""IPSW " "J IU .,!TW'W, ....... . J r i k M KNINOSTAK s HbHURI) .- so ..4 i' 1 . . m- '.or4 l to - , rt of datltaUoo io North i. - !u th itatiuo to Ik :' that fm Q X A tory roiu' from Wtooi i ouf-sniou tu-l- tv Borkt to tti- t room uionlr. it looks tru. but so tuuy v. - n t.M.i (M)ut th tuur- .. j v-r aJtovthr mythic. . i will t to l ri"ti ..-riit - Dao A Co. v.i cttv for th , , !. . ith u i.u.ium failar for v Kiiuk. Vieko- r tii lskt half eo v. i iu t ii grt i,.vr.-"CoU. tv I'rof M i 1 lxt !. i yi"str r . otlgw Totl r i . o( IU port ; tti.its bl. , uli lbt iqc ..... ;.'! dtt of : . . r w - A ll r i tu- n. r"r"ir iOC i. f i. lpllC I.OUVrUilJU, .u tb Attorney tfOrl. f.- tuu tbnr nrvAucesi CristIUUt of Drro . :: thy wr .urJ '.hat ni t hvo i-rrry protection v . riuu-'iit ,-ouLl ic r i . i'rvilr nt' irc Initiation, -tu.; Hi rtat- tuto th u v umittr,t to tl blQct rU. it tu't with th Approval m-iut r. ! wilib i u . it i f riu.l prv r . . . 'f-- l,-prttit - .'-- c.- I rruM'r lirl.-loo. - n r rui- !, lxul which l , .iu-- rui'liut, h lx0 tii- -rtAry of tb i)tru'tuo h Ijo -rf ry tf th TfW' kr ! til ircttci of I.ivrr . iu-rt'tixit ulnic Uin . r t ii i u r ivo of t .y iuf ,,! f.r tu Lirpol k.tti-l ttit th- prmctico . .,( tii 11111 coQtrtoc tu TrrAAury olHi:il . optuioa ui th tuttr, r.-frr.l t. th ollcitor t." A ru.i)( yuli . n formal to Floriio i. I liv coutrol of tt u A.-r . t lii-l lo tlit Stt a. .ljrtr of ill yohct kt Uu(f I - Iu ljCr. .tlul. )trlv, fUiurf ruhl iu Hi '4iu( iU4fttuot ' w.-iri--". (' r. iu hil lrf ru''f f 'iu"-ii ii'l tfir wr in vr, n of t h tu r burii i u t h ri. i:. 1 if. i u jj l nbout forty -iu w.-r kiUl. - Th lri i iptiuttl ThurUy. '" i .l.y of ii t i ocifti thok- turC iloory tufht ;r . ut rot too mict. ujtl i , -u l llVt eot., ait'Kl if .ut. outhro floor doll mi tit uuttid ni - wifli mlrt i;ort de N . j r.I "-l i4t eOt t th" ,.rn trri;ulr. cloiotr alcr v . ti No J, Alt t-i cot -vtor, pint tarpotin - u tcJv, witn fir ? - ... A little nor of NV f to ; r un'. I bl M about iag ia h ra ibftl bit .- I. : guttoa tired of nriO( at o . "ruic," od v i t ; ap a old bf. :ko boot 11.000,- 1- b'.jt of Mim Hoot---.; Austrian bua :. m oat in a fair way txj" roor debt. . i Ne k lMnmorrat baa : eh J'r ' naofoU tog ex.l and vlgorooa g bo lj ap tb acctioo patlibd. It drTM 'I indAt'MT lOil lb i up tho prot ad whco it rvmarka that nil i: e i n in Montana ta orrr, :o to what Mr. y aboa. tb lead ot M i -m ore. - K ,y M. Dp aaya r. . llifT.oo baa lived ap to i ttd of him." Mr. Depew 1 vac b mi vary adept er. Aa a matter of cari- : i or 1 CKi:? woald like to know bow - 1 M - Bl,c6 lb feetiee Cbaencey ei The VOL. XLV. NO. 35 A Brooklyn woman ,wboee baaband left her twenty year ago, aaw a no tice of hie death in a Chicago paper nod oojneladed the would go oat thero and aee ifjhe left anything alee. She wont, bat inetead of finding him a placid oorpee abe foand bim a very macb aarprieed and diagaated man. And abe waa a macb arprined aa be waa when he informed that be hi gotten a divorce f:om hr twenty veara ago. At laet acoonota ahe held tbe fort, and vowed that abe would boM it until he acknowledged ber m tra wife and the divorce fraudu lent. Tbo K inner t E&changt, pahlish d at Fayvltevilli", and tbe Scoltith Chf, pobliabed at Rrd Sprioga, have been cnoeciidated, and their pltce taken by tbe Farmer and &xUun Cnitf, which made ila 6 rat appearance from tbe office in Fay' etteville, where it wiil be published, luia week. It ia pubhahed by a crap'ty, no. ih undr tne minige- men: of K. T. Covington. It is a rttr. g-ji pper. .iod bis the a . a Stab's bet wishe. 