1 ' r m mm flbatsam. fMk. BmIM ,,rT ' -r Lif, MMta mt ta ITT ofcliiy IwrtiM m TIL tMMH rt r SBaurnc tn T? TWtt id. arv eOA"".'. v tu whT. aCTTi i iT Tin e w nut. r- nn Hi mm -m 1 1 i r j . mm ubm rMrofiMMiMnHMiimiM ytotmfMWL hin gmnkm. ew mnm OMMWM StfMMMMm sot & 4lioWat M) wiw. fcii ia, V s mS3 i " NMHW Mi M II lit l Ite Daily. Wmm a , tinf muMMN 1 ?ur ta ta MM to faftJal IS) UMM S5 t.taMMatuh.iM gfMttw wtU aUf be NweMBto Lte aallSas of tae aaa a Mi Mi The Morning Star. V VILLUS U. IKR 9i ' Mown-, Oct 13. 1899 AS i 1 i-.'H i - i ITf lf. By tba tret dy of th new jmt, or within a fw lay. iharvafter, the Cepa Fmi A Vadkio VUj Rati wjr will b cuap.tJ tod true rqcaiag Lbroagb truai Movot Airy to WilaitSfftoo. Tht i a itnportnt ott is oar opiatoa, oao of tba aioae i as port t tbat baa oacarrad ta tba o)mmrcii bitory of Mtba City by tba Soa." Iba txoaaaiva raiaa of t aoaaar ratardvd oparatiooa wbat, or tb work would bava to cooaalaud by tbo aitddla of I-tcmbr. bat tbr ta now a larva fur of Iaborara aeacd la iayiag tb raila aad bailauog aa tba rada ar latd. aad it ta tba caJoalaUoo and iatntioa of tba company to bava tba work flowbad aad trataa oo tba road by tb irt of Jaaaary, or with in a fw daya afur. if work hoald ba ra- tardad by aafavorabla waatbar. Tkaro ara fw, if aay, of oar citi o wbo do not aaC a biwb aatiaMta oe tba vaiaa of tbta road aa a Uiba tary to Wilatagtoe'c growth, pro ffraaa aad proapwnty. bat tbara ia aot oaa wbo aata too high aa aumata apoo it. It will bnog WilmiDftoa ta dirvot aad aptntdy cotaoiaoioatioa wuh Coatrai North Carol iaa, with a graai tobaoeo, gnu, frait, graaa aad Mock g rowiog avctioe aaeoad ia far ulity aad agrlaaltarai poaaibtlitiaa to ao portion of tba Stat. It bnaga bar aiao ia ipnady ooaaaotioo with tba groat eoal aad troa ttalda of tba Daap rtvar. aad aiao wuh tba graat eoai aad iroa faJda of tba Daa riaar r.gioo, froaa both of which Wilanaa- too oaa draw aaapia aappliad of obwap troa aad ebaap eoai wbaa tba aetara apoa tba earanr of a avaaafaotanag oity. Taaaa van oaa iodaatnaa, gir lag aaployaiaat to larga aaoaau of capital aad largo aambnra of iadaa trwaa aioekaaiea aad otbara wdl aot oaiy ba poaaibia bat faaaibia, which bat for tbia could aot b aarioaaly tboagbt of. V Bat tba baaafita ta tba aaar dia taaoa do aot rtop bara, for tbia road w aot gotag to raa to to tba groan J at Moaat Airy, aad top tbara. It ia oaJy a qaaatioa of oaa or two yaara at faataaat, wbaa it wtil bava tbraa eoaaaatio&a, North, Nortbwaat aad Noctaaaat; oaa by braaob road aow aador eoawtraettoo by tba Nor folk aad Waatara Railroad Coaapa ay. froaa tkair road, to a point oo tba Virgiaia liaa foar aiUaa dwtaat froaa Moaat Airy, wbara it will aaaat aad eooaaot with tba Capo V.xr aad Yadkin V alloy, wbaa rtaadad to Aaotbar braaob of Uua fartbar w oat ward will graa ooaaaetioa via tba Norfolk aad North waatara, wttb a road raaoiag dirwatly la Loaarrilla, Ky., aad tbara wttb tba Waatcra .y.x-ca of Tbia will autka It lax oaiakaat roaU of trad r and uartl batwaao tba Soatb Atlantic aaaboard aad tba Wast. As wa aaa it tbia mean a good deal for Wilmington aa a point of i si port aad ex port, aad wa do sot aaa wby bcr commerce and nipping boaineaa aboald aot ba immensely in orsasad br ik Another Northern connection will ba by tba Roanoke sad Soa thorn, apoa which work ia aow ta rapid progress oa both tba North Carolina and Virgiaia aidea of the lias. Within a year tbia road will ba ooeapleted through to Mar tinevilla, Va, sad within another year oa to Roanoke. This will also make oaa of tba aborteat roatee Soatb, direct to Wilmington, Then with the road extended north westward through the Tsdkin Valley, oaa of the finest agricultu ral regions in the South, on to the Tenneaaaa line, to connect with the Tennessee system, there will be an other North we tern connection and a throng b Una aad a short ooe from that direction to Wilmington. The completion of tbia branoh will be accomplished at no eery distant day, and then through this one road we will bare practically a grand system, pointing aad tributary to tbia oity. Tbia ae we see it, and we think we aaa it ia tba right light, ie a hasty, running sketob of a road which ia destined to ba a mighty power for good to Wilmington, and one of the agencies, in connection with the road now tributary to her, to make