rr The Safest a NT) most powerful alterative Is A Ayer's Sarsaparllla. Young and M are alike benefited by Its use. For c the eruptive dis- children nothing else is bo effective as this medicine, while its agreea ble flavor makes it easy to admin ister. 5Iy little boy Lad large scrofu lous ulcers on his neck and throat from which he suffered terribly. Two nhvairianji -..lEJcd Lini, but he grew conumiauy r uH.lrr their care, and everybody V V t would die. I had heard of 1 T7 -a-kaWe cures effected by Ayer's L '.r-r'lla. aud decided to have my w'trv'it Shortly after he began to ;.;, medicine, the ulcers com i -alin?. and. after using several r i L- w as entirely cured. He is i . -il'liv and strong as any boy !i a!;- William F? Dougnerty, Aiav last, ray youngest child, , . ,', TiMintL i 'l. began to have sores jrfAl body. We ap Jv j v irions simple remedies without iiii-I The sorts increased in number iiiJ ! harped copiously. A physician v t-i ...;kJ. but the sores continued to j :;:--;!v until in a few months they l . ar i covered the child's head and body A: laVt we legan the use of Ayer's Sar iiparilla. Iu a few days a marked Thane for the better was manifest. The .v., res assumed a more healthy condition, the discharges were gradually dimin ished, and finally ceased altogether. The child is livelier, its skin is fresher, and its appetite better than we have ob served for months." Frank M. Griffin, Long Point, Texas. The formula of Ayer's Sarsaparilla presents, for chronic diseases of almost everv kind, the best remedy known to the "medical world." D. M. Wilson, M. I)., Wi-s, Arkansas. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, rKETARED ET Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.. Lowell, Mast. rriccel; .x W ::. -. ; - V. r; h $5 a bpttle. feb iJ DAW If JJ03LER & HUDGE unoLEsvLi; Paper Warehouse, Baltimore, lid.: CoMtiSt'y la rtoct Every Variety of Paper 65.; j -a Howzpapsr tad Job Printing OQoes. ! tf sun liie orated miis was fiiEE rowLS for sale GAMS FOWLS HAVE A NATIONAL BS puitton. Til's? tar toamt &tsl won a series of O'ier conttnest, aji1 Fltteea h'a'rs, os exhibition a: PMlado.phia Is T6. prerc honored by tiie Uni ted oiaute CenrruiJjLl C.iiutRfctLon&r vnllx the It- pjoiaa am: ttrtoai S t . --. at from $-1.00 to a.tO eacb Siii-aad SS.tfJ each; or 57.00 pot Pnii .. .:. r r 'iro. I expect to raise Two Hundred f 1 r ti.! SuEticsr, tio Flntst Stiisee 'a the .2i i-iiirbif Tons Vowis of Mar A and i.; laui dirta tha months cf Augn i, Sep-.-;-;-3r jm-t Octoaer, fire Dollars per Siir, or b . en Dollars por Trio. cosvet disputes the superiority of my Birds. W 1 please back tha a&sorCoii v. iJi titdir itt&mpa. -Vrlte for wbat you want. Address, J. G. ABJHNGTOK, ! EiilSsrdston. Kasi (Jo. N.G. Atkinson oc' Manning AGENTS, Ml Carolina gome Insnraiics Comp'j 0F7EB TO THOS3 WANTTOQ rHSTJB- AKC2 AGAINST FXRZ. Policies !n tbis Old and BeUablt) Ecmo Instit&Uos. All losses promptly paid.! S. PRIMKOSS, Presldenl. cniXLX5 ROOT, Secretary J i -.iJLSi' cowpze. tapemsorj; 1? u SELr-RAISINQ BUCKWHEAT, IN 3 AXD:s LB. PACKAGI4 INVALUABL3 AnTIv"!IS FOR PUODUO- in a few mlnates, f by the addition' of cold wtr or mlik, most delicious Buckwheat Cakes. MAPLE SYRUP, ETRSK FN BULK OR IN GALLON OB HAL? LQALLON .CANS.; Fresh VesetaWes ana Fruit bylerery Steamer.: , AND J5LLY BY TEBJPOUITD For sale by J NO. L. BO AT Will GUT, C0T tf 15 and 17 South Front St, Atkinson & Manning's Insurance Boomi, SO. Ill NOKTH WATKB STBX3T, WllmlnstOB, N. C. fire. Xarins aiFLife Conjaiiies. irate CapitajjiiepreMatadOTerltlOOOOrO The Eobesonian, flailed erery Wednesday m Lmnbertoa. N. C By W. W. ncDIAHMOXD, 11 AS TKK LARQB8T OECULATIOJf AHD TH1 htTf1 d7rttatn Ptroiia of any paper i-J:: tft- It now has orerelxnt hnndred sub rij rft , H,obe011 county alona, beeldea a jrea SiPuUoB to counties of Moore, Cum-fcf-V. Een, Columbus, Riohmond. and in kt i-i,J? ooanuea. Marlon. Marlboro lad CARLTON HOUSE, Warsaw Dnplia Comtr, H. C. QH UNJ OF WILMINGTON AND rWXLDON roMmllei from WCm!mrto. 1 tS aflSS ,P4wSSth best lbs bloT orcj. Kate of Board Tery reaaoaa THE MORNINa STAR SAFE. 8HKLLKT He has outaoared the shadows of our night; x.nvy ana calumny, and hate and pato. . And that unrest which men miscall delifht email touch him not and tortnre not aeain. Frora Ihz cc&Ugion o" tha world' slow 81&1Q lie is secure; and now can oerer mourn, a. neart grown cold, a head grown in vain. What of the night? From out the darkling cave One flash has flooded all the olive grove; Beiore the mall-clad guardians of the grave, uaim as a star those sealed gates above, Culm as the morning star that sailors love. Bailors and those that watch the feverish night. He shines, and never more shall darkness move Over the hopeless nations, since, in sight Ui men and angels, mounts tbe long ex pected Light. Epiphaniu Wilson. Spirits