1 he Charleston iVncj and Courier nil, on Febrory 22i, distribute to tbe lucky drivers among ita aub- cribvr oo honlred vluible prt 8- rots, cocmstiog of watches, pianos, .... All orgc, aci'g marninfs. eiu, u anb-cribers to the boneiay AVws, the Weekly AVwm and Courier, and the usiiy t ana ' uur icr iu ubvt an equal chance n draw ome of these prisee. Hut a paper aa good aa th AVies and Courier is prixe enoagb. Geo. liuttrworth aays that the re aolts of hi study of those old mir.a aoripts he du up in Fans, convince him that America was discovered by Irishmen about A D. 500. But a o.l mr.y of rm got lost in tbe woods over here. Ferhape this was the way tbt tho "sriid irishmen e aometimes hear about originated. I)r. Cay lei 'a cbarch in New Vork last Saodiy was crowded to bear an Krl preaoh. The pious eoal rushed in early but were disappoint- d whn the Karl didn't preach but only said something sbout philanthropic work in the Britiah empire. How foreign title- draw, even in the pulpit, in thi great democratic Republic. Mr. Krama IWkwilh, of Brook lyn, ann uccs herself a candidate f r Mayor of that town, and tbe bad boys go in front of her houie ar.d holler "VVoa! Kmma!" hmma will sad oat on thm unawares if they don't kp a sharp look out, anatch em a rrs her kcee, a d then it will be woe locow boy. A la suit that began in Foland in 1490 about a fcrty acre tract of land, bis just been closed by dividing the tract into two parts, giving each claimant half. It waa Fo land too. Td original claimants who in stituted tbe Bail, have been dead eom-j time. Oo th 3Q.h of September there were 521 veese.s under ccnatructioo in tbe yarda of England, 121 more thin at th" asme period last y-ar. We ud to build some ships in th.a country before the high taritT knock- d the bottom cot of car ahipa acd the ehipboildmg basinras. Tbe Stab is io rtc ipt of a very useful ard valuable postal directory, published by the New York Evening 'o, 208 Broadway. Frico 6ft?n cents. X1 .atra nvKKTlsar.!i i . WajrTmD TravelllDg asleamcn. grTaa Omca V rappiof paper. Mcnaon A Co Sbow-csse goods, phases A Sow Avoid ukiof cold. I olios RseelpU of cotton kt this port for tbe month of October aanrxefrate 37. mn baJee: the same month last year. 47.90. ReeeipU for the erop year to November 1st, 58,414 beJee; to aame date laet year. 3e,7a. The stoek at this port ia 9.780 bales, against 18.116 at same date laet year. istus aislsa BJtolsi Rain was reported yesterday in all the districts of the cotton belt with the eseeption of tboee of Wilming ton and Charteetoo. Tbe aaeaa min imum temperature ranged from 88 degrees for the Oalveeton district to 84 for Vieksburg. In t his dist riei the range was from 48 degress at Weld on to AO at Wilmington and Florence. Morning WILMINGTON, N. Mr. Oscar Pear sail ia grad ally improving. '.though quite unwell as yet. Rain is predicted for to-day and eolder weather to follow in a day or two. F .. Mr. Feaobau, we regret to learn. Is aick and confined to his borne with a