THE MORNING STAR PUBLISBXD BAXLY XXCXPT KONDAY aATM or vnaaaxevufm, ta ABvanon. , r . . fear (by Hall), Postage Pald....... $0 K nkMD Months " - . - 1 50 AMonth. " M p -To City Subscrlbera, delivered In any part of the City. TwxLrn Cm per week. ; pur city 4ntb are not authorised to collect for more :uerwl at the Post Offloe tWUmlntoa.N. C a OOWUtt win fcqr ; a, . MORNING EDITION. OUTLINES. A. joint resolatibn 'was passed In Congress yesterday extending appro priations for the present -fiscal year or thirty aays irom me awn oi J une: in departments for which appro'pria-f tion bills for the next, year 'shall not have become laws; almost the entire day in the Senate was spent in the. consideration of the army appropria- tion bill; the tariff bill occupied the House session, during the oonsidera- tion of which a heated personal con-; troversy took place ; between Mri Breckenridge, of Arkansas, and Mr. Reed, of Maine. The London courts sustain 3 the dis-J persal of public meetings Jn Trafal gar Square, on the ground that they;l interfere with free passage through i the square by the people. A coroner's jury, in Ghetopa, Kansas, composed of four i whites and eight uegroes, impanelled to inquire into tbe deaths of.two negroes who were Luug dv a moD, cannot agree upon a verdict; the white jurymen find that the men were hung by parties un known, while the negro jurymen say tbey have the names of over one hun dred of the mob, and want a verdict charging them with the crime. Total receipts of cotton at all of the ports since September 1st, 5,441,851 bales. Internal revenue collec tions during the first eleven months amounted to $114,094,759, being 45, 423,867 more than the collections for tbe corresponding period of last year. There was a decline in the Chi cago wheat market yesterday, and other grains also showed slight de clines; provisions were moderately active and prices a shade lower. An old citizen of Memphis was stab bed to death Thursday night ,byra young man who attempted to escape with his daughter. A'wife mur derer was hanged at St: Joseph, Mo."( yesterday. -A corner was sprung in June coffee Inthe" speculative marKet in Jew xorK, ; yesterday, jre suiting in a heavy advance' in prices. Chairman Barnum, of the Dem ocratic National Committeehas made his appointment of the Executive Committee, and a house in Sew York city has been procured as headquar ters A general strike has been inaugurated among the Pittsburg iron w ork ers and all of the mills close to-day. The insurance conven tion, which has been in session at Fort Monroe, adjoarned 'yesterday. N. Y. markets: Money easy at per cent.; cotton. steady at 10 .3-16010 5-16 cents; wheat, Ho. 2 June 86i87ic;July 86f87c;iorn, No. 2 July 53i54c; spirits turpentine quiet at S5k; rosin dnll at $1 101 15. U is now said that Morton's father was n preacher also. fWhes of lightning .are npw ao 'ully pliotographed in the act. Several days ago there were 912 Farmers Alliance lodges in North t;aui ina. i . Oxford University, England, has o income worth having $326,000. It io net too much either. w When Jingo Jeems returns a fleet 6lie..l with Republicans will go down New York bay to meet him. JQdge T harm an says that the Re publican ticket is a strong one, but that a Democratic victory is sore. Bad news, It i8 given out that ur. Barchard wilt eopport Cleveland and Thurman. Too bad. R. R. R. We are pleased to learn that the pews for Grace Church were shipped on the 23d inst. and will be here by 1st July, we suppose. Rassia isgoinglotax her immense , production of kerosene oil. Matches Ma al8 to be taxed. Ip North Caro-1 uur lDey tax clothing and bobksl ine Local Preacher's Conterenoe H.E. Church), wUl meet at Ruthv erfor(3 College on the 17th 'August it. It will continue nntil the 27th. lator Voorhee8'a address at the r Un "ersitv of Viroinia on Thomas "Person is said to have 1 been- elo J"60 and able. We can well be 'e it. ";; irS l-jwiJu jj - - narriaon is really in a very . bad His platform indorses the Blair . 00 voted against it. His' platr . 