idti MORNING Sf AK Sam aaa a nwaaneaatawA The Morning Star. : is "J- m f . i ue Three Dan. s bo " FpnrDsys.. .. 8 00 " " inre Days... 8 bo " " Weak. 4 oo rw weak. b mi " Ona Month io on WW j , , i .... ... . ... AO WW c raw ki. .N.hPt of idmUI lotareet trMtMltd la t oagm yeardaT. tba Huom o la imtoa. In tba Sao ata the rviattU of tba Banniosa froaa f h- bw 9c( of DkoU star PMmbIm) pUmi oo flu, atar wSih tb sWauatora took tba onsb of uiBo. tb (Hat of tbo aTormi jWo- tor from tba umm StaUea was doaklad l) lot., a larf oaobtr of partitions) bill r proatad taaJadla lb svraJ bobbin of Mr Blair. Tb frvn9b orntuot baa decided t u.i r abip to BrajnL. wbiab a l'r at(MftMr aay aaedlssjs) aad lm tiaJaaialeaJ to g iv ausbrajra to tba Proiiooi tivo osaot of tbal jouotry A bavy gala and blind a to'sa mrm reported froai Lba alaft aad MTtal vwiaaala b b u rj k ed Tbo Proi- doot baa aoaai naiad David J Bra war. of &iumm to bo Aoaooiat Ja-tiew of tii ?uprtB Coart. J change ;. rpurtd i a tb eocditloo of HoO. J(T-rMo Du, bat tbo foot tboi bo !-. hJ oo fever for tbo poM two d rtfmrUU by hi pbyiiaaa a tu u.ioufi(io ladiealioa. Tbo V rg- ui."W aat boa adopted a rwwol a tiou .itrvtftioa tbo Governor to at- yt. at tb baada of tbo Loo Moss- oi-u t A woiatioa. tbo gift of tbo ) trioo Maloo of Oea Eobort E. t.--. dow a boot bo log eoenplecod la tb etty of Parla. Flee b aod rod aoJ !( billa wre latrodoeod to tbo .huu j trvioy. saoot of tbeaa bolog bi obieb foiloU to boooeao Iowa da- riog tb loot t opgTa A oosa- nuy bos boea forsad with a aapitoJ or ft 1)00,000, to baild a lorgo Boaae tu r itwl iron foroaea at Urreoaboro, . to to foilowwd by tbo fire Boa e-eaor stool roll mill io tbo Bootb, ro liu mill. Jtc . tb eootpooy baa ao- orvd r( tuiount of valaabia or UuJ ofr Uroaooboro, aadaboot two tbouaoo! um of load wblob will bo laid n? In strwota boildiog lot, moo- ofaotortog ita aod porka Tbe u rui ravwaoa eo41aetloaa for tb Srt foor mootba of tbe prowaat Oa-oi yor amoooUi to fSATtts a, aa io trM of 4 Ociv JH4 aa eomporwd witb urrpouiiu( ex nod of loot yeor. 5w Yura oarfeft Moooy eloood - t 1.3 pr Mut, eottoo flraa ntld Jtiug upiood t(i evota, mlddliog Or lu H eaote. ootbrro Soar qaiet. wb-oi uuil aod weokar No 1 rvd 4 eoU at elevator, ooro flrmr auJ Uirty oetiv o J 4Sti el r. tu itiur, sirita torpwotioe doll aod looer at 4otdto eaote, roain Tb Last ol Kuiu bae got a oold la Qi hod. tirvet 8ostr. Th Rpabi;o cf Btaail will get si g alt right, rhere ere fiveoesfe p V"r meo io bor cbaet. inpr i.i of tha Standard OA Tr iet Uet yeor vera aod.OOO.OOO Tote rewroseata a protiy big stool frtm tbe people who eeed otL A cootempoeary e any yoang mea will persist io foo'iog witb pss loU io tbo preeoeew of girle wboes tn-y ere eooruag Perhape tbey Umk toe to a good way to pop toe j -.(.. ou -or the girl Dr. Harrieoo tbiaka that to he oa lotetngeot tuur aad a good etuaea tbe colored m a shoald bo edooated. Corr-cc Bet why dido't the Re pah lcaa saieosoea thiah of thie bo fore ta-y eofraaobieod tbe swarthy le- gioe? Old Bi'air ia bo tba I root all ready with tw three pot schemes -hie ede e MsuaaJ bill, a a eetiteooeal agaoad moot ailowiag woman eeffrage, aad oao probibuieg the isaporiatioo, msaefaetera aad sale of alcoholic 1 aeure. Soma of tbe Repoblicao papers have come to the euweioetoo that ooivereaJ saffroge io Broail te a Mdaageroae exporimoat.1" Bat they hsve never yet discovered that it w m e daageroao experiment io thie ooaauy. i be torSey ia qeite aa