X 7 - . le Gr re a 3. AO. lIL TT 1 UK, U IS 11 80 11 IT II U 13 11 imo- Y. :on ORE rll 17 rO M rtl 87 rll 13 U 19 1 25 onga iortn iC. win CO. trrs as of dirt. irey U rrcfl Ibe b4 BAL ion5 k of tree. B. vest rHE MORNING STAR rCBUSHTO DAILY MECKFT MONDAYS. BATM 0 SVBBCmnWW, Of ADVA0. One Year (by r2i Paid. J ,x Months, Thr Months . " 1 2 ,Ya C!f Ttj-tii Cim par week. Oar City A ltit, are not authorised to eolltwt tor mow ra tire moatim In auvanoe. . .ur-Q a. oo daan Mitter... OUTLJ3K&. There is great excitement in El Pass, Texas, over the city govern ment contest, and an indiscreet word or move may lead to bloodshed; the Republicans have seized the City Hall with au armed posse, and ther leader is now umler arrest for contempt of court. Postmaster Henry G.Pear- ,u, of New York, died yesterday uioriiiut,' from hemorrhage, caused by cancer of the stomach. A Na tional League meeting, which was to liavt- been held at Pillotown, Ireland, lias been forbidden by the govern. itj.Mif. ien. Boul anger has de- t-ruiineJ to leave Belgium, and will 1:0 to London. Dr. P.' R. Daniel I'r.'M.leut of the State Board of ilt-alth of Florida, declares that the r-port of yellow fever in Jacksoville i- absolutely false, and that the gen eral health of the city is decidedly Zjjil. An arrival at London yes- ter Uy of a vessel from Baltimore, re ports passing a life boat of the steam er 1) tumark, the condition of which furuiahad good evidence of the safety of the passengers and crew of the i 1 1 ftt-tl steamer. The street car strike in Minneapolis continues, but with the aid of the police a number of cars were kept goinjr yesterday. Three men were seriously injured on the Duluth ii Iron Range railroad in Minnesota yesterday. It is es timated that from five hundred to one thousand boomers will have made an illicit entrance into Oklahoma be fore noon of the 22nd, and that by Tuesday there will be ten thousand people in and about Guthrie. It is estimated that there will be one huulred thousand words of special telegraphing from Oklahom a on the day of the opening. Three col ored men from North Carolina have secure. I positions as watchmen in Secretary Rusk's department; one of them is an ex-member of Congress. Mr. Murat Halstead, the editor of the Cincinnati Gazette, is reported to " dangerously ill from an attack of rheumatism, which has affected his heart. A lady, her two daugh ters and a hired man were drowned near Carthage, Mo , Friday even ing, while attempting to ford a swollen creek in a wagon. 2iew York markets: Money easy at 2 per cent.; cotton firm: mid dling uplands 1015-16 cents, mid dling Orleans 11 3-1G cents; southern Hour dull and heavy at !3 355 75; wheat weak and lower;No. 2 red 84T cents in store; corn strong and high er; "o. 2, 45 cents at elevator. The burning question in Illinois politics just now is whiskey. A woman in New Haven pulled her hat pin out and drove it two or three inches deep into a fellow who had offended her. Anew instrument of war. The taking of a census with accu racy is generally fatal to the size of the population. Somehow the num bers shrink greatly, like Vance's "cat fish" story. In Norfolk, Va., Mrs. Chas. Hoag .land, a native of Gates Co.,N. C, while insane, jumped from the roof of a building, tstie was cut severely but no bones were broken. After all the unmanly censure of Stcretary Bayard by the Radical press as to his management of the Samoan matter, Blaine is following right along in his foot prints. News from Washington is that the "fire-tried Radikils are kicking, are mutinying at Harrison's plan to appoint "good white men leaders." T hat is not the sort of alliance they seek. It is said that the Boston barbers will advance prices. They propose to shave the pockets while shaving faces. Ought not a man who will submit to such barbarism be well shaved? It is fair to state that Gen. Pryor as tot in command kof a brigade, bat was acting as a courier or scout when he was captured. He had not bad a command for some months prior to this. F. Gil, one of the biographers of Poe, was the purchaser