. e- m .. . ' A The Morning Star otMLfun Oh Day, Tw Day. Thiw DaVH.. . AmrlHiL. I JlvS M OiWMk, rwe WmJcc. 8 Three Ob Month. if .. TlfN MoBtJW. . fix Months .. Oil VSr. awoontraot Adi alprape VOL. XLJV. NO. 99. WILMINGTON, N. C,, WEDNESDAY, JULY 17 1889. WHOLE NO. 7114 Monately low ntn Ten lines olid Nonpareil type make a "w m m v a aw w aw as -a n as sr a. c i 1 1. 1 . r. l'trl ha rvturntl to rrm her turiiii(.tal i w v of th tu.t ilf- - .--r tf h-r jvo f tjO the avsrmgs legislator dreads more than a bill which saojectirely or pro- DtivalT NdPoaM to curtail the r . ' hbartiaa of the dog it would be a bill, parbapa, of iodioUnent for homicide. ur eai ua ls- -in.r fn?l .Iraft A I.- uiurilrl hi Jr"lhar . . Imuh in Tuu T" . tu t" ' law vaaaa party a- au 1 i. piito-rof-li baa . uiu m l o' t i Bogllab r -v,'. m ifirir !' 'atiooa .. t -r hi. Mf ''ar- 1 1U,1 i u-k'- an further . ,.. .,' rii.' Iwrf-r tb ;.-11 .-JIIOO l.l v . ! L .t'luf i ii -t ni -f h igh Vu..thr . vi -l in . r tu.a.iua: i. . . ik . the v m k: iit m the laat j o tiu) la ill (wtper turnel . . , . i . . . . ,, -i of $o, ou ha r -. ( W. the r-(f r o( v . K'irAin til;. t.u.' ur ioerur u( iet v - v. tl.elare. hltueelf a ! to lrlnif ail o" th tf i.tte .x-'ut or later. N .tt v . r. i . ivarti. i to f.jlio iwil ail I all th' annoy o- aritn iUAD'" 'f r J : I 1 1 o C) JA r?.r iu"U tia iwfu ar ti H.!f.rl ant KoaJaoke . .-liarl with i"oautr fv t ! t y - ti v . iol live -a lrbT" iiU'iun! of t )n put m ' r.-ul atioo. r'a mar -1 Uuy raey r .:rul .-offoti iui't an.l ! lime uiiat'l Uf c-nte, i ri'.ii. o'nt.. tlour t L-t.t tu;tr. .o. tor- . "tn hiathel U, l-'i -nt. at i--r. (il trily. r-rju at 'f4e A Keotacky boy took a boat to go flehiog a week ago laat Sooday. Ilia dinner waa to the boat. While be waa digging bait a big black bear lipped ioto the boat and helped him elf to the boy'd dinner. The boy got into the boat without noticing the bear, which reeented the intru sion by slapping him with bia paw and knocking bim overboard. Boy scrambled ashore, ran for the old aac, who name oat and abot the bear tbroogb the eye, killing him instant ly. Boy badly acratcbod and scared, bear shot. Moral, boys should not go fishing Saaday, and bears should not go foraging. About tho biggest raaee on record was tbe winding up of that New Tork oenteooial ball. Mr. Fish, who bandied the money, has made bis statement of disbursements in which is a charge of I4,.V.'0 for "wine for e-trht hundrod poraons." This im pliea pretty liberal drinking, at the rale of $l per guuler. But possibly there may be somrihiug Fihy in this report. Mr. Chaaocey M. I )..., the iifteii Fourth of July anil pust pran dial orator predicts a very oro 4 r peroos year. It seems to us this bril pleasantries of ibis kind along in the campaign lt fall. He is a belter talker than prophet. the "What's the matter with flrem en? They're all right." Rev. Dr. Yates arrived in tbe elty yesterday to remain several days, Tho roadway r alongside the doek at the foot of Prinoem street needs repair, Mr. J. C. Stoat, contractor and builder, recently of Fayetteville, has located in Wilmington. A grand military ball will be given to-night at The Orton, com plimentary to Oovernor Fowle. The roster of tbn Mazton Hoards Is pnblisbed in the list of "Soldiers in Camp" on the third page of tbe Star. The latest: The Governor of South Carolina wired tbe Governor of Virginia, "It's a long distanoe be tween drinks'' Wm. Moseley, colored, was fined twenty dollars in the Mayor's Court yesterday for violating the sanitary ordinanoe. The steamer D. Murchison, from Fayetteville yesterday, had thirty-seven passenger. Nearly all of them remained in the city, and will "take in" the Encampment and the seaside resorts. The Kvangelist, Rev. John A. Cargile. will arrive iu the city on Thursday, and begin a series of meet ings at the Second Advent Church, on Hiith street between Church and Castle, next Friday night. The meet ings will continue one week. When it was reported that I- would probably CAMP LATIMER. T 1lbwaasB mtFBBM mawt Governor's r ay Great En ihusfasm Immense Throng of Visitors The Review by Gov. Daniel G. Fowle, Con-mnnder-in- Chief. Chicago wants the great exposi tion of 199i located th'-re. But what would Cbicagi do with the aromatic Chicago rivrr wlnlj so many traogis were in town whose eoalriU wrre m. educated to the vigana of that distiller of rank Mora ? i ar riaoa h as not .ingta r. v I i c i t i !, hut lie . i ovfiac- n r-qr C IT cT r - r. y v an ariicio of f xxl . h-akh A I'hi'vl' as - ". 