Yl 1 1 : MORNING STA R RATI1 mW AIBTII rrn ' 1 1 ' ' ' . : . -. . -" i One sqnare One Day,.. t " " Two Daya... ft " Three Daya. JM Four Days,. J Jo " Five Days, 55 One Week. J W " Two Weeks i U Three Weeks. .. M One Month, It to Two Months, iroo " Three Months . MM M Six Month,..- 4t 04 . One Year, HI . 3rContraet Advertisements takes at prop tlonately low rates. Ten lines solid Nonpareil type make one squar- NEW ADVERTISKMKNT8. THIRD WEEK GRAND ANNUAL CLEARING SALE. M Star WILLIAM II. BDRXAItl. i ORN rjl DAl.LT KXOTT MOSOAfN :JLl 4 tO .. J M t M , .1 w ISSE VOL. XLII.-NO. 111. WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, JULY 31, 1888. WHOLE NO. 6816 E ING . ..un.lry fiv il apprupritloa bill ., Houi. DbiTaLitvl rati ,. , -ntly tuurvlril boycott! , m l Lkbonff In Ireland. r William urTireJ at Copn , HfpTil.iy uioriitni:. anil wtw .! v royal rvcpUoa bj King ,a vu.l rrown Trine Frl A rvTlr hu bo li- ; in Sti'vcn countr, Kuijaj, .t t : fit4fnj of Woo)Ua10 t ! "-!ini, s:rt)iuj; oat of th klll- -rii? rr;. ckad eT((.riU of his f-Mral .lay sio-. I at I m-t from St. Loais that the I i jut bffKintf hare , , ., or trust, and that the ; i i ' ' .-Uvrn cnts per yarU. trni) jvr annum to coo A suspicion rajw of fe m . rtpvl frora JacksonTille. :- :'. n loubti if th ease is v --r. tli -ity is said to b In .:! i.vrutary ronditio. - ;u. i,l worksof 8. V. Shottr u MVAunb, wr destroyed : uu!y tuornin r; they will b if. one. Thre wu a, loojc . u th Hrttish Hons of Com itnlay on th bill to intrrsti chArres against IXr. Pamell. I'l:- fatur in th Chlea:o tuar- a a rviav was me aaranc ana .nous in wheat, which caused ;:on an.j excitement, and wnicn I i i ... i . 1 1 a. wvioweu au otaer oprawous; iom wer also higher, and the I . - I a a Luuiiwaiaiuu LfVh wrsru kir . ' . -oaipanies Has ended, and tbe I i is that larsrly iocrvased rates chrirv(. Mr. Carlisle de- parx fabrication the pub- : itatK'meot that he had his tariff i "t up at a "rat office" in Phil i ia Th Mayor of Slijco, i;i ! has lxfo sntenrel to four itupr isontuent for publishing ,(.'n- news in his papr. V. : ittelphl-ans wer drowned at i : City yesterday while bath ltou!nr's defeat In the r i. hin election is predicted, !: if. then U will vanish from 'w York markets: y at luiti percent.; cotton " tl"tl cents. Southern flour rrn with fair demand; wheat i ; - And higher No. 3 red Au V. cents, com quiet but V Autmst 5Jf.Sf cents; spi i ';-iitine steady at cents. I h irtu ' will sj'k tirst at ' ni o( th ?as4in press is ' il?cidel-v warlike. Kitlth D-ike of Cumberland 44.-. t tho Uulgknao crown. trikh' lit rifrn liw at) r-f H,0 o,i)O r tbese of ' 'i 'hi. 1 1 r r , i n- talk l k hdU," or the n o thing '. tikifihT Pflet'li. V. r(i . Ilkiuiiioo aod tsii Sj art. arpurg, S. f ri) re. e 1 . ' in - v York f r ru hemorrhage i i i liy ritrwtio a tooth. ) ' I. Sullivan tuTnet circus man '... i. His only nn per-. r n ,, i :, : pays is as a bruiser. vl i.'ak. th alot of h thinks Near York 'U el and by 30,ix) ma- bit n ker-m to seo a .;. trtiog t advocate I". h a ii h a hollow '. rr ' iNr.nnn' l.fe w a.s tbrealenexl by ""'"ui frank named Clotteo, and i. b n,., hesnta manuscript to ifs. t vUtone which was mislaid. I p'.no, Indiana, the town came ' -it -., . ro ye. I by a fire caused 7 ii' 'r! ... I- took ,OiX men lf nrs to g-t tbe fire under ' ' 'mpoant lard prcxluct of this " " fy is .aid to ial -0,0OO,00O iy. I'U IIoa Committer oo a ur f a or tt gulati eg it roan- nr. ri'nne, lUrnsoo and Steve Klkios lr" 'l heavily invested and tntereel- "', lr' 'l Vney belong to a big ? "i : at. I),, not .forget that, ''' vryrrw-n. rhe N otk Wotir special r I s iloioes, lawa. Is to the ef '""iiat th