M f . .. i THE MORNIJSG STAR Dy WILUAH U. BERNARD, FUBXJSHXD DAILY EXCEPT XOHOATB. ' 7. On Tear (by MAS). Posts Paid. $6 00 Six Month. " - .. - SOS Three Months" " - - 1M One Month. Bo OTTo City Subsertbew, dettvered In ut part of tlx City, Twjlti Cnm per week. Oar City Agenb are not aathorlaed to eolleet for Uaa three months ta advance. 1 U OEM! VOL. XLIV. NO. 13. : WILMINGTON, N. a, SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1889. WHOLE NO. 70 28 ftAMtW ABVHTIIIlli oa,on.D.y, . " Three Days - " Tour Pays.. " " Five Days... " . One Week, " Two Weeks, - JWeeJu, " " One Hon Ui. " " Three Months,.. " - Six Months. ... " Cm Year, . i:oo tVOontnet Advertisements taken atpropor Honately low rates, Ten Hues solid Nonpareil type make one qt - 00 09 ! 09 00 14 00 40 00 titered at the Poet Office at Wilmington, M. C a Seoond CUss Matter.. OUTLINES. The strikes of painters, carpenters and joiners, and railway switchmen in Buffalo, are still on, and there is no material change in the situation. A packing establishment in Chi cago was destroyed by fire yesterday morning, causing a loss of about $50,- 000. The report thai Henry M. Stanley and Emin Pasha are march ing on Zanzibar is believed in official circles in Brussels Another manifesto will shortly be issued by Gen. Boulanger relative to the vote in the French Chamber sanctioning his prosecution; Coant Dillon and 11. R chefort will also be proseeated for their connection with the Bonlangist movement. -The President has issued a proclamation for the general observance of the 30th day of April, ' as the centennial anniversary of the government of the United States. The French Senate will begin the trial of Gen. Boulanger on Monday next, and daring the trial no session of the Chamber of Deputies will be held. The London Royal Geo graphical Society has received a let ter from Henry M. Stanley, the con tents consisting chiefly of a report on the geographical results of the ex plorer's march. Don's review of the state of trade for the week represents business as prosperous in spite of de clining prices; business failures for last week 222, against 240 for previous week. The President contem plates a few days1 rest and recreation outside of Washington as soon as he can do so without sacrificing public interests; his destination will proba bly be Fortress Monroe. Corne lius Van Cott has been appointed postmaster, and Joel B. Ehrardt col lector of customs at New York city. Downs & Finch, of New York, the leading shirt manufacturers in the United States, made an assignment yesterday; liabilities between $400, 000 and $500,000, with assets much larger. The escaped convict who murdered the sheriff of Granger county, Tennessee, on Wednesday, was hanged by a mob yesterday; the hanging was as orderly as a legal exe cution Gen. Boulanger has is sued his promised manifesto; it is dated Brussels, April 5. N. Y. markets: Money easy at H4 per cent., closing offered at 8J per cent; cotton quiet and firm; middling uplands 10ic; middling Orleans 10ic; southern flour dull; wheat, No. 2 red April 87c; corn: No. 2, 43i43J cents at elevator; spirits turpentine lower and quiet at 45Q45Te; rosin steady and quiet; common to good strained $1 12,1 15. Boulanger is a.f rand.' He is per haps a cowardly hero - after all. ' At any rate the way he skedaddled from Pans is the town talk and excites ridicule. That is bad for a revolu tionist and national hero. A- Paris special to the New York Tlorld gives this glimpse of the flight of Boulanger: 'The General's flight reads like a scene from a light operetta. Followed by his faithful