'f thia fac". wa'.- , . m -1 mi - a Ivy tul died. Macon cnt. Miaar , met bar .om ll.iio a yr, .-.nctly m ad -. wu'. The btiiin-- miC b- brik .:-.-r if m -y can stand a lax like '.a . Mpjw iPVRHTii.nr. L. er Odd Badr. .iah orvica Wrappiog paper Mcsaoa A Co Da'.biac suits, etc J Hrut-r- Bulkier aol coairac'.or. tH ihho A nim -l hnrc caadies. M ftsoatc Meetinft Wilminctoe Lodffe Moosliodt Excca'n Carohoa Uscb. .rica-Ir IL 11 Liv of lUlcigb GaaxD Flxi castoM To UiUo tlremn. n lloulanger has loet 25 pounds f rl.h ine ho ba gone to Kng v . : rate it won't take more t n ii yar to fioteh him up. He m - ir. r-- reputation than deah. t it .... r - t T ar 1 . if A i i bath in - v :e r:r- a r i a A N -tper asaerts that no urcea of natural gas -. What's the mat k r, Iogalls, Chandler r - p rd ? Are they re w t- gently m MisstsatppL. killed while It is exceed aegorou for some peoplo to W. r eard of a Frenchman io died from a cold contract hmg hi neck. ' nun ci- ras lo have ' .-rd a proceaeof making alum .-in K cheap as cast iron. If be Da ' r. this he will soon be able to iiriw ; check upon the banks for amour. ; uf money be wants. );d the example of Miaaou r K-ntucky, Michigan and some f ats, the Masonic Grand I- U ' t Wicoaeio baa declared sa a asprs and liquor dealers ineli : h,-. to m. mbarsbip in tbe order. A Nortbera Kepublicaa contem -( f ary ca.is on Mr. Breckenridge, of A an, to "resign bis blood bought sat" ia Congrcw. Now let bim call c Mr llarnsoo to resign bis money h" Bbt seat in tbe White llooee, and nak- thirga even. tntrj-nttng on tbe report that t )w io Charleator, worries Mrs. I'aa. n with attcntiooe to the Swim na. 1 th- Montgomery iHipateh re mark that McDow ought to be "ra btaks.1 essn If it rcquirea a load of buckshot to do it," A laeorgia legialator baa been bold aough to introduce a bill to tax 1 It will be intereatieg to tch tbe Georgva solons dodging road when that bill cornea up for cllOB If there as any thing which riaaiaa: rara. wrre tried in thi Court yes terday as follows H. K Upehureh. white, charged with break lug open a trunk ami steal ing fifty dollars in money, submitted to a charge of larceny aoil was sen tenced to four years in tbe Slate pen itentiary. Otaadiah Jenkins, white convicted of assault and battery, was sentenced to twelve months in the County House of Correction but judgment wa. npended until end of term on condition that Jenkins leave theStAte and rviuain away two years. VI o es Krans, colored, conricted of larceny stealing a watch and other articles from residence of Mr. Com fort, on Serenth street was sen tence 1 to fire years in the peniten tiary. Moaee Hryant colored, convicted of the larceny of a watch, was sentenced to three years in the penitentiary. The grand jury returned "not a true bill" in caae of Thos Snider, charged with larceny. Th . ... ii call. The Raleigh Aetr and Observer of yesterday says the argument of coun sel in the asylum inveetigation was begun.Monday by Col. Fuller, who was to continue his argument yester day. All the attorneys engaged for the defence will speak Tbe board passed an order yesterday (Monday) evening, that three speeches should first be made by tbe defence, then one for the proeeontioo, then the remain ing speeches by the defence, to be fol lowed by the eloeing speeeh of the prosecution. Col. Waddell will make tbe last speech for the prosecution. and Mr. Whitaker will make the in termediate speeeh. aaei aaw LKitr rev. . 