Uepublicaoe are really irmed at the inroad of th. Prohi bit 'ooist who are workieg hard. There are three colored men now tadjing for the pricethood Id the Romtn Ctho!io Charch. The Balti more Sun jt: "Jcmvh OriS a. of Vtrciau. and Jm. Brown, of MtrrUad. (both colored) are tadjlof fr the Catholic prtcMhood la 8r. Pewr'i Cot, near Liverpool. EatUnd. AfUr six yean" tuy la that toiUtulioo Uiey will cooie back here aad Uke another tlx year' cxrarw la Su If axy'a Semloary io UU city, a R Uedea. aoothcr colored ma of thU BtaLe, hM been for tome ve are atudyieg for the prieathood io Caoada. aad win complete hie educatioa la the Semi nar here." The IUda io the North are making great preparation to giee King BUine a grand reception when he re tarne from K a rope. Nothiog more completely reveal the otter corrop ti00 and low prevailing etaodard of the Grand Old Tarty than thi wor ehtpof Blaioe, a con Opt a raoal a ever figured in any country. Tho Savannah AYvj m a Drm ocratio paper. w aro iileaseil to know. It has this to aay of tho lat tlop of the Atlanta Constitution; 'Ta Und reformers of Ocorcta. who comprise about ibe entire Democratic prty. are picaml. ao doubt, to note Ibe promt neat part Ukeo by two of Ibe nil tors of the eatcemcd (Vjiru&a w bra ilessrs. Mills aad Dyaum apoke for tariff reform at Salt Hprocs tbe otbr day. "loiaoi industries is ina name given by Monopoly to bloated cr poralioos that have, ben sucking the High 1 ana teat for thirty years. Mooopoly is not particular as to what . . , , ,, --a J aumj; v- a J uviu w 1 ..! . vv ur"uluu" When a roan dies kicking against (od, ileavan and the true interests of hamanity you may write that man down a supremo failure. Such was the late Courtlandt Palmer, and such i his eulogist, Bob Ingersoll, the I Mepbitophile of America. The following item rea ls liko a gutta-percha yarn, but it is true : Losnojr, July 23 BsMwio, the para- chutift. jucapeti from a ba!lxo to-day at tbe bttt of I.0OO fret aod landed aarely. Fa or ns out crowds w re at Aleiandna 11- acv to wtoes ibe drrrat and displayed great rntbusiatm. Compared with 18S4, what a mis erably tam campaign the New York Worll i making in 1 It vi the bei campnirn paper in the Union four yeir ago. It is vrt far from it n"w. The balance of trade is against the j Lfailed Slate. For lb vear ending I 30th June, liHS, the United Stales bought $29,o)0,OK) more than they s a . a u t w -II soid. rK) muco lor ine ninese nin fiiture. O XT HK PVMHTIRnK5IT. II t. FiMStx-Ttunk uataa Summer clotbiat. tel. YamIabm Tisara tad orD tl vVaaaaui A o? Cboic fruit llsnaasDs Jk Mcsaoi-IlsoluUon. Mus so si Samples Imported sultiaft. Sea MM Jt Co, Uorae. Jtc. . at auclior. A "! Te The marine toboggan slide is a new institution that is becoming popu lar at Northern seaside resorts as a threat source of amusement. One at Bridgeport, Conn., is thus described : Tbe artificial slop rises from high water mark to the height of thirty two feet above it, where there is a platform reached by a flight of steps. The ehute Itself is but twenty inches wide and contains wheels for the sleds to run oo. Anv toboggan will answer the purpose. The slide Is open to all at eertaln stages of the tide, bnt at high water none are admitted but ood swimmers. The chnte is 178 feet long., The toboggan starts at the signal gtven by a bell, only one being allowed to go at a time; and on being projected from the lower end, they ricochet acrosa the waters for a dis tance varying fiom 73 td 173 feet, skipping along like a flat pebble till the force acquired In the descent Is lunt, after which the bather swims ashore, polling his fled after him. Two cents is the price of a slide