v. m M -r a m fit- t 11- i . r 1 I n " - I.. i; n 1 1 j Is Mi (1 n I- j !;:-;- l i ; 1 PnMUIter's Annaaeemnent. ' ' lflJt XOBROVO STAB, the iMMt dally aW yw ta north Oarollaajs paMUhd dally. eot . . T' "WOO per year. 91 00 for tlx months, 11 M for three moatha; M ets for om month, to oaallsubecrtbera. Delivered elty subeorlbers - u of 1 emu pot ink for any ported CMOMfftektOOUTMI. THE WXKLT STAB to pabUshed orory 7rlday . morning at si 00 par year. M eta. for tlx months. S0.eta f or three months. ADVERTISTNa RATES (DAILY). One square oaeday, 91 ; two days, 1 T; three days, fSM; four days, $ 90 : are days, SS 60 ! om weak. i 00; VBA waav . U Kit a ' - i feajt. w ww wmi tv w , Himv wain ee on , one munua. $10 00: two month. Iir out Una mmt aa om tt months, M0 00; twelra months, $00 00. Tea one of solid Nonpareil type make one equara. gngPlwy?t of Fttrala, Bam Hop. PlO-Mloa, 8ooiCT Mttttan PaHtlolVM. n, o,will be oaarzed reffalar adTertlalacTatea wort, on the Stab .in 1876. H.acli I patronasre lastines. it may nare a i oe seen tnattnia statement aoes not I or worm CaroUna. With all Arm re Tear has seen additiona and inmroTe- I naner vet aa coatlv as the Sayannah I H sustain the modern theory of J&tomt& in this moTe- tm mv ,1. v..4 v. t1 .v. ftnn . .,v indiscriminate protection. It is di i"?y.a they they might be improved. The streets I but not now. As the town grows the rectlv contrarV to the notion .that T: 7 "u ?lier w WKe lta Place. WAJ. A - . . H,72TJr'SS5SM or 1 Itema" ao oentaper .nae for&mtaeeraotwaad li eeata per Una lor eaoarcbeeqaenttBaerttea. Ho adjertlseiaemi taaerted ta Local Colon at -idi!r!SS!2S,tffe,et1 ou wee ta Dany SHiJff 1 ? xinar for aoh lnaerUo "r ' ums loanu or aauy are payed where there was mud or sand, bnt much remains to - be done. They can still be improved. Then the street railway, the electric lights, the waterworks, the increase and improvement in the fire department all show, marked advance and give hope of yet farther strides in the way of development. papers-will flourish. ' ', Wilmington had in 188Q about 17, 500 inhabitants. It is believed to have now not less than 21,000 or 22, OOOr Some f e w even thinkrit more," . . . .? '. i but we do not. I( has a lower daatM I 'M tbose prepol ed on tia ' plates rats amona the white than any city I me .purposes , olj estawiflwag an t, A "f. , , T. I industry thathas been shown to vbe u bU auuwwuMnn cw -w- intolerably expensive prevail throughout the Senate tariff h John Wanamake; with aU rds,w.lth 1 y rrr"w i t"ca amoiiion, recunes upon anr- tionist legislation jof . late years : .that J thing . but a downy pillow. Having put the more difficultand costly a pro- Jmnselfin a position to be criticiaedrteita duct is in this country the more it :?L .8nart' n? aia rer(1 " shouldieprotectedwlule contradicts and condemns such du- I position, he is paying the usual penalty. Report had gone forth that president sey to the Gulf of Mexico. It has for Then we have secured the railroad I ty or fifty churches, a Young Men's Twice a week, two talrda of daUv rate. Ormmnialoattona. aalen they eoatata tmoor iPfo briefly aaropOrlablSSS ableta vrtrTob!S'y jaMedMd, Lr aooepW rejeoted If th real name oitL mwii wio.1, Ji?ftrm fawwni be made for double-oolBMa or trtple-eolama adTenteemeata. i"-b Notlof fiTlac or Death. TrOmte of Be Peot. Resolutions of Tbaaka, Jo- are ehanred for aa ordinary adyertlaenienta. bat only half ratee wbea paid for triotly In adTaaoe. At tale rate Meeate will pay for a simple aaaomaeeneat of Karrtae or Death. to the Sound, thus offering advan tages that only Wilmingtonians can appreciate. With this, road comes the Military Encampment every year. The easy aooeasibleness of Carolina Beach, a very pleasant health resort but twelve miles from town by rail and steamer, and which is being improved every year, in- Christian Association , , hospitals, a seamen's home, two cotton presses, many saw-mills, and several. manu facturing establishments. A hearty, united pull together will help, the to the consu mer. - JV". Y, limth ir -Hep. Let - the ! tyrant man fix his eye on the State of Kansas and view with alarm, while the ladies - point with pride, to the progressive devel opment of woman suffrage. Time was in Kansas when the cocktail was considered as a thing as popular, and xxarrison was looking out for a man to represent me country at the Court of St. J ames who should be 'a man of the culture anaiiierary abiuty or Mr. Motley and Mr. jjoweti, a staiesman the equal or Charles .Francis Adams ; a good ' lawyer, and ' of sufficient wealth to be able to entertain with splendor." According to our mind we think it would be looking in vain to find an individual to - nil this high standard among living men in the United States but we were not prepared to accept Mr. Robert Aiincom as an illustration of President town. Let us all work for Wilming-1 necessary to the affairs of men as the I ?M??'