The Morning Star. nr wti.i.iA3x it. nxitAiux. WILXIftOTOX. y C. 25. IS- National Democratic Ticket- For President : OKOVKK CLEVELAND, of York. Yor Vic-I'rtUot : ALLEN . THURMAN, of OUa cot rr-MulialUl Elctor at Lg : ALFRED II. WAD DELL, of X- HaoTr;Couttty. FREDERICK N. STRUDWICK, of Ora! Couatv. District Electors: Wr Dwr.- :o Dmt.-JOHN E. WOODARP. of Wiljoo. 3p Dwt.-CHARLES RAYCOCK of Wiyco. 4tu DtT.-EDWAHD W. VOV, Jr., of Johci&oa. ini Dwr.-J. H DOIWON. of Sar- ,sru Dwt -SAMUEL J. PKMBER roN, of 6uq1j. :ru Dwx.-L. CAMIIELL CALD WELL, of Irv-JtlL ni Dtr. -THOMAS M. VANCE, of CaMwU. rn Pur.- . State Democratic Ticket. For (oercor : DANIEL Ct. FOWLE, of Wi County For Luatetuct-ttOYercor : THOMAS M. HOLT, of A:aacB Couatr. For Scrury of Sut : WILLIAM L SAUNDERS, of WX County. For Ui Tr warer : DONALD W. BAIN, ;f Vile County For '.Ve AaJitor : UKoKtiE W. SANDEHLIN, of VVyo Couaty. For rupnctmlent of Public In fraction : SIDNEY M. FINGER of County For Attorney -(oerI . niEODOUE F. DAVIDSON, tif Buacocab Couaty. For Jadgt Saprene Coart: JOSEPH J. DAVIS, of Fnaliia Couaty. JA31ES E. SHEPHERD, of &ufort Couaty. ALPHONSO C. A VERY, of Dark Coutty For Co ngr Sixth Dttnct ALFRED KOWLXNO, of llobtseoa Couaty. . .... " ' " " - - LITCHIHV XOTK- Wrt ,lo not rei rainy new novel -..,inlT thr or foar m year. Rat oft.o ril whit i J in leiu- publieUion. of cj w itori?. We vik o.-c iv.on nooi timi to w rn the f.-i Ur ilmidv. crtiin book. Bat it . t i f wt th,r, with thit Urg cl. of rtvler without '.4t or jadgraent or itnim love of th pure od refine! tn tettr th ur wy to inJace tTTk to rei-i vicioa book t to coo- damn them. We foand lht the more you wirned the pablto guat Mm KiviV cacx'. unfortunate tory, Th OiiL-k nd the DeJ." the more you tncrxel the camber of redeM. And yet, from what cn leirn, for we he not reJ it, co pare minded wo mm co tfford to red ach work nd maiden honld bluih scarlet if saspected of readiog it. There is a novel oat niu.l "Mi. Mi,ldltori,ai I.oer " The Boton IferaU. eoo-i authority, thinks it crammed re id. very wicked and well in.i wen : ith horrors It will be We are qiite apt in this country to regard anything English quite the thing. English opinion is qooted aa if Infallible. Bat there t a very lo standard of morals to heel and if we may Ud,r by the sharp criticism in foremoni publication from time to lime. A rcnt instance will illus trate. At the Lyceum in London a French play called "La Toeca" has Keen oo the boards. It w a well pa Uooiaed and correspondingly d- mtred, and, mark yoo, by the bet tr class of theatre goers. We know nothioirof the play, bat it is oasty coar and brutal we jadge. ay see - - lt,ollr li""T "J0;" i. i),. rj'lliCBD" r ..u. Tiuj tsthas ass aauaaaaa w had T'T17r Vptell talc XV Uoro ia .rt, T!f J u ?oiaV7od la which the blood .till pcurrd. io vlctioB of tortare to "oom groA II bd loec lutcaed cane, lo defl ftac of tie Ui of drm and of deceeey. upon the tu. Ia the ccurto of the cee whertia periecuUd woman Bed la terror terete the lUfe to tcid the enforced em brace of creature rtToltlnc enough to hTe beeo conceived in the ctzm of Rto latiocary freaiy. oo hiat of dutJte tecapen oa the pxt of the pecUton." People who orliie" upon the modern stage may dicuj thi pan gent cnliciaa with itisfactioo. A degraded aUg can only bo maintain ed by a deprTed poblic tite. "Robert EUmere" i the novel by Mr. Humphrey Ward that Mr. Gladtone review at length in the lat namber of the ytncUtntA Cen tury. We jadge it to bo a realutio, dramatic, "palpitatins" tory, with oo littl power and great intereet, bat cot a book of healthfal lono. Mr. (Iadtoce think cnongh of it to write tba: The itrinzh of the book Ktmi to lie la .a xtrvDfdiy wealth of dlcUoo cevtr wpftradfrjm theuiht: la doe ftad cftrchisx faculty of ccU! ooeereftilcn; a Sacrooi Tarpritioa of whtl. taorftlly uooa. ahore all. la the ec of oarUtloo with which the writer Li T;dcatIy ed ftad i a the eaxatfttneaj ftad penUteacy of'purpoee with which through every rM tadliaeitU pursued. The book I. eoi catly aa cffjpnaf of the uxor. ad win proboiy make ft deep, or t Ieat ft very eaiihle Unprjsaioa; cot, however. moag mere cowl rtmdera, but amooj thoee who iharj. la