taas mm tfca nivsr. The Recreation Rowing Club ex pect to have their first race Thurs day afternoon, about half-past C o'clock. The start will be made from Market street dock, thence up the river to a buoy opposite the wharf of the Clyde steamers, foot of Ches not street, thence down the riyer to a buoy opposite Church street dock, and thence back to Market street doek a distance of little over a mile. Three boats of the Club have been completed, and it Is probable that others will be finished in time to take part In the race. V. 71. D. C, The Young Men's Deia ocratio Club derly condnct when arraigned to wlll meet at their headquarters, day. There were four or five wit Ltnder's Hall, corner of Front and n esses of the affair, however, and in Orange streets, to-morrow evening at Justice to the policeman and the half-past 8 o'clock. Business of im- public, whether Mr. TIetgen submits port an ee will be brought before the or not, these witnesses should be meeting and the attendance of every summoned and a thorough in vest I ga in ember Is earnestly hoped for. tion of the matter should be made. Heavy rains are reported along the Cape Fear and In the Black river section. "The boys are loud in their praise of the people of Wilmington." says the Charlotte Obterver. The colored people had thetr usual Monday trip to Carolina Beach yesterday, and "got there with both feet." The yacht Thrjwn, which has ben at the Uammocks for a short time past, cleared yesterday for St. Anfcustlne, Florida. The regular weekly meeting of the Young Men's Christian Associa tion will be held this evening at 8.15 o'clock in the Library rooms. The firm of Behrends fc Mun roe has been dissolved. The furni ture business will bo continued at the old stand by Mr. S. Behrends. Messrs. DeRosset fc Co. cleared yesterday the Nor. barque Jlektor, Jobanueaen, for Riga, Russia, with 3.742 barrels of ronin, valued at 13.705. -The iron hull" of the burued steamer ReguUtor, lying in the dock at the foot of Brunswick streets, was sold by auction yesterday. It was knocked down to Capt. W. J. Pen nington, for $920 cash. Adjutant-General Johnstone Jones dropped In to say good bye to the Star 'amily yesterday. He leaves this morning for home, and carries with him many kind recollections of Wilmington and Wrightsville Dr. II. M. McDonald and fam ily, of La Grange, left yesterday for Pender, where they will stop a few days on their way home. They were creatly pleased with Wilmington and the Kocampment The Cotton Bulletin report from the Signal Office gives the average temperature in this, the Wilmington district, at SC degrees; in the city it was S3. There was rain throughout the diatrlct only a trace here; but at Raleigh 2.90 inches, and Florence, 8 C, 1.53. Itev. C. L. Arnold delivered the last of his series of sermons on the Incersoll-Uladstone contention, at St. Paul's church Sunday night. He received the closest attention from the congregation and the sermon elicited high commendation. There wero fine rains on the line of the Carolina Central, all the way from Rutherfordton to Wilmington, Sunday and Monday. At many points the crops were very much In need of rain, and the farmers aro greatly re- joiced. The prospect now is very fa- vorable for good crops in all the counties through which the Carolina Central runs. A TfeUt Caaiak Walter Williams, a young colored fellow who has been dodging the po lice for a long time, was caught yes terday by Officer Turlington in the neighborhood of the W., C. & A. de pot, after a hot chase. Williams is wanted to answer for the theft of horse blankets and other articles from Capt. T. J. Soatherland and others. When captured Williams