?1Ideal diplomat to fill; a position ton. It offers many advantages to the capitalist. Come and see. creases the attractions. ATertiaementa on wtlch ao rpeelfled number rp. . . . . of lneerttona la marked will be eontmoed tlll for- 1 hen the early completion of the uptLSxdSa' " ehw4 Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Rail- onVdiBfo?eaca1 road enlarS the commercial pros- Advertisements to follow readme matter, or ta occupy any special plaoe, will be charred extra aeoordln to the position desired Adverttaemeata kept aader the head of "Xew SHOUT STOPS. The foolishness of Arctic explora tion has had another illustration in the almost fatal termination of the English Lord Lonsdales's attempted sheresses, lady attorneys and frontier revolver: but ' it , comes, to pass that Kansas has a most advanc ed school of reform Jn .the town where the municipality consists of a unanimous council of ladies as city fathers, and a Mayor, Minnie Moyan by name, who is Burgomaster ho, we mean Mayoress. Polioe ladiea fmlA llatMfraaa all' OTdand trip to the North pole. He iTT.rm "7 ZVrZ. to which his grandfather had aDDointed the scholarly, dignified, graceful and courteous dward Everett. Danbury Reporter. i Mr. Hewitt's advice is, "Come South, young man." Wilmington Star. It de pends upon conditions. The undeveloped agricultural, milling and ; mining resources of the South, particularly of North Caro- lina, are richer and greater than may be found in any other part of the world of the same territory. If a young man has some capital and business capacity he can find gulden neids for investment in the South. hm ahuveil aftw km mkl AdrertiMmeat dJeooattaued before the tbae eontraoted for has expired, charred traasleal rates for tmw actaally puhSshedT raymenti for transleeJ advertJeemeats mast be 52Sla J5dTa?' Jowb partlea, or etraaa-en wtta pnner refereaoe. may pay moathly or aaar Urly. aooordlac to eontraot. AH aanooaoementa aad Mwif't of eandlaatee for offloe, whether la the ahape of oommonloatlons or otherwlae, will be charged as adverttoemeata. Oonaot adrerttaen wCl aot be allowed to ex I pyea ueir paee or aaveraee any thine forelcn te their recnlar badaees wttboat extra eharge at traaaleat ratea. Beantaaoes mast be made by Cheek. pect and gives assurance that soon Onr TYlArP.hftntfl Will Vn nnnnl rri nnonn J O u I Vi a mA anuiffli nf t1A tnllvr anil I I. 4 : r t 1 r - - rt . , I Tf h rlRB Tn Orvit.l tha vara hoal tVi in n. ho Uons of Western Carolina with their 7 t " 6 nJ?VT lAmu7---acnmona d -where is Energy groceries, dry coeds, hardware. An. h"t6n h?me " BOOn M hu heaIth Dem- wtthout cSiS will permit. Uut there will soon be rosuu Jloney order. .Miiniiei. or la Kener. cnuy aooa remittance win m ttm leek. Draft, Beatetere! risk of the peblleher. AdV laraes aarercaen should always specify the hi uey qeeue to adrartlae in. Where of w TT9 m" aayertuement Will be inserted la toe Daily, where aa advertiser eoatraote foe the paper to be aeat to him d arias the time hs adTertieement Is ta, the proprietor will only be responsible for the """'"g of the paper to his adj The Morning Star. ByiriLLIin II. BEH5ABD. WILMMGTON, JT. C. Feiday MoBvrjre, Apbii. 12, 1889. WILMINGTON-ITS GRbWTH, IHI PBOVK31EST, PROGRESS, ADVAN TAGES. Wilmington is a much favored plaoe. It is most fortunately situa ted. Twenty-two or three miles from the ocean, lying on the Cape Fear river, with ample shipping facilities and depth of water, and with con stant appropriations for the deepen ing of the channel, there is nothing to retard commerce or to prevent a very great expansion of trade. Com' mercidUy Wilmington holds a high poeitiwu. j vnen we regard its health, its railroad to Wrightsville and the Hummocks (that is the only legitimate word), the quick connec tion by steamer and rail with Caroli -na Beach (only an hour's trip) and the short distance by rail to the beau- groceries, dry goods, hardware, &o. With the extension to Fayetteville there most come a much larger trade for Wilmington. People who trade with Knoxville, Tenn., muot find their way to the chief entrepot in their own State. When the road shall be extended beyond the State and connection is made with the Ohio river, then we may expect a great increase in business. Then we are soon to have another important railroad connection. The Wilmington and Onslow railroad is a "fixed fact." It will be built, and soon. This opens up a most exten sive lumber business and a promise of a large development of the fish and oyster