n-I E MORNING STAR SiLSD DAILY EXCEPT MONDAY baths o? svisaaiTTioH, n asvabox. ouo rear (07 Mall), Postage Paid..... ... s.s Months, ,. Three fionths .. :; Month, IS CO 8 00 I 60 60 aSffl& Ml rs-ro City Sabsorlbors, delivered xa any par caan tares uuuius u ou.ouot. as 8eoood Class Matter.. The Senate was not in session yes terday; in the House a report was made in favor of the oontestee, in the South Carolina contested election case of Smalls against Ellott; there was an interesting debate on the bill to incorporate the Nicaragua Canal Company. The government has determined to enforce the delivery of the steamer Haytien Republic which was recently seized at Port-au-Prince, Hayti. Total cotton receipts at all of the ports since September 1, 2,862.749 bales. A severe earth quake shock was felt yesterday morn ing at various points in Canada; it lasted half a minute. J. C. Bur rows, of Michigan, will be presented as a candidate for the Speakership of the next House. The most elab orate preparations are being made for the centennial celebration of George town College. An artist of the London Graphic was recently Killed at Snakim by the Arabs. During the past week there were 305 failures, against 232 for the previous week. A duel in Paris yesterday resulted iu one of the parties receiving a wound in the arm. Dun & Co. report the business outlook as not so encourag ing as at the close of last week. Harrison's plurality in Illinois is 22,201. A drug clerk in ( oluuibn -, Ga., committed suicide last night by shooting himself through the head; hard work and close confinement drove him mad. There was a heavy frost in Jacksonville yesterday morning, and the general belief is that nothing more will be beard of the yellow fever. A riot has oc curred at Bevier, Mo., between Swedes and striking miners, which resulted in a number of men being ounded. IN. x. markets: Money easy at 22 per cent.; cotton steady: middling uplands 91 cents; middling Orleans 10 cents; Southern flour steady; wheat, No. 2 red Decem ber $1 04 7 161 05i; corn iio lower aud weak: No. 2 December 464?i cents; spirits turpentine lower and dull at 45f cents. Rosin neglected. The Parntll Commission will sus pend biiticgs for a month. Another crisis is imminent in Pa ris. They are growiDg common. Cut down the taxes and the way to do it is to cut down the Tariff. There is a rumor mat the young Emperor of Germany is cancerous. Biaice will doubled it ? Harrison. accent. Who ever a Lie is dying to boss A lady was wounded in Havana by an inforoal machine that was meant for her haebaod. Many will be glad to know that "Old Hutch" has lost $20,000 by two midway rascally clerks. Reports from Montreal are alarm iDg. People drop down in the str--fct8 poisoned by the gas nuisance. A girl in New York who was ill tried to kill herself by jumping 45 feet to the ground, ihe was not han. Id Michigan, prominent business men Bay, the boodle was widely dis tribuied, and purchases of voters vtry numerous. Tccre is euino proepeut of a war between Persia and Russia that is always pushing her conquests farthtr ani farther into Asia. Harrison has beu gunning. He ought to fire upon fellows like Chal mers aod Longstreet who are playing the ;hck spittle" for effice. i wo brothers named John and Pat Darmody had a duel in the lat ter's bar room. No one saw it. John will probably die, but Pat escaped. ibereistalk of dividing Cahfor D!a. The Rads waDt Canada also. They think they may get a dozen or so States and thus defy the South and get aloDg without the darkies. H Protection is not$?8tem of plunder then there is no force in facts. t is well enough to call a spade a Bpade. It i8 not wrong to fix the rlght brand upon a vicious system to take money from your pecket to en rU;h others in whom you are not the teast interested. It gratifies us to see the following naa exchange relative to the bad Btair bili : thw??