severe cold? Tbe regular Saturday excursion wo the Seacoast road to day, to tbe Hammocks and return for 25 oenta, Tho new winter uniforms for the poliee, with huckleberry colored hats, were issued to tbe men yester day. President HarrisonV proclama tion naming Thursday, the 23th inst, as Tbanksgiviug Day, has been Is sued. Orion Lodge 67, L O. O F., baa plaeedjmemorial blocks of marble at the graves of three of thsir deceased brethren. -M)nr Fowler has received an application from Fayetteville for a detail of policemen to attend the Centennial oelebration. There will be pr. aching at the Seamen's Bethel on Sunday evening at 4 o'clock. Seamen and the public generally are invited to attend. CapL F. M. JtmtH reports only six iuterments the past month in the oounty ciusUry-O&kjrrovs. Of these two were adults and four children. All colored. The tirst excursion of the season to Caroliua Beach will be given to day ou the Passport, the boat leav ing her wharf at 9.30 o'clock this morning. Fare for the roun d trip 25 cents A lar force) of laborers is at . i . t 1 . V wuri clearing me Krouuu ior iue erection of warehouses and sheds on the wharf and yard of the U.F. &Y.V. railroad at tbe foot of Mulberry street. B itish briganline Mercur cleared for Fleetwood Kng . with 1,537 casks of spirits turpentine, measuring 75.- 681t (tallons and valued at fo4.su. Cargo shipped by Messrs. Williams kfurehiaon. Tbe Fayetteville and Wilming ton line of steamers will carry pas sengers at reduced rates to the Cen tennial at Fayetteville. Fare for the rouud trip (including meals) 84.00; without meals, 8.00. It is announced that tne Pur- . . . Ml 1 - . , , f f I i retl Mouse win u ooou. uuw. -" new management, not later than De cember 1 Mr. Roderis now in New York selectiug articles for the house that cannot be had here. Messrs. J. W. Fry, General Su perintendent, and W. E. (our "Em- inett") Kyle. Oeoeral Freight and Passenger Agent of the Cape Fear aud Yadkin Valley Railway, were welcome visitors at the Star office yesterday. navsU Mure. Tbe receipts of naval stores at this port for the crop year to Nov. 1st, as compared with receipts to same time last year are as follows: Spirits tur pentine, 45,989 casks; last year, 45 - 920. Rosiu, 123,436 barrels; last year, 119,336. Tar, 24,313 barrels; last year, 28,694. Crude turpentine, 12,788 bar rels; last year, 14,205. Stocks at this port as compared with same date last year are as follows: Spirits turpentine, 3,502 casks; rosin, 35.902 barrels; tar. 3,351 barrels; crude turpentine. 786 barrels. Last year Spirits turpentine. 3,129 casks; rosin. 84,764 barrels; tar, 1,669 barrels; crude turpentiue. 881 barrels. Port MSUSllCS. The booka of tbe Harbor Master, Capt. Jos. Price, show arrivals of ves sels of over 65 tons at this port dur ing the month of October, as follows: AMKRICAN. Steamers 76,071 Schooners 123,496 tons. PORKION. Steamers 10 12,010 Karques 4 1,588 Briics 2 56 Schooners 1 BO Total 86 23,816 The same month last year, the arrivals were 37 vessels; 23,284 tons. The same month in 1887,45 vessels; 26,625 tons; and the same month in 1886, 36 vessels; 17.808 tons. ran is lirsrw lo OetBar. The books at tbe Custom House show tbe aggregate of exports of cot ton and naval stores to foreign ports tbe past month to be as follows : Cotton 85,378 bales, weighing 17, 835,281 pounds; value. $1,794,368. Spirits Turpentine 128,567 gallons; valued at $88,595. Rosin 24,820 barrels; valued at $85,946. Tar 400 bbls.; value, $780. Rosin Oil 2 bbla; value 10. Pitoh 250 bbls; value $313. narra art Carrie Bills, colored, disorderly, was fined $10 and costs; five dollars of the floe waa afterwards remitted. Fanny Green, colored, keeping an unlicensed dog, five dollars and I costs C., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2. 1889. Cbnrrb ABaeanessjaaass. At St. Andrew's Church to-morrow the morning discourse will be on "The Purport 4gt$be Transfigura tion." J.JMgart; "When Not to Pray." Rev. T. H. Pritchard, D.D., will preaoh both morning and evening at the First Baptist Church to. morrow. After the morning service the Lord's Supper will be administered. The Executive Committee of the Evangelloal Alliance will meet Mon day at 10 a. m., iu tbe room) of the Y. M.C. A. Pastors of the Alliance are requested to make announce in nt of the meeting Sunday. On account of the sickness of Rev. Mr. Peschau, there will be no services to morrow in St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church. Services at St. Paul's Episcopal Church on Sunday at 11 a. in. and 7:80 p. m, Time of evening service has been changed, as will be observed Sunday boiuif me anuiTowmry of the present rectorship, tbe morning ser mon will be appropriate to the occa sion. We have been requested to state that the pator, Rev. W. S. Creasy, will conduct the usual Sabbath ser vices at (irace Methodist Church to morrow at 11.00 o'clock a. m. and 7.30 p. in., whether the bells are rung or not, and at the close of the morning's service the sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered, for the last time the present Ecclesiastical year. The Business and Working Men's Prayer aud Experience meeting will be held at the Seamen's Bethel, on the south side of Dock between Front and South Water streets, to night at 7.30 o'clock. All are invited. These meetings are pleasant ana profitable, luiautlclde Alleged John Holt, colored, was arrested and locked up late Thursday nigbt ou the charge of having made away with the infant child of his wife. Phillis Holt The couple live in a house with a number oi other color ed persous, on an alley between Cas tie and Queen and Third and Fourth streets. The police found tne woman too Bick to be removed aud a guard was placed over her. Yesterday, after diligent search, the officers found the body of the infant a male child wrapped in a piece of cloth and buried in a corner of the lot. There were no marks upon the body that would indicate foul play, but a post mortem examination, made by Dr. Potter, Superintendent of Health, showed that the child was born alive. Coro ner Jacobs was notified of the find ing of the body and will hold an in quest upon the remains this morn ing. Holt has recently returned to Wil mington from the State penitentiary, where he served a term of three or four years imprisonment, having been convicted and sentenced for perjury in the Criminal Court of this county. He denies any knowledge of the affair or that his wife had given birth to a child. The woman said yesterday, after the body was found, that she bad concealed the birth of the child from