RATES OF ABVBBWW v- - ,JD Di. tttt ,B- Taar r 4 , aaOav . Tin- - ltjMl Ml ka Hou Jefm Davie. -Ptwosoo mum. at 11 4ft o'tloil yeecer - t w at wnangtia By iuoruio. ble ton oattto ww . . t -ful end frwa from peio. i-.hata mom of hi death ,cte ebllL. with wbleb be atarly la the eeeoloa;; d t illoMb Mftttb beaatifol ,.,,.,- ,f dm of bio frieode. hr 110 r.tntioo wee ibo him by v wife and o , kUt.v it be bM deetded tbet . . ,. . li to state at lb City Hal tu Orlaaaa ootll Wadi iu -rum. wbeo they will be pled la t vault of oaeof the Aawoeietiooe oi i .,of..,lrwte Vataran From all ,,.ir f chadootb ooeoa espreeei of LrutoaiK!M srrtef at tbe death of m Cridl Davie and turn pi i. -i b tMQ a brooded to uaoo lo- 'iubl rnu io mpwl to tbe aiamo f rh- duartel ehieftaio. The W if ii-.iifMwt to Woabiosjtoo. oaw w rh l Prweideot Davie owe pro ,ld. aoU whare bio portrait boldo a DU,- oo tha wall, bad oot booo offlel ally ooi.dod ot oooo yeet-rday ot bio vltb, bol It i ooderatood tbat no ao iioa will bw takau In regard to It, and fh.r th.r will bono half maatad tL4. aa la oaual on tbo doa&b of an ox A rotary. A oosaber of proeal n,0c MlawieeiDOieoeb.ld o oeaaUog to W4hiortoo eity yeeterday and , of ainoera resirwt at I niiirl reeolottoi to d.atb of i Pmldwt Davis, and taodrto to Mrs Davie their pro foan l .ympatby in bml bereave mot proidot Horriooo nA,t loft Wobiotoo rtrdnTnf v r.o)ft tu faotory Don st Co of trade at i ,Uot ll poioU.bo.ioofallorM for th- aonb.r 3tC ajrainot M loot! h 3t Y nrkt Mooy aT t A pr nt. eottoo atoadj. mid Jlio aptando !H woU oiddllny Or floor da 1. .h.t irrralar. eloiot ormr B..Uraty Mt No t. m.i .Uvrntor. om lronor No. . U. oUt t ai tb lTtor. prl f , .t-.?T od aoi at St n( rMlO ilUlot trained to od t tOt tV JkVfflSW Stl A '-a- and graad eosa ba fal U . great io all the Uaaaets th1 co. estate tree graotr. agreed ad eobU o.tbc d Jrff.rwo Dea m so aor. Wheo tbo aogal of death pr..l ua mega anl noro tow fr 0 t a caakaii of ssy to the great ......1 K . n.4 tba Mirar. OWO of U raoda-t oberactara ta oar age eoootry pewl.from arth and took kw place to hietory, which he b dooaeomecb to make The pabl v- w muA from daT to doY th W UU u-m-w w w w- s daprobwa aot -ot from hie ftck i.S Orleono were not orprieed a the anooaacemeot of hie death wbte .. K.t oat o'clock Fn day to ore teg. for they ba looktno with a melancholy bod og. helteetaf the end was a U cooaa peacofally. qntolly, poto I. Md aarrooadad by loeiag and d a t-d frfoda. the ayee oJoeed, tho heart woo stilled and tho great typ ool Sonthoroor, whoso oasae aoeer ottered in tbie aaooy ..(K.ni reonoct and 00 Upt tbo sleep that od hriago tba w.ory at ths sod of bfe'. joar- of Nt to the magnate of adala- . ... Ktrut do wa write words ta trthnte to tho front dead wh. a aamo 10 tllootrtoao tbo wor oa-r. wboaw tree aohslUf 10 ap re- 1 ... . ..;diar. citiaoo. stateo- .'U, mmm w . mu aod patriot to hold im so ildiar eitiaeO. Stat m D.-f.