mokning stak The Morning . ) ' - - - - ... 4 Of ... M - 6 l 10 00 .. 00 m -- itssT-.".-.-- oo a m Mouths,.. OmTi to oo is r . ... ' 6? in Uproior -.S. VOL. XIJV. NO. 156. WILMINGTON, N, C SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1889. WHOLE NO. 7171 uoaateiy low rates. Tan lines solid Nonpareil type jo: re Star if! t tgo BL -tt CUw W s. . 4 4 J V .V i',-h from ate report a ! whteh trrrtbly deetroe - . u an 1 1 f . b aod rwds of pwoplw mriJ Viv, aod tbe latest dls- 447 t Ujlto hundred dead till rvaufciu uoder th ptle of d At attrtupt at rwd notion io i.-tory pri eaoawd a stria of - tuaavra at Holbrook. aa . yeater Dim hundred aod'.Hfty hand arw All of th parties eoonted u th rot lata! prise tight in 81. ui wtU bw "itftruoljr meutrd. ! iu.:lm)nf not than tea ) rm to tba (Mpoftwottary for th prtn- aod ron A veweel . . i ki.k Ttb iot.. at which t ti thwrv m oo iudieatlou of ao k A uofsll is rwportd . tu (uauiT, Xaw York uua at Morvbad Vino., cat o'clock. under -h prvacrtbws that can place at ni-bt. ..-riMn tnai U'pa , ul)lih detail of hang a wppr bad a t - t'CqtloO A v rfi ..wo b nod red paa . i- iu ! a oarro w ecar m ' ii th jke teteea m l ltroit. all oo board ' r th aortt, tit notboe r- fright thau the women. i'-uioo aoil.iooerhip Is - - Major Vrnr is still .--.I uk' tne place, aod -ideot thiuh he can be io t.'et, tteu Lucius Fair-tu-oltooed . probability, rtiooiai J Kao, oe of the vti lawyer, to Virginia and io died io Rich fvrday be was ooted for his 'I., wit aod honor. tu H.mtoo. which arrived w.C r lay rejort the ! nr Unity flay, bouod I, Mame. th captain aod ,, 4,,i Iuo Jk Co re . . net faiiores for the pajit : ' the previoo.. week. h war .hip Lily baa rr-M-ki'd oo the Jew nf, and ereo f her u-d Acraiyeol- bo had beo .todyioi; .mm), created coo.idera f io Wiocheater. 'm , by . .hoof, .e.ral peroo.- r if Tititon to the re tlie uoiterlan. at Cbteka wre iuiard terday ty ao oo the l.etric railway. - .irk utarket Money eajy at ,t j-r t?eut , cottoo .tely mid Imrf u(ind t'f ceuta. mi Idltott l'4ii. tit cent., toothrrn floor u and fairly active, wheat doll, on -d and lo.rr No. 3 red MatVt m rlevator corn lew active and o 1 4i4t eeol" io .tore rt.tor. .pint torpeotioe firm net at l?t04e eenta. roato qoiet - atiy r y. " Panoer waa mar coo or bead. If o. it J r w v. the copper beade got he leatherhead. AotiMahooe clab bae 'r:d at Norfolk, Va. v chacc for Laogeloo to work (or hi boee. n A. McCaal, of eooae '. wn, rmee to tbe front to tiover ae tbe national II ioo;d have eepoaeed tbe r.jr, V , i a haeilcr. tu r iban ix or eeveo I i .he i now talking "i b , loJoetrial expo- I . hronacM offer a fori new nanonal tire "oatnoti.m la - r i heart." No t40 hymn W av, firat clean U grabber and give v uving bow. I. tn o, tbe peeeioo attorney . aocb good term, with mm io have been doing a t.tneea. It te eaid tbat be 'caae pending, involving t He will i' j m m the Corporal. Ayree ia coeetr acting tbe r car ha lo too world. - ret Baeooe Ayree witb and will be tOO eailae ; 1 applied wttb peeeenger rgcoacbee, freigbt care, ' - oi approved etvle. Kngiiah bUectncian double r neciriciiy my ever be in ffciiT ageat ia diepatob -edeaaed criminal. Bat aot- tindiog ihie it kcepe getting io rk oo aoaapeoting people ta ia oootact witb tbe Ke porta Brmffv of tb AUidu W W7 CemaHtmtkm ia baviofr bard rn of 1 tot Ha aa iba only one hart io that Alabama doe), where he got a Soger ma bed, aod now be bae been eee I to jail by a Georgia jadge for refaeiag to tell a graad jary some tbtoga it wanted to know. Theoewe paper reporter aeea lute of racket id ww w tbie rale of inhalation. A Waebiogtoa oorreepoedeot