of the cot tage at Fordham where the gifted Southern poet once resided and loved nd Wrote and onfToro1 anrt mfiara bis sweet young wife died. At Kershaw, S. C, policeman Hilton was painfully wounded in at tempting to airest John Harrison and George McCraven, two rowdies. Harrison's arm was broken by a bullet and McCraven was killed at the first fire. A plucky policeman wbo is a good shot. VOL. XLIV. NO. 26. "If not our usually accurate friend, the editor or the Stab, a little off here in spes lnff of the Torv rjartv aa that of Mr. John Bright? We are not quite rare of our posi tion. Dut it aeema to us tnat Mr. unzniwas a Liberal, but opposed to Mr. Gladstone on the Irish question. He waa what ia called a union La ber&L ' jjurnam riant. larrect, and we knew wnat is stated. The Union-Liberals, as they call themselves, are bolters from the Liberal party and vote regularly with the Tories or Conservatives, as they call themselves. The Union -Liberals are much suoh true Liberals as the handful of Liberals in North Carolina a few years aero were Democrats. They were really Radicals in sheep's clothing, and the Bright crowd are practically disguised Tories. The English papers are praising the Trenton's crew for their game cheers in the very jaws of death. The London Telegraph says: "We do not know in air naval records any sound which makes a finer music upon the year than the cheer of the Trenton's men. It was distressed manhood greeting; triumphant manhood, the doomed saluting the saved, it was pluckier and more hu man than any cry raised upon the deck of a victorious nne-of-battle ship. It never can be forgotten, never must be forgotten by .Englishmen speaking of Americans. That dauntless cheer to the Calliope was the expression of an immortal courage. Sambo has a small pone at las Smalls, the South Carolina darkey, once in the Federal House, is to be collector of customs at Beaufort, S. C. Small favors should be thank full received. The "mgger" party seems to be going back on the "nig ger." ine important mail service is, however, used for rewards. The negro would do less harm in the Cabinet, the Congress or the various Departments. In Richmond, Va., the many Bap tist cnurcnes nave been enjoying gracious revivals. Up to date 829 members have been received during the year. The State says they were distributed as follows: "Venable 8treet, 149; Pine Street. 141; Grace Street, 134; Leigh Street. 106; Second Church (approximately). 100; First Church. 68; Fulton. 67; Clay Street, 24; East End (approximate!?), 20; West End. 20." Mr. Theodore Hobgood has begun the publication in Asheville of the JEvening Journal. It is eight pages and is supplied at $5 a year. It seems to begin well. A different form would be preferable, it strikes us. We wish him abundant success. An evening paper ought to pay in a town so favored and flourishing as Asheville. When you use adjectives be sure you attach some meaning to them. Do not stick them to every other word as you would put paste to a bill poster and put on with a white wash brush.. When adjectives turn enemies and begin marauding in the columns of a newspaper, they de serve no better fate than io be shot to death on the spot. New York is preparing for the "golden fleece." The victims will be the visitors to the centennial celebra tion. There are many signs looking that way. Take a well-stuffed purse with you if you do not intend to bor row, and take heed to pick -pockets and well dressed strangers who used to know you. It really begins to look as if the Danmarkhad gone to the bottom of the ocean with all of its precious hu man freight of six hundred, thus ad ding to the vast number of ship wrecks at sea and the hundreds of thousands of immortals who had found burial in "the multitudinous sea incarnadine." Rev. Dr. Brown, President of Wesleyan Female College, Cincin nati, and his music teacher, Signor Tabiani, an Italian, had a set-to, and the parson was too muoh for the man who knocks the ivories, although 60 years old, to the 35 of the Italian. Muscular Christianity that! The Augusta