r-. II..'.. L.aAtal m ll. I mail lUUUA- UI i uuou. tuem i vw. n- ,,. - . . . "7T V:a-.-m. Jt K fOliljtM - r . O a ' muw. i z. . -- . 1 tba nroDOied dntv 01 45 per cent., or i tsepiemDer ana vciouer uciivcijr -x,-y, Fhe Mornins Star. Li :-v , : -.; - 1 ,. fs&VsS wMwaToirHARKis 1 uu uiviutug wmaa. ia . .kit lb law tha Soalhem Atlanlio coast. I ,t,i j, tk m.f,u-.tnrer will; i -fa! ' fi'Ja!LL,,SiSSsr 1 1 "' '' 9imMa ofUUIa BOlr ' The "mott eminent prtcUtioner in. hate reoeived nearly-, slf Ike benefit: - STAR OFFICE, Sept. ?7. - December and January delivery B7 WlUlia BaOTAJl. wnw WI . " , -" -.11 f.... Harasm tin that in which' he receive from the present SPJffilTB'TlIBEENTINErhe market. - 5 23-64d; Jantiary and jfebruary elivery rXuZia tr v. I thli lata cay sxouas im WsvaiBf catrxics w 1 . . , . . ouvue i,u ww 1 sales orjeceipw Bkquoww 1 ADril delivery o o-oa, wu w -u. hi party by apptak oa mubjci. - D 1 aJ u u n" DUk 1 nearly 5 on hu gultf or mora maa ROSIN Market quiet at 67i cento per r Wheat dull; demandpoor; noiaeTS cner fWY MOOTW. Srrr. 29, 1383. M-y . aSSukaai an la 1 r . 7 J - II ' ' ': bW lor ,birainea auu " Spiritslurpeatfce 80s Cd. ' k raalUr. Tbre ar serious evils la Ue "Ussiftiflgii preuy aennncij nnit RENT COMMENT. I Btrainea. - . Bales to-day mciaae 4, ow Doits a mo - U,." . .v 1 1 th KrxitH. 1 mrA. and that la thai the soaroe ot the 1 j. siSMM..uj.m .1 r-.v af ,ktit firm at 160 per rittlTt national Democrado Ticket. Tudigu 5oStr&S a, mm : th" p1? b. fo iw 'ri JSai. to tt. tMJMTOt tu B4rtT. cooipicowuly I liUbt effect.iUy . upsreal meJ mwt I J,, beeo dnooerd4n uorjioa oa CRTJDB TUKFiUH li" K00d 0IatDMf 5 8-16d: ordlinr a. til A - - . . I. . . . .k..k Its I. . 11 If .4N a.sa nnan I ' . . - a . - A 1 ff r V 1 TTT1 Tl I . . a n 4 B A . MtMHlin tw.t.flt I cut them uMs as a sublect ot rederu lec- I m iomo iw uwui m hihu (M k-"- otner points in uie. I aaote the tnarBec nnna i-Texas gooa-mwaung- oo-nwi u.uuU6 . . . . 1 uiauoo. 4BCT utv bkhun luaaoit I icumi, . , r . 1 wblCD la aaiu IO DO a euro uivkuvdh i i Volln or I Jin anu sijw iw.'lu,N 1 uu ; wiuuuuk . ' 0 ; OROVER CLEVELAND. AUoa ct Mr.CeUnd. oecaUono M VfaV meteForoTogtcal n?Sr5Ma?ket noted firm on a 5 9-16d; ordinary 5. of K.w Tcrk. wac nrmana Paruaa rownaaKa l-"- Vku wM Vtr,malr PntB: It i. called botanicallr the . 1 . . ' ta middline. Quota- 2:"" kL,m niAinm cotcuyiouiso.vaMa oitscgiuww- v, L - . VVTrL, --ViT.. r7 tvVntim V-.v. t"" Wh. nt. Attach 05318 01 -x-- . - ,r - OPO -,s- - f-r r 11 . 1 ui o&jt nnai aoauo& oiut tiMDroojen oiucuji w wuii'i. - mum a arvieiuua. "j : 1 thp Kroauce jiiuuouii -- oa. !1wVm lapoUtks. But If this wwaol.o,!f lbs our onlj -defense its - plantation for these shrubs to tne . j Itvebpooi,. Sept. 7, 4 P. M.