her husband, and that she had herself buried the body, thinking the child was dead. tai K rtfn- . The following are the forecasts for to-day: For Virginia, rain, cooler, easterly winds. For North Caroliua, 8outh Caro ina and Georgia, rain, slightly cooler, southerly winds. For Florida, fair weather, except rain in northern portions, stationary temperature, southerly winds. Police 51 cord The police made 121 arrests during the month of October; of which 85 ere of colored persons, and 36 white. Twenty of the colored were females and two of the whites females. Police court fines collected during the month, $348.50. Pound fees $19.75. Six alarms of fire were reported and eight places of business were found open at night by the police. H1VBH ASD -l lHiNK Schooner St. Croix, Rosebrook, sailed from Boston for this port Oct. 25. German barque Antares, Rahdes, sailed from Rochefort for this port Oct. 15. Norwegian barque Garfield sailed from Buenos Ayres for this port Sept. 29. British schooner Inglewoode, Buley, sailed from Newcastle, N . B., for this port Oct. 24. British steamship 7Vq;'n, Brown, sailed from Liverpool for Southport, N . C, Oot. 29. German barque Margarethe, Sup plies, sailed Oct. 18th from St. Vin cent for Wilmington. There are five British steamships in port and three on the way here the Tropic from London Oot 19, the Bawnmore from Montevideo Oct. 22, and the Golden Horn, Teneriffe, Oot. 24. Star QGABTKBL X aPPOIMMEN TSt WftaslaisriOBillMatrlea Fonrib Round. Cokesbury Circuit, Cokesbury, No vember 2d and 3d. Bladen Street, November 21st. Brunswick Circuit, Zion, November 23d and 24th. Onslow Circuit, Tabernacle. No veniber 16th and 17th. Trustees of Church property are ex pected to have their reports ready. Kenansville Circuit, KichlandsNo vember 9th and 10th. F. D. SWINDRLIi, Presiding Elder. Unroll Notices. St. Aodew'8 Church, Presbyterian, corner Fourth and Campbell sts. Rev. Jotn W. Prim rose, Pastor, fcunday services at 11 a. m and 7.o0pm slabbath school at 3.p. rayer seeilnff a.d Lec nre vfednesda nt 7.30 p. m. Tho pnbilc cordially invited, teats free. First Presbyterian Church, corner of Third and Orange streets. Rev. Peyton H. Hoge, Pastor, dciviooe Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7 SO p. m., iu tLe o: urch tunoay Hciiool at 4 p m Lociuro and Prayer meeting Thursday night iu lecture ioo3. 8 o'olk Visitors weloome to all serv.c ;a K ont Street Chapel oi the Firs'- i resOjterian Osurch, corner Front and Queej streets ,-t.r-rlots Buuday 11 a. m. and 7 45p m , eonduoted by Rev. W. McO. Miller. Sunday ecbco Ht4p m frejer mdetlns w'ednesj&v i-lsi-t 7 45 Visitor a: way weloome urace Methodist fi. Church, i.ortheast comer of Fourth and Jiulberry streets. Kev. v. s. Creaav, pastor. Services to-morrow at 11 o'clock a.m. and 7.S0 p m. babbath school 3 30 p. m. Weekly rrayer Ateeting and eciure Weduoeday evening at 7 30 o'clock, beats iree. a cordial invitation H extended to stranger . and visitors. 