J . 1 AS niMTIItTtT 'I i 14 rt4t.J MS Alf The Morning Star. ama. WILMIt el 7 ON, If. C. S.trt:a v Vtaet, Nor. 16, 1939 a MM K II TM K till Ths Isadiag Repablicsa politiciaaa sre eostswhat diatarbsd over a move moe which is said to be oa foot to oraan ths asgroes tato a eecret po litical society similar to that of ths Know Xotaiag. Tbs parpoas of thus orfaatsstioo ie g veo oat to ba th mat oal eo-opsratioa of ths ne groes ta securing from ths respective political parties of ths coaotry lbs rv 00 gait 10 a to which they claim thsy are ea titled. While ths Democrats ovtfut pMKibly baas some interest ia a aovemsat of this kind, it is not a matter ot really mach eoaesra to tbem, because tbe searro of the fa tare, whether organised or aoorgaa-u-td, could not poeeibly ha more effectually seed agaieet the Demo- I crane party thaa hs has been ia the peec, so that ths Democratic party ass aothiag to apprehend from aa retaliation of that kiad, bat, oa ths contrary, perhaps, something to ex pect. With the Republicans, however, I it hs different. Thsy eaaoot regard it with tadiffereace, for to them it meaae a great deal of embarrass tn-m, aad it may be trouble. Hi tofore the Repablicsa manager gave I those lees vsry little ooecsra shoot the asgro vots; they felt sars of that, aad whea thsy aaw a man with a dark skia aad early hair they pat him dowa as a Kspahiicaa witboat farther ado, wastiag eo Urns ia arga tag with him. They considered him their property, aad cos a ted 00 his vote as s dead sars thtag. I a olas-ty-etos easea oat of a hundred they were right, for ever sine asgro eo f ranch um meat has ha o a fact thsy have bo able, aimoet witboat ef fort, to control that vots, with very rare eioeptioce, as aimoet a aoit for their prty. Occasionally ia State or local elections there has beea s die vim on ia it, bat aot of tea. As they counted oa this vote as a isioty, oj got it year after y without effort, they did aot deem it aecneeary after electiooe to recognise ths ewrvicss rendered by the distri bution of spoils ae io the case of white party supporter, eo tba brother is black was left oat ia taa cold while hie white allies waat ia, sat dowa to the feast prepared for the faithful, aad had a a tee, rollick -tiff jolly good time, aad got tat aad saucy while the colored brother re mained outside leaa.aad haagry, aot preeumiag to veature ia, aad palled to pat ap with the fsw tarowa oat of taa wiadow. That's about tba way tba thing has been working all the yea e ta WblCB the I Republican bav had control of oa- ticaaJ or Stats govers meats, which thsy were indebted to for votes of theea aaaaa ignored black allies. sty Sj. SJ s esa fMa st ts MM waSa f aa 10 sasassl inn ivr - av . t ft m wm wmex ii aaa. taw sta mmm. i l ISM HriM A ifrtlvMNM aSJewassl SeMa) a SMft OS CattF JJJKU LmT aaMaMai i Urn ' J. L.iu.i iUWIBM a, IMtHMiOtlWKwMMH 4 wahSjevMSay vSffeSj essafaal IS" T . .7t"ottSeY SO SaisaarSsaV Usa Wt NMHMI flO fee) as Hat Bat ariUia tW part aoopU jaara oaa of taa la ad ing oolorad men of taa ooaauy baaa baooaaa raat ire uodr tbia traaUnaot aod hsve bagao to uk Lhs qaaatioo why ibey a4 taatr paaple sboald forersr be aad aa nocks s to pall tba oheet- aau oal of too ita for am art white Rapabliaaaa, wbo munched the oh eat aala witboat aa aaob aa aayisg "thank joa" for palling them oat. Notwithstanding tha foot thai tbay ooaapoaa ta tba Soatbara Stats al most the solid body of tba Rapabli oaa party, which ooald .not n amber eooagh of folio vara la aoma Stataa to maba a raa paclabl a atraat parade witboat (hem, every offloe worth s king. for baa.baae'giaaa ,.lo white meo, aoma of whom do not rank in iatalligaaoa or raapaotability a bora tba average negro. Tba negroea did tba work, climbed tba trass, ahook down tba froit, aad tba am art fal lows with wbita akioa atood around with their baahsts aad gatbarad it aa fast aait fall. That'e tba way tt baa worked in Di ne, wbtla ia tba foar or f aa North era Stataa where tba negroea have tba balaaoa of power aad where they have kept tba Republican party on ita ptaa it baa baao tba same. Tba oa gro ia whom tba g o. p. baa prof aaaad each paternal in terra t baa baao left oat ia tba cold all along tba line from lake to golf, from ooaaa to ocean. Hera ia tba inspiration of tbia talked of eecret politic- eociety which proposes to demand for the negro aoma recognition from tba Re pablioaa party for tba eervioee rso dered or to know the reason