of lb Maooo TkUgraph bae been writ ing ap a bietory of tbe Lowrye, of Robaeoo ooaoty. He eaye tbat fUnrv RerrT ta not deed, bat will be y j foribcoosiog wbeo wanted. Vary Ha will not be wanted be fore lb day of jodgmeot, and be will probably pot io ao appearance tbeo. rbe tax oollectione in tbe eity of New Orleaoc tbie year amount lo 1,552,303, ao iocreaee of $900,050, over laet year. Tbie abowe progn io iSe Creeoent oily, and a different etete of affaire from tbe time io wbicb tbe Warmotb gang raled it wbeo property wooldo't eell for tbe laxee levied upon it. Tbe oew Cbioeee Mioiater bae waroed tbe youog men of tbe lege tioo tbat tbey moat etcer clear of the eooiety Kirl of Waebiostou. Tbie Oneotal tyle of boyoottiog icdi- oatee tbat ibe Washington Minieter thinka tbe Waehingioo eociety girl a dr jyeroa ioetitotioo to fool witb. Tbe State Prteoo Soperinteodent of Texaa boaate tbat be makee a clear profit of 9050 a year each oo tbe State convict over aod above tbe ex oen of keeoinar. Whether be i rancmg a regoUr legitimate mint or big counterfeiting eetabliebment, be don't aay, but probably tbe boaal ia a piece of Texaa coinage. A racket te brewing among the brewery meo. Tbe Amerioao beer brewere are orgeo'xmg to protect ihemaelvee agaiot lb Knglieb ayndi catee which have been gobbliog up brewene io thie country. Io tbie beer brewing buineee there eeeme aleo lo be a lively fight brewing. A hunter near Ship Harbor, N. S., recant ly mistook too younc men for a mooee, hot and killed both of them. Joeh Hilling would remark there waa nothing a-mooiog about tbat. T-BCJjJ CITY ,-Ta ()mci rap pi of paper. ( built A Moaaie Boiler for sale, Rav Caaa. T Coaaa Btrayed or atoUa Mciiaon b Oo Balbrtfjaa unoerwear. Tbe eo-eJled exodoeof colored peo ple from tbie aeetlon to the Misi ippi Valley took ebape and form ye terday . but after all the blowing of trumpet by paid agente and pro mo tera of tbe scheme, not more than a hoodred and aeventy.flve meo, wo men and children took their de parture oo tbe special train char tered for the party via tbe Caro lina Central Railroad. There waa a great gathering of colored people at tbe railroad depot doring tbe afternoon, but tbe large majori ty were drawn there by eurioeity to eee tbe crowd off, and tbe preeenre beeam e ao great that it waa deemed advisable to ran the ear containing tbe exoduetere op to tbe Bloff, where tbey remained until after nightfall before proceeding on their Journey. Tbe better elaaa of colored people take no etoek in the movement, be lieving It to be merely a eebeme to pot money in tbe pocket of its agente and promoter, and that moat of their da pea will be far more aox ioue to return in a abort time than tbey are to leave. u B.IWtl There waaoo rain yeeterday In the eottoo belt. Tbe tempera tor con tinued below the normal, tbe maxi mum averaoiog from 71 degreea to 84 and the niioiipom from 44 to 58. In tbe Wilmington dielriet, the maxi mum waa 70 degreea at Wadeeboro, 74 at La oi barton, Florence. Cheraw, Charlotte and Newbern, 73 at Wil- logton, and 79 at Raleigh, Gold boro aod Weldon. The minimum temperator ranged from 49 at Wei- don to 51 at Wilmington. A telegram waa received at the Sig nal Office bore yeeterday from tbe Chief Signal officer, atatiog that the tialf eyelone bad paeaed eaat of Flor ida, and cautionary signals at Charle- toa bad been oi dared down. Reports reoeived laet night ebowed that a low barometer prevailed along the coast from Wilmington to Portland, ale.. barometl reading being 29.70 lochee at the Wilmington station and 43 at Portland. Schooner Pfuxbe, Capi. Medero, fifteen days from New