'ihe congregation of Fifth Street M. K. Church South, will hold services in Union p cliooI Uou-se, on 6tn, between C'nuronand iun streets, Rev. ii. C. Reamau, pastor. Preaching to morrow vSua day; at 11 a. m. ana 7.30 p m. isuii-iay school at i30 p m. CLiss Mebtlag at 4 CO o'c.ocR irayer .v.eetlug Wednesday nUiht at 7 0 o'clock. First Raptlst Church, corner of i'lf th and Mar ket streets. Rev. X. H. Pritchard. D. L., pastor. Services at 11.00 a. m. aud 7..0. ni. ACiei trie mornltig services the i-ord's &uppr vsiil be admluisierea. Sunday school at 3 p.m. Resu iar motthij business meeting Monday t-lht at 8 o'clock. Prayer and Praise meeting Thursday night at 8.L0 o'clock, (strangers cordlal.'y In vited. Brooklyn baptist Church, cor- of ronrtn and Brunswick street, ev. a. a. bcrugg , Pastor. Services a 11 a. m. atd 8 Oj p. m. -sun-day school at a.30 p. m. Riaden btreet M. St. Church, Kev. T. Pago Rlc-.ud, Pastor. Hervlees Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and at 7.30 p. m buuday School at -i.3J p. m. Wesleyan Ciasa Meeting every Tuesday nlget Regular Prayer Meeting every Tliarbday nlght. Cfcutrf-l Baptist Church (co.orod). corner Seventh and Red Cross streets, Be? u T. uhrist ma8, Pcator Preaonlng Sunday at 11 a. m , by Rev Mr. c'anady (white); at 4 30 p. ta. address by Kev. Mr ecrugs; and at 8 p. m. i ev. R. J. Saunders. D. 1 , will preaoh. The puDltc are invited to attend. WHO IS MRS. WTNSLOW f As this question s frequently asked, we will simply say that she is a lady who for upwards of thirty years has unti ringly devoted her time and talents as a female Physician and nurse, principally among children. She has especially studied the constitution and wants of tnls numerous class, and, as a result of this effort, and practical knowledge, obtained In a lifetime spent as a nurse and physician, she has compounded a Soothing Syrup for children teeth ing. It operates like magic giving rest and health, and Is, moreover, sure to regulate the bowels. In consequence of this article Mrs. Wins low Is becoming world-renowned as a benefactor of her race; children certainly do bisk dt and bless her; especially Is this the case In this city. Vast quantities of the Soothing Syrup are dati.t sold and used here. We thiak Mrs. Winslow nas immnrtftHifld her name bv this Invaluable art! cle, and we sincerely believe thousands of chii H nn imv hfpn nnvftd from an earlv erave by its timelv use. and that millions yet unborn will share its benefits, and unite in calling her blessed. T3n UffnntR has discharged her ( lngl It th iit.t.l one. in our oninion. until she has given OD1I WL e benefit I Mrs. Winsiows sootmng oyrup" Try It, York t rr now. La ' visitor, all drugeists. 25 cts. a boi tie NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AI7ANVKD TBAYBLING SALKSMBN to noil the retal'er our Spring Cas.-lmere?, Jeans, cottonades, Ginghams, Obev!o!8, as a tide line Address PR1L s L -cLPdl :v;ILLS, DOv2 2t 2 9 311 Lombard 8t, Philadelphia. Oranges. NOTHSR LOT OF THOSE F!NK FLORIDA Oranges Also Apples, Cabbage, Sweet and Irish Potatoes CHARLES F. BROWNS, Agat. oot 30 D&Wtf Don't Bay Until Yon React Heaciparters g A. SCHLOS3 S5 CO. WILL feUIT YOU IN goods and prices. Another lot of TIN TOILBT SBTS receive 3 to-day For nice fresh goods In our line we will not be UnuBRSDLD. oct 30 if 21 and 23 Market street. SHOW GASE GOODS. A LARGK STOCK OF F NCY ARTICLES FOR GE3TS' WBAR. CHILDREN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING-, VARIOUS MIXTUHB3, AT MUNSON & GO'S, Clothiers and Merohant Tailors, nov 1 tf Avoid Taking Cold BY CALLING AT Geo. E French & Sons AND GRTTING