1 The committee on Fire Department of the Board of Aldermen will meet to day at the Mayor's office to con sider what f hall be done In tbe mat ter of Wilmington Hook and Ladder Company No. 1. which ia now with out horsee, and through the action taken by the Board of And It and Fi nance In refusing to vote an appro priation for tbe purchase or hire of horses, ia not likely to get them. Several members of the Hook and Leadder Company were questioned In regard to their opinion In the mat ter, but they declined to expr themselves on the subject . visit Wilmington and the bucaup- uieut, Mr. Bryan telegraphed him tendering the hospitalities of The Orton to himself and staff. It was arranged, in case he came, to give him an enthusiastic reoeption, both civic ami military. There will be a moonlight ex cursion to Carolina Beach to-night. Mr. Lindsay Russell is manager and gives the excursion complimentary to Messrs. Frank Rollins, Josh Tayloe, George Morton and James Hoyt of the Wilmington Light Infantry, and W. E. Lunsford of the Durham com pany. Special arrangements have been made to give the ladies a nice time. i ta Mlefcary Hand The "Hickory Military Opera Band." which paraded with the fire men yesterday afternoon, attracted as much attention as a whole regi. ment of soldiers. With the gorge ously arrayed drum major, they number twenty-five, and present a striking appearance in their hand some g-ay uniforms. Their evolu tions are something marvellous, be ing performed without a word of com maud simply a note or two from the tin whistle of the majestic dram major, and the way the latter twirled his baton took tbe breath away from everybody that saw him. The band is a leading feature at the Encamp ment and their music is worth going along distance to hear. After the parade of the firemen the band marched down Princess street to the Orton, where they went through various wonderful evolutions, and then played several pieces, wind ing up with the soul-stirring ma lc of "Dixie," which brought forth round after round of cheers from the firemen and tbe large crowd of spectators After the music, calls were made for (iov. Fowle, and His Excellency appeared on the balcony of the hotel and made a few remarks recessarily brief, for the members of the band were nnder engagement to play at the Opera House and their supper was waiting. The firemen gave three cheers and a tiger for the band, which was responded to by the latter with "What's the matter with the firemen? They're all right!" The Hickory Band is a good one, beyond the shadow of a doubt, and its dram major is immense. Co I erel Hoy Drowsed. A ten-year old boy named Enoch Sullivan, colored, living on Tenth between Caatle and Queen streets, waa drowned yesterday afternoon in tbe river near the foot of Orange street. The boy was wading in the doek with two other boys, and step ped Into a place where the water waa over his bead. He rose to the surface twice, but there was no one near enough to reach him. As soon as the accident was made known, several persons went out to try and recover tbe body, and about an hour afterwards it was found. The Coro ner was notified and viewed the bod, y but an inquest was not held, and the remains of the unfortunate boy were taken to the home of his parents. There may be a general holiday to-day. How would yon like itr Wlll Met r.r.dr Mayor Fowler yesterday had an in terview with Capt. Divine to see if arrangements could be made for ears to bring the troops to the eity for a parade today, bat it was found im possible to arrange the matter, and so all idea of having the parade bad to be abandoned. Those who did not visit Camp Lati mer yesterday missed a rare treat. It was decidedly the most interesting day of the Encampment, aside from the ordinary every-day routine. The different companies went to work early in the morning and straight ened everything up about their quar ters in order to be in readiness when their Cominander-in-Chief