Tb e Morning Star. vrmmroTOtf, n. a Monjcrsru, Aco. 8, 18SS. the latest news. raOM A.LL PASTS OP THE WORLD rtmrrrn congrxss. riRrr ion. usggta ri-Te insrie TTMir y nr aa.raeasr llfrirtitiM to BCaro!' c J4v4 la te Haase- Jjf Talograea to ia Jaoraflue atar.l SENATE. WasarawTOis, August 7. The resold -uoo cffrwi yssUray by Mr. J oca, of Arkansas, instructing the Committee on fioa to make lavtatifaUoa of the cot ton biia poet, was Uksn op and adopt' ml. Taa Senate at 1 o'clock rammed cccsUl criUoa of the Ciheriee treaty, la opco ei M:uUt session, aad u addressed by Mr. M icrts ta la opposition to lu raUScatloo. lis saiJ he had made up his mind not to cavt la the debate, but the rtnU of t&e Senator? from Alabama aad Delaware (Mr. Iorra end Mr. SUalabury). rvfetTiag u wbtt had occurred la the coca mil t aw room oa forego relation, had made him ciaage bin ml ad. H denu wtr cr tioo that th the course pursued by the H pubiicaa Senators (ia declining to ITsr aa.Jajeaj) u the mult of a party caa r aad assured those Senators that ao far 4. he kajw there had been no caucua d .aonucui order, ead ao proceeding, f caucus to iailinsncB la the slightest de r; the actioa of eav Seoir as to cSex irf vueadmenU. Ti oaly subject of eoaforaocu fcd rei:d to the question of .oaatiiertng the treaty ia secret oris open ou)0 V.cniai tie of the Podia trrsJyMrSaermaa asid he regarded t& 13th aecCoa of the treaty, aliowta free in-tcr'AtMO of Canadian h sad &b oil. a .urreoiisr of the n& f the Ualtd t. levy Ultra oa imported rood, and a tasult t. taa United ?UUi There wm .t h.. ...1 m thrthutarr of dirlocaacT fo ai :rctf btwa two ffat aJ porfal ation. Suca trtaty ieetaad to nm tlartceful U Amncaa dlpiooiAcy. Tat x?fuoo wm prbp loo iCrcc. but ceruialy tuca, tr:y ta mait un r f;uK coocrMtoa tbtt ccall b osJ by .lciiatjitrtja. ad b tkply r--.trcv! tit Mr. UyrJ bl crtr t:aii cm t it Tb I5ta ictioa of tk tr?f ia3ewi lw;a to ta Mill biU, a.l Rota oobt to Ni dbUil tocetar. rii.-i tri":f oaiat tM cuodu2ml m laapl uppiematto la MUI bUL It u ia rnfu.-8r of ta liaof pokey to waicat ix:n cr-; : prty m Jtily brcocaia mora .i r.vrr ixoaiitM, aJ wbicJa wooU i.-r -.: :b rat laJ-oJtrK of tb c ui'ry t i2iJi cocopUtioa wtU for .f.T. As.Jtaer bubr matioci! by it.-r frt'ea A:3ai (MoryaaX. "wJ v.j in'iraifMa ta.t tb two couatrtea wr i j 5(ut tbi mtiur, ad ' :iit L-pubiu:ia. wetw wbl lby i.) if tbey new laSo powtr. It.. iiJra-ta') awr wj tbi tby v,i: ij q i pcUtIf tb:? p;aipotn . .-, . tb Britiab eyTramat . cm t i ::.' t. tb fjTttrnnwal ia lb i nfi-tt ail frr!i: caaar tbair ducooUat vita (bo Aortiw trwcaeal mi by Mr. LUr ! ray would u: rmpctfally tb irnu.li of u dScuIty. aad nr lbi bi; tVf werw wUiajt to milt CoCCi: - ro a lxrl J-jruHlxtiJO aloe tbcost. . meet ta cbaxcti lde of lb .net (.107 watd f or tbt coacnaioa aad nrriiidcr prtTi'.eirts tbt wr ra'cd !l tb peopi of ia wcrld axwpt tb l.hrtna f tb UoiUd !?U tit would M t. c af Brttisa corao8t rau( 4ucb itftsAad lie did act txi;r taal aay Ed!i& M.aiitry tbat nca.a'xd it would cua uau rnoaLb ia powtr Aay rnaa wbo Uird ia lb j dy aad raraUoo w !uatie. Aay oaa wbo ditrpi wu b twa tb Laitd Suui aad Great DrtUia ut md3i4a. Tb two eaUoua would u; tbm cuotm-rsriy m lby bad Mttlcd ao iuay otbert No oou ibould raided 4ciia: uob bopfal reaull. If la lb 'm: cootroruM aow to tn carried to Ut P ?!. of tbe Uaited t, oot o mucb 'i trr: m ofber creat qucaljoo to wbicb ti; h t : irtt IIudd. it abould be acUied v w;c people tb: tbi ado iaiatraUoa Lad f :..a saort bf tu duty ta Lbtt rird M "H ta otbert. aad if Georl IltrrUoa r n''. t elcrud Trteaidcot of Ibe Uaited ..., -v u (dbertaaa) moat rmroeatly np-d ad biieTd. co war need be feared. a t a (Uarroua coatrorcray about Ctbe rn Ti. iucaiioa would b settled oa 'ffn UiAt would be boaorable. peaceful at prooer Me Fryt iud tbal Mr. Er arte would Ne ready txaorrow moraiajc to clone tbede rUf oa tbe ilcpubita aid, aad b ez (rrcaed bin aiaccrt deair tbat tbc eoaie t)uid boatea tbe matter to a cloee. lie doped tbat tbe deaator from Alabama (Mor ) would cloee tbe debnle oa tbe Dua vratic tide, aad let tbe Sraale bare a o'.e o ibe iiueatloa. c Mr Mora Mid be uaderalood tbat eeet ral Sraatora oa tbe Democratic tide deairtd to tpek oa tbe trvly aad be aboald not uadertale to limit tbeir rlbt to do to. lie d;d nor propcee to inter t a to aay arremrat about it Mn Fryc I am autboriMd by tboee wbo ara oopowed to tbe ratification of Ibis treaty to jilT notice tbat after . to-morrow mora f it will be prewecd to a formal vote Mr. Morxaa If tbera U aay dupoaitioa o tbe otbut aide t prrsa lb la treaty to a eute uaeMooabiy. or to bold Ibe Senate la iioa uaUl a eote i obUial. I notify tbe otar ;de tbat tbey caaaot do IV. We wtll bo ber t.) aee tbat you do oot Lake aay very roua, adraatate of 04 La tblacaee. Mr. Frye V bare no purpoae or deaire t Uke aay d ra tr. Tbe treaty baa aow ra peadiaf for a loa Ume la tbe Sea ate Wbea I laid tbat I propoeed to praae It to a 3aal Tntc. I diil act meaa to be