dilineated and its provisions,-contrasted with those of the constitu tion xf 1875. The relations of the executive judioial and legislative powers of the governmens were happily pointed out. His speech was practical, timely, entertaining aad instructive. ' The conclusion was an appeal for upholding the majesty Of the law as a source of happiness and prosperity. It was an admirable speech,- and everybody was delighted with it. :- 0?-TFF- NEW aDVEBTUEflENT9. , A. SnsncB Bargains.' ". . Mdhson Look at tbia. OAMFlllSBrachWrislitsvilie.' ' Louis H. Mkabks Night shirts. ' Geo: II . Crapow Steamer Bessie. , : ,S. A. eenxoss &''Co.-r-Aoetion sale. t IBchool Charlotte Female InaUtate. V,v; Stlvaic QKOVJt-TBaturday acbedule.' . TLX7kBsss & Soar-At Uvhmtotgi i 2d. T7n.E02r ilasircire Atlantic - View. WILMINGTON, N. CM SATURDAY, Local Dots. The maximum temperature re corded at the Signal office yesterday was 91 degrees. The hour for Sunday School at the First Baptist Church has been changed from 3.30 p. m. to 5 p. m. Business and working men's prayer meeting at Seamen's Bethel this Saturday evening at 15 minutes after 8 o'clock. "Let us have a procession of the Young Men's Democratic Club one eyening next week," says an old Dem ocratic gray-beard. Another family excursion on Sylvan Grove to-day, with music. The boat will leave for Carolina Beach at 9.30 a. m. and 2.30 p. m.. Capt. Morse, of Soutbport, left last night by rail for Fernandina, Fla., to bring the steamer Queen of the St. John's to Wilmington. The sheriff has been officially notified of the respite of Stephen Freeman sentenced to be hanged on the 20th inst to Wednesday, July 11th. Rev. Peyton H. Hoge, who has been quite sick for several days, expects to occupy his pulpit in the First Presbyterian Church on Sun day, as usual. A Chicago special of the 20th says : , Sergeant-at-Arms Canaday, o( the Senate was taken ill here yester day. His condition is not dangerous. but he is quite sick. The street hands are laying a brick pavement on Ann between Third and Fourth streets; property owners furnishing the material and the city doing the work free of ex pense. Brig Edith was cleared yester day by Messrs. E. G. Barker & Co., for Port-au-Prince, Hayti, with cargo of 190,000 feet lumber, 10 barrels tar, 5 casks turpentine and 5 barrels rosin, shipped by Mr. E. Kidder's Son and valued at 2,346.09. Mr. Eugene S. Martin delivers the Masonic address at Southport on next Tuesday evening, and a number of the craft of this city will leave Dock street wharf at five o'clock that afternoon on the steamer Bessie, Capt. Geo. M. Crapon, to attend the exercises and will return after they are over. Health officers report finding the dead bodies of scores of dogs within the past few days. There are suggestions of poison in connection with this unusual mortality among household pets, with intimations that the vigorous enforcement of the dog ordinance has impelled many un fortunate dogs whose masters have neglected to furnish them with a badge of respectability to shuffle off the mortal coil, in fear of an igno minious death at the hands of the dog cart man. mayor's Ceart. Fred. Bradley, charged with keep ing an unlicensed dog, was released from arrest under suspension of judg ment, having previously procured a badge. Emanuel Lane, colored, also charged with keeping an unlicensed dog, had his case continued until to- day. Henry Banks, for the same off enoe, was fined $3; one dollar to be remit ted on defendant procuring a badge for his dog. C. E. Jevens, drunk and disorderly. Former judgment enforced twenty dollars or thirty days. G. W. Robinson, colored, charged with disorderly conduct. Case con tinued until to-day. Tba stcamar Basal. The new steamer Bessie, Capt. Crapon, has taken her place upon the river, to run regularly between this city dkid Southport on