ber one of the great oitiee apoo the Southern coast, not only a great commercial bat a great manufactur ing city aa wall. The first train that cornea over the road to Wilmington should be the occasion of a befitting celebration by tbia oity, and it aboald be a grand one, too. The whistle of the locomo tive sboald be the signal for general rej ictog, and such ceremony and display aa will beet befit the realisa tioa of s hope on which Wilmington end ber people bsvs bad their hearts set, sad upon which they may well rejoice, aad "sound the load timbrel'1 for joy. Let as celebrate it. section of the law, they can they pU go as The Chippewa lands in Minnesota shoot to bo coded to the United States sad then opened to settlement ioolude immenae pine forestn, the timber of wbioh is rained at $60,- 000,000. As soon ae the civilired commodities near it ti t source of danger sod deterioration, ss it readily takea up the emell of ooffee, cocoa, apioes, cheese, bacon or other articles of pro n ounced odor. The ooaplainte some times made about tea would prooably not arise if slwsyskept in places free from snob oontacion. Tea nhonlfL h stored in a warm dry place; unneces sary exposure to tbe airieboald be TWlltKLIirGS. COMMERCIAL. I THE STAR WILMINGTON MARKET i j iuuid iu uib airsuuuiu oe whiten get hold of those lands they I "voided, Even when securely paoked - - - . , I in tVio l'.al...l U l-i . . may be exp ected to give a demon stration lesson on tree destruction maoh more effective than the beauti ful sentiments oo forest p res aeration pronounced in Arbor Day srlrlro ss. in thelleaded cheats in which it ar- - n ... this climate deprives tea of much of ii ueauuiui iragranoe. Tea Of maoh better quality thao ia generally dis- The St. Louis RnuMir Hnifl,K.t ZT J tion. and - I foinnBineni rooms can oe bought at m the newly appointed postmaster at Bethany, Mo., ia a Democrat. It ssya bis name is Preatias, and that he ia the same Prentiss who was cap tared at Shilob. It thinks thst the surprise at Sbiloh oould be noth ing to that in Missouri if a Demo cratic poet master should be appoint ed in that State. 2s. per pound. A pound of tea would make 128 cups. Thio ia oonsiderablv than a farthing per cup. You may well ask why ia it that we should be atill charged ad. and 6d. ((for a little hot milk and water slightly fla vored with undesirable tannin." I) UtADhJD WOMEN, CURKBfil UVMM&XT. Benjamin Franklin was the first reformer of tbe postal service in tbia country. He aaid: "I have made it a rule to dismiss no official wbo doea hia duty and who baa hia money matters in order; and I think reason and right are on my side." What an old fogy must Benjamin Franklin have been, in the eetimation oi auon stateemen and patriots aa As sistant Postmaster General Clarkaon and Superintendent J. Lowne Bell! Philadelphia Record, Dem. Jnet at present Mahone seems to have hia time pretty well occupied in watching bis enemiee in his own party. It will not be denied, even , a - ouu uvco UUtl DOC WUJ t by Maboneites,tbat some of the brain-I single thread of ber hair might not . sanus-rion. A Chiengo paper grows fuony over tb recent kiastog exoitemeot in De- Uoit, and says it behoove tbe lone bachelor over there to be exceeding ly jsdietoas in bestowing hi kiaeee, for the price set oo that commodity is high In Detroit, and ooly a few miepleced tokens of affection would snfilce to break eveo a man of means Mr. Mary Pearaall, a widow, want o.ooo for being kiaeed against ber will by ber employer. Tbia seem extortionate at first sight, aad ooe leeeoetbly falls to pondering what there waa about tbe faeoiosliog Mary 'a ktaa which made it coma ao very high. Bot when the additional fact com to light that not ooly did be kw br, bot siawe baa been wri ting poetry and sending it to ber io job Iota, fAa pablio sentiment stalks over to Mary' aide, and ia strongly in favor of striking the delinquent for more than eo.OOO, and even sog- ffost s term of imprisonment in ad dition. There ia no excaae for an action like thie. lie might have kissed ber ia a fit of a been t-minded -eeaw, bat if h wrote poetry he bad crime ia his heart. Tbe Philadelphia Times thinks CoL Dad ley' preeenoe is greatly aeeded in Indianapolis, where he re sided until some unpleasant conflicts with the law made it inconvenient for him to mingle