ancient bird, aad wee oae of the aboriginal tturs to America. Hie hoaee have booo reco tly diecovesod amocg the f oeoiU of the poet tertiary period We have oeceatooally tackled a sample that we tboaght might hove b-a hatchetj b. at that time. The Easpejror WtUwsx laet week went gaaeiOf XJ Billed 7tV5 basvd of is, loeladteg deer, baree aad other md tkeo ossM bk and bru 'd sboat it. He took m sdean'.asje of tbees, too, aroaoti be bind a eoeer m uf fellova oat ia tbe brasb ttag tb gaoae ap to tba ssmssla of kss gao. Taay dida t bare kalf a VOL, XLV.NO. 62 of tbe prt" ram arks the fmtmr Oetmm "mr dieaasaiog the probability of the President Of daring tha flaga at beJf-nsast 10 the of tba daaib of Jefferaoo Davis," bat adds tbal tba Ptaatdaot ooald hardly lad a prooodaat for honoring a mao who waa not to a eitisaa of the Ropablia." Tbal ha ot a oitigaa of tbe Republic it nito to tba bame of the pro aeripaiwa spirit of tha Rapablioao party whoh followed this mao 'hroagh Ufa with a patty aagaaaoa o a worthy of tba ago aad of tba ooaauy io wbiok we liva It did aot laaaaa hk glory bat diagraead tbo saeo who conceived it aod fol lowed u oat to tha aad. The rwowat Ira io Miaaeapolia, Mi do , which bogao io a ten story boaa, has started some of tbe papers to daso .ng the dangers of tbeae high baUdtaga, as lifedeatroy ere io eaaa of fre. Saeb baildiage are noi oaly a meoaoa to the liraa of the apis withia them, hat to property sroaad tbosa. Tor their great height I saakeo it else oat impoeatble to fight I dre to ifaUy if it gets a -.r'.. Th are some mea who alwsvs waat to he mahiag troeble. After ell the wet weather of this year a Kta- aaa w walker prophet cornea to the froet to taform tbe deaiseae of that region that they my lock for groat ettreeaee of drought aad flood aex year. The exodaetera who are think lag eboat goieg to Ksnaas will take arsaag. G v. Toole aod the Democrats io tbo Montana Leg te! at a re ere block tag tbe little game of Mr. Hamaon at Co , to send two Republicans to tb. U 8 Senate. They base played tbe beoek game oa 'em. Tha Ro pe bl icon ooeeptretors have found tbat Toole to ho all steel aad sharp oiged. A ateel Toole against a steal gma. J oho Use, a berglar, Io try mg to rob tbe boose of Mre. Meade, of Sprtogfivld, N. Y , waa confronted by her, w.eo be beat ber to death with a elab and fatally shot her hu beod. The beat aae he oao be pet to ia to orack bi neck oo the eod of a rope. A ooe-legged mao in Seattle whom the pohoe wanted took re f age io o collar, barred the door aod bade the whole force defiance. A happy idea soggeeted calling oat tbe fire dee psrtmen'. which fl od?d the cellar eotil the water etreek the man's ohm obeo be surrendered. The Chicago Journal thinks tbe "worst thing about the Iowa electioo woe that it bvoogbt oat of their holes e lot of mows grown boor boos. What te still worse for the JoumaTt frieade is that they ore goiog to stay oa'.. &J C IT ex ay aatram riastJSKn na j fraa Offscsv rappiasi paper Fx imm Ba s Moles for sale. Lart BsvaM x Directory addenda. Mr as) m a Co. Cxristssas cloth iaf. Ova sea WAjrrm For fooad purse Nortcs To heir of W : ; m AlAiea Bssoem s Roootcm CbrUssas goods. NoaTSSor Hooaas m T atlob Io.ur- "nj mm iMSMiaa. A middle-aged man who baa been ia this etty for several days past, was arrested yeeterday oo soap te ion of be-last "Cape George B. Ward," waat ed at Frrderieksbora:. Va , for alleered frauds, aad for whom a reward of flfty dollars is offered. Tbe