Chronicle says: "It now looks as if the Georgia, Caro lina and Northern railroad would be fin ished from Monroe, N. C, to Cheater, Greenwood. Elberlon, Athens and Atlanta. This Is a rery important line, connecting with the Seaboard and Roanoke railroad system. It parallels the Richmond and Danville system, and for years it waa sup posed that this influence would keep down theG, C. and N." Henderson Gold Leaf. The Gold Leaf heartily endorses the following from the Wilson Ad aance. Speaking of the Wilmington Stab, one of the ablest and most en terprising and instructive papers in the South, it says: "In onr opinion, the best daily in I the state is vuo ty uuuogwD otak.- M WILMINGTON, N. C., SUNDAY, APRIL 21, 1889. THE CITY SEW ADVBBTISB1BERTS. Asa VBJtABiiB Wanted. Tatrs Seasonable goods. Geo. A. Peck New goods. 8. A. ScBXoes & Co. A fact. Db R. H. Lewis Eye and ear. O. R. Fbkztch & Sons Low shoes . H. L. FskneUj Horse clothing. Masonic Meeting Orient Lodge. Stab Offick Wrapping paper. E. Wabben & Son Only a nickel. J as. D. Nutt Fifty per cent, saved. Bbown & Roddick Immense stock. Sociable Hibernian Benev. Society. Fibhb late Merchant tailor garments. O. M. Habkis Manhatta and chariot. W.H. Obekn A Co Open all day to-day Local Dots. Easter eggs were displayed in market yesterday morning, and sold readily.' Poultry comes high. Chickens were selling at 80 cents a pair in mar ket yesterday. The Cape f ear fire company will have engine practice to-morrow afternoon at 7 o'clock. There are several candidates for Aldermanio honors in the Fifth Ward. We hope a good man may be selected. The County Register issued nine marriage licenses the past week. two of which only were for white persons. A special meeting of Orient Lodge No. S95. A. F. and A. M for work in the Master's degree, will be held to-morrow evening at 8 o'clock. I here was one interment in Bellevue oometery the past week; none in uauaaie. in jrine f orest V TT 1T1 A. cemetery there were two interments Painting and repairing is all the go in the city. A large residence is being erected on South Sixth street, between Market and Princess - Rev. Wm. M. Kennedy will preach at the First (colored) Baptist Church, corner of Fifth and Camp bell streets, at 3 o'clock this after noon. The revival meetings at Fifth Street M. E. Church, under Rev. R. C. Beaman, are growing in interest. Mr. Beaman is spoken of as a man of deep learning. -Rev. F. W. E. Peschau will lecture on "Pilgrim's Progress, or The Christian's Race," in St. Paul's Lutheran Church, to-morrow after noon at half-past 3 o'clock. The Baltimore American sug gests that real religion to-day will not consist in wearing anew hundred dollar outfit to church and dropping a five-cent piece in tne collection plate Easter services in St. John's church: 1 Early celebration, 7.30 a. m.; Morning Prayer and Holy Commu nion, 7 30 a.m.; Sunday School ser vice (choral), 4.30 p. m. Collection at each service. There will be a grand rally at the Central Baptist Church, to-day in the interest of the new church build ing, and a cordial invitation is ex tended to everybody to attend. There will be preaching by different minis ters at 11 a. m. and 8.00 and ;8.00 p. m. Services at St. Panl's Episcopal Church to-day at 11 a. m., 3.30 p. m. and 8 p. m. The afternoon service will be the children's Easter celebra tion and the exercises will be most interesting. At night the music will be of a high order, rendered by a competent quartette. Seats free at all service; all will be welcome. Offer, ings at all services to be applied to the indebtedness upon the parish. Death or Mr. Jno. W. Tboupion. Mr. Jno. W. Thompson, formerly secretary and treasurer of the Wil mington & Weldon and Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta railroad com panies, died at his home in Goldsboro on Friday last. Mr. Thompson was a resident of Wilmington for many years, and the annouecement of his death was heard with porfound sorrow by many warm friends here. 