uateratood tbat I w juld aek tbe Seaate to ait It out to morrow or aext day; but I meaa tbat bee. ia entered on tbe diecoMlon to-morrow, I bail aek tbe Stnate to contiaue It to tbe xcluaton of all otber buaiacaa aotil tbe da cuteion ceaeee Mr. Mrira Prhr mi'A ot utm to Vbet vitaer. taereta punty 01 buaiaeM mor preaein tban lb If trety. Mr. iff i'-m 1-..," :.t r, . dreee tbe Senate on tbe treaty Mr Erarta tatitd tbl teery Senator had had aa opportaaity to tpak on tbe treaty; aad added : without objectloa of cither aid. If other Senatora on tne Deono eratlc aid deeiml to apeh. he wubed tbey would do ao before he eWd the argument oa the KpabUca uu. M- Morfaa teid lht the apch of Mr Sbenxtaa -wa on a plane ao much higher taaa other apeech on thai jd. Centred to e l ot U la Pal b.for hs of otber Senaiora oaJrtooh u reply to IT. fcd cTcelrtal BO aorl of laconeie . .17- t fiima i aiUtude on the iml k"k1 -Trecled luai aueh a qnu.- -T-n. could pecca a. r-rzz tr.te ahoaU U bur topnwiM""?"; tbejFea- JbTVw i . . . . ' 1 r-m r rtiem'.i Mr. Ha ta U crib! tC3 Wui. .-a fV.9 t- J - , larton TerrltorT. for a rartf. waa mad aad referred ta th CoaattteA PablittLarwU The rroaada of tbe rreaideel diwpproTaJ ara that Army eaiiaecre report axaiaat tbe rraaL twcauaa the taaa may M aeeaea for military pcrpcwca. Tha BeaaU Lbea rtaumad cocaidaraUoa of iba bill reported from Lba OommliVw oa roreia Kalaiiosa, to probibit tb comlaf of Chinee laborer to lb United BUlre Mr. Morfia addrtaaed lb Sesata ta aa ar- rameat to abow that laatead of lectaielioa to rcetxicl ClUaeaw Immffralloo barlag beea farored by the Republican aad op- poaed by tbe Democrat la former year. Lb contrary bad been tbe caa; aad ba q ootid exteaairely from the report on tb aubjfct mad by Senator Mortoo. of In diana, aad from speech e made by Meeara. iloar, Dawtx ITalt. aad other Repnbllcan Seoaiora, coodemnalcryof itich IrntaiatJon. Mr. Stawart addrtaaed tbo Bcnate la adrocacy of tb bUL aad la reply to Mr. Morgaa a argument At the cioe of Mr. Hie wart a argument tbe Senate at 8 13 adjourned. HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. Oathwaite, of Ohio, la aa ear 0 cat speech appealed to tbe Qouae to permit him to call op for immediate cosaidcratioa Senate bill makiag aa appropriation to en able tb a re ral aiacutir departmeati to participab? la tb Ohio Oeateaaial Expo- ieinn l- h held In Col am baa. Ohio. In September aad October next. Mr. Oatea, of Alabama, who on a pre riou occaaioa had Interpoeed aa objecUoa, aUtcdkthat wbUe ba objected 00 constitu tional rrocadJ to tb government going ia to the show buaiacaa. ha would not now ob feet, but would content hlmaelf with roil a axainat tb bill. So, there being ao objection, tbe bill waa taken op for conaideratioa. Mr. Wise, of Va., offered aa amcadmeet. pro Tiding that if there aheJI be aay surplus of pproprtatioo .made to enaoie ta ae nartment to participat la tb Ohio Valle Oealeaaiai Expoailion it ahall be used to eaabi tbe- department to be represented at tbe Expoaitioa to ba held at Auguala. Us. aad Ricamoad, Va. II urged bis amend ment ia a brief speech, aad his argument waa carneatiy seconded by Mr Barnes, of Georgia. Mr. Cannon, of IUiaola, said it was time that Ooagrea should detenaLaa what poli cy ahould go rem it ia such m altera. Here tofore Ibe policy had beea to aid oaly ex poailion of an inleraalional or national character. If tbat policy were now abaa dooed. aad aid girt a to the Cola m bus Ex position, it mast also be granted to the Au gusta aad Ricamoad Expoaitioa. Mr- Ileaderaoa. of Iowa, offered ao amendment appropriating (250.000 to aid the Expoaitioa to be held by tbe colored raca ia Atlanta, Oa . la 1SS9 aad 1S90. un der iba aoapicea of the Colored World's Fair Association of Am trie. Mr. Herbert, of Alabama, thought tbat if the gorerameot waa going Into the cir cua buaiaea. It tftght do it systematically. Old Job a Robiaioe. the kiag of circus men. had recently died, and if the gorern menl wiahed aow to take hi place. It ought to be don 00 something like a regu lar system. It waa not fair to cire aid to on Stat or city, aad to refuse it to aa other. Tb goTerameul ought to eatabliah a recular trartllior exhibit Mr. Drama, of reaajylvaai, advocated Mr. Henderson amendment, contending that tbe Atlanta Exposition waa of a national character. Mr. Oatea, cf Alabama, saw more merit ia Mr Ueodeisooa amendment than ia the ongiaal bill He waa opposed to this abow buune4. but if the bill were to paaa be would favor tbe ameodment Mr. Wue. of Virginia, advocated tb emcae'meot effered by him, and argued that ia extending government aid Coagreee should not diaciimiael bctweca various State and cilice. Mr. Warner, offered ao amcadmeat appropriating $40,000 lo enable tho de partment to be represented at the Kansas CUv Expoeilioc, to be bdd to September and Octo be r A dotted . Amend men la effered by Meaars. Wiae aad Headeraoo were adopted Tbe qu li5a ibe a recurred on tbe third readinc of tbe