-f. wa- aatin-o'. "n n 1 aaajk be hveowed ia bte life and p-rHo. for ta saoh me wee tree dt. sad aeeer failed in too wanted on htm, whether aa tmo di-r dotog dety on tho ioad, the otti -n atag tfotatly tn tho waiha ol Ufa, tba at ataman abspof the daw. raw i f a o -a Kooabttc. or so tb -7 w - Uotl-r f bta pacpio wheo tho of ear c m. wbaa it rooired to a.i and lOtellect to plan la tho mtgbtj atroggUa for donthorm I pndeea. wbao eoder has leod Se'.harn poopt foegbt not only Etortb. hot it might tmthfally aad tha w ld. tf he waa groat ta all thaa, to tka boor of aacsaes. ho waa ly aa raafi or eeeo greater t keeoaa baonog o defeat, whew 10 ail ib 14 twentv-mew Toawa of ro- tireaeeet when peroned by mo. cw. proeonptioo and tho ef bta aoemiaw, did ha aaer otter word, or do oee eat oa worthy of k dtgatty wkwh towered aa high The Morning Star VOL. XLV.NO. 64. a . A . ill anil r, w Ioto and roToro him for th with which ho anfforod tb tinaaoly aod proocription hoapodl 1 poo him for bis dovolioo to aa ml dy of trial. Tbor i not a hoart 10 th Soodj Khlnd. where hia honored Dim w woo a hoaaohold word, where aado ill oot oomt when the aaooai it of hia death 00 me, nor ia the all tba Soothland one troe aoo aagbtar who dona sot foal a pf oat ; hot whila death it also leaves ma tht bsntaga of a aaaaaory. a nanre lilaa- loos, s character grand aodjnobla, em bias 00 ad with glory, with' it a bleoniah, one of wbioh any poo- la of any asjo might ho proud. In to-morrow's Stab wa will girt mora axtooded akatob of bis Ufa. Thoro as only 00a single solitary 10 tbo Sooato of tba nai of Washington, and bis 01 1 - . Dram He mat fel Terr loosoomt it, Itks tbo Western Democrat wl by accident into a Republic ing, be feels as the Dem ho felt wbeo aeked, like a greet big rod kernel of wheat in a basb f chaff. Senator Beck's reoolotioo. offered ia thoSenote.to isone coin oertibcoi itoetona 01 biu av mpi the nrt more ia th bsttle of I leer meo. Bock beliovea ia the oil dollar with all the tomeoity of .borooarbhred orthodox Scotchman He ie a sticker and as trae so stool A Ropoblioam 000 temporary ro- Imarka that "Mr W anamaaer prom relL" That he doeo for a facv Ira AmrnAtA on nromnoa Mr, ti r- r Wanamaker would climb right op t top of tho loddor end ahine like Uteet lomtosry. If the loamso Congreeemso er . . . k. ; a into a melting oooo aa to eeod over to the Senate an at Sbrrmio to co me ana coog a r Jt31i. e.ITV m m e ; o moiTieatsa t. H mx at cm Beedkercbiefa Too Crrx -Sale of boildtog rraa twwam ttropoieai paper Hai at Pe 1 00 ill Bay aod flour. Mr. Jobo D BUamy. Jr.. preeidenl . .v - t ewoBi namaal flomDaofiT. wfDO - m. 1 mjrjaw gWv nawsaawa a W - ra or eeveral daya ago aoeompa . . . i w. ..i K Mr K t jonnaon aviu irM j H Han by. returned yeeteraay. y wwre moeh plenood with thel ,trv havioa visited ana oxami wood worming eetabltahmente at Nor oik Suffolk. PetaraburK and Bion a At th. latter plane Uaoyi . & sado eontmete for all the maehlnei onirad In the Work, here aoo to have evtrytbinaT in reaoint . . . . w i ,tinm on the l&tb Ol . i 1 1 mavnn. anoary. TM oompauj - - ...fnr Taoaring. frroeera outiai w .niM ata . anl willl latiea, " , -moloynjent to acme W perooc nrinainallv wosa-n and oh lid ran Tb wood need will be sweet cum. prioel- pojly. of wbleh reat qoantltlee e-ni ho eadly proened. me ""'i-J ew already largo orders foi tneu artooe product. rtM aaa TS. raa Of Sol. WOSb, oolo wltb aaaaultlog and eottio . . i u..t with a razor a ie v. urn w aaro. waa to have bn yaoterday by tbo Mayor, but It a fttd tbat Mr. Hoar is not ye . . . ...... j ,i . t in i Hi. room, ana vum "'-- pw . . ,r,,.4 Tbe ease win died in tho Mejor uoort -o a .WU t . , aft ky if Mr. Hoar is ueu a. -f Tbo followtna are tb forecasts Io. a,. vi,tnia. fair, warmar. exeepi w ' . . w toaaarv tamper otora in --i-. author r wtaaa r rn jjvr,. .rasd f-vir on Sunday. . .... I IL,nrh For .North t aronoa olio, llsrbt rala. ellajbtly oooler . ntta Cwxolioa eoaat, on raraa- rpt OO ev. oot tberty wind a . ih frees S.v Or lean, so A . t l.l.nl ,K- fnnaraJ Of M f .,. .