shadows, the police, he called on Monday night upon a certain fair lady in the Rue de Berri a lady who could never have been 't assart wife.' and who is sepa rated from the General's late friends and ntertainers in the Royalist Faubourg St Germain by a huge social chasm A few minutes later the General reappeared at tired ia a flash -looking check costume and kalked away to the Northern Terminus, with his trembling charmer lea ning upon his arm." t Protection fails ; to protect the workingmen. Clark's "O. N. T.' thread factory reduces the pay of operatives. They will strike. It is protected by 55 per cent tax on spool cotton, bat it cuts wages. The N. Y. World says. "Previous to election it, like other high ly protected firms, laid great stress on the necessity of electing a high tariff President to protect the wages of the workingmen. Bat now a notice is posted in their factory announcing that the forty spirfbers are to be reduced, those on 80 "'counts 174 per cent and those on 100 4 counts" 15 per cent, on April 10.' What an infamous thiDg that War Tariff is anyhow. It protects the al ready rich and afflicts the already poor. The Stab believes it to be states manlike and wise to tax luxuries and incomes over $2,000 by the General Government so long as there are $87,000,000 to raise annually to pay pensions to Yankee soldiers and $45,000,000 to raise annually to pay the interest on the war debt. The Stab does not favor raising these great sums that aggregate $132, 000,000 npon the chief commodities of life, but upon the useless and h.rmfnl luxuries. Civil Servioe Reform is to the front. Thus far Harrison has- made but 374 changes, whereas the hungry Rada expected him to make 30,000 Bat Mr. Cleveland in the same length of time made only 171 changes, and his side had not had a nibble or a crumb in nearly a qu arter of a cen tury. Harrison will teach the C. S. R a few lessons in Bead chopping before he gets through. "Lay on McDaff." The Stab believes in taxing the luxuries first, last and all the time. The New York Herald's London paper beat all the English papers in publishing Stanley's letter. The Stab believes in taxing whis key, tobacco, cigars, beer, wines, &o.t because they are luxuries, and noth ing else. Two white sewing girls at Sum met, N. J., have been amusing them selves by setting fire to houses jast to see them burn. They confess their crimes. They said "they liked to see the blaze." They say they burnt the house for which William Van Ness is now serving a term in prison. A series of night services will commence at Grace lledodlrt Church to-morrow night." ; ' ' jy" Rev. W. a Creasy will preach to-morrow at Smith's Chapel, on the Carver's Creek circuit. The usual Saturday night ser vice will be held at the Seaman's Bethel this evening at 8 o'clock. "Commencing with to-morrow evening a number of the city churches will change their hoar for night ser vices to 8 o'clock. . Bishop Watson, of the Diocese of East Carolina, who has been quite sick at his' residence In this city, was reported as better yesterday. Annie Shaw, colored,-was ar rested yesterday and. locked up for a hearing before the If ayor 'this morn ing, on the charge of larceny. . r W ire netting has been placed over the stained glass windows of St. Paul's Church to protect them from the small boy and his sling-shot. Rev. T. Page Rioaud will preach to-morrow night, in Bladen street M. E. Church, by special re quest, his "Juniper Tree Sermon." Mr. John C. Davis of this city is one of the delegates from this State to the World's Sunday School Con vention, to be held in London, Eng., in J uly next. Dr. ThoS. F. Wood, Dr. W. J. H. Bellamy, Dr. George G.Thomas and Or. T. S Burbank will attend the State Medioal Convention which meets in Elizabeth City on the 16th lnst. There was a small fire on Church street, between Seventh and Eighth, yesterday afternoon, in a house occu pied by colored people. The fire was extinguished by persons on the prem ises and no alarm was given. A large foroe of hands will be gin work Monday cleaning out the ditches in the eastern suburbs. 