bill aj amended, and tha yea aad naya were ordered and resulted yea 63, aays 91. No qaorum. The Houm then at 4 10 sdj turned- n'AsinsaTu.i P;IMM ml ih WrK mt ike Mail Terlflr Ilk CwwlU. ty Te!Txa u ta atoratac star. Wajbisoto. August 1 Tbe Seoale Tariff sub- Committee u aull at work, early aad ItU. upon the detail of tbe Tariff bill, with a determination, if possible, to make tbe acceasary chaagea la the original draft before It ia reported to the full committee of the Senate, expecting thereby to brio g out a measure which tne majority in the Senate can stand by a a whole It la, at tbs samo time, giving a brief Informal heating to all who come. It begins this moroiog the final re via loo of the measure in detail, aad hope to have the work completed this week. There is a probability that three or four controvert able point wid be paaaed over by the sub committee for the present, and a possibili ty that they may be submitted to the cau cus ror ultimate decision Tb resular weekly meelioc of tbe Fi nance Commute which lake place Tues day, was not held to-day. it i not expected that the Democrats of tb Finance Committee will care to delay the measure la committee, but it la thought probable that they will reserve such criti cism a they may.have to make for debate la open seaaioa. MISSOURI. 9Iaxwsll. By TaWraph to tb Vorats Star. St. Loci. August 7 Nsw testimony n tb shap of affidavit of three St Loot citixana wtll be presented to Governor Moor bo use to-morrow, to prove thai la ror Coulahan, ooe of the twelve men wbo con victed Maxwall. publicly stated that be waa 'going 00 tbe tary to haor Maxwell" Two of thr affidavile are new. tbe affiant giving as a reason for delay that they waa led to keep out of tbe case, but now come forward from a sense of dutvr The Supreme Court, in denyiag a new trial for Maxwall, said that if affidavits of two re- ipoosiblo men could be had. showing that Jo ror Coulahan was pre lad Iced prior to the trial. It would be good ground for raveraal. aad Maxwell's attorneys now think tbev have a rood case. KLECTRIC IPARK. A passenger train oa tbe Seal Fe R- R. was thrown from lbs track near Lawrence, Kanaka. Martia Meyers, eoxineer. waa killed, aad Jao. Dart, fireman, scalded. The Alabama Lesrislature I overwhel mingly Democratic la both branches, while Gov. Seay aad the Democratic Slat ticket carry nearly ewary couaty by a considerable msjortiy. Col. George Gibson, of tbe Fifth Infan try, commandant at Tort Bliss, died very oddanly at Lo Vegos, N. M.. whr he MJ f0' His remalaa will be sent 10 Carlisle, P.00.. for IntermeoL ClIr1odlJptca "T ateamex Oata irr rLU?8'a " bicb went ashore soouiltoelock. baUikX2 Ca0UVgFu Btata. Chickasaw Neu ao haWialELa0!.11 Beat cl the eaiu ui! 5? iST lalo Tmi. with aa dijatcicTS? tari r ; . . - -V. - rleVeae raaeraj a Take Place atarar.Tk ArruxMataU, arc , Jtf Talacrapa to the Moraine Star. WAaraoTtur, Augtut 7. Dr. O'Reilly TTirea nara lata evening from XiooQQltt, lor u purpoae or making arrangements lor me inoerai or ueoeraj bberidan, which am ma puce Diiniuir Dtlt. LI Dad a conference with Re. Father Mackin, tu- auiaai pastor or oi. aiattherw'a Church (Dr. i,Dore;ie oeing ia rraace). ana toe follow. lag order of servlcoa at the church and grave was arranged. At 10 a. m. solemn requiem maas at St Matthew' Church. celabrmUd by Rt. Jamee P. Maokm with Rev. T. J. Kervlck aa deacon aad Rev. F. Ryaa aa aub-deaoon. Abaolatioa will be pronounced by Cardinal Gibbons. Bervice at the grave will be performed by Right Rev. John Foley, JJlihop-cIect of Detroit. A ceneral order waa isaaed from the War Department to-day announcing Geo. 8hei liana death to tbe Army. The flag wui ba placed at najr-auir at all military post aad staUoa. aeventoea minute guoa rill be fired 00 the day after the receipt of this order, ana ue oxuai badge or mourn lag will be wora for thirty days. ratal Batlway Colllslaa sisar LosSoo itrlk xztreaien4 la tk nills at nisekkara Itloilac at Awslsasnir. Giaelstane Treakl wilt atrlksr li Paris. By Cable to the If ornin- Star. LosDOir. August 7. There was a fata collision at tbe Teddiogton end of Hamp- tonwlck depot, at midnight last night, be tween a paaseeger train and a goods train. The locomotive and guards van of the good train mounted up over tbe locomotive of tbe pasaenger train and landed on tbe foremost passenger carriage. Two of the passenger carriage were teJeecopod. . The driver and stoker of the pasaenger lx:omo- tive and four paasenger were killed. L0XD05. Auguat 7. The card-room handa In the mills at Blackburn have noti fied the masters that unless they are granted aa advance of ten per rent, in wages they III strike. This would Involve a stoppage of 150. WO looms and 1.000.000 apmdle. and tbedisemploymont of 80.000 optreima Paris. August 7. Seven arrcaia bavc been made at Amlena of persona concerned in tbe riot there jcslercUy Four of tbo persons arrested are foreigners The Msjor has issued an order forbiddiag -people to icmble under ibe penally prtcenbed by the riot act of I84S. Strikers continue the work of agitation and another riot is feared. Troop guard tbe town bail and factpriee aad are patrolling tbe streets Paris. August 7. After the strikers' meeting lo day the striking waiters smashed the windows of a cafe, aad the striking barber assl-lanl attempted to storm number of registry offices. Gendarme, with drawn word, restored order. Lojtdok. August 7. Mr. Gladstone write that hi advanced age aad hie pub lic dutlee preveat hie visiting the Scotch crofters. OHAl.S AND mori31(M. Prfe of Prodaets la tk Cktr4-o Bxcbasg. 