Ayer's Hair Vigor H ur-drt-ftntn; It r formation of .ln.lmrl. tnaktithi h :r f". n! itk,n; - u air h-ir it l;-v;r m ( thlhr.f i'.. -.;! I fni mnT . ! I t. . n-t I ft naf f V v.-r II ir V:g' r. nly piart of sh nn v . . i.vr-l w.'.h a 11 . Vv-r H:r V;,f.r for a 1:4 1 ." tl y C-.v rt 1 t. n .-lut tr h.vr frm :jrti;n 4 :.fru T'w.h. m l i.-.l v--r Hair Vfr f.r - -vh f i.4 t:r. "' ;'.-.! ' r r-4ii-fn th" 1 ; r rv I f r lr--. , - 144. ! Mr. if.' M ' . - 41 v.. ' 1 ' '- sv- I . A M I vers Hair Viiior, . 4 . i -r' .ra -r MUDQE v ':.r. u V.irehouso, o;e, -Hid. t v .-' -f rap? . ; it t t WVite ."4J - .4i'.r- ' tft W . ; " , 1 - . - . .. 4-a, r t , '2 . .; l-y ' T i t - - - . ' - -.- i '.-I- . . W- . f k j" . ..,4-1 , . t --t. . - i . 1-4 .f . . .4 v . v. r, ' U-Uw ) . - ..,'' ft OIJ k3 - " .7 . . V ... 0 i. IwiUIal . ; " "i:: v iiymzmm co, Acme & Gem Fertilizers Pixie JTlDJoe roTTOV - uui p-Ukty. Jh2 r U Srvt '" --4- : t ts u,i.a ircU-r. Icnrvao Atkinson Imuining'o I Miuruuc I loo not, 1 watsk irraaT. viiaii:io, n. r. i . Sim- ule Cen?d!icj. C E NTRAL, HOTEL, H iI)IHOllO, X. C. ! -orir ore at tei roracmn i 3fit r amm utt; tu b oco u -sir 3tt. It moitm smM .1 p- Unr r.xut t R-.J. L I rRIIR. "1 ' 7TOVfV'. The Administration .. Wn fa4TTit ad rvwrNmtr nt.iu u a.)w mi w-a -tara " wti. bt . " a-l-riau tU t Sit cwj atAad.vWV fc .r. T."'. J ud H5r DTi.mil f. thp: morning star Spirits Turpentine. Person County Courier: There U k grc4l deal of ekew in some MCtioct of tb coanty. L (trarge Sentinel; The early rc;i tr ,p bin uurrrtl K'rerr ly hy tbe wet wc.li.r Niriy ucc-lalf&f the c; op baa rot it a on toe tree. Marfreeab.iro Index: The Mar frvcj.t j Diilnci Coofereocs cuaTeaea at LwitrQ July 24'h to the Wlh. The M.&uUra' Cooferroc of the Weat Chowan A-ciAtioo will be held at the Bptitt Ciurca hire 00 Tuedar after the third uoJy 10 this month. The citalogae of Oxford Fe rn r miliary ibox an a'.tocdaoce during the !vt caioa of one hundrctl acd thirty - uo tudent. drawn from all ectioos cf North Cn ha, aod tome from Virgmi, Suth Carolina, Oeoroa and Tencec. EfTtn Uachfri aod officers are engaged. Miltoo Advertiser : Sheriff li. S. Oravc tnck a lira Turner, a white woman boai fift) year of agw, to the SIurKnloo 1cj.cc Aiflum Turady. The poor wo roia ht U.o ia JU for i.ioe time, aod will no doubt be much more Itacly to im pnte a va a p!ced where the will re cti tc proper treatment. -- Aoheville Citizen: We hve h rd wtih very iiccere rtgrtt cf the death of Mr. Iluih iiarrcy DtTtdtoo at hit resi dence 10 Clay coanty vn S!ot.dy, the flrt dyrf Ja!. Hew a 1 he brother r.f Col. A T IHTtddo. of Aihti if. and uocl of At torue y -General A. T. Iidjoo, and othcrwuc largely uj moat highly repecla hiy conoecua. Itocky .Moant PbxindeaUr : We he htard of co crtlon bl.om in this auc tion t yet C0U00 gene rally i tery back ward tht year The family of Mr. Arthur Prteopcrta aned here Vcdnrday frcca Wtlmtotoo. The heavy acd roc'.inuouj r;c of the pl w.ck haTe ;o r'l ifce cropa to a preat extent in m-. j (Iter. Wo rer.t er much t rbr- ncc the death of M:u EQe S:y!c. fc ci ! erect ocrurred at the houc of r f .her-in-!a. Mr. E W Hbcrron.cear thw p ace 00 Wednesday !aL Franklin Irss: Mm. Shade SU'lcup ha.J the mia.'ort joc to tt her ao- broken one dy lat week We r p4 0c1 Ut announce the death of Mrt. Th . V Mirr, which occurred at her L. esc Mrnaay mht. Jhe died in a rip 1 re There ti lou f ickoe4 in J.iT.rit.". partj i f the couoty--cveral c if typhoid feecr Mr. Juha T. Siall- cu send ua two bucchc of nhcat grown frnua two grain, t oe of thirty-four and '.he oihir thlrty-Src ttalk. which he calcu a'ca w at the ta.e of l.'i) bushel to one n 3. I5aiturg Times: Moro rin bu ttilca wiihia the pal two weeks than hv etr be n known to fall in the sam length of i.me m tbl ectlo. We n g.-tt to learn of the nuicidc of Mr Charlea 1. Ilrwn. tmther or our goxi menu E.wh G. Brown, both of whom art well kuown in Iouiabur Mim iNellie. the joiecet daughter of Mr. 51. T Har- rin. died at the rtit!cDce of her mother. r. ui qtc mi.ii irirtn iuiauurc, uu iuct J.y !'. Her recctic wre taktn to cth for loUrtueni The widow of la'e W. I. LVpredgc died a', btr reti- t!-ccr at Cdar H.k. tbi county, on Mob- day laat nc waa highly eteeir ed by a'.l who knew htr, and ta4l Iitc1 to a rip old age. Tarboro lianncr; The rain b dote rro:dcrab;j dfttrac to ctci. Thf Trb4ro boue mjg a.