Turpentine. Greensboro Workman: Dr. D. A. Armfield, who has been for some time an inmate of the Western Insane Asylum at Morgan ton, returned to his home on Satur day morning last in what he believes to be a fully restored condition. New York Graphic: General Ciinzman is a geologist and a scientist. He hss two hobbies. One has been indicated his belief in zircon as a medium for transmitting electricity into light. The other is tobacco as a cure-all. New Bern Journal: Mrs. Rob ert Hancock. Br., one of the oldest resi dents of New Bern, and for many years a consistent member of the Baptist. Churcb. d.c-d yesterday morning at her residence on Graves street, in the 7Uth year of her age. U bhille Argonaut . Mrs.LIegde- p.tb. who was in jail undei a charge of in fanticide, died suddenly on Sunday morn inc. A coroner s inquest was held and the jury returned a verdict of death from natu ral causes. It is supposed ehe died from heart disease. Elizabeth City Carolinian: The bodies of Matthew Oransberry, colored, and tbe boy Whitehurst, white, who were lost on the Parrot when she went down in the great April gale, were found floating in the sound on Friday last and were brought here for interment. .bloating item: ureensboro is to have a new Presbyterian church to cost $15,000. Each of the following named agree to give $1,000: Gov. Scales, Judge John A. Gilmer, Mr. Julius A. Gray, Hod. F. D. Caldwell and Mrs. A. Li Wright. Several will give $500 each. floating item: JNews is re ceived of a singular case in Wilkes county, John Adams, on account of "some domestic troubles committed suicide by shooting himself. He went oil into tbe woods, tela ing no one of his intention. When bis body was found and brought home his widow was suddenly taken ill and died the next day. Oxford Ledger: The dwelling .house of Mr. Robert Pleasants, near Oak Hill, caught fire from the kitchen stove last Saturday night and, was burned to the ground. The family was awak ened by the roar of )he flames and barely escaped with their lives. The house was not insured and nothing was saved. It was a great mufcrtoce. .Fittsboro liecord: Uld you ever bear of a dog catching fish with a hook and line? Well, such a thing has happened in Chatham. On .bieter Monday. Mr. Joseph Green, of Hickory Mountain township, was .fishing in Rocky river when sudden:y his pole was jerked into the water and hi dog jumped into tbo river, caueht tbe pole in bis mouth and swam with it to the bank and eafely landed a big cat lab I next! Raleign Hews-Observer: Mrs. Caroline Hunt, relict of Mr. R. L. Hunt, died at her home in Oxrord, Xi. C, Wed nesday evening. Dr. James McKee arrived in the city yesterday morning early and was besieged with questions as to Mr. Bouldin's condition. It was with univer sal satisfaction to everybody that the entel ligenco spread that Mr. Bouldin's condition was not necessarily fatal, and that sanguine hopes were entertained for his safe re covery. Weldon JVeies: sometime ago a County Superintendent of Public Instruc tion in tins Btate was examining a class of would-be colored tethers. The myste ries of Grammar were under discussion. They propounded the following question: Wbat is tenser After four had failed to answer, it came to one particular smiling individual, who seeing a vision of a first class certificate and expecting at the same time to "cut up head," promptly replied: ' It is something that soldiers live in." Statesville Landmark: Las Saturday Mr. A. Harmon, of Olin town ship, and a colored man, Lum Armstrong, were blasting in a bed of rock at the east end of the cotton factory building at Turn- ersburg, when an explosion of powder gave them a shaking up which they will remem ber. The fljiog rock mutilated Mr. Har mon's left hand and the powder blistered his arms and face. Armstrong's eyes were nearly put out and his face and neck badly burned by tbe powder. It was found ne cessary to amputate the third finger of Mr. Harmon s left hand. Charlotte Chronicle: The re ceipts of the Asheville postoffice are in ex cess of $10,000, the amount requisite for free delivery. The new postmaster promises to establish free delivery in Asheville at an early date. The committee on solicit ing subscriptions for the Lutheran Semina ry reported last night that they had so far secured subscriptions to the amount of $3,- 500. Tbe farmers report that some of the young cotton was injured by frost, but the damage to vegetables of all kinds, so far as is now known, was very slight. There seems to be no apprehension in regard to fruit. Concord Times: On or about June 15lb, we will commence the publica tion of a monthly journal, to be known as The Piedmont Farmer. It will be an eight page tnirty-twj column paper, and will be published In tae interest of the farmers of the Piedmont section in particular, and of farmers everywhere In general. Tbe cotton gin, grist and saw mill of Mr. Thoa. Kogers, six miles north of town, was total ly destroyed by fire last Saturday night about 11 o'clock. The fire is supposed to have been caused by the breaking off of the smoke stack. Tbe mill had been running all day but was carefully abut down at nightfall. The loss is very heavy on the owners, as there was no insurance. Aoom 200 bushels of grain. 