and after to-day. Her regular schedule has not yet been arranged, but for the present she will leave Wilmington at 3.30 p. m. each day and Southport at 7.80 a. m. The Bessie is a staunch, fast boat, is neatly fitted up and can accommodate about seventy-five passengers. She - will be the mail boat between this city and Southport. Still Open. The subscription list for the equip ment of the Young Men's Democratic Club is still open at Mr. L. H. Meares' store on North Front 'street. Mem bers of the Club who have subscribed are requested to call there to-day and deposit the amount of their subscrip tions. All young men who have not en rolled their names are requested to do so at the meeting Monday night at the City Hall, where the books will be opened for enrollment. . A Haw Boat. Capt. B.H. Beery is building a steam yacht at his yard on the west side of tbe river, and expects to have it comDleted about the first - of J uly. It Is intended for use k the Hum mocks, to take out hing ; parties, and wili be fitted up to accommodate abont . seventh oersons.' Workmen Were engaged yesterday putting 'in the boiler and machinery. - J Cape Fear Academy. The fifteenth session of the Cape Fear Academy closed yesterday mor ning, after the examinations of classes, which had been in pro gress during the week, and showing very satisfactory progress of the pu pils.' After declamations by pupils, the Prin cipal of the Academy, Prof. Washington Catlett, with a pleasant and forcible address to the school, awarded certificates for proficiency in their studies to the following pu pils their names coming in the or der of excellence: SENIOR CLASS. E P Willard, C J Blomme, R C Sloan, E H Munson, Geo Peschau, J as S Hall, Jas F Wright, C W Woodward, Geo Sloan, Jno D Bellamy, Jr, Frank Russell, C S Grainger, S H Chadbourn, Jas P Cutts. INTERMKDIATE CLASS. E A McKoy, Willie Latta, R Merritt, ThosA Heide, Isaao Solomon, J H Gore, A M Hall, H Peschau. JUNIOR CLASS. L J P Cutlar, Leo Solomon, Louis Myers, C K Bacon, Willie J Bellamy, G A Heide, Emit Wessell, Em Bear, Sam Springer, P J Thomas, John James Munds, T C DeRosset, Clayton Giles, Edgar Bear, H Bear, Isador Bear, Frank Donlan, H D Olden- buttel, Otto Dingelhoef, Walter Bonitz. Willie Hodges, Piatt D Cowan. The following pupils were men tioned as deserving especial mention, vix.: EP Willard, C W Woodward, R C Sloan, Charles Blomme, E G Woody, E H Munson, Willie Latta, and Geo. Sloan. Prof. Catlett is a patient and dili gent teacher, a good manager and careful instructor, and under his control, with capable assistants, the Cape Fear Academy has attained a reputation equal to any school of its class in the country. It will reopen Sept. 24th with most encouraging prospects. Yoana; ITIen'a Democratic Club. The committee appointed at the last meeting of the Young Men's Democratic Club, consisting of Messrs. L. H. Meares, T. H. Pickett and Willie Rosenthal, to confer with the Chief Marshal in the selection of Division Marshals and their assistants, have reported the following: Chief Marshal J. C. Morrison. First Assistant Joe H. Watters. Second Assistant J. T. Medlin. Third Assistant W. R. Morrison. Fourth Assistant Edwin Daniel. These appointees are aides to the Chief Marshal, and will be mounted and act under his directions to trans mit orders to the Division Marshals, who are First Division Geo. Lee Morton, Marshal; tDuval French, first assis tant; Thos. Gause, second assistant. Second Division L. H. Meares, Marshal; H. H. Mcllhenny, first assis tant; Haughton Freeman, second as sistant. Third Division Martin Newman, Marshal; E. W. Moore, first assistant; R. L. Holmes, second asstant. Fourth Division George Branch, Marshal; Jas. Barr, first assistant; C. W. Polvogt, second assistant. The date of meeting of the Club, whioh will be held in the City Hall, has been changed