whaUsvcr iccje. the deeper thocht of the period." Aubrey de Vere thinka that Arch bUhop Trench will one day be re garded aj the best of tho Anglican reJigiooa poU. We have no doubt that he bad a higher genina than Keble poejewed. Trench it an in tensely aerioua poet, but ho had power to write in a lighter and more engaging vein. Hia best poema are hi religion however. Ilia aecular poem are tjaito varied and drawn from a wide field. Ho waa an Irish man by birth. Mr. De Vere ay, and be i both critic and poet: CVrUsaly there wu co other (Anglican) lht cocabiaed witc ft devout iplril iomuch aot tcr:iy iaduded la the urm religlou p3etxy . oooe who penetrated Into o aouad veiacf philoeophical thought, cr who de rivtd hw ihetccs from inch vncd iourcra " Incidentally De Vere make refer- ecce to the greatest living poet that confirm wha. we have often naid that the greatest admirer of the Laareato are lb poet themaelve. Mr. De Vero ay: ' Teaayoa. while the mo4t idcl ad iccfttative of our living poeu. hu Uo in aumberlcse wtya proved hirclf prc-;mi-oeatly a oatioaal one " He then qaote a aying of the late Lord Monteacle. a tateamao j - and an accomplihed man of letter, of tho "two majeatio poem'ou ak me why, though ill at haae, and Of old at Freedom oo tb Height' " that MThey are aa stately a thoee two temple which stand ide by aide on the platn near Pantum." While chatting of novel in this hatv article, we stop to eathr an incidental opinion of another dis- I tingaished British man of letters, Herman Merivale. In discussing Thackeray and Dickens in Iondon TtmpU liar, he thus alludes to our favorite among all authors, Scott: la the mailer of ficUoo, plays were the woru uaffiera once rovia art now. i hTts ao doubt tnal If Shakespeare had lived ia W:tr Bcott's dsys afur Shake- mm , m I 1 ! . ft- spesre. l&e oral creative lorce ia r.aum letters Shsacspeare would nave written acre La. If Heo'.l LvJ lived ia naxearare s. - ' ... m. . . S Scott would have writ'-ea d!ts For both the glaata had both thegtfu. Ia plav rorta. vae nsrcnaai oi venice is ft dovci la book form, "The Bride of Lammer- -ia book form, "The Dride of Lammer- moor" ia ft tragedy. I have tried it; aad It mm int ft r ajia anrl hiank t mm "kll of I iuelf."aa the children say. Bat the bk. mould the world They were the two great creative I minds lo modern literature. There are more men and womeo you are Dersooallv acquaioteU with, witb I strongest individuality and personal 1 . . i is.v. u tug usuca ui iunc fcwu ium- I ity, in the pages of tnese two mat ' .. . . . ters - one r.ngiun, one cotcn-toan 1 . . .1 in the works of anv other two wri- y . ters. DErKcrio,:n the oiiTHWKsr. A Minnesota paper sent out inqui- rice in every direction to ascertain what leading H-publlcaos thought of the political situation. The re- plie- showed that in Representative Knute Nelson's District there was a m- .m.i r,: r-. T..:tw rrtrm UlTIUCU IKIIUK IUI ,,vaa- among Scandinavians. Many voting KMtofn,ii -ith th Iii.nnblioana MVeWSBSlWftW mm m 9 mm aaif mm -m- -m mr rill support Cleveland. The I ro hibitiooists are very active and are gaining many adherents among the Swede. We codv: " t ,.m-Mm..i m m. ml.l.l. mm ruU. mTm .w imm ii m Mm . wmm, mw - . lhird-ptT men. ad ftre haviag great ia- , . 7" Vim.a iS. rts'ptiS I - " ' Z - I nriti . TniJ U encoaragiog. This alrtaiopr ?HSri. all tbroagh tt. So- I dioavian population. Mr. Liatroe, a Hepubbcan leader at ttocneter, says of the people inbilown: All are la favor of a educlinlJJ55 tArlfT but vrrv few ftre what may be termed free trader. The rfOnioinonun u i on. i aiurn n it puomu. -few followrra amorK tbim have uuder the ineDiratton of the Judco Frankberg, at Fergaa Falle, given the earao acconnt. They all f.rtr Tariff revmoo. ana laey wo i lookiog to their party to do it. The editor of tho Ugcblad at t ergua ru I mj$: i Th olatform certainly doea not meet I with our Ideaa. . Many wcU jaown c.du nfcTiana. Influenuai or ouioiwi, " v for Cleveland on aooount of the 1 i?JiUnracietndmVp i!?Toy wSSt gains blnK made don t near oi uj kic by the third party rroo. our , vj t nA m hrAthpr of the 8C- I . .tc.... AllUnce thinks retary of the Sute Alliance, minits that the