descrip tion gleea of Ward io tbe poblisbed ct re alar tallied la most paxtieolaxa witb tbat of the stranger, aod hence the arrest. A telegram was sent to Fredericks borg yeeterday afternoon by Mayor Fowler, stating the facta, aod a reply was race i red that ao officer would ar rive here this mora log, aad requesting thai the partv air tad might ba held la j us tody. Ward was engaged oo Government eoca tract wark oo the Bappahaoock rivar aod disappeared Fredericks burg. Octoter 0th last. tmw ae Fair. Tbe Wilmington Light Infantry aaaassbled at their armory yeeterday afteroooo, aod about half-past 8 o'clock marched down Third to Front aod up Front street to tbe Atlantic Coat Ltoe depot, where they took the train for Clinton. There vara thirty flea mao to the Com pan v. rank aod u --a iket emeul av varv fine sd- WILMINGTON, OyaUn ars in good supply 80 a to $1 par gallon. - Ho Prob bly be opaaed to the public this week, Tha cotton aaed ril anil began work yeeterday.and will hereafter ran regularly. Tba Brittah steamship Loch more, hence, arrived at Liverpool No. amber 30th. Grace aod Fifth Street Churches are to be congratulated on the return of their former pastors. The German barque Alexan dra Roekela, sailed from Liverpool for thin port If orember 80. It is rumored that tbree oo groee ware killed in a fight on the eir- eus grounds at Lumberton Monday night. A oew horse for the hoae re 1 of tbe Wilmington B. F. E Co. No. 1 waa I undergoing trial yesterday afternoon. I bat did not seem to give satisfaction. Daring the abeenoe of Foreman Wblta. of tba "Atlantic Bngino Co, who aooompanied tbe Llgbt Infantry to Clinton, Mr. Martin T. Davis, Pint Aaslataat Foreman, is in command Maosra Peterson, Downing fc Co. yeeterday cleared the German barque MarffmrwUu, for London, Eng., witb 790 eaaka of spirits turpentine valued at 9 ft, 875 ; 8, 440 barrels of roe in 3.63&7S, and 60 barrels of gum thus, Hia. 78. M CV Cowfreoae aaaolotwaeote, tf. A spoelal dispatch to the Stab from O reeneboro, received laet nigbt, states tbat tbe Conference voted to divide. aad it was decided tbat the next Con ference will be held in Wilson. Tbe following are among tbe appoint ments vis: Wilmington Dlstriet-F D Swindell, P B . Grace Church W 8 Creasy. Piftb Street B C Boo man Bladen Street H B Anderson. Wilson Station D H Tattle. Newborn District - B H Willis P E. Ooldsboro St Peal s: B R Hall; St Johns: af M MeFarland Newborn Centenary: J E Mann; Hancock Street: T P Bicaod. Charlotte Try oo Street: Solomon Pool; Cbureb Street: T L TriMett. Henderson F A Bishop. KUlkU f Honor. At a regular meeting of Carolina Lodge No. 434. K. of H , held last Monday nigbt, the following officers were elected to serve during tbe year 1800: P. 1 1 J no. Cowan. D Thoa O. Bnnting. V. D.-W. W. Yopp. Reporter 8. Q HalL F. B. J no. L. Dudley. Troaenrer-W. A Wlllson. Chaplain Jno L. CantwelL Onlde James Quln. Guardian C. Beavee. Sentinel J. M. MeGowan. Med. Examiner Dr. F. W. Potter. Trusteee-Owen Fennell, T. D. Mearea, Thomas F. Bagl ey. Tbe above officers will be Installed tbe first Monday in January, 1890. opera Moua. "Lost in Loodoo," which was pre sented last nigbt to a large audience at the Opera House, is a play which has much to recommend it to tbe public The play Is a melodrama, aad ia divided into flee acta, and some of tbe saenes are most realistic aod touching. Tbe scenery last night was especial ly good aod tbe actors generally were fully up to the expectations