111 opposes Chinese emigration; he ors it. Morley introdoced a aotion J "ensure the Tory party. 1 It was a mre. It failed, as' wait to have "vernmentto 27gain P are still strong in Patliarnent, ---v m me country. - - :, :n-LLsii.Jiii '.v iimim mte mmmy m& VOL. XLII.--N0a 86; There are only seven Presidential tickets in. the field as vet. There are the Prohibition nominees, there are wvso .ui ma unitea .LiaDor nartv. 3oudrey, of Illinois, fdr '"President; ana w akeneld of JSansasf or Vice President: the Union ? ' .-. ' - " "J Streator, of Illinois, and Cuhniogi usui, vi iirKansas; tne; woman buf fragists, our . fair friend TBelva w " sua Mtoitiut v VUlUIu; bia, properly accompanied oV '.Mr! aioert n. JUove of Pennsylvania, and tne industrial Kefotm , norainees.T of Kansas, and the regular tickets Uemoorats and Republican. - A special from Washington toibe n. x. Bear, dated 27th, says the Republicans are alarmed over Harri son's Chinese votes. The attempts1 to explain away the damaging record alio. fail. Harrison made - threats against organized labordnring the great' Northwestern , strikes. The result is Labor is preparing to op pose him. The dispatch sayai ,'Hr. Thorn Dfion of California Mlrt imho correepondentof the Star to-day; that the Ghinfise record of General ttarriann rAnld not possibly be explained to the satisfaction oi ura Deome on ua facine enut im baii that he had looked into ihe matter careful-, lv. and found the whole record miiasnn. ifltlc to the spirit and interests of the while - uiv4uzaktua prcvaiiiai lucre. ; We have received a hymn entitled "The Great Salvation." and An open letter to Unsaved Person bj Rev. James B. Taylor, D. D., Lex ingtoo, Va. Dr. Taylor was the for mer pastor of the First . Baptist Church in . WilmirJetoo. Thev are "Select Tracts issued by "Gospel Arrow8,n.. Springfield, Ohio. ; . The wage workers - in New York are already "sho wing their - hand in opposition to gaandsos? smd money bags. Labor is making an emphatic stand asraiost Boodle and Blow- hard. The N. T. Star is giving bona JitU names os , prominent men among the toilers. They will not vote for Chinese Harrison. Geo. Pickett is to have a $2,000 monument. We are glad of it. Now let North Carolina raise a monument in memory of those , brave North Carolinians who on the third day at Gettysburg went -farther into the enemy's lines than any of Pickett's men went, and fell with their faces to the foe. . Swapping horses in the middle of a river is not funny, .nor is changing generals in the midst of a battle safe and commendable tactics. But it looks as if the Republicanr will have to swap off their ticket if they expect to carry half the Northern States. The case in growing rapidly desper ate. Paul Fechter, son of the actor Fecbter, was accidentally killed in Paris a few days since while fenoing with foils. He was struck in the left eye and the foil penetrated the brain. He died instantly. A stu dent was once killed at West Point by a foil while fenoing. Spirits Turpentine -r- Asheville Citizen: Yesterday afternoon about 4 o'clock, a - messenger eaoce to the city from the swimming place. -on the French -Broad river, in rear of the f ajr ground , atating that Mr. William Alonzo Pattoo, a yoongrwhite man well known in tbia city,- had beendrowned while - bathing," and also ; stating that his body could not be-round y'-Vi ; Charlotte! Chronick: ,&.- large, crowd of Charlotte's population left the city, yesterday afternoon at S o'clock for Mt.solly,f on the first of C a -series of Carolina Central Railroad. While out shooting with a rifle at Mt: Holly, one of two colored boys, who were dtipntiBguver who should e the weapon; dUcharged1 the piece at tbe other, the bullet tearing ajtole through' bis coat" - The shooter then ran away and was ldst in the crowdi Greensboro WorkmahiS&mtoa so kind, so generous, aa .hospitable and ': so constant in friendship, as was the ate John McCullocb,' who departed this life on Sunday evening.yuhe 24thi in the 72nd year of his age, deserves tube remembered by those who knew him. "r--; The quet tion baa been asked how RevPr, Aberna thy becomea the candidates ot- tbai Third Party f or ; Superintendent jof Public, In- struction. when thetJonvention nominated Prof. N. C; Boglish for .that positlou t time past-it has been known that' the ac credited representatives of the Richmond & Danvflle Railroad Company and the At lantic Coast Line were ln , the city looking lover the eitu&tion wHhithe idea of making ; this tbeif deep ; water ; ter minus. 