-i!d Monday. J j.ige Howard m the purchaaer at I , tH We Lear of rnt.y i-aU leiog cut )u. be ft re tbe riu and almoel ruinetl. lo ton kp! bull make tucu hot nns ii.t ir. Kcinecr at the Tarboro O.I Mills mtica w.-. wrb tr-.rm in order to rtma-.n in 1.4C cctf ce to ra this hot weather Iu a j.U.i";. L wtit th" S'.a'.e dee for the K-Uio n;l c Gutils. '.he ctunty bu citrtO tfirm lt. trr town lt. the people coa .riUuto of pruior.s !r ti.t.ir er.camprr.ect . .1 v a runrrrt !at niht. '.he rrccceds a t hcip d-fray the other tipenae of the cncampoicnt. I'amiico Tribune: The heavy and coo'ant ricj htvc dsmtgtd crops cuoiiidcras: y . tho oat crop is nearly a totl A Urs- near followed Mr J. M.rwycr and Chrutopbtr Laptoa noroe di.inrt? along the public road leading through lirivad Creek swamp a few d)s . Oar Irisa potato farmers are sroewhl dicourigcd . some bre not beard from their shipments; others hsve, cd say ILo prices o beamed arc small and not up to their eipecUtions . IJ. Hopkina. of Gooae Creek Iilaod, baa bceo appo!n:cil p-Tatmjter at that place, in the p.ACu of Mr Mu4e, who has held the office acceptably for a number of years under t in Ipubhcan and Democratic aJminis tra!: joj. (oldboro Mercury: Rev. J. M lawyer, of the Magnolia circuit, M. E, Church, was in town to-day soliciting help to rebui.d the Melbodit church, at War w, dctro)(d some lime since by a cy c vno. We sre glad to n.t that he met with succxs. Mn C.J. Ikat, whose severe nirkoes hai been frequently noticed m these oIumcs we are rejoiced to learn is much better and will fooo be able Ut be up agaio The baby is alto improving. A white maa was Arraigned this morning before Justice Bruadhurs., charged with making ao aault, with bad intent, upon a colored girl yrsterdsy The man. in ques tion was vrry d.unk at the time the ofleocs ia alleged to have been made. On hearing the evidence Broadhurst bound the defend ant over to court in the sum of $300, and the defendsot gave bond. Charlotte Chronicle: On Thnr dy ni4hl. a'. Ccccord. the Cabamia Blark ctcneoted an elegan; sword to Dr II Voucg captain cf the company. It waa, says the 7iwj. a complete surprise to tbe C'apttn Clerk Morrow wno returned froca Waihaw Thurdsy night, reports the cop ai-tg the route as very hopeful. Tt h c i'.on is ml:. the stand is soo t, arU w-.th dry tather. a isrge cr' p msy 1 I in! f r The up.'atd corn is splendid. Wednesday uigut a thief stole money -. '. aa'chfs from s?veral guests at the Cochrane hotel at Hunteri!lc, who wire attend. eg ih School Commencement. A. M Herrcft bal 35 aod a gc d watch and b s vest stolen frucn ha rooeo. Will Warren wv r l'd of $5: and another person who hv. $2tO in til px:ket, was robbed only of a silver wi'ch There is no clue to the tbiif Davidson Iisjxiteh: Haio haa cri uly damated wbet in tie shock. Mr. Levi Johtscn, formerly c era of the inj'eti r cm: of Davidson cunty. hiS beeo p'i m".c-l from a f I 4C0 clerkship tn tie ei.--o rCce to a clerkship paylag 6 a year Mr Geo. M. Bulla has ben apoiat'd lo a clerkship in tha ufflce of Co ec'. r Ete, Col W. F Henderson taceeet'.s Dr Mearta as deputy oollector, and Mr. W.N Kiouey inherits Charley G'iS.h's gugicg rol A blocdy fight ccured Moodsy sfternoon between a col ored citiicn cimtd Tom Uargravc, alias HenderseJtj. sod hia wife. They fought with knives aed gashed each other badly acd were wi'h liOcu!y restrained from further act cf violence when deputy sher iff BnUa app-ared on the scene. No ar rests have been mvie. Carthage IilaU: The late raina have damaged cropa ia Moore county alone u the extent of thousand of dolla'S. The wster coarse throaghoat this entire section hare been unusually high for the past several dayt. and great destruction to crops haa been the result. The rail road company baa been an kind and con- t .'crate as lo again treat us lo the luxury of two trains a day on Uc Carthage branch. John W liiiaxns. who shot with a pistol at:-, seriously wounded B. D. Lewis, of It t salem U wosb.it. tbi- couuty, on Nov 10 h, aod who fled to evade arrest. was captured by Sheriff H. C. Fisher, of Cumberland, last Friday. A number of applications were made on last Monday to the County Commissioners to grant license to retail llquora. The Commis sioner are not dlrpoeed to grant license to any one. We learn that their powers in such matter will be tested in the courts. Bargaw Herald,' The friends of tbe rcncrable Jtmrs P. Moore will regret to bear of hia continued iILocas at his home in PenJcr county. Referring to