'The work is important, as in their present state these ditches are a constant me nace to the health of the city. Base ball's to the f ore again. The "Hard-to Beat" crossed bats yes terday with the "Alerts" and won the game with a score of 19 to 13. Tom Oldham is captain of the "Hards" and John Tolar of the "Alerts." To-morrow being the second quarterly meeting for the present year for Grace M. E. Church South, Rev. F. D. Swindell, the Presiding Elder, will fill the pulpit at 11 a. m. and 8 p. nx, and the sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered at the close of the morning's service. To-day is school children's day on the Seacoast railroad, and an ex tra train will be run, leaving Wil mington at 10 a. m, and leaving the Hammocks at 12.30 p. m. Other trains will run as per schedule. Fare for children ten cents for the round trip; adults twenty cents; teachers free of charge. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENT'S. First Baptist Charch. The sermon to-morrow at 11 a. m. TJlhL:-A . Just Received OPENING DAYS brown & roddiok. ' w a - - -1 iuwa d - mm m '" I I . moa. otsmces will DCgin atop.m.1 AKOTHXB IUVOICa OF THOSE I AT - I. 9 NORTH PlinilT T . I 1 I - Dcaw tree mgnc. special ecrvLs will begin kt the Dongola Button Boots Tlie Indies' Emporiiiiu Baptist ChapeL corner of Fifth and Wooster streets, on Tuesday night, conducted by Dr. T. H. Pritehard. Iaepeettea. The Chief of the Fire Department and the Committee of the Board of Aldermen will meet at the Mayor's office In the City Hall to-day at noon, for the purpose of making an lnspeo tion of the engine houses and fire ap paratus belonging to the city. that are so popular among the Ladies. PRICES : DonKoIa B B. on C, D and B widths, in Opera and Common Sense Sliles, siz 1 to 7, at 13.50. Same goods on C, D and B widths, In Opera Style, with PATENT LBATHXB TIPS, sizes I to . at $2.5, and 2Jto 7 at S2.75. Geo. B. French & Sons, 1UCNOKTH FBONT 8TRKKT. - mar 27 tf W uo'tiai. ITTT-I . r ' . l T" -n There will be religious services at I VV Liming LOn O 6 aCOaSL It. H. the rooms of the Young Men's Chris tian Association,; Sunday afternoon at half past fire o'clock. All young men are cordially invited to attend these Sunday meetings. Thursday, 4th April, Friday, 5th " Saturday. 6th ,( pBAIHS WILL BUN AS FOLLOWS: Leave Wilmington 7.85 &. ra., 8 p m.. 6 p. ra. - Leave Hammocks 8.18 a. m., 5.15 p. m., 8 p.m. Trains or Can chartered at reasonable rates. SUNDAY 8CHJSDULB. Leave Wilmington 9.80 p m. Leare Hiunmooka 5pm - The pnblto, ona and all, are respeotfolly In vited to call and examine our elegant stock of TVT-? H -i -n o r y AND " FANCY GOODS. r All New Stock AND TO THB LATEST STYLES, ATBBXABX ABLY LOW PRICES. White Goods. W 3 NOW PBXPABED TO SHOW THB most complete stock of WHITE GOODS ever offered In this city, and at prIoeskwer than ever. Plaid Nainsook MasUn,from 8c to S5o per yard, striped Nainsook Mnslln 80o per yard. Plain BngUbh Nainsook Muslin, from 80o to 50o ap4tf 1IIVBB AMD BIAlllIfar.