100 bushels of cotton seed and a quantity of cord wood was also consumed. Lent ir Topic : The fruit is safe so far, in spite of the cold bins try spell of weather. Jesse Moore, of the Globe. has two acres of land upon which he it said to have raised loo bushels of corn. The furniture factory company Is for- rine ahead and mating preparations to burn a Klin or auout w,ww uuck upon the Burgess Iteia lot near jucuninnie'a milL Some of the farmers tell us that the wheat crop is two weeks in ad- y nee oi mat oi j"i wu umo. Many fields are beginning to head out. gome lime ago thieves broke Into the smokehouse of tier, jsawara Tiuy ana stole quantity of meat: Her says tha ineir imuaenc rrettea bJmworse than their, roplery, ifor they scrawled on the uui ui iuo BmoKeuouse, wiia cnarcoal, uuj inscription, - yye got thar, ISli." Raleigh Call: There is' not a whi ky shop in Tyrrell ccunty. N. C. The piutou of the county is empty, - and there was not a Diaie case on tne aocxewatthe last court; Rutherford county made a conirioution to the penitentiary this morning sent in seven convicts in one batch. Mr. J BL. Carr. President of tbe Confederate Veteran's Association of North Carolina ba issued, a call, for that body to meet In this city at 10 ' aTm. on the 10th inst. Acting Governor Holt this morning lESaed an - order permitting the Gordon Rifles, of Bennettsville, 8. O , to enter the State on May., 10th. They will attend the Memorial Day exerciseaJn Fay- etteville. Washington correspondents siy that the chances of Mr John Nichols for Public Printer are brightening that he nas a strong backing from all parts of the country ; that he has been: influential in all the pos'-omce changes in this section. CharlottOr Hews: Population of the city proper, exclusive of suburbs, is: Whites, male, 8.825; female, 8,556. Col- ored, male, 2,188; female, 2,641. Both races, male, 5,413; female, 6,197. Total, 11,610, The population of the suburb brings the entire population up to twelve thousand six hundred and ten. Rev. A. G. McMtnaway sailed for" home yes terday. - He is expected to arrive here in time for the Southern Baptist Convention. The cold wave which is now travel ling across the country struck our city last eight, and at daylight there was frcst, while the thermometer at the signal station registered 87 9 deyrees . The frost on the uplands was light, but in the lowlands it was of the variety known as "killine.." The board of civil service examiners will hold a civil service examination at tbe mint in Charlotte on May 7th. There was a destructive fire in Shelby last night, as we learn from passengers who came in on the Carolina Central train this morning. The fire destroyed the buildings occupied by tbe Southern Empress Company; J. 13 Bibbicgtoo, stationer and printer, and Bostic, Bros. & Wright, general merchants. The origin of the fire is believed to have been incendiary. Hans Vod Bulow sailed for Ger many last week. Dr. John Scott, father of Mrs. Harrison, has taken up his abode in the White House World. Some heavy guns were fixed in this city last week, but Bishop Potter's ord nance was heard the furthest of any of them. It was loaded with Truth. iV. T. World. The centennial orations of both Chauncey M. Depew and Bishop- Potter in dicate that there is still alive in this country a great deal of the spirit of ancient federal ism. Fful. Record. George Kennon. the celebrated Siberian traveller, has returned to Wash ington. He lectured during the past month in the chiel cities of America, and was eve rywhere welcomed by crowded audiences. Mil. Record. George Rutledge Gibson, of this city, has been elected a fellow of the Royal Statistical Society of England. Da vid A. Welle. Francis A. Walker and Ed ward Young are three of the other six Americans who have received the same honor. World. Capt. Mnrrell sailed in the Mis souri from Baltimore on Friday for Liver pool. Everything afloat in the Patapeco blew or waved or thumped a saiute as the much-honored mariner pasted out into the Chesapeake 'Bon voyage 1" is the general cry. Jfntl. liecord. TWIRKI.ING8. English army officers praise the new German drill book. A school for the instruction of nurses in tbe care of pug dogs might prove a howling success. JVew York Herald. The long handled parasol pro mises to be popular at all the fashionable watering places this summer. 