of tbe house. There was no cutting of tbe piece and everything moved smooth ly through the performance, and when the curtain fell on the last act all left with the s tlsfactlon of knowing that tbey bad seen a play which was all that bad been advertised, SSe-ifter W ree The following are the forecasts for to-day For Virginia, fair aod warmer wea ther and ea-terly winds. For North Carol ina and South Car olina, fair and warmer weather, and easterly win da For Georgia, far weather, south easterly winds and warmer. For Florida, fair weather, northerly winds and stationary temperature. Cisatea. A telegram to tbe Star last night from Clinton says that trains on the Clinton sk Warsaw branch road will connect with every train on the WiU m lug ton Si Weldon railroad tody. A great crowd is expected from all quarters. A good many excursionists from Wilmington will leave on tbe 9 o'c look train this morning. i. o. o. r. Cape Fear Lodge of Odd Fellows have a Degree team practicing and will shortly employ an Instructor, when tbey will do their work io fine order. The accessions made to tnis order are of the beat material in tne city, aod the lodge Is in a fine flnan oial condition. They have tately N. C. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5 1889. ait wUb a Daaiy "pon, Sol. Nash , a colored barber, was ar retted yesterday charged with assault n 1 Katfawtr warlf'K a HauHIr waa nrn on Mr. Charles Hear, a clerk in Mr.L. vollera' store on South Front street. The weapon naed waa a razor, with which Naeh cut a long and deep gaeh on Mr. Haar's right leg. Tbe dif ficulty between the parties took place In Mr. Voller's store. Nash was taken Into custody by a policeman and looked up in the city prison. Mr. Hear was attended by Dr. Bellamy, who sewed up tbe wound. He will be confined to tbe house with it for several days, but will probably be able to attend the in vestigation of the case which will take place to-morrow before the Mayor. ..-.' (A VA.1K Opened br ol. B. D. Hill An I at aaeaeaCvawreeatnatlaa-Oov.Fowle ObC OtaO-Oov. Lee io irrlte lh!i Horslsc. Star Correspondence. Clistow, N C Dee. 4 Just at 12 o'clock to-day the Sampson Fair was o. ened by Col. E. D. Uall. of Wil mington, in very happy, timely and appropriate termaTbe SampsonLight Infantry did the military honors of tbe day Leas than six weeks since tbe Sampson pe pie decided to bold this Fair, t-x the exhibit to-day is decided ly the finest ever seen at their usually fine Fairs Floral Uill, and especially the art department is truely beautiful The produols of the farm, as exhlb Ited in Agricultural Hall, in both qual ty and abundanoe astonish us. Ae fine stock (uiuob of it thorouh bred), as we have seen anywhere in the State, is here on exhibition. In short, the fair is a remarkable suc cess. Oov. Fowle aooompanied by his -taff and Misses Helene Fowle and Bessie Toeker. arrived at 0 40 this evening. Gov. Lee will rrive on a apecial oar at 4 o'clock to-morrow morning. The people are pouring into the town from every direction, and tbe indications are tbat 5 000 people will be on the grounds to-morrow H. rua 'i.uLit. rttt man oloee sad i tbo Ity Poai ffloe m foliow: 0UMX. Por Sorth aid war atstloos W. W. K h. Train o 78 8 OA. M for West aad wmj eiatlons. C. U H. K Trsio o 41 . 00 p a ror WrVthtsvUle H'P.H or eoiuiuort .C0 P. at Wot linton MssnMMlssad OoMsboeo.. rata o. 40 .15 P. M For i 'bar loii and polnu C C R B, Train no. M 6 ro P. fur So tb th oaich. Train No 27 .. 