-Cotton ALLEN O. THUIUIAN, ccadivloa ot thlnis wera . as bad a. evtr rV f Jtt signal service ofBee? The whole "J1108' ; 0 15-16 cislb. -Uplands (1 m c)-Septomber 5 62. of Ohio. U Uii South, the Ure country would xUwfvrU lUbUto IxlrovgM. businss could then be rnn by the in- SnVnVrv 8 buyer; September and October 5 43-64d, 01 not put the Rspublkans la oflos to mend , intrnnriia with f - to. iTWZ Good Ordinary, r,,. .. - vaae; October and November 5 81-64d, x, x M.utlntnrs atLaree: oSnaa ttas proved Itself at That is it. NonMnterconrse witn telligent gardener. TFiwA. Otitic. Low Middling. "B.W6 - Jeller November and December 5 25-64d, For IrsidsnUal Elector aiiarge . ad dltloyiJ. There U infected oountries. When they nauhrhidtore- MiSv 10 l 16 " r buper; December and Jannary 5 23-64d. ALFRED M- WAD DELL, Sohapter fflu hlSSry more diairacefol t ;ftAa thftn ooen our MrPbgger hal W re Qpod Middling. .10 1-16 Beifer;' January and February 5 23-4d, f CAnovCouaty thaaao uaiSopSlous. aad base be- cease to be infected then open our. HnqTJI8h hl8 occnpatioo, but the mop- , , m February and Marc 5 2364d, seller; o.nlr vmmWirK. IrayalcfihefiedSt thV Bouth. vThs poru. A rigid quarantine ail the opolist is as busy as ever to gather in BBm' March and April 5 2S-64d buyer; Apul FHLDERICK N. STKUDWiUti, Toa who were sold oa the auction block ...,.knnrt4Uht the shekels which the war tariff, now ; . - 4sn? itfl and May 5 25-64d. seller. Futures cloeed of Orange County. tath. tlmecf slavery ware not traatw wi Droteotion tariff and dwelled " 134 casks quie. if? L""5 mul oorae or GemiD- nnn blessinsr-of course in thin 275 bbls - - , , . . District Electcrt: "JR7 JflAh'noU: . mae -affords them. An honest, t.YV. bbs Mr H: cason, of Atlanta, ua is in 1st Dot. GEORGE IL BROWN, of RlSIWpfc. .- Uey nator eorge n.s no, w cOU"rageoa3 preaident at last arouses Crude Turpentine. .......... . 1- veeda;ay MrnCa7on repents aV f Tnlcrt- I "rtfllL a' fTor b7 h" V""a la reKard a nation to the crime of robbery MnR8T,o hIbebts. Slikes . optician and manufacturer of 3D'BLEsaAVcocK fefcW.': uorr7.W.r .oahu Tr -S3E -.-VBSSSS SlSSRKSSSS fW.yne, dW' ,n defence of the South was eloquent, and thi8 man i8 defloribed with su- ffljggS eys'amaV ve your sight, t "Esssr- " s:,r 5,. ESSk-sS:" tSZZZ:-ZZ 17' a.MTTTi 1 PPMRFR. made the slavee of designing, un- not wish to hear it on that rery ao- Fin.c b.rnH.ert. ? and half per cents 107. State ee- tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It iw'-T. nAMPRELL CALD- .mUw whlU. .el. .w.j. d .f .t ooald be finI wUh Mf . ci.ndlr th.t ,ery large ; ammmsial. bor. For aale ty Wh. H. Gbbkh & Co. t WIOJ of IredelL 0 lr OBr. AOAiwir the '-Ukiog off, o to u tie aeniw namber of Amerioan attueni lie YoMt , Sept. 27.-Noon.-Ootlon Bi.eirl. Bluer.. rZnu H VANCE , Chamber U oonoemea, it would be .wake o nighte io dread of the ooo- JUS toles; middliBg uplanda Tiuy Is becoming so well known wl In .8r tb.T.g. tax on aU better for th.oonntry every way 'TaoV nTdS.a & MW.. gS ItTt-BSlfB5S win Dot. W. T. CRAWFORD, oC good, manufr. of woo.waa.p. Z TZ iM" MXSl S...S.&S1 KSAlW Trvi-krt.) I ner cent. This tax was paid on xor 1 . . , 1 vuu40a aa.aua.a --7 1 BDirits turpentine quie. anu bwuj j if 1 to jo all that is claimed, joaeciric znw5ro Uaywoou. I per cent, adis ix wm 1 .t.tuimanhiD unless it be I Urmd on thi anbiect. With him I tV.,n nd ateadv at tl 00ai 05. "11 i5coCa nf t.h T.iver and Kid- eign goois ana nomo-mauo KWwo. . . . , h j insincere it is parely a matter of business. The I Freights steady. Deys, will remove Pimples, J?oils, Bait ff.j .v.. on., -m VftrV I John Sherman, ana ne is so insincere, 1 l 9 r J I w a-nt. 27. Evenine. Ctotton I tV tw ffHrtrii. rauaed bv im- State Democxatio Ticket. uZ'ZnUo ,ooo0t.nt. , " a . a.a .a a- ainiiir uuiauua w - ovhimiii hihi iiibiciis tas vv Kit w fahnoa for one year -1887. Here corrupt, you cannot tru. u.m. , nlce httle mMaaore of negroes erery 1Q net at au U. B. pom jgj feVers.