York, arrived at South port at 4 p. m. yeeterday. Sarah Alexander, colored, waa fined ten dollars in tbe Mayor's Court yeeterday for dleorderly conduct. ; Service to-morrow at tbe Pres byterian Chapel, on Sooth Front street, will be In the evening at 8 o'clock. Tbe British steamship Erato, which arrived here yeeterday, will load cotton at tbe Wilmington Com preee. Preaching at the Seamao'a Bethel Suoday evening at 5 o'clock. Seamen and the public generally are lovited to attend. A two-dollar note oo tbe de funct "Bank of Mecklenburg," waa paeaed on ooe of tbe street car drivers yesterday afternoon. Tbe bells of Qraoe 4. K. Church will not ring on Sunday, ow ing to serious illness near the church. The services will be conducted as usual. Tbe Y. M. C. A. is anxious to Invite every young man in town to hear tbe sermon by Rev. Dr. Pritchard at the First Baptist Church to-uiorrow night. Service at the First Preebyte" rian Church to-morrow will be con ducted by the pastor, Rev. P. U. Boge. in the Lecture room. There will be oo service at night. Messrs. J. T. Hi ley A Co. cleared the German barque Adolph yesterday, for Hamburg, with V50 casks spirits turpentine and 4,446 bar rels roeiu, valused at f9.448.75. I be rooms of the Etst Albany Young Men's Christian Association re in a flue condition, Tbey are adorned with forty-nine flue pictures of views of scenery along the railroad Hues. Commencing with to night aod continuing until further notice, the Saturday night prayer and experi ence meeting of business and work iug men at the Seaman's Bethel will be commence at 8 o'clock. Deputy Sheriff Eider ba a quautity of "pluuder" in his posses sion, whioh was surrendered to the sheriff as part of the effects of David Wigga, the burglar, aod supposed to best leo. The varioos articles will torned over to tbe owners when they come forward. Tbe Y. M. C. A. building of Charlotte ia to be dedicated to-mor row. Rev. R it Pearson is to be pre sent, and the following week will con duct services iu tbe Association hall. Mr. Pearson was in Charlotte, as in our city, interested in starting the build ing fund of the Association. Henry Johnson, colored, who came here recently from iioldsboro, was arrested yesterday on a capias from Bali fax, '. C. Johnson is charged with drawing a pistol and attempting to shoot a man at Halifax, when the town was overrun by a par ty of riotous colored txoursionists. AurasilT fttt vices lo-saurrow. Tbe following able aod distinguish ed ministers will preach at the Cen tral Kaptist Ctaarcb, corner of Seventh and Red Cross streets, during to morrow: At 11 a. m. Rev, G. L. Stith, at 3 p. m. Rev. R. C. Beatnan. At 5 30 p. m. Rev. F. W. E. Pesobau will deliver an address on interesting subjects to the young people. Also, at 8 15 p. in. there will be preaching. All are welcome. This "rally" will be in the interest of the new church, the objeot being to secure funds enough to iustify the prosecution of work on the building. Rev. L. T. Christmas, the pastor, has labored faithfully for this work for years past. The foundations are already com pleted, and it is hoped that there will be such a generous outpouring on Sunday that will justify tbe begin niuK of the work in a few days there after with the prospect of its being pushed forward vigorously to an early completion. CoiioD ir Liverpool eesrs. Alex. rJprunt ft Son cleared yesterday tbe Spanish steamer Boren quen for Liverpool, Eng., with 2.470 bales of cotton and 1,800 barrels of rosin. Value of cargo, $184,700. The Borenquen will sail for her destina tion at daylight this morning. This Is the first cotton laden steamer for a