industries. Then the road will go on and on no doubt, until a North ern line is complete. All this bodes well for Wilmington. We rejoice in the prospect. Tear after year the Stab did what it could to secure this road. At the time when Col. Pardee addressed the people here upon the importance of smallei in dustries and a railroad to Onslow we improved the occasion, as our files show, by writing a number of edit orials urging the construction of this road, and showing its advantages. This was some four years ago. When you examine into the records, which alone tell the truth, you will find that the Stab has never neglected any important matter that concerns Wil mington. It is so in regard to the completion extension of the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railroad. This writer has written more than a dozen col umns on this interesting and impor tant question. It is being built. The Stab did all it could to bring this about. The Stab has for several years en some other adventurer to attempt the impossible and to swell the list of unfortunates. Folly seems immortal. The Alabama negroes are aggrieved. The few scalawags and Northern Rads in that State have held a meet ing and seem disposed to ignore Cuffee and get along without him. But this is "intolerable and not to be endured." So the negroes held a jawbation of their own and resolved to send a committee to Washington to tell the new President of their treatment, and to point to the fact that the negroes are the Repub lican party in Alabama, and that without them there is no suoh thing. They assert that the white Rads con stitute but a beggarly 1 per cent, of be entered in the court below. the condition which surround him. as it would under any conditions he may find elsewhere. After securing capital, the South Is his great vantage ground. Ra leigh Recorder. ' COMMERCIAL. WILMINGTON MARKET. STAK OFFICE, April 11. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Market stea dy at 42 cents per gallon. Sales of re' ceipts at quotations. ROSIN Market quiet at 85 cents per bbl for Strained and 87i cents for Good Strained. TAR Market quoted steady at $1 25 per bbl. of 280 lbs., with sales at quotations. CRUDE TURPENTINE Distillers Turlburt vs. Hollar, from Wilkes; and TeUow Dip and $1 20 for Hard. nio t , COTTON Market firm. Quotations Crawley, from Burke: I at thft pvoH,, vk,, vww-jw eJ a-viiv no, urainary. 7 ctstt. truou vsramary of Supreme Court. j Raleigh News-Observer. Appeals from the 10th district were disposed of on yesterday as f ol4 lows: Wiseman vs. Commissioners, con tinued. Wilson vs. Pearson, argued by D. Schenck and Batchelor & Devereux for plaintiff and Armistead Jones for defendant. Argument in this case will be resumed this morning. Opinions in the following oases were handed down: McMillan vs. Reeves, from Alle ghany; no error. Harding vs. Long, from Yadkin; new trial granted. McCulloch vs. Daniel, from Davie; no error. tine quiet at 43c. Rosin steady; strained $10501 12. COTTON KIARa good no error. State vs. error. State vs. Bracoo, from Watauga; ' o 7 WW Vimuai J eeeeeee Of error; judgment of not guilty must I Low Middling 9 o. the party in that State. Very bad! By the way, not one Protection De mocrat was on hand in either body. Worse and worse. Col. J. C. Hemphill becomes the manager of the News and Courier by the action of the Board of Direc tors. He baa been for many years the chief writer on this able paper. He is a gentleman of fine talents and is a Southern Democrat. We sup pose that he is a native of South Carolina. The stockholders are for tunate in their selection. On the 7th inst. the Boulangists se cured a victory that gives them no lit tle joy and may prove of immense ad vantage to them. The leaders of the League were tried before the Correc tional Tribunal, and much to the sur prise and dismay of the Government they were virtually acquitted. It is State vs. McCoury. from Yancev: appeal dismissed. State vs. Lord, from Yancey; ap peal dismissed. Strickland vs. Cox, from Surry; affirmed. State vs. Wilkerson, from Stanly; no error. Middling 10 Good Middling 10, 16 By Tetosraph to the Xoralna Star, j ' "Apiil 11. Galveston, firm at 10o "Jnet receipts 6C3 bales; Norfolk, steady at 10o net receipts-199 bales; Baltimore, firm at lOfo net receipts bales; Bos ton, quiet and firm at 10,10fc net re ceipta 804 bales ; Philadelphia., firm at JOJc net receipts 29 bales; Savannah, firm nat 9c net receipts! 