from Tuesday to Monday night, the 25th, on acoount of the Concert, announced for Tues day evenijag at the Opera House. The formation of the Club into d I visions, as suggested by Mr. Morrison, the Chief Marshal, and adopted by the Club, is highly approved. It is the same as adopted by some of the leading political clubs in other cities, with the exception of officers of the Wilmington Club being styled simply marshals and assistant marshals, instead of colonels, captains and lieu tenants. A Bis Camp Nestlnc Mount Zlon A. M E. Church and the A M. E. Church at Wrightsville, will hold their first "Camp Meeting in the Wilderness" not far from tne , terminus of the Eeacoast railroad at the Hummocks, beginning to-day and continuing until the 25th inst. A big crowd is expected, as many other churches have been invited to parti cipate, and special excursions from Raleigh and other places will be run to the grounds. Bishop Campbell (presiding Bishop of the N. C. Con ference A M. E. Church) and Bishop Gaines have been invited to dedicate the new eamp grounds. Turpentine Still Burned' Mr, W. L. RIvenbark's turpentine distillery at South Washington was destroyed by fire last Thursday morn ing, between one and two o'clock, together with 20 barrels of crude tur pentine and 20 barrels of rosin. The loss is about $350. The fire was dis covered in time to save adjoining property from destruction, but only after hard -work by those present. Two colored men, Glasgow Bryaii and Joseph Wheeler, are especially commended for the part they took m preventing the fire from spreading. Weittr XBuUastava. " - h The following are tne , indication for td-day; received at 1 a. xn.: ;-J V For Virginia and North. 'Carolina, light to fresh -westerly .winds, cooler ' t air weather. st--' ; - r. " -vr ' JUNE 23, 1888. Danee at the Sound. The first moonlight excursion over the Seacoast railroad, which took place last night, was a pronounced success. Altogether 557 people went down from the city. Upon their Ar rival they found the large pavilion at the Hammocks ready for the dancers. Many of the excursionists partici pated in this amusement, while those who did not care to dance went over to the beach to take a dip in the surf, or to stroll up and down on the beach. The train left the Hammocks at 11.30, with the happy throng, every one delighted with the entertain ment. Cliareb Notices. Tint Baptist Church, corner of Fifth and Mar ket streeta. Key. T. EL Prltchard. D. D., pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 8.15 p. m., oondnotod by Her. C. 8. Finn, of BaleUh. Sunday school at 6.00 p. m. Prayer and Praise maetln? Thurs day night at 8.16 o ciocx. Birangero mniea. First Presbyterian Church, corner of Third and Orange treets. Rev. Peyton H. Hoge. Pastor. Kegolar services to-morrow at 11 a. m. and 6 p. m. Ho services at night, Sunday School at 5 p. tn., and Lecture and Prayer meeting on Thursday night at 8.15. Also Helping Hand Mls Elon Sunday school at 4.90 p. m., and Prayer meeting ana Leo tare weantsaay mgnt as o id. Visitors always cordially weloome. Ushers at the door. Second Presbyterian Church, corner irounn and Campbell sts. Eev. John W. Primrose, Pas tor, snnday services at 11 a. m. and 8.15 p.m. Huhhdth nchnol stinm. PrayerMeotuic ana Lec ture Wednesday, 8.15 p. m. The public cordially lnylted. Seats tree. Grace Methodist B. Chnron, nortneast corner of Fourth and Mulberry streets. Her. w. a. Creasy, pastor. Sernoes to morrow at 11 o cioc a. m. and 8 15 p, m.. Jay Bey. C. W. Smith, of J&llzabcthtown, N. C. Sabbath school at 5 p. m. Prayer Meeting and Lecture Wednesday eyen ing, at 8.15. A cordial Invitation is extended to Tialcora and strangers. Beats iree. vnTTTKTtS 1 MOTHERS 1 MOTHERS 1 Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excru elating pain of cutting teeth T If so, go at once and get a bottle of MBS. WINSLOW'fi SOOTH ING SYRTjp. it will " relieve the poor little suf ferer Immediately depend upon it ; there is no mistaae arxmt it. 