4 They were taken la hand bjntome of our leading citizen?, merchants and transportation men and ehown the'Immenae advantages po- ;se8eea ,.ny tnu port tot the nanxung or heavy - freights. Tbese gentlemen : were Harry Walter, "Vice president and. general rcanager of the Atlantic Coast Line, and Reuben Foster, of the York River line, who .represents W. -L. 8cott, the president of the Richmond & Danvilleaystem. 4s y jRliIeis Governor yestsrday connuted to -Ufa ; Im prisonnent the seateaca of .Alice Brown, WlilMpTGIN colored, who was convicted at the ' spring term of Columbus Court of the murder- of her: Infant child and -sentenced to. be hanged July 7. - Col. W. L. Saunden Is still confined at Chapel Hill, but we are pleased to learn- Is - eradually improving; a 'H. Robinson, Esq., Grand Master of Masons, has called a special meeting of ihe Grand Lodge at .Oxford, July 12. but for satisfactory reasons stated by " thi Masons of Oxford and elsewhere the meet- lag has been : indefinitely postponed and notice will be ex tea when another arjcointi .meht Is made! . - It seems that 'the 4th of July demonstration v which Winston , if going to have is to be by far the most im-f posing affair of the age. The preparations which are beinc made are the most extend slye ever heard of. ; There is to be a re4 union of Confederate and Federal soldiers there will be fire companies, military com panies. bands, , ladies mounted , on horse back, elegant and eo&tly mdns trial and his4 torical floats, all winding up with one of the most brilliant displays of fire-works; ever seen. The people of Winston are pre-) paring to entertain 80,000 people. . the uinsr NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A8hbikr Bargains. . MuasOR Inducements. - E Wabkeh &8on At Hummocks. S. A. Echxoss & Co. Auction to-night. tuoeai lieta. This is the last day forjisting4 taxes. '. -; ! -"Rev. Dr Joseph C. Huske, of; Fayetteville, will conduct services at1 Lebanon Chapel, Wrightsville Sound, Sunday, July 1st, at H a. nu ; The infant daughter of Mr?.' Mary Price, aged about . eighteen" months, died., last night about 9; o'clock, after a brief illness., Rev. W. S. Creasy, pastor of Grace M. JE. Church, who has been absent - from the city for several ' weeks, will fill his pulpit on Sunday, i The Rev. T. P. Ricaud, who: has been sick and confined to his house... for the past three weeks, is much better an d was able to be out yesterday. Misa Cannie Chasten has re signed the position of organist of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, preparatory to her departure for Boston to com plete her musical studies. . ' Rev. Dr. Huske, ofFayetteville honored us with a delightful visit yes terday. We were pleased to see him in improved health. The Dr. will spend some days in our town. . Mr. George Haar, son of Mr. i Henry Haar, of this city, has returned from Boston, where' he has been for some time past in attendance at the New England Conservatory of Musie. A reunion of Confederate vete ranssurvivors of the Wilmington Rifle Guards, Eighteenth N. C. Regi-J ment will be held at Old Camp Wyatt, near Carolina Beach, on the 4th of July. Mr. Wade H. Harriss, of the Charlotte Chronicle left Wilmington this morning on his return home. We are glad to learn that his brief so journ here was a pleasant one, and hope that he will come again. It was rumored yesterday even ing that the steamer jQueen of the BL John's had arrived at Bouthport, but the report' was .