1 ,1 -w-t-o i - - aaaaaaaaaaaaa-aa-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,L - - . ..-, . , ,--.. ... . . :;.;;',."i.T-'. .'..-. - v A' 5 0 e0 -I l I. I !' J- .,,,1 tB t r kmi w 1 w ,,,IUI1.1 k I ,.HtoI. liiimiUiiiMiiiiwJ . ." m4 mftmr 111 1 11 all ( 1r-t-ri TIM. i.iiira . Maum-f Or rmat mr -m. n I W.U n if iniw 4 lii.pitrix ruti4U tfcaiiPM AiMv W pmrmtm mm . . ot rAoM(lMM by UBMlf Mufi ,,.,ift rilf k ulk ikiM " t .l ie '..n'urif r HiiMt Um aUa Cl h- w. r. iu.mmdm. a a. (.1,1 , t rltii of fljul lainna) n iiTt .!. lit. tmm lM(iaM4 'nIVMtM v . U. - Uti il aarait X r.ur r-v koU tnoftla la u m hii ""tH-. Tlr pmy .,,. v T .! tn ir kaiUM4t- uu.c. a tit ui lajLtBf Xm T. Count. t.ot t-v " rx. rtA. Taw sv u..- r - m rvw SoaU w .. a n Hun-w-l m t mt a-rk f 4,. ; ua It i u' il, t t k atituU. It. U- 3n rOMbr. w -. Txi. Kr . wa - 1 11 ir tt : mua tja toMun t i 11.114 ?!wt a u( wu Iklt cwlnawn lal riiil nor BwaJlJk ly tkawarf faatv txx9 n. ifiwa if rMr frvul aait. aSa kAvla riv'-u it tit ft val yarx -jr itiaa - attniiM Jatbiijtv. runaM by t iai m dv j.i 1 .i- u Sur ml W'uiwt Cu.. DwitatA t 1 ariajkt.f itm aa fy -'alua uiti ... T rir Ox. To. IS iiruatuway. ta OTTERBURINh .ITHIA AND MAGNESIA faSDEHFDL CUBE OFDlfPEPSIi irmotD 8T I rlnary Trouble and Stricture. Aa oil Mil a! SmTciIj Card iter Tisaij Tears .f SlTmr. -1 1 cAa a.4 rr atso t da. x jl biixv jlx. .io'im. j a sua Cutnrrr. Ta. Fafr. V UM. t.i mJ a.riwiiM norflBira ta a ttabar m m f pijt Tf xi hi . aa aln w'u - n.n of iotr atajulta. TUk Sulav i-. a. nlCTi rnsCaa. rqntrt (Aa) M im tnta anuat a f aatif. Laa raaaViaaj 11 .! Mtraar ? naldai inatta, tU a-rop ti' imaf trnSU. win wfaj fcapMh . . ifttr a nirw(i Ulna iaM iti -n, of a ta rrnpaoMxav avtaaa ate Mroa ! igataaaV I al Taaal la) aa exf ..im t ai fr ta fHUfttan avrttarav ba 1 im Mut pavalirtaCy ID to (& aaaMna tfuiM. & 1 ifJr.XTf tngmt!. aa4 aaa ana? dfrpan t.i tjM rac.ttr tl'j laT M coat. a4 ) 1 - (..ir ji aj a. at ! aa ooaUal arpvet. . f ti tt ao trauacmarat oUar UiavA UM wtr - 11 :! prfa. Varr ira:T. l octH. rwms oyTtn rtitrr a r nir wL KCtr of r:cvoix srsAts as ii. or rr- .r tar ovOa) ra t ia4 fo a tare - tif , ?paeua iat trnqOto mm aaora or 1- trrratiacK-i utbia wttis u -": mam At tu m ka itoaa Cm (rati enod. 'nml maat at&ora. b toaa a an baV:ll r tn.tm tpiaMm w tli dataiaa7 o ta m rtHiaaT of out. afcyay dIataOi,W OM aar 'i nr. t t minim aiiaBaaXiaXtas aeURT oC UM .' .! aad kvrtkl Itwr. I mM cfcaaiifiTT ra n on a ralcaral trlaU of that araAae. a busm a iwrn ' irmmo, V . 14. tSHH. itxiAX o. suviuiruu. racaaoajo. Va . Xaf i. IBC 1:1 rDMO.-.i Ula Oaaa of la Ot 1 B XB C K" . ir.u At bJ A WATtra abant April nt imt tar SrXXt, oa4a Of wlfa aad nitwit ifrlr( too tlai dMwa. f arlf aA ti sc. tint a.t bara iMa to drtak aaora taaa laro i.(iiiii f or tmavrv wt-r a oa Uaa Wa ta- iTTISCSM WiTIX araar I v afaad aCaa n..aaauaod 6 T tirta!" a Uarra robaKraT. wttia a- il ara piiant to ta uUymmaL. MtooM a(nr ta irrTaxacHH waras n aa aa r nttm at tta autt. aad aa raXBMiS taaa ;., .iin.j .r 9aA la a tn-iotn. i etMMt eaaMrfa'ty . oawoii tan ate U pruMa aaffartaaT wtca l . uiHala t t.t 6ri:!f a-ara ay Wttarr f oaar aav (( a f. w. TScra M Co.. uvt Mia t. r oca TSAftnojiT w CTrmriAai ASH. ' irii-a or rxtm Jfi. WrLMtMtv. W. C. Joiv r. t w.Ia-lkatatHtlv Tflartr; Lkai V Lr" atn iftrtdd NMJflt for tklMT TtOMbi 'tit iviotUi Taodaooiiaa. Jadtzur 6T ta ra- u . ' mf un (Ma. t attoatd ltm It a tpBLl i r :),i of tn iMufi aad niaddae Toara rf trary. WldiAJS IL CX3WAIIX. 4Vx.u mvs xxxtsom rr too sixd m rrraTHXH rvior?tcx .-m.K J. lll'-DLRT.r,rrtirl AWBMA COCT C3. VA. II R. IIF.I.ITI V, Agent, wiijir5rm33i, . c. NEW MUSIC HOUBE, New Pianos, New Organs, New Prices. J. L. STONE, O BtLIIOB. I ;' r f tt n,l tO'Mt rviUM a vUa DaUr ta lha i M .tM!6a a bcsea bo ta W "':t..n. n no d.ior f? rtvt 10 '"" ' b toaad a aaaRv of taaCWibeata4 ESIER80H PIANOS. thmt tnvua raac&ae frcaa tltX apwaadA. T"n xwfu. e ar3at etamnM ale U"ky,t"Tn Ttoar la 17 OSWU Atkinson & Manning's Imaraaee Ilema, "OUTS WATTS sTTKXCT. UaiUu-, 5. C lani! til to . Ccajaila Thr Altr. od mo cd Jo-a Bber- A4 OrtsltAta oJ Ch 'ccy Dp pew. Ami all nf rai of thm fJler, Ulkia' ae4 rt21a ti.l blM Witk II-f Ur btto lime rem lira I ImtWoo e Hit tuiara Of rUtsc i-ralila' at OrUf Aad Bfcermaa u fisia' al Heaves, I rAed ta around a Mv hmtlj TUj all abac Uad with a ilib: I U U ww rood Jot Um bllicaa. Aed Ibe bo(Ua com bak to me dro W o roQ&d a Um mlaatm loiuer, A Hi I m a trTrard: ndihn -Daxnn mJnr tocQ feUr bUrrd. A Ml a. aa ... " aw ait 01 10 nouerta " Ama. WiU Uit aU tbrtoaiue. weronloooed, Aad I fall 1at a. mean ai a hatmrf Ef I'd tbouf bt tbat thai bolli wm loaded a. . 