wby it ia not accorded. They propose to bring tbs Republican leader a to the rack oa tbia aad acme other qasa ttons aad make tbem face the maaic, It ta acid t bat tba iaitiatory move waa made ia Ohio within the paat I jaAr sad the result was tbat a great ly colored men bolted the Repab licsa tick at aad voted taa Dsmoorat jj ticket. The organisation was not pat tato effect there, bacaaae.it has not been matarsd . yet, bat the bolt waa decided upon just to show ths Republican party manipulators what thsy ooald do whea they came down to business ia earnest. There may be aothiag ia the alleged movement aad there saay. If it ba carried out oa the exteasivs scale reported, tt will create a racket in tbe g. o. p. camp. MIftOM aTIO!l. Col. Dudley, of Indiana, was a close pereoaal sad political frisod of President Harrison, and helped to carry Iadiaaa for bim by tbe blocks of-five scheme which wassacceeefuU ly worked. Whea charged by the New York Evening Pot aad other Niw York papers with having writ ten the letter suggest ing this scheme aad the. plan of earrylag it oat, he pat oa a show of virtuous indigna tion aad inetitatcd'libel proceedings against ths papers. . Us did tbia to counteract tbe damaging effect which it was thought the publication would have 00 the canvass. Tba papers iavitad him'ioto court bat be I dodged under some pretext every eammoas to testify, for hs feared to go oa the stead aod under oath tee tify to the authorship of that letter, j Yeeterday the time io which he ooald testify expired aad failing to appear tbe oases were stricken from tba calendar. This failure to appear after declaring the letter ;a forgery, aad instituting proceedings for vin dication is aa admission of guilt, which, ooapled with tba fact tbat he has aot si 00s vectored .to pat foot in Indian, where indictments are pend ing gainst him, lsavsa 00 doubt. Us is one of tba bright lights of tbe lod aad morality party" aad a eloea friend of the President, al though theee exposaree have pre vented Mr. Hamaoo from looking arms with him as mooh io poblio as hs did before be became Preeideot, or from tovitiog him to dlooer. The Pan American Congress has completed its tour of the east aod tba aorta west, aad wars wood erf ally pleased with tbe great country they saw, aad its astoaiehtog industrial re sources. They vieited all tbe leadiog manafactaring oeu tree of those ran spective sections, aod aodsr intelli gent guidance were shown how rap idly aad cheaply oar various menu factoring establishments ooald taro oat aoyibiog from a locomotive to a toothpick, aad ia addition to this, wars given some idea of oar vast mineral, timber aad other natural re soorcee, all of which opened their eyes aad mads a decidedly fa VOrable imnrtsiinn nnnn f ham Tt,., r -1 - "j rare told tbat we could manufacture ae oheaply as aay where ia tba world, aad if , they might ask then why hi H that Ameiioan manufacturers cannot compete io tba central and Sooth Amerioan marketa with Euro pean manufacturers? If they can manufacture aa cheaply where then la tba need of a protective tariff ? And if they can't bow oaa a success- ful trade be built up with these at ooontriee t With the oapaoity to manufacture aa cheaply and yet tba inability to oompete with tba Bare peso manufacturer wa aee the effeot of tba absurd tariff whioL embar rasses oar .manufacturer and leaves bim at the mercy of the European manufacturer who goes into the field unhandioapped. Remove these re strictions and the way will be opened to Amerioan enterprise. Additiooal interest baa been ex cited in Republican political circles, siooe the recent elections, on the qoeetion of the Speakership of the next House of Representatives. Up to that time the two leading figures in the contest were Reed, of Maine, and MoKinley, of Ohio, the adher eota of eaoh seeming ooofident of the saooeas of their favorite. Bot the loss of Ohio seems to base given the Me Ki nley ites a back eat and pat their man ander a cloud, while the Reed champions smile and feel that a atroog man has been crippled. Aa McKinlejV ohanoea seem to wane Cannon, of Illinois, in whoae inter eat a little boom was started a abort while ago, is coming more to the front. An effort is now being made to solidify the Republican delega tions from tbe North weet on bim or some other Wee tern man against Reed, who oomea ia with a pretty solid backlog from the East. TOPICS. Tns oity of Ashsville 