A PAIR OF THICK SOLE SHOES. It la a fact. t at if ycu keep your extremities warmlyou are not so apt to take cold. A word to the wise Is euffolent, Geo. E. French & Sons, 10 NORTH FRONT ST., oct 24 tf WILMINGTON, N. C. Wrapping Paner. rpo CLOSE OUT AN ACCUMULATION OF OLD N8W8PAPKBS, they will be sold for TWENTY CBNTS PUB HUNDRED.. Apply at me fdb 2 tf STAR 07FICB. Spirit Casks Glue, &c TjX)R SALE CHEAP BY WOODY CUR RIB, Commission Merchants, se 23 tf Wilmington. N. C. WHOLE NO. 7207 NEW ADVEKTISJfiMEN'lV. Jno. J. Hedrick. THE ABOV.: GOODS HAVs'fHE APPROVAL OF THB PURLIC. OUR SALBi HAVE BEEN LARGE. We receivs additions to stock weekly. JNO. J. HEBEICK, Sole Agent nov l tf ReoTenirLg o? THE FURCELL HOUSE -J-HB UNDSRSIGXSD HAVING LEASED THE Purcell House, ia , making every preparation to reopen it about DECEMBER 1ST, and no pains will be spared to Rive the public a first cla?s Hotel in every particalar. Thy building has been thoroughly remodelled and overhauled, and the capacUv enlarged v?ith all the lateat improreU:6rts Pcllie Walters and th best of Cooks will be employed 1 ha CULINARY iBPARTMENT a specialty. AUGUST KO iEB. Proprietor, Wilmington, N. C. oot 33 till dec 1 FiTZHUGH LEE. J? CONSENT, GOVERNOR Fi'l ZdUGH LEE, that worthy Gentleman, General and i cbolar. has allow- d his signature and endorsed the su perior quality of FITZSOGH LEE CHEWING TOBACCO, This toods we;guarant9e free from grit and from all adnl'eratlons, being manufactured of the highest grade of HENRY COUNT? LEAF rendering the same The Finest and Pnrest Clewing Toliacc.: on the market, and Is sold by all first class retail dealers iu the city, who have agreed to sell at 16 cents per plug or f 0 cents per pound, making the price in reach of all. STULTZ, LISBUBGER A CO., Manufaoture.-e, Danville, Va. SOL. BEAR A CO., Wilmington, N. C, Die trlbuting Agents. lp oct SO lw Wilmington Telephone Exchange. J EMBERS WILL PLEASE ADD TO THEIR lists Pembroke Jones, Residence No. 32. Onslow Railroad Office, No. 10k St. T. COGHILL, oct 29 lw Manager. Notice. J HAVE REMOVED MY LAUNDRY FROM Market street to North Front, between Chesnut and Mulberry, where I will be pleased to eee all of my friends and ihe public generally. HAN LEE, oot 9 tf Proprietor Chicese Laundry. For Sale, tTOUR DWELLINGS, FOUR ROOMS EACH, i1 situated on Third street, between Bruns wick and Bladen. Lot 68 feet front by 165 feet In deDth. Four Dwellings, three rooms tacb, on Ohernur,, between 11th aud i2.h streets, 132 feet f rorit by 185 feet. All of above ocoupled by good paying u nants. Apply at 12 Marset at. oot SOU To 1,000 BUSHEL ruir.g Rust Proof Oats. IN STOCK, A LARGE FRK&H ASSORTMENT OF GROCERIES, which we are offering very low. We are enabled to offer special inducements In TOBACCO. HALL & PEARSALL, oct 8 DAW tf 11 & 13 South Water St. For Rent, TWO NSW ' HOU83S ON NUN street, between Second and Third, with modern improvements water, gas and bath. House on Fifth St., be tween Dock and Orange. House on V orthwest corner of 9th andPrinooBB Sts. House west side of Sixth St., bet. Princess and Chesnut. House on South side of Red Cross, between 8rd and 4th Sts. Rock Spring Hotel. 