1 ncrer ouu3 pauctf u around. I OITW IT1TK COJITKHrORAKim. 8lt Poor IHa FUu21 ia bewAilin th fKof binuelf and DockerT and olbera ct Ibat Uk: "We ar Soolhcrn m.tn with Nottbm priadpJaa. Very true. Judges ItuaaelL Aa booat coofemoa U rood for tb touL Hiltg A'fvt-OWrwr. Mf too OliTtsc" U aIjo cmDJ2olDe OTr tb 8ut ia tb role of aa Alliance ma, ia order to mike roitm mmoog Ibe far-Mra. Yet be at tbe tame lime poaea aa a Itepablicaa. lie aabeallatloflr and nn- Moabiactj itoi that be stands squarely apca bcib Lb Stale and tbe naUooa.1 Re- pubUcaa platfomu. Tbe natlocal IUpub- liota platorxa taya, amoo olbcr tblaea : We deaouac tbe Uilli bill." Oae of tbe ftatarea of tbe Mills bill U tbe reduction of tbe tariff oa maaafactartd cotloa coods. It Is -try clear tbarefore toil "My Son Oil cr" is out aad exit oppnaed to tbe Mills bill, knowlaf tbat tb NaUoaal Farmers AiJLaacaaa pot lueUoo record aa fror- ia lb Mills bill ia anticipation for tbe protection of tbe country. CXarUti CAnmicU Erery man, aad especially a Probibi- Uoaiat, knows tbat there are other vital Lssuea beaidee temperance preaaiot; bard upon as. issues upon which erery honest man U bound to take a stand. No boneat maa bow can afford to be Ignorant or care- !ea of them . ttull leae can be Joia ia a third party wild rooae cbaae aad pretend tbat be i a patriot Tbe opportunity is now atbsad for stop ploj ia part steeling by tariff taxation, and Ihemaa who tbrows awsy bie vote U either lacxloc ta wisdom or he m Joiaed with tbe thieve. lie can not excuae tlauelf by the third Dart? dod. If be preteads that be regards both prtiM alikr, or that be does not care which stsccTcdr, or tbat tbe Lsaaea between them are aaeaaatatiaJ. be is either oaiastructcd or anjp-arriU. ir be is seaious only Tor the CKd of tbe people be U bound to farcr tariff rrductloo. If tbe sufferinf s ctased by the principle aad practice of tbe Rad ical party do not more hlsa, be is a self- deceived hypocrite. If be believes tbat be la moved by sufferiacs caueed by tbe liquor traffic. At heart, be move-i oaly by a buraiaf deaire for odea. A man who siaddle la ft nee 00 a tariff reform quea tioai will straddle it oa any other reform whaa b thioks it la hi interet Using Spirits Turpentine. Washington Gauile? The two- Iear old ehibd of Mr. Burwell J one fell tooday froen the feee aad broke bia UK. Wo regret to see that tbe bright, avewsy. bandaoea Asbeville ftn has ceaaed. It did aol pay. which la a saf 6cjea(exeue foe the cour of the r j- prletora. Warrentoo OoztiU: It ia taid that ca cannot tvea bribe a ueaderaoa man to admit that bia towa ia not better aad bgtr thea Nsw York Aad herein lis much of the secret of the success of that towa: Tls local pride. Fayelteville Journal: Chief Wad da 11 reports for Jaly 100 cases tried. T7 8SSaa collected, and $3) from the scale Tne report of health oflct. Dr. Jsmes A. Ilodges. shows tbat during th moath of Jaly there were but foar deaths ia Fajretievllle two white aad two colored. Duod Signboard: The pro traeted eoetiae at rriecetoo cloaed oa last Friday at 11 a. ra . after twr. weeks ooa uaoatJim Near I0O perse oa were reclaimed aad am verted, aad it it hoped tbat a higher stata of Godlia will exist there than ever before. Rev. Mr. FhlUip, the pastor of lb rreabyteriaa Cborcb la Fayette vllle. I here eegagetl ia a revival meeting. Hilliboro JUcordcr: Mr. W. T. Sutton, of our tows, met with a pain ful injury, while attending services at St. Matthew's (CplseepaJ) church. last Sunday af:ertvo. cprtegteg over a low wall, to tce a friend, who had called bia. his foot struck opoa a alaalisg rock aad be fell, dUkcatieg twy ioiats of tbe great toe of th left foot, and breaklagecve of the boce of tbe tame. He Is now dcrfng well, but is laid oo." Winston Sentinel: The eloca Uoeary coaiaat at the Opera Ilocae last Thursday algbt was woo by Mis Ruth Rjenlavr who was awarded a haadaoene gold saedal. The district conference acid at ttammerQld laat week was aa In trrrstln mectlac as well aa Isrgaly al tend ed. Between 700 aad $300 were raked foe tbe Trinity CoUesre fund. Tbe new Baptist Chorea at Wangbtown was ddacal4 Uat Burndtf wiLh lapreasive m. a a. . at a a a errata o a M. rtev. j. uarntm, or itaieiga. prsacbed the dedicatory sermoa. Scotland Neck Democrat: Tbe daughters of Rev. Aldctt Bmedae. O. D , aad aiatert of Rav. BeaaeUSeaedea. of Ral- e!gb. have pre atad the Episcopal church with a handsome bell. It weight 013 nnoeds. maeafeetared by tbe MeShtne B. II fooadry. Da hi oa ore. It It clear toned aad tt a model of beauty. It bears the fol- ktwiag loscriptlon: "In loving memory of Re AUert Baiedee, 13. D , aad his wire, Lyill gmedea. Work will soon commence