with hia old neigh bor since tbe last November eiec tion. It' evident that the "bloeke offlve" system of politics that Col. Dudley invented to carry Indiana laat year baa fallen into innocuous desuetude, and tbe result is ths elec tion of s Democratic Mayor and oth er oity officer io Indianapolis by a large majority for the first time in hslf s generation. Clearly some thing moat be done, and if Colooel Dadley iaa't the man to do it, who Ie? Generalissimo Qaay can't get down to carry s manicipsl oooteet ;but thiak of a Democratic police in the Preudent'e own oity with Dudley no oertaio about hie safety even nnder Rep a bl toan rale. Tbe Indianapolis returns oosae to Dudley like "sweet belle jsagled and out of tune," and bmat tttbr heroically bait tbe current or let tbioge go to smash and be go with them. m j w ' " jest sad most influential Republicans io the Slate are onnospd tn thair leader. These prominent anti-Ma-booe Republicans aredoiog Mabooe a great deal of damage. In some lo calities their attitude haa made the party apathetic Uoleea Mahone can succeed in nullifying their influence and in arousing enthusiasm in the Republican ranks there will be an immense falling off io the Republi can vote. Savannah New, Dem. Tbe arreet of aix girls io New York on. tbe obarge of having caused the death of tbeir playmate, Julia O'Conoor, by brutally beating her, revesle soother of tbe msnv etranoe t . .. ' . pnaaes oi metropolitan civilization. Tbe oldest of tbeee girls haa not peeeed ber sixteenth yesr, bot they are all described as typioal "eigh teenth warders," "tough aod proud of it." Last July tbe unfortunate object of tbeir enmity waa enticed by them from her borne aod aaaault ed aod beaten ao severely that she died laat Saturday from ber injuries. Her assailants when brought before tbe coroner showed neither trepida tion nor shame, aod while deoying the charge preferred against thm diecusacd the fight io wbioh their for mer associate received her injuries with great gusto aod reminiscent relish. JiaUt more Sun, Ind. Dem. is bound to be popular The man who walks about a military encampment late at night is sure to come to a baiter. . . -i riv. in i'ni j .u L r I nxany a man nas attained a re- iives IO Ani nn. t ha nhinoa f rnm I . . , . . . . . , ' , I puwiuon xor wisdom by knowing now to ine Blowing heat of H-astem skies to I wear a pair of spectacles. Torre Saute the damp and humid atmosphere of I Sxpreu. i : a r iP I i ew people know that the gov ernment issues a stamp of the denomina tion of $80. Such stamps are used on sec ond claas mail matter. "John, dear, doesn't it make you sad to see the leaves fall T" "Well, not now; but it used to when I was a small boy, for then I had to sweep them up. " Sun. Ted I suppose the best way to find out whether she loves me is to go right up and ask her. Ned Not at all, my boy. Ask one of her girl friends. Harper's Bazar. Ninety-nine per cent, of am bition to try and one per cent, of talent is all that is necessary to success in whatever we under take. Garden City (Kans.) Herald. "Truth lies at the bottom of a well," we all know, but when she dives into the abyss of Niagara, a plain iie won't do; she make affidavit to it.- But we're onto her cataracket. Burdette, There ie at least one large ho tel in America where, to the proprietor's credit be it spoken, tipping is absolutely iuiuiuucu, iiuu means me aiscnarge or any one accepting a fee from a guest. It is in uawigo. American cyclones will here after, perhaps for several months, move more directly and with less obstruction across the Atlantic toward the English channel. This means for us a cold winter. New York Herald. "Ma used to box my ears every time I used bad grammar," said a young lady reprovingly to her small brother. "Well, if she did. it must have cost some thing for tbe lumber to make the boxes." Washington Capital At Deland, Fla., a few days aeo. Amanda Worth v rnlnmH flroH at - - J i v UU) 'VU I . u coach whip snake which was chasing one of uor (suivKCQB, anu snot ine Metnoaist preacher, who was sitting at his writing table 800 yards away. The reverend gen tleman's wound is serious and painful, but not necessarily fatal. Amanda was fined $6 and costs. Living skeleton in dime muse um "These folks make me tired." Sym pathetic visitor "In what way ?" "Here I