638 bales; New Or leans, firm at lOfo net receipts 1,821 bales;' Mobile, firm at 10ic net receipts 156 bales; Memphis, firm at 10ic net re ceipts 190 bales; Augusta, firm at 10 8-16c net receipts 83 bales; Charles ton, firm at lOio net receipts 66 bales. ; voiztfiefl aiaBR&Tt. fir Cable to the Hornhur Star. LirvEBFooij. April 11, noon. Cotton quiet, with moderate , inquiry; American middling 5 1316d: sales to-day 12,000 bales; speculation and export 1,500 bales; receipts 15,000 bales, of which 40,200 were American. f Futures quiet April delivery 5 53-64d: April and May delivery 5 53-64d; May and June delivery 5 53-645 54-64d; June and July delivery 5 54-64d; July and August ueuvery o oo-o4o oa-ooa; August, and September delivery 5 51-64d: BeMember and October delivery 5 88-64d: October and November delivery 5 28-64d; Septem- oer aeuveryo oi-otu. W neat quiet; demand poor: holders offer moderately, uorn quiet; demand fair. Spirits turpentine 36s 3d. LrvmpooL, April 11. 4 P. M. Amil 5 55-64d, seller; April and May 5 65-64d, seller: May and June 5 56-64d. seller: T W" mm A m - J W june sua jmy o oo-04a, Duyer; July and August 5 55-64d. buyer; August and Sep tember 5 53-64d. buyer: SeDtemberand Oo, tober 5 89-64d, buyer; October and No vember 6 29-64d, buyer; September 5 52-64(1, buyer. Futures closed strong. Read advertisement of Otterbnrn Lithia Water in this paper. Uneaualled for Dys pepsia and all diseases of kidney and blad der. Price within reach of alL i f Ie Consumption Incurable! Head the following: Mr. C. H. Morris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with Abscess of Lungs, and friends and physi cians pronounced . me an Incurable Con sumptive, Began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, am now on my third bottle, and able to oversee the work on my farm. It is the finest me ii cine ever made." Jesse Middlewart, Decature, Obio, says: "Had it not been for Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption I wcutd have died of Lung Troubles. Was given up by doc tors. Am now in bfcst of health.' Try it. Sample . bottles free ! at Ro BKiiT R. Bkllamt's Drug store,; Whole sale and Retail. -j- sat SCOTTS EMULSION CURES BRONCHITIS COUGHS GOLDS WastinsrLkpo.., Wonderful Flesh Produe. Many have gained one pound per day by its use. Scott's Emulsion is not a se cret remedy. It contains the stimulating properties of the Hyjwpliosphites and pure Nor wegian Cod Liver Oil, the p J tency of , both j being largely increased. It is used by-pu. sicians all over the world PALATABLE AS Mlljf, Sold by all Druggists. 800TT & B0WHEK Chemists, , eb 10 DAW ly an we fr chw Ask Yonr Retailer for the JAMES MEANS $4 SHOE OR THE JAMES MEANS $3 SHOE. According: to Yonr Ji'eeds. .JAMEJ3 SEEAWS S4 RTTOT" L"?DS nJEEQlJIBES 1 tog perfectly easy the first time it Is worn. It will eatifrfV th mmi L&stidions. JAMES J83 SHOE la abohrtely tha f-tm II. . . "fc r- Sfeja 6 tit- only Bhoe of fta price which k has ever been Dlaced ir. tenslyclyon the market Xfeasa $2 Shoe for Boys la which durability mere out ward Ppear- auce. - J. MEANS & CO., Boston. Fall lines of the Rbovo nhoca for sale by H.1C. aVANS. WUmlngton. . C. fe b I7DAW 3m eu we fr REClCIfTS, Cotton. Spirits Turpentine. rrotec- Commercial Procrcsa Under lion Auspices. Rochester (N. Y.) Foat-Express. The following table shows what percentage of the exports of the TTni- ted States in 1860 and 1888 were to the countries of Central and South rioa: . 1860. Mexico i.05 Central American States. . . . .08 Brazil ...l 81 Colombia. 43 Argentine Republic . .23 Venezuela 95 chili ;o Oaianas. ...!!.!! 43 Uruguay .....".. .21 Other countries 29 1888. 1.35 .60 1 03 .72 .89 AO .34 .30 .19 .28 6.10 Totals 5 62 The export trade of the United estates, which amounted to $316,000. 06 bales 72 casks Roein 1,167 bbls Tar 466 bbls Crude Turpentine 07 bbls 1 1 ' am ii DOIHI2ST1C riARKETS. Br TelegraDb to toe Hornlnc star. Financial. Wkw Yobk, April 11. Syening. Ster ling exchange firm and unchanged. Money easy at 23 per cent, closing offered at 3 per cent. Government securities dull but steady; four per cents 128; four and a half per cents 1071. State securities dull steady: North Carolina Bixes 122: fours but 96 asked. Commercial. Nrw Yobk, April 11. Evenine. Cot ton steady, with sales to-day of 818 bales; middling uplands 10, cents; middling Orleans lOf cents; net receipts at all United States ports to-day of 6,036 bales; ex ports to urear uritam 20,338 bales; to France 4,828 bales; to the continent 6,188 bales; stock at all U. S. ports 483.882 bales. Southern flour dull and heavy; common to fair extra $2 853 80; good to choice $3 855 75; superfine $2 75315. Wheat ic lower; JNo. 2 red 85ic in store; op tions iic lower; No, 2 red April 85&c; GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1878. BAKER'S Warranted absolute! 