- Norwegian barque Erstatningen, Nielsen, hence, arrived at Cardiff April 3d. Norwegian barque Christina, Hytt, hence, arrived at Antwerp on the 1st Inst. German barque Burgermeister ar rived at the South port quarantine station yesterday. Norwegian barque Jacob Aall, Beruldsen, hence, arrived at Ham burg on the 1st Inst. A Baltimore dispatch, April 8d, says: British schooner Margaret i, Ryan, from Trinidad, Cuba, Februa ry 27th, for Delaware Breakwater, with sugar (before reported), encoun tered a storm March 9th, and on the 24th the vessel sprang a leak, making it necessary to use the pumps con stantly. The next day the rigging and rudder were swept away and the ves sel was rapidly filling with water, but on the 28th the schooner Roger Afoore, of Wilmington, N. C, answered the Margaret Us signal of distress and rescued the crew, taking them aboard and then proceeded on her course. She had not gone far, however, when the Margaret L was seen to pitch for ward on her prow And sink immedi ately. The Roger Moore placed all hands, seven in number, on steamer D. H. Miller on- Sunday morning, 70 miles from Blook Island. The Miller landed all hands here to-day. MBS. WIN8LOW8 SOOTHING SYKUP. RJT Stltaots Coma thus writes in the Boston Chrit tian Fnema . We would by no means recom mend any kind of medicine which we did not koow to De good particularly to infants. But of Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup we can speak from knowledge; in our own family it has prored a blessing Indeed, by giving an infant troubled with oolio pains, quiet sleep, and the parents un broken rest at night. Most parents can appre ciate these blessings. Here la an article which the sleep which It affords the Infant is perfectly natural, and the little cherub awakes as "bright as a button." And during the prooees of teeth ing its Talue Is Incalculable, we have frequent ly heard mothers say that they would not be without it from the birth of the ohild till it had finished with the teething siege, on any conside ration whatever. Bold by all druggists. 8S cents bottle NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. "WEI ILL OCCUPY THB YATES QALLBBY on or abontlAprll 8th, and will be prepared to produce PHOTOGRAPHS, Oil, Crayon anil Pastel Portraits, In compliance with all true art principles at moderate prices. FBBBBUBQBB ft WTLLABD, mar 80 lw Artists and Photographers. Just Beceived ND OPENED FOB SALE A LARGE INVOICE of Millinery Goods, Hats. Bibbons, Feathers and Flowers, Coweta, Hats of every style and color. at MKS. B. M. 8T ROCK'S, ap 5 2m fr su we No. 10 Front St. A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF Pattern Hats and Bonnets NOW ON DISPLAY. Hiss Goodwin HAS RETURNED AND WILL FILL ALL MILLI NERY ORDERS. Respeotfolly, LIBS. E. B. WIGGINS, Agent. ap4tf QF BEST AMERICAN MANUFACTURE, IN French Styles, at lOo, 12Ko and 15o per yard. GrjQLIbLai"rn b, New Styles, good quality, at 7c, lOo and 12Jo per yard. WHITE GOODS. A small Instalment of desirable styles In Plaids and Stripes, with all the qualities .of In dla Linen and Linen de Ireland. great variety and at TPT?. ATHH1H, DE METZ, Violettes, Fralinees "IT HIETS, JUST BECEIVED. E. Warren & Son, mar 81 tf EXCHANGE CORNER. Frog Fond QHTLL AND FEVER CURE. THE SURE PAP for Chills, guaranteed to cure any case of Chills or money refunded. For sale-only by JNO. H. HARDIN, JUrugglst. mar 86 tf New Market. An Immense stock of Gents' and Boys' Un laundried Shirts at 60c, 75o and SI 00. Our Dol lar Shirt we guarantee better than' any other 8Mrt sold; the body Is Wamsutta Shirting, do torn nure unen. reinroroea d&ck ana front. The Shirt is made full width and lengthwise of the oloth, whloh makes