-For cure of Headache, Con- For Governor : PKn,n,ci. week between now ana eiecuou u Wf--5 stipation and digestion try ecmc . rrrr rv tit t v -e I 1 wouldizo into theanair witn au 0.47U Daiw, . V ters. mure sauBiacHou Kuruvc0u, wa " owa;.; jMwooUen I. Urtn, . ..wan der. ,be co.nee.. of hi. oalo.l.ting and jSffSSKX atWM. h' &KBms&Co's ug Store, t oiwiHwuiif. sS'iSoU I special meuUon for it U beyond fair ques- praotioal mind. He knows very J iic better and weak; No. 2 red , w- - pA T.(.ntntnunorraor: l?!!f tin ta.hot littrax mwssxine lathe world, well that whatever may be the ex- September closed at $1 OH; October $1 00i Tne BeMe. cry for i, .iTiVraaTr wniT ' i7hM the advanU of btlrig publUhed tent to which the negro vote is sup.- i 02i; November f 1 ywjjf . -J And the old folks laugh when they find THOMAS M HOLT, ToUl ami paid for woollens.. $443,031,040 pjjy each nuoobtr cootaislsg 64 double pressed, perverted or corrupted in knd that the pleasant CaUfornia liquid fruit .of Alamance County. "la rtstum for this larre expenditure we . ' c Qr more maUtr thin jon the South to-day, the negro race is gecemb iflj. Oats a shade firmer; remedy, Syrup of Figs, is more easily taken .aaIW. ikal an anrih An f till.. cuuut y-. . A n-arnna mnra nnnt.AntPd. a11.. Hni)i TTona firm ... .1 ForSretarrof Bute: 1T. -STw lii will fl.d la. mto monthJjnomKr or .117 f-.f""-;. I "owr ".,!,. 2 aM more beneaoisl m us aouon, mm W1IXIAM U SAUNDERS, waTu.. Srm. o, U. t3 . .r .,.... Tb. lo. four TO '20,00 iSlosfJpTt bitter, nauseous medicines. It is a most w.v. r. I peucu to pay xor we P' I weekly iunet conUtncl among omen no i --- - vafrtT.a hoon H I Rio quiet ana steaay. DURar quie.; reuueu i vaiuaDie ramuy remeay uj aun uu " 'j- I f.jrfn... whn hTMsUABfil U QL7 U rmta I - ... ., . I lUlU It u3 o I - Ma ... nmn nt Klfft Bimilfir. UOl- 1 . . . .l - a ,v . 1 .r- - I foIlowlM noticeaois aruciea: wur.g, . Kattar that th nnt I xzk," JIT, r"Q-"tj, bowels, to cieanse me bjbibui, out w For Sute Treasurer : I r7 1; .ound and sub- I iWniaWr; Parallel, to Homeric Ufe . V colda, headaches, and feyers. m " - - mm - . M if KJ A ski tVA J uwwwassw u UL.U01isX.tlU w mt ' m. . ana DONALD W. BAIN, I sUaUal doth.- I JUljUnrt a Greece To-day. and Tho Iavl , ftn rvermitted. if not dull at 4Ha Hides active. Wool firm. Manufactared only by the California Fig I I . . . ... n . n...tnil I - . . I n i- Tl..' hnoTO on1 irtl va nt 14P' I Tn : nl w.k.rtv. I tv- rl. rA hnfnd aorelT. I UtioatoioraieinarrBuca ifuiua.uu. a d bvk tne nartv leaoers, iroris. caujr.j , 1 ovrup uompany, oan j? routi8ju, yox - . a w v . v. - . o - r. ' - i Kmmui hear uinfl inn RLTnnu . uut meiui i .... -r. n - . . . I VMii- Mirt ntntvit la BCOtiana. Joan i .un f . it th NnrLhorn I r r: 7' . . j j I At whnlAflnlfl and retail D itOHX. x. -r-a. a a w mwm rm v r. hit ea - v - i willi uwatsu va mi iuk aww--- w,.iiMfl n wm fflTrn tnrn h ihki i v aaiiii r - For Sute Aaditor,: ----- - 8hiirp n; Profcoor heart. ' " W ra8iaud yery dull; western Brixamy. t nvnnnE W. KANDERUN. ol ouraen. iney pr0p.o .