-1 lhey have ia lheir wy ne f ct that PoKd detwmined minority op- vaoslSity P888 President would Have th.Te ,81 infojmcd Democraj-be- 1 winter " WU1 g8t DO nil VOL. XLIII. NO. 65. The Charleston JVevfs cfc Courier talks oat m meeting after this sort as to an educational qualification : "But the eieht box law. thouch it has served its purpose well, is an evasion after aiL it would be far better and far manlier, in our opinion. to eraso the difficult? sau&re- ly at once and amend the constitution of the State so as to impose an educational au&li- flcation opon. the voters. It will be conceded, no doubt, that by imnoainer an edncatinn&l-nna.HflAtinn th state wm ioe representation in Uonffress. and therefore in the Electoral College, Ad mitting that this will be so. although other o tales wnicn impose sucn a qualification lose no representation of any account, it is oeiier oy r&r to surrender a Congressman or two than to persevere in ways and means which ioiure our people at home and give them a bad same abroad, and so hinder more seriously than the thoughtless imagine the progress and develop aivnt of Rnnth P..nll. We record with pleasure a recent act of the President elect. Personal friends in Indiana purposed to pre sent him with an outfit for his stables when President. He firmly declined, saying: "Although I have sot a fottuse. I must refuse to accept it, bt cause I believe that no man in the position of President of the United states cn afford to be under pecu niary obligations in matters connected with bis office even to his intimate friends. If true, highly creditablo. Blame or Grant would have taken all. Harrison appreciates his friends. He likes the New York Sun, that ought not to be allowed to come into any Democrat's house. A special from Indianapolis to the New York World says Harrison spoke aa fol lows: "Dana did as much good aa any of them It was amusing to read the Sun during ihs campaign You could see in every issue of It that it was knifing Cleveland under the firm rib . I know poreonally tnat Daca wanted to beat Cleveland No man of sense ever doubled it. That was a sensible, able commu nication that "Uivis Privatus" pub lished in the last Rockingham Rocket. We shall copy from it. Hosv true this is: "In defeat men are apt to become cow- ardB apologists fcr the wrens." Character is revealed under de feat. Men of vasciliaimg principles and convictions always hedge and faultfind when they get beaten at the polls. Stand like an anvil, is the right way. The Stab strongly favors a tax- paying qualification. No tax receipt no vote. It is an outrage that a ne gro that pay 8 not one. cent of tax should have a hand in taxing any man who does not bear his part of the public bnrden. Lord Randolph Churchill assailed the Tory Government in a speeoh in favor of his motion of censure be cause of the Snakin affair. The vote was close, the motion being defeated but by 42 majority. A leading negro school teacher in Texas writes the World that he en joys bis full legal rights, and he knows "of no authentic oases of in timid atioo of colored voters" in that large State. a?j3:ji cri'-Y NEW AOVKUTISKJTIEJITJi. Eat Warren's candles. iicneON Seasonable overcoats. C. W Yatbs Boliday Goods. Ofbba House Royal Marionettes. Maffett & Ccrbett For Xmas holida s Central Baptist Cnaren, Colored. A grand church rally will be held to-morrow at the C ntral Baptist Church, corner of Seventh and Red Cross streets. Preaching is announced by the following ministers: At 11 a in. by Rev. W. S. Creasy, of the M. E. Churob; at 3 p. m. by Rev. T. H. Pritchard, D. D., of the First Baptist Church, and t 7.80 p. xn. by Rev. D. J. Saunders, of the colored Presbyte riau church, ffhe object is to raise money for the completion of the new church building, the brick walls of which are now nine feet high. JHavora Co art. Mary Hay, eharged with disorderly conduct, bad her case transferred, on affidavit, and it was set for trial at 3 o'clock this afternoon before Justioe John Cowan. Susan Davis, colored, convicted of disorderly oonduct, was sentenced to a fine of ten' dollars or imprison xnent for twenty days. Iiewis Hicks, colored, and Archie Marine, convicted of an