3trn.u.Rocord. The office seeker has been weighed in the balance and found want inganything he can get. Washington untie. WIT ueorge Washington baa a hatchet, and now nearly every American has an &x to grind. Louisville Courier- Journal. Briggs : Got your Spring suit yet? Griggs : Of course. Briggs : That soT When did you get it f Griggs : Last Spring. Clothier and Furnisher. One hnndred years ago to-day not a single game of baseball was played anywhere in tbe United States Now look at us. Louisville Courier-Journal. A lady at the Centennial ban- quet said that a distinguished guest ate like a bird. It is to be hoped that be did not take a peck at every mouthful. Baltimore American. The presence of icebergs on the Atlantic ocea, in tbe direct track of steam ship travel, suggests a danger against which every possible precaution should be taken. Pful. Record. SOUTHERN ITEMS. The southern troops and the Governors of Southern States who marched in the parade yesterday, were welcomed with a degree of enthusiasm that must have convinced them of the sincerity and depth or tne good reeling toward them in tbe city. N. T. Com. Advertiser. The Australian system of voting nas been rejected by Delaware. Herein Delaware has Droven herself ouite as sbort- ei ante a as Alabama. Jaontoomerv ins patch. Epoch. The transition from long, lingering and painiui sicKness to robust health marks an epoch in the lire of the individual. Such a remarkable event is treasured in the memory, and the agency whereby the good health has been attained is gratefully bless ed, uence it is that so much is heard in praise of Electric Bitters. So many feel they owe their restoration to health, to the use of the Great Alterative and Tonic, If you are troubled with any disease of Kid neys, Liver or Stomach, of long or short standing you will surely find relief by use or Electric Bitters. Sold at 50c. and $1 per bottle at Robsbt R. Bellamy's Wholesale and Retail Drug store. f Batkltn't Arnica Saiy THX Bbst Balvk in the world for OuU. Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Bores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and poei- ureiy cures tritea, or no Day recruired- It la guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. w uiuucj teiuuucu. rnoe zo cents rer a T , - a w. " OOJ. rornueoj HOBKBT K. HBLLAMY, wholesale and retail druggists. t Wilson's Printing Ink. rpHIS PAPKB IS PBIHTED WITH INK MAHTJ- factored by the W. ix WILSOH PBTST1HG TOTC CO , (Limited), 140 William St, H. T. City. H. T. Besd for prloe lists and sample book, ap SO tw BCPEBIOB COCBTS OV ROHTH CAROLINA FOB 1889. yiKST JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Fall Judcft On.intR Beaufort May 2in. ixov aotn. n j u'.h 11th Rnt Ofh iM.17.f I-. f , f. A hrwr V ,U. Pasquotank March. 18th, June 10th, Tt A. ml JA t oepr, loin. , PerQuimans Maroxi 25th, Sept 23d. Chowan April 1st, Sept 80th. a.- t n Jl fith Out 7th. uawnr au.u - Hertford April 15th, Jane 17th, Oct 14111. Washington ApriU 22d, Oct 21st. TWllAnrll 29th. Oct 28th. Dare May 6th, Nov4tlv avae niay lotii, n "m. Pamlico May 20th. Nov 18th. 8ECOin JUDICIAL. DISTRICT. MapRaw. Pall Jndffe KnTTrtw Halifax March 4th, May 13th, Nov. litn. Northampton April 1st, Sept 30th. Vn An.(l 9Qfh OfttohAT 2Sf.Vi -L CI 11C A1U w - , - " . Vint CU iUaj . irv.u. Warren March 18th, September 16th Edgecombe April im,vciooer in. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Fall Judge MacRab. Pitt March 18tb, June 10th, Septem ber 16th. Franklin April 15th, Nov 11th. Wilson June 3d, Oct 28th. Vance May 20th, Oct 14th. Martin Mareh 4tb, Sept 2d. Dec 2d. Green April 1st, Sept 30th. Nash April 29th, Nov 18th. FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. . Spring Judge Graves. Fall Judge! Wake Feb 25th, March 25, April 22nd, July 8th, August 26th, Sept 23d. Oct 21st. Wayne March 11th, April 15th. Sept 9tb, Oct 14th. Harnett August 5 th. Nov 25th. Johnston August 12th, Nov 11th. FIFTH JUDICIAL DI8TRICT. Sorine Judge . Fall Judge GRAVES. Durham March 25th, June 3d, Oct 14th. Granville April 22d, Sept 9th, Nov 25tb. Chatham May 6th. Sept 30th. Guilford Feb 18th, May 27th, Aug 26th. Dec 9th. Alamance March 4th, May 20th, SeDt 23d. Orange March 8th, Aug 5th, Nov 4th. Caswell April 8th. Aug 12th, Nov lltn. Person April 15th, Aug 19th, Nov lbtn. SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge SHLPP. Jjall Judge Pender May 6th, Sept 9th. New Hanover April 15th. Sept 23d. Lenoir Aug 19th, Nov 11th. DuDlin Sept 2d, Nov 25th. Sampson Feb 25th, April 29th, Oct 7th. Dec 9th. Carteret March 18th, Oct 21. Jones March 25th, Oct 28th. Onslow April 1st, Nov 4xn. SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Soring Judge Merrimon. rail J uage bhifp. Anson April 29th, Sept 2d, Nov 25th. Cumberland May 6th, July 22d, Nov lltn. Columbus April 1st. July 29th. Robeson May 20th, Aug 19th, Sept 30th. Richmond Sept 15th, June 3d.Dec 2d. Bladen March lbtn, Oct in. Brunswick April 8th. Sept 9th. Moore April 15th, Aug 12th, Oct 21st. EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Hnrin cr T n A era j; all j uage aikrbvim.o.h. Cabarrus April aytn, Oct 3tn Troriall fov 20t,h. An? 5th. Nov 4th. Kujqt, Mairfith Alio- 1flth nv 18th. Davidson March 4th, June 3d, Sept za, uec za. Randolph March 18th, Sept 19th. Montgomery April 1st, Sept 30th. Stanlv ADril 8th. Oct 14th. NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Philips. 