9 8 J P. H F ir .- nb aad war ttm, ions, Train Ho IS ilfOP.M or North i bruoxn. Train No 14 . 11 00 P. X Wot 1 n intn on 'ap fear Birer. Tnes- da Baa I pTkUrs 1.00 P. M for Bra tck o and Little River, aoaih Oar Una COO A. M ror Onaloe Co m u:.ds, Oo.. Mondays 8 0j a. M M AILS KKaDV FOh UKLIVKKY, (ft'HSN TUB TKAINS ABB ON TiMS.) from North, Hlcnmcnd, So. ex. poach. Train Mn 15 0.00 A. It From ( harlot te and 8'atlons Carolina On1 ral Rllr. aa. Train ro 64.... SCO A. SI From -oitb tbroaxh and way nations. an No 12X0 X From In'on. Magnolia and Ooldsboro Train no. 41 IS 00 X From Charlotte and war stations, Train o SB 1 ?0 P. X From north and war stations, W w H K. Trln No SB 7.80 P. X Prom Wrbrhurtlia 7 P. X From ftoathport 80 P. X Fr m for h tbmn(b Train o 87 H.Oj P. X from Booth through Train No 14 8.0; A. X From landings on Cape Fear Klrer Tneedara and Fridays 9.00 A. X From Brunt wick Co. and Little hirer, S Ok, Mondays and Thorrdays 7.80 P. X Fromona'owto -ounds, Ao-, Tues- . days and frioaya .. . 7 80 P. X I Q so. z. FBBNCU. Postmaster. THB FLOBXNCB NIOHTINOALB OF THB HTJB8BBY. The following- to sa extract from a letter written to the Oerwoa Reformed Metmmpf, atChamberaborgh, Perm.: A Bhmsfactkbss. Just open the door for her, and Mrs. Wlnslow will Sol ve toe American norenoe nignongaie oi me or tnu ws are so sure, tnat we win teach oar "Sasr" to say. "A blessing nn Mrs. Wlnalow" for helping her to survive and et escape the griping, oo licking, and teething sit Mb. Wuilow'i Soothm Sraur relieves the child from pain, and cures dysentery and diarrhoea. It aoftene the a-omavredooea Inflammation. oureewtnd ooUc aad oarriee tha infant safely through the mgn tne what it teethlna Derlod. It Derforms Dreclsely v Drofe i to pertorm, every pan or it notmng laaa We have never seen Mrs. Wlnalow know her only through the preparation of her "Soothing Syrup for Children Teething." Ii we had the power we would maae her, as she to, s physical saviour to the infant race Sold by all dnunrlats SA oent a hottie MFD, XSRKITT B "oBK in toto elty, on the 3rd la t . at tbe rsrldence of it. it arber, corner of even b and fcesuut tr es. Be. J. ct.1 offloi.tng. Mr s. P Xa--BiTi to aisa r-B H a aA0SU dangiterof Xrs X. a Ba her. NEW ADVKKTlSKMKWTb Found. qnbpubbb, containing xonby, nbah Jjho L. Bostwrlght's rtore Owner can t scare same by appl lag at Xr. Boatwrlght'a Store, proving property and paying (or this adv ttise- H Q6C Ik Mules, Mules, Mules. JUST ABR1VBO AT SOUTH BR LAND'S Stab as a one lot of XULas, for sale, and will be old by the roar FULLBH BROS. Call, and H. & Fuller will show them. deo fit FIRE! FIRE!! rpHB BBOANT PIRBi IN BOSTON AND Lynn, Xaes.. will doobtiea show the folly ef people relying on stntlment, lcstead of dollsrs, for indemnity tgiinst dissatr by fire, in the number of small concerns that will probably be wiped out by tnese tw greet fires. Tbe com panto we repre-ent ars nnaoaken. When you want your property lnaurtd In reliable Com- Sanies oai on uHruKoP HODOBS a TAYLOR. Ins. Agts. t ffloe Cor. Nntt and Walnut street. th su dec 5 .t WANTED Bi A Cotton Commission House, a yoaag man, act' ve and intelligent, of good standing atd fam 1, who is weil acquainted wito thw state, for the pnrposs or travelling or lo -atlng. Address with references, giving pre sent occupation. corrow. Box era, v. Y. city. i 4 St aecrsa NEW ADVERTISKMENTS. Branson's N. C. Directory, Addenda. 