great difference lathe wear. The greatest variety of dents' COLLARS m the city, from lOo each up. a new stock sb&btinos and SHIRTINGS. Something extra in Bleached Cotton at o per yard. I1EDBICH. mar 10 tf Florida Oranges. per yard French Nainsook Muslin, from soo to 50o per yard. Plaid and Striped India Linen, from 12Ko to 26o per yard. India Linen, from 5o to 35c per yard. Victoria Lawn, from So to 85o per yard. Persian Lawn, from S3o to 60o per yard. Mull, White and Cream, from 85o to COo per yard. Linen Lawn, from So to 75o par yard. r2 wta MMlta.Tfrom 15o to 85o per yard, yard Figured Pique, from soo to Mo per branandiiS66" "" Torciion, Laces and Embroideries. imi?. m2V???Jlei ? to" assortment of TUKOHON LACKS. Which we &m nnnflrianfc th win ipiTBuiaie. BMBHOIDJUOSS in reasonable prices. peryardT EMBBOIDERIES, from 40o to f 1.75 BW los" FLOUNCING, from GOo to S2.00 per yd. Cambriok and Nainsook TUCKlHQs in plain and fancy, from Mo to $1 .75 per yard. Linen Department. We Invite all to examine onr T.iusu mtv on MBNT. as we are offering some very pretty things Jost now, as well as those articles that are used dally by every housekeeper. Fancy Linen Bureau Covers, from tOoto Sl.M each stamped Linen Splashers, from 20c to 25c each. White Linen Tray Cloths, from 60o to 11. 00 each. Fancy Linen Table Cloths, perfect beauties, sizes 8x10)4. $8 00 each. ' white Linen, from 28o to 75o pnr yard. Butcher's Linen, from 3 o to 87o per yard. Fancy Plaid Toweling from lOo to 85o per vd. Bleached and Unbleaohed Table Damask. White Linen Napkins, from 75o to 84. CO per dozen White Linen Doylies, from 60c to 82.00 per dozen. Turkey Bed Table Damask, from 85o to $1 00 per yard. Turkey Bed Dovlles. from son tn ti 7K IMF m w - - w mymt a"e dozen. Damask and Hnok Linen Tnvtla. tmm tOn tn 76o each. Linen Sheeting and Pillow Casing. Trunks, Trunks, Trunks. We are carrying the largest assortment of TRUNKS we have ever had, from the oheaoest paoking Trunk to a large doable tray leather Saratoga. We are confident It will pay any one to Inspect ours before purchasing. BROWN & RODDICK NORTH FRONT ST. mar81tf J. W. ATKINSON President. W. P. TOOMEB, Cashier. 3 000 7L0BIDA obamgxs' 1,000 Barrels FLOTR, l.ooo Bushel Peanuts. D. L. GORE. 120, 128, 124 North Water St, ap 4 DAW tf Wilmington, N. C. A woman is about to die at Defi ance from swallowing her false teeth. The j have lodged about 9 inches be low the palate. The Stab baa never favored "free chaws," tree drinks, free smokes, and it never wiU so lon? as one dol lar of the great war debt remains. Some wrecker were foiled in kill ing many ie Ycrk and Philadel phia passengera near Canton, Ohio The train was stopped before it reaohed the obstruction. Gen. Clinton Fisk a ays he sleeps safer knowing that a soldier in the Northern army is President. This blatherskite who got a few votes for President stands in hourly drea d of another "rebellion" and sees blood on the moon. Poor Fisk! Perhaps he is a humbug. The Stab has never favored, and it never will favor, free cigars, free oberoots, and free cigarettes, and a tax on blankets, hats, dress goods, cotton goods, crockery, window glass, medicines, Bibles, shoes, trace chains and cotton ties. There is a report in Washington that the Senate having adjourned the President will appoint Ualstead to the German mission in spite of the two rejections in the Senate. 