Scandinavians will vote for .... ruvdnd to a considerable extent V w on accoant of the Tariff Tbeso are samples. That there is defection in the Kepoblicin party in tho Northwest is beyond all ques -.l if i frrnwincr. It is not confined to one State, but ramifies -ri rnn. I many okfcc. i . J. flin. nf the Renublloan W. m mm, 9 A n Wl T III I II M II FT BW llJ business roan at Evan-ville. Indiana, .... , Kt.ii rtu I fleeted the situation in that State, fnr the fool oaiu nr, laboiirg miu and tho d d prohi bitionists I think we could oarry the State for Harrison and Morton, but ith these two classes of idiots in t the way I am fearful we win lose Indiana." Judge Ku-aell should write to that profane Radical for referring so bitterly to his friends, tho Probi bitionists. The reforence to "tAeool laborina man" is characteristic rf Radicalism and is in keeping witbf tho saying of Harrison that a cheapl , coat iodiclted a sorry man or words to that effect. "The fool laboring man" expresses the feeling of the Money Devil, the Monopolist and the J ... , . , Tools. He is to be used, but there.. co sympathy with him or regard for - It r. :.V. ikl. .lata nn Koftfir Dim. lie IS WHU bU 19 uawi a than the "dumb driven cattle." AN joiiMii P1PTCBK OP no c- LaROXR. We wero amused over a sketch of Geo. Houlangcr in the London Spec tntr It rms that Mrs. Crawford, .l i .,r nnrrPinnnJnt I vae ciBiei uswipi' - - r i -...inlWht, been inter wu ..-v- ... . , , viewing and describing the BOme .hit nntil Frenchman. 1 be oixe fafor takes her sketch as a basis for - f iKfl fin.rvl It concludes that he is "a kind of brnmmagem ff.ri nmrtrn " Thftt IS he IS a lacui a s - somewhat metallic or inferior rep re aentation of France's favorito Hen- HICUHUUU VI uvv- .- I u .i, iT.nM. r Vrr ry the tourth (Henry of Navarre.) Geo. Farre said of him: I be four pftrdon. It's not feather- hrulMinFU. it's merre; tt il a merne tirmment I dont see the harm In that. Boulanxtr la a Uaxr. du tforxi; netng my .if du Midi I'm able to under stand him lie baa a light heart but ft cool head. nd I think him rftiher knowing (avie) than rath." The sum of the matter is as we gather the opinion of the Spectator, ,on or the spectator, rafty.deeigning.good J Biulanger is c natured fellow, boastful, vain, food of di.pUv nod pomp, loving beauti- auu ,uf I fol and beautiful womeu.with I a eood soldier, quick to see the ovi- dences of popularity and calm under attack, willing to be used by Gam betta, BonapartisU Radicals or any body. The Spectator says .(. f.m -wtn-A'm rwrlralt thOOth im jil v-f laiiiv. w . ..t Adin Mnrravl and ainafularly deflclentia lateUectual ftppreciatlo n or de- preclatioo. does explain a Tittle the French selection of Oeocril Boulanger aa an i - Henri Qastre is ftlways the popular hero In FrtBce. To Engllahmen he aeenas a very Imperfect h a up hia religion to win a crown, and was in .... thm Tiinrhoo famiiT embodied; but ha touches the French heart his daring ftad his succeases. bis vices nu nn him ftccepub'.e, wnue ma cxfti. - wisdom and his rellilous ladinerence COuld easily have prevented the con extrtma food aenae. General r nrnmati0n had they been 'doinff . 11.1.. r n,nr in nim ciutT-unj BM "UAU. r.'w A. hi. fellow- as to ier.. . . . - - h I ..' rni,ntmnf'o wa iaui.i . more. I Vrnm what we have been able to I rruui mru " - Ealhor from other sources we would I . . u - m;ni.tnrp take Boulanger to be a miniature I edition oi bearing any resemblance at all. He may have his couiage ana aasn, ut the frencn rving uaa 4-- I I-J :K ,,wrtt fllCM ties mingii w..u I Ttoolanerer's brief career seems about 1 n v I . . 1 A Twav fm rvnmlA ended, inereiauu .j robe or crown ur uiui. HKorman and iiis friends are still hnnttner thft Alcer crowd. The evl- aMuv.Ma - O . . t aence couuiuifcca uw " j , hi nun and rasoauiy among ouuiuciu . 