'au juage Rockingham July 22d, Nov 4th. Forsyth May 20th; Oct 21st. Vlrin l?ah 1Hth Rant. 93ri Wilkes Marcn 4tn, eept vtn, .apm Alleghany March 18th, Sept 2d. avio inril Int. Dftt. 7th. Stokes April loin. Aug oin, jmov 11m ourxy April aaa, Aug iin, aiov ioin TEiJiH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Rnrinv Tnrlrro fifiNNOR. r o o --- , x an j uage jrmi.irs. Henderson Julv 15tn. Rnrkfl March 4th. Aug 5th. Paldiuall Mnrnh Ifith. Hpnt. 9A Ashe March 25th. May 27th, Aug 19th Watauga April 8th, June 3d, Aug 29th Mitchell April 15th, Sept 9th. Yancey April Jytn, oept kjcl McDowell May 13th, Oct 7th. ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. fininrr Tn r era Pt.ARK- Fall Judge Conner. Catawba JuIVIOtn. Alexander July 29th. Union Sept 16tn. MonkUnhnrc Feb 25th. Anc28th. C4natrT Marnh 18th. Oct 7th. Lincoln Ariril 1st. Sept 30th. Clevelana April otii, Aug oiu, uct . a sa mt a 21et. Rn th prford April 22d. Oct 28th. Polk May 6th, Nov 11th. TWELFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Qn.in cr TnH CTO flrLHER. Fall Judge Clark. Madison Feb 25th, July 29th, Nov istn. Buncombe March 11th, June 17th, a sx i a T JX ATI CP VT.n I MttZ A Transylvania April 1st, Sept 2d. Hay wood April 8th, Sept 9th. Jackson April 22d, Sept23d. Macon May 6th, Sept 80th. Clay May 13th, Oct 7th. nhornkrtn M.v 20th. Oct 14th. Graham June 3d, Oct 28th. Swain June 10td, nov. n. FARMS AND LANDS FOR SALE. TM PRO VXD LANDS, n LAND' I aw amVt.a WD8 and TOWN PROPERTIES. m. rvvnnMna nf Robeaoil. Bladen. Cnmberlajia. and all adjacent sections, offer fine opportud tlea formvestment. The opening of direct rau war North make the 8HOX HEEL section H8W AND INVrnNQ FXKLD fpr TrucklnK, Gar denuur and Fruit. Climate and hygiene adyan- tajres onsnrpaased In any oonntry. a eompenaf point for freights. Railways North, South, Kaet and West. Quick transport North by several menta, and a better one for practical farmers and SOome and see or write to : HAMlnn tn Its Real Brute Axent, Maxton, iy tS DAWtf Robeson OoN.C. AJDTEUTISE TN Herchant and Farmer PUBLISHED WXSKLT AT MARIO K,80 JJTH CAR OLIN A rt hu hm &nd fBcreasrnjrclrenhvtloa In the' heart of the Pee Dee country, the beet Cotton section of the two Statea. - , ' It la a desirable medium of oomrmrnfoatlon witK Vw-t. ,m uarrihrnntm and Farmera of thli section, and parttoularbr with those of Xarlon and Xartbere Conntles. It is therefore the paper for the Busmen Men of Wtolnrtori. ; Proprietor, WHOLES ALB PRICES. Or The foUowmc ' qnotatkma repreeent wholesale prices ceneraay - in mfttrng ap man . . V J m .A k. r '- eraen luxDer ptivb un w ucutm - aa powlble. bat the 4f ab will not be responsible Oonny IS O 18H Standard wM ri nrixz North Carolina Hams, B.... 0 12M tooalders, v TttO Sides, 9 W O 11 WESTERN SldOEED TTamit, 9 Jb 14 15 55 Sides, B. 0 "ihmHOTH B ft 7U.fl 8 TiHT HALTED siaes, y s.. i s H ghonlders, 1 53 C4 BARRELS Bplrita 'Xurponune. Second Htvnd, each 03 1 85 NewNew York,eaoh 0 00 176 New Cit7, each 165 & 1 TO BESaWAi, V 20 & SSI BBICESTwumlngtOil, 9 H 6 00 & 8 oc Northern 0 GO & 14 00 BUTTER, 9 form Carolina - id o k Northern 23 O 80 OANDLXtj, sperm.; it v k Adamantine 9 & 10 GH33S2, 9 S crtnern raotory ii a ia Dairy. Cream 12 O 1 State..; 10 & 11 COFFEE, B- dava n s as Lasnyra 17 Q i0 Elo IBHtH SO COKN MEAL, bos., in sacks- 57 j 60 VTrgrmia ileal w.j ou COTTON TEEU?, V bundle 1 12MS& 1 15 DOWBTICK SheetlEK, 4-4, yd 6 6M yarns, 9 bonch CO & SO. J5QG3, dosen to 11 JriSt Mackerel, No. 1, bbl 22 CO SO 00 M&okereL No. 1, 3 half bbl. 11 00 a 15 oo Mackerel, No. 2, bbl...... 16 00 IS 00 Mackerel, No. 2, half bbl.... 8 00 9 00 Mackerel, No. 3, 9 bbl 13 00 14 0G MaUeta, 9 bbl.... - 0 CO 5 50 ZZMuUeta. Pork bble 9 oo 10 00 N. C. Roe Herring, 9 keg... 8 00 4 00 iStDryCod, J 5 10 FLOUH, 9 bbl Western low frrade 8 25 4 75 " Sxtra .... 460 600 Family. 5 60 6 00 City MUla Baper 4 00 4 10 Pamllv 5 50 6 00 GLUE. 9 t 8 10 aaaiN, bnahel - uorn, irom store, Dags,wmsa Corn, cargo, In bulk, whlte. 00 56 Corn, oargo, in bags, white. 00 flnrn. mixed, from store.... 57fe CO Oats, from store 0 ifyi Oata. Rust Proof oo SifflOow Peas 1 25 1 do HiJJSa. 9 lb . Green w " Dry - 6 7 HAY. 9 100 a- . . if system w o Western 100 105 North River 90 1 00 HOOP DRON. S 294 LARD,B- . Tinrt.hpm OiVU w North Carolina 0 1Q4 LIME, barrel 1 40 0 00 LUMBER. City Sawed. 