'shows re markable progress within the past ten years, one of tbe beet indications of which ia tbe oooCtoooos and great increase io the assessed valuation of real estate. From a.' statement fur nished by the oity clerk, as publish ed by tbe Citimm of 13th insL, it appears that tbia valuation has in creased from $904,428 io 1880 to $4,163,234 io 1880, an increase of nearly five hundred per cent. Tbe statement shows not an increase by sports or booms, hot s oonstaot and steady growth every year, tba ioorease being mooh greater io tbe past five than io tbe preceding years. The statement of the taxee 00 1 looted ia further evidence of the bona fide valuation, tbe amount col lected 10 1880,beiog $6,844.28, whild io 1880 it amoooted to $46,042.00. Io addition to this, in tbeee ten years aboat $240,000 received at different periods for tbe j sale of bonds waa expended in improvement of streets, water worke,sewerage and other mu nicipal improvements, all of which shows tbat tbe Queen City of the "Land of ti e Sky" is forging to the froot aod 00 the highway of pros perity, on which we extend her our cordial congratulations. Mr. E. P. Moaee, Superintendent of the oity schools io Raleigh, has receolly retoroed from a tour of in- paction of tbe schools in several of the Soothero cities where maooal traioing ia part of the system pur sued, aod comes back folly im- pressed with the advisability of io trodocioe it io tbe schools of Ral eigh. He aaya be is anxious to intro dOce the system io the Raleigh schools because he believes that something of tbat kind is neoeeeery for tbe bigheet development of the children and for tbe publio good gen erally. He holds that instead of decreasing the amount of literary work by tbe scholars it would in crease it, and tbat it would not io- solve moob additional expenae io tba ooet of tbe schools. At tbe oext meetiog of tbe school committee he will recommend that steps be taken to pot tbe Raleigh sohools "abreast with tbe timee io this particolar." Toe manual training idea in connec tion witb our schools is growing, and tbe more it is studied the bigger it grows. CUKKKei VUi E.NT. The Birmingham Ages Her old says: "We believe both iron and steal oan ba made aa oheap bare ia Birmiogbam ae aay where elae io tbe world." Then what is tbe nee of clamoring for a protective tariff on iron? If yoa are not hart by low daties, wby do yoa ataod io tbe way of the farmers getting obeaper bag ging aod tiee aod farm supplies. Mobil Register, Dem. Alas for the laok of chivalry io this political day aod generation ! A doseo of iDspeelreeeee were re moved yeeterday at the Custom House. They cannot vote, bat if they ooald they would vote the Dem oorstio ticket. Tbe redaottoo of the force is, of coarse, announced as a meaeore of economy, bnt tbe "dis continued" ladies are not at all will ing to socept that explanation. N. r. Star, Dem. ii anyoody nad said . a third 1 of a oeotary ago tbat the veteran abolitionist and Kan pas free State fighter, Jamea Redpatb, would one day write a biography of Jefferson Davie, with the permission and aid of that gentleman, he sauld have I - 9 i - -mm bean deemed a promising subject for aa asylum for idiots. And yet this very thing is now taking place. St. Louis GlobeDemocrat, Rep. There is trouble brewing for the President and fur his party over the Montana Territorial election acandal. If it shall tarn out that the Territorial Supreme Court waa summarily deprived of lea powers by a Presidential proclamation in order that a State Court com pored of Re publioan Judges might reverse the decision of the lower Territonal Court in the matter of the Silver How countv rAtnrn. a heasv reokon 1 '11 1 ) , 1 1 .1 1 . ing win oe aemanaea oj u yuupp of all concerned in such a wicked and desperate crime against popular rights and honest suffrage. This is tbe year 1889; not 1876. JniL liecord, Dem. akk vor i i'kks 1 1 riot s f V on Can Ulicoi.r br SsSIlaa Vuurself i lie Koilowm Qufiiloni, San Francisco Chronicle. 1. Do yon believe io witches, spirits, elves, fairies, vampires, gbools, ogres, imps, gnomes, bogies, brownies, pixies or leprehanns r 2. Do you believe io an evil genius? 3. Do you believe in the evil eye Y 4. Do you believe io a bottomless pit? 5. Do you believe io a devil wuh horns, oloveo foot and a long spiked tail? . . 6. Would you pass the night in a grave-yard, church, with a oorpse in a chorch or a oharnel boose? 