was taken to the City Ball where he admitted the thefts with which he was charged, and also acknowledged that he was an accomplice in the rob bery of Mr. J. B. Daniels' clothing store on Front street some months ago, for which robbery one or more of the gang was sent to the State Penitentiary shortly afterwards. Williams' Identification came about in a rather curious way. Be made ap plication to the Mayor several months ago for permission to black boots on Sundays on the streets, and Mayor Fowler gave him a permit in writing to this effect. Shortly afterwards po lice officer Turlington found a lot of plunder, in which were several horse blankets, concealed In the cellar of one of the burned houses on North. Front street near the depot. In the lot was a coat in one of tbe pockets of which was fonnd the per mit giyen to Williams. A watch was kept on the place bnt Williams got an inkling that the officers '.were after him and left the city, and did not re turn until a few days ago. The case will be investigated before the Mayor to-day. ' Tfcal ClakklDB Case The policeman who arrested Mr. Herman TIetgen ;last Saturday, (officer Grant), says that the cut oa Mr. TIetgen'a head was not caused by the blow from his (the policeman' club), but resulted from the maa'i head striking -the doorway of the Seaside restaurant, on Front street, when he fell. A reporter for tbe STAR, was informed at the City Hall yesterday afternoon that Mr. TSetgen would submit to the charge of dlsor- Knights of tlae Golden Eacle. A circular from Mr. J. D. Barnes, Supreme Chief of the Knights of the Golden Eagle, Philadelphia, Pa., says that a Castle of this Order is be ing organized in Wilmington, he being in correspondence with Messrs S. J. Ellis and Geo. Zeigler with this object in view. The Order is represented to be in successful operation in twenty-three StAtes. It was founded in Baltimore, February Ctb, 1873. Its features are beneficial, benevolent, social and semi-military. The ritualistic work consists of three degrees, viz.: First, or Pil grims'; Second, or Knights'; and Third, or Crusaders' Degree. The three degrees are symbolic of a sol dier battling for his Faith. He is first a Pilgrim, then a Knight, and finally a Crusader. He has for his aim that of a Christian warrior, struecliner to gain the immortal crown. It is optional with the members as to whether they participate in the military feature. The'regalia of the Order consists of a badge worn upon the left breast. The age of members is 20 years and upwards. Each Castle is permitted to determine the maximum age of ap plicants for membership The fee, including the three de grees, is $3.00. Castles may charge more than this. This is the entire ex pense, as no Sir Knight Is obliged to purchase any portion of the uniform. The Proposed Xournamrnt. A meeting of the Fireman's Tour nament Committee was held last night at the hall of the Hook and Ladder Company, to hear reports from various sub-committees. Chief Oldenbuttel was in the chair and Mr. J. D. Kelly secretary. The com mittee on railroad rates and hotel accommodations reported that satis factory arrangements could be made. The committee appointed to solicit subscriptions to pay the necessary expenses of the tournament, (includ ing $300 to be invested in prizes) re ported that they had succeeded in securing subscriptions to the amount of $420. It was decided by the full commit tee that, in view of the fact that one thousand dollars will be required to pay the expenses of the tournament, the committee on subscription be di rected to make another effort to raise the full amount and report at a meet ing to be held Thursday night. It was