for the completioa of the tower on the new Irfecopel cbarch. aad tbe bell will sooa be I a place. AshevilJe Citiun: Tbe election ia to be held la Cherokee county oa the 0th last. t aalborize the Issue of $50,00Q In ooede la aid of the construction of tbe Uiwaaece railreatd from Murphy to Cbatta- aocea. i eatsrcay me cuy expen- eeced la all its Inconvenience, the cutting off. la imo. of itj waler enpply. The pipe reXojed to give up their cooling treat urea, snore needful and grateful than aver In a period of anusual heat. Sale of to bacco oa the werehoate floors of AshevUl foe the mooth of Jaly were 40.57S poaade for 13.637 81 aa average of $3 64 per ban- drtd. Sale from October to tbe 81st or Jaly war 3, 830,1 13 poaade for 301.030 83 ia average oi fie 01 . AshevUIa Sun : Sheriff Worley receired a dispatch from Sheriff Blgbam, of Jackson, yearterdsy aulhorixlag hioi to receive McMahsa, who wae JtUed at Web ster for tbooUsa? Bochanaa co wedtse- dy Blrfct;. The prisoner cat the Wayaesva. t'JLraia. la eiirre of twuiy bocna. i wmikh was out cbarffiB ma. aasn wiu- trctpau. Th cam wm com- rrrioiueq 0y me prosecutor aad McManan; the consublo not koowiof of tbe compro mise brought McMaban oefonj Squire Ca tto. when Borf eas. tbe proeecator. said he Mieyed tbe prisoner was armed, and tbat be was afraid or him. Constable Lakey made aa attempt to eeareb him bat was PxUhod Off. when Lakev called tn Rnchtn. whSM woklBiBg sear by, to aatiit bim. Before Bochanan reacted the pris oner, wbea dote to him, the latter sudden ly draw a pistol and fired in the direction of tbe two men, tbe ball striking Buchanan ta the left breast, ranging downward. The physicians saw the wound wm a aortal one aad did not remove tbe ball, although located It. Bucbaaaa Is dead. Newton Enterprise: Mr. Will. J. Ucrman. died at the residence of his father. T I Herman, Are mllea west of Newton last Thursday morale at 3 o'clock aad was burr Jed at 8t. Paul's Friday morn lag at 10 o'clock, lie was twenty-three yean old. lie had just a few weeks ago, returned home from Louisville, Ky, Med ical College. R. a Be tier and wife started one dsy laat week for Washington Territory. His son. Charley. Is settllajr up bia burlne sod will follow thta falL Carr left without letting any one know it except lhoe who happened to see him off. lie bad Jail been turned out of jail on pay ment 01 a one or cuu. and be thought the disgrace more than be could bear among old friend. Julius Wilton. Jr.. was acquitted ia Asherille last week of the charge of knowingly buying goods stolen from a E. Graham & Co. R. II. Boat, submitted and was sentenced to twelve months In the penitentiary. Boat staled in bis ooofeesioo tbat Murphy who was con victed at last term of court and sentenced to two years in tbe penitentiary did not know tbe goods be bought were stolen. It is expected tbat Murphy will soon be par dot 1. STAIR CAMPAIGN. We are informed that the re sult of tbe Republican convention at Wayotsvillo waa tbo declaration of several heretofore Republican! to vote for Clove land and tax reform. AihevUU Citizen. Maj. W. W. Rollins, of Asbe ville, was nominated aa elector on the Re publican Presidential ticket for tbe Ninth Congressional District. Major Rollins be gan bis life in Spartanburg county, 8. C, about forty-eight years ago. II am il loo O. Kwart, the nomlaee of tbe Republicans or the Ninth District fcr a teat in tbe Fifty flral Contrees was born at Columbia. 8. C, about the year 1831. AihevUU Sun. We bavo received a letter from a Marshall friend stating that Mr. Charlea F. McKeaaon. the Republican candidate for Auditor, while la Marshall a few days ago behaved la a manner and made remarks which were very offensive to tbe good citi aens of that good town. Among other things be said or reported was that the meanest Radical nero of Burke waa telUr than the white Democrats of Madison county. AiXeviile Oitisen. A gentleman who waa at one lime a whiskey drummer, but who now ssys he could sot be Induced by any manner of means whatever to go Into the bustneat sgaie. was present at one or Mr. Walker's speecbe. lie bsd a conversation with Mr. Walker. In that conversation Mr. Walker taid: "We are going to win some dsy, ir not to-day. We are go! or. to win; if we cannot by fair means, then we will by foul. Aad if we do not triumph, there will bo one of the bloodiest wars tbat ever black eoed tbo page j of history. " Now we have met Mr. Walker, aad we bad believed him a reasonable man. but if theae utterance are true, and we have no reason to doubt theca. Prohibition Walker la tbe biggest fanatic aad crank of them all, and eertainly not deserving the suffrage of reasonable