11 go0' from whch the excess of Qu has been removed. It has more than three times the strength . of Coco mixed with Starch, Arrow root or Sugar, and is therefore far more economical, costing lest than . one cent a cap. It is delicious. .nourishing:, strengthening, easily di gested, and admirably adapted for in. valids as well as for persons in health. Sold by Grocers ererywhere. , 7. BAKER & CO., Dorctater, Mast deo 23 D&WI9m we' r an 11 tiful Waccamaw Lake, with the best deayored to secure a free bridce for Baid to have been a Bnt surprise to in J860 ta mow than doubled May 85ic; June 87c Cora wke?"No I' turnpike drive to the Sounds to be found in the South, there is much to offer to the pleasure seekers and val etudinarians. Then there has been steady im provement all through the last thir teen or fourteen years. There has been no spasm, no boom, no sudden jumping into great prosperity, but there has been certain, steady, trn--.aistakable progress. There is no error here. This writer began work in Wil mington as an editor in 1876. He Brunswick river, and a steam ferrv I the Government and was like athun- for the Cape Fear. It has had many der claP in a clear 8ky- A aris dis- editonals on the subject urging their I Patcn t0 the Boston Post says : since that year: but in the twntv. eight years the improvement in our 2i42fc at elevator; options No. 2 red April 42tc; May 42c; June 42c; July 42fc. utility and necessity. After a while it will be done. The Stab's efforts will be forgotten and some new hand will claim all the credit. So with the Boulevard for Fifth Street. When that widest of our streets has been beautified npon the plan so often urged by us, and with nice, little, attractive parks between the intersecting streets, with trees and seats and fountains and "The government demanded that tha ao cused leaders of the Boulangist party should be sentenced to two years' imprisonment, and, what was more important still, have all their civil rights interdicted for five years. Instead of this, Msquet, Laguerre, Laiaant. Turqaet, Deroulede, Pickarad and Oallian were let off with a, trivial fine of $20 apiece, When the president of the court pronounced this sentence yesterday at 1.S0, every man in the courUroom lumped to his feet, and a shout of "Vive Boulan gerl" rang above all the din. The acquitted Deputies hurried out and turned toward the Cafe Bacque, No. 2 Rue Deshalles. follow ed by a vast crowd, howling Boulanger's uaice um.a amu. Ail me government or. trade with the southern Republics iSt!ftl?W efrirNo- 2-ed A.?ril 3ic: has been onlv .hnnt 1U I May 80c; June 30c Hops quiet and steady, nasoeen.only about one-half of one I Coffee oDtions closed fl?m and hih;. was in the habit of walking much in I flowers, then the editor of that day I gans are uneasy over the verdict. It has in 1876-7, for exercise. He learned to know most of the houses on most of the chief streets. Year after year he saw steady, sure improvement. Re sidences were going up here and there all the time. Old houses were being remodelled and improved. Stores and other buildings in the business part of the city were being remoddelled or erected. And so progress and growth went on. The disastrous fire of three years ago came and then a fresh im pulse was given and a new life began. will sharpen his Faber and tell how he did it. St. Paal was careful not to magnify his office by reaping where ethers had planted. The Stab will continue on the same line of quiet, earnest, intelligent labor for Wilmington's prosperity. A gentleman from another State, with much Northern correspondence and acquaintance, tells us that in travelling and correspondence he hears a great deal more said of Wil mington now than five years ago. He says the Northern creased the prestige of the General." CURRENT COMMENT, m But if the President's hesita tion and his party's sudden silence. indicates that they have really arriv- 1 ted journals support the Republican per cent. The Bis- Circulated Papers. Jackson (Mich.) Patriot. Ro well's Jrinters Ink says there are only six papers in the country to. day haying each a circulation ex ceeding 100,000 copies daily. They are the Chicago News, the Boston Globe and the Boston Herald, the New York News, and the New York TPbrW,and the Philadelphia Record. Only one of these the Record is an exclusively morniner naDer; on the New York News is an evening paper; while four the Boston Globe and the Herald, and the New York World and the, Chicago News print both morning and evening edi tions. And, what is quite remarka- uie, uo one oi these widely circula- The Stab for nearly twenty-two I learning more and more of Wilmina years has been a factor in this good I ton's commercial advantage.. t7- ed at some appreciation of the grave difficulties in the way of oreaitng novel relations for the South and its colored population toward the