7. Do yoo wear anything which oan be considered io the nature of a talisman or mascot ? 8. Did yoo ever employ anything as a talisman ? 0. Do you attaoh any meaning to a fourleaved clover? 10. Would yoo willingly pass an der a ladder? 11. Do you feel uncomfortable when you spill salt? 12. Would you sit down with thir teen at the table? 13. Would you start on a trip on a Friday, or would you defer com mencing an important work ou that day? 14. Do yon attach any particular importance to certain numbers, espe cially to three, seven or nine? 15. Would you give a child of yours tbe same name as tbat of one who bad just died? 16. Arf you afraid of tbe dark? 17. Did you ever neve y. ur for tone told by gypsy, astrologer, cards or similar test ? 18. Were you ever made uoeasy by bearing the insect commonly knowo as tbu death watch? 10. Would you venture to knock three times at midnight on the door of an empty church? 20. I) you believe in dreams, omens, portents, sign?, warnings, harbinger, or baod writing on tbe wall? an AMiiDoiK or srBvetNs.t His (iuroiUr to an LaSr vto anitS Admiring OlS a Lock or taa Hair. WatAington LLUr to Xu York Tribune. Colonel Thomas, one lime a mem ber of Congress, ws in the city ibis week, and among the tales of tbe old days told the following about Thad deus Stevens: "Tbaddeus Stevens was sitting io his office one day with a few friends when io walked ao old lady, wearing a poke bonnet, blue goggles and car rying a green alpaca umbrella. She looked around the room aa if in oearoh of some one, and then said solemnly : " 'Can you tell me where to find Tbaddeus Stevenr, the Apostle of Liberty?" "Old Thad" blnsbed. " 'I'm Tbaddeus Stevens," be re plied shortly.' " 'Are you Tbad-e us Stevens, tbe Apostle of Liberty?' " 'I reckon I am, ma'am.' "The old lady dropped her para sol, made a rosb toward Stevens to kiss him, aod wbeo be held her off she said : " 'I came from Bucks county to see Thsd e-us Stevens, the Apostle of Liberty, aod to take borne with me a look of bis hair.' "Tbe Apostle of Liberty took off his r d wig, haoded it to her and said: " Tbere it is, ma'am. Take as mooh as yoo want.'" Tb Cunuirjmin and HI Wire. From Lift. One evening a man, tall aod spare, sorrounded by a country atmos phere, oautioosly approached tbe desk at Willard's hotel and heeita- tiogiy saia tnat oe wanted a room. Mr. Harris placed the register before him and baoded him a pen. "What's tbat for?" inquired the would-be guest. "Sign yooroame, please," was the reply. "I've got a lady with me. It's my wife we've jost got married," was tbe faltering remark of the visitor. "Then write both your names on the register," was tbe advice given. Ao iospectioo a moment later re vealed tbe following entry ? "Miss Jennie & me." A Hlfnlficioi Pact. AitovUU CitiM. The Wilmington Stab incidental ly reminds ns that in our notioe of tbe North Carolina Press we omitted mention of the fact that that paper not only retaina, alone of all the State dailies existing in 1874, its ori ginei name, bat its. original manage ment. And this is a very significant fact as illustrative of tbe instability of iournalism in the State. The Stajb stands alone in its survival in original form among the dailies; and among the weeklies we only recall tne oaiis bury Watchman, Mr. Bruner editor, and the Elisabeth City Economist, OoLCreeoy, who come down to us j unchanged. 8ome have retained ori- I a xr i AltAsa h a fr vara r that ra ginai napies; uut nunc uiuci u-v recall are under the same eauionai management. Professor Langston of Virginia has in the grounds of his home near Wash iogton city a tree planted by Charles Sum ner. The estate of Oliver Garrison, a New York man who committed suicide ia St. Louis, consist of $628,981.95 in per sonal property 'M,Ar f RnflaiJ, intends mperor of Bas is otepd to marry Princess Helena of . mmmmt Koor. fill CtVlH P ftVPT The E his eldest eon Meotenegro, a very beautful and clever 1 slrl, who will be seventeen years old neit 1 i--,,- I .January. 