men, whether believing ia prohibition or not. Down with Walker. Washington UitUs. Mr. J. M. Monger came for ward and Introduced Tom Devereaux. Boon he hit one square blow by say ing that Mr. Cleveland bad appoiated ne groes to office aad at this the negroee In the crowd yelled Staggered at this Tom took another drink or water aad taid he really did not expect to make a speech. By this time be had made up his mind that tbe aeerroea were a "set or aavagea" no better than their brethren in African twampt and aald he didnt want any negro la his. Dockery came forward and tpoko about fifteen minutes about the negro, going ever the tame groan d that Devereaux had gone over. But from the very manner of hit talk be It evidently a discouraged can, dldate. lie taid he had no ambition to be Governor and didn't want to be and had declined the nomination twice before. Notwithstanding he It a plain and plausi ble speaker, be is arjueiog no enthusiasm. Dockery i greatly overrated. Savford Krjmsm VOI.ITICAL, POINTS. How free whiskey would swell tbe total of tee serpent stories, to be sure. Senator Voorhees declares that Gen. Harrison "aever took the plain peo pled tide or any Question." If. T. World. If wsgee are dependent upon the tariff, why are wage of woollen mill employes lower In Ohio than la Connecti cut?" asks the New Oaveo Arte, Ind. Bhouidi cloth! m? bear tbe tax alone And all our drinks go freer 1 Not by a big brown Jugful ! Stand by Democracy. Zfe&jiA lMiA.)Paraffrapl. Tbe declaration of tbe Chicago platform cannot be carried out. The voters simply will not stand each treatment. The people demand cheaper necessaries of lire. Ck ieofO Aswe, Drm . Oar CaaeUdate Fr Fraaldaatt. lie will be nominated by the convention and will be elected by the peopls.becaase he will come nearest to filling their ideal or a Chief Magistrate. Electric Bitters has been given tbe blgheet place, because no other medi cine bat so well Oiled the ideal of a perfect tonic and alterative, Tbe people have in dorsed ltcUlo BitUrs aad rely upon this great remedy in all troubles of Liver, Stom ach aad Kidneys. For all zaeltrial Fevers and-disease caused by Malarial Poisons, Electric Bitters cannot be too highly recem meadtd. Also cure Headache and Consti pation. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Price 60c and l per boUls at Wm. U. G&xxif & Co. 's Drug Store, f Uweklest Araleai salve. The Best Salts la tbe world for Cuts, Bruise. Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cornr, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cure Pile, or no pay required. It It guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Wm. 12. Green & Co. t ayrwy r Flee Is Nature's own true laxative. It is the most .easily taken, and the most effective remedy known to Cleanse the 8ys tern when Bilious or Costive; to Dispel Headaches, Colds, and Fevers; to Cure Habitual Con sU.atloo, Iofflgestion, Piles, eta Manu factured only by the California Fl Syrup Company, 8a Francisco, Cat , . . r Ai wholesale and. reUIl by. Robt.,R, Bet.t.smt. . '-f: Viv !. '--7';-'." V W T 1 " I Ski at aaaakaV A 1 - a Tho WilmlngtoD, N. 0., Star. OLDEST DAILIlftf HE STATE. XV n. U.BBRriAno, Editor and Pror NOTICESIOF ITIEPRESS. It Is honest and able, mehory Prtu. A ltve and progressiva Dally. EaUUjh Visitor. It U the beet Dah.t Patxb in tbe State Clin (on Caucasian. It Is brUht, Tfreeh, "vioroa mttboro Home, . and scholarly. It U a credit to the brightest type of tonrnal gm.QMiorQ Argus. Oar admirable aad most porary. WVton Mirror. excellent contem- As tbe nrAM stows older Its brilliancy ncreasee. CXariotU Observer. It laby odds. theTjrUhtest and best Dailt in North Carolina. 8atford Express. Stands drat among the leading Dailies in the State, and second to none in tne South. Bock ingham Racktt. It Is the beet eatberer and condenser of news In tee State. Bold, outspoken and fearless. HVson Advanet. Stands at the had of all North Carolina pa- pers. Hanks with tbe best balJlee. OrstmviUs BtJUcior. Hanks with tbe best of oar Southern In all that can make a Daily ahd Whiit valuable the WrumreTON Stab stands to day the peer of any. NashvUU Courier. It la a splendid Journal, is fearlessly honest, and Its expreased opinion carry great weight because of tbe oonndenoe its readers feel in its hpneety. Kbuton Free Press. 