'The funeral took place yesterday at Goldsboro, the services being con ducted by Rev. J. C. Mullen, of the Presbyterian church. Capt. Divine, Mr. W. A. Rlaoh, Mr. Jas. F. Post, Jr., of the Atlantic Coast Line, and others from this city, were in at tendance. The pall-bearers were Mr. J. B. Edgerton, Hon. W. T. Fair cloth, Mr. E. B. Borden, Mr. R. P. Howell, Mr. Thomas W, Slocumb, CoL James A. Washington, Mr. W. F. Kornegay and Dr. John F. Miller, 8t. BIrk'a:cnarcn-Eatr. The Easter ritual at this church pro. mlses to be of an unusually high or der. Numerous rehearsals have been held by the choir, and the musio ar ranged by the Rev. Charles H. Hutchins will be under the charge of Wm. H. Norwood and wife, with cor net and organ accompaniment. The hours of service will be at 11 a. m. and 2JSO and 8 p.m. A hearty invita tion to attend is given to all. Extra seats have been provided, and polite ushers will be in attendance. OKT LAWS OF JjOCAIu INTEREST at Ui Lt Saaalon of h Usncral AMembly. Among the Acts'passed by the last Legislature, the following are the captions of those of local interest :, To relieve errand juries from com ing Into Court in a body, except in certain cases: Indictment may be returned into Court by foreman of grand jury, without the attendance of the body, except in capital felonies. v. Relating to auctioneers: Bonds of auctioneers leic to discretion oi board of commissioners (or county or town), not to dred dollars. be less than nve nun- To protect telegrams and letters: Made a misdemeanor, punishable at the discretion of the Court, to obtain or attempt to obtain any knowledge of the contents of a telegram address ed to another; or for clerk or opera tor toidivulge sueh contents; or to open or . read a sealed letter or tele gram addressed to another if done wilfully or wrongfully. To authorize the Mayor and Com missioners of the town of South port to convey lots on Franklin Square to Trustees of Methodist and Baptist churches; and in their discretion to oonvey other lots to churches. To amend tne laws concerning pilotage: License of Cape Fear pilots to be for term of one year instead of five; vessels coming to oouthport seeking orders to pay one-half rate of pilotage to Wilmington; number of pilots commissioned for Cape Fear not to exceed thirty (when present number reduced to tnat number); number of pilots not be reduced below twenty, and apprentices from five to ten; section requiring pilots to keep apprentices, and section exempt ins coal vessels from pilotage fees on Cape Fear River repealed. The Code, seotion 2S40. making: it unlawful to kill for sale wild fowl in Currituck county, between March 10th and November 10th, or ship out of State wild fowl killed between such dates, enacted for and made appli cable to New Hanover and Brunswick counties; also, .concerning use of blinds, &c, by non-residents. To extend the time for collecting taxes: Bale of real estate for taxes to be in May instead of February; ad vertisement to be in April; returns to be tiled by first Monday in June. To prevent trespass: In JUuplm and Sampson counties, made unlawful to gather dog-tongue (or vanilla) whor tleberries, etc., witbout ;permission. Fine from five to fifty dollars. To incorporate tbe JNorth Carolina rower Uompany: Isaac Bates and others Wilmington, N. C, incor porated; to furnish light and motive power from electrioity; capital stock 220,000 to 2100,000 To prevent fishing by muddymer the streams in Pender county: Made a misdemeanor; fine of not less than one dollar nor over ten. To incorporate the Wricrhtsville and Onslow Navigation Company: B. U. Moore and otners incorporated; powers to own steamboats, &c. : capi tal stock twentyfive hundred dollars, and may be. increased; may condemn land for landings, etc.; snail nave ex clusive right to transport freight and passengers on certain sounds To protect manufacturers of lum ber: Liumber manufacturers may have brand, to be registered in book called Registry of Timber Marks by register of deeds; erasure of any mark a misdemeanor; wiiiuiiy navmg in possession a branded log to be a mis demeanor. In reference to the killing of deer in the counties