-probably incorrect. The .telegraph" wires' between that place and Wilmington .were down, and it was impossible to hear from there. . ' ' ' . '.. At the Fifth street Methodist church to-morrow at 11 s. m. sermbn by Bev; T. J. Gattis, of Durham. Sa crament of the Lord's Supper after sermon. At 8.15 p. m, Bev. D. H. Tut tle will preachy subject: "The Cross of Cbjrist the Christian's Glory." Seats free,' and everybody invited. ; About 1 nx hundred persons at tended the exoursion'and picnio of the Sunday school of the; First Bap tlst Church at Carolina Beach. T The excursionists 4 had ? a 1 pleasant time until they' reached the oity on their return In the' evening,- when a heavy rain, which many - were unprepared for, came up. . v - r - .-; t ' Dr. Robert D. Jewett is iome front the University of Virginia, and is "In fine health.1 .There were sixteen from NorthCarolina among the eighty medical students. Of the twenty-two graduates eleven. "were one-year men. and of ' these six were North Carbli- nlans. ; That ! shows fine preparation and studious habits. o i 1 x I: Elsie Maeks, J ane Hines and James Wlliams, all colored, charged with keeping" unlicensed dogs, were dis-; charged , upon makings explanations' that were satisfactory to; the ;Court. JohnDavlai'coloredV eharged ;wifh, disorderly : conduct," had' his case .transferred.! on f, affidavit ; to - Justice! Price;---1'-'" n-;:?- V ; ir i vj. $ Tata ThrtnrBrtti: 'nlnAi1. ''ft'h arced with cruelty to animals was , called, , but failing to answer, judgment for forfeiture orecognizanee was enter ed against him i,-'t rvi'' William -i.Pewelsonr- and r Barah GranamV eblored , clmrgedTwith dis- orderly.conduct,'were sentenced each itol nav a fine of ' twenty, dollars ;or serve thirty days on the -chain gang. TeywienlJIow case f Wn; 'Swindle, - colored,- charged with disorderly condvet. y Tk EpeampDUBU . A circular issued by Adjutant Genl eral' Johnston Jones,, In. relation to the. encampment of jthe State Guar4 at Wrightsville, ; gives the following information,' for .the guidance of all concerne!Uivi.-':-' -;--'-'; v. i -'.i-. ! The troops wiU arrive at camp ; on Tuesday evening,! July 17.; At. noon; next day the camp, will be., formally opened with appropriate ceremonies, and . .the guard-lines 4 establlshedJ Troops sjwlll ': break camp 1 Friday i July. 27. V - r ;i; " .J , o ,- Each : regiment will have . its own! camp, camp-guards and guard-Unesi but the several camps will be located upon the same grounds in close prox-t imity to each other. : The tents will be pitched floored and ready r fox occupation .upon the arrival, of the troopa No efforts will be -spared td make this i encampment as ;. complete1 and' comfortable In' construction and appointments as -.the means . and facilities at hand will allow. -.,-:,.. Each , company ' must rely on itself, for subsistence, it being out of the power of the State authorities to sup ply rations. Each -company should! go prepared to establish company messes. ..To, this end two cooks and' one caterer should ber employed by each company. Fresh meats,' ' fish, vegetables, fruit, milk, and provisions of all kinds can. be purchased at Wil mington or at the camp. For special information on this subject, com-j manding officers are instructed - to communleate ' with Colonel1 Job n L. CantwelL Commissary General, Wil mington, who. will aid in making all necessary arrangements for food sup plies. 1 The following is a liberal ration:! twenty-two ounces of bread; three-! fourths of a pound of salt meat, tsrj one pound of vfresh meat; one-tenth of a pound of coffee; one-eighth of a' pound of sugar; and salt, pepper,! pickles, vinegar, &c, ad libitum. ' I Provision must' be made for a pe-j riod of nine days, exclusive of the! time consumed in travelling. . The ! cost of rations ought not to exceed j three dollars per man. ' . The provisions should be carefully ; boxed in convenient . packages, and should do labelled ,; with the name of the company, etc and; be transported , at the same time with the company.' ;- Each 'soldier must 'be completely, equipped. ' In addition to his uniform a ohange of under-clothing, 'Ms rifle, 1 cartridge box, bayonet scabbard and waist belt and nlate. he must have a 1 blanket, knapsack, haversack, can- teen, piate, cup, spoon, anue and -fork. The State