the sense of the meeting that unless the necessary amount can be secured by the time mention ed, that the tournament should be postponed indefinitely. Cardinal Gibbons. The Asheville Sun of the27th Inst, gives the following account of a ser mon preached in that city by Cardi nal Gibbons : This distinguished prelate preach ed in the crimson vestments of his holy office to a select audience at Bat tery Park last night. The large ball room was well filled with prominent citizens and guests of the hotel; several of our city pastors were also present. The Cardinal's theme was the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Jesus Christ. The audience was treated to an orthodox sermon of nearly an hour's length, such as all true men and women love to hear. The preacher plead for the sanctity of the Christian Sabbath as. one of man's best heritages from a good Father; admonished nis hearers that the nearest approach to divinity was by those who help their brother tip and are filled with charity. He closed his talk with the words of 8cripture, "Pure religion and unde fined before God is this: To visit the widow and the fatherless and to keep himself unspotted from the world." The Passport to L.ave Us. The steamer Passport has ben chartered for one hundred days to inn as a passenger boat in New York harbor between that city and Fort Hamilton. Mr. J. F. Wittemann, of Wittemann Bros., of New York, was in this city yesterday and completed the necessary arrangements with the -owners of the boat, Messrs. J. T. & J. W. Harper, and the Passport will leave for New York as soon as the "weather is favorable, under command of Capt. Snell and a crew from this place. The Passport is a great favorite in these waters, especially with excur sion-going people, who will regret to ee her and her popular commander take their departure. JSayor'a Co art. The following cases were called at "this Court yesterday: Wm. Vagras and Mittie Arthur, charged with disorderly conduct -Case continued. Florence Kennedy, disorderly, was sentenced to pay a fine of twenty dollars or imprisonment for thirty days. TomHines, disorderly, was fined five dollars. Geo. Smith, colored, disorderly conduct, was discharged after re ceiving a Hogging administered by his parents. J. T. Cumber, disorderly, was fined ten dollars. Herman TIetgen. charged with dis orderly conduct. Case oontinued. Weatmer Indlsations. The following are tbe" Indications for to-day: For Virginia and North Carolina, local rains, followed Tuesday night by fair weather, warmer, generally southerly winds. HOME AGAIN , Return or tbe Edgecombe Guards. Star Correspondence.! TARBORO, July 28, 1888. After ten days encampment at Camp Pender, the Edgecombe Guards re turn to our city well pleased with their trip, and giving the highest praise to Wilmington and Wrights ville. At a call of the president, Mr. J. R. Gaskill, the Young Men's Democratic Club of Edgecombe assembled at the office of Mr. H. K. Nash, Jr., number ing about fifty, with the regulation uniform on, and headed by a brass band marched up Main street to the depot, to meet the Guards. After three rousing cheers were given by the Y. M. D. C. the line was formed, and the Club and the Guards march ed to theJ"Commons," where a recep tion was in waiting. The gifted speaker, Mr. Dossey Battle, in a few well chosen words welcomed the Guards back. Then the command was given to "break ranks," and the boys broke ranks and hand-shaking was in order. While the procession was marching down to the Commons, the "Little Democrat" (cannon) was belching forth its peals of welcome. W. F. B. RESOLUTIONS OP RESPECT. The Vestry of St. Janbet' Church, Wllmtogton, N. C, would