-w- ..i.m Monaav ur- Tha hoor 1... k iha eomaolttoo p. iaiw . . tviwa . in ta. bald oo tbat dej Ao honor to ma C.L Jobo D. TMIO'. " i .i na in r . ...w.HowOOto oigni. WILMINGTON. N. Mo City Court yesterday Bar. F. A Btahop ia eiaitin relatives in the oity. The Bntish stammabip fBom sailed from Sooth port yeater day at 7.16 p. m. Rv. Mr. Pool will preach Son (day morning and night at Brooklyn tlet Church. r.w rir n N. ttore wu preach at the Primitive uapiiei. lurch to morrow at 11 a. m. Rev. F. D. Swindell, P. E , will icb at F Ifth Street Church .to- lorrow at 11 a. m. and 7 JO p. m. Rev. R C. Beoman will preach Bladen Street Church to-morro 11 a. m. and Rev. W. 8. Creasy t 10 p. am. The yoong men's meeting a ie I. K4. V. n- rwuua iveningat 5.80 o'clock, wUl be son Iducted by T. Q. Wilkinson PrHanhinsr ot the Seamen Bethel to-morrow evening 'aloek. All seamen and the publl inerally are invited to attend. The usual Ssbbath services a . . . n , v. .. ., V. t,,tn,rriili; .,-.., M r. V, Ull rUll lyV 8J- va v " a Preeohing at 11 o'clock a. m. ana . n . v a -V. 1 .a 9 aD n m Id. m. cvaooatiu wuuvi Tho Wilmington umpr imoanv have erected a large brio rare house on the river front of thel ... nAPih of ("Ihad W purcuaveaj, u rn mill- The ladiee of the Women in Y M C. A. will mee the rooma next Tuesday at 11 a. ui. hey are preparing for a vary pleas- it New Year's reception. The Wilmington Light Iofaot 1 1: -i...,.t ih thlr triD rv wfr apimiii-" " mintn and the cordial hospltalit of the good citiaens of tbat place and irroundlng eountry. Considering its strictly am mptu ebarocter. the reception o . v 1 rt w minir lov. Lee oy to f"v'"' ,0. Soturdoy night, waa not oni rdtnl. but highly aucoeeeroi; an wewdoubt not "Our Fltx" appreola lit fnllv. The ventilstors io the coiling o St. Andrew a CbureD, wnion uu.. . ol In summer and wnion wa inadvertantly left open last Sunday nae been cloned for the winter, in . 111 , , ar amiilv n lam lomaee win ' i hnildlne. -n ....1 w-klT nraver sno 1 no w . j r j xperieoee meeting of business a ,nrklna men will oe neia .-i.k to n ub t at tne du-." thel, end will be conduetea oy ux ilon,l F. Wood. Subject for, aieca ... a S . - "Satan All are iotimju. low Wliaalaataa . IvaO TO ''J Announeement of the death of ex r.idnt Jeffereon Dovis wos re- . . i K lived in Wllnjlugton yeeveruj I . m&nitawtaUiona of sorrow, i waa not generally known until late I H. foranoon. but soon alter tne itelllgenee was bulletined at in 'rodude Kichanjf ,nagi at. Atlantic" engine house, ana a . .r,H nlaoea of basin lj vfcvivo r nld at half moat. ' " - . . .V. In tha afternoon tbe front ot m it Hall was draped in mourning, o. 1 1 ri-r t ion of Mayor Fowler, and ot the tp Fear Club the some emoieur ii ..,t ArranffemenU wen J U IP I'll ? r. ..t Mil foot for a formal expree- of tbe sympathy and so of the community in the deatl the illustrious chieftain an . 