rest of the country, it is a subject for con gratulation. The - constitution and the laws, as administered by a Re publican Supreme Court, have set- "s . . tiea ine States to precisely States. N. T. Star, Dem. Ballot reform Is partv, and all advocate Tariff Reform on the lines laid down in President Cleveland's celebrated messages to Congress. ow a narderer Got Off.' Cameron (Mo.) Observer. The absurdity of the law of this April $16 6016 60; May $16 6016 75; June $16 8016 85. Sugar raw higher and excited: fair, refining 5 15 -16c; cen- inrugais, w test, eje; refined sugar firm; C 6i6c; extra C 77ic; off A 7 516 7tC: mould A 8c: standard A71c: confec tioners' A 7fo; cuUloaf 9c; crushed 9c; Kowdered 8ic; granulated 8c; cubes 8ic. olasses dull. Bice quiet and steady. Cotton seed oil steady Rosin steady and quiet. Wool steady and quiet. Beef quiet; beef hams dull; tierced beef inactive. Cut meats steady; middles quiet. Lard dull; city $6 70; April and May $7 18; June 7 21: July $9 23.1 Freights irregular; ton 81Gd;grain2d. Cotton Net receipts 1,597 bales; cross receipts 6,277 bales: futures closed stead v. with sales of 99.600 bales at the following quotations: April 10. 33(1 0.84c; May 10.88 10 39c: June 10 45lQ.46c; July 10.52 10 58c : August 10 57iai0 58c: Bentember 10.0410.05c; October9.829 84c; Novem ber .729.78c? December 9. 739.74c;Jan. uary. 9.83a85c; February 9.919.9Sc; March 9.9910.02c. , CmoAeo, April 11. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour steady and un changed. Wheat No, 2 spring 85i(a85c; No. 2 red 85i85c. Corn No. 2. 844c Uats No. 2, 25c. Mess porkS$U 45 1150. Lard ' $6 80. Short rib sides $5 90Q6 00; shoulders $5 87i5 50; short clear aides $6 87i6 50. Whiskey $1 03. The leading futures ranged as follows opening, highest and closing: Wheat No. Swot b Specific cored me of malignant Blood Poison after I had been treated in vain with old Boalled remedies of Mercury and Potash. 8 S 8 not only cured the Blood Poison, but relieved Hie Rhenmatiam which was caused by the poisonous minerals. GEO. BOVELL, 3422 3d Avenue, H. Y. Scrofula developed on my daughter swelling and lumps on her neck. We gave her Swift's Specific and the result was wonderful and the enre DromDt. S. A. DeARMOND, Cleveland, Tenn. S wift's Specxpio Is entirely a vegetable remedy, and is the only medicine which permanently cures Scrofula, Blood Humors. Cancer and Contagious Blood Poison. Send for books on Rlrwl nJl!Hn Diseases, mailed free. The Swut Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Qa, mar 20 ly arm oh an welfr , The Women Praifee B.'B. B. rpHB 8UFFEBIKQ OTf WOMEN CEBTA1NLY awakens the sympathy of every true philanthro pist. Their beet friend, however, is B. B. B. (Botanio Blood Balm). Send to Blood Balm Co.. Atlanta, 6a., for proofs. I HH. It. Cassidy, Eenoesaw, Ga . writes. "Three Dome oi d. c. a. ourea my wire of sorof ala." Mrs. B, M. Laws. Zalaba, la., writes: "I nave aerer nsea anyininx to equal b. a. H. Mrs. C. H. Gay, Kooky Mount. M. C writes "Not a day for 15 years was I free from hoad- aoce. a. a. o. entirely relieved me. I feel like BBower person. ' IV James W. La.nniuitAr. TTavbfnavllia as writes: "My wife waste bad health for' eight' yvura r ivo uooiors ana many patent medl clnes had 4one her no good. Six bottles of B, B- B. cored ber." Miss s. Tomllnson, Atlanta, Ga., says; "For years x sunerea wun raeamattem. caused by kidney trouble and Indigestion. I also was feeble ana nervous a. a. a. relieved me at once, al thongh several other medlelnes had failed." Bey. j. M. Blchardson, Clarkaton, Ark, writes: "My wife suffered twelve years with rheumatism and female complaint. Aladv mem ber of my chnrch had been cured by B. B. B. She persuaded my wife to try It, who now says more is nouung liae a, Drunkenness her relief." , deolDWly B. B., as it quickly gave nrm The State Chronicle Successor to the Farmer and Mechanic and the Chronicle.) Under New Management NEW8Y BRIGHT AND CLEAN. UP a WITH THE TIMES. npHE "STATE CHRONICLE" WILL BE WHAT .1. its name implies a State Paper. It Is not the Razjmh 'XJhronlole," and will not be local or sectional. It will aim to keep np with the news from Murphy to Manteo, or, as the politicians pat it, from Cherokee to CarritDok. It wQl the organ of no man, no ring, no seo Hon, no party. It will be Democratic In politics, bnt will not hesitate to criticise Democratic mea raxes and Democratic officers. .$2.00 . 1.00 . 