9 M ft, snip stun, resawea 10 vu o w w Rongh Kdge Plans 15 00 16 OS West India Cargoes, accord- IngtoquaUty 18 00 18 0C Dressed Floornig, seasoned. 18 00 23 t Soantllna and Board, oom'n 14 00 15 MOLA88JS8, 9 gallon . , New VTop cm Da, in ruga so t ou " " " lnbbla.... 80 88 Porto Eloo. lnhhds 29 81 In In bbla o 83 Sugar House, in bhda 00 t 15 B1' lnbbls 16 18 SyraP, m bbls so 45 NAILS, 9 Keg, Cut, lOd basis... t 25 2 60 OTT.H. i eaiion Kerosene ivtuo in Lard oo oa Linseed 90 1 00 Rosin 15 18 Tar 00 20 Deck and Spar 00 2 POULTRY Chickens, live, grown ai o k " Spring 10 80 Turkeys 75 85 PEANUTS, 9 bushels 28jSS... 50 90 POTATO as, 9 bushel sweet do o to Irlah.bbl 2 75 "Q 8 00 PORK, a barrel- City Mesa is wi 13 10 w Prime 13 60 15 00 Hump 00 13 60 EI C3 Carolina, 4H 6 iiougn, 9 nusnei, tupiana,.. cu m vu " " (Lowland). 1 CO 1 10 BAGS. 9 Country 14 BOPB!bn.."!""III!""!I.".in Hit 23 SALT, 9 sack. Alum 00 eo uverpooi :tu ew Lisbon 00 00 American 80 60 SUGAR. ft Standard eran.. 69j 9 standard A oMits txn White Ex. C 8 1 Extra C Golden ina a CYeUow Mi 7 SOAP. 9 c Nortnern a & 0 SHINGLES. 7 In. M 5 CO 7 00 common... - u ou Cypress Saps 4 60 00 Croress Eearts 0 00 7 60 STAVES. 9 M W. O. Barrel... 8 00 14 00 a. o. HO8neau u ou q iu w TALLOW, 9 ' 6 6 TIMBER. 9 M feet Shipping.. 10 00 13 00 Mill Prime 7 00 cs 8 &u Mill Fair 6 00 6 60 Common Mill. . .'. 500 000 Inferior to Ordinary 8 00 4 00 WHISKEY: 9 eal Northern... 1 OO 2KB Nona uarouna 1 m O a ou WOOL, 9 fc Washed 28 30 unwasnea . 15 us Buitt 10 15 Bank of Hew Hanover. Authorised Capital, - 11,000,000 Oath Capital paid in. $300,000 Surplus Fund, - - -1130,000 DIRECTORS : W. L GOBS. C. M. STKDMAN. Q. W. WILLIAMS, ISAAC BATES, DONALD MaoRAE, JAS A. LEAK, H. VOLL3RS. 7. RHEtNSTETN, B. B. BROGEBS. E. B. BORDEN. . W. ATKINSON. ISAAC BATES, President. e. W. WILLIAMS, Vice President, aa II tf WM. L. SMITH. Caehler.3 orning News. The Leading Commercial, Political and Business Newspaper f of the Southeast. rrru- siviwitr vnnKTna mnra la ,n estaoiisnea, enierpnaing, vigorous newspaper. laTaat nava ami nrAOAntlntr It In the most read able shape to its readers. It is carefully edited. and discusses an questions oi pa duo iHirei without fear or favor. Its telegraph lo service UO uur ui.v.u. - j . (New York and Western), supplemented by a . . . I . r 7 W TXT ..t.l..t.. SDeCiai .Bervioe inno x,cw tun, nasuuucuii) Atlanta, Jacksonville, Tallahassee and other news centres. In politics it ii thoroughly Dem ocratic, but independent of political cliques. It is a large 8-page paper, published every day in tne year, rnoe, iu. THE SAVaNSAII WEEKLY NEWS r- - .M .Arar.ortA. tfftAntjLlTllnir 119 flAlnmill JB m MWD.., n - - of theMoBNTxeNxws'.has aa Agricultural De partment, liOUBeaoia seoeipusxaouiuufuspurw, and Original and selected Stories, and a special m..k n .V a. TflArA lit no tMttAI TtlLnAI In the world than the SavaItkah Wkkklt Naws. The price w oniy i-2o a yeir. Send for the MoKirnre Nxws premlam list Address MOKNLNGNEW8. feb 28 tf Savannah. Ga. TheCentral Protestant A WEEKLY BELIGIOtTS AniJ vajllliX hxwk paper and the Organ, of the Methodist Protes tantChurch In North Carolina, la published at Qreensboro, N. C. Terma, aa oo per annum, r.-ZuuZrj tj innatlon. the number and aotlvltvof Its agents, and the constantly inorcaa i..;.. tnrlt imoiw the more solid classes of readers In various sections, give the CKNTBAL PBOTSSTANT peculiar ouuma vum hw 7y ajre ox tne advertising puuuu. inuvni Miw aBComrulturbuaWM Interest, and address U editor , ttt.tt r-ttraboro N. C Atlantic Coast Line. Wilmington & Weldon R. B. & ErancHes. Concteuacd ScJUednle. TSAINS GOING SOUTH. Datxd May 5, 1883. . 5 Leave : Weldon I 12 40 5.43i 6 00 Arrive Rocky Mt I 1 65) 7 10 Arrive Tarboro I 3 651 I A. M. I Leave Tarboro I 10 20 1 P. M Arrive Wilson 2 27 7 00 7143 Leave Wilson t2 87 Arrive Selma I 3 40 Arrive Fayetteville v. cup....- Leave Goldsboro 8 20 7 40 8 35 Leave Warsaw 4 16 e 40 Leave Magnolia 4 81! 8 40 9 55 Arrive Wilmington 6 tit 8 66 11 80 TRAINS GOING NORTH. . a I . a . i.T3 P. M. A. M P. M. Leave Wilmington 12 05 9 00 j. 4 00 A. M. Leave Magnolia, 1 4 ;10 43 5 40 Leave Warsaw 10 67 6 66 Arrive Goldsboro 2 85 11 62 6 68 Leave Fayetteville.... I J.40 Arrive Selma 11 001 ..... Arrive Wilson 12 ic iA. M.P. M.P. M. Leave Wilson I 8 021 12 451 7 62 Arrive Rocky Mt 1 20 8 29 Arrive Tarboro I I 3 551 f 4. M.J Leave Tarboro ............. 10 80 ...... I P M. Arrive Weldon... . - 4 30 2 40 9 40 Dally except Sunday. Train on Scotland Neck Branch Boad leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at 2.30 P.M. Return ing, leaves Scotland Neck at 8.20 A. M., dally ex cept Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro, N. C, via Albemarle fialeigb.R. R. dally.exoept Sunday, 5.0&P. M.iSun day 3.17 P. M.;arrive Wullamston, N.C., 7.20 P.M. and 4.65 P, M. Returning leaves WlUlamston.N.C. Daily except Sunday, 7.10 A. M.,8unday 9.50A.M, arrive Tarboro, N. C 9.15 A. and 11.30 A. M. Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Golds boro. N.C, daily except Sunday e. 00 A.M.; arrive Smlthneld, N. 7.30 A. M. Returning leaves smiumeia, .u.-oo A.M.; arrive Goldsboro, N. C 9 80 AM.. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 3.00 P. M., arrives Nashville 3.40 P. M., Spring Hope 4.15 P. M. Returnlnsr leaves fiDrlne Hone 10.00 A. M , Nashville 10.35 A. M.. Bocky Mount 11.15 a. jl., aaiiy. except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton. Daily, except Sunday, at 6.00 p. M. and 11.10 A. M. Returning leave Clinton at 8 20 A.M. and 3.10 P. M.. connecting at Warsaw with Nos. 41, 40. 23 and 78. BoumDouna uTftin on w lison ana jrayenevme Branoh is No. 51. Northbound is No. 60. 'Dally except Sunday. Train No. 27 South will ston onlv at Wilson. Goldsboro and Magnolia. Train No. 78 makes olose connection at Weldon for all points North dally. All rail via Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Bay Line. Trains make olose connection for all points North via Richmond and Washington. Ail trains run solid between Wilmington ana Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Supt; J. B. KENLT, Sup't Transportation. T. M. EMERSON. Gen'l Passenger Agent. my 6tf Atlantic Coast Line. Wttmiiigton, Columbia & Aninsta fi. R. Condensed Schedule. TBAJN8 GOING SOUTH. a g; 2 Dated April 14, 1S69 . 000 a a P. M. P. M p. M. Leave Wilmington Leave Marlon Arrive Florence... 6 25 10 If 9 43 10 30 12 40 3 20 1 20 4 25 A. M. P. M. No. 50 No. 58 A. M. P. M. Leave Florence... Arrive Sumter 3 20 4 40 t 6 00 7 21 No 52 A. M. Leave Sumter.... 4 401 tlO 83 7 21 Arrive Columbia. 6 15 11 65 9 00 A. No. 62 runs through from Charleston via Cen tral K. K. Leaving Lanes 822 A. M.. Manning 8:58 A. M. Train on C. D. H. H. oonneota at Florence With No. 58. TRAINS GOING NORTH. 0 eo ta ta S .' e o e K S5 K P Itf A. M P SC Leave Columbia 10 85 t 7 40 5 26 Arrive Sumter 11 58 9 15 6 82 Leave Sumter 11 68 t 9 15 Arrive Florence 1 15 10 40 V AC A. 1C No. 78. No. 14 A. M A. M P M. Leave Florence 4 85 til 15 8 25 Leave Marion 5 17 11 59 9 04 Arrive Wilmington 8 86 11 50 A. M. P. M. Daflv. tDaQv except Sunday. No. 63 rune thronch to Charleston. S. C via Central R. R., arriving Manning 7.-01 P. M , Lanes 7:4S r. M., unarieston 9.10 f. m. No. 69 oonneots at Florence with C. and D. tram for Cheraw and Wadesboro. Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection at Wil mington with W. fc W. K. R for all points North. Train on Florence K. K.. leaves Pee Dee daily except Snnd ay, 5. 1 5 P. M , arrive Rowland 7.35 P. M. Returning leave Rowland 7.00 A. M., ar rive fee iee 10.00 a. m. Train on Manchester & Augusta R. R. leaves Sumter daily except Sunday, 10.85 A. M , arrive Pihewood 11.40 A. M. Returning leave Pine- wood 12 01 P. M., arrive Sumter l 25 P. M. JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen'l Supt J. B. KKNLY, Assistant Gen'l Manager. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent. apia tf The Greensboro Patriot Cheapest Paper In the State, considering the Amount of Beading Matter. SUBSCRIPTION $LS0 A YEAR; $1 FOB 6 MOS. The PATRIOT offers unparalleled facilities to advertisers for placing their business before the reading people of Guilford, Davidson. Rowan, Cabarrus, Forsyth. Stokes, Surry, Rockingham, Caswell. Person. Alamance and Randolph, the great ToDacoo Beit 01 nortn Carolina. THE PATRIOT Has the LARGEST CIRCULATION of any Pa per In Piedmont North Carolina; it rivee you an tne iajvjlu ixjswb. It gives von the NEWS from the Neighboring uounties. It gives you all tne important state mews. It gives you the GENERAL NEWS. It rives vou all the LATEST NEWS from Wash nfteivs the Farmers Valuable Agricultural Notes and much Interesting for the Farm, the Dairy, and the Orchard, as well as the Family Household. IVBead the patkiut ail tne year round. Z. W. WHITEHEAD, lan 12 tf Editor and Proprietor The Biblical Kecorder PUBLISHED PY Edwards, Broughton & Co, RALEIGH, N. C. REV. C. T. BAILEY, Editor REV C. S. FABRISS. Associate. uTan of North Carolina Baptists In Its 44th Tear. EVERY BAPTIST SHOULD TAKE IT As an Advertising Medium Unsurpassed. Only $3.00 Per Tear. ldMH BIBLICAL RECORDER Rlaeign. N.'C fetstf NEW 'ADVERTISEMENTS. Boad Carts ! EVERYTHING ON WHEELS, TEN PER CENT. CHEAPER THAN ANYBODY. Buggies ! 89Dont buy before getting our prioee and catalogues. - THE GEO. W. 8TOCKELL COt. Name this papar. NASHVILLE, TBNWi ' rry2DAWim - CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD CD. Change of Schedule. WESTBOUND TRAINS. No. 41 No. 8. No. 5. Deo. 3, 1888. Dally ex. Dally ex Dally ex. Sunday. Sunday. Sunday. Leave Wllmlngtn 2.10 p. m 7.00 p. m Leave Hamlet 6 40 p. m 2. CO a. in Leave Wadesboro 7.85 p. m 8.87 a. m Arrive Charlotte. 