of Pender and New Hanover: The Code, section 2832, to apply to Pender and New Hanover; . J flW act oi loo?, exempting an counties east of Wilmington and Weldon Rail road, amended by excepting New Hanover and Pender. To prevent the catching of diamond back terrapins in the waters of Brunsi wick county: Misdemeanor: maxi mum fine $10, minimum $5 per terra pin or egg; half to sonool fund, half to informer. To suppress and prevent certain kinds of vicious contracts: No ac tions to be maintained to enforce per formance of "future contracts"; npon verified answer that cause of action is on contract made void; burden of proof is on plaintiff; misdemeanor; minimum fine $100, maximum $500, imprisonment discretionary. To promote tbe immediate cultiva tion of shell-fish by the citizens of the State: May enter or own in fee grounds in any quantity if planted before 1891. To reerulate fishing in the northeast branch of the Cape Fear river: Un lawful to fish from February 23rd to July 1st, from midnight Saturday to Wednesday morning; traps, seines, &c, regulated. To incorporate tne town or ooutn- port: Incorporated as 'Tbe Uity of South port"; foil act of incorporation in fifty-seven sections. To incorporate the Carolina Insur ance Company.of Wilmington, North Carolina: May act as agent of foreign companies; capital $25,000. To reauire banks incorporated within the State of North Carolina to make stated reports to the State treas . . ii . i i i urer, identically - uuiiuutii uau& statements; to be printed in newspa per; treasurer to send examiner an nually, and banks to pay $25 for ex amination; failure to comply punish able. .... To amend chapter one nunured and five, laws of 18t: cierK of the Criminal Court of New Hanover pow er to take probate of conveyances. To repeal all. laws prhibiting the sale of liquors relating to the town of Point Caswell, Pender county. North Carolina. ... To incorporate tne jxortneastern PoMoov nnmnanv: Jew Jtw incorpor ated from Wilmington through Ons- To Drevent fishing wiin wire nets - . -A.a.A SA VIS HI A A 2 irrthe waters of the Cape Fear river, Koinw Wilmington: neiow wricrnts yllle sound and mouth of Cape Fear, including the river, wire net and other net fishing forbidden. To protect deer: Close season changed to begin February 1st in stead of 15th, and end October 1st in stead of August 15th. To amend an aci ennueu -an act tn Innnmorate the Jiast Carolina Land and Railway Company," being charter 198 of the laws oi ii7: Time within which to begin railroad ex tended for two Years; may issue mort-o-a.cn Honda: power to condemn lands: board or education to convey White Oak swamp to the company lor $25,000 mortgage bonds, when road is completed from A. & N. C. R R to New river, in Onslow; counties may subscribe; sections 5 and 24, acts loo7, chanter 198. repealed. To authorize the Commissioners of Brunswick county to levy a special tax: Special tax of thirteen hundred dollars to pay indebtedness for year 1889; 12 cents on one nunoreo dollars. To authorize Justices of the Peace to take bond npon continuance of certain criminal cases: Upon con tinuance of any criminal action Jus tice shall take bond for appearance of defendant; upon forfeiture judg ment nisi to be entered If not over $200; to give ten days notice to prin cipal and sureties to show cause why I judgment shall not be made absolute; I If moHA n.rtnolntn to b rinnlratAri if over $200. to have defendant called out and send case to Superior Court; procedure. -m Children's Day. The committee on "Children's Day" made a prompt and very full report on the Seacoast Railroad yesterday. There were school crildren straight, scnool cnildren by brevet, grown children's children, married children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and children put up in the smallest sort of packages. In point of fact, there were four coaches full of 'em; and the fellow who took that train while laboring under the hallucina tion that it was not "Children's Day" was early and often reminded of his mistake by the exhibitions of infan tile lung