60 relations of the Southern State which relates to persons charged IJJBhk' l!?Zi with murder and pleading insannf is X'ioi w Jivmuvm i BKiu uiustratfid. A fw nava arrrt I SLAV ssa. jsa. 2,ujn v9j; OK aii vt I Henry Ammel was tried for the PPirJfe1,1 ; Jane $11 55, makinc I watai murder of his mother-in law. I i v .T A la- 11 67. o i tt ... . : TEBJW OF SUBSCRIPTION: One Tear. Six Months Three month;. For a Samrle Copy address THE STATE CHRONICLE, oct tf Raleigh. N.C. WESTERN North Carolina Baptist, Late Bine Ridge Baptist. THE PAPER OF.THB. WESTERN BAPTIST CON rVENTION AND OF THE 20.000 BAPTISTS WEST OF THE BLUB RIDGE. The! Best General Advertising Medium Ha onr i Mountain Section. Or the Liquor Habit, Positively Cured BY ADMINISTERINQ DR. HAINES' O010EN SPtClflC. It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea. or in ar ticles of food, without the knowle ifre i f Die per son taking it; it is absolutely liaimk-? ami will effect a permanent and epeetrv cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or tin alcoholic wreck, it NEVER FAILS. We GUARANTEE a complete cure in every instance. 48 page book FREE. Address in confidence, GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO.. IS5 Rass St. Cincinnati, 0. Ian 5 DAW ly- tt so we TYLER DESK CO. ST. LOUIS, M0..V.S.A. ken of 400 DtSteremt Styfet of FINE OFFICE DESKS BANK COUMTEEa, COTOT HOXTSE TUKSTtXTKZ, TABLES, CHAIRS, &e. D0 Page Xllnatrated Catalogue Free. Postage 7cta H0T.23 3m frsawe DUGROS mmmx mm, Its principle ingredienLPtre Meat, ie BcientiflcDy rarmiuatea with medical remedies, givtnif it won. aerfnUy stimulating' properties ; invitroratin? tha Vital fproea without falipiin the digestive oivana In Tttphoid, Yellow and Malabiai, fevere.it is in valuable, giving strength to overcome these malar. Hciana of Paris aa a tome for Convalescents and Weki so I or lung diseases. r. Foucera v t sr . e 28 ly frl FARMS AND LANDS FOR SALE. TMPBOVED LANDS, TIMBERED LAW X SWAMP LANDS and TOWN PROPERTIES. . The Counties of Robeson, Bladen, Cumberlaob. and all adjacent sections, offer fine opportuni ties for Investment. The opening of direct rail ways North make the SHOE HEEL sections NEW AND INVITING FIELD for Tracking, Gar- rianlnir u.nA TJVnit mimata and bvirtene advan tages unsurpassed In any country. A oompetlnc nnfntfnr frAiirhtii. Railways North, South, East and West Quick transport North by several routes. A grand opportunity for safe Invest ments, and a better one for practical farmers and Horticulturists BCome and see or write tOQ. BU)CK Real Estate Arent, Maxton, y so DAWtf Robeson Co.. N. G WANTED AGENTS FOR OUR NSW Patent Fire-Proof Safes: sizes 28x18x18; weight 500 lbs ; retail price S35; others la propor tion., Highest award (silver medal) Centenuuu Exposition 1888. Rare ohanoe; permanent busi ness. Oar prices lowest. 'We are not in the safe dooL Exclusive territory given. Alpine Safe Co., Cincinnati, O. ap 6 34t WAtb- mm & i K t 1 .91.1 . . l - & I " I I jArfl w 1 1 VI IK. U om n csw -v... UMUUkweaWu..aDOOnL. uiasonr people Have taken steps to marked progress in nearly erery I was acquitted on the testimony 6 m June t6 876 90 6 87 Ju i v oS' Tflllu V. Hflrfpr Fflltnp , Piwiptnr but it has steadily helDed in that I invita mnnfMn,M - i I State in the Union. Wham lw I of "exDerts " whirtri - . .w.wVMVSB CU1U U I 1 . - - I . " - ' .. rection. It has not blow maf iTio I tr,m I have not been already Dassed. and I jnrT that he was insane. Under the I May $5 92. t -. ..v, .I . J . WB T where bma are - - 'in the I law he was ordered to be aent to the 6 ; July $9 05. 6 07. 6 07 growth 'Us own achievements It pect a yery speedy deUpment of &res iZZZ nas essayed to do its duty. It has th e smaller manufacturing in dnstries, discussion, and the. people every- transfer to tl advocated annh r.rianooa an1 imnmn.A. mA ; v t. i . whpro ordered to be sent to the am. But while - awaitms mat institution he was ez- . Short rib sides, per 100 lbs D s. 5 wt;' June f 5 95, 6 00, AS A AW SB An " 8t. Louis. April 11. Flour auiet and easy, Wheat lower; No. 2 red cash 87c PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING!! A8HEVILLE. N. advocated such changes and improve- and it to be hoped that the- larger we'e taking great interest in the ed by Jits Superintendent, Dr. Corn unZliletfoV2mll h 0harl0tt6 Dall Uiirbnicle nentl SS t thnnotit. o J I . , , . . I efforts made tO throttlo AnrmnHnn I AtWOOd. anil nrnnnnrnJ vrftlv 1 Ua Sfav finsAPAl. Tl. ooiyM.. Wiivu ASCU. VTUJ.UUlUXDa ments as it thought were needed and beneficial. The fact remains that ones may be nlanted here aljn I . 10 inroiue corrupuon at I ana pronounoea penectiy wSL; 1 , v hhMotb Tbe danger to free "ne. Under tie circumstances therl vviunincrton has POod achnnl. liu I institiifinn. iv: - t - I -s.l: . . . . Wi'lmA, .