the mat ter of tile drainage we would state that there is not a finer opening anywhere for tho manufacture of tile and brick than here at Bargaw. There i as fine clay here aa can be found in Esstern North. Carolina for the purpose. Our people were called on last weak to follow to tbe grave tbe remains of ooe who waa formerly a resident of Bur gaw for several yeara Mrs. Bailie J , wife 04 John H, Tienken, Esq, who died at her residence in Wilmington Thursday last. The remains were brought here Friday, ac companied by her sorrowing husband and relatives and friends, and were laid to rest by the side of her two little boys. Rev. Dr. Pntcbard and Rev. Mr. Peach au conducted tbe burial services The C. F & Y. V. railroad runs within two miles of Long Creek, and an effort is being made to have a depot nearest here The daily freight and passenger traffic from here detmnds this more so probably than any section on the road. Washington Gazette: Ninety two dogs have so far been registered with the town clerk. This leaves at least nlne-ly-sicu hundred of the pests unaccounted for. A correspondent says the A. & P railroad management is pushing things, aod tbe train will soon be seen flying through Pntego. The farmers are looking blue over the continued rains, and wl.cn the farmers arc blue, we all are blue. They are the bone and sinew of the peo ple. It is with pleasure that wc note the fact that our town anJ county authori ties have again interested themselves in the Washington Light Infantry, each body giving the company $50 On Mondsy afternoon, just as the night fireman went on duty, the large boiler al tbe saw mill of the Beaufort County Lumber Company burst with terrific force, killing one 8aa nett. a while mar, outright, and scalding two colored men severely, one of whom died in a short while, and the other waa not eipecte-d to live at last accounts. On last Friday. Noah Brown, colored, was working in front of the circular saw at J. P. Brown'; saw mill, running through timbers to be made into curtain poles, when ooe of the block that had gone through caught in tbe saw and was burled back with uch force again! Noah s breast that bo was knocked senseless and died in a few hours. 2 H'iJV KIsINOS. It is truly stated that the wo rn n of New York have very mi.ll feet, which shows that "all's well which ends well.- ). Herald; The man who invented the lo comotive cow-catcher never got a cent for it And jet it ha gien many a man a lift. VnAer State man "You are enjoying yourself, I hupc," sid the bos'.taa at a Boiree to Galu- cbet. ' lou koow, madam, said Uaju- cbet. with bis most ersc!rus smile, "that the dullest parti" cev r boro mo I can s'at.d almost any.hing " blench I-in. About 30,000 people a day go up the .mei tower, ut mene teiweeu H.000 and 4,000 go to the top. On ao ave rage a inrsnD has to wail about an hour to go up in tbe lift. A clorgyman related that ho w 1 s or.cj CDOipleU-ly nonplused by a run: 'rr a. a chriRtfoin,;. Tbe child, usv lrglKt n taken to church to be baptized, was io much disconcerted at the niinisttr's sprinkling him in tho face tht bo inter rupted him by exclaiming: "Ptopl I won't u: ' The firo of the canvas on which MiHrt painted "L'Angclus." tho famous f 1 10 GOO picture, is 2U by 23f inches. The painting was pa:d fcr at the rate of $204 05 per square inch. There are 1,000 pensioners de pendent upon tbe New "iork Police Pen sion Fund, to whom is disbursed fl50,000 a year. A Ho ton paraphrase: Miss Hac N j ' I wonder if President Harrison will rtceive a synonyne-" Miss Wobbash "A wbicb?" Mi?s Bsv-bey "A synonyme another term you know." Puck Senator Alfred Wagstaff, 6 feet 2 incbei in heignl. fell off a train at Is'.ip, L I , recently. Being somewhat of a wag as well as a stall, he contemplated his su pine pojf.ion a moment and naveily remark ed. 