affray in Front ' street market, were fined ten dollars each- aJB mi Fir on Sblpfcoard. Fire was discovered yesterday af ternoon in a lot of sails on board the schooner Soger Moore, discharging cargo at the foot of Ann street. The fire 'was promptly extinguished by the crew of the vessel and' no alarm was given. The damage is trifling. Holi Hi WILMINGTON, Itocal Dots. The British steamship Dart mora sailed from Liverpool for , this port November 25th. A large red fox was killed yes terday about a mile and a half be yond Greenfield by Mr. J. S. Foster. A grand free etereoptioan exhi bition will be given on Market street below Front, this evening at 7.30 o'clock. The box sheet for "Peck's Bad Boy is open at Heinsberger's. Per formance to-night and matinee this afternoon. The annual meeting for election of offioers of the Wilmington Light Infantry will be held at the Armory next Monday evening. Rev. G. M. Tolson will preach at the Brooklyn Baptist Church at 11 o'clock Sunday morning a ser mon especially for the children. Excursion for school ohildren to the Hammocks to-day. Fare only ten oents. For others the price of round trip tickets is twentyfive oents. "Peck's Bad Boy" will be given at the Opera House to-night: the per formance beginning at 8 o'clock. The Matinee performance will begin at 2.80 p. m. Rev. T. U. Pritohard, D. D., will preach at the First Baptist Churob to-morrow; services at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. xn. Prayer meeting at 9.30 a. m. The Danish barque Hiolto was cleared yesterday for Barbadoes by Mr. E. Kidder's Son, with a cargo consisting of 1,000,700 shingles, 15,000 feet lumber, and 100 barrels of rosin, valued at $5,805. lue steamer JJeuapx. wara, i made her first trip from Point Cas well yesterday, arriving last night with 100 barrels tar, 75 barrels crude turpentine, 8 casks spirits turpentine and 6 bales cotton. The Sunday School children of St. John's Church will give the little operetta of "King Winter" on the night of the 26th inst., in St. John's school room. The proceeds are for the benefit of the Sunday School. The Charlotte Chronicle says that young Bizzell, the mail agent on the C. C. road who shot himself in the head, is in a fair way to re cover. He has been taken from Char lotte to his father's home at Laurin- burg. At Fifth Street M. . Church to-morrow, at 11 a. m., services will be conducted by Rev. D. H. Tut tie; sacrament of the Lord's Supper at the close of service At 7.30 p. m. Rev. F. A. Bishop will preach. The public is invited. Rev. S. T. Hallman, the able and eloquent pastor of the English Lutheran Church of Augusta, Ga,, will spend another Sunday in our city and will preach in the Lutheran Church to-morrow in English, both morning and night. Receipts of naval store at this port from April 1st to December 7th, as compared with receipts to the same time last year are as follows: Spirits turpentine, 52, 64 casks; last year, 58,234. Rosin, 148,574 bbls.; last year, 226,906. Tar, 34,317 bbls.; last year, 35,386. Crude turpentine, 16, 839 bbls.; last year, 19,425. Iisetnrcs on rnnstianttr Bishop Haid will deliver a series of eight lectures at St. Thomas's Church commencing to-morrow (Sunday) ev ening at 7:30, on the following sub jects: 1. Christianity and Reason, Sunday evening. 2. Christianity and the Heart, Mon day evening. 3. Christianity and the Will, Tues day evening. 4. Christianity and Progress, Wed nesday evening. 5. Christianity and Liberty, Thurs day evening. 6. Christianity and Labor. Friday evening. 7. Christianity and Suffering. Sat urday evening. 