'mere is not a motner on erui who has eyer used it who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels and giye rest to the mother, ana - reuei ana neaitn vo we ooua, operating like m&gio. It is perfectly safe to use ln all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and Is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere. 25 oenta a bottle. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A. G. McGIIiT, Auctioneer. BT S. A. SCHLOSS A CO. AUCTION TO-NIGHT, IN OUR SALESROOMS commencing at 8 o'clk. We haye large con signments of goods that haye come ln this week, and we will close them out to-nlchtregardleas of what they are worth. Kyery body come; don't mlas the bargains that Is ln store for you St auo tlon to-nUhu le 23 it Carolina Beach. JBGULAR SATURDAY SCHEDULE. Steamer tsYLVAN OROVE will leave for Carolina Beach to-day: at 9.30 a. m. and 2 31 p. m. Moslo for Danolog. J. W. HARPER, Je23tf fa en'l Manager. Steamer Bessie ILL COMMENCE HSR RBQULAR TRIPS to-day. Saturday. Jane 23rd. leaving her wharf. foot Dock street. 3.80 p. m. Por freight or pas sage apply on Doaro. GEO. M. CRAPON, leSMt Master. CAMP MEETING AT WEIGHT SYILLE. A LL PERSONS, WHITE OR COLORED, WIS H- lng to attend the Camp Meeting at Wrightsyffle bound, whioh commences to-day, can go down on the regular trains to-day and Sunday. Round trip tickets good for the Hammocks Adults 40c. Children 20c Tickets good until Monday. Night Shirts, JLANNEL BBIKTS,' PERCALE SHIRT, "MON ARCH." best SI 00 bhirt; Windsor Ties and X. & W. Stock. LOUIS H. MEARES, 12 N. Front. Jo 23 tf Gentlemen's Furnisher and Hatter. CHARLOTTE FEMALE INSTITUTE. SES slon begins September 7. 1888. No Institute for young ladles ln the South has advantages Buperlor to those offered here in erery depart ment. Collegiate, Art and Music. Only experi enced and accomplished teachers engaged. Tbe building Is lighted with gas, warmed with the best wroughc-lroe furnaces, has hot and cold water baths, and first class appointments as a Boardlng-eohool ln every respect. No school ln the South has superior. For catalogue, with full particulars, address toev. W. R, ATKINSON, je 23 m sat tu th charlotte, N. C. ATLANTIC VIEW, Wrightsville. N. C. JBBGTO ANNOUNCE TO THE PUBLIC THAT Ladies and Gentlemen and their Families visit ing the SOUOD for a day's recreation, can haye the free use of my large Pavilion and O rounds, whether they desire to take their Meals with me or bring their own -lunch basket." , SPLENDID BAND OF MUSIC. We invite you to a comfortable place, close by the Wilmington Seaooist RaUroad. Depot, where you cansee the Ocean, andenjoy theSeaggeze. e23tf ; Proprietor. CITY OF WILMINGTON, OFFICE CHIEF POLICE, June 21st, 1833. Keeping an! Sale of Gopwuer. OEC. 3. ALL PERSONS tt.KJnri.nvi powder for sale shall OBTAIN A LICENSE from tbe Mayor or Chief Police, which shall be Issued without cost to applicant. K. D. HALT., j2J2t Chief Police. MILK SHAKES, Soda "Water, PINEAPPLE, LEMON AND ORANGE SHERBETS, ICE CREAM, ETC., AT HAM MOCKS TO-DAY. E. Warren & Son, IN PAVILION. Je22tf LOOK AT THIS ! l FANCT SCARFS, SIX FOB 25 CENTS. A GREAT -BARGAIN. BATHING SUITS 75 cents and upward. - j FLANNEL SHIRTS. ' JERSEY SHIRTS, t The BEST ONE DOLLAR SHIRT sold. ' Large stookof COLLARS and CUFFS, -f-' t-- tt ANT) ANNA fiANDKERCHTE FB at ? ;i T " -' w - mm a. - .1 WHOLE NO. 6785 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OPERA HOUSE. TUESDAY," JUNE 26!b. A GRAND MUSICAL FEAST. A COMPLIMEN TARY BENEFIT TO Miss Annie DeRosset, one of Wilmington's sweetest singers, assisted by four of the finest voices ln the Stale, with male Quartet. CORNET SOLOS AND CORNET OBLIGATOS. Thlsarray of talent tfan't be