'I slip, Loog;I land." Ncu York Uerad. The Eiffel Tower has had s chance lo prove itself of practical valu-J. A barge having become disabled on the Seine by night, tbe electric light was turned on the river and the sai ora were enabled to save both themselves and the cargo. When Thomas Carlyle once im pertinently asked: "What great or noble thing has America ever done? ' Somebody rcplie-d: "She has produced a girl, deaf, dumb and qlind from infancy, who from her own earning haa sent a barrel of flour to tte stsrviog subjects of Great Britain ia Ireland." The girl was. of course, the late L.ura Bridgman. . A XoiaS Lcal opinion. E Balnbridg Munday. Esq , County Ally.. Clsy Co., Texas, says : "Have used E.eetric Bitters with most happy results. My bn.lher also waA very low with Mala rial Fevrr and Jaundice, but was cured by timely uce cf tbi medicine. Am satisfied Electric BilU-rs saved bis life. Mr. D I Wllcoxson. of HoraeCave.Ky , adJ a like icfclimooy, saing: He positive ly believes he would have died had it not been for Electric Bitters. This great remedy will ward rff, as well as cure all Malarial Disease, and for all Kianey, Liver and EUomecb Disorders slacds uocqua!e.l Price 50c and $1, at Robert R Bellamy's Wholesale and Re tail Drug Store. t ttaeklan'a Arnica aiv. Thk B8r Salts in the world for Cuts, Brui--.cs. Sore. Ulcers, Sail Rheum. Fever Sorv, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblaina, Corns, aod all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cure Piles, rr no pa7 required. It is c'.;rantccd to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Pncfe 35 cents per hor. Kt.r x'.c r.y Robert R. Bellamy, wholesale and retail druggists. t CENTRAL! HOTEL, MOUNT AIRY, N. C, J. V. MITCHELL, Iroprlctor. FINELY KQWippE). GOOD TABLE. BaaJqoartars for Commercial Travellers. 8am rl Room oa Ground Tloor. Tourists will fled If acnlllcnt Mountain Boeaerv. BalM Low. J as tf llsfaetlosi GaaraaiMa. SUPERIOR COURTS: OF NORTH CAROLINA. FOR 1889. FIRST JTTDIOIAXi DISTRICT. a I Inrl ira ROYKTN. - Fall-Judse Gilmkr. Beaufort-May 37tn, JNov 35tH. Currituck March 4th, Sept 2d. - .i UoTfth 11th. Snt. 0(-h yj tVLLI UCU tf4ww- - ' r - - Pasquotank March 18th, June 10th, Hept loin. Perquimans March 25th, Sept 23d. Chowan April 1st, Sept 30th. a tC ftth. Oct 7th. Hertford April 15th, June 17th, Oct 14th. ,,, , Washington Aprill 22d, Oct 21st. Tyrrell April 29th, Oct 28th. Dare May 6th, Nov 4th. Hyde May 13th, Nov 11th. Pamlico May 20th. Nov 18th. SKCOND JUDICIAI. DISTRICT. a Trw.tm MACRAR. F.ll .1 nnw Knv ittkt Halifax March 4th, May 13th, Nov. 11th. Northampton April 1st, Sept 30th. Bertie April 29th, October 28th. r.on M a v 27th. Novemhflr 25th. Warren March 18th, September 16th Edgecombe April 15th,October 14th. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Pall Jades MacRak. Pitt March 18th, June 10th, Septem ber 16tn. FVanklin April 15th, Nov 11th. Wilson June 3d, Oct 28th. Vance May 20th, Oct 14th. Martin March 4th, Sept 2d, Dec 2d Green April 1st, Sept 30th. Nash April 29th, Nov 18th. FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Graves. Fall .Th dee WakA Ffth 25th. March 25. April 22nd, July 8th, August 26th, Sept 2ou, Uct 2l8t. Wayne March 11th, April 15th, Sept 9th. tlfit 14tn. Hitrnett Aucust 5th. Nov 25th. Johnston August 12th, Nov 11th. KIKTH-JUDICIAL- DI8TRICT. Hiieinc .Tiidtrfl . i" - r- r- - f an j nacre wkavks. Durham March 25th, June 3d, Oct llrh aranville April 22d, Sept 9th, Nov 25th. Plinth Am Mav 6th. SeDt 30th. (iuilford Feb 18th, May 27th, Aug 26th. Dec 9th. Alamance March 4th, May 20th, O ran e-e March 8th. Aue 5th, Nov 4th Caswell April 8th, Aug 12th, Nov 11th. Person April 15th, Aug 19th, Nov 18th. SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Shipp. rail Judge Pender May.Cth, Bept 9th. NVw Hanover AdHI 15th. Sept 23d. T.tir.lpAnf 19th. Nov 11th. D.inlin Anir . 1st Mondav. Nov 25th. Sampson Feb 25th, April 29th, Oct 7th, Deo tn. Certprt March 18th. Oct 21. Jones-March 25th, Oct 28th. Onslow April 1st, JNov4th. SKVKKTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Slr.rinrr.Tnr.i'P MhRRIMON. F44.il .Tn.lp-pi Shipp. Anson April 29th, Sept 2d, Nov 25th. Cumberland May lith, Juiy zza, ixov 1 1 1 h PnlniTihnu Anril 1st. .Tulv 29th. Robeson May Utn, Aug lam, oepi, . , . . . 1 . 1 1 4. M it ll 4SV t. 44. Rirhmond Sent 15th.June 3d. Dec 2d. Hladen March lbth, uct I4tn. Hrtinanick Anril 8th. SeDt 9th. Moore -April 15th, Aug 12th, Oct 21st. KIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Sririn( .Tlldcft . Fall Judge Mkrrimon. Cabarrus April 29th, (Jet IJSth , . . 