8 IN i 1MATJ5D IN THB BODY OF TAB book, I am compiling an editorial book or pamphlet, in whioh will be placed all the addi tions and oorrectU n that I may he ab e to ob tain, eo S3 to brine the -Directory, as nearly as possible, np to the last of this year. 1 hie ad denda will be forwarded free o ' charge to every one i nr. haa as a oopy of tne lirotry. L t the frlenas en . Into u.e by n.s-il bucn o rreo lo .s and - dd tlooa as they may note 1 will give at len loi LJtVi BH -aOH, deo 5 8t Boleigh, N. 0 pUKSUART TO OB 0 BR OP THKHIQH COUKT o Ju -tlce (Oharoery Division,) made ia the mat ter if tb ee ate of W11 lam atkins, deceased, -onaldV W rdrop. 1889 . No 8n. the per so "8 ' Uitnlag to r e next f kin a -cording to the s a te- forth- distribution of inte-ta'e' es ate of William Atkini late o Pemolna villa, No 1.0, O nierury o , K lbu n, in 'be Count; oi Old lt ex Baqare liv ng at the ime of bU ta h -n h .ti day o Jan is -y, 13-9, or to be the .sl pe sonal rep esentit res of en h of the est o kin as are no d ad. are, by 'heir Solici tors, on o before 'he ?0 h asy f Febr ary, 1890, to com -i In and prov thd'r claims ai the; ham be s or Mr Justice -tilling, t-ova' nrh of Jn-tice, strand, i.oidon, n lam. or 'n default thereo they will be r eremptor ly exclude f'om ii e b- no m of th -sa dor er. hursday. he 27th dav of ebraary. 18- , at twelve of tbeoiock :i noon, iht ald 'bambera, is app lnted for bea n an i adiQdicatmg nton tbe iiaims. irated hU I8t day of oo - embe -, 18-9. Wiu.KM HINN8 8u tL Ch ef 1 lerk Pefce. Bird. Ci llln a Peake. " tedford how. Lond n Sag-la ad. Piai.itlnV eo.ioitors dec5 2t CENTRAL HOTEL, a WADSSBOBO, Nm C. y Y NBW EOTBLIg OrBN AND IS SXJPPLIBD with all the modern Improvements. Booms richly carpeted, elegant f oroitare, electric bells, Ac Xy Gmnlbas meet? sll tra'ns. I. JL. PARKER, dec 4 tf Proprietor. WiimiDloB Telephone Exchange. YBHBSRS WILL PLKASfl ADD TO THBTB lists PTJBCBLL H0CSK, No 106. B. T. COGHILL. dee 3 1 w Manager. Glycerine Soaps. LABGB STOCK OF TBANSPAuENT GLT cerine -oaps ust received, ia 5c, lCc, 15c. 20c s d v6o os es Jutt the tbing for chapped hands and rough s.- in J.u. H. fiABDIN, Pharmacist dec ti New aarket. Notice yHB ANNUAL XBBTINO OF feTOCKHOLD- ers of the Na assa Guano ompany, o' Wilming ton, in be d Id at their office in this city n Thursday, December 12ih mat., at 11 o'o o.k a m. Mack - . Js , de . 1 4t 1 6 8 12 t eeoretary. Just Eeceived IMew Pianos, THB : ATisT LB5I-NS, THB "BEST MAKES, THB XOST BBASONABLB PRICKS. The largest and finest assortment ever offered for in Wilmington. Yon can absolutely; rely on our goods. We sell for Cash or Instalments We Invite the public to see our be s utifnl In strnments. E VAN LAKH, 409 Red Cross street, tu th sa Wilmington, N. C. nov ; 6 tf D. O'CONNOR, Real Estate Agent. Wilming ton, X. C. Real Estate bought and eold. Loans negotiated on city property. Stores. Dwellings, ( ffloes and Balls III SSI for rent. Bents colleo'ed, taxes and icsnranoe promptly sttended Ov Houses sud lets for ssJe on tbe monthly instal ment plan ash advanced on olty pro. erty nor Zi tf Best Goods ! Lowest Prices ! v IAP-B0BES AND BLANKETS. TOY TRl.MtS, Gold-Mounted Whips. H. L. FENNELL, TaB HOBSB XILLINBB, deo 1 tf 10 South Front St New York and Wilmington Steamship Oo. FBOX P1BB S8. BAST RTVKR S?W YOBs Located bet. Chambers and Roosevelt Sts., At S o 'cloc F. X. BBNBFACTOB Saturday, QDL" HTBBAM Saturday. BBNBFACTOH Saturday, QULK STKBAX Saturday, Dec 7 Deo 14 Dec 21 Deo 38 FUOX W1LXWH1 UN BBNBF