1 A ,-kil twaauiBu - n i r ta nrniHJKU w maoo meeting of citisens tne aa; .a hour appointed for tbe rune 1 to reouosto temporary eoepensioDJ hn.inaaav and.thot bella of cnurcne, if tbe city may be tolled, and such ' . .wi .th.r action taken as may be aeem. Lroper, to do honor to the llluetrlo! . . t .Ji..' U.mnrlftl A meeting ol tne jjsvuio- .lotion is called for this alter- . ....... lit, Oil tha death! lOOO. to taae mhw -k-- . Mr Davis, aod the Confederal '.terans' Asaoeiatlon will meat tn. . .! evening for.tbe same pnrpcoe. - - . a. . t i ; . a fnll ttndonoe of tne omora"v . .w. r .-u..' Oakdole Me- BifUUTi, w. or al AaeooloUon ia requesieo miawA aorday morning, at IO) o eioea, a of the reolae n NortbTblrd street. Tbe meeviuK eadlad to do honor to tbe memory f tbe groat and noble Confederate, .President Davis. .taaa mmm mmpmr. Roolptsof eottoo for tbe week -a-a v..r,rdav oaTgregate 5.074 bales ...,.T - mrr-ntina. 969 casks; rosin "I"" " ' I.. -,r,rl 4,4Je barrels; tar, i,si oax..-. .1 0X r. A V p. I UUUIV. .v. irpnuna, w ..ma time, were: Cotton, 4.U Ib.jea; spirits torpentine, 750 eosks 10.687 barrel. WII.WI " Moraiicr aiatlae la Farll l.i StaiaaS Qaarriy Fifth Street, Wilmington, Deoem v. affirxft..i-JJ"Sa DOVIi ' ... Jk DOIh SS Chowh. WlUDtagtoo, DwiJ a.nfon Clsenlt-Clinton. Jont C, SATURDAY. DECEMBER 7. 1889. Ckarek Plow 8t Aadrew-a Chnrch, fDJa.i 1 n n. IUMuA aODOOl k Of 1 MaaUnc aad Uep oieweojaaaa.Y v 1 tie Dabuo ooraiauy inTif- """"Tv SnrS Preatiyterkiii 9&2&2Ftt XZST. m.t li a m. and 7. p. m., in the TllT" vrrV. HAhoni a. 80 d. m i-ooturo anal o'ZTnThardar nlantln LaotureiooB.i 8 o'olk VaO sees weaaaaa. , -t' T;.htr lurob." mmV rreol Q! JA nti m r 1 nine in auv j , - - nn4. 11 m. auOV 3 l. m . w". , i w mm: ! ibe. oiuiw.i " t i iliui w ruiii - - - m, at 11 n'nlnak oeEiy Prayer WseSlsTmO leotara Wedneaday Cey7,a?o5Sb. u free. AWrtU; ,uin. will now aemo - .fIrV vv ul rTtoT pTaaTntnx to morrow 8un- rTTt 11 a m an l 7 SO p n. JaOOOOJ l p tn. Claaa Maatlae at 4.00 ooiock 'rmTwlneadmy nlsbt at 7.80 o'ol tanday Bobool at k rrayer clock. lojr sfcdnaaany ui im2 of fifth and First Baptlat (Jburon, t ....... Hi,v. T. H. Fntonara, u. v., iiw'- . a- at 11 J a. m. oeortw i- - Ban- . ao awa r-T-n VT .ULl Itinfnorada; nlxttt at 8 CO o'olt strange rdlauy inTitoa. TUB ntlM Tha malla oloaa and arrtve at the City Poat -foDowm: owe-. For Worth aid way rtaUona. W. A W. K it. Tram p- ' " ;; . w ForWeatand way atatlona, C. C o qq p. m B Train no , . 2.00 P. M For wrtitniauio (0 P- M Tot tmton. " a 15 P, rorSaeou -ealamO C B H. Train ho. Jvv-i.-i-" . .. 9,81 P. M TO BOIitB ui v.. Train For Booth and way ftattona. Traln p - J w .- -t; Tr.1.' No 14 . 1100 P . fo- 1 uiolnK (Of 1 cap rear Klrar. Tnea-ai p da' a an 1 .rrtd ya - forBroaawicai-o . a Ml LaWSaSw fill liLAIUi R&ADT FOH UKL1VBKI. tn TRAINS ARS On Tiai'.l . .a -J .- AT rroa worici. CL'" ' . 9.00 A. ! Lre-rfbL 900 A. aaKScwai3 TeaV atoXkolt Frtn1" 2?oa 'Maoila and'Goidaboro aa a. aaiA A 1 - rrVoTcharroUa and w.y nation-, - I TV. In Mn Sn . . . ... -. ... .-. - - " " . . .... nnl WAV torn aorta aoa w " 7 80 P. K K Trla WO. nan t From WrKhtarUla S p; rrom soatnpon . . . . 0 . p Mi rfW" .?r.? 1; t" 14 ... . 8.0) A. Ml From laadloa on S .00 A. Ml Tneadayo ana r From Bran-tca--'- -M P. Mfl roo onaiow i.t . ooan., 7 80 P. Ml days ana ngw.. -jcu. Postmaster. THS FLORXWCB NTOHTtNGALB OP Tl , fr tttssnger, m. Jnsi r WriVVWMI av awv baraborgPaan.: A Botfact the door for ner, ana - , tne American tiuni TvTT mQ wfiil o thta we are ao sure, that we wuii 'x,- to say. 