8. The Papacy and Leo XIII, Sun day evening Dec. 16th. Bishop Haid will treat these ab sorbing subjects in a masterly man ner, and all who will find it conveni ent to attend can promise themselves a rich intellectual treat. The seats will be free and the public is cor dially invited. Second Regiment N. C S O. At the meeting held at Fayette- ville Thursday, for election of oftoers of the Second regiment, a resolution was adopted endorsing Wrightsville as the place for the permanent encampment of the State Guard, and asking the General As sembly to make an appropriation for th e purchase, of a site. Col. W. C, Jones was re-elected to the command of the regiment. Maj. W. S. Cook, of Fayetteville, was elected .Lieut. Col onel, in place of Lieut. Col. E. F. Mo Rae, of Maxton; who declined a nom ination; and Dr. : Jnof A. Stevens, of Clinton, Major. - - , ' . . . -. . -. , J1 N. C, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1888. PARTY, A Pleasant and successful Entertain - mem. The Dickens Party, given at the Opera House and City Ball last night was a pleasing success alike to the management and to the large audi ence that attended. showing Mayor Fowler seated in an arm-chair on the stage personating Dickens, recalling, as in a reverie,the oreations of his fancy. First, appear ed the 'Pickwick Club," Mr, A. J Marshall personating "Pickwick," A. P. Brown as "rupman," B. B. Penny as "Snodgrass," P. V. Alder man as "Air. Winkle," and L. L. Pritchard as 4 Samivel Weller." following tne xamous club was Miss Carrie White as 1 Mrs Bardell,' J. H. Penny, the "Fat Boy," Mrs. Mo Dougall as -'Rachel Wardell," Walk er Taylor as "Jingle," T. W. Pritch ard as "David Copperfleld." Miss Shelly as "Miss Betsy Trotwood,'' MissMattie Freeman as "Pegotty," Alex. McEachern as "Mr. Pegotty,' Miss Fannie White as "Mrs. Gam- medge," W. F. Williams and Miss Edelweis French as "Mr. and Mrs. Micauber," and E. A. McEachern and Miss Fannie Pritchard as "the Twins," Mr. Sam Bart as "Mr. Dick," Miss Hettie Struther as "Dorab," Miss Hilton as "Agnes," C.J. Terrell as "Urian ieep." Mrs. Peterson as his mother, MissLinnie Alderman and J. S. Mitchell as "Little Nell and her grandfather," Mr. Peterson and Miss McEachern as "Sampson Brass and his sister Sally," Mrs. Burt and Joe Hanby as "Mrs. Jarley and George," T. Oldham and Miss L. Free man as "Mr. and Mrs. Quilp," Miss Georcrie Merritt as "Mrs. Jenniwen." james perry as "Dick Swiveller,'' Mis- Aimer Williams as "The Mar chioness," Miss Ida Barnes as "Esther Somerson,' Mrs. W. F. Williams as "Mrs. Jellaby," Miss Georgie Gore as "Miss Klyte," N. McEachern as 4Tur- vey-Drop," Willie French as "Little Joe," Miss Gore as "Lady Deadlock," Albert Schwartz as "Tulkinhorn," Miss Carrie Levy as "Hortense," C. C. Brown and E. McEachern as"Dombey and Son," Miss A. Gore as "Florence," W. F. Penny as "Capt. Cuttle," Miss Lizzie Struther as "Susan Nipper,'' Mrs. W. H. Alderman as "Edith," Herbert Mclver as "Page," Mr. Scott as "Carker," C. J. Terrell as "Peck sniff," Misses N. and I. Mclver as "Merry and Cherry," J.' W. Barnes, .lr as "Tom Pinch," M. Hubbard as 'Mark Tapley," Mrs. A. J. Flan- ner as "Mrs. Lmpln," Willie Taylor as "Oliver Twist," B. F. Penny as the "Beadle," R. W. White as "Fagin," J. G. Marshall as the "Artful Dodger," W. P. Oldham as "Bill Sykes," Miss May Harrell as "Little Dorritt," Miss Bessie Burt as 'Maggie," Frank Huggins as "Barna- by Rudge," Miss Loulie Woody as "Dolly Varden," J. C. Stevenson as "Gabriel Varden," J. R. Mar shall as "Mr Squiers," Mrs. Thor- burn as "Mrs. Squiers," Miss Pig-ford as Mrs. "Perribingels," Miss Alice Pig- ford, as "Tillie Slowboy," Rob Sloan as "Caleb Plummer," Miss Louise Sloan as "Bertha," Jno Gore as "Pip," and Miss Julia Gore as "Miss Haver sbaw. All the characters were presented in costumes prepared especially for the occasion, and were excellently portrayed. At the conclusion there was a grand tableau of all the characters, grouped on the stage. After the entertainment in the Opera House the doors to the City Hall were thrown open, where -the ladies had prepared refreshments in endless variety and profusion, and where the people speedily congre gated and spent the remainder of the evening in feasting and enjoyment. Dr. Battle's Lecture. The Young Men's Christian Associ ation being disappointed in securing the Opera House, will have Dr. Battle's lecture in the lecture room of Graee M. E. Church next Tnesday night. While no entrance fee will be charged, admission