foreign port this season. Last year, the first steamer the JiavensdaU cleared on the 11th Oc tober. Boia Tfcerw A lady was robbed of her purse in ooe of the street pars yesterday after noon about five o'clock at the junc tion on Front and Princess streets. A half grown negro boy snatched the parse from bar hand, jumped from the ear aod ran up Front street. He was pursued by the driver of the ear. bat tbe bold thief managed to elude his pursuer on Chesnut. street and fi nally escaped. The purse contained about five dollars in silver. ib. Mara.t. Under instructions from the Mar ket Committee of the Board of Al dermen, tbe butcher stalls, huckster stands, etc , in the market houses of the city were rented by auction yes terday, Mr. A. G MoGirt being the auctioneer. Mr. W. A. Wilson, the City Clerk and Treasurer, reports that with very few exceptions all the stalls and stands were rented and at higher figures generally than were obtained laet year. One month's rent in ad vance was paid, and altoget er, $446 60 was received from parties renting, as follows : FRONT 8TRJUCT MARKKT. Butcher stalls -No. 1, North side, to T A Watson, at $35 per month ; 2 to H M Garrell, at $34. 8 to I B Rhodes, at $35: 4 to C S Garrell, at $33 50; 5 to W M Hays, Jr. at $31; 0 to Geo F Tilley, at $20; 7 to Fletcher Pittman, at $15 25; 8 to T P Sides, at $13 50. South side No. 1 to John F Garrell, at $17; No. 2 to same, at $8 25; No. 4 to A Deumelandt, at $8 50. Nos. 9, 10 and 12 were divided into huckster stalls and rented as follows: Upper end of No. 9 to Isham Young at $2 30; lower end of same to Charlotte Davis, at $1 25; north east corner No. 10 Alex Johnson, at $1 20; 8 E and S W corners of same to Rebecca Kelly, at 75 cents each; NE corn; r of No. 12 to T A Shepherd at 30 cents; N W corner of same to Alex Johnson, at 35 cents. The North res tauraut was rented to Lucy McClam my, the middle one to W H Temple and the South one to Kenan Byrd. The rent of each was $8 33T per month. Store No 1 was rented to J H Har din, at $18 per month ;rooni over same to same, at $1; No. 2 to Adam Brown, at $17, and No. 3 to G G Aman at $33 50. The North end of .the fish market was rented to W E Davis at $10 per month, and the South end to S B Northrop at $9 50 per month. FOURTH STREET MARXHT. Butcher stalls No 1, to C S Garrell at $25 50; 2 to W J Kellogg, at $18; 3 to A W McFadyen at $10; 4 to Dock Phoanix, at $7; 5 to H C Green, at $8; 6 to J F Garrell, at $7, Vegetable stalls No. 1 to Ellis Pat rick, at 1; 2 and 3 to CA King, at 75 cents each; 4 to Kate Tate, at50cents; 5 to A W MoFayden, at 15 cents. Fish stalls No. 1 toGus Km-hah le af $12 50; 2 to same at $12. FIFTH WARD MARKKT. Butcher stalls L B Padrick, Nos. 1 and 2, at $10 per month each; 3 and 4 to O H Kennedy, at $15 each; 5 to Geo Peaman, at $2. A Kicsotrspblr novsmmi. Several members of the short-hand profession of this city convened last night for the purpose of taking pre liminary action to wards the forming of an association for the advance ment of the interest, of the profession, and attainment of proficiency amongst the members thereof. The need of such an organization is being strongly felt, as it is a mat ter of a very short time when steno graphy will be recognized as a neces sity in branches wherein it is believed nearly all of the other States, and those of our city who have adopted the profession are desirous of mee ting the emergency when it comes. Steps were taken for permanent or ganization, Mr. C. I. Comford being unanimously elected temporary chairman, Mr. J. A. Law secretary, and A. J. Howell Jr , J. H. Card well and J. A. Law were