'A aaaawna . WIow- for-hplng her tonrlve ana eeoap wmwSR- tw KJSr--B eiSlnlorZouroawlndl ""S.'Tr HrfSrafelT through th laSSr It perform. pr-aWel, what we nare mto t . mi.a .v.t l!Hr.p. -I .dmake her. as aba la. .a . phyncw 0uwv w " ! . i o . n Kw all (lrnrfrun irlour to the unani racwx ou , neata a hotu. NKW ADVKRTiaKMENT8. For Sale. , nt vnvrnt 'T'Ha BUUJJINO ON ru i-v .. w .imi will be sold leocoaw awM --j-j- K.,. win ue pi -it tber. ,amd lot. Taw.. dee 7 St Cb'm'n Pobllo Bolldlog Committee. MAY AND FLOXTB. taW CAR-LOADS CHOICS TIMOTHY ;LOVXR HT at red need prices our stock of FLOUR la largend varied, ant! jar fl-nrea very low. . ...,,.rnts GOODS. SNUAVI AND TOBACCO. Call or write for prloet. - m ar W ff ALL & PEAKbAlil., 11 O IS 8onth Water 8t. dec 7 DOW tf MILLINEBT, NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS, . .. , t, tka ntmost care, and the ladles ara Invited to call and lnsDeot them. Uvaarrarwo nbw and . or bsb lat 6TTLBH. MH9 WOOTBN, .ooompllsbed and Arttatlo MUllner. wUl seH it me Mrs. M. B. WIGGINS. Agent. nov 10 tf 1 umxlei TelejUone Eicwe. IMBSBB WILL PLEASE ADD TO TI M liiats PURCBLL HOUSE, No. 106 R. T. COG HILL, Manager. deo S lo Glycerine Soaps. LARGE STOCK OF TBANSPAhENT GLY mm oaBoapa lust received, in Be, lCo, 15o. nd o oea. Juat the tatng i BBQ J") H HAKDIN, Pharmao Hew Market. deo 1 u Notice. -US ANNUAL MEETING O? STOCKHOI of tbe Harass Oe of Wlrrntog . U1 be SlO B tntr ' 11 o'niool at 11 o'oic .oreeay. n u.,ai. Js . LAB. tecretary. dee 1 at 1 6 8 IS WASTED BY A Cotton ConimiB8ioii House, .Attn md Intelligent, of good Tt)UU u m. . , -. ,nualnte Wt ....JTTr Jh n.rooa o' travelling o . ... . . .1 r mM wno is wtn a..- k!w "rddreia wtth reftrencoe. giving P rat oocnplon. Box . T. city. dao4St mafrau Rochester Lamps, OCHBBTEB LAara NEW ADVERTISEMENTS We are Taking IRDERS FOR UHBMira" C-loi3"h i -TLg IWm ARK STILL IN THE RING FOR PUBLIC PATRON AGS ON a Business or Dress Suits ARTISTICALLY CUT A1VD MADK. MUNSON & CO., MERCHANT TAILORS, &0. deo 6 tf D. O'CONNOB, wW7SIMlamawl In. ii Estate Ageni, w niuiuf- ton, W . Real Estate bought and sold. Loans negotiated on city property. Stores. Dwellings, Cffloes and Halli If or rent. Bents coUeoted, taxes and lDsnranoe prompUyl Pa tt ended to. Houses and Lots for sale on the monthly tostaM Iment plan, t asa uavanoou uu . . rftrr xi tr , Best Goods ! Lowest Prices ! LAP-BOBES ASD BLANKETS. TOY.TRIJSlaS, Grold-Mounted Whips, H. L. FENNELL, TEB HOR8B MILLINBP, 10 South Front St. deo 1 tf Branson's H. C. Directory, Adieiia 8 INTIMATBD IN THE BOD OP TI book, I am compile an editorial book or pamphlet, in which will be placed all the addij tlons and coirectlon? tnat i may tain, so as to bring the Directory, as pearly posalble, up to tbe last of this jear. This aa- denda wfll be ferwardedfrea ol bome to every Prllnds into me by f JSffatl' tQat TnST IL-S "hh lion, as ttei may note, I will give at PaNACBA WaTEH. . d dd.tloas as iubj m VaSsON. inV( BkAWSON, en loa Raleifih, N. C deo a 3t FIRE! FIRE!! tin nnw , Mass.. will doabt;e-s show the foliy of Lynn ople relying on sentiment. Icsteai of dollars! Indemnity against dlsastjr by fire, In th Ifor umber of small concerns that will probably Wont by tnee twi great fires. The com I , qj nnsnaKen. True" J"" ipawes in i"i- ." ri lQ reiiable tom-l I tram yo r vw"J lilVH!SilpaHODQBS TAYLOR. Ins. Agts.l SORTHKUi- ttwuo 2 or,rt Walnm streets. Telephono No. 11- th sn dec 5 St FLOOR, BACON, IULASSES, &c. I - a A Bbis PLOUR, all grades.L- 10 80X8,1) 8 STDBS, JQQ Hhdsand Bbls P. K. MOLASSES. 