am earning $500 a week as the greatest living skeleton, yet hour after hour, day in an' day out, one old woman after another stops an' chins an' chins at me about the things I ought to eat to get fat." N. T Weekly. It is difficult to show the ice man the error of bis weigh. "xes." said tbe reformed crim- I inal eadiy, "I have bad a great many trials in my life." SPIRITS TURPENTINE Market The most experienced bookbic- opened steady and closed quiet with sales der oannot tell the hook that is bound to of receints at 444 cents ner gallon. Job Printing Office of receipts at 44 cents per gallon. ROSIN Market firm at 77, cents per bbl for Strained and 82 cents for Good Strained. TAR Market auoted firm at 1 50 per bbl of 880 lbs., with sales at quota tions. CRUDE TURPENTINE Distillers quote the market firm at $2 25 for Vir gin and Yellow Dip and $1 20 for Hard. COTTON Market dull, witL sales oh a basis of 10 316 cents for middling. Quotations at the Produce Exchange were as follows: Ordinary 00 , cts ft. Wood Ordinary UU Low Middling 9J Middling. AND BOOK BINDERY CoTXLplete IN Good Middling. . .10 .10 8-16 7-16 ( it (i BEGEim. ALL ITS APPOINTMENTS, EVER 1 VARIETY OF nting, Ruling Baron for K.d Headed Women-No Longer m Mo ore or merriment. All young women possessed of red hair can remember that in the days of tbeir childhood their bairunte adornment was a soorce of merri ment to their friends, says tbe Cbi cago Herald, and the term "sorrel top," or "straw berry blonde" was ooe of oontempt. Tbey wondered, perhape, why it was that tbey were always called "redheaded," when their playmatee were described as be ing blaok, brown, or golden-haired. But the "red -beaded" girls do not mind now that it is every young, wo man's ambition to be auburn - haired, and she hopes by the nee of hair dyes to attain tbe shade whioh belonged to tbe wioked Lucre tia. If abe gets exactly the right suaue eno aoes not see whv a flftttnn Spirits Turpentine Hosm Tar Crude Turpentine 2,178 101 270 97 13 bales casks bbls bbls bbls DOMESTIC HAKKKTS. be preserved by the United States government and exhibited as is the ooe so proudly shown in Florenoe as having belonged to tbe wioked i,uereua. it is odd bow many famous women have had this Titian red bair. Catherine of Roseia glo ried in it, and Anne of Austria had brown bair jest oo the verge of be iog red. Ninon de L'Eoolos was equally prond of her warm-colored treese, and Mary Stoart seemed a daugbter of ibe sun. Jane Hading and Mrs. Potter both have warm auburn bair, but it does not reach tbe real tinge, wbioh is that wbioh crowned in all ber glory the bead of the Empress Eugenie, she wbo has known tbe extreme of happiness and of aadneoe. JPjBMSONAL. a;: A CABINT neBTTlNG. Abom Tanner An hickurn of The defeat of high license in tbe Dakotae waa a signal ooe. East of tbem lay Minnesota, aod sooth of thrtn Nebraska, the two States io which tbe license fee required is the big best io tbe country, ranging from 500 to 1,000. Io both the high- uoenae taw naa been marvellously successful as a revenue measure. Io I:. 1- L ... .. jnunnpoim, aunoogn me license is restrictive -excluding the saloons from all except tbe business oeotres of tbe city the reveoue from it is 340,000 a year. Io Omaha, a oity of ooly 120,000 people, tbe reveoue from tbe saloons is 24ft,000 a year -almost eooogb to maintain tbe pub ho schools. Yet tbe people of tbe Dakota have preferred to raise by direct taxation the revenues whiob the saloons might yield in order to secure, if possible, entire suppres sion., i . commercial Advertiser a t i r o st rata. mmm io Sana it Prprly and Mow ta Toll . lemdm TtifrroftJL It seems a simple thing enoogb; yet of the millions wbo use tbia re freshing and agreeable beverage a rery small proportion understand bow to prepare it, Bot if oot pro perly made, tea ia deprived of a great deal of its value, and some times rendered absolutely injurious. The water to be used shoolH and it sboald be poured oo the tea immediately it boils: if allowed to overboil, tbe peculiar property of boiling water whiob aot apoo tea evaporatea aod eventually disap pear. Tea sboald oot be a decoo tioo, bat ao iofosioo. If allowed to stew it become little better than a decoction of taouio acid. Ta that is overdrawn i hurtful to the nerves and to the digeatioo. As to tbe pre