07 TJcraea to lb feforamc etar Chicago. Auguat 7. While wheat weak and atrong by turns to-dsy, tbe tendency was downward. The bulla were deceived Into selling a lot of long stuff early, and after a rally which took priors up very near to the closing point on Mon dsy. They fought the second decline vig orously. Cables were not In harmony, but on tbe whole gave cooditiona as a little Im proved In France and Germany. The crowd discovered tbat tbe bulge st tbo close y ester d it was manipulated, aad Sep tern ber opened Ic lower with a crowd of tellers, which look the price down to 83 ic or lie under last eight. When the flurry was over a good buying feeling wa crested. aad on news cf cold wet weather In tbe Northwest and fslr export clearances the price was sdvanced ooe ceol from the bot tom point. The last two hours of the ses sion found September between 83c and 84 Jc aad stubborn. Wheat closed fc under last night and c over the bottom prices, with September st 83 J c Cora sold withia fo range early, but i ward th close cbaegea wera very smll. aod at the close September was but ic under the cloalng price yesterday Receipt were very liberal 675 cars and this together with moat flourishing crop report from some quarter made the market weak aod price opened ic uader and declined a few points. September sold at 43cdown to 454 Q45c. Then the short began buy ing freely and the price waa put up to 46c aod the closo waa at 453 Oat etl reeled only a moderate degne of attention aod with a fair volume of trade aad steady to firm feeling. A fair businta was transacted in provisions, but It was of ao in-and-out character. Some of tho largest traders, who bought freely early cbsuged nd sold before the close Ar rivala of hnga were fair and price &hl0c hlgbcr. This had a strengthening effect on traders of bog products early, and pork af ter a drop of 5c advanced 15c. but receded 5c and closed at $14 431c a gain of lOo over yeeierdsy. Armour & Co. were the principal tellers. The buying was scat tered Lard closed S)c lower. Short ribs were traded in freely and the closing sales showed an advance ojf 5c ARKANSAS. Merrlale Dsata of m Boy In an Bm- eonaier vetin a ttaitlssaeJte. By Taiacraph to tbs Mornlag Star. Mrrnia. Txnji , August 7. Whlletao boys, Jackson Moore aod Jobn Harvej, aged about seventeen yeari, were bunting qu lire la across the river In Arkani aa, yea terday, they discovered a large rattlesnake coiled up on a rock, apparently aileep Moore asld he would capture the snake alive. lie crept up to the deadly rsttler and by a quick movement, caught it firmly below the head and held It at arm's length in triumph. Suddenly tbe aoske colled Itself around the boy's arm. He became fitgbtened and attempted to throw it off. when tbe reptile struck him on tbe neck, and lu fangs became fastened in the flesh. The boy screamed with honor, and grasp tag thi snake with both handa tore It loose and flung It to the ground. Be then fell in a swoon, while his terrified friend fled for assistance. The naareat house was two miles distant, and when help arrived the poor lad was peat help and died In agony. The snake- was found colled close by and when killed measured four feet nine inches, and had eighteen rattles. Fire at Macon, Mo., yesterday destroyed four of the fineat buildings in the rlaco $100,000. WHO tS MRS. WTNSLOW a As this question Is freqasatly asked, we vrlll simply aay that she Is a lady wbo for upwards of thirty yeare has nntl rwaiy dsvoted aer Ume aad talents as a female Fbysielaa aad nurse, principally among children. Soe has especially studied the constitution and wmau i of thw Btuoerous oUaa. and. as a result of this effort, aad practical knowledge, obtained m a Ufettma spent as a aura aad physician, ahe has eompoaaded a Booth tag Syrup foe children teeth-tag- H operates like maio-gtvmg rest and aealth. aod ts. moreorer,. sure to regulate the bow!. La eonsauueoosof this article Mrs. Wins low to beoomhu worid-renowned as a benef aetor of her raoe? ehUdrea eertalnly do aias trr and biesa bar; evpeciaUy ta tala toe mn ta this city. Vast quaaUUse ot the Soothing Hrnro ara sailt sold aadased bera. WetSakVra. Vttoalowhas taawctAUaed bar aama by this mvaloable arU el,aad wa staosrarr believe u.