appointed a com mittee to draft a constitution and by-laws. After various discuss ions appertain ing to tbe subject, the meeting ad journed subject to call of the Chair man. The following were present: Q. H. Card well, T. J. Sinclair, A. R. Holla day, C. I. Comfort, Earnest Williams, E. M. Williams, J A. Law, Jr., A. J. Howell, Jr. Tbe?e with one or two others who were detained from attendance, con stitute the more proficient short hand writers. CottOB KC pl The movement of the staple shows a considerable increase in receipts at at this port as compared with last season. For tbe week ending yester day they were 4,698 bales, against re ceipts of 2,4.9 the corresponding week in 1888. For the crop year, to September 20th the receipts are 5,887 bales, against 4,275 to the same date last year. The average weight of the bales this season is said to be greater, and the grade is remarkable very little of the cotton received so far grading below middling. SMlStf F ree. .. The following are the forecasts for to-day: For Virginia, fair, preceded in northern portion by light rains, wes terly winds, slightly warmer. For North and South Carolina, fair, southwesterly winds, stationary tern perature. For eastern and western Florida, fair, axeept in southeastern Florida, light rains, stationary temperature, westerly winds. Naval storea. : The movement in naval stores at this port shows receipts for the crop year to September 20th, as compared with receipts to same time last year as follows: Spirits tur pentine, 38,434 casks; last year, 39. 230. Rosin, 99,093 barrels; last year, 101,477. Tar, 24,703 barrels; last year, 22,259. Crude turpentine, 10,688 bar rels; last year, 11,099. Stocks yesterday, as compared with same date last year were as follows: Spirits turpentine, 5,933 casks; rosin, 43,082 barrels; tar, 1,243 barrels; crude turpentine, 541 barrels. Last year Spirits turpentine, 8,314 casks; rosin, 80,891 barrels; tar, 1,565 barrels; erode turpentine, 883 barrels. Crlnslnal (onrt. Marcellus Ratliffe, the negro charged with breaking into Antony Fantffi- no's place of business on South Front street, was found guilty of burglary in the second degree, and sentenced to twelve years in the State peniten - tiary. Lucy Jordan and Patsey Peden, col ored women charged with larceny, were found not guilty. Charles Johnson, colored, the chief witness against Lucy and Patsey, was indicted for perjury, and will be tried to-day, the case being set for a hear ing at 10 o'clock this morning. The grand jury visited the jail and the poor house in the afternoon, and were then discharged for the term. nurch Notice. St Andrew's Church, Presbyterian, corner Fourth and Campbell sts. Kev. Join w. Prim rose. Pastor, i Sunday services at 8 p. m con ducted by Bev. P. H. Hoge, 1). D sabbath school at 4 p. re. Prayer Meeting and Lecture Wednesday at s p. m. The public cordially in vited . Heats free. First Presbyterian Church, corner of Third and Orange streets, Kev. Peyton tL Uoge, Pastor. Preaching uniay morning at ll o'oloK in eo- ture Boom No other services. Pruyer meet ing and Lecture -1 huisday n'ght at 8 o'oik. Vis itors always eloome. Front Street chapel of tbe First Presbyterian Cinroh, corner Front and Queen streets Mo services bunday iDornim?'. Preac iDg (-unday night at 8 o clock. Sunday echoo in afternoon Prayer meeting Wednesday night at 8 o'clook. Visitors aiwaya weio me Grace Methodist S. Church, cortheast corner of Fourth and Mulberry streets. Rev. W. 8. Creasy, pastor. Services to morrow at 11 o'clock a.m. and s 00 p m. sabbath school 4 30 p. m. Weekly Prayer Meeting and Lecture Wednesday evening at 8 00 o'clook. Seats free. A cordial Invitation is extended to strangers and visitors. 