1 he Wrutntevoa Btax is in the twenty-first year of lu publication, which is the longest existence that anv Daffy baa ever attained in North Caro hoA.Dcnourjf Reporter-Pott, Tbe Wrxamreroie Stab ia in the twenty-first year of publication, and is a flrct class Sally. The litarary feature of the editorial department is especially good and cannot be duplicated by any other Dailt Pim in the Bt&te.IIendermm vUU Times. HEADQUARTERS FOR Groceries, Provisions. VEGETABLES, Ac.. Ac , DURING THE ENCAMPMENT O 9 THIS Slate Guard at .WittMnilte Sound. I wQl fnraiah each Company dally with all their Supplies daring their stay at Camp Pender, at the low eat possible coat. Will make arrangements to get their borders dally, and will fill them promptly. Ibe Caterer of the different Companies are requested to hand la their orders at my Store, or give them to my salesmen when they call upon them. JNO. 1 BOATWRIGI1T, ly 17 a: IS A 17 Sonth Front St. PUBS CALIFORNIA ORANGE WINE, T L. BRAND. It is Non-Alcoholic. jT 13 THE MOST EKALTHFUL, DELICIOUS and ref reihJng drink known. In using always add one gallon water to two gallons Wine. When frozen makes delicious Sherbet. ADRIAN A VOLLXRS, Sole Agents, Wilmington, N. C. CUBA and P. R. MOLASSES, in hhda. and bbls. I SUGARS, all grades. ' TOFFEE, 510, LAGUYRA and JAVA. FLOUR, all grades. LARD, la tleroe and cans. BUTTER and CHEESE. CRACKERS aad CAKES. TOBAOCO. CIGARS and SNUFF. BAKING POWDERS, SOAP, SODA, CANDY. CANNED GOODS, Aa. Ao. For sale low by ADRIAN & TOLLERS. ly ia u . ISTOTIOIE. JOW THAT THE EXCURSION SEASON HA opened, protect yoursejf by securing Acoldent Insurance. BUY THE BEST. ENSURE IN THE Trave lers OF HARTFORD, CONN., THE LARGEST AND STRONGEST ACCIDENT COMPANY IN THE WORLD. Isaac Aocldent Follcle for any length of time from on day to twelve months. Telephone Ho. 11.; NORTHROP. HODGES A TAYLOR, e 17 tf General Ins. Agents. Peas, Peas, Peas. J LACK-EYE, COW AND CLAY PEAS FOR sal low. Floor, Sugars, Coffees, Meats, Canned Goods, Soap, Starch, Corn, Meal. Salt.IGlne, Hoop Iron. Molasses In hogsheads, tierces and barrels, o , Ac Aa Involee milk Maid Brand Condensed Milk last received. We commend this to the trade as as arUole worthy their attention.. ; . .w, - V '. i' HALL A FKArWALUv.? -Wholesale Grocers sad ComnilsalOTTCerxdisJits, , my 11 DAW tf ; A'' H nd IS outh Water:. -ffHOMaAiB-.rBiczg. XW The t following ntxotatfoHS represent wholesale prices caneraCy. : la makrng up small orders higher ptfcea have to be ebared. The quotations are always given as aocnratelv as possible, bat Ihs Stab win not be responsible for any variations from the actual market price of the articles quoted. BAGGING Gunny Standard . . BACON North Carolina Hams, 9 lb. Shoulders, a D Sides, WESTJffiN 8M0KKD 8X sm 15 3 11 14 10 zm .7 12K to- a 12 8 Q 6 a - Hams, v ,. : Sides, fj Shoulders, f t . DRY SALTED . Sides, fi.. Shoulders, ) lb..... BARRELS Spirits Turpentine. Second Hand, each .-. . New New York,eacb - New City, each BEESWAX, 9 BRlCKsTwilmingtn, n M Northern. . . . . BUTTER, t j North Carolina Northern . . . J. ; CANDL38, $ t . Sperm .. Adamantine . CHK2S2, lb Northern Factory , Dairy, Cream. State COFFEE, 9 - z Java i v , Lagnyra ...... .... .. Rio 00 O 1 40 0 00 1 75 t 65 & 1 70 20 & i 22 6 00 O 8 0C 0 00 a 14 00 15 Q 25 85 . O 39 18 25 9 & 10 11 12 13 14 S C& 10 27 G. 28 - 23 Q 24 11 3 16 00 75 - 70 & 72H 00 Q 1 15 I CORN MEAL, 9 bus., in sacks-"- I Virginia Meal tvrro Tims v Donuie DOMESTICS i Sheeting, 4-4, 9 yd Tarns, 9 bunch BOGS, 9 dozen, i. FiSH MaokoreLNo. 1, 9 bbl Mackerel, No. 1, 9 half bbl. Mackerel. NO. 2, 9 bbl Mackerel, No. 3, half bbl.... Mackerel, Ho. 3, 9 bbl - MulleU, 9 bbl Mullets. Tork bbls N. C. Roe Herring, 9 keg... Dry Cod, 9 B FLOUR, 9 bbl Western low grade Extra.... Family City Mills Super Family GLUE, 9 B : GRAIN, 9 bushel Corn, from store, bags, white Corn, cargo, in buli, white. Corn, cargo. In bags, white. Corn, mixed, from store. . . . Oats, from store Oats, Rust Proof Cow Peas...: HIDES, 9 2 Green ; Dry HAY, 9 100 B9 Eastern Western North River.. HOOP IRON. 9 B 6 00 & 80.. 15 00 00 7 B0 9 00 4 75 7 a) 4 00 8 00 3 00 5 3 50 4 00 5 00 4 00 5j00 - 8 012 50 8 00 11 00 Eli 00 9 00 O 0 50 a is oo 00 10 LARD, 9 Northern North Carolina LIMB, 9 barrel.. 140 LUMBER. City Sawed, 9 M 1 1, Ship Stuff, resawed 18 00 Rongh Edge Plank 15 00 West India Cargoes, accord ing to quality 13 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned. 18 00 Scantling and Board, com'n 14 00 If fIT.AKHKR. S3 araiion 20 00 16 00 18 00 22 00 15 00 New Crop Cuba, in bhds " in bbls.... Porto Rloo, in hhds a,, " in bbla Sugar House, in hhds k " In bbla Syrup, in bbla NAILS, 9 Keg. Cut. lOd basis... OILS, 9 gallon Kerosene Lard Linseed Rosin Tar - Deck and 8par , . POULTRY Chickens, live, grown " Spring Turkeys ; PEANUTS. 9 bushels 22 Bs... POTATOES, 9 bushel- 4 00 4 50 5 50 & 4 10 & 5 50 t . 