1 A f X 1 T ill. Iredell May autn, Aug otu, xiov iu. iinirnMv fith. Auer 19th Nov 18th. Davidson March 4th, June 3d, Sept 9-1 nn 21 Raudol oh March 18th, Sept 19th. Mmintmrv Anpil Int.. Sfnt. 30th. 444 uuigU 4X4 . J . ' " " " 1 4 Stanlv Aoril 8th. Oct 14th. KINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Philips. j? an juuge Rockingham July 22d, Nov 4th. Forsyth May 20th, Oct 21st. V...R. ., i.'44i. ivt i rsrT v.ii i i 44J rV I 44 4. ' J - Wilkes March 4th, Sept 9th, April .yth. Alleghany March 18th. Sept 2d. li.ivit Anril 1st. Oct 7tn. Stokes April 15th. Aug 5th, Nov 11th Surry April 22d, Aug 19th, Nov 18th TKKAH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge CONNOR. Fall Judge Philips, Henderson July 15th. Burke March 4th, Aug 5th. Caldwell March 18th, Sept 2d. Ashe March 25th, May 27th,Aug 19th Watauga April 8th, June 3d, Aug 29th. Mitchell April 15th, Sept 9th. Yancey April 29th Sept 23d. McDowell May 13th, Oct 7th, KLKVKNTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Clark. Fall Judge Conner. Catawba July 15th. Alexander July 29th. Union Sept 16th. Mecklenburg Feb 25th, Aug 26th. Gaston March ISth, Oct 7th. Lincoln April lft. Sept 30th. Cleveland April 8th, Aug 5th, Oct 21st. Rutherford April 22d, Oct 28th. Polk May 6th, Nov 11th. TWELFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Gilmer. v Fall-Judge Clark. Madison Feb 25th, July 29th, Nov 18th. Buncombe March 11th, June 17th, Aug 12th, Dec 2d. Transylvania April 1st, 8ept 2d. Hay wood April 8th, Sept 9th. Jackson April 22d, Sept23d. Macon May Cth, Sept 30th. Clay May 13th, Oct 7th. Cherokee May 20th, Oct 14th. Graliam June 3d, Oct 28th. Swain June 10th. Nov. 4th. FARMS AM LANDS FOR SALE. T M PROVED LANDS, TTUBKRKD LAND The Counties oi Eobeeon. Bladen, CumbcrUiA. and all acuaoeni munivua, unci um ""-'r, ttoe f or tnreetment. The oponliu? of direct rail iic xur uiToo.444 arrow uwxrr .r.tir.i-.i Kovn PteOrUl 4k44V ' " WKW AND INVITING ?IBXD for Trncklng, Gar- lLn Miinaol to any country. A competing 0e JUJOrrlrr. f.lln Nnrfh Hnnth Raul EdWeStrck trort Nor' by eevai routea. A gSnd opportunity for aate invert Sbom; and a better one for practical farmers ana Coma and or write toj blocKEB, Real Estate .agent. Max ton, BT B DWtf Bobeaon CXx. N. C The Weeklv Review, A PAPER FOB NORTH CAROLINIANS, AT HOME AND ABROAD. Edited by Edward OHIIaxn. Alreadv taklnc rank for its bright editor matter and wide condensation of tews, a mo the leading Journals cf the State. Ita principle are. Tariff Reform and "De mocracy as bbe to Taoffbt." TbebJsT DoUar-a- ear Paper In the State, AddrMTHE WEEKLY BEVIEW. ap ,7 a heldsTllle, N. C WHOLSSALB PSICES. Fha following quotations zepreseni wNoiessio Drtoeb j?enerauy. n mnt.Tix up sasaii orders higher pr.cs have to im charged. T'-a qnotatlona are always given an accuratfv? I. hn ti.A i4a urtll not he r'nnnslh a for iiuy variatloiu? from tba actual marttet price Ot tne art'.oiea qu"wa. BAGGINe Gunny Standard BACON North Carolina Hams, to.-.. Shoulders, t HlJos, ? WBdTJitlH iMOaJtD HaiZB, E Sides, V 2 Shoulders, $1 B DRY SALTED Sides. E Shoulders, 9 BARRKJjS Splrita Turpentine Second tiAnd, each New Iew Yorlt,eaoh New City, each BKSSV.'AX. V a.... Txrs-iira wilwlTiin.. Ts m II O 10 & i o 8 Q 6 3s is 14 12 11 15 - iV4 6k 00 00 es no 1 35 1 75 1 70 2 oo 8 0C Northern 0 00 BUTTER, $ lb North CarcUus Ip Northern 3 ti, M 00 85 S3 CANDLiy, S Sparni Adamaiitlne Nortiiem Factory Dairy, Cream State COF?.K, V Java Lamyra Rio CORN MHAL, Ji bu3 , tn eaoks- VlTKliiia MctU COTTON TIIii, V bundle DOMBSTICS b!ieetl2ig, 4-4, ?l yd Yarns, bunch W3G3, V doses 18- (I 9 tt K 10 11 12 10 87 12 13 11 28 B0 17 673 00 "Jt CO Q 1 60 60 15 c 00 . 10 33 00 BO.. 11 Fiau XTotltAT-Al. No. 1. bbl. O 30 00 tt 15 00 O 18-00 4i 9 00 63 14 00 5 50 Mackerel, No. 1, half bbl. li 00 Maokerei. No. 2, 1 bbl. 16 00 Aiaoierel, No. 2, half bbl .... 8 00 Kaaxerel. No. 3. e bbl 12 P0 Muileta, bbl 0 GO Mullets, l'ork bbls 9 JO N. C. Hoe Herrln.iT, 9 kK... 3 00 Dry Cod. a R 5 to 10.00 3 00 10 4 7.1 5 (tt 6 00 FLOUK. bbl- WesUirn low (rraco ' Kxtra " pznliy 5 25 60 50 City aiils Sapor. Flimlly 4 00 10 00 5 Ui 3 GLUB, 1b QUAIN, 13 buehei 10 60 55 58 CO Corn, from ecoie, DaKB,wuii Coru, caro. In bali, white. Corn, carco. in bajrs, white. Corn, mixed, from store Oste, from store Data, Rust Proof Oow Teas 5733 oo a 00 iZ 0 00 o 00 & 1 4214 55 i5 5 7 10 05 00 a HTDSS. a Green Dry o HAY, 100 Or eastern Western North River oo o oo a 2MO HOOP IRON, i LAHD, y Nortnern North Carolina 0 LOLE, barrel 1 0 00 LUMiJBK, ety sawea, as. ij.. Hhlp Htnn, resawea id RonghKtlKe Plana 15 00 Weet India Cargoes, acoord- iiiK to qiailty .... 13 00 Dressed Flooring, eeasoned. 18 00 3cantliui: and Board, com'c 14 CO 20 00 15 0C 18 Ot 15 ifiOLASSKS, 9 raUon- New 'Jrop Cuba, In thas.. 4 In hblE.. 00 SO 52 31 II 15 IS 45 50 Porto Rloo, in hhds M ' tn bble Su&r House, In hhds ' inbbis Syrup, in bbis 0J ii W 17 30 25 & G NAILS. Be. Cat. 10d basis. 