should make his inspection. And it was astonishing to the uninitiated how quickly the camp was rehabili tated. It is certainly extraordinary -nid the average soldier can move when it is auuou i hmt. his superior officer is coming to inspect his quarters. Every little piece o paper, or stick, or even a hole in the grouud in front of his tent which may have an unsightly appearance f is set to rights. The paper or stick is picked up and spirited away, and the hole is smoothed over. He goes into his tent and makes one or two spasmodic scram bling movements which forcibly re minds one of an industrious rooster trying to feed eight or ten hens by scratching among a pile of cobble stones, and lo! behold! tbe quarters change, a transformation takes place, and for the life of you, you can't tell how it was done. Only the soldiers can accomplish the feat. Yet, when Oov. Fowle and his staff went the rounds they were compelled to com pliment the troops on the appearance of cleanliness that prevailed. Every company had their guns stacked, and stacked right, too; none of your care -less, don't-care-how-I get'em up bus iness. Not a speck of dirt or rust showed its awkward ugliness. The Govemor was more than proud of hi- gallant brigade, and well he may be. And not only the Governor, but the entire State should be glad to lay claim to such a body of trustworthy defenders. They are a mighty power in the cause of right and justice. Immense crowds packed every east bound train and poured into the camp in squads, companies, battal ions and brigades. When the time for the grand review rolled around, there were at least four thousand spectators on the parade ground. Every sixe, color, condition, and al most every nationality were to be seen iniantile representatives oooed their approbation, the omnipresent small boy with his double system of electrical, high tension nerves, scrambled about in a fruitless en deavor to be everywhere at one and the same time Even Italy was rep resented by "peanut candy." The lowly as well as the highly favored, gathered to do honor to the N. C. S. G., by their presence. About 4 o'clock the companies began to march to the rendczTons to the inspiring sound of drum and hand. When all were in the field the Governor and his staff and the Brig. General and staff, stationed ihemselvei, with the colors of the State and the Union, in front of the Surgeon Qeneral's headquarters, the spot se lee. ted for them to review the brigade and the signal was then given the State Guard to move, by placing a small blue flag, with the dear old name of North Carolina inscribed on its silky folds, in front. of the review era. The brigade moved to tho sound of soul-stirring music. Every man stepped as if be were filled with double-distilled patriotism, and he was. The marching was superb, and everybody must have left the eamp with a hearty God-speed for every member composing the State Guard. Every man was there of his own will, free to go or free to stay; no despots' haughty command had assembled them; not a man among them was compelled to lift the hat or bend the suppliant knee to a living creature; duty, their country and their God were all in all; every man was a king, every king a soldier, every soldier a citixen of a common country, and a member of the Guard of North Carolina. Daring the review tbe following of ficial document was read: h kadq carters North Carolina State Guard, Camp Latimer, Wrightsviile, N. C, July 16, 1889. Circular No 2. The Commander in Chief an nounces to the State Guard that the Fayetteville Centennial Committee has extended an invitation to the entire Guard to be present at the Centennial to take place in the city of Fayetteville, on the 21st day of November next. He earnestly hopes as many companies of the Guard as ean conveniently do so will attend at this Centennial Anniversary of the ratification of the Constitution of the United States by the State of North Carolina. By command of the Commander in