1 - -1 Oliver Johnson, one of the as- socites of William Lloyd Garrison in the organization of tne Abolition party in this country, is slowly dying at his home ia Brooklyn. , Mrs. Louise Rector, wife of a Chicaco hotel man, is dead. It was in her room in Washington that Lincoln died, and among her relics was the pillow opon which his head had rested. Captain R. B. Forbes, who has been justly called l'the Howard of the sea," in reference to his work for sailors, is now seriously ill at his home in Boston. He is eighty-six years old; the oldest member of the Boston Marine Society. Robert Bonner likes to be as I near ataua o as possioie, even on punuay. iinnty-1ii'-ififii -m nil a i nittn in iv our York, which stands immediately in front of the stable where the trotter is. After the service be goes around and gives the queen of tbe torf a lump of sugar. It is reported that Vice Presi dent Morton will make bis permanent re dence In Washington, retaining a residence in New York only for legal purposes. He is fully impressed with the future that lies before tbe capital city, and intends to be identified witb it after his term of office ex pires. The Siamese representative in the International maritime conference is a floe English scholar, tborooghly under standing and correctly speaking our lan -guage. He is annoyed by the bad English spoken by some of his colleagues, and open ly corrects them when they make gramma tical mistakes. COMMERCIAL. WILMINGTON MARKET. STAH OFFICE, Nov. 15. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Sales of receipts at 42 cents per gallon. Market closed nrm at this price. ROSIN Market firm at 95 cents per bbl for Strained and $1 00 for Good Strained. TAR Market quoted firm at $1 40 per bbl of 880 ths. , with sales at quotations. CRUDE TURPENTINE-Distillers quote the market firm at $2 25 for Virgin and Yellow Dip and $1 80 for Hard. COTTON Market steady at 94 cents for middling. Quotations at tbe Produce Ex change were as follows: Ordinary 00 cts $ lb. Good Ordinary 00 " " Low Middling 9 9-16 " " Middling 9$ " " Good Midline 10 " " RK Elm. Cotton 1,645 oeibS Spirit Turpentine 144 oksIs Rosin 585 bbls Tar 205 bb)s Grade Turpentine 83 obis (OTTOAM HaVAL STOKKS UEiKLV STATELIEST. RECEIPTS For weak ended Nov. 15, 1889. Ootton. Spirit. Rosin Tar. Crude. 9.456 1,206 7 879 1.467 259 RECEIPTS For week ended Nov. 16. 188a Cotton. Spirits. Rosin. Tar. Crude. 8.749 1,093 8,059 680 541 EXPORT8 For week ended Nov. 15, 1889 Ootton. Spirits. Rosin. Tar. Crude. Domestic 68 Foreign 18,176 .556 78 632 236 000 00 000 000 556 73 682 236 Total 13.289 EXPORTS For week ended Noy. 16, 1888. Cotton. Spirits. Rosin. Tar. Crude. Domes. 8.205 695 195 805 475 Foreign 10.100 1.700 4,798 000 000 Total 13.805 2.395 4,988 805 475 STOCKS Ashore and Afloat, Nov. 15, 1889. Ashore. Afloat. Total. Ootton 6,528 7.616 14,138 Spirits.- 5,095 000 5.095 Rosin 86.762 11.515 48.277 Tar 8,249 00 3 249 Crude..: 860 00 860 STOCKS Ashore and Afloat, Nov 16, 18S8. Ootton. Spirits. Rosin. Tar. Crude. 18,285 2,689 83,868 1.438 403 QUOTATIONS. Nov. 15, 1889. Cotton. 91 Spirits. 42, Rosin.. 1 0095 Tar. . . .1 40 Crude". . 2 251 80 Nov. 16, 1888 tf 7-16 43 75 70 1 40 2 251 35 . DOmBlTlC J1AHKKTS. By Telegraph to tbe Horning Star. Financial . Mvw Yobs, November 15. SvenLug. Sterling exchange quiet and firm. Money easy &t;58 per cent, closingfoffered at 6 per cent. Government securities dull but steady ; four per cents 127; four and a half per cents 105. Statesecurities dull and fea tureless. North' Carolina sixes 124; fours Commercial. Nbt York, Nov. 15 Evening. Cotton quiet; middling uplands 10tc; middliag Orlesas 10t; witb sales to-day of 91 bales. Weekly statement: net receipts at this port 4,785 bales; gross receipts 40. 145 bales; exports to Ureal Britain 12,975 bales; to France 1,200 bales; to the continent 7,400 bales; forwarded 15.431 bales; sales 1,927 bales, spinners 1,877 bales. Total to-day-net receipts at all ports to-day 40.671 bales; exports to Great Britain 19.589 bales; to Prance 0.435 bates; to tbe continent 18. 15S bales; atock 676,012 bales. Cotton Net receipts bales; gross re ceipts 8,868 bales. Futures closed quiet and steady, with sales of 77,900 bales at tbe following quotations : November 10.0610.07c: December 10.0410 05c; January 10.0310.04c; February 10,09 10 10c; March 10.1510 16c: April 10,22 16 28c ; May 16. 3010. 