-Mi of oho. f.uva beea saved trotn aa early grave by Its ISi'i.???4 lUlooa yei suborn wtU ts beeaats. aad aalta llllahru--J iSir.'rrmm a atooaarrM hr dotvlo ber raff . Organised aB Cbartsred to Operate Under lb dray system. I By Telegraph ta the Morning tar. Richmond, Va , August 7. The Gray National Telegraph Co. baa been chartered by tbe Circuit Court, with a capital atock not to exceed $15,000,000. The principal office will be located at Richmond. The T-fflccrs are: President, Thomas E. Logan; Vice-Prealdent, Charlea E. Coon, of New York; Secretary. David I. Carson, of New York. Among the incorporators are: U. a Senatora Plumb and Hale, Jobn H. Inman. Geoigj 8. Scott, C. 8. Brice, J. B. Pool and James H. Dooley. The Com pany will engage in general telegraph and telephone business, uoder the system in verned hy Prof. Elisha Gray. VIRGINIA. Isetndlary Attempt so Horn tbe 1Vtfro or lltropioii. IB? Telairraoh to tb Moroia tar.: Baltimork. August 7. A dispatch from Hampton, Va.. soys: "A ; bold attempt waa made this mornine to burn the busi ness portion of the town. A large frame oul-buildiog. filled with inflammable stuff, was et 00 fire, and Lad there been a north wiod the town would have been destroyed. As it waa several out-buildings, the pro perty of H Collier, and the roofa of sev- erl stores, were burned before the flro was gotten under control This is the second occasion that an attempt has been made to burn the town by setting fire to the same building in which the flro originated this lime " li ASK BALtl . A Mammary or Clamee Played Yester day. Br ToJraib to tbe Mornteor 8 tar Washington. Aueust 7. The following ia a record of tbe games of base bII played yestcrdav : Pisw koik New York 6; Indianapolis 4. Wimhlngton Washington 10; Detroit 6. Philadelphia Athletic 8; St. Louis 5 Boston Boston 6; PitUburg 1. Brooklyn Louisville 0; Brooklyn 7 Philadelphia -Philadelphia 0; Chicago 5 Ciocinns'l (14 innings) Cincinnati 4; Baltimore 8 rifvelsod Cleveland 1 ia 9th; Kansas Oily 2. HO B Kill GARRETT. Ills Condition ftomawnal Improved. bat mill Very Weak. (Bv Teiefrapb lo tbe atorntne Star. Nkw York. August 7. Robort Garrett's condition is somewhat improved this mornine. He partook more readily of food, and waa refreshed by five houra' sleep during tbe night. His private secretary, Mr. Cranr-, was not prepared to say when Mr. Qarrat would be removed frjm the cily, but said it would be just as soon as his condition will permit of it. It was hoped that Mr. Garrett cculd be taken to. Bar Harbor 'to day, but tbis is now found Impoai ible, as he has not sufficient strength to bear such a journey. Absolutely Pure. rais powaei saver varies, a marvsi ol panty itieixu and wnoiseomeness. aiore eoononuoa laaa ordinary kinds, aad eannot ba sold lioom aUtton with the m altitude of low test, short wsWrbt, slam or poospbat powders. ffoidcmJv ROYAL BAKING TO WD an UU 108 Wall SU, N Y. Kale. 6V A uKIAN A VOLLBHt fob I DAW It bttd too or frn 4o Piedmont Air Line. Richmond & Danville KR. DOUBLE DAILY TRAINS. mronili Pullman Palace Cars TO ALL SUMMER RESORT IN WEST ERN NORTn CAROLINA, on rna following fast schedule connection made at Goldabom with Atl&ntln Coast Line trains forWllmlnnton and all points on W. W. K. R. No. GO 1.40 pm . 6.00 p m . 1.51 am . a. as am . sag am . 3.43 am . 4.18 am No. 62 tS.10pm 1.45 a m 18.18 pm I8.rsp m 1.14 p m l.Wp m 8.10 pm 4.31 p m 6.10 p m Leave Goldsboro. t urn Ralelsh Arrive tttaiesvllle. Arrive Newtoa Arrive Hlofcory. Arrive Connelly fprlngs. Arrive Morgaoton Arrive Asbevllle 7.28 am Amve Hot Sprues 0.15 a m, Arrive Waynesvllle 10.53 a m. Daily. Tuauyexoept tsunday. . Tr&ln NO. 50 Carries Pullman P&lane KlAanlnv Car. Kalelgb to Asheville and Hot Springs with out change. Train No. 53oarries Pullman Palace Sleeper Balslgn to Greensbonv connecting at Salisbury with Klegant Pullman Parlor Car for Asheville and Hot Springs. (This sleeper Is open for recep tion of passengers at Raleigh at 9.00 p m ) Reservation of Sleeping Car space made by W. A. Turk. D. P. A.. Rale&h, N. C. For Throsnh Round Trip Tickets and otber in formation, apply to your Railroad (Agent, or to tbe underslshed. W. A. TURK, D. P. a., JAS.L.TAYLOH,G.P.A.. " C" Washington, 1. C. lygs tf we frsn The Campaip is Open AT H. C. PREMPERTS FASHIONABLE fibsvlng and Hair Dressing Saloon, No 9 Sonth Pront street. Mr. Albert Prempert. hav ing recently returned from the North, can now always be found at the above named place We claim tbat we can please the most fastidious In our line of work. A foil force always on hand to serve you Very respectfully, H. & PREMPERT, 1r 1 tf No. 7 Sonth Front street. Wanted HANDS FOR PANTS, SHIRTS AND DRAWER?, Immediately, at M ROSEN MANN'S, No. S Market street Jy4tr Stylish Goods. JOUia H. MEABE3, 1 NORTH FRONT, ' - . . - - Gentlemen's Furnisher and Hatter. Jystf ReHabr aVCSaaavk MARINE. 1, - Port A I isnsi August 8. Bum Kisee-T - - - - Bun Bets,: . -J. .... Day's Length High Water at Smith ville.. High Water at Wilmington. 