1 1 The Democrats in Maryland think the Hoar programme in raising the -color line issue will do good to their party in that State. If pressed it Thorndike Rice is admirably equipped for diplomacy and espe cially for a Russian mission. He is a great gambler and in 1887 won $50,000 at the gambling hell, Monte Carlo. "Hit rsi aak. mral. Windsor Ledger. Tbe Wilmington Stab of Satur- will do good in every Southern State. I day, March 23, reached the age of zi$ years wuu mat issue. Gilmore (Edmund Kirk), the fel low who wrote a clever book or two, and did some bold -faced lyipg about North Carolina, has fled from New Haveneaving his many debts behind in paid. , The Stab baa never favored and does not favor now abolishing a tax on cigars, &a, that are purely, sim ply luxuries, and raising revenue by taxing the poor man's necessaries. That is Radicalism in essence. Ellery C. Daniels in 1870 robbed a Boston bank of 186,000. Be was the cashier. He died an outcast the other day in a hospital in New York City. He had sot seen his wife and 1 Germania Cornet Band b.ave -children for years. The wayof J volunteered to .furnish music for the the transfessor is hard.w - Memorial Day parade. , j - The Stab is a high toned, strictly moral jour nal, and one that no father would hesitate to- place before his daugh ters for fear of indecent publications in its columns. Its literary reviews are most excellent. Verily the Stab loses none of the elasticity and buoy ancy of youth with its Increasing age. May it live forever to dissemi nate pure Democracy. TJL-ii CTT75T AB AOVBBT18BOBNTS. Stab Omci Wrapping paper. Mubson & Co The newest designs. Alfot Safe Co AxenU wanted. E. Wakbxh & BoH-Fraiaes, DeWetz. . . "Z," Stab Office Boy clerk wanted. S.A-SCHLOss&Co Where to kuy goods A SpleaeMdi Procraaassie. CoL L. L. Polk, and Messrs. Spar geon Vann, A. M. Moore, and T. N. Grice, the Committee on Programme, for the opening exercises at Avoca Sporting and Pleasure Resort, on Al bemarle Sound, have arranged one of the most interesting and complete programmes it Is possible to get up. There will be no end to the amuse ment, from April 22d to the 28th, in clusive. The excursion rates are very low on all railroad and steamboat lines. A Bare rin. A gentleman of this city has in his possession a silver coin, a trifle smal ler than a "buzzard dollar." It is stamped on one side "Dollar piece, 1791," and on the other, "Sierra Leone Company, Africa." There is also the figure of a crouching lion on one side and on the reverse two hands clasp ing each other. The coin has been in the possession of the gentleman many years, and is yet as bright and fresh -looking as if just from the mint. Wanted, STEADY. RELIABLE BOY OB YOUNG MAN, te clerk, tn Grocery Store. Small wages to begin with. Address, in own handwriting. "Z., ap 6 It Care "Star" Offioe. LIr IIcGugan, TXTHEBB DO YOU BUY YOUB GOODS IN VV Wilmington T I bay them from a a. feCBLos CO., auctioneers. You see all of these goods are consigned and I can bur tnem at my own price tnere; ox Wfa Yiliiiitp Sayings & Trust Co,, 1 IIK f KEMCESS ST., WILMINGTON, N. C. a VO Lends Money on satisfactory security. Pays Interest on Deposits, Is empowered to eieonte Trusts of all kinds. mar 29 tf Notice of Dissolution. SEED POTATOES. At 10 South Front St. ' N 18 HBKSBY 6I THAT Tfl W eMW saws -W W.sMrW I I flm Of fiMrM R. PVAnAPt Jtr. Cahs mmrmm lleilw vvm w MVUB -Wv? UADDVaTVI VOU Mr Utli rLHiJ THE LABQEST STOCK OF a n w m w . a ti I I ;zau narreis hiira mj H0TJLT0N ROSE. HALL & FEABSALL, Jan IS DAW tf 11 A IS S. Water St. Executor's Notice. Hand ani Macliine Maie Harness, MEN'S, BOYS' & LADIES' SADDLES, Trunks and Bags, In the city, and at prices whloh defy compe tition. II. L. ap 2 tf The Horse Milliner. & LJ?r- Ooree R- French, Sr., on tne 16th lnst. This event necessitates