will be by tickets which can be procured at the stores of Messrs. Yates, Heinsberger, and Louis H. Meares, on Monday and Tuesday. It is the purpose of the Association to have all its lectures as free as pos sible without conflicting with its in terests, so it has been thought advisable, as there will be no charge for admission, to give those so dis posed an opportunity to contribute on that night. Still, it Is earnestly desired that these contributions shall be perfectly voluntary. Dr. Battle always t enlivens his lectures with bright ideas and a pleasant occasion may be looked for. It. Id V. A. OODlrrruCC A conference of Southern Secreta ries of the Y. M. C. A. Is In session at Columbia, S. C. with between forty and fifty in attendance. Altogether there are at present ninety-seven" paid secretaries employed alone in the Southern States, wbi e three years ago there were but about twen ty. The - conference will eloBe to morrow night.. ; Koyal marionettes The; Bell-Ellis Combination will begin a Week's engagement, in the Wilmington Opera House Monday night. Judging from press notices their performances at other places have giveh great satisfaction to the public -The Lynchburg Virginian says: i "Last nicrht in snlte of the inclem ency of the weather, the Bell-Ellis combination began their three nights1 engagement tp a nouse - pao&ea xrom pit to dome. Lone before 7 o'clock every reserved seat was sold and before nair-past seven the sale of seats in the - gallery was stopoed. and over tnree nundred people were refused admission. All of those who braved the weather were well repaid. It is the best entertainment of the kind ever here. It is even better than before and with all the new additions makes it an en tertainment worthy any peoples' pat ronage. The lady brass Dana ana orcnesira proved itself an attraction indee ', both On the parade and selections in the orchestra which was attested by the applause. The presents criven away are better. more valuable and numerous than ever.and to the credit of this company it is. thev don't resort to the Aim sy, worthless presents generally given away bjr so-called gut snows." Cotton. The receipts of ootton at this port for the week closed yesterday are 7,455 bales, against 10,159 bales the corresponding week last year. Re ceipts for -the crop year, from Sep tember 1st' to December 7th, are 105, 424 bales, against 134,339 to same date last year a decrease of 28,915 bales, The stock at this port is 15,780 bales, against 24,422 bales at same date last year. I w sat bar tntft e moos. The following are the indications for to-day: For Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Eastern Florida, Western Florida, fair, warm er, southerly winds. Canrcn Notices. First Presbyterian Churob. corner of Taird and irange streets, uev. reyton u. nope, rastor. services enuday at 11 a. m. and 4.3 r. m. Mo nsretoes at nubt Monday School at S.15 p. m. rrayer mee tag and Bible study oa TBurs darntebc at 8 o'oloett. In the Lecture Room visitors welcome to all sernoes. UBnezs at tne doors. Front Street Chanel of the First Fressyterlan Church, corner Front and taeen etreet& MeeilnBTor "ra er and Praise on weanesday night at 7 39 o'clock. Sunday 8obool at 3 o'clock on ound&Y va"W Preaehlnsby bev. r-eytoa u uoge at 7. so o'otoos. banaav nignt. visitors welcome to all serviees. 8t Andrew's Charon. Presbvteri&n. corner Fourth and CamobeU sts. Rev. jobn W. Prim rose, Pastor feunday senrioes at 11 a. m. aod '.si p m. uorning awoour-e on rne tnmomt P&ra le Sabbath school at 8 0 p. m. Prayer Meeting ana Leoture Wednesday. 