01W-, S rc)-cn Korosane Lrd Llatoed iisin 10HJ5 00 (A 14J4 68 CO 13 20 IS 25 si 10 75 00 S3 5 & it cc 20 10 75 60 50 Dok and ; POULTRY Cclcxb&e, Hpriar Tnriers & PK.ANT7TS. S bushelfi 2S ls. POTATOES, bushel Wt .. - TrlBh.Wbbi. 75 ?OKK, It barrel City M8S3 Prime Rood 14 00 13 00 00 O 15 00 G 14 00 & 13 50 UICB Carolina, f V4HCH 50 a 1 co & - i co a coi ; oo e, 80 G n 0 Qt eo o Q 0 Q 0 Q 0 70 10 ;4ougn, v Dusnsi, wpiuju.. ' " (ijovrland). BAGS. 9 B Country - 14 City ROPK. & ft & 22$ SO 80 GO SO SALT, 9 e&oX, Alum Liverpool , Llebon Arccrican 5UGAR, lt Standard trrsn . ?tandarJ A SVlilte Kz. C Bxtra C, Golden C Yellow y 8 30AP, 9 lb Northern dHUiGLKS. 7 In. M 6 7 00 2 50 5 ro 5 00 2 CO 4 50 0 CO 8 00 0 00 E 10 00 7 60 C CO 5 00 S 00 1 00 1 00 28 io Conuaon Cypress Sape Cypress Hearts 7 50 8TAVH8, 9 M W. O. Barrel... O 14 i a 10 00 6 13 CC O 850 R O. Hoifsnead TALLOW, S6 TIMBER. 9 M feet Shipping.. Mill Prime Mill Fall Common Mill Inferior to Ordinary i3 & Q & e 6 0 4 54. PS 00 WHicsKBY. 8 udi Northern... :Jorti CiTolms 50 SO 18 WOOL, 8 lb Washed TTnw3ned tiurrv 12 Bank of Hew Hanover. Authorized Capital, - $1,000,000 Cash Cauital paid la. - 2300,000 Surplioa JtwaA, - $130,000 DIRECTORS : W I SOKit C. M. 3TSDMAK, . W. WILLIAM?. ISAAC BATES, UON'vLD ?-.c3AE: JAS A. LSAS, 1. VOLLH?, P. KBETNSTSIN, ii. K. EElDQliiiS B. B. EORDEN. W. ATKINSON. 13 A AC BATES President 5. W. WXLLIAMS, Vioe President, ao it tt WM. L. -M1TH. Cashier. iorning News. The Leading Commercial, Political and Business Newspaper of the Southeast. fm. oii7ivin unnVTVO N7WS In n.n establisoea, enierprismir, Tijrorou'j unwoyaii, i . - ,.(11. nn iMthatHnn n 4k DOSSeSHiDK uaequaieu ihviiri iui n4.4ii4 4444, r. . . .. nuuplTiiT It. In th mnst read- able shape to Its readers. It is carefully edited, and aisousses an qumiiuns -ji i"""" wltnout rear or ravor. no kickjoiuiv 1 1 . . .4 K Iti i . fTill t-' rtrrrtu of t n A nAvn and markets of the world by associated press - - v. .1 ( 1 c n vr CT1T1T4I AmantAn hv n T, , i t-rr. Nun Vfrfe WttuhlncrlriTi Boeciai .not t uuui 4.., ' - v'- AtlanU, Jacksonville, Tallahassee and other news centres, in poiiiica u. m i"'""nuu wu ocratlo. bnt independent of political cliques. It ia & tar,? 8-Daire Daper. published every day in the year. Prise, $10. THE SAVASNAII WEEKLY NEWS Is a 16 page newspaper, containing 112 columns of matter, including tbe cream of the contents of the Moknims Nws;has au Agricultural De- Dart men t, Bousenoia xieceipuj.ranii iuu ncyurn. and Original and selected Btories, and a special Weekly market Ibere la no better paper In the world than the Savannah Wmbxt News. The price is oriy a Send for the MoBMine Nkws premlam list. f eb 28 tf Savannah, Ga. TheCentral Protestant A WEEKLY RELIGIOUS AND FAMILY NBW8-. m TT nrurk LJ -4 4. - . n4,44cit Tt4i.o. XXpaper and tne urK" i " Ci? t rVnro.h in North Carolina, la published at reensboro, N. C. W?1 !?.Mr,3r hTnmlv,, Tne eiuriDiiivy 01 . --- activity OI 1 Tt nli nf SfSa lilverOfllnK public Terms very favor SBsjSavli Tyour buatnees lstereet, and address the editor T rvktrr 4f IVS w .9 ,--r.Kioro M. C Atlantic Coast Lin WiluiicEton & Weldoii B. R. & Branches. -I I Condensed Schedule. THAIN8 flOING SOUTH. ;Dathd June 10, 1889. . ? . a P m p 4 Leae I Weldon 12 40 1 6.431 6 00 Arrive Rooky Mt 1 65; 7 10 Arrive Leave Tarboro... Tarboro... ..j 3 651.. A. M. .. 10 20.. IP. M. Arrive Wilson.. I 2 271 7 00 7 43 Leave Arrive Arrive Wilson Selma Payettevlile. T2 37 3 40 6 i0 Leave Goldsboro 3 20. 4 16 4 Sol 6 CCl 7 40 8 35 9 40 9 55 11 39 Leave Warsaw Leave Magnolia '8 4C 9 65 Arrive tWllmlngton . . TRAINS GOING NORTH. . 53 . S3 t.T3 f O 00 a AO a K OfegS P. M A. M P. M. Leave Wilmington 1 12 05 9 CO 4 00 A. M. Leave Magnolia 1 24 110 43 5 40 Leave Warsaw 10 57 6 56 Arrive Goldsboro 2 25 11 52 g 68 Leave Payettevlile 8.40 Arrive Selma 11 00 Arrive Wilson 12 10 IA. M.P.-M P. M. Leave Wilson Arrive Rooky Mt. 3 02 12 45 7 52 . .1 1 20 8 29 Arrive Tarboro 3 55 A. M.I Leave Tarboro 10 20 f I P M. Arrive Weldon 4 30 2 40 1 9 40 Dally except Sunday. Train on Scotland Neck Bran oh Road leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at 2.30 P.M. Return ing, leaves Scotland Neck at 8.20 A. M., dally ex cept Sunday. Train leaves rarDoro, N. C, via Albemarle J 77dU1i T Aalltr a.An4 Onnnw r H KT U" .anM 44444?4mu,4.a uaujAUUUh K7UXlUCkjr, U.VX . 