a settle ment of all the affairs of the late firm. All per sons indebted to the said firm must therefore make prompt settlement to ttie undersigned, and those haying claims against the same wUI please present them at once. March 23rd, 1889. J WWTAM A. FRENCH. Referring to the icoeeded to tt BR FRENCH Jn., BurriTing partners. For Bent, SAVING QUALIFIED AS EXECUTOR OF I the last will of George B Frenoh, Sr.. de- I A STORE AND OFFICE ON PRINCE S8 ST. ceased, notice is hereby piven to all persons in- I x. next door to Evans' Shoe Store, until Oo lng su George B. French i that they will oontfc and retail Boot and l No. 108 north Front the old name of Geor Maron ssrd. 1889 t : WTLtiAir a vo-atanti . i- r luia o-a.a - mar in gbom?b r. frbnch. j. e, the undersigned hav- ya wiu or tne late firm or ns, hereby give notice to carry on the wholesale trade, at the old stand. et, as partners under Frenoh i Si Sods. debted to my said testator to make Immediate payment, and those having claims against the tober 1st, 1889, very oheap. Oo- Bouses for rent. ame wiu pr sent tnem on or Del ore tne xita day Of March. 1890. or this notice will be Dleaded against tne a. uauiiux n. eusaca, Jm , Executor. course I can afford to sell cheap. The oat is out or the bag. apeit ITIayor Co art. Wm Mason, colored, charged with s ealing two pairs of pants from a dealer in this city last August, was ar raigned before the Mayor yesterday, but the evidence did not sustain the charge and Mason was released and the case dismissed. John Waddell.colored. found drunk and down, was sentenced to pay a fine of ten dollars or be looked up for thirty days. OfBee Brskea Osb. The ticket office of the Seacoast railroad, at Tenth and Princess streets, was found broken open yes terday morning. Police officers Tur lington and Orrell made the discov ery, and reported the fact at head quarters. The thieves got nothing. however, so far as could be ascertained. WANTED AGENTS FOB OUR NEW Talent Flre-Prof Safes; sizes 8x18x18; weight 600 lbV ; ret ill price fS5; others la p o por tion. Hit best award (silver medal) centennial Kx position 88 i. ltarehance; permanent busi ness unr pnees lowest, we are not in tne safe poo I. axolusrve territory given Alpine mare vo, Cincinnati, v. ap s mi Look Here! JtNE BALDWIN APPLES $2 SSperbbL OfflOMS leOperbbL LEMONS ioo per dox. OB ANGS8. 29o per dox. COLLIER CO, asStf 110 North Water St. BENGAL MANILLA CHEROOT. JPIVE FOB TEN CENTS. A GOOD SMOKE. iry them. .This 23rd day of March, 159. sa mar 28 6 w Shoulder Braces ' TjOB TOUNG MEN AND MISSES. A A. stock to select from SPRINGS. apStf BIG Agency for BABUTM JAMES D. NUTT. The Druggist, 218 North Front St. Houses and Lots for sale verv oheaD. for auth or on the installment plan. A fine Plantar ion for sale in Brunswick county. Excellent location. Terms easy. MARTIN T. DAVIS, mar 81 tf Real Estate Agent. Established 1874. yyE HAVE IN STORE A MAGNIFICENT LINE or Tooth Brushes, a fresh supply of Acker's English Remedy lor Consumption. Prescriptions Night and iay Our Ktore will be open all to day. mar 81 tf MUMDS BROTHERS. flew York and Wilmington Steafclhii) Oo. Ar Molasses, Groceries, Prorisions, &c. OK HHDSNBW.CROP LO CUBA MOLASSES, 20 Hhds. Porto Bioo MOLASSES, Bbla Porto Bioo MOLASSES, OCA Bbla. POTATOES, E. BOSK, ODt BURBANK. Ao.. apBtf C. M. HARRIS. News and Cigar Dealer The ITewest Designs IN STTT3?I3SrC3-S AND Trouserings IN THE Cm'AT THE Merchaiit Tailoring BOOMS OF 'aer lsiieaaei The following are the indieationj for to-day: , ,.. "... J For Virginia, North Carolina. South Carolina, Georgia, Eastern Florida and