9 85 p. m 6,55 a. m Leave Charlotte.. 4.15 p. m Leave Lincolnton. 5.61 p. m Leave Shelby 6.67 p. m Arrive Butherf'n R20 p. m EASTBOUND TRAINS. ' No. 88. No. 4. No. 6.' Deo. 8, 1888. Dally ex. Dally ex. Daily ex. Sunday. Sunday. Sunday. Lve ButherTdfu 8.00 a. m Leave Shelby 9.22 a. m Leave Lincoln ton 10.80 a. m Arrive Charlotte. . 12.06 p. m Leave Charlotte.. 6.00 a. m 7.45 p. m Leave Wadesboro 8.08 a. m 11 15 p. m LeaveJ Hamlet.... 9 13a. m 1.45 a. m Arrive Wllmlngt'n 1.40 p. m 8.30 a. m Trains Nos. 41 and 88 make olose connection at Hamlet, between Charlotte and points North via Raleigh' Trains Nos 8 and 4 make oloae connection at Hamlet, to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping Can between Wilmington and Charlotte and Wilmington and Raleigb. L. C. JONES, Superintendent.: F. W. CLARE, General Passenger Agent, dec 2 tf Palmetto BailroadCo. i a I I'wMMi-Mtil 1 1 IfcwttBwtf mri I '9 QN AND:AFTER WEDNESDAY. DSC 6TH 1888, Trains will run as follows, dally, Sun dayexoepted: GOING SOUTH : No. 1 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT : Leave Hamlet, N. C 9.15 A. X. " Osborn, (Flag Station) 9.85 A. M. " Kollook Station 10.05 A. M. Arrive Cheraw, S. O. 10.25 A. M. GOING NORTH: No. 2 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT : Leave Cheraw, 8. C 4.20 P. X. Kollook 4 40 P. M. " Osborne (Flag station) 5.10 P. M. Arrive Hamlet, N.C 60 P.M. WM. MONCUBB, deolStf , Sept. Wilmington Seacoast R. R. 'pRAINS WILL BUN AS FOLLOWS: Leave Wilmington 7.85 a. m 3 p. m.. 6 p. ra. Leave Hammocks 7.45 a. m., 5.15 p. m., 7 p. m. Tbe last train will stop at Wiightavllle until 8.10 p. m. Trains or Cars chartered at reasonable rates. SUNDAY SCHEDULE. Leave Wilmington 2.80 p. m. Leave Hammocks 5 p. m. ap4tf BOOKS! BOOKS! FULL LINE QF BOOKS AND STATIONERY on hand, and new snpp 'es every week. Shaks peare, Scott, Milton. Longfellow, Tern j son. Abby, I van hoe, David Copper field. History nance. History tier many, cieaeys statues, Soottlbh Chiefs, Macaulay's Essays, Ac. Ac, are a few of our nice cloth bound 87 cent books. All the above and more. In red line and gold 60 cents. Macaulay's History of Ergland (8 voL) $1.25, Rollins' Ancient History 12 00. Plutarch's Lives 85 cents, Thackeray's Works (10 volumes) $6.00, Josephus $2.00, Good Writing Psper 5 cents per quire or 70 cents ream. Lead Pencils 12 cents dozen. SCHOOL, BOOKS CHEAP. Holmes' 1st Reader 15 cents, Holmes' 2nd Beader 25 cents, Holmes' 8rd Beader 36 cents. Bonnes' 4th Reader 50 cents. Holmes' 5th Beader 80 cents. Sanford's Primary Arithmetic 20 cents. San- ford's Intermediate Arithmetic 86 cents. San ford's Common School Arithmetic 64 cents, San ford's Higher Arithmetic $1.00, Maury's Inter mediate Geography 60c, Maury's Manual Geo graphy $1.28, Large Family Bibles (old and new version) Illustrated. $1.75 and upwards. uiiAJfiNa' complete worts us vol.) 3.7&. The above are the prices of onlv a few Books. others in proportion. We have a large lot of second-hand School Books that we will sell at very low prices. Our terms are STRICTLY CASH. uraers Dy man solicited. MAXTON BOOK COMPANY, ang 1 D&W tf Maxton N. C. THE AGIE MANUFACTURING CO. (LOOTED.) WILMINGTON, N. C.t MANUFACTURERS OF. Acme & Gem Fertilizers I IPINB7D3BE AND PINE FIBRET MATTING, C AND i XL0 L COTTON oflwhlohlwe make a specialty, and are the first and only Manufacturers. This BAGGING Is the only practical subetltut for Jute Bagging, to which it la superior, and endorsed by the Cotton Factors, insurance Agents and Exchanges. sep 80 DAW tf SHORT CUT! "TTjTE HAVE THE "SHOBT CUT" AT MAXTON. A short out on frosts. A short out on quick transportation North. A short out on rich soil for early vegetables. These are all established facta. We live in a wonderful age. and there Is no telling what de velopments are near at hand. Buy a Farm and stir the sou. "Go till the ground," said God to man, "Subdue the earth, it shall be thine." Only a few vears henoe and land wQl be be yond price in this section. I will take pleasure in helping any body who PUSHING and ENTERPRISING to buy a Farm In this community commissions or no commis sions. O. H. BLOCKER, 00 19 tf Real Estate Agent, Maxton, N, c. THE CLIMATE, THE SOIL, XftOB TRUCK GARDENTNGAND RAPID THAN- sit North, cannot be surpassed In any section of North Carolina as we find It at Onlv twenty-two hours from Baltimore. No killing frosts until late In winter. Early vardetM In Bnrlnv. A faw mwwl TMrma Vet for sale, but rapidly selling. Live and enterprising farmers and gardeners have an enviable oppor tunity lust now. Apply to O. H. BLOCKEB. oct is u Beat Kstaie Agent, aiHa,n. v. Mereditn, roe. Bryant, Byron, Burns, xngeiow, Cowper, Eemans, Campbell. &o. Pilgrim's Pro cress. Hours with the Bible. Children of the