piaoe upon record our sense of the lass sustained by our Parish and this community, la the death of Mrs. PrfANCBS HOFFMAN WATSON," wife of the Et. Bev. Alfred A. Watson, D. D.. Bishop or East Carolina After filling the measure of along and useful life and bearing with great patience its many pains and trials, Mrs. Watson has this day fallen peacefully asleep, sustained by a firm faith in her Saviour, to whose service she was devoted In baptism. She has. we are assured, no v passed from the Church Militant to the Church Triumphant. Precious In the sight of the Lord Is the death of Eis taints. In her deata we are called upon to lament one of the gentlest and purest of women. She lived annlfttlifo. fnJflllln everv known duty con scientiously, and illustrating in the domestio sphere every Christian grace. In passing from pain to Paradise she has added to our treasures of memcry by leaving with us the recollection of a gentle life and tbe beauty of holiness. Kesolved, Taat we tenaer to our Deioveu Bishop and former Rector our earnest sympathy with him In hia bereavement. Besolved. That a oonv of this minute be sent to the Bishop by the Secretary of the Vestry. J. U. whisht, secretary. DIED, WATfiON In Wilmington, N. C, at t o'clock a m , July 30th, FRANCES HOFFMAN, wife of Kt. Bev. a. A. Watson. Funeral from St.' James' Church at C o'clook thii afternoon. HANKINS In Mt. Olive. N. C. at the resi dence of her son, S. D. Hanklns. on the 30th lost . after a brief Illness. Mrs. SARAH S. HAN KINS, wife of the late Wm. B ankins, la the 69th year of her life. Funeral this morning at 9 SO o'clock, from the residence of W. M. Hankins, on Mulberry, be tween Third and Fourth streets, to Grace M. K Chnrsh. thence to Oakdale Cemetery. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. THB COPARTNERSHIP HBRBTOFORE EXIST ing between the undersigned, under the firm nina of Behrends A Munroe. has been dissolved by mutual consent by the withdrawal of Wil liam Munroe. All persons indebted to the firm will make payments to 8. Behrends, who will hereafter conduct the Furniture business at the old stand, under the firm name of S. B&HRENDS & CO. S. BKUKKMUC, 1ySl3t W. MUNROE. Our Merchant Tailoring Department Will bo CIocd During August. g AM PLUS OF OUR FINE IMPORTED STOCK. of SUITINGS (to open September 1st) now on exhibition. y 31 tf Merchant Tailor and Clothier. The Finest Assortment (ALL GRADES) OF Pianos and Organs can be be found at the undersigned's Ware rooms. 4.7 Re4 Cress street. Our Instruments are carefully selected. Our prices the lowest, and we are personally re sponsible for all Instruments. We sell nnde guarantee. 1y 31 tf tu th sa E. VAN LAER Recollect W1 E MASB A SPECIALTY OF TKUNHa, Automatlo self -Lifting Trays, and every Trunk purchased of us Is guaranteed for one eeason we are closing oat all Summer Goods at cost FOB CASH. TRUNKS repaired by the only practical Trunk- maker In the htate; Fine hand-made uakmsb wj oruer i;noAr. H. L. FSNNBLL, The Horse Milliner, jy 3i tf 10 South Front St. Cutlery. FINE ASSORTMENT OF SCISSORS, BAR ber's Shears. Buttonhole Scissors, Pocket Knives, Table Cutlery. &o., always on hand. Also a full line of Hardware, at jy 29 tf 29 South Front St. To Contractors, SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED at the office of 8. P. McNair, until August 1st, for the construction of a new Church for the Second Presoyterlan Congregation, The Committee reserve the right to reject any. and all bids. Plane and Specifications can be seen on application. 