31c ; June 10 37 10.38c; July 10 4210.43c; August 10.46 10.47c Southern floor fairly active but steady. Wheat quirt but firm, and fc up; No. 2 red 844-a85c at elevator; options active and J ugher and strong. Shorts buying freely as well as foreign houses, partly baaed on the increased exports and lighter interior movements; No. 2 red November oam.. nu.mlBKljI Taniinnr RfrS-iv MftV I iBwiuuB.wr', " , 90c Corn firmer butquiei; no. a, tutc at elevator; options dull, c higher bot firm: November 424c; December 421c; May 4242io Oats firm but less active; options fairly active and stronger; Decem ber 28c; January 27$c; May 28fc; No. 2 spot 27c; mixed western 2629c Hops steady and quiet; State new 8 18c. Coffee options closed steady, and 2025 points up, with decreased crop estimates; Decem ber $15 1015 46; January $15 10015 40; May $15 lois ou; ttio on spot nrm ana J fairly active; fair cargoes I9ic Sugar, raw held firmly with demand good and higher prices asked; fair refining 4fc bid; ceu- trifusato. 96 test, 5o bid; refined ai extra C 5J6ic; white 6jroald A 7C: atandard VWW1W T . trifugals. 96 test, 5o om; rennea ana nrm; extra c A. 6ic; . nAwdflrMi 7.' anulated 6 15-16c: confectioners A 6f c; cot-loaf 7c; crushed 1 "st' - - . . I -,,,kq ry Ui .aaco f Arainn nr.mino cubes 74c. Molasses foreign nominal; New Orleans fairly active; open kettle good to fancy 4852; old 2846c. Rice steady, aod in fair demand, domestic 4 60. Petroleum steady and quiet; erode in bbls. at packers $7 75; refined here$7 45. Cotton seed oil dull; crude 29c; yellow 35c. Rosin quiet and steady; strained common to good $1 07il 124. Spirits totpentine nominal. Pork steady; mess inspected $11 25ail 50. Btef quiet; extra mess $7 20. Beef hams doll, quoted at 13c; tierced beef quiet; city extra India mess $13 50 15 00 Cut meats quiet: pickled bellies, 121bs, 6ic; pickled sboulders 5c; pickled bams 9$c. Lard stronger but quiet; western steam $6 474; city steam $6 05; options November $6 39 bid. Freights to Liverpool steady; cotton 7 82d. Grain 44d asked. CHioaeo, November 15. Caen quctao tions are as follow?.: 2 lour nrm ana unchanged. Wheat No. 2 spring and No. 2 red 81a81f c. Corn No. 8, 84c. Oate No. 2, 1920c. Mess pork $9 609 65. Lard $6 006 024 Short rib sides $5 10 5 60. Whiskey $1 02. The leading f uiures ranged as follows opeoing, highest and closing: Wheat No, 2 December 82, 824, 82; May 854, 854, 85f . Corn No. 2 December 32, 324, 324; May 33f , 33f , 33f. Oats No 2. De cember 194, 194. 194; May 224, 284, 284. Mess pork.per bbl year $9 174, 9 284, 9224; May $9 674, 9 70, 9 70. Lard, pet 100 lbs year $5 824, 5 874, 5 85; May $6 05, $6 074, 6 094. Short ribs, per 100 lbe year $4 85, 4 90, 4 874. Baltimokk, November 15. Flour fairly active Howard street and western super $2 252 75; extra $3 303 80; family $4 004 40; city mills aod Rio brands extra $4 50(514 65. Wheat southern firm: Fultz 7388 cents; Longberry 7483 cents; No. 2 southern 81 cents; western qoiet and closing easy; No. 2 winter red on spot and November 8080t cents. Cons southern nominal ; no stock ; western quiet and steady. Sx. Louis, November 15. Flour dull aod unchanged. Wheat dosed 4c above yesterday No. 2 red cash 79c. Corn lower, dull and depressed; No. 2 mixed cash 304c bid. Oats lower; No. 2, cash 184c bid. Whiskey $1 02. Provisions qoiet and on changed. COTTON OtAKisXfeVI-9. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Nov. 15. Galveston, easy at 9 11-16C net receipts 4,880 bales; Norfolk, quiet at 9fc net receipts 2,530 bales; Balti more, nominal at 104c net receipts 36 bales; Boston, quiet at 1 Of 104c net re ceipts 13.473 bales; Philadelphia, Arm at 104c net receipts 253 bales; Savannah, qoiet at 9fc net receipts 8,607 bales; New Or leans, qoiet at 9 9-l6c net receipts 12,617 bales; Mobile, dull at 9fc net receipts 1,881 bales; Memphis, steady at 9 11-1 6c net receipts 4,182 bales; Augusta, quiet and firm at 9 9-l69fc net receipts 2,166 bales; Charleston, quiet at 9c net receipts 4,792 bales. nsi6.i siBErs. By Cable to.tha Morning Star. LrvBHPooL, November 15, noon. Cotton easy; American middling 5d. Sales to day 8,000 bales; for speculation and ex port 500 bales; receipts 21,000 bales, of which 8,800 were American. Futures dull and rather weak; December and January delivery 5 37-645 36-64d; January and February delivery 5 37-64 5 36-64d; February and March delivery 5 37-645 36 64d; March and April delivery 5 3764d; April and May delivery 5 39-64 5 38-64d; May and June delivery 5 40-640 ; June and July delivery 5 42-64d; Novem ber delivery 5 40-645 3964d; November and December 5 39645 88 64d. Wheat steady ; demand poor; holders offer moderately. California No. 1, 7s 2d7s 24d. Receipts for the past three days 18, 000 centals, including 5,000 American. Corn quiet ; demand poor; receipts of Ameri can for the past three days 134,200 centals. Weather is unseasonably warm with rain. Sales to-day