excelled, and Wilmington Is promised a rare treat. . Doors open at 8 o'clock. General admission 85c . Reserved Seats Mo. Box Sheet at Helnsberger's Monday morning, le 2i it Atlantic Coast Line. W. & W. and . C. & A. Railroads. Jane Ut, 1888. Sale of Unclaimed Freight. The following articles of freight having been left at the agencies of these companies men tioned below for a year or more, unclaimed or refused by consignees, will be sold at public auc tion. In Wilmington, at auction rooms of Collier A U., on naturaay, ane so, icoo, at ju at. iu, iur account of whom it may 'concern. Taaxs Cash. - T. M. EMERSON, G. F. A. COLLIER A CO., Auctioneers. Artloles left at WhltevlUe One znlil stone, January, 1887, Wright St Co. At Wilmington 1887, March, four cases of Medicine, J. H. Proctor: May. box of glass, J. H. Lyon; 25 oases powder, J. L. Boatwright: 81 hales hay. April box oil cloth, lumber, H. B Johnson; March 5 cases matoher, Williams, Rankin A Co. At Warsaw Two barrels vinegar, April, 1687, D. W. Blvenbark. ... At Dnplln Road Box merchandise. March, 1837, N. V. Devane. At Magnolia February, 1887 pieces wood, E. C. Grodwohl. At Warsaw 1888, July bundles of bags, berry orates, Johnson, Bramble, Blackburn; Ootober two boxes tobacco, A. N. Johnson; 59 bundles slats. Royal A Bro. Faisons Berry orates, J. L. Tew. Mouat Olive November, 1885 box of glass; May; 1837 barrels of vinegar, J. A. Royal. oldaboro February. 1887 drain pipe, G. L. Klrby; March corn planter, F. F. Cherry; 6 bags kalnit. Wilson June. 1886 two barrels guano, B. F. Tvylor; September cotton gin, G. D. Greene St Co ; November Oase of drugs, S. Otis; box of to bacco, G. F. Lais; April, 1887 box of crackers, B. Bynum; July box of drugs. J. E. Langley, lol of crates. Rocky Mount 1888, August cotton gin. W. Gay; December 8 cases blacking, Jones m Co. Battleboro Cask of mercury. Tar bo ro 1887, March valise, I. Freeman; April bundle castings, order, Carl lie A Hyatt. Bethel January, 1867 box merchandise and frames, J. K. Langly. Whltakers 18S7, April cotton planter, J. R. Cutchln. Halifax 158 r, Januarybox of seed, H. B. Ferguson. SoollAnd Neck 1688. June bar merchandise. F. Luther: October box of machinery and 24 wheels; November rice harvester, J. M - Mayo, le 19 2t tu eat For Rent, TWO OR THREE DESIRABLE llll ROOMS, in residence No. 402 North Second street. Apply on premises STABOTFICE. or at Je2tf WilmiDgton Seacoast R. E. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT, JUNE 20, 1888. From Wilmington. From Hammocks. Leave 0:30 a. m Leave 9:80 a. m Leave 2:30 p. m Leave 6:03 p. m Leave 7 :45 a. m. Leave 10:30 a. m. Leave 8:30 p. m. Leave 6:15 p.m. Leave 720 p m I Leave. .1G;00 p. m. JAS. H. CHADBOURN, Jb.. General Manager. JeSOtf A. SHRIER'S Bargains for the Week. ON MONDAY, THE 18TD7, I WILL COMMENCE TO CLOSE OUT MY EN TIRE STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER SUITS at prices lower than ever known since the be ginning of the Clothing trade. Room for Winter Goods must be made at once. All come and examine. 30 NORTH FRONT STREET. Harrison St Allen's old Stand. Jel7tf To Owners of YeMcles! VITHKN YOU NEED ANY REPAIRING OB Painting done give us a call. Will guarantee 'you the BEST WORK at tbe LOWEST PRICES. We have a fine lot of Buggies, PhsBtons, Eurries Wagons, Carts and Drays on hand, which we arc selling very cheap. a B. SOUTHERLAND CO.. Successors to B. P. MoDougall dee 11 tf Oomer Second and Prtnoees Bta - JJHILIP8' PHOSPHO MURIATE OF QUININE COMPOUND. A reliable general Tonic and Antlperiodlc. Sold ln any quantity. JAMES D. NUTT, Je 17 tf SI 8 North Front street. W. E. Croom, QOMMISSION MERCHANT AND WHOLESALE and Retail Grocer. Orders for Merchandise. such as Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Meat, Corn, Meal, Hoe, Soaps, Tobacco, Clgara and peanuts, nuea at lowest marxet prioea. ap 1 tf 112 North Water street. Ice Cream Freezers. ' gOMETHTNa NEW. ' .