power that greeted him on every side. But everybody, from the veteran Judge Shipp down to the smallest brand of baby known to the trade, had all the fun allowable under the new constitution. The train was run through solid to the terminus of the Ocean View rails road, near Masonboro Inlet. And, by the way, this road is correctly named, as a magnificent view of the ocean may be had from the cars on its track. But there was nothing grand, or tempes tuous, or majestic about old ocean yesterday. On the contrary, the old fraud lay basking in the sun, lazy as an alligator and placid as a mill" pond. Uncle Tom Burnett, in his dug out could .have paddled over its peacefnl surface for miles from the beach without the slightest danger. After a half -hour spent in strolling on the beach and a somewhat loDger stop at the Hammocks, the party were soon "all aboard," and a run of twen ty-five minutes brought them safely back to the city. Superior Conn. There was no session of this Court yesterday. In the case of H. W. Humphrey et al. vs. the Board of Trustees of Front Street Methodist Church, set for trial next Thursday, Mr. Koonce, attorney for the plaintiff, yesterday filed an affidavit with petition for the re moval of the case to some other county. Counsel for defendants, Messrs. Russell & Ricaud and E. S. Martin, desired to present a counter affidavit, which Judge Shipp has agreed to consider on Thursday. The Court will meet again Monday, at 10 a. m., when the following cases are set for trial: Geo. Harriss and Julia O. Harries vs. Wm. Sneeden and Silas Sneeden. Russell & Ricaud for plaintiff, and T. W. Strange and IredellMeares for de fendants. Sol. C. Wiell, receiver, vs. The First jiationai diuk. . jj. xeuaiuy, jr., T A , T" 1 -r-V T-ll T I for plaintiff, Russell & Ricaud and J. I. Macks for defendant. Evangelise Ptarion. There are hundreds of good people in Wilmingtonwho like to keep up with the movements of the great evangelist Rev. R. G. Pearson, and for their benefit the following is re produced from the Shreveport, La., Time: "There were over thirty con" versions a't the enquiry meeting held last even, and many backsliders have been reclaimed. Interest in the meet ing is increasing, and the throngs who go to hear the great evangelist are largely increasing eacn mgnc. -i l x. Mr. Pearson has a way of handling the Qaeen's English which is very effective, Everybody who is inter ested in the work reports the prospect as flattering and an increasing inter est among all classes." ft ana war. About 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, a street car was crossing x ourtii Street bridge, coming towards Red Cross street, when an engine passed under the bridge and frightened the horses. They broke from the car, ran down Fourth street to Kea uross, down Red Cross to Second, and in protecting the grass plot in front of the residence. The horses, entangled In the harness fell, and the driver on another car caught the team and cut the harness from them. One of the horses was.hurt a little but both were attached to the car again. treataer indication. The following are the Indications for to-day: For Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina, warmer, iair on the coast, light rains and cooler in the interior, westerly winds. nn a in) WHOLE NO. 7041 BIVEK AND ITIAH1KN. The schooner Ferland, McWhin nie, cleared yesterday, for Demarara, with 123,650 feet of lumber,shippedby Edward Kidder's Son and valued at $2,102.i4. The Clyde steamship Xemassee sailed yesterday morning for Fernan dina, Fla. She carried as passengers from this port, Mr. R G. Ross and wife, Mr, C. F. Littlebridge and wife, and Messrs. Henry Savage and W. R Murray, i The General Superintendent of the Life Saving Service is informed that the vessel wrecked three miles north of Cape Hatteras station on the 17th inst., has been identified as the schooner John Shay of New "Xork. : Her entire crew perished before assistance could be rendered. WHO IS MRS. WLNSLOW f As this question s frequently asked, we will simply say that ahe i a lady who for