include 6,700 bales Ameri can. Sales of cotton for the week 70,000 bales, of which 54,000 were American; trade takings, including forwarded from ships' side, 83,000 bales; actual export 9,000 bales; total imports 180,000 bales, of which 128,000 are American; total stock 522,000 bales, of which 341,000 bales are Ameri can ; tosai anoat B4,uuu Dales, 01 wmcn 329,000 bales are American. Liverpool,, November 15, 4 P. M. Futures November 5 40-64d, seller; No vember and December 5 36 64d, buyer; De cember and January 5 36-64d, seller; January and February 5 36-64d, seller; February and March 5 36 64d, seller; March and April 5 87-64d, seller; April and May 5 38-64d, seller; May and June 5 40-64d, seller; June and July 5 41 64d, value.. Futures closed steady. Tbe Coming Comet. It is fancied by a grateful patron that tbe next comet will appear in the form of a huge boule, haviDg ' Golden Medical Dis covery" inscribed upon it in bold charac ters. Whether lb ts coEceit and high com pliment will be verified, remains to be seen, but Dr. Pierce will continue to send forth that wonderful vegetable compound, and potent eradicator of disease. It has no equal in medicinal and health-giving prop erties, for imparting vigor and tone to tbe liver and kidneys, in purifying the blood, and through it cleansing and renewing tbe system. For scrofulous humors, and con sumption, or lung scrofula, in its early stages, it is a positive specific. Drug gists, t merit Wins. We desire to say to our citiaens, that for years we have been selling Dr. Bang's New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills, Buoklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and bave never ban died remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not follow their use. . These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. At Robert R. Bellamy's Wholesale and Retail Drug Store. f Direct methods are the best . Tbe shortest route from the manufacturer direct,;is tbat now sought by the consumer. Hasson's Syrup of Tar is made "direct" from the best and purest drugs, "direct" by a firm of responsible wholesale druggists. When made goes "direct" to the spot needed, and is sold "direct" to you by our agent, R. R. Bel lamy, f An Awful Sore Limb sum entirely cone. Fleea m mas or disease, lit ft diminished oa third In Mi Condliion boptlMi. cured by ae Cnticnra fKcmedlca in iivo mouiba. Cured by Cuticura. For three years I waa almost cripplei with an awful sore leg from my kaee down tc my ankle; the akin was entirely gone, and the flesh was one mass of disease. Some physicians pro nounced It Incurable. It had diminished abont one-third the size of the other, and I wan In a hopeless condition. A iter trying all kinds of remedies and spending hundreds of dollars, from which I got no relW whatever, I wa per suaded to try your Cutioctba hiiiDin, and the result waa as follows: After three days I noiioed a decided change for the better, and at the end of two months I was completely cared. My flesh was purified, and the bone (whloh had betn exposed for over a year) got sound. The flesh began to grow, and to day. and for nearly two years past, my leg is as well as ever it was, sound In every respect, and notaehrn of the dis ease to be seen. 8. G. AHKHN, Dnbo's, Dodge . o., Qa. Skin Disease 17 Years. ?lfBven A6? 7 head at times as I have been troubled with a skin and scalp dls- 1 uu luuuiiiK tore, ana my ooay was covered I ul ai " . , , . , ' v ' VyIMi tbem as large as a half dollar I tried a great many remedies wunont effeot until 1 used the Cutictjba Kxxidixs, and am thankful to state tbat after two months of their use I am en tirely oared. I feel it my duty to yoa and the publio to state the above case . L. R. MoDOWBI h. Jamesbnnr. N. J. Another Marvellous Cure. The Cuticura, ( uticubjl Hbhoi.v knt, and Cuti ouba Soap have brought about a marvellous oars In be cate of a siln disease on my little son eight years eld. I have tried almost all reme dies and also the most eminent doctor-", all alike failing, exoept the wonderful Cuticura Rm diks. BD. N. BRuWN. 