100 Bblfl New rlean" OAA Oases LARD. - 50 BJlfl CABOLrNA 'y Bbls 8U3AB, HQQ Seeks COFFM. ye A Kegs NAILS, 0 Bbls DISTTLLBR'S QLUB, QQ Boxes TOBACCO, JQQ Cases LYB, Cases BALL POTASH.: r A Cases STARCH. Snnfl, Candles. Soap, Wrapping Paper. Twine 1 ao., ao. For sale low by mar 20 tf WILLIAMS. RANKIN CO. n T7 at T1 T? AT "HOTEL mbs.albxandbb.JoHM strange wint eb ClliJN 1 XVillj XlV J. AilJ-l,J Mr w NORBiS, ERCKMAVN CHATRIAN WADBSBOBO, N. C . om TQ T7PPrj5TtBH TS3WBOTHLlBa with all the modern! Improvements. Boom Iriohly carpeted, elegant fnrultnre, electric bells, Ao. ' My Omnibus meets all trains. D. L. PARKER, deo 4 tf Proprietor. NEWSPAPEBS AND C1&&RS. A LL THR LATEST DAILY AND WB BEL'S I A- . ar i T IXmt'.cs I Papers on nana, jaaguiuca, , I Books, Ac, C. M. HARRIS, Hews and Olgar lDeer au?3 Hardware, "INWABB. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARBl Lt prices that defy competition. Importers and Jobbers. ot97tf Pnroell Bonding. Spirit Casks Glne, &c. UOB SALE CHEAP UI I A? WOODY A CUR RIB. Commission Merchants, Wilmington. N. sen tf Wrapping Paner. HO CLUB I I A ni ROid IOLD NBWBi'ArJWtB. mj tNTY CENTS PER HUNDRED. fob 2 tf AP STAB OFFICE. New Goods. .unmnn TJVT DO I XTJ8T RECaivaw 0 , -Hots. Ribbons iery, new woTe, I Feathers at WHOLE NO. 7236 iSJtW AD V JUt 1 A JWn.Jw o HANDKERCHIEFb. 1 . iw "Lf O TTR RBPTJTATION FOR HANDKKKUUiarosivcijruuujr JUU oCO j j dera advertising almost unnecessary. Yetyou meet wants to know whre in the jur stock is so handsome that we oannot bell telling about it. We have really tne nnesi Eever opened in Wilmington or any other Sonth-l em oity. All of them Convent goods from the! isouth of France. Hanil-wflrteil HaMtercMefs at 50c to $6 eaoh, wi h many pretty styles at medium prioeai iThere is;no;Present so acceptable as a BANBSOHE HAMDKBRCHlEF. Ladies and Gentlemen sre lnritedi to oalUaod isea oars. HEDRICK. GrLOVES. P03TRR'5 KID GLOVB8, 5 Hooh?, at $1 00 per! ?air, in Black and Colored.; Every pair wa ranted. IAliLtlUo.. Blan "kets. All of the qualities In Blankets up o the Super California at moderate prio; s deo 6 tf Bead! Read!! . a TlTT mDTUTTI JfTHB JfOLLOWIHO VOLUfliani I . it a. rtu.UalA rannflft. aianTthe Rev- J. P. Bar-tt, D D , editor chief of the Christian -Sun. is only oonfUTnatorj of similar testimonials from other reliable .nt.nao T, T T A SM.TT1 M H ii II DUL. 1 t.: ' . - - VT. .V. , . ar.nmrR Tham are SO many ".iT ;.T.nlL and Hind ed that, it la hard to aret people to believe hat allremeaies aaverwoou w "t-r-. .iM Tn onurhnr nnlnmn will be fonnO advertisement of toe" pWoea Water, by Mr. John A. wi martin, ui vjuwvm V have great confidence in Its value, eepwlvta . i ah.i BUM it with areat cases 01 ujdim. Tn benefit, ana we snow iawi " week's time its use jnace a decided unproye- we?r "irrt hoaiunm in commending EtoraSering We&ow that when o u r. Hnrinv. of Franklin, Va, haa been reduced almost to a skeleton from a terrible oaa of dyspepsia of several years' steading, anc when the meaiome 01 ur u uuk "j",t-; ...... mnAh r:lf. he trleo rauaa uo cure, ot - - , . . , this water as well nteh the last hopeand to hte 18 WblOl K3 Wt3ti uifeu vmv - ' i . Kl He LfY," w wrti this notice, of onr o a well man the