10 75 & TPA 00 & 72 00 7ii 00 & 75 50 & 52 60 65 85 t 90 5" 5H 7 & .8 1 10 fll 1 15 1 00 1 10 95 1 05 a 3 8HQ 9 10 2 O 000 8 30 SO 32 30 '32 32 35 00 fc 15 16 18 22 35 2 25 .Ca 2 50 10 XCH 00 68 90 1 00 15 18 00 20 00 22 15 25 10 20 75 1 00 60 azzzM 60 80 3 75 4 00 Sweet : Irish, 9 bbl.. FORK, 1) barrel CltyMees.... Prime Rump , RICE Carolina, 9 lb Bough, 9 bushel, (Upland).. " (Lowland). BAGS. 9 t Country City ; BOPK, 8 B). . . . -. - . . SALT, 9 sack. Alum Liverpool...; Lisbon American. . . SUGAR, 9 X Standard gran.. Standard A. White Ex. C . 16 50 15 00 14 00 0 00 Extra C, Golden O Yellow SOAP, 9 a Northern SHINGLES, 7 In. 9 M Common Cypress Saps Cypress Hearts STAVES, 9 M W. O. Barrel. . . R. O. Hogshead TALLOW. 9 .rf TIMBER. 9 M feet Shipping. .;i0 00 Miu Rime.., Mill Fair....... Common Mill Inferior to Ordinary WHISKEY, 9 gal Northern. North Carolina WOOL, 9 Washed Unwashed.... Barry GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES 150 Boxoe D c' snJE8, . 25Q 04808 LABD' 1500 BblB FLOUSf erade-B 2 Bbla GLANULATKD SUGAR, Bbls White Extra C. Q Bbls Golden a " Bbls CAROLINA RICE, I '100 gA0kB 000106 MO COFFEE, "QQ Hhds Choice P. R. MOLASSES, 2QQBbls QQ Bbls New Orleans 2QB3 NAILS, Q Q Bundle HOOP IRON, 2 Bblfl DISTILLER'S GLUE, Soda, Lye, Potash. Starch, Soap, Snnff, To bacco, Candies, Candy, Crackers, Ac. Ac, Ac 9nr mia low bv Jan 22 tf WILLIAMS. RANKTN A CO. 233 DIFFERENT FLAVORS FOR SODA WATER and Milk Shakes. Cigars and Cigarrettos. Fancy articles of all description can be found at F. a MILLER'S, German Drug Store, Corner 8. Fourth and Nnn Sta. p. g. Prescriptions prepared at all hours, day or night. 1y 15 tf Specials. Q.ARDEN HOSE, DOG COLLARS, LAWN Mower?, Fishing Tackle, Come In and look at them. We have the goods and can make the prices to salt. w. E. SPRINGER A CO., my 13 tf 14 Front St, Wilmington, N. C. D O'CONNOR, REAL ESTATE AGENT, , WILMINGTON, N. C. REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Stores, Dwellings and Offices for Bent. Bents collected, taxes and Insurance promptly at tended tot . Houses and Lots forjsale on the Monthly Instal- meat Flan. Cash advanced on city property when desired. nov 10 tf The Robesonian, rnbllsbod every Wednesday ta Lomberton, N. C ByW. W. KIcDTARffTTD, , TJ AS THK LARGEST (OTCTULATION AND THE XL largest advertising- patronage of any paper la the State. It now has overelght hundred sub . sortbera In Robeson county alone, beeldea tv jren era! circulation, hi the oountiee of Moore, Cum-, periand, Bl&denr Columbus, Richmond, and in1 the adjoining counties, Marlon. Marleoro -and Oarlingtoa. In Boatb Carolina. . 15 50 14 00 00 4H 90 1 1515 1 20 - 1ft 14H 23 80. 85 80 85 00 00 80 85 7H 79a 7 714 0 5 &H 0 ft 5K 6 0 6 5 00 7 05 2 00 2 50 4 50 5 00 000 750 8 00 14 00 0 00 10 00 5 Q 6 13 00 i mi a o oo 6 00 6 50 5 00 0 00 3 00 4 00 1 00 & 2 08 1 00 2 50 28 SO 15 18 ' 10 15 iAtlajtic Coast Line, f IlmlDltflD i Weliflfi E. B. S Branclies. Ckvndonaed Sctaedalo. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. No. 28, I No. 27, No. 15. Dated July 1, 18881 (irass sum Dally, l Daily.ex. Sunday Leae Weldon....! 2.05 p.mj Arrive Rocky Mt.. 817 p.m 6.43 p.m 6.00 a.m 7.10 a.m Arrive Tarboro.... 14.50 p.m. Leave Tarboro 1 10.50 p.m Arrive. Wilson 8-50 p.m 7.00 p.ml 7.43 a,m Leave Wilson... .'4.io p.m Arrive Selma 5.19 p.m .. Arrive Fayettev'lej 7.45 p.m Leave Goldsboro.. .4.40 p.m 7.40 p.ml 8.35.a.m Leave Warsaw.'. . . 5.50 p.m 9.33 a.m Leave Magnolia.. 6.05 p.m 8.40 p.m 9.49 a.m Arrive Wilmington 7.40 p.m 9.55 p.m 11.80 a.m TRAINS GOING "NORTH No. 14. No. 78, No. 66, Daily.ex. Dally. Dally. Sunday. Leave Wilmington Leave Magnolia,.. Leave Warsaw. . . Arrive Goldsboro.. 12.05 a.m 4.00 pjn 1.24 ajn 'S.SB aTO 10.35 a.m 10.50 a.m o.&j p.m 5.50 p.m 6.52 p.m 11.50a.m ayi .18.30 a.m Arrive Selma. Arrive Wilson.. Leave Wilson.. -. . . Arrive Rooky Mt. 10.50 ajn 11.59 a.m 3.02 a.m 12. p.m 1.20 n.m 7.F2 p.m 18.29 p.m Arrive Tarborow. Leave Tarboro.... 4.50 p.m 10.50 a.m I:::'::::; Arrive Weldon.... 4.30 a.m 2.40 p.m 9 40 p.m TlalTv flvnAnt Snnrtav. Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves alifax for Scotland Neck at 3.00 P.M. Return ing, leaves Scotland Neck at 9.30 A. M., dally ex cept Sunday. , . Train leaves Tarboro, N. via Albemarle A Raleigh, R. E. dallVjexoept Sunday, 6 P. M.: Sun day 5 P. M. :. arrive WlHiamstontN. C, 8.10 P. M., and 6.40 P, M. Returning leaves Wllllamston,N.C. Daily except Sunday, 7.40 A. M.,8unday 9.50 A.M, arrive Tarboro, N. C 9.45 A; M, and 110 A. M. Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Golds boro. N.C., daily except Sunday,6.C0 A M.; arrive Smithfield, N. C 7.S0 A. M. Returning leaves gmitbfleld, N. C 8.00 A.M.; arrive Goldsboro, N. C 9 80 A.M; Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 4.00 P. M., arrives Nashville 4.40 P. M., Spring Hope 5.15 P. M. Returning leaves Spring Hope 10.40 A, M., Nashville 1U5 A. M., Rocky Mount ii.es A. M.. dallv. exoent Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton. Daily, except Sunday, at 6.00 P. M. and 11.10 A. M. Returning leave Clinton at 8 00 A.M. and 4 30 P. M., connecting at Warsaw with Nos. 15, 66 and 78. Southbound Train on Wilson and Fayette vllle Branch is No. 51. Northbound is No. 50. 'Dally except Sunday. " Train No. 27 Sonth will stop only atwuson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Weldon for ail points North dally. Ail rail via Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Bay Line. Trains make close connection for all points North via Richmond and Washington. JUi All trains run solid between 'Wilmington and Washington, and haye Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. - JOHN F. DIVINE, - General Sup't. J. R. KENLY, Sup't Transportation. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger. Agent. iyitf , Atlantic Coast Ziine. Wilmington, ColniMa & Augusta R. R. Condensed Schedule. TRAINS GOING SOUTH! Dated. July 15, 1888 No. 23, No. 27. No. 15, p -aj p y p Leave Wilmington 8 05 10 i t2 40 Leave Marion 11 16 12 87 5 23 Arrive Florence... 12 10 1 20 6 10 adaa) atf Pa atf a No. 50. No. 58. A. M.t P. M. Leave Florence... 3 20 t 6 20 Arrive Sumter 440 740 No. 52. No. 56. A. M. P. M. Leave Sumter 4 40 t 9 20 7 47 Arrive Columbia.. 6 15 10 30 ,9 05 A. M. I No. 53 runs through from Charleston via Cen tral R. K. Leaving Lanes 8:22 A. M., Manning 8.53 A. M. No. 56 runs throneh from Charleston via Cen tral R. R., leaving Lanes 6:35 P. M., Manning 7:12 f. ML. Train on C. A D. R. R. connects at Florence with No. 58. TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 51, No. 57, No. 53, p a. M. P M. Leave Columbia.. 11 25 7 00 5 83 Arrive Snmter 12 52 8 15Z 6 45 No. 59. Leave Sumter 12 52 t 0 25 Arrive Florence... ,2 20 9 40 Aa Ufa Aa IM No. 78. o. 66. No. 14. A 3Ca Aa alCa Pa 3aa Leave Florence... 435 10 00 8 20 Leave Marlon 5 22 10 42 8 55 Arrive Wilmington 8 85 1 40 11 50 a& Ma Pa ICaaaa Pa aHa DaOy. tDaily except Sunday. No, 53 runs through to Charleston, 8. CX, via Central R. B., arriving Manning 7:12 P. M , Lanes 7:43 P. M., Charleston 9-10 P. M. No. 57 runs throngh to Charleston via Central R. R , arriving Manning 8:51 A, M., Lanes 99 A. M., Charleston 11:80 A. M. No. 66 connects at Florence with C. and D. train for Cheraw and Wadesboro. Nos. 78 and 14 make ojose connection at Wil mington with W. A W. R. R. for all points North. JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen'l Sup't J. R. KKNLY, Supt Transportation. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent. Bjy;i8tf . CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD CO. I Change of Schedule. WESTBOUND TRAINS. No.l. No. 8. July 25, 1883. Daily ex. Daily ex. Sunday. Sunday. Leave Wilmington 8.00 a. m 7.30 p.m Leave Max ton 11.22 a. m 12.06 a. m Leave Laurinburg. 11.53 a. m 12.36 a. m Leave Hamlet. 120 p. m 2.00 a. m Leave Charlotte. a 42 p. m 6.25 a. m Leave Linoolnton. 5.18 p. m Leave Shelby. . , 6.28 p. m At. Rntherf'dtbn 7.50 p.m BA8TBOUND TRAINS. 1 NoTi! No. 4. July 25, 1888. Daily ex. Dally - ex. Sunday. Sunday. L've RntherTdton. . . .- 7.40 a. m Leave Shelby 9.09 a. m Leave Linoolnton 10.05 a. m Leave Charlotte i 11 40 a. m 8.80 p. m Leave Hamlet.. 3.00 p. m 1.45 a. m Leave Laurinburg.... 3.41 p. m 2.44 a. m Leave Max ton 4,02 p. m 8.10 a. m Arrive Wilmington 7.80 p.m 7.80 a. m Trains Nos. 1 and P, 3 and 4 make close con nection at Hamlet with trains to and from Ra leigh. Throngh Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Charlotte and Raleigh In Nos. S and 4 trains. Take Train No. 1 for StatesvQle and Stations on W.N. C. R. R. and points West, and No. 8 for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens, Atlanta and all points Southwest. Also, for Ashevllle, via Spartanburg. Local Freight Nos. 5 and 6 tri-weekly between Wilmington and Laurinburg, leaving Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdayas Looal Freight Nos. 7 and 8 tri-weekly between Laurinburg and Charlotte. Local Freight Nos. 9 and 10 trl-weekly between Charlotte and Hutherfordton. Nos . 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 do nottapsengers. Superintendent. F.w.clark, General Passenger Agent. 37 25 tf Onward 8 is the Word ! s 5 subscribers, 1 year..... ..."mo i-ilQ subscribers, l year..i..i.i'i.