8. P. McNATB, jy ao 8t so 25 31 Chairman Contract Com. f ilmikton Sayings & Trust Co., MARKET, BETWEEN SECOND AND THIRD b t roo 1 8 JOHN WILDER ATKINSON, President. W. P. TOOMEB, Cashier. Lends money on satisfactory security. Pays Interest on deposits. Is empowered to execute Trusts of all kinds. mh25tf , NEW ADVERTISEMENTS A. O. McGIRT, Auctioneer. BY S. A. SCHLOSS & CO., pt COD WORK HORSE WILL BE SOLD TO VT dav, in front of our Sales Rooms, at 10 o'clock. Also Extension Table, Sofa, Marble Top Table, Baby Carriage, box Tools, large lot of Men's and Ladles' Hats. Crockery, Tin aad Glassware, five tubs of good Butter, ao Jy 81 It For a Beautiful Basket of Fruit ! C4LL OIV US E. Warren & Son, EXCHANGE CORNER it 27 tf DAVIS SCHOOL. Military Boarding School FOR BOYS and YOUNG MEN. Full preparation for any College or for Business. Healthy -location : fine climate ; mild winters ; excellent buildings ; Cadet Cor net Band; Cadet Orchestra; Resident Snrareon. No Charge for Medical Attention. No Extra Charge for Languages or Sciences. Department of Art. Full Course in Telegraphy. VERY liOW RATES. For Register with full particulars address COL. A. C. DAVIS, Supt., LA GRANGE, N. C. jy 26 2w nao DO YOU KKOW BANDANA SPRING BEDS, PINE FIBRE PIL LOWS AND BOLSTERS, and all kinds of MATTRESSES? , , . WILMINGTON SPRING BED AND MATTRESS COMPANY, Wilmington, N. C, opposite City Hall. Jyl4tr UOTICE. aOW THAT THB EXCURSION SSASON HAS opened, protect yourself by securing Acoidont Insurance- BUY THE BEST. INSURE IN THE Trayelers OF HARTFORD, CONN., THB LARGEST AND STRONGEST ACCIDENT COMPANY IN THE WORLD. Issues Accident Policies for any length of time from one day to twelve months. Telephone No. 11.! NORTHROP, HODGES & TAYLOR, le 17 tf General Ins. Agents. Carolina Beach, "TJNTIL FURTHER NOTICE THE SYLVAN GROVE will lea re for Carolina Beach every week day at 9.30 a. m and 3 cm. J. W. HARPER, yS7tf nao Gen'l Manager. Steamer Passport's gCHEDULE FOR THIS WEEK. EVERY DAY, except Sunday, leaves foot of Market street daily, except Tuesday, at 9 o'clock a. m., for Southport, the Forts and to Sea. Returning, leaves Southport at 3 p. m. A Ten Cent Excursion every evening at 6.30 o'clock, except Tuesday. jy 22 It ' J. T. HARPER, TO SOUTHPORT. The Magnificent Steamer Queen of St. Johns yiLL MAKE REGULAR TRIPS TO SOUTH- port and return, (Sundays excepted), leaving Wilmington, foot of Dock street, at 10 o'clock a. m., and returning leave Southport at 4 p. m. Fare for the round trip 53 cents for adults and 25 cents for children. C. C. MORSE, W. H. CHRISTOPHER, Purser. Master. 1y 8 tf (Be view copy.) Fine Shoes for Ladies. WE OFFER THE CHOICEST STYLES OF LADIES' BUTTON BOOTS, LACED SHOES AND LOW TIBS. to be fonnd in the State. Some of these goods are just superb in texture and workmanship. Call and see them at Geo. . French & Sons. jy 26 tf 108 North Front St. For Sale, F ORTY ACRE TRACT OF BEST TRUCK FARM ING LAND, all under fence. Eight acres cleared, one mile from city limits, on Market street road, next east of the Carrie farm. Apply to j. w. HAKWBS, jy 24 tf nao or Col J. W. ATKINSON. Twenty-Five Cents Only JpER WEEK (DELIVERED) FOR THE N. Times, N. Y. Herald. N. Y. Sun, NY. Star, N. Y. Tribune, N. Y. World. Illustrated Papers, Fash ion Books, Magazines, Libraries, &c, at Pub lishers' prices, always on band at C. M. HARRIS', ap22tf Popular News and Cigar Store. Wrapping Paper. QLD NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE BY THB HUN- dred or in larger quantities at reduced prices. Jy 28 tf STAR OFFICE. To Parties Who Desire to Bulla, JJAVING COMPLETED GRACE METHODIST Church, (to which we refer as to capacity), the undersigned Is ready to take Contracts for all kinds of Carpenter Work. We guarantee per fect satisfaction. iTMtf - ' J. T. KLAPP. BROWN & RODDICK, 