Chief. J as. D. Glenn, Adjutant General. After the parade was over, the la dies, or at least large numbers of them, went on a tour of inspection through the camp, just to see how the boys 4 kept house." The Gover nor and his staff were also photo graphed in front of Gen. Anthony's headquarters. The ladies wandered about the camp under the escort of gay soldiers, until the witching hour of twilight was heralded by the cheer ing katydid. The day was one that will be re membered. One that will never fade from the memory of the participants. The State Guard did well, and the people are proud of them in every respect. When they meet next year it will be under dfferent circum stances and in a different camp. Big guns will play an important part in the duties of the soldiers. That they will acquit themselves in a commend able manner goes without saying. call the savory incident with a long ing sto heart. Everyone enjoyed the toothsome meat. Mr.W. P. Baugham, an honorary member of the Warren Guards, and who is in camp with that company, some time ago put up a gold medal for the best drilled man in the com pany, the medal to become the pro perty of the man who wins it three times in succession, and yesterday morning a competitive drill was held to decide who was the best drilled man in the comrtany and entitled to the medal. Theudges were Lieuten ant Griffin, of the Pasquotank Rifles, Lieutenant Bain, of the Goldsboro Rifles, and Lieutant Glenn, of the U. S. Army. The prize was awarded to Corporal P. Arringtou. This is the second time that Mr. Arrington has won it. K1FL.K KKfOHlH "That's.all right." Everybody and everything was in annle nie order on Governor's Day. It is said the boys will start home Thursday morning. Sorry, ain't you? Col Gray, of the Third Regi ment, paid the Star office a visit last night. Another large turtle has been brought into camp. "Thoup," did you say ! The soldiers will go wading in the sound, and the shells will persist in cutting their feet. The Warren Guards gave a fine skirmish drill yesterday. It was a feature of the day. Capt. Snow, of the Lake City (S. C.) Light Dragoons, compliments the N. C. S G. in highest terms. The base ballists got out their balls and bats yesterday, and had a lively game a very lively game. Surgeon Gen. Haywood reports no sickness of any consequence. When he is about disease takes a back seat. Major Hall and Captain John W Wood, A. A. O , are great favorites with all who are so fortunate as to meet them "The Star is our paper every day in the year," said a man who is competent to know. He is a member of the State Guard. 'Wilmington Star, one of the most brilliant, spicy and readable newspapers in North Carolina " That is what the "boys" say. The Lumber Bridge Light I n fantry were the victors in the shoot ing inatcu yesterday. The prizes have not yet been decided upon. Col. E. F. McRae, of Maxton, was in camp yesterday. It is to be re gretted that he has retired from ac tive service in the State Guard. Gov. Fowle, Adjt. Gen. Glenn Brig. Gen. Anthony, Col. Anthony, Col. Gray, Col. Jones and Capt. Wood visited the new camp yester day on a tour ot inspection. Hon. Alfred Rowland visited Camp Latimer yesterday and was highly pleased with what he saw there. He said it reminded him of "old times." The Maxton Guards received their new helmets yesterday in time for the review. The helmets are white, and the company made a fine appearance. The Governor and his staff and the Governor's Guard were photo graphed yesterday by Mr. Will Wynne, of Raleigh. The photo will be copied in oil for the armory of the Guard. A soldier was swinging placidly in a hammock Monday evening when he accidentally made a slip and fell over backward, landing squarely on his head. There were many to witness the scene and it was heartily enjoyed. It is to be hoped that the Wil mington Light Infantry and the Fayetteville Independent Light In fantry will treat the boys to another exhibition drill. When they com bine