1 . u 1 1. . v n a j xr .u n.nnKiin gro votes and Northern Republican t . m. A I A I I arm. mW fsA m tffA mininnitinri. v. ivbvw aav-au v a- I maa uie uiainv " -taiUd from tb. oooleat" .od 1.. ....lair dAka tnrl Jioht . usua is o w oueraai. . j it "l ithont a savor of fitness. It throws ngn cu mo wuu.ers u at bioagv . Tbo Porien are resolved to deatroy - - lj0njon Times organized a Commit Bjon or Court that is all one eided, wllhont one man upon it remotely frjeQ(iiy to thQ accased. The pur- p08e i9 to break him dowri and dis- . - t r -l I I 117a Kn. graou nim Dtiore me wuiu. w w i,eve iQ parneH in honor, Tfao New York Times says of the letters: "Tho only berlous part of the case ia pro seated by the letters purportlnR to have k Mr p.moii If these let- - --- r dief,r8Ced mne Aauf aa b lAftW or renreaenta- tlve of the Irish people. If they aro forged, tb6 WQoIe t3 gr0UDd The Gorernment s 4 intend to throw a a ki. Af Mr Pirnelra uiiv uuh w T ui .uv mm hw.w v. . nnhlln nrt Mll.MimlA life. 10 the hope that something doaaging te him may be reveaiea oy ine pxoovaa, -or, mnut iu, rcfuao him any iaestigalion' whatever." I'he mrgro Demoeratio Conven tion io geeeroQ last week at Indiana poli-s was very noi.y and oonten- tiou. After a creat deal of blow , and fuHMho body was organized. aouo oi .mFur.uW as heard from. Here is a specimen of the debate a, reported in the New Xorlc dimes: ! Turner with euCDO bitter- ms3. ' ia& oationl buffoon and a national m tie is ftn empty brrel rolling aown a rocky hill. I have no words to waste upon him The Turner speaking is the some what notwl Prof. J. Mtltoo Turner, of Washington, VVltllENT COMMENT. Here is an argument used by . . . . i RftfTor Q Millp. which has a local mtrrest with u?. and which will re pay reflection: The duty on cotton ties, wnicn were piaceu uu iuo nco J t0 P$121000. It was oharged tht the bill was sectional because it placed cotton ties on the free list. Did gentlemen from the Northwest ever think that when they thig $121000 thoy enable5 the pOQr peopie 0f the South to buy r lUni Kanr.n atnrl tlioir florlT? myro Ul b LI CI I uauvu " " Just in proportion that the people of the Northwest overtaxea ineir coun trymen of the South they crippled their own capacity to sell. It is plain that, if we are compelled to pay $120,000 more lor a commoauy man we should be able to buy that com modity for, we have $120,000 less to a snend on other commodities which -i , ... . . , we wonld to buy and which we q Jqqpj woa(j buy. In oilier woras OQr capcity to purohaso is crippled hv mantlv the amount which we have been overcharged. New Or- 4""a "" IW the Pittaburcr Post, does the Philadelphia Record, does any frpo trade naoer have the courage to say that sugar is any mro entitled to nrniKitian than sallf lias euner oi i thee papers the courage to answer J P F IHtubur Peopu i . Ren. Neither sugar, Bor salt, nor beeswax, nor quinine, nor any other commodity is entitled to "pro tection." Wben the Government uses its taxing power to ennanoe price, it abuses the purchaser for iK iip'nofit of tho producer, both on- titled to its tqal protection. The reason for prerernuK buk w i t.v i that we import seven- - - of ihe 9Qgar we a8e while of ? Q ,mp0rt but one third. Of m HBI, . a the tax on sugar, -even eighths goes direct into me i rurjr. v. i, . nnn third croes into the , wasteful and unne- I aft VJ Cm mm J oeasary taxation that oppresses the tax-payer without Denent totne uov- f ernment-- wcara. 11 E POLITICAL DRIFT. . t i iisrer. who has been a nf the United Labor party in Chicago, and who was elected to the Illinois Legislature irom mo ruiu . . dltlTlctOD Tuesday threw Lenatoriai DflmooraU and m o.- - proml8od to stump the btate tor the nmocratio ticket. Aq India?apoh. special to the Chicago 1 rioune or yeateraay says: I llT).a United Labor party, throneh I State Committee, on Tuesday de- i ,. , nftJla to the UAmonnnv some umo "DllauD 1 o . hnsinesa that way.' An ettort was .. conccrned to keen the iikbuv. w. t I . i- hirh vosm nnnanmmotarl of 1 aenve' jt " w.t.i, au the headquarters of that noted old 1 fcuo 1 -- WOrkingtnan, Wm. u . English. I a fileveland and Thurman a flavland and Thnrman nlnk x. " v... Kaon nrcranized at Afihtahnia O UftO vww n - J " , sava a dispatoh to the Cleveland . . . mi i- . . . nainaeaier. a u ust contains up ward of 600 names. A goodly num ber are Republicans, who avow their intention mis lau io vote tor Cleve land and lower taxes. V. C. Schwan. Who WAR aalantaA A-af "W 9 1. WVtVWIUVi Proseoattng Attorney of the Clere- . -VI ? m1 1 m-. m. . land, wnio, x-ouco vourx ana also a member of City Council, has been interviewed by a representative of the I -m. - - . ' I 1 1 a r i'ianaeucT. mixi. aocawan said: "I a t 1 a. at.aB. 1 af-Vft ana.11 viilh iui vil uvnr 1 aha anH . n v.uiomuu u I ,UA fall I knnv fhaf - a. 1 Liin laiiu " " ' wasaii am 11 ri, 1 1 1 ri r i , p . j I OI lut' j"uuKor xvcpuDucans look wUh &vQr upon r ;avi8ion I rf 1 . . . wi sof loiu Ul iUQ tariff. In our ward, the Eighteenth, there are many who feel about it exactly as I do." A Park " V ' a.iaiapaicn '"'York -HaroM that, I l.r V. " -j, . ouwu ueiore run 1 iam n : ' w uPBur county, aeciared bis In- tention of voting for Cleveiana and of stumping West Virginia in favor of tariff reduction), two other Republicans - William E. Atwierson and Alfred Burton, of i Jefferson county have come out for?Cleve land. 'Both of them have vjJted the Republican ticket since the organi zation of the party, and have occu pied prominent positions. The Wisconsin Free Baptists at their recent State Convention adopt ed a reeolution'to" support the Pro hibition party. Chbisney, July 23.The Rev. John I. McKenzie, a life-long Re publican, renounces that party and comes out squarely for Cleveland and Thurman. Hesays anyone who has worked for the Prohibition cause cannot consistently vote the Repub lican ticket since the free whiskey plank was put in the platform at Chicago. For First Plaee. A great amount of political engineering will be done by friends of candidates to se cure for their man the first place on the ticket, and the bast man will probably se cure the coveted place. Then if indorsed by the majority of the people, the election ia assured. Electee Bitters has been put to the front, its merits passed upon, has been indorsed, and unanimously given the first place among remedies, -peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all diseases of Kid neys, Liver and Stomach . Electric Bitter?, being guaranteed, is a safe investment. Price 50c. and $1 per bottle at Wm. H. Green & Co.'s, Drug Store. T COMMERCIAL. WILMINGTON MARKET. STAR OFFICE, July 23. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. The market opened firm at 33j cents per gallon, with sales cf receipts at quotations. ROSIN Market dull at 70 cents per bbl for Strained ; and 75 cents for Good Strained. TAR Market quoted firm at $ 1 60 per bbl of 280 lbs., with sales at quotations. CRUDE TURPENTINE Distillers quote the market firm at fl 70 for Virgin and Yellow Dip and $1 00 for Hard. COTTON Market quoted quiet on a basis of 91 cents for middling. Quota tions at the Produce Exchango were as follows: Ordinary 7 cts$fb. Good Ordinary... 8 9-16 " " Low Middling. .. i 9 5-16 " Middline 9 " " Good Middling. . 10 1-16" " RECEIFT8. (Jotton Spirits Turpentine Rosin . , Tar . . Crude Turpentine. . 23 tales 299 casks 512 bbla 111 bbla 80 bbls (OrrON AND NAVAL STORES WEEKLY STATE Itt ENT. RECEIPTS For week ended July 28th, 1888. Cotton. Spirits. , Basin. Tar. Crude. 116 2.061 2,691 373 571 RECEIPTS For week ended July 30lh, 1887. Cotton. Spirit. Ronn. Tar. Cruds 49 2,715 6.492 390 1,429 EXPORTS For week ended July 28th, 1888. Cotton. Spirits. Rosin. Tar. Crude. Domestic 421 456 465 608 481 Foreign 00 00 00 00 00 Total 421 456 465 608 461 EXPORTS For week ended July 30th, 1887. Cotton. Spirits. Rosin. Tar. Crude Domestic 210 616 823 Foreign 00 1,689 3,368 919 750 00 00 Total.. 210 2.305 4,191 919 750 STOCKS Ashore and Afloat, July 28, 1888. Ashore. Afloat. Total Cotton v.. oy Spirits 4,055 60' 659 1,050 3.500 00 5,105 59,902 2,274 Rosin do,4uz Tar 2,274 STOCKS Ashore and Afloat, July 80, 1887. Cotton. Spirits. Rosin. Tar. ' Crude. 377 4,711 87,071 2,676 1.893 QUOTATIONS. July 28, 1888. Julj SO, 1887. 10 28 77J 82 1 30 Cotton. 9f Spirits.. m& Rosin. . . 70 75 Tar $1 60 DOnESTIO MARKETS. Br Telegraph to the Morning Star. financial Waw Yobk, July 28.