-.i. lAOO ifiSZ oopTt "rw to the one-sending a dub WA VVlA i Sight pages;' 40 enlunims. weekly. Send oasw POLK. - . (charges prepaid) to P jut i ruui, - f eb 17 1 Eaieish, n. a NEW ADVBRTKSMNTSa , r - THE UNIVKHSIXY OiTIllS JOCnt"; to located at SEWANEE, TENN.; opoa t Cumberland Plateau. feeboye t wa leveL Thlssohool, under the special- rrone , of the Bishops ef tl Proteaunt ' Church, in the Sonth and Southwest, offers ue healthiest residence and the test advantages, ; both moral and eductlonal, to Its Grammar , School and to Its CoUegiate and Theolegloai De- , . partments. For the special olalnurof the Unl- , versity for patronage, apply for documents M , the Rev. TELFAIR HODGSON, Vloe-Cbanoel ; lor, Sewanee, Tenn. (.. DYSPEPTICS REJOICE I " ' In the Speedy Belief ; rji- -jit y OBTAINED BY TTSOrO . -Tnmit'i 7 Seltzer Aperleat. Sold by Tarrant A 0o. N. Y , and Drogglsta ery-whare. - ; ang 1 DAW lm. Palmetto .Railroad Co. QN AND 1887, Trains AFTER MONDAY, JUNE I8TH. will run ss follows. iP-asssgaaesaM;! dally. (.Sun- a! l" ' day excepted: ... GOING ROUTII 1" No. 1 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT ;K Leave Hamlet, N. 0 8 00 P. . V , ' Oh horn. (Vajr KtAtlnn) . . 8.20 P. M. KoUockStaUon Arrive Cheraw, 8. C. S.tO PJI. 4.10 P.M. GOING NORTH : No. 2 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT.t Leave Cheraw, B. O la.25 P, M.. " Kollook 22.45 P. at. Osborne 1.15 P.M. Arrive Hamlet, N. C ijP.j, Close connections made at Cheraw with C. A D. R. B. North and Sonth, and at Hamlet with B. A A. A. L. R. B. and C. C. R. R. for Raleigh, Wilmington, and for passengers irom Charlotte, N. C, going Sonth via Hamlet and Cheraw WM. MONCURB. Je 19 tf 8npX Bank of Hew Hanover- Authorized Capital, Cash Capital oaid In. - $1,000,000 300,000 $130,000 StltdIus Fund, DIRECTOIIS W. L GORE, G. W. WILLIAMS, DONALD MacRAB. H. VOLLERS. . R. R. BRJDGERS C. M. STBDMAN. ISAAC BATES JAS, A. LEAK, F. RHEniSTEiy. E. B. BORDEN J. W. ATKINSON. ISAAC BATES, President 8. W. WILLIAMS, Vloe PrestdoiiV. an W:tf S. D. WALLACE. Cashier. Atkinson & nanning, AGENTS. Nortii Carolina Home Insurance Comfy WTS OFFER TO THOSE WANTING INSUR- yy ANCB AGAINST FIRE. Policies In this Old and Reliable Home Institution. All losses promptly paid. W. 8. PRIMROSE, President. CHARLES ROOT,Becretary.; PULASKI COWPEB. Snpervlnor.C ly 4tf THE CELEBRATED ARRINGTOH GAME FOWLS FOR SALE 7i,TY GAME FOWLS HAVE A NATIONAL B XVJ. pntatlon. They have tonght and won a series of Che greatest mains ever fought on this or any other continent, and Fifteen Pairs, on exhlbitics at Philadelphia in 76, were honored by tbe Uni ted States Centennial Commissioner with tbo Di ploma and MedaJ. I have a variety of Colors and most approve? Breeds In the United States. I will ship splendid COCKS, of fine size and handsome plumage, pot Express, C. O. D., at from $4.00 to $6.00 each HENS, $2.50 and $3.00 each; or $7,00 per Pair f 10.00 per Trio. I expect to raise Two Hundred airs 'this Summer, tbe Finest Games in tbr World, and will ship Young Fowls of March and April natch during the months of August, Sep tember and Ootober, at Five Dollars per Pair, or Seven Dollars per Trio. Whoever disputes the superiority of my Bird, will please back tbe assertion with their stamp. Write for what yon want. Address, J. G. ARRTNGTOS. -tf HiUlardeton. Nash Oo. M. C DOBLER & HUDGE, WHOLESALE Paper Warehouse, Baltimore. Hd. Constantly In stock! Every Variety pf Paper used in Newspaper and Job Printing OfBoea. an5tf SHORT CUT! "yyTB HAVE THE "SHORT CUT" AT MAXTON. A short cut on frosts. A short out on cnlck transportation North. A short cut on rich soil for early vegetables. These are all established facts. We live in a wonderful aarc and there is no telltna- what de velopments are near at hand. Bay a Farm and stir the soil. "Go till tbe ground," said God to man, "Subdue the earth. It shall be thine " Onlv a few veara hence and land will be b-' yond prioe In this seotlon. I will take pleasure in helping any body who Is PUSHING and ENTERPRISING to bny a Farm In this community, commissions or no commis sions. O. H. BLOCKER, oo 19 tf Real Estate Agent, Max ton, N. C THE CLIMATE, THE SOIL, JpOR TRUCK GARDENING, AND RAPID TRAN- slt North, cannot be surpassed tn any seotlon of North Carolina aa we find It at Only twenty-two hours from Baltimore. No killing frosts until lata in Hn v.i . gardens In Sprhur. A f aw nwi vma . sale, bat rapidly selling. Live and enterprising farmers and gardeners have aa enviable oppor tunity lust now. Apply to O. H. BLOCKER. oct is ti seal Estate Axent. Max ton. N. O. ADVERTISERS ; can learn the exact cost" of any proposed line, of -advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P,Rowell & Q6.;: , Jerwapoer; ; Advertlaingr Bureano, ' ' ." 'y lO 9prue' Et.,x IT" Vork. ' ' '.Cendr lOotau Top. -IC l i v.'- r ft i' i I if i ':clli V V; . ... ajS . J-J 2