oiee number of minute which should be devoted to tbe process of draw ing some people will say five ann ate, ome seven, some will perhaps go a far as ten. bat oar exoerienne la in favor of six; this suffices to Tanner An JtlM, JVeic York Worid The last meeting of the Cabinnt wa devoted exclusively to a consid eration of the Tanner question. " Notwithstanding you have bounced bim," Baid Mr. Blaine, ad dressing the President, "that fellow Tanner will still oontinae to spend tbe surplus." "What surplus can he spend now, I should like to know?" aidced the President, a little nettled by the sug geetion. "SarplaS breath," said Mr. Blaine, aa he struck a match on his trousers' leg and lit a fresh oigarette. "That's pretty good for you, Mr. Blaine," aaid Secretary Rusk, "but may I ask you what bird Tanner re minds me of?" "A parrot, of coarse." "No, a young robin." "Because he was rob bin' the Treas ury?" suggested M. Blaine. "Because he is all mouth," said Mr. Rusk. "Before the cession adjourns," said Mr. Wanamaker, "I would like to ak wby Mr. Tanner is like a certain cut oi ooat wbioh I sell in my estab meot cheaper thao it can be bought elsewhere?" Tbe cabinet gave it up "Because he is cut by as cut bias out by us, see?" The oabinet pretended not to see it, and Mr. Wauamaker was com pelled reluotantly to set up the postage stamps. a that point. Michigan baa just aa accommo dating Igilativ bill clerk a Penn sylvania. One of tbem, by making a mistake in tbe high license liquor lew, removed all reelrioiion from tbe sale of liquor by druggiat. It was intended that the latter should be required to get permit to anil bqeor and that thy should aiao make a report of their sale, bot, as tbe clerk by an error invalidated that ormg oot tbe flavor, quality, aod strength. Jost ae muoh tea aa is wanted sboald be made no more. Make fresh tea aa often a it is re quired. Tbe replenishing of tbe tea pot with freeh bot water ia vr k. - . T w t jeouonable. Aa tbe thorough beat log of tbe receptacle is of tbe first importance, the teapot should be made thoroughly hot before tbe tea w put in ik toe earthenware tea pot is preferred to all others by many connoisseurs, and It ia superflu oos to aay Chat whatever utensil ia ansa it aL! mmM iuf .on purpose snouid be im maculately olean. Tea ia an extremely delicate arti cle. It susceptibility to the odors of rOIjlTJVAL, JPOIATS. The withdrawal's of Tanner' mouth removed a large hole from the Har rlson administration, bat it seems also to have Wfi one that is difficult to fill CM cago Herald, Dem. At the town election in Nor wich, Conn , Monday, the Democrats acLJevtd a sweeping victory, elective their entire ticket by an average majority of 830. This is the Oratlime io the hiblory of the Republican party that the Democrats have carried Norwich. Tk r-v ue jyumoorsiic party con ducted an educational campaign last fall but tbey began ibe work too late Every community ought to have ar Democratic reform club, and every State a league of Democratic clubs. n una n..Jr. . organization and educate the masse Nashville American, Dem. The Democrats of Montana have done very well iadeed. taking into consider ration ibe fact that their politicians got own fiom ths 8i Louis platform and tried to straddle the tarift. The politicians lost tbe Congressman, but tbe rank and file saved the Lealalature and the two Senators. St Louis Republic, Dem - The Democratic Stat cinmmit. tce of Masganhuspttfl has unt a -v.it. a LUBIICUKO to tbe Republican State Committee propos ing a Joint debate between the candidates of the two parties for Governor The young Democrats of Massachusetts are on their mettle, and have the courage of their convictions. Philadelphia Record, Dem. The Democratic party of the Empire State takea its stand beside the un flinching Democracy of Philadelphia. Ohio, Xiew Jersey and other States which have held conventions this yer. Tbe banner of tariff reform is nailed to the mast, and will be borne la to tbe thickest of the right at the iw i-resmeousi election. Aloany Argus, Dem. ' The condition of Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett is much improved. It is now said that Queen Victoria will make her new grandson, tbe Duke of Fife, Governor-General of Canada. It is said that Senator Allison while making speeches to the Iowa farmers at the county fairs, wears a suit of home spun and a slouch hat. Henry Warren, aged 81, the oldest newsboy in tbe State, will soon re- wio irum Business, jttis are-long route has been between New Haven and Ansonia. Cincinnati Exchange Justioe Ford, of New Ifork, has committed to prison a voung man who made from $2 to $10 a day by begging, disguised in mie. and who liven lik a i.