will supply all these articles except blankets. - It is particularly desirable for the comfort of the men that all organlza-; tions should be provided with fatigue , uniforms jor use in camp and for. drills. .r -:. . , 1 1 Men should provide themselves with rubber blankets and rubber overcoats. Each soldier should take - with him a bed-sack of light materiaL'two feet wide and six-feet long, to be filled' with straw on arrival in' camp, as no loose straw In tents will be permitted, the tents being, floored. A PelleaaaaasHatBtar. .One of the members of the police force had quite an adventure Thurs day night with a colored woman' named Sarah Graham. The woman was behaving in a disorderly manner, on Market street but managed to; elude the officer who wanted to "run her in, and took refuge in the "Long House, on Surry street. Hither the officer followed, when the woman rushed out of the house and jumped into the river at the foot of Church street. Nothing daunted, the gallant offloe r plunged Into the ". water after, her and succeeded in bringing the' woman' to landV when ' he , found that his prisoner whom he thought to rescue from a . watery grave, had been playing a , prank on him and1 merely wanted a bath before taking up her- abode in the guard house. After she had donned . i her street attire the police man-1 escorted her to' police 'headquarters, where shei will spend thirty days as a guest . of the city. " 'i-,r -' ' ' ' oawsas a Treat. . A crowd of little darkies and one or two old colored women who were fishing for catfish" In tfife river at 'fcthe fobt of Princess street' yesterday af ternoon, were thrown, into a great : state of excitement , by k , one of the boys; landing a fire-pound . trout Catfish ' are caught- lar i that lo cality every day illr scores, .but a trout was , something- unheard of and took them all by surprise, ,After they had satisfied themselves that it was actually a trout,' each one grab bed his pole,' put ar f resh: yarth wur rum on his ' hook: and went to fish ing again with greater detejmlnation than ever; ; but not; anTsr trout re warded ;tnelr Industry.' The ; little trbut-catchihgV darkey wasted . no time,' however but taking his prize up-town sold it, still fluttering, to some Innocent and uisuectlng citi zen, forfifteeneenteV.' lLHr. Alllaatora at Oaroll Baea j A nair of aUieators have been add ed to the attractions., at Carolina Beach. - They . are about, eight ; feet long andVwere caught in a. net in the fresh water lake close .to the i beach yesterdays mornings Besides- .these two'- another was caught, " .but : was drowned Vbefore' the fishermen, could extricate t it from the neti' Captain Harper has had a pen built if or; the aauatio monsters, and af ter.they are thnForiD'hW tnmt& .Will i Oermit ' Vlsi- o - - - . , tors to ride them ;up and dowrttbe 3 parties 01 tne season visueu varmiua Beach yesterday. Watbr lallMneaa. -, : The' foUowing are tflef indications f or to-dayi received at 1 a. m.i -c.n s X Ight to.r fresh northerly .winds, be cprAlng variable andJsontherly, cool er, followed bv warmer 'fair weather. r. i . . ' ' ' j Base Bail. ; . " V: f- j The Clarendons scored another 7 Ic -jl7ejJA'8i played with the City Boys on the Seaside Grounds About a' hundred ' spectators 3 weri present to witness the 'match which was played ,with j. great spirit!.-! The Clarendons wonjwith a score of thirty) against flve for, the CIty.'Boys. ;.Th0 excellent batting of the winning club was the leading feature In the game.' The Clarendons how boast of winning seventeen gamesT without a single de feat. . ; x: " .... a . k ' "; ' . j i 4 The business 'and working men's union' prayer and experience meeting will be held at fifteen minutes, past eight o'clock, at the Seaman's Bethel on Dock, between Water and Front streets, . this aturday evening. Mr, W. P.' Fife is expected to be present and to address' the young men, while a matter of . importance will be pre 4 sen ted tothe '.laboring .men which calls for a large attendance, especial ly from those who participated in the Pearson meetings. ... , ' Porclsn Exports. -; 7 Messrs. E. G. Barker &. Co. .cleared the schooner If. O. 