and drill as one company, as they did Sunday evening last, it can't be beat. That drill is a camp topic. The Edgecombe Guards had a regular old fashioned Edgecombe barbecue yesterday and invited the captains ol the First Regiment.to dine with them. The Star reporter had a tieket to the succulent and delight ful feast, which he pronounced just "awfully nice." In fact, every time he sees a hog of tender years he will re- Xbe Licile Tycoon. The largest audience ever assem bled at the Opera House was seen last night, and the smoothness and regularity with which everything passed off was most marked. Gover nor Fowle occupied a box at the invi tion of the W. L I., with Colonels T W Strange, Benehan Cameron and Williams of his staff, and many called to pay their respects during the performance The costumes of the members of the Little Tycoon Company were much admired, and received many compliments. The Hickory Military Band kindly offered their Services, and the sweet music which they rendered Derore and after the performance was much enjoyed. One of the pleasant occa sions of the evening was the cornet solo by Prof. R. J. Herndon, and the loud and enthusiastic applause with which he was greeted could not fail to be most gratifying. The Little Tycoon Opera Company are to be congratulated upon the ad mirable manner in which they pre sented their play, and deserve the thanks of all for furnishing a most entertaining play. The proceeds of the performance last night were undoubtedly large and quite a snug sum must have been realized . A Refutation. The following is a refutation by the First Regiment of an artiole that appeared in the Rocky Mount Plain dealer, charging the soldiers with rude behavior while the train bear ing them was passing through Rocky Mount: H KADylAUTKItS, First Regiment, N. C. 8. G. Camp Latimer, July 15, 1889. At a meeting of the eommissioned officers of the First Rear! ment N. C. 8. G., this day assembled, at therequest of Capt. J. C. Powell, commanding the Edgecombe Guards, Co. A. said regiment, an article appearing in the Rocky Mount Plaindealer July 1880, reflecting upon said company, was presented for their consideration and action. Capt. Powell requested that the truth of the charges should be inves tigated by the assembled officers of the regiment. Therefore, various witnesses from other companies than tbe Edge combe Guards appeared before the said meeting and gave their testimony After careful investigation of the matter contained in said artiole. it was the unanimous opinion and judg ment of the assembled officers that the said charges are without founda tion in truth, and do great injustice to the Edgecombe Guards and to the State Guard, of which it is a part. John W. Cotton, Col., D. N. Boa art, Lt Col., Jno.W. Alberthon, Jr., Adjt , J. E. Wood, Capt. Co. E, C. F. Warren, Capt. Co G, R Williams, Capt. Co. B, R. W. King. 2d Lt. Co. B, W. H, McDavitt, 2d Lt. Co. G, J. J. Whitehead, Co. C. Con oh Keg i on Bulletin. Pleasant temperature prevailed yesterday both here and at other sta tions in the district, and very little rainfall was reported The maximum temperature at Wilming ton was 83 degrees; at Florence and Cheraw 88; Wadesboro, Charlotte, Goldsboro and Weldon 86, and New born 84. The temperature through out tbe cotton belt was about the same. SVtatbiar K -rec . Tlie foi lowing are the forecasts for to-dia) : For North Carolina and South Carolina, fair weather, followed by light local showers in western por tions, wnrmer, variable winds. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Tbt Visiting Firemen. The Newbern firemen arrived on time yesterday evening and were met by the boys of the "Atlantic" engine company, w ho, preceded by the Hickory Military Band, marched from their engine house to the Front street depot, accompanied by the Chief of the Fire Department, Mr. Martin Newman, and a large con course of citizens. At the depot the firemen formed in line, and greeted the visitors with cheers. A procession was formed, with the Hickory band in the lead, the visitors were es corted through the city to the en gine house of Wilmington Steam Fire Engine Company No. 1, the line of march being down Front to Market, up Market to Fourth, and thence to the engine house. Here the visiting firemen were formally welcomed in a short speech by Mr. T. C. Craft, and after a short stay at the engine house they were escorted to The Orton for supper, and thence to the Opera House to attend the performance of the "Little Tycoon." The visiting firemen will be the guests of Wilmington Steam Fire Engine Co. No. 1. They will make their headquarters at the engine house of the company at night, and during the day will be busily engaged in "taking in" all the attractions that the city and its seaside resorts can afford. The programme for to-day is e visit to the Encampment. The following is a list of the visit" ine firemen, viz: Foreman, James W Moore ;assht ant foreman, M H Sultan, privates N B Agostini,John Manly, W S H Turner,A B Carroll.A E Hibbard, Floyd M Chad wick, Jonas Jones, Thos Bowden, John Dinkins, Joe Swert, W R Watters, Chas Hall, Ern est Green, accompanied by Mr. Wm S Ellis,Chief of the Newbern Fire De partment, and E M Parie, Assistant Chief. Band: A. W. Cook, leader; S. B. Cook, W. S. Phillips, H. P. Willis, Charlie Kehoe, Ed. N. Case, C. R. F. Edwards, Henry Albertson, John Whitford, A. E. Parsons, Edgar Harrison, W. P. Jones. The band by the way is an excellent one, and makes fine music. It played on the march from the depot to the engine house, and was heartily cheered by the spectators along the route. ST. JOUN'8 HALL. July 17. 18:9. WILMINGTON LODGB Ko. 319 A P. A A. M. Special meet luKtblj (Weuoesday) evxnlnjr at 8 o'clock, for work la M M Deter.. Vlflliloff Brethren fraternally Invited to attend. Uy order ot tbe W. H . DUNCAN MoBACQKRN. U 17 It Secretary. Moonlight Excursion npo CAROLINA it EACH TBIS RVKM V(J Steamer SYLVAN GROVBlca at 8 p. m. and returning raach Wilmington at 12 p in. Round trip fifty cectp. y 17 it Lost, gMALL GOLD BADGE. BETWEEN ORTON and Depot. Has on one side ' Banning High Jamp," on other "May 28, h, 1S87." Please re turn to this office. Jy 17 H WILMINGTON, fi. C. J. C. Stout, Bmlder and Contractor. J3LANS AND 8PB0IFICATIOHM FURNISHED for all klnda of modern buildings. y 17 i Notice. DR. R. H. LBWIH, OP RAT.BIGH. IB MAKING bis quarterly professional v!Mt to onr oily, and may be found at tbe effioo of Mr. Wood to day and tomorrow, from 9 to ' and S to 4 o'clk, by patients aeeklng advice for tba dlaeaeea to which his practice I' limited, (Bye, Bar, Throat and Noie), end every three inoiuhn hereafter. Jy 17 lt GRAND EXCURSION! COMPLIMBN I A H Y TO TBB VISITING FIREMEN, TO CAROLINA BEACH. Next Thursday, lSth Inilant. Every exertion will be made to render this one of tbe large it and most enjoyable Bxonrwions of tbeseason. Boats leave at 0 30 a, rn , 2 so p rn . Sp m . and 7 p m Train leave Beach at It to p. m.,5 15 p. m. and 8 p. m. Pare BOo; children half prloe. jT 17 jt After tbe Fakir.. Col. E. D. Hall, a magistrate of New Hanover county, made a raid yesterday on an alleged gambling es tablishment on Wrightsviile Sound. The magistrate was accompanied by special detectives Woebse, White, Howland and others. Two men were arrested, who gave their names as W. E. Miller and E. C. Qreshaber. They were brought to the city and depos ited $150 for their appearance at 11 o'clock this morning before Justice Hall. Later reports are that the gambling lay-out was on Ocean View. That there were three men in tbe party, running a roulette table; all of them got away, and the two men arrested were dragged out from under the Island Beach hotel at the Hammocks. Headquarters FOR BATHING SUITS, ALL-WOOL OVBRSBIRTS. Military Gloves, Collars, Cuffs, Handkerchiefs, NEC K WE A U and CLOTHING. MTTNSON & CO., Jr 16 tf 82 NORTH PRONT RTRBBT. Stranger Don't Fail to Take A BOX OF w arre CANDIES WITH HOME YOU Jy w if