suffering tol ISScrT.lae5?V" S .nT Wilmington. N. C.I rtr Bate oy a. n. a nti t nr rfrncirfst does not keep it send S4 Wl I. f,i"5 oTT.lttnn. N O. aror sti kbvuwiw . -j -b T iSr rTiyR my 21 DW Oxford. N. c. NOWBB&DY GRAND CHRISTMAS DOUBLE NTJMBBB THE HEW YORK FASHION BAZA,R PBICB 50 CBPTB. Bt Stjbscbiption $8.00 pub Ykab. TSI CHKISTMAS NTJMBBB CONTAINS Ia MAQN1FICBNT CHBOOOTSUPPLBMEST 01 MBISSOMBR S GREAT FAIMTIXIW, "FRIED LAND: 1807." . Mnnff Naooleon at the zenith of hls gloryl ???ri.ttu ot Frledland. Ftom the ongmmi Cloture now.in the iMetropolttan Ousenm oi New orK, ror wntou w," - famous Stewart sate. rt. ia the leading fashion publloation on thl ntinent, and is no doubt the oheapest." TVarol an. Most of the Fashion Plates in the Baxab are sued iimnitaneonsiy m NEW TORE AND PAULS. it u th most complete periodical for Dress-I imaaersin tne won a, mu wo yaehion Magazine for mothers and beaaa of aw -T 7 J 9 V. mACt TinTlll I iiTW families. THE CHRISTMAS NUMBER IS SUPBRBLYZl ILLUSTRATED. A BEAUTIFUL COLORED WINTER FASHIObl Ia BRILLIANT COVER PLATE OF CHILDREN'S Wifliaa buuo. The olates and engravings contained in thii munner embrace livening and Ball Costumes, Winter Overgar I iments, VisiUng and Reception oowns, w mr Bonnets aod Hate, Snits ror ooyB Girls, Capfe, Coats, Cloaks, Wiaps, Jackets, Moffs, and Costumes for all Oocaslons, 3mbroldery Patterns, etc. . rtrtnoH Htnrv hv the author of "H ! wTdded Wife," and a soienaiaiy uiut.rv A L1BW UVIivtu v J . ,i ... Christmas oiory, uuuuw Tw.nr.THl.WHIM., ' T . .11 aaa .TTT.-n.rfTnent is full 0 bright articles by various Contibutor Or . vD tTirarA&ttns article on woveiiu .BUttut ia r T aee jaosTDt ?.wvDL-r RVhM an article onl t-rTr, All the regular department s are replei e with choice and seaaon- ble reaamg maiwi. ro a t.titk Walxkb writes "I am a drei )' and';i;bave bcusht Thk aw 1 wabhio-h Baza every month for tbe past for t o,,ii not, do without 11. Tne iasnioi OfUO. . the very latest " NOW IS THE TIME TO SCB8CRIB S 1 Prioe $3.00 a Year. ..nritnff .3 ror reai'i AKilJilM WiiTtv; tba beo-Uf-N SVooaawaaWrwaM aonler'a great. i"" 1807." iri. miiid Premlnms in CASH will be glvei to parties sending us subsorlotlons . For Five sobsortbers, one year, at. - - wewulalve i- For Ten subsorlbrs, one year r o. " Twenty ' BO. :: Thirty g go; vStV " " 87 w- one Hund'd subscribers, one year. 76 CO. aa as ITllinTiaari " W 1UUUOWUU ih fnr in.rer numbers In proportion. Send remittances by Postal Money Order. Registered tetter, or.iuw Address GEOK mujjiw, Mumto's Poblishiso Hossi, p O Box 8751. 17 to 27 Vandewater, St nov 28 DfcWtf Your Attention fS CALLED TO THE LARGE AND WI HX . . . , -a. Aft.. Whifli forBlselectea stoea oi ciKa, "" - we offer at olose figures. MTT-,r B ,-. . . Tt . 12 Market street. U Ow a w ' MTLl These tiny Capsulas arrest In v 48 hours vrtthont toven- mrtf) and! Copal Da,UuOe ob anu xujov . fail. k nun ht. " TWD. " TkreJ Dy ?onr Dajs...... . . 