7 NORTH FRONT ST. rpHE GREAT SUCCESS OF OUR GRAND AN NUAL CLEARING SALE last week far ex ceeded our expectations, nearly doubling that of any former season. We will continue this week to give the Extra 5 i or cent, on all cash sales of one dollar and upwards (Ihla is over and above all the reductions that have been made.) It is a rare opportunity No such in ducements have been given In this city beforo under any circumstance. We can only quote a very few of the GREAT BARGAINS, as our 8paee will not sdmit of more. A oall only can give you any idea of the Inducements wo are offering at this time. Lot 1. Striped an Plaid Summer SILKS 67c, now 35c per yard Yon will And these lust as wo ad vertise. Lot 2. Surah SILES, Cream Colored Ground, with small colored figures, 75o, now 35o. Call at onoe as this is one chance in a lifetime. Lot 3. Tlmhrolderftd Robes. Swiss. Laoe. Batiste. Zephyr, Seersucker and India Linen Robes, from $1.00 to $2.50; sold formerly from $1.50 to $8.00. You will be astonished when you see tha goods. Lot 4. "Denrr otlttxtt? Tvnipaa nnnna oil AAalrftKlA sn1- Siva ma Vfo nari till TniA wool fill 1T1C 10n Tr yard. These cost really mgre money to manu facture. They are sold everywhere for 30o. This Is a rare chance. Lot 5. RIBBONS Our stock of Ribbons far exceeds hat of any other house we know of bo nth of New York. We are offering a special Job In SATIN RIBBONS, BEST QUALITY. No. 3 SATIN RIBBON 6 cents per yard. 4 5 7 9 12 16 8 10 12H 14 18 22 A big lot of Novelties; also, Sash Ribbons. Lot 6. GENTS' FURNISHINGS. Wo have made a specialty of this depapartmnnt this season and off er the cheapest lines of Gents' Dressed Undressed Shirts, Underwear, Neckwear, lars. Cuffs, &o. and Col- we can your particular attention to a BIG DRIVE IN GENTS' WOOL SHIRTS. We aro sell- Ing them JUST FOR HALF PRICE. Lot 7. PARASOLS AND SUN SHADES. We are clear ing out t he balance of this stock at prices away down. We don't intend to carry any over and have marked them accordingly. We also call special attention to a lot of GLORIA UM BRKL LAS. in 26 and 28-lnch, $1.75 and $2.00. No ma terial can outwear them; they are is per cent, below present market valne. Hit wilLbe Impossible to mention more in our space. No one visiting our city should leave without giving us a call and look! o a over our stock, WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. It is no idle talk, we have got the goods; the prices speak for themselves. Our ambition is that no house in the country will undersell us, and our stock Is marked with that in view. . BROWN &RODDK h ; NORTH FRONT STREET. jyfftt ATLANTIC VIEW, Wrlghtsvlllo, N. C. J BEG TO ANNOUNCE TO THE PUBLIC THAT Ladies and Gentlemen and their Families visit ing the SOUND for a day' recreation, can have the free use of my large Pavilion and Grounds, whether they desire to take their Meals with me or bring their own "lunch basket." SPLENDID BAND OF IUUSIC. Board during Encampment $2 per day only. Fridav Niffht. Jalv 18th. a Grand Vocal and In strumental Concert under the Pavilion. ED. WILSON MANNING, Je 23 tf Proprietor. SHEIEE, SUMMER CLOTHING! KEEP COOL BY BUYING AN OUTFIT OF IY1E. I HAVE A FULL LINE OF White Flannel Suits AND FLANNEL SHIRTS, which will be sold very low this week . No. 30 NORTH FRONT STREET. 1v 1 tf To Owners of Yehicles "YTHEN YOU NEED ANY REPAIRING OR Painting done give us a oall. Will guarantee you the BEST WORK at the LOWEST PRICES. We have a fine lot of Buggies, Phaetons, Snrrlea Wagons, Carts and Drays on band, which we are selling very cheap. a B. SOUTHERLAND CO., Successors to R. P. MoDougaU doa 11 tf i Corner Second and Prlnoeei sts. 4 j I, t ;f.i Iff it! w 'f i