-LNoon. Money easy at 1 per cent. Sterling exchange 485i486 and 487i488. State bonds neglected. Government securities dull but JMaw Xobx, July 28, EveningSterling exchange steady. Money easy at 1 per cent. Government securities dull and stea dy: four per cents 127f; four and a half per cents 107. State bonds neglected: North Carolina eixee 122; fours 92J. Oommeretal. New Yobk, July 28 Noon. Cotton steady; sales 1,515 bales; middling uplands 11c; middling Orleans Hie. Flour quiet and steady. Wheat higher and strong. Corn higher. Pork firm at $15 0015 25. Lard stronger at $8 959 00. Spirits turpen tine firm at 85ic Rosin firm at $1 05 1 10. Freights steady. Old mess pork $14 2514 50. New Yobk, July 28, Evening. Cotton Bteady; sales to-day 1,515 bales; middling uplands 11c; middling Orleans 110; net re ceipts at all U. S. ports to-day 1,125 bales; exports to Great Britain 785 bales; to France bales; to the continent 1,390 bales; stock at all United States ports 185,175 bales. Southern flour closed more active and steady. Wheat spot c bet tere, closing firm; options ruled strong all day, with considerable covering: No. 2 red July 9192ic, closing at 92c; August 91t92ic, closing at 91c. Corn spot quiet but held firmly; options irregular but' closing firm: No. 2 August 5454c, closing at 54c; September 53f54c, clos ing at 54c Oats options a trifle higher but quiet: cash steady and auiet: No. 2 August 80c, closing at SOic; September 2929ic closing at 29ic; mixed western 84a88c. Hops steady: State 8c; Califor nia 77c. Coffee spot fair Rio dull and nominal $14 50; options opened. weaK out closed steadier: No. 7 Rio not quoted; July $11 20; August $ia6010 65; September $10 00. Sugar dull and unchanged; re fined dull. Molaasss dull, and nominal. Rice quiet and steady. Petroleum firm: crude in barrels 66c; refined 7c at all ports. Cotton seed oil quoted at 41ie for crude; renoea 4047se.. rauow nrmat 4ic. ko- sin quiet at $1 05l 10. Potatoes quiet j A. . ltfvfs11r n nn 351c f Bides steady and quiet. Wool firm and quiet. Pprk very e'ropg v. ith modern le demand : kess $14 2514 50 for" old ; $15 00 ai5 85 foifiiew.. Bee: dull; tieicta nevi . ' . t n.Au!u firm unn dull; nvet nams quiet v""".""'" aunt middles dun. Juaru tny u. and firm but very quiet: western steam on spot quote J at $8 928 95; August $8 87 8 89; 8eptembr $8 898 90. Freights dull cotlon 5-64d. Dottoa Net receipts 218 bales : itross rt cipts218 bales; futures closed firm, with Kn?on Uaipn Rt the following aeptemoer a.v4(w. oc; www November and December 9.439Aic-,J&n' uary 9.499.50c; February 9-569c; March 9.639.64c; April 9. 71 9. 72c; May 9.799.80c. . . . Hubbard. Price & Co's cotton circular says: August short interest continues to cover freely with the result of foreign prices to the highest point bo far touched in this advance. The bulls have sold on this ad vance to some extent, but by far the largest supply has come from those longs who have been so fortunate as to carry thor contracts until now. The situation is a very mixed one and forecasts of the future are almost impossible. At this moment the outlook is that1 unlesa the short interest completely covers tho result will be a close corner; on the other hand, their act of cov ering wili cause an additional advance. St. Loots. July 28. Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat all news to-day was bullish; prices up, the demand active and in larga part outside ordera, and shorts covered freely, but after selling up llc the advance was checked and the market became unsettled ; the close, however, was firm at lc above yesterday; No. 2 red cash 8080ic; July 80c, nominal; August 7980c, closing at 80c. Corn cash quiet and closed easy; options opened firm in sympathy with wheat, and prices ad vanced ifc; later the advance was lost and the close was weak; No. 2 mixed cash 4343c; August 4242c closing at 42 Jc; September 4242c. Oats cash active and firm; options very dull but firm; No. 2 cash 2425fc; July 25c; August and year 22. Whiskey steady at $1 14. Provisions higher and strong. Pork $14 75, but held higher at the close. Lard prime steam $8 50. Dry salt meats shoulders $7 25; longs and clear ribs $8 50; short clears $9 00. Bacon shoulders $8 00; longs and ribs $8 25; short clears $9 409 50. Hams $12 C013 50. Chicago, July 28. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour dull and unchanged. Wheat No. 2 spring 82fc. Corn No. 2, 45c. Oats No. 2, 29ic Mess pork $14 2514 30. Lard, per 100 lbs $8 80. Short ribs $8 30; dry salted shoulders boxed $7 25 7 40; short clear sides boxed $8 759 00. Whiskey $1 20. The leading futures ranged as follows opening, highest and closing: Wheat No. 2 July 82J, 83. 83; August 80f, 82. 82. Corn No. 2 July 45$, 46. 45i; August 45, 46 , 441. Oats No. 2 July 29f, 30, 29; August 24. 24. 24. Mesa pork August $14 20, 14 35, 14 27; September $14 25, 14 45, 14 37. Lard per 100 lbs August $8 77. 8 80. 8 77; September $8 82. 8 85, 8 82. Short ribs August $8 25, 8 30, 8 27; September $8 35, 8 35, 8 35. Cincinnati, July 28. Flour dull. Wheat active and stronger No. 2 red 80c. Corn firmer No. 2 mixed 46c. Oats weaker No. 2 mixed 3333ic. Pork firm at $14 50. Lard scarce and strong at $8 4US ou Bulk meats strong short ribs $8 62 Bacon firm short clear ribs $9 87 Whiskey $1 14. Hogs higher and firm. Baltmobb. July 28. Flour steady and unchanged. Wheat southern active and higher: Fultz 8389c: Longberry 8590c western strong and higher ;TSo. 2 winter red on soot 861a871c. Corn dnll and easier; white 5861c; yellow 5758c; western inactive and firmer. COTTON SIARSETB. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. July 28. Galveston, steady at 9c net receipts 27 bales; Norfolk, steady at 10 516c net receipts 18 bales; Baltimore, nominal at 10c net receipts bales; Boston.quiet at9fc net receipts 114 bales; Philadelphia, firm at 1015-16c net receipts bales; Savannah, firm at 10c net re ceipts 8 bales; New Orleans, steady at 10c net receipts 299 bales; Mobile, firm at 9jc net receipts 9 bales'; Memphis, steady at 10c net receipts 22 bales; Augusta, firm at 10c net receipts 6 bales; Charleston, nominal at 9fc net receipts 195 bales. Bacltleii'a Arnica salve The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corne, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Wm. H. Gbeen & Co. t By Cable to the Moraine Star. LrvEBPOoit, July 28, noon. Cotton dull and inanimate middling uplands 5 9-16d; Orleans 5d. Sales of 5,000 bales; for speculation and export 500 bales; re ceipts 4,000 bales, of which 2,500 were American. Futures steady July delivery 5 3364d, also 5 3564d; July and August delivery 5 5 31-64d; August and September delivery 5 27-64d; September and October delivery 5 17 64d; October and November delivery 5 ll-64d; November and December delivery 5 9 64d; December and January delivery 5 9-64d. Wheat firm; demand fair; holders offer sparingly; Calif crnia No. 1, 6slld6s lld; red western spring 6s 8d6s 9d; red western winter 6s 8d6s 9d. Cora steady ; demand fair; new mixed western 4s 6d. Sales of American to-day delude 4,000 bales. Liverpool, July 28, 1 P. M. Cotton Uplands (1 m cJ-rJuly 5 86-64d, buyer; July and August 5 S364d, buyer; August and September 5 28-64d, buyer; Septem ber and October 5 18-64d, seller; October and November 5 12-64d, buyer; Novem ber and December 5 10-64d, seller; Decem ber and January 5 10-64d, buyer; January and February 5 10-64d, buyer; September 5 28-64d, buyer. Futures closed firm. Syrup of Figs Is Nature's own true laxative. It is the most easily taken, and the most effective remedy known to Cleanse the System when Bilious or Costive; to Dispel Headaches, Colds, and Fevers; to Cure Habitual Con stipation, Indigestion, Piles, etc. Manu factured only by the California Fig Syrup Company, San Francisco, Cal. At wholesale and retail by Robt. R. Bellamy. t ATLANTIC VIEW, WriglitSTillc, N. C. J B3G TO ANNOUNCE TO THE PUBLIC THAT Ladies and Gentlemen and then Families visit ing the SOUND for a day's recreation, can have the free use of my large Pavilion and Grounds, whether they desire to take their Meals with me or Dring tneir own "lnnon basket." SPLENDID BAND OF MUSIC. - Board dnrins Rncatorjment S2 ner dav only. Friday Night, July 13th, a Grand Vocal and In strumental uonoerx nnaer tne ravinon. SO. WILSON MANNING, leSStf Proprietor. THIS papers: eipu Uw KswBoaaer Advei- ftWiriir Inner of HB8MI . bound For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. URES Nervous Prostration, Ncrvou, u arha m..,,.i.:. ,1 . ."""Head. Stomach and Liver Disra,.. . affections of the KMr,.... ,BDall ,.vjra A NERVE TONIC. GEORGE "W. BOUTGN. 