82 rooms. Stores Nos. 9 and HIMarket street Apply to D. O'CONNOR, Real Estate Agent, oot 8 tf Wilmington, . C. Hardware, rjMNWARB, CROCKERY AND ULaooWAaIi at prloes that defy competition. WM. E. SPRINGER CO., Importers and Jobbers, oot 27 tf Purcell Building. yIXmMe Seated 3Wm outwear H JM two pair oC E? oidinaiy BMCK Drawers. Iunder BSrrB 3rfrorthBbolute SaSl8B Errettedon ET k to tho FEO.XT VlBY,'. Lung av HAT KB OF JuDVBMTiaiNtt. Oaw mi. . , ....... " " twa Baji. vaiwa Daa, " four Dajs. Jflra Days. OmaWaak. " - Two Waaaa. - nraa Waaka,. - " OatlMtii ' TWO Mostly.. - " - Three Maaih, - HaMoaaiA. - -" 0 Yaair i oo .s S 00 a oo 4 00 0 00 0 00 10 ou 18 00 94 00 40 10 (. 00 aVOoa tract Adrartie taenia fcakao at pry i. or ttonataly low rataa. Tan llnea solid Nonpareil typa maMu oaa aqasra NEW ADVEKTisKMJfiNTS. If Ton Wish to See THE BUSIEST STORE IN TUB CIT7 OF WIL MINGTON CALL AT BROWN & RODDICK'S. WORTH : KOrtT JsT. You will fi: (1 tier:- -Lis week the foliowlac MATCLLclr8 VA' UK1.' In thtlr White Goods Department. LINENS, LINENS, UliENS, LINENS, Table Set, .!Llns tnd Ccverj lo match, Borderad and Fringed, wi rth S9 00 at $7 tO All Linen Lunoh CI th', 8-yrd3 'org, raw de slfin, worth f.5.0) at , l 50. All Linen Lunch Cloth;-, 2 :rds long,; Fringed and Bordered, worth fl 65 at tl 50. All Linen Table Cover?, yards h-rs;, Colored Frlng d, worth 8 ih at S3 09 "Iray. Cloths at 50c 7'o, SU0, SI 38 Si 76, S2.0) and $2 50. Pare Linen Table Damask at 4 c, roc, 6o, 75c, 65o, 1 CO, SI 15 and Sl W, very cheap Purs 1 ineu Colored bordered Table ; umark, worth a,y when COc at 50t ; deci.lt-c bargain. Tnrk y Rea Tahie i amchi at 15c, JOa, 00o, 8fo and Si 00 vhlto All Lii en PojiltP, cbeaj. at 103. 75o, SI. 00, 81.25,?i 53, Si 7& aid S2.00 er :zsn handsome ond elegant. Fancy Colored Dojllei?, various prices. Turkey Red Doylies at ! o0, Ko, 75c, SI 00, 1.85, SI SOand l :5.per dczen Full size all Linen ijlnuor Ncpklns, new psA- terns, be uilfal and rich effect, at 75o, SLC0, S1.26, S110 J1.76, 12.15. S2.10, ?..75, S3 00, S3 ' aud 94 CO per ik zeii. Great and immer.se va'ues In A l Llnt-n Damask ana buck Tow-1f; Knotted rlnge, plain and fancy oorder. Si 0J. SI & ', S2.i5, 3 00, 4 CO and 86.C0 per Cozl j. Turkish Towels, all sizes, from to 14 jards lone, at prices ranglnz from 12V4-, io 50o each. Towelins ana . ra h. from He to bv per yard Stamped Bureau crfs at. 40a and 5t Fancy Bar au car:s at t0j.75o, SI On and 91 ?5 each -imped '-plat-herd, bleached an 1 unbleached, at 2c : aucy EmbicL'ered Tlclt;. ScarfehLd Lambre quius lAdles wj-i kUdly rert cir- tullv lb" di-anrio-tion o KOtds auii prlctd ab--ve. -hlch must s -tisf j auy reasons: ie 111 h e that w- -t- iffer lag th::te Roods lower I11 itIco itiananyotber hou. e In the city. BROWN & RODDICK, D .NOr.TH FKONT STREET. oct 27 tf sto"vjeis, ALL KINDS AND SIZES. -AND- PORTABLE QEATES. LOW PRICES. GUNS, PI TOLS -AND- AMMUNITION IN Al-UNDANCS. CALL AND hBB OL'i Alderman, Flanner & Go 114 FRONT STREET. WILMINGTON. M. C. OOt27tf I AM PREPARED rjTO FILL OB DEBS. WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL, FOR ISO km; CLOTHING, IRUNIsI AND BAG. and at tbe low et Hying prices. H. L. FENNELL, THE HORSE MILLINER, oot 27 tf 10 Sooth Kront St. NEWSPAPERS AND CIGARS. LL THB. 'LATBfcT DAILY AMD WEMKLT Papers oh hand. Magaclnes, Llbrarieb, Fashion Books, Ac, C. M. HARRIS. News and Cigar Dealt r. aug3 tf 0i

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