5.12 A M 6.58 P M 13b 46 m 8.18 AM 10 03 A M - ARRIVED. Steamer Sylvan Grove, Harper, Harper's Pier master. "8tmr Queen of 8t John's. K P Paddison, SoulbpOrt: ' . Steam yacht Louise, Sellers, Soutbport, master: Stmr Beisie, Crapon, Bouthport, master. Stmr A P Hurt, Robeson, Fayelteville , Woody & Currie. CLEARED. Steamer Sylvan Groye, Harper. Harper's Pier, master. , Steamer Queen of St Johns, Soutbport. master. t Steam yacht Louise, Sellers, Soutbport. masUr. Stmr Bessie, Crapon, Soutbport, master. Stmr A P Hurt, Robe -on, Fayelteville, Woody & Currie. Steamship Gulf Stream. Ingram, New York, H G Smallbonea. Scbr Lena Breed, Jones, Philadelphia, George Harrififl, Son & Co, cargo by C B Mallett. ; . ' JU1CPORT8. COASTWISE. New York Steamship Gulf Stream 610,000 bolts. 88,603 feet lumber. 45 bales cotton, 12 bbls pitch, 10 bbls crude turpt. 324 bbls rosin, 225 bbls tar, 354 casks ept turpt, 50 bags peanuts, 12 pkgs mdse. Philadelphia Schr Lena Breed 4 687 cross ties. MARlIsJE DIRECTOR . List of Vassals In tbe Port of WHmisj ton, IT. C, Aoff. 8, 18S8 BARQUES. John R Stanhope, 391 tons, Norton, E G Barker & Co. Eintracbt, Ger), 3S6 tons, Schl. v, I M bane. 8CHOONER8. R 8 Graham, 325 tons, Avis, Geo Harries, Son & Co. E P Northam, 316 tons. Pennewell, Geo Harries, Son & Co. New York and WilmiugtoD Steamship Co. WHOM PIKR 39, XAST HIV BR. NKW YuhB Uwated bet. Chambers and Uooseveit Sta.. At S o'clock P. M. GULF STRXAsf. ...Wednesday, Aner. 1 6SNKPACTOB .....BaturdaT.- Aug. 4 FANITA Wednesday, Aar. 8 HUlP KTRgAM Saturday, An?. 11 FROM WILMINGTON. BKNBFACTOH Tuesday July 31 KaNITA Friday. Aug. 3 GULF STREAM Tuesday, Aue. 7 MRNBF ACTOR Friday, Aug. 10 t3T Tbronxb Bills Lading and Lowest Throcph Bute guaranteed to and from points in North aod Soutb Carolina. "ir Krelcbt or P&seaffe apply to I. O. 8IALLBONKK, Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C ko. u K(r, Traffic Manager, New York. W . P. Clyde A- Co., General Agents fy tl Sa Broadway. N'bt Y BOOKS! BOOKS! A FULL LINS OF BOOKS AND STATIONERY on hand, and new supplies every week. Shaks- peare, Hoot, atuton. Longfellow. Tennyson, Meredith, Poe, Bryant, Byron, Burns. Jngelow, Cowper. Hemann, Campbell, Ao. Pilgrim's Pro gress, Hours with the Bible, Children of the Abby, Ivanboe, David Copper field, History France, History Germany, Crean's Battles, Sootthb Chiefs, Maoanlay's Essays, Ac. Ac, are a few of our nice cloth ooond 37 cent books. All the above and more, In red line and gold 60 cents caulay's Htetory of England (3 roL) SI -25, Rollins' Ancient History $2 00, Plutarch's Llvei S3 cents. Thackeray's Works (10 volumes) 16.00, Josephas $8 W, Good Writing Paper 5 cents per qstre or 70 cents ream. Lead Pencils 12 oentd aoaen. SCHOOL BOOKS CHEAP. . Holmes' 1st 'Reader 15 cants. Holmes'-2nd Reader 25 cents. Holmes' 3rd Reader 38 cents. Polmes' 4th Reader 50 cents, Holmes' 5th Reader 80 cents. 8anfords Primary Arithmetic 23 cents, San ford's Intermediate Arithmetic) 86 cents, San ford's Common School Arithmetic 64 cents, San ford's Higher arithmetic) a 1.00, Maury's Inter mediate Geography 60c, Maury's Manual Geo graphy $1.28. Large Family Bibles (old and new version) Illustrated. $1.75 and upwards. 1ICR BNb' Complete Works (15 Vol.) $5.75. Tbe above are the prices Of only a few Books, others in proportion. We have a large lot of second-hand School Books that we will sell at very low prices. Our terms are STRICTLY CASH. Orders by mail solicited. MAXTON BOOK COMPANY. aug 1 D&W tf i Maxton, N. C ATLANTIC VIEW, WrlffiusTllIe. N. C. J B8GTO ANNOUNCE TO THR PUBLIC THAT Ladles and Gentlemen and their Families visit ing the SOUND for a day's recreation, can have the free use of my large Pavilion and Grounds, whether they desire to take their Meals with me or bring their own "lunch basket." SPLENDID BAND OF MUSIC. Board during Encampment $2 oer dav only. Friday Night, July 13th, aGaand Vocal and In strumental Concert under the Pavilion. ; SD. WILSON MANNING, le23tf j Proprietor. For Summer Trade ! 2AND80MB COLORED 0RGANDI5S, FIG ured Batista in light and dark colors. Five cent Lawns. In good styles, clean and neat, better than can be had elsewhere. Great reduotlon in prioes of Plaid and Striped White Goods. Handsome qualities as low as 10 and 1SH. Bargains in Woollen Summer Goods for Ladles. Best Preach Albatross in delicate shades at 50o per yard. Frenoh and American Sattnes at cost to cash or prompt payers. Some rare bargains in Lisle and. Balbrlggan Hose. A big lob in Gents' Gauze Vests, our seneral stock is oomplete and being offered at greatly reduced prices. jc28tf JNO. J. HBDRICK. Wanted! Wanted!! I AM PAYING HIGHEST MARKET PRICES for Hides, Wool and Beeswax. Consignments of above - solicited. Prompt re turns made. Inquiries by mall will receive prompt attention. Besnectfullv. , SAMUEL BEAR, 8&..? Jel7tf No. 10 Market street. Giles & Uurcliison, JOBBERS AND IMPORTERS OF HARDWARE, Tmware and Crockery. Our personal attention is given to letter orders. augStf Cutlery. t INE ASSORtMRNT OF SCISSORS, BAR ber's Shears, Buttonhole Scissors, Pocket Knives, Table Cutlery, Ao:, always on hand. Also a full line of Hardware, at 4 ' Q30HGB A. PECK'S, irsait ; Baa z south Frontst. Twenty-Pive Cents Only J3BR WERE: (DELIVERED) FOR THE N. Jt. N.T. Herald. N. T. Sun, N. Y. Star, N. Y. Trtbune,N.Y. World. Linstrated PapeVsVFash JfnBookiL Magaainea, Libraries, 4o.at Pub llahera' prioes. always on hand at Popular Hews and cigar Store. ; - Cfiowan' Baptist Female Institute, v fflIIBEBEEiBOBO,N.