'Ifoselep yesterday for Port-aurPrince, Haytl, with ;207.-j .156 feet, of lumber, Shipped byjE-j Kidder's Son and valued at ' $2,788,854 ' ; Mesre. George. Harriss Son ACo' cleared ! the schooner ado also for, Port-au-Prince, with! 110,900 feet of lumber and 3,803 pieces of timber; valued at $1,451.08 and shipped by! Messrs. S. 4 W.'H.,Hbrthrop, Great la Panear., :....;! , Judging from a specimen plant lef t at the "Star office yesterday, Mr. E. M. Johnson,' of Pender eounty,' Is a; capital farmer and has a magniffeentt crop of cotton.- The plant is over three feet Sin length and full of forms. ; Our agrlooltural editor says, it is a splen did specimen, and shows that Pender, Ii at the head of ' the procession In; neid crops aa well as in poutics. ' : ' i CkwreTa XVoUeaeL Tint Bavttet Cnren.'oner of TUth and Mar ket atreeta. Sev.T.H. Frttohard.rj.JX. pastor.; Services at 11 a. m. and 8. IS p. m., ndncted' SKev. 0. 8. rams, of Balslxn. Bondav aohool asSp. m.- Prayer and Pratee maetlns' Tnnra- aay bicqk ax 0.1a o'omok. Btraarars BTiieo. First PrebTterl&a Chupch. oorner of Third aad Oraaa' atravta,- Stmr, F7toa.H.-Hoc, Pastor.; Uwhmt awiloea -f morrow a 11 a. m. aad 6 p. m. ,Jto wrriMi at Blent. Baaday tkvooot at 6 n. to- aad Laetnre and Prarer meetlnr on Ttrarsday nlrnt at 8.15. Also Helpuur Hand Jils-J slonSonday Sobool'at 4J0 p. m., and Prayeri mMtlac and Leotnra Wadoadav nlcht at S ISw Vial tor always eordlaUy watoome. Uahars at. u aoor. - BsssnS rwavtwim Church. eorar rtoarUi and CampbaU sts. Bav. John W. Prtmroas, Pas tor.' -eanday serviow at 11 a. m. and 845 p.m., Sabbath aohool at 4 pm. PrayrMettncandIo-: tors Wedasaday, 8. li a. m. The pnbllo eordlally, lnvltad. seats tree.. Gtraoe Methodist B. Church, northeast oorner of Fourth and Mnlberrr streets. Ber. W. 8.- Creasy, pastock Serrloea to-morrow at 11 o'clook! a. m. ana a i p, m. aaooau scnoot as o p. m Prayer Meatlac aad Leetare Wednesday even lair, at a 15. A ooriial lovltatlon U extended to' visitors and stranrars. Beats free. KKS. WTfTSLOWS BOOTH3NQ STEDP. Bav SnvAjroa Ooaa thus wrlteata tha Boston Cri-; MmJWmim, W would by no means reoom- kM of- medksine wnton we aia not know to be rood oertloalaiiv to- fnt. Bat of Mra Wlnsiow's Boothlnjr Syrap we ean apeak from Imowledn: tn our own fanury it has provea a blesstaijc indeed.- by strms; an-infant troubled with 00 lk) pains, quiet sleep, ana tne parents un broken rest at nUhU- Most parents ean appre ciate these bteaslncs. Here Is an article whloh WWU VP miwugu mMMSA Wliww . nmi ii, .v the aleep whloh It affords the Infant Is perfectly natural, and the tittle cherub awakes aa "bright . ill i.i mw MIUM m K.MMIAflH. YAW ara cm tion." - ana aunns; ine prooess -01 teeta-. Umt Us yacna Is tnoakwlabti w. have frraant-' ly heard Bothers ,y that tney wouia not do without It from tbe birth of the child till it had finished with the teethlns: stege, on anyoonside- ration whatever. . sold by au dr l dmcslsta. SS oents a bottle. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A. O. EXcGUlT, Auctioneer, SMSMS)4w'ga'IMMV ' , v BTS. JlBCHLOS3CO. AUCTION SAXX TO NIGHT. AT 8 O'CLOCK, In our Balsa Booms. Bvenbody come to- auht, we wlu give yon a rousias; 1 reoetTSd lanre oonaicBments this WehaTe weekand wQl seu them without limit, barrama. ' Come, you will get , ; Je 80 It nTDUCEHENTS ABB HELD btTT aTVrfT DAY TO BUTXRS OJ m m 'r .usbxirwiAB, bathinq bUitf, '" I ... - '! J: 7 - HKCKWKAB, SHIRTS, CTJITS, 3 at -mi.80N, je 89 tf , Tarnisher and Clothier. : IIILK SHAKES Soda TwTaiil:, , - PINXArTIJt IJEICOJI AND 4 OKARQ , ,, v " ' i BuaaBKTS, -'- 7 .7 JICJB CREAM, -EITsX, AT HAM- BJk UViiS. A wwa h: .l ' -, ; E. Warren I. - ' IN PAVILION. :.eestf ' :v6VBent, - ;: v i -. TWO OB THRXS DXSIBABLX E! I ROOMS.. la resldnoe No. 40 North Apply on premises OTAHOTTICl. or at ' jestr ;uVijiiiBjBm Inst: do Tl C AKKST,1 BSTWXXSr KBCOND AND TH1KD . . JOB.? WTLJ3SS ATEKSOW, President, i : ; W. P. TOOSLta, Cannier. - ( Lends money on atiaw:torysecxirit7r '. ,( Tan Interest on deports. t. ' , Is f-norcKi to execnta Trrrta cf til Mi) i WHOLE NO. 6791 r NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JOWTHAT.TB XICUB8I0S BtlBOTi HAS opened, protect yoarself by securing Accident Insnraaoe.7 -i - .;rT:"!