ACTOR Friday, Deo 6 GULP ST h SAM Friday, ) ec 18 BXNBFaCTOK friday, Dec 0 GULP 8TBBAX Friday, Deo 27 aaWThrongn Bills i-mitng and Lowest Tnrougc Bates guaranteed to and from points in North and 9onth Carolina PorPrelght or Passage, apply to H. G. SXALLBONBS, Sept., wilmlneton, N. C THBO. G. B6BB, T. X., 5 Bowling Green. N. T. WX. P. CLTDB & CO , Gen'l Agent, deo 8 tf " Bowling Green. N.T. Your Attention JS CALLED TO THB LABGB AND WELL selected stoek of Cigars, Tobaccos, Ao., which we offer st olose figures SAXUBL BBAB, Sa-, deeltf li Market street. , WffOLE NO. 7234 NKW ADVERTISEMENTS - wv a tj r -x. "WT" sl "sT WEDJiEsDlY, DEC. 4TB. LOST IN LONDON," t NEWTON BEERS' Great Ly io frodnction. Introdncing THB NORTH BRITAIN PAN PIPB SI: GBfeS, and sjreoial scenery by f-oorey. Reserved Seats at Yates' Tuesday morning. deo l 8t The Ladies and the Public Generally ABB COBDIaLLY ISVITBD TO ATTEND THE OPENING DATS AT The Ladies' Emporium, 115 MARKET STREET, THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY OF THIS WEEK. We propose to give a cash discount of 5 per oent. on the dollar to sll CARH PUBCHaSBIS on these days, and a handsome Souvenir will be presented to each and ertry cash customer. Mrs. E. B. Wiggins, Art, 115 MA BRET STREET. doc 4 St THE HANDSOMEST STOCK OP Gents' Neckwear IN TAB CITY. j Ju-t opened direct from manufacturers 100 dozen TEGK AND FOUR-IN-HAND SCARFS i FIRST CLASS GOODS, AT oOc each. 50 Dozen Handsome Scarfs At 35 Cents. Thesa Goods are now on exhibition at HEDRICK'S. Gents' Hygienic Underwear An additional xupply lust rec'ved, both In Be in oroed and fln. le Piy Garmenti We hare been tba kedbyasccre or i yalil purchasers ror tne introduction or inee goo is. xaere is nothing soid iha will compare wun them. HEDRICK. As a consequence of the continued warm weather sales hare been dull in Winter Dress Goods. To enliven trade we hare reso'ved to make great red notions In prices ol that line of goods. aIso In BLANKETS and all other kinds of exclusively winter Goods gr at bargains may be found at - TTed -roIkar,g DOT 16 tf Christmas Times BVBBTBODY WANTS TO BB NICBLY DRESSED. AT NO ESTABLISH M BNT CAN YOU FIND OloipTi ing BBTTBB IN STYLB. XAKB AND FIT THAN AT THB CLOTHING ROOMS OF MUNSON & CO. deo Stf KEWSPAPiBSAND CIGARS. LL THB LATEST DAILY AND WBBXXY Papers on band. Magazines, Libraries, Fashion Books, &c, C. X. HARRIS, News and Cigar IDever ang8 Rochester Lamps, JOCHBSTBR LAMPS. For sale only by nov 8 tf GILES & XUKCU1HON. Wrapping Paner. po CLOSE OUT AN ACCUMULATION OF OLD NBW8PAPBBS, they will be sold for TWENTY CENTS PER HUNDRED. Apply at the f b 8 tf HTAB OPTIC. The Acme Manui'g Co. MANUFACTURERS OF lATt.lH 7ATS PlTI A w' v aw i and: FINE FIBBE MATTING. WILMINGTON, BJ. C. The reputation of onr Fertilizers, the ACME and GBK, is now established, and the results of three j ears' use lo the hands of the best far mers of this and other States folly attest their value as a high grade canora. The XaTTlNo, made from the leaves of onr native pine, Is conceded to be equal to any woven carpet ror comfort and durability, and tbe demand for It Is dally increasing. - It has virtues not found la any other fabric. The Fi BBB or wool X extensively used for up holstering purposes, and as a filling for Mat tresses is almost equal to hair, being light, elastic and proof against insects. sepWDAWtf sWOontraot Adeertlseaienci taken at pro, or aosataly low rates. Tea lines solid NonoaraU type ejsks oaasqnsre NEW