'lhe congregation of Fifth Street M. JS. Church South, will hold services In Union Scnool House, oo 6th. between Church and Nun streets, Kev. H. C. Beamao. pastor. Preaching to morrow (Sun day) at 11 a. m. and G OJ p m. Sunday. Sohcol at 4.30 p. m. Class Meeting at 3 00 o'clock. Prayer Meetluir Wednesday nUht at 8.00 o'clock. First Baptist Church, corner of Fifth and Mar ket streets. Rev. T. H. Pritchard. D. D., pastor. Services at 11.00 a. m. aod 8 00 o. m. Sun day school at 3V4j P. m. Prayer and Praise meet ing Thursday night at 8 to o'clock, strangers oordlaliy Invited. WHO 18 MRS. WLNSLOW t As this question s frequently asked, we will simply say that she Is a lady who ror upwards oi tnirty years nas unti ringly devoted her time and talents as a female rnysician ana nurse, principally among unuuren. She has especially studied the constitution and wants of this numerous class, and, as a result of Physician ana nurse, principally among cnuaren. this effort, and practical tmowieage, obtained in a lifetime spent as a nurse and physician, she has compounded a soothing syrup for cnuaren teeth ing. It operates like magic giving rest and health, and is, moreover, sure to regulate the bowels. In consequence of this article Mrs. v ins low is becoming world-renowned as a benefactor of her race; children certainly do risk ot and bless her; especially Is this the case in this city. Vast quantities of the Soothing S-rup are dajxy sold and used here. We think Mrs. Wlnslow has Immortalized her name by this invaluable artl cle, and we sincerely believe thousands of chil dren have been saved from an early grave by its timely use, and that millions yet unborn will share Its benefits, and unite In calling her blessed. No Moth kb has discharged her duty to her suffer ing little one, In our opinion, until she has given It the benefit . f Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup" Try it, moth i t tut it now. Ladies' Visitor, New Yorkji v 8 i 1 ' U druggists. '25 cm. a bottle New ADVKKTlSKMENTb Strayed or Stolen. BRINDLB COW, WEDNESDAY NIGHT, from 001 Mulberry street. A liberal reward will be paid for her reooveiy. Apply to sep 21 3t Rev. CHAS. T. COBBR. FOR SALE, One Boiler, 35 Horse Power, Jg FEET LONG, THREE FBET DIAMETER. Two (2) 12 Inch fluas, with Steam Drum iH by 4 feet, safety valve attachments, check valve, feed pipes, &c., Ac. All in good order, for sa'e at one half ocst. Any one desiring to purchase can ob tain a bargain upon application to CBONLY A MORRIS, Auctioneers, sep 21 It Stock and Real Estate Brokers. For Sale. glX SHARE8 OP STOCK OF THB INDUS TRIAL MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Apply at sep 20 8t 8TAR OFFICB. Our Balbriggan Underwear IS JUST THB THING FOB THB SEASON. The Imperial Shirt" TAKES THE LS4D, Only One Dollar, HANDKBRCHIBFS, COLLARS AND CUFFS IN GREAT VARIETY. MTJNSON & CO., GENTS' FURNISHERS. Sep 20 tf Salem Female Academy, SALEM, C. I arm st , Oldest and Best Female College In ltae South. Session opens August 27tb, 1889. Faculty 80 Professors and Teachers. Special features the Development of character, Health and Intellect. Fuily equipped Preparatory and collegiate de dartmeuis, besides Stat class retools In Music, Art, Languages and Commercial btadies Send for Catalogue to Rev. J. H. CLE WELL, ; 1 tf Principal. NKW ADVERTISEMENTS M. CRO.Ll, Auctioneer, By CRONLT A MORRIS. FOE SALE. Real Estate, at Public Auction, ON TUESDAY, 8BPTKMBBH 24TH, 1889. AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON. yO SFPiCT DIVISION OP SSVBRAL 1N