7 s n. m. The Dnbilo oordiall? invited. -eats free. uraoe netnooist s. unuron. iionnea&t corner of Fourth and ul berry streets. Kev. w. H. creasy, pastor. Services to morrow at 11 o'clock a m.. oy Kev r cuuaop, ana at 7 sap m oy tne Pastor sabbath school at 8 p. m seats free. A cordial Invitation Is extended to ttrasffers and vial tors. Bihel Prayer and Experience meeting this (satur av) evening, at a o oioos. Firut street m. &. cnoroo. south, preaoning to morrow at It a m. oernoes by the pats tor. Rev. D H. Tattle Sacrament of the iiurd'a sapper at olat of sermon. At 7.s0 p aa ser Vloes ry Rev F. A. Bltbup. Pnbl o invited. Vlmm t.4. nY.Y. mfth anrl Ufa- ku iMfrun wuiuvu. wauv. v. u uu wi.i mu ket streets. Rev. T. H. Pritohard, O. D., pastor Pra er meet! g eundav morning at ttt u'oiook. Serrices at U.O0 a. m. aid 7V6 d. m. Sun- da school at 8g p. m. Youim People's so ciety of Chris tan S deavor Wednesday nheht at 8 o'cl- ck Praver and Praise meeting Thurs day night at 8 ft o'olook. otrangers oordialiy inntea. A nowm TOWS atEBCHAST. having nassed several sleepless nights, disturbed by the agonle and cries of a sufferlns child, and becoming oon vtnoed that Mrs. Wmslow'i w's soothing syrup was Just the article needed, procured a supply for the child. On reaching home and acquainting his wife with what be had done, she refused to have it administered to the child, as she was strongly In favor of Homoeopathy. That nieht the child passed msuiferingjand the parents without sleep. Return ing home the day following, the father round tne baby still suffering : and while contempts contemplating an- other sleepless night, the mother stepped from i nirht. the mother stepped froi the room to attend to some domestic duties and left the father with the child. During her ab sence he administered a portion ol the Soothing Syrup to the baby, and said nothing. That night all hands slept well, and the uttie reuow awoke in the morning bright and happy The mother was delighted with the wonderful change, and al- utougnai'nrss onenasa at roe aeoepnon prac ticed upon her, has eonttnaed to use the Syrup, aud suffering crying babies and restless nights have disappeared. A single trial of the Syrup never yet failed to relieve the baby , and over come the prejudices of . the mother, sold by all Druggists. 9n oents a bottle NKW AOVKKTISEMENTS. OPERA HOUSE. ei 1 ONE WfcEK, COMMENCING MONDAY, DEO, 10TH. MATINES SATURDAY FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN AT 2 O'CLiOCtt.. Larger and . Better than Ever. ORIGINAL Boyal marionettes, Qrrlng Hinstrels and Hnmpty Dnmpty, to- getnerwitn ELLIS' CTCLONK OF HOVELTIEB AND OR AND GIFT CAttNIVAL. ONE HUNDRED B LEVANT PRBSBNTS GIVEN ' A wax at eaon exniDiuon. Carrying our own Brass Band and Orobestra. Or id street Darade every day at IS o'clock. and free Stereopitoon In front of opera Bouse every night. ? . , Reserved Seats without extra Qharse at Heins besget's. 1 teoSlw Jest EeceiTei, for the Imas HoMais, Kings, the finest lot received In the city this Fall, come and see for yourself. ORANGES O. C. NUTS.FkAI.sIN8 FAaCT CANDIES In Palls and 5 pound bozet; PBUHE3, CUR- Boeri1FfBBirrr, A Good Supply i OF ADAPTED TO THE SEASON, ABE HOW DIS PLAYED AT neaionable Prices at deo7tf ; WHOLE "NO; 6927 NEW ADVERIISEMENTS. Yates' Holiday Goods EXTRA EXSRTIOK HAS BEEN MADE THIS SEASON TO GET UP A. Fine S.fno er Beamiftil Goods AT REASONABLE PBICES. The People are Talking aboat our eleg&at stools cf Christmas HoveltieSa i . . Here are a fc w of t hem: Handsome Toilet Sets IN OXIDIZED AND PERSIAN SILVER. Wrk Boxei, Writing Desks, ! X&KICURB SETS, JSTCBL CASES. ELEGANT LINE Pb olograph .and Auto Albums, FRENCH PA8TELLE5. FMopaplis ant Steel Eeotw, PICTURE FB&UES IN ENDLESS VARIETY, FANCY MIRRORS. OD03 CASE J, BRASS GOODS', SKOZERS SETS, CARD CASS AND FINE POCSIB TB0OK8, QLOVE AND HANDKERCHIEF SET?, CHRISTMAS CARDS AND CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES, JAPANESE G00D3, FANS, SCROLLS, TASSS, SCREENS, DOLLS, &o., & , Ac. M.st and Best Holiday Gills AND JUVENILE BOOKS, Standard Sets, Beautiful Illustrated Poems, Bibles, Prayer Books, and a thousand other new and attractive articles, which yen will have to see for yourself. Don't forget to call at a Yates9 Book Store. deo 8 DAW tf 2 11- e o sa I8 bp a n t3 CI 03 ti -a S t OB O Oi a r . : wi e M SB 8 ia J BflO . CO a wa c3 2 if a wo w CS . a m SeJ m Hani Painted Melties N GREAT VARIETY. HANDSOME GIFTS for Christmas , Look at onr Goods. deo 7 tf MUNOS BROTHERS. . Ex. B. S. Sartmore. 