8TAMFOKD. Omtf "For two years I was a sufferer from nTAL. . bility. and I thank God and tho licw, "P0T1." valuable remedy that Paine's Cki rnv ,,. " cured me. It U a valuable remedy.' Lnn r1! live. Let any one writo to mo for advic; r " AN ALTERATIVE. Alonzo Abbott. WnrosoB, Vt., says " I believe Paine'b Celery ComkiVvb life. My trouble seemed to Ikj an int..?!. fflJ Before I used It I was covered with an enmtira, 19 'heart to heel" This enmtinn ..... ,V5?n ffniu and I am five hundred per cent, better every J., A LAXATIVE. A. C. Bean, White Rite it Jtoctton Vt mw, For two years past I have been aim'at from kidney andiiver troubles, attended with i pepsia and constipation. Before I ian to tlh Celebt Compound it Becmed aa though nerua ailed me. Now I can say nothing ails ma ' A DIURETIC. George Abbott. Siotrx Crnr, Iowa, nayg- " I have been usint? Paine's Celery CoMrorm and it has done me more trnod for kidneys and lai. back than any other medicine I have ever tak. n Hundreds of testimonials havo lteen rrrcjved fmni persons who have used this remedy with reniarkaliU benefit. Send for Circular. Price 81.00. 8old by Drugisw. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Proprietors BURLINGTON. VT. feblD&Wly wefrsa nrm' 2or4p This is the Top of the G:-:n tin: Pearl Top Lamp Chimney. All others, similarare imitation. This exact Label isoncach I'carl Top Chimney. A dealer mny say and think he has others as pood, BUT HE 11 AS NOT. Insist upon the Exact Label and Top. Fan Sale Everywhere. Mvge only dy GEO. A. MACBETH &, CO., Pittsburgh, Pa. doc 19 D&WOm bu we fr eOLD MEDAL, PARIS, I87i Warranted aJisolutrly J""" Cocoa, from which tho cicchx! Oil has been removed. It la thm times the strength of Covoa n.iu.l with Starch, Arrowroot or Sucar. and ia therefore far more ownom: cal, costing less than one ml a ... . .....iV,ln cup. It la aeuciouB, uuuiiniMUK, etrengthening, easily dlgceU-d, m admirably adapted for invalid. well to for personsjn health, gold iy Grocers eTcr-"!'. W. BAKER & CO. Dorchester, fe Jan 1 D&Wly an we fr rrrm i L1 HBBf an'' "VTHiKey UftV QJEl H a SSW Its cirGofct homo with li?"' II If H aH ontpaijC4Joo"f IJ J Ui BM ticnlsffScnt FBtt M ' M W H WW n M wnm.T.KY.M.ft eo 28 DAWly su wed fr UCIJ nill V Carerorweakneag mCll UIILli of manly vijror, Bdaaoe, etc. BOOK FREE. KrieMed. Core for weakness, nerromoieflS.U' fldeooe, etc. UO., UUUauo. a- lanl D&WIlT nrm ra.we fr TO BUILDERS AHD ARCHIfKR We respeotfnlly call tbe special attention o( parties now building, or oontemplatlnu the erec tlon of modern dwelling houses, to the ItlOST EFFKCTIVK, E ONdTllCAL, and DKSlIIAIILi: methods of heating same Bl SB'S baltisv1 ore pE1? heaters have been favorably known for "Pwards of a quarter of a century. They ttand in n place, same as an open Krate; and with fireyou can thoroughly heat from one to low Uionalrooms, thus saving the labor and es manufacture a lull line of T FDRHACES, RASGES, KAMELS, Cooi and Heating Stoies, &c, Send for Illustrated and descriptive circular The B. C BIBB STOVE CO , BALTIMORE, MD. , ij 13 4m fr su we Ricnmonl Locomotiye MacMne Worts, RICHMOND, VA. T UILDBRS OF LO0OMOTIVKS. STANDARD orNarrow Gauge, adapted to every service Engines and Boilers, 115 to 200 II. I. for all purposes. Complete Steam Plant for Faotorles and Mills. Improved Saw Mills, Capable of cutting 5.C03 to 3O.C00 feet lornM' per day, with patented devices for accurate and rapid work. A large lo' of small Engines an Boilers, from 4 to 10 H. P.. 'Tanner A VoWej, for sale low to close them out. Write for catalogue, and estlmatea on yo" wants. w R burobss, Ri,man for North Carolina. Lis am Greensboro."- ,1 J w For Summer Trade I TTAHDSOMK COLO KB D ORGANDIB9. TV ured Batista In light and dark colore. Five cent Lawns. In good -gj neat, better than can be wfXJ& Zrii StrlPd. Great reduction In pttow o as J White Good. Handsome QoaU r ooo& and UKfs. Bargains In WooHen Summer for Ladles. Best FKnch Albatross shadeTat 60o per yard DmapD8dye7. Satlnes at oost to c " "Jmo Bos6-1 rare bargains In Llsle Bur gener big lob In Qento' Gauze Vests BtOGK IS OOmpieie iuu uvr. reduoedprloes. jjj0. J. OTDRICB- JO 0 i A fl Breakfast Cocoa pill II I up lair g aa J' V s

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