4H..47UU day 3.17 P. M.;arrlve Wllllamston, N.C., 7.20 P.M. and 4.55 P, M. Returning leaves wllllameton,N.C. DaUy except Sunday. 7.10 A. M., Sunday 9.60A.M, arrive Tarboro, N. C 8.15 A. M and 11.80 A. M. Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Golds boro. N.C., dally exoept Sunday ,6.00 A.M.; arrive Smlthfield, N. C, 7.30 A. M. Returning leaves Hmithfleld, N.C8.-00 A.M.: arrive Goldsboro, N. C, 9 30 A.M. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 3.00 P. M.f arrives Nashville 3.40 P. M., Spring Hope 4.15 P. M. Returning leaves Spring Hope 10.00 A.M., Nashville 10.35 A.M., Rocky Mount 11.15 A. M-, dally, exoept Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton. Daily, except Sunday, at 6.00 P. M. and 11.10 A. M. Returning leave Clinton at 8 20 A.M. and 8 10 P. M., oonnocLlng at Warsaw with Nos. 41. 40, 23 and 78 Southbound Train on Wilaoa atid Fayettevllle Branch la No. 51. Northbound id No. 50. Daily exoept Sunday, Train No. 27 South will stop only at wuaon, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North dailv. All rail via Richmond. and daily except Sunday via Bay Line. Trains make close connection for all points North via Richmond and Washington. All trains run solid between Wilmington and WashlngtoB. and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. JOHN P: DIVTNB, General 8up't. J. R. KENLY, Sup't Transportation. T. M. KMBRSON, Gen'l Passenger AgerX my 5 tf Atlantic Coast Line. f UfflingtoD, Columbia & Anpsta R. R. Condensed Schedule. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. eg eg Dated May 12, 1839 . 000 S5 S5 S3 P M P M I Leave Wilmington 6 25 10 10 Leave Marlon 9 ?8 12 40 1 Arrive Florence lu 30 1 20 A. M No. 50 A. M. A. M. Leave Florence 3 20 t 9 20 Arrive Sumter 4 40 10 28 No 5S; A. M. Leave Sumter 4 40 tlO 83 Arrive Columbia... 6 15 11 65 A. M. . No. 52 runs through from Charleston via Cen tral S. R. Leaving Lanes 9:15 A. M.. Manning 9:56 A. M. Train on C. St D. R. R. connects at Florence with No. 68. TRAINS GOING NOHTH. CO CQ O 4ti 4Q c 0 e K 55 X p. n. pT"m Leave Columbia 10 86 5 26 Arrive Sumter 11 58 6 32 Leave Sumter 11 68 t 6 37 Arrive Florence 1 15 7 bO A. M. P. M. No. 78. No. 14 Aa 2f P 4 ICtt Leave Florence 4 35 8 16 Leave Marion 5 20 8 59 Arrive Wilmington 8 S6 11 50 A. M. P. M. Dailv. tDallv exoent Sunday. No. 53 runs through to Charleston. S . C via Central R. R., arriving Manning 7.-01 P. M , Lanes 7:42 p. M., cnaneston w.ao r. m. No. 59 connects at Florence with C. and D. train for Cheraw and Wades boro. Nna. 78 and 14 make close connection at Wll- mfnaton with W. A W. R. B for all points North. Train on Florence R. R.. leaves Pee Dee dally except Sunday, 4.40 P. M , arrive Rowland 7.00 p. m. Keturning leave ttowiana o au a. m., ar rive Pee Dee 9.00 A. M. Train on Manchester A Angusta B. R. leaves Sumter dally except Sunday, 11.00 A. M , arrive Pine wood 12 01 l. M. Returning leave Pine- wood 12 80 P. M., arrive Sumter 1 30 P. M. JOHN P. DIVTNB, Gen'l Sunt. J. H. KENLY. Assistant Gen'l Manager. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent. my 11 tf Atlantic Coast Line. North-Eastern R, R. of S. 0. Condensed Schedule. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated May 12th, 1889. No. 27 No.28 No.52 A M AM Leave Florence l 35 9 30 Klngetree 2 29 10 55 Arrive Lanes 5 5 11 M P.M. Leave Lanes 2 6G 11 20 7 53 Arrive Charleston 5 Ot 1 80 9 30 A. M. P. M. P. M. Train No. 63 takes No. 63 South of Lanes. Train on C. fc D. li. R. connects at Florenoe with No. 23 Train. TRAINS GOING NORTH. Jno.78 No.14 No.53 A. M P. M A. M. 12 26 4 80 7 80 2 45 6 28 9 10 2 6i 6 28 3 10 6 4fc 4 20 7 55 A. M. P. M. A.M. Leave Charleston. Arrive Lanes Leave Laces Klngstree.. Arrive Florence... RW l-m U t4 .Annait a at "PI r.rfTin TAlttl tr&lD on c. A D. R B, for Cheraw, B.C., and Wades boro. N . C . , No. 52run8tnrougntouoiumoia ti wuum a. B. of S. C. 4 o maklnar clone connection with W. A W. K. for all points North. 3. B. KENLY. JOHN P. DTvTM. A$H Gen'l Manager. ten- fV T. M. EMERSON. Gen'l. Passenger Agent. my 11 tf NEW ADVKKTI8KMKNT8. CATAWBA COLLEGE, NEWTON, N. C. Next session Basins Aninnt fitn, 1889. Full Academlo, Business and Collegiate Corn-sea, with Muslo and Art. Ten accomplished Instruc tors. Good Buildings, Apparatus, Libraries, eto. Thorough work and moderate expenses. Pure water and mountain air. Ca alogucwPree. Address HEV, J. C. OLAPP, U .!., Pre. Jy 8 lm v CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD CO. Change of Schedule. WESTBOUND TRAINS. No. 41. No. 51. No. a. June 8, 1888. Dally ex. Dally ex. Dally ex. Sunday. Sunday. Sunday. Leave Wllmlngt'n 2.20 p. m 7.30; p. m Leave Hamlet 6 45(p. m 2.00 a. m Leave Wadesboro 7.89,p.m 8.15 a. m Arrive Charlotte. 