(C. rpHE FALL SESSION OF THIS WELL KNOWN and popular Institution baglns on - WEDNESDAY, SSFTSMBBB 1WH. It offers snperior advantages for tastracflon In i ttkh a TTTRB MUSIC and ART. The work of GERMAN, NATURAL .SCTKNCTB, MORA PHILOSOPHY, and ENGLISH LITERATURE. Thetoi chere m eharire , of these sehoole are Bpeeially qualified by their Reparation and ex perience for the work committed to their care. The Music Department la under the care or teachers of culture and refinement, who Have taken nnnsnalj?alns to QnaiUy themselves for their work, and Who are well known to patrons as moat popular and successful. , The lady in charge of the Art Department Rives her entire time to her work, aad spends most of her vacations in securing additional ln straetlan under the best masters. . , . . The location of the Institute was selected in preference to several others, to Bome respects more ellRlble, on acoonnt of Its celebrity lor health : and the history of the school for forty years fully sustains this reputation. Its health record Is not surpassed by any Institution In tne State. CHARGES ARB VERY MODERATE. For optologue or Information, address J. B. BREWER. Jy 13 D&W tf Medical College OF VIRGINIA, r"h m ci . FIFTY-FIRST ANNUAL SESSION will com mence October lfet. and continue six months. Total fees for session NINETY DOLLARS. J. S. DORSEY CULLEN, Dean of Faculty. For further information write for Catalogue. 1y 13 DAW tf PEACE INSTITUTE, RALEIGH, N. C, FOR IGIRLS AND T0DN6 LADIES. FALL SESSION OPENS FIRST WEDNESDAY In Sept. (5th day), and closes first Wednes day in Jane. 1889. Thorough Instruction bv accomplished and ex perienced teachers In all branches usually taugbt in first class Seminaries for young Ladies. Build ing one of the largest and best equipped In the South. Steam heat. Gas and Blectrlo Light. Terms as low as any Institution offering equal advantages. Deduction for two or more from same family. Correspondence solicited. For circular and catalogue address Rev. B- BUR WELL A 80N, y 3 D&W tf Raleigh. N. C. HORNER SCHOOL, OXFORD, N. C. CLASSICAL; MATHEMATICAL, SCIEN TIFIC AND MILITARY ACADEMY. The Fall Session of 1688 will begin the 6th of August and continue twenty weeks, closing the 21st of De cember. The Spring Term of 1889 will open the Hth of January. Catalogues setting forth terms, Ac, famished on application to J. H. HOKN.EK, oxrora. . u. OrCapt. T. J. DBEWHY, Boyklns, Va. . jy 8 5w suwefr GREENSBORO FEMALE COLLEGE, GREENSBORO, IV. C. rpHE SIXTY-SEVENTH SESSION OF THIS Prosperous Institution begins on tbe 22ad of August, 1888. Superior advantages offered In all the depart ments of learning usually taught In Female Col leges of Blgfi Grade. Instruction given In Type -Writing and Steno graphy. Terms moderate. For Catalogue apply to T. M. JONES, jy 4 tf President. BINGHAM SCHOOL, with a wholesome m OB A I. restraint. offers the. best Pll VSICAIi and the best WENT A . culture, a compulsory C17RBIC17ITJRI with EN FORCED a reasonable but strict DISCIPLINE and a location entirely free from irjr.AiA.JUlA. No time or money spent attending ACRI CULTTJltAlT FAIRS. For catalogue address, MaJ. R. BINGHAM, Rlngbam School, Orange Co., N. C. jy ltf WILSON COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, FOR YOUNG LADIES. Non-sectarian. The 34th session of this school (the 5th session under the present Principal) will begm on Monday, Sept. 3rd. 1888. The corps of teachers will be enlarged. A School of rhort-hand and Type writing will be added to the courses of study. The departments of Music and Art each presided over by a skillful teacher. Good water. Healthy Ic cation. Terms moderate. For catalogue and full particulars apply to SILAS B. WAR BEN, Principal, Wilson, N. C. It aug 7 Dl w W2w Trinity College OPENS SEPTEMBER 6TH. EXAMINATIONS September S, 4, 5. Three courses du ring Freshman and Sophomore years. Excellent English Course. Fifteen Schools during Junior and Senior years, leading to four deprees. Board $8 to $12 per month. Tuition $50 per year. Mathematics and Ancient Languages elective after Sophomore year. Send for catalogue. JOHN F. CROWELL. President, aug 3 D&W lm Trinity College, N. C. Preparatory School FR MEDICAL STUDENTS. DAVIDSON COL LEGE, N. C. , lays the foundation for a broad and thorough Medical Education, start at the bottom. The first In the South. Four Instruc tors. Full equipment. Dissection required. Terms reasonable. Location healthy. For Catalogue address PAUL B. BARRINGER. M. D., ang 3 D1mW2m Principal. EPISCOPAL HIGH SCHOOL, Near ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA. L. M. BLACKFORD, M. A., Principal. LLEWELLYN HOXTON. Associate Principal, With ample Corps of Assistants. The SOtta year of this School of Boys opens Sept. 26,1888. Catalogue on application. aug8w we frsn UnlTerslty of Nortl Carolina CHAPEL HILL, N. C. THE NEXT SESSION ibegms August 30. Tuition reduced to $30, a half year. Poor students may give notes. Faculty of fifteen teachers. Three full courses of Btudy leading to degrees. Three short courses for the training of business men, teachers, physicians, and pharmacists. Law school fully equipped. Write for eatalogne to Jy 6 tf Hon. KEMP P. BATTLF. President. NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE 1 M T. PLEASANT, N. C. NEXT SESSION BE- gins the first Monday of September Looatlon neaity. Teams moderate. For catalogue or particulars, address m Rey. J. G. SCHAID. President, . ang 4 4t Mt. Pleasant. N. C. Ht. St. Joseph's College. COURSE OF STUDIES- CLASSICAL AND Commercial. Terma Bna.nl ar nar HARRlnn of five months, $100. Day students according to grade. Studies will be resumed on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1888. Address BRO, JOSEPH, Director, . . , . Baltimore County, Md. Send for Catalogue. aug 4 2m St. Hary's School, JALEIGH, N. C. FOUNDED 1843 THE NEW Art Building. completed 1884. For Catalogues address REV- B. SMBDES, A. M.. Rector and Principal. "The climate of Raleigh is one of the best in the world." Bp.- Lthajt. is tf A HEf PAWEEH-OIL STOVE SAID TO BE THE BEST YET INVENTED. Refrigerators, Coolers, Ico Cream Freezers, o. Improved Pattern Door and Window Screens and Frames. For sale by ALDERMAN. FLANMER A CO., myetf 114 Front St., Wilmington. N. C. Turnip Seed. J HAVE A VERY LARGE STOCK. 07 TURNIP I Biwuvunauu, via can give aiercnanis ana I xruosers very close prioes. ' I X m HARDIN, i V Druggist and Seedsman,- Jyistf newataraet, t FOUETHWEEK GRAHD AHHDAL CLEARING SALE, BROWN & RODDICK 7 NORTH FRONT ST. rjHB SUCCESS OF OUR GRAND v.i.wi ...... naujj una sunn H0vn.4 ! v v' an j tions. and in order to c1or nnt i. . . few Lota we have marked THEM still i THIS WEEK, as they mn go. we cannot tnd wUlnot earry anything over ue aro d(tr mined to sell them clean ont. Nov is Yoor Time to Porttec. Lot 1. uu ijou m i ibiu ouraioor MLK8 C;y.e low 85c per yard You will find tbcHo Jnnt vertlse. Just a few left. Lot 2. Surah BILES. Cream Colored Ground, wit small colored Brums, rrc, now 3Sc ch as this Is one chance in a lifetime. Cniy Dresses more. at mce :i few Lot 3. Embroidered Robes. Mwlsa Lace Untui Zephyr, Seersucker and India Lln-n i..bo fr, $1.00 to 12 50; sold lormerly from i co to "ton? You will be astonished when yon tee tbe rDd' Your last chance. Lot 4. ETTKMINE DRESS GOODS, all dc liable col ors, warranted all pure wool fill uk, loc itr yard. These cost, realty more mooc-y to n'Hiin facture. They are sold everywhere for j-k- mu is a rare chance. Lot 5. RIBBONS Onr stock of Ribbons far fcioeodi hat of any other bouse we know of h.uiIi of New York. We areoffe-Ttag a special job lu SATIN RIBBONS, BKST QUALITY. No. 3 SATIN RIBBON C cents t r ar l -4 5 7 9 U 16 8 10 14 18 A big lot of Noveltief ; also, Ku.sh hit f oii.H Lot 6. GENTS' FURNISHINGS. Wo have made i specialty of this depapartmtnt this Reason and offer tbe cheapest lines of Gents' Dre.-8- d and Undressed Shirts, Underwear, Neckw ar, tol ls rs, Cnft, &o. We cad your particular a'tentlon to a DIG DRIVE IN GBNTS' WOOL 8HIRTK. Woareei tag then JUST FOR HALF PRICK. Lot 7. PAKASOLSAll Colored PAKAftOl-s, all White PARA80U, all Pongee 1'A.ltAtOi.p, marked away below cost. This is tho only op portunity you will evw have of buying Mich at the prices. We do EXACTLY AS A'u ADYKK TISE. And la order to make it still mo:e nr an In ducement we will continue to deduct thn 5 pwr cent oa all purchases over ONE ii,i,ah THESE ARE THR LARGEST KKDUT0S ever made la Wilmington for staplo H.,.cU Call at once and satisfy vourse vfh brown &. rood; i NORTH Pf ONT MTHKRT. aug 5 tf CLEARING SALE AT fi.1. Kl. KATZ'S, 116 Market Street. TB :WILL CONTINUE TO OFFJJR THIS week many more Bargains to mate room for FALL STOCK Bargains lu WHITE GOOD Bargains In Dress Goods Bargain! In L ACE S Remnants Embroid'ries WILL OPEN MONDAY, AOGOST 5, ninnh fionnnA Vonr 1 if Rave Lama. worlb 75o for 60c 48-lnch Black Henrietta, worth !.00 for 80o. Drap Avenure de Sole, worth $1 CO for 75e, si d nany more new Goods. REMEMBRR Extra Bargain Day, Thursday, A AT THE CASH HOUSE OP 116 Market St. WILMINGTON, N C augStf Wrapping Paper. O LD NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE BY TU K dred or in larger Quantities at reduced prlM Jy88tf STAROFFIC To Parties Wlo Desire to Boill. T-Vl flf JJAVING COMPLETED GRACE METUfy- JLJ- a- an1tV. U uonruii iw wbkju w kiw for Church, (to wnicn we rerer a. vj YZTim for undersigned u ready to iase Bi ; ptr kinds of Carpenter Work. W9 fjassa- feet satisfaction. ' -llYMtf r . - J. T. KLA,p - , j

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