-. ?--'. V BUY THE . BE ST,' : A - ' tHsTTEX IN THS - I O? :e? su "vel O DC? s ; OP II AHTFO RD, CONX., ;. t .. -i '.-v - r i ' 1 - " THX J.ARGBST AND 8TRONQK8T ACC1DXST : COMPANY IN TBS W0BU. ' " - . ' ,,.7 1 lanes Accident Policies for any length of tims from one day to twelve months. Telephone So. 11.! ' ' f ' N0BTHB0P, E0DG13 T1TL0B, 5el7tf ' -"General Ins. Agents. ;WiimiDgtx)ii Seacoast TL Ei 1 iTiiui MtBir SCCTDiCiarNlTrs,JTTIti9t,18SS. ' Prom Wilmington. . - From Hammocks. Leave....... .. SJOam Leave......: 95 a, mi Leave 9:S0am Leave.... ...10:80a.m. Leave 80 p. m Leave 8 J0 p. Lea re 603 p. m Letre....... S:15 p. ra4 Leare 730pmfLeaTO lC;asp.m " -7 .. JAa H. CHADBOTTBIf, Ja.v I je SO tf ' General Manager. ' Dissolution Notice, j 'J'HB( C0PABTNKB8HTP HBTOTOBB rrj Sstlng between C. 8, Love and T. IX Lore, un der the firm name of C. 8. Love A Co., was dis4 aolred on the 81th of Jane br the death of C. 87 Love. The undenlrned U alone authorized to " 1 - ' 1 slga In UQaldatioa. " . " J T. D. LOV; ' t Sarvhrioff Partser. . : A Card. - rpo TJNDKBSIGNKD WILL CONTTNUK THS Commission Business as suooeesor to C 8. Love A Co., andhopes to merit a oontlnnance of the; ttbersi patronage extended to the old firm. ' T. n. Lova i Jane 87th. 1838. JetSSt . Carolina Beach, gTSAKZB BYLVAR GBOVZ WILL LBAVZ for Carolina Beach oa Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday, at 9 80 a- m. and Mode on afternoon trip. J. W. HABPZB. JetS If Qenl Manager, To Lumber Dealers. QHDXSS FOB PINT. OAK, ASH OB CYPBX&S LUMBKB wQl be filled at short aotloe from my mdsCaear Borraw. Prompt attention gj?en to aU orders. ' axa a. BAMsrr. Bartraw,' W. C el81m Twenty-Five Cents Only i ptB WXBT (DZLIYKBZD) POB TAB N. Y Tbnes, N. Y. Herald. N. Y. Sun, N. Y. Star, W. Tribune. N. T. World. Illustrated Papers, Paah-j km Books. Magazines, Libraries. Ao., at Pan-; llahers' prices, always on hand at - C. M. HAKB28. 1 aptatf Popular News and CUrar Store. 1 Fresh Drugs! jprw 8TOHB, nbw lot. CALLAB2) SZS US. . . BOBKBT B. BXLLAMY, . 1 Druggist, K. W. cot. Front and Market. ' 117tf pBTUPS PHOSPHO MTTBIATX OP QUTNTHX COMPOUND. A reliable general Tonio and; Antlperlodlo. Sold la any quantity. ; ' J JAMBS D. NTJTT, ; jentf 218 North Tront street. ; Hight Shirts, ! JLANNXL BBIBT8,PBBCALX BHTBT. -MON-' ARCH, best fl.OO Bhlrt; Wnvdsor Ties and B.; A W. 8took. . 7,,: . LOUIS H. MBABB3. IS N. Tront. Je 83 tf gentlemen's PnrnlsheT aad Hatter. ' CampaignEriupinentSji CONSISTINO OP WH1TB BXAYXBS, BAN dana Handkerchiefs, Walking Cane and Torch. Tor prices and further partkmlars, ad dress L SHBXKR, The Hatter, No. 29 N; Tront street. Sign of Big Hat. xA - Orders fJom the country promptly attended to. - . 1e88tf 200 Builifils. 1 W'Peas, , 1fn(ermT casbs, 'i.soo bitshelb iUUU Corn; also. Meal, Poop. Iron, Gfae, Salt. Hay, Molasses, PI our. Coffee, bo gar, Can Goods, AoAe. - ' D. L. GOBB, 7 Noa. ISO. tsaasCH North Water 8t -je IS BAWtf - - WUmmatoe. N. a 'Ice Cream Freezers. SOMXTHING VZW. :-: ? ;v. " ,7':-.., ; ... 7. .....71.!":. THX BBST THTNa ON THB NABXKT. my 11 tf ; ;. , GiLxs si KUBcnaas. See Here) Til TJNDKBSIGNZD BTsTXCTTTJLLY ' TJf -f arms his patrons and the pub Ho generally, that he has secured the sftrvtoea of a first class Workman, and all those in search of lirst class work can he accommodated ulthout any un- awsaw.waitiBc, -rvffi&km':-. t Tha Pasblonable Barbar aad Hair Dresser. .;:1BE?.PAHESH,0IL'Si0YE,. SAID TO EB THX BXST TXT INVESTED. KefrlgeratoTB, Coolers, lea Cream Treeaera, Ac Improved Pattern , Door and . Window Screens and Trainee. , - ',...- ,. - Tor sale by "- 7" '- ' AJJ)lMAN.JLNTTXBCO, 1 j my S tf 7 ; 114 Tront Bt, Wilmington, N. a . ; 7oody & Currio, Q0MMISSI0N MKECnANTS, WILSTXNGTONi H. O. Etn BuppUes and Groceries soli very cheapen crd:r. A- ; -" ' El!re-t3Cf Ccttcn fl 'rani f'-- ' - ' ''7 -- f qritrs C e C iy,.... ?! f " Two iar i ' ' . rtreeDaya r ' - . : rver Daya ..; t It - - -Tirt Dsrs. .' f 1 . "rwo-Weaks,.... ...r..... I 1 I . : V Tirse Weeks 8 1 . 