upwards of thirty yean has unti ringly devoted her time and talents as a female rnysician ana nurse, principally among enuaren. She has especially studied the constitution and wants of this numerous class, and. as a result of this effort, and practical knowledge, obtained in a lifetime spent as a nurse and physician, she has compounded a Soothing Syrup for children teeth ing- it operates line magic giving rest ana health, and is, moreover, sure to regulate the bowels. In consequence of this article Mrs. Wins- low Is becoming world-renowned as a benefactor of her race; children certainly do bisk up and bless her; especially is this the case In this city. Vast Quantities of the Soo thine Svrup are daily sold and used here. We think Mrs. Winslow has immortalized her name by this Invaluable art! cle, and we sincerely believe thousands of chil dren nave Deen savea from an early grave by its timely use. and that millions yet unborn will share its benefits, and unite meaning her bussed. No Mother has discharged her duty to ber suffer ing little one. in our opinion, until she hasfegiven it the benefit of Mrs. Wlnslow'a Soothing Syrup Try it, mothers toy it sow. Ladies' Ftsttor.New York City. S" ' ill druggists. 28 cts. a bottle DIED, JOWIE? BENA L JOWKRS. wife of Mr. T. P. Jowers. at the re9ldenoe ol her Darent. Mr. and Mrs. fi. L. Daniels, near Marlville, bladen oounty. N. C, on th 131h day of April, It 88, aged 28 veara 8 months and 27 da vs. She was a member of wavmawM. s. ennrcn. a kind and dutiful daughter and affectionate wife, a devoted and loving mother, sne ai- nroached her end without fear of the future. and left the naDDV nonsoiation tnat sue went home to rest; and let her breaved ones comfort themselves toat a new child is born among tne immortals and a new member added to their family above. uone but not rorgoiten. By her father, mother, slaters and brother, And her husband, who loved her like no other. And two little children who are left without a mother. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. "VKIKNT LODOB, No. 395. A. P. A A. M. Special meeting thii (Mondai) evening, at 8 o'clock for work in the Master's Degree Visit ing Brethren cordially Invited to attend ap i it jurift u. uua.su, secretary. Wanted. ALIBBBAL CONTRACT WILL BS HADB with the right man to represent a (Standard Old Line Life Insurance Company. Its policies are popular and easy to wort. Apply Monday or Tuesday to ak vhnabls,' Supervisor or Agents, ap 21 8t i Orton House. Sociable. THE HIBERNIAN BBNBVOLBNT SOCIBTT A will give their Annual Sociable at their Hall. on Third street, (opposite City Hall), on Baster Monday night. April 22nd. 1890. Tickets admit ting Ladv and Gentleman St. 00. Ladles' and Children's Tickets 25o Musi? by the Italian Band. Committee of Arrangements M. O'Brien, wm. Hheehan. wm. Flanagan. Jas. Madden. Jno. Sweeney. su wean ap 14 st Dr. Bicnard H. Lewis, HTHB BTB AND BAR SPECIALIST, OP RA- leigh, will make one of his regular quarterly visitations, beginning on the 29th April and end- log the 2d May Patients desiring to consult him win ana him at the omoe oi Dr. woo a. ap 21 It I Can PositiYely Sare Ton "LROM 25 TO 60 PBR CENT. ON YOU8 PRE .T SCRIPTIONS. A trial la reauested. Pure and fresh Medlolnes, backed up by NINETEEN XJAnB actual expenenoe. JAMJtH It. HUTT, The Druggist. Barulm Water on draught free. ap 2itf William H, Green & Co., DRUGGISTS. Open All Day To-Day, ap it New Goods. NICE LOT OP IMPORTED TOILET SETS cheap . Pishing Poles only 10 cents each. Lines, Hooks and Reels. Bronzed Knob Looks and Trimmings for doors. iror saie low Dy ap 21 tf GEO. A. PECK. A Fact ! THAT NOTWITHSTANDING THE PACT WE keep a fail line of other goods, you will find as oomDlete stock and as nice assortment of Crockery and Glass Ware as you will find In any first class crockary store, ana very mucu oheaper for the same class of goods. Come and see. S. A. BCHLOSS 4 CO., - ap 31 It Auctioneers. IN ADVANCE. T KPORB THE SEASON FOR LOW SHOES Is folly opened, we wish to call the attention of onr friends to a line of . GENTS' LOT QUARTERED SHOES that we will sell at greatly reduced prices, viz.: Sixteen nalra Kid Ton Button Oxfords, Bizes 5 to , at S6.C0, former price $8.60. Nine D&lrs Cloth Tod Button oxfords, sizes 6 to 9. at iv o, iormr price se.ou. Fifteen pairs Kid Top Low Congress, sizes to 9, at $5.00, former price $6.50. Hhnniri von fail to find anything to suit or fit in this lot rest assured tnat our stoox is com plete, and we cannot fall to suit the most ex acting. 