-rri at nights, moving in high society, Baron Bud berg has gone to Ber lin to attend the Czar during his visit to that city. Tbe fear that the printers will wake the u and e change places in his name probably takes much joy out of the Bar on's life. Meissonier reoently said to a lady, who remarked upon viaitine his new house that she missed pictures of his own from anion? the hpantifnl thin no orltl, a ..... v. uuiuo nibU wnich he had adorned tbe rooms: "Ah, madame, they are too dear to allow me to keep them." William Russell, the Democratic candidate for Governor of Massachusetts, is a Havard fraduatA nf is?7 hh qo - U - - , UtliJ CJ years or age. He is now serving his third term as Mayor of Cambridge, and was also the candidate for Governor in 1888 against Oliver Ames, being defeated by a plurality of about 28.000. J The executors under the will of Wilkie Collins are his friend, Sebastian Dwiiesinger, ana collator Henry Hartley fortune is now estimated at more than f 100,000. Including the value of his small but choice collection of pictures and old furniture, and a splendid library, all of which will be sold in the course of the next few months. Eugene N. Robinson, a wealthy Nevada mining man, died recently in New York, and left a property worth several hundred thousand dollars. In his will was a provision leaving hia divorced wife the um yi UD penny "as a token of esteem greatly in excess of the consideration which she deserves." She has not as yet applied for her legacy. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Financial. Haw YoBJt. October 12. Bvemn. Sterling exchange duli and quoted at 484 488. Money easy. Government securities dull; four per cents 127; four and a half per cents 105. State securities dull ; North Carolina fours 123; sixes 96. Commercial. NbwHYorx, Oct. 12. Evening. Cotton dull; middling uplands 10$c; middling Orleans 10c; sales of 147 bales; total net re ceipts 45,349 bales; exports to Great Britain 6,611 bales; to the continent 4,500 bales: stock 375,445 bales. Cotton Net receipts bales; gross 13,211 bales; futures closed quiet and steady : sales 62,400 bales at the following quotations : October 10.56c; November 10 13 ?M0.14r:: Dpr.emhpr in (IQOhm inn. Tor, arv 10.10ai0 lie: Fehnmre in'l7am iRn. March 10 2810.24c; April 10 3010 31c; May 10.36T3U0 37c; June 10.4210 43c; July 10.48c. Southern flour dull and heavy. Wheat spot market weak, with a moderate business -milling No. 2 8585e at elevator, 8586c afloat and 8586 fob steamer; No. 2 red 8282ic; options fairly active and Tc lower, closing flrmjat $c above the low est and ifc under yesterday; longs sell ing and shorts covering; No. 2 red Octo ber 85ic; November 85fc; December 86c. Corn firm and moderately active- No 2 89c at elevator and 39f40c afloat- un graded mixed 384lfc: options firmer but dull; October 39jc; November 40c December 41c; May 42c. Oats firm and ouiet: ontions neolpp.tAH ntnko. okr. November 254c; December 26c. finft options opened barely steady and un changed and 5 points down, and closed steady and 510 points up and quiet; Oc tober $15 0015 10; November $14 90 14 95; December $14 9015 05; May $14 9015 05; Rio on spot easy; fair car goes $19 25. Sugar raw; nominal; refined easy and quiet. Molasses foreign nomi nal; New Orleans ouiet. Rice firm and quiet; domestic 4t6ic. Petroleum steady and quiet; refined here $7 00. Cotton seed oil steady and quiet. Rosin quiet. Spirits turpentine dull but steady at 48a48Jc Wool steady, with a moderate demand - do mestic fleece 3239c; pulled 2341c. Pork steady. Beef quiet; beef hams depressed- t iAnnl k . rV. . . n ' uciwu quiei. v;ui meats nrm and in fair demand; pickled bellies, 12 lbs, 7c- 10 lbs, 7fc; pickled shoulders 4ic; pickled hams 9i10c; middles slow. Lard near by firm; new crop sold easier and closed steady but dull: western steam $6 70: city steam $6 35; options: October $6 63; No vember $6 386 89; December $6 31 asked; January $6 296 30; refined quiet and steady; continent $6 607 00 Freights uiverpooi market firmer; cotton id grain 5d . ' Chicago, October 12. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour steady. Wheat No 2 spring 80fc; No. 2 red 8080c Corn TN8, t30T ?r-2' 18c- Mess pork Lard $6 25. Short rib sides, loose. $5 255 30; dry salted shoulders, boxed $4 254 50; short clear sides, boxed. 5 50 5 67t. Whiskey $1 02. ' Tbe leading futures ranged as follows opening, highest and closing: Wheat Si o?RCtober SO. 80; December 82, J' 80, 80, 80f. Corn-No . 2 October 80S, , 30; November 3H, 31. , itomuer oi, ox, out. uats lNo. 2 Oc tober, I8f; December 19, 19f, 19. Mess pork, per bbl October $10 37i. 10 60, 10 50; year $9 15, 9 12 January $9 35, 9 37tl 9 32. Lard, per 100 L9Cber 6 12r. . 6 10; Novem- L5-' 5c93' 5 92? Janaury $5 87. 5 90 5 187 Short rib sides, per 100 lbs October $5 10, 5 15, 5 15; November . 1 $4 85; January , , Balttmobk, October 12. Flour active uu ateaay. w neat southern steady: Fultz 7888 cents; Longberry 8088 cts western quiet: No 2 winter red on the spot and October 82i82i cents. Corn southern quiet; white 4042 cents; yel low 4041f cents; western firm. AND 33 j 33lc3JLd p, ap i9;tf CONTAGIOUS BLOOD DISEASES. TJLCBRS, SOBBB, PIMPL.E8, JTCH, SALT rheum, etc., are evidences of contagions blood disease. It la manifestly a duty to eradicate blood poison from the system by a ase of B. u B. (Botanic Blood Balm), thas enabling tbe sore places to beal, and thereby removing: all possi bility of other members of the family becoming likewise afflicted Send to Blood Balm Co , At lanta, Ga , lor book that will convince. J. H. Outlaw, Mt. Olive, N. C, writes: "I hud running sores on my shoulders and arms m ooiue a. a. b. cured me euilrely " L Johnson, Belmont Station, Hiss . wrltes: "B B. a. has worked on me like a oharm My he id and body wai covered with sores, and my hair came out, but U B. B. healed me quickly." W. J. Klnnln, Huiohns, Texas, wri.es: "B. B. B, nas cured my wife of a large uloer en her leg that doctors and all other medicine could not cure " M. J. Bossman, a prominent merchant of Greensboro, Ga., writes: "I know or several ca.es of blood disease speedily cure i by u. B B. TWO hottlftS O.nmii M. lnrlV nf nom Aimfnlnn. skin sores." W. O. Blrchmore C o , Maxey, a , write "8 B. B. In curlnK Mr. Bobt. Ward of blood poison effected one of the most wonderful cures that .ever came to our knowledge." dec 1 DAW ly nrm Bead! Read I! rJ1HK irOLLOWINO VOLTJKTARY TRIBU TE to PANACBA. WATB8 by that Christian gentle man, tne Rev. J. P. Bartt, D. D , editor In chief of the Christian Bun, is cnly confirmatory of similar testimonials from other reliable sources on the same sabiect. Dr. Barrett sa s PANAOBA WaTBR There are so many uuaun. nmiwwg - icr avspepfeia, ana slnd ed diseases, that It Is hard to get people to beltave that all remedies advertised are not "quack" and worthless. In another coiumn will be round the advertisement of the Panacea Water, by Mr. John A. Williams, of Oxford, N. C We have great confidence In Its value, especially in oases of dyspepsia. We have used It with sreat benefit, and we know whereof we speak In a week's time its use mace a decided Improve ment, and we have no hesitancy In commending it to tbe suffering. We also know that when Rev. M. L. Burley, of Franklin, Va , had been reduced almost to a skeleton from a terMble case tit dyspepsia of several years' standing, and when the medicine of fir. t clacp physicians bad railed to cure, or even give much re.lef. be tried this water as well nigh the last hopa, and to his astonishment in a few sa s he found great relief . He continued Its use for several weeks and h Is a well man We write this notice of onr own accora, that we may persuade tbe suffering to try the PANACEA WATBR. For sale by J. H. HARDIN. Wilmington, N. C. If yoar druggist does not keep it send S4 CO for six gallons F. O. B. a' Littleton, N t, JuHN A. WILLIAVS, my 21 DAWtf Oxford N. C. I'M Swtpt's Specific has enred me of a malignant breaking ont on my leg, wliicli caused intolerable pain. It waa called Eczema by the doctors fonr of whom treated me with no relief. I candidly confess that I owe my present good bealt h to S. S. S., which In my estimation la Invaluable as a blood remedy. Miss Julia DxWrrr, 2887 N. 10th St., St. Louis, Mo. Our