- THE BE8T TETN3 ON THE NAREET, ' my lltf GILES MUKOMISOW. CampaignEqmpments, ' ftONSTSTTNG OF - WHITE BEAYIRS,' BAN dan Handkerchief, Walking Cane' and iureu,tiorpnoi ana ninaer parti ctnars, aa h. . For prioes and further particulars, td iL SHBIEa. The Hatter, No. 29 N; Front t, Elgn of tig Hat. iersfwm toe coistry "protrr-y f '&d street. Orders tO. , ' " . ' IliUf I One square Oae Pirt..ii 1 1 i twptri,....'..i.w.;,:r..r'.-i ta , " rhreeDa...........iM ' Z- ti'Pay- r- 06 " - Fi Daya,........i.'.;.i.-.r ; I B0 : . Two Weeks .......... W Three Weeks.... W-"i-'. " uae Months. i. .19 to - - ' lyn Montha, ...Tv. . It 00 " ree Monthe.......... ........ 14 Co v - t uMontna........,....:.'o o; Osa Year...... v. . ; 'Contract Advertisements takep at prop r tlonately low rates. ..... ' , , , - ..' -'VJi -." Ten lines solid Nonpareil type make one squar-v .fV ' NKW ADVERTIS: srrs BROWN & RODDICK; NORTH FllONT ST. C: UNDOUBTEDLY THE 1 BEST BARG-AINS I 0 to be found ln this country.' We shall offer on Monday, Jdne 4th. 1838, a lot of M EmDroiflerel Dress Pattens, " made from India Linen. Batiste. Chtmbray and -y. '' - Zephyr Cloth, at prices ranging as follows: 1 25,"7ii f 1.50. SL75. f 2.C0, SS.00 acd J4.00. Choice de- - signs. They ere lust about 60o on the f 1.00. - Parasol; MrSpsMe Department., We are offering some specialties ln PARASOL8 and SUN8HADE3 that cannot fall to attract. Tbey are without exception the best value that can be found ln this or any other market. DRESS GOODS. In this department we call your attention Just to one Lot of CANVAS CLOTH SUITING, all Wool filling, 12Jc. No such quality can be . bought less than 25o. Full assortment of colors. All-Wool Shawls. In Beautiful Evening Colors, $1.50, aotuaUy worth 2.00:jd one Lot $2.00,actualry worth t3.0P. Ladies' Mitts. We hate a beautiful assortment of LADIES1 MITTS In five different grades. The colors are Just the latest. Prices 21 to 75 cent. Gents' FnrnisMiiE Department. UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY AND NECKWEAR. You have no idea Lhow much you can save by giving this stock a look over. TRUNKS, DRESS, TRAVELLING ANB STEAMER. I A full line of all tbe leading makes. Give us a trial and save 25 per cent. We are giving very close prioea all over our Store to Induce trade. You wOl find that our prices are ln almost every case less than you can buy elsewhere. We have gotlthe stock and ft must go. Will carry noneTover the season. BROWN & RODDICK. f NORTH FRONT STREET. Je3 tf UOTIOE. JOW THAT THE EXCURSION SEASON HAS " opened. Protect yourself bv aeeurur Acnldet--i Insurunoe. T' I BUY THE BEST; Ay n INSURE IN THE a-vele OF HARTFORD, CONN., : THE LARGEST AND STRONGEST ACCIDENT COMPANY IN THE WORLD. Issues Accident Policies for any length of time . from one day to twelve months. Telephone No. II.; NORTHROP. HODGES A TAYLOR, j 5el7tf General Ins. agents." . A NEW PAYIERH OIL STOVE, , SAID TO BE THE BEST YET IN VESTED. Refrigerators, Coolers, Ioe Cream Freeserar c . Improved Pattern Door and Window Screens and Frames. . . " . . . For sale by " ' . ALDERMAN. FTJTNEB CXX, 1 -myCtf 114 Front t Wilmington. H. C. MaiiractnriiE Healinarter. - FOE BATHING SUITS. I AX NOW MAKING up large quaai ltles of Bathing Suits for tbe Wholesale and Retail Trade, at extremely low prloes. . ... M. ROSENMANN, Manufacturer and Merchant Tailor, : -. my 90M 5 Market street. 200 Bnslels No. l Seef Peas, ' i InnrkBTTBTT CASKS, 1,600 BUSHELS iUUU Corn; also. Meal, Booo-Iron, Glse, Bait, Hay, MolaaseevJlour. Coffee, Sugar, Can r Goods, Sto&c. , - Nos. 120. 123 VH North Water SU Je U Dswti Wilmington. N. C. ! i: i Hardware ALL KINDS AND BEST MANUF ACTTTH3 on hand. Water Coolers," Preer,er;, T.j Tz-j, ' lojrfor eaeh. - t - m i MR - r- ' ' V.' 1 it . i . ' a ft ii A -"1 I