1 00 1 70 N 8 00 5 60 4 00 6 50 ie oo 10 oo 18 oo M 00 40 10 66 00 jfiT cay, onwot Two WMM1...1 - AimWmU.. m On Montta, Two Month,.. TbTM Monti?.,. naoYtat. Ooatroet aAfottftMMBM takto x pros or slylowrMta - lines lolld MonpareU typo BUkko on moan NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. W hen Christmas Time Comes nnn anrl avArvhod v best plaoe to buy the nioest and most suitable Holiday Goods for the least money, oome say one pisue, aoma ay another. This season the uni versal verdiot will be at Brown & Roddick's, No. 9 NORTH FRONT ST. We have gone into partnership with SANTA CLAUS, and invite everybody to oome and see the many beautiful and useful things we are going to laden him down with on Christmas Eve. In purchasing for the MERRY GIFT SEASON eoonomy often re- minds.us.that it is wise to oombine utility with the beautif al. Stern neces sity so often foroes that fact upon us that we suggest things useful as well as ornamental, such as a band some Dress, Wrap, Cloak or Jaoket, Furs, Muffs, Kid Gloves, &o. Gents' Collars, Cuffs, Scarfs, Ties, itiinen and Silk Handkerchiefs. Elegant Counterpaines, Linens, Napkinp, Doylies, Table Scarfs, Mant.lft Lambreanins. Tidies and House Furnishing Goods. Gents' Half-Hose, Dogskin and Kid Gloves, and fine Underwear. Silk and Gloria Umbrella. Geuta' tine Imported Suitings. Our Holiday Goods are daily ara riving and are at present open ana I V I LI ii caav on second floor - Call early and make your selection. Very respectfully, BROWN & RODDICK. deo 5 tf BOOTS, BOOTS, BOOTS. BARGAINS IN G-ents' Calf Boots at $2.00, $2.50. $3.00. We have a small lot left which we Iwill close out at above prices. Call early at Geo. B. French & Sons lv8 NORTH FRONT ST., noT24tf WILMINGTON. N. C. NEW GOODS. UBT RBCirVED, PER .ATLANTIC COAST . n , .,,.v nnMIB iLine, the finest assortment, oi xaro . o"""" ver brougnt io tnis.mari. CANNBD GOODS! all deeorlptions. White Reatb Peaches, Dessert! Apricots, Orated Bahama Pineapple, Whole Bahama Pineapple, California Pears, Tomatoes, Green Corn, Lobster, Salmon. eVc.t eVc. Atmore's genuine English PLUM PDbro OLIVES in all size bottles, from lOoto $1.C0. New JAOS of clfferent frniu. 1 iwh lot of Gordon a LUworth's celebrated PRESERVES, excelled by none. I In fact n tnat one x uiu wwu io their appetite and please their Janey. ir rf ms oelebrated fAKULS lu'HONOK FLOUR" Just arrived bj last steamer. Call and examine my a too JNO. L. BOATWB1GHT, 15 and 17 South Front St. p. S We name no prices, but will meet any in the city. ELASTIC WEATHER STRIP, . .... . :a. i. Tj V'I 1 ' MDU TJH)B DOOBS AW1J wihuuhd. I A? cold wind and dnst. Any one oan apply it. For sale by A V aaler to Bavuware, rauw, uu, e.. -.t OOIO OUU ...... Wanted, I ' . . rc.i.. in mm Mink Skins. sum BatUS, m,w fuiic.moi.'v llO.OOO Skunk Skins, 6.000 Otter Skins. MOO Dear Skins. CHARLES F. BROWNE, Agent. nov 10 DAWtf Notice. -. . . . . t iminiiT ffVflH It HAVE RBMOVAW aaa Market street to North From, between Cbeanut "A.iw. whM i will henleased to ee all of my friends and the public anerally. oot e tf P ODrtator Chlneae launary. Mrs. Joe Person's T-hifTV AND A FULL STOCK OF PATENT R. wEw,ATollet Articles, and. Pore Droga Ud Chemicals car fnSt. Corner 8. Fooru sua nun ma. F. g Prescriptions filled day aad night. Ian 5 tf . I Wilson s Printing Ink IrpHIS PAPER IB flUHTS" Wlia M-m. factored by tbe W. D. WILSON PRINTING ma W., (Limited 140 William Sto M. Y. City. H- T Send for prioe lists and sample book. Jy 18 8w MBS. B. M. STBOCK'S, fr No.10 FrontSt aaoaaoorea- For sale only by GILEBia MUKCUnKJN. ov 19 em kia pat y aawndaate aa Chtmhoraao -i . f. tha DOTpOOa o 4th aoa ovu. inaarvl jeStt aa a ... iwarrotl PHII.II w lltb and lSth. , , l I I 1 . II I L VM..V. dote. If wo of tho xpraeaiTa ol r- htm for his