baby when two months old was attacked with Scrofula, which for a long uuio ua.jreu iter eyestglit entirely, aiid doctors failed to relieve her, and we mar 20 ly Swift's SpEcmrn. which Jiv,,. .r, t entirely, and she Is now halo and hcartv K V. Dklk. Will's Point. TJ m?fnd ,or giving history of BISd. P,8eaBes and advice to sufferer mailed free. Thh Swift Specific Co Drawer 8, Atlanta. (': . nrm oh su we fr riitfs Pii Malaria, Dumb Ciiiil, Fever and Ague, Wind Colic, Bilious Attacks, 2??i42VS' "evep Sfipc or lnterrrc with daily business. Asa family mellf"iiV they si.ould o Hi every hoaolJ. ' SOLI EVERYWHEHE. oot 2 PAW tf nrm tu th sat COTTON nAU&vjr. Ho matter how advanced in' life, Good teeth In either man or wife Or maid are a rich prize; And those who would the gift preserve, From SOZODONT won't swerve. Should they at all be wise. Tbe Verdict Unanimous. iW D; Bult Drug8i8t. Bippus, Ind., tes tifies: "lean recommend Electric Bitters as the very best remedy. Every bottle sold has given relief in avery case. One man took six bottles, and was cured of R&euma twm of 10 years' standing." Abraham Hare druggist, Bellville, Ohio, affirms: "The best selling medicine I have ever handled in my 20 years' exDerienr-p ia Kioto;,. u, ters.' Thousands of others have added their testimony.so that the verdict is unani mous that Electric Bitters do cure all dis eases of the Liver, Kidneys and Blood. On V a hftlf dollar Vmtlla D n Bkllaky's, Wholesale and Retail Drue Store. 6 Read advertisement of Otterburn Lithia Water in this paper. Unequalled for Dys pepsia and all diseases of kidney and blad der. Price within reach of all. f By Telegraph to the Morning Star. , October 12 Galveston, quiet at 9-16-16c net receipts 7,928 bales; Norfolk, steady at 10 8-16c net receipts 8,406 bales; Balti- luutc, ymci at xutc net receipts bales Boston, quiet at 10f10ic net receipts 18 bales: PhiladelDhia. auiet at Hn itn. ceipts 34 bales; Savannah, dull at 9 ll-16c net receipts 7,720 bales; New Orleans weak at 10c net receiptsgl4,920 bales; Mo bile. OUiet at 9Xr. nut rorointa P 197 Kol. Memphis, steady at 10c net receipts 2,973 bales; Augusta, quiet and steady at 9c net receipts 2.030 bales; Charleston, nomi nal at 10c, with buyers and sellers apart net receipts 8,026 bales. AM T0CK1NGS mCJi ne (olorsThat rttH ' BojfaloBill ia considering tempt lac offers to give exhibitions im St. Petersburg. Atkinson & Manning's Insurance Rooms, Ho. 018 NORTH WATBB STRUT, Wilmington, Nfc r. Fire, Marine aiii Life Companies. Arete Capital Bepresented Over 100,000 00. eiSK5SS J5. A H SETS, By Cable to the Morning Star. Livbbpool, October 12, noon. Cotton yuict wiiu moaeraie inquiry American middline 6-J-d. Sp.Ips tn.Hon n nnn ki for speculation and export 50O bales: re ceipts 22,000 bales, of which 16,900 Were American. Futures weak October delivery 5 56 64d 5 55 64d; October and November deli v. ery 5 45-645;4464d; November andDe uemoer aenvery & 48-645 4L64d; De cember and January delivery 5 41-64&5 4064d; January and February delivery 5 41-645 40-64d; February and March delivery 6 41-64d; March and April deliv ery 5 41-64d. Wheat quiet; demand poor; holders offer moderately. Corn steady : demand fair Kosm Common 4s 3d liTVBBPooi., October 12, 1 P. M. Cot ton futures American middling 6d. Sales to-day included 6,000 bales American. October delivery 5 55-64d, buyer ; October and November 5 44 64d, seller; November O ft n I Inn-, hh r- . n i wemuer o iz-wia seller; December and J&nimrv K Al raa i t : r j w"u) uujrci ; tianuary ana , M " wusu, vaiue; j? euruary 5 41-64d, buyer; April and May 5 43- , may ana june o 44-64d, value. I IT1 . . , w m Wash out &MN0R FADC sTN only be MADE BY aw at Sold by druggists. PKKBLES8 EGO D YB-8 Co W DBKS8ING rr,harAwiT tn ihaa DRUNKENNESS r. ,at: r. tfalnes' &an made Lfmr.iIiL00t00 dmnkard. ha v. Spline in ?h2P2SSL2?SS hve taken Golden SIS wm 5 nIT3nlJ rtrink'nK or tbeir own amm wuu 48 pace book of particular free. ;JNO. H. HAHDIN, Drnc-Klst, lan n D&W ,y fr BO Wilmington. N. C CHCHE3TH-8 ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS .K-V RED cross n,.uTf and April -64d, Fu- At t. . rename. Lad m. ' JrrTii n x wmmm ttrana, in " pina wrappera, ara Z&I&P 6 ' 5 tara KuicBuiusea qaiet. sep aOjDAW ly Sa.FhUa.ra,

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