terests, the undersigned will cause to be sold on the spot, at public auction, on Tuesday, Septem ber 24th, 1889, at 12 o'clock M, the following described Real Estate, situated on north side Princess street, between Stab office and New Hanover Bank, One desirable Building Lot, 22x66. One desirable Building Lot, 28xt6, Ooe desirable Building Lot, 8x66. Also the four-story Building, siz of lot 48x65, oocapled sli offices by Hon. A M. Wadael), Iredeil Meares, Will Gumming, and the Wllmiog ton. Onslow & Fast Carolina haltroad Co Build ing Is in excellent condition, pays from tents 8 per cant, on 96.009. and can be doubly enlarged by extending in rear. Lots will be sold separately or as a whole to suit purchaser. Terms and conditions made known at sale Sale subject to confirmation by parties in interest . For information apply to IKKUBlib mBAKBS, attorney at Law, 17 Princess street, sep 15 5t 16 17 18 a 24 INSURANCE. 8 THE COTTON SEASON IS OPENING WI offer for the protection of all concerned , Insur ance in the following leading American and Forel.n prompt paying companies: Insurance Company of North America of fhliadeipbta. caeh assets S Home of New York, cash a -if-eta P,900,0i0 Pbosnix of Harts ore. cash assets 5a0j.0C0 Springfield ot Massachusetts, cash as sets . . 3.200 000 Oeruianla of New York, cash assets 2,800 oo j Underwriters' Agency of New York, cash assets 3,60J,oou Georgia Home of Columbus, Ga , cash assets .. 750.0 0 Sub Mutual of:New Orleans cash assets 9-4 000 Royal of Llvtrpool Kog.. cash assets. 81,000,000 London & Lancashire of Liv- rpo 1, Eng . cash assets 3.100 000 Lonion Association of London. Bug , oasa assets 17.160 000 Lancashire of Manchester, Eng., cash assets . .. 7, too two Norwica Union of Norwich, Eng , cash assets 4,oou,uuo Fie. Life, Marine. Accident and Tornado In surance odioe, foot of Water street. Telephone No. ll. NORTHROP, HODGES A TAYLOR, Agents. This offer includes property of every descrip tion. Dwellings and contractors' risks on speci ally fa - oi able terms. Bdpssw su we PIG FISH PIG FISH! I ALWAYS KEEP A SUPPLY OF FRESH FISH on hand, As I have my own boat and; seine I al ways keep from 200 to 300 on hard. Pic Nio par ties can be served with FISH OK COFFEE. I .- r - j.- AA I MflQ Iq HfP, AT 'ifi I (HI a IJRV -UJ-O10 UUKj J1 ipi.W C JJO, JS. A. HEWLETT. Restaurant In 50 yards of 8witchba k. IGOOD CIGARS and Ice cool BEER always on band jy 12 tf Charlotte Female Institute. rJ,HE FALL SESSION OPBNS SEPTEMBER 4th, 1889, with the largest and finest corps of skilled and experienced teachers the Institute hs ever had. The advantages here offered for Instruction In Music, Art and the Academic studies are not surpassed by those cf any Instl tute In the South. For catalogue or information address the I Principal, RCV. WM. R. ATKINSON, su we fr Charlotte. N. C. je 16 8m Medical College OF Virginia, Richmond. 'pHB FIFTY -SECOND ANNUAL 8B8ION OF the above name institution will begin OC TOBBR 1ST, 1889, and oontinue six months. For catalogue or other information write to Dr. J. 8. DORSBY CULLBV, jy 11 8m th Dean of the Faculty. EPISCOPAL HIGH SCHOOL, NEAR ALEX&R0HIA, VIKGIN.'A, L. M. BLACKFORD, M. A., Principal. LLEvVELLYN BOXTON, Associate Principal. With ample corps of Assistants. Founded 1889. Cession opens tept. 26, 1689. Catalogues on application, aug 8 2m sa tu tb Mount St. Joseph's College. COURSE OF STUDIES CLASSICAL AND Commercial. Terms: Boarders per session of five months, S110. Day students according to grade. Studies will be resumed on MONDAY, September 2, 1889. Address BBO. JOSEPH. Director. Carroll Station, Baltimore. Md. Send for