- v I jxt r 0 . -...wUO lutauiv 1U Ulo uUCUlul I uvuuuk Ml ao DUE SO lurn Dim vviimington has grown, has improv- sufficient hotel acoommodtion at tiona of politicians is f ully appreci- I lxe and this was done, ed, has become a comparatively well. I present, and is on a fair way to ated 411(1 -th public in general is giy-1 "' m m'm ' mg a cordial welcome to tha advent of the AuBtralalian ballot reform. Baltimore American Rep. S ' Here are a half dozen- impor tant industries. In all of them Mr. Duut ana attractive little city. Said greater Importance as a seaport for " oaia genuemanrecenuy tons -Nortn Carolina. A more generous from an upper town that flourishes: I recognition of its importance on the "I had no idea that WUmington was I part of the peonle at lari?e. and a 00 handsome and pleasant a city Its I broader appreciation on the Dart of I Taa8g tracet the operation of the cnurcaea axe maeea a great ornament the Ijeirialature. would oontribnt I . ,"UiiF,e uamtuy, mat wcera and are impressively handsome." very greatly to giving sharper im We walk or ride around the town petus to the growth, prosperity and to-day and we can point to this house portance of the chief city in the erected or that house enlarged or Sute. It is at present-' as well sup that one transformed since we began plied with newspapers, as the actual oua statu cohtbeiporabies. MOT of our farmara trv ta cnltirmla too much land, Tha aim ahonld be not to Pju" lrse lot of land, but to plant land !v weU PrePred and made fertile, with the view of raising a good crop oa what is yiauiea. Washington Frogreu. mat May 80f304c: July 33i32fc. Oats iower;xio. a casu Hc; May , 25i25Jc Whiskey steady at $1 03. Provisions very dutt. Pork quoted at $13 50. Lard prime steam quoted nominal ' at $6 50. vrj sail meats oozed shoulders , 5 25 long sides and rib ttdes,$6 80; short clear aides f6 40. Bacon boxed shoulders $6 00 long sides and rib sides 18 906 95; short y?" ' iJf; hams f9 75a Baxtmorib. - April . n.-riour dull. Wheat southern . fairlv. rta . trxAnZTT v 1"" own im and , learn .economy. It may industry has . prospered to s point prove a bleating to North Carolina by boIt- where prices are kept approximately ln 11x0 aegro problem and give the white as low as abroad. -In cases where a!!-control of the negro counUes. thishasasyetbenimpraoticaWthe rSlfSL "blue back" spelling book from the schools oaspotandApril 8586c , Coiwnth ern quiet and ateadv-whit o777r,,r liSc; western fcm. Uijrww result has been the contrary. It will LiHAKi.Kimra jani 11 . - w rxz -Tr wymiBf iiirDen i v auvwwfla, wui "Turn tine Arm at 88cf closed steady at 40c Rosin I tflHSatetfJ t.ais?w qnewjfooastraaedflOM;; irr'?JStf2S5Jft5f flA. DEMOCRATIC NEW8PAPKR : Brlgbt, Newsy, Cheap. Contains Latest TelesTaph Dlspatohes and Mar ket Reports. t Believes in Keeping up with the Tbnes. ukes Agsressiveness in Baslness and in Stat. Bnoourswres the UpbaUdlror of North Carolina Is a Strong Advocate of More and Better Ed- noauon. $7.00 per real t SS.OO for three months. -W. S. HEMBY, . Caarlotte.11. 0. V 1owSOPriet0, THe Adxiiiiiistration TT4f : PHANQBD- TH NEW ' PRESIDENT MM uoon uHUimMtiul anil .nnhM. la ap" next, Dos stand, where he latest styia. , r Savannah,--'April ll.-Spirlts turpen- atfilP-IJSSffi Horning IMews.) The Leading Commercial, Political and Business Newspaper of the Southeast. The SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS te " established, enterprising, vigorous newspaper, possessing on equaled faolllties for gathering um latest news and presenting it in the most reli able shape to Its readers. It is oarernll; edited, and discusses all questions of public iBteren without fear or favor. Its telegraphlo serrioe is unrivalled, embracing full reports of the newi aad markets of the world by associated pre (New York and Western), supplemented or SDeoial Iservloe from. New York, Wasbine'o Atlanta, Jacksonville, Tallahassee and otcw news centres. In politics it Is thoronghlr ooratio, bat Independent of political cliques. is a large 8-page paper, published every a&7 m the year. Prioe, $10. THE SAYANNAH WEEKLY NEWS Is a 10-page newspaper, containing 112 colom of matter, Including the cream of the content Of thMoainireNaws;has an Agricultural partment. Household Receipts, Fashion Kepon and Original and seleoted Stories, and a bp""? Weekly market There is no better paper the world than the Savaithah Wukit bi The price is only $1.85 a year. , ... Send for the Moaarae Naws premlam lt Address MORNING NKWft. feb S9 tf savannah. The Robesonian, PaWJahed every Wednesday In Lumberton. By W. W. HcDIABMID. HAS THE LABOBST OXBCDLATION larcMtadTartlslnc Datronage of ?7.SS "i" - t hniuimu tr- m sae state, it now nas over eigui. - sorlbers In Robeson ooanty alone, era! eUeolaOon In the eounttes of f1 the adjoining oounties, -Marlon. Marlboro - uarusxtoa. in boata wwma. If

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