-.-- ftw rm ilir,- The White -... eam10 90; city $10 50: October f 10 55; of Wa,ae County. to reduce the bcuntus paid the Up Uae . B,.witof VJSZ OLD RELIABLE AOincan miuuiig.uni - lae rreocn iwTOiuviou. x-u.-., , ceiots 3.441 bales; futures closea very auii, For Superintendent of I oblio In- -d lh forojKn K0Od. ponter, by Justin McCarthy; A Vitit to We print elsewhere a long dis- t0.d Qf 44.100 bales at the , T Aoiti 'atxucuoo: . i a w hl MM Pre.ldCot Brad. tortnigMly; Michel patch from our Washington corre- foUowing quotations: September 9.63 OOHieS tO the FrOIlt AgOHl, jJiTw imported. And what a howl goes rre. a oi u ra a r ? , BDOndent which will be read with .65c; October and November ?.64?.65c; iurxui ai. rivjH f the braxen lungs of Mo- BJ "T'i; 'JT croat interest December 0.Q6967c; January .to.74c: ttikq this day RBSUMED thb balb of Cauwba County. P , If V.. b , . I Datch.a&rurdjy2rfTTheNbn-Chloee 2 rebruary flr.819.82c; March 9 909.91c; 1 4V . . . DIi 7 nopoly. The reducuon proposed is 1 Globular Stir Clutter.. 1 he Repubhcan TaniT bill will be Ko. Mayi0.0610.07c; June ot LIQUORS, I can offer to the trade a stock For Attorney-General : Terr modsraU indeed. It would re- I VrleM . TMir LUtcll & Co.. Boston. Bn ,n u".1'0 Til 10.1410.16o; July 10.0iu.ac. - whl0h cannot be surpassed, either in qaalityor THEODORE F. DAVIDSON. . coc.amer of a small part of publUbers nta.3 & s c&ul hit. Both o( uaacoow icumj. I bis burden and wouia not nun in me i 2i. C. Mtdual Journal lor Depiemur i ment of its main points and peon- I advloes thw morning inai(iea araens ue-i 0 nnirTicmTn DDAttT,TI?3 - - ... .A..t...,nnMt manufacturer. ha. lh. folio win ordinal paper.: On the liarilie8. ake upon the part of lnYr he present Tariff is very unjust Importance of Earl, Diagaci. and Treat- Mr. Blaine's advice has prevailed 23?M e freSfyM FRENCH, PEACH, apple and b. B. JOalVl U J. UAV1S I r ... I , t v.... Ptinl Hr Remn P. Battle. I as to the abolition of the tax On tO- I v.Jaa nf flflntPmhor rlearanra from I of Fraaklla County. and unequsl. It is not only intoi i ConUmlnatlon of Foods bacco. This will reduce the revenue I America, and are unable to procure grades j RYE AND CORN WHISKIES, . - n ,m rn t r t I i.i Kn i r ia I in noh I Jr 1 . ..I i .i.:a :ii: I -uis,Mal Ksraiiaa nt siamaffa to and late- I J AJilXsO X5. Oixr.1 . . r . with Metallic Poison.. By F. P. Venahle, uou. .uir.y nf owlai cVod. Southern advices All pure and old. Wines, Cordials. Gins. Ac. of Beaufort County. way as to be lor tne oenen. or me ph D F Q Mlcr0iCopiCAi Examioa- An x on BUer "8uoee. report ImproveiHent In quality of receipts, TOrv aTrttrrwcr. r aTPRY I -.v .j .Kaa nrwiinn nf the I . .i.v.u.i Tt..n.. n. p n I down fifty per cent , which will ae-I ,hB mnmeni of the croD to market ' .r r... ' 1 T " lM. L"' . T p., 7 ri