catalogue. jy 11 8m Notice. jy EMBERS OF THB TELBPHONB EXCHANGE will please add to their lists THB CUSTOM HOUSB, No. 101 . B. T. COGHILL, Manager. sep 14 i w Soap. rpHB CHEPE8T SOAP ON THB MARKET IS Chas. ?. Browne's Labor-saving Detersive Poap. CHARLES F. BROWNE, Agent, 138 North Water St., Wilmington, N. C. sep 13 D&Wtf Wrapping Faner. r CLOSE OUT AN ACCUMULATION OF OLD NEWSPAPERS, they sold for TWENTY CENTS PER HUNDRED. Apply at tbe fab S tf STAB OFFICB. WANTED MAN To take the agency of our Safes size 28x18x18 inches; weight 600 lbs.: eta 11 price $35; other Mzee- In proportion Aare ohance to create a permanent business at home These r a fee meet a demand never before sap pltod by other safe companies, as we are no covered by the safe pool alpine safe oo.. 1el4 6m sat we Cincinnati o. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Hebrew New Tear Cards, A BEAUTIFUL APSOKTMBN YAT18' BOOK STORE. ZTsTocr- G-oocLs. WE ARB NOW RECEIVING A LABGB STOCK OF School Books. SCHOOL SUPPLIES. STATIONERY, Blank Books AND OFFICE REQUISITES OF ALL KINDS WB GUARANTEE LOWEST PRICKS Wall Paper and Window Shades A SPECIALTY, YATES3 Book Honor. sep 15 tf CAPE FEAR ACADEMY T BOPBN8 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 3D. ii ' paration for Business or College. Full corps of teachers. Please enter sons at btglunlng of session. See catalogues in Wo k Mrs. W. CAT LETT, PrlD , sep 1 8w nao su tu th 406 N. Fourth Bt. For Bent, THKHOUHKON THIRD STREET, isss; III! f etween Acn and prtsfnt oo- IISI louplrd by It. W. Ricks Bas eight i rooms and s in perfect ttate of repair. Apply to sep 11 tf CLAYTON GILES- For Sale. rpWO STORES, WITH DWBLLINS AT- taohed, at NICHOLS, 8. C, on the line cf the Wilmington. Colnmbia A Anirasta Railroad. Apply to SAM'L BBAR, ha. No. 1 Market street, sep 9 tf V tltnlngloD, n. C. New Stock CV REVOLVERS, CARTRIDGES, "HOSB" Trowels, etc. GEO. A. PECE. dealer in Hard ware, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Oils, Paints, Twine, Rope, etc sep 9 tt 29 South Front street. Wanted, DWELLING, CONVENIENTLY LOCATBD with six or seven rooms. Apply st STAR OFFICB. sep 1 tf Wanted. HP WO SOBER. RELIABLE P I.sTKlH IN X writing state terms. Addresr. FRANK POWELL, Tsrboro, W. C. Sep 14 8t Spirit Casks Glue, &c. TJVR SALE CHEAP BY A WOODY A CUB HIE, Commission Merchants, w llmtngton. N. C. Jy28tf School for Tourg Ladies, MISS HART, Principal. AS8I6TBD BY MISS M. B. BBOWN. rpHB NEXT SESSION WILL BEGIN THURS DAY, the 10th of October. COURSE OF STUDY THOROUGH, embracing English, French. Mathematics, Natoral telrnoe. Bookkeeping, Vocai and lnstmmenial Musie. Studies not tuouded tu the regular oouree may bt pursued at Instructors' caarges. INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC will be taught by Miss WOOD, who has studied lu the city of New York, under a pupil of LU ta. INSTRUCTION IN THB FRENCH LANGUAGE. Clast-fcinging, Needlework and CaiU the nice without txti a charge . For terms and particulars, apply until Cotober nn, at K Kai ket street, or to Mr. J. if si Boak Wright; after that date to the PKlrCiPAL. sep 15 tf 8 North Third street. NEWSPAPERS AMD CIQAR8. A LL THB LATEST DAILY AMD Papers oa hand. Books, Ac, aug 8 tf Msgaalnea, Libraries, Fashion O. M. HARRIS, News aad Olgar Dealer. To All WboD It lay Cmceri. KNOW YB THAT H. C. PRBMPBRT. THB veteran Barber and Halrdnster. oan still be found at his old stand No. 7 tenth front H. and tie old reilaole, C apt Joe Turner, is work ing with him. Clean 1 oweis, good snd plenty of Bay Bam always used. Clippers of all slats, Giveusaoall. asp 1 U

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