108 NORTH FRONT STREET. apSl tf OTTZR HORSE CLOTHING rjX) ORDER IS UNSURPASSED AS TO STYLE, price and quality. Largest and cheapest stook of LINEN -M0MIB and CLOTH LAP DUSTERS in tke oity. TRUNKS AND BAGS cheaper than ever. TT. L. FENNELL, The Horse Milliner, ap 21 tf 11 South Front street. ATM mW ASVBK7IMMSI " MMg nm nfl7. , , . l j .,!,!.. $10 " TweDays.- . .1 e " THr Day.... . in " roux DaytM loo Plv Days, soo One Week. Qq " " Two Weeks, II Og " . Threo Weeks,. . gj " " One Month. HJa " Two Months. II pj " " Three Mouths, M " " Six Months... Hf0 t Om Year, fc Contract Advertlsejaanu taken at propor tlonately low rates. Ten lines solid Nonpareil type make on squat- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BRO WN & RODDICK, 9 NORTH FRONT ST. JJBADYFOB THE SPRING AND 8DMMER Everv department Is now complete, ODtinae to h&va n nrrlnli ttw every New York Steamer, and we extend to all a cordial Invitation to examine oar Immense stock. i WASH FABRICS. Figured LAWNS Bo per yard. Beautiful CH ALLIES 7o per yard. New 8AT1NES, French Patterns, ICo and 12Ko per yard. t SEA SIDE SUITING in stylish fancy stripes something entirely new and very desirable, lOo per ynird. 8K3R3UCKHBS and GINGHAMS la great variety and at prloes lower than they have ever been known before. DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS. We have the most varied and best selection of DRESS GOODS end TRIMMINGS ever brought to this market. We call special attention to the following: Donble width All-Wool FLANNEL and TRICOT 30o per yard. 40-width All-Wool 811k Striped FLANNEL 40o per yard. 40-nloh Cream SBRGB 75o per yard. 40-lnch Cream ALBATROSS 60o per yard. 4 Cream Twilled FLANNEL and TRICOT 1.00 per yard. Flouncing. Black Silk LACE FLOUNCING and DRAPERY NET, from 85o to $4.00 per yard. Gents' FurnisMnir Goods, i We carry a splendid line of these goods , and lln need of such should not fall to call on s before purchasing, as we are confident It will be to their advanta ge. 1 Unlanndrled. lnen Bosom SHIRT8 48c and 6 Bo. Balbrlggan Undershirts and Drawers 40 to 75o. Bleached Jean D ravers, well made, 50o. Night fthu-ts 7So. Half Hose of every description. Linen Handkerchiefs, hemmed and hem stitched, white and fancy borders, irom ICo to 75o White 811k Handkerchiefs, from 65 o to $1.50. Linen Collars and Cues, have lust Durchased a full line of the ' Barker" brand, which are the best goods made, as they are all Linen on both sides. White Lawn Ties, from lOo to 6Co per dozen A magnificent assortment of Scarfs, from 2Sa to 50o. Cassimeres. Casslmeres for Gents' and bovs' wear, in stripes and plaids, which make ap very neat. Our Navy Blue Serge at 75o Is remarkably cheap, and makes ap the very best kind of a Summer Suit. Shirtings & Sheetings IN ALL THE POPULAR MAKES. 4-4 Fruit of the Loom 9o per yard. 4-4 LaBgdon So " 4-4 Masonvllle So 4-4 Lonsdale 9o " 4-4 Hill 9o 4-4 Homestead flo 4-4 Wamsutta '.....lio 4-4 New York Mills" llo 4-4 Lonsdale Cambric lin 4-4 Pride of the West I3n Pee Dee Plaid Homespun 5e " BBOWN & RODDICK, . 9 NORTH FRONT STREET. . ap 81 tf SEASONABLE GOODS. A 8 PL END ID LINE Hammocks, Base Balls and Bats. Croquet Sets, PIC NIC BASKETS, &c.t Acc. A NEW STOCK OF PICTURE MOULDING, WHICH WE ARB PREPARED TO MAKE IN ALL SIZE FRAMES. NEW STYLES IN Wail Paper AND WINDOW SHADES. EVERYTHING YOU DESIRE IN THE W Stationery Lte YATES' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PAPER HOUSE. apSltf Manhatta and Chariot, JEST FIVE CENT CIQARS.ON THE MARKET. Sold only at C. M. HARRIS'. News and Clear Store. apistf

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