oree the revenue by t-eatyflye noT. .bow ta MM for. rtooa GHOdm ad bbovobb . NoM millioos more. I ?a'"'la.lVL.V"' 1 la oomplete, togetlier with a splendid assortment c- Rirth District : i acrain and a train. i do nner cim ui i . i Tn m llinna additional are to be I n5 osaruiu icwtugsuj du0uouus. Y6au I . , , F0r9f?:rv ?!7..Laa,;;...T.o-.Jmak. up tho variety. Price $3 a year. I ,ajA r fT on inohol nael I - ef.l..i5ili ! of Canned Goods, Catsups, fiances, Pickles, -to. x.WMi, d aQj Tb0 edlt0f.f Wll. r- "li -;iT; V f," !? "TPW, -um. large 8tO0k ot TOBACCO and FINS of Robesoa County. than the coarser ciaaa worn uj vuo . tiM1 N G "1 7.rr" " r "V1 . . t-k. w.w 1a .;mr,i- I I variuas urnuico piauc uu mo i CHi0Aoo,Bept.7. uasn quotations were i wr. iuoav.-. r-j I rx inimiviA Jffoanaj for bepUmbcr l ;,. I as follows: Flour auiet and firmer. Wheat I v nnv nno-nn tiupahtmtint ta aomDlete. ownnoorrarni at ivastt. I CTiminatee acainst the labonng peo- .mrt.ftlv .rtM h. the followlnB: The bill nroDoses to abolish as far I No.2spring$i ie125;No.2redtl 16. TOitoprisiiigafuuM Reconstruction in the South has I ple The following table taken from Xne American Navy of To. Dy. Lieut as practicable our ad valorem duties I Cora-o never been written. It is a seriee of lhf mes .hows the prices and the Wm. F. Fullam, U. 8. N. Ill nitrations; and raise the neoessary federal in- I lb8 , io65ai057,. 8hortribsldes870tm hnA oi, afllATiifl. chapters of crime, madness, roguery, ntM of imporu of woollen, in 1887: The President'. Error. J.mes G. Blaine; come irom ,pw,q, o.-. ?Jh aafollowa- , VAUaaxg, spoliation, oppression, debauchery ..t. e ci,, we have lakea the cheap- Boms Bane WordsAtwul Browning -smuy xie W HeraWe CreeU ood. opening, highest and closing: Wheat No. Hate. Caps, together with everything the trade aad scoundrelism without a parallel. t aad dcaresT gSodl : Shaw Forman; Ramkles About Naples, f u foU h JTeraW September fl 04, 1 28. 1 25; October 96. wgsm. and aad scounureiism wiinou. a p-m . Ouy B 8eeley. Illustration.; Two Coro- , ' to bo ri bt fo thig 2 1 91, fl 00. Corn-No. 2 September openirand doming in daily, all of which wiu be Ob, that we had a Thomas Carlyle Pric. Ter Cent. MlI chaotera XIV. XV. XVI. XVH. "ij0. f Z ,L"g"wr w! h U, 40J; October 41. ,41j,40K Oats edateither wbe or reu a toe very among us to portray in brilliant, ex- Cloth, per pound M 90 Tlncke, HiustraUon. by BL ilUnff to rub aeainet S V ruZcrU oMme irrirn imniAsiioned. and VSt I . T ' i m I t i?..nn. a Vtrtprni Pariah. W. Van I rl,.U n tn nniio rTrriann I 14. OA. 1AQO- Vflar 9118 65. 13 671. 13 671. I h nnnvtanAti that the OLD RELIABLE 18 the looaenr 8 wt per pound 1 !.!!."!". ." 1 51 !S fT J, M. D. IllustTatlons by H. H. Dar. no SvoVs VoTsk oFd place to get fuU value foyour money lSonMh.hLplb. S'r?: 65 .89 nell;AG.npowderPlot etta.) VVhafwe demand of the Presidenl, SsS; pSJ f f! SoWS. .antWa horror, and madneae of the French Alfaeorl . ftlWHao.J J k.Pi ifrft"' 7kl j Pitf Wilmington, . C. . mA ally provided for 143 .o I on the Bsn Juan, mx-uot. noamiB , lDi, bB u.u UUU..D .u u uwr Baltmobb, bept. a7. JTlour active I tjttdtj niTTTJnDVTt nDIVPF-WTVV Revolotioo, that most unique ana I yael per pound 2 -73 I pw. Editor'. Study. Literature TbeCal' ings with the people, stand with land firmer: i Howard Street and western I rUaij uALll U11W1A UnAllULiTT lOfji oriffinal proee work of the nineteenth Flaanal. per pound l w Health. Timely Topics. Home them, stand by them, stand up for super fS.swi fxtra. 