ADVEKTISEMENT8 - - a aj it ''" uvuiiiD Everybody yoa see and everybody yoa meet wants to know where is tbe best place to bay tbe moest and most suitable Holiday Goods for the least money. Some say one place, some say another. This season tbe uni versal verdiot will be at Brown & Roddick's, So. 9 .N OH I II I K M M. We have gone into partnership with SANTA CLAUS, and invite everybody to come and seethe many beautiful and useful things we are going to laden him down with on Christmas Eve. In purchasing for the MERRY GIFT SEASON economy often re minds us that it is wise to oombine utility with the beautiful. Stern Deoes sity so often forces that fact upon us that we suggest things useful as well as ornamental, suoh as j a hand some Dress, Wrap, Cloak orj Jacket, Furs, Muffs, Kid Gloves, &o. Gents' Collars, Cuffn, Scarfs, Ties, Liinen and Silk Handkerchiefs. Elegant Counterpaines, Linens, Napkins, Doylies, Table Scarfs, Mantle Lambrt quins, Tidies and House Furnishing Goods. Gents' Half Hose, Dogskin and Kid Gloves, and fine Underwear. Silk and Gloria Umbrellas. Gents' fine Imported Suitings. Our Holiday Goods are daily are riving and are at prt-seut open and displayed on second floor. Call early and make your selection. Very respectfully, BROWN & RODDICK. deo 5 tr BOOTS, BOOTS, LOOTS. BARGAINS IN Gents' Calf Boots at $2.00, $2.50, $3 00. We have a small. lot left which we will close out at above prices. Call early at Geo. R. French & Sons 108 NORTH FRONT ST., nor 24 tf WILMINGTON, N. C. NEW GOODS. JUST RBCSIVBD. PBB ATLANTIC COAST Line, tbe finest assortment of PANCT GOODS ever brought to this market CANNED GOODS or all descriptions White Heath Peaches, Dessert Apricots, Grated Bahama Pineapple, Wh-le Bahama Pineapple. California Pears Tomatoes Green Corn, Lohster, Sainton. Ac, Ac. Atmore'B genuine Bnglish PLi X PUDDING L1VB in ail size bottles frooi lOo to SI I a New JA of life rent fruits. A fresh I t of Gordon a. 1 II worth's celebrated PRuSBhVBS, exoelleo br none. In faot - U tbat one o- n d wish for to tempt tbe'r appetite and please their fanoy JQlJBnNB bwiiPS, im oiten. just ro ired. Another lot o' my oeleorated "Pa hOLB l'honok PLODR" Just arrivo.1 b. last steamer. Call and examine my stock JNO, JL. BOATWKIGHT, 16 and 17 eouth Front St P. S "We name no prices, bnt will meet a j in the city nor 0 tf ELASTIC WEATHER STK1P, ppOB DOOBS AND WINXJOAS. 1XCLDDBS oold wind and dust. Asy one oan at p It. For sale by B A Pr CB, Dea'er In i-ai .wsre. Pal tf, cil, etc. i a h, Doors and h.inas dto tf Wanted, 50 000 KACCOON 8KIN8 26 000 'POS sum ' bklne, 20,(00 Pox; Skins,' 10 000 Xlnk Skins, 10,000 Skunk Skina, 5,000 Otter Skins, 6.1 00 Deer Sains. CHAKLB8 9, B.SOWNB, Agent. nov 10 Dtwtf Notice. BAVB BBXOVBD XT LAUNDBT PBOX MajVat street to North Front, bet.ern Chesnnt and Xulberr j , where 1 will be pleased to .ee all of mv friends and ihe nubile arenerallr. Sam LBB, opt e tf P opri tor Chit ese i aundry. Mrs. Joe Person's RBXBDY AND A FULL STOCK OF PATENT Medici' e, Toilet Articles, and Pure Drugs and Chemicals oan always be found at F. 0. MiLLBK'H, Druggist, Corner 8. Fourth and Nun ma. P. S . Prescriptions filled day and night. Ian 6tf Wilson's Printing Ink 'pais FAPBB IS PBINTSD WITH INK XANU faotured by tha W. D. WILSON PRINTING INK CO , (limited 140 William St.. N Y. city, N. Y. Sand for price lists and sample book. Jy IStw l 4 s for a good ran. purenaaeo a new organ.

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