10th St , Omaha, Keb. Cuticura Resolvent, The new Blood Purifier and purest and bes'. ot Humor Remedies, internally, and Cuti n a. the grar Skio Cure aad Cuticura Soap, an ex quisite hk in Beantlfler, externally, are a pout tlve care for every disease and humor of tbe esia, scalp, and blood, with loss of hair, from pimples to scrofula. Sold everywhere. Prioe, Cuticuka, 50c; Soap. 25c; Resolvent, St. Prepared by tbe Potteb 1uo and Chkmioai. Corporation Boston. t9dendfor "How to Care Hkln Diseases," 64 pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials. M PLIES, black-heads, red, rough, chapped and oily skin prevented by Cuticura Soap. HOW II BACK ACHES. Back Ache. KldneyPalns. and Weak nbss, Soreness, Lameness, Strains and Pain relieved in on minait by the uusnrs Anil fain Plaster. Tbe first aud only instantaneous ral 1 killing plaster, nov 1 DW tf we sat Swtft's 8pecijio has enred mo of a malignant breaking out on my leg, which caused Intolerable pain. It was called Eczema by the doctors four of whom treated me with no relief. I candidly confess that I owe my present good health to S. S. 8., which In my estimation id invaluable as a blood remedy. Miss Julia DbWitt, 2227 N. 10th St., St. Louis, Mo. m Our baby when two months old waa attacked with Scrofula, which for a long time destroyed her eyesight entin ly, anil caused us to despair or her life. The doctors failed to relieve her, mid v c gavi " Swift's Specific, which soon cured her entirely, and sho is now halo and hearty. JE. V. Delk, Will's Point, Texas. S3sT"Send for book giving history of Blood Diseases and advice to sufferer:', mailed free. Ths Swift Specifio Co., Drawer 8, Allan:.!, ' ch su we fr To pnrje ihc No.ivrls loe not maks tit rej. tiJ -. : ! it'ove them in vore fn':;ioii -.;s Fjc-1 on. The liver 1m tlte ;:.e so i o.r ro:iMe, a :if! 1EMEDY must ac4 on It. Tnlt's Mver P11U set dirootSy ot: 1 1: at organ, causing; sfrcs flOTi ol" bio., w it liotit which, the bow els are always constipated. Price, 25c Sold .Everywhere. Office, 44 Murray St., New York oct2DAWtf nrm tu th eat St on. BLACK . T0CK1NGS riNE (QL0R5 IHAT Wash out P.., NOR FADE ONLY BE MADE BY USING Sold by druggists. ALSO PEERLESS BRONZE PAIITTS 6 Colors, PEERLESS LAUNDRY BLUING. PEERLESS INK POWDERS 5 Kinds 7 Colors. PEERLESS SHOE AND HARNESS Dili ssl s PEERLESS EGG DYES 8 Colors. mh 2 DAWly u tb s by admlnisterlac Dr. Hal uamea specinc. It can ba sriven In a run of mffiw nr tmm. or In ticlss of food, without the knowledge of the patient : It Is absolutely harmless, and will effect a perma nent and speedy cure, whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. IT NEVER FAILS. Over lOO.OOO 1 run kardu bare Specific In their coffee without their knowledce. aad to-day believe they quit drinking of their own free will. 48 page book of particulars free. JNO. H. BArlDIN, Drniriiist, Wilmington. N. C tan i6 n&W ly fr an we DUCRO'S It is highly recommended by the Physicians of Paris as A TONIC for WEAK PEBSONS,and A REMEDY for LUNG DISEASES; gives STRENGTH to OVERCOME all attacks of YELLOW, TYPHOID AND MALARIAL FEVERS. Its principal ingredient, PURE MEAT, is scientifically formulated with medical remedies, giving it remark able stimulating properties; invigorating the vital forces without fatiguing the digestive organs. E. FOIGEBA CO., AOEHTTS, N. Jy 28 ly frl F( k DfiiTitt"' rcrL0f)Tor7AlLHrO MANHOOD) A rUC! t SBt. Genera and NEEV0US DEBILITY; fTTTi&' "Tn1 Wor.ltr.ess of Body and Mind: Effects j JLirjZi of r.rroi", or Excesseein Old or Young. Kol'nst. 'o!-ip UANTiOOl) fl'ilt Vvslorrd. How Io KUr and 8rMrf' n. WVi?, J'Sr KM.l 1 11 DitCARS A P4llTSof BODY. Aliso!ii(-i' cnfei.ixK li:'r.': 11 AT.'lf'NT lirntAU In a day. Jlon 1. ;;'':'" -1 ! M'". 1 f '"rtK, and Foif'ica Cseatrisa. Yoa crn " t V1. f . fy '' i fUnatlor, and uroof mailed i ' " tftAl CO., BUff AtO H. t- TO WEAK MEN Buffering from the effects of youthful errors, early decay, wasting weakness, lost manhood, etc, I will send a valuable treatise ( sealed) containing full particulars for home cure, FREEof chargn. splendid medical work ; should be read by every man who Is nervous and debilitated. , Address, Prof. I'. C FOWLER, Mood us, Com. nov 7 PAW ly CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS paie ana aiwayi reliable. ItaJee. ask Druggist for Diamond Brand, la vnw VIAMOND BRAND. red, metallic Doxei, aealed with blue ribbon. Take no other. All pill. in paawoara doxm, pint wrappera, an danceroua oouaterfMta. sand A. L'-ffi -for .ParUoolari, tantmoaUla and aieufu war uiaiea," In letter, by return Ball. Name Panar. ChleiiMter Cbeai,l t BadUoa ba.. Fail., ra. mar 20 ly nrm TuftS rilk hprOl5S t IF, s"7ir r sbs wy m aw isLrn-a. LLIT DRUNKENNESS Or tbe Liquor Habit. PoaitiTrlr ( urrd ru B 853 A Sep 80 DAW ly