Western Florida fair and slight ly warmer weather, westerly winds. MUNSON & CO. apBtf Wrappinfj Faner. rpo CLOSE. OUT AB ACCUMULATION OF OLD HEWSPAPERS, they wCl be sold for TWUTTY CENTS FEB HUNDRED. " - j . Apply at the febtf , aae . STAB OFFICE. Tierces and Cases of LARD, 40 000 LbS D & SID1ES and BSLLIES 'oCA Bbla. SUGAR. Granulated. y .White and YeUow, I 2g Tubs BUTTER, 2Q Boxes CRACKERS and CAKES, I KA Bags COFFEE, LA6UYBA. luU RIO and JAVA. 500 80X60 BOAP Laundry and Toilet, 250 80X68 STABCH JQOCasesLTB, FyQ Cases POTASH, 150 Bozas TOBACCOk Erades; 150.000 a""" 3 000 Lbfl' BlxUTr kmds I Baking Powder, Soda, Candles, Ac, &o. For sale low by ADRIAN TOLLERS, f eb 27 tf . . -. ., -: Garden Implements. TTOES, ' BAKES, SPADES, BHOyZLSj AND all kmds of Farming Utensils, as low as good goods can be sold- Orders solicited. marMtf ' GEO, a. peck. n n in ranadeipm For Sale, QNE OF THE FINEST TOBACCO, STOCK, Grain and Fruit Farms In Warren County, three miles from Vaughaa Station and four from Maoon; contains 600 acres; has Hying springs. a young orohard.and good dwelling. Price f4,500 cash. Apply to ! D. O'COKNOB, ; Real Estate Agent, I mar20tf Wilmington, N. C Country merchants WILL FIND THB LARGEST AND MOST complete assortment of General Hardware to be found in the State, and at as low prloes as any house In the country will make. We handle standard goods every tune. WJL. J. Sr-JUHBSS CO.. roUM rUB 29. BAIL RTVER, NEW TORE Located bet, Ctiambeis and Roosevelt Sta., At I o'clock P. M. GULF STREAM.. ..Wednesday, March 27 dEEFACTOR Saturday. March 80 PIONEBB Wednesday, Aprl S GULF STREAM Saturday, avtU 6 FROM WILMINGTON. PIONEER i ThnrdnT. Msrch 28 gulf stream.:" : adhi 2 Friday. Tuesday, bbnkfactob. PIONEER....?.. 3ST" Through BUls hum guaranteed to t nd South Carolina. I For Freight or Pasaa,, a V . II. Q. i S1 9 r TrafSft Manager. N u: 22 OeGeneral Agei mh 24 tf tft Broadway. N Aorll April - - . a TAVAiit Through (l from points In North apply to MALLBONES, Superintendent, Wilmington, ja. v. New York. mts ew York. mar 10 tf Importers and Jobbers, 1 Wilmington. N. O. FARMS AND LANDS FOE SALE. TMPBOVED LANDS, TIMBERED LANDF X SWAMP LANDS and TOWN PROPERTIES. The Counties of Robeson. Bladen, Cumber lane, and all adjacent sections, offer Sim mM ties for Investment. The opening of direct rail. i North make the 8HOB HEEL asotknia NEW AND INVITING FIELD for TrucklM. Gar dening and Fruit. Climate and hygiene advaa- For Sale Cheap. PjQ BARRELS APPLES, 25 Barrels CABBA E, 4Q Barrels ONIONi , Barrels B. B. P rTATOES, 2Q Barrels BURBANK POTATOES, 20 Barrels PEERLESS POTATOES. 2Q Barrels' 1Q Boxes LEMONS CHABLESfF. BROWNE, Altent. mar usw tr lages nnsnrpassea m any oountry. A oompettac point for freights. Railways North, SouthVEasi and West. Quick transport North by aeveral routes. A grand opportunity for aafa ibvm rURNDPB. i i menu, and a better one for Draotloal tmrmm ui BoruoutonHi SCome and see er write to : Real Estate Agent, Maxton. vSBPAWtf Robeaon Cow N?q Guano Iftsttibutor . AND i Cotton Planters. For sale by marMtf GILES A MURCHISON. THIS PAPERS S IBIOTM (HOC sLstf.AVKBAa04I.M The Administration Has; changed, the new president has been inaugurated, and everybody is anxious to know what will "turn no" next, but the undersigned Is still at his old stand, where he is preparea to o yon up in tne latest style H- CL PREMPERT. Barber and Hair Stmmi. Zmar 8 tf No. 7 South Front SU Woodt A Cuaara, Jao. D. Woodt a Co., WUntlngtoaiN. C. ' Norfolk, Vs. COJIIfllSSION MERCHANTS. CONSIGNMENTS OF COTTON, NAVAL Stores and Country Produce earefully handle. JaaUtC I if I. I'