75 r u Blankets 22 80 ena,r w r, tham nd keen hia handa nlA.n family $ 1 654 75; city mills super $3 00 T.f. RRAIVn century. ISnkeU 1 " Department, The American Pulpll. The them keP n" T-L BBAMD. nm th. tmth U not hid under a HaS.... -J3 Poflr0ii0. Price $3 a year. Published at We like the attitude of the present wheats-southern strong and higher;Fultz Bat the truth U not hid unuer a g a w 7.0 Broadway Y. administraUon because it does that. $1 02( 06; Longberry $1 081 06; west- Tf 1R NoTI-AlpohollC. bushel. There are tens of thousands Kalt goods 1 7t9 Aoajway. ri Jfc bmbj9 whole80me) gquaro toed, era firmer and higher; No. 2 winter red on 18 UII-ilUAlUll- of educated men in tne aoutn wn Bm;;;;;;;;;;;;.... 87 . 68 y THAT ZUITJF CLOTHES. "r, fair of blankets fo? thenoor nomina p is ths mcot healthful, delicious the story 0 1 m o I Balmorals. ......... r- I x? -v ti maa TnH Tisr. I man K.fnia naamkB ntn no wa I ern dull and nominal, I and refreshing drink known. In using always Soath.r Sute. after the war. Er. JX""";""":"; "1 1 It Th. " " taTST o( wool- wooIlTn wo"oL"not J?-2?i!?SEWtr)s W oa. war to two WU... some Northern men have bad genuine DrsMgood ien cloth is enormous, whether it is of shoddy for'the wife and little ones, unsettled; No. 2 red cash 96c; October when froxen makes delicious Sherbet. elimpeee into the sad record of pecu- V.5?t-.." r.V"TArti a 6? 4 17 domestic or foreign manufacture. Da Professional politicians, bosses, 97c; December 9899fs Corn firm but atjhian a vollsbs Lol injustice, and unredeemed ? S .59 ring thf debate o) the Mm. bill dealers, trimmers v tricksters in both Sitf SiyA8! L'eU villainy. Now and then we see in SaLWiKlaid Wft M McPfIey prodnced a suit of clothes parties, are our abomination, and we, SKi 23ct 8e?!emb2r 22tTbS Whiskey wnnana villainy. i.owM Patent velvet, per yard..... made from American woollen cloth hammer their heads whenever they tteadv at tl 14. Provisiona strong and Wilmington, N. C. am Korthern oublicatioo enoagh to W 11 too velvet, per yarn... . oo 'r: vt.v v. ...i.f anM fn, tin Thl. - Tapestry Bma-els, per yard w .01 7"'"" .VI " I :. . Tvr ' f,o s? ..nm- ' CUBA and P. H. MOLASSES, in hhds. and bbls. sausiy as uut ue ie u m " Treble lorraln o umous iouswmvuo vi mo iuu - a uai, is buui h urowj, uu is war- . At wrk and in the vears ahead we .n.'j'.i gumenU advanced by the protection- ranted to wash. CtaicnmtTi, September 27. Flour sugars, all grades. atwork.and Ue y ea aneaa You wdl find that the fine goods 8 But when Mf. Mills came to -- S!?1." coffee, mo. laguyea and Java. 1J17 bWtha l0WMt i7 close the debate he showed that the SvS S""! VSSB FIXUB, all grades, generally will be able to understand dolh for 6t cenU there a tait would have oost a good deal Raleigh Visitor. Lard gtr . Balfc