9.85 p. m 6,10 a. m Leave Charlotte.. 4.16 p. m Leave Llnoolnton. 6.61 p. ta Leave Shelby 6.67 p. n Arrive. Batherfn 8.20 p. m BASTBOUND TRAINS. No. 88. No. 64. No. 6. June S, 1888. Dally ex. Dally ex. Dally ex. Sunday. Sunday. Sunday. Lve Rntherf 'dt'n 8.00 a. m Leave Shelby B .28 a. m Leave Llncolnton 10.30 a. m Arrive Charlotte. . ' 12.05 p. m Leave Charlotte.. 5.15 a. m 8.80 p. m Ijeave Wadesboro 7.08 a. m 11 28 (p. m Leavel Hamlet 8 20 a. tn 1.46 a. to Arrive Wllmlngt'n 12.80 p. m 7.45 a. m Trains Nos. 41 and 88 make close connection Hamlet, between Charloitajmd points North v Raleigh - Trains Nos 51 and (54 make oloee connection at Hamlet, to and from Raleigh. , Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Wilmington and Raleigh. Li. li. JOHJU. Superintendeai. 7. W. CLARK, General Passenger Agent. Juna 4 tf Palmetto Railroad Co. Srawiwinnii Q AND.AJTTBR WEDNESDAY. DEC 6TD 1888, Trains will ran aa follows, dally. Son day exoepted : GOING SOUTH t No. 1 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT : Leave Hamlet, N. C 9.16 A. M. v. Osborn, (Flag Station) 9.35 A.M. " KoUock 8Utlon 10.06 A. M. Arrive Cheraw. & C 10.26 A. M. GOING NORTH: No. 2-PASSSNGBIt AND FREIGHT : Leave Cheraw. S. C 4.90 P. M. KoUock 4 40 P. M. " Osborne (Flag station) 6.10 P. M. Arrive Hamlet, N. C 6J P. M. WM. MONCURK. dee 18 tf Bop't. Wilmington Seacoast R. R. QN AND AFTER JULY 4TH. 1H89, UNTIL further notice, Trains on the Wilmington Sea coast Railroad will leave Wilmington aa follows, viz: 6.C0, 9 30 and 11 30 a. m., 1.00. 2.80, 3.10, 6 00 6.15, 7.25, 8 80 and 10.15 p. m. Trains will arrive at Wilmington as follows: 8 20 and 11 15 a. m , l.bO. 2 50, 4.45, 5.50. 7.00. 8.15. 9.20. 10 35 and 11 59p m On Sunday tra'irs leave Wilmington a 9.05 a. m , 3 10 and 0 15 p id. Trains will arrive . at Wilmington ori Sundays at 10.30 a. m. and 5.50 and 9 20 p..m Supper Train will be the 7.25 p. m. train leav ing Wilmington. Bound trip tickets will be sold at 25o for this train to parties returning the same night. J. R. NOLAN, E?Jy 4 tf Gen'l Manager. HAVE YOU SEEN IT ? The Roller Tray Trunk ! Tne lTIoaC Wondcrrm Inventlou of tne Nineteenth Century. Most Convenient, Most Durable and Cheapest TRUNK Made. Will rave you many back !aehea. A simple motion of your hand will en able you to pack or unpaok your trunk without haying to Hit a tray. MADE IN BVERY STYLE. Sold by all Dealers. PATXNTKD AMD MIDI BT II. II. ROUNTREE A. HIM)., Makers of all kinds of TRUNKS and TRAVELLING BA08, KICHjTIONO, VA: le 9 DAW 2m SHORT CUT! 4 HAVE THE "SHORT CUT" AT MAXTON. A short out on frosts. A short out on Quick transportation North. A short out on rich soil for early vegetables. Tneee are au estaDiisnea raots. we live in a wonderful age. and there is no telling what de velopments are near at hand. Buy a Farm and stir the soil. "Go till the ground," said God to man, "Subdue the earth. It shall be thine." Only a few years henoe and land will be be yond price In this seotlon. . I will take pleasure In helping any body who PU8HING and BNTERPBISING to buy a Farm in this community commissions or no oom mis sions. O. H. BLOCKER. oo!9tf Real Estate Agent. Max ton. N. C. THE CLIMATE, THE SOIL, JjX)R TRUCK GARDENING, AND RAPID TRAN- slt North, cannot be surpassed In any seotlon of North Carolina as we find It at jsr a "X"TQ3sr, Only twenty-two hours from Baltimore. No Killing frosts until late in winter. Early gardens in Spring. A few good Farms yet for sale, but rapidly selling. Live and enterprising farmers and gardeners have an enviable oppor tunity just now. Apply to O. H. BLOCKER, oot ia tr Keai mmm Agpnt. whiiob, n. THE ' Indianapolis Sentinel. Tne Best Paper for Iniliana News. Good as a "Letter from Home to Old Indlanlana. RATK8 OF SUBSCRIPTION IN ADVANCE: Dally Edition 16 par year Sunday Edition 2 per year Weeklv Edition 1 pr sear Weekly to NovemDer o tsoenia. THE SENTINEL has recently ohangad manage ment, and undergone many improvement- - It is now one of tbe handsomest, most readable and most progiestve newspapers In the oountry Sampleoopyof any edition FREE on applica tion Address r TUB Bin unau, y 31 tf Indianapolis, lbo.