11 0 Q QI3ACKS UVERPOOL -na am SALT IN STRIPSD SACKS. 2,000 SACKS FACTORY FILLED 2 000 8ACKB 145 roxmte' fius 4,000 SACKS GERMAN KAIN1T. R. N. SWEET. ootictr JUST RECEIVED GILT EDGE BUTTEB, FULL CREAM AND STATE CHEESE, APPLES, APPLES, APPLES, Also a small consignment of MOUNTAIN BUTTER ' HALL & PEABSALL, Wholesale Grocers and Com. Merchants, nov 9 DAW tf 11 & IS 8. Water St. SALT, SALT. SALT. LARGE CARGO, Ex. British Steamer Gaboon, FROM LIVERPOOL DIRECT. FOR SALE LOW In lots to suit the trades bvv WATT J. HEYER, Importer and Wholesale Dealer. oot 1? tf COK1FORT Is What Every One Desires, 'pHERB IS NOTHING THAT ADDS MORE TO one's comfort than a pair of SHOE3 that fit. We carry a large' stock embracing all the latest Styles and Shapes, la order that we miy be able to fit and salt the most exacting. We have everything in Footwear from an In fant's 0 to a Man's 15. Prices far llow other dealers for same quality. . . - f t3teo. . French & Sons, 108 KOKTH FBOKT tSTHKKT. deostf One gqgare ae i?m.www" tl n t-.-.,." . 'Two Days,....,.. 1 ?j v - Three D&ys... frj - iPonrDays,.. cj - Frr Days...... ; , 1 cj Ota Week. ,...--. 4 co " Two Weeks,.....;.....,; r-(j - ITiree Weeks... . f m - One Month,.......... ..... 1 Co ! " Two Month,...,. ia to " Tares MontSis, ... M Co a Montba,w........n 4 CO Cae Ysar......i..-..,. CO , iar-Contraot AdvertJaementt taken at proper " tlosately low rates. j tmes solid Nonpareil type make one "ira NEW ADVERTISEMKNTS. - WE MUST HAVE E00M ! Great InduoenientS OFFERED THIS WEBS' TO HAZBROOMinOnEESfABLISHMEST FOR THS DISPLAY OF Holiday Goods. New and Desirable Goods CAN BE HAD Below Regular Values, Kl. Bl. K ATZ'S CAfiH DKY GOODS HOUSE. 116 Market Street, WILMINGTON, . C. dec 6 tf CANDIES. dec 2 tf ASSIGNEE'S SALE. SALE, BALE. Selling Out at Cpst. Beginning to-day, at 9 o'clock, I will proceed to sell at COST, FOR OA8H, all the stock of ' Groceries, &c, now in the Store of Messrs. C. F. Browne & Co., on Water stroet, between Priucess and Chesnnt. '' T. W STRANGE, deoSlw nao Assignee. Assignee's Sale. SELLING OUT AT COST. I O FFER FOB SALE at Cott, for Cssb, the entire stock of 1 obao co. LLrars,nnff, lpes,Ao., &o , contained la utre southeast oorner front and Prinost ,'eta. Also the entire etook of Boots and leboes at wwi v w Mw&itu ffruub Bbretsfc. dec 9 tt B u B a bKBB, Assignee. For Sale. "E ICE STRAW IN SMALL LOTS OR BY CAB LOAD, 3. D. McBAE, Wilmington, N. C. For terms apply to oof 27 tf Come, Come. Come AND LET'S TALK ABOUT REPAIRING chairs, B by rrlbs. Sofas, Lounste, Baby Carriages, old Furniture made to look ss new. Musical Inetmments r paired; also, all kinds of Ma bine Needles. OIL belt, c for sale. Old Machines Repaired. J 8. FABRaF, nov 28 tf No. 11 North Second bt. Wrapping Paper. QLD NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE BY THE HUN dred or n arger Quantities at reduced prices. jyg8tf KTAWfyVin. ' Guns. TXTB ARE SELLING AT LOW PRICES TV superior Quality of Breeoh-Loading tiuns. Thee are selected from several Importer "stocks with a view to i be wanta of the eoomnien of this se tlon. rati in and examine the patterns -" ' - mane ov toete unns. nov 2S tf GILES A MURCHISON. G0C0AK0TS AND OBilBES. 2 000 COOOA2iT7TS' 2.C0O FLORIDA ORANGES, pounds Cakes and Candles j . also, Meat, Meal aid Molasses. D. L GORE, ISO. 122, 124 North Water street, - - : deo 6 DAW tf Qg - Wilmington. N. C. I Offer A' SPECTALiOT OF GENTS ANWJTrES' fine SHOES. Namely: Ytegler's-fs Kd But-' ton Boots for S2.4C ; taHeleln' 60 fine , -Pebble Goat Bui ton Boots for f.0O Other floe : ; Ladles Shoes at greatly reduepa prices. Doug- -v-. r iff $8.00 fchoe ?or flett Other-bents' job tot. t , of fine Uaad sewed Shoes at )MjhacosJ, at f nov 10 DJfcW tf IT Princess street: -' - B. F. Keith, Jr. & Co., r COMMISSION MERCHANTS, T ' TTANDLE ALL KINDS JDJ COTSTR':PEO-"" dersoroniptly attended to! : T-: i " ' ' 61 w vm trlaL r. - noy2tf eod , " . m North Water St, , H4 1!.' V. (I a! f

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