meat - firm. Bacon tABD ,BftrM- somethbg of that black chapter in f p , whUe on cloth less if it had not been for the tariff Court met to-day at 11 a. m. The steady. Hogs lower. i, in tierces ana cans. the National record. Batonlythoee .J? L f? -1 csnts. there is a tax. The total cost of it. prodnotion following caseaj were argued:. : - , r BurriffiandCHSESE. -vr w.w j..vj. in that selU for 11.21 cents, mere is a M 68 The cost of labor in It Williams vs. Weaver. corrrori nABiKTs. cbackebs and cakes. who U,ed through the dark da js will f b 69 xit j, 21 $1 fl5 The iait weighed 4 Carter vs. White. tobacco cisabs and snot SSXTS: c.aU....UxonU,.poacafo,fin. ZL&jtt J", o.k Md Southern Kryearry, 91o Z.. slave, who had been clothed with all P00"' clUM9' 1J not tnu aiscxinu pouna, $1 70, If wool had been oase of Bryan vs. Monng, from nominal at lOfc net receipts bales; Bos- Fox sale low by v. . j nating against the poor? Look sil he suit would have cost the Chatham. ton, quiet at. 10c net receipts bales; anm aw v tai.t nn the powers and privileges of eitiseu- .h h tka abova Ibt and too wiU rnfatnr loat t4 98 On the ee - ' - Bulsdelphiar duU at lOfc net receipts- , ,a AP" ..omBBS. ship including the right to vote. b thw abowti ;m" flJAnlrotAO a Welcome vir"n Opinion, fales; Savannah, steady at 9c-netrecelpta -iUS" : Wa... Ji.i . .v find the coarse goods the highest suit itseir there wis a autyot 4ucte. 5.878 beiesr New Orleans. easy at 9c net tt x t tt we are reminded to-day of the , , . Tariff. Bare- a pound, to compensate the man a- Norfolk Virginian. receipUo9901es;MobUe,8teadyat91 H0t6l LiaCOIl. S-ilSI- ar.u71 7,: IT .b a wi.W.. immoral, uojoat, . 0Tt t.Tl A STen the ton nTm hr."lh WcpaWiaieAe? fiBlramiXKMHABAG oC octracUon .a LU on 8rut, I aUarJ. oppr.ie, nooonstiutional Waa an yaiorem rate of 35 per "low oekbrate4, itai.lwMty-flnit I lliistijaloTiL and b- an Tiia I Tan II-needs readiustinst and redu-1 cent r which makes 12 S3, which, I birthday in a pious-way last Sandav. I bales. , I Bvery convenience pjbiefprjthe travelling iorUl U the Nsw York re nnln wdth the lr 70, makes $4 03. Add It is m aU respects .one of the best wo.aarae'E "bTb. mqobb. Mantger r " gioS Senator ChandUrT UTfSw But Docksry favor, it and aska for ft." be?n PP of the South. . "T " .. V v.,. ,.. ; : r , , . isxiow 4. $10 71, the price of the aait being- - By Cableto the atonihig Star. ITITlfS from New Eogland who la snread ttUim within 71 cent, of the cost of mo- - TiieSettato1mAitrv,rd. r.,J lZ? it- UU-OB. out fall flat on his Uttle belly trvine We heller with tb Umm VrV duotlon with the Unff in cloth-and rdayaeaitpasseoUi hardening, i rates; middling - uplands - 5 I J Hvvi?dIRrSd- to blow into life the alniitTa? tt .Vi ' J wool added. . If the Milla bill were tefpnyjjve, of - .lMCdt Orleans? d546k?j baieatoIay feolral1 . . "7 UIe tha.alraoat dead, I ltmei that u W as yellow ' fever iha Ur tha it would hawa Tt S. .W0 Achal;bilJsjvever ..triaSlv implements -,-wa or secuocal itrife and recrimi-J telata In nnK,-'- w.. I no - " "V " 7 . . r.- ;T 1 I reeSuarteaor an nour;., jr.