1 .7. Month....... i ) t ' - Montia,.... 1 i ( . - 5 UonU,.. I i ( - - - - -i MwUta,.,, , i 1 1 v"r.i r Oaa Yaartw 13 t . .tOoatractAdvertlaementt taken at prep Uonately low rates.' - -". - Ten Unas soMZToiarea type make one lt- . r NEW- AD VERTISdlEOTS BIQ 1 DISPIAT-; IH HITE GCjBI! .... .' " . ,'' l i 'v 7 . " BRQVN&; RODDICK, : ,.,r XOttTIT FnOTtT ST." r 7"'- '- v'-7 CS;r. '" -'' 7"' " Ty x abb orrxsrNa- .somx or, tits cheapest WHITB GOODS that hat . ever be--shown la this ctty under 'any clreamst&nceB. Haying made some large and advantageous pnr chases we are enabled to gtre ear patrons a rare opportunity of supp'lylog their wants away bo low "market yaine. " i ': 1 ' " ' v ..- , HAIKSO OKS,-, VICTOBIa LkHS India Linens, Persian Lawns. Mail and Organ- . dies fat both Bngllsh and French makes. ; Also , aeveral lines In Cable Cords. In plain white and" ...- - . oolors, at astonishingly low prices. , r , Glye us a can before making your p arena ses -yon wia find It to your Intent by sodoing. iWhite Bedspreads. : We are offering a full line of Bedspreads, and" -7; ean gtye yon ezoellent valne for the money. Our .. prloes range as followc: ' $1jOP, $15, SL60 and ai.vVi . 1 7 :" 'i ' . : t ' Also Marseilles Quilts at-tl-?S, 8.03, f2.K, - 7 SS.00.S&5O, SAM and S5.C0 In new designs.- (7 " 5,: t ' 3 " -s-j."- i ''".' 7 ;-7- 7; 7 Chair .and Sofa Tidies, 85 and tf cents; extra valne for the money. .7.' l tm6 Covers. ; Two special lots bandsomely' Zmbroldered X ' 94.60 and gS.ob V - t: 7-' Pants Cloth lor Men and Bojs,f; Scotch Tweeds and Catslmereftv: We have a very large assortment, of these 7 goods by the yard, selected specially for sum mer wear. Give at a caB whendor the market V- for such, goods. We can Rtre you 'sterling valne r , - ...... r f for yonr money. - . : For Children's Wear- ; WHITB HONBY-OOMB CLOTH POB . CHIJ: . DBIEV3 CAPES, 15c per yard, worth 8Coi ; i, " SWe bought a great bargain of thir, and are', offering our patrons aa opportunity of pnrchas- lng the same at just half its value. ; ' Plaid Linen, j 'i 85-mcbes wide, made especially for ChOdren's wear, 25o per yard. This Is cheap for the quality. Pure Linen Towels. ... 1 .; A few more of those large Towels left. Ton have seem no such value before. ' WHITE: LICE miPE-pMff : 15 cents, regnlar price SSeenla. CaB and see this; It wQl astonish you at- that " price'. The goods are guaranteed perfect. 7- "7 ' Hoire Ribbons. We carry by far the largest assortment' of these to be had. and are daCy reoetrtxig more' or , lem of the same colors direct from the looms. ' Big sJob in Fans ' - We have made a large anrchase In TANS away -below what they are Teally worthy and offer -them oa our oountor this week at 10c 15o ind " 8O0. They are fust the most desirable styles in ' thematket.7. H 7. . BROWN & RODDICK. - t HOBTH PBONT bTBXXT. JeS4tf 7 ASHRIER'S - " ' , '- - V ' - ",- . w - - ."' V , - T. " " T -. -, - ..." - Bugaifbx :" : ; '..: -;,A'(:; I WILL COMMZKCX TO CLOSX OUT MY BN- "I - TIBX ETOCZiOT .; SPBIHSUHDSOlipR SUITS ; at prices lower than erer known smee the be-' ginning of the Clothing trade.! Boom for Winter Goods must be made at onoe.; ": All come and examine. VT"' ; - ,'v I i 1 , W KOBTH TBONT BTBBZT. X ; , . - Harrison Allen's old Stand. ' - Je 17 tf , ATLA1TTIC yiΞ IBia to'announcxto.thi PUBLIC THAT Ladiesnd Oentlemen and their Pamllies visit ing the BOUXTDforaday's reoTeatlon. can hare the free use of my large Pavilion and Grounds, whether they desire to take their Meals with me or bring their own "lunch baeitt." - -.. 7SPLNDE6 DAfiD OF I3TJSIC. " We lavlte yon to a oomf ortable place, close by .the Wilmington Seacoast Railroad Depot, where yon can see the Ocean, and enloy tbe Fa Freeze. - . - - 7 BD. WILSON MAHSfKO, -letStf. " - . . . ' Proprtetor. 7 Mbii Ilahninjj'D A ;7 Insurance XXoorns, ';:'rt hoiis NOKTH WATBB 8TEZST. " l WUaUngtsa, N. C; ' , . . ' - 'i C:.:'7-' " - ' 1

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