-Kdr, 1 1,000 balesrrecetota 2.000 hales, all Ame i Ior saie " -ct? it pwat. are hustling around f0r your share of the world's good pjft and it's hard work : think of SUUlbUllilg CISC. This constant work will tell sometime perhaps it has already and nervousness sleeplessness, neuralgic and rheumatic aches and pa;ns are part of the "good gifts your hustling has won. If you are that way, let us give you a prescription-no charge for the prescription though it will cost a dollar to have it filled by your dru? gist k PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND oj. Sig. Use according to directions All druggists keep it. it will strengthen your nerves tone up your whole system' and make you bless us for prescribing this great nerve, tonic. Be sure to get the genuine, prepared only by WELLS. RICHARDSON & CO.. Burlington.Vl. feb 1 DAWly we fr su nrm 2 or p ThisisthcTopof the Genuine Pearl Top Lamp Chimney. AU others, similar arc imitation. Fhis exact Label is on each Pearl Top Chimney. A dealer m.iysay and think he lias others as good, BUT HE HAS :;ot. Insist upon the Exact Label and Top. Foa Sale everywhere, mace oxly cy GEO. A. MACBETH & CO., Fittsburgh, Pa. an 1 D&Wly bo we fr nrm IE M fill I V Oan foMfedi-npfle, norrmm,W) lflCnUlll.lt of raafflT vUror, development, oon ,Menoe,etc BOOKFltEE. iWe Mod. Co., Buffalo, .Y AsXW3fc. T&JarSA Vk .. .... a Bdenoe, .anlJD&WTlT nrm sn we fr I III HH 1 mm Q0LD MEDAL, PARIS, lflfc BAKER'S BrealfastCw Warranted absolutely part Cocoa, from which tbcciccmo: Oil has been removed. It hasWrw timet the strength ct Cocoa mliwl with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more euouooi! cal, costing lest than one cent a cup. It la delicious, nourishing, at ran ai hort n (f. e.isilv dleceted, and . .-o r-1 . ' admirably odaptoa ior inviuiu. -well as for pereon In health. Seld by Grocr eTtryithorB. W, BAKR & CO., DorcliestBT, las deo 19 D&W9m bu we f r I II IU a rTr.i-7tn JtnJu REM IT7. it s enrod at home witn .im.lamcnnt FREE. SX? B8Hn , mmitirv. M.ft deo 23 DAWlT ga wed fr L nimnrT TO BUILDERS AMD ABGHIfECTS .... .u. ,,lal altflntlotl ot We reBpeotrnuy oaii io B'DV';' ,hR ..h-c partleTnow building, or oonwmplatta the crec fion of modern dwelling houses, to the IHOSTEFFKCT11K. ECONOMICAL, and DESIRABLE methods ol beatlnc woe BIBB'S a-ri.KHIlATEI DAI T I EV3 O R E FP HEATERS have been favorably known for upwards of a . - - VM ThfltT ft I.HI Hi IU Su7Ume aV onate; aDdwHn oo.i nie7ou can thorongblyneat from one w f additional roottis. thus BavlMthelawr a pense lnourred bv naymir t Nohonse ahould be witi mannfaotore a full line of FURNACES. cook ana pense taouiTea pv nayiuK-We i RANGES. MANTELS, npatiTinr RtflTRS. &C, Bend for lUustrated and --Jjj BA.LTIWORE, MI. jj 13 4m f r suwe TAPPEY & DELANEY PETERS BUR 3 VA. 6TBAM-ENGIN1SS snd , BACCO FIl LI0 PUMPS and FRBf3' aW.MILL8 and WORK, and CASTINGS generally. Jy 89 6m vns pflR SALE- no. rvvnntlefl Of BOP"80" Ann OPPr It onDortunity fP' , farmerin routes. r 'oneforpracu-. - menw, " " SCome and Bee or wn 0 B. BW" rui J???rxr!t CO. Iiliinpn w": Dllna M streets- ATKINS0N, F' Lends money on satlsra10 klDdi.

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